#and then slowly I've been being more open with it through stuff like RN and friends
nyrator · 1 year
You're doing a great job, I hope there is lessened shame for you from here on out
I'm glad to be mutuals with you on here your art is still as fantastic as ever
Thank you so much, anon.. That really means a lot.
I still need to figure out boundaries when it comes to speaking about it publicly and when making art of it (I'm still scared of pushing people away because of it or giving a weird impression to strangers, aha..), but I'm extremely thankful people have been super supportive over it..
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angelmichelangelo · 8 months
You can write for the fanfic au about Leo Mikey and Shredder if you want I can reblog the post on my blog about it so you know who I am I went anon free on here once but I sometimes feel a bit anxious about it when it comes to talking compared to reblogs I created the au when I was thinking about how to make a different tmnt series anyway but yeah you can if you want I don't mind because I've been having trouble making the concept work and would love to see others takes on it so yeah it's pretty much free real estate but yeah just let me know and I'll reblog the fanfic au post so you know who I am because it may be weird if you see some of my own posts about the au and I don't want you to think I'm two different people such as the au being stolen or anything like that since I went anon on here so you know I'm the same as that person and that you have my full permission to do it.
hi anon! thank you for trusting me with your au idea! and i totally understand the anxiety surrounding talking to people online - it takes a while to build up trust with people you don’t necessarily know so don’t worry about it. you can stay on anon for as long as you feel comfortable, i don’t have a problem with it at all :)
i started drafting a few warmup paragraphs that i thought i would share with you! i might take a while to ever actually get around to writing and posting because i have a lot of wips i need to finish plus life is kinda kicking me in the butt rn so writing fic is taking a little breather atm but here’s what i got so far! thanks again for sharing your ideas with me! <3
Light bursts through the top of the stairs, startling Mikey awake, he scrambles upwards onto his feet, bowing over even when it sends another shock of pain buzzing through his body, hurried footsteps and a hushed, whispered voice makes him immediately straighten out, all the tension leaving his body at once.
“Easy, Mikey,” comes Leo’s voice emerging from the shadows. “It’s just me.”
Mikey grins, fingers finding the bars of the cage and curling them around them, pressing himself closer to get a better look at his brother.
“Leo. Hey. What’re you doing down here?”
Leo has his satchel slung across his shoulder, reaching in to rummage around it, he brings out something small wrapped in brown paper.
“Risking my shell,” he says dryly. He hands Mikey over the parcel, peeling it open to reveal a few slices of bread. His mouth goes wet almost instantly.
“Thanks,” Mikey says in a rush, already picking bits off to stuff into his mouth. “How’d you know I was down here?”
Leo closes his bag, stepping closer, Mikey can see the worry that crowds his face.
“Well Bradford loves a good brag. Said something about whipping your butt during training. Father also told me not to expect you back in the room tonight so…” his voice trails off. He looks forlorn, wringing his hands together anxiously. “I wish you wouldn’t get yourself into so much trouble all the time, Mikey. It worries me.”
Mikey swallows down the bread. It’s bland and plain but it settles something in his stomach.
“And I wish you would stop calling him Father,” he says, tone icy.
Leo bristles. “Don’t say that.” He says. “He only does this because he cares. He needs us to be safe, Mikey, this is all to keep us safe. You know that.”
Mikey shifts. He looks down at the paper, spotting a few rogue crumbs, he picks at them uselessly.
“It doesn’t feel that way,” he says miserably. “Not when I’m getting my shell waxed by that… bonehead Bradford.”
Leo makes a face. “How hurt are you?” He asks, gesturing for him to turn around so he can have a look.
Mikey does so, pressing himself up against the bars as best he can, he can feel Leo’s hands tenderly inspect his shell.
He tuts and Mikey slowly turns back towards him again.
“A hairline crack,” he tells him disappointedly. “You’re lucky it will heal on its own. Anything more severe and you know they wouldn’t let you out to treat it.”
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psychelis-new · 19 days
Hey Lys,
Hope all is fine with you. I just want to get this out of my chest. You don't have to publish it if you don't want. I apologise for bothering you in advance.
I have been trying to pursue my dream for about 2 years now. I mean I started the initial preparation 2 years ago and still I don't see much progress, if any at all. I talked to other people and they took 2 years too, but they were able to reach their goal while I just look around and see zero progress. I really wanted this year to be different so that I can pursue my dream of going abroad next year but I don't think it will happen anymore, possibly ever. I also asked out loud to the universe/ God/deity/ whatever you believe in to please give me a clear sign if I am going abroad next year or not. But all I get is dreams of my friend (she is living in the country where I want to go) coming back home and telling her stories from the place, while I am listening to her. Actually, she was the one who gave me the strength to even let me acknowledge that I can dream of something like that. Every few days I also hear stuff related to the place I want to go to. I don't know what it means (I doubt it means anything if I am being honest). I am tired and exhausted at this point. I don't want to continue but I don't want to give up as well.
Thank you so much for listening to my rambling.
Hello :)
I'm doing okay, just working on myself and healing. I must admit I've been through some difficult times caused by my past... but it seems I'm slowly getting out of that.
From what you said, and pardon me if I say so, it seems to me that you're focusing too much on the outside. Don't get me wrong: I totally understand what you're going through. It's really draining to put in effort and see no result and it obviously makes you lose hopes and feel discouraged. But you know... maybe you're considering a "result" (or a success) something that is a result/success for other and not for you. I mean... what would a result or sign for you be at this point? Comparing your path with others' ones, how long it took them to succeed, is basically like comparing your life (and life experience) to theirs. And you know... it never works. The more we look outside and compare with others (to feel as worthy*), the more we lose track of us, of what we really do, what we want, who we are... and of our successes too. Not to mention the signs. If you wait for the same result and signs others get, you may even wait forever at times. Maybe you need to change and be more open and wait for something different. Maybe you can go abroad, but you'll make it in a different way, or you may need more years... And what's the matter? Don't let urgency guide you, ever (I know you may be thinking "it's been 2 years it's not urgency", but it's actually still urgency: others succeeded in 2 years while you didn't. "So where are my results", you may be thinking and need answers asap, losing focus on you and your life, your path, the answers within you or in front of you...). *I think deep down you're comparing your worth to others', your friend's too (eg. the dream you mention feels like you're envious of her living your dream-life, at least on a superficial level ---I'm not interpreting rn). You see them succeeding at what you'd want to do, and you feel like unable to make it because you're not good enough or are a failure (it may be an unconscious self talk). But that's not true. You can try to get there, but maybe first you need to work on what is blocking you from actually getting there: maybe see your worth, maybe try something different, maybe take time for you and work from your own pov and not others'. Maybe work on what may actually scare you or what it would mean to make it and get there... Idk, there's a whole world behind some of our blockages. Anyway... do what works for you, not for others. And follow your dream, not others'.
My suggestion at this point, being also that you keep hearing about the country you want to go live in (whether it's a sign or just that you keep thinking about it and so you notice it more easily -it's psychology), is to take a break. Focus for a while on anything else. Take time for you, maybe work on your self worth/esteem in a different way. Give to yourself, whatever you need. Even (especially, tbh) just mental rest. Do not lose track of what else is going on in your life and of what you may need or want, aside from going abroad (at times we get too sucked up with a certain goal that we forget to give to us and to see our worth in other situations; we forget about our passions and what we like; we end up in a negative cycle that only brings up our "not good" we are even if it's not true). You need to get a clearer mind now. Once you feel more relaxed and grounded, ask again for signs. And stay open to them. Maybe work on a specific sign with your guides or Universe or whoever you want/believe in. And then, think about it: which voice is easier to shut up, the one telling you to give up because you'll never make it (maybe giving you examples of how unworthy/unable you are/were or of how things went bad in past occasions but also of how you're not as good as your peers: "they made it, why don't you? maybe you can't...") or the one telling you to keep working for your dream? Once you realize the answer to this question, you'll know what do to (follow it. It may be your intuition too, as it's easier to shut it up especially when we're stressed/tired, or to not believe it/discard it compared with our fears/wounded ego ---and stay open to any kind of sign, not just what you may see through your wounded ego/tired self. Get rest first and work on your self care -body and all- and self talk: it may seem useless/unrelated but nope, it makes all the difference in the world as you learn you can receive and deserve/are worthy through them. Stop calling yourself an idiot after each mistake or "failure", eg. This worked greatly for me).
All the best and take care, fr<3
P.S. basically, anyway, do not let urgency and in general what you're not getting (also at all) mean anything bad about your worth or deservance. P.P.S. I'm ofc assuming that to move abroad is your dream because you (and not others = you want to be like them/as worthy/successful) want to move abroad. Remind yourself of the reasons why you want to make it, what it means for you, what you want to do abroad etc... and as I said, act as it's best for you, follow your dream until you feel is right to keep trying. Let your intuition guide you here.
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spaceratprodigy · 5 months
Thank you for the tags @darkfire1177 @the-lastcall 💖💕
Favorite Color:
Currently Reading:
Oh! Okay, so, the thing is– I normally blow through so many books throughout the year.. BUT ☝️ 2023 I only read a small handful and I'm kind of sad abt that, but also kind of not because the reason is for the first time in years I re-sparked some lost passion I had with creating and was so so much more inspired and motivated and spent way more time drawing than I have in a long time 😭
The last books I read were The Left Hand Of Darkness and a book about The Endurance! Very good reads. Hoping to read more this year tho, but as long as I'm doing things that make me happy, ya'know
Last Song:
We were just letting a lot of Public Broadcasting Service songs autoplay while playing Kerbal Space Program tbh
Last Movie:
Oh God, um, idk, I guess I rewatched The Matrix recently?
Last Series:
Like? TV series? That I watched? Ummm.. We were snuggled up on the couch watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, I guess
Currently Craving:
We got Chinese Food yesterday after our snowy day hike and I'm craving our leftovers
Tea or Coffee:
Currently Working On:
Art-wise? Lots planned on my to-do list :]
Slowly, when I can, working on the art prompts in my ask box! Very excited about those, so many ideas rotating in my mind over the past few months. Lots of other ideas I want to draw regarding other people's OCs, heheheheh, BIGGEST ONE BEING drawing out all the ideas I have planned for P&P AU with Faith, Max, Rhea, and Felix!! Been cookin' those up for months!!
