#anyway im not making another sideblog lol
halalhyungwon · 2 years
the main reason i end up making side blogs is so i can spam my new blorbos in peace tbh
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bonetrousle · 8 months
Im literally the cringest person in the world but every time i get a new “cringe” interest im like. No one can know about my shameful cringe dark secret. And then it’s just like being into a character or a guy who’s just random as fuck and probably no one cares but I can’t just roll with it i have to experience baffling levels of my own weird behaviour first!!!!!!
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frassycassy · 8 months
Hey there
Yeah, I'm alive
Just how long has it been??? Hahaha
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thundercloudshipping · 10 months
☁️🩷~Welcome to the Cloudscape~🩷☁️
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Ive decided to make a proper intro post so that new peeps here know who my fos are and all that jazz lol.
So hello!! This is my selfship blog, where i just post art and ramble sometimes hehe :3
This is a sideblog so i interact from @day-dream-clouds
'Bout me!
🩵~Special Interests~🩵
Animal Crossing
Various Childrens media (i.e: Bluey, TTTE, and another that ill keep secret lol)
Cookie Run (specifically OvenBreak)
Video Games
Fo list under the cut!
🩷My FOs!🩷
Disclamer! The collective tag i use for when im referring to my thomas fos as a group is: the roll call crew❤️💚🤎💙
Since theres so many lol
Anyway onto the list :3
James (T&F) *tag: smug bastard (affectionate)❤️
Mains will be shown with 🩷
🩷Ash (Pokemon) *tag: thunderboy💙
**disclamer: i age him up as ive been selfshipping with him since i was a kid, if you're uncomfortable with that, feel free to block me and move on**
Isabelle (Animal Crossing) *tag: sunshine puppy🧡
💛Platonic💛 *be warned theres a lot
Those with tags
Thomas (T&F) *tag: cheeky little engine💙
Percy (T&F) *tag: little green caterpillar💚
Bruno (T&F: All Engines Go) *tag: give me a brake❤️ ive yet to post about him lmao
Secret FO: Nickname: Dotty *associated emoji: 🌹
And those without tags
Melba (Animal Crossing)
Gulliver (Animal Crossing)
Tia (Animal Crossing)
Amy Rose (Sonic)
Tails (Sonic)
Popcorn Cookie (Cookie Run)
Salty (T&F)
Rosie (T&F)
Molly (T&F)
Sandy (T&F: All Engines Go)
Kana (T&F: All Engines Go)
Those that have tags
Gordon (T&F) (father figure) *tag: fastest and best💙
Henry (T&F) (father figure) *tag: plant dad💚
Emily (T&F) (big sister figure) *tag: emerald stirling💚
And those who dont have tags
Edward (T&F) (father figure)
Toby (T&F) (father figure)
Hazel (Animal Crossing) (sister figure)
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gold-rhine · 4 months
Don’t worry, you have multiple Worm anons. What Vision would you give Taylor? Cryo would make sense, for similar reasons you gave for Rachel (troubled teen ostracized from society), but I could also see Anemo—tends to avoid her interpersonal problems, the claustrophobia/desperate need to escape of the locker incident, loss of close relationships (her mom through death, and her friend through betrayal), etc. Also, I feel like Anemo just works better with her powers than Cryo; plenty of bugs can fly, but just about every bug hates the cold.
And if you’re willing, maybe elaborate on Electro!Lisa (which you mentioned in the Cryo!Rachel post)?
how do i have multiple worm followers on my gebshin sideblog, when i dont have any on my main blog where i actually reblog worm sometimes lol
anyway. taylor is not anemo. shes like. the opposite of anemo. anemo is about reeavaluating your prev understanding of the world that was taken from u and accepting the loss, its about learning to let go and begin again, learning to go with the flow in new circumstances. taylor never let go of anything ever lol, she never met a situation she could not escalate by trying to solve it even if its not her fucking business. she's a definition of hyper-controlling freak lol. she's a queen administrator for fucks sake. like the only time you could say anemo even near her is at the end of the book where contessa asks her if it was worth it and she says no.
also, you should not get caught in subjects of powers. bugs is just aethetics, and both powers and vision bank much more on person's perceptions than on actual physicality. no one cares what bugs like. like, hu tao's symbol is plum's bloom, you could be like oh flowers hate fire! she can't be pyro! but its just aethetics, its about meaning to hu tao, not what actual plum flowers are like. with taylor, bugs are just infused witrh element and no one gives a fuck what they like. did bugs like biting lung's dick? natural properties don't matter
now about taylor's actual element... like i hope we're operating on the same understanding that powers manifest due to trauma and are ironic-tilted coping mechanisms? like im not actually in worm fandom on tumblr so idk if its a common understanding or not, but imma proceed like it is. visions are v similar to this, but not limited to trauma, they are about more general perception of the world, but obv if trauma is present, it will affect perception, and so, a vision, a lot.
so, what was taylor's trauma that manifested her specific powers? its not just bullying. its being watched, feeling like she's being watched at all times, like she can't have a safe space, they find her in the toilets, anywhere, etc, can't trust or count on other people. and so she gets power that lets HER watch everyone, lets HER be omnipresent, bc she thinks thats the only way to counter-act, and ultimately, lets her take direct control of other ppl bc she thinks she can't trust them to cooperate.
so like yeah. cryo kinda fits. but like. cryo manipulators are not blunt, you know what i mean? cryo like kaeya, rizzley, charlotte to the extent use social games and understanding of others to control them. taylor just brute forces it bc everyone's afraid of her.
