#and it's super easy work and down the street from me
I get tips at my job (laundromat wash/dry/fold service) which usually equate to over $40/wk for the 3 days I work.
Today, my boss came in and said he was going to start cashing out tips at 95% because he has to pay a fee on all credit card transactions.
I informed him that that's illegal, and also that with the total amount of tips processed per week he's paying less than $5 in fees on tips because Square charges a flat 2.6%, which I know because I own a Square reader.
He told me that he pays 4% for processing (blatant lie, I can verify it on the register itself in about 2 seconds) and "see what happens when you assume"
Then, he said he's going to just remove the ability to tip from all registers. Customers will now have to tip in cash, which none of them carry. According to him, it is simply to make things "fair" with his other locations since not all of them have tipping enabled on their registers (🙄).
Fuck me I guess.
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bluewxrld07 · 2 months
love ain't so pretty (Luke Hughes)
Warning(s): angst, gold-digger accusations, self-doubt, insecurity
Summary: Y/n is a hard worker. She may not come from a family of wealth, but she doesn't let that define her. Until Luke says something inn which that something is said in a way he can never take back.
She was so overstimulated. She was tired, she was sweaty, she had stains on her shirt from a spilt coffee mishap.
Yet she still had that smile on her face as she greeted and bid farewell to regulars and other newer customers. Y/n wiped the sweat dripping from her forehead away as she finished wiping down one of her last tables for the night, pocketing the leftover generous tip she was left.
As she brought the dishes to the back and hung up her apron, she saw one of her closest coworkers, Grayson, making his way towards her.
"We're going out tonight if you want to join? Just to Don's down the street." he tells her as she helps the chefs with putting dishes in the sink.
She purses her lips. "Not tonight-" her coworker groans. "I promised Luke I'd come home tonight and watch the rest of the Frozen four game. UMich plays tonight, so he invited some of the guys over and wants us all there to watch it."
Grayson puts his hands on his hips and looks her up and down. "Girl, you are absolutely smitten by this man."
Y/n rolls her eyes, feeling her skin heat up. "He gets me what can I say. He's the first guy who likes me as a person. Not as just something with tits and ass." She jokes, earning a playful shove from him.
They laugh. "Hey those guys back then were fine as fuck and you know it." He shoots, earning a defeated sigh from her as she grabs her belongings.
"Yeah yeah, that was back then. I'm happier now," she chuckles, giving Grayson a hug. "Tell your man of the night hi for me though." she jokes, earning a snort.
"Oh you'll bet hearing about it tomorrow don't you worry." Graysons calls out to her as she walks off.
As she drove home that night, she felt more of the fatigue slipping in from her twelve hour shift, her feet beginning to slowly throb from being on them nonstop.
She knew she would regret taking another twelve hour shift for the fifth day in a row, but in all fairness she knew her paycheck was going to look super nice. Not that she minded working anyway.
Y/n has never had things come easy to her. She came from a family of the lower class, and she had done what she could to support them while also getting her education.
When it came to college, she knew that she wanted nothing more than to graduate with her Bachelor's degree in health science. That all came to an end when her mom died, and her father was struggling to pay bills. So she put her dreams and scholarship acceptance letters aside, putting her family first and working her ass off.
Now she was working as one of the partial owners of a very beautiful restaurant, making a decent amount of change and ignoring what everyone had said about her decisions of not going to college. Sure she still wishes she could have experienced the college life, but she knew that this life was better than spending the rest of her life paying off student loan debt.
She worked hard to get where she got to, and working where she does is what caused her to meet her now boyfriend of almost three years, and she would be damned if she would let Luke be the only one making the money in their relationship.
He has always made comments about how he could be their income, but it always needed with her saying she wanted to make her own money. As well as knowing she would get bored not doing something with her life, and she couldn't face the thoughts of him thinking she would become too reliant on his money.
She snapped herself out of the darker side of those thoughts, knowing she does work hard.
Y/n lets out a sigh of exhaustion as she made her way up the stairs towards her and Luke's shared apartment, the sounds of the guys voices being heard as she got closer to their place.
The girl opened the door quickly to not disturb their conversation being had in the other room, shutting it quietly as she took off her shoes.
She set her keys and purse on the rack, making her way down the hall and pulling her hair into a knot on the top of her head.
The guys chuckles and conversations dying down a bit as she cam into view, everyone giving her warm welcomes and 'hello's. She exchanged a few hugs and greetings to the Devils players in her household, soon making her way behind the couch to hug her boy from behind.
Luke lets out a chuckle as he felt Y/n bury her face in his neck and place a kiss there, his fingers caressing her wrists that were around his neck.
"How was work, baby?" he asks softly, she hums.
"Busy. Long. Grayson asked if I wanted to come out with him and the rest of the crew, but I just could not. I'm so tired."
"How many hours did you work today?"
"Close to thirteen. I covered for Miriam because her son was sick." she sighs, laying her chin on his shoulder.
Luke places a few chaste kisses on her cheek and temple. "You definitely deserve a drink or two though."
"Yeah, but I wanted to come watch the game with you and the boys. I also don't get paid till tomorrow, so I'd rather just keep the money spending to a tighter budget." she explains, earning a grin from Luke.
"I could've sent you money, love. You never go out really," he assures her, but she shakes her head and stands straight. She squeezes his shoulders.
"Not the point, baby. I don't need you spending your money on me. I make my own money, I don't want to rely on you, you know how I get with you spending money on me." she says, placing a kiss on his head.
Luke just sighs, and looks up at her. "Why don't you go shower, and I will grab you a drink and something to eat for when you get back out here?" he suggests, she grins down at him and nods.
Y/n walks off to their shared bedroom and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her to strip down.
The warm water instantly helps sooth her muscles and pains, earning some decompressing sighs of relief from her as she washes herself clean.
Once she is done, she steps out and heads towards the mirror to do her nightly routine. She shrugs on some cropped sweats and Luke's sweatshirt that was hanging up, brushing her hair after.
As she opens the door that goes back to their shared room, she sets her towel on her desk chair and goes to place her phone on the charger.
She pauses when she hears something from one of the guys, in which it makes her frown.
"Why didn't she go out tonight?"
She hears Luke sigh. "I don't know. She said something about not getting paid till tomorrow and being tight on her budget."
One of the guys snort. "What does she do?"
"She's a partial owner and full-time manager for that nice restaurant down the street overlooking the bridge."
It's quiet for a few seconds. "That's it? Nothing special?"
"Really? I thought she did something else," one guy chuckles.
"Nope, she's just over there." Luke answers quietly.
"No wonder she is tight on money. I thought she went to college and got a real job or something."
"I didn't know you'd stoop down to lower-class type girls Lukey," a guy jokes, making Y/n's insides churn.
"I don't that's the thing," Luke laughs, Y/n instantly getting closer to the doorway to hear what else he has to say. "She could definitely use the money I make here and there. She doesn't make shit compared to what I get."
Y/n's blood runs cold.
She knows she is not professional sports player, but she does make a decent amount, so hearing Luke say that makes her heart ache. The man that was supposed to stick up for her and love her regardless was saying things like this when she wasn't in the room. Who knew what else he was saying when he wasn't around her.
"Wouldn't you be worried about her becoming a gold digger though, man?"
Luke scoffs. "I mean yeah of course, but she's got this thing where she needs to prove to whoever that she can make money. So she will never accept a dime from me. She barely pays for our rent here, she pays a good forty percent. But without me around who knows if she'd have a roof over her head."
Y/n didn't even realize she was crying until she felt the drops hitting her toes, the girl instantly wiping at her eyes.
She couldn't listen to any more of their conversation, instantly heading towards their closet and grabbing whatever she could fit into the duffel.
If he was going to say this about her, making her sound like she could be so broke and so homeless if he wasn't around. She didn't want a man like that in her life.
Y/n grabbed her phone and charger, slipping on a pair of socks and her jacket before walking out of their bedroom.
She stormed down out past the group sitting in the living room, noticing Luke in the kitchen in her side view. She beelined towards the hallway that led to their front door, putting on her shoes as she heard Luke say her name.
"Where you going? I just finished making you your favorite!" he says in an excited tone. Luke's smile falters as he sees her puffy and red splotched face.
"Baby? What's going on?" he asked, as he began to walk towards her.
She just shook her head, grabbing her purse and keys. "I can't do this." she scoffs with a sniffle.
"Do what? Hey, hey, hey," he says, grabbing her waist to turn her back towards him as she begins to open the front door. His face falls completely at the sight of her broken one.
"I won't be some fucking charity case for you," she snaps. Luke's face frowning. "What?" he asks.
"I make more than enough money to be financially stable on my own fucking feet. I don't need you feeding some fucking lies to your so called friends that I can't pay shit. You chose the rent split percentage. You chose how much you wanted me to pay because you wanted to spend more on me."
Luke's face was white. "Y/n I-"
"No. I'm done Luke. Go fuck some high-class bitch that can afford everything you can and more. We're over."
Before Luke could get another word out, the door slammed in his face.
Luke backed away from the door silently, his figure coming into view to the boys who heard the door slam.
"Luke you good?"
He ran his hands through his hair, his eyes still locked on the door in hopes she would come back. Tears threatening to spill in his eyes.
He turned away and towards the kitchen, swiping the glass on the counter away and letting it shatter on the fridge.
"I fucked up. Big time."
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
Childhood Friends Danny and Jason
(cw underage smoking / smoking as a form of bonding) (cw Jason thinking Danny killed himself but its only for a moment) (cw depictions of murderous intent? Danny wants to murder the Joker and he's a little descriptive about it)
Now on ao3 :) (and with a response and a third one)
This is… aha. Massive. Word count check: 9k+
this has probably been done before but hey, everyone loves a good trope and I wanted to share my take on this idea. 👏👏 So, Danny Fenton and Jason Todd being childhood friends. The Fentons lived in Crime Alley for a good long while during Danny's childhood. Nobody wanted to fund their research and Jack and Maddie struggled to keep any form of work for a multitude of reasons. Jack worked in construction due to his big build and Maddie had another job elsewhere.
Danny and Jason were friends during that time, really great friends. I'm not super solid on how they met yet but I do know it involves Danny committing petty crime and Jason deciding to jump in and help when he sees Danny struggling. Danny was distrustful (as all crime alley kids ought to be) but they eventually became thick as thieves, committing petty crime together.
While it's all too easy to make Danny the weaker one of the two with Jason protecting him, I actually really like the idea that they protected each other. Growing up (essentially) on the streets means Danny forcibly had to grow a backbone unless he wanted to get trampled all over. He is just as willing to scuffle with the bigger kids as Jason is, and he and Jason regularly fought each other whenever they needed to let off steam, or just because. They were a duo, having each other's backs in tough situations.
(Sometimes the pair of them would sneak out at night and try and get a glimpse of Batman and Robin while they soared through the air. It was like a game between the two of them to see who could spot the dynamic duo first. When they were a little older, Jason would steal his dad's cigarettes and share them with Danny while they searched for Batman and Robin)
So when Danny has to move away when they're eleven years old, it's pretty safe to say that Jason didn't speak to him for a week afterwards. Nothing Danny did could persuade him to otherwise, even when Danny insisted that it wasn't his fault and that he didn't want to move away either, but he didn't have a choice in the matter.
When the week was over, Jason climbed through Danny's window and sat in his room, dead silent and looking upset. he didn't speak until Danny fished out a stolen pack of cigarettes from his bed and handed one to Jason.
(It was a ritual they had where if one of them was upset about something but wasn't saying anything, the other one could then hand them a cigarette -- whether it be the one they were using or a new one -- and that would be an open invitation for the person to vent. The other one who handed him the cigarette wouldn't speak until the venter handed back the cigarette. Then back and forth it would go until the cigarette was gone.)
Jason ranted about how pissed he was about Danny moving, and they promised to try and stay in touch after he leaves. Neither of them had phones, but Danny was determined to send him a letters.
Danny moves to Amity Park and it's... an adjustment, that's for sure. He's angry, grumpy, upset, and every other negative feeling under the sun. He was going to a new middle school with new people he didn't know, away from all of the people he did know and away from his best friend.
(He does however keep his word about sending letters, and mails one out to Jason at the first opportunity.)
He refuses to get along with anyone, butts heads with the teachers, is combative, rude, and openly smokes in class -- which gets him plenty of detentions and a bad reputation. He speaks in a thick Gotham street accent and wears hand-me-down clothes that are too big and baggy on him. (His parents have yet to replace any of their wardrobes as they settle into their new life, and Danny is hesitant to spend the money to get new clothes.)
He only manages to befriend Sam and Tucker because one of the football kids was bullying Tucker and Danny stepped in. It was some blond jerk named Dash and when Dash threw the first punch, Danny broke his nose. Tucker found him later that day and reluctantly thanked him for his help.
Sam and Danny do not get along for the longest time. Sam questions Danny about his upbringing, his accent, his smoking. She judges him for talking back to the teachers despite doing it herself and for ruining his lungs with cigarettes. Danny tells her to fuck off, and when she tries to judge him and Tucker for not being vegetarian, he calls her a privileged brat.
Sam doesn't even look at him for two weeks after, and Danny refuses to apologize. Tucker is caught between a rock and a hard place as his old friend and new friend are feuding with each other.
They... sort it out eventually.
Danny and Jason send each other letters near religiously. Danny complains about Amity Park, and Jason complains about how Crime Alley isn't the same without him. Danny talks about the school and what he's learned, about Sam and Tucker, and how he's been getting into the astronomy books in the library. He steals Jason a book and sends it to him.
When Jason tells Danny that he was adopted by Bruce Wayne, Danny calls bullshit. There's no fucking way Bruce Wayne would even look at Crime Alley, regardless of his charity efforts towards it. But when he checks Gotham news later that week, he's hit in the face with every single news article announcing Bruce Wayne's newest ward; Jason Todd.
Cue freaking out. Jason talks all about living in Wayne Manor and what it's like there. He says that there's a monster library in a part of the house that Bruce says he has free reign over, and that Jason can have anything to eat as long as he asks Alfred to make it and it isn't a desert, and that he has his own monster-sized room that he got to pick out himself and decorate.
(When they both get phones, the first thing either of them do is add each other's numbers.)
When Sam complains about having to go to a Wayne Gala that her parents are dragging her to one weekend, the first thing Danny asks is if he can go with. It surprises Sam and Tucker; Danny was the last person they would have thought wanted to go with. HE hates the rich even more than Sam does. Danny stands firm in his decision, and refuses to elaborate.
"Besides." He says to Sam, with whom he's begun to get along with via 'the enemy of my enemy is a friend'. "Would you rather go alone or with someone you can tolerate?"
She brings him with and convinces her parents to allow Danny to come along, citing that she'll be on her best behavior if they do. They agree, and buy Danny a suit when he says that he doesn't have one of his own.
(He discovers that he hates wearing suit jackets and ties, but vests he doesn't mind. He doesn't like that he has to comb his hair back, but he does to make Sam's parents happy. They give him a crash course in etiquette that Danny's going to forget the next day, and soon enough off they go in a private jet to Gotham)
(he does not tell Jason he's coming.)
he feels mischievous and nervous as they touch down, his stomach swirling as Sam's parents usher them to a high-profile hotel that Danny's only ever dreamed about going into. He feels largely out of place as they walk through the lobby, and falls back on old habits: square shoulders, set jaw, make yourself look like the biggest person in the room.
They get ready in the hotel room, Sam's parents primp and preen for the night incoming, and Sam is dragged into it by her mother. Danny does only what's required of him, and fiddles with the sleeves of his fresh-ironed button-down that's been tailored to his body. He's itching for a cigarette, and didn't bring any with.
Sam's dad helps him with his tie, a bout of kindness that Danny doesn't think is one. Just obligation to prevent Danny from looking like a mess. Sam pesters him again about wanting to come, and his reasons for it, and Danny keeps mum.
He's stone-faced with anxiety as they get closer to the gala, and before they leave the limousine the Mansons rented Sam links arms with him. A form of solidarity that Danny needs as he squeezes their arms together and smiles weakly at her.
The paparazzi are loud, bright, and demanding, shouting questions over questions at them like overlapping tidal waves. Danny ignores them all and focuses on the front doors instead. Sam's parents whisper at the stairs that they are to greet the Waynes first, and Danny's heart leaps to his throat.
His heart is in his ears as they drift closer, Mister Wayne is preoccupied with another rich couple, smiling that charming billionaire smile that Danny saw on every billboard in Gotham, and then some in Amity Park. Getting so close to him feels unreal.
And there by his side is the one and only Jason Todd, who isn't even trying to hide the bored look on his face as he watches Bruce interact with the other adults. He's gotten taller in the year they've been away, and healthier. His hair looks like its been cut professionally and he doesn't look as street kid skinny.
Danny's arm, hooked with Sam's, tightens up, and he resists the urge to rush forward and hug Jason. He watches Jason's eyes sweep left, away from him, and then right, towards him. The air stills for a moment as their eyes lock.
Danny grins toothily at him, lopsided and playful in nature, and sees the moment Jason processes the sight before him. His arm starts slipping out of Sam's at the same time as an ecstatic smile stretches across Jason's face.
His lopsided grin fills out on the other end. "DANNY!" Jason yells, cutting off whatever Bruce Wayne and startling everyone within earshot. There's barely a moment for Bruce to look down when Jason shoves past him and runs at Danny.
