#anti germ
atopvisenyashill · 1 year
annoying to already see people discoursing about this “meleys the traitor” scene.
greens will say, pretending to care about the smallfolk, that they have a right to be mad about the attack on Aegon’s coronation because of the collateral damage to the smallfolk, which, fair enough, however stupid I may feel that scene was, it did do some unnecessary damage to the smallfolk of king’s landing.
if the scene is uncritically people buying into otto’s propoganda, it’s not only stupid it’s also an annoying departure from the books and a continuation of got writers (first d&d now condal and hess) treating the smallfolk as if they’re stupid which they are not. Look at the actual text of F&B:
Eight hundred knights and squires and common men lost their lives that day as well. Another hundred perished not long after, when Prince Aemond and Ser Criston Cole took Rook’s Rest and put its garrison to death. Lord Staunton’s head was carried back to King’s Landing and mounted above the Old Gate…but it was the head of the dragon Meleys, drawn through the city on a cart, that awed the crowds of smallfolk into silence. Septon Eustace tells us that thousands left King’s Landing afterward, until the Dowager Queen Alicent ordered the city gates closed and barred.
Yes, in both the books and the show, the Greens managing to kill Meleys the Red Queen and Rhaenys the Queen That Never Was is a big victory for them and of course Otto is going to turn it into a propaganda moment. It's even understandable that some of the smallfolk would turn on Rhaenys (in the show only) after her (stupidly written) stunt at the coronation. But those last two lines are crucial because it shows us what the smallfolk are really thinking as the Dance kicks off - "If the Greens are willing to disrespect even the nobility after their death, if they are willing to parade around the head of one of their great, terrifying, beloved, and respected dragons, treat Meleys the Red Queen like she's nothing but game hunted for sport...seven hells what are these people going to do to the rest of us nobodies?"
And that is why, if the show takes the route of erasing how terrified the smallfolk are after the Battle of the Rook's Rest, it's a complete disservice to the smallfolk just to have them buy Otto's propaganda hook line and sinker. They are not stupid, and when they realize very early on in the Dance just how awful and violet this conflict is going to get, they attempt to leave for safety and it's only Alicent locking them into King's Landing like lambs to the slaughter that stops the exodus from King's Landing.
Cutting that scene takes away not just the perceptiveness of the smallfolk of King's Landing to make the Greens look better, it also takes away one of the crucial moments that leads to the Storming of the Dragon Pit; after realizing that dragons can be killed by regular humans and not just dragonriders because they are forced to look at Meleys' severed head, then locked into a city that gets progressively more dangerous, with dragons that are getting increasingly more aggravated because of the continued violence of the Dance, the smallfolk take the only course of action they feel they have left to them and that's to rise up and massacre the dragons in the pit in a vain and violent attempt to protect themselves from the endless slaughter that the Greens forced them to live through.
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catofoldstones · 8 months
My point is that the ice and fire in a song of ice and fire are literally the ice and fire powerhouses re the white walkers and the Targaryens (and stannis & the fire lord etc), and they’re both the villains. Goodbye.
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
dedicated to my absolute storm of a day today
Today was one of those days where nothing stopped.
For the first time ever, all three of Steve and Eddie’s daughters are in different schools - Moe a freshman in high school, Robbie a sixth-grader at the middle school, and Hazel still at the elementary school in fourth grade, so their morning is non-stop from when Moe has to be up if she’s gonna get out the door in time to make the school bus (which is 5:30, meaning that Steve and Ed need to be up at 5:30 to make sure that she’s up at 5:30) all the way to when Hazel gets on her own bus at 7:45.
Most of the time, Hazel’s bus pulling away leads to a brief moment of respite for Steve and Eddie before their own days have to continue, just enough time for them to take a breather and spend a second together just the two of them and maybe make out against the kitchen counter like they’re twenty-six and had just started dating instead of nearly fifty and married for over a decade.