so like. hear me out. raiden shogun. the theme of omnipresent watch over ppl. very strong warrior, but poor social skills\understanding of ppl. stubborn. thinks she knows best than everyone else despite not even knowing them. control of ppl for their own good. loss of close relationships, very solipsist. beating her head against the wall until the wall cracks (raiden fought her puppet for 500 years, taylor's... everything). raiden takes direct control of her puppet like taylor takes control of ppl. there's another toxic electro girlboss whose trying to manipulate her bc she thinks she's saving her (lisa\yae)
conclusion: taylor could reactivate raiden's vision
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hi I've been denying that im a furry for years and im still denying it anyway how do I get more involved with the furry community, just of course without being a furry absolutely not nope
(genuine question cos I actually wanna get more involved with it lol)
One start I would suggest is making a furry sideblog. Really! This helps separate it for you rather than becoming vastly involved in creating a sona, making a fursuit, or anything else. This sideblog is your creation. You can use it to just reblog art you like. You can easily just delete it if you get overwhelmed, and it won't have a whole lot of repercussions. Maybe you could make it a gimmick blog of sorts, and just say "furries fascinate me, but I'm not interested in becoming one." Ultimately, this is one of the ways you can participate, and though I participated in this concept as a furry, that was the role my two furry accounts on tumblr started out as. This blog alone was going to be a parody of furry hate and isitfurbait was always meant to be pretentious and faux-academic.
Another way I could suggest you getting involved in fandom stuff is to join furry discord and telegram chats. There are a plethora of completely sfw ones that may be open to having a newcomer who just wants to see where the passion is and what follows. Sure you could join the nsfw servers, and some sfw servers have hidden channels for it, but you really don't have to be involved with the sexual stuff if you don't want to. These servers can help you establish connection. I found my current roommate from one of these. I also found my boyfriend of 3 years from these. You can just meet people who are very kind and well-meaning. They may be confused by someone who's choosing to remain an outsider, but you can still be there, as long as you show respect to your surroundings.
Other social media sites like twitter and tiktok (though the field is always changing) have very strong furry communities you can support. Just like before, if you want to just interact with people but not make characters of your own to exist as, that is fully fine. You get different flavors of people everywhere you go, and you get to learn how people live. Of course there's the joke of like "oh all furries are tech gurus and doctors in order to afford these things" when in reality, most furries are just service workers who budget differently.
You don't have to take any of the advice here from this post. If anything, you could just keep your likes page secret and hit like on every piece of furry art you enjoy. It's all up to you. Your life is partly what you make of it, and I hope you find a way to enjoy it
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nialltlynch · 2 years
hii I read ur fic on ao3 “solipsism falsified” & it was v beautifully written and i was just very obsessed with the fact that you titled it that bc I haven’t seen anyone else talk about ronan’s solipsistic tendencies and fears which seemed very present in gw to me (was he awake or was he dreaming. the endless ronan’s in the mirror. on and on and so forth) and its something I deeply relate to and Feel a lot about so it just excited me to see someone else touch on it. guess I was wondering if u had any other thoughts on it cuz I could talk for hours about it - the ayhuasca-trip-ego-death-level-insanity that was the first few chapters of him in the sweetmetal sea, him remembering parts of himself by watching jordan and others, hennessy finding him and grounding him in his moment of terror, and the conclusion of him deciding who he is…. did it make u as insane as it made me
(also I’m on anon cuz my fandom blog is a sideblog but it’s @thotforest )
goddddddd okay hi sorry this took me a minute to respond i was letting it percolate you know how it is (and sorry AGAIN because my thoughts. are all over the place. so much for percolating lol)
of all the things in tdt i do feel like this was a theme or question or motif or whatever that held up all the way through !!! the question of what, if anything, exists outside of onself was presented in such an interesting way and i think it's present in all dreamers but ESPECIALLY ronan given his whole. yknow. thibg. i loved his gradual descent into isolation and the realization of the thinness of reality!! super compelling!! like!! he was a king!! he had a kingdom of his own making!! BUT AT WHAT COST ?? the tension between the enormity of What Ronan Is versus the intensity of What Ronan Knows and how these two things often conflict but still point to the same bleak possibility: maybe he is all there ever was and is and will be. and it's sooooo satisfying how the book teases this possibility but consistently dismisses it. tastefully balanced. loved that tension. (that might be more a craft thing but it's also a theming thing and it's sooooo good).
oh also the MIRRORS! the PORTRAITS! in attempting to reference the self through the self you only ever see what youre willing to look at WHICH will always be biased and incomplete. there's such an emphasis on knowing throughout this book. deep meaningful relationships are made or broken on how much the characters know one another and that in itself is such a response. experience!! is a tapestry!! of memory!! and history!! and yes!! your reality is woven by your hand!! but there are countless other people intersecting and weaving along with you.
anyway omg im so sorry i don't know that this has anything to do at all with what you were talking about. i hope you have a lovely night / day / week 🥰🥰
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
i feel like i should preface this with: these arent fandom ocs. theyre in their own universe thats 100% made up
uhh. okay hm. so the only 2 with actual personalities and stories. and im now remembering theres probably more than 8 lemme give a small quick summary of. everyone? oh no.
so theres 2 "main" stories in their own respective universes, but one of them is going trough wip and rewrite hell rn.
