#been wanting to do a confrontation pic like this for years
jeeaark · 1 month
in a timeline where the illithid invasion never happen, a world where the absolute never existed, what would greygold's life be like? or maybe even lae'zel's? a world where they stumble upon each other without all the destruction around them.
The funny thing is.
Without squids trying to ruin their life, Greygold would have never discovered the power of friendship
Worse even, they'd still be a dispassionate lone ranger with questionable bird ethics surviving the wilderness and living off raw eggs like a weirdo.
Meanwhile, Lae'zel is still a Vlaakith devotee and if they stumble upon each other without a plot to drive them to work together and get to know each other... Bad things would happen! Someone would probably die. Most likely Greygold. But! Lets say. A plot did happen.
Buckle up buckaroos. This train thought went off the rails enough that I had to draw pics. Faster than writing out a 13k+ fic (for me anyway).
Let's say Greygold got the 'steal the githyanki egg ' job from Esther. Let's say they succeeded in sneaking in and out without too much of a fuss (mostly involving cat familiar distractions). And something Unfortunate happens before Greygold could complete the quest, leaving Greygold with an egg that eventually hatches:
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And the githyanki child is not your average run-of-the-mill space lad either (Who loves eating raw eggs now too. It's fine. Builds character. Probably) But uh yeah, that whoosh accidentally cosmos-signaled all the githyankis and Vlaakith to which she reacts with a 'Wtf? Did anybody just get Prince of the Comet vibes from that? With a "I love egg" aftertaste? No? Just me? Hrm.... I do currently have a lot of free time on my hands....Fetch me that child. I want to study him like a bug. I'm suddenly feeling... Creatively ambitious with a side case of nefarious today. Might bury an old big secret if that kid is replacement-viable.' Thus search patrols investigate-
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And never return.
After the first surprise patrol disaster, Greygold has been putting their danger ranger skills to good use via setting up counter-ambushes for all the constant surprise attacks. Classic "who is hunting who?" ordeal.
Nonetheless, there is more of them than there is of Greygold, so they resort to hiding in the Underdark after realizing the githyankis don't have dark vision and it's more environmentally dangerous than the surface. It is also a fun learning experience for the kid. Search patrols continue to never return. Until-
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Lae'zel can't help but notice her mission orders do not add up and her rationality has a mighty need to make sense of it before solving problems with immediate hostility. Meanwhile this has been Greygold's first super tiny dose of kindness involving people interactions in years. Instant crush. Chase Shenanigans Ensue. Until child makes their first hunting trap. Instead of catching food, Lae'zel is captured. It also turns out the over-the-top trap involves sinking sand and a nest of Ankhegs (giant burrowing man-eating bugs). Greygold tries to help Lae'zel. For Reasons.
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Something akin to mutual respect is formed. Stuck working together. Get to know each other. Discuss contradictions with mission. Verdigris worms his way into Lae'zel's heart (as much as she loathes his name). Escape the Ankheg nest which had terribly escalated because a giant fire ant invasion decided to overrun the ankheg nest at the same time.
Everyone is covered in bug guts after this.
Something something bond over experience enough to trust and listen to each other's opinions. Short Rest. Negotiate. Discuss plans to investigate Da Truth together. Shenanigans Ensue. Then Bad Shenanigans Ensue. Argument Ensues, resulting in Lae'zel Splitting Off. Verdigris disagrees with this approach and chases Lae'zel in order to bring back. Unanticipated Ambush happens at most inopportune moment. Greygold is Captured.
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But they escape. Not before confronting Vlaakith's projection and discovering her plans and secrets thanks to one extremely curious Verdigrisgold (Verdi for short omg so long) with ridiculous super psionic powers.
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And then they coincidentally interwovenly meet/save/recruit their bg3 companions anyway because there are no mindflayer abduction to stall certain ill-fated situations from happening to certain Companions-to-be and I need for them to be OKAY. So. Greygold discovers the power of friendship again. But is also now co-parenting a fate-of-the-githyanki-freedom child with Ex-Vlaakith-devotee Lae'zel. How's that for an AU timeline?
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babymochibeargyu · 26 days
5 Stages of Gyu
POV:roommate bff Gyu gets jealous when you tell him that you were gonna go on a date
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It was one of those usual nights. You and Gyu just chilling in the living room while he practices guitar. 
You didn’t know how to bring it up to your best friend because you never needed to.
You’ve never had luck after Gyu came into your life. Before Gyu, you would occasionally have guys coming up to you confessing their love to you. Even though you did not know of their existence before, you found was hilarious. ‘Why would someone who doesn’t even know me wanna be with me’
But after you met your best friend Gyu(in high school) things changed. You got fewer confessions throughout the years until you guys graduated.
Well now you both are in college and you want to try new things. Go on dates, eat good food, go for walks. Things that couples usually do. The only problem was that you found no one attractive in your class. That was why you went to the last resort of downloading a dating app. 
You end up finding a match and y’all seem to hit it off. So you are scheduled for a date on Sunday which was in 2 days. Now the problem was, how were you gonna tell Gyu?
Usually on the weekends y’all would stay in, play some video games, and watch some shows on the couch. It would be chill. 
But now you were kind of scared because after y’all moved in together, it seemed that y’all were attached to the hip. Even at school, your friends will never see you alone, Gyu would somehow appear by your side. 
You take deep breaths and decide to just rip the bandaid.
“I have a date on Sunday. So I won’t be able to hang out with you then.” 
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Stage 1:Denial 
When Gyu heard that, he stopped playing the guitar. He looked up at you, with his hand over his mouth(top left pic). Wondering whether he heard you right. 
“What’s with the sudden date? Isn’t spending time with me at home good enough?” Gyu said in response. 
“It’s just that we’re now in college and we’re old enough to have our own lives. I want to go on dates, holding hands while walking in the park, looking at stars in the sky.” 
“If you hadn’t noticed, I haven’t been on a single date ever since high school, where I first met you,” you said. 
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Stage 2: Anger 
Gyu cocked his head staring dead straight at you(top middle pic) after hearing you say that. What were you implying? Because of him? You couldn’t get a date? 
To be fair you were right in suspecting something. In high school, whenever Gyu overheard someone’s plans on asking you out, he would confront them and tell them you’re not available…
But of course, he wasn’t going to tell you that. So he had to act like he was mad instead, even though he was the reason. 
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Stage 3: Bargaining 
“It’s not like I’ll be gone forever Gyu. I’ll still be coming home after the date. So stop being angry at me.”
It was a minute of silence before Gyu said something you did not expect. 
“Cancel, go on the date with me instead,” Gyu said while looking into your eyes. You were expecting some other response, not this. 
And it’s not that you’ve never seen his eyes like this before. The eyes of someone that was in love, endearment. You’ve seen him with those eyes occasionally whenever you hang out, but you didn’t think much of it. 
But after what he just said, you couldn’t pass it off as a joke anymore. Maybe Gyu was being serious.
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Stage 4:Depression(more like anxiety for this one-shot)
It’s been a few minutes since Gyu said what he said. And you still hadn’t reply him. Sitting at the table, opposite of him, still recovering from his words. He cups his hands on his neck from the anxiety he is feeling. He was in so much regret. 
Was he coming off too strong? Are you going to move out now? Are you guys not best friends anymore? Did he ruin it? So many things were running through his mind, that he didn’t know what to do anymore. 
When you came back from your thoughts, you saw that Gyu’s face was getting pale. Did not replying to him immediately affect him so much? 
“Gyu are you okay, you look pale right now.” You asked in concern for your best friend. Gyu loved it though, seeing you worry for him and only him. He was wishing you could get the hint that he likes you already so that he wouldn’t have to say it out(he was too embarrassed to even admit his feelings.)
He then leans forward putting his hand to the side of his face and cupping his chin, trying to act like he is all good(middle photo).
“Yeah yeah I’m good.” please that wasn’t even going to convince you at all. You were best friends for how many years? You could always see through Gyu when he lies. 
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Stage 5:Acceptance
“Come on tell me what is going on. And why would you joke and ask me to cancel my date and go with you instead?” 
“Are you asking because you really don’t know or you just want to hear me say it,” Gyu said with a smirk on his face(it was all a facade at this point. He was scared shitless of how you were going to respond.)
“ I mean I kind of caught on from your staring from the past times, which I ignored if not we won’t be here today Gyu. Your eyes are the window to your soul, you don’t even try to hide it.”
“Fine Y/N, you caught me. I’ll just say it since you want to hear it from my mouth.”Gyu gave up in the realization that if he didn’t admit what he felt for you, you might be gone forever from his life(if the date goes well)and he would have regretted it so much more. 
He didn’t want you to leave his life. From the moment he laid eyes on you, he knew that you were his person. And nothing was going to stand in his way. He made sure of it. What more does he have to lose anyway, since losing you forever will be the last of his humanity? 
“I like you Y/N. Yes, I know we are best friends and that may be a taboo for you but, ever since I’ve laid eyes on you in high school when we first met, no one else and I mean no one caught my eye. You were the only person I could see all these years. Everything about you just kept me sane and going. Honestly, without you, I don’t even think I would be here today.” 
