#and mags is hurt and infuriated and sees no other hope
lycheelovescomics · 25 days
need people to pick up some modicum of critical thinking and wonder that maybe, it's possible, that the show is critiquing how it's always the same two men's dreams that come into conflict about how to move forward vs or with the rest of humanity ... and that maybe, just maybe, the answer could be (surprise!!) a secret third or even fourth option that doesn't include them?
because ororo did tell jean that they ought to believe not in a dream or for their gifts/powers... but in each other 👀
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annymation · 2 months
What things annoyed and infuriated you the most in Wish 2023 (or Canon!Wish)?
OOOOH BOY! You just gave me permission to open a whole can of worms! Let's gooo!
Okay so here's a list:
I don't like how weak the reveal of what Magnifico actually does is. Asha finds out that he doesn't grant all the wishes, awesome, that would be a cool reveal, except, it's not a reveal, she freakin KNEW THIS! Asha herself said to a kid "It could be you someday" COULD! Asha, you said COULD, as in, there's the POSSIBILITY he'll grant that kid's wish, not a certainty! Not to mention if he only grants ONE wish per month then OF FREAKING COURSE not all wishes are granted. Okay, case in point, there's no grand reveal that the king is doing something no one knew, Asha apparently just forgot how their kingdom works.
Now hear me out, I am NOT one of those people that says Magnifico is a hero and Asha is a villain, I wanna make this clear, because although I find people who legit think like that kinda funny and I reblog their takes from time to time, I also find it frustrating that Disney managed to make a STRAIGHT, WHITE, MAN, IN A POSITION OF POWER, MORE LIKABLE THAN THEIR SECOND BLACK PROTAGONIST! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? IT'S SO EASY TO MAKE US HATE HIM!!!-ahem- But, although Magnifico is the most likable character in the movie, I do not see him as a hero, no no no, keeping the wishes away from the people of Rosas is bad, pretending that he'd grant Sabino's wish only to say SIKE was bad, saying he'd never grant Asha family's wishes was bad. So, am I saying Magnifico is a villain?... No. That's topic number 2, Magnifico wasn't a villain, he was a jerk. A jerk does not a villain make. I didn't feel threatened by that man for not a single minute, and that's including when he was possessed by the evil book, speaking of which.
That dang book both ruined and saved the movie honestly, because yeah, although it's a stupid way to make Magnifico an actual villain, but in a way that makes us sympathize with him since he's not in his right mind, and the last thing you want is for the audience to feel bad for your villain... Well, there's exceptions of course, but that's a whole other subject. But even though the book caused all this damage, it also gave us King unhinged, campy, straight up evil, fruity, voiced by Chris Pine having the time of his life Magnifico, and I loved every second of it, I ate possessed Magnifico up, I was living for every cringe cliche evil dialogue that came out of him, like hell yeah, that's what I've been waiting for, that's what it's all about WOOOOOO!!! I loved him so much I just copy pasted his personality into the Magnifico in my rewrite, although, my version is actually willing to kill teens, while Canon Mag seemed more hesitant for some reason, my headcanon is that Magnifico was fighting the curse deep down, and that's why his magic actually didn't hurt anyone, so... That's sad, hope he breaks out of the mirror and kills them all Idk
We're on topic 4 and this is not even half of my problems oh my... Anyway, Asha is boring. And I mean like, in a way that feels intentional, how did they do it? It's fascinating how she has nothing going for her, she doesn't stand out, doesn't have any internal conflicts at the start of the movie, something ALL Disney princesses have: Belle doesn't fit in with her village, Mulan struggles to make her family proud, Mirabel struggles to make her family proud x10.000, Moana wants to explore the sea but can't, Ariel wants to explore the land but can't, Jasmine wants to get out of the castle but can't, Cinderella is a victim of domestic abuse, ya'll get the idea, all these girls get their struggles that make them compelling, what's Asha's struggle that has been with her for most of her life?... Uh... Her grandpa, this dude we just met and seems pretty happy... Doesn't have his wish granted yet... Ok, what else? Oh yeah everyone in town seems to love her and dance along with her to show tourists how cool the kingdom is... Uhum... So yeah she has no compelling struggles that hook us with her from the start, and the conflict she DOES get, as I explained before, feels underwhelming.
The setting, oh the setting. Like, don't get me wrong, the architecture is pretty, but nothing about it screams SPAIN to me, where is the cultural food? Where are the bulls? Where's the stuff we associate with the Iberian Peninsula? They did such a good job in Encanto, what the heck happened? Oh and did I mention that most of the animals that appear in the forest are not even native to the Iberian Peninsula, there would be no racoons in a medieval setting there, considering they're an invasive species that was brought there from North America, something that, I assume, wouldn't be possible back then, as I don't think the americas were even discovered yet, but anyway, there they are, racoons hanging upside down from their tails, something they can't even do. Sorry for expecting biology accuracy from my disney movie guys, but you can't just make Encanto, that was freaking amazing with it's inclusion of so many gorgeous latin American animals, and then do whatever Wish is, like bruh where were the Lynxes??? They're an endangered species there, Disney could've raised awareness!!!
The music...
Valentino was absurdly annoying, and it would be SO EASY to make a baby goat cute! Baby. Goats. Are. Cute. SO WHY DID YOU MAKE HIM UNFUNNY GOAT THAT MAKES BUTT JOKES???
Characters were unmemorable, Asha's mom didn't do anything, Sabino, whose supposed to be the backbone of the story, is barely a character, and again, it's not like Disney hasn't made likable elderly people before, Moana's grandma, Mama Coco, but my guy Sabino was just... There.
Aaaand I probably could go on and on but I can't think of anything else, feel free to share your own problems with the movie yall.
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d-lissa · 11 months
Liveblogging TMA - Season 3 - MAG 100-105
"I saw a ghost."
... I hate this story.
It really went : Hey, we know Jon has been kidnapped by a mannequin that wants to take his skin and wear it, but it is also the perfect time to see the kind of statements that usually happen when he isn't here, in all kinds of very awkward and annoying ways !
I just.
I am so done.
I am actually laughing at this, it's just so ... Typical.
No wonder the Institute is a joke, if this is the kind of statements that got leaked to the public in 1999.
Ok, fine, more of The Devastation, the one Maxwell worships told through the eyes of a conspiracy theorist (to whom Tim really didn't have the patience for), a Spiral (he was late for dinner, he couldn't just stay in the spiral !) and the Spiders. Also, cameo of a Lukas, coming in with a lot of static. If we needed any more proof that the family was spooky, that would be it, I guess.
I don't think Brian is surviving long enough to give a coherent statement. RIP.
God, please tell me the next episode we'll get Jon back. This episode just explained SO much about season 1 if this is the kind of statements the man was used to for non supernatural stuff. They were written, of course, but well.
I can only imagine that they were barely any more coherent.
"The Eye watches, and the Stranger conceals, but me… I lie, Archivist. I am the throat of delusion incarnate. They can’t hide you from me."
At this point, I am genuinely surprised that Jon isn't just absolutely traumatized by doors.
Well. I guess this was the end of Michael. Despite all his claims of not having an identity and such, he sounded quite touched by his past with Michael and the Distortion. Touched enough that Helen managed to kill him, in a way, and take his place.
Guess that the best liars are the ones able to fool themselves.
Helen had drawn a map too, hadn't she ? In "The New Door".
That's why she managed to do what Michael did. And just like him, I don't think she knows what she was doing all this time. I really hope that we'll get a statement from this version of The Distortion.
Still, I am kind of sad that she isn't anymore. Though it is nice that this version of The Distortion is willing to help Jon, I guess ? I doubt that it is to stay that way, considering everything, but it was good.
Anyway, anyone confused by the tapes ? Because I am. Because it isn't Elias that controls them, but everyone seems to assume that it is the case, for some reason ? Like, Nikolas is just talking into the recorder, expecting Elias to be on the other receiving end.
Michael's story fucking hurt me though. It's just. I know that Gertrude was a big "the end justifies the means" kind of woman, and I even kind of get it, but man am I glad that Jonathan isn't this kind of person, and that he cares about his people.
I wonder what makes of Jonathan a better Archivist than her. And if it is actually a good thing, you know ?
"Yeah. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be defenceless."
... Why is everyone so eager to blame Jon for everything ?
Like, I love my girl Melanie, but also, I'd really rather she and Tim stopped blaming Jon when he is just as much, if not an even bigger, victim as they are. He didn't ask for any of it, and he can't exactly see in the future (yet?), and he is apparently losing his humanity to forces outside of his control, without any say in anything.
I do get where they're coming from, but I also want to scream.
Elias is as infuriating as ever, and I swear to god, he better die someday.
Finally more info on the Unknowing, and I don't really like the sound of it, but it is the apocalypse, so I guess it makes sense ?
Gerard was actively working with Gertrude, apparently ? And Jon just ... Guessed it out of nowhere because he can just do that now, as well as read other languages, which is ... Worrying.
I mean, really fucking cool as fuck, obviously, and I also really want him to have more powers, but also, he really wants to be human and stay that way, so not only is this heartbreaking, but since I trust Elias fuck all, how thrilled he sounds at that makes me anxious.
Is anything going to happen to Jon ? Is he grooming him to be a sacrifice of some sort ?
Elias sounds honnest enough when he says that he wants to stop the Unknowing, but you can't tell me that only The Stranger has an apocalypse, right ? So what about the others ?
The french was cute though, and not as bad as I thought it would be when I saw he would speak french. Gotta say, I braced myself on this one, but it was pretty decent, actually. Good for him.
Melanie is great as usual, but also ... More and more violent and angry, it seems ? Which is fair, obviously, but this story gave me trust issues, and I just see everything as death flags now.
Call me The Archivist, the way I am worried that behind the actions of everyone is a death that is meant to crush me, specifically.
Speaking of worrying deaths, Martin broke my heart, but when does he not ? He was worried for Jon, damn it. And then Jon makes a joke about it, despite having been held captive for a month.
Someone needs to give this man more care for his own safety, it borderline feels like apathy now.
Good to know the rest of the Institute avoids the Archives though. They really should, to be honnest. I'm with Tim on this one, better be kept away for good.
God, I hope Georgie doesn't get caught too.
Oh, and there's a beetle wife now. It was cute. People really should just let others marry who they want, ffs, even eldritch beings of untold filth.
Anyway ! Guess we know what Not-Sasha was doing at the wax museum. Wonder how long our favourite lunatic will connect the dots.
"What are you?!"
Pigs, dead ends and Jon blackmailing people. On one hand, I am so proud I feel like Elias, but on the other, I am worried for him. Do we actually want him to get better at using the powers of The Eye ?
Let's just hope that whatever they're plotting to get Elias will actually work. I'd be much more satisfied if the guy was to simply die, but I guess not everyone is up for murder yet ?
Which is. You know. Fair.
"Then I guess I’ll see you in hell."
Tim's trauma, as well as the death flags he raises.
Oh, he is so not going to survive past this season, is he ?
We finally got Tim's story and I am worried, because he never wanted any of this and history is just repeating itself at this point. God, does he even have anyone left to lose to The Stranger before it takes him ?
Of course not. Even the friends he had somehow managed to make ended up neck deep in all that supernatural bullshit.
I miss Joe Spooky man. He was cute.
 "How can unspeakable carnage become so tired and repetitive?"
Oh great. More war statements.
And I mean that unironically, those are somehow always the most beautiful ? You know, when compared to all the pain, and slaughter and violence.
It is a nice contrast.
Anyway, Jonathan went on a world trip in the steps of Gertrude, and found himself in China, where he actaully can understand other languages and not just read it in the statements.
I wonder if he can make himself understood the same way, or if Xiao Ling just understood what he was saying because she speaks english too. Considering Jonathan didn't even notice she wasn't talking english with him by the end, it makes sense if he could somehow.
Onto the statement itself, was the concept this time The End, I wonder. Doesn't sound like it. Surely there are more concepts born out of the fears of humankind that touches upon the concept of death, right ? And they all must interact sdifferently with it.