the ones from said rewrite hell are Typlus/Void (they/it); Vast (he/him); Elly (it/its); Melz (he/him) and Steph/Stephanie (she/they). fun fact it all started as a rewrite of the bible and the impending doom of the planet. or something, i dont even remember anymore. but now theyre just a big family sorta chilling out on their own planet at the physical edge of the universe. its more of a concept than actual ocs, so i have things to draw when i dont know WHAT to draw. nothing is set in stone, nothing is real here. and none of them are human.
and the other is more.. grounded in reality that ive been chipping away at slowly for the past year or so because the characters decided to make my brain into a 5 star hotel
theres elias (he/she/they); dominic (he/him); marcus (he/him); elizabeth (she/her); andrew (he/him) and amelia (she/her)
theres 2 seperate families within this: the jamesons, which includes elias as the son and andrew+amelia as his parents, and the DeAngelo's which is the 3 others, but theyre siblings instead
the only 2 with personalities right now are dominic and elias, who are also in a situationship with eachother, and will probably remain that way for the rest of time
story's basically just "what if the disgraced son of rich parents who happens to be an owner of a bar/club (elias) meets the guy who mans a stand at a farmers market (dominic). and what if they were both t4t. and what if they ended up being workplace lovers/friends w benefits"
elias is lowkey a very unlikeable and bitter guy, very self centered and speaks without thinking. dominic's the reserved type who only speaks when spoken to, but very willing to resort to violence when needed.
does this make sense. i dont know. oh and i counted, theres 11 of them, if we dont count the spin-off AUs as characters. (like when i decided they should be hybrids. or the royalty au. or the mafia au that was actually the origin of all this nonsense)
theres also 2 filler ocs i use whenever i just need a placeholder character for any situation: red and sylvester, but neither of them even got as far as getting designs from me but theyre there
theres. so much content on my main about these idiots that a friend made a sideblog just to sort it in one place. and even after this he hasnt sorted everything lol
.... shit bad news i think i have like 30 ocs actually, i just remembered another batch from ages ago. so. uhm. anyways. and does a made-up species of flower count as an oc. because. yeah. ive got that too.
~ rusty (i get embarrassed when OCposting to others sorry)
I think I need separate asks on both the rewrite hell and the wip stories, because they seem too interesting to be in one ask. They deserve their own separate moment to shine.
I'd love to hear more.
And I'm contemplating adding some of my other OCs (is it still called OC if I made the universe?) in, just because I've been stuck in this limbo of not even finishing a chapter in a book I've started writing and I've had these characters & universe in my head for roughly two years.
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lockedtowers · 3 months
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remember: all references to canon characters, i am PURELY referring to an NPC version OR my own version, available at @familiarache, i would NEVER force ANYTHING written here on your muse. if u wanna play around w that, lmk, otherwise, i'm not basing anything off what have listed here that may mention my char w yours. thx.
There's THREE sections here. to make it easier on everyone, this is the BULLET POINT version, aka main information necessary for plot purposes, not the full write up of everything upon everything that happens.
Feel free to jump to whatever sector you want. The three forms are WONDERLAND, MISTHAVEN, and STORYBROOKE.
I do not follow the wonderland shown in the spin off show. I do not know everything about everything involving ouat (I've seen like half seasons at a time, all of s1, all of Jefferson's episodes, and like, half of s2 beyond jefferson. This is primarily been pre plotted info with my bestie Tinker, who has watched this show in its entirety, she's not on tumbs rn but anyways. I know it's canon divergent to a lot of pre est canon in concerns to wonderland. That's like, a lot of the point lol.) (this is also like the one verse where cassie was actually raised by her parents and that clearly did not help her in any way.)
I do also do base versions with zero backstory for ppl if they want, okay, i care more about your comfort than mine. pls dont hate me.
Princess of Spades, Cheshire Cat. Her twin brother is the Dormouse. The actual Hatter is Thomas Madigan, the father of Maddox, Jefferson, and Reve (as well as a daughter i havent settled on a name yet, bc she's a crossover in the plot w tinker, but for rp reasons i have to actually make her a character lol). A man obsessed with time, has perfectly timed all of his childrens births so they're separated by exactly 3 years (give or take a few months obvi.) (Also important to note; my jefferson at least, again, found on my sideblog, was parentified. technically thomas tried to make maddox parent his brothers, but maddox was too self possessed to do that. jefferson raised reve. also yes im saying jefferson is the middle child he radiates middle child energy.)
her mother is the queen of spades, and her 'father' is the red king. he is not her biological father, and he is aware of that. it was his idea. she is unaware. her biological father is the white knight, vas moraj. he was responsible for the first destruction that put the Reds in power in the first place, as he's the Jabberwock. He's also one of the last of the Wonderland Fae, which follow a different set of rules to the misthaven fae. bc logically why would creatures of entirely separate realms all follow the same guidelines i just want to have a talk w them but lbr they couldnt maintain characterization between episodes so
wonderland is a matriarchal society. Aleksander was the only born son of the Red Queen. They had to find another female royal to take over, and Feina agreed to marry him so he could at least maintain his home. she had no interest. he was only ever able to produce one child with her, and it was a boy, Lucien. Men cannot inherit in Wonderland, and since he couldn't produce another heir, he suggested Vas.
vas is the white knight, and in charge of the court. and was clearly overly protective of the twins when they were born, but cassandra more so. he had his own internal reasoning for agreeing. he's not great either but he's better than some people.