Gonna be slow until I finish getting my stuff moved out and until I finally get myself a new desk for the first time in my life that isn't destroying my body bc it's ~50 years old and actually a children's sized desk that I can't fit at..
Otherwise? Developing OC stuff in my spare time. New ideas for Iris and Poppy, working on Zinnia some more.. I've been playing Rogue Trader so I'm super into my girl Ceciliana rn 👀
open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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so i've been extremely overwhelmed by....... i guess everything online lmao, it's really hard to focus on things when you're constantly bombarded with things you don't really need at the moment
i'm trying to get back into journaling but damn it's so hard. i know my head isn't empty, i spawn walls of texts almost daily, but my mind goes blank when i'm in front of an open notebook because i don't know what's truly worthy of writing down? it's kind of like with drawing at this point. i'm stuck with the art block because i don't know what's worthy of drawing. and guess what made me feel this way? the social media lmfao. i hate that literally every idea i consider cool i never depict because my brain immediately goes like, "who cares about this?", "this won't get noticed and also you're too late, so don't be cringe", etc
i hate this so much idk. anyway, i think i'm going to make a list of things to focus on, both personal projects/artistic inspirations and fandom related ones. i do have things i overfixate on for years, so why am i letting myself be distracted by some random content ideas that only matter to me for like a day or two...?
i should also start limiting inspirations in general, looking at my folder rn and realizing that there are just WAY TOO MANY things i want to incorporate into my work and it really overwhelms me. reminds me of various artists saying that "less is more" and holy crap i should start limiting myself. this is something i slowly started to realize on my own when i did some pixel art, which is limited already due to its nature, with some color palettes instead of randomly staring at a color wheel for half an hour, not being able to decide which one to use.
also i found out about artfol, social media for artists, and so far it seems promising? haven't tried it yet, maybe i will upload some stuff there later. also maybe i'll finally sort everything here on tunglr dot com and make a separate art blog and will use this one as my "main"-diary-esque blog where i won't post much. it's not like i'm on here anyway, my dash feels overwhelming so i don't even scroll past 3-4 posts a day anymore on here. i'm tired of social media. it doesn't feel personal anymore, it's not fun, not interesting...
fomo effect used to fuck me up before something clicked and i stopped scrolling things. because due to nature of the modern internet, i have more chances of stumbling across useful/interesting information if i just keep scrolling through junk. since as you know, google is dead anyway, shit is hard to find these days, and indeed, every cool thing i managed to find was through random braindead scrolling (post 2016 i mean, i miss mid 2000s era when stuff was actually GOOGLEABLE and you didn't need to scroll long ass feed to stumble across cool things, you could get there at your own pace while just surfing the web). so the habit was made worse by "damn what if i miss some obscure post that features obscure cool thing that will matter to me once i get to know it??" but i'm just so fucking exhausted... everything i love about the internet because so dormant, niche even. the internet, as i define it, is dead to me. it's really heartbreaking
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coldcanadianwinters · 11 months
Bad Dog Bites and Original Bad Dog Bites!
To preface, I actually lied when I replied to your post first - in fact SIX of those fics are crossovers between the two Personas that I've played (4 and 5) lmfao and that includes both versions of BDB :)
Originally, the fic was supposed to take place immediately after Royal, and Akechi's alive and contacted by Sae bc my theory is that it was her officers that was escorting him back to somewhere when you catch a glimpse of him at the very end of the game through the train window. The idea was that, now that she's transitioning to being a defense lawyer, Sae's noticing a lot more of an uptick in corruption through the government, and especially noticing shit to do with the shadow world, whether that be Metaverse or otherwise. So she's bringing in the guy who's in hiding and who she can like use some leverage over (seeing as the Phantom Thieves are supposed to be disbanded now and they're going their separate ways so she can't just employ them for this) and who also has Persona powers, and ask him to help her deal with this. But she also knows that the shadow world is dangerous to deal with on its own... and I know that the government has records of Naoto having Persona powers (thank you beginning of P4 Arena lmfao - I haven't finished watching the playthrough that I found of that one tho bc I realised that P4A has so many spoilers for P3 and I don't want that yet soooo I'll just have to wait until after I play P3 to finish that vid haha), so to help him, she calls in the first Detective Prince.
The goofs and gaffs were gonna come from the fact that, if they met in canon (PQ2 doesn't count in this situation bc I haven't played it yet LMAO), they would immediately hate each other hsgfh and then they'd slowly grow to trust each other in combat, even if they do absolutely hate each other, and it would come to a head when they get surrounded, probably in the TV World bc they're gonna be bouncing back and forth between each other's worlds (and the P3 shadow world - Tartarus? - but I first gotta play that game first *squeezes my hands into fists* so) and are forced to perform a Showtime where, since both of them and their Personas can learn Megidolaon, they basically do this little theatrical show of 'hey I can do things better than you watch!' and then annihilate the surroundings and the shadows by using that move at once together. And then after that they would have to deal with the fact that hey, the other one actually is willing to work with me and keep the both of us from getting killed... huh....
I thought it was a cool idea, though like the majority of the plot is wholly obscured to me bc I didn't really have an end goal besides making Akechi eventually go back to Leblanc and see the P5 protag again, though maybe it could be something similar to P5 where they take down a major political figure? or like the lead scientist trying to use the shadows for their own evil will or something, and I also didn't have most of the middle stuff ready, just like key scenes that I'd dreamt up and stuff haha
But then the second version, which is the one just titled Bad Dog Bites now, has some different stuff going on - this time, it's 4 years after the end of P5, so Akechi's been in hiding for a while after having survived back then, and he's probably doing something but he's really secretive and on the dl about it. He doesn't want to be found by the authorities so he changes address and phone number constantly, I've written him relatively ooc rn but I'm working on fixing that lmfao, he's got some shit to deal with and he definitely doesn't want to be found by the former Phantom Thieves.
The idea is the fic opens up in Akechi's current apartment, and he's doing something at his desk that the audience isn't allowed to fully know about yet, when someone knocks on his door. He's obviously suspicious, and when he goes to peek through his peep hole and then after crack the door with the chain in, Naoto is there, and when he lets the original DP in, they explain to him (after some like banter, immediate hate bc they would hate each other hghs, and some coaxing of information) that they've been hired to help hunt him down (and though they don't say by who, Naoto was def hired by the P5 protag, but like 3-ish years ago, so instead of telling him that, Naoto tells him they were hired recently by Sae, bc that'll also technically be true).
Actually, I might add in, too, that the TV World fog was seeping into Akechi's apartment and that helped Naoto hunt him down? I think that could be interesting... and Akechi doesn't notice bc it's been a slow build, but something across Japan has been causing the walls of the TV World to thin (and maybe also the Metaverse and Tartarus bounds) and let them seep into the real world, which of course is a problem. This'll tie well into my plan for this fic too - the pair of Detective Princes get contracted to dive into the various shadow worlds at random by government agents so that scientists can test the reactions of Shadows and stuff, etc etc basically they gotta play along until they can target the head of this evil government snake organization and take it down together swiftly and effectively, giving info back to Sae for safekeeping and occasionally bumping into other major characters from the games. And at the end, they find where all three of these shadow worlds are converged and have to fight the big bad boss down there to separate Tartarus, the TV World, and the Metaverse again and also separate all three from the real world once more.
There'll be changing perspectives between Akechi's pov and Naoto's pov, changing probably either chapter to chapter or every other chapter, depending on the vibes haha, and in the end, when they do take down the big bad (both of the shadow worlds and the head organizer of this whole thing who's trying to control the shadow worlds), or maybe after, then Akechi is forced to realise that hey actually living in isolation like he had been sucks shit and makes plans to meet up with the p5 protag. Maybe he even does meet up with him, at the end of the fic, I haven't decided yet haha
I'll still be keeping the Showtime idea that I had bc ngl that scene drove a lot of my want to write this fic in the first place, though I still gotta finagle a way of making it written out as cool as it was in my head without being either over- or under-explained and flashy, idk haha, but beyond that and Naoto and Akechi forced to work together their plots were gonna be actually really different. Plus, I figured I could maybe do more with their characters, because for Akechi it's 4 years later so he's like 20-21, but for Naoto, it's been a Hot Minute since they've had to go about doing shadow world stuff I think (though maybe I'm wrong and they've been doing shadow world stuff this whole time! idk), so they're now 24-25 and Working Through It haha
Anyways! That's the whole idea 🫠 I know this was a really long reply but I just,,, I've been thinking about this fic a whole bunch haha
There's still some things I gotta tweak out still, and I gotta actually write the damned thing too, but! There ya go haha
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laraplisetski · 3 years
Dating Akira Kunimi
A/n: Hello, hello! Sorry for the slow updates, I havent been feeling great about myself but I’ll try to update more often. I hope you enjoy this. Sorry for any mistakes if I've made any:) Also for some reason I keep hearing Unravel in my head and I just- Edit: I just looked and I have 127 followers rn stan nct 127
List of people left from the dating headcanons series.
Kentarō Kyōtani #16
Words: 1200+
Tags: @imthatchishiyasimp, @kekozume​
Tumblr media
He looks so pretty here.
Okay so you two met when you went to collect some information about the team to send to volleyball monthly since you were in the student council.
When you entered and went to the coach to ask him about the things you needed Yahaba tried doing the ball thing on you but he accidentally hit it too hard.
When you saw the ball coming you dodged it.
Unfortunately Kunimi was standing behind you so it hit him instead.
Since you felt bad you offered to get him some ice cream.
He agreed because you looked nice and you weren't one of Oikawa's fangirls.
(good job Yahaba you just got Kunimi a date)
So you two went out to get ice cream and in the middle of the ‘date’ Kunimi realized that he was developing a minor crush on you because he just expected you to buy him ice cream and call it a day.