“You’re my rock and my anchor. You make me want to do better, be better for you. I have to admit that you were partly right about not having any dates after I met you. It was my fault. I couldn’t see anyone but me beside you. I know it was wrong for me to do that. But I like you too much to even let another man stand beside you.”
“You may now even hate me after I told you the truth and I could’ve not said anything. But I realized that if I wasn’t fully honest with you, then I wouldn’t even be worthy to be in your life anymore. Yes, it was years ago and I was childish, so I apologize for my younger self's behavior. But if even after this, you feel that the guy that you have a blind date with is the one that you should be with, I’m not stopping you.”
“It’s your life and you should be able to choose who is in it.” 
You felt tears dripping down your face. In all the times you were friends with Gyu, this is the most honest he has been with you. Talkative yes(usually he spouts nonsense), but this was another level. You didn’t think that he had so much going on in his head, and most of them were about you. I mean yes you were angry about finding out that he was the actual reason why confessions in high school were non-existent, but you could understand why he did it. 
I mean Gyu is the full package. He could have anyone he wanted. But here he was in front of you. Telling you that you were the person he has always wanted and always needed. Not that you didn’t like him the same way. You did. Just that you didn’t show it to him. 
The times y'all would bicker and fight(when you were in high school) ended with you sleeping over (in Gyu’s terms to make it up to you.) Yall would sleep on the floor during these sleepovers. And Gyu thinking you were asleep, would usually take his blanket and cover you up so that you wouldn’t feel cold. But you always were aware that he did these things for you. 
Always watching you, making sure you were okay. These tiny details that he thought you wouldn’t notice/realize but well you did. And that’s what made you fall in love with him without him realizing it.
He didn’t know this but you were as in love with him as he was with you. 
Coming back from your train of thought, you did it again. His face was once again pale after having you not responding. 
“Ah, Gyu I’m sorry you must have been afraid since I wasn’t responding. I was trying to process everything and in the process made you feel anxious instead. Well, so my reply is that now that I know the truth of what you did, of course I’m mad but it was younger Gyu and not the Gyu now. You apologized and I forgive you. The reason why I only decided to go on a blind date was because I didn’t find anyone attractive in class and I wanted to experience what a date would be like. But after hearing your confession, I feel that it isn’t right for me to go out with another man when I have a perfectly fine man right in front of me.” 
“And I’m not saying all these just because I just found out that you liked me and in turn, it’s just a way of reciprocating your feelings. But I’m doing this because, I guess you wouldn’t have noticed because I hide my feelings well, but I like you too Gyu.”
Now it was Gyu’s turn to turn quiet. You like him? How did he not catch on? That’s insanity. Oh, you were good because he had no clue about that. 
“You know all those times when we had sleepovers and you would cover me with your blanket even though we fought, I know Gyu, I wasn’t asleep, I was just faking it. How could I fall asleep immediately and act like nothing happened when we just fought? My heart couldn’t settle yet. But you always made sure I was well taken care of. ” 
“And the way you treat others even though you do not expect anything in return, your heart is so big Gyu. That’s one thing I love about you. Your kindness has no limits. No matter who it was me or your friends who were feeling down, you would always try to lift the mood and make us feel happy. Even though we’ve never asked you to, you always did it out of your own accord.” 
“The way you said how you wanted to be better for me. Gyu you don’t even see it but you’re the most perfect human in my world. There is no one else I could ask for to make my life perfect because you’re everything I could’ve ever asked and wished for.” 
“I’m happy that I met you when I met you. Because if I didn’t, I don’t know how I’d turn out to be either Gyu. I guess meeting you was a blessing in disguise. You’re my best friend, and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You’re too precious for that. If anything I’ll fight those who would even try to come and hurt you. You’re my little baby.” gyu was in tears at this point. He was so touched by what you said, this was the first time that you guys had a heart-to-heart talk about each other. But when you called him your little baby he couldn’t help but blush. That was so darn cute he thought. 
“So with that said…”
“Wait let me say it.” Gyu cuts you off.
“Go and cancel your date and delete that dating app now. We’re going on the date tomorrow.”
“Of course Gyu, I would love to go on the date with you.” You answered while laughing, this wasn’t the way you thought he would continue the sentence. But it’ll do. You love him so much that anything he did was acceptable. 
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Pls i would just cry if someone ever confesses to me like that😭i can’t believe i even wrote all this with 0 experience🥹+ the only man i want is Gyu fr😭
But anyways hope you guys liked this!! Pls give it a like if u did and a follow if u wanna know when i post a new one hehe see u in the next one 🥹🫶🏻also dont be shy too interact okies!! I love interacting w yall🤍
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© babymochibeargyu - all rights reserved. please do not copy/repost/translate
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aita for trying to play matchmaker? for context, this all happened months ago but is coming back now. about halfway through my (18F) senior year of high school, my friend L (also 18F) started crushing on a boy she sat with in math class (18M). she only admitted it to me and the rest of our friend group after we begged her to tell us who she liked for weeks, but in hindsight, it was sort of obvious she really likes him. i have a lot of candid pics on my phone of her glancing over at him during class when she wasn't paying attention but that's beside the point. she wasn't making any moves at all to let him know how she felt and start going out with him, so after a while, we decided to give her a little push. we encouraged her, made subtle hints towards him that someone in class had a crush on him, and when that still wasn't enough, i wrote a love letter for her to sign and give to him. it was easy. prom was a couple of months away by that point and if she was going to struggle so hard to find the words, it made sense for her to just give him a note telling him what she wanted to say. but still, L was stubborn and continued to claim that she wasn't interested in dating at all. apparently she didn't like him *that* much and she was happy just being friends with him (not very convincing when she was constantly making googly eyes at him). she's always been shy, though, and if she doesn't get out of her shell, she's never going to survive in college. for more motivation, i gave her a time limit: if she didn't sign her love letter and give it to him within two weeks, i was going to go up to him and tell him that she liked him. the time game and on the final day, she told me she did it. i trusted her even though she was acting suspicious (barely speaking to him, practically running out of the class they shared together that day, avoiding the friend group for most of the day) but i found out after talking to him later that she lied to me and actually threw the note away. when i confronted her the next day, she apologized and told me that she was terrified i would actually tell him about her crush (i was joking about that, and it hurt that she didn't trust me). out of spite, she ended up asking out one of her childhood friends to prom as her platonic date just so she could say "oh no, sorry, but i already have a date" whenever we tried to help her get with her crush in the future. prom and graduation passed, and the two of them haven't talked much since. i thought this whole situation was over with, but recently, L has been avoiding all of us and makes excuses to not hang out with us. we only have so much time together before she moves out of state for college, so i got a mutual friend to check on her and see what's up. apparently, L's still holding a grudge about how we tried to set her up with the boy. she claims that she was so stressed out for all of senior year that she started getting constant nightmares because of us, and she's upset we never respected her boundaries. however, i think that she's overexaggerating. if it was that serious, she knows that she can always just talk to us instead of keeping it all in so she can make me out to be the bad guy to other people. besides, we were doing what was best for her. he was the first guy she's ever had a crush on, and L has a history of letting her shyness get the better of her. i didn't want her to miss out on this opportunity to be happy, and if she just took our advice instead of acting childish, i'm sure she would have thanked us. i reached out to tell her i'm sorry if she thought i was being too pushy, but it's been days and she still hasn't replied to me. aita?
What are these acronyms?
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
You know what, we talked about hob’s negligent husband walking in on hob and dream fucking—let’s do it.
That night dream stayed over, Hob lets dream hold him and touch him but after that he says he doesn’t want it to go further until he’s divorced.
Dream can hardly bear to wait. He’s waited for hob for so many years and it’s still so hard, even now when he knows hob finally wants him.
Hob tries to subsist on supportive texts from dream and see out the remainder of his marriage with a clear conscious. But then hob gets a dick pic from his husband. A picture that obviously wasn’t meant for him, considering the contentious divorce that they’re embroiled in.
Hob confronts his soon to be ex husband and it all comes out. Hob’s husband has been cheating on hob for months and has been trying to keep it a secret so that hob doesn’t take him for all he’s worth in the divorce.
Hob isn’t in love with him anymore but it still hurts so bad to know that while he was trying to save their marriage, his husband was fucking some guy at work behind his back.
They have a screaming fight that ends with hob at Dream’s doorstep. Dream is happy to take him in, of course.
But the moment the papers are signed, hob is ready for revenge.
He asks dream to finally do what they’ve both been fantasizing about: fuck hob in his husband’s bed and let his husband to come home and catch them at it—and see that hob’s already moved on with someone better. It’s been a while since anyone made hob come in that house!
SKREEE yeah Hob deserves this - the hot sex in his ex-marital bed, not the being cheated on.
Dream makes it so romantic, so that it isn't just a revenge thing. It's a symbol of the start of their new life together. There are rose petals on the bed, candles lit, the lighting is perfect. And Hob’s (ex)husband is due to come in and collect some of his things in about half an hour.
What a shame that he didn't know the worth of what he had. Maybe he'll realise his mistake when he sees Hob with his legs slung up on his younger lover's shoulders, his arse spread wide and his hole on display as Dream fucks him, in and out, making him feel every thrust like an earthquake. Hob’s eyes are squeezed shut and his body is trembling but Dream doesn't stop even as he turns to look at Hob’s ex like, "is there something you wanted?"
