#at least this is my head headcanon in this post
luminouslywriting · 3 days
Hi, how are you? I hope you're feeling well. I really like everything you write about the band of brothers. I was wondering if you could write a headcanon about "what would the boys be like as friends or best friends?", the reader being a company doctor. I hope you can do it and if you can't, don't worry, no problem. Thank you!!!🫶
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Darling, platonic BFF friendships are literally the thing that makes my brain the happiest!! I could go on and on and on about this for EVER! Hopefully it will live up to the hype I have about it in my head lol. If you want me to expand on anyone's or do a more in-depth post, let me know!
Cut for length, more under the cut, obnoxious amounts of found family present:
Dick Winters:
-Listen, this man is prime best friend material. We all see how he is when he's with Lew and how he treats him. He's so loyal and devoted and respectful.
-The fact that you're a medic/doctor automatically means he appreciates you more—and if you can figure out how to make this man relax or rest, bonus points haha.
-Respects your limits and boundaries but wants what's best for you—so he's paying attention to if you're overworked or discouraged and trying to counteract those things the best that he can
-Gives the most comforting brotherly hugs??
-Also the best person to go to if you need to vent or just need some good advice; he is a great listener and doesn't automatically try to fix your problems as much as he does offer support and sympathy
-Always has your back and consistently just wants you to be happy. He definitely vets anyone that you date ever haha.
Lewis Nixon:
-Chaotic best friend energy is strong with this one. He's a chaotic mess of a person but is so ride or die for you it's not even funny.
-Being able to finish each other's sentences because of predictability and the way that he knows you so well
-Is always down to share a drink with you if he notices you're having a hard time or going through something emotional. But he doesn't ever let you get tipsy or drunk. You're his sobriety link tbh.
-The type of friend where you call each other teasing names to get each other's attention. Hypothetically, he might be referred to as the wife in your mind lol.
-Has money and is not afraid to splurge to get you stuff that he deems necessary because "at least one person in this friendship needs that and it's not me."
-If he knows you're overworked, he's kidnapping you for naps and he's a cuddler (like a damn cat or something haha)
Ronald Speirs:
-It's the mutual respect that he has for you and admiration—this man is a great friend and would take any number of risks to ensure your safety
-You're his safe space and so he loves being able to talk with you about anything and everything—but especially about what the two of you are feeling. This probably stems from you just not being scared of him in any way haha.
-Is also the type of friend who goes klepto for you?? Like he's in his little thief moments and just like, my bestie would like this, and then proceeds to steal said thing for you
-Takes the time to check in with you as often as he can and makes sure that you're resting—is lowkey a mother hen when you need him to be haha
-Is the type of friend where you never need to actually say what you're thinking, the both of you can just share a look and know exactly what movie quote you're both thinking of, what Lipton needs to calm down, or how best the situation will go.
-Also is super supportive and a hype-man for whatever you want to do with your life. He just wants you to thrive and fulfill your potential.
Buck Compton:
-OLDER BROTHER VIBES OKAY?? This is the type of person who likes to take people under his wing and he absolutely becomes fond of you because of how much you take care of other people.
-That being said, he's also the aggressive type of friend that's just like, "Oh??? You're overworked? Nap time then. Like right now."
-Loves swapping stories with you and talking about college. Also wants you to go to college though—preferably the same college so that the two of you can be friends there too.
-Gives really comforting hugs and is great at expressing gratitude and affirming that you're doing a good job
-Probably loves going out and playing darts or any number of games with you, especially if you're competitive
-Also down to watch any number of movies that you claim to be good and offers his own opinion lol
Carwood Lipton:
-An actual nervous mother hen that is consistently making sure you have enough supplies, that emotions are doing okay, and that you're getting the rest that you need
-Is the type of person who would give you his coat or jacket off of his back because "I told you it was cold, take my sweater." type of vibes haha.
-Wants to hear about your family back home and about your hopes for the future—is super positive about you making it home.
-Also talks to you about pretty much anything, including his girlfriend back home and wants you to approve of her haha
-Would absolutely make you share a foxhole with him because he can keep a closer eye on bestie that way
-He's just a giver??? So he's constantly sharing food or blankets or whatever it is that he thinks you might need. Top tier best friend tbh.
Joseph Liebgott:
-Chaos gremlin personified—this is the type of friend who's going to drag you into all sorts of trouble and also get you out of said trouble with ease
-He's a very touchy best friend and so hugs and cuddles are just to be expected
-Would throw hands if someone disrespected you because you're the only person he truly respects lol....and this also applies to you. The type of friend who aggressively tells you that he loves you and you need to be nicer to yourself.
