#anemone fish
snototter · 10 months
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An orange skunk clownfish (Amphiprion sandaracinos) in Bohol, Philippines
by François Libert
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maoyeamh · 1 year
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captain-mako · 2 months
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Fish-uary Days 19, 20, and 21: Arctic (Harbor Seal), Indian (Chagos Anemone Fish), and Atlantic Oceans (Atlantic Flyingfish)
I imagine these three to be royalty of the sea, along with Deep Blue for the Pacific Ocean. The one in the middle is actually the design I made for the dwarf planet Sedna, as she was named after the Inuit mother of the sea of the same name.
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Fish-uary Days 22 and 23: Favorite (Flapjack Octopus) and Bioluminescence (Firefly Squid)
The Dumbo Octopus here is named Norbu, based on the squishmallow plushie I own of the same name.
I don't have the energy to finish Fish-uary at the moment. I might finish the challenge in March, but don't hold your breath on it. I don't like making promises as I'm not exactly one to keep ones like that. I will be making art, but I like to draw what I want.
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pochqmqri · 7 months
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Orange clownfish at Hastings Reef of the Great Barrier Reef
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nowlander · 7 months
So I'm reading about anemone fish and l'd swear they were made up by AO3 writers
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frosthexe · 7 months
Mutualism - tiamatv, xfancyfranart - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
Dean's a mer-dude (shut up, Sam, that's totally a word) who lives on the edge of the reef, far away from the mer-colony. He's not lonely: the hunting's better, he doesn't end up confused by anyone else's echolocating song, and he's got the cutest little clutch of clownfish as watch-fish for his ledge.
And he's got Cas. Who might not be a mer, but he's something even better: a cecaelia, with eight clever octopus legs and an obsession with making sure that Dean gets to try all the treats the reef can offer.
(Dean pays him back by teaching him to kiss. Cas never fails to collect.)
Bobby claims that cecaelias don't mate. That they don't bond. That they don't form families. But that old sand dollar can mind his own business: Cas and Dean are just having a good time and clouding up the water together, after all.
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neetagardner · 1 year
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spacewat3r · 3 months
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Clownfish and an anemone for fishuary day 10!!!!!
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herpsandbirds · 5 months
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Magnificent Anemone (Heteractis magnifica), family Stichodactylidae, East Timor
with Pink Anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion), family Pomacentridae
photograph by Nick Hobgood
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beautyunderthewaves · 6 months
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Ernest Ojeh
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heartnosekid · 2 months
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clownfish swimming through bleached anemones | jonoallenphotography on ig
if you have a moment and are mentally able, please read the text accompanying the original instagram post, located at the source link above, and this short article by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. if not, please just share it around. it's true this video is strikingly beautiful, but the truth behind it is, in my opinion, necessary for everyone to know.
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pacifyai · 1 month
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cut off some doodles from old kinito expression practice,,, i always forget that sam's a sea anemone and probably has clownfish hiding in his tentacles all the time
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clnclm · 7 months
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pochqmqri · 10 months
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Clark's anemonefish at Hastings Reef of the Great Barrier Reef
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xxx-stim-xxx · 7 months
Oceanlife for @rnbpostings
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🦈.🦈.🦈 - 🌅.🌅.🌅 - 🐬.🐬.🐬
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vestaignis · 5 months
 Невероятно притягательный фарфоровый краб.
Incredibly attractive porcelain crab.
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АНЕМОНОВЫЙ ФАРФОРОВЫЙ КРАБ (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai, Neopetrolisthes maculatus) или фарфоровый пятнистый краб.
Данный вид краба имеет неболь­ш­ие размеры около 2. 5 см.Что касается его названия, то на этот счет существует две версии. Первая гласит, что фарфоровыми крабами их назвали потому, что они чрезвычайно хрупкие, а такие части тела, как ноги и клешни, легко отламываются.Вторая указывает на белый цвет тела и конечностей краба, которые напоминают фарфор.
Анемоновый фарфоровый краб относится к организмам – фильтрат­­орам, он поглощает планктон из воды. Эти крабы территориаль­­ные хищники. Они об­ы­чно встречаются па­ра­ми среди актиний.Данный вид крабов пр­оявл­яет агрессивные дейс­твия по отноше­нию к другим видам ракообр­азных, сопост­авимых по размерам тела, но не атакует более кр­упных особей. Анемон­овые фарфор­овые крабы защищают свою терр­иторию так­же от рыб, которые появляются среди акти­ний в поис­ках пищи. Обычно рыбы – клоуны плавают стаями и, хотя они не очень аг­рессивные, анемоновые крабы нап­адают на конкурентов. 
Анемоновый фарфоровый краб распространяе­­тся по побережью Ти­х­ого и Индийского оке­анов. Краб обитает в сим­­биозе с актинией, он держится или на ка­м­енистом субстрате, или среди щупалец ане­мона, который зах­ват­ывает мелкую рыб­у, червей, рачков. Хотя этот вид крабов присп­особ­ился обитать и без анемона- среди ка­мней и кораллов.
ANEMONE PORCELAIN CRAB (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai, Neopetrolisthes maculatus) or porcelain spotted crab. This type of crab has a small size of about 2.5 cm. As for its name, there are two versions on this matter. The first says that they were named porcelain crabs because they are extremely fragile, and body parts such as legs and claws break off easily. The second indicates the white color of the crab's body and limbs, which resemble porcelain.
The anemone porcelain crab is a filter feeder; it absorbs plankton from the water. These crabs are territorial predators. They are usually found in pairs among sea anemones. This type of crab exhibits aggressive actions towards other species of crustaceans of comparable body size, but does not attack larger individuals. Anemone porcelain crabs also defend their territory from fish that appear among the sea anemones in search of food. Typically, clownfish swim in schools and, although they are not very aggressive, anemone crabs attack competitors.
The anemone porcelain crab is distributed along the coast of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The crab lives in symbiosis with sea anemone; it rests either on a rocky substrate or among the tentacles of an anemone, which captures small fish, worms, and crustaceans. Although this type of crab has adapted to live without anemone, among stones and corals.
/seaunseen.com/porcelain-anemone-crab/, /animalreader.ru/anemonovyj-farforovyj-krab-foto.html,
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