#and that's the plot of the random spin-off game lmao
ghetsis · 9 months
500 years later, some kid goes down to Giant Chasm, finds him bound with the Red Chain and completely ignores the ancient inscription to not free him under any circumstances bc "no pokemon deserves this! ppl are probably just ignorant. 😢" predictably, he begins causing chaos almost immediately after release and now the kid has to go back to the Professor who's like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU UNLEASHED THE ANCIENT EVIL??"
"don't worry I can fix this"
"don't you have a few just lying around?"
and so the adventure begins and Arceus comes down at some point like "yeah, you really need to get a handle on this before he devours the gods and ushers in Armageddon." which would be easier if you didn't have to deal with the cult. not Team Plasma or Neo Plasma, but a secret third thing (Cult of the Immortal Dragon who worship Ghetsis as a god which isn't exactly misguided bc he is technically a god in this form). good luck.
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shoutydwarf · 1 year
people don’t call inquisition/da:d “elf simulator”/”elf age” because they hate elves and elvhen lore. Let Me Be Clear: 
- elves have the most special dialogue options. even more if you’re a f!mage. bioware accidentally forgot dalish elves know who mythal is for ONE dialogue wheel and people really used it to run with the idea that elves were somehow narratively shafted during inquisition; meanwhile dwarves in the descent dlc, you know, THE DWARF DLC where you get your Crumb Of Dwarf, you get next to no special dialogue options besides being told by valta that you’re not a Real Dwarf and you don’t have stone sense (which isn’t even true. stone sense comes back to all dwarves if they’re underground long enough. this is more of bioware trying to prove all the disgusting corrupt systems in place are Acthually Correct Trollol.. that or they just forgot bc they dont care.) 
- eluvians, the fade, fen’harel, everything that comes out of solas’s mouth, a chunk of WEWH, inquisitor ameridan being a dalish elf, etc is not at all narratively relevant to anyone but an elf inquisitor. spin all the stories you want to make eluvians and elvhen gods important to your non-elf OCs but off what we get in the games alone, without doing an ungodly amount of work to make it fit, what BIOWARE has established, it means nothing. you can argue that all of this is important to the inquisitor on principal of them Being inquisitor but... be fucking serious
- elves seeing the crossroads differently than other races. just another special elfy thing
- every single religion is being geared up to link back to the elves. i think we can all agree by now that andraste is flemythal and the maker is mythal (whether u think the theory is good or not is neither here nor there, bioware is so predictable at this point). and thank god she freed the dwarves from the titans, amirite! it’d really suck if the dwarves had something exclusive! (bioware if you try to paint the titans as slavers and mythal as the Dwarven Savior........................)
- you can make an argument for any of the origins in da:o fitting “the best” as canon. the dalish elf is as ignorant to the world outside of the forest as the player is. cousland is your classic betrayed hero thrust into saving the world tale. dwarves are intrinsically tied to the darkspawn/wardens. the mages are freed birds but the world outside their cage is corrupted and torn asunder. tabris/brosca is your saving the world that never fought for them back tale. they all equally mean something in unique, valuable ways to the main story and it shows through ample unique dialogue options and main quest relevance. 
- can you REALLLLYYYYY say the same for all of the non-elf da:i origins? what do we got, a mercenary vashoth. a carta dwarf. a human noble or mage. all random NPCs fr. but the dalish elf who unlocks the power of an elvhen orb which leads to a slew of world-shattering reveals about the lore they grew up with and believed in? meanwhile ur dwarf/human/qunari inquisitor didn’t even know there WAS a plot twist. they didnt even know there was a plot
- all of this extra elf stuff would be perfectly fine. the countless elvhen ruins, lore reveals etc. if it was even REMOTELY evenly distributed across all the races. BUT IT’S NOT. 
- it would also be fine if inquisition was a one-off elf-focused game but they used the opportunity to take from every other races’ lore and make it about elves, so now A. there’s no going back, B. the 4th game’s title is literally dreadwolf wow i wonder who the story is going to be written for, C. if i ever have to hear with my own two ears “i’ve been through shit that would make the deep roads look like a cake walk!” followed by the dwarf at the receiving end of this Dying From Being Pwned, i’m going to get violent
- the point is that it’s bioware’s fault, not the elves. “elf simulator” is poking fun at biowares pandering to solavellan twitter, not at elf players lmao
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @i-can-even-burn-salad.
Favorite video game: I really like Oblivion and Assassin's Creed; I'll go with AC: Revelations, the third game in the Ezio trilogy. Broadly speaking I think the Ezio games are the best in the series (though I haven't yet played past AC3), but Revelations is set in İstanbul so it's way more fun for me because I can check out all the places I've been irl, and sometimes random characters yell at you in Turkish which is really funny to me now that I can understand them.
Favorite video game character: Yusuf from Revelations because he looks kind of like my brother lmao
Favorite movie or TV series: Shocking absolutely nobody who has ever looked at my main blog, Xena: Warrior Princess.
Favorite movie or TV series character: Xena herself, no question
Hobbies: leatherworking, writing, sketching, rock climbing
Obsessions: Have I mentioned Xena yet? Because whenever I'm not thinking about my OCs, I'm thinking about Xena.
Favorite genre/type of background music for whump daydreams: Usually I listen to specific songs/playlists for my OCs, since my whump daydreams tend to be about specific characters. Genre is kind of all over the place, but tends to be the type of music I would describe as "vibes" (which I'm aware does not narrow it down at all, especially given I probably have a different definition of vibing music than most).
Favorite whump trope: Ough I'm supposed to just pick one?! OK not necessarily my favorite, but one I like a lot, is whumpees whose trauma turns them into whumpers. Cycles of abuse and whatnot.
Favorite whump pairing: Edit: whoops forgot to answer this one. Uhhh can I put my own OCs? Because if so, Elvan and Asenath; more broadly though any pairing where one person gets hurt and the other person goes feral in response, be it out of defense or revenge.
First time you experienced whumperflies: That scene in Disney's Aladdin where Alaadin is in a prison cell with his wrists shackled to the wall above his head. I haven't seen that movie since I was a very little kid but that's the one scene that stuck in my mind haha
Favorite whump scene from a piece of media: A couple scenes jump to mind from Xena. The first is actually from the show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, of which Xena: Warrior Princess is a spin-off. The episode is called "The Gauntlet" and is one of the episodes that introduces Xena as a character. As the title implies, the climax of the episode is when Xena's general overthrows her and takes her army, and her own soldiers make her run the gauntlet. Joseph LoDuca has my entire heart and soul for the soundtrack in that scene, and the direction is fuckin impeccable. The other scene is from season 6 of Xena's own show, an episode titled "Who's Gurkhan?" in which (for various plot reasons I won't get into here) Xena and Gabrielle both separately sell themselves into slavery to a sultan; Gabrielle tries to assassinate the sultan but Xena sees her about to go for him and knocks her out cold, stealing the knife, so that they would think it was her instead of Gabrielle; she also plays it off as if she was attacking Gabrielle out of jealousy, rather than there being any threat to the sultan. Anyway the relevant bit is that Xena gets taken to the dungeons and tortured at length, mostly just getting the absolute shit beat out of her, including while being hung upside down by shackles on her ankles. 10/10 incredible whump tbh, while there she also hallucinates Gabrielle bellydancing in front of her because that show is gay as all fuck.
A book you would recommend, whump or not: I would highly recommend the historical fiction Lady Slayers series by Lana Popović! There are two books (so far); Blood Countess, about Erzsébet Báthory, and Poison Priestess, about Catherine Monvoisin. They're overtly queer and very very well written (and decently whumpy tbh).
Add your own question: Favorite whump scene from a book?
I'm leaving this as an open tag as usual; if you want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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lazuliquetzal · 1 year
@tavina-writes said: okay but now you have me curious! I haven’t been in the YoI fandom for YEARS but please tell me about the competitive classic tetris au
okay if you're familiar with the competitive NEStris scene, I first got into it in 2018 so that's the meta that I'm working off of here: i.e., no rolling, DAS is still relevant, level 29 is still the killscreen. if that made no sense to you, don't worry about it. it's fine.
Some actual NEStris context that is important in terms of gameplay:
CTWC stands for Classic Tetris World Championships.
NEStris, or Classic Tetris, is a fundamentally different game when compared to modern (hard drop) Tetris. The stacking strategies in NEStris are less complex since there are less tucks/spins you can pull off. However, it is generally considered to be a more brutal game than modern Tetris due to the way the pieces lock onto the stack as soon as they touch and the Extremely Unforgiving randomization.
DAS (delayed auto-shift) used to be the most widespread method of using the controller. It's also the most accessible way of using the controller.
Hypertapping is a different method of maneuvering pieces -- basically, you're tapping the controller faster than the programmed DAS can move a piece. It is also a very physically taxing way to play.
YOI time: We've got five-time CTWC champion Viktor Nikiforov who is getting real depressed about being at the top. Yuuri, meanwhile, is a modern Tetris certified Grandmaster (which is a Real Thing, respect the grandmasters), but he's also secretly a Classic Tetris nerd. Unfortunately, the first time he joins the CTWC, he chokes and has two embarrassingly early top-outs in the round of 8 before ever getting to play his inspiration and idol, Viktor.
But during the post-competition afterparty, they all head over to Christophe's place and Yuuri absolutely BRUTALIZES Viktor's world record ass in NEStris while he's completely sloshed. It's off-stream and it happened in Christophe's garage when nobody's conveniently watching, so there's no proof. Then he seduces Viktor. Also Yuuri completely forgets about it because he's so drunk.
Anyway it's basically the same plot as the show except with Tetris lmao.
Some other random details that I may or may not make sense to everyone:
Viktor is a hypertapper. That's why some people hate his guts, because they think he's just tapping his way to victory into covering his mediocre stacking strats. These people are wrong, of course, because even though hypertapping gives you a speed advantage, you still need absolutely rock-solid stacking fundamentals in order to be able to achieve maxout pace-- *Yuuri gets hit in the face with a brick to shut up his Viktor speech*
Yuuri is an absolute GOD at tucks and spins. He has never missed an I-spin in his life. Sometimes he'll set up an I-spin on level 27 just to boost his confidence in the endgame.
