#botw champions x reader
rito-luvr · 8 months
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Hey! Haven’t uploaded in a while. I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry😭
But I’ve made some more of these style memes, just with Revali and Teba only!! Hope you enjoy them ^-^
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nightttoon · 6 months
Who fell first/who fell harder? Love language. Pet names.
He fell first, but you fell harder. It wasn't obvious at first, but the way he looked at people, who you spend a lot of time with, who made you laugh. He was sooo jealous. Spinning around you, showing why he is better option then guy you just talked to.
His love language is quality time. He is ready to spend every minute with you, showing off or just talking. At first you will think he is just annoying as hell, but after some talks he would find way to make you comfortable. Even if it means that he should ask someone about things you like.
Pet names, huh? "Darling, sweetheart, little sparrow, birdie". (No one can change my mind:) And it doesn't really matter if you aren't rito)
You fell first, but he fell harder. This man told you about his feelings as soon as they appeared, so no way you won't know about that. And he never would be ashamed!
His love language is physical contact. Really. Every time you are around he is so touchy! Hugs, kisses, everything is here. He would literally hold onto your then he is sad. (You'll get double of that if it's Sidon+Yona)
Pet names are difficult... Probably "Sunshine, pearl, love, my queen" and something like that.
He fell first, but you fell harder. It's a little complicated with him. He fell first, but it took some time to understand that. Probably someone from his fellow champions pointed at his affection towards you (he talked about you so much that others knew your favorite color and what is your favorite place in Hyrule) and it clicked.
His love language is quality time. Literally spending every second of his free time with you! But of course if you are comfortable with that. He knows then to stop.
He uses: "love, babe, jem, sweet cheeks" as nicknames for you. Sometimes "honey bun", telling you that you are as sweet as one.
He fell first and he fell harder. It's just the way he is. So sweet and cute. He cares about you deeply, and was so nervous to tell you what he feels, because he was scared he would ruin your friendship. (You probably was the first one to confess)
Gifts! And a lot! Yeah. His love language is gift giving. He remembers every little thing that you mentioned in your talks, or you looked a little too long at market. And he will get it for you! He wants to make you happy! But if you do the same he would be so embarrassed to take something from you!
Can "goro" be called pet name? I think yes. If we talk about another options... "Sweetheart, my love, ruby (Yeah. Goron Ruby), baby, sunshine" will work, along with every sweet name he would master at moment.
Female characters here!
And my requests are open!
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mairynz · 7 months
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The pirate revali is ready when you need it
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imababblekat · 1 year
Botw Characters W/ A Crush; HC’s
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@xxrainmxx​ ,” Hello, can I request headcanon of the corjection methods that Sidon, Mipha, and Revali would use to let their crush know their intentions? (gender neutral if possible)”
Anon Request, “ Hello, can I request headcanon of Mipha, Revali and Sidon trying to flirt with their crush?”
when Sidon has a crush on someone it goes one of two ways depending on how deeply he feels for that lucky person
if it’s in the beginning stages of him realizing that he likes them, he actually becomes a bit timid whenever they’re around
it’s not that he’s scared of these new found feelings, he’s just new to the concept of actually liking someone as opposed to being the object of affection like he is to so many others
once he gets past figuring things out and really starts having it hard for his crush, he’s back to his extravagant self
will absolutely boast about great qualities he sees in them, not just in private but to others as well
was already a huge supporter to begin with, but becomes even more so and always finds ways to be there for his crush
absolutely takes no shit from others talking about his crush behind their back
overall Sidon’s way of flirting or letting his feelings be known to his crush is grand action and devotion; he wants them to know how much they mean to him and how much he’s willing to do for them should they except him
this feathered butt head is such a pain when he first realizes he has a crush on someone
absolute tsundere if you will
he’s just not used to the idea of being that fond of someone, that someone could hold such a power over him to make his heart feel like it’s falling from the sky by just walking into the same vicinity
once he gets past his complicated feelings about the ordeal, Revali starts to accept the ideas of why he developed feelings for this person and it turns into honorable admiration
he isn’t going to just fall for anyone of course
the Rito takes note in impressionable skills his crush possesses, such as how swift they are with a bow or how they’re able to finely put ingredients together to cook the perfect meal
if you don’t know Revali very well you probably wouldn’t be able to notice when he’s coming on to his crush; it’s all subtle compliments that could be mistaken as ire for the other
the closer he gets to his crush, he’ll actually start giving them small gifts as he finds it easier than trying to express how he feels with words, which is a shock to not just his crush but him as well, since the Rito Champion is known for having a colorful vocabulary
Mipha’s had crushes before, so depending on how close she is with the person she’s crushing on will determine whether or not she pursues those feelings
if she does, her crush can expect to be spending a lot more time with her
she’ll go out of her way to spend time with them when not swamped by her duties as not just the Zora Princess but also their Champion
much like her brother, she’s very supportive of her crush, just not in such an extravagant manner
she’s much more subtle with making her feelings known, almost in a shy kind of way
is always making sure her crush is safe and protected, and much like she had with Link in the game, she promises to always be there to heal them if they need
the further things pass on, she might start to also gift her crush small trinkets
gifts that remind her of them, such as shells that match their eyes, or some jewelry that accentuates their lovely smile
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yandereunsolved · 20 days
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☾ — Yandere Revali — ☾
"Impressive, I know. Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky. Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It's considered to be quite the mastery of aerial techniques, even among the Rito."