Well, that is if it's how it works, anyway. Could be that they existed forever and human's fear were shaped after them ?
Why only human's though ? Like, why not a mosquitoe or something ?
Imagine, The Clapping, the concept of being smashed by a humongous hands reaching out of nowhere.
Anyway, next is America !
Wonder if we'll get more werewolves when there.
The quote of the post will be :
"I have nothing left, except to hope that what remains of my own life is neither long nor memorable."
End Liveblogging.
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returnn-of-the-mac · 4 years
Can you do a companions + others to sole being a murderer
Hope ya’ll like them reacts where 85% of the companions hate your guts— cuz this is one of them! Please enjoy! 😊
FO4 Companions (+Others) React: Sole Being a Murderer
Sole and their companion were on their way to Salem when the pair decided to camp out for the night.
At some point in the wee hours of the morning [companion] woke up parched. As they were crawling over to the supply stash, they noticed Sole was missing and heard some commotion beyond the bushes they were sleeping behind.
[Companion] peeked over the shrubbery and witnessed...what appeared to be Sole harassing a pair of innocent settlers. They watched in horror as the duo pled for their lives.
“Please,” the man stated, “Just let my daughter and I go. You can have anything. ANYTHING. Y-you can even take our Brahmin!”
Sole smirked and held out their hand, as if to make a deal, but suddenly drew a blade and sliced the unsuspecting trader’s throat.
“Dad!” A younger woman yelled,. She angrily turned her attention to Sole, drawing her gun, “You killed him, you asshole!”
Sole quickly dashed over to the woman and slit her throat as well.
That’s when [companion] emerged from their hiding spot.
Nick: You monster! How could you do that to innocent people? [draws gun] Turn yourself in, kid. I don’t want this to get ugly.
MacCready: Theft is one thing, but murder? That’s low. I can’t just stand by and let it happen. If you’re going to continue to off people, then you’re gonna haveta find a new traveling buddy.
Hancock: Who the fuck do you think you are? Deciding who gets to live and who doesn’t? That’s the kinda playin God typa shit that I stand against [pulling knife] You best get the fuck out of here, punk. And don’t speak to me ever again.
Curie: ‘ave you no shame? No morals? ‘ow could you be zo cruel to a young woman and ‘er father. You’re be’avior ees truly despicable. I don’t know eef I can travel wiz you anymore, [Madam/Monsieur]!
Codsworth: What has this cold world done to you, [sir/mum]? I...I can’t be a part of this. I’m going back to the house in Sanctuary. Please, just don’t visit, and don’t speak to me ever again.
Strong: Human kill other human, good. But these human no try to hurt us! Bad! Not finding milk, human!
Cait: Shite! Thanks for the early mornin entertainment, darlin [kneeling next to females corpse and snagging a locket] [holding it out to Sole] This oughtta be worth somethin, ye?
Ada: You’re no better than the robots who killed my friends, [sir/ma’am]...
Longfellow: Murderin innocents, huh? You’ve really decided to stoop that low. You know who else kills innocents? Raiders, Trappers, Children of Atom, animals. You’re no better than them. I’m going back to the harbor. Don’t follow me.
Piper: How could you that!? That was so...so cold! So brutal! So...heartless! I can’t stand by you anymore. I’m leaving, Blue!
Gage: Ha! Nice one, boss! Don’t forget to loot em! We need all the caps we can get round these parts.
Mags: I commend your brutality, however, maybe you should reserve your energy for the murders of settlers who may...[shoots a disgusted sideways glance at the corpses of the traders]...actually be worth something.
Mason: OOOooHooO! Now THAT is some Pack behavior that I like to see! You’re an animal!
Nisha: Now’s the fun part [chuckling] Dissecting them.
Deacon: Was that supposed to be some kinda joke, because it wasn’t funny. I trusted you to guide the Railroad, and this is who you really are. Des was right. Don’t ever come back. You’re dead to us.
Desdemona: I knew it. I could tell just by speaking you that there was something off. You’ve violated our trust. You can no longer be a part of our organization. Leave immediately. You’re no longer welcome here.
Danse: [infuriated; laser rifle drawn] The hell was that!? I should have known you were a callous killer based on your behavior. How could I have been so naïve? We’re done.
Maxson: The Brotherhood strictly prohibits senseless murder. I don’t know if this behavior is PTSD related or not, but you need help, Knight. Unfortunately, because of your actions, I am going to have to terminate you from the Brotherhood. Please, gather your belongings and vacate the Prydwen immediately.
Preston: [hurt; betrayed] So the General of the Minutemen is a cold blooded killer? History really does repeat itself. [Name], I’m leaving. And you’re not welcome back to any of our checkpoints. You’re not a Minuteman; you’re a monster.
Sturges: I thought you were better than this, General. Reckon I totally misjudged ya that first day we met. Damn shame, too.
X6-88: [crossing arms] Acting on the impulse to murder innocents is while we’re in the Commonwealth, [sir/ma’am], but please refrain from this behavior against our kind. Exterminating surface dwelling trash is acceptable, but harming any Institute personal will result in execution.
Father: A murderer? That’s hardly commendable. You’re no better than the animalistic surface dwellers we despise. That is unless, you only limit your killings to the people of the Commonwealth.
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transformationstuck · 5 years
Commission work based on the old Milf Mag fics, but now with John as the focus.
“Roxyyyyyy!” John yelled, crying out into the whitespace nothingness he found himself in, “You left your overvoided junk on my desk again! Again, Roxy!”
This wasn’t the first time Roxy had overcharged her void powers and left the results around for John to find. T-shirts, cabinets, boxes of cereal… the common thread between them seemed to be that they were so full of Void that they would try to fill themselves with whoever tried to interact with them. Well, except Roxy, of course. And so John had found himself wearing or trapped inside of various items in ways that ranged from amusing to infuriating.
And this one was definitely the latter. For starters, he couldn’t see shit, and his attempts to wiggle around and punch a hole through the off-white surface before him were being met with so much resistance he could almost swear he wasn’t moving at all.
Where the hell was this? He'd just been trying to clean the place up and hadn't really been watching what he was doing. Had he bumped Roxy's mattress and gotten stuck inside that thing? It would explain the whiteness, and maybe how restricted his movements felt, and the surface he was up against certainly felt like fabric, but something about it just didn't feel right.
 But before John could put any more thought into his situation, a familiar voice came ringing out in a very familiar tone, "Oh Joooooohn... you hooooome~?"
The slight purr in her voice was unmistakable. Roxy was horny as fuck. Scooooooore!
As long as Roxy doesn't laugh at his situation so much that she kills the mood. But even with that in mind, John needed her help, so he let out what he hoped was a manly plea for assistance.
W... Why couldn't he speak? He was speaking before, right? But now it felt like he couldn't even move his mouth! That was bad! He tried his hardest to kick and flail for attention, but again his entire body felt rigid and unmoving.
John could hear Roxy approach, but it didn't seem like she could see his attempts to wiggle for attention, "Boy Howdy I sure do feel like getting fucked by a strapping young lad and his big ol' donger!" Roxy called with absolutely no attempt to make it sound erotic. Damn, she knew just how to push his buttons!
"Haaaah... Oh wellllll." Went Roxy, and John felt the surface below him move as he heard the sounds of blankets being tossed abouy above him. But just as it seemed like his mattress theory was about to be confirmed, John suddenly saw everything in front of him suddenly moving in one great big blur of colour.
He'd meant to say 'Roxy', but once again his voice failed him.
Where the hell could be possibly be that would allow him to see Roxy perfectly, while unable to be seen in turn? And, more importantly, why did it make her look so HUGE?
He watched nervously as Roxy slowly slipped herself under the covers, bringing her hand up to her mouth to give her finger a lick. Even John's face felt weirdly restricted as he tried to raise his eyebrow in confusion, but thay confusion didn't last much longer as her she reached out towards him and pressed her finger on the side of his face. He was glad he still had his glasses on to protect his eyes, as her massive finger squished right up against his face, adhering him to her as she gave her hand a flick.
John knew that weird habit of hers. Roxy was reading! She always found it a little gross when she read like that, but it was far worse when it was being pressed right into his face.
He just hoped this was a good book!
 As the page fell, John's eyes were treated to an entirely new world. He could still see Roxy in his peripheral vision, but now he was looking out towards what looked like some kind of black-and-white college campus... was he in a manga? Did he look like a handsome anime boy right now? No, that was a dumb thought! He needed to get his ass back into the real world!
"Roxy!" He called, relieved that he could talk again, "I'm in here! You left your stuff full of void again!"
Roxy did not respond, instead turning her head away from him. John's attempt to cry out 'noooooo!' silenced like his earlier attempts at talking. Fortunately, a sudden shift in his perspective granted him a chance to learn why. Once again he was facing outward, and he could just barely see himself on the opposite page, a pair of speech bubbles filled to the brim with text, though there was something decidedly off about the text that John just couldn't quite make out from this angle.
At least he seemed to have another speech bubble in this panel, and he quickly made his plea, "Rox! I'm stuck in this dumb book, you--"
John felt a sudden pain in the side of his head as his perspective shifted again. His vision was skewed as one of his eyeballs felt like it shrunk and the other grew, and he could see action lines all around himself.
"My apologies, John-kun."
John felt like he was falling, his feet weren’t even touching the floor… no, they didn’t even seem to exist right now, as his waist eventually gave way to whiteness as it reached what must have been the edge of the page. But that wasn’t what his character was paying attention to at all, for it seemed that he was stuck in a panel where he was looking up at a tall, handsome anime fella… and blushing so much his face felt like it was cooking.
“Th-Th-Thank you?” He stuttered, even though he didn’t really feel like he should’ve been stuttering at all. It would be kind of ridiculous to be nervous about this encounter, this guy wasn’t real! He was fictional! Though… he was holding onto John with an arm around his back while their hands touched. Kind of a weird way to stop someone from falling, it didn’t even feel like a pose they could’ve gotten into from how they bonked heads. All the while, he could hear Roxy giggling.
Yeeeeeah, John had a pretty good idea what kind of story this was now, “Roxy! I don’t wanna be a part of your stupid dumb yaoi manga!” He cried, albeit now he was in a new panel where he was standing up incredibly straight, and could feel puffs of steam coming out of his ears. It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, but he really hoped she’d turn the page soon, “I’m not even gay, Roxy!”
John’s comment apparently fell on deaf ears, as once again Roxy licked her finger and flicked the page over. He was sitting now. Great, a classroom scene. What thing was he in for here? Once again he couldn’t talk, it must have been an establishing shot, but he very quickly transitioned into the next scene, with him staring at the door at… he wanted to sigh… ‘senpai’. That handsome man was walking into room, absolutely surrounded by sparkles and flowers and rose petals.
“Oh, John-kun. I didn’t realise you were taking this class.” He said, though it was weird, because he didn’t exactly have a voice, yet John always had odd memories of him speaking, “Try not to be too naughty, okay?”
Roxy giggled. John just grumbled back, “You… do know I’m not a homosexual, right?” He asked, hoping his sarcasm would be properly conveyed. Goddammit he wished he could half-lid his eyes right now, but instead they were wide open and staring. Worse, it felt like his heart was racing in his chest. He could just barely make out lines on the side of his chest, just over his heart. Why did Roxy have to be into this stupid romantic shoujo bullshit?
John felt his scene transition again, and found a chance to speak as his ‘senpai’ took a seat next to him, “Look… You’re probably not even real, but I’m just waiting for my girlfriend to--" But John was suddenly interrupted as Roxy turned over the page, and he found himself staring face to face with senpai, uncomfortably close to his big, round eyes, “W-Woah, h-hey! You seem nice and a-all… f-fucking, this stuttering isn’t me! I-I’m just flustered because I’m being drawn this way!”