-He's out here not wanting you to fall in love because, "I remember the day I saw you in that hospital bed—"
"You weren't there!"
"And I knew then that no one would ever be good enough for Y/N."
-You are the only person who can touch his chocolate stash and keep your life
-Also just wants you to come back to Cali with him and adopt you into his family
Donald Malarkey:
-A sweet friend who is great at emotional support. That being said, give him some support as well.
-Probably loves swapping jokes and telling stories with you—spreads stories about how amazing you are as well
-Wants you to come to Oregon and have a camping trip with his family because you're like family to him
-Also fiercely protective of you and consistently worrying about if something will happen to you if you're on the line or even when you're not.
-Runs all of his life plans by you because he wants your approval for sure
-Is super happy that he has you in his life because you're a great listener and you just understand him
Eguene Roe:
-THE ICONIC OF ALL ICONIC FRIENDSHIPS....listen, this friendship is so soulmate platonic, it's not even funny. He practically worships the ground that you walk on and respects the hell out of you.
-Definitely has a whole list of nicknames for you in French and has tried teaching you some of the language
-Tells you old Southern stories to try and keep your mind off of work at night time and he loves hearing any stories that you can come up with
-The both of you can call each other out on burnout or if you're overworked or stressed out. It's a great mutual way that you take care of each other.
-He prays for you all of the time and wrote home about you because you're his best friend
-The two of you work so well together that it sometimes throws everyone else off because you don't even need to talk when you're working together.
Bill Guarnere:
-Ride or die icon who is so vocal about adoring you that it probably annoys everyone else. And if you're not from Philly, he's about to become very patriotic about wherever you're from
-The type of friend who wants to hear about everything you're looking for in a partner so he can start vetting people ASAP
-Would share pretty much anything with you—coat, shoes, food, blankets, etc.
-Checks in on you frequently and definitely views you as the patron saint of easy company
-Wants to travel with you around the world after all of this is over
-Promises you a proper meal and a place to stay if you ever want to come and visit
Joe Toye:
-It's giving the quiet friend who always has your back and would throw hands for you, if given the chance.
-That being said, fiercely overprotective and gets annoyed if you get put in any danger or if anything happens to you.
-Also kind of a huffy friend where he's just like, "I told you that you needed a break. This is the worst." And then proceeds to take care of you anyway.
-Finds ways to make things fun for you no matter what's going on in the war and just wants you to smile
-Also gives really great hugs and loves physical contact and affection
-His family has definitely heard all about you lol
George Luz:
-You must truly understand his humor on another level because he thinks that YOU are the funniest person that he knows. Even if it's not true, he simply finds you to be the best.
-Would proudly brag about you to all of the other companies
-Appreciates hugs and cuddles, especially after Bastogne
-Is the type of friend who would hide a body for you, no questions asked lol—so he's definitely your alibi whenever you've gotten up to some mischief
-Has verbally eviscerated someone who was talking shit about you because he's just not having it
-Lowkey would move in with you after the war because you're his safe person
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exo-raskreia · 2 days
Gojo & the Angel Number 3612
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This edited image from the 11hr Shounen Jump lofi video may have more meaning than I originally thought, at least according to some translations from the Google Translate mobile app.
In this delulu post, I had briefly theorized the image could hint that both women will help in Gojo's revival, as it's like he's headed north towards them. Shoko is farther back, which after 261, could indicate her role is done (her & Yuuta healed his body). Since Utahime is at the center, it could mean she will be the key to guide Gojo's soul back.
I've wondered if there could be any more potential interpretations of this image & what I discovered actually feeds further into my delulu...
According to the mobile app, the words "trust & truth" are directly behind Gojo.
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This could imply how much Gojo trusts Utahime (and vice-versa). I wonder what "truth" could mean here. The word "reality" is another translation that pops up; if this is more accurate, then could we see it as Utahime will guide Gojo back to reality, if he's not actually dead but in a state of limbo? The full word is mostly blocked by Gojo here, so I wanted to verify if these are what it really it says.
In this image with Ijichi, who's in the same location, we can see the full text. After "trust," it says either "track record" on the app, or "achievements" on the website, depending which you use.
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We know Ijichi is the man Gojo trusts the most. I wonder what the other words mean. In regards to Ijichi, is it that he always achieves what Gojo makes him do? lol
In regards to Utahime, it almost seems like the kanji for "truth" was isolated so it would stand out. Wonder if it was intentional...