Danny yanks his arm out of Sam's, "JASON!" He yells with just as much enthusiasm, and Jason nearly topples them right over when he collides with Danny. His arms wrap around Danny's shoulders, holding onto him tightly, and they're both laughing, spinning around like tops out of joy.
"You didn't tell me you were coming!" Jason cries, sounding accusing. Danny hugs him just as tightly, and laughs when Jason pulls away momentarily to punch his shoulder.
"I wanted it to be a surprise!" He defends, laughing between words as their spinning comes to a stop. They're both reluctant to pull apart, but they do and clutch the sleeves of their elbows tightly. "How could my best friend be adopted by the Bruce Wayne and have me not come confirm it with my own two eyes?"
"I sent you newspaper clippings!" Jason says, narrowing his eyes while his smile betrays his face. Danny quietly notices that his Gotham street accent is faded slightly.
"Oh that's what it was?" Danny's grin turns again, edging into a smirk. He feigns innocence, "I thought that was fire kindling." He has the newspaper clippings hung on the corkboard in his room, proud beyond words about his best friend.
Jason punches him in the shoulder again, hard enough to leave a bruise. "You jackass." He says, ignoring Danny's laughter even when he's holding back his own.
There's a soft, sharp clearing of someone's throat, breaking their attentions away from each other to the one that made the noise.
Bruce Wayne was a tall man, taller than Danny expected, and he looks exactly like his billboards. If less promiscuous than his perfume ads. Danny expects him to be upset with them both for disrupting his pretty rich gala, but instead he just looks gently amused, with an arched eyebrow. Overall though, he just looks fond.
Danny would be the first to admit that Bruce had taken in Jason as a charity case, something to fill the void after his other kid Dick Grayson finally moved out. But Danny’s a good judge of character — or he likes to assume he is — and those are not the eyes of a man who would take Jason in as a charity case. Those are the eyes of a man who actually, genuinely, cares about one Jason Todd.
The wriggly protective thing settles in his chest.
He doesn’t let go of Jason, but he does twist his smile into something a little more polite. Mister Wayne’s eyebrow arches higher, and he turns his blue-blue eyes onto Jason. “Who’s this, Jason?” He has that fancy Gotham Elite accent -- something that sounds like a mix between old transatlantic and faintly British -- that Danny's only heard in passing when he and Jason snuck up to the nicer parts of Gotham.
Jason stares at Mister Wayne, his grip on Danny tightens as his eyes flick to the other onlookers in the room. “This is Danny, B.” He says once his eyes turn back to Mister Wayne. “We grew up in Crime Alley together, he moved to Illinois last year."
Danny can see the uncomfortable expressions cross every rich person's face, murmurs sweeping across the room as soon their uncomfortable gazes turned judgmental and flinty. He's kept track of the tabloids after Jason's adoption, the ones calling him a charity case and looking down on him for being a street kid.
He inches a little closer to Jason, straightening up instinctively, as if they were back in Crime Alley and facing a pack of kids that didn't like them. He can see Sam's surprised expression from the corner of his eye -- he never told Tucker or Sam about where he grew up, although he's sure they had their suspicions.
He looks back to Mister Wayne and meets his blue-blue eyes, his smile has slowly begun to fade. Mister Wayne doesn't miss a beat however, and his smile stays plastered to his face. If anything, it gets a little softer, a little wider. "It's nice to meet you Danny -- Daniel? I'm so glad that Jason has a friend here." He holds out a hand.
Danny eyes him unsurely, and then takes his hand. "It's jus' Danny, Mister Wayne." He says, some of his old accent slipping through as he shook his hand firmly. He would have done it harder, but this was Jason's new guardian, and from Jason's letters he didn't sound too bad. "It's, uh, nice to meet you too. Jason's told me lots about you."
Mister Wayne's brows jump momentarily, he looks intrigued. He looks between Danny and Jason, and claps his hands together softly. "Well, Jay, how would you like to stay with Danny for a while, hm? I'm sure you too have a lot to catch up on."
Hope simmers in Danny's heart, and he glances to Jason to see that same hope on his face. "Really?" He asks, and Mister Wayne nods with a laugh.
"Of course! How could I keep two friends apart? Go on ahead, chum. I'll come get you when the gala ends."
And just like that, Bruce Wayne leaves Jason with Danny, diving back into a conversation with one of the rich gothamites and taking the attention with it as if he were the sun and everyone else a planet orbiting him.
Danny and Jason share grins, and throw their arms around each other with laughter. Danny is on cloud nine, pressing his nose into Jason's shoulder and breathing him in, fingers digging into the back of his suit hard enough to leave wrinkles in his jacket.
Sam demands answers when they finally, for real this time, pull apart. Why didn't he tell her that he was friends with Jason Todd!? Danny slings his arm around Jason's shoulders and keeps him close, and tells her that it was because he wanted it to be a surprise.
Sam's parents have unreadable expressions on their faces, part greed -- Danny is their in to the elusive Bruce Wayne -- and part disdain -- a Gotham street rat. Danny ignores them, they're unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
He introduces Sam to Jason, and Jason to Sam. And off they go to a corner of the room near the buffet table where they can eat and shit talk everyone else in the room in peace.
At some point in the night Sam is called back to her parents to meet some other fancy rich kids her parents want her to get along with, and Danny and Jason go off to the west end balcony to avoid anyone who may try and approach the new Gotham ward.
Danny hops up onto the balcony railing, kicking his feet as Jason pulls a cigarette pack out of his inner jacket pocket, and grins. "Don't tell Bruce," he says, handing the box to Danny first. "He's been trying to get me to quit."
"Hah!" Danny takes one just as Jason slips out a lighter. "That sounds like Jazz. She's been trying to get me to stop since we moved to Amity." Granted, she's been trying ever since she found out before they moved, but now she was even more insistent. "She hasn't found my stash yet."
At the end of the night when the Mansons are leaving and Danny has to leave with them, he walks back to Mister Wayne with Jason to tell him that he's leaving. Mister Wayne mourns his going, and tells him that he's always able to come visit.
"Any friend of Jason's is always welcome to the manor." He says with a blinding grin, pulling Jason close to his side and squeezing him tight. Jason's nose scrunches up, but he doesn't push away.
It becomes a new routine for them. The Mansons are all too happy to bring him with to the Wayne Galas (of which they start receiving more invites to due to their connection with Danny) and Danny is all too happy to spend the evening with Jason again. No matter what, they always end up on the balcony at some point in the night.
And, eventually, Danny is invited to stay at Wayne Manor either for a weekend or for a break. He jumps at the chance when winter break rolls around and his parents start their debate over Santa Claus again.
Danny and Jason stay up late into the night talking or playing video games during their sleepovers, and in the warmer nights they climb out and onto the roof to stargaze. Danny points out constellations - - things he can find in neither Gotham or Amity -- and rambles on and on about space.
There are plenty of times during the Wayne Galas that the event gets attacked by a rogue. More often than he'd like he loses Jason in the crowd, and has later stopped Robin or Batman in his panic to find him.
The first time it happened, he was in tears with terror. He grabbed onto Batman's cape, stopping the man from going back in as he babbled that his Jason Todd was still inside, that he disappeared during the chaos and he couldn't find him. Batman took his hands and calmly told him that he'd find Jason for him, and that he was sure he was okay, but he needed to calm down.
He found Jason later once everything had calmed down, and he screamed at him for disappearing during a rogue attack, if he ever did it again he'll kill him. Then he cried.
The second time it happened, Danny didn't even realize that Jason was gone until everything was already over. They'd been separated before the attack happened. He stopped Robin and Batman before they could leave, trying to keep his breathing under control as he asked again, if they had seen Jason Todd.
"That- that asshole keeps fucking ditching me when these things happen." His voice has an embarrassing wobble in it. "Please-- please tell me you've seen him, that he's alright."
Robin this time steps up to reassure him, that Jason Todd was out of the building. He got him out. "He's probably looking for you too, uhhh..."
"Danny" Danny says, and eyes him up and down. "You're the new Robin right?"
Robin stilled up, and Danny could understand it a little. He'd seen the thoughts on the new Robin online. He wasn't very popular at first. Robin nods curtly, and Batman was shuffled a little closer to him, almost protectively.
Danny grins at him. "Cool." He says, "Me and Jay used to sneak out onto the rooftops sometimes to try and spot Batman and the first Robin, we made it a game." He holds out a fistbump, "Thanks for doing what you do, man. I might not live in Gotham anymore, but I mean it. You're a living legend."
Robin looks like there's something stuck in his throat, and after a beat he returns the fistbump tentatively. "Th- uh, thanks." He stumbles out awkwardly, and then turns away, "Me and B- uh, better go."
Before Danny could even respond, Robin already had his grapple in hand and was grappling away. "You too, Batman." Danny says before Batman can follow.
When Danny sees Jason after that, and weight lifts off his chest and he hits him in the arm again. And then complains that he should have gotten Batman and Robin's autograph, it would have been epic.
By the fifth time it happens, Danny is cussing up a storm when Robin saves him, cursing out Jason and claiming that he needs to put that boy on a fucking leash. "We're a duo!" He scowls when Robin gets him outside, "I got his back, he has mine! I can't have his back when he's got no back to fucking have."
The eighth time it happens, Danny gets held hostage by one of the henchmen. He's become a recognizable friend of the Waynes, and when the Waynes are nowhere to be found, then the next best thing was up to offer. Danny isn't even mad this time around -- just relieved that Jason was fucking off somewhere where he couldn't get hurt.
Robin, however, seemed furious when he arrived, and broke the hostager's jaw with a single flying kick to the face. Jason found him rapidly quick soon after the situation had settled, and apologized over and over again.
Danny slings an arm around his shoulder and laughs that it was fine, Robin saved the day! His legs were shaking with the worn off adrenaline, something he tried to hide from Jason. "I'm just glad it was me instead of you, Jay." He grins. Jason looks like he swallowed a toad.
Jason stops disappearing as often after that, sticking close to Danny's side until the attack was over.
When Danny is fourteen, Jason dies, and his world unravels.
He calls the manor on a late night in April after Jason had stopped responding to his texts. Danny knew that Jason was just recently in a fight with Bruce, but he knows that Bruce loves Jason. He would know where he is, right?
When he calls, Bruce answers with a hoarse "hello?" as if he'd been crying all day, and Danny's blood turns to ice. The anxiety he'd been feeling beforehand doubles in size, and he feels himself stammering.
"Mister- uh- Mister Wayne? Um, I'm calling because Jason--" he hears Bruce inhale sharply on the other line, and his anxiety skyrockets into fear. "--hasn't been answering any of my texts and- and I'm gettin' real worried."
There's silence on the other end, and Danny feels a rock forming in his throat, gross and heavy like he was on the verge of throwing up. "Mister- Bruce? Mister B?"
There's a shaky breath, and then Bruce's voice crackles through the phone. "Um-- Jason, he, he's--" there's a sound like rustling, "he's been killed."
Danny's vision whites out with skyrocketing terror, his mind skidding to a stop. His body rapidly grows hot, and then chills, like a blacksmith striking a heated weapon. "What?"
When the phone call ends, Danny screams himself hoarse. Jazz and his parents come running into his room, his parents equipped with ghost weapons. Instead, they find Danny curled up in his bed, sobbing hoarsely.
Danny almost -- almost -- refuses to attend the funeral, nearly paralyzed with grief. Jazz coaxes him to go, to find closure if anything else, and he drags himself out of bed to go.
He feels numb the entire time. It's closed casket, so he can't even see him for one last time before Jason is buried in the ground. He's silent, and if he think he looks bad, then Bruce looks even worse, like he hadn't slept since Jason died and worse.
Danny grabs his sleeve before he leaves, and when Bruce turns to him with a dull look in his once vibrant eyes, he clings to him tightly. And cries. Bruce clings back just as tight, Danny feels tears drip into his hair.
"Who did it." Danny whispers, voice too hurt to speak any louder, when he pulls back. His fingers curl around Bruce's jacket tightly, desperately. His eyes hurt with tears. "You said he was murdered, B. Please, who did it."
Bruce looks down at him, and for the first time it really does feel like he's looking down at him. His face is blank, and his eyes close in grief. There is no answer, a silent no.
Danny's face twists up all ugly like, and he shakes Bruce's jacket. "Bruce, please. Tell me who did it."
Bruce refuses, his face full of grief.
Danny never returns to Gotham.
Prior to Jason's death and post their reunion, Danny had slowly begun to improve in school. He started caring more, he was putting in more effort, he was doing his homework and was actually enjoying class. There was the bullying from Dash and the A-Listers, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle, he was ignoring them for the most part.
Come Monday after the funeral, and Danny breaks Dash's nose when he starts up with his shit. He withdrew into himself, and it was like he was back to square one again, except this time it was much worse.
Everyone knew Danny was close friends with Jason Todd. So when news of his death finally reached the ears of Amity Park, the students of Casper High School kept their distance.
That following Friday, Danny dies in the portal and comes back. A month later he becomes Phantom, the ghost-fighting ghost. the ghost Phantom wears his hazmat suit partially undone, showing a tanktop he didn't wear in death under the initial suit while the sleeves are tied around his waist. Vicious, glowing lichtenburg scars travel up his arm and neck and torso, covering half of his face while a pair of scientist-like goggles covers his eyes. He's bitter and angry, showing off his death.
Look at me, Phantom's form says, I am a dead child. Look at me look at me look at me. Mourn me. I am a dead child. LOOK AT ME. MOURN ME.
A few weeks later he enters the ghost zone and realizes that he could find Jason. And he spends a weekend scouring the ghost zone for him. He finds Gotham in the zone, and rather than finding Jason, he finds Robin.
Danny didn't know he'd died. And he flies towards him, asks him if he's seen Jason, reveals that it's him, Danny Fenton. Robin stares at him, mouth agape, and peels off his mask to reveal Jason Todd.
They both cry, and when Danny tells him how he died, Jason looks pale in the face. "You didn't- you didn't kill yourself because of me, did you?"
Danny fervently denies it. No, no. He didn't, he didn't. It was an accident. Totally unrelated. But enough about that, what the hell happened? Bruce wouldn't tell him anything at the funeral.
Jason clams up, his ghostly face losing its color, and Danny curses himself. He tells Jason that he doesn't have to tell him, he doesn't have to say anything. They sit in silence.
"It was the Joker." Jason says.
That's all Danny needs to know. He nods quietly. 'I'll kill him.' He thinks to himself, a stubborn set in his jaw. "Okay."
It had always been a plan; a thought wriggling in the back of Danny's mind ever since Bruce told him that Jason had been killed.
Not died. Killed.
Danny wanted the fucker dead the moment he realized it. He just needed to know who did it. He thinks Bruce knew it too, could probably see it in his eyes the moment Danny asked him who did it. He isn't sure if he should hate Bruce more for keeping it from him now.
They spend hours together, just soaking in each other's presence. Danny tries to take him through the ghost portal, to bring him back to the land of the living. But much like Kitty, Jason's form is tied to the zone. Danny promises to visit every day.
And he does. Or he tries to. The grief doesn't go away, but with the comfort of knowing that Jason was on the other side, Danny feels a little better. He tells Jason about being Phantom, and Jason helps train him. It feels like they're kids again and are fighting just because they want to. Its a bout of familiarity in a place that feels unfamiliar. All they need are cigarettes.
And then six months later he loses him again. Danny scours the ghost zone for him for the second time, and this time he doesn't find him.
His haunt is still in the zone though. He didn't move on. He's still here, somewhere.
Danny is convinced that Jason was in the Elsewhereness, and looks for him in between ghost fights and his social life. He visits Jason's haunt every day, knowing that Jason should be able to feel when another ghost enters his home. He does not show up.
(He never thinks that Jason came back to life, and Jason doesn't remember his time in the ghost zone)
When Danny is nineteen, Vlad Masters blackmails him into going to another Wayne Gala. Begrudgingly, Danny goes. He's taller than he used to be, having inherited his dad's monstrous height and his mom's leanness. He has piercings, some of them he got after a lost bet from Sam and Tucker, and he's given himself an undercut.
He still prefers vests over suit jackets, and he still smokes. A little less than before, he sneaks a pack into his pocket before he leaves, along with a lighter. Vlad gives him a dirty look the whole time - he knows.
"Don't give me that look." "That stuff kills, you know" "I'm already dead."
It's like deja vu when he arrives; an awful bout of deja vu, that is. The paparazzi is still as bright and loud and annoying as it always was, and they don't recognize him at all. Something he thinks of as a soft mercy up until one of the reporters asks Vlad who he is.
Vlad smiles and tugs Danny into the camera frame, "Why, this is my godson!" He crows, and shoots Danny a look that is downright smug I'm sure many of you may know him as Daniel Fenton?"
If looks could kill, Vlad would be ash. Danny isn't quite sure why he still agreed to this -- blackmail or no. He felt itchy being in Gotham; jumpy. He's never forgotten his vow to kill the Joker, in fact it was something he still desperately wants.
But the threat of Rath, the name he chose for his evil future self, haunts him just as much as his murderous intent. If he kills the Joker, would he stop?
Danny's almost afraid of what he'll do if he ever lays eyes on the Joker in person. He doesn't think he'll be able to stop himself from wrapping his hands around that stupid clown's neck and watching the light leave his eyes.
He pushes the thoughts to the side, and smiles lopsidedly as cameras and microphones flood his face, reporters yelling over themselves as they clamor to get a shot of the old Wayne family friend.