"W-Were you not watching my feat of aerial mastery?"
"Sorry, Revali! I got distracted by one of the other Rito."
"Oh? What was this 'gracious' Rito speaking to you about? Was it that much more important than me?"
"It's nothing like that! I just got offered to be taught a few archery techniques. The Great Eagle Bow you gave me should be put to good use!"
What...? Some moronic half-cocked Rito is trying to teach you the thing I am greatest at? They're trying to teach my dear, my darling, my dove. How dare they.
"Ugh—such a betrayal. If you really want to learn something, then be taught by the master. Thousands have asked to receive my teachings, and I have turned every single one of them down. Yet, I extend my wing to you so you don't look so pathetic with that graceful bow on your back. Do you accept?"
"I kind of already made a promise that I'd go practice with them. You're really busy anyway. You have all that champion stuff you have to do. I wouldn't want to be a bother."
It seems like that Rito is about to have a flying accident. It'll be such a pity that they accidentally broke their wings and plummeted towards the ground. Their body will be barely recognizable. A pity. Such a pity.
"Nonsense. I could not allow my Hylian visitor to look like a fool in my village.However, if you already promised, it would be disrespectful of me to try and twist your word. Just take one of my feathers, will you? As good luck for your practice."
"Thank you for being understanding. It's such a kind gesture."
A gesture that you are mine. Such a silly Hylian. You don't know how courting is in Rito culture. Keeping that feather on you means that you are my new mate; you have accepted me. I hope that twat sees my feather in your hair before I kill him. 
"I am nothing if not generous." my love
( @sunset-peril @sixofcrowley )
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thezoraprince · 1 year
A Fairytale - Champions x Human!reader
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“Hi could you do let's say a Human Reader from our world somehow got teleported into Hyrule and found by Urbosa, Mipha and well the Human knows a lot about them some secret things they have never told anyone and about Hyrule and thy ask them how do they know all this information and the Reader tells them that where thy come from Hyrule is like from a fantasy story and such?” - anon
hi hi!!!! i apologize for taking 50000 years to get this one out. it took me a little bit to figure out what i wanted to do with this request, but i ABSOLUTELY loved writing it!
enjoy! <3
the lands of Hyrule are vast
the open fields feel just like a dream
like home in a way
and though you know how this story goes
you wander around for a while
and at some point you find yourself laying in the soft grass
you look at the blue, partial cloudy sky with a smile spread across your face
faint laughter can be heard close by
you lift your head up and peek from just above the tall blades of grass to see a bird, blue in color, preening about something you didn’t quite hear
Urbosa spots you peeking just before you duck back down
‘I knew that I wasn’t home… but how did I get…here?’
“What’s wrong Urbosa?”
Mipha’s concerned
yet Revali and Daruk shrug it off
Urbosa’s now standing above you, hands on her hips, giving you a stern look
Mipha seems pleased see you though
“A Hylian? In this part of Hyrule?”
and you shake your head as you stand
Urbosa looks you up and down
“Couldn’t be. [They] don’t have pointed ears.”
Mipha tilts her head
“Pardon my manners, but… what exactly are you?”
“No forgive me, Princess Mipha, Lady Urbosa. My name is y/n. I’m a human from a VERY distant land. I’m actually not quite sure how I ended up here…”
Urbosa’s not sure about you yet
but seeing as Mipha is already willing to help you, Urbosa takes you under her wing
you walk with them to meet Revali and Daruk
“What took you both so long? I’ve been losing feathers with how long we’ve been waiting.”
“Looks like we have a new member joining us!”
you’re happy to be tagging along in their journey to the castle
they’re going on and on about their plans, stories, etc.
and they’re confused, yet amazed at how your piping in every so often to share little bits of info about theirselves 
“How do you know that?”
Revali looks a little heated that you cut him off
but he doesn’t say anything
“And I though you were a know it all, Revali!”
you laugh at Daruk’s statement
“Say, how DO you know all these things, little bird?”
“Your journey and the Calamity is sort of… a fantasy story in where I come from.”
Revali rolls his eyes in disbelief
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Mipha smiles at you, however, fully trusting you
“Can you tell me how it goes?”
you nod and start from the beginning
and once you reach the end of each of their stories, you hesitate
Revali cuts you off
“So how does it end?”
and you’re silent
“Do you not know?”
“I know, Revali. But why tell you how it ends when it’s just beginning?”
“And maybe this little bit of information could, you know, change that ending.”
Revali tilts his head
“You could be onto something there.”
you reach the castle, watching your new friends enter the gate
“Are you coming, little bird?”
and you take a deep breath
“I’m afraid not. I have a feeling it’s my time to leave.”
“But you’ve only just arrived.”
Mipha gives you a soft smile
“I’m sure we’ll meet again someday.”
“I’m sure we will.”