It's everything Hob had hoped for. The end of one life and the beginning of a new, much better one. He's ready to spend the rest of time being worshipped and loved by Dream. And yes, he'll be keeping the house. He's already made many happy memories there with Dream, and he fully intends to be fucked in every single room now he's a free man <3
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icedmetaltea · 4 months
(tw: scissors, needles)
Pov: you get your friendship bracelet from Moon cut off :( (no literally that's the plot I'm not even joking)
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Reblogs greatly appreciated!
Not his official outfit! I've since then made an actual design I like for him and will post that once I finish Moon's :> BUT I liked this pic and didn't feel like redrawing so gonna just have to deal
Details abt this one bc I feel like oversharing and have nothing better to do
. Y/n is a socially anxious nighttime security guard. They have no friends + are mega depressed + self-conscious and hide their face behind a pair of sunglasses even at night + chubby bc I SAY SO. Started a fic with them a long while ago but deleted it cause depression, they liiiiive
. Sun has access to a sewing machine (terrible idea on staff's part btw) in the crafting room and is obsessed with sewing costumes, needles, sewing scissors, that kinda thing bc of course he is. His outfit has degraded over the years so he tries to put it back together with random scraps of red fabric. He has a bunch of needles on his lil waist thing for easy access
. The daycare is actually shut down and has been for a long time, but y/n doesn't know that since they only see it at night. Sun has gone stir crazy without kids to take care of and spends his day making costumes and other crafts, preparing for children to arrive... even though they never will.
. Moon is dormant most of the time bc Sun keeps the lights whenever possible; he's very passive and sweet, and will tell bedtime stories to plushies as a way to cope with the loneliness. He's kind of aware Sun's gone batshit but can't really be bothered to do anything about it, at least not till he gets to know y/n better
I'm not sure if they're separate animatronics and Moon just goes offline when the lights are off cause like I'm prolly gonna give him a different outfit so
. Basic story idea: Y/n is doing one of their night shifts and gets a noise notification coming from the daycare. Since they never got the memo about it being closed down, they assume there's a break in and goes to check it out. Sun is nervous as shit when the two encounter each other, way out of practice with socializing, but quickly warms up and decides he must become their best friend at any cost. Y/n on the other hand is awkward as hell and doesn't know how to act around him. Sun makes as many efforts to lure them into the daycare as possible, and slowly becomes more and more obsessive, going so far as to hack into the webcam of their laptop, the security cams to see what they can see, watching them at the start and ends of shifts to make sure they don't interact with anyone else
Just as y/n begrudgingly starts to warm up to him, the power goes out and they meet Moon for the first time. They have this rlly wholesome plushie bedtime story scene but Moon soon lets slip about the daycare being closed-
Y/n starts to realize some shit is going on and confronts Sun about it but at this point he's way too cheery around them and is always dancing around them and showing them his latest sewing creations... so instead they begin turning off the lights manually every night at set times, telling Sun it's for "routine maintenance" or something but really it's to get more info out of Moon
Perhaps Moon starts to become a lil protective of them too~ They are after all a lot better of a listener than any plushie...
At this point they're both fiercely protective/possessive of y/n and don't want them being friends with anyone else. Cue jealousy and the two fighting for their attention~
At some point or another Moon makes them a friendship bracelet since he knows that'll get to Sun since he likes them so much, and also to mark Y/n as his
Sun finds it the next day, grabs a pair of sewing scissors and cuts it off in his first display of outright anger
Beyond that?? No clue 🥲
I feel compelled to refer to this ver of him as Pincushion...
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
BATMAN | BATFAMILY (assorted canon)
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“Long Overdue” (Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader)
| Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on an ambush when they’re overwhelmed. -Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion.
| SFW, canon typical action, cursing, past death of a child, Reader & Bruce are divorced, cursing? -angry!reader
| This is like half fanon half UTRH/Batman:Hush. I’m really just fucking around with canon rn. Also the pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source: Gotham Knights video game)
| 1k+ words
| parts: one, spurt, two, three, four, five, six/six point five, seven.
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Okay correction. That “Red Hood guy” actually is a problem. A very big problem - or no - it’s not that Hood is the problem, it's that the situation surrounding him is problematic.
Your voice comes out so faint it’s almost melodic. “Run that by me one more time?”
“Jason’s alive,” Bruce confirms, voice barely above a whisper floating across the recycled air of the Batmobile and to your ears.
You want to grab that whisper and force it back into his mouth with everything you have. How can he even speak when you feel like the air has been sucked from your body? Your mask comes off on your next inhale.
Jason. Your Jason was alive? A fully grown adult even. Jason was alive and he was the Red Hood and Bruce had neglected to tell you until this very moment. Their last big confrontation had happened almost a whole month ago!
“So you mean to tell me that you had almost going on five weeks from the second you found out to tell me my son was alive,” you wave your hands in defeated astonishment before flowing into a shrug, “and just didn’t?”
“It was still ‘need to know’ information. The situation wasn’t yet stable enough to tell you about.”
Slowly, your head bobs up and down.
“Oh okay, yeah sure. I guess I didn’t ‘need to know’ my son was chilling back from the dead less than an hour away from me.” The laugh you let out has too much edge to be truly reassuring. “Course not. Why didn’t I think of that?”
You pose the question at a low volume, running the situation back in your mind. There was no fucking way this man was serious.
“I was going to tell you.”
“Oh really? When? In another month? Or maybe a year from now?”
“If I had to,” his voice is tight.
If he had to?
“Mhm,” your lips purse. “Stop the car-”
“Running away won’t fix anything. If you would just listen-”
Bruce’s voice gets just that much louder so he can talk over you and you respond in kind.
“Oh that’s real rich coming from you-”
“Please don’t do this right now-”
“Do what? Be mad that you lied to me-?”
“I didn’t lie to you. You didn’t even know,” you can hear the way his teeth grind. “Weren’t supposed to know today, but I was forced-”
“Is that supposed to make it better? You’re supposed to be my husband-!”
“You forfeited that a long time ago when you divorced me and issued the papers in public-!”
“Are you really still caught up on that shit? That’s what happens when you keep ignoring the family law attorney-!”
“You barely even gave me a chance after his death-” he grounds out.
“You wanna talk about chances-?”
“Stop this goddamn car, Bruce!”
The Batmobile is forced to a stop less than half a mile from the Cave entrance.
The emergency brakes are hit hard and work instantly and you’re out of the Batmobile in the next blink, walking around to where Bruce is jumping out the driver’s side. You feel shaky, your whole foundation falling apart. Bruce wasn’t incompetent enough for this to have been a mistake, but there was no way he would be this cruel. Not to you.
You don’t give him room after his feet touch the ground, in his space in an instant. When he doesn’t move to stop you you push him into the side of the vehicle. He skids backward, back making an impact with a decisive thud. The shove sends a horrible zing of pain up your arm that just fuels you more.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Your scream echoes in the still night air on such a vacant road, and your throat feels rubbed raw, so you know he heard you, but all he does is frown. It’s tempting to punch that frown, to dig your fist into his solar plexus until he fucking answers you, but with the suit on you know hitting him wouldn’t make him feel half as bad as you do right now.
You couldn’t - you could not - stand arguing with Bruce when he sunk himself into the Bat. It was about as useful as pounding your fists bloody on a brick wall hoping for it to magically turn into a door.
The silence continues to stretch and you can feel your resolve stretching thin.
“Usually you got an answer for everything, but not now?” Your voice comes out low and to your absolute shame your eyes start to burn. You shake your head and step away from him. “What could I possibly have done to deserve this, Bruce?”
Bruce takes in a breath and when he speaks it half sounds like he’s drowning.
“This isn’t about whether you deserved it, it was for your own good. Why can’t you just take my word for it? I needed more confirmation before you could be brought in.”
“You know I can’t accept that,” you let out a sigh. “I’m not one of your lil League friends, Bruce, I don’t think you’re fucking infallible. I know when you're not being one hundred percent with me. And you know what else? I was married to you for seven years, I can tell when you're not being honest with yourself either, so do us both a favor and rip your own head out of your ass.”
You hold your hand up when his mouth opens next, vision blurring.
“Do you know that I ask myself everyday if I was a bad mother, having two of my kids run away from me? I work to re-strengthen my relationship with Dick all the time, but I couldn’t do that with Jay. Couldn’t tell him how sorry I was for letting him die with a continent between us; that it’s the biggest regret of my life.”
Bruce shakes his head and speaks with so much conviction you want to believe him. You always do.
“You were a great mother. The boys were running away from me.”
The chuckle you give is without humor, voice getting thicker with the force of speaking past the lump in your throat.
“As much as I want that to be true, no I wasn’t. Our parenting was a two person job, Bruce, and I was almost never home. So when they had problems with you they didn’t come to me they went in search of new families. I should have been there, but you know as well as I do how this life locks its jaws and doesn’t let go till you die. But this time around it gave back what it took and you chose to keep that to yourself to -what?- to spite me?”
“You can’t believe I would keep him from you for such a trivial reason…”
A few minutes ago you wouldn’t have believed it either.
