#at least in my canon she escaped with my oc at the end along w Keiran
earl-grey-love · 1 year
The female character who moves me the most in recent times is Molly O'Shea. She deserved everything better. I wish more than anything that she could've been happy and had someone who genuinely loved her. Even if that was only a friend.
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bisexualryder · 5 years
Okay dude i’ll bite, can i know more about your trio wardens au ? Like how did they meet ? Who did they romance ? What happens to them after dao ? In da2 ? Dai ? (Sorry im just a huge fan of ocs and i love the wardens)
Ahhh, first off - thank you for asking! I’m happy to gush about my trio of idiots wardens :D Secondly - don’t apologize for asking! I love talking about my OCs, I’m just bad about keeping up with posting and such lately (but hope to fix that soon, especially if I make this extra sideblog). ANYWHO, gonna jump in and apologize now if this gets long, lol.
SO I’ll hit romance first since that’s quicker and easier. Rylee and Ise (eventually) become a thing - they’re married by the time DAI rolls around. Typical grumpy asshole falls in love with ray of sunshine and doesn’t want to admit it at first. She tries to play it cool and ends up playing it too cool until she gets some help from the couple companions she befriends (mostly Zev, since Sten doesn’t care that much, but he offers his insight on what qunari do). But they don’t actually, like, really become a romance-y thing until after ghoul!Tamlen shows up and oof that one is painful.
Eleri I… don’t know yet, to be honest. She was a re-imagining of my old Cousland, who romanced Alistair, but with Eleri I’m actually leaning a bit more toward Zevran. But uh, still not sure yet, I’m mad indecisive on this one. tbh even Nate is in the running for her *shrug emoji*
On to the rest!
They don’t all join the standard way, I guess, but they do all meet at Ostagar. Ducan officially recruits Rylee and Isethari, Eleri recruits herself, lol.
Rylee is recruited first. Standard Tabris origin there and it’s on the way to Ostagar that they plan to stop and see the Dalish elves and that’s when they find Isethari half-dead in the middle of the woods (it was sheer luck, really). Duncan sends Rylee, carrying the nearly-dead Ise, to the camp and goes to investigate the area. Other than Rylee wandering around the Dalish camp like an awestruck idiot, most of the Mahariel origin is the same. Rylee stays behind in the camp, though, when Ise and co. are sent back to the ruin where they run into Duncan. Once they leave, Rylee earns herself the duty of ensuring that Isethari doesn’t run on their trip to Ostagar, bc let me tell you Ise is not happy about leaving without finding Tamlen.
Now for Eleri, she escapes the castle with only her mabari after her parents sacrifice themselves to buy her time to get out. She manages to make it to the stables for her horse and rides as hard as she can to Ostagar, desperate to find her brother. When she basically gets told that he’s out scouting and she likely won’t see him before the battle, she asks about the wardens and is pointed toward Duncan. At that point, she goes up to him like: “I just slaughtered my way through an army of men trying to assassinate my family. I have nothing left but this dream, please.” He asks clarification, she provides, he eventually agrees and sends her off to gather the other recruits and report back with Alistair. It’s at that point she meets Rylee and Isethari, who are hanging around close together by the quartermaster (after Rylee nearly kills Daveth for hitting on that one woman, you know the one). 
From there up until the start of the fight, it progresses as it normally would in canon. They all get their quest, go out into the wilds, etc. etc. And once they survive the Joining, they have a pre-meeting meeting thing. Alistair and Eleri join the meeting as per canon, and Duncan assigns Rylee and Ise to the remaining warden forces. So from there, canon-typical for Eleri. Go to the tower, light the beacon, get almost killed and then saved by Flemeth, etc.
Rylee and Ise, however, have a much more trying experience. Rylee takes a genlock to the face (claws? blade? idk lmao) for Ise to protect her - this being around the time they can see the battle is going south. Duncan’s already been killed at this point and Ise starts to panic (she hates fighting as it is) and manages to half convince, half drag Rylee from the fighting and they flee the battle to the nearest town (naturally, Lothering). They end up meeting up with Eleri and Alistair (and Morrigan) again and explain what happened from their perspective and then work with Eleri and Alistair to come up with a plan of action.
Eleri takes up the role of warden-commander (since Alistair and Ise don’t want to lead and everyone knows Rylee leading is a Very Bad Idea™).
Uhhh, key highlights of what they do I guess would be:
Sided with the Mages
Irving saved, Uldred dead etc etc
Put Bhelen in power
Branka’s killed
sent Dagna off to study ofc
Sided with the Dalish against the werewolves
two elves with one being Dalish and the other violently racist made it a simple choice for Eleri to lessen a headache later (she had way too much else to worry about than argue with them)
Helped Redcliffe and saved Conner
demon killed w/Jowan’s help (he does the ritual and Morrigan is sent in to yeet the demon out)
Isolde’s alive
side note: didn’t poison the Urn
Anora rules w/ Alistair
Loghain alive & recruited as a warden (recruited post-final fight)
Alistair still performs the ritual with Morrigan
Not too much of note here. Rylee is the one that finds Nathaniel, though, and it does not go well for him. It’s only Ise that stays Rylee’s hand from killing him. When they bring him to Eleri, she immediately recruits him when she realizes it’s her old friend. He’s still pretty ticked, but softens about the whole thing a bit when he realizes Eleri is around.
With more wardens, they’re able to more easily protect the Keep and Amaranthine. And the Architect does live (much to Rylee’s great annoyance).
Sometime in here is when Rylee and Ise get married. They have two ceremonies - one in the Denerim alienage to honor Rylee’s culture and then again when they find Ise’s clan outside Kirkwall.
Hawke and co. do run into Ise and Rylee in the Deep Roads during the expedition (as they are canon with Ashley Hawke, there’s not a twin to save). BUT the two of them help Ash and crew gtfo and back safely to Kirkwall. Turns out they saw Bodahn on their way into the Deep Roads to investigate and got a tip to keep an eye out for some lost members of the expedition (the whole leaving suddenly without them thing didn’t sit right with him).
Later on, in that mission where you run into Nate? Eleri’s with him, though doesn’t actually advertise herself as the warden-commander while chatting with Ash. Ash isn’t dumb, though, (not always, at least) and gets a feeling Eleri might be kinda more in charge than she was told. So when wardens start disappearing, she takes a chance and makes contact. It ultimately pays off when Eleri sends Rylee and Ise to help the Inquisition.
