#bob's burgers review
nellie-elizabeth · 5 months
Bob's Burgers: Fraud of the Dead: Zombie-docu-pocalypse (14x09)
Okay... this had to have been an episode planned for closer to the end of October, right? So weird how the episodes have been scheduled!
Nothing much to complain about, this was great spooky ridiculous fun! The one thing that was a little odd was that the conceit of this scenario is that Gene and Tina don't know Louise, that they are just a documentary crew, and then there were times later in the episode where they continued to reference that they don't know each other. Like, at the end, Tina calls Bob and Linda "your parents" when talking to Louise, as if she's still being the documentary crew and not herself. That feels like a bit of a muddled premise to me, I would have loved to do a bit more with it.
On the other hand, maybe I should eat my words and say that the muddled premise ultimately added to the comedy: I love how high-concept Louise's idea for a movie was, that it starts off as a documentary and then becomes about a zombie apocalypse, so the artifice is that it's a project that gets interrupted by something and that becomes the focus. The end scene with the family reacting was a great capstone, because suddenly when you realize that Louise actually wrote and produced this whole thing, the scope and talent on display is kind of crazy. She got her whole family and so many other people involved, and did it all with nothing other than a couple of cameras being held by her siblings, who also had acting roles in the story.
There are certain things that become more funny when you realize that this whole thing is in fact scripted, like Bob being really reluctant to disassemble the restaurant, but then caving to it because... "this is a zombie apocalypse..." or Linda telling the kids when they go upstairs on their own to keep filming the movie while they hold off the zombies downstairs, "don't go in my room".
I also loved the dedication of Andy, Ollie, Jimmy Jr., Rudy, Mort, and Teddy in their performances, it was so fun to see them all go full-tilt and support Louise in her creative endeavor. There's something honestly heartwarming about this scenario, because it's so ridiculous but we get to see how much of a community these people have built; they'll all show up for each other to help with creativity and fun.
A few stand-out jokes for me:
Rudy saying "it's okay" and "I don't want to be remembered as a complainer" as he's being eaten by zombies was so funny and so in character. It made me wonder if Louise had written that line for him because she knows Rudy so well, or if that was improv on his part.
Same with Tina talking about editing techniques and her "vision" for the project as she realizes she's probably about to be eaten. Is that Tina's artistic integrity, or Louise's writing for how Tina's documentary film crew character would speak? I love the ambiguity of that.
The song was another comedy highlight for me; the meta jokes where Tina asks Louise why she's singing in this documentary, and then the song getting cut off... the fact that this was a joke that Louise wrote into her movie in-universe, as part of her character arc regarding learning how to be an archer... it's all so funny and cute.
I love Louise, so no surprise an episode like this, where she gets to be her zany, creative self, and also go through a bit of a journey of self-discovery, really works for me!
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
there was NO REASON for the animation in this scene to be so smooth and expressive?? disney movie level
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jae-is-drawing · 2 months
I normally don't post thoughts on here about specific episodes but this episode was genuinely so good that I need to talk about it.
First: some smaller details that I really like that aren't super big to the story
- this episode proves my theory that there are ways to give Louise an outfit that fits the triangle shape language without it being a dress. She is so cute in that outfit and I absolutely love her little boots
- the facial expressions and body language are so good, I absolutely love how they are adding more simple body language things to episodes recently to add more character. Examples:
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- just louise's little bounces are so cute and Linda desperately trying to grab Louise cause she's scared about her kid idk it's just so good to me 😭
- also per usual the side plot was sweet, I absolutely love that moment where the tube guy has a light behind him like he was Jesus it was so funny to me 😭😭
- this is like the first time an episode has heavily referenced past happenings before. Like they constantly Talk about the movie AND they're in the hotel they were at for that Halloween episode in I think season 10. I absolutely love that they talked about the movie
Now for more character driven moments that make me explode:
- Logan's mom being really clingy actually explains a lot with Logan, and I know that they have done things like this in the past but I don't think it was as blatantly obvious. It's really good characterization for Logan and actually made me feel for Logan. LOGAN.