“No?” You scoff. “So why didn’t you take your briss ass and tell me then? Was I that horrible of a mother that you didn’t think I deserved a second chance too? Is that it, Bruce?”
A strangled choked out noise falls past his lips.
“Never, Y/n. I would never make a decision like this to hurt you. I didn’t tell you because you didn’t deserve to have your heart broken all over again.” He rubs his hands down the exposed half of his face. “I wanted to be sure before I said anything.”
“How much surer can the boy being right fucking in front of you be?”
“I saw Jason before this month.”
You jerk back.
Bruce takes off the cowl and for a brief aching second you wish the two of you had been better. He looks as carved open as you feel; nerves and jagged reopened wounds that had never healed right in the first place rotted and exposed to Gotham’s starless sky.
“I saw him, but at the end of the fight when Hush was washed away, do you know who they made me think it was?”
The brimming tears finally overflow when you shake your head, heart pounding in your ears as the two of you's heavy breathing fills the vacant street.
“I was watching my son come back from the dead and then Clayface was in his place. As far as I was concerned Jason was still dead and everything was only a part of the sick game they were playing,” he blinks and his eyes are suddenly glossy, an admittance of defeat all their own. “I know you too. You can’t tell me that if I had brought you in the second I saw Jason that first time that you would’ve been alright after I had to take it back, Y/n. After I told you it was just a trick.”
“That’s not fair,” you shake your head. You glare at him, voice wet, and sniffle as you snap your hand up to rub your tears away. “You had no right to make that decision for me.”
“And yet I wanted to spare you that pain anyway.”
You stare at each other. A defeated slump to Bruce’s shoulders and his usual shuddered eyes so so open for you. If only that was enough.
Your breath stutters as you inhale. Mouth pressed into a wonky frown and throat tight and raw, you speak.
“You make it so hard to love you, you know that?”
He closes his eyes, painregretremorse flashing across his face, before going stock still. A brace for a hit that you will give no quarter to him by making physical.
You think of Jason, of him insisting on helping you with your hair during wash days, reading in the library together and conveniently leaving a pocket knife on the counter so he’d stop hoarding the ones from the kitchen, of arguing with Bruce over putting him in that damn costume, and your heart riots.
“I’m done, Bruce. I…cannot keep doing this after tonight. I thought I could trust you, but now I don’t know what to make of you after this.”
He nods at your proclamation, eyes locked onto yours. You let him have it for a few beats, watching him back. A man flayed open so many times it was inevitable he’d drag you down with him. You’d signed up for it the first time you’d said your vows, but you could never have predicted the ways it would shake you apart.
“I’m walking the rest of the way,” your hushed voice informs. He makes a sound in the affirmative, you turn and leave.
Nearly fifteen years of your life you have known, loved, and let yourself be consumed by Bruce. Five of those years you haven’t even been together; had as minimal contact as possible. Still he’s always done this to you and you to him.
Cracked yourselves open on one another.
It’s anticlimactic almost, how all you have to show for all this strife is a pounding arm and sore throat.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! Comments would be appreciated if you wanted to leave one! I read all of them, I only don’t respond cause this is a side blog.
Also somewhere deep down Bruce knows that the even realer reason he didn’t tell Reader is because he was hoping to have fixed things with Jason (make him see “sense”) before giving her the happy news so they could be a family again. But you didn’t hear that from me. Additionally, I tried to make this seem like a decision Bruce would actually convince himself to make but I have no clue if I succeeded. I know I was excited when I came up with it though.
Caribbean word of the day(i.e.,the glossary): “Briss” - to be nosey or intrusive.
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rrosiepetals · 1 month
don't know if you do ask but got curious what some of your favorite things about Marlon and also maybe your favorite pics of him in game
AAAA love this ask, thank you so much anon!!! I love Marlon and I will take any opportunity there is to gush about him!
Marlon is devoted, he’s got a good heart and wears it right on his sleeve. Take one good look at him and you see someone who’s (trying) to keep it all together. He was genuinely so passionate when talking about how well fortified Ericson’s had become. It was endearing seeing how much he boasted to Clementine about running the place and how he and all the other kids had worked so hard over the years to protect the school. 
He is a tragic character, and although only appearing in one episode, you can sense there is more to him than meets the eye. He is someone who has been weighed down by responsibility and by the world he was forced to grow up in. These kids had been sheltered, most of their lives had been spent surviving at the school. The teachers and other staff they'd looked up to… the ones that were entrusted to take care of them had abandoned them, leaving them for dead. As a result, they had no adult figure to look up to and seek guidance from.
Who could they lean on now?
This is where Marlon comes in; I like how despite his feelings of sorrow and betrayal, he decided to step up and take action, even though he was just as scared and confused as the other kids. It highlights just how much he cares for his friends; he doesn’t want to see them suffer and live in fear. It's a scary world out there; practically anywhere they go, it could mean death. However, as determined as ever, Marlon strives to make the best of their situation, and they work together to make Ericson the home that they never truly had before the apocalypse. The fondness in Louis' voice when he talks about him is really heartwarming and goes to show how dedicated he was when playing into the leader role.
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Marlon is a person who will do anything in his position to protect his friend's safety. As the self-proclaimed leader of the abandoned boarding school, he goes to great lengths to ensure that everyone is well fed and has a good night’s sleep. When he speaks with Clementine, you can see the desperation in his eyes; shouldering so much responsibility alone for so many years is hard. Despite his doubts that cloud him, he attempts to make it work with the limited resources they have.
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The situation involving the twins is extremely heartbreaking from both perspectives. Some people paint Marlon as this “heartless villain” who will just willingly hand over his friends like it’s nothing. I want to pose some questions. Do you think he wanted to hand them over? Did you think he hasn’t gone days upon days without sleeping? Wrecked with the guilt of his decision? Spending hours trying to come up with some sort of rescue plan to get them back? It doesn’t erase the fact that he knew these kids… he grew up with them in this fucked up world. He’s literally still a kid himself! What was he to do in a situation where all he had was a gun practically pointed at him by adults who could easily overpower them? Perhaps he could’ve handed himself over, however what would happen then? They’d just come back anyways and take the rest of the kids without a second thought.
At the end of the day, he wanted to be a good leader and good friend to everyone at the school. He kept all his worries and stress to himself so that the spirits of the school weren't weighed down because of him. He was so insistent that everyone abided by the safe zone rule so much to avoid any conflicts that could disrupt the peace they made for themselves. Thus, these built up emotions/worries caused his eventual downfall and he died thinking that all his friends potentially hated him for what he did. Watching those hurt and dejected looks on their faces when being confronted.. especially the look of sadness from his best friend. It hurt more than anything. I love how they handled Marlon, even if I wished he and many others had more screen time to truly shine, the amount of impact they had is worth it. Also many love towards his va Ray Chase, he put in his all with that performance!!!! 👏
A bit of a side note as well: Marlon had broken his own rule regarding the safe zone as he managed to save Clementine and AJ outside the train station. Why was he out there in the first place? I believe that he was actually planning to scout the Delta from afar, finding any weak spots necessary before making a solid rescue plan to get Sophie and Minnie back. No one else was with Marlon at the time as far as we know, only him and Rosie when he refers to "when we found you." I could be wrong but that’s what I’d like to think.
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As far as picture wise go I have a few of them! Mainly love the ones where he’s smiling!!!
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callivich · 5 months
calli my beloved, i am on my hands and knees asking if you have any additional musings on that brothel au. please i am starving. a crumb, i beg 😔🤲🏻
Ray! 😍🥰💖 I do have lots of long-winded thoughts (when don’t I? 😅) so here are some ramblings….
Version 1
Ian’s new to the job and he’s liking it so far. He has a nice little reception area behind a screen and he can play on his phone using the brothel wifi when there’s no customers. He deals with the customers, or ‘clients’, but has rarely seen the ‘employees’. His boss is rarely around. It’s a nice, clean place which Ian really wasn’t expecting. It’s not luxurious or upmarket but it’s definitely not a terrible place.
Ian is having a tough time. He wants a relationship but he feels a bit naive/embarrassed about all that stuff because he’s inexperienced/has no experience. He spent a lot of his teenage years dealing with his diagnosis and he feels he’s missed out now in his early twenties.
He goes on Grindr and tries to hookup but he has a bad experience with a guy who makes fun of his lack of experience. It puts him off and so he’s staying away from that for the time being.
The brothel has a book with information and pictures of all of the employees. Ian has looked at it and was instantly attracted to Mickey (there’s info about him and what he will/won’t do and a very attractive pic of his face). But he hasn’t met him yet.
It’s a bit of a meet ugly situation at first when Ian accidentally books a client when Mickey already has a booking. So he gets an annoyed Mickey stomping downstairs in the ugliest robe Ian’s ever seen, asking Ian “what the fuck do you think you’re doing double booking? I don’t do spit-roasts, dumbass”.
Ian is a little bit scared but a lot turned on. He promises not to get the bookings wrong again.
He thinks he won’t see Mickey again but Mickey appears the next shift when he’s got no bookings. He sort of interrogates Ian in a joking way and they begin to have regular chats - Mickey in his robe that is barely tied properly, always sitting a little too close and smelling a little too delicious.