That day, though, Steve has a client for a therapy session at 8am (the first for a day of back-to-back-to-back sessions), so he’s out the door even before Robbie is on her bus, and then Eddie has to drive into Boston for a meeting about his book that he’s trying to get made into a movie (an animation of some kind, he’s thinking, stop-motion ideally like Coraline or Nightmare Before Christmas), and while he’s on his way back home, he gets a call from the elementary school that Hazel is sick and needs to be picked up (goddamn flu season), and by the time he picks her up and brings her home, Moe is out of school needing a ride to her club basketball practice, and Steve’s work day wraps up just in time to get Robbie to her violin lesson (he picks Moe up from basketball on their way back), and even once they’re all home again, it’s still a whirlwind of getting dinner on the table while making sure all the girls get their homework done and instruments practiced, and keeping an eye on Hazel who is either “sick” or “not sick” when it serves her to be so (she’s sick when homework time begins, not so sick anymore when the baskets of Halloween candy are brought out of their hiding spot as a treat after dinner), before they’re getting Hazel and Robbie corralled upstairs for bedtime and making sure Moe is making her own progress in that regard, and then once the girls are all tucked soundly into bed for the night, Steve and Eddie still have to clean up the kitchen and prep for the next day’s mayhem and get themselves ready for bed, and in the end, it’s not until Eddie is sliding into bed beside Steve that they’re to exchange anything more than a glance.
“Thought about you all day today, Stevie,” Eddie says with a grin as he tugs him in close.
Steve hums his agreement, shuffling until he’s sitting in the space between Eddie’s legs, his back against his husband’s chest.
“How was the meeting?” he asks him.
“Doesn’t matter,” Ed shakes his head, “Ask me tomorrow. Just hold me.”
“You’re holding me.”
“Shut up.”
Ed wraps his arms around Steve’s middle, slipping a hand underneath his t-shirt to splay over his stomach.
Steve tips his head back against Eddie’s shoulder, relishing in the way Eddie is holding him – his grip just firm enough to feel secure and safe, tight in a covetous way, a way that says that Steve is his.
Steve likes being Eddie’s. Something about it has his heart swooping even all these years later.
The love between him and Eddie is the old kind of love now. Not old as in old news, but old as in worn-in and reliable and familiar and comfortable. It’s the kind of love he’d been aching for when he was younger, the kind of love that has him knowing exactly why it didn’t work out with all the other people he’d dated before.
“I love you so damn much, Stevie,” Eddie tells him, ”I’m just as obsessed with you today as I was twenty years ago.”
“I know – crazy, right?”
Eddie shakes his head again, “Inevitable. Just wanted to say it before it slipped through the cracks.”
Steve nods, but doesn’t say anything more, content to bask in a rare moment of peace and quiet with Eddie – his husband, his person, the love of his life.
Eddie presses a kiss to the side of his neck, blunt nails idling dragging back and forth over Steve’s soft stomach. 
The moment is fleeting, as they tend to be these days, because Hazel calls for them from her bedroom saying that her tummy hurts.
Steve groans and moves to get up, but Eddie tightens his arms around Steve.
“She’ll be fine. Nine is definitely old enough to learn how to puke and rally.”
“Definitely,” Steve agrees as he pulls himself out of Eddie’s hold.
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5-7-9 · 4 months
sometimes I find it funny when cesthippers make hcs of Bruce with his kids but they end up sounding relatively familial as hell
Bro who’s gonna tell them that’s how comfortable families are like
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"FReE bLoCk lIsT iN tHe tAgS!!"
"FrEe bLocK lIsT in tHe RebLoGs!!" Is just so fucking funny to me when it's coming from a TERF. Like, yes, block me, tf, idaf, you don't need to let us know you're going to block us.
You honestly think that being blocked by a crazy anti-feminist attempting to disguise bigotry as feminism by utilizing her sex as a weapon that teams up with Nazi's blocking me is going to hurt my feelings?