Next to Gojo's blindfold is seemingly the number 3612.
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(This is once I selected the highlighted text to translate separately on the GojoHime image. For some reason, the number doesn't even get detected on the Ijichi image? I tried at least one other translator & got the same number).
According to Angel Number numerology, 3612 means "a sign of improvement." In this article, it elaborates on how one should fill their lives with love to have a positive impact on others' lives, & in turn, inspiring them to do the same. Sounds a lot like what Gojo strived for, right?
(I will summarize most of it with a few images).
• It tells one to seek clarity to overcome challenges & live a peaceful life.
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• It tells one is about to go on a spiritual journey to reach enlightenment.
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Like, seriously?! Hello?!
• If you're single, you will find love as you already know exactly what kind of person you're looking for. If you're already in a relationship, it's a sign that you're ready to commit, as you already know that person well enough to know you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
If Gojo hasn't already realized it, Utahime is the one for him 😌. He's pointing at her here, after all (341, guys? The Yagasuri pattern? 😏)... If we go with the headcanon that they could've been in a secret relationship this whole time, then Gojo might've proposed to her during the time-skip, got married already, or will do so after his return... 🤪
• It's a sign to go achieve your dreams, to believe in yourself & capabilities.
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Gojo never gave up on his dreams. He did everything he could to raise stronger allies, to help his students in the battle against Sukuna. So no, Gojo did not intend to die as he said so himself in 261 to Yuuta. Gojo should return to see his dreams through.
• It's a sign to never let anyone stop you from growing & improving. Surround yourself with like-minded people.
Gojo shouldn't let this loss stop him from achieving his dreams & goals. He should see this through to the end. He will choose the path to do it.
• The breakdown of the numbers basically describes Gojo & what he should do?? 🫢
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In particular, the meaning of the number 1 gives hope that things will be different & better for Gojo.
The number 2 is encouraging Gojo to let others help him, to not work alone; we've seen him ask for favors from his fellow colleagues, such as Utahime before. However, he didn't want his students to help carry his burden of becoming a "monster", which is understandable; and yet, they wanted to be there for him.
The number 612 could indicate Gojo will get support & encouragement (you know, like slaps on the back?) from his dead comrades at the airport before he departs towards his awaiting comrades in the living world?
The number 12 gives the hope that once revived, Gojo would have a new perspective, a new outlook that will allow him to finally break that barrier between himself & others, to better connect with them. He will no longer feel so isolated nor misunderstood.
• In general, 3612 comes down to not giving up & you will find success. Gojo will have to make that choice to return, to do what he had set out to do in the first place. He can't give up now, can't settle for the airport when his living comrades are still in danger. He wanted to see his dreams come true & as of right now, they have not been achieved (unless Gege intends to write a tragic story with no payoff 😑).
• I've looked up the only other legible text in the image, NVFG, but the only thing I found is that it's some kind of surgical procedure to reconstruct bones in certain parts of the body? Like legs & neck? Something like that (the medical terminology is so confusing, lol, so take this with a grain of salt). Which, ironically, kinda fits with what happened to Gojo? His neck was intact though; his head remained attached to his body, indicating that his RCT was not compromised...
• The word "trust" & this number being placed in between GojoHime here is interesting. Are they trying to hint at us that Utahime still has a role to play? That she may do something to help Gojo reach enlightenment? Like in this theory? Whether it was deliberate or not, it's still fun to headcanon.
I'm not sure how accurate what I got is anyway; the number could just be a mistranslation. If it's completely wrong, then man, what an eerie coincidence...
If any of you have better luck translating the remaining text in the image (like the text right above Utahime), or even make more sense of the translations here, let me know! Not to mention, is the background in this image present anywhere in the manga? If so, any ideas on what the building is? If anyone finds anything on it, let me know!
Don't know if Gege actually believes in this stuff nor if it was even intentional, but he has shown to be quite the number nerd... Once again, this is just an observation based on my research & it really feeds into my delulu.