- Louise finally said the quiet part out loud where she doesn't think she's a kid. Like I'm pretty positive she's never said she doesn't think she's a child out loud before which is probably one of the best cases of show don't tell I've seen in a while, and now her saying she's not a kid feels natural.
- I love how Linda was taking care of one of her kids without being completely overbearing like she is with Gene and sometimes Tina. She's showing growth as a mother and starting to undo the trauma she went through as a kid
- this is my favorite part of the episode and the most blatant sign of character growth, BUT THE FACT THAT LOUISE ACTUALLY KEPT THE MONEY INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY SPENDING IT ALMOST BROKE ME. I was not expecting her to keep it and my immediate thought when it cuts to her hanging something up on her was like she bought the newspaper clip from the hotel or a copy of it to hang on her wall, but it cutting to the money was one of the best ways of subverting character expectations I have seen. This is probably my favorite character arc I've seen Louise go through and it's not even the biggest one 😭 AND LOOK AT HER FACE WHEN SHE HANGS IT UP TOO IM ILL 😭😭
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Anyways, I hope y'all like my ramblings about the new episode, I'm thinking about doing something like his for every new episode this season cause I will most definitely need to rant and this is the best way I can think of without bombarding my friends with my thoughts. 😭
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princess-unipeg · 7 months
With Bob’s Burgers premiering new episodes for as long as they have there will be times when they try for something new. That being a Regular-Sized Rudy centered episode with the Belcher family being regulated to the background.
It’s been established pretty early in the show that Rudy is a child of divorce. He’s more or less taken the divorce in stride having to live in two different households and having his father dating around.
In this week’s episode we learn that he and his parents have this monthly dinner where despite the divorce they (try) to prove to themselves that they are still a family. But this month Rudy dreads the dinner. In addition to his parents he has to deal with his mother inviting her new boyfriend and his father bringing in his latest lady friend.
We see Rudy outside of the context of a Belcher misadventure and we witness how greatly contrasting it is with his usual adventurous demeanor with his friends and his solemn demeanor with his family. He’s dejected, detached and quiet as the adults in his life dwarfs him.
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With the Belchers there’s a sense of camaraderie. Full of love, fun and comfort. In spite of the hardships they endure, the parents are able to form a functional loving marriage with the kids feeling comfortable in their own skin. Every time he’s with the main family, he’s like the unofficial member akin to Teddy. There’s this sense of warmth and comfort he finds with the Belchers he just couldn’t find with his own parents.
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In fact the whole b-plot was dedicated to creating a custom made casserole for Gene as a reward for upgrading his science grade from an F to a B- which is unlike most families. Especially Rudy’s. Their interactions feel so lively and homey, unlike the tense ones he has with his father, unable to just talk about things without this underlying emotions of anxiety.
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Is it any wonder he invited himself into the Belcher household after a magic trick (which he performs for every monthly dinner) goes wrong? As soon as the Belcher family realizes what’s wrong they made sure to let Rudy’s parents know he’s safe and he’ll be returning very soon.
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Louise invites herself of course. For whatever reason she’s decided to keep Rudy company during dinner so that he’ll feel less alone. Rudy is happy to have someone to talk to and not feel like the odd man out. Louise may be a defiant delinquent with a selfish streak but at her core she’s a good kid and a great friend to Rudy.
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As it turns out Rudy’s mother pretty much accepts her. I know the fandom has vilified her since she’s been a non-entity throughout the show so we were left with drawing our own uninformed conclusions about her. But overall she’s a nice person and I hope we’ll get to see more of her.
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This season has gone off to a strong start. On par with The Simpsons. Speaking of which it fascinates how this episode’s theme relates to this week’s episode of The Simpsons of dealing with the changing relationships with family. Same with their season premiere episodes which was about dealing with corrupt authority figures. But maybe that’s just me reaching and being a fan of both shows. Overall I look forward to seeing more of what this season has in store for us.