Danny turns and walks inside without answering a single question, flexing his fingers in and out of fists. Vlad gracefully hurries after him, and Danny can hear his glare burning into his back.
"You told me to come," Danny hisses to him once he's beside him, meeting Vlad's gaze piercingly, "not that I should play nice."
"Don't embarrass me, Daniel." Vlad hisses back, trying to look the upmost calm as eyes turn onto them. "I'll make you regret it."
"You embarrass yourself, fruitloop." Danny shoots back, walking away before Vlad could get a retort in. He sees Bruce Wayne on the other side of the room.
His heart seizes with nostalgia. He hasn't seen Bruce since Jason's funeral, hasn't spoken to him either. He doesn't know how to feel about him, but he'd been keeping tabs on Bruce both as himself and as Batman.
Danny's feet carry him forwards before he can think about it, silently weaving between the throng of rich people vying for his attention. It's only when he gets closer does he see the little shadow clinging to his side: Damian Wayne.
The newest little bird, Danny realizes, and stifles a smile at the surly expression on Damian's face as two older women coo over him. He reminded him of Sam, who had long since stopped coming to these things the moment she was able to.
The feeling of eyes on him turns Danny's attention away from Damian, and instead finds them back on Bruce's, who stares at him with a little furrow between his brows. As if he recognized him, but he wasn't sure from there.
Danny grins crookedly the moment he's within earshot. "Mister B!" He exclaims, slipping into what remained of his Gotham street accent. Recognition flashed in Bruce's eyes, and the man smiled widely. "Long time no see, old man."
"Danny," Bruce says, his name breathing out like relief. He slips between the crowd surrounding him -- who are now watching Danny -- and pulls Danny into a close hug. "It's good to see you again."
Danny hesitates for a moment -- he wasn't expecting Bruce to hug him -- and returns the gesture. "It's good to see you too, Bruce." He admits. Bruce was still using the same cologne that he did when Danny was a kid. He blinks heavily.
He pulls away quickly, clapping Bruce lightly on the shoulder as Damian quickly latches onto his father's side again. Damian glares daggers at him, fingers digging into Bruce's pantlegs like a possessive little kid.
He made Danny's ghost sense tingle in the back of his throat, creeping up slowly like a spider before stopping suddenly before it reached his mouth. It hummed, and then disappeared.
Danny smothered a frown. Since when did Batman work with ectoplasm? “This must be Damian." He says to Bruce, and holds out a hand to Damian -- he doesn't crouch, he had a feeling that Damian would be less than appreciative if he did that. "You've really expanded the nest since the last time I saw you."
Damian's eyes narrow at him. Bruce laughs lightly, "Ah yes, Tim is around here somewhere. I'm sure you'll see him soon."
"Father," Damian says, his voice layered with an accent. He glares up at Danny with piercing green eyes. "How do you know this man?" He sounds distrustful, Danny respects that and drops his hand.
"This is Danny Fenton." Bruce says, and Danny lets him introduce him. "He was Jason's friend."
An expression similar to bewilderment flashes briefly over Damian's face, and he eyes Danny in disbelief. "Todd had friends?"
Oh. So that's how he wanted to be. Bruce had a little elitist on his hands. Danny's smile drops like a deadweight, and any lingering endearment he had hardens like ice in his chest, fury slowly taking its place like a flickering candlelight. "It's not polite to speak ill of the dead, Mister Wayne." He says coldly, his voice made of chips of ice.
Damian blinks, the disbelief disappearing from his face. The closest thing to a recoil Danny thinks he's going to get. He doesn't care. No one speaks about his best friend that way.
"I grew up with Jason, actually." He continues, breathing in slow and deep, trying to keep the ghostly possessive-protective-rage under control. "I was his best friend."
He turns, almost robotically, towards Bruce, and tries not to look so angry. "I'm going to go find Tim, Mister B." He says, and tries to offer up a weak smile for the man. It comes out as a grimace instead.
"And..." he pauses, flicks his eyes towards Damian, and then looks at Bruce. "I'll... try and keep in contact, B. Tell Dick I said hi, alright? I'll see you in a little bit."
Bruce nods, looking vaguely disappointed and sighing slow through his nose. Danny walks away as Bruce turns to address his youngest, and doesn't bother listening in on what he has to say.
He does, eventually, find Tim Drake. He spots him in a crowd instantly - it's hard not to, and he makes his way over to him. He's not sure Tim Drake would recognize him, Bruce didn't at first and Danny had been around him constantly.
Except Tim Drake does recognize him, much to Danny's surprise. They lock eyes and Tim immediately makes his way over to him. "Danny Fenton!" He says and stops in front of him, "What a surprise, we weren't expecting you tonight."
"Tim Drake," Danny replies, smiling a little as his earlier hurt begins to fade away. "I'm surprised you know me."
"There are pictures of you in the manor with Jason." Tim explains, stuffing his hands into his pockets with an easy-going smile. "It's hard not to know you."
"It’s hard not to know you too,” Danny retorts, a sly smile slowly spreading across his face. “Although you’re a lot taller than you used to be, when you were lurking around Bruce and Jason and I.”
Ohhh Danny recognizes him alright. One part due to all the news articles and tabloids on him after he was adopted by Bruce, and the other part because he remembers the little shadow lurking near plants pots and table legs that used to follow him and Jason around at galas just like these.
Knowing that Jason was Robin, he wonders if Jason knew he was there too.
The effect is immediate: Tim’s eyes grow comically large, and a red tint glows at the tip of his ears as he shrinks back like a turtle trying to hide into its shell. “You— you noticed that!?” He hisses.
“I did!” Danny grins, large and wide, stifling a laugh as the red tint spreads over Tim’s cheeks and nose. He looks mortified. Danny coos. “Aww, I thought it was adorable that Jason had a little shadow. I’m sure he would have loved you if you had just come over and said hi. He had a big soft spot for kids.”
Tim snorts and it— it almost sounds derisive? “Sure he would.” He looks sad, and the mirth in Danny’s chest shrivels up like a flower without light. The smile fades from his face, and all that’s left is a strange, staunch reminder that Danny and Bruce weren’t the only ones that probably mourned.
He touches Tim’s shoulder lightly, “Hey, I’m sorry.” He says, trying to look as apologetic as he feels. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I’m sorry, I miss him too.” Like a fucking limb he missed him.
There’s something that flickers in Tim’s eyes, passing through too fast for Danny to realize what it is. He assumes its gratefulness, because Tim relaxes a little and offers him a weak little smile. “I wish I had talked to him.”
Danny sees an out and takes it, he forces out a short laugh, grinning widely. “I can tell you all about him if you’d like,” he offers, “I told Mister B I’d keep in touch anyways. I’ve missed him and Alfred quite a lot in the last few years.”
“Not Dick?”
“That dipstick wasn’t around often enough for me to form any sort of emotional attachment to him.” Danny says in a half-complaining tone, placing his hands on his hips. “Although I did like his puns.”
Tim snickers, “I’ll tell him you said that then. Nobody likes his puns.”
“Go on ahead,” Danny grins, laughter swirling in his chest and making his core thrum with warmth. Damn, he’s missed this family. “I stand by my decision. Puns are funny.”
“Let’s get a photo then.” Tim says with a hand already fishing in his pocket for his phone. “He’ll be devastated to know that you were here and he didn’t get to see you.”
“Sure.” And Danny sidles on next to Tim, throwing an arm around his shoulders — and making a noise of surprise when his arm was able to fit comfortably — as if he was just resting it on a counter.
He totally forgot how tall he was compared to Tim. Forgot that he’d been looking down the entire time they’d been talking. “Why’d I get my dad’s height.” He complains, and bends his knees as Tim raises the phone with the front-facing camera on.
Tim snickers under his breath, and takes the picture while they’re both smiling wide. Danny immediately stands up, and peers over Tim’s shoulders to look at the picture.
It’s a good one, with the fringe of Danny’s curls falling slightly over his left eye and making the dimple on his right cheek more prominent. He could see the barely-there smattering of freckles he had across his nose, the ones that became more prominent when the sun was out. His smile was lopsided, Danny’s favorite kind of smile.
He whistles lowly, “That’s a good one,” he says aloud, and smiles impishly at Tim when he looks at him. “You should send that one, I look hot in it.”
Tim snorts, his ears reddening as he looks down at his phone. “Yeah sure, no problem.” He says quickly, and Danny looks away when he pulls up the messenger app. He’s never felt comfortable looking over people’s shoulders when they were on their phone.
“I’m gonna go take a smoke break.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and curls his fingers around the box and lighter inside. “I’ll—“
“Be on the west-end balcony.” Tim finishes, the red in his ears darkening as he glances up from his phone to smile embarrassedly. “I know.”
Danny snorts, “Okay.” His voice is thick with amusement. “Let me know how Dipstick reacts, alright?” He backs up slowly, awaiting Tim’s response. Tim merely waves a hand at him, a weak gesture of “yeah yeah” that makes Danny grin before he flips around and marches towards his favorite smoking balcony.
(Tim pulls up the family group chat and loads the selfie into the text bar. His face feels warm with embarrassment even as his thumbs fly across the screen.
Tim: look who i found at the latest charity gala :) [image]
Hee awaits eagerly a response, and finds he doesn’t have to wait long. Dick’s thought bubble appears on screen, then Cass’s — of which it only exists for a moment before disappearing.
Dick: holy shit, is that who i think it is?
Tim responds quickly, and his message sends.
Tim: yep. He wanted me to tell you that he thinks your jokes are funny.
Dick: they are funny
Tim rolls his eyes and thinks for a moment, really thinks. He weighs his pros and cons. And then his fingers fly across the screen again.
Tim: hey Jason are you not gonna say anything?
There’s no response for all of thirty seconds — of which it stretches on to an uncomfortably long minute — and then Jason’s thought bubble appears.
Jason: what do i have to say to a bunch of idiots blowing up my phone in the middle of patrol?
Tim: harsh. do you recognize the guy in the photo?
Jason’s response is instant. Too fast for him to have actually looked at the photo itself. He’s just trying to spite Tim then. Tim doesn’t care, he has the upper hand here
Jason: no and I don’t care, i have patrol
Tim knows he didn’t look at the photo, and yet he can’t help stifle a shit-eating smile and feign innocence
Tim: really? You and Danny used to be so close, color me surprised
His teeth dig into his lower lip, he doesn’t need to in order to hide a smile. But it gives him something to do. Jason is worryingly silent for a long, long time, and Tim can almost imagine him staring long and hard at the selfie. Tim knows he will be later.
Finally, Jason’s text bubble shows up. It exists for a long time, before finally Tim’s phone buzzes with his message alert.
Jason: that’s danny?
Tim feels all too gleeful. Smugness swirling in his chest like kicked up sand as he types his response: yep! Apparently he showed up today, although I’m not sure with who since I don’t see Miss Manson around here.
Damian: Father says to get off your phone, Drake. We are at a Gala and your behavior is most unbecoming
Tim: can it demon spawn, I was just telling Jason that his friend Danny is here
Damian: He can’t be too important if he doesn’t even know Todd is alive
Tim: how would you know that?
Damian: When Father introduced him as Todd’s friend, I expressed my surprise that Todd even had friends, considering how unpleasant he can be. Fenton became quite cross with me after that and quickly excused himself thereafter
Dick: you said what!? Damian that’s not okay
Damian: Father made that quite clear after Fenton left in a huff. My mistake for thinking that Todd had told his ‘supposed best friend’ that he was alive.
Dick: he didn’t even tell us we were alive at first
Damian: He did eventually, didn’t he? Clearly Todd doesn’t seem to care too much about Fenton if he hasn’t even informed him of his being alive at this point.
Jason’s thought bubble quickly pops up, and then dissipates, then pops up again. Tim quickly pockets his phone before he can see Jason’s response. He doesn’t feel smug anymore, just uncomfortable.)
Stepping out onto the west-end balcony feels like a blast from the past. A painful one at that. Danny’s fingers dig into his cigarette pack, and he pulls it out with a sense of bittersweet familiarity.
It feels like a lifetime ago that he once stood here with Jason. The package clunks dully as his fingers scrape against the side, and he fishes a cigarette out of the box before stuffing it back into his pocket.
“Quite the night isn’t it.” He says to nothing, to ghosts of the past, to himself. He turns and sits on the railing, sticking his legs out like a tripping hazard while Gotham’s hot city wind blows through the air.
He looks up and only sees the ugly pollution yellow sky looking down at him. It’s an unfamiliar feeling to him. He loves the stars and yet when faced with a smog that covers it, he feels more at home.
Danny’s fingers find the lighter, and with a few clicks a small open flame appears in existence. There’s a poem here, he can feel it. But he feels too tired to find it.
The cigarette lights, and the lighter dies in response. Returning back to his coffin-like pocket until he needs to use it again. He pulls a leg up, resting his chin on his knee with a heavy, tired sigh.
He soaks in the sounds around him. The ugly city warmth nips at his jaw. The music inside is muffled by the force of two glass doors and walls on all four sides, and Danny can hear late night traffic coming by on the road nearby. It’s a special kind of ambience you can only find on the west end balcony.
Half a decade ago, Danny had played a part with that ambience with Jason. Now it was just him, and Jason was nowhere to be found. It left a hopeless kind of feeling in his chest. An all-suffocating kind of fear that filled him head to toe with an intensity only ghosts could have.
His body winds up like a spring, and Danny holds his breath. When he exhales two minutes later, the spring stutters and jolts, and his body relaxes with a tremble.
He misses Jason. He misses Jason.
Ghosts are emotional creatures. They feel it from their crown to their soles. And emotional wounds never really heal. They scab over and fester, waiting to be picked at again and again so it can bleed as fresh as it did when it first opened.
Danny’s grief is never going to go away, he thinks. It’s clung to him like a parasite; shaped him and molded him. The wound was too close to him when he died, and now it will stay with him forever.
He opens his eyes when his ghost sense tingles, a heavy feeling in his throat that is neither nicotine nor grief. It’s just like Damian’s, but stronger. Potent. Older. It reaches the top of Danny’s throat and sits at the base of his tongue, like a hand about to suffocate him.
He looks up, cigarette hanging off his lips, and the Red Hood drops down beside him. He stands in the same spot Jason once did, and that alone makes the ghostly core in Danny seize possessively.
Don’t you dare stand where he stood, it hisses, coiling around his lungs like smog. Danny grits his teeth and feels his ghost sense evaporate. He pulls the cigarette out of his mouth, and nicotine smoke pours out like a cheap version of his ghost sense.
“Red Hood.” He says plainly, his free hand coiling and uncoiling like cat’s claws against the railing. “A surprise to see you here.”
Danny knows through process of elimination who most of the Gotham vigilantes are: Dick is Nightwing, Bruce is Batman, Tim is Red Robin, Damian is Robin, and Cass is Orphan. There are a few who he doesn’t know, however. Like Batgirl and Red Hood.
It’s fine, he doesn’t need to know. Danny of all people understands the importance of a secret identity.
Red Hood doesn’t say anything, just stares at him as if he’s a deer in headlights. His body all tensed up like he isn’t sure what to do now that he’s here in front of Danny. Like he wasn’t expecting Danny to be here at all.
Danny’s brows furrow. “Sorry, am I in your spot?” He asks, and begins to push off the railing. “I didn’t think vigilantes used the Wayne Hall west-end balcony, I can leave if you want.”
He’s already begun to move towards the door.
The Red Hood lurches in his spot, “No!” He yells, and Danny stops in place with raising eyebrows. Red Hood’s fingers cringe, and he straightens up.
He’s shorter than Danny, he notes. Which isn’t much of revelation. Everyone is shorter than Danny.
“No,” Red Hood repeats, sounding sturdier than before, “No. You’re fine. I’m just stopping here for a quick rest before resuming patrol.”
…Danny doesn’t question it. It’s none of his business about other vigilantes and their practices. He shrugs and breathes out more smoke, “Alright.” He says, and walks back over to the railing to sit on it. “I’m Danny, by the way.”
The Red Hood nods, and a silence falls over them. Danny doesn’t care enough to make it feel uncomfortable, but the Red Hood seems unsettled by something. Lost in thought. He leans his back against the railing similar to Danny, and then switches a few seconds later to a new pose.
He does it again, and again, and again. Until finally he flips over and leans his stomach against the railing, arms resting against it. It is starkly like what Jason used to do, and Danny stares at him long and hard.
He frowns. And says nothing.
When Danny’s cigarette is nothing more than a butt of nicotine, he crushes it in his hand and watches the ash flutter down to the ground. The heat stings his hand, but its nothing his ghostly healing can’t fix.
The Red Hood is already holding out another one when Danny’s hand drifts to his pocket for the box.
Danny stares at him, sudden wariness opening up like floodgates that sit at the bottom of his stomach.
His frown deepens, his eyes flicker up and down at Red Hood. His hands hover over his pocket. “I have my own.” He says, and watches subtly as the Red Hood hides a wilt. As if he’d been expecting Danny to take it.
“Alright.” The Red Hood says, trying to sound unbothered. He retracts the cigarette away from Danny, quiet all the way. He’s looking away.
Danny plucks the cigarette out of his hand, startling the Hood enough that Red snaps back to look at him. Danny yanks his lighter from his pocket. “I won’t say no to a free cigarette.” He says, slightly muffled with the stick between his teeth. It lights.