Yuuri's also a DAS player, and he does center-well setups sometimes. If you've ever seen suitogreentea play... yeah. Good stuff.
Yurio is a roller. Rolling wasn't around in 2018, but now I've decided. Yurio is a roller and he is going to DOMINATE the future--
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
man I love getting random game of thrones hyperfixations out of nowhere and by that i mean it's absolute hell, do you understand the yearning of 1) having gotten into it way too late, 2) watching it intentionally crash and burn itself in real time and disappear from the cultural zeitgeist before I even had the chance to really engage???!?! yeah let me just binge rewatch this gorgeous, bloated gem of television knowing exactly how this shit's gonna end, lemme just make my balls THAT much BLUER, lemme just fall in love with my faves all over again so I can watch them turn into hollow husks of what they once were, LET'S DO THAT I SAID
I guess with these new spinoffs coming out (I'm probably going to watch House of the Dragon bc Daenerys is my wife and the Jon Snow one that might? exist? might be interesting if we also get to pick up with the others in Westeros, here's how Sansa/Tyrion and Brienne/Tormund can still win yall) there's possibility the brand might be able to redeem itself and gain a second wind, I'm hoping to the point that people can look back and appreciate those earlier seasons for what they were and could have been
But look I'm just saying, we could have had a spin-off featuring Arya and the Hound traveling to some places on the map we haven't visited yet, like into Asshai and Yi Ti. Who didn't love that original team-up? It could still happen! We don't KNOW that Sandor died when he jumped off the Keep into the fire lol, and him coming back from having finally 'killed' his brother and able to finally move on from that plot point, just a bit more scarred now, is about as plausible as anything else that happens so WHY THE FUCK NOT? dooo it!! (what if they ran into Drogon again at some point??? what if drogon just decided to chill with them and provide narrative excuse for them to zip around the map a bit faster??? oh my god???)
this post doesn't have a conclusion, i'm just compromised and hate myself for still loving this fucking thing lmao
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anvils-of-history · 2 years
3 Nopes plot summary:
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Sharena, did you drink the Supreme Leader's kool-aid again?!
Weird how they say "areas" of Fodlan when Supreme Leader is, uh, trying to conquer the whole thing lol. Even if it was just Faerghus or Leicester, those are still entire damn countries. Kiiiinda warrants a better descriptor than just "area" in this context. My lawn would be an "area", not all of the Americas.
The rest of this summary really wants to make her sound like an anti-hero, when uhhhhh...
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she is not that at all lmao! Supreme Leader thinks she's doing the right thing, but we already know that her actions and motivations are entirely self-serving. She doesn't give a crap about helping people, her concern is boosting her own ego.
The part where the summary just outright lies is where it acts like "Oh, Her Mercifulness has to be a warmonger 'cuz that's the only way for Random Civilian #47498309 to be saved!" when...just...fucking no! I already played 3H and know that's BS. 3 Nopes is a spin-off game. Why is IS acting like their audience hasn't played the base game yet and don't know the "twist" already?
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Same anon(2). These were the convo I had with a close friend. She thought FF15 was going to be the next iconic FF games alongside FF7, FF10, and FF8. Hell, she told me that FF15 is the FF series version of cyberpunk 2077 in terms of lost opportunities and how messy it was on day one release lmao. I think the ff fan would love to see Nomura's dark & twisted version of FF15 or rather FF Versus 13. Hey, at least we got Verum Rex even if it was only a teaser or an easter egg.
I, too, thought XV was going to be the greatest thing created since sliced bread. I kid you not, pre-release I was loving everything about it, obsessing over it for years, studying every trailer and interview with Nomura I could get my eyes on. FFXIII & VersusXIII were my life’s breath. They were announced together, they got trailers together, they had ads together. I wanted Versus XIII, I was screaming over the rooftops about how amazing Versus XIII was gonna be. I played XIII keeping in mind that Versus XIII was gonna complete it…
And then, well, XV happened.
I will continue to miss what Versus would have been until the day I die. I’m not saying Tabata ruined everything about it but he ruined everything about it. Evil had been defeated that day he left Square Enix. *throws salt after him*
Having played Cyberpunk 2077 upon release, I can safely say that XV wasn’t that much of an unplayable mess, but it was definitely unfinished. You could tangibly feel and see the parts they had to cut out of XV and downgrade in order to release it. Unlike XIII, whose graphics hold up even today, XV looked aged upon release. Mind you, games like The Witcher 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider came out a year before it, and yet XV looks older than both 😂😂 All the story elements that were amazing were in Versus and they just— didn’t use it?! The story suffered for it and any character who isn’t Noctis felt inadequate because of it. You could argue even Noctis lacked satisfying development.
Verum Rex is Nomura’s little salty baby, borne from bitterness and spite, but still it’s not what Versus would have been. His dream vision has sailed, sunk and dead by a watery grave now, no matter how much (or if) Verum Rex will ever be a thing. It saddens me so much what XV has become of his dream. Nomura once said he considered Sora and Noctis like his sons. After they took Versus away from him and gave it to He Who Must Not Be Named, Nomura never spoke nor drawn Noctis again, until they forced him to do so for that SE cafe.
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Oh, boy lemme not even get started about Luna. I could give you a list kilometers long about Maryfreya Sue that I disliked with the intensity of a thousand suns. I hated her so much that I had to distance myself from XV for years bc I couldn’t stand her ass. just thinking about her and the game filled me with murderous intent. Imagine coming off from an amazing FF heroine like Lightning to Lunafreya… how the mighty have fallen. Luna was badly written, hardly a character and mostly a plot device. She couldn’t even compare to a random moogle.
I loved Stella so much and I was so much looking forward to her dynamic with Noctis! I came into their games shipped Noctis and Lightning from the start but I loved Stella. They ruined her when they made her Luna. And made her forgettable. She is so forgettable in fact, that SE isn’t even bringing her up in spin-off games 😂 I don’t think SE will ever indulge in Noctis and Lightning, even tho they like to pair the two of them a lot, I don’t think they’ll deviate from canon too much when it comes to romance, but as long as I don’t have to see Luna’s pretentious, depthless, weeping-about-Noctis-24/7 ass anywhere else, I’m happy.
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justkpopjokes · 4 years
Found You || OnlineRival!Felix
AU: online gamer friends + college + rivals to lovers
Anon: know it's a common au cliché but I've been craving some college au's of felix, maybe enemies to lovers ?? but enemies in a playful, competitive sense of course. I'll leave this vague so that you have more creative freedom, idc if you write in para. style or bullet point, I'll eat up anything you write skskj
A/N: I HAVE RETURNED!! Hope you enjoy this anon~ still can’t believe you’ve been following me since 2017 oml
If anyone else has lowkey specific requests for skz I’ll take them!! It can be any type/medium(?) of writing lol I just don’t want to write elaborate plots rn
You’ve been playing this video game recently
(I’ve been playing Valorant lol so I’m basing this off of that)
you’ve been playing solo for a bit
One afternoon, you match with a nice team that’s doing well
it’s a good game; you’re pretty evenly matched
you end up the last player standing, win a round for your team, & they applaud you for it!
But then—ohoho and then—
—you hear the deepest freakin Australian accent on voice chat
saying “ayy nice!!”
you say a polite thank you back to him
meanwhile the other people on your team are like
“holy crap bro your voice is low af!”
you get to hear this boy speak for longer lol
His username is #1Aboji or BrownieBoi915 or smth idk so you call him Brownie
and y’all get to talking lol
you send him a friend request on a whim because he seems nice
he accepts, sends you a party invite, and you play a few games together!!
Over the course of a couple months, you play together every time you’re online at the same time
(which is often bc ur timezones happen to be the same hehe)
It’s funny because although you’re friendly with each other, you’re competitive af LMAO
most of your games are spent competing for who can get more kills and who can be MVP of the team/entire match
it’s friendly competition but competition nonetheless
eventually he asks for your Tumblr/Twitter/whatever so y’all can chat a bit more :D
his @ can still be @/BrownieBoi915 lol
Brownie’s fun and you share some interests!!
your music tastes are similar too, so he sends you song recommendations, then you yell about them
You’ve been chatting a lot and reply to each others’ posts/tweets often, especially when you’re just posting about weird sh!t happening in your life
But one day… you post about something that happened at your college
something like “icb this ajlsdhf there’s this girl in one of my classes and she just sCALED THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING SO SHE WOULDN’T BE LATE TO CLASS”
less than a minute later you get a text:
and then
So, naturally, you text him back
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Then Brownie gets you to agree to another silly competition:
see who could identify the other first on campus!!
the 1 rule is that you have to find each other in-person
(there is a 2nd rule that you can’t ask exactly where the other person is, but that’s pretty obvious lol)
But because of the main rule, occasionally you’ll get a vague text like
Brownie: “Hey are you wearing a red flannel right now”
You: “No I’m not even outside lmao”
Brownie: “Dammit I thought I felt the vibes”
It’s a nice lil challenge because the only thing you know about Brownie is that he identifies as a guy and has an Australian accent
(but that may be unimportant depending on where you live lmao)
meanwhile the only things he knows about you are random details, your voice, and that you have a class with Vanessa lol
And it’s FUN!!
but you both start to get suuuuper competitive
mostly because of the 1 rule
there have literally been times you’ve probably found Brownie when you hear an Australian accent in the distance
however he always leaves before you can get to him, so it doESN’T COUNT GDI
Brownie tho lmao—he’s always putting on his detective hat and trying to track you down on campus
whenever he’s chilling after class he asks for where you are generally
he’ll ask you “Hey wyd”
You: “Studying”
Brownie: “In the library?”
You: “…Yes”
then he starts to narrow down where you could be based on less-specific questions
Of course, that’s not the only thing you text him about
you’ve grown pretty close to Brownie
the competition has helped with that!!
and ofc you still play that game together lol
Honestly, you really want to meet him
he’s just super charming + considerate
Also he mentioned he likes baking
you suggested “we should bake together!!”