During the events of Here Lies the Abyss in Inquisition, it’s Rylee that stays behind to buy everyone time to escape. And, much like when Ise was taken from her clan, she has to be dragged out - this time by the Inquisitor herself (Olivia, for the record) - kicking, screaming, and utterly sobbing that they’re leaving her wife behind.
BUT because fuck canon, Rylee survives and kinda wanders around the raw Fade until she finds another open rift. This ends up dumping her into the ass end of Orlais somewhere and it takes her a while to make her way back to Skyhold, but dammit! She and Ise do get a happy ending. It does take a while though, it really does. And for that duration, Ise doesn’t leave Skyhold for anything after they get her back there. Resigned, more than anything, she usually perches on an empty wall away from the hustle and bustle of the main areas near the stables. She also doesn’t eat much, only what small bits that Cole brings her.
As for Eleri, she - along with Nate, Velanna, and Sigrun - are searching for the cure. And I really haven’t thought much beyond that.
MAN this got long, I hope you don’t mind! I had a lot of fun thinking about this and gushing a bit about my girls and what they do :D So thank you, again, for asking! One day, I think I plan to write something detailing their journey from start to finish in DAO and maybe beyond, but it’d probably be a series of drabbles? I struggle with long fics and flowing from one chapter to the next, but maybe.
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Starting Off the Day
Word Count: 2,451
Characters: Lynette, Silas
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Murder (It’s not very graphic, but just in case)
A/N: This is just a short fic I wrote in order to get a better grasp of my characters’ personalities! I hope to include more of the canon characters of Ozmafia into my writing later on, but for now this focuses more heavily on my OCs w/ brief mentions to some canon characters! I hope you enjoy! (⌒▽⌒)
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She starts off her day at the dead of night. It sounded odd, but Lynette had a commitment to fulfill at the brothel and she couldn’t be late.
After strapping her daggers to her thighs, Lynette quietly locked her bedroom door behind her and fled across the bookstore’s cobbled floors. She stopped by the coat rack in order to slip on an oversized trench coat.
Before Lynette made it out the door, she glanced back in the direction of the private chambers of the store. Surely Silas would still be fast asleep by now, so she didn’t feel the need to wake him just to tell him she was going out. Lynette thought about leaving him a note, but decided against this as well. He would be able to figure out where she had gone; he was a smart boy after all.
Lynette gave a sheepish smile as she turned the knob to the front door. “Sorry, Silas. Guess you’ll have to start off the morning without me.”
Lynette hated this.
Her vacant expression belied any emotion she was feeling as she drove her dagger through her victim’s heart one last time. He had stopped struggling a while ago (and stopped breathing a few moments after that), but she had to make sure he was dead. Dorian wouldn’t hesitate to punish her if Lynette let another prostitute escape the room.
A chill ran down her spine as she remembered how dark Dorian’s usually amused gaze had become when he received news of a bloody, half-dead prostitute limping their way through the mansion, hoarsely calling for someone, anyone, to help them. Manboy had intervened and finished him off himself, but that didn’t save Lynette from the punishment that was to come. Dorian didn’t allow her to return to her bookstore for a week, giving her one ridiculously tedious task after another in order to keep her within the establishment. It was her first offense, so the punishment wasn’t as harsh as Dorian initially made it seem, but Lynette didn’t want to take any chances of receiving a second strike. She had really worried Silas too, and she didn’t want to upset him anymore than she usually did.
‘This was simply a job,’ was what she tried to convince herself of. Lynette kept a firm grip on her knife handle, watching her victim’s blood seep through the spaces of her fingers with darkened eyes. She was being pathetic. Lynette was a hitwoman, a cold-hearted murderer, it was a simple as that. She wasn’t allowed to get emotional over this; she would just seem like a hypocrite.
Her gaze eventually traveled to her victim’s face. This was a mistake.
This guy… He looked familiar for some reason. Lynette’s brow furrowed, trying to remember where she had seen him before.
Without warning, one memory flashed after another into her mind. Ah, yes. He was at the bar that one day, laughing and chatting with friends as business ran slow at the brothel. This was also the boy who always tried cheesy movements to flirt with the customers. Some of the other workers would roll their eyes whenever he dramatically dropped to one knee to kiss a woman’s hand, but Lynette had found it cute. He had visited her at the bookstore on one of his off days as well, his eyes shining in wonder when he saw the giant oak tree that was situated in the center of the library. He comically raised his head to take in the whole sight, the tree having grown through the ceiling and out into the open air. The boy had told her he had never seen anything so magnificent. He had introduced himself… His name was…
Lynette felt something warm roll off her cheeks. It took her a couple seconds more to realize she was crying. She had crossed a line she wasn’t supposed to in this job; she had humanized her victim and the overwhelming sense of guilt she felt from this caused a dam to burst. Lynette lowered her head a little lower as she attempted to force her tears to stop. He was so young. If only he hadn’t gotten sick… If only…
But if he had lived he would have continued to work at the brothel. He would have remained a bird stuck within this filthy cage. Was death any better than such a fate? No. Lynette shook her head and tried to regain her composure. She was just making excuses to quell her shaking conscience.
Regardless of what it was, Lynette withdrew her knife and stood up. She didn’t have any right to say this, but she couldn’t help but murmur, “I’m sorry, William. I’m so, so sorry.”
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He started off his day wondering where the hell Lynette could have possibly went. The girl had an irritating habit of not leaving any kind of notice of her leave. She had told him before that he was smart enough to figure it out, but sometimes it was hard to tell.
One day, for example, Silas thought Lynette had just gone out for some grocery shopping, noticing that there was no food in the fridge as he chugged his morning milk. He was sorely mistaken. Later in the evening, Lynette stumbled into the bookstore with a weary smile, a cut on her cheek, and dirt spattered clothing. She had helped a farmer wrangle up some escaped chickens, and it took longer than expected. Silas then asked if she had at least gotten groceries while she was out, and he received a blank look in response. They didn’t eat dinner that night.
As Silas passed by the coat rack to flip the store’s sign to “open”, he noticed that the trench coat was missing. He grimaced. Lynette only took that coat whenever she went to her job at the salon, explaining that she wanted to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Although, if he were being honest, the sight of the small girl wrapped in a large trench coat waddling up the steps of the mansion was one of the most suspicious things he had ever seen.
But Silas wasn’t one to judge. Really, it wasn’t as if he could either. The two had an unspoken agreement between each other. As long as Lynette didn’t ask about his past then Silas wouldn’t try to figure out what her job at the salon actually was. It was as simple as that, and Silas preferred it that way.