Silence falls over them again, and when one minute stretches into five, whatever hope that had been digging into the shoulders of Red Hood finally pulls away and leaves him slumping subtly.
‘A ciggie for your thoughts?’ Nine year old Jason Todd whispers one night with an impish grin, holding up a cigarette pinched between his two fingers. ‘I stole it from my old man. He won’t even notice its gone.’
Danny is halfway through it when he speaks. “The Joker killed my best friend.” He says, and watches from the corner of his eye as the Red Hood flinches. Is he startled by Danny speaking, or startled by the bluntness of him starting?
“He beat him to death.” Danny continues, staring stone-faced away from Red Hood. His grief claws up his lungs and burrows into his heart again. His fingers dig into the railing. “He beat my best friend to death.”
The Red Hood is silent, his body as still as the grave. Silence stretches out between them both, and like he’d been thinking, the Hood finally speaks: “How do you know?”
He’s not holding the cigarette, he broke his and Jason’s rule. Danny bounces the stick between his fingers. “His ghost told me.” He says, taking a trembling breath. “His ghost told me so, before he disappeared.”
The Red Hood says nothing, and Danny gathers his thoughts. The ones that had been buried deep next to his core, shoved down ever since Danny learned of Rath and a terrible future where a world is destroyed by one ghost’s hands.
Danny has never said it out loud before. His face scrunches up briefly, and then smooths out when his eyes squeeze shut. “I’m going to kill him, Red Hood.” He murmurs when he opens his eyes, turning his face toward the vigilante. The sound is sucked out of the air.
The Red Hood stares at him, but he doesn’t say a word. Danny pushes on, teeth grinding into teeth as he flips his silvery scarred hand back and forth. Palm up, palm down. “It’s why I haven’t been back to Gotham in a while.” He admits, voice still quiet. “If I see the Joker I will kill him, and I won’t feel bad for it.”
“Not today though,” he says, and closes his hand, “today I’m here on a favor to Vlad Masters. Then after this I’ll go visit my friend. I need to apologize for not seeing his grave in a while. I’ll have to stop by a florist to see if they have any zinnias. Jay likes those.”
He takes out the cigarette in his mouth and breathes out one last cloud of smoke. And then he crushes the cigarette stick under his foot and walks back inside.
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
Striker x Reader General Hcs
guysguysguys plsssss hes soooo- cowboys r a guilty pleasure of mine
🥀Cw: fluff, smut, switch!striker, riding + face riding, oral, somno
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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striker never expected to have a real, long term partner, especially with his line of work
sure he's had hookups and flings over the years, but you really threw him off his feet
there was something about you that really dazzled striker, and he knew that you were the one
he dates to marry, and that is truly reflected in how he treats you
striker is a gentleman when he's courting you, he'll do the basics like holding the door for you and giving you gifts, but he somehow always finds a way to take it a step further.
you're both walking down the street and you have to step over a puddle? no need to worry, striker will scoop you up and carry you right over. you ran out of your favorite food while you're craving it? don't fret, striker will run to the store and grab it for you without a second thought
this is all before you both are even together! hes truly a sweetheart towards you, and it shocks everyone how you've managed to tame the wild assassin
striker definitely has a lot of nicknames for you, all circulating around his western class
poppet, sugar, darlin', doll, sugar, and lil' lady (if ur fem) are all ones you'll definitely hear
when talking about you to others, he'll call you "the apple of his eye" or other sappy things like that
he knows how dangerous his job is, and being associated with him can put you in danger. because of that, hes a little reluctant to court you, so he may give slightly mixed signals at first when hes feeling anxious about your safety
it wont take long for him to decide what he wants, but striker definitely wants to make sure you know how to defend yourself
even before you're together he offers you self defense lessons, and is always trying to keep an eye out for you to make sure you're safe
hes protective, but he also trusts you a lot and won't try to interfere with your life or anything, he just wants to make sure you're okay
underneath his tough persona, striker definitely has a soft, domestic vibe. as previously stated, he's the type to want to get married, and even if you don't, he still wants to have a good bond with you
hes a really great person to live with, he def is the type to cook and clean for you and overall carries his weight around the house
he sees it as a respect thing more than anything, and wants you to know how devoted he is to you and that he doesn't expect you to take care of him
he never forces you to do anything though, you can't tell me that he wouldn't absolutely despise people who force their spouses to cook and clean for them. he thinks relationships should be equal, and that you both should share the weight of household responsibilities
i dont think striker is the type to expect much from his partner if that makes sense? he would never want to put pressure on you to be with him or to carry any burdens. he knows how dangerous his job is, and will occasionally ask you if you're still comfortable with him and everything he does
everytime you say yes, he gets this wide eyed grin and ruffles your hair. a part of him is always afraid of pushing you away, its not easy to date a literal assassin, but the fact that you love him and that you want to be with him amazes striker every time
hes def an acts of service guy through and through, striker's actions always speak louder than anything
because his job is so busy, he sometimes works super late or has to get up ridiculously early. striker often feels pretty bad about his crazy working hours, and always dotes on you if you stay up late waiting for him and kisses you on the cheek everytime he has to leave
striker also really enjoys dancing with you, and you two r definitely the type to slow dance in the kitchen sorry i don't make the rules
you're one of the few people he lets touch his cowboy hat, and also the only person who has ever ridden Bombshell besides him <3
he keeps a photo of you in his wallet/jacket and looks at it after rough missions
yk the phrase "wear the cowboy hat, ride the cowboy"? or "save a horse, ride a cowboy?" yea those both were made for him btw
the cowboy hat stays on during sex, but not on him /hj
seriously tho, he loves the sight of you wearing nothing but his hat, and its one of the quickest ways to rile him up
striker LOVES and i mean LOVESSS when you ride him
theres something so exhilarating about seeing you on top, and after a long, stressful mission, there's something so pleasing about just letting you take the reins and ride him senseless
his fav positions are cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, face sitting, missionary, mating press, pretty much anything where he can see your face
striker is big on eye contact, whether hes top or bottom he loves the intimacy of eye contact
he memorizes everything about your body, what makes you tick, where to touch you that will make you moan loudest, your most sensitive spots, he has pleasuring you down to an art
def into bondage and shibari, whether its you tying him up or him tying you up, he loves it
striker likes the intricacies of shibari, but will always check that the ropes aren't too tight (unless you want it that way... in that case he'll indulge you ;)
he is soooo talkative, he loves praising you and degrading you and he talks you through every orgasm
when hes dom, striker is more of a groaner, he'll let out these throaty, deep rumbles and groans while whispering about how fucking good you make him feel in the deepest, most delicious voice ever
when hes in a more submissive mood i think hes a little quieter, he'll let out some breathy pants and moans but won't be super vocal
hes into (consensual) contact play and doesn't mind being pushed around. i also think he'd have a gun kink and would face fuck you with a gun (never loaded tho, you're far too precious to risk hurting)
striker loves giving, like hes def a giver 100% and loves it when you ride his face
he wants you to SIT on his face, in his opinion his face is your throne and it doesn't matter how big you are, strikers a strong guy and will take all of your weight without a second thought
hes a gentleman, he makes you cum at least twice during foreplay before he even actually fucks you
striker is into somno, you both have def had convos about him fucking you in your sleep before
he comes home so late for work sometimes, and the sight of you sleeping on the couch, waiting just for him is so adorable
he likes teasing you and hearing you're unfiltered gasps and moans, the way your body responds to his simple touches without even being awake turns him on a lot
striker also loves it when you moan his name in your sleep, he has a secret possessive side and the fact that you're thinking about him even in your dreams is just so hot to him
sometimes though it'll be the other way around, he'll collapse into bed after a long mission, passing out in mere seconds. meanwhile, you creep into bed with him and give him a handjob, watching as he moans and whispers your name like a prayer. he'll hump into your hand, and sometimes he'll cum so hard he'll wake himself up
when you ask him what he was dreaming about he'll chuckle, but the blush on his cheeks gives him away
when hes sub, striker is like the male version of a pillow prince sometimes. he just wants to lay back and be pampered, theres a part of him that just wants to be loved and taken care of
....mommy/daddy/master kink... what? u hear sum?? i will write ab this...
hes a bit into semi-public sex, but wouldn't ever let anyone actually catch you both. you're body is for his eyes and his eyes alone
striker takes his time undressing you and kissing every inch of your body before the foreplay even starts, and sometimes his tail will rattle a little as he does so. hes just so enamored with you, he can't help it
im not gonna make a separate masterlist for helluva boss im just gonna add this to my hazbin masterlist ahshsh
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starshideurfics · 1 month
Thirsty Thursday - Family Video
steddie, omegaverse, mdni 🔞
Eddie’s putzing around in the horror section at Family Video when the bell over the door jingles. He glances without thinking, shocked to see Robin Buckley lead Steve Harrington inside.
He’s nosy, wants to know what the hell is up with that. But he also doesn’t want to attract Keith’s attention. Eddie’s taking his time to hang in the A/C as long as possible, nearly an hour already.
Not that Buckley is capable of being quiet, so he hears plenty.
How they’re job hunting and how Robin probably knows more about film than Keith does. How Steve Fuckin’ Harrington likes Return of the Jedi! Even if he can’t remember the title and calls ewoks teddy bears. 
Color Eddie surprised.
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Add in Steve’s bright, colorblocked outfit and his swoopy hair, the way he absolutely takes out the Fast Times promotional standee and hurries to fix it, resume in his mouth like an enthusiastic labrador retriever.
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Embarrassingly, Eddie realizes he’s been pumping out his campfire and marshmallow scent, too charmed to lock down his sudden interest, subconsciously trying to draw in the stupidly endearing omega.
He figures he should go before he actually catches any attention, dipping around the counter and out the door, but not before he hears Buckley and Harrington get hired on the spot.
It’s easy enough for Eddie to memorize Steve’s schedule, only going to rent movies while he’s working. Sometimes he drags the guys with him, or maybe just Jeff, giving more cover to surreptitiously stare at the moles on Steve’s neck.
“You aren’t being nearly as sneaky as you think,” Jeff mutters on more than one occasion . “Just go talk to him.”
“Can’t.” Eddie keeps Jeff between himself and the counter, eyes on the slasher movies like he’s agonizing over his decision.
“Why not?”
“Cuz I’ll say something stupid like, ‘Please, sit on my face, I wanna drown in your pussy.’ That’s why,” Eddie whispers, risking a glance towards Steve.
“What? Seriously!”
“Have you seen what a mess he is now? And add in that apple pie scent—my mouth is watering and my dick is—”
“Christ! I’m sorry I asked. But I still think you should talk to him.” Jeff turns his attention to the shelf in front of them. “Nightmare on Elm Street?” he asks, reaching for the case.
“Yeah…” Then Eddie stares as Jeff brings the tape up to the counter, his best friend effortlessly making small talk and laughing as he rents the movie. Like a coward, Eddie hurries out of the video store, waiting for Jeff in his van.
When Eddie goes to return the tape the next day, he’s surprised when Steve looks at Robin and says, “I’m going on my break,” even as he accepts the tape from Eddie, their fingers brushing.
“Yeah, whatever,” Robin answers, flipping through a magazine.
Broad fingers wrap around Eddie’s wrist and drag him back to the Family Video break room past the “Employees Only” sign.
Steve smiles at him as he closes the door behind them. “Sorry. Just got tired of waiting for you to make a move.”
“What?” Eddie has never known Steve Harrington to be the kind of omega who waits for an alpha.
“You aren’t doing a very good job of controlling your scent.”
Eddie gulps, cheeks heating.
“And your friend said you were super into me, which… Yeah, definitely picked up on that.”
Nodding, Eddie waits for his tongue to untie, pretty sure he’s gonna die first when Steve steps closer, presses his hand to Eddie’s chest. “You surprised me,” he manages to say.
“Sorry about that.” Steve doesn’t look sorry at all as he leans in, sniffs at Eddie’s neck. “I’m too used to Robin, bad at personal space with pack.”
“Not what I meant—the ewoks—I mean. Shit. Wait.” Eddie closes his eyes, Steve’s scent filling his nose and making him warm. He smells safe. Familiar.
“Yes?” Steve murmurs, hand moving up to touch the skin above the collar of Eddie’s shirt.
“Not pack, what do you mean bad at personal space with pack?”
“Can tell you should be pack.” He nuzzles at Eddie’s cheek and whispers, “Want to be your pack.”
Eddie gives into his instincts then, whining and holding Steve’s face still, bringing their mouths together. He has no idea what he’s doing, but Steve clearly does as he gentles the kiss, grinning as he pulls away.
“My shift ends at seven. Meet me at my place at seven-thirty.”
Eddie nods. “Uh-huh, yep, whatever you say.”
Steve glances up at the clock. “But we’ve still got six minutes before my break ends, and you need to practice,” he teases, pulling Eddie back in for another kiss.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
ok i put a longer post abt tim's Emotional State in drafts for when my brain is less melted but re: tim and going to college im just gonna get a lil silly with it. hear me out.
i have this whole vague story in my mind for tim's college days moonlighting as red robin as he tries and figures out what he wants out of life. (it's a while after rr leaves off and all because he's like. Super Depressed for a hot minute and then has to drag himself through actually bothering to get his GED and applying to college, etc., but eventually lucius is like hey. you're great with gadgets, and you clearly love tinkering. i'd hire you for r&d in a heartbeat but you need at the least a bachelor's of engineering. i know you have a lot of the technical skills, but you need a degree. so tim goes ugh fine i'll get a goddamn engineering degree how hard can it possibly be.)
anyways. i think it's a universal experience that if you go to college and you hang with the STEM crowd, you will unfortunately get to know at least one Fucking Guy. it's like brentwood arc; tim does make friends, but there is just this One Fucking Guy he cannot stand and will never stand. this Fucking Guy is in the common room playing his guitar at midnight. he's drunk and yelling and laughing really loud when people have exams coming up. he's convinced everyone adores him. there's also a detective/supernatural plot going on. the subplot is just that tim hates This Fucking Guy.
at some point, there's a story beat where he as red robin has to rescue That Fucking Guy from a real dicey situation, and That Fucking Guy is really shaken and grateful to him, and he's like okay. maybe. maybe we are making progress. but then the next time he encounters This Fucking Guy as tim drake, the guy is just like. "ohhhh hey drake you missed it last night, it was AWESOME!!! i had to save red robin from a KILLER ROBOT. he's pretty cool though i guess. i bet you wish you could be more like him huh??" and tim is just. I Will Not Grind My Teeth About This. I Will Not. his life is a fucking joke. he dismantles the toaster oven in the common room kitchen to cope. it's definitely to cope and not just so that That Fucking Guy won't be able to heat up his pop tarts in the morning.
at another point, This Fucking Guy looks at street mode, lowkey, unremarkable Normal Car-looking redbird and goes, aw, dude, i thought your dad is loaded?? he only got you a generic-ass sedan?? that sucks lol, if you want we can take my car down to the game instead. and tim is just Say One More Fucking Word About My Baby I Dare You I Fucking Dare You One More Fucking Word.
(also i like to toy with the idea of this being a university in metropolis - he's out of gotham, but not too far. keeps him from getting antsy about what if he's needed because he can get right back over there. and in the meantime, he can hang out with kon and kara a lot, and occasionally enable and be enabled by lois lane and her snooping habits. there's another subplot in which tim and lois get up to shenanigans. at least once.)
it's sort of an introspective thing of him trying to come to terms with the way he no longer wants a fully normal life the way he always used to assume he would - he has the option to walk away from the cape now, like he always thought he would one day, but he just can't give it up anymore. he's fallen into the same black hole he watched dick and bruce dive headlong into. it's also about him finding joy in tinkering and working with his hands and getting to spend more time as tim drake first and foremost. and it's about him venting to kon about That Fucking Guy while they have a lil picnic on the green while kon loses his absolute shit laughing. all against the backdrop of a little mystery or something. <3
OH and also, most importantly. zoanne wilkins is there and laughing at him for assuming college would be easy. and kon gets her into wendy the werewolf stalker. My City Now.
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diejager · 2 months
I love your writings so much, I just can't get enough of it!
In Fantasy, where reader was transported into Simon's world, and left pregnant, what if their child got into the same accident as reader and fell into a broken portal that sent the kid to Simon's world, and discovered the truth, placing piece by piece together and found out how they were made. The kid having a hard time choosing between his mom or dad, your choice on what happens when he chooses one of them, or the both of them.
I just can't get enough! You write stuff that's better than any I've ever read before!
I… I’ve been meaning to post Fantasy pt2, but I’m not super proud of it so I’ve been stalling a lot..
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, past rape, forced pregnancy, kidnapping, locked away, isolation, tell me if I missed any.
They thought it was only a rumour, a little tale spun by people to explain their birth. You - their caring and loving mother - had always sang about them being a miracle, a gift that the universe had given you. It made them feel better, made them feel loved and graced, but there was always a growing curiosity, a nagging feeling that grew by every passing year. You always called them “my little miracle” and they never grew out of it, loving the soft lull of your voice and the affectionate tone you used. 
You named them Gwyneth, Tracer had given you the idea, but they often went with Gwyn, a shorter and easier name to say. Gwyn knew you loved them, adored them to the moon despite your busy schedule and life while fighting against Talon and Null Sector, but they’d seen the melancholic stare you gave them when you thought they weren’t looking at you, a sad and despondent gaze. It served to fuel Gwyn’s curiosity, driving them further and further down a hole of mystery and unanswered questions that they just knew you wouldn’t answer. Your pained grimace and slight tremble told them much, the strong and dependable mother that loved them shrinking into themselves and shuddering. It hurt them to see you like that.
