#atlas fallen
galasgamingcorner · 28 days
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Atlas Fallen Scenery | Monsalar Wildlands
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karotte2188 · 6 months
† 𝑎 𝑠𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒 †
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halfwayriight · 2 years
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ATLAS FALLEN - Reveal Trailer (2023)
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teaandstargazing · 1 year
Announcement 🚨
Due to a certain billionaire and AI fiasco, I've archive locked my fic Atlas, Fallen and any future works on AO3!!
This means that anyone who doesn't have a registered account with the site will not be able to access the fic.
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thegamecollection · 9 months
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This action-RPG developed by Deck13 Interactive and published by Focus Entertainment has had a few days out on the dunes and is now ready for its review roundup! The result? Rising from the dust is not an absolute MUST, but it is a somewhat fun kind of sand-glide ride!
IGN - 7/10
"Atlas Fallen is a solid open-world action RPG with plenty of platforming and large monsters to fight. Putting aside its weak story and the console versions’ gritty graphics there’s a hidden gem of excellent combat, robust exploration, and surprisingly deep customization to uncover in the sinking sands of its arid wilderness."
Read the full review here.
Eurogamer - 3/5
"Mindless, pointless, and mind-numbing are all probably descriptors that sound too harsh for Atlas Fallen because, again, it's mainly good old simple fun. Sure, it takes itself way too seriously and the loot chase can get monotonous, but everything outside of the monster-slaying is just an excuse to get right back to the monster-slaying. Or make the monster-slaying cooler with upgrades."
Read the full review here.
HardcoreGamer - 3.5/5
"Atlas Fallen is far from a perfect game, but the important thing is that it’s still a fun game. Even when it can feel like it’s throwing a kitchen sink at you, there’s always something enjoyable to find in Atlas Fallen, mainly its impressive combat that leads to a lot of challenging, enjoyable battles (albeit with a few that could use tweaking), and its visually striking landscapes that allow for a ton of fun sand sliding."
Read the full review here.
Destructoid - 7/10
"I do think there is reason enough to experience Atlas Fallen. Especially if you are a fan of the action RPG genre. It may not leave a lasting impression once you’ve completed the adventure. But it will be enjoyable enough along the way to hold your interest."
Read the full review here.
GamesRadar - 2.5/5
"This is Atlas Fallen in a nutshell, though. It isn't a disaster. It's proficient in some respects, adequate in others, and manageable at worst. But that leaves a creative void in its world and the way you interact with it that calls into question the value of the whole endeavour."
Read the full review here.
PushSquare - 7/10
"Atlas Fallen is a valiant effort from Deck13 Interactive that will go down as its best game so far. With fantastic traversal and a fun, engaging combat system, the developer has nailed the gameplay in every sense. What holds the experience back, though, is a lack of polish to iron out the technical issues and potentially long load times."
Read the full review here.
PlayStationUniverse - 7.5/10
"Atlas Fallen suffers a few mishaps along the way, with enemies able to do cheap shots, modernized fast travel limitations, and a rather empty map. At the same time, there's a fun story here that keeps you moving forward, and combat itself feels visceral without being over-demanding. This is a great entry point for newcomers to the genre."
Read the full review here.
When all's said and done, if you're looking for a solid game to fill your time between now and the next big release then these review scores mostly suggest Atlas Fallen is your bet!
Grab your copy on PS5 & Xbox Series X right here at The Game Collection!
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websterstylemag · 9 months
Atlas Fallen! Gord! Tower of Fantasy! 30XX! Stray Gods: The Musical! THE NRW CHECKPOINT!
Ways To SupportBasil and Sage, visit them at https://basilandsage.com/. Use code WEBSTERSTYLE10Become a Producer on Patreon for just $1 per month. https://www.patreon.com/websterstylePete and Pedro: Use code EHAWKES10 or (https://bit.ly/3rClqHK) to get 10% off your first purchase.Try Dubby energy drink. Get 10% off your first purchase with code WEBSTERMAN…
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profjpg · 9 months
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ajarofpickledtears · 8 months
ah ja, die altbekannte Künstliche Dummheit 😂 /j
Gronkh, Das ist kein Bugusing, das ist KLUK! ⚔️ Let's Test Atlas Fallen #06
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generallemarc · 9 months
Did anyone actually buy Atlas Fallen?