He made his way to Lynette’s bedroom and pulled a spare key from the pot of a fern next to her door. He never quite understood why she was insistent on locking it whenever she left the store, even going as far as to hide the key in a different place every week. He just chalked it up to her reading too many mysteries involving robberies in the past month, spotting a stack of these books on the stand near her bed. Lynette was easily influenced by her surroundings after all.
Silas shook his head disapprovingly as he pulled out the top drawer of her stand. “Miss Lynette would be crap at anything that involves suppressing her emotions,” he muttered to himself. “Ah. Found it.”
He withdrew a book from the messy drawer. It had no illustrations nor writing on its covers, but the words, “A Shot in the Dark” were written in gold along the binding. This dark green hardback appeared like nothing special; it was near identical with dozens upon dozens of books in the store.
But things aren’t always what they seem.
Silas opened the book (ignoring the sticky note Lynette had attached to the front cover; “STOP STEALING THIS BOOK, SILAS. DAMMIT, JUST ASK.”) and took out the shotgun that had been stored within a deep cutout of the book’s pages, checking to see if it was loaded.
Lynette had told him that there was no need for him to carry weapons inside the store because she believed she could defend the both of them “easy peasy”.
But since she was gone for the day… Silas placed the gun back into the book, closed it, and casually tucked it under one arm as he headed over to the register.
Just to be safe.
Business was slow today. He folded his arms upon the counter and laid down his head, releasing a heavy sigh.
The only eventful thing that’s happened this morning was Silas having to chase Ande off with a broom. The don had been banned from the bookstore ever since she had accidentally dropped a flaming match near one of the book towers during a “trial demonstration”.
Well, that and the incident where Ande knocked several people off of the bookshelf ladders while running through the store, but the match thing was what really set them off.
Silas raised his head to glance at the front door for any potential customers. His gaze lingered at the doorway before slowly shifting to the coat rack that was next to it. The absence of the trench coat moved him to think of Lynette.
Sure, she could be annoying as hell and would sometimes never shut up about one thing or another, but he kind of… missed that noise. No matter what she talked about, she always spoke with purpose and with an unfaltering smile on her face.
Silas laid his head down once more, hearing the monotonous ticking of the store’s clock. He stamped his foot twice in frustration. He would have traded the constant ticking of that damn clock for that annoying bird’s chirping anyday.
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At the End of the Day
Lynette stood outside the door of her bookstore with the sun setting behind her. She took an exaggeratedly large breath and let it out. Then she slapped her cheeks twice. Ok! Back to normal life! She had to be all smiles! All smiles!
She caught sight of her reflection on the glass of the door and cringed at how abnormally large her grin was. Ok… Take a step back. We’re not trying to be like Silas here.
After making a series of faces at the door glass, Lynette decided on what she hoped was the most natural looking smile before reaching for the knob.
Much to her surprise, the door swung open, seemingly of its own accord. Lynette jumped back, and her hands shot instinctively to her daggers. She let her hands drop as soon as she recognized the person in front of her. “Hey, Silas! How’s it going?” Lynette cheerily asked.
Silas raised an eyebrow and replied, “Miss Lynette, you do realize that the doors are made out of regular two-way glass? What were you trying to accomplish by making all of those grotesque faces outside the store?”
Lynette sheepishly laughed, sidestepping past him in order to make her way back into the bookstore. “Practicing my smile? You should try it sometime, Silas. Your customer service smile still scares off the elderly.” She heard a sigh from behind her as well as the ringing of a small bell as Silas shut the door.
“I don’t think Miss Heidi counts as the elderly, Miss Lynette,” reminded Silas, still a bit haunted by the incident.
Lynette shrugged and snatched a donut from a plate Silas had set out on the counter. “I mean, all of the members of the ruling class have been alive for hundreds of years, so wouldn’t we count as the elderly?”
“Well… Not exactly-”
“Ah! That’s right! How were sales today? Sorry I couldn’t help out; that bastard Dorian Gray had more than one thing for me to do at that hell of a brot- I mean, salon.”
“Sales were-”
“Ooooo! Are those the books we ordered last week? Damn, and here I thought they were never going to arrive!”
As Lynette ran over to the stack of boxes in the corner, Silas was left to helplessly follow after her. It was tiring seeing how flighty she could become sometimes, but he more or less learned how to put up with it over the years.
If she talked for a long enough time, Lynette’s speech will start to slow down with pauses just lengthy enough to squeeze in a word or two in response. On the other hand, if Lynette entered non-stop talk mode, it would be wisest to just shut up altogether.
Watching Lynette fawn over the new books, Silas took advantage of this rare moment of silence to speak. “Sales were fairly slow today, so I had no trouble managing the store by myself,” he reported.
Lynette nodded, humming in thought. “Well, it is a weekday, so that’s to be expected. Glad you didn’t need an extra hand though. Anything exciting happen today?”
“I had to chase Miss Ande away from the store.”
“Did you use the broom?”
“As you requested, yes.”
“Good. That has more reach than the feather duster we used before.”
“Why did we even begin with that in the first place?” muttered Silas, more to himself than anyone else.
Regardless, Lynette heard him and shrugged once more. “I’m used to close combat, so I kind of, y’know, thought of the duster as a dagger when fending her off. However, you’re more used to long distance weapons of which would include-” Lynette formed a gun with her thumb and index finger and turned it on Silas. “The gun that I specifically told you to stop stealing from my bedside table. Bang, bang.”
Silas immediately placed his hands over his heart and responded in a deadpan voice, “Ah. You got me, Miss Lynette. Caught me red-handed.”
Although she couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not, Lynette always appreciated whenever he played along with her bad jokes. She grinned and stretched her arms over her head. “Aaaa~! It’s good to be back at the bookstore!” she exclaimed as she walked towards the kitchen. “Come on, Silas! I’ll cook you something to make up for abandoning you this morning!”
He answered her with an “okay”, but hung back for a bit, casting a glance at the trench coat that was hastily tossed back onto the rack and at the empty plate Lynette had stolen from. Messy as always.
Despite this, Silas couldn’t help but feel as if the very atmosphere within the bookstore changes whenever Lynette returns from an outing. It was as if the store itself had sprung to life, every molecule within the building straining to greet her hello. Even the ticking of the clock had faded to the background, Lynette’s absent minded singing drowning out the sound and echoing all around.
He smiled. The bookstore began to feel like home again.
