#and to show that the two can coexist peacefully
garrison-of-leaves · 2 months
I think the thing I like most about Agent 24 is how they represent Inklings and Octolings coexisting like yin and yang
its so fucking perfect and y’all need to realize it more often 😭😭😭
“but they tried to kill each other” BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP
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kedreeva · 7 months
Hi! 😁 I might soon have the chance to have a garden and I've always wanted to have a few chickens, and I've started some online reasearch about keeping chickens but since you're an expert and I don't trust some of the online sources, do you have any tips for absolute beginners? 😅
I do! You can have a garden, or you can have chickens, but the two are diametrically opposed forces that do not coexist peacefully without fully enclosing one or the other. Chickens can and will obliterate gardens and landscaping if they have access to it, including absolutely destroying mulch patches by helping you spread it all over the yard.
I'll put the rest under a cut ^_^
When you acquire chickens, don't get them from a hatchery, get them from a small breeder you've looked into and spoken with about their actual birds. Hatcheries have poor quality animals, so while you may be getting a "black copper marans," they're not gonna necessarily look very nice, and they're almost certainly not going to lay that nice, deep chocolate marans are known for.
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Vs straight from one of the bigger hatcheries pages, photos of their eggs:
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You also are NOT going to get the breed qualities of any given breed except maybe some of the production breeds. For example, a Jersey Giant from a reputable breeder will get up to 10-13lbs, which is as big or bigger than my peafowl. Same with Brahmas and Cochins. Hatchery stock you will be lucky to see 6-8lbs, and people are OFTEN disappointed about this kind of thing. Silkies, as another example, can look WILDLY different from a hatchery vs a private breeder. A show quality silkie is a puffball:
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Hatcheries also pull skeevy moves like calling easter eggers (mutts that lay blue, green, pink, brown, or white eggs) "americanas" hoping that you mistake it for "ameraucana" the pure breed that lays stark blue eggs. Then they charge you ameraucana prices (like, $25/chick) when they should be charging more like $3-5 a chick. They'll do things like call a marans/barred rock mix a "mystic marans" as if it's a new color morph of a marans chicken instead of a mixed breed mutt they invented to be able to sex their chicks at hatch easier. People get these guys expecting MARANS eggs, and they get tan barred rock eggs. Same can go for temperament and behaviors. You go anywhere that has a group of chicken owners and ask them what their favorite breed is, you will get a range of answers with reasons like "my X is so sweet" while the next person will go "mine's the devil" and if you ask, 9 times out of 10, it's hatchery stock birds. Well bred private breeders often have MUCH more stable temperaments.
vs hatchery stock
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Getting from a private breeder also lets you get eggs, which can help you dodge a LOT of disease bullets. There's very little that transfers through the egg, strangely, and some of that is transferred on the surface of the eggs (like mycoplasma) so a quick santizing dip before incubation gets rid of that. I know that hatching them yourself is more of a hassle, but so is losing your flock to newcomers that came in with something entirely avoidable if you'd hatched instead. If your breeder is NPIP certified, they're getting tested for the major egg-traveling problem (pullorum) and a dip will take care of most anything else unless you're super SUPER unlucky.
Lastly on acquisitions, be prepared to get roosters. If you can't have roosters, be prepared to get them processed for yourself for food, or let the roosters go to food homes. Please please please please. There are so many, many excess roosters. They cannot all go to homes. The rooster to hen ratio in a flock is like 1:9. The rooster to hen ratio in hatching is nearly 1:1. Let someone make use of them. EVEN if you order from a hatchery, and order all pullets, they can make mistakes and send rooster babies. It's not a guarantee! Have a plan in advance! Mentally prepare yourself! Don't be one of Those People making posts in local groups about how you don't want/can't have this rooster but also no one else can eat it either. Chickens are a lot of things. Sometimes food is one of those things.
BEFORE actually acquiring the chickens, locate a vet that will see them. You are GOING to have an issue at some point in their lives, and that's not the time to start looking for a vet, that's the time to already have a vet on hand. In fact if you can support a yearly wellness check on at least one of the birds to test for communicable illnesses (like mycoplasma) and have a good relationship with your vet in advance, that's even better.
As for care, if you plan to contain the chickens, the minimum recommendation for a backyard coop and run varies wildly. For stress purposes, most chickens will find 4 feet of floor space per bird inside the coop adequate, accompanied by 10 square feet of space in a run per bird. Unlike peafowl, it doesn't matter how big the run is, the chickens will be turning the entire thing to bare soil, which is one of the reasons most people don't keep both in the same pens. I literally attempted to keep 2 standard chickens in a 1200 foot pen and they systematically went about destroying everything they could get to.
Most layer feeds are 16% protein; most layer feeds are also /production/ layer feeds, meant to feed production breeds in a space where they get NO other feed except this. If you plan to feed anything other than layer feed to them, like treats or whole foods or scratch grains, then you need to find a higher protein feed for them, because most treats are lower protein than layer feed. Avoid anything produced by Purina or Dumor (which is purina but TSC brand), except MAYBE the organic dumor 5-grain scratch grain, it's well-known as one of the worst quality fowl feeds out there. Check out your local mill and see if they have any options that are better than the big box farm stores. Kalmbach makes good feeds, as does Belstra.
Possibly counterintuitive, but stick with a smaller waterer over a larger waterer. You can keep a larger one around for if you go away for the weekend or something to make it easier on a sitter, but a smaller waterer like a 5-quart or gallon waterer will be easier to clean and make sure that you're giving fresh water more often, plus avoiding mosquitoes growing in it. Waterers can slime up really easily in the summer, so just be prepared to give it a quick swish clean every time you change the water out. Smaller waterers also make it easier to give them medication if you have something that goes in the water, especially since a lot of the water medications are "make fresh daily." Personally I don't bother with heated water bases anymore in the winter, I just have enough waterers to exchange them for a fresh one a couple times daily, while the old one thaws inside the back door on some plastic. The galvanized ones you have to use with the heated bases always got gross fast, with rust and discoloration and the stopper in the bottom always dried out and eventually cracked over the summer when we weren't using them.
Try to avoid straw bedding unless you REALLY trust the source. Straw is mostly for livestock, not poultry. It cannot catch the droppings of poultry the way shavings or sand or other beddings do, meaning the wet gunk drops to the floor under it and/or collects into grossness. It also molds easily, can carry in field parasites (since it's not treated the way shavings are often kiln fired before packaging), and breaks down into shards. I'm not saying you can't ever use it for any reason (I use it in some fashion, and have for over a decade, but not exclusively, and I trust my source, we've never gotten mites or anything, and I'm very careful about which bales I pick out), but if you have a choice, go for the wood substrates, or even for sand. A lot of people put sand in their runs because they can then rake it like kitty litter.
Look into what plants chickens can't have, and check your yard over thoroughly for them before adding chickens. Things like lilac bushes are toxic to them. Tomato and potato plants are nightshades so while they can have the fruits, the leaves and stems can be toxic. Stuff like that.
Lastly.... if anyone ever makes a claim about what something does for a chicken (example: diatomaceous earth, apple cider vinegar, pumpkin seeds, oregano, red pepper flakes, lavender, etc are all things I've seen people claim do all sorts of things from worming birds to curing respiratory infections), ask them for their source. If it's a blog post, ask them for a scientific article. If they can't provide it and you can't find one that backs up what they're saying, maybe reconsider the value of that particular advice. The thing is, the BIG production companies are VERY invested in finding cheap or organic or tricky ways to do WHATEVER it is (treat endo/ectoparasites, treat illness, make bigger or more eggs, change egg yolk color, etc), and they pour money into trying to figure out which old wives tales actually work and which ones don't. And if they haven't been able to prove it to a point where they'll spend money on it as a solution, then chances are REALLY GOOD that it's not a solution at all actually.
Things like how to clean coops, what feeds to get, what items to use for care, where to source birds, behavioral information etc, that's all stuff you can ask advice on in general public spaces. You'll still get a range of answers, and some of them will be garbage answers, but hardly any of them will do harm to your animals to do or not do. Like, for example, you can use a big waterer or a small waterer, as long as it's clean. You can vary coop and run size and still be fine. You don't have to feed exactly what someone else is feeding for your birds to be fine. You're probably going to try a few breeds before you find the one(s) you like best.
But when it comes to medical info or any kind of "treatment" type stuff? Consult a vet and/or at least look for scientific papers.
And lastly.... chicken math is Real, yo. However many chickens you think you want to get, plan on having the space for double that amount so you don't gotta rebuild anything when you ultimately decide wait, you need a couple more. The bigger space won't hurt them if you don't get more, but it'll be so much easier on you if you do ;)
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buggyandthebartoclub · 4 months
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Date Night Headcannons featuring Law, Penguin, Shachi, and Barto with NSFT included for the lovely Heart Pirate Homie Hoppers @guilty-sugar and @mandiemegatron <3 (plus Barto... you know... as a personal treat..)
NSFT Content warnings: No gendered language for reader of any kind used, Pengun's mention of/implied oral sex, Shachi's contains mentions of sex while mutually intoxicated (alcoholic ice cream), and implied unprotected sex/finishing inside, Barto's includes mentions of implied oral sex and biting A/N: This can be read as canon or modern au - some activities listed as possible date ideas are modern things but can easily be substituted for canon verse activities if you want Heed the warnings stated, this is an 18+ self ship blog, all posts subject to possible 18+ material - this post does contain NSFT content
He does have the date planned out but he wont tell you that whatsoever, and when he asks you out it almost sounds like a threat but you can tell by the way Law is only looking at you from the side of his eye while scowling with a deep blush dusted across his cheeks that he's genuinely interested in a date night together, further confirmed by the smirk that spread across his face when you accepted
Is cleaned up and dressed nicely in all his usual clothes but new shirt in a darker black than he already owned and some additonal jewelry (a chain and two rings), and his usual boots that he spent the night before polishing while arguing with the boys about whether or not he should wear a flashier shirt to your date
He will open doors for you and pay for the bill but don't expect him to pull out any chairs for you or go giving you his jacket because you're cold. He would just stare at you deadpan and tell your ass no. Should've planned for the weather better
Takes you somewhere like a little hole in the wall bookstore or antique shop where y'all could look around and maybe snag a few things (books if at the bookstore, and coins for him and whatever catches your eye at the antique shop if you go there), pays for your things but only if they're reasonably priced and WILL shame you if you pick out anything too expensive or what he deems stupid. As long as it's not overpriced he'll still buy it for you even if it is stupid though
Spends most of the date listening to you talk and asking pointed questions to keep furthering the conversation without adding much until you get onto a topic he actually has a pointed interest or knowledge in, though he does actually love listening to you talk about your interests (as long as you aren't getting repetitive or into asinine details... he can show some irritation on his face creep out in those moments. You only get to repeat yourself one or two times before he bluntly calls you out on it unless you've been together awhile then he just sighs deeply and does a little circle in the air with his finger to signal you to sort it out and hurry it up)
Absolutely will tune out and ignore you for a whole hour on your date, absorbed in his book while y'all just coexist peacefully if you went to the bookstore, or will enthusiastically tell you all about the coins he found if you went to the antique shop. In the case of the coins, he tries to act childish and calm at first but his passion and neediness will overpower that as he rambles endlessly to you about his coins, completely steamrolling over any questions or comments you have until he's done talking
Fully expects a goodnight kiss and is pleased as a peach when he gets one. Sinking into your lips and letting his hands slide onto your hips, he's got you melting into his chest in moments
Is an absolute tease in bed, loves edging you and running his hands all over your body, sliding his nails lightly down your side to watch you squirm at the sensation, licking and nipping at your skin and blowing on the damp spots his makes, relishing in the noises he draws out of you
He'll do foreplay for hours, until he gets bored or his hands start to cramp whichever comes first
Then he gets absolutely sex drunk, unable to do anything other than shut his eyes and let his head fall against you, fingers digging into your hips as he loses himself to the sensation of your body around his, taking almost no time at all to finish, he uses a condom but h'll still pull out and pull it off at the end just so he can come all over you
He will do some aftercare and its adequate, dogshit at any sweet-talking after, the deed is done its time to clean up and get ready for bed, though he complains about snuggling, he does automatically go to snuggle with you when y'all curl up under the covers together, but he quickly stops talking and closes his eyes and tells you to shut up and go to sleep if you ask him if he wants to stop snuggling
Will just leave in the morning unless you tell him before hand you want to do breakfast, though he will make you some coffee and make sure to leave a note if you don't do breakfast. Otherwise he will absolutely make you a small and reasonable breakfast he makes you come to the table for and will even eat with you before he leaves
Total sweetheart who has the whole date planned out in his head before he asks you out but completely changes to something different once you accept the date because he thinks everything he came up with was not good enough for you
Dresses to the nines, and he definitely makes sure to dress in an extra layer so he can offer you a jacket if you get cold (don't expect his hat though unless you've been together a long while, in which case, he usually has his old hat with the puffball on it stuffed in the jacket pocket for you just in case)
Complete and total gentleman, by far the most considerate of the Heart Pirates listed. That means doors are opened for you, chairs pulled out, he's not even going to let you think about paying. it has nothing to do with how he sees you and all because he wants you too see him as capable and dependable, someone who cherishes the relationship you have together and always will
He would definitely be brushing his hand against yours, distinctly looking anywhere BUT your hands, until you finally hold his hand and he'll look your way with the dopiest smile and bright flush to his cheeks, pulling you closer to him as your fingers tangle together
No matter how well he plans though he always forgets something, whether it's simply the music to the star lit picnic, or something big like tickets to the actual even y'all had planned to go to (thankfully usually just small things! The big ones are a rare occasion, and always beats himself up more than you could ever even think of hinting at towards him and he always makes it up to you even if you insist it was nothing to worry about!)