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jovialnightmares · 2 years
I watched the Bob's Burgers movie and it made me feel like this was the best timeline
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ltwharfy · 7 months
The AV Club has a review of the fist two episodes of the new season of "Bob's Burgers" (hey, anyone else remember when they did that weekly? No, I'm old? Okay, got it.) I feel compelled to share it, because as a Rudy connoisseur (not a self-proclaimed title, Babs labeled me that!) I am naturally interested in the season's second episode, "The Amazing Rudy."
I'm not going to post any of the article's discussion about it (don't want to expose folks to more spoilers than they may want) but I will post one prediction and one fear I have about this episode.
The prediction: it will make me cry. It sounds like Rudy's parents and their divorce play a pretty central role. One of the reasons I love Rudy so much is that I relate to him in a number of ways, including being a child of divorce. So, I feel like this story could hit some of those nerves for me. Not a bad thing necessarily, but something for me to be aware of.
The fear: maybe it's too Rudy-centric? I know that sounds like a weird thing for someone who's obsessed with the character to say, but the review compares it to Buffy's "The Zeppo" and South Park's "Butter's Very Own Episode" and I don't know if I really want Rudy, or any Bob's supporting character, to get that level of focus. I've always liked that the show tends to keep the focus on the Belchers (well, and Teddy, who is also a main character). I think it's a concern that comes from "The Simpsons". For me, one of the signs of that show's decline was when it started doing episodes that focused entirely on Comic Book Guy or other minor characters where the roles of the actual Simpson family members were really small. Hopefully, this isn't that.
Wow, this is a long post for a link to a review of two episodes I haven't even seen yet! Anyway, tl; dr "The AV Club reviewed Bob's Burgers again; I am way too obsessed with Regular Sized Rudy."
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yahoo201027 · 7 months
For the first time in this series, the main cast gets sidelined with a Rudy episode as he prepares for an important dinner with his family at the dinner table in my review of "The Amazing Rudy".
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safyresky · 2 years
If I had a nickle for every time the Belchers almost got murdered, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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ankle-beez · 2 years
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[ID: A three-and-a-half star review for "The Bob's Burgers Movie" from OP's Letterboxd account. It reads, "the most delightful way to discover how many ways a film crew can incorporate the world 'hole' into the script for an hour and 40 minute movie"]
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capncarrot · 5 months
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Bob's Burgers - Bully-ieve It or Not
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picklepie888 · 2 years
I finally got around to watching the Bob's Burgers Movie yesterday, and I gotta say, one of the things I really aporeciate about the movie is that they didn't do any of the gimmicks TV-to-movie adaptations often do. Like introduce a whole new character with a celebrity VA or have some grandiosse large-scale plot that doesn't exactly fit the tone of the original show. Now that's not to say that TV show movies that do those things are bad (the Spongebob movie is one of my all-time favs), but those types of elements wouldn't have fit Bob's Burgers. It's a show about a family that owns a restaurant by a pier that go through thick and thin together. Nothing more, nothing less. Although the stakes are much higher for the movie, (as is expected since it's meant to be a theatrical film and not an extended episode of the show) the whole story is still set entirely on the Belchers and within their hometown. And I think that's perfect. What we wanted was a movie that feels like a Bob's Burgers movie and that's exactly what we got. What this also tells me is that Louren Bouchard had enough faith in his own cast and crew and the world they had created to carry a theatrical film, and I believe he was right in doing so. I would really like it if more TV show films put their faith in what they already have instead of relying on big names to get butts in seats. All in all, great movie. Recommend it to both fans of the show and newcomers.
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nellie-elizabeth · 6 months
Bob's Burgers: Bully-ieve It or Not (14x05)
Hey, I've been saying for the past four weeks that I wanted a school-centric episode and I got it. I'm happy!
This is just a personal thing but the gross-out humor that this show sometimes employs is not my favorite. The pee stuff, fine, but then licking the booger wall and the idea that Zeke might throw up? I did have to look away from the screen during that part. Not a fan.
