#and then i started thinking about the beauty and the beast au when i read the caption
smoking-old-toby · 1 year
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so happy for them! but... beauty and the beast actor? really? come on, he was in the hobbit! he was the dragonslayer! (and now he's slaying on the beach) only beauty and the beast i'm interested in is the beauty and the beast au dragonhearted by @lordoftherazzles that's good shit
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st-guliks-fnord · 3 months
One thing about me is if I’m not thinking about Beauty and the Beast yes I am. Some part of my brain is running BatB.exe at all times.
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thetriumphantpanda · 9 months
Tale As Old As Time | Joel Miller Fantasy AU (Chapter One)
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Series Summary | A Prince, cursed to be unloved, hardened by years of staring at his scars and sitting in his loneliness. A girl, headstrong and wanting of adventure, to escape the life curated for her, a breath of fresh air against the dark of his heart and his home. Can she really learn to love the beast he has become? Truly, a tale as old as time.
Chapter Summary | The origin of a cursed Prince and a girl, unwilling to set aside her dreams for a fate already decided on, thrown together with consequences neither of them could have dreamed about.
Pairing | Joel Miller x F!Reader (Beauty and The Beast AU)
Chapter Warnings | Descriptions of magic, discussion of arranged marriages/betrothal, people being mean, an obnoxious male figure, what is essentially a kidnapping, talk of food, no use of Y/N, but I believe that to be it.
Word Count | 4.5K
Authors Note | You guys simply have no idea how truly excited I am to finally be able to share this with you. This is so out of my comfort zone but holy HELL I've had the best time creating it, and I really hope that you enjoy reading it just as much. Again, just a massive shout out to @cavillscurls for gifting this idea to me and trusting me to bring this to life for her, I really hope I do it justice for you! And another big thank you to @dinsdjrn for casting an eye over this first chapter to make sure it wasn't absolute clown shoes. I'd really love to know what you guys think, so please leave a comment, reblog or pop over to my ask to spread the love. And as always, if you'd like to leave me a tip, you can do so here on Ko-Fi.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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He often thinks back, in the depths of the dark nights he spends alone, to the moment that changed everything. He was, once upon a time, happy. Vain, conceited and a pompous asshole, but he was happy. The kingdom, handed to him quite abruptly on the death of his father. The power and the riches which had been rationed to him before, now all his own to do with as he pleased. A palace, full of beautiful things, beautiful people, there was nothing he could have wanted for. There were parties, opulent and extravagant, filled with beautiful women who would fawn over his every word. Days spent hunting, ignoring all his other princely commitments because he could, he made the rules. 
Then, the night that changed it all. He was drunk, he’d had far too much wine, indulged in the lips of far too many women, when one of his servants gripped his arm, dragging him to the doors of the castle. On his step was a haggard old woman, bent double with the hood of a cloak covering her face. She reached out a hand, old and wrinkled, shaking from the cold of the bitter storm that was raging outside and begged. 
“Please, my lord, take pity on an old woman,” She speaks wearily, as if she’d been walking for days, “Just a night’s shelter from the storm, that’s all I seek.” 
“And what do you offer in return?” He scoffs, already knowing what his answer will be, there is no place for this woman in his home. 
The old woman pulls a singular red rose from one of her sleeves, petals full and a deep crimson and extends it towards the prince. He plucks it from her fingers and takes a moment to admire the flower, for it is, after all, a thing of beauty, although he knows it was plucked from his own garden. 
“You insult me,” He mocks, “Offering my own rose, stolen from my garden,” He lets the flower drop to the floor in front of the beggar woman, “You will not find shelter here, now, be gone.” 
He turns on his heel, intent on making it back to his party, to forget this whole intrusion, when he hears the woman behind him start to chuckle. He turns back and watches as she stands, chuckle turning into some kind of sinister laughter as that exterior that had so repulsed him before melted away to reveal someone, something, far more beautiful. The hood of her cloak falls from her head – beautiful tresses of blonde hair and a young, ethereal face stare back at him. 
“You, my prince, have an ugly soul,” She speaks, voice lilting like a song now, “And it is time that you match that.” 
He is aware that the commotion has drawn his guests from the main hall, out to witness what he is about to become, as he is surrounded by the gold tendrils of air that this woman, no, enchantress, has created. He feels the skin on his face tighten and contort, not painfully, but uncomfortably. He can feel his bones cracking as his frame grows, he’d always been bigger in frame than most, but now he was towering over everyone. His hands, once blemish free, are covered in tiny scars as if he’d spent a life fighting with his fists. His clothes, of silk and velvet, torn and destroyed on his body. 
When he can no longer feel the magic at work around his body, he turns away from the enchantress to the faces of the party, who gasp, talk amongst themselves. Some of them scream and then they’re running, as the woman behind him continues her onslaught on his home now. She drapes it in darkness, the opulent gardens are transformed to nothing but weeds and dead plants. The fountains run no more, and the sound of birdsong is gone. Then, when she is satisfied that her work is done, she bends to the discarded rose and offers it to him once more. 
“Any curse can be broken, and this one is no different,” She taunts, “If you can learn to love another, and earn their love in return, by the time the last petal falls, then the spell will be broken, otherwise, you shall remain this beast forever.”
Then, he is all alone, save for his servants, cursed alongside him, though she’d spared them the humiliation of a face covered in scars, and had just cursed them to spend eternity stuck with their master, now bitter, violent and closed off. None of them, not even him, able to leave the grounds of his castle. He falls into despair, spends his days finding another thing he can take his anger out on. He tears down the paintings – ripping through their canvas, punches his fist through every mirror he can find so he doesn’t have to look at himself and steels himself away in those first years. Then, when the first petal drops from the rose, protected in its glass case by one of his servants, he thinks there should be a sense of urgency, but there isn’t, just a daily reminder that this is what his greed and vanity had done to him. If he cannot leave, and no-one knows he or his palace exist any longer, then what hope does he have of someone finding him, let alone falling in love with him? 
For who could truly learn to love a beast? 
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The morning is bright, the sun rising above the hills, as you step out, wicker basket hooked into the crook of your elbow, the book perched in the bottom, covered with a cloth to protect it as you make your way into town. The townsfolk are already milling about as you walk the streets. Women are haggling for bread and eggs, men are greeting each other in booming voices and there are children running around, playing with each other as their parents focus on other things. You don’t miss how, when you pass, they stop their conversations, whispering to each other. You know what they say about you, because no-one in this God forsaken town is ever truly quiet. Funny Girl. Oddity. Strange. Dazed and distracted. Away with the fairies. You’d heard it all, and today, like all days, you let it lie, because none of them are wrong. You are an oddity. A girl of your age, unmarried and living alone with her father, despite his recent efforts to marry you off. A girl, nose stuck firmly in a book whenever it possibly could be. A girl, dreaming of better things, a life outside the provincial village you’d always known, although what that looked like you truly didn’t know. 
You buy a loaf of bread and some cheese with the coins your father had pressed into your palm that morning, ensuring that you had everything you needed at home before indulging yourself. The bookshop, at the very end of town, was your sanctuary. Alexander, a firm friend of your father for years, had owned it since before you were born, his father and grandfather before him. He knew that like most folks around here, the price of the books you wanted to read came second to the price of the books your father needed for his work, so there was an understanding between Alexander and yourself that you borrowed yours, bringing them back to swap for a new novel whenever you needed. 
“Ah, good morning,” He greets when you open the door, bell tinkling as it opens and closes, “And how are we this morning?” 
“Fine, thank you,” You smile, offering him the book you’d chosen just yesterday, “I’ve come to return the book I borrowed.” 
He takes it from your hand, setting it on his counter to reshelve later, “You’re going to run out of things to read if you carry on this quickly,” He teases, motioning with his hand to the shelves behind him, “Nothing new since yesterday, but please, I’m sure you can find something to enjoy.” 
You spend a few moments studying the spines in front of you. There are very few here that you haven’t read, and whilst you could choose something new, there is something in your bones that craves the familiar today. A story you know will warm your heart and make you yearn for what you truly desire. 
“I’ll take this one.” You muse simply, pulling it off the shelf to hand to him. 
“This one?” He fakes shock, “You’ve read it twice already.” 
“Well, it’s my favourite,” You chuckle, “Faraway lands, magic, a handsome prince, strong women who can make their own destiny in life.” 
“Well, if you like it that much, why don’t you keep it?” He hands it over to you, laughing at the shock on your face, “Don’t try and argue with me now,” He insists, “I don’t think anyone other than you has ever chosen it, consider it a gift.” 
“Thank you,” You smile, bending down to the old man to give him a kiss on the cheek, sharing a smile as a blush creeps onto his weathered cheeks, “I shall cherish it.” 
You bid him a fond farewell and head back out onto the streets, book clutched in your arms like it was your most treasured possession. It might actually have been just that. You walk back through the crowds, basket still hooked onto your elbow as you zone in on the fountain at the edge of town. Usually reserved for washing, it’s not so crowded yet, the heat of the day still too frigid to consider dipping hands into water, so you perch on the edge, basket between your feet on the ground and open the book, promising yourself you’ll only spend a few moments familiarizing yourself with the story again. 
Of course, that’s a promise you can’t keep to yourself, and you’re rounding onto chapter three when the book in unceremoniously plucked from your hands. 
“Hey!” You exclaim, “Give that back!” 
“I just want to see what could possibly hold your attention for this long.” 
You groan to yourself. Of course. Henry. The object of all of your ire. The man your father wants you to marry. You couldn’t imagine a worse match – whilst he was objectively handsome, all of the young women fawning over him, falling over each other to impress him, he was so stuck up his own ass he could fold himself inside out if he wanted. 
“They’re called books, perhaps you should try reading one sometime?” You speak, trying to grab your book from his hands as he flips through the pages. 
“And end up like you?” He scoffs, throwing it back to you, “You need to get your head out of those pages and into the real world, you’re not getting any younger and soon, people are going to start wondering what’s wrong with you.” 
“Like they don’t already?” You mutter, dusting off the cover and placing it carefully in the basket on the floor. 
“Have you thought anymore about my proposal?” He asks, draping a thick arm across your shoulders as you try and walk away. 