Cheek kisses are all he ever lets himself hope for in the beginning and absolutely falls over the first time you sneak a quick peck to the lips instead, and absolutely melts into your whole touch when you let him have more of you
His insecurities come to light when y'all are intimate, not that it dulls his enthusiasm or technique, but you can deftly tell he's always a little nervous, always a little worried in the back of his mind if you're really enjoying your time with him or if he's what you really want, because he surely doesn't deserve this here with you right now, but a few well placed kisses and sweet affirmations whispered in his ear and he's completely fine for the session, worried abandoned until next time
LOVES giving/pleasing you in any way, especially with his hands and/or mouth, he's fantastic at foreplay and oral. Enjoys receiving but is insecure about how he looks and sounds the whole time so he tends to avoid it and go straight into pleasuring you.
Does great aftercare and will snuggle you all night long, he doesn't care what part of his body goes numb from you sleeping on it, he just wants you there as close as possible.... until he eventually does have to adjust, but he will still be big spoon if you let him readjust so his arm wont go numb)
Absolutely brings you breakfast in bed from a cafe or bakery nearby and will have even gotten a few extra goodies he hides in the bag for you to have as a treat to yourself later after he has to leave for work
Has plans but they’re not meticulously thought out, there’s wiggle room for change of plans if y’all decide to switch it up and go w the flow for the evening or leaves room for y’all to head home and duck out for a night at home if you find yourself overstimulated or not up for being out
His plans? Pizza and laser tag followed by a trip to the alcoholic ice cream store before heading home together
He tries to look nice but casual, by that he means he put on clean cargo pants and shoes and metal band tee with NO puns on it (despite what he really wanted, he took half of penguins advice when he was told quotes and puns on a shirt for a date was a no go), a jacket w a fur trim on the hood (think loke’s jacket from fairytail) 2 band bracelets, and a couple of rings, and he even got law to paint his nails black (if only bc law didn’t want black nail polish all over the fucking floor if they did it themselves), plus his hat and sunglasses 😎 of course.
He will give you his jacket if you get cold, but reluctantly and expect him to complain about being cold, he would much rather you just snuggle up in the jacket with him than hand it over
Is respectful by all means but definitely is not as overt in his gentlemanly ways as Penguin is, despite Penguin's best efforts to instill in him this is a DATE and he should act like it, Shachi can't help but treat you like he always does, the bestest friend ever that he's totally in love with and comfortable with (and super horny for, he finds that important to add, to himself silently in his head of course lol)
Pays for everything but isn't offended if you pay, in fact it really flatters him and makes him give you the "AWHHHH Babes!! You didn't have to do that!"
Does absolutely take laser tag way too seriously and goes for blood in the laser tag room. Thankfully yall did a few rounds w a group so it didn’t start directed at you. But it does quickly turn into an almost all out bully session after a few rounds when the groups disperse and you do a few rounds just y'all
He wasn’t mean by any means but he definitely had sooooo much fun at your expense he’s in tears clutching his stomach by the end and you’re trying to keep up your pout, trying not to crack in laughter at the ridiculous sight of him rolling along the floor like an idiot
He DOES apologize after though and holds your hand as your get boozy ice cream and is really sweet letting you get anything you want and giving you puppy dog eyes to let him pretty please try a bite of yours he’ll share his (he just wants the attention and to share bites of y'alls spoons together the SAP)
Literally can not stop complimenting you and especially after the boozy icecream he is one sweet word after another… along with sweet warm touches as he giggles and begs you to come back to his room with him, whimpering and whining the whole way back about all the things you do to him how it isn’t fair how riled up you get him
Seriously he can not shut up, you have to start making out with him when you get back to the room just to get him to stop and even then he’s moaning groaning whimpering and whining, he’s absolutely sooooo noisy and it’s even worse when he’s tipsy or drunk
Will be biting you all over and licking and kissing each spot tenderly after to make up for it but you’re gonna have some marks on your neck and inner thighs, your lips even a little red and tender
Dont worry he will ENTHUSIASTICALLY try to make up for his roughness and you’ll love every minute of it
Drunk Shachi will beg and plead the WHOLE time cum inside you, acts like he’s in literal bliss while he’s fucking you, talking about how perfect you feel, how you make his brain mush and we’ll you take his cock while begging and pleading to cum inside just this once please there’s no WAY he can finish anywhere else and be satisfied
He will viciously snuggle you after and throw an absolute FIT if you try and disentangle from the whiny little furnace he is so be prepared to quickly clean up w a shirt that’s tossed aside and pulling up just the sheet bc that man is already attaching himself like an octopus and he is OUT
WILL give you rubs and sweet kisses and take you out for breakfast in the morning if you wake up sweaty sore and grumpy tho and give you his softest clothes to wear out since it was your shirt you fuckin grabbed to clean up w the night before
Has plans and they are meticulously thought out long before he has the courage to ask you out
His admiration of Luffy evident even his dating life as he makes plans inspired by Luffys interests and adventures, looking to recreate excitement his idol has enjoyed for his next favorite person, you! He totally plans to take you out on a treasure hunt for the best food, fight, or fun such as the new arcade he found last week right before he finally asked you out
However, he is totally willing to scrap any and all plans if you're not up for something so thrilling or adrenaline pumping, and won't even be disappointed about it, he just wants to impress you (almost as much as he wants to impress Luffy)
He even takes a bath and cleans his clothes/piercings, brushes his teeth etc before your date on his own accord (after a possible hint that being clean might bolster any physical intimacy chances), what a good boy! Even puts on some brand new nipple rings for your viewing pleasure!
Absolutely will give you his jacket if you get cold, hell he'll tell you to keep it! It looks so much better on you anyway! Although that does leave him shirtless shivering in the cold but he absolutely will not complain about it if that happens
Brings you weed flowers and you love them because there's lots of pokey green thorns and they remind you of his mohawk and he blushes and stutters when you tell him so and thank him with a kiss to the cheek
Absolutely gets excited and starts babbling at lots of points during your date, often bringing up Luffy, but also surprisingly manages to bring it back around to y'all and tie in his babbling so at least the conversation is somewhat participateable, not that you mind, his hilariously sweet devotion to Luffy is one of the many things that endeared you to him in the first place
Frequently gives you extravagant over the top compliments throughout your date, even going as far as to say "Next time we see Mistah Luffy I'm totally taking you with me, show you off like a prized treasure I found! Ha! He'll be so impressed by my impeccable taste in partners, he'll be 'Woah Barto! Where'd you find this gem at?' He'll totally dig your vibe! You're like the coolest person in the world, outside of the Straw Hat crew, of course!"
Is extremely protective of you, even though he knows you can take care of yourself he definitely goes a little guard dog, barking and growling- I mean, cussing out anyone he thinks is looking at you wrong and definitely punches someone if he hears any insults about his beloved treasure
After the date is over and he's nervously taken you back to your room wherever it may be, letting nerves turn him into a blushing and stuttering mess, trying to find a way to ask for kiss (I mean, he was SUCH a good boy the whole date! AND he bathed! He can definitely ask for a goodnight kiss right? You had a lot of fun you even kept smiling and blushing at him he's SURE that means its okay to ask for a kiss...), but you take the breath out of his lungs when you stand on your tiptoes to give him a kiss and fry his brain completely
Don't worry though he recovers after a minute and he's all over you in the best of ways, he's all tongue and teeth and searing heat, kissing you with as much passion as he shows for beloved Straw Hats, and really showing you what that long tongue can do
He's completely lost in you, your hands in his hair and his teeth on your neck when you tell him what a good boy he is and there's no stopping him now and after the filthiest groan you've ever heard and a buck of his hips he'll tell you directly, you're not leaving that room anytime soon, and certainly not walking on your own two legs if he has anything to say about it
Comes all over you and will absolutely lick it all up after and then just grabs something to clean you up with off the floor and tosses it to you before grabbing something to clean himself off too before yanking the blankets up and pulling you onto his chest and passes out like a drop of a hat. He adores you but you have to explain to him in the morning if you want your aftercare to look any different (though he will enthusiastically do any changes you ask for)
Enthusiastically makes you the worst breakfast in bed ever, the man can absolutely not cook but he does take you out after to make up for his shit cooking skills (and the disaster int he kitchen don't look at it its fine)
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robinsno1lesbian · 10 months
Quick Neighbor!Robin thot hehe
Asking Robin for nudes and her sending a pic of her wearing her strap🤭
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ceebs you know what? it’s 06.00am, i haven’t had a minute of sleep yet and i can’t get this out of my head so have my thoughts on this so i can peacefully sleep (you’re welcome).
(smut below the cut, MDNI)
you’re normally not the one to be asking robin for pictures. normally, it’s the opposite.
normally, you’re the one who spends all evening pacing through your room to find the perfect spot, to get the lighting just right, to capture the perfect picture of your bare body to surprise robin with a little message in the middle of the night.
one that will show off your chest, your ass or your entire bare body with your back arched for the camera just slightly.
those usually lead up to her walking to her window with her phone in hand, glaring into your room with widened eyes to find you spread on your sheets for her, ready and wanting.
but today is different.
you’re not home, far from home actually. and you long to see your girlfriends body. two things that can only coexist if she’d be so kind and send you the type of picture you normally take for her.
after trying to push away the one urge to text her all day long, you finally give in.
the sun has just set and you’re laying on the damp sheets of a bed that isn’t robin’s, wishing for her presence and her touch. you want her firm hands on you, on your hips while she grounds you down on her tongue or your ass, with her towering behind you and pounding you with her strap…
so, before you can second guess yourself, you send her a message. you try not to seem all to desperate for her, and throw the phone away from you once you’ve pressed the “send” button.
you cover your face with a pillow and groan.
only when your phone buzzes about 5 minutes later, you remove the pillow from your eyes to try and catch a glimpse of what you’ve received.
seeing robin’s name light up on the screen is enough to make your heart race in your chest.
she has sent a single text and there’s a picture attached as well. you sigh in relief and scan the text quickly, eager to see her body in all its glory.