whilst royals in wonderland are known to have a lot more free will than other lands (the land is considered upside-down to others), feina never let cassandra leave the castle. feina's own ulterior motives required completely breaking down cassandras psyche, but whilst she never taught cassandra transfiguration, the fae alignment led her to learn she could turn into a cat, thus she started sneaking out.
her 'friend' is the duchess, who would let her hide away in her home as her 'pet cat'. cassandra would oft sneak into the woods for fun.
maddox was in the process of getting knighted. he became obsessed with the idea of being the next knight, as well as marrying the princess, an idea thomas put into his head. jefferson thought it was hilarious.
when their sister tasked jefferson with help to sneak off during a ball, jefferson saw cassandra for the first time, and was naturally curious abt why tf his brother was obsessed w her.
around the time he knew his sister would return, he saw his sister, cassandra, and duchess returning. he saw a cat climb up the tower, and a girl enter it.
jefferson, being extra as shit and a massive red flag, used one of his old enchanted hats to sneak up into her window and meet her. cassie, who decided in that moment that flag was her favorite shade of red, thought it was cute. someone help her.
they became friends. he'd sneak in to visit her constantly.
at some point, her mother finds out she's been sneaking out, and her her guard, illosovic stayne, essentially uhhh break her body to bits for it. that's what causes the scar on her eye, which is the main wound that vas wasn't able to fix. he noticed something amiss with aleksander, and found her tied up, stayne essentially trying to kill her, and he brought her away while aleksander had stayne arrested.
that was her first tryst with human blood, btw, great healant for fae, fixes almost everything, she already had heterochromia but her right eye was now a silvery icy blue instead of just a completely different shade of blue.
vas had a thing and the madigans were invited. he had cassie 'make an example' out of stayne, and she was wearing a dress jefferson made for her. cassie took staynes eyeball, which she preserved and turned into a necklace, bc she's not normal, but she didn't kill him. she debated it, as vas left it up to her, but she decided living in exile would be worse for him. vas named maddox as stayne's replacement.
feina was NOT happy to be undermined mind you.
jefferson, at some point, bc a lot of the normal plot i made w tinker i'm not putting into the rp verse, for 'theres a lot of ship stuff' reasons, and even tho its my own version of jeffy i wanna leave openings yknow-- anyways, he leaves wonderland. cassie ofc is heartbroken cause since that thing, her friends wont talk to her, they're a little bit scared of her.
she also started training bc vas did not want her to be at risk of harm again.
maddox obsessions became worse. he took full advantage of her sadness re jefferson leaving (without her, because he said he'd take her with him, then didn't, because of Maddox) to get her interested in him. but the more obsessive he got over her, the more she started to push him away because it freaked her out.
jack, who i am keeping this bit here bc i can, is regina's half-brother, and came to wonderland. as far as either is aware he's her full brother but that boy is white, that aint your full brother regina. he, in some way, knew that this is where his mother would end up eventually. he looked enough like the original prince of hearts that he killed him and took his place.
he met maddox, actually before jefferson left that was a thing, saw an opportunity, and wrecked maddox's mental state further to make him his spy. he also had maddox murder his own father (and, seemingly, younger brother) which maddox doesnt even remember doing for the most part until he tries to sleep at night and the visions haunt him. that's pmuch what makes jefferson leave btw
eventually, seemingly the entirety of the kingdom was slaughtered. maddox 'gets cassie out', and she sees what she thinks are the real bodies of her family members as she's taken out to the tulgey wood. maddox questions her about something, and she's too busy freaking out to actually know what he's saying or respond to him in any coherent way. she starts panicking and fighting back when he grabs her and starts dragging her off, and when she pushes him away he asks her if she loves him. she does NOT have an answer for that, and Jack appears, talking to her, and with one command, Maddox's resolve breaks and he cuts her neck open.
Jack has already made a deal with Feina, he knows she wont stay dead. Jack has her locked in a room in the castle, and keeps her prisoner there with the intention of marrying her to further secure his position in the court. The Hearts had been taken over, and Cora was now the Queen of Hearts. She did NOT get jack's obsession, but didn't really question it either. It kept him busy and out of her way.
Jefferson came back to wonderland, now as a portal jumper, to steal something from her mom. he found out what happened, and promised to get her out.
this time he actually followed through on that, good job, jeffy.
jack had these iron cuffs on her that kept her powers at bay and made her extremely weak, so yeah first things first was jefferson bringing her to rumple to get those off, bc enchanted. he couldnt pick a lock. there was no lock.
i.................... hated jeffersons prequel comic, tbh, you can't convince me that man knows what renting is i'm sorry. that cottage of his has always been his. he did bring cassie to live with him, tho.
and she was n o t in good shape at all, so when graham would walk past that cottage on the daily and occasionally see her staring out the window, like he thought the worst. rightfully so. sorry jeffy.
eventually she did start leaving the cottage, and actually did meet and talk to graham from then on. he thought she was weird, but her weirdness was endearing.
f r i e n d s
he brought her to The Vale Tavern in town, where she met Lavinia, local witch, and Luke, a werewolf from the den Graham was raised in, who also left. Lavinia's magic is what kept his transformations at bay.