You groan, because his offer of marriage is all you’ve been able to think about. Or more importantly, how to say no without ruining the hard-fought relationships your father had forged with the most powerful family in town. 
“It’s a big decision,” You say simply as you cross the bridge at the end of town, “I promise I’ll have an answer for you in a few days.” 
You manage to slip away from his grip and close the small gate behind you, turning on your heel to jog as fast as possible into your home, all whilst he’s calling out to you. Regrettably, you’re not fast enough to miss the last thing he says before the front door slams. 
“If you say no to me, no-one will have you!” 
You let your head hit the back of the door, sucking in deep breaths to stop yourself from yanking open the door and telling him that nothing in the world would ever be enough to convince you to marry him. 
“He isn’t wrong.” Your father’s voice startles you, your head turning to the door of his study. 
“I beg you, not another word.” You demand, walking in the opposite direction, towards the kitchen. 
“You’ve made him wait almost a week,” Your father’s heavy footsteps are clear behind you, “Any other woman would have fallen to their knees and agreed to the match.” 
“Well, I’m not any other woman,” You huff, unwrapping the bread and cheese to set on the table, “I don’t want to marry him, papa.” 
“Well, I’m afraid, young lady, you don’t have much choice,” He’s folded his arms across his chest, “I have worked too hard to get you under that family’s nose, and I will not let you throw that hard work away.” 
“Is this all I was ever destined to be?” You exclaim, rounding on him, “Like a prize cow to be bartered and bought on the whim of men?” 
“If your mother could see you now,” He mutters, “She would tell you exactly the same as I would.” 
“You and I both know that’s a lie,” You speak softly, “You married each other because you were in love, she wouldn’t want this for me.” 
He tries to embrace you, like he always does when he knows he’s about to force you to do something you don’t want to do, like it will make it better for you, easier for you to say yes. This time, you push him away, stepping towards the open window.
“I can’t keep you here much longer and you know it,” He sighs behind you, “Money is far too tight and if we aren’t careful, we won’t have a home much longer, you marry Henry, our debts are forgiven, you’ll be safe, warm with a home all of your own.” 
“So now I am to be payment for your debts?” You snorted, “Raised only to be worth something to sell,” Your father tries to open his mouth, no doubt to convince you otherwise, but you truly see him for what he is, “I wish to be alone.” You speak finally, picking up your book and retreating to your room with a pointed slam of the door. 
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It is late. The sun set hours ago. You haven’t left your room all day, not even when your father insisted leaving a plate of food outside for you. All you can think in your mind is that you cannot stay here. You will not stay here. You will not be forced into a life you do not want, to marry a man you cannot stand. All you keep thinking, as you watch those stars twinkle in the sky, is what must be beyond the hills of this town. You think of all the people you haven’t met, all the experiences you haven’t had. You won’t trade those dreams for a life as Henry’s housewife. 
As quietly as you can muster, you slip your cloak around your shoulders, tying it across your neck, pulling the hood up over your head. You find your satchel and make sure it has your book inside and the other few possessions you held dear. You slink from your room and into your father’s study, long abandoned by him for his bedroom. You find his inkpot and quill and scrawl a note on the paper he has left strewn across his workstation. 
‘Gone to find my adventure.’ 
You slip quietly from the house and to the small stable where Phillipe, your father’s horse, is slowly chewing on some hay. You run your hand down his nose to soothe him, saddling him up and then leading him away from the house. It isn’t until you’re riding the trail into the forest that you finally feel the sense of freedom you had so craved. As Phillipe leads you further into the thick woods, you don’t once look back on the provincial life you’re abandoning. Eyes forward and onto the life you’d always wanted. 
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You ride through the night, following unfamiliar paths through the forest until you come out the other side. It’s still desolate, but now, in the low morning sun, it’s just rolling fields and hills, animals grazing and the sound of birds singing. A little while later, you can feel the tightening in your tummy, the pang of hunger, cursing that you hadn’t thought, in your haste to leave, to shove some of the bread you’d bought into your bag. Phillipe has also slowed in his speed; it won’t be long before he needs to drink some water and eat something either. 
As you round a corner, a valley appears in front of you. The change in weather is stark, where you’re surrounded in bright sunshine and the start of the warmth from the early morning sun, the valley in front of you is clouded in dark grey clouds and you think you can make out the slight rumble of thunder. There is a voice in the back of your mind that tells you to turn back, to take the right at the crossroads from the forest and not the left you’d chosen, but wasn’t this the point of leaving? You take a deep breath and let Phillipe continue the ride down into the valley, wrapping your cloak as far around your body as you can as the temperature drops and the darkness envelops you. 
You ride a little while longer, Phillipe becoming restless with the change in the air, when you stumble upon a great fence, covered in ivy and looking decidedly worse for wear. But this fence, in its wrought-iron glory, is a sign of a home, a grand one judging by the height. You can’t peer into the grounds, the ivy too dense to see through, but you guide Phillipe around its perimeter until you find gates, just a grand as the rest of the iron structure. 
You let yourself down from Phillipe’s back, gripping the reigns so he continues to follow you. You try and pull at the gate, but it’s just your luck that it’s locked shut. You can, however, finally see into the grounds. They’re sweeping, some of the biggest gardens you had ever seen in your life. You can imagine that when they were cared for, they would have been magnificent, but they’re dilapidated, obviously long abandoned. In the distance, you can see a similarly magnificent castle. Incredibly big, with turrets and ivy growing over the brickwork, just like something from one of your books. You can’t see any lights that indicate it’s occupied, and you think that if you tried, you could fit through the gaps between the ironwork. It had to be worth a try, even if it was to seek some shelter whilst the storm that was clearly brewing was passing. 
You take Phillipe’s reigns and tie him to the gate, promising that you’ll come back for him once you’ve deemed the castle a safe place to stay, although you’re pretty certain he’s not fitting through the gap in the ironwork, considering the amount you had to suck your body in to fit through. 
It’s a long trek through the grounds of the castle. Each step of your foot bringing an increasing sense of unease over you. You try and tell yourself that it’s just the storm brewing, that it’s dark and clearly abandoned nature is what’s making you uneasy. When you finally reach the front of the castle, you pick the hem of your dress up and take the steps one at a time. You press a hand to the large wooden door and push, surprised that it opens without much effort. You let out a breath of relief. If someone lived here, surely, they’d keep their doors properly shut. 
That relief is short-lived though. The castle is as much in need of love and attention inside as it is outside. Years of weather have damaged the windows, letting all sorts of foliage make home in this entry way. There is a grand staircase, with carpets that are sodden from rain, and a musky smell that somehow sends a chill up your spine. 
“Hello?” You call out, listening to your voice echo through the large room. 
You listen but nothing calls back to you. All you can really hear is the wind whipping through broken glass. You take a few more tentative steps forward, taking in the surroundings. There are side tables with candelabra sat on top. Trinkets of gold and silver. Grand paintings along the walls that are weathered from the elements, but there are some that catch your eye. 
“Hello?!” You call out once more, louder this time, as you walk towards the wall of paintings. 
Some of them are damaged, like they’ve been intentionally torn. Ripped through the likeness of the man that has been painted on them, but the rest, of women and other older men, remain intact. What had this particular man done to deserve this kind of ire? To have his likeness scratched out like this? 
Your hand comes up to touch one of the damaged paintings – canvas flapping in a breeze from somewhere. The man in the painting is handsome, he looks young and fit and happy, standing with his foot on top of a deer that had been hunted. You wonder if this is the person who used to live here and what had happened to them, and everyone else, that made them leave. 
“What are you doing in my home?” 
The voice startles you enough to scream. You turn around, back pressed to the wall, chest heaving as you try and calm yourself down. Your eyes search through the darkness, trying to find where the voice had come from, but to no avail. 
“I asked you a question.” 
The voice in commanding, low and threatening, and now, pressed up against the wall, trying to make yourself as small and insignificant as possible, you almost wish you hadn’t left home. Fear thrums through your veins as you once again try to find the owner of the voice. 
“I-I’m sorry,” You manage to force out from your throat, “I c-called out, d-didn’t know a-anyone lived h-here.” 
You’re watching the ground when a foot, clad in black leather boots moves into the dim light that is cast through the broken window above you. It’s enough light that you can make out a little of the man’s silhouette. Tall, much taller than you, and broad, as commanding a presence as his voice makes him out to be, and yet he doesn’t move further into the light. 
“Didn’t your parents teach you to knock?” He demands. 
“The d-door,” You motion with your hand, watching as it shakes in front of you, “When I t-touched it, it just opened.” 
“Bad manners will get you into danger, little dove,” He taunts, “You picked the wrong home to trespass on.” 
“I’m sorry!” You exclaim, moving away from the wall and back the way you came, trying to make your escape, “I’ll leave.” 
He is quicker than you are though. His hand envelops your wrist, much larger than your own, and drags you toward him. Your front collides with his own with the strength that he’s used to pull you to him. His frame is a solid as it seems, like hitting a brick wall. 
“Another lesson your parents clearly forgot to teach you,” You look up to the voice but it’s so dark you still can’t make any of his features out, “When you do bad things, you have to be punished.” 
You try and fight your way out of his grip but it’s no use. Whoever this man is in front of you, he clearly has the upper hand in strength and agility. But you aren’t going to go down without a fight. You continue pulling at your wrist, wrapping your free hand around the one that has you in a vice grip, digging your fingernails into his skin as you try and scream for help, but nothing seems to work. 
You’re suddenly picked up and flipped over his shoulder like a sack of flour, which gives you the purchase to wriggle around. You ball your fists and take punches to his solid back, but all that does is create a dull throb in your hands.
“Put me down!” You scream, trying to kick your feet enough for him to lose his grip on your as he takes the stairs two at a time. 
“I would advise you to keep still,” He speaks low and calm, “Unless you want to end up thrown over the railings.” 
From your completely undignified vantage point you can tell he’s right. He’s keeping a grip on you but if you continue to wriggle, all that awaits you is a drop onto that cold concrete floor below. As he takes more steps upwards, all you can do is let the fear take over. Your body shakes as tears fill your eyes, dripping down onto the floor as this mystery brute takes you to God knows where. 
