#best rated pocket knives
httplilyyy · 1 year
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pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: after a violent night involving ghostface, feelings rise to the surface.
warnings: blood, descriptions of violence, knives, guns, character death, swearing, bad writing
word count: 3.5k
a/n: this is my first fic for tara and the scream franchise so i hope its up to standards and that you’ll like it :)
scream masterlist
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If somebody was to tell you a year a go this is where you would be, you would’ve laughed in their faces. Yet here you were, sitting in the back of a car with your best friend, Tara, beside you, frantically looking for her inhaler.
You had known the Carpenters for your whole life, living next door to them came with pros and cons but you couldn’t have been more grateful for the friendship that had formed between you and Tara.
However, it was only as of lately, you had started to grow feelings for the younger Carpenter. Yet you decided it was best to bury those feelings, even if it hurt you in the process.
You were falling in love and you were falling fast. Whilst you were so caught up in your own thoughts you missed the way that Tara looked at you. Her inhaler was long forgotten, only the thought of you was on her mind.
Sam made Richie drive to Amber’s house to see if she had Tara’s spare inhaler and she noticed the two of you were very quiet in the back.
The both of you were pining over each other, however, the only thing stopping the two of you from telling your true feelings to each other was the fact that you were best friends. As well as a certain murderer trying to kill Tara and Sam.
You weren't actually sure when it all went wrong. How you went from getting Tara’s spare inhaler to you being chased through Stu Macher’s old house, trying to escape Ghostface.
Sprinting up the stairs, you found a room and made a beeline for it. After managing to close the door just in time you pushed a dresser in front of it, making sure that no one could get in.
You grunt as you let your back hit the wall, sliding down it until you come to a stop when you meet the floor. Your tense body goes limp as you sit there, heavy breaths falling from your lips.
Finally managing to catch your breath for only a second, when you heard grunting coming from a closet. Heart rate increasing at the possibilities, you cautiously got up from the ground and made your way towards the sound.
Hand resting on the handle, you contemplated whether you should open it or not. That little debate didn't go on for long and you swiftly opened the closet door.
To your surprise, Tara was sitting on the floor, bound and gagged, eyes wide with fear.
“Tara.” You muttered quietly, shock written on your features.
You searched your pockets for anything sharp when you felt the knife you had tucked into the belt of your jeans. Carefully, you cut through the duct tape on Tara’s wrists and she was quick to get rid of the tape around her mouth.
“W-what the hell is happening?” Tara rushed out. “And why do you have a knife?”
“Oh! I took it from the kitchen amongst others.” You smiled, but soon realised that may not have been the best thing to do.
“Why do you need more than one? If you’re going to kill me-”
“No! No, of course not.” You cut Tara off. “Not you at least.”
“What does that mean?” Tara questioned, a slight tremble was heard in her voice.
“What’d you say we kill these fuckers, huh?” You whispered, tilting your head a little.
“And how exactly is that going to work?” Tara wondered, gesturing to her broken leg.
“I have a plan, do you trust me?” You asked, holding your hand out.
‘Do you trust me?’ The question runs laps around in Tara's mind. Does she trust you? Of course she does, you're her best friend after all, but in this situation, she’s not so sure. How can she trust you after everything she has been through? How did she know if you weren't the killer?
Hesitantly, she took your hand, letting you pull her up from the ground.
“One wrong move and you're dead.” Tara mumbled, a stern look on her face.
“I wouldn't doubt it,” you smiled, “if you don't kill me then your sister probably will.”
“Okay, so how is this going to work?” Tara asked as she pointed between the two of you.
“You’re going to play the helpless victim, whilst I play Ghostface.” You smirked.
“This is how I die.” Tara said quietly, which you didn't miss, but she nodded her head, agreeing to your plan.
“I’m going to need you to be really quiet. Can you do that for me?” You questioned, placing your knife under her chin, tilting her head to look up at you.
Tara wordlessly nodded, a slight flicker of fear behind her features as she looked into your eyes.
“Good girl.”
Retracting your knife away from Tara, you frantically looked around the room for one specific thing. That of which you found in the same very closet Tara was in only moments ago.
You pulled out a Ghostface mask and costume, turning to Tara, you held up the item of clothing, the smile on your face only growing wider.
“Would you like to play a game, Tara?” You asked and what you said seemed to trigger something inside her.
“W-what did you just say?”
“Are you ready?”
“N-no y-you said-”
“I’m just messing with you.”
“I don’t- I-”
"I've got this handled, okay? Stop worrying so much”
“Yeah, okay.” Tara breathed.
“I’ve got to make it a little believable, don’t I?”
“Right,” Tara trailed off, “so what do you want me to do?”
“Follow me.” You smiled before pulling on the Ghostface mask.
“Thank God you’re okay…” You heard Richie say, a trembling Tara rested in your arms. “Because I really wanted to be the one to kill you.”
Richie stabbed Sam in her side and you had put a hand over Tara’s mouth to stop the scream that threatened to fall from her lips.
Sam stared at her boyfriend in disbelief, sinking to her knees as the second ghostface revealed themselves as Amber.
Richie leaned down next to Sam, taking the gun from her, gently, before handing it to Amber.
“I know. It’s a bummer, it's me." Richie said before he held up the Ghostface verbalizer, “But it’s really the best twist for the movie.”
“No…” Sam trailed off.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“This isn’t... a fucking movie…”
“No. But it will be. And that’s the point, right Amber?
“Right, hon.” Amber agreed, looking around. “Third Act bloodbath, check. Killers revealed, check... Time for the big finale. Let’s get ‘em into the kitchen.”
Amber forced Sidney to her feet, pushing her with the gun as Richie carried a bleeding Sam into the kitchen. All whilst you and Tara stood watching the whole thing.
Tara was desperately trying to get out of your arms but you held a tight grip on her. At one point she nearly escaped but you pushed her into a nearby wall.
“Stop.” You said, placing a hand back over Tara's mouth. “We have to wait.”
“Fuck you.” Tara spat, pulling your hand from her face.
“I’m flattered, really, but not now, maybe later.” You teased.
“You’re a dick.” tara mumbled, punching your arm, not having any malicious intent behind it.
“I’m trying to help you.” You whisper-shouted.
“By making me watch my sister get stabbed? How is that helping me?”
“I’m your best friend! I'm always going to help you.”
Those words, although they were reassuring, felt like a knife to the heart for the both of you. Best friends. Nothing more. Never.
“Enough with this secret shit! Tell me what you are going to do!”
You were about to reply when you heard Amber shout, ‘she’s not here’ from upstairs.
“The fuck do you mean she’s not there?” Richie yelled back, turning to face Sam.
“I guess you are finally going to see what I am going to do.” You said, placing a knife in each of her pockets, one for her, the other for her sister.
You pulled Tara by the arm, dragging her into the kitchen with your own knife pressed against her neck.
“Of course she’s not up there.” You said, the Ghostface vocaliser changing the tone of your voice. “She’s right here.”
Richie turned around to face you and his eyes rose along with Sam’s, Sidney’s and Gale’s, all in complete shock that there was another Ghostface.
“A third?” Gale questioned, hand tight against her side. “You've gotta be shitting me.”
“Oh, I am going to enjoy this.” You laughed tauntingly as you pressed the knife harder onto Tara’s neck, but not enough to hurt her.
“Tara…” Sam gasped, her eyes darting between you and her sister.
“W-who are you?” Richie asked, pointing his knife towards you.
“What you can’t be.” You shrugged.
“And what’s that?”
“I guess you’ll have to find that one out, won’t you?” You said, tilting your head.
“Is this some shitty little game you’re trying to play?”
“Right, and who dies first?”
“Amber?” Richie yelled, desperately trying to find the girl.
At that point, Amber returned and stopped in her tracks once she saw you. Confused as to how there was another Ghostface, she watched as you looked over your shoulder, slowly, as if you were teasing her.
“Hello, Amber.” You said. “What a lovely surprise. I must say I expected more.”
“I’m sorry?” Amber asked incredulously.
“Oh it's okay, you can still redeem yourself.” You chuckled.
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Now, now, let's not get angsty here.” You said, pushing Tara towards her sister carefully.
“Who the fuck are you?” Richie questioned again.
“If you don’t tell us who the fuck you are we will slit your throat” Amber sneered.
“Oh, no.” You said sarcastically. “I’m sooo scared.”
“Tell us who you are!”
“Fine.” You shouted, throwing your hands up in the air. “I’m a big fan.”
“Of who? Us?” Richie asked.
“No, of course not,” you chuckled, “of Sidney and Gale, duh.”
“So why are you dressed as Ghostface?” Sidney questioned.
You turned to face the older woman, but you were actually looking at Tara. The younger Carpenter gave you a discrete nod which you returned.
“So we can kill them.” You replied, turning back to face Amber whilst Tara placed the knife you gave her in her sister's hand as well as taking the other for her.
“We?” Richie wondered out loud and before he could even think, you had tackled Amber to the ground, Sam doing the same to Richie.
Sidney, Gale and Tara watched on as the four of you rolled around on the floor, trying to kill one another. Both Sidney and Gale, helped Tara get out of the kitchen and make their way out of the house.
You were straddling Amber, using some, but not all, of your strength to push the blade of your knife between her eyes. Behind you, you could hear Sam struggling to wrestle with Richie.
Grunting, you pushed the knife down onto Amber, however, it only went through her clavicle on her right. With one final punch to the face, Amber was knocked out unconscious which left just enough time for you to get to Sam.
You watched as Richie placed the barrel of his gun to Sam’s forehead but before he could pull the trigger you tackled him to the ground. The sound of the gun went off and a searing pain was felt on your bicep.
“That actually hurt. Wow.” You said, ripping off your mask, revealing your face.
“You?!” Richie exclaimed, standing back up.
“Yes, me. Don’t seem so surprised.” You replied, holding your hand over your fresh wound as you stood up too.
“For shits and giggles.” You deadpanned as you slowly stalked towards Amber once again, but before you could get closer, Richie stepped in front of you. "Move."
Richie did and he circled around you, waiting for your next move. Once you took a step forward Richie attacked you from behind.
You had expected for Richie to try and hit you so you easily dodged his fist. You grabbed his arm and threw him over your shoulder trying to get him to fall to the floor but he just did a forward roll and got up again. This time you were face to face.
“Sam get out of here.” You shouted over your shoulder, receiving a punch to the gut from Richie, causing you to stumble backwards.
Sam listened to you and she scrambled to her feet, she bolted out of the kitchen and made a run for the front door.
“Saaaaaaam! Where you going? Your big scene’s coming up!” Richie yelled, forgetting about you and following the older Carpenter out of the kitchen.
“Looks like it's just you and me.” You said, standing over Amber's body, watching as she came back into consciousness.
Before Amber could get up, you shot a hand out and wrapped it around her throat. The girl desperately clawed at your forearm, trying to get you to release your grip.
You pulled her up so she was standing on her feet and threw her over the kitchen counter. But before you knew it she had gotten up, taken a knife from the counter and charged towards you.
Before you could even comprehend what was going on, another gunshot was sounded throughout the house, then a thud. As Amber's body fell you saw Tara stand behind her, gun in hand as she leaned onto the door frame.
“Tara, what the hell?” You exclaimed, rushing over to her.
“Stop!” Tara shouted, holding the gun up to your head.
“Tara-” You said, voice a little quieter than it was before, holding your hands up in surrender.
“Stop.” Tara said again, this time however her lip trembled as her voice broke.
“I have, I'm not moving until you want me to.”
“Where’s my sister?”
“She went off to find you, I presume, but other than that I don't know.”
“Come with me.” Tara said, walking off into another room but as soon as you were going to follow her, Amber came up behind you and stabbed you in the back.
You let out a low, pained yell. Hearing as Amber laughed behind you, you felt her push the knife in deeper.
Crumpling to your knees, you felt as if your senses had been dialled to a thousand. You could suddenly feel everything, from how fast your heart was beating to the bead of sweat falling down your temple.
“Shit.” You heard someone whisper from behind you and then you felt the knife being pulled from your back.
Falling to your hands, you looked to the side and saw Sidney and Gale fight Amber. You watched as Sidney crashed a bottle over Amber's head, the girl losing her footing and hitting the floor.
Not wasting any more time, you stumbled to your feet and looked at the women in appreciation before stumbling as quickly as you could to find Tara.
“I’m introducing a new rule…” You heard Sam mutter.
You rounded a corner and saw Tara watching from afar, stuck in her spot as Sam crawled away from Richie.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Richie taunted, watching as Sam inched forward but not noticing her wrapping her fingers around a knife.
“Come here and I’ll tell you…”
Richie kneeled, grabbing the hair on the back of Sam’s head, wrenching her face to his.
“Never fuck with the daughter of a serial killer.” Sam whispered as she stabbed Richie in the face. The blade went through his cheek into his mouth before coming out the other side.
She didn’t stop there. She continued to stab his chest and stomach. Richie fell backwards, grouting blood, stunned. Sam straddled him and continued her onslaught.
“But... I can’t die... Who’s gonna be the villain in the sequel..?”
“That’s the sequel’s problem.” Sam grunted before she slit his throat.
Sam rose unsteadily, dropping the knife to her side when Sidney and Gale appeared from the kitchen.
“Be careful, they always come back-” Sidney said as Sam took the gun from her hand and emptied the entire clip onto Richie's body, the last one going straight through his skull.
A beat goes past as Sidney and Gale exchange a look.
“Okay then.” Gale uttered, in complete shock.
The silence is quickly interrupted by Amber screaming, a knife raised in her hand as she advanced on the three standing above Richie's body.
But before she could even get close, Tara had pulled the trigger of the gun she was holding, the bullet going through Amber's head as she fell to the floor for one last time.
You stood behind Tara, watching her in shock, not thinking she had it in her but soon noticed as her fake exterior broke down as she stumbled over to her older sister.
The two of them embraced in a long and much needed hug. You stepped closer, tripping over your own feet, mainly due to blood loss.
Tara sniffled, lifting her head from Sam’s chest before turning to you. Tara didn't say anything as she walked towards you. She just put her hand around the base of your neck and brought your head towards hers so she could place her lips on yours.
The sudden action had stunned you, breath catching in your throat. You did not expect her to kiss you, especially in front of her sister. But as your brain started to register what was going on, you finally kissed back, putting your hands on her waist pulling her closer.
The kiss started out slow, almost hesitant, but quickly began to build. You grinned into the kiss, tightening your hands on Tara’s waist. As the two of you were pressed against each other, Tara moved her hands and wrapped them around your shoulders.
You pulled away reluctantly, resting your forehead on Tara’s. Letting out a small chuckle, you placed one last kiss to her lips before pulling her into a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re safe.” You whispered, feeling as Tara tightened her grip around you.
“All because of you.” Tara replied, pressing a kiss to your cheek as she pulled back to look in your eyes. “Even if your plan was utterly stupid.”
“It worked though, didn’t it?” You grinned.
“Luckily.” Tara scoffed, teasingly as she rolled her eyes.
“What’d you say we finally get out of here?” You questioned.
“I would love that.” Tara smiled, leaning against your side as she turned to look at her sister.
“Let's go then.” Sam said, replicating her sister's smile, opening the door for everyone.
The sun crests over the horizon as police cars and ambulances line the street. EMT’s rushed each of you to an ambulance to get treated for your wounds.
You sat beside Tara, holding onto one of her hands as Sam held the other. An EMT stitched up the stab wound on your back having already treated the one on your bicep.
The whole time you didn’t look away from Tara, exchanging smiles every now and then. Once you were fully patched up the EMT went off somewhere leaving you with the Carpenters.
“So.. are you two a thing now then?” Sam asked, a teasing smile plastered on her face.
“Sam!” Tara groaned, leaning into you, hiding her face in the crook of your neck.
“What? You did kiss them in front of me.” Sam said, chuckling at her sister's reaction.
“That’s up to y/n.” Tara mumbled into your neck and Sam raised her eyes to you, eyebrow quirking in question.
“Well, Tara? Would you be my girlfriend?” You asked, smiling as you felt her cheeks get hotter due to your question.
“Yeah, I'd love to.” Tara replied, removing her face from your neck to answer your question before pulling you into another quick kiss.
“You better treat her right, y/n.” Sam said, her protective side coming out.
