#ask the experts
thatsthat24 · 2 years
NEW VIDEO: "ASTROLOGY Explained by Non-Experts" 🌠 We've come to answer all of YOUR hard-hitting questions in regards to the ways of the stars... https://youtu.be/8CYMbai67BI
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
Same energy
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qnewslgbtiqa · 27 days
Tips for renovating an apartment
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/tips-for-renovating-an-apartment/
Tips for renovating an apartment
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Paul Gavin from LGBTQIA+ friendly builders AQWA shares his tips for renovating an apartment.
Whether it is your home or an investment property, renovating your apartment is a chance to give the property a new lease on life. 
Utilise the space with open-plan living
While apartments are traditionally smaller than houses, that doesn’t mean they need to feel cramped or restrictive. More and more apartment owners are knocking down their walls to create open-plan living. Whether you want to create a bigger living room, or to connect the bathroom and laundry as one, removing walls is a great way to refresh a space without needing to make any additions
Spice up the kitchen
For many people, the kitchen is the heart of the home. Whether you love to host dinner parties or enjoy a quiet meal at home, a high-quality kitchen is a must to create a luxury apartment. Invest in a double oven to make juggling multiple courses a breeze, while a large countertop in the centre of the kitchen is the perfect way to entertain guests while preparing the evening’s delights.
Achieve serenity with a new bathroom
A bathroom is more than just a place to bathe. There is a range of fixtures, fittings, tiles, and stylings available to help turn your bathroom into a personal day spa. Whether you are looking to install a bigger bathtub or redo the lighting in the room to create the perfect ambiance, a renovation provides the opportunity to create a bathroom that is uniquely yours.
Freshen up the laundry
Perhaps the most overlooked room in a home, the laundry has more to offer than just being the place where clothes and linen are cleaned. Consider adding tasteful shelving, cupboards, and drawers to help with storage, or a hanging rack for your clothes to dry on without taking up space elsewhere.
While watching plenty of home renovations shows can have anyone feeling like a DIY expert, it is important that you chat to the experts before beginning any major renovations. Reach out to our friendly team to have a chat and to discuss your plans and desires for your property.
AQWA Constructions – Brisbane Home Renovations. 0414 234 695 | aqwaconstructions.com.au
Read next:
Tips for creating a relaxing bathroom
Ask the Experts: Home extensions that make a difference
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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baby-magazino · 6 months
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Από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2022 έχουν καταγραφεί στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο 114 περιπτώσεις οξείας ηπατίτιδας αδιευκρίνιστης αιτιολογίας, που εντοπίστηκαν σε παιδιά ηλικίας κάτω των 16 ετών.
Οι ασθενείς είναι κυρίως μεταξύ 3 και 5 ετών.
Η κλινική εικόνα ξεκινά συνήθως με συμπτώματα γαστρεντερίτιδας (εμέτους, διάρροιες, κοιλιακό άλγος) και η επιπλοκή είναι η ηπατίτιδα με την εμφάνιση ίκτερου.
Στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, 43 από τα παιδιά έχουν αναρρώσει και 38 συνεχίζουν να νοσηλεύονται.
10 παιδιά χρειάστηκαν μεταμόσχευση.
Ως προς τα πιθανά αίτια.
Η συσχέτιση της ηπατίτιδας με ενεργό ή προηγηθείσα λοίμωξη με κορονοϊό είναι υπό διερεύνηση.
Από τα 53 παιδιά που έχουν ελεγχθεί για αδενοϊό, τα 40 βρέθηκαν θετικά.
Η αρχική ανάλυση του τύπου του αδενοϊού δείχνει πως συνήθως απαντάται ο τύπος 41F.
Τα επίπεδα DNA του αδενοϊού στα δείγματα αίματος στα παιδιά που υποβλήθηκαν σε μεταμό��χευση ήπατος ήταν περίπου 12 φορές υψηλότερα έναντι αυτών που δεν χρειάστηκαν μεταμόσχευση ήπατος.
Δεν έχουν αναφερθεί στα παιδιά που νόσησαν εμφανή αίτια κοινής έκθεσης σε τοξίνες ή άλλους περιβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες.