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imaginethezeldaverse · 10 months
Accustomed To You (Revali x Reader)
Based on this idea by @dorayakimanjiro where Revali uses the string of his Great Eagle bow to make you an engagement ring. Thanks for such a delightful and beautiful idea!  Reader is gender neutral. ☺ The customs of the Rito were unorthodox in some ways due to their flighted anatomy and avian instincts - and in some ways they were shared amongst other every race present in Hyrule. Love, and being in love, was no strange concept to Revali. Though most were sure the too proud Rito would ever find companionship that suited his tastes, you proved them all wrong. In your eyes was a kindness he’d never experienced from anyone, a depth of selflessness and joy that was infectious. It made him soft - the unbreakable Revali becoming pliant from your genteel gestures and willing companionship. Even surprising him when you took up his bow on your own accord to nail a Bokoblin that had intended to get the jump on him (a mistake on his part, as he was so peacefully distracted by your humming while you both were enjoying the spring breeze).  It was then that Revali knew he could not simply see you as just a friend or a traveling partner. No, you’d earned his respect entirely - and even moreso, his heart.  So here he was, engaging in a tradition that all peoples of Hyrule were familiar with: intention of courtship. It took him a few weeks to be able to whittle the circular thing to the size of your ring finger. It was made from the finest wood Rito Village had to offer - where he would carve the tiniest intricate holes and patterns that represented him. He polished and shined it to the point of gleaming in the light of the sun; it was almost perfect. Almost.  With careful precision, Revali unfurled the string of his Great Eagle bow - worn with heroic use - a string you’d more times than you could count; a string that that was basically an extension of himself and all that encompassed. He threaded the bow string through the small holes of your ring, weaving it through in a herringbone pattern until it was complete and knotted at the end. A proud feat for the Rito, whose labor could be classified as nothing less than eternal devotion. Each moment spent sculpting, polishing, and weaving until it was the perfect piece was spent with you at the forefront of his mind. Your laughter, your warmth, your love...all things Revali decided long ago he wanted at his side for eternity. His tailfeathers chuffed at the brilliance of your ring.  Now it was perfect.  --- “Revali, it’s marvelous!” you say with a waver in your voice, your bright eyes brimming with tears as you scanned the woven ring. His chuckle was light, “I made it...for you.”  In his feathered fingers he took your hand, slipping the ring onto your finger. His voice softened, emerald hues holding your gaze with all the love he could muster, “For as long as I’ve known you, you have always felt familiar to me...One day I realized, being with you feels like the sun on my wings when I fly,” he looks down at your hand, heart full at how right it feels to see his ring on your finger, “And just like that warmth, I will always cherish you. Marry me, chickadee...” His nickname for you. A passing tease from many many months ago now turned an affectionate endearment, nurtured by the love you two both shared. Without thought, you threw your arms around him, joyful tears falling freely now. Your heart threatened to spill over from how overfilled with adoration it was. A quick pullback from his returned embrace allowed you connect your eyes once more,  “Yes! Oh Revali, I would love nothing more!” and your pressed a loving kiss to his beak. He held you closer now, his tailfeathers puffing up from happiness.  Eternity with you made his skies feel so much warmer. 
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the-whole-shebang · 8 months
!! hi there!! may i request hcs for link w/an s/o that's sorta like a knight to him? i think this boy also needs to be protected!!
Absolutely! Sorry this one took me a while, my adhd loves to kick into maximum gear whenever I get an ask ;-;
Link With a Knight S/O:
Link's definitely not used to feeling protected, so when you first started dating it was a little awkward.
He was constantly reassuring you and insisting that you didn't need to look out for and put so much on the line for him.
You reminded him however that you know you didn't need to, but you wanted to because you cared about him.
He got very emotional about it (poor thing).
He never did completely stop worrying about you though, and he would always run to find you after a fight to make sure you were ok.
He started opening up to you more, sharing things you would never have told the other champions.
For the first time he could remember, he felt safe. He didn't feel like a burden. He felt like he was worth more to someone than just a knight.
When he introduced you to the other champions, they absolutely loved you wouldn't stop teasing Link about you.
Urbosa pulled you aside one day and said that she didn't know how you'd done it, but that this was the happiest she'd ever seen Link, so whatever it was, keep it up.
(Also a little angst for your troubles)
After the Calamity, when Link awoke in the Shrine of Resurrection, he found a skeleton lying just outside the door. It had the uniform of a Hylian soldier and a sword with something carved into the hilt. When Link inspected it, he found his own name scratched there. At the time, he couldn't remember why or who you had been to him, but he found himself crying nonetheless. He took that sword with him, and when the time came to kill Ganon once and for all, he didn't use the Master Sword to strike the final blow. He used yours.
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BOTW Link X F!Reader ~ Pt. 1
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Sounds of battle slowly ebbed to silence. Even then, you did not emerge from the hiding place a villager had stuffed you within, echoes of the attack warning bell still hauntingly ringing. Time was lost as you simply sat in the cramped cellar, passing solely with the counting of your own heartbeat, until a new sound, the clops of horseshoes against stone, approached. Someone was approaching.
Were they friend or foe?
Instinct that every living thing was born with was oddly quiet, leaving you numb, as they grew louder before coming to a stop. A huff sounded, closely followed by the thumps of boots hitting the ground, crunching of dried leaves and other small debris filling the air momentarily blocked any other sound for you. And yet you remained hidden as silence fell once more. The double doors above your head tinked, as if something had touched them from the outside, before the sound of a metal singing pierced the air. Most likely a sword, you mused, meaning most likely a bandit or scavenger was looking for valuables.