“I will.” You said, smiling down at Tara in your arms.
“Good.” Sam nodded.
“Do you want to come with us?” Tara asked, looking between you and her sister, silently asking if that was okay, getting a nod from Sam.
“Of course, I'd go anywhere with you.” You said, squeezing Tara’s hand.
“Can you take us to a different hospital this time?” Tara asked the EMT that walked up to you three.
The EMT nodded and walked to the front of the ambulance, Sam noticed Sidney and Gale sitting in the back of another ambulance and told the two of you she would be back in a second.
Whilst Sam went off to speak to Sidney and Gale, you helped Tara get onto a stretcher. Once she was lying comfortably you sat beside her, holding her hand once again.
Sam hobbled back to the ambulance where you and Tara were in a deep conversation, the two of you talking animatedly.
She smiled at the sight and climbed into the back, taking a seat beside you. The two of you quietened your conversation and started a new one with Sam.
An EMT shut the doors and started the ambulance, turning on its sirens before finally pulling away from the dreaded property of Stu Macher’s old house.
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chaoscriess · 2 years
Predator/Prey kink & smut with Billy Loomis? Loved the one you did with Stu. Maybe with knife kink, possible blood or whatever else you think would fit?
I absolutely love this.
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! blood play, knife play, predator/prey kink, billy fucking loomis, dubcon?
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! blood and knife play are just 🤤 I loved making this, not tooooooooo smutty, I'm not the best at writing smut lol. unedited, lowercase intended, double periods intended
billy loomis x fem!reader
you and billy had been dating for a while, and you had never had a problem with your sex lives
but one day, it seemed to change
he got rougher. started biting you, sometimes drawing blood, and to be honest, you were into it. like, really into it.
you bought knives, asked if he wanted to use them
he was ecstatic, he felt euphoric
when you used them for the first time, it was like you were in heaven
the fear of him being able to cut you..
the fear that he could do whatever he wanted to you and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it
it was overwhelming in the best way possible
one night, billy told you he'd be over at midnight with his knives and a blindfold
but here you were on your bed. naked, needy, and soaking wet
and he was nowhere to be found
you looked over at the window, thinking you saw something out of the corner of your eye, but you didn't see anything out there. suddenly, you heard your phone ringing. you were confused, it was twelve-thirty and you weren't waiting for any calls. you picked it up, letting out a quiet 'hello?' the line was quiet before a man started speaking. "hello y/n." your brows furrowed as you sat up in your bed. "I'm sorry, who is this? I don't think I recognize your voice." you heard a chuckle on the other side and realized it sounded familiar. "oh, sweetheart.. you'll know who I am soon enough. god, you look so fucking hot right now". you gasped and looked around, wrapping a blanket around your body before getting up and making sure your windows were closed.
"aw, do you think I'm outside? pretty girl, I'm closer than you think." your breathing picks up and so does your heart rate. "oh my god... where the fuck are you, pervert?!" you yell, the phone now at your side. "right here." you hear him next to you and scream, running as fast as you can to get away from him. the blanket was restricting your legs from moving as much as they could, so you got rid of it, just wanting to survive.
but he caught you. he forced you onto the floor and pinned your hands above your head. "god, you're slow." you looked at him with wide eyes as he pulled a blindfold out of his pocket and tied it around your head, making sure you couldn't see anything. you could hear shuffling, assuming he took his mask off. he took his knife and traced your skin with it, the cold metal pressing into your skin slightly, but not hard enough to draw blood.
you hated how turned on you were, you were almost drooling at the thought of being fucked by ghostface and you felt so dirty. you were soaking wet and he knew that. you knew that. you lifted your hips, desperate for any friction or pleasure. he noticed and chuckled at your desperation, it was pitiful. "beg for it." it was like all the air in the universe disappeared as soon as he said it, but you still managed to let out a few words. "please... just fuck me"
eventually, you found out it was billy. about halfway through, your blindfold went up and you caught a glimpse of billy's face just as he came inside you, and he knew you saw him. mutters something like 'shit, now the little whore knows who I am, guess I gotta punish you'
so he carves 'billy's whore' into your stomach.
not deep enough to seriously hurt you, but deep enough to leave scarring.
when you're done, you're so fucked out by his dick that you fell asleep the moment he brought you to your bed. the morning after, you find yourself cuddled up to billy next to you, sleeping like a rock.
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terrestrialnoob · 2 years
Strange Friends
Fandom: Danny Phantom, Young Justice (cartoon)
Ships: N/A
Rating: Gen.
Word count: 8,228
Being heroes has a negative affect on Danny and Valerie's grades, but luckily, they can sacrifice a weekend with Tetslaff to get their History grades up. A two hour bus ride to Chicago, and they find themselves in an anthropology museum when a nearby robot attack drives everyone outside. Luckily, the local heroes, The Martian Manhunter and his never-before-seen sidekick, are there to save everyone! Or maybe the Martians are the ones who need saving?
Danny and Valerie stepped off the bus in front of the Chicago Museum of Anthropology. The two stuck together mainly because there were only a dozen students there and everyone else were nerds and jocks these two didn’t have the time or patience to deal with. Coach Tetslaff checked the bus for stragglers then shouted at the assembled teens before her.
“Alright, everyone here is in danger of failing history, whether in my class or another teacher’s. So this is your punish- I mean, extra credit opportunity; you’re going to spend your entire weekend here with me. Today, you and your partner are going to choose any exhibit currently on display in the museum and write a report on it. Then tomorrow, you’ll both present your report not only to the class, but also the museum curator Professor Summer Davies.”
She stared out at the unfocused faces that had heard this speech ten times already, then she sighed and continued, “Meet here in front of the museum at 12:50 for the group lunch, if you didn’t sign up for the group meals, you’ll have to go find and pay for your own food. Now, let’s get to it people!”
“Ugh, I can’t believe I have to spend my hard earned weekend doing school work.” Valerie rolled her eyes and glanced at Danny. They’d chosen to sign up as partners on this fieldtrip because Danny knew Valerie would take him seriously and listen to his ideas, and Valerie knew Danny was dependable, despite being a goof, and neither of them would push all the work onto the other.
“Tell me about it,” Danny said as the two made their way into the museum. It was as interesting as most museums are when you’re forced to go instead of choosing to go; Danny would have loved to visit and learn about this stuff any other day, but today it was homework. There was a display on the history of kitchen technology, an intro to forensic anthropology, a collection of Native American musical instruments, and something about the evolution of Victorian house design.
“This should be fascinating,” Danny said, taking notes in a spiral notebook he’d been carrying with him.
“I’m very fascinated by the development of the knife,” Valerie said as she took a photo of some restored kitchen knives that were over a hundred years old when the security guard was turned away.
“I don’t know, they can’t cut ghosts,” Danny teased.
Valerie raised a playful eyebrow at him, “They do when I use them.”
“We both know that’s not how that works,” Danny chuckled and made another note, though, the Forensic Anthropology might be the best option, it was the widest category, and it could be useful with superhero work, two birds - one stone. They had been trying to improve that part of their lives. Valerie and Sam were trying to drag Danny to a workout every day, while Danny was working with Tucker to refine their ghost database and improve their equipment. There had to be something useful they could learn from researching forensic science, even if it was specifically focused on figuring out human history.
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion from outside.
Danny rolled up the notebook and stuck it in his jeans pocket as he and the rest of the students left the building in a group under the shouted orders of Coach Tetslaff. Outside, there was a crowd of scared citizens running past the museum. Danny and Valerie shared a look and, while Tetslaff was distracted by the other students, turned and headed towards the source of the commotion instead of away from it. Barely a block away from the museum, there was a large figure fighting two smaller figures in the air.
Once they got close enough, Danny recognized one of the smaller figures as Martian Manhunter, and another was smaller but very similar in appearance. She looked like a teen girl with Martian green skin, long red hair, a navy blue skirt matching the color of both their capes, and while she wore a white shirt instead of Manhunter’s black body suit, they both had the same red X’s on their chests and gold pins holding their capes (that probably only Danny could see at this distance with his weird ghost eyes). They were clearly working together despite Danny never having heard of Martian Manhunter having a sidekick.
Their enemy looked to be an nine-and-a-half-foot tall robot, with six long spindly arms sticking out from it's extended torso. There were sharp claws on two with arcs of electricity flitting between its fingers, blasters on two others that shot globs of white hot plasma, and the last too were fucking flaming swords. It flew around in the sky about fifteen feet in the air using rockets built into its feet, but it wasn’t a stable floating, the way its rockets were designed, it couldn’t stay still in the air.
“Wow, a real superhero fight!” Danny marveled as he watched, uh, Martian Girl? – sure – as she dodged one of the robot’s plasma blasts.
“And what are we? Fake superheroes?” Valerie shook her head, but watched with deep intrigue as Martian Girl kept the robots attention on her while Martian Manhunter flew up behind it, raising his hands towards it.
Danny could almost see the psychic energy radiating off Martian Manhunter as the robot’s two blaster arms were torn from its body followed quickly by the two claw arms. Then Danny felt more, stronger psychic energy coming from Martian Girl as she turned to face it. The rest of the robot was immediately crushed into a ball of jagged metal and electrical sparks. Danny couldn’t tell if it was because it was stuck between the two Martian’s telekinetic powers or if it was all Martian Girl. But Danny could practically see it, the psychic power rolling off her in waves and hitting the robot along with Martian Manhunter’s power at its back. Looking closely, Martian Manhunter had a lot of control, he could thread a needle with his psychic abilities, but Martian Girl had so much raw psychic energy flowing out of her, it sent shivers down Danny’s spine. It almost lit up his ghost sense, like it was enough emotional energy for him to sense it but not the right type of energy to fully ping for him; it kind of left him wanting his sense to go off to just acknowledge the power the two of them had up there. He glanced at Valerie to see if she felt it too, but no, it was just him.
The Martians lowered to the ground now the robot wasn’t a threat, and Danny heard the girl say, “- didn’t have a mind for us to read, so it’s not like we could have found out what its plan was.”
“There are more ways to get information from an enemy than simply reading their mind,” Manhunter explained, “And if this machine had remained intact, we could have downloaded information from its memory.”
“Oh, hello Megan, of course we could have!” Martian Girl said and facepalmed. “I’m sorry, Uncle J’onn, I shouldn’t have destroyed it like that.”
“Miss Martian,” Martian Manhunter pointedly said, and she meeped and mumbled an apology.
He sighed and said, “You are still new to this. I had years as a m’hontrr before coming to Earth, and more as a private investigator before becoming a superhero. You will learn these things with time and experience.”
Danny glanced over at Valerie, a familiar red glow in her eyes. “See anything useful?”
Valerie sighed, blinking the nanites away from her eyes, “No, there’s too much pollution to get a clear rocket trail, and its power signature isn’t unique enough to stand out.”
“And how would you know that?” Martian Manhunter asked, turning and flying over to them.
“And why are you here? We told everyone to evacuate the area!” Martian Girl said, coming up next to, apparently, her uncle.
“Sorry, it’s my fault,” Danny said rubbing the back of his neck and trying to look embarrassed on purpose, “I wanted to see real superheroes; I just couldn’t help it! You guys are so cool!”
Martian Girl blushed a little herself and tried, and failed, to firmly state, “It was still really dangerous and - you know, shouldn’t do it again.”
“Yes ma’am,” Danny said and gave an over-serious salute. She smiled and nodded at him.
“We should get back to the rest of the class,” Valerie quickly said pushing on Danny’s shoulder, “We don’t want our teacher to get worried about us.”
Danny weaved out from her hand and quickly pulled his notebook out of his pocket, “Actually, real quick. Can we get your autographs?”
Martian Manhunter nodded, and Martian Girl, or Miss Martian as she wrote it, signed her name before handing it over to her uncle to sign as well, and finally back to Danny.
“Good luck on your robot hunt!” Danny called as he dashed to where Valerie was already walking down the street.
Once they got back at the museum, Coach Tetslaff gave them an earful about running off alone during a supervillain attack, they should really know better. The two then learned it was going to be about three hours before the students of Casper High were allowed back into the museum; security needed to do a routine check to make sure nothing was stolen in the confusion. Coach Tetslaff decided the kids could go to the library to get a head start on their projects or go for lunch early, but made it abundantly clear that Dangerous Robot Attacks will not excuse them from doing their reports.
The boy had felt weird to M’gann. She almost didn’t notice it, after her own guilt of messing up by destroying the robot and the chaos and fear she still felt from both herself and everyone around them at the beginning of the fight. It was odd enough that she hadn’t sensed any fear from either of the two teenagers, but she wasn’t sure what counted as a scary experience for the normal human teenager. It was similar to how the rest of the team was, so maybe this was just something teens on Earth were used to? But her uncle had heard the girl say something strange, and when he and M’gann went to see who had been watching their fight, she’d gotten a strange aura from the boy.
He had dark hair, light skin, and blue eyes, and he wore a white t-shirt with red stylized Saturn-like planet symbol in the center, and normal looking jeans despite the notebook he’d managed to stuff in one of its pockets. Very normal in appearance. But, the unusual thing was that he seemed to put out an aura of – it wasn’t quite emotion, but it wasn’t not emotion – and if it was emotion then it was so extremely raw and concentrated compared to most humans, like there wasn’t anything physical keeping the emotions in, or no, that’s not it. He just wasn’t quite… Solid? Human? No, no. She could see he was definitely solid and human, but there was just something off about him.
And the girl he was with. She wore a yellow tank top and an orange skirt with thick gold bracers on each arm and a red backpack, that seemed off somehow, but M'gann hadn't seen a lot of backpacks yet to be sure. She had dark skin and hair, but her eyes seemed to change color the closer she got and M’gann couldn’t tell if they were a shade of red or brown or green - or somehow switched in between. But she didn’t feel unusual to other humans, no matter how inhumanly her eyes behaved, and who was M'gann to say that human eyes couldn’t change like that?
But then again, Uncle J’onn seemed to have sensed something off too. He psychicly told her that he suspected the two might be involved with the robot, perhaps sent there to observe how easily the Martian duo could dispatch with it. He asked her to follow them to see what they were doing in the city while he tried to find clues off the remains of the robot.
M’gann wasn’t sure if he actually thought the teens were important or if he was just getting her out of the way after her screw-up. While the psychic link was a lot clearer on Earth, there was also an expected level of polite, what she deemed, “not looking”, not just for normal humans, but other psychics as well. She’d learned from the team too, that entering anyone’s mind without express permission and forewarning was not a good thing to do and could even hurt a human, or Kryptonian, who wasn’t expecting it. And Uncle J’onn wanted her to practice vocalizing her words more and only use a psychic link to communicate with other heroes. There were still so many rules she needed to get used to on Earth.
She followed the two humans to The Chicago Museum of Anthropology. She’d gone there with Uncle J’onn for one of her first days on Earth; it gave her a basic understanding of the history of humanity, how the species and society developed on Earth. She’d enjoyed the visit.
She stayed at a distance and morphed into her human form before venturing closer. She watched as they stayed with a group of about twelve high school students under the supervision of a large, muscular woman who liked to give orders. The group of students soon dispersed, apparently they’d come to the museum for a school project but the museum would be temporarily closed.
She quickly hurried to close behind her two targets, she wasn’t going to lose them. This was her first solo mission on Earth, she had already messed up with the robot, she wasn’t going to disappoint her uncle again by letting her targets get lost in a crowd. She got close enough, she herd the boy say, “Did you pay for the provided meals?”
“No. Full offense to Tetslaff, I do not trust her taste in food,” The girl responded.
“Yeah, I bet she’s taking the poor idiots who signed up for it to a sports bar or something,” the boy said and took out his phone, “The restaurant finder app I downloaded so we could find places that were vegan friendly for Sam doesn’t have to be used just for vegans. We can put in whatever kind of food we want and it’ll find something for us.”
“Anything but burgers,” the girl said.
“There’s an amazing pizza place a couple blocks down this street,” M’gann said behind them, and suddenly realized - she was just supposed to be listening this conversation. Hello, Megan! How could you mess this up already!
All three stopped and the two of them turned around to give her funny looks. “Sorry, I was just… uhm… also hungry and trying to think of a place to eat! And I’m – I…”
No, no, you’re making it worse! She panicked and suddenly shouted, “Do you want to be friends with me?”