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fourthclone · 3 days
upon further thought and discussing my current feelings with a friend, i think that for rn the healthiest thing for me to do is to go on a short indefinite hiatus instead of a semi-hiatus.
vent/a bit of where i’m at atm - it IS rp related so feel free to skip. TLDR im taking an emotional and mental health break for my own sanity.
i think that it’s safe to say that i’ve been struggling for a long while in this fandom? and this has been going on since 2020. and while i won’t go into explicit details about my feelings and what ive experienced bc it is a lot and i don’t want my negativity all over the dash, it gets very exhausting trying to portray this character as one who deserves his place in the final fantasy vii compilation as a whole just as much as any other character. it hurts a lot feeling like i somehow have to prove that.
and it has hurt to have people come into my hc posts in the past to complain about retcons as if i somehow had something to do with them by simply applying what’s been shown to me in remake and rebirth. i’ve always tried my best to be respectful to pre-established content, and i’ve always tried to incorporate roche in a way that does not directly contradict previously established lore. i understand the frustration. but my passionate headcanon posts about my muse are not a space for you to vent your frustrations about how -square enix- has retconned SOLDIER lore. i’m trying to make sense of it myself.
yet there are times where i do feel as though i’m encroaching on people’s fond memories of the original compilation by writing this character, and if you think i’m being sensitive about it, i don’t feel like i am completely irrational in feeling this way. this has been happening since 2020, and it’s tiring always having that in the back of my head, to the point where i sincerely approached one of my friends far prior to rebirth to tell them i wasn’t going to go along w this blog because simply put, i just didn’t want to put up w that again - i feel welcomed most of the time - but lore-wise and universe-wise, only to a certain extent at times.
however, i also realize that this is a severe discredit and slap in the face to people who have been nothing but kind to me and i am immensely grateful for that. fandom is a lot better than it was in 2020. it was absolute chaos back then. and the people who have been kind and receptive to this muse and who have been respectful VASTLY outweigh those who have not been.
and so i’m writing this to acknowledge that because i’m seeing a consistent pattern of hyperfocus on the wrong things ( likely because fandom as a whole has slowed down and so has my energy levels, giving me too much room to ruminate ) , the best course of action is to take a complete step back, despite me loving this character utterly. i think it will make me feel a lot better to take some time to focus on other things and keep my mind off negative thoughts. come back with a better perspective. i don’t want to sully this blog with bad vibes or. somehow appearing like sb who wants to be pitied or comforted all the time. when the bad feelings get too big, its simply time to take a step back.
i profusely apologize for my emotionally unstable behavior as of late, so i’ll be taking a step back for my own mental wellbeing. i am not certain when i’ll be back, but i am hoping it won’t take long. at least. i don’t plan on this becoming a lengthy thing longer than a month. i will keep you guys posted.
i am open to discord roleplays via discord at mooglerific. i will be focusing exclusively on tohru adachi for a while over at @infog, albeit on a semi-hiatus level.
i appreciate you guys greatly! stay safe!
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compressedrage · 4 hours
Call you tell your CG hc?
(I just love them so so much)
also are you that other anon? or did you see my hollowhead headcanons and decided to ask a similar question? it doesn't matter, here we go–
so I have a post with a bunch of random AvAM headcanons, and that includes CG headcanons, so this post will be similar to the hollowhead one in that it's more about their relationships with one another and such :)
or not, who knows where my brain will go with this
I don't exactly know how to put this, but they are family. Siblings, best friends, they are each others everything. They love each other so much and would die for each other without hesitation. They may refer to the others as their friends, but it goes deeper than that.
Orange refers to RYGB as his friends most of the time, but they all know that he considers them his siblings. They've lived together long enough, enough can go unsaid and still be understood.
RYGB are all the same age, but also the age order goes Green Yellow Blue Red. And then Orange. (Sometimes Yellow and Blue swap in my head but this is the most common interpretation for me)
Orange is the youngest, but he is also the Holder of the Braincell 50% of the time. The other 50% is when the braincell ping-pongs between the others.
They have separation anxiety from all the times they've been split up and hurt. They always make sure to have at least one buddy with them when they leave the PC, and even if they are on the PC it is rare to find them alone.
They low-key have telepathy; they can look at each other and know what the other is thinking/planning. This helps greatly in battle when rapid decision making is crucial. Not only that, but they fight in sync easily. They've been sparring with each other for years, of course they know how they will fight.
They all love and appreciate the others' hobbies and talents, and will often participate. For example, Green and Blue might stop in during Orange's drawing session with Alan and pick up some art tips. Blue grows plants for Red's animals, and helps take care of them. Green lets Yellow rant about code to him until he realizes what went wrong and then helps him fix it.
Like all siblings they have disagreements. they bicker. But they figure it out because you don't want to live in a PC with someone you're fighting with. Most of their arguments get worked out through talking, or (mostly) fighting it out literally. Because what else are you going to do on a Tuesday afternoon.