Ian shares and/or Mickey kinda guesses Ian’s inexperience. Mickey says that anytime Ian wants to try anything out or learn something, Mickey will teach him. Ian thinks Mickey is joking but he’s not.
He thanks Mickey for the offer but says no thanks.
Then the bathroom on the main floor breaks and his boss tells him he can go upstairs to use the employee bathroom. Which is nicer - completely enclosed cubicles rather than stalls and much cleaner than the downstairs one. Ian discovers by accident that one of the cubicles has a vent and when he presses his ear against it, he can hear everything in Mickey’s room.
He eavesdrops on a session and gets incredibly turned on. But feels guilty for eavesdropping. He promises himself he’ll never do it again but then Mickey gets a client who also has the name Ian.
Ian can’t help it, he has to listen in - just to overhear Mickey moaning the name ‘Ian’. Even if it’s not about him. He jerks off but then when he exits the bathroom, he runs into Mickey who notices Ian’s flushed appearance. Later on, he figures out about the vent and is very amused.
Thinking Ian might come back and listen again, Mickey starts to call all his clients Ian. “That’s not my name-” “fuck you, you’ll answer to what I call you!”
Mickey confronts Ian and tells him he knows he’s been listening in. He offers Ian a session for free again.
Ian takes him up on the offer and they have a lot of fun, even if it is a bit awkward at times. They have more and more sessions, Mickey teaching Ian everything he wants to know and letting him try out what he wants.
They both like each other but Ian thinks Mickey is just being kind to him and Mickey thinks Ian is too good for him. Lots of miscommunication until one of them reveals they are falling in love…..
Version 2
Basically the same as version 1 but Ian is seeing someone. They haven’t done anything physical because Ian is nervous. Mickey says he’ll help him practice whatever he wants.
The guy Ian is seeing pressures him a bit (he’s kinda a villain) but Ian doesn’t exactly pick up on this being bad for awhile.
Some kind of dramatic moment where the guy finds out Ian’s been practicing stuff with Mickey and he gets angry, calls Mickey a whore. Ian gets angry in turn, realises he loves Mickey and defends him. Tells the guy to fuck off.
Cue romantic passionate kissing and revelations of love.
Version 3
Ian is trying to be celibate because he keeps hooking up with the worst guys. Working in a brothel is probably not the best environment but he rarely sees the employees.
Mickey is instantly attracted to Ian and likes teasing/flirting with him. Ian flirts back (and struggles not to get turned on) but makes it known he’s not hooking up with anyone at the moment.
Mickey backs off ~respectfully~ (or as respectfully as Mickey can 😅) but still spends his breaks talking to Ian.
Slow burn, lots of long conversations where they open up to each other. They are clearly falling in love but neither want to admit it.
Ian realises he’s getting very jealous of Mickey’s clients and decides to quit and get a different job. But he can’t stop thinking about Mickey. He realises he loves him. But what should he do about it?
Mickey checks his bookings: 2pm - Clay. He doesn’t recognise the name, it’s a new guy. Mickey opens the door and is shocked to find Ian standing there, holding a bunch of flowers and asking if Mickey wants to go on a date.
Basically I have a lot of thoughts about brothel AUs 😅 I would love to write some of these but I can’t write smut and these sorts of AUs need smut.
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infamous-if · 1 year
Okay, but what if Seven found out those thirst posts were from one of the MC's alt accounts.
Seven would confront MC, actually lmao actually the idea of it was fun so here's a..drabble? snippet? what do we call it?
You're sprawled on your hotel bed, head resting on your palm as you flit lazily through the magazine you found in the connecting bathroom. It's been a day since BOTB has stopped in the latest city, the producers leaving everyone to their own devices as they set up pre-show interviews at the venue. Free time is both a mercy and a curse; Orion has recommended you to a vocal rest, which means you've been forced to hole up in your hotel room while your friends go out. Not only does it feel unfair, but it feels almost like a punishment. God...
Your phone buzzes. Your manager in question's name shining like a taunt on your screen: Hope you're in your room.
You pick up your phone, a retort already forming in your mind, when you get a notification for a like on one of your alt accounts.
Your body reacts with both humor and shame when you realize it's a like from a fan called @SevenLawly192. Your account has zero followers but your thirst posts about Seven always gets a stray reaction or two. Every like, every notification, is a fresh wave of embarrassment. It runs through you, heating every pore on your body.
You feel pathetic thirsting over your ex on some account with no profile pic but where's the harm, right? It's not like you could do it publicly--Seven would probably kill you--and this is really just a way to let your feelings out. It's healthy, right?
Shaking away your thoughts, you set your phone facedown on the bed and go back to reading. It's that moment a knock sounds through your door.
No. Not a simple knock. A set of frenetic rapping that makes you jolt.
"MC." It's Seven. Your heart does a weird tumble in your chest. "Open the door."
Well...that doesn't sound good.
You say nothing, looking around the room as if Seven threatens to materialize from the very walls. Maybe if I pretend I'm not here-
"I know you're taking a vocal rest," their voice is dull, "open the fucking door."
You remain silent. You're not supposed to talk anyway-
Even with a plea that should sound polite Seven says it in a way that sounds like they're clenching their teeth. Like they're barely holding it in.
Angry. Seven is definitely angry.
That's alright, you reassure yourself, I can deal with an angry Seven. I've been doing it for years.
Heaving a breath, you push yourself off the bed and swing open the door, only to see Seven in the doorway with a phone in their hand. Their usual red bandana sits across their forehead, plaid shirt and ripped jeans a bit too baggy and a little too distressed. Just how Seven likes it.
Just how you like it. Damn it.
"What's this?" they ask, brows furrowed and exhaling through their nose, their booted foot tapping on the carpet of the hotel hall.
Your eyes peer at their phone-
-only to see your alt account glaring back at you.
Aw, shit.
"I don't know what that is."
Seven lets out a dry laugh. "Really, MC? I'm not a dumbass. This is your account. I saw you switch to it during the interviews last night. Real subtle, by the way."
You avert your gaze. You are such an idiot.
"Are you making fun of me?" Seven accuses, coming closer to you. You stumble back right inside the room, Seven's proximity making your heart race. "'You want me to punch you in the face'? What--why would you even want that? What does that even mean?"
"Well, it's not supposed to be taken literally-"
When they dip their head to glower at you, you roll your lips and bite back the rest of your explanation. "Rhetorical." You nod once. "Right."
"Don't get me started on the other shit I saw." Seven laughs bitterly. "God, MC. You're fucking sick. Is that what goes on in that head of yours?" They gesture to your forehead with a swirling finger. To your surprise, they even look amused for a moment, until their mask of anger returns.
Your cheeks burn. "I don't know what you're trying to do," they say, "but if you're trying to ruin my reputation or something-"
"I'm not!"
Seven rubs their eyes, huffing. "Just...whatever. I don't even know why I came here. Just--try to cool it with the vulgarity, alright?" That's when their cheeks burn. "Knowing it's you saying that stuff about me..." Their throat bobs and suddenly their anger is gone, replaced by stark embarrassment? Vulnerability?
"It's weird," they finish, their voice weak and low, as if they don't actually mean it.
"Is it?" you prompt.
With their head still turned away, their eyes flicker to meet yours. They hold your gaze, the silence of the hotel room turning heavy, weighing on you. Seven deliberates something before clearing their throat and saying, "I feel like you're messing with me."
You tilt your head. "What?"
Seven blinks and scratches their neck, sighing. "Nothing. Just...remember what I said. And"-they gesture vaguely at you-"don't be weird." With that said, they spin on their heel, stiffly walking out of the room. They shoot you one last look as they turn away, disappearing down the hall.
You stand there, feeling slightly dizzy, before grabbing your phone and deleting the account for good.
Bye, alt account. You were fun while it lasted.
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4 years - 33 lbs gained
Force fed, nourished with chemical androgens, determined to be a freak.
Bodybuilding has a cruel tendency to make you blind to the gains you’ve made. When I close my eyes and try to picture my current physique, my brain still concocts an image just like the one on the left.
The belief that this is how I still look can be so strong that, when confronted with a pic such as the one on the right, I don’t recognise it as myself. “I don’t think my arms look like that, there’s no way my delts look that full, I’m definitely not that hairy”. But it is me. I am that hairy. My delts do look like that.
Crazy thing is, even when armed with clear evidence of how inaccurate my internal size-barometer is, I can still say with 100% certainty that I want to be so much bigger. My quest for obscene size is honestly stronger now than it’s ever been.
I guess the moral of the story here is: chase your dreams; if you want to be obscene, then be obscene. Just make sure to occasionally take stock and acknowledge how far you’ve come already.
Wanna help me pack on the next 33 lbs? Drop me a DM and let’s talk.
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ask-a-w · 8 months
Watched Part 7 of Nick Apostolides’ RE4R playthrough, this is the last one. Again, penning down stuff that caught my attention.