You were partially right.
The doors opened to reveal a mighty blade which shone brightly in the blood moon’s crimson glow as it was lowered. Its motion downwards to return to its sheath brought to your attention its wielder. Brilliant blue eyes were what caught your attention first; the way they calmly met your curious gaze then slowly filled with an emotion akin to acceptance as you remained unmoved despite the showcase of such a mighty weapon. Golden blonde hair was speckled with lingering traces of dried blood, most likely belonging to those who had fallen before the sword’s swing since he appeared unharmed. Despite the gear and armor, there was no mistaking that the figure before you was masculine. Those lean muscles faintly visible thanks to the rips in his sky blue tunic and pants and his stoic features made that much obvious. He was truly a magnificent sight as he slowly lowered himself to one knee so that you were closer.
Behind him loomed a large shadow before a soft muzzle met the top of your head. Soft nickering tickled your ear courtesy of the horse who nudged her nose against your cheek, as if to assure you that her rider meant no harm, and obediently backed away when he placed a hand against her shoulder. Her gentle eyes seemed to beckon you to follow, to trust in the swordsman, ears pointed toward your hiding place.
A voice, most likely that of a shopkeeper you’d come to know, rose within your mind that warned to not trust such figures. Nothing was known about this man, he’d given no explanation yet of who he was or what his purpose was here. Most would be weary and perhaps fight against him.
Yet you didn’t.
One of his gloved hands extended, palm facing upwards as if in offering to assist, and without hesitation your hand found it. Something near mythical happened when your fingers laced with his. All crimson of the blood moon’s glow ebbed until it had returned to its normal pale glow. Fireflies had risen from the grass, their own hiding places, until they were dancing upon a breeze which played with both of your hairs. A sensation of warmth spread through your being from where he touched, impulsing you to take a breath and unsteady step that was intended to bring you upwards to step outside, resulting in you stumbling forward.
He swiftly caught you with a tug to the hand still within his hold, allowing the other arm to wrap around your waist so at to keep you close as he steadied your imbalance. Your gazes still held despite the actions as he helped you to stand, wordlessly offering support when both your hands gripped his wide-set shoulders. Warmth radiated off his being the longer you two remained physically close. The night’s chill attempted to come between your figures however it failed when the blue eyed Hylian slightly pivoted so the breeze met his back instead of your face. Bubbling emotion rose within your veins when his eyes widened for the briefest of seconds before returning to a stern state when a sound made you nearly glance away.
Look at me, they seemed to convey, you don’t need to see.
A deep inhale brought to your senses the scents of iron, copper, burnt wood, and something that made your gut twist: death.
Within your mind arose a picture that made your being quake; buildings and wagons burning to ash, villagers and monsters alike slain laying in pools of their intermixed blood, innocent animals and people alike victims to the blood moon’s wave of power.
His arm tightened more until your front met his, the hand holding yours giving a squeeze. It’s alright, they said as calloused fingers eased your eyes to close, you are safe now. Soft whistle slipped between his lips, earning the horse to come close enough so that your shoulders met the mare’s side. He lifted you with ease, as if you weighed nothing more than a feather pillow, until you were seated within the saddle with both hands resting upon the horn. For several seconds there was silence until a familiar huff sounded just a second before weight and warmth settled behind you. On either side of you appeared his arms, one hand taking the reins while the other secured itself around your waist.
Nothing remained for you in this village.
So you did not stop him as he spurred the horse forward with a gentle kick.
The sun was approaching its high noon place as several Sheikah Tribe members greeted the horse and rider upon entering Kakariko Village, however their warm welcome became weary when spotting your slumbering form protectively tucked within his hold.
Camping had been out of the question since he’d caught sight of a Moblin while exiting your destroyed village, most likely it would gather reinforcements and come after the two of you. Not that he doubted his abilities in battle, it was how fragile you appeared when someone would pass along the trail. Obviously trauma of that night would plague you for a while, he was no stranger to such things, and had opted to travel without pause if it meant putting your mind at ease. That was how you fell asleep with your face nearly completely tucked against his neck, allowing your senses to become permeated with his natural musk interlace with herbs and leather. Epona had seemed happy to carry the both of you, not the slightest bit bothered by the combined weight, even ecstatic that she was carrying you. Rider and horse ensured none interrupted your slumber from insects to possible threats of monsters or Yiga in disguise. Even when entering the lively village they had both quickly silenced those who approached by means of ears tilting backwards or a finger against his lips.
Impa raised a questioning eyebrow when he refused to allow anyone to touch you, dismounting while still ensuring that your position remained unchanged, before walking towards the nearby inn. Weathered eyes closely watched as he placed you gingerly upon a bed, moving slower than a river snail so as not to jostle you, until his arms were freed, something shifting within Impa’s face when he quickly shed his traveler’s hood at your stir but settled once the cloth was tucked around your form. She waited until exiting the room before deciding to start conversation with the silent swordsman. “Take a bath then come find me. You’ll start at the beginning,” the chief sighed as pillows were procured so they could converse comfortably, “and then we shall decide what should be done.”