They've been through so much together, they understand when one of them wakes up screaming or zones out for a bit. They get it.
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problamticsideanna · 24 days
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sonknuxadow · 7 months
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A random assortment of autistic!Yusei headcanons on this fine Friday in December.
Yusei got a weighted blanket after the whole Arc Cradle ordeal. Best sleep he's ever had. Crow tried to borrow it once; it did not end well for him, lol.
Eye contact? What's that? Yusei doesn't know her.
He's more prone to shutdowns than meltdowns but they both do happen. (He's definitely accidently hurt himself on more than one occasion but he's gotten better at redirecting those behaviors even on his own as he's gotten older and his reactions less severe.)
He's semi-verbal to begin with so periods of losing speech entirely are a fairly normal occurrence. He's usually fine, and if he still needs to say something, the boys all know sign language anyway. (It's not "real" SL but rather a dialect of Satellite the citizens created to be able to communicate without Sector Security understanding them. Yes, I stole this from @/shitpostingkats, what of it? It lives rent free in my head.) The first time it happens after moving to the City, Yusei doesn't even consider that Aki and the twins don't know their SL and so he signs. Crow laughs at everyone's dumbfounded looks before he both translates for Yusei and then explains. All three are more than eager to learn it. (Rua thinks its "the coolest thing ever" in typical Rua fashion.)
Never quite breaks out of the "subtle stims only" mindset that was forced by necessity of the environment he grew up in. He wasn't about to give Sector Security any reason to single him out, after all, and old habits die really hard. Aki noticed he tended to rub his fingers together a lot, to the point of sometimes accidently scratching himself on the sharper edges of his nails when he's not wearing his gloves and started looking for other options. She bought him a spinner ring for his birthday and while it didn't 100% fix the problem, it did help quite a bit. (Between that and a tangle, he's practically good to go. He never had anything like that growing up, and they bring him great joy to have now.)
For the same reason, he was technically never diagnosed as a kid because Martha didn't want to paint a target on his back with SS. When he moved to the City, he didn't see any point. He was self-employed so any accommodations he could possibly need he could just, ya know, give himself. The first time he ever truly considered it was after he started working for MIDS and was working on his degree. (Even then it took quite a bit of convincing because he wasn't sold on it actually being helpful.)
Feel free to add on!
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thutner · 3 months
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lawrence kutner as your boyfriend, part 1.
disclaimer: listed below are the writer's own personal headcanons about the character although they are very much canon in my head YUP they actually happened
GIVES THE BEST HUGS !!!!! :( you could be coming home from an exhausting day at work or simply sitting down on the couch and he'd just take you in his embrace. his hugs feel like warm mugs of coffee during winter, enveloping you in warmth so comfortable you find yourself almost melting into his arms. he would be the type to run his fingers gently through your hair, rest his chin on top of your head, and allow you to bury yourself into the crook of his neck.
he would make sure to check up on you and see if you're doing okay. kutner would notice even the smallest changes in your behavior. you're a lot quieter than usual? you bet he'll be the first to ask if you're doing okay, or if there was something you needed to talk about. “ if you don't want to talk about it now, just know that i'm here to hear you out. whenever you're ready, okay? ”
ramble about your favorite movies/tv shows with you. “ BABE, GUESS WHAT? i finally finished watching [movie/tv show name]! you know? the one you said you liked. ” you two would spend minutes, even hours, and talk about specific scenes, going so far as overanalyzing them. you would banter playfully about which character dynamics/tropes were better and you would theorize about alternate endings about open-ended storylines. on his days off, you two would (re)watch the movie/tv show, sometimes reciting the dialogues alongside the characters.
kutner would share his clothes with you. he once caught you standing in front of the mirror, wearing one of his shirts. he found it so endearing that he began to rummage through his own cabinet to look for any shirts that he doesn't use anymore so he can give them to you. he loves seeing you in his clothes because to him, it was one way in which you're flaunting that you belong to him, that you're his significant other, and no one else's.
he'd send you reminders throughout the day via text/call. as a doctor who works long hours for house, it's a given that there are nights when he wouldn't be home. still, with whatever free time that he gets on his hands, he'd be sure to send you a text message/give you a quick phone call. regardless of how busy his schedule would be, he would find ways to keep you updated so you wouldn't worry.