Parts 1 & 2
Parts 3 & 4
Parts 5 & 6
Guests: Genevieve (Ashley’s VA) & Craig (Wesker’s VA)
Part 7:
- When asked what each character would dress up as for Halloween, Craig responded Wesker would go as himself and Ashley will go as a mouse. (Nick was too busy killing the island goons to answer)
- During the pandemic, Craig tripped on the floor and created a giant hole in his apartment wall. He posted the pic on Reddit and it somehow made it onto a BuzzFeed list.
- Gen was recounting how she once tripped over nothing in a parking lot and completely shredded the skin from both palms. She had to film a pilot the next day (that never got picked up by a network) and she had to hide her hands behind her back or in her pockets while filming.
- Nick knows how Gen felt as he also shredded the skin from both his hands when he was tossed over the handle bars of his bicycle. It took a long time to heal.
- If you find the name “Garret Saddler” in game, Nick asked Capcom if they could work his cousin’s name into the game and this was the result. He introduced his cousin to the OG RE2 in 1998 and both played RE3 together one year later. His cousin has been a fan ever since.
- Gen jokingly said the altar scene was an easy day for her and Nick said he almost dropped her a couple of times. They had fun filming it with Christopher (Saddler’s VA).
- Nick had to do “many many many” takes of the altar scene where Leon was frozen in place but trembling. He was “sweating his ass off” and it’s very hard to do when you have to tense every muscle in your body.
- They had to do a few takes of Leon carrying Ashley & escaping Saddler as they wanted to capture the “right amount of pain & injury”. Nick tripped over his feet for one of the takes and almost toppled onto Gen, she was nearly thrown to the floor. Craig was surprised a dummy wasn’t used.
- Whenever Nick puts Gen down, they would have a lot of Velcro stuck to each other.
- Quite sure Nick is joking when he said he had to carry Gen 3 miles down the street as the crew recorded him from behind for the part Leon is stumbling to Luis’ lab.
- They keep joking Marcio (Salazar’s VA) mocapped inanimate objects like the helicopter, the plaga laser, the floor, etc. If you don’t know, Marcio also mocapped a lot of enemies like Verdugo, one of the Bella sisters, Dr Salvador, ganado, etc.
- All cinematics are filmed in person with all the actors involved in that scene.
- The part where Leon cures Ashley was the very first scene Nick & Gen filmed together. Gen was in disbelief when she read the schedule and saw this scene was on it. It was a very tough one to film.
- The chair that was built for Gen to sit in for the plaga cure scene was very uncomfortable.
- Audio in the cutscenes are directly taken from mocap. Performance capture, motion capture, and dialogue are all recorded at the same time for cutscenes. There is a microphone in the middle of their foreheads in the helmet they wear.
- Voice recordings are also done with the helmet mic, not the mic you see in a voice recording booth.
- While people say Ashley would be unable to lift Leon when he’s unconscious, Gen says Ashley is beefy and “look at those shoulders”. Even Nick comments that Ashley seems very proud of herself when she smiles that she did help to cure Leon.
- Craig is jealous that he never got to try Nick’s barbecues as he usually flew out of Vancouver whenever he got done filming.
- Gen’s least favourite Ashley line is “Hey look, the flag has been lowered.” She recorded different variations of that as Capcom did not decide if it’ll be a flag or something else in the castle maze. She was surprised the flag version was used.
- Gen was there for the recording of the final Saddler confrontation. She was wrapped up in a blanket and seated on a couch. It’s cold in the studio.
- Gen is intending to cosplay as Ashley. She’s waiting for the wig to be delivered.
- Nick keeps calling Saddler’s mouth eyeball a grapefruit and it’s amusing as he keeps saying “Show me the grapefruit” during the Saddler fight.
- Craig wouldn’t mind cosplaying as Wesker but he would need to get a new suit.
- Nick’s favourite line in the game is “I’ll give you a holy body!”
- Lily did the mocap in heels.
- If Nick did cosplay RE4R Leon, it would be Leon in the tactical vest.
- Nick & Gen sat on wooden blocks to mocap the jetski scene. Gen has never ridden a jetski but Nick has and was launched 15 feet when he & his cousin hit a wave. He lost his favourite hat in the ocean.
- Craig always found it amusing how Wesker says “I do not pay you to ask questions” and Craig interjects with “But I will explain it” in Wesker’s voice.
- Lily is juggling multiple projects and Christopher is in another country so it’s hard to match schedules to get them on stream. Nick does want to get them on stream for future runs though.
- Nick is surprised by the amount of people who voiced the ganados.
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colinbridgerton is romantic, kind, optimistic, anxious, smart-ass, insecure, wistful, imaginative, reserved, ambitious, driven, funny, protective, compassionate, creative, self-assured, decisive, brave, writer, intelligent, attentive, trust-worthy, loyal, sensitive, passionate, traumatized, vulnerable, talkative? considerate, sensible, honest, helpful, empathetic, curious, naive, thoughtful, passionate, confrontational, head-strong, nurturing, dramatic, caring, self-sacrificial, guarded, loving, hard-working, hopeful, irritable, self-reflective, cautious, kindhearted, charming, sassy! the fact I can make a thread showing all of these sides of him if only insta didn’t allow only 10 clips pics to show it 😂 maybe I should make 5 posts!
this is how pen violet and I see him and hope to see him see himself like this too in s3 part 2 or one day 🔜 nothing has haunted me more about this show bridgerton then when he said if “Penelope can see me like this then maybe I can too” I was literally crying first time I heard it because what does he mean by that we all saw him like that not just pen his mother his siblings daphne Benedict even maybe Eloise! that line has rung deep in my mind for 2 years now has me crying every time it came to mind or I watched that scene and I need it gone! closest it’s gotten to it been gone now is bc of “feelings like DREAMING of you when i'm asleep and in fact preferring to sleep because there is where i might FIND you. a feeling that is like TORTURE but one which i CANNOT. WILL NOT. do not WANT TO. give up.”
He’s also a feminist icon, handsome, cool, pretty, rich, hot, tall (has blue eyes brown hair no better combo maybe brown eyes brunette tall dark and handsome is about him) and just beautiful in and out! Idk how Julia Jess and Shondamanaged to write the most incredible amazing complex male character in history of media but my god am I forever grateful to her!
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glowingbadger · 3 months
A few of you beautiful people gave me permission to talk about my OCs for a bit (not that I need it but it's nice to have), and for that, there shall be consequences. I wanna show y'all a few of my beauties, tell you about them, and brag about how hot they are and all the thoughts I have about their sex lives lmao (also featuring, btw, a major DnD npc who is.... VERY inspired by Seteth lmao though his story definitely ended up going its own way from that starting point)
**Also note because I know a couple IRL friends of mine follow this blog- if you play any tabletops with me, don't you fucking dare read this I will be SO mad because there will be spoilers I'm being so serious rn lol
((Also if you don't care that much about my OCs (fair lol I get that's not what most of y'all are here for) but just wanna see some of my art maybe, feel free to just scroll through and look at four hot anime people looooool))
First, we've got Rhys Ledger! (Cyberpunk Red ttrpg) Full art here
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Rhys was born with severe chronic illness and a desperately poor family. Because of this, every issue and flair up got pushed off until it absolutely HAD to be addressed by a medical professional- and this lead to both of his arms and one eye eventually becoming infected to the point of requiring the cheapest and crappiest cybernetic replacements on the market- and even these still pushed his family into horrific debt. To get the debt collectors away from his mother, he staged a big interpersonal blow-up with her, ran away, faked his death, and started sending money to the debtors anonymously on her behalf, so that he could make the payments while separating himself from his mother so she wouldn't feel compelled to try to find and help him anymore.
So basically, he's cut off his entire family, in his mind for their own good. He's in crippling and seemingly insurmountable medical debt. Plus, his cybernetic eye and arms are cheap and shitty and keep breaking- his eye even plays ads at regular intervals, and you can imagine how maddening that is. All he had to rely on was the beginnings of a medical education received from Dr. Banting, a man who provided routine checkups at minimal cost to him as a child in addition to periodically tutoring him. So he leveraged that to test into a medical education program that would basically fast-track him into indentured servitude to a major corporate medical cybernetics company. And on the side, he takes odd jobs for extra cash- which is how he ran into the rest of our tabletop party.
He's a deeply, deeply empathetic and caring person deep down, who's just been beaten down by the trials of life and grown cynical and sarcastic as a result. Unlike most quality cybernetics, his hands completely lack a nervous suite, so he has no sense of touch there, and he secretly misses that sensation desperately. All of these factors contribute to him having been in a multi-year dry spell, sexually (he's had a tendency to pull away from romantic relationships before they got more than skin-deep), and at this point he'd likely faint if confronted with a naked boob. He's incredibly touch-sensitive, and while he probably doesn't even realize it, deep down he absolutely yearns to be touched gently and intimately by someone who actually values his falling-apart body. Rhys probably needs someone who's very vocally encouraging during sex, and who will communicate clearly what they want and what they like; with that sort of person, he'd be the ultimate service-whatever. Top, bottom, all that matters is that he's doing a good job and pleasing his partner, he's not capable of taking someone for granted once they've shown they truly appreciate and desire him.