Once he returned once removing all the traces of battle, time passed accompanied by refreshments and snacks, candles and torches lit with sparks from flint pieces as night fell outside.
“I see, so you found her within the aftermath of the recent blood moon. The village she resided within was completely destroyed, meaning that she may have no family to take her in or anywhere else to go.” Impa inhaled deeply through her nose before exhaling slowly, a faint stream of smoke slipping between her wrinkled lips courtesy of the small pipe she held. “I understand.” Her sharp eyes locked upon the door where you’d been about to knock. “I trust you’re well rested now? That bath and a fresh set of clothes work wonders upon a person.”
You’d woken no more than an hour ago, finding yourself alone within a strange room but with his article of clothing tucked around your form as his arms had been calmed your panic. A familiar whiny sounded from somewhere in the distance, one that you recognized as the horse he rode, meaning the swordsman was nearby and hadn’t left you alone after all. The name of a shy girl who poked her head in to check in on you escaped your memory but she was kind nonetheless as she assisted in helping you bathe then dress in similar clothing to her own. That was how you found yourself standing on the opposite side of the door where an elder woman’s voice could be heard. Curiously, and cautiously, you slowly entered and instantly found the silent swordsman sitting across the village’s elder.
The sword he had been cleaning and caring for was returned to its sheath with a ringing note of metal, the same sound you’d heard back within what had once been your home, those blue eyes meeting yours the moment you’d entered. He made to stand but remained seated when you quickly moved to sit at his left, offering him the clothing that had been offered to keep you warm while sleeping, earning a slight bob of his head while accepting the dark hued hood. That brilliant gaze of his drifted across your being before they met Impa’s.
“It’s the least we could do for her.” An expression of sternness filled the older woman’s aged features. “I assume she will be left within our care?”
Panic pierced itself into your chest like an invisible blade. Stay here? Is that what they had been talking about while you slept? The hands resting within your lap clenched into fists. You hated being a burden, especially to those who had been so generous, so if it meant your paths had to separate then you’d willingly accept this choice. He’d already done so much for you. It wouldn’t be right to continue to cling—
A curt shake of his head cutoff the rest of your internal sentence.
Silence fell heavily as your gaze, which had fallen to rest upon the tatami-like floor, rose to find the Hylian’s face unreadable but an unrelenting glint within his azure gaze. Was he truly objecting to the elder’s wisdom filled words? Brief doubt took root within your chest, making it suddenly harder to breathe, when recalling how helpless you’d been during the attack. It was overshadowed by determination as you readily met his glance that was sent over a shoulder as if to check if you agreed. That was what you wanted more than anything, to travel alongside the man who had saved you from being alone.
Impa, modestly surprised by his action, narrowed her eyes. “Remember that traveling and battling with another adds with it more stress alongside resources. You have much to accomplish still. Having someone, no matter who they may be, might compromise—”
Blue eyes narrowed. She stays with me, they said, if you feel so strongly against my decision than try to take her by force.
This was certainly a shocking turn of events to Impa as she watched your expression of panic melt into one of gratitude. Within your gaze she saw willpower that spoke of determination; the shifting colors within your eyes spoke of how you made internal promises to learn combat and horseback riding, anything if it meant you would remain beside the silent swordsman whose gaze softened ever so slightly when they met yours. Her pipe tapped against the nearby tray, emptying the spent ash, as she huffed. “I can tell when my breath should be spared. Clearly the two of you have your minds made up and if I know the Champion like I do, then nothing is going to change that stubborn head of his.” A smile raised her aged lips when your head tilted and the Hylian stiffened slightly while shifting slightly so he was partially facing you. “Oh, so you didn’t know?” The elder woman’s glee increased when he attempted to divert your attention to the hood you’d returned, fixing it to your shoulders instead of his own. It was clear that he wanted you to discover for yourself just who he was so for now she decided to play his game. “Very well. I’ll have the supplies gathered and then the two of you can head out in the morning.” Her hands rose when receiving both yours and his pointed looks. “Tonight then.” It was then that she excused herself to oversee preparations for your departure, leaving the two of you alone.
Your fingertips rose to brush against the hood’s rim after he ensured it was properly secured courtesy of some small straps and a knot of strings near your collarbone. He was really giving it to you? The briefest of nods confirmed your unvoiced question, his hands lingering upon your form for a second too long for it to be considered innocent, calloused fingers carefully tucking a tress of your hair behind an ear before withdrawing to take up the scabbard which had been resting across his lap.
It was a beautiful weapon, seemingly made of flawless materials and radiating such strength that befitted the swordsman who wielded it. There was something special about it though that seemed different than most. As if it were alive in some way. That was when you extended a hand, asking permission that was granted with a nod, and placed your palm upon the highly polished metal.
So faint it was almost missed a sound filled the air that created sceneries of cloudless skies within both of your minds.