But instead you're actually interested in the conversation and being very nice. 
After the ‘date’, when you two saw each other in the hallways you would always wave to each other and smile at each other and you developed a sort of friendship.
Everyone knew that you two were crushing on each other and your friends and the volleyball team sorta forced you to confess to Kunimi.
And so you did *rather hesitantly*.
And Kunimi accepted so you guys started dating!! Yay! 
Okay so at the beginning of the relationship he's sort of closed off.
Like from closed off i mean quite and it frustrated you quite a lot cause things were barely different than before.
Because aren't all couples supposed to be cute with each other.
(reminder you both are first years so you guys have no or very less experience with relationships)
So this led to you talking to him about this issue and Kunimi was relieved because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable and you were like :O
So after this Kunimi started to gradually open up more and all was good yet once again.
Also Kunimi would try to be sweeter around you and not try to piss you off like he does to other people.
If you guys would have a fight anyways and he knew he was wrong, he would definitely apologize as soon as he can.
But if you were wrong ohoho
But like even if you apologize to him later he’ll like keep it in the back of his mind and every time he wants something he would be like-
‘Remember that time when…’
‘What do you want Kunimi?’ *sighs*
Okay on to cuddling.
This boy loves to cuddle but he's too shy to admit it.
Like he gets all pouty when he wants cuddles and you don't cuddle with him.
That's understandable but like HE DOESN'T ASK FOR THEM.
He just expects you to know somehow and he doesn't even leave any hints.
Like what do you want me to do Kunimi.
Okay but when you two do cuddle hes just like the softest most shyest person.
Personally I think Kunimi would like to be a small spoon, just like 
A blanket is wrapped around you two as you two sit in front of the tv. It buzzes in the background  but you don't pay any mind to it, you only focus on Kunimi. He melts into your touch and you slowly lull him to sleep. You set your head on top of his and bask in the smell of his sweet peony scented shampoo.
But like I mean you get my point.
Then one time you came over to his house and halfway through your hangout you got his hoodie from his closet and he was so confused like why???
And he asked you, it went like this,
‘Oi, why did you take out my hoodie?’
‘Just because’
‘Welp that's creepy’
‘Shut up Kunimi!’
Generally he was very annoyed at first and thought it was borderline creepy cause you don't just take other people's clothes.
But later on he got used to it and if he sees you in school without your jacket he always leaves a spare hoodie in your locker.
Also when you come over to his house now there's a clean hoodie randomly lying on his bed.
I wonder who that might be.
Also when Kunimi takes you to his volleyball practice as well he makes sure to give you his jacket just to piss off Kindaichi that he got a s/o before him.
When he first took you to practice the team literally swarmed you and they were throwing questions from left and right until Iwaizumi gave them all a slap on the back of their heads.
After that they didn't really swarm you but got to know you normally by talking.
Kunimi also tried his damn hardest to keep you away from Oikawa cause Kunimi knows that Oikawa’s an idiot (the Oikawa slander though) but somehow you two became friends???
He still doesn't understand how it happened.
One day he made lunch for you and brought it to school, since you guys meet up in the morning outside the gym, the team saw him giving homemade lunch to you and they teased him ever since.
But other than that Kunimi’s surprisingly into slightly domestic stuff.
Like he wakes up to make breakfast for you sometimes (a skill most likely taught by his sister)
And he just likes to play his ‘calm music’ Spotify playlist and just hum along to it while making you pancakes (which are fucking delicious btw)
And one day you just walk up behind him and give him a bake hug and say, 
‘Didn't know you could make pancakes….
Can you make like three more, I'm very hungry’
And Kunimi just sighs violently and in his mind he's like ____ such a dumbass.
But yk he loves you obviously or he wouldn't make these three extra pancakes for you.
Sometimes when he sees you being a dumbass he's like why do i like them again?
But then he sees your eyes shining when you play around with the rest of your friends and he sees the love and loyalty you have for them and you look over and he sees your pupils dilate and he sees your smile, the one you give him, the one that's reserved for him and he knows the answer to his question.
Even though he likes you (its loveee~)
He still makes fun of you… jokingly.
For example if you try to do a receive and it fails and the ball hits your face instead or something hell snicker at you before trying to help you up.
You beat him up later for laughing at you dont worry.
Bonus point- Kunimi and you don't go out on dates very often so on anniversaries Kunimi plans a date according to your interests.
Like if you're into Attack on Titan hobo eren hot he’ll take you to a theme park based on Attack on Titan.
(I'm so sorry if anyone doesn't like Aot I just used it as an example) 
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kvgehiras · 3 years
waaaa i'm sure whatever you have typed up is great!! if you ever decide to post it, i'll look forward to it ♡
cough cough SO UM,,, ik this is oddly specific but i hope you don't mind aha .. a character of your choice with someone who has some important exams coming up soon, maybe?? i've like ... procrastinated like all of my work and slept through the entire few weeks before,, so i'm currently on the brink of eternal sleep (my fault, wholly, really) i don't mind who, just pick your favourite/s!!
thank you in advance!! qwq
hello again anon!! THANK U AAAA i might post it after the current event ends bcs im busy grinding lately lol but i will post it soon so i hope u like it ehe ;; as for ur schedule PLS SLEEP !!!! i do know the feeling off not doing any of ur work nd just resting but sometimes it's ok anon! studying when ur not feeling like it will only feel like a chore nd u probably wont be able to retain any of it. so study when u want to, bcs while exams r important, so r u hehe <3 anyways here r the charas!! wrote a lil scenario for mika, leo, nd rei!! hope u like it <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• mika overworks himself alot, mainly bcs he just wants to prove, to himself and others, that he is worthy of being a part of valkyrie
• but he still likes being a lil spoon when yall r cuddling (o˘◡˘o)
• while he is a powerful artist when hes on stage, he just melts when hes in ur arms yk!!!!
• so he doesnt mind it when lately u seem to be slacking off a bit more than usual bcs he gets more cuddles from u !!!!! #mika1stwin
• but when u suddenly stop out of nowhere nd even refuse to come out of ur room at times bcs uve procrastinated ur work too much nd if u do not finish going through ur material then ur doomed to fail nd oh lord-
• "(y/n)?"
• u look up at ur bf nd hes standing beside u- w his stuff in his hands.....?
• "ah ya see.....ya've been lookin' a lil stressed lately so i thought abt.....helpin' u like this! idk what is troublin' ya, but im here to always listen! :D"
• u break into a grin, one mika had missed so much, nd grab his cheeks to plant a kiss on his cheek
• nd still keeping ur hands where they are, u pull away to look at his bright red face
• "thank u mika... ill always be here for u too, ok?"
• nd he quickly nods, scared to meet ur eyes, esp bcs of the close proximity of ur faces rn
• what a lil baby
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• leo is honestly the last person u want to see when ur trying to finish learning ur material,,,that too in a rush
• like!!!!! u love him u rlly do but this bitch will start doodling abt his inspiration nd all nd ur brain just cant focus yk
• that, nd also that if u dont give him Any attention At All he will literally wither away nd basically refuse to sleep nd WILL stare at u till u give him kissies (nd he alrdy doesnt sleep enough........ sigh)
• so when he wakes up in the middle of the night (the one night u managed to somehow get him to bed) nd doesnt see u in the room a part of him panics
• he quickly calls out for u nd when he hears u respond from the study room, he opens the door to see u slowly turn around from ur chair, tired, shoulders slumped over
• immediately rushing over, leo tightly wraps u in a hug, a hand running through ur hair
• "(Y/N)!!!!!!!!! WHERE WERE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THE ALIENS KIDNAPPED U!!!!?!!???!!!!!!! DONT LEAVE ME AGAINNNNNN 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
• "leo it's 2 am.......nd also i didn't leave u, u know? im right here!"
• the exhaustion was very evident in ur voice, so much so that leo pulled away only to squint his eyes at u nd go "r u not ok? u sound tired ...... gasp r u DYING????????? NOOOOO U CANT DIE UR MY INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!"
• "leo thats v sweet nd while yes i Am dying im not leaving u it's ok"
• leo smiles, which turns into a grin, nd then he suddenly gasps again nd oh lord what idea is it this time
• "(y/n)!!!!! how abt i sleep here????????"
• ".....huh?"
• "YEA!!!!!! didn't u leave that room so u wouldn't disturb me?????? but im lonely so......ill just sleep on ur lap then, ok? ok! good nightttt!!!!!!!!"
• nd then he places his head on ur lap, the other half on his body relying on the chair he was previously sitting on for support
• while he isnt wrong abt the disturbance part.....he does look content here.......nd he does feel lonely so ......
• mayb u just gotta learn today what u can wing everything at this point...... it's gonna be ok . probably....?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike the other two, rei wouldn't even have to guess that ur not doing ok, he would just Know
• nd what does he do to help? flirt w u nd get u to let him teach u obv!
• he Knows it's not rlly teaching, nd so do u, but what can u do when he looks at u w those puppy eyes of his, nd says that he'll do anything nd everything in his power to always help u
• so when he does take in whatever u have to study he..... he realises he's Also bad at this
• good job rei rlly helps out a ton!
• anyways to make up for it, nd also stick w his promise to help u, he tells u to go through the material, nd explain it to him! he heard somewhere that it works bcs it forces u to rlly understand the concept instead of memorising it nd u think it should work
• but oh god how is it supposed to work when rei keeps looking at u w stars in his eyes, nd his hand suddenly grabs urs nd he circles his thumb on the back of ur hand nd IS HE FLIRTING IN THE MIDDLE OF A STUDY SESSION
• rei playfully quirks an eyebrow when he sees u get flustered nd just . lay ur head on the table w sigh nd just whine
• "REIIIIIIIII I HAVE TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
• he chuckles bcs he does realise what hes doing to u nd honestly he loves ur reactions so he keeps doing it
• "fufufu.....sorry love, i'll be quiet now. go on, do ur thing." (liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur too flirty for a study session!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
• tip : never keep him in the same room as u when u have work to do . keeps flirting . too much distraction .