“someone misses me huh?”
robin wrote and you roll your eyes playfully. of course you’re missing her, how couldn’t you?
your eyes threaten to roll back again the second you lay eyes upon the picture.
“fuck” you shiver and inhale sharply.
robin is naked in the picture, aside from the harness that is attached to her hips. that, and the strap that sits against her proudly.
the hint of abs on her stomach only add onto the heat that pools between your legs.
you allow yourself to take it all in: the swell of her breasts, the muscles under her skin, the mole right over her hipbone. the mole that you normally stroke with your thumbs whenever she’s wearing the strap around you. the mole that you can’t help but admire while you’re on your knees for her, with the toy disappearing past your lips and down your throat.
her hands are in it too, her strong, beautiful hands, that are capable of grounding you down against the plastic cock when you can’t keep up anymore. of pulling your hair and pushing it further into your mouth until tears are burning in your eyes and you’re grinding down against absolutely nothing.
you must’ve been gotten lost in your own thoughts because your phone vibrates in your hand and your gaze falls back on the screen. a new message has popped up on your screen.
“enjoying yourself?”
you have just enough time to read it before another message comes in. a video, you notice.
you scoot back on the pillows and get comfy, legs bending at the knees and head held by the softness of said pillows, and tap on it with a curious look on your face.
your jaw drops when the video of robin starts playing, taking over your entire screen.
it’s filmed from a rather low angle, putting the toy in the focus of the camera. but that’s ultimately not what makes your jaw drop, though it would be enough. it isn’t robin’s hand either, at least not at first. because at first, she just holds it up a little, just like she would if you were kneeling in front of her, to tap it against your tongue.
what leaves your mouth agape and your already soaked cunt clenching around nothing is the string of saliva she spits upon the head of the strap.
you suck in a breath, but robin isn’t done yet.
she uses the hand she held the strap with to wrap around the head and stroke the toy. her head drops back and you can hear a raspy, low groan falling from her lips in the background. she repeats both the motion and the action of spitting on it, before the video cuts off.
“oh my god” you whisper to yourself “oh my god”
you press your thighs together to avoid clenching around nothing again but there’s no point. you want her. need her. need her to fill you up, need her to pound into you form whatever angle she pleases until you’re sore. spit on it like she’s done in the video and fuck it back into you.
you look back down at the video. your mouth still hangs open and you’re sure you’re resembling a fish on land.
but your phone screen has changed. it doesn’t show the video no longer. now there’s something else.
an incoming call from robin.
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g30citiesexe · 5 months
community characters according to how i see them treated by fans but its all the worst possible ways ive seen them
abed. either infantilized to all hell and back or called a complete sociopath with no empathy selfish Dick no in between. these takes are both horrible.
jeff. stripped of all nuances and used a pseudo “literally me guys!” character for dudebros who think that Yes, leading on an 18 year old when you’re like What About 40 is a good idea and totally not Nasty Gross
britta. either irrelevant because she’s britta and We Don’t Care About Her She Sucks! or just used as endless fodder to make “Oh Brittas In This???” jokes, the most Original joke in the fandom Ever/j. annie. people who sexualize her Especially like older men who make “oh Annie’s pretty young 😏😏😏😏 😉 😉” jokes. i am going to kick your face i hate those jokes
pierce: Does Anyone like pierce??? if you do i have nothing to say to you. shirley: either completely overlooked or just mentioned as being Annoying Christian Lady. for shame that the writers didn’t give shirley as many plotlines after a certain point because maybe then this wouldn’t happen. and Maybe if the writers gave us more jeffshirley we could have gotten something good but Naur
troy: characterized only as being Abeds Boyfriend who exists only to Serve Abed as a Character and his whole arc revolves around him and Abed like you know oh its Barbie and Ken it’s Troy and Abed they can’t be individuals for more than Two Seconds and not being His Own Person which the show Totaaalllly didn’t have a whole arc about why this is a bad idea and how the idea of trobed Gay and Troy being His Own Person can coexist peacefully together and frolic happily in a meadow
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hamuchaa108 · 11 months
Tranquil Flame - Introduction
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'Tranquil Flame' is one of my main two OC stories. It follows the story of Red and Rein, on their attempt to reach a place they call 'Utopia'; a place where the end of the rainbow lies, which they believe it's the place where they can have a different and better life from their previous home.
A short summary of Tranquil Flame:
On a certain earth, Human coexists with another race called 'Therian', a humanoid race that can shapeshift into an animal. There has been an ongoing feud between Human and Therian, which makes them unable to live in peace together. However, as the society advances, some people make efforts to establish a harmony between the two races. While it is somewhat successful, some countries still struggle to intergrate the two races into a united society.
Red is a young boy from a small village in Ertose, Ezmunch. Ezmunch is notorious for a country with high racism especially to Therian Wolf, that it even segregates Therian Wolf people within a large forest named Dusk Forest. Despite the racism problem, Red manages to befriend a Therian Wolf boy named Rein in the past. However, they have not seen each other for years after an accident involving Red's brother, Snow. Until one day, Rein shows up in front of Red's house during a Werewolves Siege.
As both have turned into teenagers, Red initially doesn't recognize Rein. Rein reminds him of their childhood promise of going on an adventure together. Pondering on his current family situation where his father has fallen so low with his gambling addiction and Red wishes to get a better life for Snow's sake, Red agrees to leave with Rein. However, as they run away on a whim, Red and Rein don't have a specific place to go at first. When they find out the world outside Ezmunch, they become determined to just collect as much money as possible, then live together on a place where Human and Therian can peacefully coexist; and when that day comes, Red wants to take Snow from their old house and makes him live together on their 'Utopia'.
This story is BL, focusing on Red and Rein's relationship as their feeling blooms into something stronger. They also meet new friends as they get into different places. More info about the characters is below the cut.
• Red
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Species: Human
DoB: January 5
Height: 165 cm (beginning); 168 cm (ending)
Age: 16 (beginning); 17 (second arc); 18 (third arc); 21 (ending)
Fav. food: Corn, lemon tea
Least fav. food: Oatmeal
Family: Father, younger brother, grandmother
Red is the main character of the story. As he had lost his mother at the age of 7 after she gave birth to his brother, Red was forced to mature too early. Red was the one who took care of house chores and the mother role in their house, even to the point that he became the mother figure for his brother. As a result, Red didn't have time to properly socialize with children of his age. Shouldered by the responsibilities he was not supposed to handle, Red became cold and rigid to the point that he couldn't even smile. He takes everything seriously and doesn't tolerate fooling around, or even entertain the idea of having fun. Red is also stubborn and not easily swayed, so he always goes through with his mind. Taking care of his brother for his whole childhood also caused Red to develop a protective streak to people he considers close. Red doesn't talk a lot, but is surprisingly quick to anger. Despite being rather quiet, Red is very sharp-tongued and is not afraid to voice his opinion, no matter how harsh it is. After staying with Rein and meeting a lot of new people, Red has learned to loosen up and let his emotions show more.
• Rein
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Species: Therian Wolf
DoB: June 21
Height: 177 cm (beginning); 181 cm (ending)
Age: 15 (beginning); 16 (second arc); 17 (third arc); 20 (ending)
Fav. food: Barbecue, any grilled food
Least fav. food: Nothing in particular
Family: Father, mother, brothers and sister
Rein is one of the sons of the esteemed Olbrich Family, whose father was the current village chief on the beginning of the story. Growing up with a strange yet not fully understood power which makes him insanely strong (physically), Rein was forced to keep his emotions in check because his parents were afraid if Rein got sufficiently angry he could wreak havoc to his surroundings. As a result, Rein became passive and obedient yet eager to please others. Rein is not quite intelligent, and combined with his placid nature he was often bullied during his childhood. Rein never fought back because he was forbidden to raise his fist. Due to this, other children thought he was a wimp for never fighting back.
At some point, he met Red when the two accidentally bumped on each other in Dusk Forest. The two eventually became friends, although they separated ways before reuniting in their teenage years. Wishing for a world where he can have a peaceful life and accepted by others, Rein risked himself to get out of Dusk Forest and lived among humans. Rein is very patient and loves to meet new people, although due to his upbringing Rein never really talks about himself and what's on his mind. Despite living while hiding his real identity as a Therian is tough, Rein believes he can get through everything as long as he is together with Red.
• Kiriko
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Species: Human
DoB: May 25
Height: 164 cm
Age: 15 (first arc)
Fav. food: Miso soup
Least fav. food: Wasabi
Family: Father
Kiriko is a human girl whom Red and Rein met when they arrived at Karmost, Ezmunch's neighboring country. Because she has been living her whole life as a sheltered daughter of a rich and famous scientist, Kiriko was excited to meet new friends and offered them a job on her house. Kiriko was a child genius who had helped with her father's inventions since she was little, and she is an expert in creating robots. However as she grew up, her father started to take more unethical experiments and forced Kiriko to be his accomplice. He put Kiriko under constant fear to make her obedient. Kiriko is not allowed to go outside without her father permission. As a result, she spends a lot of time indoor and working with her machines or computer programs. Even though Kiriko likes to tinker with machines, she really concerns about her looks. On the rare time when her father allows her to step outside, Kiriko likes to go shopping, trying new clothes, and going to beauty salon. Kiriko maintains a cheerful face and optimistic views on life despite she has her life under absolute control of her father and being constantly pressured. Kiriko admires Red and Rein for being able to run away from their place, and wants to follow their path. She believes someday, she can eventually get her freedom and lives on her own accord without needing to obey other people. That's why she endures everything and resolves to never give up.
• Marie
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Species: Human
DoB: July 7
Height: 173 cm
Age: 18 (second arc)
Fav. food: Gratin
Least fav. food: Pineapple
Family: None
Marie is a quirky girl with strange powers inside her, which make her a bit unstable although she is mostly fine when Red and Rein know her. She lost her family when she was 2 years old due to an unknown accident, and subsequently taken under her aunt's care. However, Marie turned out to be a creepy child who had a terrifying obsession to dismember animals and harmed other children, so her aunt locked her in the attic. During her isolation, Marie went almost insane due to the lack of social interaction and the voices inside her head, made by the 'entities' that give her power. One day, her aunt's son, Oz, suddenly opened the attic door despite being forbidden to do so. Oz wasn't afraid of Marie and was willing to be her friend. Touched with Oz's kindness, Marie is willing to devote her whole life for Oz even though she hates the whole world for making her suffer.
After having a falling out with her aunt, Marie left her aunt's house with Oz following her. Marie kept her distance from other people because Oz told her so. As a result, both of them became outcasts. Marie worked on a slaughterhouse sometime after because she felt that it can 'sate' her sadistic urge to dismember and harm others. While working there, at some point she got to know Red and Rein. Despite her best efforts to avoid them, she eventually became their friend. Marie has a huge influence on Red's sense of humor and tendencies to prank others, because Marie herself is a prankster. When she has her sound mind, Marie is quite perceptive to her surroundings. Marie doesn't like to be ordered by other people and has a very high sense of individuality, so she always acts on her own. She is very hard to read and be understood.
• Oz
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Species: Half-Therian
DoB: September 6
Height: 175 cm
Age: 17 (second arc)
Fav. food: Potato
Least fav. food: Pineapple
Family: Father, mother, younger sister
Oz is Marie's cousin. Lived with overbearing, perfectionist mother who is also a devout religious, Oz never grew a spine to stand for himself. The first time Oz went against his mother was when he unlocked the attic door and found Marie, and decided to be her friend. Despite his mother's objection, she eventually relented because Marie never harmed him. Because Oz hung out with Marie too much, he also became friendless. Oz really likes Marie and wants to stay by her side no matter what, to the point that he even decided to follow Marie when she left his house. He also befriends Red and Rein first before they become Marie's friends. Oz is cautious, diligent, and likes to plan things thoroughly. Oz is easily intimidated and sort of a doormat due to his upbringing, however he is aware about this shortcoming. As a result, he likes to write his personal opinions on his journal. Often, his writings sound very harsh and judgmental. Being raised in an overly religious environment also makes Oz hard to accept views outside of what he believes, although he sometimes tries to compromise if it's concerning his friends. Like Marie, Oz is also quite perceptive, although he never voices out his opinions.