A/N: On another note, HBD to my Oak Tree son, Silas! (I chose June 21 for him b/c I learned that oak trees are associated w/ the summer solstice and just kinda went: “Eh, why not?”)
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spacebunniis · 5 years
3, 15, 23, 27, and 40! for e v e r y o n e !!!
everyone ??? everyone !! aaaaaa thank you so much !!!! ;;U;; (i even included the two i didn’t list and Kiri so BUCKLE UP :’D ) i will put under read more bc long ;;w;;
3: What’s your OCs favorite food?
Linalae: seafood based dishes (also just, fancy, fine dining stuff)
Yexia: Spicy curries
Ziseshis: it takes him a long time to realize people actually eat for pleasure, and uh, even then he’s not exactly good at taking care of himself and probably rarely eats full meals. so probably space junk food, of some kind.
Idal’ia: barbecue
Akahana: some kind of steak…the meatier the better
Chivan: (i want to say chiffon cake for the joke of how it sounds similar to her name) hmm i think actually something like foie gras
Essara: She doesn’t get a lot of luxury meals living on soldier’s rations, but she enjoys rich dark chocolate when she can get it.
Riye: alcohol
Kiri: is it expensive? then it’s a favorite. The more expensive it is the more she likes it.
15: What makes your OC angry?
Linalae: When those with power fail those below them, either by preying on them or by failing to protect them. Also men flirting with her.
Yexia: ….honestly it’s easier to answer what doesn’t make her angry OK actually, it’s very much shaped by the friends and relationships she makes along the way. Which means she gets angry at alien discrimination, she gets angry when her friends are threatened. (and on a very basic, the easiest way to get under her skin is to suggest she’s inferior in some way)
Ziseshis: Slavers are definitely top of list. And then…he actually also has a lot of anger. Being talked down to, being pitied, being questioned…
Idal’ia: Seeing innocent people get hurt
Akahana: Not being taken seriously because of how “innocent” she looks or because she has a “carefree” attitude
Chivan: Not being the center of attention, being looked over, when people don’t automatically do as she says or counter her ideas
Essara: political corruption, people with no strong convictions
Riye: being asked about his past or to talk about ~feelings~. also of course his ship being stolen.
Kiri: Not getting her way. She’s spoiled. It’s her way or a blaster shot to the head.
23: Whats your OCs biggest secret?
Linalae: She’s loyal to the Empire and will do her best to serve Imperial Intelligence … but she’s not naive. She knows the risk of having cybernetics, she knows they’d likely be used to watch her, record her actions, or more. And she happens to be skilled at tinkering with tech, and if some adjustments were made that make it a little harder to actually monitor her, she also knows how to cover up the fact that there are protections in place herself from constant monitoring.
Yexia: my god is it even possible for the girl who yells every thought she has even have secrets. 😂 she’s pretty. upfront with everything. I guess the one thing i can think of (that eventually stops being a secret … also is a poorly kept secret) is how there is a softie deep down in there. She didn’t always want to hurt everyone, she didn’t always like seeing people get hurt, until she was rewarded for it, until it became a way to prove herself and be better. And because it was drilled into her that showing mercy, caring for others, that’s all weakness, she really tries to act like she is just angry all the time and doesn’t want to protect people.
Ziseshis: all that bluster about not having any fear, about being the best, all that confidence? Yeah that’s all a huge lie. He’s just hoping if he keeps lying about never being afraid, one day, eventually, it’ll have to be true right? (never mind the shaking hands or the way his heart beats like it’ll break his ribs, one day lying about how calm he is will work)
Idal’ia: she’s a pretty open book too, but she also doesn’t talk about her past a lot. mainly because, it wasn’t that glamorous, she certainly used to roll with a …rough… crowd and did things she isn’t proud of. but she’s pretty zen about her life (got that wisdom that comes with age)
Akahana: That she doesn’t think the dark side is as bad as the council makes it out to be. She doesn’t think all Sith are necessarily evil, even as she does try to bring peace to the galaxy. Her approach will always be to reach out first, and to always try to make friends, even when she’s supposed to see them as just the enemy, as opposite to her.
Chivan: Her secret is that she plays the part of the selfless hero very well, but she very selfishly wants to be the her. Her image is carefully crafted to be the all important hero, because she wants to be the all important hero, the chosen one, she wants to be admired and lauded. Not very Jedi-like so … she just pretends to be sweet and selfless, and hides all her less than pretty thoughts.
Essara: How tired she is. How much she would love to put her blaster down and never see another fight again. But everyone is counting on her to be the leader, and to be confident, and to not show how much of a burden this all is, how much everything weighs on her. But she is so very, very tired.
Riye: that he’s force sensitive! it’s not really a secret out of anything more than, he doesn’t like Talking About It so he keeps that part of his past (and that he was once in training to be a Jedi) secret, and has decided not to use any force powers
Kiri: probably obvious but she can’t go back to the ascendancy for some reason. She usually just tells people she was bored and not living the life of luxury she wanted so took it into her own hands to get the life she wanted.
27: What languages does your OC speak?
(gonna say they all speak basic of course :’D also full disclosure i had to like, google, Star Wars languages for this so hopefully i get stuff right ;;v;; but i might mention some accents bc i like that kinda thing )
Linalae: She knows a lot of basics for many languages, and if she ever needs a boost uses her cybernetics to get help.
Yexia: Sith, naturally :’) (the way she speaks either basic or Sith is definitely the equivalent of the stereotypical “delinquent” accent (HAH?!) )
Ziseshis: just basic; any Cheunh he once knew was forgotten save for maybe a word here or there (does sarcasm count as a language because that)
Idal’ia: Togruti, limited Mando’a, and a little Jawaese, and has the equivalent slight country/Southern twang to her voice
Akahana: Togruti, and she has the equivalent of Appalachian accent
Chivan: Catharese, she speaks with noble airs/an affected accent
Essara: Just basic!
Riye: and also just basic
Kiri: Cheunh
40: What is the craziest thing your OC has done?