from: kutner
to: y/n
hey babe :D can't make it home tonight sry i will make it up to u i promise :(
from: kutner
to: y/n
i miss u already pls don't skip out on dinner ok or i will be very sad :(
from: kutner
to: y/n
i love you <3 i'll be home soon i promise :(<3
he would take you to magic shows for your dates. when you first started dating, kutner was feeling nervous whether or not you'd like magic shows. he's always liked them and he would feel so bummed out if he just screwed up his chances of being with you by sharing one of his interests. but after seeing that you shared his interest and love for magic, he'd always check up locations near your shared apartment to see if they were hosting any magic shows. sometimes, when he sees you amazed at a particular magic trick, kutner would take the initiative to learn how to do the trick itself so he could surprise you during your upcoming date/s. 99% of the time, of course, he fails. but he gets points for trying. :")
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magicalfish6286 · 1 year
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mayathescientist · 4 months
hello hello I would love to hear about your skye sisters headcanons if you wish to indulge me 👀
- lana's entire personality is actually sort of shaped by the fact she had to raise a person by herself since she was herself pretty young. she missed out on core parts of socialization, so she's not exactly the best with people, she has a caretaker mode and an interacting with strangers mode, and it hasn't exactly worked the best for making friends; she did learn how to sort of open up and talk about herself and her interests and views on the world in college, but she never really.. demands attention or focuses on herself? it doesn't actually really cross her mind at all. she's well-spoken, thoughtful, has her own set views on the world and is anything but boring, but she only ever drops it Sometimes, like untalkative fathers casually having half a conversation that is so good you start wishing for more but then they just go quiet again, sort of slipping-through-your-fingers sort of person, because she's always sort of been a means to an end. not that she didn't get to show her personality with ema at all, but the conversations they had were mostly her teaching her something, or her making sure she's okay, or her listening and giving ema space to learn conversational skills, talk about her interests, etc - it was all about ema. and I should empathize lana was fine with it. lana was giving large parts of herself up long before rfta began - she ways always living for ema. she sort of just had to. even her fight against crime and pursuit of justice and the maintenance of peace and etcetera were probably Partially rooted in a desire to give ema (everyone else too, but especially ema) a better world to live in. she's ultimately defined by how deeply self-sacrificially she loves. she's a lot like nahyuta in that regard.
- ema hates how self-sacrificial lana is. lana never flaunted it in her face or demanded any gratitude - that's not why. I think it's rather about something that peaked in rfta and probably showed in small moments here and there before that. lana closes off to suffer in silence. she probably tried to never let ema see that she was struggling in any way, and it could have manifested in her sort of getting lost in herself and just being cold and quiet and not showing as much attention to ema as usual, and until ema was old enough, that surface level of the problem Was the problem, but later ema inevitably starting to understand lana was just running away not to let her help. later ema inevitably starting to understand the things that were being done for her were not easy and they were being done in noble suffering For Her Sake. and, being a teenager that she was, ema would yell at lana to stop giving her all of these things, then, and lana would just shake her head and tell ema she knows nothing about how anything works. you know how parents start being more honest with you about how much money they spent on you and tell you more about themselves as you grow up? lana did the opposite. after sl-9, pretty much the only thing lana talked to ema about was ema's grades, mental state and whether she was sure she didn't need therapy or not. when lana would manage to tell ema she was proud of her or something like that, she sounded so tired ema would just cry and tell her to stop. they barely spent time together, but ema liked it better that way when she didn't have to put to with lana's exhausted awkward attempts to connect.
- actually, though, ema did still want attention. she was a teenager, she was human and had emotional needs and, to put it bluntly and perhaps rudely, she was lucky enough to be used to getting more. she would find multiple reasons to hate lana - calling her care control, calling her cold and unfeeling, claiming she didn't care about her or know her, complaining to her friends at school lana only cared about her grades and would be disappointed in her for failing. all of that might have been Partially true, but it was never the core issue, and later ema always felt guilty for talking about her sister like that. she knew lana cared, she knew lana would talk to her more if she could, she knew lana wouldn't actually be just completely disappointed if ema started failing class - more likely concerned, - she knew lana wasn't bad, she was just suffering. but she had no way to help. she didn't even know what lana what suffering From. and there was no way lana was ever telling her. in a way, ema would feel she ruined lana's life.
- and again, I'm not just talking about the aftermath of the sl-9 here, although that probably drove these issues up to eleven - rfta is representative of the problems they had for years, this particular story is just something that made it to court and had some outside involvement for it's resolution. I'm not sure they would even be able to completely resolve it after rfta? but they would definitely Attempt it.