The two stared at her in shock, then the boy made sure his friend was looking at him before he gripped his hands in the air in front of him. The girl shook her head, raised an eyebrow, and held a hand towards M'gann. The boy nodded and smiled and repeated his hand movements from before and then tapping his thumb and pointer finger together twice and rubbed one hand over the side of the other? Then, for some reason, the girl sighed and nodded.
The boy turned to M'gann and smiled as he said, “I like pizza.”
“Yeah, pizza’s good,” The girl added, dryly, each word, taking effort to but still, becoming less hostile, more friendly. “You live around here?”
M’gann smiled, she wasn’t going to fail. All she had to do was keep an eye on them, right? And it wasn’t like she didn’t want more human friends. “No, but my uncle does. I’ve visited him a couple times now, so I know where some of the good places are. I’m Megan, by the way. Megan Morse.”
The girl looked unimpressed, but held out her hand for M’gann to take. “I’m Valerie and he’s Danny. We’re not from around here either.”
“Oh? Then what brings you to Chicago?” M’gann asked as she shook Valerie’s hand. She used the physical contact as a bridge - a cover to scan the surface level of thoughts in her head without her knowing. There wasn’t anything too bad. Valerie was suspicious of M’gann’s eavesdropping and on guard against her. She didn’t want to trust some random girl who seemed way too friendly, but not wanting to come off as on guard to tip her off to just how suspicious she was. There was something else, she felt Danny was being too trusting? But that did nothing for her instincts. She reminded M’gann of Robin; his mind also raced with worst case scenarios and possible threats and solutions to those threats, even if they weren’t real.
“School trip,” Danny answered not taking M’gann’s offered hand and making her awkwardly have to put it down again. “We have to make a report-presentation-thing on one of the exhibits at the anthropology museum.”
“Oh, yeah, humans are very interesting,” M’gann said before she could stop herself.
“I love those humans and all their humanity,” Danny said with a snort and Valerie elbowed him.
“So, where’s this amazing pizza place?” Valerie asked and M’gann pointed behind them.
“Down a little further, I don’t know if it’s “amazing” amazing, but I like it.”
“Lead the way, M’lady,” Danny said, and motioned for her to walked next to him. He was starting to remind her of Wally, tying a little to hard to make her laugh, but still succeeding.
The three made their way down the street where M’gann had pointed; Danny talked a lot while Valerie watched M’gann with wary eyes. They were from a smaller city called Amity Park, northwest of Chicago and surrounded by a lot of wilderness, near Lake Eerie, with two E’s.
Danny chuckled at his own joke, then asked, “So, did you see that superhero fight? I didn’t know Martian Manhunter had a sidekick, but she seems pretty cool.”
M’gann tried to hide her blush and lie, “I didn’t get a good look at it. It can be pretty dangerous to get too close.”
“What do you know about them? Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian?” Valerie said her first thing since they started walking together.
M’gann thought for a moment about what she could and should say. “I’ve seen them around and heard the news talk about them. I don’t know if she likes being called a sidekick though, I know that other heroes don’t like it. Like Robin and Kid Flash.”
Valerie rolled her eyes, “She’s fighting crime with Martian Manhunter, wearing a matching outfit, and has a matching name all for the purpose of learning how to be a superhero from him, right?”
“Well, I guess so,” M’gann admitted. Is that what a sidekick is? M’gann thought there was a translation issue or something, that it was an insult. Why do Wally and Red Arrow hate it so much?
“Then she’s a sidekick, and there’s nothing wrong with being a sidekick,” Valerie confidently said and M’gann decided that she was right.
“And! It’s a good idea to learn from people who’ve been doing it longer than you and have more experience.” He gave Valerie some kind of look as he continued, “Even if you’re the same age, the extra time spend doing a thing can make one person a lot better at it.”
M'gann understood that, the rest of the Team were way better than she was and all of them are younger than she is.
Valerie raised her eyebrow at Danny, “Even if the newer person does more training than the older one because she actually takes being a hero seriously?”
M’gann looked between the two of them and asked, “I’m sorry, are you still talking about the Martians?”
Danny shook his head, “Sorry, there are heroes in our town too. Phantom, who’s been a hero for over a year and a half now, and Valiant, who’s only just started being a hero.”
“But she’s a better hero even though she’s newer,” Valerie added quickly to Danny’s explanation.
“You think she’s a better hero,” Danny corrected, “But I think she’s still really wild, overly violent, and messes up a lot. Valiant doesn’t have to try to intimidate everyone she thinks is a bad guy, it’s better being friendly sometimes. And Phantom does take it seriously, he’s just having fun while being a hero.”
“Valiant is just driven to get the job done!” Valerie defended, “And Phantom goofs off too much. Not everything needs to be pun, you can just catch the bad guy and be done with it, no jokes necessary.”
“Excuse you, puns are an artform,” Danny said with an overdramatic handwave.
“Oh please,” Valerie said exasperatedly.
M’gann laughed, they really reminded her of Wally and Robin; they must have been best friends for a long time now. They finally reached the pizzeria her uncle had taken her to when they’d had their trip to the anthropology museum. It was a quaint little family run place that was pretty emptied out. It should have been the second half of the lunch rush, but the robot attack must have scared everyone off.
“So, do you know how old she is?” Valerie asked as the three ordered their food.
“Sorry?” M’gann asked, she’d been distracted wondering what was a normal food order for a human. Last time she’s coping Megan’s order from episode 24 , and that was apparently too much food for a normal human teenage girl.
“We were just talking about how it doesn’t matter how old you are,” Danny said, and M’gann couldn’t tell if he was trying to avoid their previous argument or still trying to win.
“She’s the Martian equivalent of a teenager,” M’gann said, but realized halfway through that, a human wouldn’t know that. “Probably.”
Danny looked at her with wide eyes, “Really? So Martians really do age at a different rate than humans? That’s so cool!”
“You might too,” Valerie said under her breath, but Danny ignored it and M’gann didn’t understand what it meant.
“Do you know how long she’s been on earth?” Danny asked with growing excitement as they sat at a booth in the corner; the two of them on one side with her on the other.
M’gann couldn’t resist feeling that same excitement, very few people showed interest in her normal life. “Yeah, about three months!”
 “How do y- I mean, does she like it here?” Danny asked, his excitement becoming so strong, M’gann didn’t think anything of his tripping over his words.
“I re- really think she likes it.”
Valerie raised an eyebrow at her, “Why do you think that?”
M’gann floundered for a moment, “Uh, prob- probably because she’s still here. Like, if she could get to Earth, then she could get back to Mars, but she’s chosen to stay.”
Valerie gave her an oddly intense look, “Is that really how you know?”
“I bet she has a lot of friends here,” Danny said, seemingly saving M’gann from answering, before he added, “I mean, you are really friendly and I like you well enough.”
M’gann blushed, “No, no! I’m not…”
“You don’t hide it very well,” Valerie said and M’gann dropped her head in her hands.
“Oh, come on, don't be hard on her!” Danny said and playfully shoved Valerie's arm, “I only knew because you have the same, like, aura as Miss Martian. If you hadn’t come up to us so soon after we met you in costume, I wouldn’t have made the connection. And don’t let Val get to you, she only realized after I pointed it out.”
Valerie glared at him as she pulled her wallet out again and passed some money over to Danny. “I had all the clues though, and would have put it together eventually. Unlike you, I don’t cheat.”
“You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?” M’gann had to ask while peaking between her hands. She can’t believe she messed up this much in one day. Who knew some humans could read Martian auras?
“Of course not! We’re not snitches,” Danny said, and shared a glance at Valerie, who shook her head violently and mouthed the word “no”. Danny shrugged and turned to M’gann to whisper, “We’re actually in a similar situation.”
M’gann blinked at them, and was just about to ask what he meant when there was an explosion. The front wall of the pizzeria was blasted open and a robot that looked exactly like the one they’d seen earlier stepped through the hole. Its featureless face locked onto M’gann; it lifted one of its blasters and shot a ball of hot plasma at them.
All three teens ducked under the table and Valerie asked, “Didn’t you just junk that guy?”
“It must be a new one!” M’gann said as another blast tore through the wall behind them, shattering the plastic table and dropping a pile wall and roof on top of them. A second robot stepped through the new hole in the wall and locked onto M’gann.
M’gann had somehow ended up on top of the rubble, but Danny wasn’t visible and she saw Valerie’s arm sticking out from under a chunk of table for a moment before it gave a thumbs up and was pulled completely under. She did a quick psychic scan the pizzeria, there was only the three of them and the robots in the building. Her eyes glowed red and her skin shifted to Martian green, her face became slightly less human proportioned and her red and white cloths turned into her hero costume. She telekinetically lifted herself from the rubble and motioned to lift the debris off her new friends, but they acted before she could.
Danny, or who she assumed was Danny, phased through the rubble and floated above it. If she hadn’t been looking at his face moments ago, she might not have recognized him. He was the same general size and build, but subtle changes. He had a sharper chin and ears and nose, and even sharper teeth, but he also had bigger, rounder eyes that glowed a toxic green. His hair was the same length, but so pure white, it looked more like mist than strands. His clothes changed too; his t-shirt and jeans had been replaced by a jumpsuit. It was mostly black but with a big white rectangle around the neck that became a little thicker and lest plastic-like as it curved over his shoulders. There were white gloves that reached half way up his forearms, and a pair of white patches on his elbows that looked to be made of the sturdier white material around his shoulders. Thick white lines went from his armpits down the sides of his torso to a white plastic looking utility belt. His boots were white too, coming up to half his calves and having patches of the sturdy white over his knees. There was a hero symbol over his heart, a white P where the long straight side of it looked almost like it was either on fire or fading into mist. Phantom.
At nearly the same time, the rubble shifted and some of the smaller bits flew out in different directions and something that looked like a robot stood up. A black helmet that encircled her entire head with only a red triangular faceplate breaking up the black, except for small lines that seemed to mimic the look of computer circuits that branched off the sold red into the black. The small pattern pulsated red light from a set of red triangles on the center of her chest, one solid while the other was a thin line around it. There, the pattern branched off in all directions, but with specific places where the red energy settled into solid lines that didn’t fade with the pulsing energy. Two solid red triangles on her shoulders, mimicking shoulder pads, and a thick red line around her waist like a belt that had a sharp downward point in the center that echoed the points of the triangles on her chest. There were also red lines around her wrists and calves that made it look like she was wearing gloves and boots. It was like she was covered in a black and red circuit board, but after a moment, the red pulsating glow of the circuitry faded, leaving her in a mostly black armored suit.
M'gann had been distracted by the sudden appearance of these two and was shocked when Danny appeared in front of her, hands raised in a defensive position as a bast of white plasma shattered across a shield of green energy that suddenly surrounded them. There was the sound of a machine powering up and a blast of red energy shot from a blaster that sprung into existence on Valerie’s arm, the red circuitry around it glowing momentarily before fading to black again. The blast hit the robot that shot at them from across the building. Valerie hit the joint of one of its arms, partially melting it and limiting its movement. Two shots hit the shield behind them, as the second robot moved closer to them through the wall leading behind the pizzeria. It reached its electrified claw towards Valerie.
“Look out!” Danny shouted and lowered the shield so he could fire a blast of green energy at the robot reaching for Valerie, causing it to stumble backwards. But she ignored it and fired at the first robot again, hitting the exact same place as last time and melting off its arm completely.
M’gann used her telekinesis to throw the robot that tried to grab Valerie out the hole in the wall it had come through. Danny flew out after it, firing his green energy at it. She followed outside and saw him flying around erratically. She was worried for a moment before she realized, Danny was too fast for the robot to be able to aim its blasters at him, continually firing into the open sky and missing its target. M’gann decided to take advantage of its distraction and telekinetically tore the blaster arms from the robot’s body. It turned its attention towards her and must have seen her as an easier target. It dived for her and she pushed it back with her mind so it stood frozen in air, rockets blasting with greater force trying to break through the invisible wall she’d put in front of it. Suddenly, it was hit with a rain of green energy balls, they burned holes through its outer shell and melted through its electrical insides. Its rockets failed and it crumbled to the ground in pieces.
The two quickly returned inside to find Valerie in the middle of a sword fight. There were melted stumps where the robot’s blaster arms and left claw arm had been melted off, and Valerie was wielding a black sword made of the same material as her suit that glowed with red energy. She was able to block the two flaming swords that bore down on her with the all the artfulness of a poorly rendered video game opponent. But it had one too many arms for her to keep up with and a clawed arm weaved its way through her defenses to grab onto her shoulder. It tried to send an electrical shock into her, but the black suit turned red under its touch as it absorbed the energy. M’gann could actually follow the energy through the suit’s circuitry over to her sword, that glowed brighter and started to melt through the flaming blades it was pressed against.
M'gann decided that was enough of that and threw the robot against the wall with her telekinesis, and regretted it immediately. The clawed hand had been embedded deeper into Valerie than M’gann had realized, and as it flew across the room, it tore through Valerie’s shoulder, taking some of her suit and skin with it. She cried out in pain and turned to look at M’gann who threw her hands over her mouth.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” She quickly hovered over to Valerie, but she didn’t know what to do about the injury. She didn’t have any medic training yet. It was on her list, and there was even a training session for the team planned for it, but she hadn’t done it yet. How was she going to fix this? Valerie had just risked her life to help M’gann and she’d been repaid by getting her shoulder torn up!
“It’s fine,” Valerie said in a such a firm voice it almost convinced M'gann, but it was clear by the way Valerie moved; it wasn't fine but she didn’t want attention drawn to it. Valerie cautiously walked over to the robot, her sword was somehow pulled into her suit and replaced with a blaster that she trained on the downed robot. When it didn’t react to her coming up to it, she placed her hand on it. M’gann could see the red circuit board pattern spread from the red pad of her hand over to the robot like an infection. After a moment Valerie said, “I have a source, and we should go now.”
Danny nodded and asked, “What did you find out?”
J’onn was worried. He sent M’gann to follow the odd teenagers who had watched their fight with the robot much closer than any sensible person would. He knew teenagers were often unaware of the level of danger around them, especially when famous heroes were present, but there was something strange about these two. The girl had something strange in her eyes, something that glowed and changed color, and the boy -  there was simply something wrong about him, something wrong with the way psychic energy moved around him made him seem – less physical somehow, but J’onn couldn’t begin to guess why, what, or how. He sensed no malicious intent from them, if anything, he sensed a strong desire to protect from the boy and a powerful desire to fulfill responsibility from the girl.
He wasn’t sure if M’gann would have been safer following them or staying with him, but this was her first public excursion as his sidekick and he knew for certain that he didn’t want her fighting a robot that seemed tailor made to hurt him. The flaming swords, the hot plasma, the projected electrified field to prevent phasing into them, and no mind to read. The only clues they had were the strange teenagers and a serial number on the hunk of metal that had once been part of the robot. He would trust M’gann not to get too close to the humans or come to him if trouble stirred. She was naive and inexperienced but not an idiot or a pushover. She would keep proper distance, he was sure; reconnaissance was what she was learning with the team after all.
J’onn’s personal computer was patched into a number of databases, and it was a simple task to search for the source of the serial number. It belonged to a robotics company that specialized in custom joint systems. The piece with his serial number had been part of a large order by the Defense Lab of Classified Exobiology, a lab that researched alien life. The D.L.C.E. was a private organization that was owned by a parent company called VladCo. that also owned an advanced technologies development firm, a paranormal research lab, a pop-technologies designing firm, and several other smaller labs and factories, including the company that made the specialized joints. It was an unfortunately common scheme of a company buying from itself to make money; not illegal but shady nonetheless.
J’onn went to the listed address of the D.L.C.E. and found a very normal looking office building. He did a mental sweep of the building but didn’t find anything other than the usual office drudgery. He disguised himself as human, one of his usuals of a white man in a white suit under a beige trench coat and matching fedora, and entered the building. There was a middle-aged woman sitting at the front desk that J’onn didn’t need psychic powers to know was bored.
He pulled out an old police badge and prepared to sweet talk his way past the bored woman. “Excuse me, miss, but I’m from the-”
She didn’t wait for him to finish before pushing a button on a dashboard on her desk, “There’s another goo here for you, Dr. Copen.”