That gear malfunction seemed to have sent them elsewhere, away from home and away from you, thrusted into a strange world and lost in the unknown. They were somewhere in England, some place in Manchester from what the maps they found told them, sharing the same street names and landmarks as the Manchester they visited in their world. Yet somehow, somehow, they found a man so familiar with them - suspiciously so - who had frantically asked hundreds of questions about you. 
There was a certain familiarity in the man, but they were apprehensive about how desperate he was, spewing information about himself and your time with him. He’d convinced them enough to make a trip to a military base to have his DNA taken, tested and matched, and Gwyn was… was shocked, they didn’t know if they were simply surprised or terrified. 
If this man - their father - who presented himself as Simon Riley, a dead man, said the truth about how he loved you and cared for you. The stories he shared about your relationship, from the days where he met you at the cafe you worked, your bright and bubbly smile lighting his days, to the lovesick gleam when he continued on to the nights at the bar, drinking and laughing. It sounded all so embellished, prettily drawn to stifle any suspicion from Gwyn, but if Simon was telling the truth, why were you so afraid of telling them who their father was, the way you met him or the time spent by his side?
Perhaps the truth was better left unsaid, left to collect dust and forget, but they had never been one to give up on something, Gwyn was a being of perseverance and curiosity, much like a cat. Maybe it would have saved them the heartache and trauma to uncover something as dark as the locked basement in Simon’s house. Gwyn couldn’t have known, they couldn’t, they simply followed their intuition and everything that Simon had strung up cracked, shattered and fell apart.
It was an… easy decision to make, to leave a broken man who had nearly broken their mother out of desperation and obsessive love, a deep-seated corruption of his being that scared them. Gwyn wanted to return home and embrace you, wrap their arms around your shoulder and sob out their horrible discovery, to apologise for something they hadn’t done but had been the result of. If only Gwyn could find a way back.
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
Could I request Alucard finding his s/o drunkenly bragging about how awesome he is to the point he has to step in?
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Alucard hated the smell of stale beer and body sweat. It was why he hardly ever frequented taverns and the like. If he had his choice now, he would not be in this one either. Sadly, he had no choice as you hadn’t come back to the inn yet, and with a town this small there was only one place you could be.
You were easy enough to find. Even with the small crowd. Again, the town was small. All there was for folks to do with their evening was drink, pray, or stay cloistered away in their homes. Judging by the crowd here, these men would rather do anything than stay at home with their wives and children. Drunkenly rambling on and one about the lives they could have had if they left their small town and not married young.
“Adrian!” You greet him with a drunken smile. A tankard of ale in front of you. Lord knew how many you had had before that, but it was clear you weren’t making it out of here on your own. “What are you doing here?”
“We need to leave.” He told you. “I’ve come to take you home.”
“Home? We’re going back to Belgraves?”
“No, [Y/N],” Alucard said with a sigh. “We’re going back to the inn.”
“Oh….that makes more sense….” You took another sip of beer. Which was exactly what you needed in his situation.
“What if they don’t want to leave?” Another drunk at the table asked him.
“Yeah! They can make their own choices!”
“They can.” Alucard agreed. “But I think it’s best if everyone calls it a night.”
“You’re telling me what to do now?! Pretty boy.” The man poked two fingers in his chest after he stumbled to his feet. It didn’t hurt, of course. And Alucard didn’t even move when he touched him. It was more annoying than anything to be touched by him. He’d have to wash this coat now.
“Hey! Don’t talk to him like that!” You argue in his defense. “Adrian is a very pretty boy, but you don’t have to say it like that.”
“This is not helping.” Alucard told you.
The man doesn’t even seem to register his comment as he turned to you. “Pretty boys like this don’t ever amount to anything. They don’t know hard work. They don’t know nothin’!”
“Adrian is super smart and a hard worker!” You snap back. “He’s way stronger than you!”
“Oh yeah? Well let’s put it to the test then, pretty boy!”
“I would rather not.” Alucard replied with a dull expression.
“Yes! No gumption at all! He’s a coward too! I bet he doesn’t want to get those pretty blonde locks of him mussed by a real man.” The drunk took a swing at him then. A bad one.
The likelihood of him connecting with Alucard, if he hadn’t caught his hand, was very slim. Nevertheless he did catch it, twisted his arm until there was a sickening crack heard over his scream, and dropped him. He was sure he hadn’t broken it, but he was definitely going to have to wear a sling for a while. “May we please go now?”
You stood up from the table and went to Alucard’s side as the men all stared, dumbfounded, before they found their voices again. They all started shouting at the couple like they had pulled some kind of trick and cheated. Not helped by you shouting back at them while Alucard pulled you from the tavern by the arm out into the street.
“Why don’t you want to go back and fight those guys?” You asked him. “You could easily take them!”
“I’m not going to get into a bar fight like some two-bit thug.” He told you ask you head for the inn. A flash of Trevor Belmonts smug face flickering in his mind.
“But the things they were saying…”
“Every slight doesn’t need a response.” He replied. Opening the door to their room when you both arrived and letting you in first. “Verbal or physical.”
You sit down on the bed with a heavy flop of all your weight. Letting out a drunken huff. “I guess. I just didn’t like what they were saying to you.”
“And I appreciate your call to my honor. But next time, let’s just leave.”
“Ok.” You told him. Reaching out your arms towards him with a drunken smile.
Alucard smiled slightly back and fell to his knees between yours to be wrapped in your requested hug. “You’re not mad at me then?”
“No.” He said. “I could never be mad at you.” Especially when they had the best of intentions. Even if they were misguided. He would just blame the alcohol.
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billskeis · 3 months
CAN YOU MAKE LIKE BILL BEING A POLICE OFFICER AND THE READER DOING SOME STUFF THAT COULD GET HER IN JAIL BUT LIKE ok LISTEN she does the "everybody knows that im a good girl officer" thing (song by Lana del rey playing dangerous) and he lets her go but like the next day they meet again and go on a date and HOOKUP but he punishes her for doing that stuff (perhaps if it could be spraying on like stores if you get me) like punishes her not letting her release TYING HER WITH THE HANDCUFFS UGHHHHahhshshsHAJDSJS
ᡣ𐭩 police officer bill
police lights flash behind as you attempt to catch your breath in an alleyway. on the run, you’re currently hiding from the police as they’ve caught onto you and a couple of fiends vandalizing public buildings with vulgar graffitis.
as you hide your body behind a garbage chute, you kneel down to make yourself less known to the open world.
shouts boom across the street seeming as though a few of the cops have already caught onto your other friends.
bless the heavens that you weren’t caught.. yet.
“haah.. phew..! i think, i think i made it out alive!” speaking to yourself as somebody else was there.
“i don’t exactly think so, schatz.”
“oh sh—”
in your feeble escape, you try to make a run for it until a pair of arms latch onto your shoulders and push your body up against theirs.
“fuck! ow..”
“you really thought that you could get away..?”
you turn to look at the body that’s pressed up against yours. he was tall, and really pretty, actually you wondered why he didn’t just work as a model instead of being a police officer.
black locs adorned his face, with an eyebrow piercing accompanying his right, are they allowed to wear those on duty?
whatever, it makes him look hot.
“well.. i’ve been such a good girl officer.”
“my ass, you’ve been vandalizing the streets and these buildings for weeks and you know it.”
“it adds a little.. character! what can i say, this city could use a little colour to it.”
“as much as i love art, princess, what you’re doing is ILLEGAL.”
“no, what’s illegal is how hard you have this gun pressed into my backside, it hurts.”
“um hello?? officer—”
you turn to find his name tag attached to the right side of his uniform. bill. officer bill.
“officer bill, can you at least move your gun to—i don’t know—the side more??”
“oh my sweet little thing.. that isn’t a gun.”
your eyes meet his, dark brown irises highlighted in the sunny light, his lips curled into a downward smile although his voice stern. it seems as though this police officer enjoys having you up against him.
you feel a rush of heat go to your cheeks, so you turn your body around. embarrassed, why? fuck if you’d know..
well maybe it’s the fact that the officer that currently has you captive in the back of an alleyway is not only super fucking gorgeous but he’s PACKING.
“i.. i—”
“i’m going to let you go.”
he releases his grip on you and you turn your full body to meet him once more, truly relishing in how tall and slim fit his figure is built. you have to look up at him to make eye contact.
“although under one condition,”
“and that is?”
“you go on a date with me,”
“fuck no. i’d rather be caught dead than go on a date with a police officer.”
truth be told, you did wanna go on this date, but your stubborn nature wouldn’t allow you to say yes so easily. you really wanted to test the waters and see how persistent bill was in getting that date.
“fine then, i am obligated to then turn you in.”
“waitwaitwait nevermind i’ll go on that date with you.”
fuck yourself for being this easy..
this little shit, how dare he pull the authority card on you after you had done something illegal and he do his job?? his face once emotionless now held a smirk on his lips before he slipped you a small paper.
“good girl. now stay here for a little longer, i’ll let the others know i couldn’t find you.“
“..kay, but i’m expecting a lot from you just so y’know..”
you wave him off goodbye as you see his figure disappear from away the alleyway. hearing voices chatter, you can only assume he came up with an excuse to let you off the hook in exchange for a date with you.
“oh trust me princess, i will exceed those expectations.”
“use your words f’me princess,”
“how is this a date!?”
you’re currently on his bed, the tight little number that you wore is currently riding up your thighs as you clench them together.
prior to this, bill took you out to a restaurant that was AMAZING, and insisted that you go back to his house to drink a bit more.
to your naivety, bill had other intentions underlying his silver tongue words.
with your cunt hovering right above the tip of his dick, you cannot find the words to speak. how is this even possible?? how dumb could you be to sleep with a cop?? stupid stupid y/n.
with each hand on the side of your waist, the soft pads of bill’s fingertips graze over your skin sending a shiver up your spine.
“you’re leaking onto me schatzi, sure you don’t want this?”
“shut up..”
with a harsh slam, bill pulls your hips flush to his, bottoming out. you let out a surprised squeak as your walls molds to his shape.
now you’ve had sex before but not with someone this big, the stretch is something you gotta get used to.
if you were to fuck him again.
“you better watch your mouth, maus.”
“f-fuck.. a little warning would be nice, no?”
“hm, nah..”
bill uses his hands to grasp each side of your ass before lifting you up to slide you up and down his length, the stretch burning a bit but it quickly subsides as he makes you ride him.
electricity sparks from within your body and you feel your stomach starting to clench. every time he brings your butt down to touch his thigh your clit rubs his abdomen momentarily.
with your orgasm coming close, you don’t even care about the noises that fall out of your mouth. you sound like a total slut. not that bill even cares.
“i-i’m close..”
he stops.
“i don’t think you deserve to come yet.”
you grind your hips in circles in an attempts to release but he brings a hand to spank your ass.
“gimme a reason to let you release, hm? you been acting up for weeks, plus the multiple warnings the force has given you just hasn’t stopped you from committing crimes has it..?”
you bite your lip in a remains of silence. no way in hell were you going to beg bill to let you come.
he wraps his arms around your waist to bring your torso closer to his, now bringing his mouth to your bare chest to lick a stripe up from in between your breasts.
a moan in approval slips out of bill’s mouth as he then brings his tongue to lick around your right nipple swirling his tongue around it.
he bites on the bud eliciting a wince out of you. your hips still on his, an achy feeling still felt in your cunt as you yearn for more.
“so? what’s it gonna be maus?”
“please what?”
“let me come.. bill,”
“okay, but i have another condition for you.”
you cock your head to the side in confusion, wondering what he’s up to now. that is until he releases an arm off you to reach for something on the bedside table.
oh fuck no.
“you kinky shit, handcuffs?”
“it’s apart of my get-up what can i say?”
“n-no.. i’m not wearing those.”
“well then i guess you can’t cum! i can sit and wait here all night baby.”
tears begin to well from your eyes, all you want is the sweet bliss of release and the man who wanted a date with you in the first place clearly isn’t give it to you unless you put your pride aside.
well, fuck it.
you present your wrists pressed together in front of bill, looking around the room in shame. a smirk falling down on his face as he clicks the metal gadget around your limbs now connected with one another.
“good girl.”
again with no warning, bill pistons his hips up into you at a harsh and fast pace. without falter, he keeps his rhythm to which you cannot catch up to.
choking on your words, all you can do is hold onto him for stability, the pressure brought to your g spot by his tip feels amazing.
“gonna be good f’me?”
your legs begin to shake and quiver as your orgasm washes down on you but bill is nowhere near done with you, never stopping his hips.
“shit, looking at how you’re sucking me in..”
“gonna cause more trouble for me and my friends?”
you’re panting so hard and your brain and legs have become so mushy only small whimpers and whines fall out of your mouth. bill clearly isn’t satisfied with your behaviour, biting into your shoulders.
“answer me.”
“ung! n-no! ‘m sorry. hic ‘m so sorry billy i won’t c-cause you anymore trouble just—hic—please slow down..!”
your cunt all sensitive and sloppy, only squelching noises can be heard in bill’s bedroom as be fucks his dick into you. body so sensitive and overstimulated you let him do you as he pleases.
he leaves sloppy kisses all over your neck and chest calling you dirty names but you can’t help but clench around him even more, milking his cock as if its asking for his seed.
your words fall onto deaf ears, clearly, as all bill does is go even faster at an inhumane pace you didn’t even know was possible.
“a-ah.. i can’t.. ‘m done, bill.. no more..”
“almost done baby, okay? just be a good girl for me and let me do the work..”
“a-ah nooo..”
it hurts. the pressure hurts. but its hurts so good.. with a final thrust, bill finally comes, releasing into your walls with his dick all nice and pressed up into your cervix.
“s-shit, coming..”
his moans are low and nasally. mouth agape and hands still on your hips with a grip so tight his nails dig into your skin leaving a trail of red marks.
your tummy feels warm and full, and bill’s thrusts in riding out his orgasm becomes all sloppy and sticky with how wet your cunt was.
you’re a hot mess, hair falling everywhere and body all sweaty. mouth lolled out as your head rest atop bill’s shoulder drool falling out.
he taps your shoulder and you raise your head to look at him, unable to open your eyes with how bill fucked the energy out of you.
“you okay maus?”
“mhm..” you nod at him as he places a sweet and gentle kiss onto your lips. all you can do is blush and smile, taking in how pretty bill is for a cop.
he shifts while still inside you, grabbing a key to unlock the handcuffs that left little marks of bruising on your wrist.
you rub your hands to smooth over the irritation. bill taking note of this swiftly grabs them and places a kiss on top of the marks. your cheeks burn red as he burn a gaze into your eyes, not looking away.
“did so damn good schatz, hope i fucked all that crime committing business outta ya.”
a/n : i hate this. i’m so sorry anon i feel like i disappointed you 😔😔😔
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munsonxmayhem · 4 months
I just read your post asking about writing for kaz brekker and YES YES YES
How about a kaz brekker x fem!reader who is a crow and is really sunshine AND badass (like awesome thief but also super friendly, funny and kind with everyone). They can be in a relationship or just pining, and Kaz is like trying to share more with her and trying to get over his touch aversion with her but it's not easy, so she's very patient and supporting with him, because he is only thinking about how weak he is that he "can't even hold hands with his loved one" and that stuff.
Maybe fluff/ flangst? (whatever works for you! I just want some kazzle dazzle content✨)
Thank you a looot you're awesome<3
Good and Bad.
Kaz Brekker x Fem!Reader
Warnings; Heavy angst, a bit of fluff at the end. Mention of injury.
Brief message for requester: I love the way you think, and please forgive me for any mistakes in the writing, and let me know what you think (its been ages since i have written anything)
As I walk into the room, seeing Inej and Jesper sat around a table, I cheerily smile at them. “And how is everyone this wonderful evening?” My cheery demeanor usually putting everyone in a better mood. My smile drops as they glance, almost sadly, at each other and then back at me. I raise an inquisitive brow at them, before noticing the lack of a certain presence. “Where’s Kaz?”
Jesper lets out a deep sigh, shaking his head as he looks at the stairs that lead to Kaz’s room. He leans in, his voice low, “Locked away in his room, hasn’t been a good day for him, I’m afraid.” A tinge of sadness runs through my heart.
I’d been working with Kaz for a good while, not just with him on jobs but on his touch aversion. I’m patient with him, letting him move at his own pace to never push him farther than he’s willing. He has his good days and his bad days. Inej informed me that as they were walking down the street, somebody had fallen into him; triggering his PTSD. This was a bad day.
I nod understandingly before making my way to the stairs, Jesper turns briskly. “Don’t, (Y/N).. It’s really not a good time.” I shake my head at his words, “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” Then I start my way up the stairs, knocking softly on the wooden door. “Kaz?” My voice is barely above a whisper, gentle and soothing. I hear no movement. “Kaz? C’mon, it’s me.. Open the door.” I repeat a little louder, keeping my soft tone. I hear some rustling behind the door, then multiple locks being undone. I take a deep sigh as I wait for the door to open.
The door opens just a crack, his eye peering through the crack. “What do you want?” His voice is stern, but not rude. I give him a soft, reassuring smile; “Bad day, hm?” He nods in response, staying silent. “You going to let me in?” I ask softly, fiddling with my hands.