Brownie: “Gotta find me first ;)))”
so,,, yeah you daydream about baking with Brownie
you really want to know his name
I mean, c’mon, you’ve gotten his phone number at this point, but you still can’t find him??
it’s starting to get frustrating
to the point where he can hear the frustration through your texts
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That small piece of information motivates you for the rest of the week
you give Felix your name in return, but he insists that neither of you should ask around for each other
(you can’t ask your friends if they know someone named Felix
but if you hear someone say “Felix” while you’re out and about, that works)
you’re still unable to find him for some time, but knowing Felix’s name makes you feel closer to him
You can’t video call Felix but you normally call him at least once a week
after knowing him for at least half a year, you get this warm feeling in your chest every time his name pops up on the top of your phone
One of your phone calls sounds something like this:
Felix: “Hey, y/n?”
You: “Yes?”
Felix: “Do you want to go out for lunch? I mean, once we find each other.”
You: “As in a date?”
Felix: “Yeah—I mean, if that’s okay!”
You: “Yes please!! So can you find me already istg 🙄”
Felix is itching to meet you too
…so he sends you a selfie
with a filter though! that way you don’t see his entire face
you send him 1 in return (also with a filter)
Felix immediately says “aww ur cute uwu”
and your heart m e l t s
you’d think, hey maybe that’ll help me find him
SPOILERS it doesn’t really help lmao
Your close friends really want to help lmao because they’ve been hearing about this “Brownie” boy you like
however, you & Felix are adamant of winning this competition because the person who wins doesn’t need to pay for your 1st lunch date lol
It’s the last Friday afternoon before you have a week-long holiday, when you’re hanging out in front of one of your friend’s classes to pick them up
you’re standing outside the building chatting with one of your other friends when your phone starts ringing in your pocket
other friend is like “ooOOOH is it brownie boy??”
You: “Oh yeah rip he’s probably calling because I missed some of his texts, give me a moment."
You’re about to pick up when the call drops
so you’re like ?? bruh what and are about to unlock your phone to see what Felix’s texts are about
That’s when you feel a tap on your shoulder
and a low Australian voice behind you says your name
your head whips around to find this cute face with freckles and a giant smile on his face
“Heh, I found you~”
Dude doesn’t hesitate to hug you, pick you up, then spin you around
your friend is watching with a goofy smile but he doesn’t care
after he finally puts you down, you cup his face with both your hands
“The filters always hide your freckles… they’re like stars, Lix”
instead of a lunch date, Felix takes you out for dinner :DD
even though you lost he insists on paying :’))
your friends don’t even care that you’re ditching them ajlkfdhs they literally push you away to go eat with Felix lmao
and you return home with that warm feeling in ur heart still there
needless to say, he will arrange another date so he can bring you some homemade brownies
he is the brownie boy after all!!
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wavesmp3 · 3 years
directors cut: oasis
[doing this entirely for myself, out of pure self indulgence lol] [this will be very messy/poorly organized and there will be spoilers]
okay so where to even begin omg..... we will start with the origins of oasis:
its actually, techinically a spin off of the world from this drabble with dino from svt. which the world in this drabble is what the world from oasis would look like very far in the future. but i changed a lot between writing that drabble and creating oasis. but there should be a scene in the drabble that is very similar to a part in oasis (hint: the first vision they got from saskila was not just a random vision with no meaning.......hehe)
but that drabble (its titled dreamscapes) was inspired by a mix of this post on tumblr about how nuclear waste warning signs sounded very cool and the book that i was reading called the children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi
and then after i had made that drabble i saw dee’s (@/atbzkingdom’s) post about the time capsule collab, and i had a couple ideas of what i could do for it but i ultimately decided on what would eventually become oasis !! so i guess we really have dee and that collab to thank for this piece lol
now for the timeline of me writing:
so i started outlining this piece in the first couple days of january, and normally outlines take me a while to come up with just because i struggle in coming up with plot, but i knew that my spring semester of classes would be starting soon and that I didn’t have a lot of time so i just sort of grinded an outline out as well several paragraphs of pure worldbuilding. 
and then i started writing
and wow i was Really writing!! at my peak productivity i was easily getting down like 2k a day which for me is insane (for reference, i wrote 1k a day for tsiytt and i struggled my way through that) 
but then life happens classes had begun and my writing for oasis slowly become nothing... 
i really only found the time to work on the piece every other weekend, so i was really nervous that i wouldn’t finish in time (which technically i didn’t cause it was supposed to come out march 1st) but luckily i did
and at some point in february, i had lost so much of my momentum and motivation for this piece that i almost gave up on it. (at this point i was writing the scenes after they find the seat of wisdom destroyed) but again luckily i did not, but i personally can definitely see a decline in the quality of my writing towards the end (i mean maybe its in my head, but its sort of like i can see the loss of love for the wip in my writing at the end of it)
but don’t misunderstand, i still love oasis!! and in all honesty, i’m already considering starting a second draft to it, which is way sooner than i thought i would lol
also when i started writing this piece, i began writing it in the order that it would be read, but then halfway i switched to writing chronologically
anyways, something i learned while writing this piece, is that writing is a marathon. whereas, even with my longer pieces, i always viewed writing as a sprint. so as i start venturing into original works and more lengthy pieces of writing, i think this was a very valuable lesson for me to have learned.
okay now to the good stuff lol: [the first word of the bullet about the next chapter (?) is bolded for some crumbs of an organized commentary]
so this is jumping to the first past bit... but when i first wrote farah i had a very different plan for her character than who she ended up being. i had imagined that she’d be a lot more cold and a tough love sort of person. so that’s who i was writing when she’s first introduced in the flashback, but she very quickly become a much kinder full of love sort of person. but anyways i mention this because whenever i read that first part and the introduction of her character, i’m always a bit taken aback by how like mean here character is to crown then lol
also zoar !!!! its a terrible place, but i love that underground city
i also wrote the first flashback after i had written the scene where crown and chanhee are talking at his place in andhor, so the whole “fearless” connection was done very purposefully here since i knew how it’d be referenced in the next scene. someone mentioned this small connection in their reblog but i cant remember who 
also rashi is my favorite character xD
i personally think how crown and chanhee became friends (the running thing) is so cute 
this first bit of conversation between crown and chanhee when it switches back to the present and chanhee is giving them a tour of andhor is actually quite important to me, in the sense that its the first glimpse of how their actual relationship works and how they act together and just like their dynamic despite the fact that they havent seen each other in so long 
and yeah i think kyu mentioned this and a few others, but i love how awkward it is when chanhee and crown are in his home in andhor, cause one: they havent seen each other in years! but also: anyone else find going to someone’s place for the first time oddly intimate, like wow you’re opening up your home to me and now suddenly idk how to sit or stand or what to do with my arms... maybe just me LMAO
DUDE i struggled so hard with making it so that chanhee knew how impossible this whole mission was going to be without actually revealing that he knows about the mirror. it was so hard for me, hopefully it came out alright though. if anyone is reading this, did the twist(s) come as a shock to you? did you see it coming? or did it feel like it came out of absolutely no where and not in a good way?
yes i did name the desert after the department store kohls .....
i was so excited to explain all the mage types, i had so much fun writing this whole chapter 
fun fact: there was originally another sub group of psyche mages called dream mages who had like powers with dreams and stuff, but it ended up being irrelevant and really underdeveloped so it took it out
if anyone else was raised catholic or is catholic then i’d hope you recognize the names of all the relics.... i stole them from a prayer in the rosary whoops
it took me very long time to figure out exactly how the whole soul for the relic business would work, and idk if im a 100% satisfied with what it is/how it works/how it plays into rashi giving chanhee the locket
the note new gives crown.... the first slice of their friendship blooming, bro i eat that shit up 
this part where crown and rashi are talking after the lesson is actually one of my favorites. (like i said i love rashi, but i just really love her interreacting with crown, i think they have such an interesting dynamic and one that i’ve seen irl a lot between students and teachers, where the student adores the teacher... i’ll get more into this later) but moving on, i like it for a number of reasons. one: it’s the first time we as readers get to see rashi talk outside of her role as lesson master. two: i love crown getting this validation from rashi. it’s not really expanded on a lot, but crown’s magic is definitely a bit of an insecurity for them, in the way that they don’t feel like it belongs to them. but here rashi comes, this person that crown looks up to so much, and telling crown that they’re a bit similar when it comes to having magic. and surprising crown by comforting them. and... idk i just really love this moment for crown.
okay this line: “You call your mom Rashi?” is a lowkey reference to game plan,, if anyone knows what i’m talking about then please come clown me for nearly having the entire movie memorized 
oh, i also find the capital really cool. in my head the capital was always one huge building that contains an entire city but i realized while editing that i never really explained that, so idk if i successfully described the capital as cool as it is to me 
also the five friends part.....CUTE
when chanhee says “i know. i remember.” !!! girl i felt that line with my entire chest. idk why
okay wait this part: “But that knowledge seems to fall flat right now. Because despite everything, curiosity won the war.” i love it so much, its that tiny of sliver of hope that gets me personally
i think this part where crown’s pride is so hurt by no one telling them about chanhee’s healing magic is quite important because its a glimpse of how stubborn and prideful and headstrong of a character they can be 
also this : “ ‘and do you believe everything rashi says’ / without hesitation, you answer, ‘yes, of course’ “ this is another example of how highly crown thinks of rashi while growing up, almost to a fault. to the point where crown thought rashi could do no wrong. which i think is so interesting to think about when contrasted with the fight crown and chanhee have in the jungle where crown is the one discussing how rashi was wrong. i just like how much growth crown has had between all these years. and their opinion / perspective on rashi is one of the largest indicators of that growth. 