It's colder up here, wherever here is. As he walks up yet more stairs, you make out the clear iron bars of cell doors. And your stomach drops. You wanted adventure and now all you get is a prison cell. You can hear him fiddling with a lock, before a creaking sound meets your ears and you’re unceremoniously dumped onto the floor. You try and crawl as fast as you can, hell bent on an escape, but yet again, your captor is faster than you are, shutting the door to the cell and clicking the lock to trap you. 
“Please let me go!” You beg, hands clinging around the bars, “I didn’t steal anything, please let me go!” 
He’s walking away, back down the spiral stone staircase he had come up. Silent and seemingly uncaring in your plight. You continue to call after him, even once his figure is long gone, hands pulling at the bars in an attempt to free yourself, but all clearly to no avail. You slump onto the damp floor and take some heaving breathes through your mouth, but nothing will calm the fear and dread coursing through you. How could this have gone so wrong? Not even a day’s ride from home and you’re captured, no-one will know where you are. Would anyone even come looking for you? 
You continue to pull at the bars until your bones out, calling into the dark until you’re hoarse. Finally accepting your fate, that you’d been naive enough to walk into the first sign of shelter like it was your right, you curl up into a ball in a corner of the call further from the window and wrap your cloak around you, shivering until you fall into the most fitful sleep you’ve ever experienced. 
tags : @sinsofsummers @dinsdjrn @tightjeansjavi @morning-star-joy @darkroastjoel @cavillscurls @cupofjoel @patti7dc @drewharrisonwriter
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Pairing: Motocross!Ari Levinson x Female Reader Summary: Ari thinks you're too good for his neighbor and he's, sadly, proven right. Word Count: Over 2.2k Warnings: Pining, hurt/comfort, some angst, fluff and feels, cheating (not by Ari), swearing, motocross!Ari Levinson (he’s a warning, okay? A/N: Meet Beast and Sweetart! Set in the same AU as Starting Gate and Lapper. Should I start making Wednesdays a dedicated motocross day? Beta read by the beautiful @maladaptivexxdaydreaming, but any and all mistakes are my own. Banners by the talented @maysdigitalarts. Shoutout to my lovely for helping with the reader's nickname (I can't tag you. BOO!). Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Please reblog or comment as it means the world!
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Ari Levinson is a beast. One of the largest and toughest riders in his class at 6'5", combined with his dark beard, shaggy hair and rough exterior, he received the nickname in passing and it stuck. If you asked any of his exes, he was a beast on and off the tracks. He didn’t mind. There were worse names out there. 
Most riders weren’t easy to intimidate, but not many wanted to go toe-to-toe with him. Others in town tended to stay out of his way, too, when he wasn’t smiling. Jensen teased that people probably expected him to growl. He could admittedly be an asshole when the occasion called for it, but he was a good guy. 
A beast with a heart.
One of the only people he could remember in a long time who never seemed put off by him was you.
Someone “taking his breath away” seemed like complete bullshit until you showed up. When you looked his way the first time, you flashed him a kind smile and wave. You looked sweet, making him want to devour you to see if you tasted the same. Arousal spread from his gut and you hadn’t touched him.
I could eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it wouldn’t be enough.
Your eyes caught his attention next. The sincerity and warmth weren’t anything like the pit lizards who threw themselves at him. He stared and hoped his blue eyes reflected a resemblance of kindness. He didn’t want to scare you off. He wanted to ruin and keep you safe.
It didn’t matter what he did.
You were dating his asshole neighbor, Carter.
It didn’t make sense to fall for someone so quickly, but it hurt each time he saw you go into or leave Carter’s place. Especially when you smiled his way or stopped to chat for a few minutes. Your boyfriend was always quick to pull you away with a cocky smirk or a smart-ass comment, which prompted you to tell him to be nice and mouth “sorry” back in his direction.
Why are you with him?
From what he knew about the guy, he came from money and traveled a lot. Even his dressed down clothes were name brand. He gambled occasionally, but Ari never saw him at the track. Maybe it had something to do with keeping you away from the riders. He never liked the prick, but seeing a sweet girl like you with him put him on his permanent shit list, along with how he treated you. Like you were an object or a doll for him to play with.
There was a difference between being somewhat possessive and treating someone like a possession.
Doing his best not to take his frustration out on his bike, he still couldn’t figure out why you were with him in the first place. You didn’t seem like the materialistic type and you were kind to everyone. Were you settling? He wanted to grumble so many times that you were too good for him, but he would’ve sounded crazy since the two of you only spoke a few times in passing.
It wasn’t like Ari to sit back and watch something good pass by. He knew from racing what happened if you let opportunities slip away. Even if he was selfish in wanting you, was it really his place to ruin your happiness? It wasn't meant for him to interfere.
Looking back, maybe he should have.
The knock on his door pulled him from his slumber, groaning as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. After work and practice, all he wanted to do was get some fucking sleep. 
“Just a minute! Fuck!” he yelled at the second knock, throwing some shorts on before he made his way to the door.
His sweet girl You stood there with tears streaming down your face as the door flew open and he wanted to apologize for snapping when you shrank back. You were in your work clothes and you shivered despite the warm air. 
“I’m sorry. I, um, I didn’t mean to bother you. I’ll go.”
“Are you okay?” he asked when you began to turn away, skipping the pleasantries. It was the only thing keeping him from putting his first through the wall. 
Who knew the sight of your tears would bring out the animal in him?
“My boyfriend. Well, no. EX-boyfriend now,” you said quickly, swiping at your face to brush the tears away. “I just caught him in bed with…”
“Fuck,” Ari whispered, not fully hearing the rest of your words, his blood boiling as you cried harder. He knew the guy was a prick, but a cheating prick? How could anyone cheat on you?
I bet Barnes and Rogers would help me hide a body.
“Can I use your phone, please? I dropped it when I left and I can’t go back there.”
Ari nodded and let you inside, having to step back so you didn’t brush against him. He was happy that the place was clean. It likely wasn’t as nice as Carter’s place, but he did well enough and he took pride in it. 
He imagined you there many times, but not like this.
“Thank you. I’ll be out of your hair soon,” you sniffled as he directed you to the couch, wincing slightly. “I’m sorry, but could I also ask for some ice?”
“Stop apologizing, please,” he nearly begged before he went rigid. “Ice? Are you hurt?”
I’ll kill him if he touched you. I’ll fucking kill him.
“I punched him?” it came out as a question, holding up your hand to show him. “Never punched anyone before. I don’t think I did it right.”
Ari fell for you a bit more. “He had it coming,” he said before he could stop himself. “Sit tight. I’ll get my phone and some ice.”
“Thanks, Ari,” you said, rubbing the top of your hand.
His gaze lingered before he left the room to grab what you needed, wishing he could pull you in his arms to tell you it would be okay. Anything to put your smile back on your face. 
The only tears he wished you’d cry were tears of pleasure.
Maybe one day, I can do that. And maybe not while you’re healing from this.
“You know, I could teach you how to punch,” he said after he came back and sat down beside you, gently placing the wrapped ice on top of your hand. He took up a portion of the couch with his size, but you didn’t seem to mind how close he was. At least, he hoped you didn’t.
You inhaled sharply, but managed a small smile. “I bet you could. Doesn’t everyone call you ‘beast’?”
He was happy that you knew his nickname. “They do. What do people call you? Sweetart?”
“Don’t you mean ‘sweetheart’?” you asked as you took the phone with your other hand.
“Nah. You look sweet and you are sweet, but you apparently pack a tart punch. Like the candy.”
Fuck, I sound like Jensen. He rubbed off on me.
You began to laugh after a second, your eyes shining a bit brighter through the pain. “Sweetart. I like that.”
Clearing his throat, he stood up and looked down at you. Most women were smaller than him, no matter their height, but the urge to wrap you in his arms and keep you safe wouldn’t go away. “I’ll let you make your call.”
He made sure to grab some tissues and a glass of water as well as you called your friend, doing his best not to listen when he heard tears in your throat. You asked if you could crash at her place and explained that you weren't in the best headspace to drive over there. He should’ve offered you a ride. It was the least you could do.
You set his phone on the coffee table once you were finished. “My friend should be here shortly. One of the only numbers I have memorized.”
He sat back down beside you as he handed you a tissue, his knee touching yours. “I know it doesn’t help, but I’m sorry.”
You dabbed at your eyes, sniffling. “Probably better that I caught him now and not later. I just feel stupid, you know?” 
“You’re not stupid, he is. He’s a fucking prick, too.”
“He never liked you,” you said, smiling a little. 
“Well, the feeling’s mutual,” he said, sighing as he leaned back against the cushion. “Could never figure out why you were with him.”
Fuck, why did I say that?
“He’s a family friend. Charming. Sophisticated. The kind of guy my parents wanted me to be with. When he asked me out, I agreed. I knew he had his flaws, but I looked past them,” you explained as he turned his head to pay better attention. You swallowed a little before you continued. “Which is another reason I feel stupid. I cared despite the red flags. I set myself up to get hurt.”
“You ignored your instincts because you cared, but that doesn’t make you stupid. Stop calling yourself that.”
You nodded, reaching for the water. He caught the ice before it could slip from your hand, keeping it there as you took a sip. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“The girl he was with was an old girlfriend. A stunningly beautiful socialite who just happened to be in town. They thought I’d still be at work,” your lip trembled. “She didn’t even look sorry that I caught them. It was like she knew she was better than me. And I know deep down he wanted me to be more like her.”
Fuck that.
“Anyone who jumps in bed with a guy and knows they’re with someone else isn’t better than you. They deserve each other. You deserve better.”
“You really believe that?” you asked, a tear falling.
Before you could wipe it away, he reached over and caught it with his fingertip. “I do. And I know it hurts like hell. He should’ve been faithful and worshiped the ground you walked on. You don’t deserve anything less than that.”
Ari thought he said the wrong thing when your expression went blank, setting the ice pack on the table. “Can I have a hug, please? You’ve always been so nice to me and I could really use one.”
Whatever you want.
The second he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, a fresh wave of tears came. Wetness gathered on his chest as you let it out. He wasn’t used to people turning to him as a source of comfort, but he instinctively rubbed your back and nuzzled the top of your head with his chin. He wanted to rip Carter limb from limb for reducing you to this. The demented part of him wanted to stay alive just so he could watch you thrive without him. 