He says nothing, just opens the door slowly, backing away and letting me inside. He takes a few steps away from me, distancing himself considerable. It must have been really bad today. I give him a sympathetic smile, making sure to keep my distance. I take a seat in the chair across the room. “Do you wanna talk about it?” He shrugs, taking a seat on the bed across from me glancing down almost shamefully at his ungloved hands. I take mental note of this, bringing my gaze to his as he starts to speak.
“I thought it was working..” He mumbles quietly, and my heart aches for him. “Kaz.. This isn’t an easy thing to overcome, you are doing better, but there are going to be good and bad days.. What matters is that you persevere, you have people here that support you. Good and bad.”
He nods slowly, “I know.. But it is hard, so hard. It’s as though I’m putting in all this effort, for even a little bit of hope just to have it all swept away by some.. accidental run in at the wrong time.” He shakes his head, almost angrily. “One brush of an arm from a stranger on the street and I’m back.. there.” He refers to his past, the anger suddenly building in his body as he throws his cane forcefully into the shelves on the side wall. I gasp, flinching a bit. He rarely lashes out in anger like this, but it never gets easier when he does. He stands abruptly, and begins pacing, causing me to stand as well. “K-Kaz..” I stammer, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door, causing Kaz to snap his gaze towards it. I hold my hand up to Kaz as I make my way to the door, opening it slightly, hiding the mess Kaz had made.
Jesper is standing there, a very worried look on his face; “Is everything okay?”
I nod, before mouthing the words. “Just a bad day, remember?” He gives a sympathetic look before descending down the stairs again. I shut and lock the door behind me as I return my attention to Kaz. He looks down at the mess and then back up at me, his eyes sad as if his heart just shattered into a million pieces. “I’m sorry..” He whispers, sitting on the edge of the bed and placing his head in his hands. I shake my head, “It’s okay, Kaz..” He shakes his head, “It isn’t.” I glance down at the shattered glass on the floor before kneeling beside it and beginning to pick up the pieces. “No.. Stop, you don’t have to clean that-“ Before he even gets to finish the sentence I hiss In pain, a sharp piece of glass cutting my finger. He stands suddenly, lunging worriedly to my aid, but before his hands can grab yours, he freezes. His eyes dart to mine in panic and a tear rolls down his cheek, “I-I can’t, I’m sorry..” His voice is a broken whisper, and I can feel the pain radiating from him. I nod understandingly, giving him a reassuring smile as I stand and grab a towel. I wrap my finger as I glance over at him, he’s still on the floor beside where I was, completely defeated.
“Why are you fighting so hard for this, Kaz?” I ask him, not rudely, just to get him to remember why we started working on it in the first place. He lets out a shaky breath, standing to his feet.
“I want to be better..” He whispers, still looking at the floor. “You are the sweetest, most kind woman I know.. You’re hurt and I can’t even hold your hand. You deserve to be held, (Y/N)..” He sounds so sad as the words leave his mouth.
I step towards him, this time he doesn’t back away, only a brief moment of panic. “You want to hold me?” I whisper softly, realizing wasn’t fighting for him, he was fighting for me. He finally brings his gaze to mine, my sweet, caring features immediately calming him again. “Yes..” Is all he can manage as he steps closer to me. “One step at a time, Kaz.. Don’t push yourself, okay?” He nods in response, a soft smile on his face as he brings a hand up to my cheek, I stay completely still and let him move as he wishes, the backs of his knuckles brushing lightly across the soft skin. Baby steps.
“Just.. be patient with me, okay?” He whispers.
“Always...” I return, a look of adoration on my face as his hand gently lays against my cheek.
“You’re why I’m still fighting, (Y/N)..”
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jksprincess10 · 1 year
I’d love to read Javier x DEA intern - you’re super innocent and just there to make coffees but Javier has other ideas 😉
So... here's a 2k fic for you? Haha ! Thank you, that was really hot.
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CW: Javier is a pervert, public-ish sex, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, dirty talk, dom javi vibes, innocent reader.
“Who’s the new girl?”
Javier had this look in his eyes. He was up to no good. It was evident by the way his brown eyes were following you everywhere you went. Steve sighed as he laid back in his office chair.
“The new ambassador’s daughter. I know what you’re thinking, bad idea.”
“I love bad ideas.”
You went around the office like a busy bee, taking coffee orders. Your dad had given you this opportunity. As you got older, you wanted to take part of his work that you found fascinating. You eventually wanted to be an ambassador yourself.
“Coffee, boys?” You asked in Steve and Javier’s direction. You had met them only yesterday, but you already had forgotten the name of the white man. You didn’t forget Javier’s name though. His beauty had struck you and his name was engraved in your mind. You had already heard from your colleagues that he had a… reputation.
“Please. Thank you, hermosa.” Said Javier between hits of his cigarette.
You went back to them with two warm cups, and Javier’s eyes followed your ass as you went back to your desk. Steve rolled his eyes and elbowed his partner in the ribs.
“Concentration. Pablo Escabor won’t be caught if you’re only thinking about flirting.”
It was a late night at the office as you were waiting for your dad to finish his work before you got home. He never wanted you to go back home alone, as you would have a target on your back with your dad as the ambassador. So, you waited.
Mostly everyone was gone, and Javier was just about to leave too. He got up and took his coat, before turning back to look at you.
“Want a ride?”
“Oh, yeah, I guess dad will still be here for a while. I’ll just tell him not to worry about me and I’ll meet you outside. Thank you, Javier!”
“Please, just call me Javi.”
You felt your cheeks flushing and nodded as you went to your dad’s office. Your dad just told you to get home safe and hugged you. You promised, got your bag and went down the stairs to meet Javi. You opened the passenger door of his car and took place in the seat. While he was waiting for you, the DEA agent had lit a cigarette and was smoking with the windows open.
“Thank you again, Javi, you didn’t have to…” You said shyly as he started the car.
“It’s my pleasure. You seemed tired.”
“Oh, I’m still a bit jet lagged, I guess. Not like my job is as hard as yours.” 
You felt his warm hand on your thigh, and you looked away timidly.
“You’re still necessary, hermosa.”
He was concentrating on the road, not even looking at you as his fingers were stroking your skin. You gave him directions as best as you could, but all the streets looked the same to you. You were going in circles for a few minutes, so Javier parked the car on the side of the road. You felt really bad. But Javier didn’t, he had something else in mind.
“I’m sorry, I feel ridiculous.” You sighed, looking down at your feet.
“It’s okay. I’ll bring you to my place, you can rest and ask your father to pick you up when he’s done.”
“Sounds good. Sorry for the trouble.”
“It’s okay, I’d rather have you safe.”
You knew you’d be an easy target, and you did feel safe with Javi.
You smiled at him and relaxed in your seat as he drove to the building where he lived. The agent parked in his parking spot and got out first, opening your door for you. You thanked him and followed him inside.
After calling your father, you took advantage of Javier’s couch and rested on the soft leather material.
“Want something to drink? Water or whiskey?” He asked as he looked through his kitchen.
“Just water. I don’t really drink.”
He brought a glass of water in the living room and sat beside you. His eyes widened as he saw a lube bottle he had left on his table. You followed his gaze.
“Hm, what’s that?” You asked curiously.
“You don’t know what that is?” He laughed with a cigarette between his teeth.
“N-No, don’t laugh.”
He didn’t stop laughing, especially when you looked met worn laced panties on the ground. You finally realized what you were looking at earlier.
“I guess… I didn’t know the brand.” You lied.
“Go lay down hermosa, I’ll wake you up when your father is here.” He said to close the subject.
Javier pointed to his bedroom. You feared what you would find there if he had such personal things laying around.
“No, I’ll just stay here. Don’t worry about me. Maybe you should… clean your girlfriend’s panties off the floor.” You said as you looked away, not meeting his intense gaze.
Two fingers held your chin as he turned your head to look at your flushed face.
“No girlfriend here.”
He was clearly staring at your lips. Luckily, you heard the familiar honking of your dad’s car outside. So, you took that as an opportunity to leave. You still thanked Javier and closed the door behind you.
He liked that you weren’t so easy to get, or maybe, you just didn’t understand what was happening.
It was another late night at the office. It seemed like Javier had no intention of leaving; he had a pile of files on his desk. You took the initiative to bring him another coffee. He smiled as he looked up to you.
“Thank you. I wanted to talk to you, actually. Can you close the door?” He put out his cigarette, letting the small light die in his ashtray.
You obeyed, before sitting in the chair in front of him.
“I’m sorry for the other day. I didn’t expect having you over.”
“O-oh, it’s okay! I guess I knew your… reputation. Well… while I’m here, let me help you clean up your desk.”
You got up and were going to grab some files he wasn’t using to put them back. You barely saw him moving; he was already behind you.
“Don’t worry about it, hermosa.” His raspy voice brushed your ear, making you shiver violently.
You turned around to look at him. The agent took the opportunity to trap you between his body and his desk. Your breathing was getting laborious, as your eyes traveled from his unbuttoned shirt to the skin of his neck, to his plush mouth.
“You’re such a sweet, sweet girl.”
He was so close; you could feel the breath of coffee with a hint of cigarettes. He leaned in, his lips meeting yours before you could even register what was happening. When the shock passed, your let your fingers tangle in the small curls on the back of his neck as you brought him even closer.
The man’s hands found the curve of your ass to lift you up and sit you on top of his messy desk. You tangled your naked legs around his middle, bringing him closer, and lifting your skirt in the process.
“Not so sweet after all, hm?” Javier noted, whispering against the uncovered skin of your neck. Your head lolled back in pleasure, the littlest of his touch sending sparks through your whole body.
His fingers brushed the side of your thigh, making you squirm under his touch.
“Javi, please…” You didn’t even know what you were asking for. This man had the effect of drugs on you.
“I know, I know… I should’ve fucked you on my couch the other day. But you were so shy.”
One of his hands spread your thighs, as the other one sneaked under the remaining of your skirt. You whimpered when two of his fingers felt your wetness through your panties.
“I’m going to make you feel good. But you will have to be very silent for me, hermosa.”
You nodded silently. He pulled your panties to one side, and Javier’s lips stayed attached to your throat while his fingers moved expertly against your clit. You bit your lip to keep your moans to yourself. He worked in small and tight circles, focusing on pleasing you as fast as possible, so you wouldn’t get caught. The agent then distributed his attention between your small bundle of nerves and your tight walls, working on stretching you out for him.
Your forehead rested on his shoulder as you focused on your pleasure, your legs eventually shaking while you found heaven on his work desk. You did your best to stay silent, not even letting out a sigh.
As you were coming down your high, you heard the familiar voice of your dad calling out your name.
“F-fuck.” You fixed yourself quickly, and Javier went back to his desk as you came out of the office to meet your dad.
“Hey, sweetheart. I was looking for you, it’s gonna be another long one.” The ambassador said with a sorry expression.
“It’s okay, Javier was just saying that the boys are meeting at the bar for a drink. I’ll go with them if that’s okay, and he’ll bring me home. I… I finally memorized the route home.” You lied so easily; it baffled you.
“Okay, hun, be safe.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Javier came out at the same time and assured him he’d bring you home safe.
You didn’t know how you made it to Javi’s apartment without jumping on him first and fucking right in his car. But here you were, and when the door closed behind your bodies, Javier held you up and brought you to his room. You looked down to see the flexing movement of his biceps.
“Didn’t know you could lie so well… Bad girl.” He said with a raspy voice as he let you fall on his mattress.
You pulled him on top of you with a shy smile.
“Shut up…”
In the coziness of his apartment, you could at least undress. You both got rid of your buttoned shirts. Your hands explored the golden skin Javi’s chest, while he slipped off your skirt and your panties. He stayed on his knees, between your legs, just admiring your beauty. You felt your cheeks burn under the intensity of his gaze.
“Javi, please… fuck me.”
“I’m not done with you, hermosa.”
Just like that, his head was between your thighs.
“Want to hear you now, hemosa.” His tongue lapped at your folds delicately, discovering how sweet you tasted.
You obliged gladly, not keeping back on showing him how much pleasure he procured you. Your mouth stayed open as you let out lewd noises. He parted your lips with his fingers and focused on your clit, alternating between sucking, and licking.
It wasn’t long until your juices wet his mustache and his plush lips, as you moaned his name.
He got back up and leaned in to give you a long and slow kiss.
“You’ve been so good, I’ll fuck you now.”
Javier took off his jeans and to your surprise, he wasn’t wearing anything under them. Your hand circled his member, giving him a few quick pumps. You stopped when he asked you to, and watched him attentively as he lined his member with your hole. You inhaled sharply as he bottomed out slowly. The rumors were true; he was big. He let you adjust, and when he felt like you were relaxed enough, he held up your legs and started thrusting into you. You were overwhelmed by his scent, the feel of his trail of hair under your fingers, overwhelmed by the feeling of him pounding into you.
Your back arched, asking to feel more of him. He leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to your chin, his hips slowing down, but going deeper. You cursed when he found the right spot. He encouraged your pleasure, hitting that spot over and over again, until you were a moaning mess. Your walls tightened around his girth, keeping him in place. You felt his warm liquid filling you up. Slowly, he pulled out. He left a kiss to your forehead and got up to lit up a cigarette.
 Your eyes couldn’t leave Javi. You were in trouble. Javier Pena was trouble.
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Right After All: Part Five
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.9k
Warnings: slow burn angst, fluff
Summary: It's yours and Clarissa's birthday. Sam and Dean throw a party in the Bunker for you two which makes you realize two things. One, you and Dean are more alike than you think. Two, your feelings for him are only going to get stronger.
Right After All Masterlist
Square Filled: jack kline (2021) for @spndeanbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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It’s right there in black, thick ink. Clarissa makes sure to put it on every calendar she can find every single year. May 9th. The day you and Clarissa were born. She was born five minutes before you, making you the younger twin. The more you grow older, the less your birthday matters to you. Sure, you always hang with friends and eventually your parents, but you don’t get excited about it anymore.
Clarissa, on the other hand, loves her birthday. She makes it a big spectacle and invites almost everyone she knows. Your parents are in another country for work so you’ll have to do something with them when they get back, so it’s up to you and Clarissa to do something if you want.
You leave your room and go down to the kitchen where she is. She’s texting someone on her phone with a huge smile on her face.
“What are you smiling about? Who are you texting?” you ask and get a water bottle from the fridge.
“Dean. He says to come over in an hour.”
Yeah, that’s right. Dean hasn’t lived with you since he got better. He moved out not that long ago to join his brother back at the Bunker. You didn’t realize how lonely the house got when you didn’t have him to come home to.
“Does this have anything to do with our birthday?”
“I don’t know. He didn't say.”
You know it does. Her birthday is all she could talk about for the past month.
“Happy birthday, Clarissa.”
“Happy birthday to you, too,” she grins.
If you’re going to go over to the Bunker, you need to get dressed. The present you got for your sister is in the car because you didn’t know what you were doing party-wise. If you went to a party, then it would be in the car for you to grab at a moment’s notice. She saw you doing that and put your present in there, too.
The Bunker is only thirty minutes away so it doesn’t take long to get there. There are no cars on the street or anything to indicate Dean has something up his sleeve. Knowing Clarissa, he has to. She wouldn’t forgive him if he didn’t at least throw her a party the day of. You park on the side of the street and grab the presents from the back.
You two walk to the front door and knock, only for Sam to open it.
“Hey, come on in.” You two do and he closes the door behind you. “Let me take those.”
“Thanks. What’s going on? Where is Dean?” you ask.
“In the library.”
It’s suspiciously quiet. You and Clarissa walk into the library and out pops everyone Dean knows. Jack, Castiel, Jody, Donna, Clarie, Alex, Garth and his wife, Eileen, Charlie, Rowena, and Gabriel. It’s a small party but super meaningful. Clarissa doesn’t look too happy to be partying with a bunch of people she doesn’t know but you know she has plans with her friends this weekend.
Dean’s cast is off but he still has to take it easy while the leg continues to heal. The wounds on his abdomen have mostly healed but are scabbing over. He likes staying with you and Clarissa but he really misses his bed and is glad he’s back in it.
“Happy birthday!!” everyone shouts.
“Thank you!”
You go around and greet everyone before allowing yourself to take in the decorations of the Bunker. Sam must have done a lot of this since Dean has never been the one to pay attention to detail. There are games set up all over the library like beer pong in one corner, card games in another, and a table full of alcohol and food.
The first game you decide to play is Cards Against Humanity. Everyone sits in a circle and grabs their cards before one person reads out the black card. Everyone else will choose one of their white cards to place down, and the person with the black card picks the funniest white card that best goes with the black one.
“What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?” Gabirle reads.
Everyone shuffles through their white cards, putting one down at a time. Once everyone does so, Gabriel shuffles them before reading them out loud. He gets to the last one and starts giggling like a schoolgirl.
“What is it?” you ask with a grin.
“I choose this one: Child Protective Services.” Everyone laughs at how crude the joke is. “Who put this one down?”
“I did,” Jack says. “What’s an orgy?”
Again, you laugh at how innocent he is. Maybe you shouldn’t be playing this game with someone like him. 
About an hour has passed before people start getting bored of this game. Dean grabs three alcohol bottles and brings them over to the group.
“Never Have I Ever!” He must have had a few drinks before this because he looks a little tipsy. “I’ll go first. Never have I ever tried a flavored condom.”