Ως προς τις πιθανές υποθέσεις.
1. Κάποιος ενισχυτικός παράγοντας που επηρεάζει τα άτομα μικρότερων ηλικιών καθιστά τις λοιμώξεις από αδενοϊό πιο σοβαρές από ότι συνήθως. Ο παράγοντας αυτός μπορεί να είναι το ανοσολογικό χάσμα λόγω έλλειψης προηγούμενης έκθεσης κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας, προηγούμενη λοίμωξη κορωνοϊού ή ταυτόχρονη λοίμωξη με κορωνοϊό ή άλλο παθογόνο, έκθεση σε άλλους, άγνωστους προς το παρόν, περιβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες.
2. Μια νέα παραλλαγή αδενοϊού.
3. Ένα νέο παθογόνο που είτε δρα μόνο του είτε ως ταυτόχρονη λοίμωξη με άλλο παθογόνο.
4. Μια νέα παραλλαγή του κορωνοϊού (η λιγότερο πιθανή εκδοχή).
Από τη στιγμή που αναφέρονται κρούσματα σε 12 χώρες του κόσμου, είναι βέβαιο πως είναι θέμα χρόνου να εντοπιστεί και στη χώρα μας κρούσμα οξείας ηπατίτιδας σε παιδιά.
Τι πρέπει να προσέχουν οι γονείς
Κάθε γαστρεντερίτιδα δεν είναι ηπατίτιδα! Οι γονείς θα πρέπει να αναζητήσουν ιατρική βοήθεια αν τα ούρα του παιδιού είναι πολύ σκούρα (σαν κονιάκ) ή τα κόπρανα αποχρωματισμένα (λευκά). Βέβαια όταν ένα παιδί είναι αφυδατωμένο, τα ούρα είναι πιο πυκνά και σκούρα, οπότε γενικά χρειάζεται ψυχραιμία. Το σύμπτωμα του ικτέρου (κίτρινη χροιά στον επιπεφυκότα του ματιού και στο δέρμα) δε γίνεται εύκολα αντιληπτό και όταν εγκατασταθεί μπορεί η νόσος να έχει προχωρήσει.
Η συγκεκριμένη ηπατίτιδα δεν οφείλεται στους ιούς που προλαμβάνονται από τα υπάρχοντα εμβόλια οπότε δε χρειάζεται πανικός για την άμεση διενέργεια εμβολίων για την ηπατίτιδα.
Είναι πολλά αυτά που δεν έχουν ξεκαθαριστεί και οι υγειονομικές αρχές είναι σε επαγρύπνηση. Μέχρι τότε, ψυχραιμία και επικοινωνία με τον παιδίατρο σε περίπτωση που τα συμπτώματα μιας γαστρεντερίτιδας είναι πιο ανησυχητικά από ότι συνήθως.
UK Health Security Agency – Investigation into acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children in England – Technical briefing 25 April 2022
Αγγελική Θεοδωρίδου, Παιδίατρος MD, PhD
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Η Αγγελική γεννήθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη το 1972 και φοίτησε με υποτροφία στο Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια. Αν και δεν προέρχεται από ιατρική οικογένεια, το όνειρό της από την Α΄Γυμνασίου ήταν να ασχοληθεί με την Παιδιατρική. Εισήχθη με Πανελλήνιες εξετάσεις στην Ιατρική Σχολή του Α.Π.Θ. το 1989 και ολοκλήρωσε τις σπουδές της το 1995 με βαθμό «Λίαν Καλώς». Υπηρέτησε ως αγροτική ιατρός στο Π.Ι. Κλεινού του Κ.Υ.Καλαμπάκας.
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podcastwizard · 6 months
there is nothing, and i mean Nothing, a kid loves more than being asked "what do you know about dragons." if you're stuck with a kid between the ages of four and nine ask them about dragons and you will have them going for at least an hour. nod sagely as they tell you that red dragons breathe fire and blue dragons breathe ice. take notes. depending on the kid you could replace this with fairies, mermaids, etc. but dragons is usually a safe bet.
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ventique18 · 3 months
🐉: "People used to make gargoyles with human features as well. Also referred to as Chimeras, these human-like gargoyles are famously known for being a hybrid creature with human faces or parts. Many common gargoyles are also called as such because they combine several different features from different animals such as its face, tail, wings, and body type."