• ratings : 200/10 . the additional 200 points is bcs hes too cute to say no....... god he rlly has u wrapped around his finger huh
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mego42 · 4 years
I 100% agree about wanting more fanfic lists! I honestly think it's the best way to get a variety. Everybody has personal preferences, if someone, who mostly reads long, fluffy au Brio fic, is making recs, they're not likely to mention short, angsty, canon Brio (which is understandable and fair!) so ideally someone else, who does like those, would also do recs. I'm pretty sure I've read or at least tried the vast majority of Brio fics, but the recs often make me re-read the fic and author.
YAAASSSS!!! I mean like, okay, I v much get why people have issues with rec lists, and I def do not by any stretch endorse the idea that recs/rec lists should be considered anything other than one person sharing a think they liked, but to me a lot of the issues (the same fics/authors getting recced, feeling like awesome fics/authors are going unrecognized) can be solved by more reccing, not less. everyone’s got different taste and different stuff they look/read for and I am extremely pro sharing that.
Idk, I think about it like this: in a previous internet life I was a YA book blogger and I lived and died by recs from other bloggers whose taste and preferences I knew. I mean, you know, I’d check out a book bc the premise sounded interesting but literally the first thing I would do was go to Goodreads and look for a handful of people who tended to like the same books I did and see what they were saying about it bc that was the best way to get a good idea of if I wanted to give it a shot. Or, on the flip side, there were some people whose reviews I followed bc I knew we v much did not read for the same things so if they hated a book for X, Y and Z reasons, I was probs going to like it (one thing about book blogging is if you want to keep current, you do not have a lot of time to mess around, snap judgements are key but that’s a whole other thing and idk if it’s even relevant anymore bc that landscape has changed so much). 
ANYWAY, the point is, I got in the habit and now I do the same thing with fic bc, tbh, I don’t have a ton of time to read, esp not when I’m actively writing which, with the exception of the last week or two, I’ve been doing p non-stop since I got here. All of which to say is, I am desperately in favor of fic recs for purely selfish reasons, I need them! Give them to me!!! Please!!!!!
That said, I uh, am v bad at returning the favor and I recognize that (I think I’ve made what? two rec lists for this fandom?) so I will try to do better to live by my own, idek what this is, moving on and here are 10 recs not really thematically linked by anything other than I’ve read them and loved them and don’t think I’ve put any of them on one of my rec lists yet (and if I have, my blog is a trainwreck I cannot be expected to remember what’s on it LET ME LIVE):
The Goodest Boy by EnsignDisaster
There’s a key turning in the lock and Buddy rushes over to greet his Master excited for her to meet his new friends. The door opens and he dances around Master’s feet rejoicing on the fact that she’s made it home. It's been literally forever.
“Hey Buddy what’s wrong? Need to go potty? Need to pee-pee?”
“Nah he’s good we took him out.”
Master does something very unMasterlike, she drops all the food she’d brought in on the ground and screams. It’s a non traditional avant garde type of hello…Buddy loves it. Mostly because while Master taps furiously on her small light box and sits tense in the corner opposite his new friend Buddy can lick up the egg smashed on the hardwood floor.
Buddy! The! Dog! POV! no further explanation necessary. Technically WIP, but it covers the whole pilot in a way that could be read as standalone (THOUGH THAT WOULD V MUCH GIVE ME A SAD though, when did the show forget the Bolands had a dog? so maybe that’s a tragic casualty of canon, idk)
May The Moon’s Silvery Beams by @pynkhues
Emma hums in agreement, and Rio turns her around to sit her on the counter, grabbing one of the older looking boxes of muesli while she kicks her legs out, heels bumping back against the counter, watching him. He gropes around the inside of the box, finally just opting to pull the plastic cereal bag out and peering inside. He can’t quite keep the grin off his face when he sees the wad of cash lining the bottom. This woman kills him, she really does.
Then there’s a little face peering up beside him, trying to peek into the box.
“What is it?” she asks, and he tilts the box sideways so she can see inside.
The upside to not getting here until s3 is that old fic is new to me! Huzzah!! Idk how many of y’all have already read this on but if you haven’t I highkey recommend. Extremely cute take on what if Emma woke up when Rio and came by to collect his/Beth’s/whoever's money during the shutdown. Cannot believe I’m reccing kidfic. Witchcraft!!!!!!
Maybe You’re My Fantasy by ohmisterjapan
He fucking loves the involuntary. It speaks to how he likes to unlock chaos and walk away. He's been called a control freak before and it felt like such a misunderstanding of him - he's all about self control but he doesn't want to control others. It's more that he enjoys revealing to them how little they can control themselves. It's more that he likes to stand still in the eye of someone else's storm and pick coldly through the wreckage.
Another oldie but a goodie. This fic is more like an extended character study (first chapter Rio POV, second chapter Beth) and I LIVE FOR THIS KIND OF SHIT. I really really really love the take on both characters, it really digs in and pulls out some nuances that made me sit and think about my own read of them and I love it.
A Shock Of Blue by mintletters16
“You don’t look very well. Would you… like me to get you a glass of water or something?”
Her voice is low but smooth, laced with a softness that cuts straight though to his core. Strawberry blonde locks fall gently just above the pair of magnets freezing him in place.
He can still feel the chaos tearing through his veins - emanating from the gold plated gun stuffed in his waistband - and suddenly he can’t be here anymore. Can’t meet this wide-eyed gaze that’s been locked on his for the past God-knows-how-long anymore.
Can’t see blue alive and concerned when he just left it cold and void somewhere in oblivion.
She’s looking at him like he’s on the brink of madness. He thinks maybe he is.
Apparently, it’s backlist rec day over here and I’m not sorry. This one is another technical WIP but the chapter works as a standalone (BUT if the author decided to return to it I WOULD NOT BE MAD). It’s a what if Beth and Rio met pre-canon and it works so!!! well!!!! The tension and fascination and build are all *chef’s kiss* plus the writing is gorgeous and lyrical and ugh, I love it.
for a moment we were strangers by openhearts
“We got stuff,” Rio motions with a nod to the backpack Beth hadn’t noticed when they arrived hanging on the back of one of the chairs at the island.
She swallows and turns back to the dishes, realizing Rio apparently means to sleep there , assuming the place isn’t bugged.  Or for some kind of cover story if it is.  She turns and fixes Rio with a narrow-eyed stare, studying his face, the corner of his jaw especially prominent from the angle she’s looking up at him.  He’s methodical about drying each dish and setting it back on the rack, maddeningly ignoring her hard stare, so when he goes to take the next plate from her hands she grips it tightly and gets his attention.
“What you on about now?” he asks, irritated.
It gets her gut uneasy, how he’s just . . . there, settling in, in ways he never had before, no matter how nonchalantly he would let himself in through her locked doors.  
“This is,” Beth tries, failing, to find words for it, “. . . it’s weird .”
This one takes place post 204 and Rio and Marcus end up spending a long weekend staying with Beth and Emma for reasons (that work, for the record, I’m just not trying to summarize rn) and it’s domestic and cute but honestly my fav part of it is how weirded out Beth is by how easily they slip into sync. The story does an excellent job balancing where they are in canon (uneasy post-sex truce) with a snapshot of what they could be if they got over themselves (HA! as if) and Beth is DEEPLY FREAKED which makes her slow slide into realizing she could maybe sort of kind of oh shit like it/him??? that much more satisfying.
Not So Careful by @bensonstablers
When he doesn’t answer, her eyes go to his but he’s too busy watching the letter opener which is still pressed against the back of his hand. Curiously, Beth runs it up his arm, careful not to press too hard, and smiles a little as he shivers. Pulling her leg up onto the bed, she shuffles closer to him before pressing the tip of the sword to his chest and slowly circling his left nipple with it, being sure not to get too close.
“You ain’t gotta be that careful.”
And when she lifts her eyes to meet his, he’s got that look. The one that always makes a lump form in her throat and for her to fall back into bed with him without a single thought of what they have to do that day. Only thing is, this time they’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the weekend and well, staying in bed the entire time had seemed like an appealing idea so she allows herself to give in a little to that look.
It makes me EXTREMELY SAD that knifeplay ranked so low on the kink survey so I’m gonna need y’all to check out this V V V EXCELLENT example of it and come back and tell me you’re sorry and you voted wrong. I am v reasonable what are you talking about.
love (where it wasn’t supposed to be) by @lilliloves
"You know what I can't stand?" Rio asks, stepping closer. It's a rhetorical question but he pauses for a second and watches Dean sniff, watches a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead, watches him shift on both his feet as he contemplates making a run for it.
"A guy who don’t realize how good he's got it." Rio continues, looking Dean up and down in disgust. "A guy that will literally fuck up a good thing just to get his dick wet."
"Yeah, well I can't stand a guy who can have anyone he wants but chooses the married woman he's not entitled to.” Dean shoots back. "And I really can't stand the fact that you're always in the room with us even when you aren't there."
And who brings him into the room Dean hmmmmm????? Jk, jk (or am I). In this one Rio catches Dean out on the town with another woman (bc of course he is) and tries to call him out but whoops! gets called out himself. I really love the like, idk, undercurrent of wistful regret in this fic. I love Dean straight up calling Rio out on his feelings (spoilers but there’s an exchange right after this one that made me straight up holler), and, you know, obvs I am here for Rio making Dean feel like an ass. 
Hell Is Other People by makemanybraver
Rio: We're in Hell, Elizabeth! If you don't think you belong here, then repent! Don't fuck everyone in the room in hopes that you get to go out!
Beth: Why do I have to repent?!
Rio: Because you did some fucked up shit in your life, Elizabeth! You keep doing fucked up shit here, too! And you think you don't belong here!
Beth [screaming at the top of her lungs]: Because I don't!
This fic is existentially bonkers and I love it. It’s the kind of experimental format/homage/what have you kind of thing that I L O V E. Based on No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre, Beth, Rio, and Fitzpatrick are stuck together in a room in hell for all eternity. What more do you need, honestly.