“I told them to give me a few more days!” Dr. Copen seemed to respond from the other side, and then said, “Send them down, I’ll come up with something.”
The woman hummed disbelievingly. She stood up, “Follow me, please.”
J’onn didn’t correct her and followed her down a hall to an elevator bay. She waved her I.D. card in front of a scanner and one of the elevators opened. Once inside, she scanned the I.D. again and the button panel lit up completely before a symbol lit up indicating they were going down. The foundations of the building went deeper than they should have, but eventually, the elevator stopped and they were let out into a large underground laboratory.
A man came up to them in a disheveled lab coat, wild dirty blond hair, circles under his eyes, coffee stains and burn spots on his cloths and arms, a pair of safety goggles pushed up on his head. “Ah, welcome Agent – uh?”
“Operative J,” J’onn provided from the top of the woman’s mind.
“Right, Operative J, sorry, yes, I remember you now.” The man said, “I know I told Director Beta that I’d have results by the end of the week, and while things didn’t go as planned, I assure you, by the end of today, I’ll have something big to show you.”
J’onn scrutinized the man, then probed, “What is this big thing? And why is it worth my time?”
“Yes, Dr. Copen, what have you got?” The woman asked incredulously.
Dr. Copen ignored her as he turned and waved for them to follow, “Earlier today I almost got a subject. The data was inconclusive on why the retrieval unit failed, the hyper connection antenna was damaged somehow before it was able to send any useful information, but I’ve sent out two retrieval units with the same tracking system.”
“Tracking system?”
Dr. Copen grinned and nodded, “Didn’t Director Beta tell you? We got a sample of a an enzyme that’s created when a Martian shapeshifts, we can use it to locate any Martian that has recently changed form, no matter how human they may seem.”
They stopped in front of a large monitor array and the doctor pressed a button and it flickered on. Two robots like the ones that had attacked J’onn and M’gann earlier that day, one with the other in its camera view, they few over the city and started to lower themselves towards … a small pizzeria J’onn recognized.
“Now, so long as whatever interfered with the previous hyper-link connection doesn - uhg…” Just as he said it, and the first robot broke through the front wall of the pizzeria, the camera feed turned filled with static, not receiving a clear image of anything within the building.
“Damn, what is messing with the signal?” The doctor typed furiously at the keyboard under the monitors, there were occasional flashes of clear video.
M’gann was there - and another person in black futuristic armor? There was a clear video, but only of the black armored person shooting the robot to pieces with some kind of arm mounted plasma blaster, before they charged the robot, the blaster somehow being replaced with a sword. After a minute, everything went black. The monitors weren’t off, but they stopped receiving information.
“AGAIN? What are they doing to my retrieval units?” Dr. Copen groaned as he desperately tried to pull data from the robots. He was saving the clearest images of M’gann and the armored person, not enough to identify them, but too close for J’onn’s comfort.
J’onn’s anxiety was increasing, he needed to get to M’gann to make sure she was okay. While the doctor was distracted, J’onn would find a way to destroy the lab. There were plenty of dangerous chemicals lying around; looking back the way they’d come, he saw some large containers with a label warning “oxygen-flammable liquid”. He reached out with his psychic power, only to be suddenly struck in the back of the head and filled with an electric shock. He felt his form revert to its most familiar shape, the form of The Martian Manhunter, the hero he’d created all those years ago.
“Mildred?” Dr. Copen shouted.
“He’s one of them,” The woman said with disgust dripping from the words and a taser pointed at his head.
J’onn’s vision blurred and he felt something latch around his neck. He couldn’t concentrate past the pounding in his head and he couldn’t get to his feet until he felt a hand grab his arm and pull him up. Then he was shoved into a tight confined space, between a wall of glass and a bed of hard metal. Just as he forced control over his movements again, he was suddenly cut off. He could feel his powers being shunted behind a wall, out of reach from him, as energy radiated from the black collar around his neck.
The woman stared in at him, a grimace on her face and the doctor behind her, clearly confused. “Wait, but- My retrieval units? They were just locked onto the Martian signal?”
“There must be two of them,” The woman said, her eyes narrowing and teeth gritting, “It’s multiplied like a cockroach, at this rate, they’ll be crawling all over the place.”
Panic was setting in, not just for the situation he was in, but M’gann was fighting off two Martian Hunting robots by herself, he didn’t know or trust the armored person who could have been working with these people for all he knew. He needed to get out, but without his powers? He was helpless and trapped, and M’gann needed his help! What-
Suddenly, there was an explosion, and the lab filled with thick grey smoke. The black armored person burst from the smoke behind Mildred and slammed her to the ground. Mildred jumped up with the taser discarded for a gun and fired at her assailant, who was apparently bullet proof. J’onn barely caught sight of something glowing green impacting Dr. Copen deeper in the smoke. Suddenly, M’gann was in front of the pod he’d been put in, worry written in her face. She looked around the pod for the way to open it, but she was too panicked.
The grey smoke started turning black and a fire could be seen spreading through the other side of the room. J’onn couldn’t hear what M’gann was saying, but after a moment, there was a boy next to her. He had white hair, green eyes, and a black and white jumpsuit. He phased his hands though the glass front of the pod, grabbed onto J’onn’s clothes, and pulled him through. Once out, J’onn saw M’gann and the person in black (on a flying surfboard?) carry his two captors up through a hole in the ceiling, and the boy flew J’onn out as well.
M'gann and the girl in black left the receptionist and the doctor outside the D.L.C.E. building. The four of them went to the roof of the building across the street from the D.L.C.E. and they watched as first responders put out the fire.
“Thank you,” J’onn said as the boy set him down. It was interesting, the way the boy flew was different from the way J’onn flew. The boy seemed to have gravity simply not affect him vs a Martian's telekinetic flight.
“No problem, Valiant?” The boy said, hovering back and allowing the girl in black to approach him.  She reached up and pressed the red pads on her fingers to the black collar around his neck, and after a moment, it clicked and came off.
“Thank you as well,” J’onn said.
“Uncle J’onn, are you okay?” M’gann asked rushing forward for a hug as the girl in black stepped back and examined the collar.
He returned her hug and looked her over, “Yes, and you?”
M’gann smiled broadly, “Yeah, but –“ She looked at the girl, “Are you sure you’re okay, Valiant?”
The girl rolled her shoulder, and when she spoke her voice was slightly distorted through her helmet, “I said it’s fine.”
“Her suit takes care of stuff like that,” The boy said, “It’s a pretty cool piece of technology.”
Valiant, as the boy called her, growled, then sighed. “Now that this is taken care of, we have our other work to do, Phantom.”
“That’s right, you two have to get back to the museum,” M’gann said and smiled at them.
“Is there anything we can assist you with? It would be rude for us to not thank you for your help,” J’onn said, both from honesty and curiosity. He wanted to learn more about these two teenage heroes. They had to be the two from earlier, Phantom had the same somewhat ethereal bend of psychic energy around him as the black haired boy they’d seen earlier.
“Oh, no, we’re literally just here on a school trip. We’re supposed to do our own work,” Phantom supplied. “But, it was super cool meeting you!”
Valiant took a step towards J’onn; he couldn’t see her face through her helmet, but he could feel an intensity radiating from her. She took a deep breath and said, “If you’d like to repay us, then I’d like to make a request.”
Phantom gave her a questioning look, “We don’t need a reward or anything.”
Valiant nodded in agreement, “But we do need training.”
“He’s already got a sidekick! And a pretty cool one, I might add,” Phantom winked and M’gann blushed. "He doesn't need to waste time on us."
“I would not mind an occasional additional tagalong. Though, there are other’s out there who would better suit being your mentors," he glanced over Valiant, "such as experts in human technology, that I can introduce you to.”
J’onn felt the sudden connection of a psychic link, Do you think they could join the Team?
He looked at M’gann and replied, I will speak with Batman about the matter. But there is no guarantee that he will agree to it.
She giggled happily, then pulled a cell phone out of her pocket, “Uncle J’onn just got me this, I’d love to have your numbers, maybe we can team up or have pizza together again sometime?”
Phantom blinked at the two of them, then widely smiled, “That’d be cool!”
There was a second where J’onn saw something in Phantom’s eyes. He ventured a guess, “Did you hear any of that?”
Phantom paused in typing his number into M’gann’s phone, taking a second to process what had been asked and responded with, “Were you talking?”
Phantom went back to typing as J’onn clarified, “You looked at us, each in turn, as we had a psychic conversation.”
“Oh!” Phantom said as he handed the phone to Valiant, “I could tell you were doing something. Like, I felt you using your powers, but I didn’t know what.”
“I see.” J’onn would have to investigate further. If Phantom could sense the use of psychic powers, and it seemed those with psychic powers could sense him, then learning to work together could be an immense advantage when devising countermeasures to either ability. As it stood now, though, J’onn was a little proud. It was hard to get his niece out of her shell; he’d learned from his recent call with his sister that M’gann’s life on Mars had been a hard one, but here she was, making friends remarkably quickly and easily. Even if Batman didn’t agree to them joining the team, even if there wasn’t the possible advantage of training with someone who could sense their psychic abilities, J’onn would keep an eye on his niece’s new friends.
"I'll call you next time I visit Chicago!" M'gann said as they prepared to fly off.
Valiant paused on her hoverboard just over the edge of the building, "I guess you're not too bad. We'll have to bring you down to Amity some time too."
"You'll have to come around a lot actually," Phantom said, "I need you to tell me all about space and Mars and how you got here, and-"
"Okay, space boy, let's get going," Valiant said, grabbing Phantom by the scruff of his jumpsuit.
Then Phantom shout to the heavens as he was being dragged off, "I love having an alien friend! Please text me all the time!"
Yes, J'onn was definitely keeping an eye on these kids.
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omg-a-wild-td-fan · 1 year
Total Drama Island 2023 Headcanons (Mall Jobs)
Priya is employee of the month every single month at her job, though she switches jobs practically every single month. She’s stellar at her job, whatever it may be, but gets bored doing the same tasks for too long. Especially if she believers there is opportunity for more growth or more challenges at a different job. Her most recent job is working at the Laser Tag Arena and Arcade in the mall, which allows her to both earn money and spend her breaks playing the best laser tag games imaginable. Sometimes she works multiple jobs at once, and can be seen in the Game Stop, the Cinnabon, and the H&M all in the same day.
Millie has an internship at the mall bookstore. They do not offer internships, but she gave a long, drawn-out explanation about why this generation needs to learn the value of working for experience instead of money, and the manager got bored enough to just agree. Instead of working, Millie lurks around the bookstore and judges her peers’ taste in books. 
Ripper has applied at every store in the mall at least once, and has been fired from at least half of the jobs he has tried (the other half he quit about a week in). His longest stints have been at the Game Stop (he got fired for yelling at a five year old girl- accusing her of being a ‘fake fan’ of Pokemon), the Hello Kitty Store (he quit after Chase saw him working the cash register), and the Spencer’s where he is currently on his last warning. If he makes one more dick joke to a customer who’s gone to browse in the back of the store, he’s officially going to be fired.
Damien works with Millie at the bookstore, but he actually gets paid. He keeps his head down at work, trying to avoid the drama that often erupts when a customer gets annoyed that Millie is following them around. He is just there to make money for college. 
Axel only visits the mall to hang out with Nichelle, she gets bored at every store in the place aside from the small hole in the wall shop that sells pocket knives amongst their usual stock of anime figurines and Funko Pops. She does have a notable love for the Cinnabon stall in the food court though.
Chase works at one of the kiosks in the mall that sells sunglasses and shittily made custom printed shirts. Any woman who walks past the kiosk becomes his newest temporary crush, and he constantly stops by Urban Outfitter’s to try to hit on Emma. He makes decent money from his job but is always somehow broke, primarily because he wastes every paycheck on overpriced clothing from the nearby shops that sell Supreme and Gucci merchandise.
Zee actually works nights at the McDonald’s down the street, but visits the mall during the day to hang around the food court with Emma. Occasionally, they’ll help out around the Urban Outfitters and Bowie will pay them in cash, soda, and weed. They also often skip work to hang out with Emma and generally loiter anywhere the vibes are chill enough. 
Scary Girl works at Hot Topic and has about an equal rate of getting customers to spend insane amounts of money versus scaring any customer away by being generally terrifying. She briefly worked at Claires but was fired after using the piercing gun inappropriately. She is not allowed within twenty feet of the Hello Kitty Store.
Caleb applied to work at the Game Stop but was rejected in part because he was considered to not adequately fit their atmosphere, so he instead ended up with a job at the local Abercrombie & Fitch- much to his chagrin. 90% of his job is to simply stand at the cash register by the door and look attractive to entice people in, he only stays at the job because they pay decently. When not at his job he’s browsing the titles at the Game Stop or running to get the high score at every game in the Arcade.
Nichelle got a job at the Hot Dog on a Stick to method act for an upcoming role. She’s trying her best to actually do the job, but all her star-struck co-workers refuse to let her lift a finger. She is incredibly grateful for the few customers that don’t recognize her, because she feels like she is able to live like a normal teenager for those brief moments. 
Julia has applied at the Urban Outfitters hundreds of times, but has been rejected more times than she can count, so she works at Forever 21 instead. She’s nice to her customers’ faces to maximize her commission, but talks shit about them to all of her coworkers once they’re out of earshot. She also talks shit about all of her coworkers to any customer that will listen. 
Bowie is the manager at the Urban Outfitters. He knows all the employee beef and makes sure to draft the schedule in a way that will maximize the amount of drama he gets to witness. He’s a chill, yet stern boss, and he takes his responsibilities very seriously. He only ever calls out once, after a crazy night with Raj, Wayne, Emma, and Nichelle. 
Wayne works at the Sports Authority, and is actually an amazing worker. He’s friendly, helpful, and a great team player. The only downside is that he is such a good team player and so aggressively helpful and kind, that he’s driven sales in the store to a screeching halt. If a customer shows up asking for hockey gear, Wayne immediately pulls out every promo code and coupon available to help them buy everything they need. While very nice and well-liked by the customers, Wayne is one more ‘Unofficial Surprise Free Giveaway’ from being fired. 
Raj works at the Dick’s Sporting Goods across the way from the Sports Authority, and he and Wayne have a friendly competition trying to get customers to come into their stores. However, Raj keeps getting distracted by Bowie coming to visit and keeps getting in trouble for giving him free stuff- his worst offense being when he gave Bowie about $300 worth of clothing because Bowie offhandedly said one of the on-sale jerseys was cute. 
Emma works at Urban Outfitters. She was originally rejected for not being “cool” enough, but Bowie pulled some strings to get her the job. Her sweet and bubbly personality makes her very popular among the customers, who often come in just to talk with her and Bowie. Unfortunately, Chase’s kiosk is in sight of the entrance of the store, and she has to take a break to calm down in the back everytime he catches her eye to wink at her. 
MK works at a tech kiosk that fixes phones and sells phone cases and other accessories. She views this job as beneath her because it’s super easy. She hangs out in the food court during her lunch break to pickpocket and sometimes goes to Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters to steal. Anytime Bowie catches her, he rolls his eyes and warns her not to do it again, and anytime Julia catches her, she threatens her life.
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againstacecilia · 2 years
A Path Changed
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Rating: M, series is E so minors DNI
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, angst, this one gets emotional, gun use.
A/N: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for getting to 300 followers! I know I've said this before, but I'm so thankful and grateful for all of you being here. I'm so excited to share this chapter with you! All I'll say is: enjoy the ride. 😉 @creatively-analytical is forever and always the best beta reader, thank you love. 💖 Asks are always open!!
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You woke up as the shuddering of the ship knocked you from your seated position. Cursing the crick in your neck and sore back, you stood up and stretched. Suddenly, you realized you were taking off and you shot up the ladder to the cockpit. 
You clumsily scaled the ladder, sleep still ebbing from your veins, and found the door already open. “Where are we going?” you say as soon as you straighten up on the landing, “I thought we were staying here?”
“I got a tip from Tonis early this morning, the bounty your fiance is tracking was seen on Batuu last night. The planet isn’t too far from here.”
“And you were going to tell me this, when?” You snapped, strapping into your chair behind him. 
“Now,” he said, flipping a couple of switches.
“Anything else I should know?”