I also just really like that paragraph where shadow vs healing is explained... I think chanhee’s magic is so sick
oh also the names thing.... I can’t remember where I got the idea to do that from but im so glad I did. its one of my favorite aspects to this world, and it looks like a lot of other people enjoyed it as well. but apart from the intimacy of it, i love how the use of names affects one’s magic. and that paragraph where they go through all that a mage could do with a name. it gives me chills. just cause.... the possibilities
so many people have mentioned this line.... but I must too, so this part: “magic always comes with a price. this is new’s” ..... crazy
saskila scares me omg
again the first vision they see is not a random scene.... the easter eggs I planted with that mwahaha
yeah that scene where they’re outside the tent discussing who should give their name to saskila..... I love that scene chanhee’s “I don’t have anyone but you” and crown deflecting all that tension with the pinky promise and the saskila calling them lovers.... mwah
this random scene about the hot summer and laying with Farah and new in the gardens is another one of my favorite, it’s just so sweet
but this next scene makes me so sad
like I know what happens and I know that everything turns out okay but I get so scared for crown
yeah just that entire part after Rashi gets to them and when they’re going to the infirmary and before crown passes out... I love that whole part. i think i did an effective job of writing the gravity of that whole moment. cause it makes me a little stunned every time I read it. and I was pretty nervous about not being able to do that scene and that moment justice so I’m glad it turned out like it did
and again this line: magic always comes with a price, and in your case, it comes with several.
okay this part after they jump out of the ship and crown is talking to Chanhee but that other dude is talking too... I hope it’s not too confusing. I really wanted to show through the writing that this was all happening at the same time, but idk it came out well. like in my mind I have such a clear picture of this scene, but I have no clue if I did effective job of showing you guys what I’m seeing through the writing
oh yeah, crowns thing about dual wielding and engulfing the blades in flames.... I find that so cool. they’re so sick for that
yeah also the part where crowns hurt and they give Chanhee their name and they use it.... great moment, but I feel like my writing is a bit lacking here. i just know it could be better.
I think at this point of writing my classes had started, and again the disparity in writing quality is so obvious to me 
but the line where chanhee is describing how it all feels, and it says “chanhee feels golden” was inspired by daylight by taylor swift, theres a line in that song that goes “i used to think love would be burning red, but its golden” and like hello the parallels between that and crown’s fire magic.... something to think about 
so this next part where it’s back to the past and crown is getting in trouble (as crown does) but the part where crown is like asking but not directly asking for rashi’s name.... that part is so crazy to me cause it’s feels so out of place. but it was purposeful. i was trying to show that crown’s growing and that they’re at this weird age where they feel invincible. and also i wanted to put more emphasis on how being royal and the heir to the throne kind of effects the relationships crown has
and the last line of this part when rashi says “never abuse it” it gives me chills whew
the next part ... another part that i had high hopes for in the outlining stages of writing, but when it came to actually writing, this scene totally flopped, i’m gonna try not to dwell on this part too much cause i just know most of my comments will be about how much i don’t like it. but just overall, this scene could have been SO MUCH BETTER !
omg this little interaction: ““Look!” Chanhee deadpans, shooting you a glare. “The match is about to begin.” / “Wish me luck.” /  “I hope you lose.”” i think its so funny and cute
“ Your eyes immediately got to Rashi “ another example of how highly crown regards rashi 
“In Wurltan.” hmmmmmm sus.... *laughs in i love mentioning things that won’t make sense to reader until later*
okay this: “Yes, but not just any mage. I…” your voice trails off, pulling at your fingers and looking anywhere but at him. “I wanted you to know.” i cannot stand these two omg 
okay this part: “Chanhee thinks and overthinks the words spoken between you both. His mind drifts off to last night as well, that moment in the tent where you shared your warmth. He doesn’t even realize he’s staring at you until you give him a funny look. He quickly looks away and wonders if you’re overthinking everything as relentlessly as he is.” this part makes me think about what ina said about how chanhee shows his love by keeping you in his thoughts and YEAH chanhee’s love language in this piece is thinking about you and staring LOL
i hate this next part, not cause i don’t like it or anything it just makes me sad 
but this line: “Like if someone shoved you from behind right now, you wouldn’t push back; you’d let yourself fall straight to the ground.” i actually love that line
also this next entire bit i see SO clearly in mind, i hope i wrote it well enough so that you all saw it clearly too
when chanhee wipes the dirt.... girl i’m wiping my tears 
this line : “We’ll lean on each other.” mini love declaration sighhhhhh
yeah that whole part i love so much 
the seat of wisdom :(((( no!!!!!
so about this line: “He stares at his palms, at all the lies buried under each nail and at all the secrets shoved in every crack. He watches as they all blow up in front of his face.” >> i had like ten different versions of it before i settled on this one lol
okay so the first part of the last past flashback with crown realizing their true feelings... so soft 
news gone, rashis’s dead, :((( it makes me so sad
gosh okay this paragraph..... “I’ve always wondered why the gods blessed me and you the way that they have. They entrusted you with such great power. The only person to be both a healing and shadow mage in centuries. And then,” a tear falls from her eye, “they entrusted you to me.” Chanhee thinks this might be the first time he’s seen Rashi cry. “But now I have reason to believe that this was no accident. I’m beginning to think that the gods have always known it would come to this. And I’m starting,” she falters there, “I’m starting to spite them for it.”  it hurts so bad im sorry 
the first confrontation with harlan took me so long to write, and i’m still not sure if i actually like it, so again i will refrain from commenting lol
but the part where crown screams : “YOU LOST THE MIRROR OF JUSTICE!”  I think i told kyu this but this line makes me laugh because in my head its said the same way bella says: “you nicknamed my daughter after the lochness monster” whenever i see that line i smile lol
honestly this argument scene..... one of my absolute faves,,, everything lina said about it in that reblog just yes!yes!yes!! i can’t even comment about a particular part because all of it i love so much. its another part that leaves me slightly speechless.
but my favorite part of it might be how it ends hehe
these next couple parts were a bit diffucult to write because obviously the air between crown and chanhee is not very light right now so it was just hard to navigate their dynamic at these moments until they apologize but hopefully it turned out alright
i really like this line: “But this moment—with the scent of Harlan’s wine under his nose and the chill of Harlan’s blade against his neck—this moment feels nothing like those. It feels empty.” 
“ Chanhee just stares at you.“ -- staring as a love language exhibit b 
this whole part... chills bro 
“Chanhee exhales because for the first time since this afternoon he looks at your face and sees you.” -- exhibit c ....
okay wait another one of my favorite parts here: the spilled glass metaphor!! again please reference lina’s rb on this because everything said there... could not have said better myself. inspired by this writing advice by ocean vuong and yeah i just think the metaphor speaks for itself, one of my favorite lines (well paragraph) from the entire piece, actually from ALL of my works 
it was so hard to think up all of yumi’s different names, i was struggling
them talking about how farah will be happy to see chanhee...... how do i break it to you crown.....she’s dead...... awkward
red streak q! yesss. also i’m so sorry for killing off farah 
also kyunyu bestiessss
tbh this whole paragraph: “I get this overwhelming burst of honesty. As if what you both speak of is more than just a simple truth, as if it’s a commandant you blindly follow. What’s even odder is that I only feel that burst when you speak of each other.” Q stops walking and turns so that he faces Chanhee directly. “You speak of Crown constantly. And last night, when I met Crown, your title never left from the tip of their tongue. Humans are so simple really. We mention what we love.” Q pauses for a moment, bringing a hand under his chin. “Do you love Crown?” --i wrote it for myself no regrets
oh wait this bit too : “Quietly, Chanhee says, “I know.” / “Have you been watching?” / “I’ve been waiting.” / “For what?” / He meets your eyes. “For you.”” -- sometimes i do things that live rent free in my own mind
okay im so sorry for just quoting myself but this too : “ He sits back slightly. Shocked. Not by his love for you, but rather by how easily love walked into his heart and settled between his lungs “
lol the part where they try fooling q... why are crown and chanhee like this
the running !!!
yeah also every part after that... tears okay
yumi’s magic !!! its so cool to me, i love it so much 
i surprisingly don’t have much to say about the end... i mean i like it, but i just don’t have any comments. the last line tho... good one shawna
okay im done for you sake i hope no one read this lmao 
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
7x05 Thoughts & Ramblings
S2!Octavia vibes and I am HERE for it
Oh wow that Aboretum major hunger games arena vibes, they were clearly THG inspired this season
I’m so confused by time. Like was that the first time Octavia was taken or after Hope stabbed her?
Oh damn the self-immolation disturbing af
Literally so bored by the sheidheda plot, next please
Soft Murphy when he’s concerned about Emori 🥰🥰
Ah okay so it’s clearly the first time Octavia was taken and they have info about everyone else because of her memories. Got it (maybe)
Ayyy the first “go float yourself.” Scratches it off bingo card
Is it sad that my heart jumped just at the sound of Bellamy’s voice in Octavia’s memories? Miss our boy
Wait are we not seeing Clarke and them this ep? I’m so bored by this Sanctum plot
Really wish Murphy went with Clarke and them instead of Niylah so we could get full delinquent vibes
Oh damn they made Daddy Murphy angry
Omg I’m LIVING for this Murphy. “The rest of the children come with me.” I’m so attracted to him rn I can’t
Sanctum plot is shit but at least Murphy is entertaining
Switching right to the shot of cockroach murphy saying “I’ll survive.” *chef’s kiss* cinematic masterpiece
“Tell me about this John Murphy” LMAO this should be good
Oh there’s a *good* Bardo man alright. They’ll probably kill him lol
Aw her saving Hope with the deal
Lol this guy is going to have loads of trauma just from watching Octavia’s memories
This guy CHEERING for her memory WTF. Like okay now he’s just creepy, he’s like obsessed
I mean I wouldn’t say her heart is PURE lmao.
“Wait until you meet bloodreina” lol at least she’s self aware now
Aw the Octavia and Hope reunion. That’s got to be fucking wild for Octavia to see her that old when she’s been there for like 2 weeks
Wait now I’m even more confused if this is stabbed!Octavia
Oh okay this is pre-stab Octavia, and this is why she forgot after she came out of the anomaly?
How did I become too stupid for a CW show. Tbh thank god I decided to watch with a glass of wine 🍷
Alright, code on back. Pre-stab Octavia
My head is spinning 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
Lmao the Bardo guy is so smitten with her. “May we meet again,” he says with a smile after she beat him, face bloodied
Oh they came in all stabby
HOPE came in all stabby
This is probably the creepiest cult we’ve had on the show and yes 110% because they keep saying shepherd
This leader dude with the white hair is always a villain
It’s called love you son of a bitch
Clarke is the key to everything huh okay interesting. Him saying that to Hope makes me wonder what Hope knows about Clarke from Octavia and Diyoza. Like what stories did they tell her? Is she thinking, why’s this bitch so important?