No response. John had to imagine that the guy was stuck saying whatever the original script said, just with John’s name replacing whatever the original protagonist’s name was. But even though he wasn’t talking, and John’s attempts to speak were being prevented, the two lingered on for several more panels, just staring at one-another as John began to notice more and more details in his eyes. Though with every extra line and sparkle added to his irises, John felt more and more of himself being cut away. It didn’t hurt, but he kept feeling less and less of himself, chopped away by the panel border and leaving him as just a disembodied head… then face… then eye. It was a good thing he was already drawn with shuddering lines, because that’s exactly what he wanted to do.
And then once again John and his character matched perfectly. His eyes widened in shock as senpai’s lips met his. His entire face felt warm again, steam emitting from all sides as his glasses comically cracked. He wanted to scream at Roxy, to tell her to turn the page, because he was stuck feeling so many over-the-top emotions that he couldn’t even pinpoint them all! But no, Roxy just seemed enamoured with the scene. From the corner of his eye John could see Roxy’s excited face, and while normally that’d be enough to make him instantly forgive all her crimes, right now he just wanted out of the kiss, and out of the book!
 Thankfully, John eventually got his wish. In fact, Roxy was even kind enough to skip over a few pages, which John was sure had character development galore. As Roxy flicked through, John tried to find relief from the extreme sensations he’d felt, though it was made a bit hard as John was occasionally made to spend a few seconds or more stuck in odd positions, such as underneath senpai’s desk, ostensibly reaching for a pencil, only to instead notice a… uh… SIZEABLE bulge in the dude’s pants. It even had extra lines to emphasize just how big it was! God, why did he have to be dating a pervert? …And why was that pervert spending so long on this one panel! Big dicks had no appeal to him, except maybe in the hypothetical world where he had one himself!
“Mmmmmngh…” Roxy groaned, and John recognised the sound. Wow. That girl gets herself horny super easily, he thought. It seemed like she was turned on by the mere idea of handsome anime dick. He wished real dick had the same effect on her, that’d be fun.
The fun of imagining that idea proved an entertaining distraction, so distracting, in fact, that John didn’t even notice the subtle differences in the scene transition. No longer was he just staring at the guy’s cock… he was grabbing it!
“Goddammit Roxy!” He shouted, mentally slapping himself as he realised that he’d wasted the panel’s only text box.
“J-John-kun…” Went senpai, the next panel making John want to wretch as he saw a close up of his own hand pulling down that zipper. A feeling made worse when he realised he couldn’t even feel his own head in that shot, just a disembodied hand.
Aaaaand fwlomp! An absolutely massive cock fell out of senpai’s pants, and slapped itself down on John’s face, some unscrupulous fluids already trickling down onto his brow. “Gross gross gross gross gross groooooss… I-I hate dick!” He cried, desperate to pull away or push the thing off his face.
“Hee… hah…” Roxy giggled a bit as she panted. Her body and the entire world John was in were bouncing around. She was masturbating, and this was hentai. That realisation might have been more devastating to John if not for the fact he was already bringing the uncensored cock down to his lips, his pursed lips pressing against it and forcing him to taste the salty bitterness of pre-cum.
“Turn the page, Roxy, oh please, turn the page!” John cried, not sure how his character was meant to be talking right now, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to NOT be doing the gay thing right now and--
“HRRRCK!” John’s throat was static, but the sensation of constantly trying to force out some ten inches of manmeat from his gullet was constant. It was like he was permanently at the most intense part of having his gag reflex triggered, trying to push out the thing in his throat, even though he never could.
“Wow… John-kun… your throat is truly special…” Senpai sighed, his crotch squashed up against John’s nose.
“Mmnnn… Nnnngh…” For a moment John had thought senpai was the one moaning, until he realised that the sounds were coming from Roxy! “Nnnghh… c-cock’s too small…” She whined. John wanted to roll his eyes, this thing was already making his eyes roll back, both in the art and mentally, so calling it too small was ridiculous.
…Or it would have been, had Roxy not shown John just how big a cock could really get by bringing out a pen and adding in several crude lines in several quick strokes. What had been a small bump in his throat was now as wide as the rest of his neck, and he was made to feel the cock inside of him suddenly bloat up to match, even if it didn’t quite match with its width in his mouth. And then she made sure to go the extra mile by adding in a ballooned out belly, which was made to feel like it was rumbling and sloshing about as Roxy’s hand was made unsteady by her own pleasure.
If John wasn’t just a drawing right now, there was no way he could’ve survived all that, especially not with Roxy keeping her eyes on the panel for a minute straight as she played around with herself beneath the sheets.
When she finally moved on and John was finally moved on to a scene that was merely humiliating, he almost felt like he was in heaven.
“S-Sorry, John-kun… please take my semen bath…” Came Senpai’s melodic, weirdly disembodied voice.
“D-D-Don’t mention it.” John stuttered, this time not because of the character, “J-Just don’t, nngh… t-tell my girlfriend…” He joked, completely and utterly dazed after that last experience.
“No… John-kun… I want you to understand…” Senpai said, leaning in close to give John an unexpected hug, one that he desperately needed after the foot-wide cock he’d just had in his throat, “I… I love you.”
“S-Senpai, th-that’s…” John gasped, feeling his blush get intense again, “th-that’s ridiculous… y… you’re fictional and also not really my type. I-I’m just not… i-interested in--”
“BOH-RING!” Roxy chimed, and gave the page another few flicks. John braced himself for the worst as he prepared himself for something horrible.
“MNNNNNNYAAAARGH!” He screeched. Yep, there was something in his ass! He could feel senpai’s body over his, clutching him in a weirdly protective way, but it wasn’t enough to distract from the sheer pain of his virgin asshole being filled with a ten inch cock!
Or… oh no… “R-Roxy… please… I-I’m not gay… p-please don’t make him bigger again… p-please!” He begged, feeling as Roxy’s pen pressed into his skin, and started to drift upwards. It didn’t feel of anything, not yet. It was still just a line for now, but then she drifted to the side, adding in some bumps here and there before making her way back down again. The moment her pen was off the paper, John felt like he was going to burst, for Roxy had just added a cock-shaped bulge to his stomach that reached up almost all the way to his chin, made to feel even bigger thanks to the poor perspective on Roxy’s art.
“J-John-kun… t-tell me you love me…” Came senpai’s soothing voice, not that John cared over the overwhelming sensations of feeling himself being so ludicrously penetrated. Roxy even had to humiliate him by adding tiny little spurts of his own cum shooting out of his dick. It was a merciful relief, but it only pushed the problem further by adding yet more overwhelming sensations to the mix!
John was trapped in the middle of the most intense and yet pathetic orgasm he’d had in his life. He’d never cum from something like this before, his poor prostate the victim of two or more feet of leg-thick cock. It made it hard to think, and all he could do was try to focus on the sense of his own ridiculous pleasure to block out the sensation of being stretched to the extremes.
John momentarily felt hopeful. Roxy’s orgasm squeal was unmistakeable. But the idea she’d free him from this mess was dashed as she watched Roxy’s body teeter about, the girl attempting to put the comic away, but instead just leaving it down on her pillow, her head landing on one page as John endured his fate on the one next to it.
How could things get worse than this?
That was how. With a great big inhale, Roxy pulled the pages up onto her face, skipping back a few pages.
“S-Sorry, John-kun… please take my semen bath…”
John gagged as he once again felt copious amounts of spunk all over him, this time properly tasting the semen in his mouth that he’d not really noticed when coming off the heels of having his throat stuffed.
“Wow… John-kun… your throat is truly special…”
The feeling of his ridiculously overstretched throat was back! His big, rumbly belly made things feel like they were shaking, which only made things worse!
“No… John-kun… I want you to understand… I… I love you!”
Momentary comfort for John as he relived the hug, but only for a split second as Roxy began to exhale, flipping the pages all the way back to where they had just been.
“J-John-kun… t-tell me you love me…”
Senpai’s ridiculous cock was back inside John, and John was once again struck with an orgasm, or rather returned to one already in progress. It all happened so suddenly… from overfull asshole to an overfull throat and back again, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it but be happy that he at least got some momentary relief.
“Wow… John-kun… your throat is truly special.”
Back to choking…
“J-John-kun… t-tell me you love me.”
Back to cumming…
“S-Sorry John-kun… please take my semen bath…”
Back to being made into his senpai’s cumdump…
“Wow… John-kun…”
Throat. Again.
“T-Tell me you love me.”
There was no pattern to it. John was subject to the whim’s of Roxy’s snores. All he could do was look forward to his next orgasm. …And the occasional comforting hugs of his senpai.
“I-I do love you… senpai…”
  “Grubble Translate”
Roxy took a few intermittent snaps of the comic as she settled down in front of her laptop. Sure, she could spawn a yaoi doujin out of thin air, but apparently she was just straining causality a little too far to try and get one in English.
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sapphicscholar · 6 years
Chapter Text:
Monday dragged by at work. Maggie spent the first few hours trying and failing to write up a report about what had happened Saturday night, but she kept getting swept up in guilt over the fear in Scorcher’s voice that she so easily masked in condescension and anger. She wondered if Scorcher was being treated alright. The guilt quickly morphed into anger at Supergirl and the DEO. If she could have gotten a few more minutes, she knew she would have gotten Scorcher out of there. And, sure, okay, maybe she needed to pay a fine or something for all the damage. And maybe some amount of jail time was fair; after all, several people had gotten injured. But she deserved a trial. And a fair hearing. And a chance to find out who the men that had come for her were. And all that frustration burning in Maggie’s chest kept dragging her thoughts back to Alex Danvers and that frustrating spike of something she felt about her. Because, yes, there was anger. And annoyance. And maybe she didn’t hate Alex, but the woman infuriated her. But she also did something else to her…with the motorcycle ride spent curled around her back and the way her features had softened while she treated the burn on Maggie’s arm. And why had she even insisted on treating it? Why did she care? Maggie groaned, dropping her head to her desk. The slight hangover really wasn’t helping.
The afternoon went by even more slowly, and Maggie found herself willingly playing solitaire on her phone for a good chunk of time. Eventually the clock neared 6, and Maggie turned off her computer, pulling on the jacket she’d gotten back from Darla and stuffing her phone and keys into the pockets. She figured the weather was nice enough to wait outside, so she leaned up against the wall, watching the rows of cars whiz by. Once or twice she thought about yelling inside to get an on-duty officer out for a few people speeding enough to probably count as reckless driving, but she knew by the time they got someone out there, it’d probably be too late anyway.
Right at 6, a motorcycle turned off the street into the lot outside the precinct, pulling into one of the visitor parking spots. Maggie’s eyes traveled up the strong legs straddling the bike, the leather jacket zipped snugly around a toned upper body. And then she was pulling off her helmet and shaking out her hair, and Maggie was reminded of a very particular fantasy she had entertained a few too many times after being enamored by Dykes on Bikes at her first Pride.
When she noticed Alex staring back at her, Maggie forced herself to be an adult. A professional. An adult professional working with another adult professional in totally professional capacities. Also she still didn’t like Alex Danvers or her organization or her bullshit policies about aliens. But oh god, she was still staring, and now she hadn’t said anything. “Nice bike,” she forced herself to call out.
Alex mumbled her thanks, and Maggie forced her feet to move forward. “Mind walking?”
Alex shrugged, and Maggie started guiding them down the street, explaining that she’d had to adjust her plans a bit. It wasn’t that she’d really wanted to take Alex to the alien bar that night, but she had hoped to get her there at some point. Let her see that there were plenty of aliens who weren’t Supergirl but also weren’t criminals.
They made it through the awkward pleasantries and shrugged off comments about Darla before Alex brought up the forms. And Maggie knew they were the only reason that they were seeing each other, but she’d also sort of been enjoying the feeling of having someone she could pretend was a friend at her side after a breakup. Just two work buddies getting drinks and chatting. Still, Maggie promised she’d sign the agreements once they got inside. But then Alex made some comment about using the forms as a “bargaining chip” or some bullshit, like Maggie was really going to gamble away someone’s fucking life with her signature.