- I don't actually think lanamia would have had worked out for long. they could definitely both bring something good out of knowing each other, but ultimately, their paths only crossed for a short moment - they met each other, they found something to respect and admire in each other, they helped each other grow and perhaps, hoped to be each other's emotional solace and salvation, but ultimately never were, because they inevitably got pulled in the opposite directions by their respective priorities. mia never kept in contact with anyone she met in college, even if she actually sort of wanted to - she had a goal to work towards, and she couldn't afford to keep anyone close enough so they could potentially get hurt by the obstacles She would face. she knew where she was going and never wanted to drag anyone down with her, that's why she never even told anyone. she moved on past lana right around the time she started working for grossberg, not because she never cared, but because the truth was always more important than herself. the same way she let go of lana, she eventually had to let go of diego - she didn't stop visiting him in the hospital in his coma, from time to time she still did, but she couldn't let what happened to him keep affecting her. she never let maya know, she never let phoenix know, she appeared all fine and well held together in aa1 despite her loved one being in a coma and her not even knowing if he's going to survive. mia is just this type of person - she leaves and moves on despite not wanting to, and feeling guilty for it, and kind of being an asshole for it - she left her sister in the village alone and then called her on the phone to check up on her and congratulate her on coping so well with living alone knowing full well she's part of the reason maya has to grow up so fast. mia couldn't have stayed with lana even if she really wanted to, mia always leaves. and another side of that coin, lana never let ema meet mia? ema heard about mia as a lawyer recommendation and knew vaguely how they met, but the "intellectually attracted" phrase makes me think ema didn't actually know they were in a relationship? lana wouldn't let her personal life get in the way of her raising her daughter sister. lana wouldn't talk to ema about her personal life the way it's kind of normal for sisters to do. lana was a parent and made sure her image in ema's eyes stayed untainted with any silly romantic stuff ema would giggle about. (I think it would be part of the reason ema would be so uncomfortable with lana dating umaru later down the line- nevermind let's not touch on that right now.)
- I also don't want to go into huge detail about it here, because it's.. not something really based in canon and might be perceived by some people as silly, but I headcanon marshalls and angel starr as being lana's buddies from college, and jake was unexpectedly good at helping babysit ema and ended up becoming sort of a weird uncle for her who would give her shoulder rides and tell her cool gun facts, ignoring concerned looks from his more well-adjusted brother. (my headcanons about marshalls are their own wild beast, but they're just that, headcanons, they're not actually based on literally anything.) and I think it would really really hurt ema that after sl-9 jake would close off completely from everyone, and whenever he would meet ema again he would just act like they're strangers because he was just that entrenched in his grief. jake would actually fix his relationship with ema even before lana did, though - he would break out of prison to do it, show up tight as she was leaving for college and tell her they're anything but strangers and he'll always be ready to help, should she just call. (he would constantly have to change numbers, though, because from this moment moving forward he'd be on the run from the police.^^)
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flovey-dovey · 8 months
(walks to a window) But what if... the Betty from Winter King's world wasn't nice? What if she loved a little too much? What if she's the reason there's an Ice Marcy? What if Winter sees in Candy Queen parts of himself who still (begrudgingly) cared for her, or the her he thought he knew OR the way Betty would look at him, as well as the insanity of the crown that exacerbated his own loneliness, a state of mind he Really Really Really didn't want to experience again? But also what if he's still just as lonely, and his statement of "I make everything better" is just a lie he tells himself every morning as he brushes his perfectly quaffed hair? But most importantly... What if they kissed?
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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["So what can you expect in the coming months?"] ["…you never know!"] ["He’s always watching me..."] ["-I saw Mister Drew the other day…was meeting with that Connor fellow, holding some papers."] ["I think they saw me looking though…"] ["Just too many secrets being cooked up in the kitchen!"] ["If I didn’t know better, I’d say there was magic there."] ["A well calculated understanding between creation-"] ["-big things are coming!"] ["-and creator."] ["Massive things!"] ["That smile…"] ["..you just learn to go with it."] ["He’s always watching me..."] ["You just watch…"] ["I’ve got a good feeling something great is going to happen…”]
…How very interesting,such… knowledge.
{A message from Wilson Arch}
Yoooo, guess who is having a birthday today. Me,obviously. :D
Oh, and Wilson too, I guess. If you wanna be THAT guy.
Remember when this video came out there were people who heard the voice at the end and thought the voice was either Sammy or the Ink Demon? Man, those were the days. However with all due respect, I'm glad neither case was right in the end lol.