Next we have Shaeleigh Sommers (unofficial Pokemon tabletop; also a cyberpunk setting) Full art here (also some spicier pics of her here and here)
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Shaeleigh, or Shae, is from a Cyberpunk Pokemon tabletop that my husband has been running for three years now with friends, so she predates Rhys, but in retrospect she's like... a perfect foil for him lol
Shae was born to a fairly well-off family with a corporate, ladder-climbing father and a trophy-wife mother (she has respect for the former and very little regard for the latter). Her older brother is following their father's footsteps, while Shae pursued... basically Pokemon veterinary studies lol. After college, she worked for a Pokemon shelter for unwanted and retired Pokemon, but it was shut down for taking on more cases than they were supposed to (not wanting to turn away any Pokemon in need), and as a result, Shae's dream is to gain the money, experience, clout and sponsors to open her own private shelter. She has an enormous soft-spot for lesser-loved Pokemon, and has no interest in the "popular picks" who will have no trouble finding a trainer to take care of them. She's somewhat naive, though she's learned a lot on her adventures, and she has a good heart despite being a bit spoiled.
Shaeleigh is also desperately in love/lust with the professor overseeing her and her allies on their journey, Professor Shoot. He's a young Professor, still technically the equivalent of an "adjunct," and Shae and her buddies are his first group of assigned trainers. Shae was immediately attracted to him physically, and overtime this has slowly developed into a deep, deep crush and potentially even love. He's gentle and kind in a way that's extremely rare in the dystopian cyberpunk future, and while he insists that, as a professor he's less a man and more a cog in a machine, Shae sees a warm and beautiful humanity in him that she clings to, as it represents her desire not to lose herself or her values despite how hard her battles may become. Also he plays piano, so like, those hands... hnnng.
Anyway, I've always viewed Shae as someone who has had a lot of flings and passing relationships, but nothing very serious. Lately, she's been hooking up with a gang leader (really closer to a warlord) from the wild, untamed underground of the city, but while she does respect him and admire his free way of life, she's truly only seeking him out as solace while she can't have her beloved Professor. With a few more badges under her belt though, she'll be considered to have a level of authority within the Pokemon League that may finally allow her to openly pursue Professor Shoot... fingers crossed for my girl lmao. In the meantime, she insists that she wants him to make the first decisive move, and they live in a surveillance state, so her desired Professor-romance has been an AGONIZING slow-burn thus far. Sexually, I think she's a bit vanilla, but very warm and encouraging, even if she doesn't care that much about the guy she's with. With someone she does care about, she's relentlessly devoted to their mutual pleasure, with incredible stamina and focus, all towards the goal of expressing even a fraction of what she feels in her heart.
Okay guys, I hope you're ready because I have SO much to say about Saul (NPC, DnD 5e) Full art here
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Guys. The way my brain has been soaking in the essence of this character for like two years. And I have no outlet for this because there's SO much about him that my players in this campaign don't know about him yet. (btw this is a follow up warning to my players in my dnd campaign that I will be so, so mad if you keep reading after this point lmao)
OKAY so. On the surface, Saul is a stern but reasonable man who acts as head steward of the Temple of the Allfaith, a place where every deity in the pantheon is given due worship and respect. The philosophy behind this is that reality is formed through the interactions of countless contradictory forces, and by giving regard to all deities of all domains, we assure that each is mollified. This also makes it a place welcoming to all kinds of people from all walks of life- for the most part. Saul is, as one can imagine in such a chaotic environment, kept enormously busy at all times with paperwork, supply forms, requests, ceremonies, festivals, and all of the various needs and conflicts that arise among the clerics, priests, and so on.
Now, in truth, Saul is a Cambion- the offspring of an Incubus and his victim, who was eventually consumed by the demon who sired her child. While the Incubus moved on to terrorize some other locale, Saul was left in the small hamlet where he was born, and it was only out of regard for his late mother that the people here bothered to care enough for him to keep him alive. With time, though, their natural fear and resentment for the literal hellspawn they'd been saddled with caused constant and open mistreatment, and he was only offered the food, water and shelter he needed to survive, and absolutely no more. All the while, even as a child he potently felt the hatred evident in their eyes when he dared show himself in public.
Now, Cambions are functionally immortal, but they do age at a more or less "normal" rate until they reach maturity. When Saul reached his early teens, another young girl from the village asked to meet with him in a secluded grove beyond the town limits. When he arrived, he was cautious and on-edge, believing this to be some plot or ambush for the townspeople to finally do him in, so when the girl came to see him and made a sudden move towards him, he lashed out. His inherent fire magic abilities sparked out at her, and he killed her in an instant without ever consciously understanding his own actions. What he'll only find out through magical means later in the campaign, is that this young girl actually had grown affectionate towards him, and had hoped to confess her feelings to him that day.
After this, he fled the village and subsisted in the wild for some time, until he was of-age. During this period, he learned to harness his innate magic to disguise himself as a half-elf, but he also learned to hate and resent the people of this world. He grew to believe that they were all as cruel and corrupt as he himself was, and to prove it, he spent the following few years essentially fighting and fucking his way from town to town. Rumors of a demon of vengeance were whispered among the towns dotting the countryside, and in Saul's eyes, any who showed the slightest moral weakness was subject to his personal brand of judgement. A shady business might be burned to the ground overnight, the corrupt mayor (and potentially his wife) might suddenly become swept into a quite public and humiliating affair, the cleric skimming donation money from the congregation might be hung from a nearby tree. His reputation in the region became so fearful that a band of Paladins was sent to exorcise this demon and free the people from him.
It was then, bloodied and beaten near to death, that Saul dragged himself to the doors of the Temple of the Allfaith, where an older man named Erasmus took him in without question. Erasmus was the founder and master of the temple, and he nursed Saul back to health with his own hands, no questions asked. He took Saul in for the following years, and while he was a difficult and petulant guest at first, eventually Erasmus' open and earnest care broke through to what semblance of a soul he still possessed. The unconditional love of a father-figure gave Saul not a second chance, but the first chance he'd ever had, and over time it transformed him completely. While he remained as serious and stubborn as ever, Erasmus never gave up on Saul, and with his nurturing mentorship, he became a deeply empathetic man, and learned to open his heart and view others as worthy of kindness and compassion.
At the time of the campaign, Master Erasmus has long passed, and Saul has been the Steward to the Allfaith Temple for decades. He's known to be highly competent, deadly serious, and relentlessly stubborn, but ultimately kind. His life now is one that he lives in a constant state of repentance. He hopes that, by serving a temple to all of the gods, some day one of them may open their arms to him despite his hellish nature, and offer him the salvation he so desperately craves. The tragedy of it all is that, in all likelihood, several of the gods would now welcome him as-is in light of his life of dedicated service to others at the temple, but Saul himself has yet to view himself as redeemable.
Now, for the juicy stuff- believe me when I say that few men have ever needed to get laid like Saul does. While he was of course quite rakish as a younger man, once he took on the mantle of responsibility at the temple, the idea of engaging in intimacy with one of the priests or clerics here became unthinkable. There would be rumors, accusations of favoritism, and worst of all, the potential that his true nature might be revealed. So he has kept himself very strictly at arms-length with others for several decades now, and this combined with his normally uptight demeanor has made him the top candidate for "ready to go absolutely goddamn feral if he ever gets the chance to really fuck again." Plus, I mean, his birth father was an Incubus, so.... there are a lot of assumptions that can be made about Saul's equipment and technique, even while in his half-elven form. He's the type of man who would relish just about any form of kink with the right person; his sexuality is a dam with a hairline fracture in it ready to burst open. In particular, he would find the use of power-dynamics to be downright therapeutic. Tying him up and forcing him to surrender his control and his body, then teasing and tormenting him until his over-worked mind is finally blank? Sublime. Offering yourself to him so he can fuck you like the demon he truly is, using all of his strength and power to reduce you to his whimpering toy? Also incredible. A more structured sort of power-play session with ropes and edging and punishment and vaguely religiously toned lectures? Divine. And, as we'll see, he's just primed for a good ol' fashion enemies-to-lovers arc just LOADED with sexual tension.
(I need y'all to realize that for how over-long that was, I skipped over a TON of info and worldbuilding and additional details, seriously, I have such brainrot about Saul you could ask me what he was doing during any single second of his life and I'd have an answer for you lmao)
Lastly, let's talk about Anya Lisianthus (NPC, DnD 5e) Full art here
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Anya, at the time of the campaign, is the High Priestess of Beshaba (goddess of misfortune and bad luck), and, like most who worship such deities, she does so to pacify her goddess and free herself from the shackles of excessive misfortune. Before coming to the Temple of the Allfaith, she had been from a noble family, but one falling in its standing. She'd had many siblings, but nearly all succumbed to illness, leaving Anya to shoulder heavy responsibilities for her family that she'd had no interest in and no preparation for. Due to complicated political shifts (that we don't have time to go into here or Anya's section will be even longer than Saul's lol), her family started getting involved with some political dissidents. Anya took to their philosophies, and soon joined in with rebel groups who sought to overthrow the local religious leader who had begun exerting immense governmental control beyond their normal purview. However, a tiny instance of misfortune lead to her downfall; a coin dropped from a guard's pocket, and when he abandoned his patrol route for a moment to follow it as it rolled, he caught sight of Anya and her rebel allies. After this incident, her family labeled her a traitor and an upstart to save the remains of their own reputation, and she fled the city as a wanted criminal.