His blue gaze met your own when a shout that preparations were complete courtesy of an old woman elder. Anticipation rose within them the longer they remained locked with your own until you gave a small, assuring smile. Traveling with him was what you wished to do, so long as he would have you, but it would be hard to do so without proper introductions. The swordsman’s breath stalled slightly when your name, and voice, filled his ears. Both were so befitting of you that it left him stunned for a moment. How could such things worthy of ownership by a deity or higher being belong to the young woman who sat before him? Deep within his chest grew a seed that quietly slumbered but grew warm when surrounded by the internal repetitions of your name within his mind. The lids of his eyes closed for a brief moment, as if committing your name and voice to memory, before they rose once more to reveal gem rivaling blue that bore into your own. “Link.”
Calming dusk filled your mind as his voice, though spoken softly, permeated the air with such pure energy that it left near visible aqua and mint colored tendrils. They twisted and danced like the fabled fairies you’d heard tales told of while sitting around campfires with visiting travelers. Yet somehow, beyond the beauty of those translucent aura wisps, your mind was filled with the glittering innards of a precious emerald who bathed the two of you within its calming green hue. Despite the breathtaking sight of fragmented gemstones, your gaze always returned to the faint teal tendrils that danced on wind that neither of you could feel.
So that’s what the elder meant when calling him “Champion”. He was the Hylian who had been chosen to not only be Princess Zelda’s knight but one of the Five Champions of Hyrule selected to fight against the Calamity. Now you could see the heavy shadows of darkness and feel the pressure of expectations that lingered within the fading trails of blue that came close enough for you to touch. You’d heard of stories where nearly a century ago he and the princess had mysteriously disappeared when Calamity Ganon had taken over the castle.
One of your hands rose to gently brush your fingers along a wisp as it approached, ever so gently caressing it with your fingertips, making it seem to tremble while radiating with hesitation. You could feel him there, attempting to surface and fight against the near drowning pressures or expectations thrust upon him, and that was when your palm met his cheek. The skin here was soft, warm, a bit dry from being exposed to the sun’s harsh rays. That was on the outside though. Beneath it you could feel his want to—
“Didn’t you two hear me the first time?” Impa’s call broke the spell.
Both of you blinked as the visage vanished, revealing the room’s decorations and four walls once more. Azure was unable to look away from your gaze as, in unison, the two of you stood. It was as if you had been seeing his very soul just now. He hadn’t felt alarmed, or angry that you were capable of seeing beyond his outer exterior. If anything he looked relieved while offering you his hand once more as he had back in the village. Nearly every person he’d encountered across Hyrule expected him to speak as some fabled hero of legend, which he’d come to accept that he was so-to-speak, whose sole purpose was to serve and protect their princess.
Not you though.
He somehow knew you could see the ancient hero’s green interlaced with his much more blue tinted aura. However you seemed more fascinated and intrigued with the parts that were his alone. As if the person you solely focused upon wasn’t the phantom of a long passed hero but the man in front of you instead.
Your hand slid itself within his offered one, giving it a squeeze. “Teach me?”
If your words surprised him, he didn’t show it. Instead the warrior fixed a look of warning, I will not be an easy teacher and the training will be difficult. He was met by your determined nod followed by the straightening of your spine. Conviction shone brightly within your gaze as it readily met his own. The Master Sword was secured upon his back, it’s rightful place, as his being tilted towards the door. Let’s not dawdle then, his eyes seemed to smile when you quickly fell into step alongside him as he began walking, best not to keep Impa waiting any longer.
Hello, loves! This one was SFW and minor friendly but there will be a future part unfit for those ratings. I will be sure to mark them appropriately! See you next time! -Suntory
Next: Distant Howls
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mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
Champions partaking in some special herbs (Champions x Reader)
A/N: I really hope this cheers someone up.
Champions x reader
Summary: Imagine getting high off your butt with the champions.
Feral goblin energy or slow sweet cuddling night. No in between.
Imagine, the usual goblin energy, but amp it up by 10. Pranks everyone. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
He wont drag you into it since he can't really focus as usual, but you're not to far back laughing with him and helping him out.
There is no stealth aspect to this pranking time of yours. You guys do what you want and people hope they're not on the list.
When he's all soft, he clings on to you like a koala.
you're the softest things he has his hands on so you're not going anywhere, and you don't mind.
when you run your hands through his hair in this state, he melts like ice cream.
Tickle him. I dare you. (He head butts you in retaliation. BY ACCIDENT!)
neck kisses are his favorite when he's like this
Holds you so close and taps your palm three times, a secret little signal for "I love you"
Bath? Bath but make is sensual.
Are you two gonna start making out? In the bath? Maybe. Who knows.
She will absolutely dance with you. She just holds you close and spin with you.
You have never heard her giggle so much, it was so different. It was refreshing. It was something you will never ever forget, or that's what you tell yourself now.
She smells so good. Has she always smelled like flowers?
Becomes more wild in the best way possible.
Gets both of you up to Naboris somehow to go star gazing. Tis lady can be so extra for you if you'll allow it.
"My most beautiful treasure"
She lets herself sink in the water and just vibe.
She becomes like such a blush-y school girl around you.
Wants to make out with you constantly. ope
Please stay in your rooms when you're both high, that's what you learnt.
Cuddles you so much.
nearly cries because she didn't believe you two were a thing at first.
You might accidentally lose her at some point. You wonder around and found her in some shallow water, just vibing.
Stares dreamily up at you.
"Youre the best thing that has happened to me"
You know that picture of a bird laying on their back, legs up? That.