No matter what happened, Ari would make sure you were happy.
Your tears slowed after a minute, but you stayed in his hold. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled against his chest. “You’re really warm. I think you are a beast.”
Ari chuckled, his large hand sliding up and down your back to soothe you. “You figured it out. Don’t tell anyone.”
“It’ll be our secret,” you said, lifting your head. Having you against him, you robbed him of his breath again. “Could I ask one more favor and I’d be forever in your debt? And you don’t have to.”
“Name it.”
“Would you be willing to help me get some of my stuff out of there later? I can pay you.”
“I don’t want your money. I can help,” he assured you. He would do it for free just to see the look on that prick’s face. “On one condition.”
“Name it,” you smiled, echoing his words.
“Come to my next race?” he casually suggested, hoping it didn’t sound like a date. He didn’t want you to think he was insensitive to your current feelings. “No pressure. No expectations. I know you just ended a relationship, but I think you could use a friend.”
“I’ll be there,” you promised, bringing a smile to his face. He hoped he didn’t look too excited, especially since you were still hurt. “I’ve been wanting to go for ages and now I have no reason not to.”
“I think you’ll like it. And don’t worry about your stuff. If you know where it needs to go, I’ll get some of the guys to help me out. In fact," he took your hand, the one you punched Carter with, and brought it to his lips. He swore he heard a slight whimper when they met your skin. "I'll even get your phone back before you head out."
"Thank you," you said breathlessly, clearing your throat as you looked away for a second. It felt good knowing he took your breath away, too. "I mean it. Thank you so much, Ari."
Ari knew your friend would show up any minute, so he cherished the feeling of holding you for a bit longer. He meant what he said about you needing a friend. The wound would take time to heal and he would help you see that you were perfect.
 A sweet and tart girl who made everyone around you smile.
He just hoped you wouldn’t hold it against him when he punched Carter in his smug face.
We'll see more of Beast and Sweetart, along with some other riders, soon. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
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jojo-schmo · 10 months
Beauty and the Beast, but it's Metadede?
Ohohoho-!! This one really got me thinking!! :D If I had unlimited emotional bandwidth and time this could be a fun concept to explore a BUNCH! I'm a sucker for fairy tales! I'm not capable of fully developing this idea right now, but I did brainstorm a little bit!
There's some aspects of that story that I just can't think of good parallels for (Like Gaston, Belle's dad, Belle's character motivations and such). So this is more Beauty and the Beast inspired than being a perfect retelling.
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So when I read this ask, I immediately got slammed with a very passionate and explosive Brain Blast: Dedede as Beast!! BUT he's got an appearance inspired by King D-Mind (And Dark Mind by extension) and a beastly demeanor like his Primal form in Forgotten Land. So this is not Shadow Dedede!! Important distinction!
Like Dedede's personality in early Kirby games, he would be selfish and arrogant enough to be cursed by an Enchantress to find true love and compassion. (So the rose and its petals are still connected to this curse's time limit.) But at his core there is a being capable of love, compassion, and self-sacrifice! It just takes a bit of character development to get there!
Meta stumps me a bit more. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy singing about how "there must be more than this provincial life..." And who would Gaston even be?? Beats me.
So instead of being a damsel from a small town with big dreams, maybe he's some kind of traveling knight or mercenary who has always worked alone. He's got a stoic demeanor that can even come off as cold since he doesn't make many meaningful connections with others. But those walls he's put up over his life are indeed capable of coming down with a little care!
You'll also have to forgive me for how little I changed Meta's design... I did this during my lunch break and all I could think of was adding some gold flourishes to his outfit- but there is definitely more potential there than I came up with!!
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Why would he get stuck being Dedede's prisoner? Perhaps he bartered someone else's imprisonment for his own. Or he found himself in debt by chance to the King, or accidentally disturbed/destroyed/or damaged something important to him and has to pay with a prison sentence.
Whatever the reason, he's truly stuck living there. And they super do not get along at first. Dedede's fiery temper and Meta's colder exterior would be at odds a lot of the time.
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Jumping ahead a bit, here's that scene from the original where Beast defends Belle from a bunch of wild wolves (but here they're Primal Awoofies!)
And from there, the character development continues.... Meta warms up a little and shows more emotion and vulnerability than he ever has before. Dedede cools down in turn and learns that he is worthy of affection and genuine connection... And so on and so on~
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As for the supporting character roles filled by "Beast's servants," I figure most of Kirby's allies could be in this role! I just only explored Bandee and Kirby to start with.
I had trouble coming up with household object forms for them (granted I didn't invest that much time into it). So I thought about another time-sensitive form they could take that is high-stakes enough that they'd want to turn back to normal and break the curse. So I came up with the ghostly angel form that happens when you get knocked out in Kirby Fighters. :)
So there you have it! A few days worth of daydreaming for a metadede Beauty and the Beast-type story! Hehe. If anyone happens to find themselves inspired and wants to develop this further as an exercise in AU writing or just plain having fun with it, DO IT! This is my donation to the internet, lol.
...Just please share it with me. I love reading people's stories. <3
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Ahem ahem Feel free to delete if it's forbidden to do this. I swear making you add a rule against this isn't my aim imma just a tinny bit worry that I won't have the chance to ask a continuation for this ask before a long time. But I understand if you don't want this to set a precedent. I wish to continue the player is a Disney princess ask but with different boys this time.
Could I ask how would Malleus/Kalim/Azul react to a player that is the definition of a Disney princess ? Animals flocks to them, they sing and dance, they're sickeningly sweet, pure and naive, and to top it off they're Neige level of beautiful and charming. The whole Disney protagonist™ package, of which everyone know that they should be in RSA.
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, kidnapping, manipulation, religion, unhealthy relationship, hints at war, poison, overall just toxic relationships
Azul Ashengrotto/Kalim Al-Asim/Malleus Draconia-Player is the definition of a Disney princess
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First of all, it's bad for his business
Imagine, all kinds of animals in a place that serves food (and I am not talking about beast men)
Not exactly hygienic...
But outside of that?
Sign him up!
You are just so easy to *cough* manipulate *cough* protect
You really are the ideal target for his manipulation
And worst of all?
He doesn’t even realize what he is doing
The second you seem to distance yourself he a internally panicking and asking you “if his company is so unbearable”
And thanks to you being so naive you don't snap at him but rather think that he is nothing else but hurt
Yeah, he is hurt... you “monster”
And don't even get me started about how things go once he witnesses the encouraging side of every single typical “goody two shoes Disney protagonist”
Oh boy, you are stuck
And if he can't manipulate because this has gone on for so long that this has become normal for you and you don't even realize it anymore that something is wrong?
Well it seems like he needs to roll up his sleeves and get to work like the sea witch did
Tho is a world with Alchemy and you can't tell me the judges over there don't have regularly cases in which a family sued someone because their member is the victim of a love potion
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I would like to say that we now have two cinnamon rolls but no, we only have one
And it's not the one who is rich... I can already see the luxurious imprisonment...
Ok but there you are, putting some animal which was just walking in the parade he just held (Jamil is about to cry because of the work in that corner over there)
That was when it was even more over for you
Of course everyone knew that the kind Overseer was going to their school but actually meeting them was another thing
But there you are, right under his nose
Oh dear Overseer, how radiant you are!
It is as if he is someone lost in the desert and you are the Oasis he is seeing in the horizon
Yeah, he whipped for you
But that also means you need protection!
As much as wholesome Kalim usual is, he has experienced attempted assassination even from his closest family members so... at least we can somewhat see where he is coming from
Suddenly Jamil isn't only preparing food for the heir of the Scalding Sands but also for someone who is considered holy in some places
(Believe me when I tell you, his hands were shaking when he was putting the salt into the food)
And whoopsy, seems like he has prepared a room too much, do you want to stay
Yeah... you aren't leaving that room is all I can say
But hey, you are probably one of the safest people in their world... at least until the Valley of Thorns hears of this...
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Are you seriously asking? Of course this would end in a tragedy (at least for you)
Ok, what do we have? Oh? A dragon and oh? Literally Aurora 2.0??!
Ok so, the first time you two met he would have probably thought that you are Silvers sibling or something by that by seeing that the whole forest is following you
But nah, he is literally in a religion that is about you so that was until you turned around and he saw your face
Cue one of the few times his chin hit the floor
He probably also accidentally slipped out his tail
But ok, you just made the literally fifth most powerful person in this world "a bit too interested" in you, so what?
I'm telling you “so what”, you, my dear friend, are about to be treated in a very luxurious manner
In other words, one kingdom, one room, a ton of followers who are capable of living very long
Nope, no way out, only one way in
But of course you wouldn't just run away from those hopeful eyes, staring with excitement up to you without blinking
Even if you had enough one day and couldn't take it anymore you wouldn't be able to escape
Malleus made sure himself that you can't escape him no matter what
You know that voiceline which says “easier than spinning threat”? He about to repeat what his ancestor did
At least his tail is nice to pet... cool and smooth
But yeah, prepare to sleep a looooong time
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inukag-archive · 2 months
Hi! Could you recommend me something similar to “the kings mistress” by dolphingirl0113 on Ffn? I’ll take any rating, and anything to do with the early to late modern pieces with kings, queens, knights, pirates. Etc. I have an unhealthy obsession to stories in these time periods and I would love to find more InuKag fics like this. Thank you!!
Hi psychoticpeopledisorders, thank you for your patience while we put together a list full of royalty and medieval adventures a la The King's Mistress! (linked below for any who haven't read it)
You can also check out our other royalty, historical, and fairytale themed lists for even more stories you're sure to love:
Arranged Marriage: Part One and Part Two
Beauty and the Beast Inspired
Fairytale Inspired
Feudal Era AUs: Part One and Part Two
Pirate AUs
Royalty/Rich NSFW
Happy reading!
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(Gif by fic-finder @lostinfantasyworlds)
The King's Mistress by dolphingirl0113 (T)
Kagome and Kikyou Higurashi, rivals in every way, both find themselves in love with their King. But when a man at court brings Kikyou's scandalous past with him and threatens her life, Kagome must choose between old loyalty and a passionate new love.