You pick up your glass and take a sip along with a few others in the group. There was this one guy who had grape-flavored condoms and you almost threw up. That’s the first and only time you have ever tried one.
“Never have I ever had a threesome,” Jack says. Everyone looks at him like he’s crazy. How does he know about all of this? “What? Dean gave me a book to read.”
This time, almost everyone drinks. The only people who don’t are Jack, Claire, Alex, Garth, and his wife.
“Really? You’re drinking?” Dean asks you.
“What can I say? I’m a twin,” you grin.
Since Castiel is so innocent and hasn’t really done anything, he gets bored of watching everyone else drink and decides on another game that everyone can play. It’s called Suck and Blow where one person holds a card to their mouth just by breathing in. They have to pass it to the person on their right or left, and they blow the card over to the person who then catches it with their mouth and sucks to hold it to their face. If the person drops it on their own, i.e. can’t suck long enough, they have to take a shot or a drink. If the person drops it with another person, both of them have to kiss.
Luck would have it that you’re sitting right next to Dean with Clarissa on the other side of him. The direction is going clockwise which means you’d have to pass the card to Dean when it comes to you. Suddenly, all the alcohol you’ve drunk is gone from your system. What if you drop it while passing it to him? Would you kiss him in front of everyone? Would you be able to keep it PG?
Garth and his wife kiss, Alex takes a shot, and Gabriel practically makes out with Rowena. Castiel does a good job of sucking the card to his face as he passes it to you. You like Castiel but never in that sense so you make sure the card is secure to your mouth before pulling away from the angel.
You turn to Dean and lock eyes with him. One second is all it takes to immediately feel the connection between you two. He meets you halfway and presses his lips to the other side of the card. Your eyes haven’t left his even as you blow on it to get it unstuck from your mouth. You pull away before anyone else can see that there might be something between you two.
He turns to Clarissa and passes the card to her but she purposefully drops it just so she can kiss her boyfriend. You immediately look away from them because you can’t help but picture yourself as her. You two are identical twins. It’s hard not to think of yourself in her shoes when she looks exactly like you.
Everyone gets bored of this game easily as soon as people drop the card on purpose just to kiss someone they want to. After that, people kind of form their own groups and do their own thing. A game of beer pong is set up but you don’t feel like partying with them anymore.
You go to the kitchen to get away from everyone. You let them tire themselves out until it’s time to give the presents. You’re not a materialistic person so you don’t need a lot of presents but Clarissa is the complete opposite of you. She loves getting gifts and opening them. She’ll have a better time doing this than you will.
“That’s from me,” Dean says when you grab a present from the table. “For you.”
You open the package and take the top of the box off, gasping at what’s inside. “You got me a gun? This is so cool. Thank you, Dean.”
“I got it personalized with your name on the side.”
“This is amazing. Thank you.”
You don’t have a lot of practice shooting guns but now you’re gonna have to learn. Sam got you a collection of books and Castiel got you nursing equipment you can use at the hospital. Those three gifts are the best ones out of everything you got. 
“I want this one first! Don’t tell me who gave it to me. I want to guess,” Clarissa grins.
She takes a medium-sized box and tears into the package with her perfectly manicured nails. Her smile is wiped off her face when she sees what’s inside.
“What is it?” you ask.
“A pink knife, a pink gun, and a pink taser? Who got me this?”
You look around the room to gauge everyone’s reactions. Dean looks like someone hit his dog with a car and he’s trying to hide it. He got her this. She doesn’t like it at all. He opens his mouth to answer but you jump in before he can.
“I did.” Clarissa looks at you. You can feel Dean’s eyes on you but you ignore him. “I got you those. You can’t ever be too careful out there.”
“Come on, you know me better than this,” she shakes her head and puts the box on the ground.
“Here, this one is from Dean. Open this.”
You grab the present you got her and hand it to her. It’s a small box that piques her curiosity. The box is long and velvety which usually means it’s for jewelry. She opens the long case and gasps in delight. Inside is a tennis bracelet with her name engraved into it.
“Oh, my God! I love it!” She jumps into his arms and presses kisses along his neck and jaw. “Thank you, baby.”
“Anything for you.”
You can’t look at Dean but you can feel his eyes on you. The end of the party is meant for people who want to drink and chat before leaving. Jody, Donna, and the girls leave since they have a long drive ahead of them. Garth and his wife need to get back to their kids so they leave after the presents are done. The party is slowly getting smaller but the people who are left have a few more hours in them.
If you stay here any longer, you’ll have a panic attack so you sneak away from the party and find yourself wandering the halls of the Bunker. You’ve been here plenty of times but you never really know what resides here.
You follow the hallway to a small staircase leading down to the gun range. Fitting seeing how you need to practice shooting. There is already a gun on the table from whoever used it last, so you grab it and inspect it. You don’t shoot it but you do aim it as if you are.
“You need to switch the safety off if you want to shoot it.”
You jump at the sudden voice coming from the door. Dean stands there with his hands in his pockets.
“I know. I don’t want to shoot it.”
“I know what you did back there. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I didn’t do it for you.” You keep your back to him so you don’t have to look at him. “I did it because I didn’t want to hear her whine about it.”
“Right,” Dean whispers. He walks closer to you until you can feel his body heat on your back. “Do you want me to show you how to use that gun?”
Dean wraps his arms around you and grabs the gun while it’s still in your hands. He’s talking but you don’t hear a word he’s saying. All you can focus on is the feel of his arms around you, the way his chest feels against your back, and the heat coming from his breath on your neck.m What the hell is wrong with you? Why can’t you get him out of your mind? Why is he the only one you’re having trouble with?
“Got it?” Dean asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
“I think.”
Dean raises both your hands and aims the gun at the dummy at the other end of the room. He shoots it three times before removing his hands from yours. You find yourself leaning into him but he’s already moving away from you. It’s the alcohol. It has to be.
“See? You got it.”
You turn your head and look at him with hooded eyes. You can’t help it when your eyes drop to his lips, and he licks his bottom lip in response. The door to the gun range opens and Clarissa pops her head open, causing you to move away from Dean quickly.
“There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”
“Here I am,” he says without taking his eyes off you.
“Come on, let me try my new clothes on for you.”
You let Clarissa drag Dean away just as much as he lets her. There is no way you’re going to drive thirty minutes back home after drinking even though you know you’re fine. There are so many bedrooms in the Bunker, you decide to sleep over for the night.
However, you can’t sleep. All you can think about is Dean pressed against you. This isn’t fair. He’s just a man. How are you letting him have this much control over you? You yank the blanket off you and leave your room in search of what? What are you looking for? Anything that might help you sleep.
You wander into the garage and see the shiny black Impala Dean is so fond of. She’s a beautiful car. She’s lucky to have Dean as an owner. Classic cars are much cooler than modern cars so the fact that he has this is just amazing. You’ll never see a better-looking car that is used every day than this one.
“What are you doing up?”
You look back to see Dean walking into the garage. Of course, he’s here. “I can’t sleep. I decided admiring your car is a better use of my time.”
“Yeah, she’s a beaut.”
“I’ve always wanted to drive her if I’m being honest.”
Dean holds up a finger and returns back into the Bunker. He comes back out holding the keys to his car.
“You still have ten minutes left of your birthday. This is a one-time offer. Take it or leave it.”
You don’t hesitate to take the keys from him. The car runs better than you thought she did. Driving her on the open road with no other car in sight is everything you hoped it would be. You and Dean don’t say much during this drive because what is there to say? You don’t want to ruin it by saying the wrong thing.
You pull into a spot dedicated for cars to pull over if they want to take a break and enjoy the scenery but you don’t get out. Instead, you admire the trees the moon illuminates.
“It’s so peaceful out here and beautiful.”
“Yeah, it is.”
You look at Dean to see he’s already looking at you.
“Thank you for my gift. I really like it.”
“You’re welcome.”
A piece of hair falls in your face but before you have a chance to move it yourself, Dean reaches over and tucks it behind your ear. He keeps his hand on your jaw and runs his thumb over your cheekbone. There is no one else on the road. No Clarissa to interrupt. No one else to see what might happen.
He’s leaning in but you’re not sure if you have what it takes to resist him. You want nothing more than to kiss him but what kind of sister would you be if you did that to Clarissa? You’re a lot of things but unfaithful isn’t one of them. Dean’s nose barely touches yours before you pull away quickly with a shake of your head.
You open the driver’s door and hop out of the car while Dean stays inside.
“You can drive home.”
What the hell are you doing, Dean? Why is it so hard to pick one?
Dean doesn’t say a word as he slides behind the wheel. You get in on the other side and allow the ride home to be spent in silence.
What the hell are you doing, Y/N? Why is it so hard to stay away from him?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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thebunnyslibrary · 4 months
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Bucky Barnes Valentine's Drabble ❤️
wc. ~1500
pairing. Bucky x Curvy!Reader
summary. Reader is alone and in the gym on Valentine's Day of all days. Until the man of her dreams Bucky Barnes wanders in and offers to be her sparring partner...
an. I had a last minute idea for a drabble......that then morphed into TWO ideas!! Bucky is first up and I have another idea with Loki that I should hope to finish in the next couple of days. (PS I haven't forgotten my last Ficmas fic. I just kind of hit a wall and i'm still struggling to get over it. Maybe this will help.)
Also big shout out to @chasingmidnights for helping inspire me today ❤️
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Going to the gym wasn't exactly your first choice of things to start your Valentine’s Day; but here you were. You preferred to come early early, still dark out early, for two reasons. First for being a bit of an early riser yourself. Usually not as early as you were today, but enough that in the summer, you were able to hear the birds sing at breakfast.
 The second that there were less people to stare at you. Confident as you were in your curves, the world had not gotten used to the idea of fat people working out in gyms NOT to lose weight add you’d rather not start today, of all days, that way. Valentine’s Day. You had no real hatred for it. But you did get a little jealous sometimes when you walked in the office and saw so many other desks littered with flowers and candies. But you couldn’t recall a time someone had sent you so much as a single rose.
This year, you’d decided to take the self-care route. You’d ordered takeout last night and tucked it away in the fridge for tonight, along with a slice of your favorite cheesecake from the old-fashioned delicatessen down the street (family owned since the days Tony’s father running Stark Industries). You’d chosen not to weep for your singleness but instead use it as a night of rest and recovery. A good meal, a nice book and your favorite vinyl record along with a long soak in the tub were you self-loves tonight…and your now charging vibrator would take care of the other kind too.  You just had to make it through the day.
                Even though you were a desk jockey, there was a physical exam all SWORD agents had to pass. You weren't extraordinarily physically gifted, but you could kick but in Just Dance when you wanted to. Unfortunately, the virtual reality sparring simulator at the Avengers compound certainly wasn't as fun as silly dance moves to 70s music in your apartment You knew sparring with the examiner wouldn't be like this, but you had no one else to spar with. And that was where Bucky found you.  
"If you'd like I can practice with you, agent." He’d startled you as you quickly removed the virtual reality headset and turned to see him standing there. It was amazing how well he fit into modern clothing.  He was wearing a sleeveless shirt, showing off this metal arm. You’d never seen his arm this closes and you were in awe of the Wakandan craftsmanship. You'd long admired the former assassin, but never thought in a million years he'd notice you. He was the dark contrast to Captain America, the golden boy. Both were incredibly handsome but there was something mysterious about him that drew you to him. You could easily see why he’d been a lady’s man in the 40s. And you were just a desk clerk. You couldn’t compete with the women, all of whom looked like super models, that threw themselves at him.
You looked around, not seeing any one else and turned back to him, standing there and looking at you, a genuine smile on his face. You nodded and quietly responded.
"Uh...yeah. that would be nice."
Sparring with Bucky gave you a much better experience. Being able to actually fight someone who was there instead of just a simulation felt great. Even though you were sure Bucky was taking it easy on you, you were a lot stronger than you thought, not to mention quick. You were able to duck and dodge and lay a few quick jabs to his chest. And that was nothing compared to how confident you felt, and how good Bucky looked. He seemed to be enjoying himself, a smile never leaving his face. Once or twice you’d stared a little too long and he’d gotten a few jabs in, but you recovered quickly. 
 At one point he had his arms around you in a hold and you were amazed how warm he felt. His chest brushed against your back and you let out a little gasp that you prayed to God he didn't hear. But you saw the smirk play at his lips.
"Sorry, doll. I run a little warm cause of the serum."
"It's alright.” You said, sheepishly. “Your touch actually feels nice." You bit your cheek as you realized how wrong that probably was to say. To your surprise, Bucky didn’t mention it.
"Well the best way to pass a test is with the proper tools. Not with Tony’s toys." He said, rolling his eyes. “And your touch feels good too.” You raised your eyebrows in surprise before he continued “You’ve got a good strong grip.” He shot you a wink and you couldn’t begin to process what he meant when the sparring resumed. Bucky and you trained for a good hour or so and by the end you felt much better about the exam.
Bucky also took the time to show you a few new self-defense maneuvers. He was demonstrating a quick way to hit someone in the gut before raising your hands up to hit them in the face.
"It's one fluid movement." He guided your arms. By now you were CERTAINLY used to his touch. Especially in moments like now where you when his arms where wrapped around you to guide you.  You'd never felt more safe and secure.
"Like this...." You jabbed your elbows backwards before swinging are your arms up, hands closed together and you FELT the contact against Bucky’s nose as you'd executed the move perfectly. But your pride turned to panic as Bucky grunted, then started a fit of coughing as you realized what you’d done.
"Holy shit. Oh my God. I mean... oh shit. Uhm. Captain America is gunna kill me.... Sargent Barnes uhm...sir...?? Are you okay??"
Bucky coughed a few more times, before his breathing finally shallowed. His hand was clutch his nose, now paying attention to that and feeling to make sure it wasn't broken before he finally spoke to you.
“Well doll, I certainly didn't expect you to knock the wind out of me twice in one day. But I'll take it. And you can just call me Bucky.” He said and you felt like you were going to faint. Had he just said what you thought he did?
"Wha...what...? Twice?" you said in disbelief.
“Sure doll.” Bucky admitted. “First was when I walked In here today.  Though I have to say you've done it a few times before that" he admitted. “Like the other day when I dropped off that paperwork and you looked so beautiful in your blue dress.” He bit his lip, recalling the memory.
“You're not. You're not serious, right?” He couldn’t be.
“Yeah. Uhm. I am doll. I’ve been wanting to say something for a while but I was worried you were scared of me.”  Your heart twinged a little and you gently placed your hand on his mechanical arm.
“Not at all Bucky. In fact, I’ve liked you for some time as I just…didn’t think you’d notice me. You could have any girl you want and I’m just a desk clerk.” You said. “Not a supermodel or a superhero. Or anything special."
“Hey listen to me. You’re absolutely gorgeous doll. Why do you think I’m the one that’s always bringing you everyone else’s paperwork.” You thought for a moment before you realized it was true. You’d never noticed it but while you often saw other Avengers dropping off work to someone else, whenever something had to come to you, Bucky was always the one to bring it. “It’s the highlight of my day when I get to see you. His words, full of honesty and admiration made your heart swell. He placed his flesh hand over yours and squeezed it tight. You gazed into the crystal blue pools of his eyes as he broke the moment.
“Besides everyone knows it’s desk clerks that makes the world go round. Trust me, My ma worked as a secretary for a while. The stories she could’ve told.” You both laughed at that and you loved his laugh. You weren’t sure you’d ever heard him really laugh before. It wasn’t as deep or boisterous as Thor’s. Rather it pattered and reminded you of summer’s rain on a wooden roof. And you loved the way his shoulders shook, even if it wasn’t that big of a laugh.
“Listen, doll, I know it's super last minute...and if you didn’t already have plans tonight… I We'll never get a reservation anywhere. But you could come back to my place and I could cook you dinner? Maybe we can watch a movie?” Bucky asked. You smiled and happily replied.
                “It's a date.”
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outlanderskin · 3 days
Every time I see a picture of or clip of Sam with Caitriona, I see him with the woman in London. I can’t erase that. Maybe it was the hand holding? I don’t know. His appeal has gone downhill considerably. Not because he’s dating, it’s who. And walking down the street flaunting. She certainly wasn’t going to be missed by any passerby’s. Not the best judgement me thinks.
Dear Anon, Do you believe this paparazzi walk was a real thing?
Should we then consider that everything Caitríona and others said about him are big lies?
Shall we remember some of these lines? Let's go
"We're both going through the same experience, so that's great, we both really understand that. I hope I’m as good support as he is to me.”
"Sam's just so kind.  He always checks in.  I don't know, he has one of the biggest hearts and smallest egos that I know."
“Sam was cast in June, so he was already, you know working out, building those big muscles he has. I walked in and Sam was just this calm center and there was zero posturing, zero ego."
“We have a similar approach to life and a similar approach to acting and it just works. Sometimes you just get lucky. Sometimes the stars align. ”
" When I first met Sam at our chemistry test, which I always think is quite funny, he was the nicest guy and he just put me at ease. I was a little nervous and he's just that kind of solid, grounded guy".
" From the moment we met, we got along. Sam is one of the most generous people you’ll ever meet. Such a great guy, no ego involved.”
"You know, I’ve had the honor and privilege of acting next to him and with him for almost 10 years now, and I know how amazing Sam is…”
Or should we ask Priyanka Chopra Jonas?