Further proof that cassie is surprisingly endearing, bc they both got attached to her too.
also jefferson was not and never was happy that she befriended graham, but that's because jeffy is jeffy. you just have to feel bad for the ppl he annoys a lot. like rumple probably had to listen to so much complaining everytime he hired him to collect shit. smh
lavinia and luke plotted together to get cassie away from jefferson, bc funnily enough not a lot of people actually like him. lavinia figured out the faerie genes and decided to teach cassie how to use witch glamour, in hopes cassie would figure out fae glamour. she did.. mostly, and the vale tavern's owner essentially gave the business to her.
jefferson did agree and encourage her to move into the apartment above the tavern, and she didn't understand why he would say that. jealousy, mostly, he was still mad about graham, and they were literally just friends like boy calm down the world doesn't revolve around you.
jefferson met (tinkers) alice. grace was 100% an accident. also important to note, cassie was massively in love with alice, and she was not happy. like she's in love w jeffy too dont get me wrong, but she was p i s s e d when he started going out w alice.
(Again, this is is all my versions of these characters, i'm not forcing anything on yall, if you like it tho, lmk)
she was way too hurt by jeffy/alice, but also knew jeffersons a littleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reckless. so she put lavinia in charge of the tavern, stole his hat, and took over the portal jumping-- on account of all money earned going to... alice, technically. lol.
also, she was a lot worse during this time. girlie did not care at ALL. got really good at murder, actually. kinda hot, ngl
one of the hits, they had iron weapons, and conveniently (someone sent him) jefferson got there and brought her home. he knew human blood would heal her, but when he tried to feed her his blood, it didn't work. alice took over and gave her hers.
jefferson got cassie out of her deal, and she wasn't happy about it.
jefferson was running out of money quickly since he wasnt portal jumping anymore, and got the brilliant idea to go steal a magical artifact from wonderland. because knowing the land was ravaged by a murderous queen and your older brother is a great reason to go back to it.
obviously, that idiot got himself kidnapped by his brother, and locked in the 'eternal teaparty'
alice noticed he wasnt back, and had cassie watch baby grace when she went to go find him.
alice gets jefferson out-- and maddox stabs her in the abdomen for it. cassie was taking care of grace at the time (with graham, in some versions) and suddenly collapsed at the same time, her own blood spilling in the same area alice's was. Alice shoved Jefferson into the portal so he could get back to Grace.
yeah jeffersons mental state wasnt great after that. cassie was NOT letting him take care of grace for awhile. It did drive a wedge between her and graham, especially, because he was trying to help her and she was getting too bitey over it. kind of how graham ends up leaving the area altogether. thanks jefferson.
grace gets older, jefferson delves headfirst into being best dad, thank GOD, cassie keeps helping him out w funds and stuff. and grace. mostly grace.
bs w regina happens finally, jefferson gets trapped in wonderland. again.
cassie came to the cottage to find grace wasnt there, found her with the neighbors and took her. when grace told her everything, cassie was instantly suspicious.
all that time passed. the wiki claims it was two years, i tried to figure out the whole timeline of season ones antics and i did not get two years, but the wiki is more official than i am, so. idk how thats two years, but grace did not age by two years in that time i dont think abc knows how quickly kids age. anyways, however fucking long passes, and cassie only didnt go looking for him bc grace would freak out abt being left again.
cassie finally convinced grace to go stay w the neighbors again, and she'd figure it out. she wouldn't abandon her, and if she didn't come back quickly, she still would always come back.
this is like, just before regina essentially lets charming and snow win, fyi
cassie got a meeting w regina, still was sus about it all, and got the BRIGHT idea to threaten her. When she went to leave, she saw graham.
she snuck back in later after being kicked out in 'warning'. she found graham, tried to figure out wtf happened, and promised she'd get him out. he tells her about his heart, and she decides to go looking for it.
she DOES find it, again, conveniently. for a reason.
she hands it to graham, telling him they need to get out. she'd have time to find jefferson, she was running out of time to help him, and right now, he was first.
got ambushed. she did stun and/or kill most of the guards trying to stop them, mostly killed the ones trying to kill graham, to be fair.
one 'guard' did get her, in the same spot as alice. with an iron blade. yes, it was maddox. jack came in with regina, delighted at the turn of events.
jack took cassie, reminding regina of the deal they made when she did cast her curse, and took cassie with him. she was kept locked up well until the curse hit.
yeah that entire 28 years emma wasn't there, she was in the 'lower hospital' area. maddox is regina's personal guard, and jack is.. i think councilman is the right term, idk, i'll check later. i have it in my doc for this verse lol.
jefferson, ofc, is free now. has everything but his family. he honestly didn't know where cassie was at first until he started sneaking around the town, trying to figure out if anyone else had both lives stuck in their head.
also i feel like they missed an opportunity for him to be plotting with rumple but thats not for this blog that'd be for the sideblog where jefferson actually is.
anyways, he did discover cassie was down there. he also discovered pretty quickly, upon watching all the tapes jack had made of her 'therapy sessions', that she remembered everything, too.
she didn't talk for years. She had a complete shut down while in there. Jack would see her constantly to taunt her. she just shut down.
despite everything, graham, while in his cursed head, still visited her every single week. though he believed she was his high school friend, Chelsea Contarini, who got put in the hospital after her parents died when she was 17.
when Emma made time start moving again, and actually right around the time graham almost died (bc i circumvent his death for my graham, u did enough to him abc) jefferson decided that was the BEST time to just... let cassie out.
which, ofc, didn't turn out well, and Graham had to arrest her, bc great job jefferson just let her out and tell her where to go that'll get her sO FAR.