• Iris
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Species: Human
DoB: September 28
Height: 158 cm
Age: 15 (third arc); 18 (ending)
Fav. food: Stir-fried noodle
Least fav. food: Tomato
Family: Father, Mother
Iris is the daughter of a famous baker in Glessa, Bredynn. She became acquainted with Red and Rein after her father hired them to work on his bakery. While normally sweet and demure, Iris is also kinda selfish and wants things to go her way, and sometimes is prone to impulsive anger when she is upset about something. Despite having such a bad attitude, Iris actually lives quite normally and not an outcast or loner like other characters mentioned before. She is also diligent and is willing to improve on skills she is lacking. While Iris has a good relationship with Red and considers him like her brother, Iris hates Rein because she is jealous that he is popular and well-liked by people. Rein being her partner with delivery jobs doesn't help her case, and as a result Iris is very mean to him. Iris also vents her anger and frustration to Rein, unaware that her action has bad consequences. Deep down, Iris suffers from inferiority-superiority complex and believes she is inadequate to inherit her family's bakery because she can't bake well. Iris also has survivor guilt because she outlives her siblings who died after a werewolf attack. As a result, Iris is very racist to werewolf and really hates them. Ironically, Iris doesn't know that Rein is a werewolf, although she is still not amicable to him for a whole different reason.
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tundrrra · 2 years
the phrases “i know billy hargrove is a flawed person, and do not condone any of his actions in the show” and “billy has never done anything wrong, ever, in his life” are two statements that can, and do, coexist peacefully in my mind.
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Blue exorcist 138 Notes
Okay, I loved this chapter.
And we see that this destruction continues because the characters fail to learn. Fail to understand each other.
Fail to...love each other?
Taming the evil of a demon needs respect, love and compassion.
We have two forces that keep screwing up the timeline. Yukio and Satan.
I mentioned in previous chapters that Yukio is one of Mephisto's thorns because his hatred and jealousy of demons runs so deep that his default defence against them is to always attack. It's a double-edged sword. Yukio is very much like a young Shiro.
Both Yukio and Shiro had harsh childhoods and had to grow up far too fast. Shiro tried his best to raise Yukio, but he didn't have the emotional tools at his disposal to coax out Yukio's heart. He taught Yukio to be an exorcist (child soldier) much like himself because that's all Shiro knew.
Had Yuri lived, our Yukio would have been much different.
Yukio hides his feelings, and for the most part, is a loner.
Rin, meanwhile, has a big, loving and sensitive heart. Rin's love can save Yukio, but Yukio still secretly has this jealousy of Rin's demonic power that stands in the way. Regardless, Rin keeps trying, and Yukio shows significant emotional growth. But that love and understanding are thus far extended to only Rin and other humans. Yukio still hasn't completely broken free of his emotional baggage concerning demons.
In the end, Yukio decides to shoot Satan and kick his ass. Instead of more diplomatic measures. But Yukio does momentarily pause to reconsider. Lightning tells Yukio his decision is the right one. But even Lightning is wrong here. Lightning is intelligent and highly gifted but has the emotional capacity of a teacup. He fully admits that he doesn't feel empathy. (He's probably another son of Shiro..but I digress.)
Now back to the situation at hand. Kicking Satan's ass was the wrong answer.
Rin is usually more sympathetic to demons and takes after his mother, Yuri. Rin tries to find common ground, but in the end, he always looks up to Yukio. "Yukio is the smart one."
The decision to kick Satan's ass was made by Lightning (no empath), Rin (doesn't believe himself smarter than Yukio) and Yukio (an emotional cripple that keeps reverting back to the same old thought patterns)
Rin really needed to step in here. He needed to say kicking Satan's ass was wrong.
Rin finally sees the error of his ways, but it's already too late.
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Getting back to Satan......
His guy must have the potential to get a second chance. He needs to learn to live peacefully with humans if he wants to be in Assiah. He needs to learn love to find peace.
But it's a super hard sell.
Satan loved Yuri, but Lucifer made it look like she betrayed him; the humans in section 13 were cruel. Satan has no emotional capacity because he was raised in isolation and treated horribly. His ability to feel love is stunted; he has no respect or attachment to Assiah because he has no real-world experience. The humans were evil and he wants revenge.
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Satan needed to be loved and to learn what real love is, or else he would turn evil. Mephisto needs to fix Satan, and he needs his family to develop feelings for him. But so far, he's been unsuccessful.
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If Satan keeps trying to destroy all of humanity, the timeline will forever repeat. Mephisto did not make that mistake with baby Rin. He made sure Satan's child was nurtured.
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Now we are in a real mess.
Satan's body dies, he takes over the tree and starts to devour the earth.
Satan is very much like a Sumerian-era Amaimon trying to scorch the Assiah until he was bound (cough cough...by love and empathy) by Shemihaza.
The reason this love worked: Amaimon found Shemihaza to be his rival, and his match, and the Sol sought to understand the demon.
Eventually, out of this strange union, we get Yuri. And it's her love, and kind heart is the very thing that attracts Satan's ego into Assiah. Yuri is living proof that demons and humans can coexist and make lovely creatures. Demons are actually jealous of humans and wish to be human. A short life, full of love and experiences is worth more than a lonely, overpowered eternal life.
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Moving ahead:
There is still a massive chunk of this puzzle we don't know. Mephisto orchestrated all of this. He knew Yuri would be created; if he made section 13 and Satan would come into Assiah. He has a reason for all of this, and it's a plan to somehow get rid of Lucifer and humanely tame Lucifer.
It's one fuck of a consulted plan, and it only works if the players play the parts precisely, but Mephisto can't get his players to feel the right things. Namely love.
Now that Yuri is dead, who will have the ability to tame Satan with love?
Here's where it gets complicated.
We have Rin and Yukio left alive. Rin seems to be Satan's kid through possession. And has the closest ties to him; he is also very much like Yuri. Satan loved Yuri but didn't understand her earnestness. Rin has the best chance. But so far, Satan isn't listening.
If Satan was to somehow agree, how would it even work?
He'd need a new body.
He'd need a fetter to bind his heart (could Fang do it?)
He'd need love and empathy
He'd need to find love and empathy for humans.
Man......good luck with that list.
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lya-dustin · 6 months
Shock and Delight
Chapter 8
No warnings i think
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It has come to my attention that Princess Helaena’s intimate supper yielded less than stellar results.
While the rest of the guests showed that Blacks and Greens can coexist peacefully as long as food and drink are involved, Princess Aemma and Prince Aemond could not seem to set aside their differences for the sake of Princess Helaena.
Why do they dislike each other so may seem obvious, but could this be just two youths confusing hatred for something else?
After all love and hate are horns on the same goat.
---the Morning Scandal
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It does not take much to convince Lyonel to double down on his pursuit of Aemma. With the High Septon here to administer Viserys’ last rites and crown her son with a falsified will, a special marriage license is easily procured.
They could marry as soon as tomorrow if need be. And what better setting for a proposal than the ball later this week?
“You must do all you can to secure her hand, cousin.” The queen had advised before sending him on his way.
“I will not fail you, cousin, her rejection is just for show. Princess Aemma will be Lady Hightower before my stepmother’s ball ends.” Lyonel smiles smarmily. He had that trait from his mother’s family. Lickspittles and doing everything to climb their way to the top.
Not that they could help it, the late Lady Hightower had been a Peake.
Criston doesn’t like what her advice implies. He doesn’t speak of it, but his eyes think this is too far.
And because Alicent has those same fears she invites an opinion she will push down her throat with sweet rose drink. She has curbed her drinking, she no longer needed wine to handle the burden of being Viserys’ wife and queen now that he was bedridden.
There was time she relapsed into the old habit, especially as her husband’s health worsened and her father fought her for control as if she were a stranger and not his flesh and blood.
Once Aemma and her dragon were in Oldtown, it would be easier to take the crown. Rhaenyra wouldn’t challenge the truth of the will when her daughter’s life hangs on the balance. Alicent knows this because no mother could.
“He is not a man I would trust with a young lady; you know as well as I that the rumors about him are true, your grace.” The knight speaks after she orders him to speak his mind.
It wasn’t as if Aemma would be in real danger, Lyonel is a lord from a good and faithful family, there is no reason to be apprehensive about this.
“He wouldn’t harm her, besides there are worse fates than a loveless marriage and a philandering husband.” With any luck she will seek comfort in someone else’s arms like her mother and show why Aegon is the only right way.
“If you say so, your grace.” He says keeping his disagreement but letting the matter die. Criston wouldn’t go against her; he was loyal to her enough to disregard his vows.
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They do their best to avoid each other after.
Even if they coincided in walks or flights, they kept their distance and only spoke when they had to. They hate each other, everyone can see that.
This morning both had lied and said they had other matters to attend to when they both came with their respective siblings.
Aemond had glared and rolled his eye when Aemma had teased him about something he was sensitive about. Had she been anyone else, he would’ve humiliated her.
Rhaena and the Morning Scandal thinks they’ll end the season married to each other. They made a handsome couple, perfectly Valyrian with great dragons and both bookish to boot.
If only they didn’t hate each other.
“I don’t see it.” Daeron admits as he tries to see what Rhaena scribbles in her diary. They sit under the weirwood tree with her little dragon playing in the branches of the great old tree.
They had become friends over the week and Daeron had yet to find someone who understood him like Rhaena did. Not that anyone knows besides their most trusted siblings knew of this unlikely friendship, mother would die of the horror and grandsire would kill him for being so chummy with Daemon’s middle daughter.
“From what you’ve told me of your brother and what I told you about my sister, its just a matter of time before they realize they only dislike each other out of stubbornness.” Rhaena said matter of fact, as if she’d seen it all before even if she is only six moons older than him. She does love novels and songs and mummeries though, maybe she thinks their elder siblings were like Jonquil and Florian.
“Is that why you are keeping the notes from Ser Corwyn a secret from your family, Rhae?” he asks once he reaches for the page sticking out of her journal only for her to shut the book once his fingers get within reach.
“That is not for you to know.” She answered looking down at her lap, irritated at his interference and thinking Ser Corwyn Corbray was the Warrior in the flesh.
“He is older than you, almost Cousin Lyonel’s age.” He argues the point he had to agree with Prince Daemon and Rhaenyra on that. A bit hypocritical of them considering the age difference, but a perfectly good reason to reject his offers of courtship.
Besides he was a second son and the Vale was no place for a dragon. Save for his looks and skill, Ser Corwyn was just unsuitable.
“Are you jealous of him?” She looks back up at him, and he scoffs.
Daeron was not jealous, that was ridiculous. He was a prince of House Targaryen, rider of Tessarion and soon a knight like his Uncle Gwayne. Rhaena was his cousin and friend, she was pretty and witty and good company, but she was just his friend.
It was as unlikely as Aemond marrying Aemma.
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It is after he is cornered by Lady Elenda and Cassandra after going with his mother to the sept, that he thinks he should court Elissa for the season and use her to repeal the vultures over his head.
Elissa was an obvious choice, given her status as his elder siblings’ paramour and good looks, but something told him he may be blamed for her sudden illness this morning.
Jena, his former lover, was happily married to Jasper Wylde now and Aemond couldn’t exactly parade Alys Rivers, his mother’s new handmaiden, about.
Especially now that they’ve grown uncomfortably close, the bastard Strong and his mother he means.
“You are quite a sight in the air, your highness. I dare say you are the most accomplished dragon rider in our generation.”  Another lady, a reach lady going by her attire, fawns over him the moment he returns to the Dragonpit.
He cannot reply with a lukewarm thank you as he shrugs away from her grasping hands when Aemma, who took Silverwing to stretch her wings in the opposite direction, scoffed at her unoriginal words.