He answered with silence. A common occurrence, you’d found. You were left to simmer in your anger at being left out of the loop as the ship sped away from Jakku, leaving the oceans of sand behind you. 
After a night of poor sleep, the hum of the engines quickly lulled you into a doze and you let yourself drift. Vague dreams of Arlon floated through your mind, filling you with joy and sadness all at once. Even in your dreams, you missed him. 
Before you knew it, a light touch on your shoulder was waking you. 
“Hey,” Mando’s voice was soft, “We’re here.”
You dragged your eyes open, blinking the sleep away as soft light filtered in through the windows and reflected off Mando’s armor. “I didn’t realize I had fallen asleep, sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for,” he responded, straightening up and heading toward the ladder. 
You unbuckled and stood to follow. Climbing down, you noticed Mando strapping various weapons to his belt from a closet against the wall. Guns you’d never seen before slipped into holsters, while knives of all sizes were slipped into pockets and hiding places all over his body. 
“Wow. That’s a lot of weaponry…” You commented, uneasy about what his personal arsenal would mean for the day’s events. 
“You can never be too careful,” he said, strapping a rifle across his back.
“Why do you have so many?” You asked, crossing the small room to look in the cabinet, “How do you know what they all do?”
Mando reached into the cabinet over your shoulder before he answered, “Weapons are part of my religion. I’ve trained with them for most of my life.” He picked up a blaster and handed it to you.
“What are you doing?” you asked, staring at the weapon.
“You need something to protect yourself. This should work.”
“But,” you stuttered, still not taking the blaster from him, “I’ve never used one of these.” 
“I’ll give you a quick lesson before we head to the quarry’s last location. It won’t take long.”
You closed his fingers over the weapon and pushed his hand back towards him, shaking your head. “I’m more likely to hurt myself or someone innocent than actually use it to protect myself.”
His other hand reached up and gently nudged your chin up to look at him. “You’ll be fine.”
Something in his promise made you believe him, so you sucked in a breath and took the small blaster from him. Bright silver metal with beautiful filigree along the barrel shined in your hand. You went to put it in your waistband when Mando interrupted.
“Ah ah ah, let’s not do that,” he chuckled, handing you a leather strap with a holster. “This goes around your thigh and the blaster fits inside.”
He showed you how to clasp the holder around your hip and thigh, keeping a respectful distance and guiding you verbally. Once he was sure it was on correctly, you slipped the blaster into its place and you both headed down the ramp into the forests of Batuu. 
- - - - - - - -
“Alright, time for the basics,” Mando said once he had set up some empty ration containers to use as targets. You had found a clearing not far from the ship and Mando announced this was where you’d get your lesson. Mando ran through the parts of the gun; the grips and barrel, the sight and trigger. “Most importantly, always treat a blaster as if the safety is off. It’s better to assume the weapon is live than to make a mistake that could be costly.”
“Okay, I can do that. Um… Where’s the safety?”
A small sigh slipped through the modulator as Mando closed the distance between the two of you. He pointed at a small switch above the trigger.
“And the safety is on right now? Or, no, I’m supposed to assume it’s off…”
“Right now, it’s on. Let’s switch it off and see how your aim is, we don’t have much time,” Mando stepped away and gestured to the targets set up across the clearing. 
Cheeks burning with embarrassment, you flipped the safety and memorized the difference in the “off” and “on” positions. You lifted the blaster and closed one eye, aiming down the small sight on the top. 
“Stop,” Mando said before coming up to your side once again. He gestured to your hands, “May I?”
You nod and he repositioned your fingers along the grip, as well as shifted your arms and shoulders. “Relax, you’re too tense.”
You snorted, “Sure, I’ll just relax. As if anything about this situation is anything other than tense.”
“You can do it,” Mando said, stepping back. “Now, try and hit the targets.”
You spent the next 20 minutes firing at small tin boxes, hitting some, missing more, and generally learning the basics of the weapon. 
“That’s a good start,” Mando said after a time, “you should be able to at least hold someone off until I can get to you.”
You looked at him with an eyebrow cocked, “Is this a scenario you’re anticipating?”
“You can never be too careful,” he said again, echoing his statement from earlier. 
“Super reassuring,” you mumbled, flipping the safety on and holstering your blaster. “Come on, let’s get moving.” 
It took 20 minutes before the small outpost came into view through the trees. The path widened into a road leading straight into the makeshift town, small wooden buildings patched together lined the road. 
“This outpost was the most recent place the quarry was seen. We need to ask around.”
“Lead the way, Bounty Hunter,” you responded, scanning the buildings for people. “Although, it is really quiet… Do you think…”
Before you could finish the question, a shot rang through the air. Before you could react, Mando had thrown his body over yours. The impact of his body throwing you to the ground made your teeth rattle, but you didn’t have any time to worry about aches and pains as another blaster shot ricocheted off his beskar. 
“Back off, Mandalorian, the quarry is mine!” A voice echoed down the street from the direction of the gunshots. A familiar voice…
“Arlon,” you whispered as the ringing in your ears faded. “Mando, get off, that’s my fiance! Arlon!”
“You need to stay down…” Mando started, but you wiggled out from under him and stood up, already running toward the voice.
“Arlon, it’s me!” You shouted, legs and arms pumping and driving you closer to him. His eyes widened as recognition flitted across his face. He said your name in quiet surprise as you reached him, throwing your arms around his neck and holding him close. 
“I’m so happy you're alive, I’ve been so worried,” you buried your face in his neck and fought back the tears of joy threatening to fall. 
“What are you doing here?” Arlon asked, gently pulling you away from him. He looked hard into your eyes and scanned your face as if not totally believing you were standing in front of him.
“You didn’t come back and I was so worried,” your words started falling from your lips in a rush. “I asked Tonis what happened and he told me you had gone after some big bounty and then asked the Mandalorian to help me find you and we did it! We found you! And now you can work with Mando to get this quarry and come home!” Your breathing was heavy after you finished talking. You studied Arlon’s face for the happiness you were sure he’d feel but, instead, you saw… Anger. 
“Arlon… Say something,” you breathed. A pit formed in your stomach.
Arlon looked away from you, fist clenched at his side.“You weren’t supposed to follow me,” he said after a beat. He looked back at you, anger fully burning in his eyes now. “You were supposed to stay home and assume I died. I was banking on you being too scared to come after me; too weak to follow into the scary galaxy outside your little hole.”
Tears finally began to fall, but these weren’t tears of joy. Pain, searing and brutal, rushed through you as the meaning of his words began to set in. “Arlon… You don’t mean any of this…”
“I do mean it! Every word! You always kept me from being what I was capable of being, and the worst part is, I almost fell for it! And my parents, always so happy I had found such a good girl, always so ecstatic that I was going to be settling down and finally following the right path. Pathetic.” Then he pushed you, hands coming up to shove your shoulders quicker than you could react. 
You felt your body fall, but felt your heart fall faster. You could feel it shatter as it landed at the bottom of a pit deeper than you could fathom. Your world fractured around you as your body moved in slow motion toward the ground. 
Strong hands slipped under your arms and caught you before impact. Through the tears that flooded your eyes, you caught the swimming image of Beskar and a dark visor looking over you toward Arlon. Mando eased you to the ground, pulling you into a seated position against his chest. 
“Do we have a problem here?” Arlon asked, the sneer in his voice scraped through your ears. Mando ignored the question and looked down at you.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, his voice as gentle as the hands holding you. 
You shook your head, words failing you. You tried, but the tears wouldn’t stop.
Mando squeezed your shoulders before helping you into a standing position. He shifted to stand in front of you and finally addressed Arlon. 
“Excuse me?” Arlon responded.
“Apologize to her.”
Arlon scoffed, “I have nothing to apologize for. She ruined my life for too long, and I needed to find my own path so I took my chance.”
In the blink of an eye, Mando had gone from standing in front of you to holding Arlon above his head by his collar. In the next blink, Arlon was on the ground.
“Arlon,” you started, reaching toward him.
“Don’t touch me!” Arlon shouted, scrambling to his feet. “If you didn’t get the hint the first time I’ll spell it out for you now: leave me alone and forget about me. I have no room in my life for boring, unimaginative, dreamless people with no ambition.” Without so much as looking at you or Mando again, he turned and ran down the road, disappearing down a side street. 
You watched him go, the echoes of your heart shattering still reverberating in your ears. The world lurched uncomfortably before tilting, and darkness swallowed you up.
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transandersrights · 1 year
Happy Friday! How about Anders/m!Hawke, 'taking a break/relaxing' for dadwc.
(I take prompts! See info here)
Ahh ty for this prompt for my beloveds! For @dadrunkwriting, ~750 words of early relationship mHanders, rated T. Content warnings for minor references to offscreen violence + rather less minor references to sex.
“Anders, it’s getting late. Maybe you should—”
“Mmm, not yet.” Anders waved him off almost without looking up from his work, his hand aside from the paper only for the moment as he dipped his pen back into the ink. There were sheets of paper scattered all over the floor, and he’d replaced the candle recently. He wasn’t thinking about finishing up any time soon.
“I’m not going to ask you to come to bed, I think I’m smarter than that.” Hawke laughed, and Anders still didn’t look up, but he didn’t return to writing either. “Just wanted to take a break. I brought some food?”
Anders chuckled. “A sandwich?”
Anders smiled back, eyes creasing at the edges. “Hey.” He looked tired, like always, but not quite as frustrated as Hawke expected. “Oh, that does look good. Can we…?” He inclined his head towards the balcony.
Hawke grinned; he’d won, then. “Not quite. Some fruit and cheese from the market.” And yes, Anders set the pen down and left his papers behind, turning to face Hawke for the first time that evening. “Hey.”
Anders joined him by the time Hawke had set out the tray and pulled the knives from his pockets (Mother would whinge about holes in the fine fabric, but what was he going to do? Hold them when he needed hands for the tray and door?). Under the moonlight, Anders looked almost like a cat as he took up his usual spot in the chair closest to the door back inside. He tilted his head up, eyes catching the stars.
“Of course.” Hawke crossed half the room to offer Anders a hand up, and then the other half while the man took a moment to stretch. Cool night air fluttered the papers on the desk, but Anders paid it no heed — clearly, it had been one of those writing nights.
“What time is it?” Anders asked, voice half-absent.
“Past midnight,” Hawke confirmed.
Anders winced. “I didn’t realise. Have I kept you up?”
“I only got back in half an hour ago.” Gang-busting in Lowtown again; Anders had opted to stay in, and Hawke was glad to oblige. Foolishly, he’d thought that Anders might actually take a break, but no such luck. “I’ll go to bed after this, but I’ll sleep like a log. You can keep working if you want.”
Anders let out a long exhale, then plucked one of the cherries from the tray. “I’m not sure if I’ll get much further tonight,” he confessed. “I don’t think I got very far today at all.”
“Want to talk about it?” Hawke was… well, he wasn’t half as educated or a third as articulate as Anders, but he could be a sounding board, at least.
Anders chuckled. “No, we’re taking a break. I can stop thinking about it for a bit.”
Hawke couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face at that. He’d hoped Anders would say it, really, but he never knew what was best for him. Where he should push, where he should hold back… this was all still so new.
Good new. Scary new. He’d learn in time, and he’d learn after plenty of mistakes. For now, though? He could sit with Anders in the evening light and be a good excuse to stop staring at words that didn’t want to be written just as much as they demanded to be heard.
“Tell me about what you did tonight,” Anders said instead. “Best moment. Or top three, if you can’t pick.”
It was tearing a new one for muggers, but alright. Hawke closed his eyes to cast his mind back over the night, and when he opened his mouth to speak—
Oh, that was cheese. It might have been late, but Hawke still had it; he closed his mouth again quickly, letting his tongue linger on Anders’ fingertips as Anders pulled away. And yep, there it was — Anders’ too-breathy exhale. He had caught him out.
“That’s a dirty trick,” Anders complained.
“Dirtier than putting your hand in my mouth when my eyes were closed?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
“Want to put something else in there?”
Anders spluttered, and Hawke opened his eyes again, letting a grin spread across his face. “I thought we were eating fruit and cheese like fancy nobles.”
Hawke laughed, and this time Anders laughed with him, the sound spilling forth so easily. Fuck, Hawke really might be in love with him. “We can do whatever you want. It’s your break.”
“Cheese and fruit it is, then,” Anders answered, his tone lightly smug as he said it. But he was still smiling, reaching for another cherry, and that was exactly what Hawke wanted; Anders, happy, doing whatever he damn well wanted.
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toothbrushfingers · 1 year
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Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Snotlout Jorgenson
Eret Son of Eret
Astrid Hofferson
Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon)
Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon)
Additional Tags:
Caring Snotlout Jorgenson
Snotlout Jorgenson-centric
Snotlout angst
BAMF snotlout jorgenson
how is that not a tag?
Eret and snotlout literally doing a mind meld
he may have one brain cell but he uses it when it counts
your blorbo is bonding with your other blorbo!
Language:EnglishSeries:← Previous Work Part 6 of Httyd stuff, ← Previous Work Part 5 of Snotlout whumpppppStats:Published:2023-01-16Words:830Chapters:1/1Kudos:1Hits:11
Bird in a golden cage.
Work Text:
Snotlout watched as Drago screamed Bloody Mary at his poor dragon causing Hookfang to bow down slowly, he cried out his poor dragon's name as Drago put a foot down over his snout! Snotlout begged for him to stop, but the monster of a man didn’t listen.
He looked at Eret as the muscular man was being interrogated but his face of traitorous rage turned to confusion as he saw just how terrified the man was.
Astrid butt in ranting about Berk’s tracking dragons as Eret desperately tried to motion for her to stop. After what he’d heard, Drago ordered his army to stop all preparations, they were going to take down the ‘nest’ and then… go after Berk! 
Snotlout snapped back to his senses as he realized they had taken some of his secret knives, but definitely not all of them. He discretely reached inside his secret pocket of his leggings as they walked the ship, away from Drago, and pulled out a knife… he cut at his bindings carefully until he was loose! He began talking confidently.
“Y’know Eret… as traitorous as you’ve been I have to hand it to you, you're a very skilled fighter.” Eret looked extremely baffled as did the rest of the group. The recruits eyed him suspiciously, but brushed it off as delirium. Snotlout continued.
“I mean you could probably work with anything right? An ax, a spear, a knife …” Now everyone was extremely confused as he put extra emphasis on the small weapon. Eret was catching on.
“Sure…?” He stated
“And I bet you could wrestle anything!” He said his next words slowly, eyeing Eret, who smirked. “A bear, a dragon, a DUCK!” He shouted as he threw his knife at Eret, allowing him to free himself. The others followed his instructions, narrowly missing a knife to the head. Eret began attacking immediately, swapping the knife for two spears from a knocked out soldier using them to free the others. Snotlout jumped into the fray, attacking endlessly.
Eventually the troops were all unconscious or dead and everyone rushed to the dragon traps to rescue their dragons. Snotlout bolted to the largest trap secretly, where he hoped his monstrous nightmare was.
Snotlout opened the cage and jumped down to see a chained down, bone dry, monstrous nightmare.
“HOOKY!” He whispered. “What did they do to you! They must’ve taken away your gel huh?” The short Viking cooed his poor dragon. “I promise we’re going to eat like kings when we get home! Promise!” Hookfang looked up a little, gratefully. 
“Alright let’s get you out hmm?” Snotlout smirked as he unchained his dragon watching as he slowly stood and right has he thought they were going to leave, the noirette was scooped by his dragon and gently nuzzled for a long time, play wrestling and bringing the Viking to tears that his best friend was here. 
Snotlout touched his snout and Hookfang recoiled. Shifting back a few feet.
“Hooky…?” Snotlout immediately realized the problem. “Hookfang! I promise it’s me! Not Drago!” They both flinched at the name that they’d all be haunted by for the rest of their life, he was fine with that though… I mean, he still remembers Viggo!
“I swear Fangster, no one with any sense will ever do that to you again!” He walked gently and quietly to his dragon, reaching out his hand to his snout looking away.
Snotlout had never known what it was like to be Hiccup… he thought it must have been amazing! ‘Master of all dragons’ able to be such a smart person and a leader was something Snotlout was not blessed in.
But in that moment, the fear of rejection and death that would follow if this didn’t work, suddenly made him feel sorry all over again for how he’d treated the future chief.