this means graham had to convince emma to help him get cassie out of the hospital, meaning collecting all of the documents that were created for this world.
one Emma paid especial mind to was that the hospital paperwork claimed, after her parents died at 17, Jack was supposed to marry her, she tried to kill him, and they put her in there. And that she'd been in there for ten years. Jack was NOT aware that that was the age Regina had put down. But as far as Emma saw it, Graham's friend had been locked up since she was in high school, he had barely graduated a few years earlier, and evil wicked regina had an evil wicked brother who also stole the youth of another girl. cassie didn't understand jack shit of what was happening, but later on when graham explained it to her, she did decide regina also must hate jack to do that to him.
she wasn't entirely wrong tbf, regina chose violence in that instance, she knew jack would have betrayed her if given the chance, he's allergic to loyalty
also the fact cassie is a fuck lot older than that (wonderlander lol) like she didnt get the age thing at all. but she wasn't sure if she could lie since all the magic was gone in that world, and didn't want to risk it, so she just kept quiet.
also that file claimed the eye injury was a fight in high school, and her neck injury was from surgery. like jacks a piece of garbage.
graham had to go find jefferson and bring him to her in order to get her to start talking again, bc she was not talking when emma tried to talk to her, or anyone, really. she did NOT want that used against her. Jefferson had to give her pointers on how she could talk and what to say to twist the truth just enough to get out.
after the trial and everything, cassie gets out. she goes off to live with jefferson, because of course she went w the guy who did almost nothing. but she hands around graham a lot. much to jeffersons chagrin.
also she refuses to go by chelsea, but the only way she was able to go by anything else was to say "C.C.' because it technically could be her storybrooke intials, but it's also the initials of 'cheshire cat'.
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hollyhorseheads · 3 months
hi hollyhorseheads all 3 of us. i want a sideblog just for them... fair warning this blog will probably not be used for very long but if you stumble across it like wayyy into the future u are welcome to send me an ask or a message or whatever because this is just a sideblog of my main & i still check sideblog notifs cause it bugs me if i dont make the notification symbol go away LOL
main blog if u follow me on here thats where ill follow back from!!! also where i like posts from (duh) and if you wanna see me yap abt / rb stuff ur free 2 follow
art blog if i post art of these guys it will probably be on my art blog (but ill rb it to here)!! i also post art from other stuff i like but be prepared for long hiatuses 💔💔💔 i tend to go through phases of drawing multiple times a day every day to not drawing for months on end LOL
writing / playlists tumblr this one was SUPPOSED to be my blog for posting fandom spotify playlists i made and then also fanfics i wrote but um. well i do just end up rambling on there occasionally. IF UR LEGALLY A MINOR (or just dont wanna see that shit) PLEASE FILTER OUT MY 18+ POSTS ON THERE THANK U!!!! anyway if i write anything / make a playlist for them (or just want to post abt music and them in general) itll be on there but i will of course rb it here :3
yeah ur free to follow any of my blogs idm!!! and ur absolutely free to unfollow at any time too no hard feelings <3 my final warning is that i do fixate on stuff and change interests sometimes (not, like, often, but a few times a year usually) so youre welcome to follow when im into one thing and unfollow when im into another! my point is that ur always getting a mixed bag with me LOL... the only constant is my love of nonbinary yuri headcanons. hashtag proud himejoshi for LIFE!
thats it i think. oh you can call me mona or ramona i think thats my most used name atm... idm about pronouns or masc/fem/neu terms. use whatevers funniest for the bit. ok? awesome :]
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pelidaaquiles · 1 year
Hi <3
Hi everyone!
This is a sideblog dedicated to my studies, mainly as motivation and so i can have a space to save nice things i found around here (really not kidding when i say tumblr is gonna get me my degree)
You may call me Gia, I’m from Brazil and Im at my second year of college!! My course is called Letras, and while i couldnt find another course out of latin america that was the same, its basically a big mix of linguistics and literature (i didnt want to say its the equivalent of the English major in US or England because we can major in more languages. Tbh im not quite sure how things work outside of Brazil,  so theres that). In my college, we can major in one or two languages (portuguese to everyone, though you could opt to take it off your grade, and some other like spanish, french, english and more). 
After an entire year studying the basics, I finally started my major properly this year. Im double majoring in Portuguese and Ancient Greek, making my dreams come true lol. Its a lot of work, so I'lll be keeping this blog as a hopeful way to keep myself on track.
Anyway, sorry for any english nonsense! I hope we can have lots of fun studying together <3 
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rosenfey · 5 years
world building june is almost a month away and yet I'm already planning out my posts because I'm hyped for my original verse so much ✨✨✨
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allthehollowburials · 6 years
hhhh ‘nother hiatus sorry dunno how long
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seraphimdivine · 3 years
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Seraph-22-they/them! Femme aligned nonbinary at times ♡bi/poly Absolutely no minors. Cishets can interact but don't be WEIRD abt my gender / sexuality. Be respectful ^_^. More info under the cut♡
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Hi! I'm seraph!! this is just an nsft sideblog. It's alot of reblogs and some original posts. Inbox and dms are usually open! Only for queer/Trans people though tbh. Cishets owe me 20 usd for even looking at this blog. Just because i are am poly doesn't mean i am looking for a relationship or plus one! I have a partner :D Usually tagged under 🐶. Main blog has the word Seraph in it. Most of this blog is tagged/organized,but sometimes I get lazy so sorry about that. US based !!