(some of these will be vaguer than others bc i havent thought out all details but i will do my best :’D )
Linalae: This just has to go to the whole mission on Quesh to undo the Castellan Restraints :’))
Yexia: When she throws herself between an enemy and Azhiera and loses an arm in the process, because she knows doing anything else would risk Azhiera getting too seriously hurt, the quickest and easiest way to ensure Azhiera is uninsured is to put herself between Azhiera and the enemy, and then whoops her arm is gone and she calls upon everything she has and surrounds the two of them flames until it’s just them left (and promptly collapses because like, blood loss)
Ziseshis: he doesn’t do many non crazy things arguably (should it be marrying the dashade lmao) uhhhh actually it’s probably just, challenging anyone and everyone when he’s running on barely anything but fear (another contender is just, in my canon, once expansions start he’s gonna end up basically willingly leaving the dark council and position of power because, why not ?? there is some more to it but x); )
Idal’ia: She’s gone along on at least one undercover mission with Alunera and while not blowing her agent’s cover, certainly is not above teasing her along the way
Akahana: this is always escalating as she continues to (literally) throw her entire 5’0” self at bigger and stronger enemies every day
Chivan: doing crazy things is not really her style :’)) she likes calculating and planning
Essara: in her early days as just a grunt she was the one who was always rushing to the front line, and particularly was willing to throw herself between any unfortunate child and danger
Riye: at some point he has definitely made an escape from a situation gone south in minimal clothes
Kiri: It involved a lot of explosives
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thessaliah · 7 years
What are favorite and least favorite portrayal of Servants in Fate?
Uhh, there’s a lot?  I’ll assume with portrayals, you mean how legends or historical backgrounds were adapted and reinvented and if I like them?  Keep in mind there are a lot I like and a lot I’m lukewarm I don’t mention here. Some get me more passionate than others. 
Favorites (in no particular order).- Arturia, Merlin and most Round Table. You can tell that Nasu adores Arthuriana stuff and knows it deeply to come out with twists that make sense. Arturia and Mordred are one of the few genderbends who aren’t inherently lazy in Type Moon (unlike others made to just cash in Arturia’s design popularity and get no effort to explain why nobody thought they were women or ignored this - note, this doesn’t mean I dislike them, because I’m fond of Nero and the rest too, but it’s a strike down when you want to talk about this subject). Camelot is, to date, my favorite thing Nasu wrote next to Garden of Avalon because he has such grasp in these characters to make them unique, flawed and tragic. He isn’t afraid to make his female characters here in the wrong, something I deeply appreciate because makes them more sympathetic. The Lion-King was a gift. Yes, sure sometimes isn’t perfect (the characterization switch of Saber Alter from cooly angry tyrant to kuudere), but he usually takes a great care about their portrayal in a serious manner.- Oda siblings, Nobunaga and Nobuyuki:  Guda Guda 2 was so good to turn Nobunaga from a joke character to a serious one with layers, she along with Arturia and her son, became the third serious genderbent, where she suffered the consequences of being a woman and it explains her ascension to power as damyo through Nobuyuki’s sacrifice who she found out later, in the event, never rebelled against her but was trying to expose her detractors and with his sacrifice, he was showing nobody should defy his sister. They hurt my heart.- Solomon: He’s a departure of the Judeo-Christian Solomon, but because a lot of him seems taken off the Islamic version (where he’s literally the world most perfect ruler ever, literally Godsent to build an ideal kingdom which would only last as he lived). He follows Nasu’s most complex king character of the recent years (I like Nero but she lacks ‘something’ for me to see her as a ruler character) to stand next to Arturia and classics, addressing old Fate questions about rulership, humanity, and heroism. I appreciate that, just like Arturia, Nasu obviously knew what he was doing and only adapted his background to Nasuverse to keep it creative but fresh.- Asterios: This is how you write a classic mythological monster and keep him sympathetic without erasing what he was, just give an explanation, and not try to portray the hero who slain him as a ‘loser’.  Theseus was the first one who saw Asterios as a human being in his short published backstory and tried to comfort him when he died. - Leonardo Da Vinci: Her portrayal isn’t perfect, but it’s refreshing to see old theories come to life about Da Vinci (homosexuality, transsexuality). Da Vinci has the honor of being one of the few characters who actually has a love life that doesn’t involve sucking up to the main character or their love interest in life, goals that don’t involve the main character as the center of their lives, and has an exploration of her issues with loneliness and isolated she feels without involving the main character in her interlude (it’s a monologue). In other words, she’s allowed to be more than just Servant arm candy which is rare for a FGO original.- Florence Nightingale: I absolutely love Nightingale portrayal as Berserker, not so much without ME (we see her in Dantes event), but this asexual, aromantic, completely madwoman, in a good and bad sense, who is focused, intense and eloquent when she wants, intimidating men and women with her one-track mind mission to heal and purify, shows a bit how war takes the sanity of even the most saintly of people and yet they still remain themselves to the core.- Edmond Dantes: Nasu told everyone to watch Gankutsuou one day and said “come up with a Count of Monte Cristo who is nothing like that one”, and they did it. They did it and managed to make him iconic in portrayal too, without the stigma of having to compete with the Gonzo show classic. Against all odds, like poor publicity, limited event, Daganrompa design, he became one of FGO’s most popular originals, because they explored his entire personality and issues in a character-focused event, plus his backstory fits in with Nasuverse, expanding on the character without erasing any of his classic elements.- Most Victoriana characters: Sherlock Holmes, James Moriarty, Frankenstein,  Nursery Rhyme, Jekyll&Hyde, Helena, etc. I’m putting them in the same bag because they got a creative twist for Nasuverse characterization that was well handled, IMO, and were changed for setting purposes and to explore a concept rather than pander a fetish.- Lobo: Great adaptation and portrayal. A literal wolf got more development and introspection than the majority of Epic of Remnants appearing characters. This will never cease to be funny.- Tomoe Gozen: I don’t care much about her character, but gets a honorable mention because they actually keep her true to her legend and background instead of removing it to make her a pure sword waifu who loves the protagonist as they did with a number of characters.