At the Allfaith Temple, she found acceptance, peace, and the promise of a goddess who could protect her from capricious misfortune. But, as Beshaba is an "evil aligned" deity, Anya is kept to the underground portion of the Temple for the most part- both by her own preference, and by the looks of suspicion and discomfort that her presence draws when around those who worship gods of light and goodness up on the surface. That said, she still carries the undeniably noble bearing of her upbringing, and is fond of hosting others for tea, provided they are able to supply interesting conversation.
She feels some resentment towards Saul, not only for being boorish and stubborn, but also for his holier-than-thou bearing, which she finds intolerable. However, as she falls in with a group of other underground clerics and priests with dubious plans of their own, she agrees to attempt to learn more about Saul for their purposes. So, she's been spending time trying to get through to him. For now, this has mostly taken the form of arguing bitterly in his office just about any time our group of adventurers pass by there, but with time, the two are going to start noticing other facets of one another. Saul views Anya as a strikingly brilliant woman, beautiful of course, but more importantly someone incredibly engaging to talk to, well-read, well-informed, and who thinks through all angles of a subject. Meanwhile, Anya will come to see that Saul's dedication to serving the people of the temple is no mere mask of piety, but a true and wholehearted desire to do good and protect those who rely on him, and that sort of genuine earnestness is hard to come by. So, y'know. We're definitely headed towards a "oh no I accidentally fell for and slept with the man I was meant to be investigating and/or manipulating oh fuck oh no I guess I'm betraying the bad guys now" kind of situation lol.
Sexually, Anya is confident, capable, but choosy. Her natural charisma may give the impression of a flirt, but in truth, not just anyone is deemed worthy to share her bed. She was nobility once, after all- there was a time when men took a knee for the privilege of an audience with her. That said, once she's decided someone meets her standards, she relishes in learning their turn-ons and desires and exploiting them mercilessly. She's every bit as sexually open and flexible as Saul, but in a far more proactive way; the lusts of her partner are intel, precious secrets to be learned and utilized to the fullest. There's nothing she finds more satisfying than seeing a lover look at her with worship in their eyes as she fulfills them absolutely. Saul, with all of his pent-up libido and sexual baggage, is going to make for an absolutely delightful partner for her. She'll never tire of learning the thousands of ways she can make his stoic facade crumble.
Anyway if you actually read all of this, please know that I hope only good things ever happen to you for the rest of your life, that someone you like kisses you on the mouth sloppy-style, and that you find twenty dollars &lt;3
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gloryride · 9 months
Was tagged by @chevvy-yates and @drunkchasind, thanks both ♥ But, i don't have a lot of things to talk about. My last rest days, i mostly played and continue my commissions. And as i'm back to office + physical therapy 3x/week after work, really few time ...
Mods / Comms I mostly cleaned my comm list, even i'm late on my schedule because of elbow. Still do finish one, update 2 and doing full one. After that, i hope updating mine, but i really doubt about it x) But just a list in case : - i will update Vanessa (2 more nomads AU, 1 merc, 1 casual at least) - i will continue Enzo Npv + scars (chevvy needs it :P) + redo fully Isao and Virgile And for mod, i worked on the collab with Mel, working on refits but i really don't like that, maybe bc i don't use body mods (and other one dropped never enough of big boobs in this game), so i feel no interest doing this ...
I finished chapter 4 of Virgile x Eve \o/ ... in french. Time to spend hours of translation, rewrite some parts because finally it's not that good, adding things, removing. But true writing parts is finally done. I have a VP idea, but i really needed to write the scene, because i won't do 75 pics for a story, but there was many things i wanted to tell. How Enzo secretly defied the clan's ban to see his brother Virgile again, how he came up with the idea and how it came to fruition. And it starts with a confrontation with his father, 19yrs brat finally understands things about his papa too ... Just a snippet poorly translate :
Therein lay the crux of the problem. He just understood it. They'd been arguing about it for a week, and Enzo had just put his finger on why. It wasn't a question of pride, of absurd parental authority, but of mourning. Grieving for someone who's still alive, but whom they can no longer see. A son, a brother. A sudden wave of sadness swept over him, his proud face replaced by that of a bewildered young man, almost a little boy. Even his voice softened. "Papa, keeping the car won't bring him back. You've already kept all his memories, I …" The long, dejected sigh stopped him in his sentence. His father crushed his cigarette stub, and he suddenly saw him hunched over, crushed by the weight of sadness, suddenly looking old. "I miss him so much…"
So i will do a 2 or 3 parts story about Enzo finally comes to NC for the first time and find his brother. But for this, i need to update Enzo's npv with a younger version. Was before his accident, and i found the perfect style for a real young brat racer in all his confident (need to think about accessories and his tattoos) Look at this brat, with this stupid idea to bleach hair x)
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And i continue to give boys some good clothes ! You already saw Isao, and now it's Virgile's turn ♥ But he's easier, i have him since 2 years 1/2, i know his style and i want for him. But i will split in two saves, with his corpo years. But for now, Blue has many nomads outfits, less city ones, but here 2 with some nice ones ♥
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tagging @rosapexa @chessalein @wanderingaldecaldo @johnau6ust @therealnightcity (no pressure of course !)
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middlenamesage · 2 months
Hey my friend was asking me to interpret their solar return and I was trying to but there’s just so much going on in this solar return that I couldn’t quite make sense of it all. Hoping you could help me!!!! SOS
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Hey! Well first off I want to say that for the most precise solar return insights, a transit chart comparing the solar return to the individual’s natal chart is needed. That being said, I can give you a few of my insights just based off of this chart! A good place to always start is with the chart ruler. Asc in Taurus, so that makes it Venus in 7th house and Sagittarius. I wonder if your friend will be doing any traveling in the year following their birthday, or if maybe they will just find their philosophies on love expanding. Either way, there should be a fairly strong emphasis on relationships here. And honestly that square from Venus to Saturn, and Venus opposing Jupiter, paints even more of a possible pic to me that they will meet someone in another place who they might not necessarily be able to make their long term partner. If that’s not the case, one way or another, there’s gonna be a lot for this person to sort out on their beliefs around love, and what has felt like it’s restricted love to them before.
Mercury on the descendant opposite Uranus on the ascendant also catches my eye. This person might grow in some unconventional and hopefully liberating ways this year, and Mercury on the descendant should help with being able to express the changes they are going through to others- especially as Mercury and Uranus in this chart are harmoniously aspected other than the opposition with each other.
That grand trine between Mars (in the 3rd), Mercury, and Neptune further suggests to me a drive to communicate things to others this year… although there’s a possibility of being misunderstood. But Neptune in the mix could also just allow for softer communication than that Mars in 3rd would bring by itself.
The Moon in 5th and Libra further suggests a strong (emotional) focus on dating/love/partnerships this year. And Sun in 6th house means it would be in this person’s best interest to put some intentional focus on health, tasks they feel they’ve been falling behind on, or work this year.
Over all, this chart suggests to me a significant year of transformation in beliefs (Pluto in 9th house fits in with the other stuff I’ve already mentioned regarding confronting their beliefs around love and growing in unconventional ways), and a year where love and relationships will be strong on the mind.
Thanks for reaching out to me with this question! Hope I’ve helped you to see a few themes here! 😊
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leximitchells · 7 months
apologies if you dont want to talk about the xmas plot or think about it you can delete this ask straight away no bother
im seeing way too many theories about callum being ONE of the bodies. the other will be a villian(they confess to murdering the villian but callums body will be hidden and turn into a missing persons story. what i dont get is why would kathy willingly support this and watch ben suffer. kathy loved callum from the start and saw how callum brought the goodness out of ben, would she really cover up his death? rewriting character history for a plot looks silly.) . callum, jay and martin keep popping up as the good guys that might die. they say callum will be outside the vic and hears a confrontation which then has him entering the vic.
when i think about this year, callum has been erased during the pr plot and basically acting like ben is a single dad, he has no pr of lexi and will never get to adopt(as one of the writers on twitter said jay having pr is staying as lexi is allowed more than 2dads), the 'ben and jay' as dads being constantly pushed, lexi being referred to as jays daughter weeks before xmas, no updated promo pic for callum etc. the producer never mentions callum when talking about ben,lola,jay etc. its like hes making it clear that he wants to dispose of callum.
would eastenders really kill off a partner of bens for a second time especially when hes in therapy now? and its not like callum is some boyfriend hes his husband and lexis stepdad. would they really go there???
the executive producer seems to want to keep ben,jay and lexi on the square and seems to have an issue with callum as a character. idk i know none of us can predict but the callum theories are too much and its never ending. people also saying there has to be a coincidence for his increase in screen time this year.
i would be sick if the show wants to add more trauma to ben and lexi.
callum is NOT the dead body and i truly do not understand where that keeps coming from???? like it's def ballum antis putting it out there to make ballum stans upset because they want to be cruel for no reason. there is just absolutely no way they would kill off a good guy via the six storyline because the audience needs to be FULLY behind all six women, and them killing someone like callum, jay, or martin just would not be accepted by the general audience. it's gonna be someone REALLY evil that we're glad they killed, and that is just not callum
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