Working On Things by odenkirk
Unknown Hold up, Elizabeth. I'm really thinkin about you here.
Beth turned her face into the pillow, effectively suffocating herself for a moment, but thinking it was a good trade off for the way the cool silk of her pillowcase chilled her skin.
She lifted her head to glance at the still sleeping Dean before replying.
Beth I'm thinking about you too. But this can't happen.
She wanted him to know she wanted him, but she also thought that admitting she was already there would save Rio from trying to convince her. She wanted him, but morals had to win just once in a while.
YES this is technically Beth/Dean while also being Beth/Rio BUT it’s also sort of Rio/Dean and I am HERE FOR THE DIVERSITY OF SHIPPING leave me alone who asked you.
Five Times He Knew What She Was Thinking, and One Time He Didn't by JoeyLee
Aight, so tell ‘em I was hittin’ it. Said deliberately blunt, eyes locked on her face the whole time, just to see those blue eyes widen. She looked so shocked that he almost laughed, so he softened it teasingly just to keep her going. Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart, tell ‘em we were makin’ love.
Then he just watched her, just watched her face, just fucking fascinated. Her lips were parted and her eyes were big as saucers, and…there it was. Before she could look away flustered, he watched the thought go through her mind. Him and her together.
He wondered what she was picturing or where. Them in the back seat, her bed, a motel?  Her on top or him from behind or his face between her legs?
Whatever it was, the blush started immediately, and he watched it bloom out from her cheeks to her hair. Then she was tearing her eyes away to gulp a little.  But it didn’t knock her down for long before she was looking back. And then, wait, was she actually asking him how to go about telling a fed they were fucking?
Okay this is another technical WIP but works as a standalone. I am absolutely fucking feral for character POV takes of canon scenes and this is a supremely excellent take on Rio POV of some notable scenes from the pilot through 204. Imo it brilliantly captures Rio’s voice and I love it a lot. 
HEADS UP I am absolute shite at tracking ao3 to tumblr unless people have specifically told me someone’s ao3/tumblr name SO if you recognize any of the non-tumblr authors on please lmk so I can tag them and YES I recognize that I am asking y’all to do things for me throughout this entire post and I’M SORRY OKAY I’M A WHOLE ASS MESS LOVE YOU BYE
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
The Woman In Velvet pt 8
Aaaa, this took way too long, but here we are
PAIRING: Arthur Fleck x Oc
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, and self harm
Masterlist (masterlist isn't working rn, will try to update it later)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
@princessgeekface @memory-mortis @gloomybih @mijachula (if you'd like to be on my Taglist message me or send me an ask 💗)
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Sandy sat next to Arthur in the hospital room. His mother laid next to the two of them. Gently comforting Arthur, Sandy rubbed his back. His eyes stayed focused on his mother.
"She'll be fine, sweetheart. I'm gonna go get a coffee. Do you want one?" Sandy got up, kissing Arthur's forehead.
"Yeah," He whispered, gently.
Sandy walked down to the hospital's cafeteria, grabbing two black coffees.
"So in a world where everyone thinks they can do my job. Get a load of this guy, who thinks that if you just keep laughing, people will think you're funny." Murray Franklin spoke through the television screen. Sandy looked over at Arthur, who was holding onto his mother's hand.
Sandy never liked Murray Franklin, it always reminded her of her uncle's cigars. It made her shiver. She knew how much Murray meant to Arthur, even though she didn't care about the guy all that much, she loved seeing Arthur happy.
"You know, haha, I hated school, ha, when I was a kid. I, ha ha, h-hated school. My mother would say 'You should enjoy it, one day you'll have to work for a living.' No, I won't, ma. I'm gonna be a comedian."
Arthur's eyes were glued on the television screen. He turned over to Sandy, and grabbed her hand, pointing at the TV to prove it was him. She smiled, holding his hand.
"Heh, you should've listened to your mother." Murray said, as the audience roared with laughter. "Play another clip, Bobby. I love this guy."
Another clip of Arthur's stand up began to play.
"When I told people I was gonna be a comedian, everyone laughed at me. Well, no one's laughing now."
"You can say that again, pal." Murray commented.
Arthur's joy quickly became anger. He let out of Sandy's hand.
"Now, this is my personal favorite. Some girl runs up on stage, and kisses the guy. Makes me think she's an actress getting paid to do it."
It was Sandy running up onstage, kissing Arthur. There was a bunch of ooos and ahhs from the audience.
Sandy glared at the TV. "What an asshole." She mumbled, under her breath. Sandy looked over at Arthur.
Arthur didn't look at her. He had a strong grimace on his face.
"Are you real?" He asked. He turned around to Sandy. "Or are you just a 'paid actress'?" Arthur spat out the word 'actress.' Arthur's emerald eyes bored into Sandy head.
Sandy smiled gently at Arthur. "Darling, I'm as real as you are now. I'm a real life, breathing human being. I love you, Arthur." Sandy held Arthur's hand close to her chest.
Arthur felt frozen in place as he felt Sandy's heartbeat steady in his palm. He leaned in the crook of her neck, keeping his hand on her chest.
"Let's go, Artie." Sandy smiled, kissing his head.
"Ok." He whispered, softly.
Sandy led Arthur to his apartment. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you in your apartment? I'd be more than happy to." She asked, politely.
"I'll be ok." Arthur jiggled his keys opening his front door. Sandy turned away, walking towards the elevator.
"Hey, Sandy." Arthur called.
Sandy turned around. "Yeah." She called back.
"Could you stay?" Arthur asked, meekly.
She smiled. "Of, course."
Sandy sat comfortably on the couch with Arthur on her lap.
"Fuck Thomas Wayne and Fuck the system." An angry protester shouted on the television. It seemed like Thomas Wayne was all over the news, as well as the riots and the protesters.
Sandy wasn't paying attention. Her hands subconsciously ran through Arthur's hair.
"So, Wayne manor didn't go well?" She asked, slowly falling asleep.
"No, it didn't. Maybe tomorrow." Arthur mumbled against her thighs, watching closely to the television screen.
"Maybe." Sandy repeated. "Tomorrow's that rally. That sure sounds like fun. I never did like Thomas Wayne."
Arthur lifted his head up from her lap. "Why not?"
Sandy shrugged, not answering his question.
She looked up at the TV screen. "My uncle died today." Sandy said, aloud. Her face held no emotion.
Arthur looked up at her. His eyes filled up with remorse. "Oh. That must be hard." Arthur got up to her eye level.
Sandy started laughing hysterically. "Ha, you know what's funny, Art. He can't hurt me anymore. Just like Dennis. Those poor, poor, fucking bastards."
Arthur got off of Sandy's lap. He looked at her in shock. Her laughter was uncharacteristic.
"Why should we feel sorry? Because I'll tell you one thing, Art. I haven't felt a single bit of remorse since those fuckers croaked." Sandy's laughter subsided.
It clicked in Arthur. "Wow." Arthur's laughter was triggered from Sandy's.
"Laugh it up, baby. Life is a comedy. That's why people laugh, because laughter takes your breath away. Much like a kiss." Sandy picked up a cigarette that was lying on the floor.
Arthur continued his laughter. "Y-you're right, Sandy. Ha, ha, ha."
She smirked holding the cigarette in her mouth.
His laughter subsided. He looked up at Sandy with pain in his eyes. "You're just like me. I've never met someone like you. Someone that understands." Arthur looked down at Sandy's arm. He saw the burn in the center of her arm. "What happened there?" He pointed to it.
She lit the cigarette in her mouth and looked at him shrugging.
Arthur held Sandy's arm. "Please don't." He kissed Sandy's burn. "Please, dear."
Arthur's pitiful expression was too much for Sandy. She held him close and broke down crying. "I love you, Arthur."
He smiled returning the favor. "I love you too." He kissed her cheek gently.
Sandy laid on Arthur's chest, feeling his heartbeat. His heart made a soft beat lulling her too sleep.
The sun shined through the window, beaming on Sandy's forehead. Her nose twitched as she opened her eyes to her surroundings. She was laying in bed next to a sleeping Arthur. Sandy smiled at his sleeping figure, leaning over giving him a kiss on his forehead. Arthur's sleepy ocean green eyes slowly opened.
"Good morning." Sandy smiled, kissing his cheek.
"Hmmm." Arthur mumbled, pulling Sandy closer.
"Hey, are you heading to the rally tonight?" She fluffed his hair a little bit, trying to get his attention.
Arthur mumbled something that sounded like a yes.
Sandy smiled. She got off the bed. Arthur made a faint whine.
"What? I have to get my stuff from my apartment." She giggled. "I'm off from work, but I still gotta check my messages. I'll be back."
Arthur lifted his head, tilting it slightly at Sandy. "You promise?"
Sandy kissed his head. "I promise."
She walked out of the bedroom, giving Arthur a small glance.
Sandy walked up to her apartment, using the stairs. The elevator was getting fixed, so she couldn't use that. Once she entered her apartment, Sandy went to her kitchen. The rats had gotten into her fridge and chewed up her paper towels and all her remaining food. She sighed, rubbing her temples. Sandy tapped on the answering machine.
"You have (1) new message." The same monotonous voice said.
"Voicemail 1:
Sandy? Hi! It's your cousin, Deliah. I've sure you've heard about our dad. Destiny has been been living out in the country for a while, but she'll be home in time for the wake. Since, Daddy's funeral isn't until tomorrow, I wanted ask if we could hang. It hasn't been the same since you've moved to the bad part of Gotham. Not to mention with the riots going on, it'd be nice to catch up."
The message ended.
Sandy rolled her eyes. She picked up the phone and dialed some numbers.
"Sandy! Hi Sugar! How are you?" Deliah's Jersey accent called through the phone.
"I've been fine, Dee. How about you?" Sandy said, tired. She had played through the motions in her head.
Dee wasn't a sort of trustworthy person. She had a long history of drug abuse, and was a trust fund baby at it's finest.
"Oh, I've been better. Ya know, I'm heading to this bar, tonight, down by Wayne Hall. You should come." Dee said, excitedly through the phone.