“Scorcher doesn’t deserve to spend the rest of her life locked up underground because she panicked. I’m not trying to fucking blackmail you.” The end came out more like a growl than anything else, and she watched as Alex seemed to shrink under the weight of it. Good.
“No! No, I—I was trying to make a joke. That’s all.”
Maggie bit back angry comments about all the jokes that weren’t funny. Alex looked genuinely apologetic, and, Maggie supposed, she had no way of knowing that she was poking at the very issue that had led to the breakup.
After several blocks spent walking in silence, Maggie cleared her throat and pulled open the door to P.J.’s. “Sorry. I’m not—even if it wasn’t that serious of a relationship, it’s never fun to get dumped.” Though at some point, she figured she would have to get used to it. Happened often enough. “I don’t mean to take it out on you.”
“You’re fine, really. But maybe—maybe I could buy the first round?”
“What? No. I’m doing this since you fixed up my arm. Which, I didn’t say it before, but thank you.”
Alex’s gaze fell as she busied herself with her coat. “Don’t mention it.”
“No, I mean it, really. You didn’t have to. Not like I was there as a part of your team or anything.” Not like a good number of the cops she worked with as an actual member of the team would have done half as much either.
The look of genuine confusion in Alex’s eyes floored Maggie. “You were hurt, though.” She said it like it was so straightforward, like there was never a situation in which someone wouldn’t immediately be taken care of when they were hurt.
“Not always that simple. But thanks.” Not wanting to let things get emotional, Maggie grabbed her wallet. “What can I get you?”
“Um, whiskey? Neat.”
Hmm. Not terrible taste for a fed. “On it.”
She strode up to the bar, finding Terrell behind the counter. “Hey, how’s it going?”
“Can’t complain. Sun’s out. Tips are pouring in.” He flashed Maggie a grin. “See you’ve got a new lady friend with you.”
“Shush, it’s not like that.”
“So is she available?” He wiggled his eyebrows, earning a light swat on the arm from Maggie.
“First of all, I don’t think she plays for your team. Second of all, she’s kind of an asshole.”
“Didn’t say I had to date her, Mags,” he teased. “But fine, fine. I’ll leave your team with their assholes. And, you know…you don’t have to date her either…”
Maggie laughed and rolled her eyes. “Just get her a whiskey, neat.”
“You want your usual?”
“Please,” Maggie whined, stretching the word out into multiple syllables.
“What’s up? Long day?”
“Long weekend.” Seeing the unasked question, she shrugged. “Got dumped.”
“All the more reason to, you know, not date her.”
Maggie laughed. “Considering we work together, I think it’d be a bad idea.”
“But bad ideas are always the most fun.”
“You know I’m a cop, yeah?”
“All the more reason to make bad choices in your free time.” He left Maggie to think on it as he got their two drinks ready.
“Keep the change,” Maggie said as she slid a few bills across the counter, picking up the two glasses and a food menu to bring back to Alex.
“This is for the good advice, right?” he yelled after her.
“I guess we can consider it a down payment for whenever you start thinking of some.”
She chuckled, listening to him let out a dramatic gasp from behind her. “You wound me!”
“You’ll live.”
By the time she got back to the table, she found she was in a much better mood, and she handed over the menu to Alex, making a few suggestions about food, only to be handed a stack of papers that looked as big as some of the books on her shelves. “Ya know, I kind of feel like I’m getting the shit end of the stick. I bring you a menu. You give me legal documents.”
Alex smiled, and Maggie silently congratulated herself on the decision to drag the agent out of an office. It definitely helped. “You’re just lucky I got you the short version.”
Maggie opened her mouth before shutting it again. “Actually, I don’t even want to know.” She ducked her head down, poring over the documents. Alex had at least gone through the trouble of flagging all the places she needed to sign, and Maggie skimmed through the text as much as she could. It all seemed pretty standard. Basically boiled down to: say nothing about our existence or else. Once she made it through signing the forms, she pushed them back across the table to Alex and steepled her hands in front of her. “Now Scorcher.”
“You already admitted she’s not a friend. Why does it matter so much to you?”
Maggie wanted to point out that she wasn’t a friend of Alex’s, but Alex had cared when she got hurt. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders. “Everyone deserves a fair chance at justice.”
“And what about justice for all the people she hurt? For all the people she could keep hurting?”
Even though Maggie got that argument more than a lot of the others, she didn’t want to simply concede the point. Not with Alex. Not with someone who she was fairly certain had never learned to think of aliens as fellow beings with feelings and fears and reasons for their actions that didn’t boil down to: must harm humans. “Danvers, she got scared. And no, she’s not…pleasant. She’s mean and jaded, but you know what? Someone made her that way.” Maggie thought back to the years she’d spent preemptively disliking most people she met after leaving Blue Springs. It had taken a whole lot of supportive mentors and friends and professors and coaches to convince her that not everyone would reject her and that maybe they deserved the benefit of the doubt sometimes. “She had to grow up being different, and people…people aren’t all that great to you when you’re different.” She couldn’t help but notice the way Alex grew quiet, her mouth twisting to the side. She wondered if maybe she’d hit on something there. Even if Alex had gotten a better coming out experience, she probably still dealt with some amount of bullshit along the way. Figuring she could hit home the point a little harder, Maggie leaned in a bit. “Growing up a non-white, non-straight kid in Blue Springs, Nebraska, I may as well have been an alien. Felt like one at least. People didn’t want to listen to me explain that those differences didn’t make me completely unrelatable. And after a while? You kind of learn not to try anymore.”
Alex’s voice was soft when she replied. “You’re not out there burning buildings down.”
“No.” No, she’d shut down instead. She’d learned her lesson about visibility at 14, and it took her a long time to learn that there could be a kind of power in the hypervisibility she sometimes had. “But I’m not exactly showing all my cards either.”
“And what about the others we have locked up in containment? They killed people, sometimes lots of people. They wanted Supergirl dead. They destroyed whole buildings and brought city blocks crumbling down around them.”
Ah, there it was. They’d threatened someone she cared about. There was the personal connection that always made these kinds of negotiations so much more difficult. Maggie wondered if maybe Alex had started dating Supergirl before joining the DEO… Where did someone even meet Supergirl? That would have been before she became Supergirl… Did Alex even know she was an alien the first time they met? Maggie shook her head. She’d dwell on those questions later. “I’m not saying every alien is good. But not all people are either. With people, though, for the most part we try to give them a chance. Aliens…not so much. Sure, Superman and Supergirl fly around and save people and look like the pretty white kids you went to high school with. But some of them don’t have the option to blend in, and we’re not exactly open to them when they don’t.”
That seemed to get to Alex, and she sank into a silence that felt more contemplative than uncomfortable.
After a few minutes, a waiter showed up with their food, and Alex pushed a basket of sweet potato fries into the middle of the table for sharing. Maggie couldn’t help but smile. Apparently one little comment about liking them was all it took for Alex to remember and do something thoughtful. As Maggie popped a slightly too hot fry into her mouth, she tried to puzzle out the woman sitting across from her currently stuffing a large burger into her mouth. She had seemed so easy to read at first. Hated aliens. Liked being in control. Didn’t like sharing. Thought she was better than everyone else. Major asshole. And Maggie was fairly certain a lot of those things were still true, but Alex also listened to everything Maggie said, even when she didn’t agree. And she cared enough to ask how Maggie was doing and make sure she had a Kevlar vest on and take her back to patch up her arm and buy her food that she liked.
After a few minutes, Alex started speaking again. Softly at first, as if she were still learning the feel of the words, figuring out what it was she wanted to say to Maggie. “My job—I see the worst of what aliens do. We don’t get calls to come see aliens hiding out or taking care of their kids or working shitty jobs. We get calls to pick up the ones out in downtown National City burning buildings to the ground or grabbing people off the streets or killing bank tellers over money.”
“I get it, I do. It’s easy to get jaded.” Hell, most of the cops were jaded. Maggie was jaded about plenty of things. “That—well, that's actually why I had wanted to take you to the other bar.”
Maggie nodded. “Just, I think it might do you some good to meet aliens who aren’t wreaking havoc on the city.” Aliens that weren’t Supergirl, Maggie thought to herself.
“Maybe once things blow over with the ex.”
“Maybe then, yeah.” And Maggie found that she hoped they would go. Because if Alex was willing to listen, if she was willing to consider why she thought certain things and interrogate that line of reasoning, then Maggie thought maybe she deserved a chance. Of course, she continued to push Alex about Scorcher, asking her about who was processing the case and what exactly the charges were and whether they had kept in mind the kind of conditions that Infernians normally lived in when thinking about the design of her cell.
By the time they were on a second basket of sweet potato fries, the conversation had shifted into other topics. Maggie learned that Alex, like herself, was a bit of a workaholic. She was close to her adoptive sister—like, weekly hang out sessions and game nights and phone calls and incessant texting levels of close. Sounded like maybe she didn’t have a ton of other friends, but Maggie understood that. Came with the job and the unpredictable hours. Plus, Alex didn’t exactly strike her as the type to go bounding out to social events and engage in idle chit-chat for hours to make new friends. There was definitely more going on beneath the surface that Alex wasn’t ready to divulge, but talk of abandoned dreams and changing life plans suggested something big that Maggie couldn’t quite put a finger on.
In turn, Maggie found herself talking about some of her favorite trips, even mentioning Emily, which was more than she’d done in her couple of months with Darla. They found out they had a mutual love of camping, and for a moment, Maggie swore Alex was flirting with her. The mix of emotions playing out across Alex’s face was hard to read, though, so Maggie let it drop.
From there, they talked more about Alex’s sister—Kara, apparently—and some of the books they’d been reading and shows they’d been watching. Maggie learned that Alex’s tastes skewed much more heavily into non-fiction than her own, but they had a few shows in common that they chatted about. Maggie mentioned that she was planning to try cooking some new things, and Alex admitted to being a lot lazier in the kitchen than she should be—preferring takeout most nights after getting back from work.
By the time they left, it was well after 9, and Maggie realized that, other than M’gann, she hadn’t had a friend—not a date, but a friend—who she could talk to like that in a long time. Not that she’d really call Alex a friend, but she thought maybe… It might be nice to have someone who understood when she had to duck out at the last minute for a case or nights when she wasn’t really up for anything more than watching shitty television and eating pizza after a particularly bad day. And maybe she could be that for Alex too; it sounded like she could use a friend outside of her sister.
Maggie realized she wasn’t quite ready for the night to end when they got back to the precinct. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jeans, her lips twitching slightly. “You, uh, you heading home?”
“I should really take these forms back to the office. Confidential information and all.” But she looked sort of disappointed when she said it, so Maggie took a bit of comfort in the knowledge that they’d both had a good time.
“Ah, true. Well, I guess…til next time?”
“Yeah. See you then.”
On Tuesday, after another quiet afternoon at work, Maggie found herself at home without much to do, scrolling through Alex’s Facebook page. Not that she could see much. It was really just a profile picture that she couldn’t even click on to enlarge and one or two photos she’d been tagged in by people with less strict privacy settings. She hadn’t liked any pages, nor had she listed any information about herself other than the birthday Maggie was fairly certain was required to get a page. It wouldn't surprise her to learn that it was fake.
Eventually Maggie navigated back to her own feed, scrolling through and liking things here and there. Some girl she’d played club softball with in college had a baby. Some other friend was engaged. Someone’s dog got a new toy. Another person had thoughts that needed to be shared about President Marsdin’s latest press conference.
Then there was an event co-sponsored by the LGBTQ Center. Some kind of doubles pool tournament to raise money for an ongoing fundraiser for the Coalition to End LGBTQ Youth Homelessness. Well that sounded right up her alley. She vaguely remembered Alex mentioning that she played pool. Maybe…
Refusing to overthink it, Maggie pulled out her phone and shot off a text: “Hey Danvers, I had a great time last night. Seem to remember you mentioning that you play pool…there’s a doubles tournament Thursday night. Any interest in teaming up outside of work?”