Death, Greed, and Love by Jav-chan (T)
A death of a beloved father. Wedded to a husband whose very presence make ones stomach clench. Captured, the morning princess of Veshrane finds love at her prison. Death, Greed, Love.
Behind the Masquerade by Keolla (M)
When Inuyasha and Kikyou were engaged, Kikyou's sister, Kagome, was unexpectedly sent to observe Inuyasha. However, she didn't expect to fall for him.
The Lady and the Rogue by @starlingchildgazingatthestars (E)
Historical AU. Kagome is betrothed to Lord Sesshomaru, as part of a political arrangement between both of their families to continue promoting peace between demons and humans. The problem is that Kagome has her eyes and heart set on Sesshomaru's roguish half-brother, Inuyasha...
The Stable Hand by @petri808 (T)
Princess Kagome was envious of the kind of freedom the commoners had. Everyone assumed that being royalty was pure bliss, but she felt like she was trapped in a cage. One of the things she enjoyed doing to relax was ride her horse and would request the accompaniment of the stable hand to keep her safe. The man was fairly new in their kingdom, but something about him allowed her to feel normal while they were together, and yes, she'd started to fall for the handsome man.
Family of the Dog by WolfRanger2003 (T)
An AU of Inu no Taisho and his family. From his own father and siblings to his sons, how does a powerful daiyokai deal with enemies that threaten his family.
The Princess and the Pauperess by narcoleptic shishkabob (T)
Princess Kikyou and peasant Kagome trade places for a month, thinking each has the better life. What they're about to find out could not be further from the truth.
The Protector of Her Heart by Eowyn Organa (T)
Kagome is the princess of the Human Lands, forced to marry a man she cannot love. Inuyasha is her knight, sworn to protect her. But he cannot protect them both from the most dangerous thing of all: love.
So NOT A Fairytale by @britonell (T)
Kagome had a plan: Inuyasha’s the prince, Kikyo’s the princess, and she’s the matchmaker. Yes, she had it all figured out…except the matchmaker ends up making the prince attracted to HER instead of the princess. Not. Good.
The Demon Prince and the Miko Princess by Guise'n'Disguise (T)
Kagome is a princess on the run and Inuyasha is a prince in hiding. They come from two different rival kingdoms. Will they ever get together?
Crowned Jewel by @heynikkiyousofine (M)
Long ago, the Jewel of Four Soul came into existence and with it, a prophecy was born. “It shall be, when she who protects all the earth’s creatures destroys the darkest of evil, balance will return to the land.” Since then, powerful priestesses have protected the Jewel, only for evil to grasp at its power time and time again. Sacrificing herself, the last one took it with her to the next world until the most powerful of them all would be born, the one the prophecy proclaimed.
The Unfortunate Queen by @elkonigin (T)
Kingdoms rose and fell because of their rulers. Kingdoms could be destroyed and rebuilt based on a single person's choice. Grand Princess Kagome Higurashi has no idea what her father was thinking before he passed away, but clearly he'd made a terrible choice when he handed her the crown and all its mess, its secrets, and its dangers.
Dreaming of You by InuFan4life (M)
InuYasha is a prince, and Kagome is a servant. They are best friends, but cannot see each other in public, then a series of unfortunate events begin tearing them apart. What will happen? 
Lover, Be Good to Me by Emmyyasha (E)
Inuyasha longs for Kagome's touch. Not just because he is irrevocably in love with her, but because he is desperate for the relief that her healing magic can provide him after sustaining injuries from a harsh battle. Yet he cannot go to her. He is merely one hanyou soldier in an endless war who doesn't deserve her kindness lest it be mistaken for weakness.
Still, she always comes to him every single night under the cover of darkness, fills his tent with her healing light and soft smiles. Tonight, however, she's late. And though he's selfish for her company, he knows he must suffer alone until his body can recover on its own.
But Kagome was never one to keep him waiting for too long.
Seven Weeks by ScarletRaven1001 (T)
While on a journey to rescue the abducted princess of a foreign land, Inuyasha meets Kagome, a powerful sorceress who may make a powerful ally. There is just one problem: he thinks she is hiding something
Forever Nevermore by Desenchanter (M)
She fell in love with the prince at a young age, but what girl didn't adore him? As a commoner in their chaotic world love meant little if anything and she couldn't hope for it to save her again.
To Live by Love by SailorCreative (T)
Kagome is a beautiful princess and Inuyasha is a greedy halfdemon hoping to snatch the Shikon no Tama. Some brief nudity mentioned in later chapters.
Holding Out for a Hero by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Inuyasha has always lived alone until the new lord of the Western Lands banished all kinds of beings onto his lands. Now he is tasked with rescuing a princess from a dragon for the lord can marry her. But what happens when they fall in love along with way?
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs! Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered.  After reviewing our submission guidelines, send us an ask (here).
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captainmera · 7 months
Mera, Captain, Laddie, Chap, Chum, You Majestical Swede I am living for your IBWR lore on vampires. I love tidbits on biology and quirks of fictional species, especially when it's given more unusual and creative twists. My investment in your comic has begun to peak, I am precariously standing at the edge of a new hyperfixation and you are daring to push me in with your art and lore. l'II be looking forward to seeing Ollie's lil quirks and other bits of the charming world that lives in your head. Also feasting on your TOH bits, as a lore enthusiast your rambles are so very enjoyable and your connection board is so relatable. A bit curious what hexsquad would be like in the world of IBWR or what peculiars/witches/regulars they'd be. So very glad I clambered onto this ship of yours and get to see some of the bits and bobs going on in your brain- I adore the way you think. Sorry if this was a bit long, I hope you're doing well and will feel better, whatever it may be from <3
*squeaky scream* thank you anon! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ <333333
I am having a lot of fun making my story! BWR is only in the baby phases! There's so much fun about this world and it's people, culture and history, that I'm so excited to share with everyone who reads!! :'D <3
IBWR has everything I personally enjoy in a story! This means a lot to me, it's my passion project (and hyperfixation of my own creation) for a reason.
Here's a doodle of Oliver and his buddy Sebastian :)
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As for who the hexsquad would be in IBWR! HMMM! :D
Luz would be someone with a weak fylgja who wants to be a witch anyway! And she'd join a coven to try pursue it. For her, I think her story would be about learning that magic isn't as beautiful as she had hoped, and joins another coven that doesn't do the traditional ways of things. Or perhaps she starts her own.. ;)
Hunter would be a werewolf! :D A beast-type peculiar.
Gus and Willow would be Fae-types. Gus a spriggan, Willow a fairy.
Green fairies "flaws" are envy, I think I could make that work for her! Otherwise I'd put her as a red fairy, the flaw would then be rage. Willow's "fairy gift" would be plants and working with gardening.
Amity would be a regular, I think. Perhaps a wealthy girl who finds herself quietly rebelling against her parents by going with her older siblings to women's rights activism stuff! Possibly that's where she meets Luz! :O
Gus being a Spriggan would mean he's a natural showman, as they're known for their mischievous nature and charisma. I think he'd work in a music hall! :D
Vee would be a fae-type too! But she would be a Huldra/Nymph (skogsrå in swedish). Meaning she can shapeshift into people still! So that fits best.
For IBWR, I take a lot of folklore and put a spin on them with my own interpretations! :)
I like playing with the idea that the folklore and fairy tales are based in half-truths. It's a lot of fun and I've put a lot of thought into it so that they make sense into the world I've built. :D
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x-authorship-x · 4 months
Can't stop thinking about some sort of Actor AU with Shisui reading for the first time the script of his death and having a whole reaction like, "THAT'S how I die? What?? Suicide, seriously??" talking with Itachi about how terribly written the scene is and arguing that there are so many more ways of him to die better than this! In ways that would make more sense for his character! And Itachi listens to it all while nodding because yeah, Shisui's completely right
*holds your hands and spins you in a circle* ANON, I LOVE AN ACTOR AU!!!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
this is all so accurate lmao you know that picture from the script reading for game of thrones???
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That's the room when shisui yeets himself over the cliff and leaves Itachi's child actor standing there, eye in hand, looking like a whole ass murderer lmao
Okay but can we also imagine an Actors AU for my HOPE AU? Like I'm sorry I'll never leave that series alone but can we talk about this chaos?!
Bonus points if:
shisui being originally his character's stunt double and then something happens and the actor pulls out so Shisui is thrown the script and absolutely kills it (like that story about how Harrison Ford was the carpenter hanging the door when Lucas was running Star Wars auditions etc etc)
Inoichi's actor bringing in his own daughter to play Ino because she's an absolute force of nature
Sasuke's actor is actually played by Shisui's actor's little brother and it's this running joke that he likes Itachi's actor so much more 😂 (ino's actor taking insult to this and wanting her dad to take shisui home with them for real)
Itachi's mother is actually mikoto's actress who was the ideal casting but wouldn't let her son, who did adverts and stuff as a child model, attend the set without her... She makes filming a bit of a nightmare
Kakashi goes full Robert Patterson and starts wildly lying in interviews, his character was supposed to be way more intimidating, like a proper military hardass, but this is what you get when you cast an indie actor who proceeds to wear the strangest face coverings to all promotions (including a paper bag with cut out eyes to "preserve Kakashi's modesty") (the mask was also the actors idea, citing it was mysterious and dehumanising to his character... Only to later reveal it's because he didn't want to take his lipring out)
Kisame spends about 6 hours in hair and makeup every morning and he has to wear one of those huge cgi suits to make him taller (like Beast in live action beauty and the beast) and the struggle to take him seriously is REAL
Kana the crow... Is this huge green lump that shisui has to talk to so seriously, like a bull machine, and Akira is this stuffed green puppet lmao Kakashi please stop doing a David Attenborough commentary impression off camera
Danzo's actor was a huge heartthrob when he was younger and everyone who recognises him is both impressed and horrified at the transformation
Fugaku's actor becomes a meme for being photographed at several rallies standing off with police only to get cast as a Shinobi cop 😂
Sarutobi's actor is the guy they ALWAYS cast to play Old Wise Man (no one is quite sure what he did before he was old enough for these roles)
Tenzo's actor is a famous singer and this is his - very unexpected - breakout role and his fans almost break the barrier at the red carpet when he walks out
Like c'mon this is just 🤌🤌🤌 to me ✨
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mayzi33 · 13 days
TWS gang, please, hear me out.