I liked how both the subplot with the kids and the plot with Bob back at the diner had like, real life lessons to learn, but it never felt after school special-y. This show can sometimes decide to tackle a real issue in a way that still preserves the comedy and still remains broadly palatable and enjoyable.
In this episode, a new student at school forces Zeke to relive something from his past that he'd rather not. At first, the gang all believe that Zeke was bullied by this kid, and Louise and Gene concoct a revenge plan. But it's the revealed that Zeke was the bully, and he's avoiding the new kid out of shame for who he used to be!
I love that everyone agrees that Zeke's behavior is messed up, even before the truth comes out that Zeke had mocked this kid for his lisp. Jimmy Jr. is already pushing Zeke to apologize and make amends before it becomes personal. And Louise wants to cause chaos as usual, but she's doing so with a childlike sense of justice. This new kid hurt someone, so now he has to be humiliated in return.
One of the fun things about this plot was Tina. I loved how she actually played it really cool and didn't have an instant crush on the new kid. She uses her charmingly awkward demeanor to give him a tour of the school, and is able to come out of the whole situation seeming pretty normal for once. I wonder if this new guy will feature in more episodes moving forward!
In the subplot, Bob has an idea for a burger with little meatballs inside instead of one burger patty, and Jimmy Pesto steals it from him and uses a similar idea in his restaurant across the street. Bob gets up in arms as always, goes over there to make a fuss and tell the truth, but with the help of Linda and Teddy's sage advice, he decides to take the high road. He tells Jimmy the one thing it's actually hard for him to hear: that Bob would rather be himself, than be like Jimmy. That Jimmy may have found success by stealing Bob's idea, but Bob's the one capable of having other ideas. Better ones, in fact.
Just like the main plot, this subplot features Bob learning an important lesson. I love how Teddy orders a "normal" burger and pisses Bob off, and how Teddy then coaches Mort into ordering the burger of the day just to try and indulge Bob's whims. I love how Linda tries to encourage Bob to take a more healthy tack, but she also doesn't stop him from marching across the street to make a statement. She would have supported him even if he had made a scene and humiliated himself and won nothing. We've seen that scenario play out on this show before, and it would have made for some great comedy here too. But it's fun to give Bob the moral and social victory here, for once!
So that's that: a really fun episode, that took us into the school where I'd been wanting to visit for a while!
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br1ghtestlight · 2 months
aww this episode was soo fun. and i love them actually acknowledging the movie and using their insider Fischoeder Knowledge to solve a mystery!! together!!! linda being so excited that louise just wants to do something WITH her is so sweet. they don't have a lot in common in terms of interests but its also more than either of them think it is especially with their personalities being so similar
"you're a sneaky little slippery sam aren't you?" "i can be somewhat slippery 😌"
"you NEVER bring good walking shoes!!!!! im gonna buy you some comfortable flats. some sensible flats 😡😡‼️"
"i can't believe this whole time you were just playing pretend with me. like im a CHILD" "i mean...... you ARE a child??" "im NOT A CHILD. im NINE!!!!" lmao
also this is kinda one of the only episodes where i feel like linda actually does treat louise like a kid?? not in a bad way but she IS a kid and she's just playing pretend. very rarely are the kids treated their actual ages in that specific way w/ their maturity especially when it comes to louise. it's kinda nice to see. she's still linda's baby ❤️❤️
louise in this episode was SO CUTE i cant take very many screenshots bcuz uhh my setup is not great right now but trust me on this. she's adorable
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this was CUTE louise loves her mommy soo much idc
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and this clip made me cry THEYRE SO CUTE??? THE ANIMATION?? what is with bobs burgers episodes lately and the characters picking each other up and swinging em around its always adorable and so fluid
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monkey-network · 2 years
Good Stuff: The Bob's Burgers Movie
Dedicated to Dale Baer, Dave Creek, Denise Fuller, & Tuck Tucker
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Laughing at the fact that Bob's Burgers got a movie before Family Guy, lmao. Anyways, it's astounding crazy that we got a theatrical release for a cartoon sitcom, like since Teen Titans GO(?) This prepares that unfortunate lingering doubt of "should it have deserved this"? I say fuck that doubt, if the risk is there then what's life without a little adventure? However, is this good as a movie? Real question is why would Bob's Burgers get a movie anyways?
