#social media addiction
xoxomireya · 3 months
ㆍ⇋﹒how to fix your phone and social media addiction: a tutorial ;ᨴ﹑📲ˎˊ˗
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DO NOT delete social media !!
If your phone is taking over your life, who’s the real culprit? Exactly. Social media is not bad per se, the problem comes in when the content that you surround yourself with is toxic and unhealthy. Use your phone and social media for motivation, productivity, inspiration… Mindlessly scrolling is the real problem, not social media.
Don’t you have something better to do?
Being on our phones and constantly scrolling mindlessly through social media gives us dopamine and makes us addicted to it. But the thing is, phones aren’t the only thing that can give you dopamine. Explore and experiment life to see what can give you dopamine. For example, I love reading and when I’m doing it I never think of going on my phone because doing something that I love already gives me the dopamine that I seek.
Discipline is key.
This is kind of obvious since discipline is the solution to most of these issues but you actually need to learn how to have discipline. Change your mindset to one that understands that getting used to comfort will only bring weakness in the long run whilst getting out of your comfort zone will build strength. Start by choosing to do something that will be better for you in the long run even if it’s hard than settling for brief happiness just because it’s easier.
Start by not going on your phone first thing in the morning.
Going on your phone first thing in the morning will pretty much guarantee that you’ll be glued to it the rest of the day because the first dopamine hit that you get in the day is what you will continue to look for throughout the day. Get an alarm clock or just leave your phone in another room (e.g. your bathroom) throughout the night so when the alarm goes off in the morning you’ll be forced to get out of bed and not crawl back in it with your phone.
Change your phone from color to black and white.
Accesibility > display & text size. If the only colors you see on your phone are black and white it’s just not going to hit the same, you’re not going the get the same dopamine hit and you’re not going to want to mindlessly scroll because it’s not giving your brain that reward and that satisfaction that you would usually get, which is what unconsciously keeps us coming back.
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shroomsnsuch · 3 months
I think my favourite thing about web revival is that is also coincides with social media addiction and the core web, like yea we all are so viscerally intertwined with this thing that we've labelled as 'social media,' instead being addicted to surfing the web or getting lost in web rings or rabbit holes, to accessing this virtual realm, we are addicted to these corporations that have monopolized the web! We are, and spending more time in the real world is so, so important. The small web, the peripheral web, honestly encourages a distance from the digital space as a whole. (at least for me)
I have to put effort in engaging in these sites people create. Despite being so excited for educating myself on the digital space and tech in general, in the process I'm being educated on the ways these corporations exploit and get us addicted to mentioned monopolies. Not like I didn't know, of course I was aware, but it's this vague knowing and not much motivation or ability to overcome the reality. Engaging in the core web because that's where everybody is, that's what it felt like. Being there because that was the reality of the situation. Being there because that's where the wealth of media and people are, but with web revival and the small web there is a sense of hope.
Spacehey running slower due to an influx of users, people posting everyday on forums, portfolios and blogs on neocities, it's amazing. I hope personal websites spread like fire, I hope the core internet loses some of its consistency and spreads out. That videos are posted on websites, that one day YouTube is met with a competitor. That we have to put effort in curating who we interact with. I want to put aside the fear that with popularity that somehow this amazing revolution is tainted in someway. I'd rather the size of the movement grow instead of holding onto this fake concept of small web 'purity,' which I've seen a bit. I'd rather the world have a sense of choice from the core web, personal freedom over monopoly, rather than keep this culture isolated and grassroots.
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theereina · 5 months
"Digital Self-Care: Setting Boundaries Online"
In our increasingly interconnected and digital world, setting boundaries online has become an essential aspect of overall well-being. The omnipresence of smartphones, social media platforms, and constant connectivity can lead to information overload, digital fatigue, and potential negative impacts on mental health. Recognizing the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in the digital realm is crucial for fostering a balanced and fulfilling life.
The Importance of Setting Boundaries:
Protecting Mental Health:
Constant exposure to digital stimuli can contribute to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Setting boundaries helps in preserving mental well-being by allowing individuals to detach from the digital world and focus on real-world experiences.
Maintaining Healthy Relationships:
Unchecked screen time can interfere with personal relationships. Establishing digital boundaries ensures that quality time is dedicated to offline interactions, fostering stronger connections with family and friends.