Least favorite (controversial talk and triggers ahead):- Sherezade: I can’t even bring myself to explain how much they botched her and how much I absolutely loathe her. Any other characters in this list annoy me or irk me at very worst, but this one makes me angry. Her entire character is so offensive I can’t articulate it now or this would become far too long. She was one of my favorite childhood heroines, so it makes me extra salty. Let’s just say that they took one of world’s most memorable feminism icons as a nerves of steel creative woman who earned her happy ending and got everything in life to portray her as a mix of broken coward (and a joke after Agartha) full of misandry and internalized misogyny, who kidnapped and brainwashed people, including women, to be murderers and rapists to live her twisted fantasy, but wait, she was ‘cured’ by a good man’s spinning rainbow giant drill while she was told her purpose in life was to make babies. And her happy ending was the result of that man’s wish. Yes, she could have been a take of a broken pedestal who actually overcame her issues and became heroic after a growing up process (even if I disliked that interpretation), but instead of that, she was saved by boy Fergus, and this action is even referred on her profile: her happy ending has resulted of his wish. This is a thing that happened. I have no words to say how utterly crushed I feel regarding her. How they destroyed the core of her character appeal, twisted it and didn’t even allowed her the agency to earn her happy ending.- Altera: Or how to take a fairly interesting warlord and historical figure, remove everything that makes him Attila the Hun to pretend a bland robotic alien weapon waifu was him, even though all her struggle and ‘arc’ isn’t even focused on it, it just becomes an excuse to make her a Servant. Imagine if Arturia’s struggle in Fate wasn’t about her King Arthur related stuff and Camelot fall but about “oh my I’m a dragon hybrid who sided with humans in the end of the age of mystery, Shirou!”, something Nasu could have done since it’s also an aspect of her character, but had the good sense to focus on the fact she’s bloody King Arthur. That her arc is a literally a rehash of “robotic waifu becomes a person, goes against her program” which was already done by Sakura and BB (and Arc a decade before them) masterfully not so long ago, in Fate/Extra CCC, but they were actually well written (in comparison to Extella) so it makes her look extra bad. She was also inserted into the story out nowhere, just like this Velber thing which it’s not even mentioned once in all Extra (the Beasts were, ironically!) and stole the spotlight of characters who were your allies and Servants before, like Gilgamesh and Archer. When Sakura and Gilgamesh got added in CCC, Nasu never removed the focus on the three originals, rather he worked to give everyone their own routes. Extella was a reminder of those fanfics that retcon previously established canon to warp the plot focused on a new OC Mary Sue character who is more special than others with the entire plot orbiting around them, and you can’t escape this. Fortunately, she underperformed so badly as a main heroine of Fate in Japan that Nasu might think twice about pulling this again.- Medusa: I have a hate/love thing with Medusa, because as a character on her own, she started ok, beyond the gross sexual assault thing they never acknowledge as bad and irks me (but this is common in most female characters of TM, and some male ones like Shiki). I like her in FHA, her relationship and devotion to Sakura. However, yeah, she’s Medusa my all-time favorite Greek figure whom I adored since I was a child and her portrayal as a version of Medusa leaves a lot to be desired: removing her sexual relationship with Poseidon (which some versions involve rape, but in most of them they were lovers) to make her ‘pure’ and then portray her as ‘seductive’ was the worst decision Nasu could take in FHA when she was meant to parallel with Sakura’s domestic and sexual abuse, in FSN, so the character became kind of confusing to me. It just feels her character was overwritten to appeal purity-waifu lovers and twisted a bit. Her design (the BDSM outfit) is just ridiculous too. I can’t forgive there weren’t snakes, but with the appearance of Gorgon, this is salvaged that a bit (enemy gorgon is better looking than the playable one too, fff). Gorgon is what I wanted Medusa to be, but sadly that kitty-hood wearing “Ana” comes along with Gorgon (with her dog collar!). I don’t hate her, I have some kind of complicated relationship because my standards for Medusa are higher than usual and her character got overwritten as much as Gilgamesh with the years so it gets confusing (but without giving the attention Gilgamesh got too, so makes it harder to grasp what Nasu is doing now). The Perseus-bashing stuff also get me because, like Medusa’s portrayal, isn’t consistent. See, Medusa was originally Perseus, Nasu just genderbent him in FSN because he needed more girls. Their personalities are extremely alike based on what we see him in Prototype and he’s called like Shinji in FHA when he wasn’t at all (just to make her more sympathetic than the hero who actually killed her was ‘bad’ See why Asterios is a good example and why Medusa isn’t about how to handle this, it’s like she was a test run, IMO)? But in leaked FGO lines reveals Medusa is fine with Perseus now, except for Gorgon who wants to kill him, but she wants to kill everyone even the protagonist. This “characterization marches on” makes it all muddy and confusing. Gilgamesh has a similar problem, but I wasn’t attached to him, so I don’t care much.-Artemis (and Orion): Does this need an explanation?-Fionn and most Irish heroes, but Fionn is the main offender: From a mix of Irish King Arthur and Merlin in legends to a complete joke character whose entire kit and powers get stolen by you know who. Fionn is a disgrace to his legendary counterpart. Diarmuid was ok in Zero (not in FGO tho), Cu is fine (and even gets his noncon old habits called out in FHA!), Medb is one of the few female villains who don’t get whitewashed (though she loses a lot of layers of her mythical counterpart), the rest is… eh. -Kiyohime: Not the worst offender, but becomes a proof how the obsession with “pure” waifu-ideal for insecure otaku ruins a potentially interesting character and makes her super gross and problematic without owning up what she is by the fandom and, sometimes, canon. In legend, Kiyohime was a scorned woman whose lover, a monk Anchin, abandoned her after he regretted their relationship (which includes sex, several times). That’s the thing: they were in a relationship with a promise to stick together and he dumps her and runs off. She becomes enraged by his actions that become a serpent who chases him, but she was the one wronged, even if his death was extreme, it portrays her as a tragic character who lost it after a real betrayal. What does FGO does? Oh boy, FGO Kiyohime is just a crazy stalker creepy yandere who killed a monk (who was gay, by the way) who rejected her when she nightcrawled to his room (in case this gets lost in translation, google what is “nightcrawling” to get the extra disgusting implication), but because she insisted as the creepy obsessive woman she is, he promised her to meet her again to get her off his neck and escape, even though he had already made clear he wasn’t into her (or women) at all. She gets offended when he, the victim, runs away, chases and kills him. Now imagine if Kiyohime was a creepy stalker guy who slipped into a lesbian nun’s room when she sleeps to demand sex and a relationship and she tells him to sod off, but he doesn’t get the memo and chases after she escapes and burns her to death when she’s