She’d tried to escape Lyonel who came to see her only to find him waiting here with flowers with his sister and her companions. Companions that included Fiona? No, Fiona was Elissa’s elder sister, what was her name?
 Anyways, Lady F-something glued herself to Aemond’s side viewed the Pearl of Dragonstone as a contender for his attention and Aemond dismissed the idea that came to his head.
No, Aemma was the last woman to consider tor that. There was no way she’d agree even if the sight of them together would get his mother tossing every man available at her to drive them apart.
“Please, Princess Aemma is clearly the superior rider, Lady Falia.” Lyonel said providing him with a name and another reason Aemma could agree to his scheme.
If Aemond were to be in direct competition with him, he’d leave her alone.
But it’s folly, Aemma wouldn’t agree to it.
“You flatter me, my lord.” The princess tries to hide her disgust for him in her manners and tries to remove herself from his company as quickly as she can.
“Oh yes, her riding is well I suppose, but to do so without a side saddle seems far too much for me.” Falia did her best to not appear rude and yet insinuate at rumors saying Aemma takes after her mother in more ways than one.
“Quite impossible to ride a dragon with a side saddle, Lady Falla. My niece would’ve fallen into the Blackwater in that last trick she did if she hadn’t been riding astride.” Aemond comes to her defense only so he can dash Falia’s hopes by calling her by the wrong name.
“Yes, Lady Falia, my dear uncle is right. There is no side saddle for dragons, not that I care for one on horses much either way.” Aemma admits and Lyonel perks up at this as if he had gotten an idea.
Aemond knows exactly what this grubby fucker will do tomorrow night. Lyonel intends to compromise her and claim to have taken her virtue.
Aemond supposed he’d have to hide a dagger in his boot at the ball.
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She never had to lie about what she wore but after having Lyonel get tipped off about her wearing her red riding clothes yesterday, Aemma’s wardrobe was now handled as if it was a council secret.
Had Aemond not been there, there wouldn’t have been any way to escape his incessant talking.
He had praised her accomplishments, her riding, her red riding jacket and even the tightness of her two braids.
Aemond had then mocked him by saying Lyonel would then compliment Aemma’s teeth as if she were a mare he sought to buy.
So, to even the scales, she had shut up the sickeningly sweet Falia ---or was it Anna, she couldn’t remember--- with a jab at her station and a reminder that she fainted during her presentation.
Perhaps Aemma’s initial assessment of him was a tad wrong. Perhaps he was not always the insufferable arrogant twat from dinner and maybe, even had a sense of humor after all.
She should apologize for her rude words, the princess considered but dismissed the thought. There wouldn’t be a chance to do so and perhaps he doesn’t actually care about it, Aemond didn’t look like the most forgiving of people.
Perhaps if her dance card runs empty and Lyonel requests more than one dance, she would work in an apology of sorts while they dance.
He was a good dancer, as light on his feet as he was with a sword, Aemma found herself leaving a space for his name on her dancing card.
Maybe they could be friends, who knows?
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nerd-chocolate · 7 days
I really like your ideas for Zoe's backstory, thanks for sharing!🥰
I agree that Zoe's father seems like he would stand up to Audrey a bit more. Maybe the "always too busy" comment was her complaining that he didn't always leave everything to satisfy her every whim like Andre does...
I kinda see Audrey doing to Zoe the same she did to Chloe: Being there sometimes, then leave for a long time, and when she's back her daughters do everything they can to impress her, to show that they are worthy of her love, which in the end just caused the girls to have problems in school and their social lives. Chloe because she became a bully, and Zoe because she was in a way two-faced around everyone and finally became a target for bullying.
I know in canon Zoe was created to replace Chloe so she wouldn't have to complete her redemtion arc, but I would've loved it if we could have both Zoe and Chloe's redemption. And let Zoe be a big part of that arc, since they both have similar experiences with their mother (I know there are already other characters like that could do that like Adrien, Sabrina or Marinette... But WHAT IF Zoe had to fill that role?). They can bond and resent her together, let them realize how toxic she is.
And then, instead of Chloe being akumatized yet again into the mayor, it's Audrey the one getting akumatized out of frustration because her daughters don't respect her anymore (I saw some art of Chloe and Zoe stealling Audrey's credit card and going on shopping sprees with it, it so funny and cute! So maybe they did something like that to her, which would be Audrey's last straw). Then, when the akuma is defeated, Audrey divorces Andre and leaves Paris, maybe she threatens to take Chloe with her, because "Zoe is a bad influence", but that's when Andre steps up and finally stands up to Audrey, to defend BOTH daughters (that would make him a tiny bit more redeemable for me). So Audrey leaves, and without her influence, Chloe and Zoe can finally be themselves without worrying about meeting her expectations.
I liked Chloe a lot before season 4, so I kinda rewrote the whole story so I can have her redemption arc and Zoe not being a nice replacement for her. I wanted them to bond as sisters with mommy issues🥺
What do you think? I kinda talked more about Chloe than Zoe here, sorry😅. It's just that I hate when shows put siblings against each other. Sure, they can fight and argue, that's normal, but at the end, they're still family.
And since I headcanon Zoe having a very lonely childhood, it's fair to assume she would have loved to have a sibling to play with.
Thanks, I love coming up ideas for Zoé as much as I can. I think Audrey would think that Zoé can be exceptionally as she is because in one frame of Sole Crusher, you catch that she actually smiles at her daughter, which can be animation but I took it as she actually a bit happy to see her because she knows Zoé wouldn’t be herself around her.
Also I agree, Audrey should been akumatized mayor in season, working with Gabriel and Tomoe since it kinda seems it would work better than having Chloé being Lila’s lackey and Monarch’s pawn as well. And I think Audrey leaving Paris for good and reputation ruin would be a satisfy way to end her character. Also I would have Zoé’s dad move to Paris for his daughter and to mend their relationship since he regrets it.
As for Chloé, I like your idea for her and I agree with that her getting redemption arc and Zoé can coexist together peacefully. And I would get Lila involved with this, since she needs Chloé for her plans. Which would have Zoé trying to get her sister to believe her and use acting skills on Lila and Lila trying to manipulate Chloé and worsen their relationship. Which ends with Chloé deciding not to let Lila control her and bond with her sister because of it. Which she could stay in Paris or leave with André somewhere, so André started being a good dad and Chloé still having contact with Zoé and start to improve as a person. But that’s how I would do it.
Let me know what you think!
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autisticsupervillain · 2 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
Frisk vs William Afton
Composite William Afton.
Frisk's new family takes them out to eat at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but then William Afton lures them into the back room....
Analysis: Frisk
Long ago there lived two races, monsters and humans. The two races coexisted peacefully, for a time, until war inevitably broke out. The humans overpowered the monsters and sealed them away within Mt. Ebott.
Years later, a small child would fall into Mt. Ebott, swiftly finding themselves trapped within the caverns of the Underground. Miraculously, despite the hostility and mistrust that the monsters showed towards them, the fallen child chose peace. Over time, they would befriend the denizens of the Underground, eventually finding a way to break the barrier and peacefully reunite humans and monsters. This child's name... was Frisk.
Of course, Frisk did not accomplish this feat alone. Next to their compassion, their most powerful asset was undoubtedly their DETERMINATION. This emotion is, in fact, a supernatural substance largely unique to humankind. With the immense amounts Frisk has their disposal, they are able to utilize supernatural powers and perform blatantly superhuman feats.
Frisk's most prominent ability is their power to SAVE and LOAD. By filling themselves with DETERMINATION, Frisk can SAVE all the progress they've made on their journey thus far, allowing them to later LOAD back to that point at will. This ability activates automatically upon death and can even allow Frisk to come back from having their soul destroyed. There is a common misconception about it though.
SAVEing and LOADing does not create multiple timelines. Yes, Sans refers to timelines in the plural when discussing Frisk's abilities, but he does not mean that in the sense of there being a multiverse. What he means is that every time you reset or LOAD, you're effectively erasing the timeline up until the point you reset at. Sort of like rewinding time. The timeline that was just erased is seperate from the timeline you're now in, but they do not co-exist. This is consistent with how SAVE and LOAD is discussed throughout the rest of the game. As such, no reality desroying feats in Undertale are multiversal in scale, but more on that later.
Regardless, Frisk's DETERMINATION is still so immense that they can outright override the powers of other DETERMINATION users, such as Flowey, and their own SAVE and LOAD powers require multiple human souls to be overridden themselves. Frisk is also shown to be have their memories remain unaffected by the timeline alterations of both themselves and others, even with their SAVE and LOAD powers otherwise being overridden.
Their DETERMINATION has even been shown to grant them superhuman strength, speed, and durability, which, within the shown limits of their powers, scales proportionally to whoever they are fighting. Even at their most basic level, Frisk is capable of surviving some pretty intense things. They can walk around in Hotland unaffected, despite it being hot enough to completely vaporize a paper cup, can survive Undyne's oven exploding in their face unharmed, completely no-sold an electric shock that visibly hurt Papyrus, and walked through the CORE unaffected despite it being filled with Ozone, among others. These feats do scale to their attack potency, as they can contend evenly with monsters who can hurt them even without any killing intent.
Furthermore, Frisk's durability also scales to their soul, as monsters attack on both a physical and spiritual level. This is backed up by the fact that armors that increase the durability of Frisk's soul are items logically wouldn't increase their physical durability in any way, such as ribbons, bandanas, and aprons.
What's move impressive about Frisk however, is what they can do when their DETERMINATION is pushed to its absolute limits. When at their peak, Frisk can contend with universe busting god-like beings, such as Omega Flowey and Asriel Dreemurr. Omega Flowey opens their fight by destroying the entire timeline/save file and Asriel openly boasts that he intends to destroy the world once he starts actually getting serious. (This is backed up by the fight descriptor saying "the world is ending" during the Asriel fight, as well as Asriel having infinite stats under the Check menu.) Furthermore, Frisk can dodge incredibly fast projectiles, ranging from the sound of a dog barking to the beams of light fired by Knight Knight.
Frisk is even capable of harming Omega Flowey, albiet barely. It definitely appears that Frisk is not as strong as they are durable in this mode, as despite tanking attacks from Asriel, they cannot harm him.
In this amplified state, Frisk gains a few more useful abilities. At this point, they are capable of willing their soul back together upon its destruction, simply refusing to die. Furthermore, they can interact with the souls that Omega Flowey and Asriel have absorbed, turning them against their masters. They can even turn their own hopes and dreams into physical objects which they can absorb to heal themselves.
Having said all of that, Frisk's options are incredibly limited without DETERMINATION. They do carry a variety of weapons on them, yes, but those are widely an assortment of sticks and knives, weapons with pitiful range for the tier they're in. The best they have is the empty gun (which they can will into firing actual bullets) and the earpiece provided by Alphys, which can turn into a jetpack and allow them to shoot small lasers from their soul. The fact that they can simply RESET to try as many times as they have to also puts many of their greatest skill feats into question. Yes, they can outlast Undyne and Papyrus and Toriel, and even beat Asgore without any killing intent, but they had infinite tries to do so.
Their compassion is also a double edged sword. Integral to their greatest achievements, yes, but it also means that they will not fight unless it is absolutely necessary. The only times they ever threw a punch was when Asgore and Omega Flowey outright forced them to do so. Frisk is lucky, then, that they are such a gifted diplomat, able to reverse monsterkind's negative view on humans over the span of seemingly no longer than a day (though we are never given an actual timeframe for Undertale's events).
Amd even if Frisk is unwilling to fight for whatever reason, than the Player controlling them certainly will be. While Frisk's true personality shines through in the Pacifist Ending, they can be forced to murder all that they've come to love should the Player choose it.
Frisk isn't a fighter by choice, but their unending DETERMINATION ensures that they will overcome virtually any challenge that comes their way. In whatever Route the Player chooses from them to walk.