Random note not the 100 related: Stop with these fucking Amazon propaganda ads, it aint fooling anyone
Honestly disappointed but mostly bc I thought we were getting Clarke + crew this ep even if we weren’t getting Bellamy yet. This is why you keep your expectations low kids
Why do they think Kaylee is real and not Daniel?
Lmao sheidheda is like, I did not sign up for this shit
“Had to find the right dress.” / “You did.” Wow these last two eps are really bringing out the memori fan in me
Trying to be understanding bc these Sanctum people are brainwashed but like...ya’ll. Open your eyes.
Indra has heard that before OH SHIT she called him
Pls pls pls don’t die Indra
Trigedasleng always coming in handy to root out the liars
Okay still don’t like the sheidheda plot but I like learning grounder history tbh. Interesting about the whole battle that conquered Trikru. We saw just the smallest snapshot of grounder culture/history in S1-4.
Let him feel it. For Abby. SHIT Indra. Although tbh not surprised
Obsessed Bardo guy to Octavia. “They think I’ve gotten too close.” YA THINK. I mean, we appreciate it, but it’s still weird
Her brother is here. Omg omg omg
Oh god they broke Octavia
“No way, not without you.” 😭😭😭
Aiighhhtt Echo continues to lose it
Okay. We know obviously Bellamy isn’t dead but we can definitely see where this is going with the b/echo development, or more accurately unraveling. Besides the fact she just reverted to murdering someone out of pure rage/revenge, now we get to see Echo without Bellamy, as a person without a “king” and see how she handles it. Honestly 50/50 whether she gets a redemption, growth arc or if we’re just going to watch her spiral further into darkness.
Haaaaa omg Hope & Gabriel @ Echo at the end. [insert VEEP nervous laughter meme]
Anyhow this was so long I’m sorry. These posts are getting longer w every ep bc I get more confused with every ep.
Will be praying for a bellarke reunion in 7x06, here we go 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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littlepurinsesu · 4 years
V Watches MagiReco - Episode 9 Review
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*Spoilers for Magia Record Anime Episode 9*
I... have mixed feelings about this episode O___O While some parts were definitely well-done (like, REALLY well-done), there were some others that left me a bit underwhelmed and wanting something more?
Don’t get me wrong, by no means was it not a good episode, because it was. But I’m gonna try my hardest to pinpoint why I felt that while some parts were amazing, others really could have been done better.
The phone conversation with Iroha and AI had some top-notch imagery going on in the background. As expected of a PMMM spin-off, every single frame probably has some deep and profound symbolism if you really wanted to pause and analyse each one. There’s never a dull moment on screen; even when all that’s happening is a phone conversation, they know how to hold your attention by giving your eyes a feast with that amazingly trippy and surreal kind of art style that PMMM is known for.
I, too, was a bit disappointed that Madoka and Homura didn’t show up, and by the looks of it, they probably won’t be making their appearance during Sana’s arc at all, which makes yet another major deviation the anime has made. But it’s not that huge of a deal to me because I know they’ll appear at some other point and I’m sure they had their reasons for making this change (hopefully for something better!). I’m happy to let the new characters take the spotlight; I actually think it’s a better choice than constantly relying on the Holy Quintet to build hype and satisfy the fans, which could actually draw attention and focus away from the main plot sometimes. This is how I personally feel, at least ^^;;
That being said, although I didn’t mind Madoka and Homura not being there, I did have some issues with Iroha’s entrance into the Rumour. It just happened... way too quickly and suddenly? I expected a bit more dialogue between the characters, especially since Yachiyo’s expression and comment about jumping off the tower not killing magical girls should have been a big indicator that she knows something (wink wink). I think that might have been a good chance to foreshadow the reveal that comes with Chapter 6, and maybe add a bit more mystery to Yachiyo’s unrevealed past. But the biggest problem I had with this scene was the way Iroha jumped lol. She just... jumped. Like it was no big deal. And it was even weirder because she technically “fell” while reaching out to catch Lil’ Kyubey, but there was hardly any reaction xD She also happened to be in the middle of a sentence while talking to Yachiyo LOL clearly that “jump” wasn’t a planned or prepared one xD I just really felt like the dialogue wasn’t finished or something was cut somewhere in there? They were talking and suddenly down she goes. I know I probably sound extremely nitpicky and this is just a minor detail that doesn’t really make much difference to the story (none at all, in fact), but I just found her apathy somewhat unrealistic and strange, which broke the immersion for me during what should have been a very crucial and heart-pounding moment. Unless Iroha’s just super brave and isn’t afraid of heights at all? Maybe? xD
Anyway, back to the positive stuff! Sana’s backstory was depicted really well. Again, absolutely amazing visuals (I especially liked the use of shoes and dinosaurs). And Sana’s bond with AI was portrayed even better than in the game, in my opinion. It was the most heartwarming and bittersweet relationship, and it’s amazing to see how AI slowly changes in Sana’s company. By the way, their chess game with little puppies and kittens was adorable omg x) I’d love to write more on Sana and AI, but I don’t really have anything specific to say except that I just really, really loved how their relationship was portrayed. Definitely the best part about this week’s episode.
And now comes my biggest complaint: Alina’s debut. As one of the most popular and interesting MagiReco characters, I’m sure the entire fandom was looking forward to how the anime would go about introducing her. I don’t know if I just set my expectations too high or anything, but her entrance was extremely underwhelming for me. And a lot of the reasons were exactly the same as my dissatisfaction with Iroha’s jump: too rushed and too many missed opportunities. She just kind of appeared out of nowhere, and while I do appreciate the “shock value”, what annoyed me was the lack of of a proper “introduction” she got. AI stated her name, and Iroha questioned if she was a member of the Wings of Magius, but we didn’t get any answers. There was no explanation on who she was or what she was doing there, how she got in and what her relationship with AI was. Game players would know, of course, but I’m concerned that anime-only viewers will have no idea what’s going on and probably also have no idea that they just met one of the most important and popular characters of the franchise right now. Essentially, they’re just gonna be seeing a very flamboyant and crazy girl enter and wreck havoc but with no explanation about why she was doing what she was doing or what her connection was with the current situation and the bigger picture of the plot thus far. She just comes in and steals the spotlight, and while game players know that she definitely deserves the spotlight given who she is, anime-only viewers are probably going to be left wondering why this random green girl just came in, who the heck she is, and why everything is about her all of a sudden.
Another crucial piece of information that got lost in that very rushed and chaotic introduction was the fact that Alina actually used the word “Doppel”, which is the first time the term has been dropped in the anime. But again, no one even responded or reacted in any way (at least do the cliche thing where the protagonist repeats “Doppel?” or something LOL), but no she just keeps rambling on and yet another crucial piece of information is lost in the shuffle. What makes it possibly even more confusing is that her Doppel really doesn’t look like the Doppels we’ve seen so far; it could pass as her shooting random bits of paint-like oozy stuff instead, so I’m really struggling to see how anime-only viewers are going to make that connection and put the pieces together.
And if her entrance was underwhelming, then her “exit” was probably even worse lol. She just... disappears xD It’s quite anticlimactic considering how it looked like we were gearing up for Sana vs. Alina, and then she just suddenly gets kicked out lmao. I get that she’ll be back really soon, but it still felt way too abrupt? I think my main gripe about everything to do with Alina’s debut can be summed up in two words: too rushed. There’s so much about her character that’s interesting and vital to the story, but everything either gets glossed over really quickly or just dropped here and there with no response from the other characters. Even if they didn’t want to get into details right away, which is also fine, they could still have slowed down and built up some mystery and tension so that we’ll want to find out more about her because we’re interested and curious, and not because we have no idea what’s going on. Her appearance should have brought some answers to the questions raised throughout the story thus far, but instead she just brought more confusion and chaos lol.
But her entrance wasn’t all negative! They absolutely nailed her mannerisms. Basically everything that makes her so infamously crazy was delivered flawlessly. Her expressions, her movements, her voice, her speech, her word choice... she definitely entered with a BANG and she’s no doubt going to leave a deep impression on viewers, whether they understand her deal or not lol. The voice-acting was also top-notch, as expected of her seiyuu. Alina’s one of those characters where you really need to hear her speaking and see her moving to experience the full extent of her "charm”, and I’d say the anime definitely delivered in that respect and portrayed her uniqueness in a strong and memorable way, so props to them for that :D
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^ I really wanted to use this image for this week’s review, but it’s technically Sana’s episode so I stuck with Sana xD Oh, and another thing I definitely loved about her entrance was hearing her saying so many of her lines from the game battles ^^
... Wow I just rambled and ranted for four whole paragraphs about Alina’s introduction, sheesus... Onto some other stuff now, shall we? ^^;;
One of the most interesting things to me about AI was how her appearance changes to become more and more like Sana. This is another example where the anime is able to illustrate things that the game isn’t capable of, and while I’m not sure if it’s a change or I simply missed it in the game because of the static AI sprite, I definitely liked this little detail. It not only shows how AI slowly becomes more and more human, but also highlights the fact that her form resembling Sana implies the influence that Sana has had on her. Sana is all AI has really ever known about humans and the “real” world, and all the human feelings and emotions she gains are because of Sana. It makes perfect sense that when she takes on a more human-like appearance, it’s going to resemble Sana in some respect. The little detail with the crown near the end was also really sweet ;___;
I really do think “mixed feelings” is the best way to describe my overall impression of this week’s episode xD Sana’s backstory and her relationship with AI had me in tears, but Iroha’s jump and Alina’s debut definitely had me raising my eyebrows a few times. I can overlook the Iroha part as just me being nitpicky over a trivial detail, but I really do hope that they step up their game with Alina next week. They definitely did her justice on a surface level, but in terms of her significance and relevance to the plot, not so much. She’s such an important character and her appearance marks a major plot point, so I hope we get the explanations and clarifications needed soon.