But then, Hookfang hesitantly moved his snout to connect with his rider’s hands. Snotlout nearly melted at the touch, tears coming to his eyes all over again.
The dragon pulled back and for a second, the short Viking worried he’d done something wrong until he was flipped in the air, landing on Hookfang’s saddle! 
The nightmare squawked at him and Snotlout patted him reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t mention anything to the others!” He rolled his eyes as Hooky purred in agreement. Snotlout smirked.
“Now, LET’S GO KICK DRAGO’S ASS!” He roared and Hookfang flew out of the trap at lightning speed onto the battlefield, where the other riders were soon to join them. 
“TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH SNOTLOUT!” Astrid shouted over the wind, Eret attempting to ride Stormfly directly infront of her.
“Teaching on the fly! I like it!” He stated sarcastically, 
The blonde rolled her eyes, and Snotlout saw a hint of worry.
“but yeah we needed a bit of… catch up time.” 
Astrid shrugged and the two went their separate ways destroying all the traps that dare cross the riders.
Snotlout knew they’d come out on top.
ooo hoo hoo i like it
we didn’t get nearly enough snotfang in the movies and it makes me sad
beautiful one shot 10/10
14 notes · View notes
sisterspooky1013 · 2 years
More Than A Feeling, Chapter 8
Rated X | Read it here on AO3
Sunday begins with a lengthy to-do list of all the tasks they aren’t willing to make time for at the end of long summer days: retouching paint, refurbishing games, deep cleaning and organizing every corner of the show and the accompanying vehicles. Scully, Summer, and Picker empty out the maintenance trailer entirely, then go through its contents to discard anything that’s broken or no longer needed before putting it all back.
Summer teases Scully about her night with Mulder, quietly singing forbidden modern songs about sex and thrusting her hips with wagging eyebrows.
“I’ve got plans to put my hands in places I’ve never seen, girl you know what I mean,” she coos, stepping up behind Scully and touching her hips. Scully swats her away, shaking her head.
Mulder scrapes grease from the walls of the cook trailer while Madge scrubs out the refrigerator, and they put together a shopping list for Tami and Jean so they can prepare a feast for the crew’s dinner.
“Do you like to dance, Buddy Boy?” Madge asks him as she swipes sweat from her brow.
“I do, actually,” Mulder answers truthfully.
“There’s going to be a lot of dancing tonight,” Madge says with a smile. “You can show that little lady of yours a good time.”
Mulder furrows his eyebrows, realizing he’s never seen Scully dance. He’s caught her wiggling her hips to the beat of the music a couple times when she didn’t know he was watching, but certainly never outright dancing.
“I don’t know if Penny likes to dance,” he says.
“Well, who could resist dancing with you?” she says fondly, and his cheeks warm.
By the time everything is back in its proper place and the smells from the promised feast are wafting over the fairgrounds, it’s past 8:00 pm. Picker has carefully assembled the makings for an enormous bonfire fifty yards or so from the bunkhouse, and everyone has taken turns grabbing a shower to wash away the grime of the day.
When Scully arrives at the cook trailer, there are cans of cheap beer lined up down the center of every picnic table. Nearby, a buffet of ribs, corn on the cob, watermelon, and every other summer barbeque staple is set up on folding tables. She glances down at her outfit, smoothing her hands over the front of the dress that Summer insisted she borrow, and joins the line for food.
“Wow,” she hears Mulder say from over her shoulder, and she turns to see him eyeing her appreciatively. “You look great,” he says, and she feels a flutter in her belly.
“Thanks,” she replies demurely, flashing her eyes over his snug jeans and fitted T-shirt.
Plates are piled high and everyone takes their seats, squished shoulder to shoulder as they max out the capacity of the picnic tables. Mulder eats with his left hand to avoid bumping her with his elbow, and their unused arms lie pressed together on their respective laps.
“No Miranda?” someone asks the group, and Tami shakes her head in frustration.
“Fucking flaked out on us,” she says with irritation, and Rachel looks contrite, though she certainly isn’t culpable for Miranda’s behavior.
As people finish their meals, Jean clears away their plates excitedly, setting out a handful of pocket knives on the ends of the tables. A feeling of anticipation settles over the group, and Scully gives Mulder a questioning look that he answers with a shrug.
“Alright, alright, alright,” Jean says, clapping her hands to draw everyone’s attention. “It’s Dadeville week, and we are so happy to have you all here with us. You’ve worked hard today to get this show in top condition, and you bring your best to work every day of the summer to make it a success. Tami and I couldn’t do this without you, and, as is tradition, we like to take this night off in Dadeville to show you just how much we appreciate you.”
“We’re doing it up big this year, y’all,” Tami says as she reaches into a backpack and starts to pull out plastic bags and toss them onto the tables.
The group gasps and cheers as baggies containing white powder, green buds of marijuana, and a rainbow assortment of pills scatter across the table tops. Scully’s eyes go wide and she turns to look at Mulder. He gives her a slight nod, something only she could interpret to mean “it’s okay.”
“Let’s kick it off right!” Jean says, picking up one of the beers and a pocket knife. She stabs the can near the bottom and brings it to her lips, then pops the tab on the top. Everyone begins to do the same, passing around the pocket knives as they shotgun their first beer of the night.
“Have you ever shotgunned a beer?” Mulder asks quietly, clearly with the intention of helping her, and she scoffs. She’s not entirely sure when and how he got the impression that she’s led a straight-edge life, and she’s never bothered to correct him, but it suddenly strikes her as offensive that he would think she’s never shotgunned a beer.
Summer passes her the pocket knife and she punctures the base of the can, pressing her lips to the hole she made and then popping the tab. She tilts her head back and opens her throat, draining the beer in less than ten seconds. When she’s finished, she sets the can down and hides a burp behind her hand.
Mulder doesn’t say anything, and she looks over to find a stunned but impressed expression on his face, his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly agape.
“I stand corrected,” he stammers, then downs his own beer before belching loudly.
“Get ready for the long haul, folks!” Tami hollers over the din. “Drink plenty of water and don’t do anything stupid. This shit can kill you, but we sure hope it doesn’t.”
He’s having a hard time not staring at her.
That little blue sundress with tiny yellow flowers hits halfway up her thigh, exposing most of her back and a generous amount of cleavage. From what he can tell, it’s not the kind of dress you can wear a bra with.
They’ve been milling around, sipping at their beers to keep up the appearance that they’re fully partaking in the fun, chatting with members of the staff who they don’t have occasion to cross paths with easily. The sun is fading over the edge of the horizon, and Picker is getting ready to start the fire.
“Here, let me give you a hand,” Mulder says, grabbing a stack of newspapers from under Picker’s arm.
“Grassy-ass,” Picker says, intentionally butchering the Spanish language.
They hunker down beside a five foot tall teepee made of sticks and begin crumpling up the newspapers before stuffing them at the base of the intended fire. Mulder spots a tattoo of a pinup girl in a sailor’s uniform on the inside of Picker’s forearm and sees an opening.
“Were you in the military?” Mulder asks casually, gesturing to the tattoo.
“Yessir, Navy,” Picker replies.
“You ever deploy?”
Picker looks over at him, considering him for a beat.
“Vietnam,” he finally says. “I was twenty-one years old. Just a kid.”
There’s a touch of regret in his voice, and Mulder decides to pursue it.
“That must have been hard. Fighting in an unjust war, I mean,” he says, keeping his tone somewhat neutral.
Picker chucks a ball of newspaper at the fire and sniffs. There’s a stretch of silence that tells Mulder the topic wasn’t one he should have broached.
“I was brown water fleet,” Picker says suddenly, and Mulder keeps his eyes on the bonfire in hopes that he’ll keep talking. “We ran a checkpoint for a while, searching civilians to make sure they weren’t transporting weapons or anything up north.”
“What did you do if you did find weapons?” Mulder asks.
“Killed ‘em, sank their sampans,” Picker says flatly, and Mulder steals a glance at him. His expression is neutral, unaffected.
“That sounds…traumatizing, honestly,” he comments, and Picker turns toward him slowly.
“Just following orders,” Picker says levelly before he stands. “I think this bitch is ready to light,” he then says, much more animatedly. He gives Mulder a gummy grin and hands him a lighter. “You go ahead and do the honors, Luke.”
Scully excuses herself to the donnikers, pouring three-quarters of her beer into the toilet behind closed doors and tugging on the hem of her dress futilely.
She felt okay with it when she put it on, pretty even, but every time Mulder’s eyes wander down to her bare thighs she feels self-conscious, like he’s judging her. This thought then makes her angry, given his propensity for walking around shirtless, and she convinces herself once again that her outfit is fine.
She drinks the remnants of her beer as she re-joins the conversation she’d stepped away from, making a point to go and get another from the cooler before she sits back down. As far as anyone else is concerned, she’s three beers deep. Tami is seated in a camp chair before a small folding table, and Jean is carefully separating what Scully assumes is cocaine into neat lines in front of her.
“Only in Dadeville,” Tami says with a proscribed shake of her head.
Someone produces a twenty dollar bill that is rolled into a tight tube. Tami does the first line, pinching her nose closed and grimacing before handing the bill to Jean, who does the same. When there is one line left on the table top, Summer offers the bill to Scully.
“No thanks,” Scully says lightly, making sure that she doesn’t reveal any judgment in her face or voice.
“Only in Dadeville,” Summer says in a singsong voice, wiggling the bill in an effort to tempt her.
“That’s my problem,” Scully says, thinking fast. “It wouldn’t only be in Dadeville for me. I had a hard time kicking that daily habit and it’s not something I’d like to go through again, to be perfectly honest.”
Jean holds her hands up contritely.
“Say no more, Penny,” she says emphatically, then pats Tami on the back. “Tami won’t touch booze for the same reason. We respect sobriety here, no matter your drug of choice.”
Scully has half a mind to question how respectful it is to hand out drugs and alcohol like candy around addicts in recovery, but she’s achieved her goal of diverting attention away from her lack of partaking, so she lets it rest.
Tami begins telling animated stories, her hands flying as she describes pot-bellied rubes starting fist fights with ride jocks, and one occasion where the kissing booth girl gave a local cop a blow job to get them off the hook after Lenny gaffed a game that the cop’s kid wasted half a yard on.
“And then last year, fucking Dylan grabbed this girl’s ass right in front of her dad,” Tami says, her eyes wet with tears of laughter. Scully perks up hearing the name, and leans into the conversation. “And I swear to God almighty that kid shit himself on the spot. The girl told her dad she didn’t mind and they went on their way, but lord I thought Dylan was about to meet his maker that day.”
“Dylan, that was the kid who got fired last summer?” Scully asks Summer just loudly enough for Tami to hear.
“Gazooooonieeeeee,” Jean says with her hands cupped around her mouth. “Even if he hadn’t been a drug-dealing piece of shit, we would have let him go at the end of the week. Lazy ass motherfucker.”
Tami’s demeanor shifts to one much more stoic than it had been moments before.
“I don’t think Dylan was a bad kid,” she says, directing her words to Scully. “I think he didn’t have anybody around to teach him right from wrong. But he was always late, always pissing off the customers, and when Madge caught him dealing, that was it.”
“It was Madge who reported it?” Scully asks, and Tami nods slowly.
“She had a good view of the bunkhouse from the cook trailer, and young girls always seemed to be wandering in there, then wandering back out an hour later high as a damn kite.”
“And what happened? After you let him go, I mean.”
“Not much,” Jean says flatly, already sprinkling a fresh pile of cocaine on the table top and forming lines with a credit card. “Still saw his dumb ass every day until we left town. He said his mommy would be mad if she knew he got fired, so he just hung around and bugged the shit out of everyone until we closed at night.”
“Was he around for slough?” Scully asks, and Tami narrows her eyes.
“No,” she says, then pauses a beat. “What’s got you so interested in Dylan, Penny? He a friend of yours?”
A hot wash of adrenaline floods Scully’s nervous system, and she tries to play it cool.
“No, I was just curious, I guess.” Clambering for some way to divert attention away from herself, she turns to Summer and says, “I mean, you keep this asshole around, so it makes me wonder how bad someone would have to be before you’d actually fire them before the week was over.”
The group bursts out into surprised laughter at her uncharacteristic dig, and the moment passes.
The bonfire is roaring, and everyone moves closer to it as the chill of the night sets in. Camp chairs are arranged in a semi-circle facing the fire, and music blares from the speakers set up at the front of the fair. Mulder finds an empty seat beside Summer and slumps into it, looking around in search of Scully.
“Where’s Penny?” he asks Summer, and she gives him a cheeky smile.
“Donnikers. That’s her seat you’re sitting in, mister.”
He shrugs, taking the beer that Picker offers him and surreptitiously dumping half of it in the grass after he takes a sip.
He sees Scully approaching from the other side of the fire, her fair skin lit up in flashes of orange that makes her hair look like it’s part of the flame. As she gets close enough to make him out in the low light, she tilts her head and levels him with a stern expression.
“That’s my seat, Luke,” she says accusingly as she comes to stand in front of him.
“Did you call ‘spot back’ before you left?” he asks, and is delighted when she tries unsuccessfully to keep the smile off her mouth.
“Of course,” she says emphatically, and Summer shakes her head, pulling her beer away from her mouth and saying, “Bullshit.”
“Whose side are you on?” Scully snipes at her, and Summer holds her hands up defensively.
“The side of the truth, my lady. I’m always on the side of the truth.”
Mulder holds up his hand and Summer accepts the offer, slapping her palm against his in a high-five.
“To the truth!” he says triumphantly, and Summer answers, “Here, here!”
“Well, regardless of that fact, that’s still my seat,” Scully says, and Mulder pats the tops of his thighs.
“Best seat in the house,” he says fondly, and her expression falters a little before she smiles thinly, then slowly turns around and sits gingerly in his lap.
She’s light as a feather, and he wraps one arm around her waist to tug her closer to his torso. She stiffens briefly but then relaxes, and he rubs his other hand over the tops of her arms.
“Cold?” he asks softly, and she nods.
Picker dances his way towards them with a joint held between his thumb and forefinger, singing, “Pass the dutchie ‘pon the left hand side, pass the dutchie ‘pon the left hand side.”
He hands the joint and a lighter to Mickey, who takes his time passing the flame back and forth over the tip until he’s successfully stoked a bright orange ember. He takes a hit and holds his breath as he passes the joint to Tami. It travels down the line, finally arriving at Summer, who takes two generous hits before she holds it out to Mulder.
Mulder takes the joint, and Scully’s eyes widen as he begins to bring it to his lips. He pauses, moving his hand away before he tucks his face into her neck, dropping kisses up to her ear and then whispering, “They already think I smoke, it’ll look weird if I don’t.”
He keeps his face there momentarily, smelling the traces of shampoo and soap lingering on her skin and hair. He pulls in a deep breath and sighs as he releases it, then finally pulls away. She blinks at him with half-lidded eyes, then turns to look at the fire.
He brings the joint back to his lips and sucks in what he hopes is a small amount of smoke. He intends to hold it in his mouth and not inhale, Bill Clinton style, but muscle memory gets the better of him and his lungs burn at the unfamiliar substance. He coughs violently, startling Scully and drawing the attention of everyone nearby. She hands him her beer and he takes a large swig, which definitely doesn’t help. Though his throat is on fire, the coughing subsides, and he passes the joint to Lenny.
“You holding out on your girl, Luke?” Lenny asks, gesturing to Scully.
Mulder shakes his head.
“She’s never smoked pot,” he says huskily, and Scully shifts sideways on his lap to give him a pointed look.
“What makes you say that?” she asks in a moderately annoyed tone, and he shrugs.
“It just—doesn’t seem like something you’d do?” he tries, but it comes out as a question.
Truthfully, he’s never considered whether Scully has ever smoked pot. As far as he’s aware, the most rebellious thing she’d ever done before meeting him was sneak out past curfew.
Scully narrows her eyes and considers him for a beat, then reaches out to take the joint from Lenny. Holding Mulder’s eye, she pulls in a long drag, then purses her lips and blows a perfect smoke ring right at his face, and he grimaces when it lands against his nose.
“Point taken,” he says as he fans away the smoke, and she passes the joint back to Lenny, smiling victoriously.