I'm trying to sit here and read through intellectual discussions between people who aren't fucking stupid and you dumb chucklefucks just can't seem to stop commenting about your block lists as if anyone but yourselves gives a single flying fuck!
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omens-augury · 5 months
Wore a mask today that apparently had ripped in the nose, which i found out 2.5 hours after clocking in when i went to the BATHROOM and saw it (the hole) in the mirror. To make things better, all of my coworkers (who do not wear masks) are sniffly and coughy,,YUCK!!!!
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will80sbyers · 1 year
putting carpet on the pavement in any place should be illegal
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aryanightshade · 2 years
The Dive
“Steve!” Eddie screams as Steve is yanked away from him, beneath the surface of the frothing water. “No, no, no! Steve! No!” He turns to Nancy, eyes wild with panic. “What the hell was that, man?” He screams the question to her, to Dustin, to the people who always know what’s happening, even though he knows, too, deep down.  
Even though he knows.
“Steve!” Nancy doesn’t listen, doesn’t look at him, and barely manages to catch Dustin as he leans over the side so aggressively it nearly tips them into that black, icy water.
Eddie stares desperately down at the water, and nothing but his ghostly reflection looks back at him, rippling in the scant moonlight, distorting his face and turning it into something monstrous and unfamiliar. His heart throbs fast and metallic in his mouth as he prays for Steve to resurface.
Knowing he won’t.
Knowing, deep in his marrow, with human instincts left over from being prey to bigger, badder things millennium ago, that Vecna has him, down there on the bottom. Drowning him, choking the air from his lungs, stilling those strong hands and closing those beautiful hazel eyes forever.
No, no, no.
Dustin lets out a plaintive, wordless wail of fear, and that is finally enough to shock Eddie out of his daze.
No, Vecna doesn’t get to have Steve too. Not when he’s already taken so much and threatened so many. Not when Steve has already survived so many things that have tried to kill him.
Vecna doesn’t get to take Steve too.
Without thought, Eddie lunges to his feet, wobbling as their boat nearly capsizes, and hurls himself gracelessly into the water. Nancy and Dustin’s shouts of fear follow him down as the lake closes over his head, snapping shut like a bear trap. It bites into him with razor teeth made of ice, ribboning his skin and making his fingers and toes go numb almost immediately.
He claws through the water, fighting as buoyancy tries to haul him back to the surface, squinting though the lake muck and bubbles, searching desperately for any sign of where Steve might have been dragged to. Hoping for a sign of life, of movement that he can follow, that he can find him before it’s too late—
A light summons him from the floor of the lake, and Eddie dives towards it, lungs burning as his air begins to run out. Please, please-
Read on Ao3
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poorlittlevampire · 9 months
sigh tho i love cryptids and legends and mythological beings and why do the science losers always have to try and disprove them. why can’t we just have them. why do u need to prove whether or not nessie is real. it’s so boring
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Had a fun time on my friend's mother's fb page today.
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It contains Vitamin E, which can preserve the first two layers of skin. It creates a protective barrier on the skin, and its humectant properties keep moisture on the first layer of skin. It has been used to treat dry skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Furthermore, it has antibacterial properties that protect the skin from various infections and germs. Organic Jojoba Oil is incredibly moisturizing, penetrating deep into the scalp and revitalizing dry tissues. It is also a humectant, which means it may provide moisture to the scalp from any source. It keeps the scalp nourished, which minimizes dandruff. It also has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to avoid scalp infections and redness.
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mytoptips · 4 months
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scoop16 · 4 months
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arcadeofghosts · 5 months
" #scout look ! " " what i'm right here " 👁👄👁
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khadiorganique · 11 months
Khadi Organique Hand wash is purely antibacterial, which kills germs and microbes at single wash. This hand wash is purely derived with natural herbal extracts, which gives fresh aroma as well as keep your skin so soft. . Shop Now! 🛒 https://bit.ly/3OdNTPe
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mtmedications · 1 year
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