I have even higher expectations for next week, since not only is the showdown with Alina something I’ve been looking forward to for a while, but I’m also hoping that they “rectify” some of the issues this week lol. Fingers crossed that Alina gets some better writing, and they continue doing the amazing job they’ve done so far with Sana’s story! ^^
Sorry I’m so much more “negative” this week compared to how I usually am with my reviews, but I was looking forward to Alina’s appearance so much and was really sad to feel any ounce of disappointment :( Hopefully next week’s review will be back to just me fangirling throughout hehe~
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mezzy303 · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020 Ep 1-3 Impressions
I was originally planning on binging the entire season after all the episodes aired, but it’s on indefinite hiatus with only 3 episodes out so might as well watch them!
Honestly I was surprised when I heard Adventures was getting a reboot after the announcement that the Kizuna movie would be the end of “Taichi and Agumon’s story” especially when they were released/aired like a month of each other lol. Interesting production choices. That said, it’s an interesting concept to bring the Adventures kids into 2020 when the world is way more digital than it was in 1999. So much potential to explore!
But it’s obvious Toei is pandering towards the generation that grew up with the original series, the old art style is kinda proof of it lol. From the 3 episodes that are out, it doesn’t feel like they’re starting from scratch to bring in a new audience. The story was so fast-paced and went from 0 to 100 without ever explaining anything?? Like new evolutions in OG Adventures were the climax of character growth in the episode so there was emotional attachment in watching the digimon gain the upper hand. 2020 Adventures was like here have an evolution just cuz lol. It was all the spectacle and none of the substance behind it. Not to mention Greymon and Garurumon went straight from their champion forms to mega?? I get that Hikari and Takeru played a role but how??? I just don’t like the idea of them being able to evolve so easily right at the beginning. Doing so loses the whole point of evolutions and reduces them to just pure visuals and action.
And don’t get me started on the clear recycling of the plot of Our War Game.... even some of the shots was straight up from the movie. That preview for the ep 2 was probably meant to bait ppl into thinking Diablomon would be there lmao. I got bored watching the battle sequences, I’m not sure it was a good choice to dedicated the first 3 eps to high-stake action right off the bat. Would someone getting into Digimon for the first time fully enjoy it?? (Lemme know lol) Hopefully #4 will have more explanations now that the kids are in the Digital World.
Other thoughts
Y’know I was half expecting the OP to be Butterfly but it was still a nice homage to it in the music :’)
Taichi is such a good friend like he just met Koushiro and he’s all like look at how awesome this dude is 😩
Ok but for real, who tf tells all that classified info to a 9yr old
And how does Yamato know so much??
What are these random feathers?? (weren’t they digimon data or smth in the og series so what are they doing here)
Did they change the digimon voice actors for their champion and so on levels :O
In all, I’m not too impressed from the first 3 episodes alone. It seems like it could be an interesting spin on the og series but I feel like those eps were wasted trying to be nostalgic. Tbh all of that could’ve fit in 1-1.5 episodes if they wanted to start off the season with fast-paced action.
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tiffgeorgina · 4 years
alright trailer thoughts
watch it here slutties: https://twitter.com/SHOBlackMonday/status/1216778009044291585
3) but actually let’s get it. this song bangs showtime stays on their excellent editing.
4) trying to analyze showtime’s trailers is like trying to grab smoke so this is going to be extremely barebones for a while. 
5) somebody drives off with the busted up limbo, but we can’t tell who it is yet bc their face never comes into view. they’re wearing a gray suit tho, so it may become more obvious who it is once the episode itself is out.
6) mo is being dramatic asf which as of 1x10 is perfectly in character lmfao
7) bro what the FUCK did you do to your hair i gotta ask fuck the 80s. also there’s this character on IMDb tagged “Vanessa (hair like mo)” so that makes more sense now maybe?
8) establishing shots that almost make me think mo is hiding out in california. since we know his orphanage story is bullshit, maybe he’s visiting family? maybe this is where that marcus wainright iii character comes in? since i dont think he’s in the trailer?
9) keith is living. almost has out-of-the-closet energy. i bet that scene of him roller skating is either after a) he comes out to his wife and divorces her or b) he gets a call from mo and flies straight out to cali to meet up with him.
10) the editing is so good you guys holy shit they jsut never quit over there do they?
11) a shot of mo in some suburb. could be a family member or a friend’s house? which again leads me to think he’s in california.
12) there’s this TV show called “America’s Most Unsolved Crimes” that mo shows up on bc he’s being solely blamed for the crash. how dawn and blair managed to avoid any blame whatsoever is beyond me, but mo is an excellent scapegoat since he confessed on record. no idea who the guy sitting on the desk talking about him is tho, since he wasn’t announced as one of the new guest stars. probably just a one off. maybe this is where “reenactment dawn” comes in from the IMDb page?
13) mo is bringing back the 70s and i do not like it. when i said the 80s were cool bc nobody knew how to dress themselves This Is Not What I Meant.
14) he wouldn’t just casually play basketball with some random kids, these are probably either his cousins or his nephews or the kids of a friend. again leads me to believe he’s in california, possibly visiting marcus? it would make sense. either that or we finally get some real concrete background on mo that isn’t total bullshit.
15) keith is in contact with mo. it’s hard to tell if keith went to cali to see mo or if mo came to NY seeing as both are extremely suspicious. assuming mo is in cali that is. keith is definitely going to get mo back in the game. speaking of mo, this entire first 30 seconds is Mo-centric, so i bet mo’s arc is going to be plottier than blair or dawn’s in 1“A” (showtime doesn’t really have A and B arcs for this show bc there’s no midseason hiatus i just like the terminology)
16) throwback thursday lmfao
17) no idea who this guy shooting/probably fake shooting is?? like no idea. could be nothing of importance and just a transition filler/tone setting moment.
18) the heat is on motherfucker! let’s get this cat and mouse shit im ready for it!
19) here we go here’s dawn. back at the jammer group. back at DAWN AS THE PRESIDENT HIRING A BUNCH OF WOMEN???????? BIIIIIITTTTCCCCHHHH I LOVE TO SEE IT. INCLUDING DEANNA CHENG (she’s friends with casey which means she’s friends with half the cast we should’ve known she wasn’t going anywhere) AKA THE SALES CLERK WHO HARASSED DAWN IN 1X02????? YES BITHC
20) then wayne and yassir fucking it up (nice facial hair wayne it’s hideous kjsfkjdhg) and the women throwing paper at him??? LKJRHGKLJSERH????
21) blair and tiff dressed up??? guys. they’re going to some rich people gala thing. this is what i was talkinf about. im almost certain this is how blair and harris meet. their wives are gonna see each other after not having spoken in years bc of whatever but they used to be friends so they go to talk and the husbands and dragged along and *closet case to closet case communication sounds*
22) ok now BLAIR’S on the exercise craze? i thought that was just gonna be dawn like in s1 also how long is this exercise montage in the show bc there are some things a god fearing lesbian shouldn’t have to see. this weird mirror talking shit feels like voyeurism from this perspective i feel like i shouldn’t be seeing this.
23) she’s still topping him??? after all that??? aight yk it’s part of the dynamic
24) tiff is wearing the same dress in “you do, hunk” as she is in the bit where they get out of the limo and deal with the paparazzi so i presume that workout scene is immediately before that gala thing im establishing a #timeline
25) the skants reveal??? we call that PLOT DEVELOPMENT i love a good callback to the first season
26) the shocked gasp i can’t tell if it’s good or bad. also does this mean tiff’s starting her own company? since georgina is liquid?
27) larry telling dawn that mo’s on his way back for revenge? spliced with mo staring at the wall like he so frequently does while smoking? mayhaps this editing went off also i never thought i’d say this but the brotherfucker has a point mo is gonna pop off when he sees yall again
28) FBI wyd........ that’s a lot
29) that falling out last season bit: blair’s definitely talking about tiff’s parents, and im almost certain andrew flubbed right there and improvised over it by saying “autumn.” well im appreciative of that bc a) it’s funny and b) it indicates when this is going on a bit. it’s not like we’re two years in the future or anything. this is probably gonna start a couple of months after the crash and that’s it.
30) no idea who blair is talking to tho since i can’t see the woman’s face. could be one of tiff’s friends? idk. also nice hair tiff
31) that ball spinning around like a gumball in a machine? weird transition but aight. also immediately after, dawn is in the lehman office, again no idea why. probably the same scene as larry telling her that mo is plotting his revenge but idk why she’s there.
32) that shot of a plane coming into JFK? now im near certain that mo is in cali it would make so much sense please showtime just MAKE SENSE. 
33) confetti and mo’s entrance? you know what it’s what i should’ve expected tbh it’s all so delightfully in character EDIT: THE CONFETTI IS NOT BEFORE MO’S ENTRANCE. YOU CAN SEE DAWN’S CLOTHES CHANGE COLOR, IT WAS JUST AN EDITING TRICK.
34) mo’s just gonna pull up, zero fucks, in the middle of the day. much different than how i thought this scene would go, with a lot of betrayal and drama involved instead of this bitch just pulling up. now idek if dawn and mo are in contact before this, when before i was almost certain they would be.
35) what blair says here is definitely not the first thing he says when mo walks in, i can tell from the editing. also im near certain that blair doesn’t say “bro.” it sounds edited in/done in post (his voice pitches up a lot there when that’s usually a beat when your voice would fall), so i wouldn’t be surprised if blair curses a lot there and they just had to edit it to stay in the green band. 
36) ol polluted waterfall lookin ass jshgkjfdhg mo quit lying that hairstyle is not popular fuck off
37) im loving this tagging order tbh. paul scheer getting tagged in the trailer is just. what he deserves. do we consider keith a protagonist now? he’s in all the promo material by name and face now.
38) regina and andrew look so good god yes also the editing is so GOOD fuck
39) keith (hand holding emoji) blair
        getting hit by random vehicles
40) NO THE LIMBO FUCK SHIT THESE CARS WERE NOT MEANT TO LAST almost looks deliberate :eyes emoji:
41) what’s keith doing with this barbershop quartet wtf
42) almost certain that’s tiff singing? based on 1x09 this oughta be good lmao
43) THE HEEL CLICKING IS TAKING ME OUT HGKJDHFGKJFD. could this be mo and marcus? who knows?