"He’s such a fun and funny guy, and he’s nice. For someone who’s a Sam fan, they’d be really excited to know that he doesn’t just play a good guy in this movie, he’s a really, really good guy, a complete gentleman and super thoughtful as a co-actor as well"
I won't name other co-stars, but it's easy to find on the Web what people close to him say about him. Another important point to consider: the woman who most publicly praises him (aka Caitríona Balfe) is a feminist (like me). And normally women like us don't become (or stay) friends with men who treat other women like dirt, firstly because we can't stand toxic masculinity and secondly because they can't stand our questioning about their attitudes. So, does it make sense to you that this Sam mentioned above is the same one from Pap Walk?
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 18
Welcome to another WIP Wednesday!
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1 AO3 Link
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.7k
From the radio station, the four traveled to the television studio for their next interview. The host had listened to their radio interview and helped summarize much of the information before asking further questions.
Tim and his teammates called into question the biases of the Drs Fenton and hoped their criticisms would bring others to think twice before taking their word as gospel.
When they were finally done, it was almost nine.
Tim shot off a quick text to Bruce for his morning check-in. He noticed Conner texting someone, too. “Who’re you talking to?” he asked.
“Sam. She says Danny’s still passed out. But her parents are talking about some sort of press release the mayor is planning on putting on at City Hall at ten.”
Cassie groaned. “Ugh, more reporters. Please say we don’t have to go.”
“We should,” said Tim. “But we can go in civvies.”
“Can we at least get breakfast first?” asked Bart. “It’s been hours since we woke up!”
“Yeah,” agreed Cassie. “I’m starving. Let’s get some food. I think I saw a diner when we flew to our second interview.”
Before Tim could consider protesting, Conner had him secure in his arms and TTK and they were in the air.
“Lead the way, Wonder Girl.”
Tim scowled to hide his smile. “Oh sure, don’t listen to your leader. Just do whatever.”
“You’d let us starve?” wailed Connor. “Then we’ll stage a mutiny!”
Cassie laughed. “Yeah, see how long you remain in charge of a hangry speedster, half-kryptonian, and demigoddess.”
Tim grinned. “Oh, but you forget I know you all very well. I can win you back to my side. Starting with Kon.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” demanded Conner.
“Easy. I’ll just bribe you with Alfred’s cookies and a great movie. If I add in a dash of ‘I need your help’ and my puppy dog eyes and you’ll be eating out of the palm of my hand.”
“That’s another square on my bingo card!” called back Cassie. “And look, we’re here!” She pointed down to a quintessential American diner with green glass windows.
The group met Bart a block away in an alley where they shed their gear.
“I’ll tell Sam what we’re up to.” Conner pulled out his phone to send the message.
“Quit wasting time! We’re on a deadline,” moaned Bart as he positioned himself behind Conner and tried to push him towards the street and breakfast.
Conner laughed and refused to budge, so Tim figured a demonstration of his power was in order.
He got in front of Conner and pouted at him. “I know I was joking about not allowing breakfast, but I’m the one who didn’t eat before the interviews. An omelet is calling my name.”
Conner groaned and ran a hand down his face. “Fuck you, Rob.” But he stalked forward out of the alley.
Tim and Bart exchanged grins.
“Seriously, Tim,” said Cassie. “This trip has been great for my bingo card.”
Tim stuck his tongue out at her and jogged to catch up with Conner.
Breakfast was simple but tasty and they devoured far too much food. Their waitress was clearly impressed with her first exposure to a speedsters appetite. Add in a super and a demigoddess and it was obscene.
All too soon, however, it was time to go to the mayor’s press conference. As they made their way there, they joined a growing crowd. Clearly many people were interested in whatever the mayor had planned.
In the crowd, he could hear comments about their interviews. It seems both had been posted online and already had thousands of views. Some people seemed to be sympathetic to them, but others were mistrustful of the “outsiders.”
“If they’re such good friends, why did it take so long for them to come here?” asked one man of his friend.
“I’ve a cousin in Central City. She says trouble always follows a superhero,” said another.
Tim exchanged a look with Conner. He’d be able to hear more conversations and could share his perceptions later.
Before long, they were entering City Hall. Already the seats were full, so they were forced to stand in the back. Jack and Maddie were sitting near the front. Jeremy and Pamela Manson sat on the opposite side of the room as them, but also were near the front of the room.
Tim exchanged looks with his teammates to make sure they saw both couples. Conner was glaring at Maddie and Jack.
“They’re complaining about our interviews,” said Conner. “Throwing around guesses that we are either possessed or have already been brainwashed by the ghosts.”
“At least we know they aren’t observant. Maybe they won’t notice us.”
Mayor Montez stepped up to the podium and everyone fell silent. “People of Amity Park, we have been faced with a threat the likes of which we’ve never before seen! And based on the events of this morning, it doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to rely on outside help to get us out of it.”
A stone sunk in Tim’s stomach and he exchanged looks with his friends.
“We only have one piece of business today: Defeating the ghosts that infest our town. And to do that, I'm calling for a vote to cede all ghost policing and security decisions”—he held up a photo of Maddie—“to Maddie Fenton.” As Tim watched, however, the mayor’s eyes glowed red and he winced. “I mean Jack,” he corrected, holding up a new picture of Jack Fenton. “The completely competent Jack Fenton.”
“He’s overshadowed,” breathed Conner.
Tim nodded and was already sending a message to Sam, Tucker, and Danny. “And who knows who else.”
Before they could say anything else, the mayor continued, “And we’ve located the ghost responsible for all the terror inflicted on our town.” He held up a picture of Phantom. “Whatever some outsiders may have tried to lie to you about this very morning.”
A gasp rang out among the crowd. Tim glanced at his friends. Conner was glaring at the mayor fiercely and Tim attempted to step in front of him, as pointless as their relative sizes made the action.
The mayor smiled viciously as a panicked crescendo rose from the crowd. Tim’s phone vibrated in his hand and he saw a response from Sam.
Sam: We saw Sam: Danny is on his way Sam: And we’re following as fast we can
Under his breath, Tim muttered, “Conner, you and Bart should go suit up. Cassie and I will stay and keep an eye on what’s going on. Stay close, but try not to be seen unless an attack happens.” Subtly, grateful for their places against the wall, he passed over the thermos he’d taken with him that morning.
Tim heard Conner’s sigh of relief as the two slipped away. He hated pretending to be a civilian in a crisis. Even more than the rest of them.
Cassie whispered, “I almost hate you for keeping me here.”
Tim just bumped their shoulders together.
The mayor, or rather the ghost inhabiting him, raised his arm and silence slowly fell. “We cannot call for outside help. Those who call themselves the Young Justice today proved that the so-called heroes of this world will defend our enemy over us. That they will spread lies to keep us subject to the whims of these ghosts.” The last word was spat. “So we must solve the problem ourselves. Jack Fenton, if the people of this town agree, you and those you train will be our defense force, will you do this?”
Jack near jumped three feet in the air in his excitement. “I’ve been training for this my entire life, Mayor Montez! I’ll be honored.”
“I believe we must institute martial law! The 9 PM curfew will remain in place. No one will be allowed on the streets alone. No loitering. The park will be closed until further notice. Same with the public pool and library and a number of other locations. Drs Fenton, will you be able to set up buildings protected by ghost shields where people can gather for safety?”
Whispering broke out among the public. Maddie stood tall next to her husband, though being continually overlooked in favor of him was clearly grating on her. “We can. Fenton Works is already protected and within two days we can have another shield up and ready. Within the week, we could have five.”
The whispered were almost loud enough to drown her out by the time she finished speaking
“Order! Order!” called Mayor Montez. “All in favor of declaring martial law, and allowing the completely competent Jack Fenton to mobilize a massive ghost hunt, please say—”
But cutting off the mayor, Danny, in his Phantom form, suddenly appeared in the air in the middle of the hall. “I might be too young to vote, but I’m casting one anyway.”
Around them, everyone gasped and people began backing away even as Danny shifted to look at them. Tim and Cassie both tensed and prepared to run.
“You people have to listen to me,” urged Danny. “I’m on your side.”
Mayor Montez took a step back as members of his security moved to stand in front of him. Jack and Maddie jumped up and glared at him.
“You’re not fooling anybody, ghost kid!” declared Jack. “You are going down!” He reached back and pulled out the Fenton fishing rod, the line was horribly tangled and Jack began messing with it. “As soon as I finish untangling this thing.”
Cassie let out a disbelieving huff.
Tim shook his head. “Apparently,” he replied to her unasked question. He pulled out his phone and shot a message to Bart and Conner.
Rob: get back here now Rob: All 4 of us are needed
Before he even finished typing his last message, Bart was at his side. Just in time to see Danny mutter something and shoot an ectoblast at his parents who were thrown back with the force of it, destroying the podium and leaving a burn mark on the ground.
“Shit,” muttered Tim. “Cassie, let’s go. Impulse, try to help where you can.”
“You’ve got it.”
And so the best of intentions go awry!
I can almost taste the end of this arc, but for all I know, that'll take another 10k to finish. So we'll see what happens. Hope you enjoyed.
I no longer do tag lists, but please check out the Subscription Post if you want to be notified of updates.
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iskratempestmadness · 2 months
Can you write about a male user SFW and NSFW if you want?
Sorry for taking so long!
I don't have much experience in writing NSFW so I apologize in advance!
• confused little boy
• no, he's not embarrassed that you're a guy, it's just that the moment of the relationship itself is a little embarrassing
• Baki would probably prefer partners weaker than him, someone who needs to be protected. He would also prefer a partner of the same age as him
• Lots of cute little nicknames. Sunny, my bun, my angel, bunny, baby and many more of the like and it's all about you
• His hands should always be on you. It doesn't matter how, it just has to be. Holding hands, his hand is often on your back while walking, he can put his hand on your waist while you are standing choosing ice cream, and his hand is definitely on your ass when you are at home, you will not convince me of this.
• Even though he is a little embarrassed, sometimes he can be quite cocky. Unexpected kisses are quite in his style. Like you're standing at the stove, cooking with him, and a second later you're being pressed against the countertop in a passionate, slow kiss.
• Evening is a separate topic for you. Lots of pillows, a futon, sweets, a good TV series and you're on his chest... What could be better?
• active, sharp, a little rude it's all about him
• he gets turned on by your chest and shoulders, so be prepared for the fact that he will be in hickeys, bruises and bites.
• but this boy is absolutely against fucking in a public place. It's not comfortable for him, it's better at home on a futon in warmth and comfort than on the street, he just doesn't like this idea in principle.
• probably would prefer that you walk around the house naked. One of those people who " What didn't I see there? "He just likes to stare at you. Especially when you're cooking.
• gets used to it quickly. Like to your kinks. Do you like being strangled? No problem!Shibari? You are welcome!
• He does not use toys. He doesn't mind trying it, he just hasn't used it before.
• The boy may be impatient, but he still likes to tease you. He likes the look on your face when you're so close, your pleading eyes, your pleading, the way you cling to him. Oh, it turns him on even more.
• He's not the best at aftercare, but Baki will make you feel good.
• but he's a lot more confused
• Lots of gifts. With a reason, without a reason, absolutely of any value (expensive, very expensive, super expensive)
• not very creative with nicknames. Most often it is a cute, dear, sometimes there is a kitten.
• most often holds you behind your back while being in public. At home, he prefers to hold your hip.
• prefers that when he works at home, you sit on his lap. Most of all, there is no subtext in this, it's just easier for him
• He does not have a certain ideal partner. It is difficult for him to find a person stronger than him and with more muscles.
• He's gentle with you. It can even be called vanilla. It's just that you're like crystal to him, he doesn't want and won't be hard on you.
• But he still doesn't talk much, he's still clamped down even in a relationship. And you can fix it, you just need to be a little more open with him and he will relax in this regard.
• Oh, he's even more confused
• there's no particular favorite part of the body, he's probably turned on by your movements, gestures.
• 100% dominant, no, although it is better to say he is proactive.
• but this does not mean that he is not gentle with you.
• This bun is entirely aimed at meeting your needs.
• Does not use toys. And it won't be. Just not.
• in fact, it is quite easy to excite him. And that makes him even more embarrassed.
• a lot of fantasies. It also makes him very confused. One of the most favorite is the sacks in his office. From the way you suck him off under the table during a meeting to the way he fucks you on the table in his office.
• He can accept any of your kinks, but it's much harder for him to accept his own. For a very long time, he couldn't admit even to himself that he likes it when you're on top. He likes the way you look when you sit on his cock, your moans, your expression filled with pleasure. He really loves it so much, but it was really hard for him to admit it.
• he doesn't mind your gender. In principle, nothing bothers him.
• There are also many affectionate nicknames. Favorite: baby, baby, doll, sunny.
• In a public place, he prefers to hold your hand or at least hold your elbow, but at home he prefers to hug. Seriously! This guy practically won't let you out of his arms.
• LIKES PAIRED THINGS. Paired clothes, paired phone cases, paired accessories... And so on and so forth. Katsumi will not miss the opportunity to show that you are his mate
• cook him a homemade meal and he will fall in love with you again. Even if it doesn't taste good. He just sometimes doesn't have enough homemade food, so he goes to Natsueh, but if his boyfriend cooks it for him, then he will be happy.
• arranges days of lying on the bed. About once a month. Your task is to hug him lying on the bed and do nothing. Often the last point is replaced by watching some kind of TV series.
• He wouldn't mind if his partner was stronger than him. Seriously. It's even attractive to him.
• dominates and that's for sure
• He loves your back. That's why she's covered in bites.
• As I said before, he wants his partner to be stronger than him. He would especially like a more developed musculature than his own.
• Toys? He doesn't have much experience and he doesn't mind trying with you. But he doesn't rely on them too much.
• shibari. He likes it, but it's not too difficult, he probably just won't have the patience for it.
• He can be described as self-confident, arrogant, but not harsh. This bun also wants to be good for both of them.
• But his arrogance is pretty easy to destroy.
• One of his main fantasies is sex in a public place. For example, in a toilet stall. Or in the elevator. Katsumi loves the feeling of risk.
• pretty good at follow-up care. He becomes even more gentle.
• he doesn't care about your gender, he just loves you
• He's not getting softer, he's just getting more attentive to you.
• most often he calls you dear, beloved, sometimes to tease he may call you petty.
• pretty little physical contact, but maybe that's why it's so memorable. That's why he doesn't hold your hand in public, and at home he can stop at half-hugs. It's just not very tactile.
• but he's always with you. Are you going to the cafe? He'll keep you company, if you don't mind, of course. Are you going to the cinema? He'd love to go with you too. Do you want to take a walk in the park in the evening? He's definitely coming with you!
• you are definitely smaller and weaker than him. It's just hard to find a person who will be like that.
• Train with him. Seriously! He will be happy to teach you "gudo".Moreover, this is the simplest self-defense that can be thought of.
• everything is just calm and peaceful with him.
• but here it is more tactile.
• surprisingly passive.
• he wants you to be gentle with him, but he reaches his real peak when you are cruel to him
• Your favorite part of your body is your legs, he can't explain it, he just likes them.
• does not like fucking in public places. It's weird and awkward for him, and someone might see it embarrassing him. It's better for him to be at home, warm and cozy.
• Don't put a dick in his mouth, he'll bite it off. Excuse me. It's terrible, but my grandfather's jokes woke up in me and I couldn't hold them back. I'm sorry again.
• but in fact he has a rather sensitive mouth, perhaps we can say that this is one of his erogenous zones
• But he is not so easily aroused. Perhaps due to the use of "drugs" his testosterone decreased. And maybe not. Maybe he's just like that.
• there are no favorite poses at all. The main thing is that you are happy with him, in him and this is the most important thing.
• Follow-up care? Yes, he needs it. But it's difficult. That's why he helps you a little. Just a little bit.
• But after sex, he really gets gentle with you.
• oh, another confused boy
• gentle and affectionate with you. And Retsu really looks after you beautifully. But as a woman. He doesn't quite understand what kind of things can melt a man's heart.
• But his breakfasts in bed are great, you have to admit that.
• in society, he holds your hand or elbow, but at home he prefers your waist or hip.
• Quality time spent. Movies, reading together, romantic dinners. Everything is as it should be.
• but sometimes he is too picky. And because of this, he may be taking on too many responsibilities in a relationship. But he's not unsure of your abilities, it's just... Well, he is sure that he will do some duties better.
• He would also like to train with you. It doesn't have to be martial arts. It could be... Mmmm... Well, for example yoga.
• the partner may be stronger and taller than him, Retsu will not be confused by this. He probably even preferred it that way.
• Oh, he's embarrassed again, sweet boy
• you will be surprised but he is passive
• not a special enthusiast, against toys in sex, prefers that everything be more or less natural.
• he is definitely familiar with kama sutra, but he is not one of those who tries to cram all the poses into one round. He prefers to reveal his knowledge gradually.
• Tie him up. Seriously! Shibari is one of his favorite topics despite its traditionalism, although it is already so familiar to him that it can also be called traditionalism.
• despite the fact that he is a bun, he can be greedy. And he's easily aroused.
• fantasies, fantasies, fantasies. One of my favorites: he's tied up, needy, ready, and you're on top, teasing him.
• Oh, he's totally into sex, so he's going to need to be well looked after.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am very interested in psychology, so after I finish with the orders, I will probably deal with the psychological strife of the characters of "Baki the Grappler" so I hope you like it!
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