So, I still got wingfeathers in the brain (I'm starting to think I may never get rid of it...) and one of my favorite fairytales has always been Beauty And The Beast.
Since exams week has been draining me, why not come up with another thing to daydream about?
I present you... The-Wingfeather-Saga-Beauty-And- The-Beast AU!
The Jewels And The Beast for short.
Or Jewels and The Cloven.
Or Jewels and The Birdman.
You'll see.... Just bear with me.
I'm debating in whetever Esben or Artham should be the "beast". In one hand, it would make sense for it to be Esben since he's all bear-like but I would also like it to be Artham since we have more information about him and what he's like. But either way, the "Beauty" is none other than our favorite jewels, Janner, Kalmar and Leeli.
Here's the idea: so, the kids still live with Podo and Nia in Glipwood. However, in the Glipwood forest, there's an abandoned castle. (Bonus points if Artham is the "beast" cause then it could be Peet's castle only bigger and creepier) Podo goes on a trip for whatever reason, and ends up being taken by the oh-so-horrible beast of Glipwood. Danny, the horse, comes back to the Igiby cottage where Nia and the kids get nerve struck when they find the horse without its rider. Nia leaves to get help to find Podo leaving the kids alone, and one thing leads to another, they decided to go to the forest by themselves to rescue their grandpa because main characters moment. There, they meet the "beast", and bargain to stay as prisioners in Podo's place. Podo obviously tries to fight, but ends up having to flee, leaving the kids as captives in the castle.
The "talking objects" are the Glipwooders, plus a few other characters from other regions. We got Oskar, who's a book, (are you surprised) and basically takes the role of Cogsworth. We also got Addie and Joe, Maraly, Sara, Thron, Rudric and others. (No, I haven't thought of what objects they would all be, sorry. You can suggest in the comments tho!) As the story goes by, it focuses mainly on the kids bonding with either beast! Esben or beast! Artham, and teaching about kindness and stuff. The "rose" would be a set of three actual jewels, that may or may not represent the kids themselves. Meanwhile Gnag, will be the one to take the role as Gaston. Unlike in TWS, Gnag will pretend to be the good guy and the whole town loves him, (like Gaston and the villagers) so when Nia and Podo announce that the kids have been captured by a beast, he will try to play the hero and claiming he will "rescue them". However, what Nia Podo and the Glipwooders don't know, is that Gnag is the one who helped to turn Esben or Artham into a beast in the first place, along with the Stone Keepers (who take the role of the Enchantress). Gnag knows that Janner, Tink and Leeli are the Jewels Of Anniera, and has only been waiting for the right moment to strike, to capture them and begin his plan on taking over Skree, the Hollows, and the lost Shining Isle, which everyone believes to only be a legend.
Anyways that's all I got for now.
Maybe I'll write a small fic or something on that in the future...
Thank you for reading my rambling!
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impossiblefangirl0632 · 6 months
do you have encanto fic recs? every time I watch encanto I think about how much potential there is for fic but then I never actually read any...I figure that you might be able to give me a place to start if I ever decide to make the plunge! thanks
That insane cackling you heard in the distance was me upon reading this ask. Um. Yes. Yes I do have many encanto fic recs and I’m so glad you asked! I’m limiting myself to 10 of my all time favorites. Should you choose to delve in I’d be happy to rec more. I tried to do a smattering of the types of fics I like.
Note, Bruno is my favorite character and as such most of these are Bruno-centric or he plays a major role.
The Sandman by @cthene Rated G 30K Complete
Bruno explores his Gift. 
Just trust me on this one. It’s fantastic. I’ve literally reread it 5 times. If Bruno as a time wizard plus a really great look at the relationship between him and Mirabel sounds like your cup of tea I cannot recommend this one enough. 
Nos Sigue la Noche (The Night Follows Us) by Thornvale Rated T 36K Complete
Post canon, Mirabel can’t help but feel as though something is going to go wrong; mysterious Tío Bruno is behaving more strangely than usual and something about the magic seems to be changing. Not only that, but an old danger is lurking in the shadows of the mountains surrounding the Encanto. 
As they learn to see by @cannibalthoughts Rated T 67K WIP
Four and a half years after hiding in the walls, Bruno has an accident bad enough for Casita to call for help, and the family’s problems stop being ignorable. 
aka: Bruno slips and knocks over about a dozen family crises on his way down.
I adore everything about this fic. Cannibalthoughts writes Bruno’s internal headspace SO WELL it’s the perfect blend of humor and angst.
a hair on the head of john the baptist by icarusinthesand Rated T 4.5K Complete
Unsettled in the new Casita, Bruno goes to the usual place wayward prophets seeking solace go.
This one leans into the fact that they’re all Catholic and explores how Bruno feels about being a prophet. Also has a fantastic conversation between him and Mirabel. This one has my whole heart and I’ve reread it many times.
A Prophet In His Own Land by @madrigaljail Rated T 33K Complete
Part of the Madrigal In-Laws Verse that flushes out Felix and Agustin’s families. I highly recommend everything in this series but Prophet is my favorite.
Growing up in the close-knit community of the Encanto, Bruno Madrigal is many things to many people: a dutiful and difficult son, a loyal, irritating brother, a shining star, a lurking menace, a dear friend, a familiar mystery, and an object of scorn. Shouldering the burden of all these contradictory roles, he struggles to find his place in both the town and his family.
A Miracle Is Not Earned but Freely Given by @wildlyironicbee Rated T 57K Complete
A bit of an Anastasia/verrrrrrrrry loose beauty and the beast AU
I love this one SO MUCH Please read it it’s got amazing characterization and some really excellent angst and family bonding.
Mirabel grew up listening to the stories her Abuela would tell her about the Encanto and her family's magical house, Casita--and of how it was lost, her Abuelo and Tío sacrificing everything to keep them safe. When she's presented with an opportunity to finally see the ruins of the Encanto for herself, she leaps at the chance. But what--or who--she finds there will alter the lives of her family forever. 
Stars Lost Down The River by @ramblesanddragons Rated T 87K Complete
A ‘what if Mirabel ran away after her ceremony, Bruno went after her, and they both got swept down the river and lost their memories’ AU it features them reuniting with the Madrigals and it is just absolutely excellent. Rambles has a lot of Encanto fics and I love all of them.
Bitter Blood by ashtreelane Rated G 19K Complete
Post-Canon. Bruno is only technically the youngest. Really, it's by fifteen minutes, but he is also the smallest, and prone to sickness. The fainting spells probably don't help the weakness his sisters see. Bruno is hypoglycemic, which is annoying, but not dangerous. It gets much worse when he enters the walls.
Excellent Madrigal kids stuff and excellent angst
Never Shall We Die by archive_rat Rated M 99K WIP
Young triplets pirate AU. Pirate queen Pepa, ship’s doctor Julieta, & navigator Bruno. Listen, come closer, have you ever read something that left you just sitting in awe and wonder, something that every time you reread it you pick up on something new because there is just SO MUCH amazing detail? Because this is that. I cannot sing this fic’s praises enough. Also if AU’s aren’t your thing go read archive-rat’s other Encanto fics set in canon verse (do that even if AUs are your thing) I was very tempted to rec them individually. Landscape with the Fall of Icarus and Axolotl are my favorites. 
Just Your Ordinary, Everyday Miracle by @16magnolias Rated T 283K WIP
Bruno/Original Female Character post-canon fic that starts with the question of ‘where did Bruno get the horse?’ at the end of the movie. 
A candle. A living house. Magical powers. A 15-year-old girl named Mirabel. Miracles can come in all shapes and sizes, and Bruno's latest miracle may just take the shape of a 41-year-old widow named Lucía and her daughter Josefina. And – uh – maybe also a horse. 
This fic has my whole heart. Lucia is such a well written and flushed out character and Mags’ writing is so cozy and I love it so so so so so much. If Bruno/OFC sounds interesting definitely give this one a read.
(Obligatory plug for my own (with @optimistic-violinist) fic Take Back the Kingdom, a modern/fantasy AU where Bruno and the kids have to save their kingdom from an evil wizard with humor, hijinks, and angst galore)
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 2 months
I had to get out of my cave to say this:
RA (Ravishing Allure) is unmistakable and beautifully written.
I have to confess that I've put it on my shelf for a while. - I was on my soap era and didn't know about Nikto yet. But the way you write has me hooked, so I read everything in one day.
The way you twisted the common colorblind AU + a kinda reversed Beauty and the Beast into something unique and painstakingly tragic had me dying to have a look at your brain. Seriously, how can someone have so much great ideas, that was genial!
The way you were subtly telling us things and the way we get the revelation of Nikto's own secrets later in the chapters it's spot on. Don't even get me started on the suspense and the Sherlock Holmes's vibes every time there is someone new or someone acts weird. - I've been doubting myself!
I also got so happy to see you relying on a valid reason for Seraph to be so clumsy. I see a lot of people writing it somewhat lazily, and I can't say how many times someone tripped in the air while having no problem doing acrobatics later on a book. It's refreshing!
As always the metaphors you add into the descriptions make me wanna print them and put them on my wall to take inspiration from when I'm writing.
Sending love and multiple thanks for my favorite cod writer,
- 🍅
(PS: I'm studying russian currently, and I got super happy when I could translate some of Nikto's dialogs!)
This is so lovely, thank you!! RA is definitely one of my top favorites to write for, and I'm super happy you like it as well - it's 100% something that I'm proud has come so far. I'm also happy that it's introducing so many people to Nikto's character - I think he's super cool and it was one of my reasons for creating a series for him!
But, again, thank you!! Your praise is so heartwarming.
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ultfreakme · 4 months
So one of my fav fic author, just wrote a non-power AU of GoYuu (gojo/yuji) & SukuFushi (sukuna/ fushiguro) and...... I don't know what to feel. Like, have you know someone who ship them (it's the first for me) ? The fic's not underage, yuji's and megumi's age had been aged up by the author, but still the age gap, the dynamics, right? Can you think the reasons to ship them? Well, creativity really knows no bound.....😂😶
Oooh I have actually come across both of these ships very often on ao3. The ItaJun tag has a bunch of them on top hehe. I actually used to ship Sukuna and Megumi a little back when the anime was first airing(not anymore though).