The first hit was ill-advised, but the second hit was a mistake. The third only happened because of the first two, and the half-drunk beer she now holds in her hand isn’t helping. She’s high as a goddamn kite.
She smiles, stuffing her bottom lip between her teeth to try and hide it, and Summer jabs her with an elbow.
“Whatcha smirkin’ at over there, Stoner Sally?” Summer asks playfully, and Scully opens her eyes wider, realizing that they are nearly shut.
“I’m just…enjoying my evening,” Scully answers, thoughts dropping through her mind like water through a sieve as she tries to remember exactly what she’s supposed to be doing, and why she’s sitting in a field with a bunch of carnies by a bonfire.
“I bet you are,” Summer says with a smile.
Mulder wandered off some time ago with Picker, Tami, and a handful of others who were giggling conspiratorially. It seems like he’s been gone quite some time, but perhaps it’s only been a few minutes. She looks to the fire and gets lost in the flickering of the flame, falling into somewhat of a trance as she thinks about earlier that day when Mulder kissed her in the Midway, and the little hum that rumbled in his chest. She wanted so badly to keep kissing him, to pull him behind the goldfish joint and run her hands up under his T-shirt, to pop the button on his fly and slide her hand under his boxers. Every time he kisses her she later finds that her panties are wet, and they’re wet again now just thinking about it.
“Oh my fucking god,” Summer says with a laugh, pulling Scully from her daydream.
She follows Summer’s eyes to where a line of people are filing out of Tami’s trailer. There’s a cowboy, a police officer, a soldier, a construction worker, a biker, and a Native American chief. As they come closer, Scully recognizes the police officer as Lenny, the biker as Tami, the construction worker as Mickey, the soldier as Mitch, the Native chief as Picker, and lastly the cowboy, who is wearing a leather vest with nothing underneath and matching leather chaps over his jeans, as Mulder. The opening chords of “YMCA” begin to pour from the speakers, and the carny Village People line up to perform a clumsily choreographed routine as everyone shouts and cheers.
Scully cannot make sense of what she’s seeing. Mulder is in hysterics as he attempts to follow the steps of the dance, forming the “C” in YMCA on every chorus before he devolves back into a fit of laughter. Scully holds her hand over her mouth to conceal her grin as secondhand embarrassment warms her cheeks. He looks completely adorable, but also completely ridiculous, and she’s not sure she’s ever found him more attractive than she does right now.
The dance ends, and the Village People collapse on the grass with heaving chests as the crew gives them a standing ovation. The song changes and they slowly crawl to their feet and disperse. Mulder saunters over to her with a shit-eating grin on his face, his eyes no more than slits above his cheeks. When he reaches her, he drops to his knees and wraps his arms around her waist.
“Whatdja think?” he asks with a wag of his eyebrows, and she smiles widely at him.
“That was—really something,” she says, erupting into a fit of giggles that he joins in on.
“I am so fucking high,” he says emphatically, and she only laughs harder. “Come on,” he says as he gets to his feet, offering her his hand. “Let’s dance.”
She doesn’t resist, and she’s not sure her attempt at a doubtful expression makes its way to her face. She can’t stop smiling at him with his cowboy hat and his bare chest, and that impish smile that she loves best glued to his mouth. He wraps one arm around her waist and takes her hand in his, beginning a somewhat offbeat series of dips and twirls around the grassy area beside the fire.
“Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember? Ba-dee-ya, dancing in September? Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day,” he sings along, pulling her so close her toes barely touch the ground.
He begins to spin and she wraps both her arms around his neck, holding tight as he goes faster and faster. She squeals and laughs, tears gathering in her eyes, and Mulder loses his balance, tumbling gracefully to the ground and breaking her fall with his body. She rests her forearms on his chest and lifts her head, her cheeks aching and her breath ragged. Mulder looks up at her with the most euphoric expression of adoration, his eyes shining in the firelight and his mouth upturned. She’s overcome with affection and attraction, and the feeling of him firm and warm beneath her. She scoots up, her belly sliding over his as she pulls herself close enough to kiss him, open mouthed and hungrily, and with an absolutely impolite amount of tongue.
The door crashes open and they fall through it, barely missing the floor as he quickly pivots them toward the bed.
The bunkhouse is even closer to the speakers than the bonfire, and music rumbles through the walls as Scully runs her hands over his belly and chest, pushing his vest off before she shoves him down onto the bed.
I don’t know what I’d do without you babe, don’t know where I’d be. You’re not just another lover, no, you’re everything to me.
Something about the way she looked at him back there, the urgent way she kissed him and pushed her full weight into his lap, made him scoop her up and march across the field toward the bunkhouse. Now that they’re alone, she’s touching every bit of skin she can reach, brushing her thumbs over his nipples and dipping her fingers under the waist of his jeans as she fumbles with the button. He feels both very present and very out of body. The feel of her tongue is a universe in its own, the tickle of her hand sliding down his belly the single best sensation he’s ever experienced. He’s not thinking about it, what they’re doing, he’s just acting on instinct: lifting his hips when she pushes at his unbuttoned jeans, slipping his fingers behind the gusset of her panties and tugging it aside as she lines him up.
I want to kiss you all over, and over again. I want to kiss you all over, til the night closes in.
She’s incredible. The hottest, wettest, tightest—holy fuck. She’s fluttering around him, leaning forward and sucking his bottom lip into her mouth, her hips grinding against him. He reaches up and plucks the straps of her dress off her shoulders, pushing them down her arms until the front of the dress falls away and he can see her breasts.
He almost comes on the spot. He’s thought about Scully’s breasts—a lot—but the live version is far better than his imagination. She sits up and looks at him with a dreamy expression, her little breasts bouncing gently as she rises and falls in his lap. He reaches out tentatively, cupping one in his hand and running his thumb over her rosebud nipple. He feels her clench around him and her eyes slide closed, a whisper of a moan sounding from her lips.
“Scully,” he says, and she opens her eyes, searching his face for a beat before she covers his hand with her own and squeezes.
He sits up, resting his hands on her upper back and dipping his head down to pull her nipple into his mouth.
“Oh my god,” she says on a gasp, and her hips begin to flex urgently.
He switches from one side to the other, wishing he could somehow fit both in his mouth at once, while also kissing her, while also fucking her—god he can’t get enough. He pulls her toward him, kissing her deeply as his hands slide down to her asscheeks, encouraging the snap of her hips against his. Suddenly, she stops kissing him, just holds her open mouth against his for a beat before she groans and begins to throb around him.
“Fuck,” he sputters, a crashing wave of pleasure overtaking him, holding him over the edge of a chasm before he falls swiftly to the bottom. It’s so good he can’t think, just feel. Her skin hot against his, and her breath panting against his neck, and the grip of her as she keeps coming for what feels like forever.
Stay with me, lay with me, holding me, loving me, baby. Here with me, near with me, feeling you close to me, baby.
He falls back against the mattress, pulling her down with him. He slips out of her, but she stays put, slowly catching her breath with her cheek resting on his chest. He’s waiting for her to look at him, knowing he’ll be able to tell right away if she regrets it, but she doesn’t. She just lays there, her legs draped over his hips, and eventually he decides that she must have fallen asleep. He smirks to himself, hoping that’s a good sign, and reaches up to stroke her hair as his own eyes begin to grow heavy with dopamine. It feels so good to have her this close, to have done what they just did, and he slips quickly into a deep, contented, dreamless sleep, bass still buzzing through the metal walls of the bunkhouse.
Tagging @today-in-fic
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millionsnife · 11 months
The clerk looks nervously between Knives and the fifth case of rings he'd rejected; he knows he's being picky but he refuses to settle for anything less than the best when it comes to this and none of the choices he's been presented with so far have been anywhere near adequate.
Most have been downright ugly or overly gaudy. Too much gold, too many gemstones, the wrong color of gemstone. The list of flaws goes on and on and Knives is starting to get frustrated with the entire thing. At this rate he might as well create his own damn ring–
Actually, that's an idea.
He nods to the nervous clerk once before turning on his heel and stalking out the door to find somewhere quiet instead. The breath of relief as he steps out isn't missed but he ignores it, mind already pulling from the designs he'd seen to design something just right.
It takes Knives an hour to create something he's satisfied with finally, making and unmaking rings in the palm of his hand. He flicks through combinations of designs, frowning with each one, until he finally settles on something durable and practical but with a delicate flair. Studying it closely for a moment, Knives finally pockets the ring and starts the trek home.
He hopes Mona likes it.
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it’s called bird in a golden cage lol, it’s on my ao3
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Teen And Up Audiences
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Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Snotlout Jorgenson
Eret Son of Eret
Astrid Hofferson
Hookfang (How to Train Your Dragon)
Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon)
Additional Tags:
Caring Snotlout Jorgenson
Snotlout Jorgenson-centric
Snotlout angst
BAMF snotlout jorgenson
how is that not a tag?
Eret and snotlout literally doing a mind meld
he may have one brain cell but he uses it when it counts
your blorbo is bonding with your other blorbo!
Language:EnglishSeries:← Previous Work Part 6 of Httyd stuff, ← Previous Work Part 5 of Snotlout whumpppppStats:Published:2023-01-16Words:830Chapters:1/1Kudos:1Hits:11
Bird in a golden cage.
Work Text:
Snotlout watched as Drago screamed Bloody Mary at his poor dragon causing Hookfang to bow down slowly, he cried out his poor dragon's name as Drago put a foot down over his snout! Snotlout begged for him to stop, but the monster of a man didn’t listen.
He looked at Eret as the muscular man was being interrogated but his face of traitorous rage turned to confusion as he saw just how terrified the man was.
Astrid butt in ranting about Berk’s tracking dragons as Eret desperately tried to motion for her to stop. After what he’d heard, Drago ordered his army to stop all preparations, they were going to take down the ‘nest’ and then… go after Berk! 
Snotlout snapped back to his senses as he realized they had taken some of his secret knives, but definitely not all of them. He discretely reached inside his secret pocket of his leggings as they walked the ship, away from Drago, and pulled out a knife… he cut at his bindings carefully until he was loose! He began talking confidently.
“Y’know Eret… as traitorous as you’ve been I have to hand it to you, you're a very skilled fighter.” Eret looked extremely baffled as did the rest of the group. The recruits eyed him suspiciously, but brushed it off as delirium. Snotlout continued.
“I mean you could probably work with anything right? An ax, a spear, a knife …” Now everyone was extremely confused as he put extra emphasis on the small weapon. Eret was catching on.
“Sure…?” He stated
“And I bet you could wrestle anything!” He said his next words slowly, eyeing Eret, who smirked. “A bear, a dragon, a DUCK!” He shouted as he threw his knife at Eret, allowing him to free himself. The others followed his instructions, narrowly missing a knife to the head. Eret began attacking immediately, swapping the knife for two spears from a knocked out soldier using them to free the others. Snotlout jumped into the fray, attacking endlessly.
Eventually the troops were all unconscious or dead and everyone rushed to the dragon traps to rescue their dragons. Snotlout bolted to the largest trap secretly, where he hoped his monstrous nightmare was.
Snotlout opened the cage and jumped down to see a chained down, bone dry, monstrous nightmare.
“HOOKY!” He whispered. “What did they do to you! They must’ve taken away your gel huh?” The short Viking cooed his poor dragon. “I promise we’re going to eat like kings when we get home! Promise!” Hookfang looked up a little, gratefully. 
“Alright let’s get you out hmm?” Snotlout smirked as he unchained his dragon watching as he slowly stood and right has he thought they were going to leave, the noirette was scooped by his dragon and gently nuzzled for a long time, play wrestling and bringing the Viking to tears that his best friend was here. 
Snotlout touched his snout and Hookfang recoiled. Shifting back a few feet.
“Hooky…?” Snotlout immediately realized the problem. “Hookfang! I promise it’s me! Not Drago!” They both flinched at the name that they’d all be haunted by for the rest of their life, he was fine with that though… I mean, he still remembers Viggo!
“I swear Fangster, no one with any sense will ever do that to you again!” He walked gently and quietly to his dragon, reaching out his hand to his snout looking away.
Snotlout had never known what it was like to be Hiccup… he thought it must have been amazing! ‘Master of all dragons’ able to be such a smart person and a leader was something Snotlout was not blessed in.
But in that moment, the fear of rejection and death that would follow if this didn’t work, suddenly made him feel sorry all over again for how he’d treated the future chief.
But then, Hookfang hesitantly moved his snout to connect with his rider’s hands. Snotlout nearly melted at the touch, tears coming to his eyes all over again.
The dragon pulled back and for a second, the short Viking worried he’d done something wrong until he was flipped in the air, landing on Hookfang’s saddle! 
The nightmare squawked at him and Snotlout patted him reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t mention anything to the others!” He rolled his eyes as Hooky purred in agreement. Snotlout smirked.
“Now, LET’S GO KICK DRAGO’S ASS!” He roared and Hookfang flew out of the trap at lightning speed onto the battlefield, where the other riders were soon to join them. 
“TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH SNOTLOUT!” Astrid shouted over the wind, Eret attempting to ride Stormfly directly infront of her.
“Teaching on the fly! I like it!” He stated sarcastically, 
The blonde rolled her eyes, and Snotlout saw a hint of worry.
“but yeah we needed a bit of… catch up time.” 
Astrid shrugged and the two went their separate ways destroying all the traps that dare cross the riders.
Snotlout knew they’d come out on top.
i love it!! his bond with hookfang and him being a strategic leader was such an amazing thing for him in rtte and I'm glad its in this as well
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Family Killer
by Weeping_Hayde
Tommy is a hired killer. He is a professional at his job, priding himself on never having a single complaint from any of his clients and constantly being considered the best at what he does. He could make anyone disappear for a price, that is until he finds himself over his own brother’s bed with a knife in his hands.
“Tommy?” Wilbur said groggily. “What are you doing here?”
The blond stared at his now awake brother, sliding his knife into his back pocket. “Wilbur! What a nice home, you’ve got here”
“What time is it?”
Looking at Wilbur’s alarm clock, Tommy answers with an embarrassed smile. “Around 4 in the morning”
“What?!” Wilbur flung up from his bed.
“So, Wilbur,” Tommy started, grabbing a bloody notepad from his pocket. “Do you have enemies that’d want you dead?”
Words: 4741, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity, Friend the Sheep (Dream SMP), Dream SMP Ensemble
Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Floris | Fundy & Wilbur Soot, Michael the Piglin & Shroud the Spider (Dream SMP)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Mercenaries, Assassins & Hitmen, Assassination Attempt(s), Alternate Universe - Fashion & Models, Modeling, Model, Assassin TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Mercenary TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Famous Wilbur Soot, Older Sibling Wilbur Soot, BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot-centric, crimeboy-centric, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Fluff and Humor, Happy Ending, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Guns, Shooting Guns, Knives, Murder, Protective TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Platonically Married Ranboo and Toby Smith | Tubbo, Mentioned Grayson | Purpled, TommyInnit Has a Child Named Shroud (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo and Toby Smith | Tubbo Have a Child Named Michael, Minor Character Death, Character Death
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41088063
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awkwardgaydude · 1 year
No, you should know what my asks typically look like, even if Anon. Haha. But if I was to rate you, it would probably be j (weird alien baby), $ (Berries that might be good or toxic, depending), and 9 (because you would probably bring your own knife to beg that I use on you).
I'm not good at guessing who sends anon asks ever.
Wtf why that one?!?
Idk I don't like most berries and those look to be blueberries one I'm really not a fan of.
Well my best knives are my expensive kitchen knives I don't really have any good pocket knives
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shieldscreen434 · 1 year
A Reliable Tempered Glass Screen Protector Brand in Australia
Screen Shield is a popular tempered glass screen protector brand in Australia. With the increasing usage of smartphones and other electronic devices, the demand for screen protectors has skyrocketed in recent years. Screen Shield has emerged as a reliable brand that provides high-quality screen protectors to protect electronic devices from scratches, cracks, and other damages. In this article, we will discuss the features and benefits of Screen Shield tempered glass screen protector.
Screen Shield tempered glass screen protectors are made of high-quality glass that is processed using advanced technology to make it more durable and resistant to scratches and other damages. The screen protectors have a hardness rating of 9H, which means they can withstand scratches from most sharp objects such as keys, coins, and knives.
One of the unique features of Screen Shield tempered glass screen protectors is their clarity. The screen protectors have a high level of transparency that allows users to enjoy the full clarity and color of their device's screen. Unlike other screen protectors that may interfere with the screen's color or clarity, Screen Shield screen protectors are designed to offer the best possible clarity.
Screen Shield tempered glass screen protectors also have an oleophobic coating that repels oil, fingerprints, and other contaminants. This makes the screen protector easier to clean and maintain, as it resists the buildup of oils and other substances that can leave smudges and stains on the screen.
The benefits of using Screen Shield tempered Nano glass screen protector are numerous. The primary benefit is protection against damage. The screen protector acts as a shield that prevents the device's screen from cracking or getting scratched. This is particularly useful for people who tend to drop their devices or carry them in their pockets or bags with other sharp objects.
Screen Shield tempered glass screen protectors also enhance the device's overall durability. By protecting the screen, the screen protector helps to prevent other damages that can occur as a result of a cracked or damaged screen. For example, a cracked screen can allow water or dust to get into the device, potentially causing damage to the internal components.
Another benefit of using Screen Shield tempered glass screen protectors is that they are easy to install. The screen protectors come with detailed instructions and all the necessary tools to install them, including a cleaning cloth, dust remover, and alignment stickers. This means that even people who are not tech-savvy can install the screen protector themselves without needing to take it to a professional.
Screen Shield tempered glass screen protectors are also affordable, which means that users can protect their devices without breaking the bank. Compared to the cost of repairing a cracked or damaged screen, the cost of a screen protector is minimal.
Screen Shield is a reputable and reliable brand that provides high-quality tempered glass screen protectors to protect electronic devices from scratches and other damages. Their screen protectors are durable, easy to install, and affordable, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to protect their device's screen.
In conclusion, Screen Shield tempered glass screen protectors are an excellent investment for anyone who wants to protect their electronic device's screen from scratches and other damages. With their high level of transparency, oleophobic coating, and 9H hardness rating, Screen Shield screen protectors offer the best possible protection and clarity for electronic device screens.
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bitschamstrup85 · 1 year
Dealing With Water Problems Around The Home
Safety should come in your thoughts first, because playing around with PCV pipe fittings requires eye protections so a safety mask. The reason why is that when you cut while using PVC, you need to guaranteed your eyes don't get any dust included. Also, it's to be able to get nasal and eye irritation because of your primer seemed to clean the tubes. Motivating when place cement for that pipes you actually are planning join. Acquiring to work where calls for plenty of air flow so it's hurt yourself from harm . as can do serious damage if you are not attentive. steel attached to pocket knives and fixed blade knives have a combination of different alloys. Steel, in general, is made from iron and carbon. Additional elements are added produce steel use the printer work to obtain a particular treatment. Aluminum panels that are in contact with the atmosphere form an oxide film automatically, the commission crusher prevents further corrosion. Heart rate the panels are dry, they do not corrode. Therefore, it is best to leave most for this hull unpainted, and to coat the decks with non-slip panels - each of the ingredients like rubber mats which are bonded positioned - rather than non-slip paint for example. For decades, a pipe welder a good apprentice in a union, gets to be a journeyman, and during his or her entire career, on the subject of their jobs come originating from a union manuscript. seamless line pipe get close to book considering that your name comes up, you acquire a call. Despite all the advantages relying on steel for framing and trusses, houses built with wood have pluses also. Wood costs less than steel faster termites or extreme weather are not problems, wood is a good choice. Wood is a versatile material for construction purposes also. It is simple to adapt design any floor plan or house style using cedar. Once to be able to certified 6G, and then practiced enough to complete the video described above, put that video on You tube, every single social page you would be able to. Put it on your website in conjunction with your written cover letter. Get a simple to say (over the phone) and not difficult to memorize URL. Both ATS-34 and 154-CM are practically identical steels and tend to be used for pocket knives and fixed blade cutlery. 154-CM was designed by Crucible Material Corporation for the blades in jet turbine engines. Today, steel manufacturers are still making advanced 154-CM steel and every person very popular steel for knife razor blades. ATS-34 is also extraordinarily preferred steel employed in the manufacturing of knife blades. Is a stainless steel that is constructed by Hitachi in Okazaki, japan. Both ATS-34 and 154-CM hold a first-rate edge and are therefore very hard and very tough. They are not as rust resistant as other steels nevertheless are still very popular types of steel for high-end knives. They are made due to a combination of carbon, chromium, and molybdenum and were developed for tough industrial applications. Since erw carbon steel pipe manufacturer are many over the Internet, place pick a notable set. Cost is one of the many reasons an individual need these pipe-like shot glasses. Are generally very cheap, compared to the bigger personalized glass golf swings. Do you know what this implies? It ensures that you could spend small amount of money to buying a shot glass for every guest. LSAW LINE PIPE to choose these items over the online world. You might get a cheaper price deal, although the rates might feature hook variation likely. You have to consider many things when buying.
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gearproguide · 1 year
It was around 2000 BC, during the Bronze Age, that the first metal hunting knives came into being. This ancient tool, which gave generations of hunters across centuries protection against predators as well as the ability to butcher animals for meat and skins, has become more and more sophisticated over centuries. Today, you have available online some of the best hunting knives in the world, which can be delivered to your doorstep. Here, we feature some of the top-quality hunting knives and some of the best hunting knife brands, so you get to choose what fits you best.
A top-rated hunting knife set is the Outdoor Edge Butcher Max 11-Piece Game Processing Set. This one is an all-in-all set and is enough to make you look like a real hunting pro. One of the best things about these knives is that the handles are ergonomically shaped for a comfortable and safe grip.
All in one set that includes gut-hook skinner, boning/fillet knife, butcher knife, cutting board, game cleaning gloves, and more.
Hardy carry case ensures each knife and tool is securely stored and keeps set clean and dry.
Blades made of superior heat-treated 420J2 stainless steel.
Handles ensure comfort and non-slip grip.
This knife is popular among hunters and collectors. This best fixed-blade hunting knife is known for the strength of its blade and its corrosion resistance for lasting durability. It makes it among the best hunting knives.
Suited for hunting, survival, and other outdoor situations.
The blade is known for its strength and corrosion resistance.
Excellent for piercing, detail work, and cutting in tight places.
Rosewood handle offers a comfortable non-slip grip.
Protective sheath promises safe and secure carry.
BigCat Handmade Damascus Hunting Knife is also considered among the best fixed-blade knives for hunting. Here’s an interesting fact —no two BigCat Handmade Damascus Hunting Knife blades are the same because they are handcrafted.
Attributed with the highest quality, stability, and sharpness.
Blade is handcrafted with perfect edge retention. Less sharpening is required as the edge holds for longer.
Ergnomic walnut wood handle offers better grip, comfort, and balance than most hunting knives.
Genuine leather sheath, EDC belt loop, and snap fastener are designed for portability.
Another best all-around hunting knife is the Outdoor Edge RazorGuide Pak Knife Combo Pack. This neat combo pack contains high-quality hunting knives. The kit also includes a bone saw!
Feature the Outdoor Edge patented Replaceable Blade System.
Premium waxed canvas roll pack converts easily into a belt scabbard, keeping knives separated, protected, and organized.
Knives made of Japanese 420J2 stainless steel.
Comes with a stainless steel pocket clip.
Perfect to use as a hunting knife for skinning or butchering, the curved top clip bevel of the blade makes it easy to remove skin from a carcass. The straight portion of the blade makes it easy to cut meat. Overall, this is one of the best hunting knife brands.
The blade is known for its amazing strength and corrosion resistance.
Ergonomics make it good for piercing and detail work.
The classic rosewood handle provides a comfortable grip.
Comes with a good quality protective sheath with an integrated belt loop for safe carrying.
Popular for military, survival, and tactical use.
This one makes indoor and outdoor cutting tasks feel like a breeze. The small fixed blade is made for everyday carry and hunting. The Sharpfinger is also the best budget hunting knife.
 Full handle allows for a comfortable grip over long periods.
Fixed blade gives you total control over all cutting tasks.
Among the most affordable hunting knives in the market.
Ideal fixed-blade hunting knife for field dressing and skinning deer and other big game.
Rugged leather sheath makes it easy to carry.
Another best knife set for hunting is the GVDV Hunting Knife Set. This 14-piece set is best suited for gutting, skinning, and processing an animal such as deer, pheasant, and hog. It has one of the best hunting boning knives, and some say it is the best knife for pheasant hunting as well.
Perfect for gutting, skinning, and processing an animal such as deer. Also good for piercing and cutting in tight places.
Razor sharp knives are perfectly balanced and made of high-carbon stainless steel blades.
Heat-treated blade makes it rust-resistant and last longer.
Ergonomic grooved handle design makes it safer.
Camouflage color makes it highly visible and easy to find even in dim light.
The eight-piece portable MOSSY OAK Hunting Field Dressing Kit contains the best knife for deer hunting. This top-rated hunting knife set, fortified by stainless steel and tungsten carbide, this one has an excellent 7.5″ caping knife. This smaller fixed-blade caping knife is suited for smaller games. This makes it among the best hunting and fishing knife.
Eight-piece set has a wood/bone saw, steel stick/brisket spreader, caping knife, gut hook skinner, boning knife, sharpener, and cleaning gloves.
Made of superior quality stainless steel that makes if designed for quick and efficient processing of the game.
Caping knife here makes it suited for smaller games.
Comes equipped with camouflage handles.
Full tang constructions offer durability.
Another best hunting knife brand is Cabela’s Commercial-Grade Butcher Kit. This knife set includes an eight-inch pro butcher knife, chef’s knife, boning knife, flexible boning knife, four-inch paring knife, shears, honing steel, and a compact carry pouch.
Set designed for professional butchers.
Knives are constructed with Friodur® high carbon steel.
Perfect for boning, paring, and processing meat.
Comes in a compact carry pouch.
A top-rated hunting knife set is the Outdoor Edge Butcher Max 11-Piece Game Processing Set. This one is an all-in-all set and is enough to make you look like a real hunting pro. One of the best things about these knives is that the handles are ergonomically shaped for a comfortable and safe grip.
All in one set that includes gut-hook skinner, boning/fillet knife, butcher knife, cutting board, game cleaning gloves, and more.
Hardy carry case ensures each knife and tool is securely stored and keeps set clean and dry.
Blades made of superior heat-treated 420J2 stainless steel.
Handles ensure comfort and non-slip grip.
This knife is popular among hunters and collectors. This best fixed-blade hunting knife is known for the strength of its blade and its corrosion resistance for lasting durability. It makes it among the best hunting knives.
Suited for hunting, survival, and other outdoor situations.
The blade is known for its strength and corrosion resistance.
Excellent for piercing, detail work, and cutting in tight places.
Rosewood handle offers a comfortable non-slip grip.
Protective sheath promises safe and secure carry.
The bowie knife is considered one of the best hunting knives in the world, and in this category, you have the CRKT Minimalist Bowie Knife. Designed by Alan Folts, this is a deep-bellied clip-point blade. It is so versatile that it can be used for cooking, chores, cooking, and skinning and dressing.
Classic hunting deep-bellied clip-point Bowie style plain edge knife blade.
Handle built from impregnated fiber durable polished resin, which makes it ergonomic.
Shape makes it perfect for camp chores, cooking, and even skinning and dressing.
Popular also as an outdoor survival knife.
Custom-fitted glass-filled nylon sheath for easy carrying.
Total weight of the knife and sheath is 2 oz, which makes it very easy to carry around.
BigCat Handmade Damascus Hunting Knife is also considered among the best fixed-blade knives for hunting. Here’s an interesting fact —no two BigCat Handmade Damascus Hunting Knife blades are the same because they are handcrafted.
Attributed with the highest quality, stability, and sharpness.
Blade is handcrafted with perfect edge retention. Less sharpening is required as the edge holds for longer.
Ergnomic walnut wood handle offers better grip, comfort, and balance than most hunting knives.
Genuine leather sheath, EDC belt loop, and snap fastener are designed for portability.
Another best all-around hunting knife is the Outdoor Edge RazorGuide Pak Knife Combo Pack. This neat combo pack contains high-quality hunting knives. The kit also includes a bone saw!
Feature the Outdoor Edge patented Replaceable Blade System.
Premium waxed canvas roll pack converts easily into a belt scabbard, keeping knives separated, protected, and organized.
Knives made of Japanese 420J2 stainless steel.
Comes with a stainless steel pocket clip.
Perfect to use as a hunting knife for skinning or butchering, the curved top clip bevel of the blade makes it easy to remove skin from a carcass. The straight portion of the blade makes it easy to cut meat. Overall, this is one of the best hunting knife brands.
The blade is known for its amazing strength and corrosion resistance.
Ergonomics make it good for piercing and detail work.
The classic rosewood handle provides a comfortable grip.
Comes with a good quality protective sheath with an integrated belt loop for safe carrying.
Popular for military, survival, and tactical use.
This one makes indoor and outdoor cutting tasks feel like a breeze. The small fixed blade is made for everyday carry and hunting. The Sharpfinger is also the best budget hunting knife.
 Full handle allows for a comfortable grip over long periods.
Fixed blade gives you total control over all cutting tasks.
Among the most affordable hunting knives in the market.
Ideal fixed-blade hunting knife for field dressing and skinning deer and other big game.
Rugged leather sheath makes it easy to carry.
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whitemountainknives · 2 years
Top-Rated Knives from the WE Knife Collection
For such a “new” knife company, WE Knife Company has grown by leaps and bounds. Founded in 2000, WE Knife Company offers a wide collection of folding knives made from premium handle scale materials and blade steels. 
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The company works hand in hand with some of the knife industry’s premier designers, such as Ray Laconico, Ben Peterson, Brad Zinker, and Justin Lundquist, and the brand has proven so popular it’s even launched a spinoff, CIVIVI by WE Knife Company. 
Here are some of their top-rated folding knives. 
1. WE Knife Bantam This has to be one of the best-selling WE Knives of all time. The WE Banter is plain, boring even, in all the right ways. 
It sports a stubby drop point blade, thumb studs, and G10 scales, available in multiple colors. The blade is also made from a variety of premium steels, including S35VN. 
Lightweight, compact, and ergonomic, the WE Knife Bantam sits squarely at the top of this list for a reason. 
2. Malice  The WE Malice is the result of a collaboration between WE Knife Company and Ferrum Forge Knife Works. 
The Malice sports thick lines and heavy-duty functionality, with a 3.45” drop-point blade of Bohler M390 super steel with a swept belly and a fairly beefy titanium handle. 
The knife opens via a flipper mechanism and features a durable, reliable frame lock design.
3. Aeterna The WE Aeterna is not just a cool name - it is a cool design. 
Designed by knife elite Elijah Isham, the Aeterna takes its inspiration from the Japanese honesuki, a knife traditionally used for breaking down poultry. Its sheepsfoot-esque point is a testament to this. 
This knife features a handle of titanium with carbon fiber inlays, a cutout and flipper, a bolster lock, and an M390 blade.
4. Culex  The Culex is another great highlight from their catalog, with a curved, understated handle and a simple drop-point blade. 
Like many other WE Knives, this one is available in multiple configurations but the top seller sports a titanium handle, a button lock, a flipper mechanism and thumb studs, and a basic CPM-20CV drop-point blade.
5. Miscreant Last but not least, we have the WE Miscreant, which is designed by Brad Zinker and boasts as much form as function.  It features champagne titanium scales with weight-shedding gold anodized holes and a frame lock mechanism.
As for the 4” CPM-S35VN blade, it is a simple straight-back design with a near full-flat grind and simple aesthetics, with jimping along the spine and a flipper stud under the shoulder. 
Where Can You Get These Gems from WE Knife Company? Is this an exhaustive list of the best WE Knife brand designs? Absolutely not - there are many more besides, but this is a good start and these are some of their most popular pocket knives. 
Regardless, if you’re looking to score a great deal on a new WE Knife, visit White Mountain Knives online at WhiteMountainKnives.com. 
They carry a huge collection of knives from hundreds of brands and their catalog boasts many exclusives along with affordable pricing.
They also offer free shipping on orders in the United States - so if you see a deal, don’t hesitate to pull the trigger. 
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