On this day 5 years ago, "Unknown - April 14th" was posted on YouTube, which means it's been 5 damn years since we first heard from Wilson...
man, what a damn BABY MAN, am i right folks
It's interesting to think that even though it's been 5 years, we've only known who Wilson really is for 2 years now (or more appropriately, 1 year and 5 months of those 5 years). Of course, now, after BATDR was released, we know who he is and what his place is in the Bendy universe. But between April 1, 2019 and November 1, 2022, all we knew about him was that he…existed. He was someone - someone bad apparently - who sounded old and who would have some relevance in the plot of Dark Revival. And that's it. We had no name, no appearance, nothing. He was someone, but we didn't know who.
It's no wonder he was only referred to as "Unknown" by fans during these 3 and a half years.
In the end, I would say that this drawing is a mix of 2 things. The first being the result of an idea I've had for a while, which is basically making a drawing in relation to the original video/"unknown" tape, but this time with Wilson, since now we know it was recorded by him. Plus it's been 5 years since the original upload,5 years of Wilson. I think this would be the perfect time to do this.
And second, a strange kind of redux/homage/"final chapter" in this kind of "collection" of drawings I did between 2019 and 2022 all based on the idea of "the unknown weirdo from BATDR saying How Very Interesting Such Knowledge" and so on. All of them having other characters in mind in the role of the Unknown. And now, here I am, redoing this idea again, only with The Man Himself this time. The real Unknown. Now as the Known, so to speak.
Going back to what I said before, you can see this drawing as a kind of farewell to this particular idea that I've kind of repeated over the years, as I've now done it again only with Wilson this time. (Does this mean I'll never draw this concept/line of thought again? I mean, I assume so. But there's no guarantee I can't make something similar again down the line. Who knows what the future holds. We will see what happens in the next 5 years.)
But,yeah. 5 years of Such Knowledge™.
Have a good April Fools' Day.
(Also, there are still a few hours until the day ends where I live, so for me it's still April 1st, so yeah, this still counts)
#bendy and the ink machine#batim#bendy and the dark revival#batdr#wilson arch#crookedsmileart#I'm going to start headcanon that Wilson's birthday is on April Fools. It fits him 😌#yo perspective SUCKS; who created this;i'm gonna beat them until there's no more.#also;lighting is so. hard;how do you all do it#Does anyone have tips for lighting; it would be a huge help /gen#also also;drawing the audio logs was a BATTLE. It was sooo boring; why do I do this to myself#so many details and I had to do it in 7 of them; and it's because these are the DR models;which have more details;#if I had to make them based on IM models I would probably make them simpler. But I wanted to be accurate :-)))#since we are on this subject (and I'm 99% sure of this)#Did you know that the textures in the audio log models used in the final game#are different to those used in the videos published between Feb and April 2019? and a little less detailed?#I realized this when I was looking for references for the drawing#the audio logs in those videos and the audio logs in the final game are not the same thing (at least in terms of texture)#Next time you play BATDR; think about this lol /hj#in retrospect; I don't think those audio logs published at the time would really be relevant to the game's plot#and I think that in the end their purpose was (besides worldbuilding i guess) just to tease the existence of Wilson#I still think that Joey's audio was supposed to be more of a meta thing since the real JDS was actually growing during that time#in my head; that at least makes sense (referring to the last 2 tags)#anyway;happy birthday Wilson;you old bitch#ok i finally post this;now back to the HOG
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sokkas-therapist · 2 years
Just thinking about single dad Zuko getting together with sokka when Izumi is little, and them both being worried about how she’d react to it since Zuko was all she’d had up until this point (+ a handful of amazing lesbian aunties), then Izumi running to Sokka and throwing her arms around him after a nightmare for the first time, and him just being kind frozen in shock for a minute but then wrapping his arms around her too, and vowing to himself that from that moment on he would always do everything in his power to protect her and *uncontrollable sobbing*
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shitysimp · 4 months
The beakers paid Brandi to test the prototype of the cloning machine
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meggsssart · 8 months
So Baldur's Gate 3 literally has me itching to write fanfiction but then I sit down and try to do it and I'm thinking to myself like
good god you are a terrible writer
stick to drawing babes
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phoenix-flamed · 9 months
@valiisthea brought to my attention a fun little detail I missed about the feast scene at Phoenix Gate --
Elwin fucking. playfully ballroom dancing with Tyler while they're all singing Rosaria's anthem adfgl;jkgkl;f
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