For Gojo/Yuuji I think the first episode scene where their faces are super duper close probably kickstarted it
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(Gojo: tf is personal space??? what's thaaaat???) GoYuu has a very popular ship dynamic I've observed in many fandoms; Student x Teacher. There's always a kind of jaded, aloof and distant teacher-figure who's shipped with the cheery, open-minded and sunny student-figure. I've heard that dynamic is really popular in East Asian fandom spaces(it appears a lot in danmei novels I've read). GoYuu was apparently the most popular ship in Japan (it beat out SatoSugu). Gojo argued to keep Yuuji alive and gave him time, so that's probably a point of appeal too. Gojo usually has no serious reactions to anything, he could have easily killed Yuuji and been done with it but he wanted him to live(Megumi did but eh, technicalities). What made this distant and carefree person take interest in the well-being of this stranger? Why would he risk the world for this one boy? That's probably the start of it. And then in the development, it's probably about how Yuuji can break down Gojo's walls and make him be more honest in his emotions.
2. Sukuna/Megumi: I used to ship it because I thought Sukuna was interested in Megumi as a person, assumed he'd be someone who can give him a good fight or wanted him as an ally.
Also this probably, look at that aesthetic appeal:
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(Damn Mappa had a thing for these, ItaJun also had this. Why???? Fuel fujo-bait??? I thank them for the ItaJun version)
Right before this Sukuna's all giggling laughing asking Megumi to give him more(to fight against, but like, SukuFushi enjoyers probably enjoy taking that to mean something different). I think we all assumed he was interested in Megumi's evolution as a sorcerer. He takes joy in fighting and if anyone can catch his interest, it'd be someone who's struggling to get stronger and sees him as a rival.
It seems like he doesn't give a shit about anyone but Megumi. Like that one time he verbatiom said "Aside from him, I truly don't care". Also in Shibuya arc he heals Megumi and fights Mahoraga and everyone though it's because he cares about him(I was a fool).
On Megumi's end, okay idk what the current SukuFushi shippers expect but I personally wanted Megumi to kill Sukuna even when I was shipping them. Enemies to lovers except one of them is permanently in the enemies phase. As far as I've seen, there's always this non-con element to it? Like Megumi is extremely reluctant, Sukuna is unrelenting in pursuing him, and Megumi goes through a bit of a corruption arc and Sukuna.....well he isn't redeemed but he tones down because Megumi asks. A Beauty & The Beast situation.
I was talking about it to my bff and she was (rightfully) roasting me like we were joking around. Me: "Sukuna wants him for his body.....but like literally he wants to be inside him." My friend: "You mean possess him???" Me: "That's the word yes!"
The age-gap thing for SukuFushi feels more okay because I grew up on a bunch of fantasy shojo manga where a high school girl fell for an ancient spirit with a minimum age of 100. This isn't even an animanga thing, it's there in western media too(....Twilight). A lot of people just don't see the point of mulling over age gaps when the differences are centuries, even if the other half is a minor.
As for GoYuu, well I guess it's fiction, they're just lines on a page at the end of the day and it's less about the legalities of the gap and more about the dynamics it brings to the table that people can find interest in. The power difference, the difference in ways they view the world, the younger one is always more innocent, etc.
I personally don't find these to be my interests 99% of the time but I get why others would enjoy it (my few exceptions are Scum Villain and ErHa but if I start trying to explain THOSE messes we'd all lose it).
I guess people would be confused why I'm still hung up on ItaJun too huh? XDXD But as you said, fanon and creativity has no limits and people do as they like and enjoy.
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
song as old as rhyme - Epilogue
{Beauty and the Beast AU - Raphael x OC (Elize)}
chapter 21
Read on AO3
A/N: Here it is, the epilogue, at long last the story concludes. Thank you all who time to read it, who left comments or likes/kudos, you guys are the best 🩷
Taglist: @littlemoondarling
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Three years had passed since Elize decided to stay with Raphael, now free of any contract. The two of them had come a long way, with the occasional ups and downs, but now their relationship was stable. 
The two of them had gotten into a routine. They’d wake up and eat together, Raphael would go out to do his business, while Elize stayed in the House of Hope, reading or playing with Mol. Sometimes she would go visit her Father, but mostly, she preferred staying home, always finding some way to entertain herself. When he’d come back, they’d talk and eat. Some days, they’d retire to bed and sleep. On others, the nightly activities were more…exciting. 
Anyways, they were happy and Elize couldn’t ask for more. 
Which is why she found it quite strange that in the past few days, Raphael seemed to avoid her like the plague. 
He’d spend more and more time away, and when they met up, he wouldn’t talk much. Elize was starting to worry that something might have happened but she decided to keep quiet for now. She would try asking the others if they knew anything and then she’d speak to him .[
Meanwhile, Raphael was more stressed than he should be about this. 
Three lovely years had passed and he figured it was time to take the next logical step in their relationship. 
Raphael was ready to officially make Elize the Lady of his house. He’d even gone as far as to pick out a ring, but for some reason, he could not work up the courage to ask her. 
Every time he’d go back home, ready to pop the question, all it took was for her to smile at him and suddenly, Raphael couldn’t do it. For a moment he even thought he was going sick again. 
Now, after telling all this to Haarlep, the incubus stared at him for a moment and then laughed. 
“Oh, hells, this is too good to be true.” They said, clutching their belly.
“Mind your manners, Haarlep, before I send you back to the hole you came out from.” Raphael warned, brows furrowed. 
“I apologize, master.” By the tone in their voice, it was clear they were not being genuine about it. “It’s just too much fun to hear the great Raphael nervous about asking for his woman’s hand in marriage.” 
Raphael sighed, putting a hand on his face. “I’m not nervous, I’m just…unsure.” He paced around the room. “I have never thought about this before, and much less about doing it with a human.” He paused. “I…I don’t know what to do.” He admitted. One of the biggest influences Elize had had on Raphael was that now, he was more open about his feelings. 
Haarlep suppressed a chuckle and said. “Maybe, you could ask for advice from her father. He could give you some insight.” 
“Hmm…you might have a point.” Raphael said. “Besides, humans do have that tradition of asking the father for the blessing.” Before he snapped away, Raphael looked at Haarlep, and with a pained face said. “Thank you, Haarlep.” 
Elize had thought to first ask either Haarlep or Korilla about what was going on with Raphael, but none of them were present at the moment, and so she decided to ask the only one left.
“Mol, have you seen Raphael as of late?” Elize asked. 
The tiefling shrugged. “Sure. Why?” 
“It’s just…I think he’s acting strange, but I don’t know why.” 
“Oh yeah, the boss’s very nervous, but that’s because he’s going to-” She stopped herself before finishing the sentence. 
Elize frowned. “What is he going to do? Why is he nervous?”
“Nothing, he’s not going to do anything, I was just..ah… thinking about Haarlep.” Although Mol was a good liar, she had misstepped, and Elize had caught on. 
“Oh look, I swear I just heard Korilla calling me.” The tiefling turned around, pretending to have heard something. “I should better get going, bye.” 
“Mol!” The girl had run away, too late for Elize to try and catch up, but now she was curious. 
What was Raphael up to?
“What are you doing here?” Audifax asked, when he answered the door and Raphael was on the other side. 
“Will you not welcome me inside?” Raphael said, a smirk on his face. “After all, you own this lovely home to me.” After Elize had somewhat mended her relationship with Audifax, he decided to leave their village for good and go live in Baldur’s Gate. 
In his grand generosity, and after Elize asked for it, Raphael lended some money for the old man to buy himself a place to stay. 
Audifax sighed and let the devil in. “If you’re tying to get me into some trick again I should want you that-”
“I’m not here to do any of that, old man.” Raphael interrupted him.  “I’m here to ask for some…advice.” 
“What kind of advice?” He eyed the cambion suspiciously. 
Raphael sighed and reached into the pocket of his clothes, retrieving a ring, with a big ruby on it. “I have been meaning to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.” He gave the man the ring. “But for some reason…I have been finding it difficult. I was told that maybe you could give me some help.” He sighed. “Besides, it would be good if you could give me your…blessing.”
Audifax inspected the ring and then looked back at Raphael. “Well, you have no objections from me. I know how good you do to Elize, and how…happy you make her.” Audifax let out the part that he also wouldn’t dream about defying a devil again. 
Raphael nodded. “Thank you.” 
“And if I can give you any advice, it would be to just do it. Rip it off like a bandage. The more you prolonge this, the more nervous you’ll get and it will start to affect her.” Audifax chuckled. “I think that’s why she was asking me about you the other day.” 
“She came here, asking if I knew anything, because you were acting strange and avoiding her.” Audifax confessed. “So go ask the damn question before Elize has enough of you.” He shooed the devil from out of his home, and sighed.
Audifax was once again reminded that his daughter was no longer a small girl, and instead, was a grown woman, who would soon be married. 
As soon as Raphael came back to the House of Hope, he strode the halls, searching for Elize. He went to her room first, but she wasn’t there, nor in the library. Thankfully, Mol told him she was in his chambers. 
He opened the door, and Elize was kneeling on the floor, looking beneath the bed.
“Love?” He called out and Elize stood up. “What are you doing?”
She passed her hands on her skirt, trying to clean it. “I was seeing if you were hiding something.”
“Yes.” She crossed her arms. “I asked Mol what was the deal with you these past few days, and she told me you were nervous about something you were going to do.” 
“Oh.” He made a mental note to not tell Mol of the things he was doing in the future. “I assure you, dear, it is nothing to be scared of.”
“Then you are hiding something from me.” She said. “Raphael, please, if it’s something bad, just say it already.” 
He chuckled and walked closer to her, placing his hand on her shoulders. “It is true, I have been hiding something, but it’s not a bad thing.” Raphael took a deep breath. “These past few days, there had been a question plaguing my mind, and only now have I found the strength to ask it.” 
Before Elize could question, he got on one knee and took the ring out, holding it in one hand. “Elize, we have been together for three years. I believe it is about time you become the Lady of this house - my wife.” 