She tried not to look down every few seconds to see if a response had come through, but it was also stressful trying to make new friends, especially when they were friends who also kind of disagreed with each other on a fundamental level about certain issues at work. Things were…touchy.
Her nervous musings were interrupted by the damn smoke alarm. Again. Luckily the neighbor got it to stop pretty quickly. At a certain point, Maggie assumed the mystery blonde must have mastered the art of putting out stove fires in a matter of seconds. Should partner her up with Scorcher, Maggie thought to herself, letting out a little snort of laughter at the image.
A few minutes later, Maggie’s phone buzzed.
Alex: Sounds great. Send me the details?
Maggie: Awesome! Thursday night, 8pm at Nine Ball’s.
Alex: Perfect. Hope you’re good at pool bc I don’t plan on losing.
Maggie: Didn’t think you would.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
“You almost killed me, so no, it’s not nice to meet you.” (Because Kurt giving Kitty a terrible first impression and the two of them still becoming best friends is always something to look forward to.)
616 au.
@djinmer4 @niuniente @pudimazul269 @ohmygillygoshoppler @zoetekohana
“Remember, the mission, fuzzy?” Logan asked in a good humour as Nightcrawler and himself walk through the new school that Emma Frost infiltrated. The Nightcrawler, look he is merely walking in the park and not in a dangerous mission.
“Ja, defeat Emma Frost´s minion, return alive and drink beer, oh how is Emma Frost new lackey?” Kurt asked not caring that one of the guards run towards the opposite direction of the two X-men.
“A pretty young woman with hair” Logan huffed as a cigar is put in his mouth, like magic(the mighty Wolverine need cigar and beer to function), without a care in the world. After all, Emma Frost´s lackey all look the same “And I know Jeanie and Scott will bug if I don´t say this right away, no killing”
“That message is exclusive to you, mein Freund” and with a loud sound and brimstone smoke, Nightcrawler is gone and Wolverine decided to face one of the guards, a man can just smoke his cigar without having a mission to complete.
Meanwhile, Kitty Pryde is having a really bad day. Nancy Drew makes gives the impression that investigates on your own is easy when in reality is not. Emma Frost the new principal of this school clearly has evil plans for the students and Kitty, in a not so brilliant move, fall for the bait.
“Uhm, I can´t believe I was that stupid” she berates herself, there´s plenty of opportunities to give a proper smack on the face, once she is free from danger.
A loud roar is heard and one of the monsters spots Kitty is in for the kill, well, the kill is not as easy as the monster couldn´t touch the young woman.
“Fat chance asshole,” she said taunting the monster to try again and again. His claw didn´t manage to leave a single scratch on her, this infuriates the monster that proclaims a loud sound(Kitty interprets this as a: Fuck you) and more monsters show up. “Hey, can we just get along?”
The response was a big no, and another attack is formed, sadly, it was their last attack as Kitty in a fast (and not conscious way) ending up phasing their organs out. It wasn´t a pretty sight.
“Oh God,” she said a bit terrified of the outcome. The monsters now lay on the ground either dead or unconscious, Kitty hopes for the latter.
“God will not help you, schöne Frau” a German and new voice enter in the picture and Kitty looks for the source of, the hall is too dark and too creepy right now.
“What? Who are you and show yourself” Kitty muster all her bravado, she may be a fool for entering in Emma Frost´s schemes but she is not a coward and if this new monster wants to face her, then at least do it when Kitty can see him.
“ You´re ziemlich mutig I like this, is a shame that this is the side you choose” Now Nightcrawler is in the light carrying two swords and a dashing smile on his face “ Du bist hübscher als Emma, ich mag keine Blondinen”
Kitty Pryde can finally see his form, blue(his uniform is red) with a spandex tail, golden eyes(no pupil), the man is tall and has fangs. Another lackey of the White Queen?
“Blonde?” is all Kitty can say as Kurt start to attack, the Nightcrawler dash towards her teleporting time at the time, kitty can only phase and feel annoyed.
“Pretty brave of you attacking someone who can´t defend themselves,” she says angrily.
“You didn´t need a weapon to defeat them” Nightcrawler points to the monsters on the ground.
“Well, did you miss the part where they try to murder me or are you jealousy they come first?” Kitty phase through the hall, walls, looking anything as an improvised weapon, she reached an empty bottle of vodka and breaking easily, Kitty Pryde now has a homemade weapon.
Nightcrawler found her and the two are now facing each other, how a young woman with a broken bottle can face a man with two swords is open to interpretation.
“You are a very interesting foe, please, I don´t want to hurt you…and I don´t want to get hurt, tell me where is your boss is,” Kurt said kindly. Thinking that of all Emma´s lackey and minion, this one is the most interesting and out of the picture(the White Queen picture) he has ever meet.
“My boss? What are you talking about?”
“The White Queen” Kurt now explained patiently hoping for the outcome.
“WHAT? she is not my boss,” and before Kurt can say anything a new voice enters inside of their mind, Jean Grey decides that now is time to clear the confusion.
“Kurt, she is not with Emma Frost, her real lackey run away in the minute you and Logan arrive, this is Kitty Pryde, she has no connection with her plans. She is a mutant like us” Jean explained in their head and Kurt now looks chastised. Lowering his weapons the blue man looks clearly remorseful. “ By the way, she is the young woman Ororo was supposed to bring in next week”
“Ich entschuldige mich zutiefst für meine Taten, I made a terrible mistake,” Kurt said.
“Ah it happens, we all have that moment where you go, let me try to chop this person”
“Oh, I´m one of the X-men” a bit of clarification never hurt anyone.
“Ah, I see, I was supposed to meet you guys next week”
“Nice to meet you”
“No, You almost killed me, so no, it’s not nice to meet you. What is your name, anyway?” she said clearly peeved by the misunderstood.
“Kurt Wagner, and you?”
“Kitty Pryde and I didn´t like this meeting”
At the ending of the day, Logan was scowled by Jeanie and Scott for not give more details, Ororo wasn´t pleased that Kitty was almost cut in half and Kurt can´t believe he almost hurt an innocent. Their first meeting wasn´t spectacular but was memorable.
“ Hey, fuzzy elf,” Kitty speak still pouting “ why you thought I was her lackey?”
“Oh, she likes pretty woman and you are too pretty, but then again…she would never allow someone to prettier than her…so I should have noticed something was up”
“Are you trying to flatter me ?”
“I´m saying the truth”
“ Well, I forgive you just because you have better taste, but from now on, no more miscommunication,” she said in a final tone. Kurt nods, at the end of the day the X-men got a new member and a fun story to tell.
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GI Gundam Chapter 2: Hood Ornament Incident
Chapter 2: Hood Ornament Incident
Naturally, being on a motorcycle that can get at least 200 miles per hour, meant that it didn’t take long for Cobra Commander to return to the oil wells that the other Cobras were currently working at. He stopped the bike next to his personal helicopter, a refitted Aries II that he had recently acquired and refitted for his purposes. (Roughly the size of a Russian Mi-26 helicopter) It was formerly a cargo helicopter prototype “stolen” from WEI. It was armored and not without a bristling array of weaponry to protect itself and it’s cargo. When the three came back from making sure the tank GI Gundam guys stayed safe, they would load his Lu into the bird. /The eight GI Gundams are still in position where we left them, no doubt now wondering what had become of their tanks./ Deathscythe murmurs in Cobra Commander’s left ear. “Meaning I won a good fight but the battle isn’t over.” Cobra Commander mutters and sighs as he heads over to where Storm Shadow and the other Cobras were working. Storm Shadow looks up as Cobra Commander approaches. “Cobra Commander.” “Now don’t act all surprised to see me. Are those grunts done yet? Because here in a little while, we are going to be done whether they are done or not.” Cobra Commander says. “They are just putting in the last pieces now.” Storm Shadow replies. “Good.” Cobra Commander says as he looks off towards his left shoulder, right at the sand dunes that the GI Gundam guys were hiding.
“Does he know we are here?” Heero asks no one in particular as he felt more than saw Cobra Commander’s gaze as if the man were staring straight at him. /If he does, he has something that none of our intelligence knows about./ Wing Zero responds as if he were asked. “You think he might have an A.I. helping him like you, Marquise and Chang have?” Breaker asks. “I hope not but that may be it. It’s the only plausible explanation.” Heero says. “Wing, try to see if you can’t make contact, if anything to see if he does have an A.I. on his side.” /Affirmative./ Wing Zero responds before doing as told.