Productivity Enhancement:
Excessive use of digital devices may lead to a decline in productivity. By delineating specific time slots for work, leisure, and rest, individuals can optimize their productivity and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Preventing Information Overload:
The constant influx of information from various sources can be overwhelming. Setting boundaries on information consumption helps individuals filter and prioritize content, preventing information overload and promoting a more focused and intentional use of online resources.
Tips for Managing Screen Time and Creating Balance:
Define Clear Work and Leisure Hours:
Establish specific time frames for work-related activities and leisure pursuits. This demarcation helps in preventing work from encroaching into personal time, promoting a healthier balance between professional and personal life.
Designate Tech-Free Zones:
Identify areas in your home or specific times of the day where digital devices are off-limits. This could be during meals, in the bedroom before bedtime, or in designated relaxation spaces. This practice encourages more mindful engagement with the physical environment.
Utilize Screen Time Tracking Tools:
Many devices offer screen time tracking features that provide insights into digital habits. Utilize these tools to monitor and manage daily screen time, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their online activities.
Establish Social Media Boundaries:
Set limits on social media usage to prevent mindless scrolling. Designate specific times for checking social platforms, and consider detox periods where you take a break from social media to recalibrate and refocus.
Prioritize Face-to-Face Interactions:
Actively schedule in-person meetings and activities. Physical interactions contribute significantly to emotional well-being and can provide a necessary break from the digital world.
Learn to Say No:
Be mindful of overcommitting to online engagements. Learn to say no to invitations, notifications, or requests that can contribute to digital overwhelm. Prioritize activities that align with your personal and professional goals.
Practice Mindfulness:
Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help create a sense of presence and awareness, reducing the stress associated with constant digital connectivity.
By consciously setting boundaries in the digital realm, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, improve personal relationships, and cultivate a healthier balance between the online and offline aspects of their lives. Digital self-care is an evolving practice that requires mindfulness and adaptability, empowering individuals to navigate the digital landscape in a way that promotes their holistic health and happiness.
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party-gilmore · 5 months
Also like. It's literally DAY ONE of my new screen-time enforcement. Not even a full twenty four hours yet.
And holy shit.
Literally, all day long, I have been physically itching to pick up my phone and get on here and see what's happening. Not even about specifically bad shit like I've been fixating on I mean for literally ANYTHING. Repeatedly, constantly, through out the day, picking up and flicking over to where the app was on my home page and just. Staring for a minute until I realize what I'm doing. Over and over and over and just seeking and seeking and seeking... i don't know what, but SOMETHING. To make posts, check posts, see what's going on... like physically fucking painful. And then towards the end of the day, the fucking anxiety literally all built around not know exactly what's happening right now what if I miss something. The fucking legit panic. Then the relief right as I sat down at my computer.
Like. I rolled my fucking eyes when people talk about the Youths being Addicted To Their Phones. But holy shit. Holy shit. There was. APPARENTLY. an underlying issue to ALL of this [gestures at self and the various smaller yoyo-ing mental breaks happening lately] that I had no fucking CLUE about.
On the one hand I feel so fucking silly for having such a hard time doing something so simple, just "wait till you get home then limit your time." But on the other hand there's... a bit of a relief element? Like "oh, okay, this was. there was something WRONG wrong here."
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Remember, it's okay if you have to distance yourself from the internet from time to time. Stuff on here can be extremely overwhelming, even the things that are meant to be good for us. If you find yourself being triggered by certain content, then it is especially important to find ways to block that content out either by unfollowing certain media sources or by using built-in features that limit what you may be exposed to. No, this does not mean that you are "weak" or that you need to "toughen up". It just means that you are looking to take better care of your mental health, and that is more important than any rude or condescending comments that you may receive.
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rewcana · 1 year
do you spend many of your waking hours on social media? do you feel like it's a problem? in this world of late stage capitalism, your time and attention is actively being harvested by big corporations. it's.. not good. it also just makes you feel bad!
here are some tips that have really helped me reduce the amount of time i give to these apps & get in control of my social media addiction:
you probably know which apps you spend the most time on. however, looking at real data about usage is very helpful because time spent on social media is very deceiving. keep in mind which apps you spend the most time looking at and interacting with for the rest of this list.
this is probably the easiest thing to do and it makes an immense difference. it's up to your discretion which notifications you want to keep on (turning on messaging notifications but turning off algorithm and interaction notifs for example) but, the most effective way to stay off problem apps is to turn off ALL notifications.