Analysis: Afton
Imagine it is your child's birthday. They've just turned twelve and you want to do something special for them, so you take them to their favorite place in the entire world: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A place for kids and grown ups alike, where they can eat all the pizza they want and watch all their favorite characters dance and sing on stage.
But then you lose track of them for a minute. A stranger lures them into some forgotten backroom, and you never see them again. Imagine never knowing what happened to them, where they went, whether they're even alive. Imagine all the pain of a family broken family, the Agony of a dead child whose body is never found, multiplied by ever Fazbear and Fredbear and Sister Location that's ever been built since the 80s. Decades of disappearances, a mountain of broken lives, and hundreds of children who never got to have a childhood.
William Afton is the physical embodiment of that Agony. Metaphorically and eventually, very literally.
William Afton was once a humble restaurant owner and gadgeteer genius who co-founded Fredbear's Family Diner alongside his best friend Henry Emily. The franchise found modest success in the early 1980s in the state of Hurricane, Utah, but it all came crashing down when William's oldest son, Michael, inadvertently murdered his youngest son, (presumably named) Evan. It's... debatable how William reacted to this. Some say his actions thereafter were inspired by desperate grief. Others say he was driven by nothing but pure scientific curiosity. Regardless, William found himself... inspired by his youngest child's death... and the Fazbear franchise chain would never be the same after that...
William would vow to "put (his son) back together" and begin studying the supernatural substance known as Remnant. Think of it as a mixture of your soul and the memories people had of you when you were alive. William even went so far as to believe Remnant could be used to achive immortality. To the end of studying this substance, William would invent his new Funtime line of sentient animatronics and loan them out to locations all over the country, secretly programming them to abduct and murder children when no one was around so he could study the Remnant they produced. Tellingly, when his own daughter was killed by his creations, William left her soul to haunt his animatronics, leaving her behind to be tortured by his employees with "controlled shocks". If William ever did have a sympathetic motive, it was swiftly slipping in his quest for immortality.
Law enforcement would catch up to William once he started to do the dirty work himself, but he was able to hide the evidence and bodies well enough that he couldn't be convicted, so the ghosts of his victims would do the job for them. William would his in his old Spring Bonnie suit to escape his pursuers, the same outfit that he used to lure children away, which would then crush him to death within its spring lock mechanisms. From there, William would return as the undead monstrosity Springtrap, always coming back to slaughter children anew.
Even when he was alive, William Afton was a living nightmare. He was smart enough to build sentient child killing robots in the 1980s and cunning enough to get away with his crimes and escape legal retribution. Even when he was alive, William could rip the possessed Fazbear animatronics apart with his bare hands and the Springlock suit he's now stuck in has shown to be bullet proof.
Moreover, William has spent years studying the ethereal substance of Remnant in order to understand its effects. With it, he could create illusion disks, devices that could allow him to create hallucinations. In life, he was able to use the device to make a girl hallucinate the death of her pet dog in a video game she's playing and in death, William can freely use his Remnant to create the illusory Phantom Animatronics, which are even powerful enough to tamper with machinery. Some of his illusions are so powerful that they've successfully tricked children into growing old and dying within his laboratory because they were convinced there was no escape, unaware that they weren't in their own homes anymore and that they weren't kids anymore. This is revealed to be the actual premise for the main gameplay of FNAF 4 as revealed in the Tales of the Pizzaplex books. The Twisted Eyes continuity, meanwhile, establishes that simple exposure to Remnant can allow a person to see the dead and even regenerate from getting their head caved in.
The Fazbear Frights continuity goes into more detail about how Remnant works and details the specific type of Remnant Afton uses. More specifically, Agony. The type of Remnant that a being made of Remnant operates on is dependent on the emotions associated with them. As an unrepentant child killer, the sheer amount of evil, death, and pain Afton spread on his life has turned him into something no longer even resembling a human being. He's become a physical embodiment of Agony, a being made of pure human suffering.
Agony in particular is the most powerful type of Remnant out there, making Afton one of those most powerful supernatural beings in existence. Lesser forms of Remnant are powerful enough to create storms that span for miles, with Agony having flat out reality warping effects. William created so much Agony when he was alive that the memory of his atrocities created Agony avatars of himself. The Spring Bonnie creature from Into The Pit, for instance, lurks in a time traveling ball pit that serves as a portal to the afterlife and is capable of replacing its prey in the real world with no one the wiser. Another manifestation was capable of feeding off a man's hatred to... make.... him.... pregnant.... with a little baby Springtrap... that proceeded to rip him apart from the inside out.
...A-hem! While these entities are established to independent of William, they were passively created by his Agony, so he should be capable of using their same powers. Agony beings have been shown to bring inanimate objects to life, gradually transmute people into trash or bubble gum without them noticing, drive people to suicide, and even swap souls to steal a person's body. William himself has been shown to steal people's souls with a touch, escape being trapped in a nightmare within his own rotting body after months of torment from a vengeful spirit, and absorb all of the beings his Agony created into himself to become a giant 14 ft tall mecha Kaiju that would rampage across the city.
Fazbear Frights gets fucking insane guys, you have no idea....
That isn't that insane when you consider Agony is fueled by Zero Point Energy. A single light bulb of which can boil ever ocean on Earth. So, yes, William Afton is a continent buster.
But that's not even discussing the most powerful iteration of Afton... FNAF World.
Within FNAF World, Purple Guy goes on a quest with all other FNAF Characters to kill Scott Cawtheon, Animdude himself, the creator of the entire FNAF Multiverse. FNAF has 4 different continues in total, including the mainline games, the Silver Eyes, Fazbear Frights, and the Movie, equating to four alternate realities Scott has created. Tellingly, William's most powerful attack, Slasher, hits hard enough to nearly obliterate Animdude in one hit.
With William's FNAF World moveset, he csn bolster his speed, transmute enemies into weaker enemies, and summon mechanical helpers, Chips and Bytes, to aide him in combat. These mechanical critters can protect Afton with forcefields, land instant kill attacks, and protect William from attacks that enduce instant death, among many others.
But, ultimately, William's most powerful tool is his willpower. He Always Comes Back, regardless of what his thrown at him. William has escaped being trapped inside of never ending nightmares by Golden Freddy and Andrew, survived Fazbear Frights burning down on top of him, and beat Ultimate Custom Night. As a being made of Agony, William will always return. He's achieved his goal of immortality and now seeks nothing more than to cause death and chaos.
William started out as the Man Behind the Slaughter, but now he's graduated into something far worse.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
They always come back, but only one can come back from this fight.
Stats are honestly pretty even here. Both of these characters can manipulate time to such a degree that speed is essentially meaningless, with Frisk in particular being able to fight even after the timeline itself is erased. Both can fight against people who can destroy timelines and universes at their best, so that evens out too.
The real question is who can get past the other's unkillability.
Given that Frisk can rewind time to before they died and can regenerate all the way down to their soul being destroyed, Afton doesn't have many ways of actually killing them. Sure, Afton can eat souls, but so can all monsters in Undertale and none of them could keep Frisk down permanently. It's just a deeper level of regeneration than Afton can handle. So, can Afton permanently incapacitate them?
Well, that depends. If Frisk themselves gets stuck, then either the Player or Post Genocide Route Chara could take over for them, taking control of their bodies. They are, after all, tied to Frisk. Chara is their narrator, following them on their journey and feeding on their stats, while the Player is literally the audience that Frisk is the protagonist for, determining all of Frisk's actions. You can't have one without the other, they're physically tried to Frisk. So, what we're really asking is can Afton's tricks incapacitate them as well.
Transmutation likely wouldn't work. It should be able to effect Frisk's DETERMINATION, as it stems from their soul and Afton's transmutation absolutely can effect and nullify the powers of souls and ghosts. But it wouldn't likely be able to effect the Player. William's fourth wall fuckery simply doesn't extend that far. He can kill the author of his story, but not the people playing his video game. How would that work? He's a Player Character in FNAF World himself. So nothing is stop the Player themselves from resetting the game to try again and then they loop until William tries something else.
This is similarly why trapping Frisk in an illusion wouldn't work either. Frisk and Chara may be fooled, but the Player as a being that transcends their reality would not be. William cannot manipulate the senses of a being that views him as fiction, it's a power that comes from the mainline games where Afton has no fourth wall breaking feats of any kind.
This is combined with the fact that William likely wouldn't resort to these powers at first against what he initially perceives as an ordinary child. Every time Frisk resets, time rewinds and Afton loses all his memories of the fight up until that point. As Frisk continues to adapt to Afton's tricks, Afton starts from scratch with each fight.
So, lets reverse the question. Can Frisk do anything to keep Afton down for the count?
Afton's immortality comes from his soul. He's escaped being sealed away before, but by all rights, destroying his soul will kill him. So his immortality is a degree weaker than Frisk's.
Afton obviously can't be handled in a pacifistic way because... well... unrepentant child murderer. But I do think Frisk has the means to kill him. Frisk has the means to interact with souls, not only those absorbed by other people, but their Yellow Mode can flat out damage people's souls with their bullets. Chara used the power Frisk themself gave them to completely erase the timeline and leave nothing behind, souls included. Frisk has the means to destroy William's soul to keep him from coming back.
Sure, Frisk may be unwilling to kill someone in such a permanent way (even in pacifist, they're willing to fight Asgore and Flowey in self defense, even if not kill them), but the Player and potentially Post-Genocide Chara have no such compunctions and they can take control at any time.
Sorry Willy Boy. You aren't coming back this time.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
@queerbashir I promised to elaborate on my thoughts about Trapper and Frank in O.R. so let's hope it doesn't get eaten this time!
I left tags on this excellent and funny meme saying:
#ok but what he actually says is deep down there's no real hatred and he means it
@queerbashir said:
#idk breakfast i think he means it#but maybe im projecting
It's possible there was a miscommunication here, because we both said "he means it" and seem to be referring to different things. But what I was originally saying was that the meme (which, again, is great, 10/10 no notes) has the opposite meaning of the original scene.
That scene in O.R. is one of the closest looks into who Frank is that both Trapper and the audience ever get. Unusually for Frank, he just sort of starts opening up to Trapper. I think the circumstances of working long shifts in surgery together make Frank feel a little closer to Trapper, and exhaustion loosens his lips a little bit. For all that Frank is an antagonist, there is a certain level of closeness between Hawkeye, Trapper, and Frank. They don't want it, but it's there. Living in such close quarters with Frank and knowing first hand what he's going through, because they're going through the same thing, forcibly humanizes him. They associate with Frank, sometimes: In Dear Dad, Again (s1), Frank is in a fight with Margaret and spends time with Hawkeye and Trapper. He drives them crazy, but they still treat him basically like a very annoying friend. In Dear Dad Three (s2), they're so bored Trapper and Frank play cards together. Frank is a presence in the social circle.
Crucially, Frank wants to be in the social circle. Frank's insistence that "I didn't come here to be liked" is defensive; he knows nobody likes him and says fine, I didn't want them to like me anyway. Margaret tries to reassure him that everyone is just jealous, because Frank is so superior. In this scene, we get a moment of unusual honesty from Frank. He's aware that no one likes him and it bothers him. This comes after Frank leaves for a break after getting upset at Henry taking Hawkeye's side in the O.R. chatter. Honestly, no one wants to hear this, but Frank has a point. Hawkeye can usually say whatever he wants in surgery and he's at the least allowed to do it and at the most rewarded for it. When Frank says things, he's usually told to shut up. The difference isn't always the content of what they're saying or that Hawkeye is right, it's that people like Hawkeye and that he earns a certain amount of leeway by being the best surgeon. This is difficult for Frank to understand and he feels like it's unfair which he's not entirely wrong about.
So after getting, from his perspective, jumped on yet again, Frank sees Trapper isn't working and opens up to him a little bit. He opens the conversation with a stab at genuine gratitude and humility which is extremely rare for Frank. He doesn't quite hit the mark, but he gets pretty close. Frank was genuinely horrified by the mistake he almost made with the kidney and reacted the way he did in the moment because it's very uncomfortable to be publicly called out for such a serious mistake, even if it's deserved. We get a clue later in the conversation as to why he chooses Trapper to open up to, other than simple availability. Frank asks why no one likes him, and says:
Well, we got along fine, for the first two weeks.