/They are trying to contact me, or at least trying to see if I exist, should I respond?/ Deathscythe asks, if the A.I. could (by most scientists opinions was impossible) he almost sounded curious. Cobra Commander knew that Deathscythe was indeed curious, of all A.I.s, Deathscythe seemed the only one capable of learning and replicating emotions that were said to be impossible to be shown by any computerized artificial life form. “Ma çawa tu wê, dikare bibe kêfxweşî.”1 Cobra Commander murmurs under his breath, while still looking at the sand dunes. /Identify yourself or prepare to be neutralised./ Deathscythe informs Wing Zero, while enabling Cobra Commander to hear, who had to cover his laugh with a sudden coughing fit, which gained odd looks by Storm Shadow and the other Cobras. “Min nexwest pir ew ku rê wateyê ne.”2 Cobra Commander mutters under his breath as he tries to get his breathing back to normal. He turns on the others, “Get back to work. I want to be done sometime this century!” He snarls. The other Cobras stop gawking and hurriedly go back to doing what they were doing. Storm Shadow simply shrugs and shakes his head. No one understood Cobra Commander’s antics most of the time…. On a good day. /This is Wing Zero, A.I. of Heero Yuy, lieutenant of the GI Gundam forces./ Wing Zero responds which Deathscythe helpfully patched to the speaker in Cobra Commander’s right ear. “Ah good… then you can tell him that it would be best if he goes back, collects the tank operators and leaves while some of you still have your prides intact. Or, come and lose all dignity as they know it.” Cobra Commander cheerfully responds to Wing Zero. It would not be the last time Wing Zero was heard to make a squawk of surprise similar to the sound of a metal car door needing oiling makes when opening. And it would always be because of either Cobra Commander or Deathscythe. Cobra Commander flinches at the sound. /At least I don’t make such an undignified sound./ Deathscythe proudly proclaims. “No, yours don’t hurt my ears.” Cobra Commander says. /Identify yourself./ Wing Zero growls. /I am Scythe, A.I. to Cobra Commander, whom you squawked at./ Deathscythe informs, though not using the full name that he always went by. Cobra Commander had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at this exchange. He moved himself around to where the Cobras working were between himself and where he knew the GI Gundams to be, to give him room and time to maneuver when needed, which would be soon now that the lieutenant’s A.I. had hailed them. “If they surrender now, it would be so much easier on them in the long run.” Cobra Commander informs Wing Zero helpfully. /Implausible. We hold the greater numbers./ Wing Zero informs them. /Held, the correct verb form is held. The tanks have been commandeered./ Deathscythe helpfully informs Wing Zero. Cobra Commander kept his eyes on Storm Shadow during this exchange, when Storm Shadow tensed, he knew the GI Gundam guys were coming. Sure enough, he noticed eight figures cresting the sand dune where they had been hiding, yelling “You are all under arrest.” Guns out but uselessly pointed upwards. As the Cobras went for their own weapons, Cobra Commander’s shouts his own orders. “Aim to disable, if any of them dies, you’ll pay with your own lives.” All of the Cobras knew he meant it. And then it became a clusterfuck…. The Cobras dodged behind empty oil drums or large equipment. Storm Shadow and Cobra Commander dodged and went behind a nearby forklift. “If you kill one, I will kill you, but I don’t have anything to worry about with you now do I?” Cobra Commander asks Storm Shadow before leaving the forklift to get closer to the GI Gundams. It was then that Cobra Commander ended up face to muzzle with a Glock, Heero Yuy being the one with the Glock. “You should be careful with that, giving your enemy a weapon like that lovely Glock.” Cobra Commander cheerfully states, putting his hands up. “I am not giving it to you.” Heero Yuy says. “Sure you are.” Cobra Commander says brightly, his left hand pushing the muzzle aside even as his right pushed against Heero’s wrist, twisting the gun until it was knocked from Heero’s grasp and into Cobra Commander’s. Which took all of a second or two. “See, you gave me this shiny new gun.” Cobra Commander says cheerfully, even as he moves the gun to make it eject it’s mag…. Which pinged off of Heero’s forehead, which Cobra Commander aimed for. Heero swung at Cobra Commander’s head with a right hook, which Cobra Commander dodged by moving backwards on spry feet. Cobra Commander racks the slide of the Glock and points it to the ground to shoot the round in the chamber harmlessly into the sands. Heero swings around with a one eighty kick with his right leg, Cobra Commander leans back and laughs as if he is playing limbo before springing back upright. Almost like one of those inflatable punching clown toys that would spring back up after you punched it. Cobra Commander was happily starting to dismantle Heero’s gun while dodging Heero’s attacks for the fun of it…. Which served to infuriate Heero more, which helped Cobra Commander’s purposes greatly. Cobra Commander dodges Heero’s low left kick by doing a hands free backflip, as his hands were busy. Cobra Commander’s right hand pulled the slide back slightly while his left grabbed the slide and pressed the slide release buttons on both sides pulling the slide, assembly and barrel from the frame. When he lands on his feet, Cobra Commander throws the frame of the Glock at Heero, hitting Heero square in the chest. Heero growls, “Stop taking it apart!” “Nope, no can do, error, does not compute.” Cobra Commander laughs and teases as Heero launches at him again. The GI Gundams were already in the process of being tied up, they were all out numbered four to one and Storm Shadow promised no harm should they just drop their weapons and surrender. “Even I know not to touch Heero’s guns.” Barricade says, “And they think I’m the crazy one among us.” “Our Cobra Commander is just barely on this side of batshit crazy. Hence the taking out of your three tanks with only some explosives and an H2R motorcycle.” Storm Shadow informs them. “Are you sure he is on this side of batshit?” Breaker asks. “There are many times that we wonder.” A Cobra grunt states with a shake of his head. They all watch the two commanding officers fight. Cobra Commander lands a high snapping front kick to Heero’s sternum that causes Heero to stumble back, gasping for air, as the recoil spring assembly pings off of his forehead. Heero growls again and rushes at Cobra Commander, only to have Cobra Commander drop to the ground and trip him, causing Heero to fall to the sands in a sprawl. Both were back up within seconds, and the barrel pinging off of Heero’s forehead a moment later. “You are going to pick up the pieces, clean them thoroughly and put it back together.” Heero orders with a growl. “Make me.” Cobra Commander challenges with a laugh, bouncing the slide off of Heero’s chest. Heero launches at Cobra Commander… grappling with him, causing them to go over the sand dunes that the GI Gundams had been hiding behind. Heero and Cobra Commander traded kick for kick and punch for punch as they went up and over the sand dunes, still trading blow for blow as they tumbled down the other side. When they landed… Cobra Commander was perched on Heero’s back both panting for breath as Cobra Commander was looking at the Leo with a unseen but wicked expression on his face. He gave Heero a grazing punch across Heero’s left temple which dazed Heero a little, which was what Cobra Commander was after. Cobra Commander then lifts Heero off the sands and deposits him, not very gently onto the hood of the nearest Leo and starts to tie Heero’s wrists to the side view mirror, and Heero’s ankles to the bumper, causing Heero to be spread-eagled on the hood of the Leo. “Who knew GI Gundam Lieutenants made such great hood ornaments!” Cobra Commander exclaims with a laugh. Heero shook his head to get out of the daze he was in and glares at Cobra Commander. “Release me this instant!” “How about, No… does No work for you?” Cobra Commander mocks. “You will untie me right now.” Heero growls. “And I don’t even get a please…. Where are your manners, your mother would be so disappointed in you.” Cobra Commander chides. Heero glares at Cobra Commander, who take the opportunity to really look at Heero. And he actually liked what he saw. Heero Yuy, glaring his infamous death glare with those prussian blue eyes. Cobra Commander wondered if Heero styled his chocolate colored hair or if Heero’s was naturally doing whatever it liked. Cobra Commander purred, yes purred. Who knew that the GI Gundam had such tasty looking men? It made him almost surrender just to beg to join GI Gundam, almost. But it was too much fun to have those prussian blue eyes glaring death at him. He checked the ropes that now held his growling captive spread-eagled on the hood of one of GI Gundam’s own Leo Humvees, making sure they were tight but not too tight. And this was what Storm Shadow ended up seeing as he came up over the sand dunes to see what the end result of the battle happened to be. “Come now, Lover, don’t be mad.” Cobra Commander teased. “We know you like it.” “Omae O Korosu.” Heero growls. “Tsk tsk, I hardly see how that punishment would fit the crime. Besides… at least I let you keep your bodysuit on. And we know that you appreciate that. Now say ‘Thank you, Cobra Commander, for letting me keep my dignity’.” “Fuck you.” Heero spits out. “Ah… no… but fucking you might be fun… but your rescuers should arrive in about 30 minutes or so and I would want to savor that body of yours.” Cobra Commander chuckles. “See you later, Lover.” Cobra commander purrs as he leaves, Storm Shadow follows him, but not before giving Heero an apologetic look. /You are so weak!/ Nataku berates Storm Shadow, sounding too much like his long dead wife, Meilin, whom he had joined GI Gundam in memory of. /The idiot’s back is to you and you won’t man up and strike!/ He had his reasons, primarily that Cobra Commander wasn’t the head of the 'snake’ so to speak. Cobra Commander was simply the fangs… there were others who lead the Cobra organization and GI Gundam needed to know who before they could do anything about it. Storm Shadow slapped his right ear, sending reverberations back to Nataku. /I think Storm Shadow is having problems with his own A.I. He just slapped his right ear for what seemed to be no reason./ Deathscythe informs Cobra Commander. “Is there something wrong with your right ear, Storm Shadow?” Cobra Commander asks, back still to Storm Shadow. /How does he do that?/ Nataku asks, echoing Storm Shadow’s thoughts. “I am fine, Cobra Commander.” Storm Shadow replies. “If you say so, Storm Shadow.” Cobra Commander sounded anything but convinced. Cobra Commander checked to make sure his beloved H2R Lu was loaded into his waiting helicopter before he climbed into it. Storm Shadow climbed in behind, as Cobra Commander was checking on the progress of the retrieval of the tanks that he had single-handedly captured. He frowned, though outwardly, people would only see his eyebrows crinkle together which could have easily been overlooked. Cobra Commander saw it though. Once they were in the air, seated side by side because Cobra Commander would never let Storm Shadow out of his hearing or sight if he could help it, Cobra Commander seemed to relax. Because he did relax, after a reassuring whisper from Deathscythe giving an /All clear, no one has bugged our bird. You may now speak freely without the walls having ears./ “It was either take the tanks, or let the grunts beat and kill the GI Gundam troops. Which would you prefer, you cannot have both. It is a fine fucking line, and I am sure you would agree with me… better to take the tanks than to watch the GI Gundam troops get murdered. Especially that new hood ornament, that would have been a shame, if he were to have been killed.” Cobra Commander speaks quietly but with a smug purr in his voice in mentioning the state they had left Heero Yuy in. “You know that I could easily inform our superiors on what you are doing.” Storm Shadow says, without betraying the surprise he felt over the fact that Cobra Commander had just admitted to choosing to keep the GI Gundam men safe. There was no reason why Cobra Commander couldn’t have stolen the tanks and let the GI Gundam men get beaten and killed. Yet he had chosen to take the tanks and ordered his men to let the GI Gundam men alone, tied up, awaiting rescue in both locations by other GI Gundam forces. /What is he playing at?/ Nataku asked, mirroring Storm Shadow’s thoughts, Storm Shadow was glad to know that he wasn’t the only one baffled by Cobra Commander’s words and actions. Cobra Commander was even defying Nataku’s logic circuits. “Hmm… you could. But then I would have to reveal that you are not as you seem. And you are not as you seem now are you, Chang Wufei?” Cobra Commander asks, with a clear smirk in his voice and probably on his face under his hood and mask. Storm Shadow Wufei felt as if he had just broken into a cold sweat. “Oh, don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. For now. I have my own reasons and my own agenda. Getting caught by GI Gundam would hamper those reasons and agenda. But sending one undercover GI Gundam under the bus would not be unconscionable, if I absolutely had to. But we can keep each other safe, for now. Meaning, don’t get in my way and don’t think to get me killed by revealing my secrets to the scientists unless you are wanting to commit suicide.” Cobra Commander warns with a very deadly serious voice, his amber eyes also conveying that deadly serious message. “I will not say anything… for now.” Storm Shadow Wufei says. “That will do.” Cobra Commander says with a nod, turning his attention to a data pad he pulls from one of his many secreted pockets of his outfit. Storm Shadow Wufei couldn’t figure out how the man did that…. hid so many things…. without betraying that he had anything other than his clothing on him. Cobra Commander was as bad as Heero Yuy was in secreting all sorts of odds and ends away in various locations on the body. It made him wonder if they were related, or at least came from the same kind of street schooling, as everyone could swear that Heero Yuy was the master of ‘spandex space’. When they had left, the Cobra forces let Barricade go with the Leo that didn’t have a hood ornament attached so that he could ensure the GI Gundams were “rescued”. The others left tied and away from Heero’s sight. All Heero Yuy could do was wait and bitterly remember the fight and how he should have done differently, which made him think on the other times the GI Gundams had faced off against this rather crazy Cobra Commander.
Cobra Commander didn’t look forward to going back to the “home base” of Cobra, because it meant that he would have to go see and debrief with the scientists, he hated that, he hated them. It was because of them that he was even in Cobra at all. They had messed with his makeshift family before, and anyone who bothers the Sweepers…. Gets Shinigami after their asses. But the scientists didn’t anything about Shinigami, nothing about Duo Maxell either…. And they sure as hell didn’t kniw anything about the one known as Cobra Commander. ::They just think I am their pawn, their little sheep. Let them think that, the more they underestimate me, the stronger my grip will be to yank their world out from under their feet.:: Cobra Commander angrily thinks as he watches Deathscythe typing out the full report (minus a few things) of what had all just happened. Which was another of a long line of reasons he was grateful to have the A.I., Deathscythe always was willing to type out the mission reports for him, because he, himself, hated the things with a passion. If they wanted to know… they should have been there. But secretly, Cobra Commander was very happy those troglodytes didn’t like to leave their laboratories… he couldn’t stand their presences any longer than necessary.
Author’s Notes
1. Do as you will, could be entertaining. 2. I didn’t quite mean it that way.
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razzlekitty · 7 years
14 for raz, 12 for Bru and 2 Jaz and Trobu??? :>c
14. My muse is captured. How do they react?
Raz fell to the ground, beaten and bloody with his hands tied behind his back. His wolves Kaji and Rokk were chained like live stock in cages. The forsaken that captured him spoke in human common in hopes the troll couldn’t understand. But he heard every word. Their promises of using various vile potions on his beloved wolves to see the effects and the pay they were going to get from turning him into the Apothecary. They laughed and jeered that they took down the mighty Harvest Reaper while he was alone.
But the Darkspear looked up, blood dripping from his mouth and he laughed. The forsaken turned and looked at him, then at one another. They spoke to him in orcish, “What are you laughing at, troll?” But Raz replied in human common. “First, dat ju tink I dunno human tongue.” He said licking his lips with that wolfish grin on his face. Their eyes wide the looked at one another before one hit him with the butt of his gun.