i always keep my phone on silent. i understand that not all people have that privilege but, if you're able to i would highly highly recommend. it has helped me a lot with anxieties regarding waiting for notifications. i used to experienced the phantom vibrate and check my phone obsessively when nothing would happen. you can also just turn off notification sounds and vibrations for any non necessity apps if you don't want to jump to turning off all notifications.
i actually learned this trick from facebook when they changed the UI slightly so you had to be more intentional in interacting with the app. changing the layout of the apps on your phone really helps you catch yourself when you are automatically opening up apps that cost you time and attention. instead of keeping social media apps on the homescreen, keep it on a different screen, in a folder, & if possible out of the preview window for the folder.
if you want to expand on this more, you could keep a log in a notes app of every time you reached for an app that has since moved. you can even put the notes app in its place!
my experience is based on samsung app timers so i'm not sure how it differs in different makes. i really dont like my phone telling me i can't do something so i've set my tumblr timer to the highest end of my usage data (2hrs 10 minutes). another mindfulness thing that i like about using the timers is that when i'm switching between apps, my phone tells me how much time left i have (it's currently 1 hour 21 minutes, most of the 49 minutes i've spent writing this lol). i'm just a slut for data so i really like this aspect of the samsung app timer function and it's very useful besides this point.
okay, i know this seems drastic. but it doesn't NEED to be depending on your habitual problem apps. apps like youtube, instagram, facebook, and tumblr (to a lesser extent ime) (and probably others these are just the ones i have experience with) can pretty easily be transferred to being used exclusively on a web browser. if you use firefox it will even get rid of ads which is very important for overall sanity and for safe web browsing. one of the biggest plusses to moving from an app to a web browser is that it won't automatically play your platform's version of tiktoks. it also makes it more difficult to upload items which is a plus because it will hinder you from doing so and cut back on the loop of expecting validation from recently posted content.
opening instagram without immediately being enthralled by their endless stream of reels has made it SO much easier to control my time on the site. there are tons of plusses to transferring from app browsing to web browsing.
so on the more drastic side, if you are addicted to tiktok you maybe should just delete it. tiktok is intentionally designed so you can't use it in a web browser and can only use it in the app. i will talk more about tiktok and how evil it is later in this post.
if a hesitation to turning off notifactions or deleting apps is from not wanting to miss conversations from online friends, i understand your pain. but, if you are serious about cutting down screen time on apps that are absolutely draining your attention, talk to your friends about switching to a different messaging app. i would suggest signal personally.
your friends may be experiencing similar problems with phone addiction and even if they aren't, if they care about you, they will make this accommodation to help you in this process. i get that this is very scary but i believe in you.
depending on your goals for how you spend your time, there are plenty of alternatives to social media / other problem apps you may have. personally i have downloaded a bunch of books on my reading list and will divert attention from dopamine pumping social media to reading. you can find tons of free pdfs of books online and if you are used to reading on your phone, it won't be a difficult transition to read longer form narratives from short text posts.
there are free art apps, language learning apps, self care / journaling apps, meditation apps, etc. that you can use when on your phone. this may seem counterintuitive, getting more apps to battle certain app addictions. but, simply weakening the habit that brings you to the apps that you spend so much time on should help. but watch out for apps that claim they are to teach or better you but have social media built into them / other tricks that keep you glued to your screen. everyone is trying to mine your attention so be wary of all apps and the methods they use to keep you engaged.
idk if this is a weird one or not but, you know the feeling of going into a room to do something but you forget what so you putter around trying to remember? i feel like going on your phone when you have a phone addiction is often a state of that except the majority of the time you DON’T have a purpose to go on it. so even though it may feel silly, opening your phone only to close it right after is PERFECTLY FINE.