hiding because he was jilted. Now you get why her character is beyond gross. I shouldn’t even need to genderflip the story, but it seems some fans are too easily mislead by a cute waifu antics teehee. It’s fine to like her as long as you’re aware of her a problematic character and not a “cinnamon roll”. She rubs me wrong because it’s obviously an attempt to cash in with yandere-fans by twisting a story of a scorned woman who is lost in grief and anger which causes a tragedy. But it seems that otaku would take a gay man-burning crazy stalker over a nonvirgin. On the other hand, I REALLY love her design. It feels like a complete and absolutely tragedy of a waste character because I love her VA, her Art and classy design (summer and normal version) and NP, but the change made to her character was really appalling. -Beowulf: I don’t have strong feelings about him, but he’s one of the most world-famous heroes and yet he’s a footnote whose appearances consist on lose the fight to some of Nasu’s favorites (Li Shu Wen and Martha). He feels less than a character and more “That guy Nasu uses to show off how tough his favorites are in a fist fight”. Also his design sucks, his art is good but I just dislike the ‘modern’ look unless you’re going all hammy about it like Kintoki.-Caligula: He’s not a character, he’s just Nero’s accessory and blind worshipper for no reason. If they bothered to keep up with his historical background, he’ll be more into his horse and Iskandar, and, maybe, Iskandar’s horse. He has no real personality beyond NERO NERO NERO. Kind of a shame because his design is ok, and he is potentially interesting as a gross unhinged emperor.-Siegfried: Siegfried is… a good boy, but he became an unfunny joke that I can’t longer take seriously as a character thanks to FGO. He’s in serious need of a makeover. Introducing Kiemhild and Hagen could be a good start, he’s savagable, just not so fond of what he is now.-Elizabeth Bathory-Carmilla: Not so much that I dislike them as characters, but it kind of rubs me the wrong way the one that should be an older woman with a torture fetish is portrayed as a dragon idol while Carmilla, the one immortalized as a young girl by Le Fanu, is the older woman. If they switched designs, and made Carmilla a catgirl instead of a dragon girl, preferably, but I don’t mind them at all, just this kind of irks me because they kind of switched their usual thing? It’s not dislike, just confusion.- Mephistopheles:  Or let’s take a famous devil in a classic to make him a murderous clown. What could go wrong? What’s even the point of this character, really? I love his artist and his VA, but this takes the cake of the most wasted character in FGO and has zero to do with his portrayal. I mean, I get the adaptation about homunculus stuff, but it was kind of too jarring switch because none of his traits are like Mephistopheles, like AT ALL. Erik was kind of wasted and made a bishie cosplaying Freddy Krueger, but at least he keeps the Christine stuff and a mask, to say “Oh right this is the Phantom of the Opera.” Nothing about Mephistopheles makes me think “This is Mephistopheles!” It’s like Nasu and his boys were talking about character concepts and one was “Hey, guys, I just rented It, and I want to add an evil clown in FGO!”, “Sounds great, but who can be? We can’t just steal Pennywise, he’s copyrighted.” “I know, let’s make him Mephistopheles!” “Why?” “Er, it sounds like how a devilish clown would call himself” and boom. Something like that.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(tbh the reason I don’t play them is because I don’t really play any kind of game XD I’ve played a few free things on the internet but other than that, not much)
OMG thanks for the link! I might try it out soon :D (And wow, Rumpel. Just, wow.)
Urie/Saiko is so freaking adorable :3 and it’s the worst thing ever that it does have some canon evidence but Ishida keeps teasing us like: *gives some nice, cute Urie/Saiko material*
Fandom: AWWW is it gonna be canon? Are they actually gonna be happy for a while???
Ishida: *gives Mutsurie scene with Urie clearly pining over Mutsuki while Mutsuki’s just talking about Kaneki*
Fandom: …of course.
TYSM <333 I’ll get it to you as soon as I can :D
HxH is definitely a lot of fun! I’d like to recommend Hisoka’s character song (‘Kyousou requiem’) to you because W O W
I got to the part where Father’s ‘creating’ humans. That was freaky. Tbh though my favorite parts of this volume might have been Pride’s defeat and Kimblee’s farewell…that was perfect. I actually sorta like Kimblee now. Of course, I’d never want to meet him irl and he’s still a terrible person, but at least he never betrays his own beliefs.
(I know that Roy will get his eyesight back next volume so that’s good, but Greed’s…gonna die, isn’t he? Uuugh)
I have come to conquer you puny humans with the power of feels. Fear me.
Wait, does that mean you relate to Al or that you think I’m like Al? Sorry, got a bit confused there ^^;;
I’m Hohenheim minus his awesome moments. The bad social skills, the awkwardness, the way he honestly TRIES to be a nice, normal person even if it hardly ever works out…the more I see of him the more I feel like I’ve never related this much to a fictional character (except maybe Kaneki).
You really do remind me of Riza and Winry. The strength, the resolve, the wit and caring=100% Queen Luna.
Ed is frankly a little creeped out that the Colonel even thought that HE, Edward Elric, barely a teenager, could or would steal his girlfriend.
(I headcanon that Ed and Queen Luna are actually BFFs and team up to prank Roy.
Roy always feels so betrayed because whenever he’s doing something totally, not at all stupid, his girlfriend always sides with Fullmetal. “Luna, what did I do. Did I forget to do the dishes again. Was it the extremely cheesy and badly written explicit romance book I bought you on Valentines day. That was a joke, please forgive me”
Also he is extremely salty when he realizes you chose Water Alchemy as your specialty. He had enough of the constant rain jokes from Edward and Riza’s comments about him being useless on rainy days, and now this. The world is too cruel.
(But no matter how grumpy and passive-aggressive he gets when you beat him, of course he’s the proudest when you make good use of your skills. Like when you destroy an enemy in combat- especially if the enemy was underestimating you “That’s MY girlfriend, and she is amazing”))
Yeah, Air Alchemy could actually be one of the most dangerous types if you knew how to use it…Medicinal Alchemy/Alkahestry is still my thing though ^^
(‘peaceful’ do you know how I look when I play the piano and nobody’s around. Dude. That’s when I go rage mode and start playing the loudest, wildest songs ever like He’s a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean LOL)
That’s still adorable though omg ;-; the sad thing though is that it would be easy for him to not realize that I have anxiety and assume that I just didn’t like him, because like I said, I’d probably be ok with Mei and Yoki would be easy enough for me to talk to as well (people like Yoki either make me laugh or frustrate me and in the end I’d probably end up snapping at him). Then Queen Luna would come along and I’d suddenly become super talkative.
And when he walked into the room I’d either automatically shut up or give Queen Luna a look like “please take me out of here I don’t want to embarrass myself”.
(Would Queen Luna help me, though?)
Mei’s view of Ed is the ultimate Expectation vs. Reality.
Yep, I really want to know OC’s real name ;-; (I think I’d probably slip up and keep calling him Ciel for a while tho lol). And yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens the next chapter…all this chapter really gave me was hints of insecurity from OC?