44) look at all the cash wtf what’s all that cash for? ah shit here we go again
45) tiff entering another dimension followed by dawn doing what is certainly a mountain of coke? kind of poetic cinema ok
46) ok dawn’s wearing that green suit again from my icon so??? what does it mean what does it all mean
47) who is mo squaring up with tf? is this marcus? i can’t tell in this lighting maybe it’s fake shooting guy idk also where the fuck are they? some party? but not a rich ppl thing just a thing? idk
48) guys. we have it. the fucking airdate. i have been stanning since the first fucking episode almost a year ago today and finally we have an airdate. respect to the new stans but yall dont know what seven and a half months of network radio silence in regards to your current obsession feels like. @hatimbinaba msged me and said we had a date and the shot of adrenaline i felt was like nothing else. serotonin is currently stored in the black monday and now the serotonin is stored in the ME. Sunday, March 15, 2020, 10 pm motherfuckers. put that shit on the calendar. also looks like we have a slightly earlier timeslot which is nice.
49) and to top (ahah) it all off we have blair just straight up gay panicking at the end. that’s definitely tuc and june and if yall have been following yall would know that tuc is playing blair’s love interest and june is playing tuc’s wife so this is all very jghsrkjghs im rly excited for this scene. no way of knowing if this is before or after blair and harris get together but it’s still kshgkdjhgdkj. rich people golfing? more like rich people existing lmao. also where’s that onion video i need to find the onion video fuck this is just like the onion said would happen. i will post it and make memes later. 
50) then blair just gets hit??? by the golfcart?? and there’s this scream that is definitely not the scream of andrew, tuc or june so??? whose scream was that??? did they add that shit in post??? tf???? also tuc and june barely flinching is really decapitating me kjshkrjdg
51) there’s no way of knowing if tiff is also at the golf course, but if she isn’t? then it’s just blair and his canon love interest and canon love interest’s wife???? which is so funny “hey come play golf with me” “oh is anyone else coming?” “ya my wife” “you’re so stupid i have to question how you’re even still alive”
52) WHEEWWWW AND THAT’S IT YALL!!! BUT A COUPLE MORE THINGS. some distinct absences: no known shot of marcus (which is wack yall would think they would want to plug the hell out of dulé hill) and very few shots of harris and corky. why. promote your newcomers some more tf.
anyways that’s all on this long ass post. @ mutuals expect more freakouts xx love yall this is unedited just raw emotion
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greatfay · 4 years
Ohhhhh boy.
my all-time ultimate fave character:
Ambrose Spellman. First of all who are his parents? How is he Sabrina’s cousin? Whatever. This man is so beautiful right like all the time, or 90% of the time, idk why the other characters don’t just record his voice and play it back whenever they have a dumbass moment, a sort of audio “What Would Ambrose Do” recorder because every single time, Ambrose ends up being riiiiight. And there’s still so much about him that’s gone unexplored imo. The Vatican plot, the group he was a part of, him grieving his boyfriend from season 2?? Just saying, considering the character of Salem was split into the not-talking Cat and Ambrose, he really should be more intertwined into the plot.
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a character I didn’t used to like but now do:
Prudence. She also grew on me, though there’s some issues with this show’s writing and I think it comes from Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa trying to be Ryan Murphy in the worst way possible. Yes you can quote me on this, don’t @ me, argue with your mama. Prudence and her Weird Sisters are basically the Unholy Trinity of CAOS, except that unlike Brittany and Santana, Agatha and Dorcas never get real character development, and Prudence’s cold outer shell slowly melts only to pop back up unexpectedly and cruelly, so it’s like I like her! But then she’ll say/do things in random moments that makes it hard to like her because The Writing. Liiiike her blaming Ambrose at the end of Part 3 for that thing that happened. Also casting a person of color to play a fictitious fantasy race that calls other races “half-breeds” is never cool lmao, I’ve noticed this is a trend in fantasy, basically take your character who’s supposed to be a race supremacist and cast a black person to be them and suddenly it’s not as bad—it’s worse. And anyway I’d take a whole spin-off miniseries of Ambrose and Prudence with her TWO FUCKING SWORDS prancing across the Scottish countryside and down New Orleans streets on a quest. Geralt is shaking.
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a character I used to like but now don’t:
Nick. I love a bad boy. I love a bad boy with layers. Everything about his character was supposed to be a tempting fruit to convince Sabrina to sign her name in the book, and for the most part it works!!! So the Dark Lord might ask you to sacrifice a baby here and there, you get to have magic! And do sex magic with Gavin Leatherwood. And I had very different expectations for where his arc would go in Part 3. Sulking was not a good look for him. Jealousy was also not a good look for him. And the foot thing was gross af. I don’t see how his character can remain relevant moving forward if he’s not even Sabrina’s friend, let alone her boyfriend.
a character I’m indifferent about:
Sabrina. At first, I liked her characterization because as much as I’m a sucker for magic, it would be hard to just ghost all your friends. Especially if you have real friends, people who would be there for you, people you know are vulnerable and want to protect. I liked Sabrina as this half-in/half-out girl who wants both worlds and does the right thing. I also don’t mind a hero who does shady shit to save the day because I’m all about that moral complexity. But now she’s a bit annoying, like pull out your moral compass and pick a point! So I feel nothing toward her. My positive and negative feelings cancel out.
a character who deserved better:
Lilith. She should’ve been Queen of Hell. That whole plot point should’ve been stretched out WAY longer, especially the “they’re praying to ME” scene. BUT. I’ll say this. As much as I would’ve liked a whole Queen Lilith/Church of Lilith thing, miss thang didn’t really market herself at all. Lucifer knew exactly how to get these people eating out of his hands, and Lilith does… nothing! When they prayed to her for the first time, she should’ve made all the statues cry milk, butterflies sing with the voices of the dead, and a rainbow appear in the sky. It’s about the Drama, she could’ve a whole following but spent the whole season being Sabrina’s Unholy Godmother. Which of course, is due to the Writing. I’m just surprised she never betrayed Sabrina, and also her getting stuck with her abuser again is disgusting.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Sabrina/Harvey. They’re portrayed as endgame in the beginning but I knew he’d always be the thing holding her back from Plot Stuff, so he had to go; plus he never had a positive experience with magic and was never going to be onboard. Next is, surprisingly, Ambrose/Prudence. I really like the Sherlock/Watson thing they have going on, but Ambrose is just so nice and Prudence so blunt that they only have chemistry when they’re fucking, and tbh my “ships” are actual relationships, not fuckingships, there has to be shared emotional baggage and communication, which they didn’t have. Ya know what… Sabrina x Prudence. Now there’s a couple I would root for.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Sabrina/Nick because it was the sneeze that never happened. Feels like I didn’t even see it onscreen. Next is Tommy/Life because he shouldn’t have died, and my OTP is Faustus/Jail because he’s a fucking creep.
a cute, low-key ship:
Theo/Robin. Listen… not only are they cute as heck individually, but together it’s too powerful. And it’s such a big deal that a trans masculine main character can be the object of someone’s affections that were so strong that the character in question betrays their own family, a group of mythical creatures and gods, to do the right thing and protect him. Runner-up is Zelda/
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
I don’t think I have one  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Zelda/Faustus. Literally I vomit, I euuuughhh, euuuuughhh 🤢 listen I am not a woman, I don’t think I believe in incarnations? But watching their interactions triggered like… flashbacks in me as if I was a suburban housewife in the year 1958 and my husband will be home in 5 minutes and the “shrimp jello salad” I was supposed to have ready for him is a complete disaster and he’s going to beat me. I got Game of Thrones flashbacks watching their interactions.
my favourite storyline/moment:
When I actually thought Sabrina killed one of the Weird Sisters was a great moment for me personally, also liked the flashbacks of Lilith in the dawn of Earth, also loved Ambrose and Prudence’s adventures across the world.
a storyline that never should have been written:
That whole nightmare hallucination where Theo (before he changed his pronouns and name) woke up in a “boy’s body” was so intimately disgusting and terrible and problematic, it almost completely undoes every good thing about Theo’s storylines and the representation.
Harvey getting accepted to some artsy private school only to be haunted by nightmares of the Dark Lord??? Where did that go again? I forgot.
my first thoughts on the show:
Dark, creepy, stylish. I like it.
my thoughts now:
Messier, sometimes frustrating, still dark, still stylish. I like it? 
Ask me about a tv show/movie series/book series!