If so, why? And are you having any fun with it?
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ozingfr · 1 year
Atlas Fallen : enfin du gameplay et c'est beau!
#AtlasFallen #PC #PS5 #XboxSeries Vous aussi, vous avez hâte?
Annoncé l’année dernière à la gamescom 2022, Atlas Fallen sort enfin son premier trailer de gamemplay, Il s’agit du nouveau jeu des développeurs de The Surge, le studio allemand Deck13. Nous allons découvrir un univers fantasy via un Action-RPG permettant de découvrir différents environnements du jeu, mais aussi quelques créatures à la Monster Hunter. Le projet: éliminer des dieux corrompus par…
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Atlas Fallen
Reveal Trailer
Website / Steam
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galasgamingcorner · 3 months
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Atlas Fallen Scenery | Calabria
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karotte2188 · 4 months
🌄 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 🌅
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greyjediluke · 2 years
Atlas Fallen - 2023
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teaandstargazing · 2 years
Atlas, Fallen: Chapter 13, Atlas’s Interlude
*tosses the tiniest freaking chapter at you*
first chapter
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Atlas Fallen
Developed by Deck13
Published by Focus Entertainment
Release Date 2023
Tested on PC (16 GB RAM, Ryzen 7 7735, RTX 4060)
MSRP 39,99 USD
I’ll be honest with you, this is not a ‘full’ review, this is only ‘first impressions’ since I played the game for around 2 hours and just could not find the will personally to continue playing the game.
Atlas Fallen was one of the games I really wanted to check out from last year, announcement and launch trailers look just great, this combat and traversal systems look so smooth and and the gameplay looks refined…well, not actually.
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First and foremost, when I cannot get the ‘gist’ of a game’s story or opening act I just look up game reviews or game’s wikipedia page to get a deeper sense into it. When the opening act finalized, I was like “wait…what did happen…who are we…who am I supposed to fight? For what reason?” There were so many questions that desire answers, and the game keeps going piling on new questions and plotlines on top of another one and does not explain anything at all. I checked the game’s wikipedia page and game’s page on stores, Wikipedia does not have any story-related info, and Steam page does not mention anything about what this game is ‘about’. I mean, I played games for sake of their pure action with zero plotline or narration, yet, Atlas Fallen has this strange world, characters and NPCs talk about gigantic warfares from ancient times and a decade ago, there is fuck*ng gigantic V-shaped element in the air, and there is zero consistent narration in the game. Who am I here? Where are we? What are these enemies or monsters I am up against?
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The fact that the game does not follow any meaningful plot is the reason I could not put up with it more than 2 hours, my criticism will unfold in the next paragraphs with user interface and overall mechanics better. First, the game opens in clouds, we are playing as Avatar-like blue man running away from titans or giants, then we fall from the sky, then we customize our character, and wake up. At this point I thought that we were customizing the Avatar-like man that just fell from the sky, but no, that is a separate character you will meet later. You customize your character and find yourself in this travelling caravan and there are grim looking soldiers, you converse with NPCs here, and you suggest to uprise against the soldiers, who are kidnapping you to someplace else, and they say no, then off you go to fight monsters commanded by the soldiers. Just keep up with me, okay? While you are fighting monsters, you come across this cuff, you wear it, it gives you superpowers, and it turns out that Avatar-like blue man is inside the cuff talking to you, whose name is Nyall. You return to the caravan, you beat up soldiers. To this point, the game has made zero sense because I am not familiar with the story one bit, I mean, there has to be some underlying plot just working its way to some peak moment. There has to be, there should be! The game had better ‘wow’ me at some point before it is too late, but no, the game does not contain any story, it all feels so randomized that I cannot enjoy myself, I don’t know who I am, what I am doing, what I am fighting with and, once again, where are we?
This silly opening act finalizes and we are in hub area, a town. We get to interact with NPCs, travel around, complete fetch quests for people with zero narration-drive. The trailers make sand-travel pretty cool, but the actual experience is nothing like it, it is ‘meh’ at best. Let’s get to user interface and mechanics now:
The game introduces source materials at the very beginning randomly and with zero explanation, this is something I am scared of actually because the game throws at you so many little things but do not give you tutorial, and expect you to fully understand them. For example, as you travel or wander around you collect plants and flower, collectibles, and the game automatically unlocks a new skill for you with zero input, rewards you with unique currencies and lets you unlock a new perk. As I played the game, it felt more and more like a mobile game, one where you play it for half an hour and you unlock so many things but you have no idea what their purpose are, and slowly you cease to progress at all and you are left with nothing substantial.