Raz’s face hit the ground and more blood started to pour from his nose. “You laughing at the eminent death of your precious mongrels?” One seethed with a dark chuckle. “Nah.” The troll choked out. “Mostleh… laugh coz ju tink I alone.” He gasped out as he rolled on his back. The two forsaken looked confused and even looked around. It was when they turned that Raz whistled a song bird like call, which cause the one with the gun to wheel around again and hit him to make him stop. But it was too late.
Ethereal howls echoed in and out, snarls and panting. Multiple paws running back and forth. “Wolfmon neva alone.” He said darkly as two spirit wolves bust from the shadows, one a hazy purple and the other a hazy blue. Both looking equally different than the other but working together to tear the two forsaken apart.
Raz laid his head back, knowing he was safe as the sounds of screams, bones crushing, and barking snarls played out before him. With eyes closed he just laid there, catching his breath when suddenly mint cool tongues licked his face. A cooling numbing sensation touching his wounds as they healed from the beasts licking. He just smiled weakly and chuckled. “Aye ju good girls.” He said bleakly looking up at the spirit wolves licked his face.
12. A drabble in which my muse is forced to fight together with someone they hate.
Blades clashed in a flurry of noise in dust as the two orcs went toe to toe. The smaller female just able to dance out of the heavy blow but the rage and fury of the larger male made her pull out everything she had. So hard and fast his attacks came she barely was able to get out a snarky reply. “Sore much?” The sassy ginger said as she rolled behind him.
“SORE? You ripped my heart out!” He roared as their battle moved closer and closer to outside the port city. A band of pirates hung like hyena’s, inching closer and closer to the brawling orcs. “That was ages ago. Thought you-” But she stepped over a well placed bomb Brugran placed, the explosion knocking her off her feet.
Mercilessly the male swung his sword down, the lady orc rolling out of the way just in time to only receive a slice to the bridge of her freckled nose. She sat up and felt the warm blood pool from her face as her eyes now narrowed on the mercenaries surrounding them. She drew a pistol from her boot and shot Brurgan’s hand, causing him to momentarily lose his grip on his weapon. “Magroza you cheating bitch!”
“Far as I know this isn’t Mak’gora. And there’s skeevy humans behind us.” Bru only had time to turn his head before an arrow sunk in his shoulder, releasing a bellow of surprise and pain. He wheeled around to clash swords with a human. Mag started to just dart away and leave Bru to fight alone but suddenly a hulking grimtotem pirate was in her face, swinging his hammer into her.
Mag flew back and fell into Brugran, whom staggered to the ground with Mag on top of him. “GET OFF ME!” He bellowed as he sat on all fours with the female on top, both were back to back and though the position didn’t remotely look sexual Mag couldn’t help herself. “You used to like me on top.” She cooed flipping over Bru to kick the human in the face.
The male roar and swung his sword at her but she luckily dodged and he cleaved the human instead. “Still know how to use your sword I see?” He swung his sword down and once again the lady dodged, causing the death of another human trying to backstab her. She was noticing a pattern and opted to keep harassing him in order to kill the pirates after them. That is until the huge tauren slammed his hammer into Bru, knocking him back.
“Ooooh… That looked like it hurt?” She snarked as she knelt to the dazed orc, casually pulling her pistol out to shoot the big tauren in the knee to pause his advance. “I’m gonna kill you.” He groaned as he staggered to his feet. “Maybe try that AFTER we kill these pirates. Can’t kill me if we’re both dead.” She shrugged as she pulled her sword and axe from her hip. Bru nodded lifting his sword to the tauren. “Fair enough.” He said shaking off the pain of the broken ribs. Both orcs stood back to back ready to defend against the attacks that were coming.
Trobu & Jaz
2. A drabble in which my muse fights with/against yours (specify)
Trobu could only watch with a doe eyed expression as Jaz babbled away. Both sat the bar at the Wyvern’s Tail having a few brews but nothing that would get either drunk. He was only giving short sheepish replies to her random questions. But his taupe eyes didn’t miss the goings on in the tavern. Not the sleezy goblin walking behind Jaz with a rather large tauren in tow. “Hey there toots. Can I buy you a drink?” He interrupted the conversation between the two.
Instinct made Trobu cow submissively but there was a low growl in his throat. Something about the disrespect this one showed his crush stabbed away at him. “EXCUSE MEH?” Jaz wheeled around glaring at the goblin. “Eh ain’t got much in the way of tits but ya gots a nice ass.” He winked as he crawled on the bar stool.
This comment infuriated Trobu but before he could speak Jaz pulled her fist back and punched the sleezy goblin right off the stool. “Hah!” Jaz exclaimed, happy that her punching lessons from Trobu not only worked but that the goblin fell from the stool. But that smile faded as the big tauren grabbed her around the neck. Although this didn’t last very long. Trobu snapped his fist faster than lightning and cold cocked the tauren right in the nose, sending him flying back into a pair of trolls having a drink.
“Ju no touch Trobu’s Jazali!” He snarled as Jaz coughed and touched her throat. “Whoa Zutzeb! Nice punch!” She cheekily grinned as now the two trolls advanced on the pair. “Bar room brawl!” She said as she punched one in the groin and Trobu punched the other in the face. Gravy sighed sadly as he backed away, well rehearsed motion to save the glasses he could before ducking behind the bar as an all out bar brawl took place.
((Wee another from this meme here! Sorry this took so long!))
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dubredofanfics · 7 years
Six Years
Part 19 - Is it a Happy Birthday?
"Ma, di na yata kayo masaydong lumalabas ni tatay Digong?" Jill asked while they were eating their dinner together.
"Mmm! Malapit na siya mag-birthday diba? May plano ba?" Tricia recalled, Leni felt like it was the right time to tell them about their break up.
"Ah... wala na kami ni Digong." She confessed surprising them. "Bakit? Anong nangyari?" Aika asked hoping he didn't do anything to hurt her or else she would be infuriated.
"Nambabae?" "Nagloko?" "Nagsawa?"
Leni chuckled faintly. "Hindi. Kayo talaga." She replied. "Ano kase..." She knew she couldn't tell them it was because of Bolet.
"Ano... naisip namin na mahirap pumasok sa relasyon habang may trabaho kaming ginagawa. Medyo complicated, distracting kaya ayun, napagdesisyunan namin na wag nalang siguro. Mabuti na yung magkaibigan nalang kami." She clarified. The girls felt a bit sad for them as they started to like Digong for her upon seeing how sincere he was and how happy she was with him.
"Ganon?" Jill responded. "Sayang naman. Mga three years narin yata kayo, ma? Ngayon niyo pa narealize yan." She followed. "Oo nga, ma. Okay narin kami kay tatay Digong eh." Tricia joined in.
"Okay lang ba sayo yan, ma?" Aika worried. Leni sighed, "Oo naman. Reasonable naman yung paghihiwalay namin kaya okay lang." She assured. "Eh kay tatay Digong? Okay rin ba?"
She snorted, "Yun pa ba? Napakaunderstanding nun sa lahat ng sitwasyon ko. Okay lang yun sakanya tsaka ang mahalaga naman dito okay kami kahit wala na." She explained.
The girls felt a bit bad for them as they witnessed the sincere love between them for the past three years that they have been together. Despite that it was quite uncomfortable at first, they learned to get along well with Digong too and hearing about their break up just made them feel a bit torn.
"Well, okay narin siguro yan pero ma, sana si Digong na yung last. Medyo parang ayoko na isipin yung future na baka may ipakilala ka nanamang bago tapos back to zero nanaman kami sakanya na getting to know. Kung si Digong, si Digong, if hindi, sana wala nang sumunod." Aika expressed.
"Yes, ma. Tayo tayo nalang. Ayoko narin magback to zero with a new dad noh." Jill agreed.
With their sentiments shared, Leni felt the remorse of having the need to let go of Digong because of Bolet. Digong was almost everything she wished for already, her kids like him and vice versa, he makes her happy, he makes her complete.
He was perfect but then the only problem is that they can't be together.
"Mam, punta ka bukas ng gabi ha? Papakain ako rito para sa birthday ko." Digong personally invited after the cabinet meeting.
"Sige, sige. Ikaw pa ba? Syempre dapat present ako sa birthday mo." She pledged to come. "Talaga mam?" She could clearly see the happiness on his face. "Promise, sir. Papalagpasin ko ba ang birthday mo?" She replied.
He called for a small gathering at Bahay Pangarap where the cabinet members and children are invited. He scheduled it the night before March 28th as he was scheduled to fly to France for a state visit disabling him to celebrate his birthday on the country.
Leni got into the clothes she wore at the AFP ceremony where she first met Digong. She wanted him to remember the first time they saw each other on his special day. She combed her hair and wore a cherry lipgloss to colorize her lips.
Someone rang the doorbell, she rushed to the door and thought it might be Digong's personnel sent by him to fetch her but it surprised her to see Bolet's presence.
"Babe..." she uttered. "Pasok ka." She invited him in. "Nagtext ako sayo na pupunta ako, I bought foods for you." He informed her.
She checked on her phone and saw his unread message, she got too busy fixing herself for the past hour that she barely noticed the activities on her phone. He laid the foods on the table and looked at her with curiosity on his face.
"Bakit nakabihis ka? May pupuntahan ka?" He asked.
She knew she had no good reason to lie. "Ah... oo. Birthday kase ni Digong bukas." She stated hesitantly. "Oh? Bukas pa pala eh." He replied and continued serving the food on the table.
"Oo, eh magpapakain kase siya sa Bahay Pangarap ngayong gabi... invited kaming mga cabinet members tapos yung mga anak niya." She continued sharing hoping he won't get upset about it.
"Ah, nagpaalam ka na ba sakin tungkol dito noon?" He tried to recall. She was guilty that she didn't and she didn't even plan on telling him about it.
"Uhm... actually biglaan siya pero magpapaalam naman talaga ako sayo." She replied anxiously, he scoffed. "Kung kelan ayos na ayos ka na doon ka magpapaalam?" He retorted.
She bowed her head. "Sorry, lagi ko kasing nakakalimutan i-open up sayo. Pero plano ko talaga magpaalam—"
"Kung hindi pa ako pumunta dito, hindi ko pa malalaman." He refuted.
Silence crept in, Leni kept her head bowed down. "Pasensya na," she replied softly.
"Magbihis ka na. Hindi ka pupunta." He breaks in the silence, she was shook.
"Babe, sinabi ko na kase na pupunta ako—" "Hindi ko na problema yon. Nagsasabi ka sakanila ng hindi ka pa naman sigurado." He cuts in.
"Babe, birthday ni Digong yon. Parte ako ng cabinet tapos presidente yung may birthday. Wala naman akong gagawing masama." She debated. "Oh, eh di batiin mo sa text. Ano ka ba niya para maging big deal kung di ka makapunta?" He countered.
"Nakakahiya naman kung hindi ako makapunta, nagsabi na kase ako. Ineexpect nila ako—"
"Mag-alibi ka! Diyan ka magaling diba? Kapag saatin ang dami mong excuses tapos ngayon wala kang maisip? Magsakit sakitan ka. I-text mo tapos sabihin mo sumama ang tiyan mo, tapos!" He interjects.
"Ngayon lang naman, Let. Sige sa susunod hindi na ako pupunta." She bargained. "Hindi ka pupunta." He reiterated. "Let—"
"Leni sinabi ko, magbihis ka na, hindi ka pupunta. Wag mo akong galitin." He warned her with a stern voice. She knew there are no other ways to convince him as he seemed to have made up his mind about prohibiting her to go. She took her phone from the coffee table but he immediately grabbed it before she was able to take it.
"Itetext ko lang si Bong para masabi kay Digong na di na ako makakapunta." She stated with a threatened voice. "Maya na. Magbihis ka na muna ulit." He pointed at the bedroom. "Itext ko lang—"
"Magbihis ka na!" His voice heightened. She felt scared, she walked to the bedroom to change her clothes back to her house clothes.
She closed the door and sat at the edge of the bed with a deep sigh. She worried about how would Digong feel with her sudden absence when she promised earlier that she'll be going. She didn't want to disappoint him and make him expect for nothing but with her current situation, she didn't seem to have much choice.