The smile on his face is of pure giddy-ness. Child-like.
He will snuggle you. No doubt. Can't change my mind. He just sits in his hammock with you and rubs his stupid little face on yours.
He chirps!
He will start taking some of the loose feather off of himself and start braiding it into your hair if you have long enough hair.
If you don't, he'll just start putting it on your clothes.
He looks at you like you're made out of starlight.
He lets a lot of his emotions out with you when you two are like this.
He says the "L" word right in front of you without checking if anyone else is around.
Super sassy bird boyfriend and cute giggly partner.
"Please don't ever leave me"
Please be careful!
How did you manage to get him high?
He's not the safest to be around when he's like this, not gonna lie. He's not only strong, but so clumsy now!
He's a hoot to be around now, so much more than before.
He....um... accidentally threw you off a cliff one time. Luckily you were caught. You were also really high so you just laughed it off.
There was a long discussion afterwards when you two came out of it.
He just wants to hold you when he's high as balls.
when he starts to settle down, he just lays on his back staring up as you're cuddled on his chest.
"I'm gonna keep you safe no matter what."
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synopsis: tales of old will always regale the listener with praises and recognition of the feats of esteemed gerudo champion urbosa. but time wears thin on the stories of pivotal companions, and most of them will ultimately leave out one vai, arguably just as important — a warrior, an advisor, a personal guard. most of all… a friend, and yet so much more; the chief’s light in the approaching darkness.
pairing: urbosa x f!gerudo!reader [reader is her personal guard & advisor]
word count: 544
warnings: use of Y/N, urbosa’s mother’s name is azrah, and reader’s mom’s name is isir. also a little bit of my idea of how urbosa’s lightning abilities were first discovered :)
a/n: not yet onto the main storyline! originally I was gonna just dive right in and start with the cutscene of her entrance in age of calamity, but I thought it’d fit together better if there’s a prologue and a little bit of introduction first. and I adore the idea of urbosa’s hair just sticking up all the time as a child bc she hasn’t learnt to fully control her lightning, I think it’d be so cute 💕
anyways, enjoy! <3
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After a whole week of steadily rising temperatures that made even the desert-adapted citizens of Gerudo Town suffer, the scorching sun seemed to have taken mercy on the town. Children played in the streets, and vendors’ loud sales pitches rang through the air.
The Gerudo chieftain stood underneath the minimal shade of a palm tree, her personal guard standing to attention beside her. Their eyes followed the movements of two children, playing together with loud giggles and shouts that could probably be heard even from across town.
“They grow up so fast, don’t they? It feels like only yesterday when they drew their first breaths.” The chief’s tone carried a hint of nostalgia, as if memories from her own childhood were stealing their way into her thoughts.
“It truly does, my lady.”
“I am sure it’ll be no time at all till they’re grown… and then my daughter will take the throne.” The chief paused, shifting her gaze to her daughter’s playmate. “And what of your little one, Isir? You plan on beginning her training when she is of age, and inducting her into the guard?”
“Yes, Lady Azrah. I come from a long line of chiefly guards; it is only natural that I give her the training she needs to prepare her, should she be chosen as the next chief’s personal escort.”
A flash of yellow light caught Azrah’s eye and she looked at the children in surprise. “Isir… did you see that light? What was—”
The guard turned to the girls and alarm flared in her eyes. “Hey! Y/N! Put that down!”
Isir rushed forward to gently pull the small dagger out of her daughter’s hands, the blade glinting in the sunlight as she took it away from the children. Her child pouted, and Azrah’s daughter gave a little whine of protest.
“But Isir! We were playing Guards and Thieves!”
“Urbosa, you can do that without the knife,” Azrah crouched to place her hand on the little vai’s shoulder, unable to stop a smile from forming as she brushed a lock of unruly red hair from her daughter’s forehead. “Now, run along. I’m sure Hefza will give you a voltfruit — but only if you ask nicely.”
Urbosa’s eyes lit up again and she grinned, grabbing Y/N’s hand and turning to rush off into the streets to find the vendor. Azrah watched the children run off, a small frown creasing the space between her eyebrows. She could’ve sworn that she saw… something crackling, wreathing around Urbosa’s fingers. Something that charged the air around the girl and put a metallic taste in Azrah’s mouth. Perhaps there was a reason Urbosa’s hair refused to lay flat for more than five minutes at a time.
The Sage’s gift… could it be? But that would mean—
“My chief, with all due respect, I think those two will drive poor Hefza up the wall. As it is, she’s one of the few vendors who humour them in their little games.”
Azrah laughed at Isir’s wry words, turning to her guard. “We’ll pull them out if — no, when — she tires of being the Thief in their game. Until then… let them play, Isir. Let them be children. These carefree times will desert them sooner than you think.”
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divider credits: @/saradika-graphics
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rito-luvr · 10 months
I just found out that Revali is very similar to a blue jay and it makes so much sense.
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I always wondered if he was inspired by or based off of a blue jay because of the way his feathers lay out on his head and his color as well. The attitude part makes a crap ton of sense too. This would explain why his first instinct was to attack Link when he arrived in Rito Village. Obviously, he probably isn’t literally a blue jay, since the rito are based off of— or are birds of prey. But he does have the traits and aspects of such. He has both the characteristics of a blue jay, AND a bird of prey.