🐉: "... But this is not your area of interest, so I likely must be boring you, no? Apologies. Let me instead think of something related to things you enjoy."
🌸: "No,
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the-catboy-minyan · 4 days
hey good faith question- do you mind elaborating on judaism’s belief of g-d not being the ‘one true g-d’ and just the ‘g-d of the hebrews?
sure, but keep in mind that I wasn't raised in a religious house, so I'm not an expert and this could be inaccurate, you could wait to see if other people would elaborate in reblogs or replies.
a lot of religions have the belief that they worship the true g-d(s) and everyone else is wrong and are worshipping (a) false g-d(s). I believe Christianity works like that.
in the Tanach, there is no claim that other religions' g-ds don't exist, in fact, there are instances were miracles from other g-ds happen, but the jewish g-d is described as unique and stronger than others.
for example, in the story of The Exodus (is that how יציאת מצרים is called in english), when Moses comes to the Pharaoh for the first time to ask to release the Hebrews, he showcases Hashem's (the Jewish g-d) strength by turning his staff into a snake, the Pharaoh's magicians(?) then proceed to also turn their staffs into snakes, but Moses's snake eats theirs. the story doesn't show their g-ds as non-existent, they gave the magicians the same powers as Hashem, but the power of Hashem was stronger and thus Moses's snake won over the other snakes.
foreign worship is banned in Judaism, not because the foreign g-ds are false, but because they're not Hashem, I don't know how to explain it but that's how it works.
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hellenhighwater · 2 months
hi hellen! i'm a high schooler thinking of pursuing law - i know it's tough to get into, but i'd like to give it a shot. how did you know that it was right for you, and what would you consider to be the most important things to do to prepare to study it in advance? any additional advice would be great, thanks!
Well, the thing you often hear about "oh, you're so good at arguing, you should be a lawyer" is mostly bull. The actual main skills for a lawyer are research, writing, analysis/application, negotiation, debate (not arguing) and emotional regulation. If that sounds appealing, it may be a good fit!
I pretty much always tell people that you should do your bachelor's in something other than prelaw. In fact, it should be in whatever field you would want to have a career in if you weren't a lawyer. Law schools generally do not require specific undergrad majors, as I, with my double art degree can attest. Law school is geared to give you all the basic tools necessary for being a lawyer. I did not notice any meaningful advantage a prelaw major provided to my peers. If you have a particular law school in mind, look into their admissions criteria, but otherwise--get your bachelor's in your backup career.
Work on your reading and writing, and go to court. Courts are open to the public and these days most of them actually have facebook and twitter pages where they post dockets; many courts post-pandemic actually also livestream all proceedings, sometimes right on youtube. Look at what's going on in some of your local courts, and just go watch it happen. You are welcome to sit and watch court proceedings, just don't be disruptive and be prepared to go through a security check. Get a sense for what goes on!
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dennisboobs · 5 months
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7x10 // How Mac Got Fat
↳ Charlie & Dennis + getting high together
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revenantghost · 1 year
can you explain why knives needed vash for his plan? is vash's power giving plants life?
So from what I gather, Vash is unique in his ability to both give and take from the higher dimension, which is the place where all plants get their energy from, and that's what humans use them for. (This is also where Conrad says their souls are instead of their bodies (possible bullshit, given the unreliable narrators we have), and also given Vash's conversation with Rem in episode 12 it's possibly connected to the afterlife???) Or, at the very least, Vash is different from most other plants, as they can only take. His power has been compared to something black hole-like, but I won't bore you with quantum physics since we don't know exactly what they mean by that yet, exactly.
In order to access and enter the higher dimension to rip souls free and shove them into the plants' bodies to birth independent plants, Knives needed to use Vash as a gate, as a tool, to open Vash up and let himself in so he could funnel that power out through Vash.