"I don't know, Dee." Sandy sighed.
"Come on, Sandy. I know tensions are high right now, but you should really loosen up. It'll be great for ya. Who knows maybe we can find you a lucky guy?" Dee teased on the phone.
Sandy scoffed. "I think I'm all set."
"Sandy, please. I'm begging. It'll be fun. I promise." Dee whined.
"Ugh. Fine, okay. If you'll excuse me, I have to get going." Sandy groaned, rubbing her temples.
"Great! See ya at 6." Dee hung up the phone.
Sandy gently put the phone back on the kitchen counter. She had cleaned up her kitchen, and decided to head back downstairs again.
Arthur had already gotten up. He cleaned up around his apartment. He heard a familiar knock at the door. Arthur walked over and opened the door.
He smiled widely. "Hey, I was beginning to worry about you." Arthur said, half jokingly.
"Yeah, one of my cousins, Dee, called. She wants me to come with her to some bar." Sandy sighed, frustrated while sitting on the couch.
Arthur's eyebrows furrowed into a frown. "You're not going, are you?"
"I didn't say no." Sandy shrugged.
Arthur looked down, turning his back to Sandy. "Ok." He said, coolly.
She put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't worry, dear. It's near Wayne Hall. It will be lame." Her reassurance wasn't enough.
"Uh-huh." He answered back, sharply.
"Arthur, babe, please don't act like this. I know it's unexpected, but Dee kept pestering me, besides the funeral's tomorrow and I-"
Arthur cut Sandy off with a glare. He walked up to her and hugged her tightly.
"You are mine." He growled through his teeth.
Sandy's eyes widened. "Arthur I-"
Arthur cupped her face, and cut her off again with a kiss. Sandy kissed back, putting her hands around his neck. She back up into a wall. Arthur pulled away.
Sandy smirked. "Do you really think that would convince me not to go?"
Arthur looked down, backing away from Sandy. "Yeah." He smirked back. "Did it work?"
"Almost." Sandy giggled, kissing his forehead.
Arthur frowned, again.
Sandy gently pet Arthur's head. "Hey, I'll be back before the rally. I love you, Art." She kissed his forehead.
Arthur wanted to trust her. He felt happiness around her. He didn't want that happiness to go away.
"I love you too, Sandy. You're my everything." Arthur's eyes dilated.
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I felt you needed to see this meme after today. To remind you that I am normally a very closed off open book. And I'm sure you'll figure out what that means but just feel freakin honored because I do not let most people see me cry. The fact that you're my therapist makes exactly no difference to my brain.
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Anyway, yeah. That was a lot. For me. Idk. Maybe it wasn't that much but it was a lot for me.
You've seen me casually mention shit that some other people wouldn't be able to say at all. And that's part of the defense. Pretend it doesn't bother you and people respond like it doesn't. And you never have to address it because it seems like it genuinely does not bother you. But it's a ploy. One that... Sara saw through near immediately. She even called me on it a couple times. She was like "Idk what to do for you because you won't open up." And I was just like "I've told you everything." And she just flashed this grin briefly and said "But you haven't opened up." And I was like fuck she's right. And told her so and she gloated just a little tiny bit. She just be like that. Lil shit loves being right. Anyway, that was when I actually started to open up to her. Or at least try to. It didn't work at first. I didn't know how. But I kept trying and she kept encouraging me. Until it eventually happened but that was the only time I've seen her... Low-key lose composure. I broke the absolute fuck DOWN. Like full on lost all control. I... Ended up calling her mommy while sobbing. And I saw this look of horror on her face as I looked up. I had previously not been able to see as I'd been sobbing with tears in my eyes and had my head down. And I just launched into apologizing and freaking out thinking she hated me now. She was honest in her response. She told me she didn't know how to react but that I had no reason to be sorry and that she wasn't mad at me. She didn't seem fully confident as she pulled herself together though. Idk. I think it mostly just shocked her because I'd never reacted that way before and to be fair, it was pretty extreme. But... In the moment, I thought I'd just isolated myself from the only person who seemed to give a goddamn about me at the time. I felt... Like she was the only one who gave a goddamn about me and tbh? I don't think I was wrong. At that time in my life, she was the only one who knew me well enough to give a shit about me as a unique individual. She was the only one who... Stuck around long enough to... Really get to know me. Everyone else gave up on me. And I think at times she was really close but it took her a lot more to get close. She played the long game with me and won me over slowly. Gained my trust, pushed me, encouraged me to do better and be better like she knew I could be.
But she also was willing to learn along the way. She knew what nonbinary was when we first met. And knew what would be considered today to be the absolute basics of how to treat a nonbinary person. But five years ago that was close to as much knowledge as you could reasonably expect any cishet person to ever have and it wasn't common by any means. But she learned. And she learned quickly. And somehow, some people do not want to acknowledge that part that she played in my life. Some people think I should just accept my station and not push for better. Some people don't truly understand that they might be happy with their place but others aren't as privileged. And yes, having been physically beaten by your ex is fucking awful and nobody should have to have dealt with that but that doesn't mean you understand everything. And neither does a social work degree. I don't fit her idea of someone who's been abused and she doesn't like that. I wasn't abused by a partner and the physical abuse was... Not as prevalent as every other kind. The sexual abuse was a big thing but... Idk. Rn I am not focusing on that very much and I'm grateful for that because if I was, I'm certain it wouldn't go well. The thing I talk about most was the emotional abuse and manipulation as well as the neglect. When I wasn't being told I would get laughed at for wearing emo stuff to school, I was being told my medical condition wasn't bad and I was just looking for attention. I was called a whiner for expressing any pain. And I am not saying I was perfect. But I was a child. I should have been taken seriously and I for damn sure should have been taught the basic skills that one needs to survive. I was told to just pick thing up little by little each day but like? What does that entail? I'd ask for individual steps and be looked at like I was lying. I was consistently treated like filth you scrape off the bottom of your shoe. I didn't ask to be born. I didn't ask to be kept. I didn't ask for any of this. I was handed a shit hand and now I'm making the best of it. But without Sara, I would have never been able to make what I have of myself. She understood me. She saw my pain and validated it and showed me that I wasn't alone in this and proved that she had my back. She proved to me that I could trust her. And. She. Rooted. For. Me. When I was struggling to make it through the hardest parts she was there, urging me onwards with encouraging words. She never tossed me a "Oh, just get over yourself." Or anything like that. She was on my fucking side and she proved that. Beyond a reasonable doubt, she proved that she was trustworthy and behind me every step of the way. She sacrificed and risked for me and the fact that anyone would express disdain for her being credited pisses me off. What was Sarah Wolf doing when I was breaking down over losing all my things in 2016? Blaming me, that's what. What was she doing when I applied for section 8? Telling me it was selfish to apply and that I didn't need it as much as some people so I shouldn't apply. Sara helped me put in the application. She actually pushed me to even do it because I didn't really want to at first. Sara was the driving force behind the best decisions I have made these past few years. Hell, even Yoshi. I made that decision to take him in on my own. But Sara said she thought it was good for me to have an animal. Sarah Wolf said I should listen to Mark and give him away. And now she pretends like it was all her idea when I didn't consult anyone else before making this decision. This was my decision. And Yoshi was one of the absolute best decisions I ever made. Full stop. I made that decision. And one encouraged me to do good while the other tried to guilt trip me for it. Sarah Wolf primarily provided physical needs. And that's great. Totally appreciated. But the advice does not fit my life and I vehemently reject it.
Sara knows me. She spent 20 minutes to an hour a week talking to me about the deepest stuff that Sarah Wolf still has never heard me talk about. Sarah Wolf doesn't know how much I first freaked out when I first had that memory of the rape lodged in my brain. She doesn't know that Grover took some time out of the bar to hug me and tell me he was taking me to Cici's the next day to get my mind off of it. She doesn't know that I wanted to kill myself that night. She doesn't know that Yoshi meowing at me pulled me back from the edge that night. And she certainly doesn't know that imagining Sara's reaction to the news of my death is what gave me resolve to not do it. Because during that time, she was recovering from her spinal surgery. She was out for another month and a half still. And I didn't want her to come back from that to the news that I had killed myself after remembering that I had been violently raped at a very young age by my own father. That's partly what saved me that night. But that alone was what gave me the resolve to stay alive at least until she got back. And when she got back, I ended up telling her... But I had to get a few other things out first. And I said "One more thing and prepare yourself because it's... Really heavy." And she did. And I told her. And there was a moment where time stood still. And she said she didn't know what to say... Kind of stumbled a moment and said that again but added she was here for me and she would do anything she could to support me. And that meant the world to me. I knew she would, too. I knee before I told her. I knew she would be there for me. And she was. She promised and delivered. She never promised anything there was a chance she couldn't deliver. She always told me the truth. She proved time and time again how much she gave a fuck. And I don't respect when people try to doubt her presence in my life as a positive experience.
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mogwitch · 7 years
hi there! i was hoping you would help me with energy work. i'm a baby witchling and i think the spells i've been casting haven't been working because of troubles i'm having with energy. do you have any tips on visualisation, channeling/drawing energy or know where i can look to find this advice? a lot of witch 101 posts seem to take it for granted that you can do this stuff and i'm totally struggling! thanks so much :)
Ok first I’m going to have to apologise to you and anyone else scrolling rn because I just spent like a full hour typing bcos I just do not shut up when I start sometimes.
Second, I’m also going to have to be really annoying and say that even though it’s hard and doesn’t seem to be working, continuing to do it ANYWAY will help strengthen your ability to do it. I know that sounds about as helpful as those posts assuming you can just do it, but I struggled a lot with it in the beginning and in the end stubbornly continuing to just do it anyway slowly built the mental muscles that do these things.