I have reviewed at least 70 games so far, and this is the first time I felt the need to criticize voiceover quality in a game, there are countless instances and scenes where multiple characters speak and their volume level don’t match, furthermore when it is a scene one characters is yelling or talking loudly, the other person’s voice is strangely calm and don’t fit the conversation and context at all.
Atlas Fallen disappointed me when it comes to user interface and navigation in menus, every menu and screen feels so…unpolished.
As for menus:
You have ‘Gauntlet’, that presents you Essence Stones, which are active and passive skills, these are unlocked by source material that is obtained from killed monsters. You can set your primary and secondary weapons here as well as check out combat moves for weapons.
In ‘Idols’ you will find passive abilities, honestly I don’t understand why there are multiple sections for abilities
In ‘Armour’, you can check out character stats, upgrades and Perks. Perks are different than Idols and Essence Stone skills, these Perks are unlocked through a different and rare currency.
You have your usual Map and Quests menus too.
Under ‘Journey’ menu you can see all the source material (to unlock Essence Stone abilities) in the most tedious way, codex entries for monsters and superficial story logs, and Formulas. Formulas are achieved through progression, once you are rewarded with a Formula, it means that specific Essence Stone ability is available to be unlocked.
Simply taking a look and navigating through these menus is a hassle itself, the reason is that, they are not well organized and there are loopholes here and there. Why are there 3 different skill section which are more or less same or similar? On top of that, they are unlocked with a unique progression but the game never explains how they work, such as the currency needed to unlock a new skill in Perks. How do I earn it? What is it called?
Essence Stones section is the most cluttered one, and this is the main skill menu that you will interact most, as mentioned previously, through progression the game offers you Formulas, and you can unlock new abilities in this section, the major problem here is that there are 3 tiers, and each tier has its own skill-set, yet the game does not categorize skills at all, it shows you all the skills, and you can only see which skill is for what tier as you move your cursor above them, and you cannot organize or customize the order in this screen, resulting in a disoriented skill menu. I wish the game implemented a straightforward skill-tree, one that is actually helpful and useful. 
I’ll show you the actual gameplay, in this clip I exit the hub area, travel around, come across enemies, and battle them. My biggest gripe, that you can see in the clip, is that the game presents itself as if it is offering an immersive world in trailers, but no, this world is far from immersive, it is the opposite of that. It is a bit challenging to put into words: the world we are in fees like are created in parts, such as hub are, empty deserts, hills, mountains, point of interest locations which have objectives and NPCs; it feels all these parts are created separately, then put together, and this is the final product. When I travel, fight enemies, return to hub area, something feels off here. Locations and environment do not match, and you feel this is not a unified world, this is more of a mix-n-match environment. Let’s take Greedfall for example here, which is an almost open-world game and when I travel across locations and fight enemies and get back to mission location, I never felt ‘this world does not vibe with me’ feeling, when you play a game you expect it to make ‘sense’ even if the game is set in most absurd plot with unreal characters. There has to be consistency and integrity of the world I am in should be connected across the world. Atlas Fallen falls short in this case, as I explored the world more, I grew even more stranger to it. It does not feel natural, it does not feel finished.
Adding to my previous paragraph, the level design does not live up to expectation at all, the game points at a location that I have to reach, but the location does not show up on Map, you only get to see direction arrow in-game and the distance between you and the destination. The world has these mountains and hills, and objective locations are located on top of these mountains, or below them, but you cannot make sure which direction you should go. Why is this simple thing is a challenge itself? An average player should be provided with clues and hints for the destination, in this game I cannot grasp where I am going or where I am supposed to go to access the location.
The only positive thing to note about Atlas Fallen is the combat system. The combat is fluid, it is fast, it is a bit challenging in a fun way and the game always pushes you to use your combo attacks, dodge and freeze abilities. Apart from this, Atlas Fallen is a game I would not recommend to anybody with a healthy mind.
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