If youre confused about the emojis or tags at times, just ask!
Dont question me abt my gender, im whatever makes the joke land ♡ (nonbinary ^_^)
Dms only open to queer/trans people but that doesnt mean im gonna sext u fr ♡ and i do not want your dick pics. Don't ask me or try to push me for things :) if you know my main don't spread it ♡ if we happen to be mutuals there and u found it uhmmm sorry♡
At the end of the day this blog is for ME (and the stuff i post for my partner) ^_^
System safe and friendly blog! <-literally a member of a System lol (Traumagenic ! Yhis is not a roleplay blog. ) some other headmate nsft blogs if they want to share: @backseatofmycab
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-Size kink
-breeding kink
-fem dommes fr💪
-t4t nsft
-Terato / Monster fucking / knotting / WEREWOLVES♡♡♡
-getting used like a toy? Idk if there's a phrase. Objectification
-manhandling/mild rough housing
-mounting/breeding press
-pet play
-pet names
-high sex , i guess thatd count as intox but i do not drink so. No
-open to a lot more that I can't think of
《Anything listed here is always safe sane and consensual! Nothing too out of bounds or genuinely Bad / icky》
-race play
-scat/unhygienic things
-forced preg
-inc//st,step siblings,etc.
-ddlg [calling someone daddy/mommy is fine tho as titles! Just ask! ]
-age play
-probably more just don't push it or be a freak/neg!
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I try to trigger tag things + I do tag Genitalia Ment. If you need anything tagged lmk!
Edit: i usuallt forget to tag genitalia ment now sorrryyy♡
Okay that's all byeee^-^ enjoy ur stay!
Another edit !-
Emoji key!: (not indicative of preferences for now, mostly in order of who mostly uses this blog)
🪽/🐇 - S. (She/They/He)
🐈‍⬛- J.(He/They/hole. /hj) [ @backseatofmycab ]
🔆 - L. (She/Her)
💙- A. (She/They,He sparingly)
🎰- A. (She/They/He)
🌙- S.(He/They)
🌕- M. (He/Him)
🐏- D. (they/them boygirl thing.)
[The other emojis are for others outside of sys. U can ignore those they know who they are ♡. Also, when looking at the tags, sometimes the person reblogging it will go first , and then add extra tags if it reminds them of anyone.
Example: if A.(💙) is making a post that also happens to remind her of J., it could look like
[Post body]
#/💙 #/[maybe a few comment tags] #/🐈‍⬛
Anyways any questions or concerns feel free to ask :)
Like this post or shoot us a dm if you've read it ♡♡ or if you'd like to be mutuals!
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thunderon · 2 years
Hiii I decided to make a tlt sideblog (@/gidykeon self promo lol) and I just wanted to ask for a list of your favorite tlt blogs so I know who to follow bc as far as I can tell ur taste is impeccable 😊 thanks!!
yay!!! another victim member of the tlt sideblog brainrot community :)
i did get asked for blog recs a year ago and my sole rec is now on hiatus so that’s probably unhelpful but some people dropped blogs in the replies i think? we also have a small directory of tlt blogs that’s pretty useful for finding people but it’s fallen out of use in recent months
yeah i wish i could sit here and talk about my intense curation and high standards for following blogs and then give you Thunderon’s Top Ten TLT Tumblr Blogs You Need to Follow…. but in reality i just hit the follow button whenever i see people posting tlt content lmfao i actually follow a ton of people. also the thing about the locked tomb fandom is that we’re a small fandom and all kinda more or less follow each other. i feel like there’s like no more than two degrees of separation between any tlt blog haha
i personally make an effort to also follow a lot of fanartists/writers and tlt blogs just to keep my finger on the pulse of the fandom but im sure a few people have slipped under my radar… but anyways this is a lot of words to tell you my bottom line is “i don’t have a list because i follow everyone i can” lol … if anyone here can drop some currently active blog recs tho that’d be appreciated (or feel free to self-promo)
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
to all the leverage fans out there, I thought I’d throw out some recommendations of other shows that y’all might like
this is completely centered around the lgbt aspects of leverage (how none of the characters are straight, how there is a canon ot3, etc), because I know other people have recommended white collar and stuff but I haven’t personally seen that and I’m just a humble lgbt wanting to share more gay shows with y’all
1. wynonna earp (my sideblog is @angelicearps)
just renewed for a fourth season after two years (this feeling is very familiar to leverage fans)
the first episode of season four aired last night and IM SCREAMING the writers served us a five course meal
the main love story includes waverly earp, a CANON (officially as of 4.01) bisexual girl falling in love with nicole haught, a lesbian cop-turned-sheriff (that’s a slight spoiler, so sorry about that) and both of them are main characters
wynonna earp, another main character, has a complicated relationship with two different men and is not slut shamed for it and is never put down about it
I’m serious- the healthiest and most stable relationship in the show is between waverly and nicole, so wlw nation rise
wynonna and waverly are descendants of the great gunslinger (and demon killer) wyatt earp, who ended up getting a curse on his future generations. the story of the show is centered around wynonna being the chosen heir having to fight demons and try to break the curse for good
doc holiday is another main character- yes, that doc holiday. he’s one of wynonna’s love interests and he has such a pure and loving relationship with waverly. he’d literally die for her and move heaven and hell to make sure she’s safe (that’s literally canon)
jeremy comes in around season two if I remember correctly. canon gay. gets in a relationship with another canon gay character whose name I am blanking on. they are very loving and very pure
literally, in 4.01, when armed military men are breaking into the earp homestead and he doesn’t know what to do, he literally says: “gays only?” lol they didn’t respect that answer
the show has so many good quips and one-liners. so many hilarious lines. it can be an angsty show at times but they definitely balance it out with humor and wlw softness between waverly and nicole
wynonna has a baby in season two and literally calls herself a milf
it also made fans faint because they have been calling nicole “daddy” for like six years and nicole was referred to as daddy three (3) times in 4.01
this show is NOT AFRAID to say things like gay, lesbian, etc. at one point someone tweeted at emily andreas (the writer) asking her to amp up the gay energy and she responded that she would
literally, emily andreas is on the same level as john rogers with trustability and dedication to fans
emily andreas heard of the bury your gays trope and did us one better: unkillible gays trope. the gays are unkillable.