Right, now this ended up pretty long and mostly All About Me sorry but I have no idea what you’ve tried so I’m just trying to give examples and break it down a bit so it’s a little less 101 basics
There’s a few things you could look at for why it’s not working and visualising is difficult for you;
EnvironmentCompanyToolsClothesTimeSeasonMoodThe actual spell/magic typeYourself
So, what kind of environment are you casting your spells in? I have ADHD and autism so as weird as it seems sometimes I often actually visualise better with my eyes open and my body moving rather than sitting still in a quiet room with my eyes closed. But then again sometimes I do need that quiet calm lights off and one candle kind of atmosphere. Totally depends on how my sensory feelings are feeling and how over stimulated they’ve been throughout the day.
I also don’t usually work well with other witches because then it feels like a performance if our styles don’t match. My best friend is also a witch but she needs the big elaborate formal ritual type spells with prewritten chants and all the trimmings sometimes including having other witches casting the spell with her, otherwise she can’t get her mind in that place and her spell doesn’t have the energy it needs. I prefer to keep things simple because otherwise my mind is more focused on the ritual than the actual magic and it stops me being able to visualise and properly cast the spell which means it fails. I don’t speak out loud much, and if I do it’s very quietly. I need to make my spells so that I’m not my own distraction from my goal.
Some people find it easier with tools to help direct and concentrate their energy. I have a lot of tools I like to work with and which one works best depends on what I’m doing. They don’t need to be the tools someone else tells you are right for something. Maybe try using a wand? It doesn’t have to be a specially made wand just something that feels right to you. I have several hundred £ worth of crystals (because I have no self control) but at least ¼ of the rocks I use in my practice are regular plain old rocks. I have a deck of close cards from the anime card captor Sakura and they’re nothing fancy they’re even a little damaged but although I have around 50 other decks (plenty that look more impressive for aiding spells) they remain one of my favourites because they work so well for me. Some people find it easier to do things while holding a crystal. Some people ask spirits or deities for help. . Maybe flowers would work better for you? Or origami? What TYPE of magic are you trying to do? You could be weak at glamours but gifted at spirit work. You could excel at kitchen and garden witchcraft but be absolutely unable to get a single spark out of curses. There could be elements you work better with and some you need to work on your relationship with. Does your energy work better late at night or in the sunlight? Is your mood affected by the weather? My magic is much stronger in autumn and spring, summer is an okay time, but winter is pretty 👎 so I tend to spend the winter months focusing more on other areas of my life because trying to connect with magic is more frustrating than lucrative.
Symbolism is there more to help you focus your energy than to do the actual magic for you, so personal associations are much more important than anything anyone says is ‘official’. If the spell you’re trying to do is bring money and you’re better able to connect a banana to that than whatever the spell is calling for, then use a banana because your own associations will help you to visualise better than theirs. I pretty much always at least tweak any spell of someone else’s that I want to do to fit me better.
Also even though I don’t do big elaborate rituals for my actual spells, I’m much better connected to the energy when I do my pre spell ritual, which is really just cleaning my room (and the rest of the house if I feel like it), taking a cleansing bath to wash myself including my hair, then my hair has to be tied back, pinned up, and covered. Partly it’s a religious thing because I do this for any devotional or prayer time, but doing it for spells too helps because it makes me feel cleaner and able to focus better. I also need a cup of coffee before I start because instead of making me hyper caffeine narrows my brain chatter and makes it easier to focus on one thing.
Grounding and centring is as important in helping your magic as cleansing I think but it doesn’t need to be done through pure visualisation like the tree roots method etc. Grounding for me is usually an hour of light working out, then I cleanse myself and my space physically and spiritually, then I centre by simply preparing my hair (doesn’t matter what clothes I’m wearing I just have to be clean and comfortable) and taking a moment to drink my coffee and breathe and focus on gathering energy to me mostly by feeling rather than visualising.
Maybe instead of trying to cast actual spells (which could be stopping you because it’s causing stress, anxiety, worry that it will fail again, doubts in your abilities, etc) just start afresh and do the simplest exercises with no intent to actually get anything from them apart from building your skill. Like, I’m learning to draw right now and I’m terrible at it and I keep hoping to come across some trick that makes me go “aha!” And suddenly get what I’ve been missing this whole time, but it never happens lol. Instead I tried practicing by drawing the pictures I wanted to draw, but I would get frustrated and mad because they were failures and it put me off. So instead of doing that I spent a week just doing practice exercises a few times a day. Straight lines, parallel lines, wiggly lines, cubes, triangles, circles, dots that I’d try to connect with one quick stroke, angles, etc. Then after that week I had a much better feel for it and I started trying to draw things again and found it much easier (I’m still terrible lol but I know I’ll get better if I keep at it)
You could try out a few different methods of preparing yourself for a spell, but then instead of actually casting one just spend a little time, anything you want 5 minutes or 2 hours doesn’t matter it’s up to you, just practicing visualising.
Once you’re grounded (in any way that makes you feel your physical presence and the physical world around you) cleansed (it gets rid of all the excess energy from you that gathers on you and your space like dust and gets in the way of your spell) and centred (helps you gather fresh energy ready to put to use) Maybe try growing a tree, but not with the intention of it actually doing anything for you. Just picture mud, nothing but mud. Imagine how it looks. Imagine yourself reaching out and touching it. Is it dry? Wet? Does it have stones or bugs in it? Is it clean peat? Are you wearing shoes or can you feel the soil under your shoes? What does it smell like? Is the sun hot on your head? Asking these things and as many others you can think of will help to build it in your mind and the more real it is to your mind the easier it will be for you to visualise your goal there. Visualise digging a hole with your hands. Don’t just imagine that you DID dig a hole with your hands, actually take the time to see your hand reaching out, feel the sun on your skin, feel the dirt between your fingers and under your nails, feel yourself scraping at it until there’s a pile of it by the hole you dug. Actually reach out with your physical world hands if it helps you at all. If you have to do something in the physical world to help yourself picture it in your mind then that’s totally fine and still valid. Go outside and feel some mud between your fingers if you have to. Heck, sniff the grass if it helps. Do whatever makes it easier for you (I mean watch out for neighbours giving you funny looks if you’re gonna do that though lol).
After you’ve finished your hole imagine looking around yourself. On one side there’s a watering can and on the other side there’s a seed. It could look like anything; an acorn, an egg, a jewel, a black cube with flashing lights, whatever, just be sure to spend some time inspecting it first for texture, colour, shape, weight, temperature. I mean lick it if you want and taste it, no one is looking in your mind. Then plant it in the hole and water it. Hear the water pouring into the earth. See the soil change colour and texture. Then you can sit back in the soil and watch your tree grow. Maybe it happens straight away, or maybe the sun and the moon pass over you a few times while you wait, but you’ll see it starting to sprout through the soil. When it grows, is it fast? Can you hear the wood creaking and groaning and it’s branches extend and split off into smaller branches? Is it even made of wood? What colour is it? What about its leaves? What colour? Shape? Texture? Size? How many? Any flowers? Maybe it looks like a regular tree you’d find in your yard, or maybe its pink and glitters and made of glass with golding flowers that glow like sunbursts. Or does it grow so slowly that you have to stand up and help it, physically pulling the branches to stretch it out and untwisting the little buds to open the flowers?
By this point you’ll have spent enough time visualising with all your senses (because seeing is absolutely not the only important one in visualisation) that you’ve gotten your mind into a good state for magic, but without the pressure of actually doing any spells that you could stress yourself with, because the goal wasn’t to grow the tree so that it could do something for you, you achieved your goal already by growing the tree. That’s it. The end. You achieved something!
You don’t have to grow a tree obviously, you can do anything you want, but doing a few exercises like this where the goal is the visualisation itself, rather than visualising to achieve something else, will help make sharpen your ability to do it. Maybe try one small exercise a day for a week and then try a spell? If you like growing a tree you could just do that again. Start your meditation several feet away from the first tree and start an orchard or a tiny forest. If you can maybe it’ll help to actually draw the tree so you have something to look at to help you visualise it.
You could build a house. You could start in a maze and find your way to the middle. You could explore an enchanted forest. Do a pathworking with a tarot or oracle card or even a painting or poster or a video game or ANYTHING. Do whatever makes your imagination go !!!!! (but if you’re struggling with visualising I’d just advise you start off with something simple so you don’t overwhelm yourself).
The astral is somewhere you can only get to in your mind, because it’s not on our physical plane, and you should familiarise yourself with this before immediately trying to work magic in it.
If I use a sigil I have my own methods of making them because a lot of the time other people’s don’t work nearly as well for me as my own do, and I have my methods of using them depending on what they’re for. Drawing it on paper and burning it has never really worked for me except for specific things, but drawing it on myself works better. Sometimes I don’t make a physical 'magical copy’ of a sigil at all. I keep my sigils in a book that I have magically protected from BEING magical (because there’s so many different sigils for different things in there and I don’t want them mixing or accidentally casting) and there are some that I name. Once they’re named and memorised I can use them when I need them by calling them and creating them in the astral, but this took a lot of practice and failures before I was able to confidently do it because visualising is hard lol especially when I’m out and there’s things going on around me and I can’t do any cleansing or put my hair up if I don’t have a tie or any of the other fussy little things I’d like to do before doing any magic, then I have to be aware of my physical body and astral body at the same time. Which makes it sound more complicated than it actually is, but until you get the hang of something it DOES seem complicated. I’ve been doing magic since as far back as I can remember and decided I was a witch when I was 6 when I didn’t even know other people were witches and my parents thought it was a cute funny game I played because I lived with my head in the clouds and “away with the faeries” (if only they knew, lmao) but there’s still plenty for me to learn and ways for me to grow because witchcraft is an ever evolving PRACTICE. You’ll never be finished with training so it’s good to embrace that the training part is the craft, and not something that’s training you to be ready for being an expert at it. We’re all still learning all the time so don’t feel like you need to reach some kind of final level before you can consider things a success. Sometimes they don’t work the way you want them to, instead of thinking “my spell failed” you have to say “that’s fine, you didn’t do what I wanted yet but you will, you will work” and then you can even cast it again to give it a boost. If you refuse to let the energy for a spell fizzle into nothing, then the spell hasn’t failed yet. If it tires you out, find a way to borrow energy or tie the spell to something (charms, enchantments, spell bottles, poppers, witch ladders, etc) so that while you rest between sessions working on it the spell it held together and not allowed to dissipate.