The call time for the gathering was seven in the evening until, probably, ten or eleven. It was already nine but Leni wasn't around yet. "Di ba nagtext? Sabi niya punta siya eh." Digong asked Bong. He glaced at his phone, "Wala pa, sir." He replied, his face manifested the sympathy he had for Digong who has been looking for Leni since seven.
While waiting, Digong continued to accommodate the other members, talk to his children and few relatives who were invited but still, Leni's absence took away a portion of his happiness. He looked at his smartwatch stroked its strap as he recalled that it was Leni's Christmas gift to him last time, he smiled. He glanced at the time, it was already ten twenty, some of the cabinet members even started to go already.
"Sige, Digong! Advance ulit! Salamat! Ingat sa flight bukas!" Gina and the other cabinet members started to bid goodbye. As he was left behind and the other guests left were busy socializing with each other, Jun Evasco walked towards Digong.
He noticed how he has been partly incomplete without Leni around that moment, he knew she was coming and it also made him wonder why up that time, she's still not around. "Ano Digong?" He started a conversation. "Uy, masarap ba mga pagkain?" He replied.
"Yeah, sarap. Dami pa nga. Pwede ba mag-take home?" He jested. "Sige, of course." He replied happily. "Hindi yata nakarating si Leni ha?" He finally had the chance to ask. Digong smiled with a sigh. It was inevitable for him not to feel a prickle on his chest thinking about her absence. "Akala ko pupunta siya?" He asked.
"Eh... baka maraming ginagawa. Akala ko rin pupunta siya eh." He shared with a fake smile, Jun knew he was hurting but he didn't want to trigger it. "Ah, sabagay. Marami ngang ginagawa si Leni sa HUDCC. Napakasipag niyan si Leni, honestly. Good thing she's under my department." He tried to brighten him up but he just smiled.
"Sir, papaligpit ko na daw po ba yung mga pagkain?" Bong consulted him as Inday suggested. "Si mam Leni po ba susunod pa?" He followed. Digong faked a smile, "Di na siguro." He replied. Bong and Jun immediately felt the sadness in his voice despite that he was concealing behind his smiles.
"Okay man paligpit mo na yung mga pagkain. Sabihin mo kila Sara kung gusto nila mag-uwi." He permitted. "Ah, sige Digong. Sabihin ko." Bong nodded.
"Anong oras flight mo bukas?" Jun asked to slowly shift away from the Leni topic. "Nine." He answered and took a sip of his iced tea.
He quietly thought about her. He'll be off to France for a week for a state visit, celebrate his birthday there, seeing and celebrating with Leni is the only thing he wished for his birthday but it turns out that it won't happen this time, and it breaks him.
To be continued...
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dubredofanfics · 7 years
Six Years
Part 15 - Trapped, Caged and Barred
Digong woke up and heard soft sniffles beside him. He checked on Leni and realized she was actually crying.
"Leni? Bakit ka umiiyak?" He worried but she was unable to answer. "Anong nangyari? Ba't ka umiiyak?" He repeated.
She shook her head, wiped her tears and hesitated a bit about telling him the reason why. She has been up early in the morning, she suddenly felt emotional after overthinking about everything that happened between them last night.
She gathered courage before she was able to respond to his query. She sniffed hard and looked at him crying. "Sorry." She cried.
"Leni," he uttered. "Mahal mo parin ba ako?" She asked making him a bit bothered. Before he was able to respond, she followed her words. "Tama ba yung nangyari saatin? Hindi ka ba nagsisisi?" She asked emotionally. "Leni? Hindi ako nagsisi—"
"Baka dahil may nangyari na saatin, magsawa ka na. Baka ayaw mo na." She cried. "Ano nang pinagkaiba ko sa ibang babae—"
"Leni. Leni." He hushed her and held her close. She cried on his chest soundly. "Wag ka nga mag-isip ng ganyan. Ano bang sinasabi mo? Walang nagbago, hindi nagbago tingin ko sayo." He clarified trying to being comfort to her.
"Baka kase pagsawaan mo na ako dahil sa nangyari, wala na. Baka nagsisisi ka." she worried. "Sus, Leni naman. Kahit ilang beses pa mangyari yung kagabi, hindi magbabago yung tingin ko sayo. Ano ba?" He attested.
He made her look back at him and held her hands. "Mahal parin kita. Walang nagbago." He professed making her feel at ease. Her heavy weeping faded away as he held her close and rubbed her back. "Sorry..." she apologized for being too emotional.
"Nag-alala naman ako sa'yo e. Wag kang mag-isip ng ganyan." He replied. "Lagi man akong nandito, you're always special to me."
Leni took a quick bath as soon as she arrived at her condo unit. Surprisingly; Bolet visited her without a notice.
"Bolet," she was slightly astonished. "Pwedeng pumasok?" He asked with a straight face."Ha? Oo naman. Pasok ka." She replied and invited him in.
"Napadaan ka yata? Hindi mo naman ako nasabihan. May gusto ka ba? Noodles? Kape?" She started a conversation as she checked on the cupboards.
Bolet bleakly watched her. "Kelan ka pala umuwi ng Naga?" He asked, she paused and abruptly organized excuses at the back of her head.
"Nung 23." She replied and diverted her attention to cooking. Bolet exhaled heavily, he knew she was lying as he tried to check on her during those days; she flew to Naga using Digong's private chopper early morning of the 25th.
He snorted softly and walked towards her. "Parang ngayon ka lang yata hindi noche buena sa Naga ha?" He brought up, she felt slightly bothered.
She looked at him and saw the rising anger in his eyes, he was staring at her coldly. It made her think twice about continuing to lie or not, hence, she remained silent.
"Bakit nasa Manila ka pa nung 24? Dumaan ako sa OVP, dito, sa opisina mo sa HUDCC pero wala ka. Nasaan ka nung panahon na yon?" He interrogated.
That was the time she was with Digong. She knew it would irk him to know the truth.
"Yung totoong sagot ha, Leni." He followed.
She looked away, her chest felt a bit tight. "Nasa Malacañang ako non. Buong araw." She confessed briefly.
He scoffed, "Kasama mo yung shota-shota-an mo. Okay." He mocked.
"Hindi, marami naman kami doon. Kasama namin yung ibang cabinet members. Nagpakain lang sila doon kase nga magpapask—"
"Ang tagal namang kainan yan, Leni. Twenty four hours? Bumalik ako dito sa condo mo to check on you nung gabi pero wala ka parin." He interjects.
"Wag mo sabihing may sleep over sa Malacañang at kasama niyo rin ang cabinet members?" He glared at her.
Leni felt heavy, she knew she was busted already but she didn't want to argue with him.
"Bolet naman—"
"Aminin mo nga saakin, may nangyayari na ba sainyo ni Digong?!" He asked bluntly.
Leni was shook with his query. It felt so heavy as she actually slept with him for the first time during the christmas eve and it bothers her to lie about it.
She was silenced for a couple of seconds. "Bolet—"
"Sagutin mo yung tanong ko." He stipulated sternly, she was startled.
"Put—, ang landi mo!" He insulted her and grabbed her arms tightly. His grip was too tight it was hurting her. "I trusted you, Leni. Ikaw pa nagsabi na wala akong dapat ikabahala tapos ikaw pala 'tong magloloko?!" He tightened his grip making her groan. "Let, nasasaktan ako—"
"Mas nasasaktan ako!" He cuts in. "Jusko Leni!" He freed her hand and exhaled sharply before glaring back at her.
Partly, she felt guilty and bad for cheating on him but another part of her felt grateful that he finally knew about it. With this, she thought she could make a decision already.
"I'm sorry," she bowed her head.
"Sorry won't help, Leni. Gàgo ka eh. Niloko mo ako, pumatol ka sa iba." He retorted. "Sorry, Bolet. Hindi ko naman sinasadya—"
"Hindi mo sinasadya? Wag ako Leni!" He refuted, he felt so crushed down, his pain and anger competed in his chest. He wanted to beg and keep her because of his pain but he also wants to hurt her because of his anger.
His teeth ground each other as he grabbed her and dragged her to the bedroom attempting to force her to prove to him that he's still something to her but as he pinned her down to the bed, she didn't reciprocate his actions. She tried to stop him calmly during his attempts and it breaks him.
"Bolet—." She begged and gently pushed him away as he hungrily kissed her.
In a while, he stopped. His heart bled in pain, he knew she doesn't love him like before already.
"Sobra ka, Leni." He cussed in agony. "Sorry." She uttered weakly.
He exhaled heavily and looked at her in agony and anger. Leni predicted that he would break up with her that moment by seeing his reaction to her relationship with Digong.
Bolet knew she'll choose Digong over him, he lost hope until he recalled how Digong was unaware of their relationship all along. He suddenly thought of an idea.
"Kung sa tingin mo makikipaghiwalay ako sayo after these. The answer is no." He avowed, she looked at him with astonishment in her stare.
"I won't let you go, Leni. Saakin ka lang." He uttered with a stern voice. She felt a bit threatened. "Unless you want to ruin your relationship with Digong. Hindi parin niya alam yung saatin 'di ba?" He warned her.
"Bolet, wag naman natin paabutin sa ganon—"
"Then just do what I want. Stay with me." He demanded. When Leni thought the confrontation would be the end of then and the beginning of her and Digong, she felt doomed to realize that it was the other way around.
"Bolet, wag naman ganito." She begged but he remained silent; his jaws hardening in anger and jealousy.
"Mahal mo na ba?" He asked, she remained silent. "Ano?! Mahal mo na ba?!" His voice raised and insisted for her response.
"Sorry," she cried. Bolet felt so much fury in his chest, he gave up so much for her, he never thought she would fall for someone else anymore. He harshly grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall.
She groaned as her back patted against the hard wall. "Pano mo nagawa sakin 'to?" He whined, she cried. "I've been true to you ever since tapos gagaguhin mo ako?!" He followed, "Sorry," she weeped.
"Sorry? Tángína, Leni. Kung may magagawa lang yang sorry mo, okay sana eh. Eh wala!" He refuted and tightened his grip on her arm, she earned bruises.
"Saan ako nagkulang?!" He exhaled sharply as the pain dwelling on his chest worsened. He got even more infuriated as Leni refused to reply to his questions.
"Ano Leni? Hindi ka magsasalita? Mag-iyakan nalang tayo?!" He shouted. "Sorry, sorry Bolet." She cried.
"Tángina mo, Leni." He retorted. "Ano? Magaling ba siya? Nasarapan ka ba—"
"No, hindi. Bolet, please. Hindi." She ached with the way he talked about Digong."
"Eh ano?! Anong meron sakanya na hindi ko nabigay sayo?! Sabihin mo kase! Hindi yung nanghuhula ako dito eh!" He groused.
"Mahal niya ako." She confessed and cried softly. "Mahal ko rin siya." She followed. His heart crushed into pieces with her soft response. He knew she's really in love with Digong already and it was hell for him to accept it.
"Then you're not going anywhere. Saakin ka lang." He stipulated. "Bolet, mahal ko  siya —"
He slammed her face and pushed her towards the bed harshly. "You're staying with me o ako mismo magsasabi diyan sa lalake mo na magkarelasyon tayo even before he came." He warned her but she was crying so hard she can't utter any response. "I'm thrilled to see his astonishment dahil all this time pinaglololoko mo rin siya by making him think that you are single." He added.
Bolet walked out off the room and went downstairs to take in some fresh air. His ego felt so damaged with what Leni did. She replaced him with another man, what's worse is that she replaced him with the man he has been jealous about ever since. He made up his mind to threaten her, he would spill everything about them to Digong since he's clueless about them all this time.
Leni cried all night thinking how she worsened things, she felt like a mess. With Bolet's threat, she knew she couldn't force what's blooming between her and Digong and it breaks her especially that she just realized how much he meant to her, it hurts her to think she can't fight for him even if she was already sure of her feelings for him.
To be continued...
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