Looking forward to your reaction :) (probably a lot of tears)
OMG that sounds so cool! Like, natural, 'ginger’ red or bright red? Either way I bet you’re gonna look amazing, Queen Luna <3
(P.S: You know I mentioned a piano recital? It’s not happening. There was an incident with the teachers at the place where I was learning piano so I don’t go there anymore.
Basically, my mom was already sort of frustrated, because they also teach violin there and my litle sister used to learn violin- the teacher told us we’d have to come way earlier for lessons because she was busy with other lessons too, so we did, but she was like literally never on time? We came early but my little sister had to have piano lessons first because the violin teacher didn’t show up until later. So there was that.
And then there was the thing where they just didn’t let us decide the lesson times at all? Like, always “we’re too busy at that time, that’s too early, too many children at that time…” and they were kinda rude about it too (also once I went there at a later time and there actually weren’t that many kids? Wth)
Then they sent my mom a message. You know how usually you have to study with music theory books too when you learn how to use an instrument? My little sister’s only five (turning six this August) and she was often tired out from soccer lessons by the time she went to piano, so my mom asked the teachers if she could just not do music theory when she was too tired. they agreed.
But the message was basically 'she keeps saying she doesn’t want to do music theory and when we let her rest she keeps wandering around and bothering other people/interrupting other people’s lessons’. Like, ok, if she’d been doing stuff like that since the beginning we could understand that, but I had piano lessons at around the same time as her and she literally just sat and read books when her lessons are over and she’s not doing music theory? Also, until that message all the teachers just kept telling us what a wonderful, intelligent student she was and there was literally no mention of her bothering anyone so it was like??? what is this???
And when my mom called the teacher and asked her about the message she was like “I don’t see how that’s rude, please stop being so pushy/bossy, also I was always on time for the violin lessons what are you talking about?” Just. Wow.
When we went to pick up our music books after mom said we weren’t going to take lessons there anymore, one of the teachers came out and kept gushing about how 'Evans and her sister were SUCH amazing students, we’ll be so sad to see them go’ and she hugged me? tbh it felt really awkward and I was screaming internally through the whole thing because WOW I hate being touched by people I’m not close with lol)
*ahem* before anything: If I ever hear you say another word about your art being bad, I swear I’ll throw myself out of the window. Because it’s actually adorable?? I cry?? Touka’s hair truly looks fluffy and I LOVE the way you drew her lips. So, please, have faith in yourself, your art is absolutely gorgeous! 
Well, Otome games aren’t for everyone, tbh. I have a friend who gets easily embarrassed and she honestly can’t play them because… well, gets embarrassed at them. You should’ve seen her face when I first showed her the games, especially when the flirting began XD
I have finished the whole game. (No, you can’t date her T_T) All the endings, good and bad. 10 of them. My heart is in pieces. I wanna cry.  OKAY SMOL BRIEFING ON THE REMAINING CHARACTERS!
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This is Fritz! He’s MC’s personal knight and a professional cinnamon roll. His route honestly made me so emotional (;﹏;) Not as emotional as the last one, though. He’s my 3rd favourite of the 5! His bad end was the worst of them all, though. I actually started crying. It was 1am when I did it. I wonder what my mom would’ve said if she’d seen me, at 1am, crying over a fictional character.
And last but (definitely) not least, my fave <3
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Waltz- he has the Neverland curse, which means he remains as a boy until it’s broken.
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This is after he breaks it. Damn. Other than the fact that his story is a trope I really love, he’s also a generally nice person, with a personality better than most of the dateable character. Also, his route is considered to be the ‘True’ route, the one you’re supposed to play last, because it has most spoilers.  I cry.
Okok, enough with ‘Luna reviews Otome Games’
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And then you realise they meant it in the ‘conceal yourself’ way, not HIdeyoshi.Fuck.
Well, the Urie/Saiko was cute? BUT THAT’S IT?? Where’s the dramatic reveal? The confession =3= ((Luna is forgetting that this isn’t a romance manga))
Ishida is giving us mixed signals. 
Yeah, Kimblee’s farewell does make you wanna respect him. At least he didn’t try to be someone else. Pride was cute, tho. He was a demon who’d kill without a second thought, but he was a cute demon.
Yep, Roy does see again. …. Aha. I cry. But at least he dies heroically? 
I’m gonna get a stronger flask. That way you’ll never be able to escape muhahahahahhahaha
You’re like Al! Absolutely adorable!
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Yet, badass at the same time!
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Well, at least you’re not as insane as Kaneki? You definitely have more mental stability than him.
Honestly, if I was at the age where it’s socially acceptable to date Mustang, then I’m definitely not at the age when it’s socially acceptable to date Ed, and vice-versa. It’s ridiculous how he feels threatened by a kid XD On the other hand, there is a Xingese prince, now emperor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honestly, we’d prank him so much XD I’m pretty sure it’d mostly involve water. And rainy days.  Maybe his umbrella would conveniently disappear during those days. Or his hair would accidentally turn pink. Whoops.  Who knows, maybe I partly chose Water Alchemy to spite him XD
I think Medicinal Alchemy would be very, very appreciated in Amestris, especially considering there is none of it there. You’d be able to make mad money hahah But you’d also help a lot of people, so that’s admirable as well ^^
… Let’s pretend you were inspired to play a song that was peaceful for once and you’re feeling the peace. So you surprise him some other night by playing something he definitely didn’t expect
That’s why I’m there to help you! To show him that you just need a bit of time to warm up to people and maybe whisper a few hints to how to get you to warm up into his ear! So he realises you’re only a bit intimidated, and tries to lessen that effect.  I’d also ask Mei to help you. Probably offering something related to Al in return XD
Yeah, he’s definitely insecure. I mean, he didn’t say a single thing back and he calls himself a spare. That’s depressing. I just want him to be happy. After all the suffering he went through, he deserves it.
Is... is it cap?
I’m scared. But then again, I’m always scared when you recommend me something.
I think it’s supposed to be flame red? But since I have naturally darker hair, it’s possible that it’ll be more ginger-ish, because the dye won’t be so visible. Who knows, we’ll see ^^
Whaa?? That all seems really, really uncomfortable, especially the hugging. I mean, why. They really seem two-faced. But, maybe it’s for the best. At least now you don’t have to worry about freezing up during the recital? Will you continue playing the piano, though? It’d be a shame if you let the skills go to waste. You can always practice with anime music/songs you like if Bach and Mozart get boring :P
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