At least, that's just what I've gathered from watching Tristamp... way too many times and reading meta as I go. I'm probably a bit off in this explanation, so anyone feel free to add on anything I missed! I think we're going to get way more in-depth in the following season/s with the plot threads left hanging after episode twelve. Hopefully this makes sense! :'D
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anwn · 5 months
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2005's worst get-together
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mycoblogg · 7 months
Whats the difference between lichen, moss, mould and mushrooms if they're all fungus? Aren't they all the same sorta thing?
so, interestingly, all of these groups are very different !! instead of naming the differences, let me quickly explain what exactly these organisms are.
lichen :
lichens are symbiotic organisms, meaning they are in themselves the product of a relationship between different organisms. to simplify it, lichens are big part fungus, & smaller part algae (protista) or cyanobacteria (monera). these different forms of life together create lichen, which grows on trees, rocks, leaves, mosses & sometimes other lichens !! to read more about lichens, check out @/lichenaday's blog :-)
moss :
mosses are actually not fungi at all !! they are small, flowerless plants. they grow on trees & in soil. :-)
mould :
mould is a type of structure that fungi can form - it is entirely fungal. it reproduces through airborne spores :-) there are many different types of mould ; some are toxic, some are used medicinally, & some are saprotrophs. (note : slime moulds & water moulds are unrelated to fungal moulds !!)
mushrooms :
so, lots of people think mushrooms are a species of fungus, but they are not. "mushroom" refers to the fruiting body of a fungus ; what a mushroom is to a fungus is comparable to what a flower is to a tree - the part that reproduces !! not all fungi produce mushrooms (e.g. moulds, which do not have fruiting bodies as the entire organism is able to release spores). there are currently only 14 000 discovered fungi that produce mushrooms !! more fungi that don't produce mushrooms include mildew, yeast & lichen.
so, yes !! they're all quite different in structure, cells & function in the ecosystem.
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possamble · 10 days
Do you have any headcanons or thoughts about Falin having a crush on Marcille pre-canon? Especially during her later years at the school/the years she was with Laios.
Just full on "awkward and slightly gnc teenage lesbian has a massive crush on the touchy-feely girly girl straight best friend" tropes everywhere. Even better bc it's the "best friend is also the popular girl while lesbian is the slightly ostracized quiet one" dynamic in school. Falin gets so so so good at not having a heart attack every time Marcille gets in her personal space. But she's so resigned to never saying anything bc why would a girl as blinding as Marcille ever like her back. She also doesn't make an effort to get over it either, she's just content to be trapped in that stable dynamic of silently being in love with Marcille while getting to enjoy CLEARLY being Marcille's favourite person. She gets so used to it that it's almost just background noise most of the time-- it would have to be, unless she wanted to be freaking out 24/7 bc Marcille is so goddamn affectionate.
Her feelings also definitely change throughout the time that they're in school together-- at first it was this "whooaaah pretty older girl" puppy crush that you can clearly see developing in the flashbacks we get (I think she doesn't even like... realize her fixation on Marcille is romantic at all until years after it starts, when she's 12-14 ish and all the other girls around her are talking about crushes). But then they get closer, over the years Marcille starts getting really attached and letting down her guard, and Falin gets to see the ridiculous side of her. She gets to calm her down from her tantrums when experiments don't work out, or help her clean up when something explodes in her face. I feel like the progression of her feelings from "schoolgirl infatuation" to "unrequited love" probably almost exactly corresponds to how slowly Marcille goes from trying to keep Falin at a polite but friendly distance (like she does with everyone else) to her facade completely eroding as she becomes her cheerful and ridiculous self again for the first time since her father died.
That's probably the saddest part: Falin knows that she's clearly Marcille's favourite person on the surface level, but she doesn't quite fully grasp the enormity of what that means to Marcille. She doesn't get that she's the person who made the world colorful again for Marcille, that she is the first person outside of Marcille's family to really and truly make her laugh. She just thinks she's the beloved but dinky little short-lived sidekick, one of many that Marcille has had and will have.
Part of it is that, despite Marcille becoming such a clingy and affectionate best friend, I think her initial demeanour already did its damage. You see Falin being super adventurous and weird at first, bringing Marcille berries and other stuff, only to be rebuffed by Marcille exasperatedly saying she's working or looking kind of put off by it. And by the time you see her a little older, shes already quieter and better at masking -- and I'm not saying that that's entirely Marcille's fault (being the weird girl at an all girls academy for almost the entirety of her teenhood must have been brutal, my god) but she definitely learned that she's a potential nuisance to Marcille if she doesn't tone herself down. She learned that Marcille most likely sees her as a weird little kid following her around bc she has no other friends. And for the most part, she was never given any reason to unlearn any of that.
And that all very very smoothly transitions into Marcille being her "first love that was never meant to be anyway" when she leaves the academy. Chapter closed in her mind: she loved and pined from a distance and that was that. Every now and then she'll see another woman with Marcille's build or her shade of hair and be like ":( I miss her..." But then just kinda move on with her day. Same with when she's going through her own spellbook and finds a note that Marcille left her/correction that she made-- she'll smile fondly and reminisce about how much Marcille doted on her, and then move on.
Sometimes she thinks about contacting Marcille but convinces herself that it's too late (she spent too many months focusing on getting Laios healthy again and didn't mean to go no contact, but ah well). It's only when she has a practical reason to be reaching out that would also benefit Marcille ("Marcille is studying dungeons and we need a trustworthy mage to go with us to the dungeons") that she feels like she's allowed/that it wouldn't just be 100% a nuisance.
I almost think she didn't expect Marcille to reply at all, only to get a telegraph (or some in-universe equivalent of express mail, maybe magical pigeon carrier) that's like. EN ROUTE TO ISLAND. LETTER TO FOLLOW. and she freaks out like AAAA LAIOS SHE SAID YES WE HAVE TO CLEAN UP NOW.
I do think getting a response accidentally sparks a little hope in her, judging by the way she acts in the chp 57 flashback-- she's pouty that Marcille sees her as a kid, gets really worked up about being presentable, and then tries to play it cool when she actually meets Marcille (as if she didn't freak out and force Laios to shave while rambling a mile a minute about Marcille). She's an adult now, really and truly, and she's seen and survived things that her 18 yr old self would have never even imagined-- then all of a sudden, the person she was in love with since she was ten years old appears, and she's so desperate to be seen as mature and competent. She's trying soooo hard to impress Marcille with her newfound combat and dungeoneering experience...
Only to fall right back into their old dynamic. RIP. At least she gets the girl eventually, even if it takes dying twice and being the core catalyst behind an almost-apocalypse.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 27 days
Autism inclusion in the LGBTQIA+ community
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/autism-inclusion-in-the-lgbtqia-community/
Autism inclusion in the LGBTQIA+ community
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The team at Living Communities share how important inclusion is for LGBTQIA+ people with autistic. 
Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by differences in social communication and behaviour. It does not discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity. 
However, research suggests that individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community are more likely to be autistic compared to the general population. This overlap highlights the importance of recognising and addressing the specific needs of autistic individuals within LGBTQIA+ spaces.
Navigating social interactions and understanding societal norms can be particularly complex for autistic individuals. Especially within a community that often faces discrimination and marginalisation. Issues such as sensory sensitivities, difficulty with social cues, and challenges in self-advocacy can further complicate the experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals who are autistic.
To foster neurodiverse acceptance within LGBTQIA+ spaces, several solutions can be implemented.
Education and awareness
Initiatives are vital to increasing understanding of autism within the LGBTQIA+ community. Workshops, training sessions, and informational resources can dispel myths and misconceptions, fostering empathy and acceptance.
Accessibility is key to ensuring neurodiverse individuals feel welcome and included in LGBTQIA+ spaces. Accommodations such as sensory-friendly environments, quiet spaces, and alternative communication methods should be provided at events and within community safe spaces.
Inclusive language
Inclusive language and practices are essential for creating a welcoming environment for neurodiverse individuals. Using language that respects diverse communication styles and being mindful of sensory sensitivities can promote inclusivity.
Advocacy and representation
These play crucial roles in promoting neurodiverse acceptance within the LGBTQIA+ community. By advocating for the inclusion of neurodiverse voices and perspectives ensures their representation in leadership roles and a more equitable supportive community can be cultivated.
Celebrating diversity
Celebrating diversity within the LGBTQIA+ community, including neurodiversity, is essential. Recognising the strengths and contributions of neurodiverse individuals fosters a culture of acceptance and appreciation for all forms of diversity.