Trapper doesn't argue. In fact, he more or less confirms it, by saying that time was wasted. So Trapper and Frank at least peacefully coexisted for the first two weeks. What happened? I suspect the answer is Hawkeye showed up. Frank then says:
But, deep down, there's no real hatred, is there?
And Trapper says:
Deep down? No.
I think Trapper means it, because he's just too tired to lie. I also think it's consistent with their dynamic. Hawkeye and Trapper don't like Frank and they enjoy tormenting him, but there's no real, deep hatred. Frank is a thorn in their side because he's there, but they don't hate him the way they hate the war. They don't want him dead, and while they do enjoy watching him suffer sometimes, they also feel pity for him. Trapper then answers Frank's question: why don't people like him? It's not for any of his crimes, or any of the reasons the fandom usually cites for hating him. It's this:
It's just that you're a joyless person, Frank. 
Which is honestly so much harsher. This is changeable behavior, but it's not something Frank knows how to change. I think being joyless is at the root of a lot of Frank's conservatism; he can tell that the mood dies when he walks into a room, so he huffs that they're all rule-breaking degenerates who are going to hell. This also explains some of his hypocrisy, because being with Margaret is just about the only time he does find joy. There are times Frank tries to join in the fun and his attempts are mocked. Frank is a miserable person to be around, and that's sad. Frank knows it, too. In a rare moment of honesty, he tries to explain it:
I'm from a very strict family. We weren't allowed to talk at meals. We couldn't even hum. Anybody who hummed got a punch in the throat.
Trapper says:
That's terrible.
And it is! In a different moment, Trapper might make a joke. Hawkeye certainly would. But in the weird atmosphere of this sleep-deprived, Trapper just tells the truth. He doesn't say that excuses Frank's behavior, but he acknowledges that it is terrible. Frank then follows with one of the single saddest things I've ever heard:
I think that's why I became a snitch. So I could talk to somebody.
Frank then describes a situation where he didn't snitch on his best friend and felt so guilty about it he ended up snitching on himself, probably snitching on the friend in the process, even possibly losing the friend. Joyless person.
At this point, Trapper is done with this conversation. Trapper has been falling down exhausted the entire time, and now he can barely keep his eyes open. He can't really process what Frank is saying anymore and tells him that. So when he agrees to Frank's request and says:
Friends, Frank. No more hostility. No more hatred. Friends.
At that point, he's saying whatever he thinks will make Frank stop talking and let him sleep. Of course directly following it with:
Now, shut up, Frank, or I'll kill ya.
Is funny. But there isn't any real hostility in it. Trapper is just tired. He'd say something like this to Hawkeye in this situation.
Trapper and Frank have an unusually personal conversation and Trapper says "deep down, I don't hate you, you're just a miserable person to be around."
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innocentimouto · 8 months
Do you support yeagerists and Floch Forster's stance by the end of the series?
Okay so I haven't actually finished the series. Funny story. I found aot on Pinterest because they wouldn't stop showing me freaky pins of titans and Levi Ackerman's face and I thought why. This animation looks so weird, the outline is so thick and what do you mean that's a spoiler everyone knows his last name and why does everyone think he is good looking he looks so depressed---ohhhh
Anyway, we all know how long the anime took, so I read the manga. Then gave up and over time kept coming across panels on Pinterest. So I kind of know the ending but not really. I'm waiting for November.
I'm missing the main big controversial thing here, but I will say I like Floch and Eren a lot. And am really hoping whatever controversial thing is supposed to happen doesn't ruin Eren for me.
I think it also depends on how aot is consumed. I view the anime from the understanding that it poses the question of what really makes a good person good and a bad person bad? Is there such a thing, or are people just complex beings who have to make a mix of both when faced with war and death? What right do people who live normal lives have to judge people who are in war and faced with extinction and loss of homes and safety and families? And sure, there are degrees to horrible things, but at the end of the day, views like these seem dependent on culture, religion, upbringing.
If I were to strictly answer from my own view based on the three mentioned above, I would say no, I could never because it violates the views that I have. But within the anime, I understand their motivations and the dire circumstances they were in and having the whole world against you doesn't leave you many options.
But even trying to ignore my culture/religion/upbringing (if that's really possible), I don't think I could live with myself if I agreed to let the whole world be wiped out. And just like Hange and the others opposing Eren, I don't have a solution.
They were already developing weapons to kill titans. At some point the Rumbling wouldn't be an unstoppable force, especially with the whole world banding together. They tried leaving the world alone and living peacefully. That's what the first king did, and somehow Will Tybur still hated himself despite knowing they were capable of good. Most of the world hated them too because of Marley utilizing titans as weapons and Zeke certainly didn't help by turning others into titans.
So to me, it can come down to two things: admire Floch and Eren for taking on this horrible burden to save their people, or be horrified that someone could be capable of such a thing.
For me, I admire them, because Eren knew it was horrible and Floch was stunned at hearing Eren's plan too, and at the end of the day, they're barely adults. Even if they were adults, they're people. And my understanding from aot, is that even "monsters" are people. They have feelings, loved ones, degrees of kindness and mercy, awareness that what they're doing is hurting others, guilt, moments of doubt, dreams, etc.
I think the idea of calling someone a monster is meant to distance oneself from the idea that you could ever become what they became. It's uncomfortable to look at people do horrible things and then find humanizing things about them, but I think it's important to accept.
Anyway, that's the gist of it I guess. I find it admirable to love your people and loved ones so much you're willing to become a "monster" for them, to face the rest of the world for them. Doesn't mean I support it or didn't feel horrible over watching Ramzi and many others die. I think these feelings can coexist.
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For short fic prompts, maybe Vio and Shadow at a fancy event and they are hiding away somewhere because Vio is being antisocial. Mayhaps it leads to...... kisses 😳
If you wanted to do a modern AU you could have the classic hiding in the bathroom during a house party
i like how i said "short fic," and by no fault of anon, proceeded to crank out 1926 words. my first vidow fic! also on ao3. gotta say, i'd recommend ao3 because they have functional line breaks.
It does strike Vio how bizarre this situation truly is: the same maniac who once personally ordered his execution and nearly destroyed the land of Hyrule, is now sleeping peacefully in his lap. Snoring softly. Contentedly. The guy who once told Vio that he was his first and only friend, the only person he ever trusted, only for Vio to betray him stone-cold and watch him die. That person is currently laying in his lap, defenseless, trusting him to stay.
Read it under the cut:
Shadow feels like an idiot standing around with two glasses. It’s been almost twenty minutes since Vio asked him to get the drinks, and he’s been posted up in the corner of this ridiculously ornate ballroom ever since. 
The ball was Zelda’s idea, an annual event to memorialize the Hero Hyrule lost and celebrate the four (five?) it gained. So naturally, both Vio and Shadow were named guests of honor, and therefore obligated to attend. 
Shadow likes parties enough, despite the awkwardness of it all. It’s only been a few months since everything happened—the four’s decision to stay divided in the sanctuary, Vio’s restoration of the mirror, and Shadow’s resurrection—and for the most part, things are weirdly okay. Most people seem to believe that it was only Vaati and Ganon causing the mass destruction Shadow totally did for them, thank you very much, but he can’t complain when the others cared enough to protect his identity. The only people who know first-hand what Shadow did are Zelda, the four, and the castle knights… but of course rumors spread. Random Hylians must have gotten glances of Shadow atop his dragon, raining fire on the countryside. Shadow wonders if they noticed Vio there, too. 
Anyway, the party isn’t that awkward. All things considered, Shadow’s getting off way too easy for all of the, you know, atrocities. He can handle a few weird looks and rude comments, although resisting the urge to be antagonistic right back is a challenge. Not because the criticism is undeserved, but because Shadow thinks it’s fun to be antagonistic. 
It also doesn’t hurt that Vio is almost always by his side. Despite everything that happened between them, quiet coexistence is surprisingly easy. The living arrangements weren’t even a question when Vio brought Shadow back from the void—it was pretty much a ‘stray cat being brought in from the cold’ kind of deal. Which by the way do not exist in the dark world, and now that he knows cats are a thing, Shadow makes sure to say hello to every single feline he meets. If there was a contest of who could greet, say, twenty cats at the quickest pace, Shadow would easily win that heart piece.
It’s not perfect, though, between him and Vio—they’ve barely discussed the betrayal and fallout, or really anything that happened between them at all prior to Shadow’s death. The first thing Vio said to Shadow after the resurrection was “I’m sorry,” but he has yet to elaborate even months later. 
Shadow channels his apologies into nearly everything he does these days, both around Vio and the rest of Hyrule. The words themselves just haven’t found their moment. Surely someday they will. 
For now, Shadow is perfectly content sharing their tiny cottage at the edge of town, fulfilling their respective duties in the restoration of greater Hyrule. And whether they like it or not, showing up to this ball is one of those duties. And Vio appears to have, for lack of gentler words, totally fucking bailed. 
Beverages still in hand, Shadow straightens from his leaning position against the wall and scans the ballroom for an exit. He recalls which particular doorway leads deeper into the castle from a, uh, very different visit to this location, and makes a beeline through the crowd. 
It shouldn’t be too hard to track Vio down. After all, Shadow’s had plenty of practice. 
Vio found the castle library about twenty minutes ago, but you could have fooled him. 
Usually, lacking the Hero’s memories is a burden in Vio’s practical life—but in instances like this, it’s magical. Surely the Hero stepped foot inside this library before his dissolution, but Vio is seeing it for the very first time. The world could be on fire right now and he wouldn’t notice. In fact, a little warmth would be rather cozy as he sinks his teeth into these heavy historical volumes.  
“I should have guessed,” a voice says from the doorframe. Vio glances up from the first book he grabbed—The Legend of Groose, whoever that is—and grimaces at the person he sees. 
“Shit,” Vio says, shutting the book in his lap. “I found the bathroom, I swear, but then on the way back I just… got a little distracted.” 
Vio still isn’t quite sure what to expect from Shadow in terms of emotional response. It’s clear that Shadow has been putting a lot of work into his own stability, but still… Vio tries to be careful. He would try to elaborate on this cautionary urge, but something always holds him back—the same thing that holds him back from discussing most urges related to Shadow. 
Luckily, in this instance at least, Shadow doesn’t appear to be upset. He places one glass on the table beside the couch and clutches the other as he plops down beside Vio. 
“Careful around the books,” Vio lectures, taking a sip from his glass. “Is this… not root beer?” 
“Apparently they’re out since we, y’know, pillaged the place, so I had to settle for wine instead.” 
Vio gives Shadow a small smile and drinks again. “Probably not the most morally upright thing to hoard our supply, given how it was acquired, but I just can’t bring myself to return it.”
“Cheers to that,” Shadow says, raising his glass. “We almost successfully took over the world, and all we got was a dumb cellar full of evil root beer.” 
They say cheers and it’s not the first time. Vio wonders if Shadow’s experiencing the same deja vu. If he is, he doesn’t show it. 
“You’re in a good mood,” Vio observes, shifting towards the end of the couch to give Shadow more space to spread out. If there’s one thing about Shadow, it’s that he will drape himself onto any surface in the most dramatic, ridiculous way possible. 
“What can I say?” Shadow shrugs, contorting his body in a way that cannot possibly be comfortable. “Parties are fun. Although I’m gathering, not your thing.” 
“I’m still figuring out what my ‘things’ are, honestly. I’ve only really existed as me for half a year.”
“So does that make you a baby?” Shadow teases, flicking Vio’s hat. From the start, Shadow has always seemed perfectly comfortable invading Vio’s personal space. What once felt startling (but not unwelcome) is now just the norm. “Probably should be taking that wine from you, then, junior.” 