Another note before I FINALLY shut the hell up (sorry guys, I know I go on) make sure the spells you are trying to do aren’t above your skill level and are realistically achievable. Don’t jump in with a spell to make yourself 10lb lighter overnight or to change your natural hair colour (both of which are unrealistic) or to win the lottery jackpot which would take more energy to magically pull off than one person or even a hundred people possess even if you did buy a bunch of tickets, there is way too much collective energy pushing and pulling at that already for a spell to be more than a flyweight nudge against a mountain. Instead you could do a spell for financial prosperity and maybe in the end all you get is for your money to NOT drop when it might have (in which case you might not know about it working) or slightly increase the odds in your favour of winning a smaller bet, or maybe you’ll find a few coins down the couch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you have to start real small and work your way up. Also I find that taking yourself/a spell/witchcraft too seriously can hinder someone too. Have fun with it and try not to expect too much from yourself. There’s always a chance that a spell you cast just took a while to manifest and by negatively thinking “it didn’t work” you’re increasing the chances of basically cancelling it
If that didn’t answer what you needed (though that probably gave you more answers than you even WANTED - again, sorry - and it’s unorganised af cos I’ve had a busy day so I’m feeling scatterbrained and hyper) or you have any more questions please feel free to ask!
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thetaekooklibrary · 7 years
Yo, i was wondering if you knew anything relatively new that's long and promising, I've run out of long fics, thanks!
well, I haven’t had time to read a lot of longs fic recently, so I’m not sure about the quality of all of these, but they are all long and the plots look interesting. some of these are WIPs, I hope that’s okay (I’ll list the completed ones first tho). I’ll keep it above 20k!
起死回生; To Live Again by mindheist - Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us.
(thought you knew) you were in this song by expplipo - Taehyung nearly chokes, but only nearly. Instead he raises an eyebrow and puts on the most suave smile he can manage. Hopes he looks far more collected than his for-some-reason racing heartbeat would let on, more suit-and-wine than elementary-schooler-with-a-new-crush. “You like me?” Jeongguk blushes, and looks at his feet. He’s smiling. “Of course.” “Really?” Taehyung says. “Like? Or like like?” (So much for suit-and-wine.)
(so so good, but also sad)
I Won’t Fall (in love with you) by taeharem - “You have to promise not to fall in love with me.”
(this was published in august but completed in december, so it’s kinda recent? it’s really good tho, so you should definitely read it if you haven’t already)
you and me, we’re bumper cars by syugaflake - “The more I try to get to you, the more we crash apart.” After a myriad of mistakes committed in his leather jacket with a cigarette between his teeth, Jungkook finds himself exiled to his aunt’s house in a quiet, faraway town for the summer. Nothing much goes on at the neighbourhood; or so he thinks, until he meets a boy with sunset-coloured hair named Kim Taehyung.
(again, this was published in the summer but completed in december. it was really good!)
Hiraeth by haruguk - Jeongguk has learned the hard way from the tender age of thirteen when his father pushed him down the stairs, that people are a disappointment. They always will be and so he breaks hearts instead. Hurt people hurt people. Jeongguk likes hurting girls, but he doesn’t like hurting Kim Taehyung.
Swamp Magic by GinForInk - Two witches lure Jungkook into their cabin in the woods.
(I haven’t read this, but admin guk has and she really liked it, it’s also by the author who wrote Hercules and I loved that so I trust that this would be good too)
This Is Heaven, Give It To Me by seikou - Taehyung just might have signed his soul to the devil.
I know a land called the land of the living by Pardon - Jeongguk thought hearing ghosts was way worse than people made it out to be. All their jokes were terrible.
Take It With A Swallow by seikou - Perverted minds do think alike. (or, alternatively: the fuckboys!au)
Shifting On My Feet by MarionetteFtHJM - With the ever-growing crime rate in the city there’s no telling what the leading figures will do to remain leading. The safety of the people is at risk and the possible collateral damage looms over the authorities. There is only one safe option, sacrifice a few to save the lives of many. Tear them from the inside, cool the situation down- should be easy enough, right? Jeongguk was just trying to live out his days peacefully, but running from one’s past never really worked out for anybody- so why would he be an exception? He’s not. Demons tend to find who they’re looking for in the end.
Fifty Shades of Happiness by Kookie_andCream - Taehyung’s plan is simple: fall in love with Jeon Jungkook and ace his final assignment. (Spoiler: it isn’t that simple.)
The Forest by Jeojahyungnim - Taehyung is a photographer in a college town nearby a forest nobody is allowed to enter. His life changes when he meets a boy in the woods known for being completely void of life.
Feel it Kicking in by rix - Jeongguk and Taehyung are just riding it out together, getting high on waves and drugs and each other—platonically, of course.
(I don’t read rix’s stuff since I’m not into bottom guk, but admin guk loves all of their stuff and a lot of people seem to love their stories, so I’m sure this is great!)
Mutual Fiend by kkumkkatcher - “I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.” An AU where Jungkook needs to kill Taehyung, but Taehyung also needs to kill Jungkook, and things get (more than) a bit complicated.
make this feel like home by aeterisks - Taehyung has spent his whole life looking for excitement, but instead, he ends up finding Jeongguk; somehow, that seems to be even better.
hold me like i’m hope by jjks - “Uh,” he says eloquently, looking back at Taehyung. “Do you, like, want something?” “Nah, I’m just popping in,”  Taehyung says, looking around the place again. Jeongguk stares at him in confusion. “Wh–” he starts to ask when he’s interrupted by Taehyung grinning at him. “Yeah, I’d like to schedule a time to get a tattoo.” “Of course he wants a fucking tattoo, dumbass, why do you think he’s here?” It’s Hoseok, and honestly that warrants another punch to the shoulder, but Jeongguk decides to play it nice. He’s a good boy. OR: let me present to you the most cliché trope of all, starring tattoo artist jeon jeongguk & florist kim taehyung.
Candy-Wrapper Blue by Kookie_andCream - On 15 January 2017, Taehyung runs over a little girl named Im Yoona with his car. (It was an accident.) On 16 January 2017, his guardian angel comes down to earth. (His name is Jungkook.) Slowly but surely, in a whirl of wings and golden tears, the sinful and the angelic learn to love each other. (And it is a beautiful disaster woven out of light and shadows in a world of men and angels.)
Soulmates or not (You’re mine, and I’m yours) by taedybear - Jeongguk meets Taehyung on the most frustrating day at work in the bubble tea shop, and the world around him swirls into colours and patterns at the sight of the beautiful boy.
Daddy’s Lil’ Monster by BloodLikeRoyalty - Jungkook, also known as The Joker, is a notorious mobster that ruled the city of Gotham, and when Kim Taehyung, a man as beautiful as he is crazy, joins him and remains by his side, they prove to be a devastating menace.
WIP (as of 1/28/17)
vampires will never hurt you by snowmoney - taehyung had already had a pretty weird day, so really, being cornered into an alley by a vampire on his way home from work was probably to be expected. - “but what if a vampire drank the blood of someone who was anemic would they be seriously grossed out” au
(this one is recent, ½ chapters rn, 11k for just the first chapter, I like it so far)
Nyctophile by yururin - “Like I said, monsters aren’t real, Taehyung.” Jimin quickly pulled the closet doors open. At the bottom of the closet, sitting on the floor and leaning heavily against the walls, was a man with dark pink hair clad in dark clothes, bleeding and injured and looking positively close to death. Jimin didn’t know what to do.
We Make a Nice Pear by jeonnifer - Jeongguk tries to get the new transfer student expelled from the academy and fails. (Jeongguk tries not to fall for Kim Taehyung and fails even harder.)
Hustlers by tbz - Jungkook hadn’t meant to lose nine million. He certainly hadn’t meant to lose his kidney. And he hadn’t meant to meet Kim Taehyung.
i know you wanna go to heaven (but you’re human tonight) by moonlightae -Taehyung just thought it would be a one night stand, but he gets more than he bargained for  
Kiss With a Fist by justanotherstarlessnight - “Need a little help, love?” Jungkook asks, teasing him. “Nah I had it all under control, sweetheart,” Taehyung answers with a smile, blood oozing from his split lip. Goddamn even smiling hurt now. Fuckity fuck fuck. Jungkook only rolls his eyes, his cocky smirk never slipping and Taehyung almost forgets how much pain he’s in. prompt-Can you please write the “ kick his ass for me” prompt with taekook!
Assassin’s Order by TaeSyubDKook - CEO Taehyung gets tangled up in some illegal business without even knowing and when Assasin Jeongguk gets assigned to extract information from him after being caught, he realizes in what mess he’s gotten himself into and agrees to cooperate with the assassins, after learning their true reasons, to bring down his uncle’s company. What Jeongguk and Taehyung didn’t expect was falling for each other in the progress.
pulling shapes just for your eyes by aeterisks - The number one rule when you’re a producer on a show like Miss Right, Taehyung thinks, should be do not fall for the bachelor. It’s such a shame Taehyung has never been good at following rules.
I’m only human (after all) by Lalaithwen - Taehyung always thought, writing your own destiny was way better anyways.
Hold Me Through the Winter by KrellaTu - When Taehyung sets off for what should have been a boring lab expedition with Jungkook, his mage academy’s resident genius and total heartthrob, and Wonwoo, his devoted best friend, his life changes forever. Beneath Taehyung’s goofy antics is a dangerous past and an unbearable loneliness. Within his fragile heart is a secret power. The universe has more planned for him than he would hope. Can Taehyung and Jungkook’s relationship withstand the hardships to come?
These Grey Walls (Can’t keep me from you) by Gracetheorc - They aren’t allowed to love each other. Jungkook’s never liked following the rules.Trapped within the confines of an institution where even talking to someone else is prohibited, Jungkook and Taehyung just can’t stay away from each other anymore. No matter how much trouble it causes.
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