IN CONCLUSION, phone usage is pretty inevitable in this day and age. i've considered getting rid of my phone entirely but, between the expectation to be constantly reachable from employers to QR code menus at restaurants, it just doesn't seem reasonable to get rid of my phone completely. and i will readily admit its convenience and functionality is life changing and wonderful.
however in late stage capitalism, technology doesn't only work for you but it harvests you -- your data, your habits, your time, your attention, your wants, your needs, your thoughts. even leftist spaces with good intentions can trap you (doom scrolling). when i was becoming radicalized during the beginning of the pandemic i spent sooo much time online reading about all these horrible truths of imperialism, colonization, and capitalism, and i felt it was my duty to share these horrors with other people to radicalize them. but it was so unhealthy, especially when shit hit the fan (which it was like constantly doing) because everyone was posting about the horrors and it felt utterly inescapable.
after following some of these steps (which i did in stages over the course of a few years), my relationship with social media has improved greatly and my mental health is actually significantly better. all of this is based on personal experience and observation and this post is specifically for people who want to cut down on phone usage, it's not supposed to be a preachy post that's telling people they spend too much time on their phone.
it's also nowhere near complete. it doesn't tackle addictions to games on phones nor the notorious tiktok. i said i would talk about it later and here it is. i have a chalkboard in my kitchen and all it has written on it is "tiktok is the devil". i have never seen such a commonly used app that has such a degrading effect on all of its users. and it set a precedent to all other social media apps for autoplaying videos that demand user engagement. i was on tiktok for a little less than a year and the way that it would sap anywhere from 20 minutes to over 3 hours of my time when i told myself i'd only watch a few videos was insane. as an aspiring creator i felt that i needed to hop on it to get recognition but now, i don't see it as anything more than a tarpit to trap as many people as possible in its dopamine rich algorithm. but whatever, that's just my little rant. as a social experiment i think it's fascinating lol and i for the creators it's benefited im very happy for them.
anywayy, i hope this helps someone if it gets any attention at all lol. remember no one can make the decision of how you spend your time on or offline but you. not some stranger on the internet, not corporations, no one. you are in control of your time (well besides the whole having to work most of your waking hours to survive but that's what communism is for yayy).
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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justinkonstantin · 22 days
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gh0sting-along · 2 months
the state of my mental health can be seen by the frequency in which i post on social media.
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narlie-aspec · 2 days
the realisation of how addicted i am to social media makes me wanna delete all the accounts for good. same goes for youtube, tv shows and mobile games. why am i such an addict??
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
I am, as I’ve often been, torn about my internet usage. I do love things about tumblr of course, but one thing I’ve been thinking about is this urge to scroll. Even when I’m not really in the mood for tumblr or hardly paying attention, I just physically crave scrolling. This'll continue even when I’m caught up on posts; I’ll go to reddit or the news to keep scrolling somewhere and that’s even worse lol. I know FOMO is a part of it for sure, but I also feel like I’m searching for something... I guess just distraction, entertainment, anything to get that dopamine hit one gets when scrolling upon something that sparks interest in any way (even negatively). But I’m not thinking about that stuff in the moment really, or even if I am, the urge of “well, I’m just going to go check real quick...” seems so harmless and logical, regardless of how recently I’ve checked or other things I need/want to be doing.
I always think about what if the time I spent online each day was spent reading instead; I’d actually be the bookworm I envision myself to be! Or even just life in general - so many things could be different. Hell, even if I just switched my internet time to TV/movie time, I’d be enjoying tons of shows/movies I’ve always wanted to watch that have been on a perennial list. I wish it were that simple though.
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internet brain rot
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cringelordofchaos · 5 months
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I spend EIGHT HOURS on social media ON AVERAGE
THAT. is certainly NOT ok uhhhhhhhhh
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moodlevoodle · 3 months
posts like these are the only reason i haven’t deleted all my social media and ran away to live in the woods
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charles-breaks-beakers · 10 months
Tiktok's tactic really backfired with me. Sure, I got kinda stuck in it at first, but soon out of nowhere i started finding it boring and overwhelming and now i rarely open it. Follows, likes and comments didn't work either. Just posted something out of boredom that accidently got much more attention than usual and my follower count doubled and the comments got too many and i got even more overwhelmed and now i open it even less.
Posting this for anyone who feels any social media has too much power over you. Don't be ashamed if you fall for their addictive tactics, no one's better or stronger than the other for falling for it or not. I'm just saying all this as a reminder that these systems aren't as smart and overpowered and scary that we have no chance against them and that there's nothing we can do. They don't take all the intricate ways humans work and think into account. Everything they do has a logical explanation and can be understood, and once you understand how they work, you have the power. You can outsmart them. Or say "I don't like what this does to me. Imma quit it."
You have the ability to think outside the systems. You are in control. You can do it.
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Don’t let the internet take away your hopes and dreams for a better life.
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