2. motherland: fort salem (my sideblog is @fortsalem)
au where during the salem witch trials a witches named sarah alder made an agreement with the government that witches would serve for the us army in exchange for not being systematically hunted down and killed
THIS IS NOT MILITARY PROPAGANDA. sorry, I just had to make this point early on because it’s not even though it might seem like it in the beginning. literally by the end of the season you see it’s very corrupt
since this is an alternate history of the united states, in this universe there are no heteronorms. literally, there’s literally no words for lesbian and bisexual that they use because it’s so normalized and common and accepted that there’s no need for terms like that
the main love story is of star-crossed raelle and scylla. raelle comes from a poor family and is a talented healer, and (this isn’t technically a spoiler because you find out in episode one) scylla is a member of the spree
the spree is a terrorist organization of witches that protests the compliance witches are forced into by having to join the military or die/be imprisoned
scylla is supposed to turn raelle to the “dark side” but falls so deeply in love with her that she can’t do it (THATS TRUE LOVE FOLKS)
the students at fort salem (the military school) are divided into groups of three: the main group being focused on is composed of raelle, tally, and abigail
tally craven is a pure-hearted baby and I’d die for her. she is very idealistic about fighting in the military (but don’t worry that’s fixed by the end of the season)
abigail bell weather comes from a high military family and is kinda really stuck up about it, but she’s humbled a lot by the end of the season. this girl has LAYERS (they all do, but abigail goes through a lot and goes from very stuck up and stuck up the military’s ass to questioning everything she knows)
the trio starts off rocky, especially between raelle and abigail, because raelle blames abigail’s mother for her mother’s death (her mother’s unit was led by abigail’s mother)
the beltane episode literally hits you in the face with how there are literally no heteronorms whatsoever. they do this sacred dance where by the end they will end up with the people they are destined to spend the celebration with (“trust the dance”). raelle makes friends with a gay guy and they spend the celebration making fun of the sex noises around them and become gay friends for life. abigail has sex with two (2) guys who kiss each other. a group of four girls went off together. a group of two girls and a guy went off together. and sex isn’t shamed. at all. in fact, it’s respected as a part of life. and y’all, literally this representation was OFF THE CHARTS
the witch’s most powerful tool is their voice,,, think about that for a minute
it’s an all girls school so there are like no guys whatsoever minus the beltane episode and a couple others
EMPOWERED WOMEN (of all ages and ethnicities too)
3. siren (my sideblog is @polymarinelove)
imma start off by saying that season three doesn’t exist. don’t watch season three. don’t do it. the disappointment is real
the central love story is between an interracial couple (a white guy and his black girlfriend that has a native american stepfather) that turns into a loving polyamorous relationship
maddie, the girlfriend, is amazing and incredibly smart and the first two seasons (and the beginning of the third) accentuate that and they never downplay her because she’s a black woman like many shows and movies do. she’s a smart stem woman and we stan her so hard. she’s also bisexual.
ben, the guy, comes from a rich family that are basically the hotshots of the town and own the fishing company that the community works for. his dad is hella untrustable. ben doesn’t trust him and neither should you. he is kindhearted and smart and respectful, and at one point teaches a merman about consent after being kissed by him (and he didn’t even #nohomo it which was AMAZING)
now to the mermaids
mermaids are apex predators. they are very dangerous. they are very strong. they’re also wickedly smart, canon smarter than humans
the story begins when donna, ryn’s sister, is captured by a fishing boat and carted off to a military facility. ryn comes to land to try to find and save her. (she literally choses her name because she sees a character on a kid’s tv show saying “I am ryn” which is also the first thing in english that she can say)
she ends up being helped by ben and maddie and legit is like these humans are hot imma learn english for them
there’s a lot of really cool and thought out lore as well as TONS of thoughtful marine biology science that makes sense
oh and transforming from mermaid to human? painful as FUCK. realistic depictions of having your body literally transform into something else
humans are wrecking the oceans and that’s a heavy theme of the show
oil rigs are poisoning the water (making them infertile) and killing mermaids with their sonic drilling
so ben and maddie lowkey commit an act of ecoterrorism but it’s chill
“ben and maddie are love” they’re poly, bitches
they come together in a natural, organic way
very healthy and communicative
ben’s alright but ryn and maddie are amazing
don’t watch season three if you don’t want to be majorly disappointed. the writers listened to the homophobic trolls on instagram and broke up the polyamorous relationship and I’ll NEVER forgive them for that. seasons one and two are amazing though. just don’t watch the third one.
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