Vio holds his glass out of Shadow’s reach. “No take. My wine.”
“Wow, now you’re even talking like a baby. How the mightily pretentious have fallen.”
“Seems like you’ve taken my place, with a phrase like “how the mightily pretentious have fallen,’” Vio quips, opening his book up again. 
Shadow takes the cue, leaning back and elevating his legs on the coffee table. His boots make a loud thump against the wood.
Since the split, Vio has noticed that each iteration of the hero has developed their own personal style. For Shadow, that includes heavy lace-up boots that take him fifteen minutes to unequip every. single. time. For Blue, it was a buzz cut. Red and Green are using new pronouns. Vio is by far the least inspired, but he is growing out his hair. It’s finally long enough to put in a little ponytail when he reads… although his bangs still get in the way. 
It’s fine, though, right now. Vio’s mind refuses to stick to the page. Instead, he struggles to understand why in the world Shadow would abandon a fancy ball to lounge silently beside him as he fake-reads dusty old books. 
Time passes; maybe not for Vio, but he can tell it’s wearing on Shadow. His yawn is so indescribably pleasant, and yet again Vio wonders why the hell he would even think something like that. It’s a yawn. He didn’t even get to see Shadow’s crinkled nose and biiiig stretch and fascinatingly monstrous teeth as it happened— 
Vio puts down the wine. 
“You can go back, you know,” he tells Shadow gently, mustering a reassuring smile. 
“I don’t need to,” Shadow says, eyelids drooping almost cartoonishly. “We did the guest of honor stuff at the banquet already, and besides, wine apparently makes me sleepy.” 
“We could go home,” Vio begins, but then groans. “No, we can’t, because of the—” 
“Wine, yep, not very safe to travel without our wits about us. Who knows what kind of strange encounters we could have in the woods.” 
Vio chuckles and Shadow does a weak fist-pump in the air. 
“Uh, you good?” 
“I made you laugh. Scooore.” 
Vio cocks his head. “You make me laugh all the time.”
“I know, but you usually try to hide it.” 
He’s not wrong. 
“I’m sorry,” Vio says, and he isn’t sure why. 
“I know,” Shadow replies, his eyes drooping shut. “You told me that already, when you brought me back to life.” 
“Yeah, but I just… yeah.”
Shadow yawns again, and Vio’s brain struggles to find the words and wisdom he so desperately needs.
“Don’t stress yourself out,” Shadow says. He can’t even see Vio’s face, but he can just tell how he’s feeling. Hasn’t he always, though? “We have all the time in the world to figure this out.” 
Shadow’s serene expression makes something happen in Vio’s chest, because what he says is so simple yet so true. And Vio feels hopeful about this, whatever this is, in a way that’s terrified him since he first encountered Shadow in those woods. 
“Read your books, nerd,” Shadow murmurs. “I’mma just take a little nap.” 
“Don’t go anywhere, though.” 
“I won’t.” 
And Shadow dozes off, and Vio is finally able to read, and everything is calm and normal until gravity does its work and Shadow’s precarious juxtaposition fails to support his limp, sleeping body. 
In other words, his head falls right into Vio’s lap. 
Gingerly, Vio lifts Shadow’s head and slides a pillow beneath it. He doesn’t, however, even attempt to change his position. Shadow’s unpredictable, Vio reminds himself; who knows how he’d react to a rude awakening? 
It does strike Vio how bizarre this situation truly is: the same maniac who once personally ordered his execution and nearly destroyed the land of Hyrule, is now sleeping peacefully in his lap. Snoring softly. Contentedly. The guy who once told Vio that he was his first and only friend, the only person he ever trusted, only for Vio to betray him stone-cold and watch him die. That person is currently laying in his lap, defenseless, trusting him to stay. 
He does his best to focus on the historical volume, but Vio finds himself absently running a hand through Shadow’s hair. He’s always meant to ask about the purple, actually—does he dye it? Probably not, given the lack of blonde roots. 
Vio is… oddly comforted by that. He likes that Shadow isn’t nearly identical to the Hero, like the others and Vio used to be. Really, the more time passes, the less they resemble each other, or him, at all. 
Should he be touching Shadow like this? How’d he even end up stroking his hair in the first place? Why didn’t he just move Shadow’s stupid head off of his stupid lap back when the stupid idiot fell into it?
Shadow sneezes in his sleep, an objectively scientifically adorable event, and Vio’s eyes go wide. Because of a sneeze.
For once, Vio doesn’t overthink it. He sets aside his book, pushes the hair out of Shadow’s face, and plants a kiss on his forehead.
He can’t know for certain, but he thinks he sees a smile. 
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randomnameless · 26 days
"#IDK IF THOSE 10K YEARS OF LORE WERE EVEN GOING TO BE CONSISTENT" I feel like the 10k lore (if it even exists‚ cause I feel like at that point they would have sold it already) at the very least‚ a single event happen at Year X then a huge time jump to Year Y for event Z with maybe a little bit of background explanation then repeat until 10k. I also think that I would have the reaction‚ "Okay but none of this is important to the games." At most it would affect the Agarthans‚ but they are so(1/2)
evil that it would feel like you're forcing sympathies when the games barely show reasons to give them. There's also the Nabateans‚ but I don't really know what could be said to expand upon them (maybe why two saints decide to live alone and in non-human form). Anyways‚ any reveals you would want to show up in the 10k lore (‚ and any that don't conflict with the setting's love for Grey tea)? (2/2)
Yeah, I think so too, we wouldn't have something as detailed as "-10000 Sothis creates the world but then still explores the infinite space ; -9987 Sothis' spaceship crashes in this new world she created, -9980 Sothis says hello to the inhabitants living there" etc etc.
IIRC the other timelines also have huge gaps like what you suggest, even if they don't cover 10k years lol
As for what I'd have prefered...
Well, it's no surprise I'm a sucker for WoH events, but I guess even some "-1400 Nabateans start visiting other places than the continent where Zanado is" could have been nice, or even some sort of rough draft of how events happened regarding Agarthans, we know from word of God they were salty about Sothis and her kin having power but at one time they were sharing tech at least peacefully, until the Agarthans started to nuke other lands and, in time, tried to nuke Sothis herself.
Also, maybe more intel about what Fodlan was like before Willy and Seiros created Adrestia and started the WoH.
However, I disagree, even the random "-9874 Sothis brings a lamp to the first humans she sees" is, relevant to the game because we have two factions (and a clown) drastically opposed to the idea that Sothis and humans/people could/can coexist in Fodlan. In that sense, unless they only reveal events like big eruptions or flood or whatnot, intel depicting Sothis/her kids as not tyrannical ovelords who are colonising people or whatever was being said in a certain discord is bound to cause friction with those two major factions - no one gives a fig about Agarthans bar some very devoted people, but Supreme Leader? What would happen to "You are a Nabatean you cannot rule over Humans" if the 10k years of lore reveal that humans, under Sothis' guidance, thrived and lived peacefully until Agarthan salt became too salty and was used to create missiles?
Nonetheless, I'd like to have some intel on how the "first" Nabatean-Agarthan war happened and ended, if Sothis "healing" the land meant she also re-created "humans" at the end of this conflict (like Raphael ?) or if Agarthans call beast the "humans" who sided with Nabateans in this war, and the setting of the War of Heroes, why Seiros'n'Willy took 14 years after declaring the war to fight in Gronder, why did it take so long, how that happened, how Cichol'n'co joined, if other Nabateans were part of the war effort, etc etc.
lbr i just want to know how many times Rhea had to fake her death and how many wigs she pulled off from 100 to 1180 with no one noticing that she's the same person
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lingshanhermit · 2 months
Lingshan Hermit: You Can Never Be Born Before Your Father
Are you sure there is reincarnation? Are you sure you are reincarnating? Do you believe you could be reborn as an ant or a goat in your next life? You don't need to answer me, only answer yourself. If your answers are all yes, then you lack renunciation.
I have always believed that renunciation is the natural attitude you will have after truly understanding reincarnation. I'm certainly not referring to theoretical understanding—the kind you get from books. If you want to remain in reincarnation and improve, it's because you don't understand how terrible the place you're in is.
If someone told you the house you live in used to have a murder and is now haunted every day, you would certainly immediately develop renunciation because you understood how awful it is.
I often ask Buddhist practitioners, "Are you sure you are reincarnating? Do you believe you could be reborn as an anteater that eats only ants every day?" Most people I ask this do not admit to not believing in reincarnation. (Perhaps they themselves don't know they don't believe.) They think they are Buddhists, and for a Buddhist to admit not believing in reincarnation is embarrassing. It would directly impact their legitimacy as Buddhists, like a Communist saying they don't believe in Communism.
When you read books, you may feel reincarnation is terrible, but you rarely think it's something that could happen to you. When you close the book and leave the room, stretching, you return to real life where there is no hell. You can't see the hungry ghost realm either. Reincarnation seems so distant. Even death seems distant. You can discuss reincarnation with many people, but you don't really believe in it. This kind of reincarnation cannot help you.
But if you truly understand reincarnation, you would absolutely not want to remain here. Basically, when you don't believe in reincarnation, renunciation will be far from you. As pessimistic as it sounds, it is true—most Buddhists do not believe in reincarnation but are too embarrassed to admit it.
If you had to spend just ten seconds in hell, you would develop tremendously strong renunciation. The Buddhist patriarchs said: you cannot bear even a spark landing on your hand, how could you possibly endure the fires of hell?
Do you believe in reincarnation? Do you believe you are reincarnating? If you are certain you believe these two points, you could not fail to have renunciation. If the police were coming to arrest you soon for a crime, you would try all means to pull strings to escape. What to speak of hell.
I cannot understand how many who claim to believe in reincarnation are happy pursuing worldly trifles. They even have time to steal vegetables. I am sure they are not liberated—which means if they died now, they would have to continue reincarnating through all six realms, including being hunted and eaten by larger animals, being in flames over a million degrees, being cut into pieces and sold at Walmart, being chased by leopards. This is far more terrifying than prison. These are things that will definitely happen if you are not liberated.
So either you don't believe in reincarnation, or you are already liberated. Otherwise you would not be so relaxed while facing imminent hell. My conclusion is that (the ones I've seen) these Buddhists don't believe in reincarnation. Otherwise, there's no reason not to be panicking.
When you truly confirm reincarnation exists, that is the beginning of developing renunciation. At that point, you will start doing something about it—which is spiritual practice. If you don't understand reincarnation, you will try to have a better life in this world. That shows you don't understand reincarnation, so you are trying to coexist peacefully with it. If you understood it, you would not have such an aspiration. Someone who doesn't understand reincarnation will try to accumulate wealth, not realizing they accumulated far more wealth than this lifetime many times over in past lives, and that also could not help them escape reincarnation. Now they are still poor. Whatever you have now, you had a million or more times before. Whatever you don't have now, you had before. None of those past possessions stayed with you—only the karmas you created to get them keep ripening and causing you suffering.
When you understand reincarnation in more detail, you will develop bodhicitta, realizing all beings have been your mother at least once before. You have an unavoidable responsibility—can you ignore them? You cannot. You must take responsibility for their liberation. That is bodhicitta.
I notice some Buddhists feel discussing reincarnation is low level. They always try to steer the conversation to Chan Buddhism or topics like emptiness or tathāgatagarbha. But I feel before we discuss these, renunciation is the best topic for our current stage. And renunciation and reincarnation/emptiness are not unrelated. It is precisely because we are empty that we can reincarnate. If you were not empty, how could you become an insect? If you were not empty, you could not become a buddha. If you were as you define yourself, you could never change. Reincarnation and emptiness are inseparable.
Someone told me they lack renunciation but have strong bodhicitta. That sounds like saying: "Although I don't have parents, I was still born." I don't easily believe someone unwilling to escape prison themselves would want to lead others out. Bodhicitta always comes after developing renunciation. You can never be born before your father.
Originally posted on August 10, 2010.
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