Elize’s mouth was open and her eyes were widened. Raphael kneeled there, waiting. Then, her voice finally came back to her. 
“Yes! Yes! I have been waiting for this for so long!” She said excitedly, kneeling in front of him, grabbing him by his jacket and kissing him on the mouth. After a moment, she let go. “You just made me the happiest woman in all Hells.” 
Raphael smiled and put the ring on her finger. “And you make me the happiest man.” They kissed again and he stood up, offering his hand. 
“Come, let’s tell the others the good news.” She took it, giggling and they left the room, now as fiancees.
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livelydiver · 2 years
OMFD fic recs
Hi all!  It's another fic rec posts! 
A non-exhaustive selection of favorites -- this fandom is so fucking talented it blows me away. Thank you to everyone out there writing/drawing/creating such an incredible wealth of gorgeous material, I want to shout about it all the time and if I have loved your work and failed to tell you, I hope you'll forgive me.
I've broken the following down by theme/category - all gentlebeard-centric, mostly E-rated long fics because that's how it is. 
Hell or High Water
There's one fic in this category and it's Hell or High Water (@mottlemoth, 250K+, WIP, E). I know you're already reading it but if you've somehow just emerged from a year-long coma and this is your first contact with the internet  since your miraculous recovery, then please let me introduce you to Hell or High Water. This fic is a world unto itself - unreal l how many lines from this beast I think about on a regular basis.  
⬥In Favor with Their Stars by @mxmollusca -- 27K+ (WIP), M
Spectacular sci-fi where Ed is an engineer on a spaceship and STE/DE is the ship's AI. Poignant and tender and laden with moments that will take your breath away.
⬥Done Deal by Skrifores -- 38K+ (WIP), E
Ed is a glassblower and Stede is an unhappily married "straight" man who starts coming to the hot shop to watch him work; their relationship in this one is so organic and perfectly written. Already can't wait for the re-read.
⬥Once Upon a Summer in San Francisco by samwise -- 150K+ (WIP), E
Like HOHW, you're probably already reading this one, but if not then you should be! Every word of hype is deserved; this fic is so joyful and healing and tender, with a perfectly-in-character ensemble crew and the sweetest friends-to-lovers slow burn I've ever read.
⬥different this time by @tedwelton -- 65K, E
Adorably awkward single-dad Stede hires heartwarmingly perfect nanny Ed to help with the kids, and it's as funny and sweet and satisfying as a great rom-com.
⬥i'll be your treasure by offsammich -- 48K, M
Metal dectorists AU! An unusual take on "Ed is the master of a world Stede has always dreamed of exploring," which is fuckin' metal detecting, that's right. Very fun and heartwarming.
⬥turn on the light by @smallestchurch -- 43.8K, E
New-bookstore-owner Stede and the hot guy who runs the bar next door. Digs into some of the thorniness of Stede's marriage/sexuality crisis, which leads to mounting UST and a searingly hot, planets-colliding payoff.
Canon Universe
⬥Haunt You Down by fluorescentgrey -- 13K, E
This fic breaks my heart but I just can't stop coming back to it - Ed goes to a molly house to try to get Stede out of his system. Guess who is also there, trying to process things? Achingly hot and angsty, with some excellent OCs to boot.
⬥Stealing Romance by Skrifores -- 13K, E
Delightfully funny and sweet fake-boyfriends trope and jealous misunderstandings when Stede's ex shows up and Ed helps Stede avoid him.
⬥Cabin Pressure by entanglednow -- 6K, E
Flaming hot "consequences of 'platonic' friends sleeping in the same bed" one-shot.
⬥Wayfaring by @justkeeptrekkin -- 35K, E 
Another deserved fandom classic, Ed and Stede marooned together on an island, a gorgeous slow unfolding of the beautiful life they build together.
⬥If You Were Mine to Keep by Pamplemousse (@mysterybees) -- 75K+ (WIP), E
Incredibly sweet, romantic forced marriage story where Ed is made to marry an aristocrat and Stede agrees to be the one to marry him. Instant chemistry and a powerful friendship that slowly blossoms into more. Pure loveliness.
Fun Sex
My all-time favorite genre: zany sexual chemistry and adventures in sex positivity. "Erotic friendship," maybe? Whatever you call it, it's the best. Started compiling recs for this section and realized I had multiple fics for every author, so I'm going to recommend authors instead!
❖afterism (@onlylostphysics) -- creator of the exquisite, paradigm-shifting "kissing is what lovers do" series, an S1 canon-parallel in which Ed and Stede become friends with benefits from day one. Pure perfection, every installment is hot and beautiful as a standalone or in series but I particularly love elegant and restrained (Ed orchestrates his own ravishment under the guise of teaching Stede how to handle a hostage), and all dressed up (fingering and playful orgasm denial and Ed being head over heels in love, just mind-meltingly hot and romantic).
❖alsaurus (@ofmd-alsaurus) -- another who can do no wrong in my book. Every fic is so sweet and sexy and uniquely hilarious; I'm particularly partial to Good Habits (Stede has an unusual way of getting off, Ed likes to watch) and There's No Accounting for Taste (Ed tries to set a sexy trap and things go off the rails). 
❖Jimsnose (alivamae) -- snappy and hot and always deliciously unpredictable, I love everything they've written but especially The Theater of Fear (Stede helps Ed cope with the guilt of nearly killing him through the healing magic of roleplay)(seriously though this fic is so delightful I just got pulled into another re-read) and Golden Teachers (Ed introduces Stede to magic mushrooms)(I am a sucker for low-stakes recreational drug use in fics and this one is exquisite, now with searingly-hot sequel Penis Envy).
❖heartroots (@bonesofyourheart) -- another master of the hot/funny/sweet/endearing/hot again genre blending, especially Aphrodisiac (Stede struggles with finishing too quickly and tries a magic potion to help him last longer) and If You're Too Shy, Then Let Me (Stede gets an "accidental" front-row seat to Ed's alone time).
House Specials
Finally, a few of my own fics I'm especially proud of - check them out if you like!
⬥Touching Your Goodness -- E, 14K
Ed and Stede are back together but not yet Back Together when two strangers come into the mix and make them both jealous - mutual pining and comedic misunderstandings with bonus POTC (Sparrow/Norrington) crossover.
⬥Skeleton Season -- 8K, E
Smut and fluff after Stede gets cursed by some famously haunted treasure. Just in time for the Halloween season!
⬥The Healing Kind -- 22K, E
Post-S1 reunion where Ed is depressed and self-destructive, and Izzy teams up with Lucius and Mary to get him back together with Stede: angst to hurt/comfort to fluff to smut.
⬥Such as They May Be -- 6K, E
A lighthearted "Stede catches up with the Revenge" fix-it where Ed can't help loving Stede's newfound confidence.
Happy reading!
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sweettjrose · 3 months
I really really like your writing and style of narrative (I am still reading your detective Mickey one, I am interested!), I have always wanted to write my stories and OC stuff like that , but it never turns out good.
Anyway, my question is if you any inspirations or reference when it comes to writing, and if so, what are them?
Thank you so much!!! 💕💕💕
It warms my heart so much to see so many people like my story and get invested. I always wanted to get into fanfic writing, but could never imagine seeing so many positive reactions. I worked really hard and I can't wait to share more of what I have planned for this series.
As for your question, it is a simple question, but I actually have a complicated answer lol. Because even though I am writing fanfiction, I feel like a lot of my inspiration comes from things outside of just writing such as tv shows, games, comics, movies, etc. There are so many stories that had such an impact on me like Undertale, Deltarune, Mob Psycho 100, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, Pokémon Black/White, Steven Universe, Gurren Lagann, Kung Fu Panda, Bojack Horseman, The Great Mouse Detective, Beauty and the Beast (Tbh Disney movies in general), and so much more. I've always wanted to write something just as emotionally impactful and compelling as they were to me. I feel like I daydream of cool moments as well as fun story ideas but never really put them on paper. But one day, while hyper-fixated on Mickey Mouse, I couldn't take only thinking anymore and I decided to just start writing them down and that is how I got my start.
What has also helped is following other creators that have been making their own wonderful stories also based on characters in the whole "Mickey and Friends"-verse. I've been following "Everything is Blue", an incredible story that tackles the relationships that Bud Flud had before he became the Liquidator by @trishabeakens . I also love the amazing duckverse comics by @modmad that do such a brilliant job giving Magica De Spell and Gladstone Gander so much depth with beautiful illustrations. Also, my friend @skullsemi makes many terrific comics about her "The Backup Detectives" AU that explores Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Oswald, Clarabelle, and everyone in such a fun role, and even other people started to add their own take to their AU. That isn't even everyone. Just seeing so many people share their own fantastic work and take on these characters or any other characters are really big inspiration when it comes to getting the push to make my own stuff.
However, I can't talk about inspiration and references and not bring up all of the "Mickey and Friends" media that is the root of my story. The animated shorts, "The Three Musketeers", "The Three Caballeros", "The Goofy Movie", Ducktales 2017, "The Prince and the Pauper", "The Christmas Carol", the comics (Gottfredson, Barks, Rosa, Nucci, Topolino, etc.), Darkwing Duck, and just so much more have all been key references when writing my fanfiction series. Some of the inspiration is obvious such as "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot" for the Pilot. But it is more than that. It is also the feel that all of these stories give. What I like about all of these stories is how well they can balance a fun cartoony comedic vibe, but also have strong emotional moments. In "The Goofy Movie" you can have a musical number where people dance on cars in the same movie where two adults have a serious conversation about trust and the best way to parent a child. That is what I am trying to catch in my story. And now that I think about it a lot of the previous stuff I mentioned in the paragraph above also have a pretty similar balance. I think there is something about being able to be goofy but also sincere that speaks to me. The idea of exploring the tough parts of life, but still holding onto hope and having fun along the way. It is genuine. I want to be genuine.
I know you mentioned earlier about how you don't think you're writing is good. I haven't seen it (mostly because I don't know who you are lol), but I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. The fact that you are writing is better than doing nothing and I would say just write what you want to. Write what you enjoy and find fun. Write what gets you to actually write. Because if I could be honest, I am really writing mostly for me. This is something I've been wanting to do forever and I am having so much fun.
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