By implementing these solutions, the LGBTQIA+ community can become more neurodiverse accepting, ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their neurodiversity or sexual orientation, feel valued and supported.
Read next:
The importance of community for those living with a disability
Ask the Experts: What is Camouflaging or Masking?
Ask the Experts: All people are valid with Living Communities
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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baby-magazino · 6 months
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Σίγουρα πολλές φορές θα έχετε παρατηρήσει το μωρό να τραβάει τα μαλλιά του, δημιουργώντας σας ένα αίσθημα ανησυχίας για ποιο λόγο μπορεί να συμβαίνει αυτό. Οι λόγοι, που μπορεί να συμβαίνει, είναι πολλοί, όπως άγχος, κούραση, ένταση ή πιο σπάνια μια διαταραχή, η τριχοτιλλομανία.
Η τριχοτιλλομανία είναι αρκετά συχνή στα παιδιά, αλλά πολύ σπάνια θα παρουσιαστεί σε παιδιά κάτω των 12 ετών. Επομένως, τα μωρά που τραβούν τα μαλλιά τους, ως επί το πλείστον, δεν έχει να κάνει με τη διαταραχή της τριχοτιλλομανίας.
Είναι μια ανακουφιστική, καταπραϋντική κίνηση όπως το πιπίλισμα του αντίχειρά τους που τα βοηθά να αντιμετωπίσουν την κούραση ή το άγχος.
Επίσης, αρκετά παιδιά απελευθερώνουν ντοπαμίνη, την ορμόνη της «ευτυχίας και της απόλαυσης», κάθε φορά που τραβούν τα μαλλιά τους και μπορεί να συνεχίσουν να αναζητούν το συγκεκριμένο συναίσθημα επαναλαμβάνοντας αυτή τη χαρακτηριστική κίνηση.
Άλλα μωρά τέλος, μπορεί απλώς να τραβούν τα μαλλιά τους από περιέργεια ή για να έχουν την προσοχή σας.
Μάριος Ανδρέου, Παιδίατρος – Κέντρο Παιδικής Μέριμνας – MD, PhD, MSc
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Εισαχθείς με την 1η στην Ιατρική Αθηνών, με υποτροφία για 6 χρόνια από το Βοστάνειο Ίδρυμα Μυτιλήνης. Ειδικότητα Παιδιατρικής από την Πανεπιστημιακή Κλινική του Αγία Σοφία. 1ος στις εξετάσεις ειδικότητας Παιδιατρικής. 6 μήνες στο Hammersmith Hospital στο Λονδίνο. Ιδρυτής και Διευθυντής του Κέντρου Παιδιατρικής Μέριμνας με Παιδιατρικό – Παιδοδοντιατρικό και Ορθοδοντικό Τμήμα από 15ετίας. Σύμβουλος θηλασμού.
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No, but you don't understand, Technus is so fucking funny, and without even trying. Like, imagine telling somebody about his whole deal, it'd be a trainwreck lmao.
"So there's this ghost who can control all kinds of technology."
"He looks like an off brand cosplay of Nikola Tesla and can and will villain monologue you to death."
"Yeah, okay, continue."
"One of his plans of world domination was fully dependant on making his favourite enemies-to-lovers ship canon."
"I'm sorry, what."
The most outrageous thing, tho! The thing that drives me up the wall!! Is that his convoluted plans work like clockwork!!! If Sam wasn't an MVP that she is, then Technus' plan to take over the internet by playing a fucking videogame would have been successful. Combining Technus' technology and Skulker's mastery with weapons was a real pro gamer move, and they did almost beat Danny's ass in under 5 minutes. His plan to distract both Danny and Valerie by matchmaking them was stupid as fuck and yet it fucking worked!! How the fuck did it work.
His downfalls are literally 1) his arrogance, and 2) simple dumb bad luck. The reason why he and Skulker failed was because they both were pretentious fucks and were too prideful to cooperate with each other properly despite literally sharing a body. And if Danny and Valerie were a little less afraid of the other getting hurt, he'd have succeeded there, like, for real-real.
His failings more often than not are really just unlucky coincidencies. What a loser lmao.
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