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Now personally, I love Bob's Burgers no matter how long it's gone on. It's as much a comfort show as it is a more upbeat successor to Home Movies. I say what makes it work is, somewhat unlike Home Movies, you get everyone's perspective and the chaos comes well with the Belcher family jumping into the thick of it by force or accident. That's what we get with this movie where we got both a murder mystery and a time limit for something miraculous to happen. All this before summer truly starts. It's a simple adventure that works because it doesn't force things to be bombastic or larger in scale, at least anything that the show hasn't worked with before. I won't lie that people have a point that this film is a greatest hits story; copping plots from previous episodes. Then again, I won't say that's a bad thing. Honestly, I say it still does something better than The Simpsons Movie.
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The family got to remain strong and genuine
Now I love The Simpsons Movie, but I don't believe it holds up as well because the status quo of this ever continuing series negated the meaningful growth that stemmed from the series calling the family's relationship with Homer into question. It's like you get it in the moment but it's not like Beavis and Butt-head Do America where it could get away with it being a one-off adventure. Bob's Burgers doesn't feel the need to dissect and re-analyze the family dynamic because the journey they all go on is enough. We get development, for Louise especially, but I'm glad the movie doesn't forcibly wedge in drama between the Belchers on top of everything else before it all returns to normal. They're supportive and grounded from the start and it's just as enjoyable when they finally get together in the final act when it matters. As a fan, them just getting to be there for each no matter what worked well here just as much here as it has in the show. Add on it being a spontaneous musical and it's seriously just a charming good time.
I didn't go into this film expecting them to rock the boat crazy; I didn't believe this to be some insultingly safe film either. Is it for the fans? Mostly yes, but even if I wasn't one I had more than a nice time. I want to cherish this for being an unapologetically laid back experience unmatched by cartoon based films like it that seek to, or have to, be bigger and louder. Aside it looking more cinematic, it didn't need a ton of bells and whistles be a great movie. It was honestly more refreshing than I believe people will give it credit for. Box office be damned, this movie was worth it.
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9/10. Juicy and fulfilling like a homemade hamburger
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wanderingmind867 · 8 months
Part 4 of my IMDb thing. Parts 1-3 will be linked in the comments or in a reblog. Here we go:
• Succession (A Show about Business. Already, you've lost me. I don't hate all rich people ever, but I hate economics and business. It's going to be really hard to make me enjoy a drama about a power struggle in a business world. It's too boring. Maybe if it was a comedy...)
• Dallas (The 80s version of Succession. Another Show about Rich people that is completely uninteresting to me. Are all Nighttime Soap Operas about Scheming Rich People!?)
• Star Wars and Star Trek (I don't hate those who like Star Wars or Star Trek, but I dislike most sci-fi and I was bored, so I took lots of screenshots of negative reviews of them).
• The Mary Tyler Moore Show (I dislike the series ending, so I looked up negative reviews of the show. I found one saying it felt like a rip-off of the Dick Van Dyke Show. Honestly, I could see it. Mary Tyler Moore was in it too).
• The Bob's Burgers Movie (I really love Bob's Burgers, but I could never get into the movie. I don't know why. Hopefully the movie isn't essential viewing for Season 13).
• M*A*S*H (My mom hated this show too, I think. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in The Millitary. And no sitcom can make me like the Millitary. Besides, it just sounds boring. Why was it so popular!?)
I have like Three More Entries to add, but this post is getting long. So let's wrap things up here for now. Part 5 (the last part for now) should come at some point.
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cr-familiar-faces · 1 year
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