This is honestly so cool to think about. I’ve always had an odd fascination with birds so it’d explain my fascination with the Rito too lol
Screenshot is from @tnc-n3cl ‘s post on Rito Biology. Super fkn cool if I do say so myself.
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nightttoon · 6 months
Who fell first/who fell harder? Love language Pet names
You fell first, but she fell harder. She has Sidon already, so it took time to accept your feelings. But if you fell for both of them it makes everything easier! She adores you and Sidon so much!
Her love language is physical touches. She gives you the warmest hugs and sweetest kisses! And if it's Sidon x Yona x you, your days will be full of physical affection from both zora. You better be ready :) She also loves to give you cute little things she found, bought or made. (Like necklaces, corals, shells and everything she finds beautiful! Maybe something to remind you of her)
I guess pet names are.... "Dear, sweetie, love, pearl, my sunshine"
She fell first, but you fell harder. Gerudo shief is so deep in love, so she is all around you. I bet she taught you how to deal with Sand seals.
Her love language is gift giving. She probably bought you every jewelry from Gerudo's masterpieces and everything you looked at in the shop. She will definitely try to master the hobbies that you love so that you can do it together!
Most of time she calls you by affectionate form of your name. But she also can use "Darling, cutie, sweet one, cupcake"
You fell first and you fell harder. This strong, independent lady will fall for you with time, but then she does.... My god. You can't get enough of her love.
Her love language is quality time. She will spend all her time with you. Sweet talks and a lot of shared interests are here! She will be interested in things you like just as much as she would like to show you what she is mad about.
Pet names she uses can change depending on her mood and situation. But her personal favorite ones are "sugarplum, beautiful, precious, lovebug" Maybe she will call you "kitten" at times.
She fell first and she fell harder. No doubt about that. Poor princess can't handle with herself, then you are around. She is so shy about her feelings, so you will know about them from her father or if you confess first.
Her love language is quality time. She will learn about everything you like, so you had things to talk about. You will do a lot of little things together, like hand crafts, swimming together, gazing at stars at night from top of domain. She will teach you about holidays, traditions, courtship of Zora if you are interested.
Pet names are "Cutie pie, sweetheart, muffin, sweetie, my hero" And yeah, I am sure about last one. She wants you to feel strong even if she is champion here :)
Part with male characters is here!
Requests are open! Write me if you wish to make one!
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mairynz · 7 months
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pirate revali
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imababblekat · 2 years
Botw Characters X Sick Reader: HC’s
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Anon; “ Hello, I was wonder If you could write about how Sidon, Link, and Revali would react to their crush getting sick. Thank you in advance, have a great day, and don’t forget to drink some water!”
probably the most notably worried out of the three
if Sidon's not there when his s/o is announced ill, then you best bet he'll be rushing his way to their side the second he's done with his royal duties
while his excessive worry is a little irritating to the healers as they try to do their job, they also have to admit how sweet it is that he cares so deeply for his s/o
they'll teach him ways to help take care of his s/o, such as helping them sit up to drink or eat, or when to replace a damp towel with a new one
his s/o promises him its just the flu or something similarly minor, but Sidon can't help to refuse to leave them be
seeing them with such exhausted eyes, disheveled appearance and hearing the raspiness in their voice breaks his heart
whether its a simple cold, or Hylia forbid, something worse, Sidon hates seeing his s/o in such array and only wishes for them to feel better as soon as possible
he knows he's probably being overly concerned, but he feels it's his duty as their partner to do his best to get them back to tip top shape
and if that means having to deal with Muzu's reprimanding for skipping a few meetings that he truly doesn't even need to be at, then so be it
Link's level of worry depends on the severity of the illness; if it's something serious it'll show on his face and he'll do everything in his power to help his s/o heal
but if it's something such as the common cold, then he'll feel more bad for his s/o then worried as he does what he can to help them get through it
Link doesn't get sick often, but when he does it's no vacation, so he knows that his s/o isn't exactly having the best time of their lives either
he'll go out to forage for shrooms and herbs to help with the fever, cough, you name it, but he's never gone for too long
Link's also very careful to not get himself sick in the process of taking care of his s/o; it's not that he's scared of their germs or anything, he just doesn't want this to be a back and forth thing where they keep getting the other sick
if he's got the time, he'll constantly wash the blankets and towels and whatever else has been used to help his s/o get better, and he also knows how nice it is to always have a fresh set of something when you don't feel so hot
if Link ever has to go out on a mission he can't avoid while his s/o is sick, he'll ask someone he truly trust such as Zelda to look after them until he returns
once he does return, Link is quick to getting back to healing his sick s/o, so that way once they feel better he can make them their favorite food with lots of love
this guy comes off as ass about his s/o being sick at that start
he's still not quite used to helping others out in such a way, so when his s/o first comes down with a cold, he's very unsure with how to help
he'll make comments about how being a Rito, his immune system is superior to that of a Hylians so he's never had any need to know how to take care of someone who's "grossly ill"
his s/o just rolls there eyes and makes the decision that, fine, they'll take care of themselves
the second they try to do anything and almost crash to the floor in exhaustion, