#anti median
So, we've seen a lot of people flaming fictives/introjects from things like Harry Potter, Twilight, DSMP, that kind of thing and we wanted to make this post.
With most of those posts, we've seen a lot of comments saying "they need to source separate" but if it's from a nonproblematic source that's not being said. Here's the thing. If an alter feels comfortable source separating, then that's one thing. We have about 4 alters from the Harry Potter franchise because we were absorbed in it when a lot of trauma happened.
None of us feel comfortable source separating. Some of us, like the fictive of Regulus Black, don't feel entirely connected to source. But notice, he hasn't changed his name. He doesn't PLAN on changing his name because while he is distant, he still feels ties. Do any of us support JKR? Hell no. We hate her with a burning passion.
Does that mean we refuse to do something like read fanfiction of HP? No, we write it because it helps Regulus process trauma, both source and his own, it helps others realize stuff will get better.
And gods forbid someone has a "cringe" source. We have a fictive from Twilight. She's pretty source connected because, well, she's source connected and wants to be. That doesn't mean your evil for being source disconnected.
We've got an introject of DanTDM, specifically his earlier videos. Does Dan (ours, we'll refer to the actual as DanTDM) enjoy watching those because it reminds him of his past? Yeah. But while he recognizes that he's from DanTDM, he doesn't feel he is him fully. He's his own person and that's okay.
Basically the point of this which we kinda missed. An introject does not reflect their source. It is not fair to demand that because an introjects source/creator is toxic that they source separate. Your being cruel and horrible for no reason that way.
We're well aware of the fact that we might lose followers, and if we do, then we don't want you here.
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cosmossystem · 25 days
can pro-endo and/or pro-ship blogs interact with this post or follow us or send asks or something? weve been dealing with right-wingers & medicalists in our notes for like a week now and its been a bad time. and also we wanna make more mutuals on this blog <3
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i’m actually SO mad i think i deleted my post instead of posting it 😭😭😭
i had an anon ask what i did when questioning if i’m a system since they believe they might be. i’m so sorry for accidentally deleting your ask, i hope you see this!
basically i knew from therapy that i had some “identity fragmenting” due to trauma-caused dissociation (even though i kept trying to insist i wasn’t plural 😭) i knew i wasn’t a full-fledged system like my friends with DID, but things weren’t like how they were before. all i had for my google searches was then “trauma dissociation identity fragmenting help” 😭
then i found pluralpedia and looked through a bunch of random pages/terms until i found median and i was like GUYS!! THEY WROTE THIS ABOUT US!!!!
from there i had a better keyword for research. obviously don’t use tumblr as a dsm-5 and take everything online with a grain of salt, but hearing experiences and advice from others really helped. this is something more specific to me but i also researched the theory of structural dissociation to help me better understand things:
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as for personal experience, i can’t share too much of that but i was very generously given advice/experience similar to mine here!:
i know this stuff can be really scary and overwhelming, take things as slow as you need to! it’s not a race and everyone’s experience really is different. it was super brave and cool of you to submit an ask, and i wish you luck in figuring things out. take care!!
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belinhagamer999 · 11 months
Plural headspace flags
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1: Whitvoidspace is a headspace that's an infinite white void only
2: Blacvoidspace is a headspace that's an infinite black void only
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finnslay · 4 months
Can someone tell us what endo means please?
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mybrotherinchrist7 · 7 hours
now, the age old question: am I nonhuman, or are my kins fragments that co-con sometimes and that's why I don't feel like my kins all the time???? ;-;
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xqueerneurosisx · 1 year
Hey y’all this is my opinion from what I have seen, so like don’t fucking take it on if it already doesn’t apply, but I need to say this, because I feel like nobody else is going to:
It doesn’t matter what you feel about Endogenic anything at all, this has got to be the most hostile environment for questioning/unsure, and median systems that I have ever seen in my life!! Y’all have got to do better
And I swear to Odin himself, if I see one fucker come up to this post with some “uhm well we HAVE to be hostile because the fakey fakers out here-“ Shut the fuck up. I don’t want your solutions. I’m not here to be hostile to people that very well could be part of my own fucking community thanks! I’m here to stand up for them.
Anyway This blog is safe for questioning/unsure systems and median systems. I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone says fake claiming doesn’t help matters, so I’m just not going to do it.
If that makes me an “ewie icky endo supporter,” to some of y’all, then fuck off. I don’t need your permission or your say. I’m here for the systems y’all assholes are leaving out in the cold with your bullshit.
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median-culture-is · 9 months
so anyway, we're a traumaendo system so go fuck yourself.
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ascoid-goes-crazy · 6 months
so we are ascoid aka achsys aka achi. we collectively go by ey/it pronouns. bodily an adult. also autistic. too silly for the world, truly.
DNI IF: transid, anti-endo, anti-neopronouns, pedophile, racist, ableist, anti-palestine, homophobic, transphobic, against good faith identities, other basic dni shit. the like. also dont bring syscourse on here unless we bring it first (probs wont lolol).
abt us:
we r a monocon mediple system of over 120[?!] i think. keeping track is Very difficult. possibly nebugenic but really its up in the air at this point. made our syscovery a few years ago and have been confused ever since lolol
no frequent fronters, unfortunately we do not get that privilege. good luck remembering whos who [also directed at ourselves]
we Do have a core self we call BASE, which kinda holds all our collective genders and sexualities and 'kintypes n such. so if ur not sure just use a collective name or BASE tee hee
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www-sys-net · 8 months
Anyways here's yalls unfriendly reminder that despite how fucking stupid the proship/antiship discourse is, I would still entirely be on the side of pro!
Curate your own fucking internet experience. I do not care if I somehow trigger you because it's not my responsibility to cater to every single person on the internet.
Especially when the term "trigger" is being used so loosely. 7/10 times you're just uncomfortable, not triggered. A lot of you all are so engrossed in online spaces that it's degraded your knowledge of actual issues.
And that's entirely fine. Nobody should ever force you to interact with content that makes you uncomfortable or that could harm you.
But your trauma or your discomforts are your own. They're not mine. And hopefully, they never will be. I can only hope that you can get the help you need to move forward instead of wallowing in self pity because it makes people feel bad for you.
Blocking is a right that you have. Nobody should be telling you that blocking people makes you weak or that you've somehow lost some fight or argument for keeping yourself safe as best as you can.
But when it comes to it, that's that. You can't impose anything on anyone else because you dislike it or because it makes you uncomfortable.
Also, if you're going to use a legally definable term, I'm begging you all to actually understand what that term entails. Cause it really seems like quite a lot of you are throwing around words and terms that aren't actually applicable, and then you'll ignore anyone who points out you're being incorrect.
Your trauma does not give you the right to impose your thoughts onto others. Antishippers have no right to use their trauma to force someone to censor themselves. Proshippers have no right to use their trauma to force someone to interact with content that makes them uncomfortable.
Disagree? Congratulations, you have the right to block us and move on with your life.
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Im going to try to simplify a lot of things here (big word is try). Because there's a lot. We're a traumatic osdd-1b system btw!
However, being a median system varies from person to person. So keep in mind my experiences aren't fact for every median system out there.
1.) Commination & Memory
Commination for us is very limited. We mostly communicate through feelings and emotions. If you will, pure vibes.
I can hear people talk from time to time. If I really focus. Or if the situation calls for it. (Ex. Someone in front is having a hard time. And someone speaks to talk them through it.)
If I do something someone doesn't like I can feel a general vibe which then can easily translate into words. (Think like a language translator). If I fuck up someone's art piece by accident I'm gonna feel that "fuzzy talk" and understand what they're saying.
We don't have massive memory barriers. So it's easy to recall what someone did last. However, we still forget things. Sometimes someone fronts, leaves and a new person fronts. The new person fronting might not recall what they did exactly. But, have a general idea of what was leading up before they switched out.
A really good example for us is Minecraft. Person B played a shit ton, took a break, and switched out. Person A fronted, got on Minecraft and tried to figure out what the fuck they were doing. Oh, they were mining for iron. We call it "Sticky Note Memory" because we didn't completely forget, but we need to do some reading into to remember. Sometimes it's harder for other people.
2.) Fronting & Identity
Fronting isn't what most systems think it is. It isn't a snap and you're no longer fronting. Because we're a median system we never collectively consciously leave the front. We're all here. Currently, I'm just closer to the front. I am aware of my identity. Whether that because I want too or because the brain has decided I'm the favorite guy.
Fronting and switching is more of a flow. I'm slowly melting into someone else. It might take us awhile to figure out hey, I'm someone new. Sometimes we have what are called "Fillers" where there's an in-between. Sometimes people can spawn sometimes it's a temporary thing. However, we're collectively the "same person." Here's a diagram I have of our experience.
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Some of us are less distinct than others. Some have more identity. 90% of us are facets. The 10% are fully formed headmates. But, still melt in with us to create our epic system. But, I can't speak for them on their experiences since I'm a facet and they're not. Whether they ID to that term is up to them.
Most of us are copied and pasted but have wildly different appearances and maybe a little something else added to it. I may act like a lotta my headmates because we're the same people. But, also very different at the same time. It's hard to explain.
Think of icecream. Icecream is icecream. It isn't a sandwich. But there are different flavors of icecream! I'm just a different flavor and texture. But still icecream.
But yeah, that's all I can think of at the moment. There's a lot more but I don't want to go overboard on this ask lol. Again, happy to answer any questions and such!!
thank you so so so much!!!!! this is really relatable for me
definitely with communication, like there’s a difference between what i imagine us doing vs what we do lmao. like i’ll want us to agree on something but the others are behind me like “…ehhhhh” my thoughts are often shared with them though, and i only hear them speaking, not thinking
AND THE FRONTING THING!!! i thought “well i’m definitely not a system because there’s no switches and i’m always here to some degree” (except that time the other day when i had a crisis because i didn’t know who i was and then snapped out of it lmao 😂) but the others tend to come and go, most often being at least a little here except for when they’re asleep
we are definitely separate but share consciousness to some degree. there’s a couple fragments that are part of others (like puzzle pieces that complete them), but we all have distinct personalities, appearances, roles etc.
again thank you!!!! like i’ve said i can only say so much for the others’ comfort and our safety, but it really means the world that there’s others out there like us :’]
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delusioncolor · 2 years
we're a professionally diagnosed DID system. we also do not feel safe in the DID, OSDD, DIDOSDD, traumagenic, etc tags.
almost all of the accounts are anti endo. even outside of that, you must admit, almost all of these accounts fakeclaim hundreds of plurals with their statements. it's not okay to require people to be exactly as you think they should be for you to respect them. that's not how that works.
if you don't want people asking your trauma or why you're a system, why would you go around asking other people that?
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sanicsmut · 1 year
Ask for systems that aren't as defined/separated than others and are somehow monoconscious
Is it okay to never figure out who is who and just going with "it's me" because either way it feels like you even when it changes ?
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mybrotherinchrist7 · 2 days
i met two of my parts(? Altars? Facets?) today at therapy. me and my therapist were very surprised that anyone showed up. I wasn't expecting to meet anyone. But I got to talk to and with them. It was so intense. I couldn't stop crying. It was really good.
I never wanted to entertain that I may be a part of some sort of system because it didn't look like others. They're not completely separate parts of me that front. I don't have amnesia. I didn't even realize they were there until I met two today. But I'm getting close to figuring stuff out. And that makes me happy.
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dilf-draco · 1 year
the comments under mftfernandez’ elriel art on instagram show gwynriels are whiny, snotty children
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annoying-xthing · 5 months
We may or may not be having a moral dilemma. We may or may not be questioning our system origins. We may or may not go endo neutral and change what system origin we describe ourselves with.
- Rocket? Possible Aaron
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