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mikumutual · 4 years
answers aa themed questions nobody asked because i’m cool and sexy
also i havent played the 5th or 6th games so
YOUR FAVOURITE…? 1. Favourite Ace Attorney game? honestly? phoenix wright ace attorney! everything’s fresh, there aren’t many weak characters, and the plot is remarkable (especially the fifth case). the whole trilogy is really good as one unit though 2. Favourite case? 1-4, 1-5, 2-4, and 3-5 are tied lol, i can’t make a decision to save my life. 2-1 is really really funny tho 3. Favourite defendant? as a defendant, lana skye. as a person, edgeworth 4. Favourite prosecutor? as a prosecutor, franziska von karma. as a person, edgeworth 5. Favourite ship? wrightworth obviously... ive probably put more thought into them over the last 3 years than any other ship 6. Favourite victim? probably mia fey or gregory edgeworth... but for non-relevant victims, neil marshall :( 7. Favourite murderer? shelly de killer, i LOVE that guy. but dee vasquez was very cool as well 8. Favourite assistant? maya fey!!!!!!!!!! but i like kay faraday a lot too (im so sorry ema) 9. Favourite witness? adrian andrews... or maybe iris? i mean i didn’t like iris but god what a person 10. Favourite quote? “It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.” - Miles Edgeworth i made this one of my senior quotes :]
YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE…? 11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game? uh fucking apollo justice. literally what the hell was that 12. Least favourite case? turnabout visitor wasn’t very strong? i guess it’s fine as an intro, but it’s also wonky with the timeline of aai 13. Least favourite defendant? max galactica. he’s better in the anime though 14. Least favourite prosecutor? manfred von karma, obviously. i like every other prosecutor (who i know of) though, even winston payne is pretty funny in hindsight 15. Least favourite ship? “miles edgeworth/female oc”. there are a lot of bad ships though, mostly involving phoenix & his assistants. dont do that please 16. Least favourite victim? zak gramarye for kickstarting that shitty, shitty game 17. Least favourite murderer? again mvk... but also fucking frank sahwit LMAO 18. Least favourite assistant? i guess trucy 19. Least favourite witness? fuck everyone from turnabout big top unless it was the anime episode 20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney? repeatedly trying and failing to download the emulator for aai2 hbjsjhdb i eventually got it but someone had to send me the download fully pre-patched and i felt kinda useless DO YOU PREFER…? 21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice? phoenix wright. fuck that “GOTCHA!” mechanic jesus christ 22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright? maya fey. nothing personal against trucy but i just dont like aj hbjsdjhsdb also maya is really sweet and fun and she has the best sprites. she seems like she’d be a good friend, it’s too bad that she doesn’t have the time for them as a spirit medium and all :( if maya ema and kay got to hang out together itd be wild 23. Investigations or trials? trials are easier in my opinion because investigations have several things you could be doing without such a linear style, so if you miss something, you won’t really know until you wander around forever 24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix? college feenie!!!!! he’s like trilogy feenie but more emotional and less witty. i like to pretend that hobo phoenix doesnt exist 25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin? who would say kristoph 26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? ace attorney but only because phoenix is in it lmao. im actually rewatching a playthrough of aai now, and playing aai2 at the same time, so while it is on the mind, i feel like the cases characters and mechanics - while loved - don’t hold up to the OGs 27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama, or Athena’s Mood Matrix? i actually kinda like the mood matrix more than anything because it has a really good UI and the magatama is kinda grating. but FUCK the gotcha mechanic it is SO FUCKING STUPID and IMPOSSIBLE TO USE.  where is logic chess 28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? you already know my answer to this one 29. 3D models or sprites? i do like the 3d models a lot but i like the original sprites more! imo original pixel sprites > 3D models > HD sprites. mostly bc the hd sprites are garbage (see here, here, and here) 30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice? rfta !!!!!! shes actually really nice as an assistant, esp considering the fact that we actually see her interact with her sister, which is something maya didn’t have very often. also her random appearance in aai was well appreciated by me
MISCELLANEOUS 31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice?
32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban? haven’t played it! it looks pretty cool though
33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West? doubt it, since the creators have said that it won’t be. but the fan translations are pretty good, so i think it’s okay
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off? i mean he already has two, so i guess he doesn’t need another? like i love edgeworth but he’s not as fun without phoenix around. ngl i would play a franziska game. or a maya game, or any spinoff revolving around a side character. hell i’d play hotti game if it meant it took place in the trilogy era
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise? REALLY good. really really good. i love how each game of the trilogy has different composers but each track has the same theme and feel!!!
36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy? seriously absolutely completely prefer the trilogy. i’m sorry but the rush of youth and trust is way, way more enjoyable than whatever “i’m 35 and therefore middle aged” nonsense is happening in the 2020s
37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction? He’s been replaced by Penny Nichols. Fuck you.
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction? it was me i ended it
39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game? i didnt play it but i really like the idea!!!!!! aa crossover games are really funny to me, i mean have you seen edgeworth in project x zone 2, lmao
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? we have one now! honestly i don’t think it did a very good job of representing the cases, but it did do a good character remix of turnabout big top so that they’re not creepy anymore. they also did a really good job with the anime-specific cases, like the one on the train! it feels a lot better paced when it’s intended for that medium rather than just adapted.  also the childhood episodes made me cry
41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney? like in 5 and 6? mm, the art style is kinda weird, and i don’t really like the voices, but i guess not everything can be pachinko and prozd
42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutor’s role? YEAH ACTUALLY!!!!!! it might be kinda weird being on the right side of the screen though lmao
43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games? uhhh i hate having to buy extra things, but i’ll admit that they are pretty funny
44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline? i only played aj so if shes in other games idk but i thought she was fine
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on? stop having creepy characters please. also jesus christ if phoenix and edgeworth arent wearing rings in aa7 i will become the ceo of capcom myself
46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline? i mean the musical did a pretty good job of adapting existing cases, so it might as well be new. it would be kinda hard to balance the games’ timeline & character development without being repetitive or an au
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated? stylized 2D animation, probably? i would want it to feel more like into the spiderverse than an anime, though. in my dream ace attorney movie, they’d just need a high art budget, several plausible deniability wrightworth scenes, and prozd to voice edgeworth
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise) your turn to die is probably closest in characterization, although its premise is more “locked in a room” than the open-world investigation of aa
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.) honestly, i like them a lot! i don’t know why people hate them so much - i mean, i know lotta lied, and wendy is a horrible old flirt, and larry just kinda sucks all around. but they’re also pretty funny to have around! larry is a constant comic relief who reminds you how much better nick & edgey are in comparison, lotta is likeable as a general character (like in 2-4, although yeah, not remarkable), and wendy oldbag is really funny. she’s so fucking funny. none of you appreciate wendy oldbag’s quirks and you are SLEEPING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating? no idea, holy shit, it got an m-rating? i mean every game before it has had blood violence and very mild swearing, and since DD probably doesnt have anything too sexually risqué, i doubt it deserves a rating any harsher than the rest of the series
okay thanks thats all
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monttagues · 7 years
Do you happen to have any recommendations for lgbt books? I've read stuff like the raven cycle and the half bad trilogy and I could really use something for christmas :)
this is gonna be a random list thrown together lmao but i’ll try to provide additional info/trigger warnings where necessary. aight let’s try this. 
lgbt characters 
Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins: i know i keep reccing this but it’s just one of my faves lmao, it’s a collection of fairy tale retellings, focused on women or wlw
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda: i really love this book and there’s also a movie adaptation coming out soon ish. it’s like a rly cute book about boys falling in love (over the internet) but like keep in mind there’s also general (high school) homophobia, forced coming outs and blackmail? ot has a happy end though
Proxy: i mean putting aside the fact im currently a Proxy Blog again because of the new short story, i also just really loved proxy and guardian (the sequel). the main character is a gay black boy and he tries to overthrow governments with his friends
The Culling/the torch keeper trilogy: this book has been called “gay hunger games” and even though i hate comparing books to the hunger games, i can kinda see where they’re coming from. it’s a latino gay boy, also trying to overthrow governments, but it’s a lil more complicated than that lmao. it’s quite gore-y and gruesome and cruel at moments, so if you find that stuff hard to read, you might want to skip this, but if you can handle that it’s worth checking out! (all 3 books are out but i still haven’t finished book 3 so i can’t tell you if it ends happy or not, i’m sorry!)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe: god i love my boys ari and dante!!!!!!!!!! this is such a good book and Saenz is zo gentle with his characters!!!!!! it’s an amazing story and i can just recommend it to anyone!! please read this one!
The Song of Achilles: this is such a cliche book to rec lmao i feel like i’m telling y’all about all the Already Well Known Books........ this is pretty much an illiad story with the focus on achilles and patroclus’ relationship
Huntress: uh, a gay girl struggling to find a balance btwn her destiny and her sexuality? kind of? this isn’t all that happy actually but okay
Geography Club: i know i liked reading this but truth be told i probably read it in like 2013 and now i can’t remember much about it. it has gay kids trying to form a club to talk to each other and they call it geography club bc geography is boring so no one will join then and their secret is safe but then someone else joins anyway i believe? 
Six of Crows: again i love this book and its sequel......... i love all the characters a lot, but for this list i’ll mention it has 1 gay character and 1 bisexual character and they’re!!!! everything!!!! i love them. sidenote it’s definitely not necessary but you might want to read the grisha trilogy first, because the SoC duology is a spin off. but if you don’t want that, you can just read it on its own. none of the characters in SoC exist in TGT, it’s just the worldbuilding that makes it easier to understand. (although some TGT characters make an appearance in SoC, but you can understand the story just fine w/o knowing them) 
I'll Give You the Sun: this is a really lovely story but i just........ can’t talk much about it? it’s hard to talk about it without spoiling it imo, because this is just as much an emotion as it is a book? you just have to read it and feel it and fall in love with it
Of Fire and Stars: this is very medieval and has magic and girls falling in love and ALSO a happy end
Seven Ways We Lie: i’m kind of ? about reccing this because it doesn’t really focus a lot on lgbt characters, but it has a character that identifies as pansexual. the main plot is mostly about a ~secret~ teacher/student relationship, and about sisters trying to reconnect imo? so yes keep that in mind
The Foxhole Court/all for the game trilogy: AGAIN i feel kind of ‘mmmhhhmmmm’ about recommending this. i liked reading these books, BUT they feature a lot of violence, abuse, sexual abuse, drugs/alcohol abuse, quite some drugs/alcohol in general........ they’re hard books and they’re certainly not for everyone so i want everyone to be cautious about reading them, and certainly be aware of all the triggers in the books! here is a detailed list of all the TWs. apart from that the series features a few gay characters and all in all it DOES end happy although it takes quite a lot
Damaged Like Us: this could have been on the prev list but i wanted to put it here for a few reasons. first: it features a gay man and a bisexual man. now: all of this. it’s a spin off series of the addicted series, which is 10 novel. the writers have said it’s not necesarry to have read TAS, but i’m not too sure about that tbh. i would recommend reading TAS for starting the like us series. and also, i feel like i can’t really talk about this because i’m not a gay man, but the book feels kind of??? fetish-y? i know other people have talked in debt about this and if anyone asks i’ll dig up some of those posts, but i’m just paraphrasing what they have said. it feels like the book focuses a lot on sex, which it also did in TAS, so that’s nothing new, but to a lot of readers it feels different? like the characters have no emotional development, there’s just sex for the sake of it being gay sex and nothing else, and i can see how that’s kind of :/ questionable. so therefore i’m putting it on this list. also i haven’t read book 2 (lovers like us) yet so that might change things
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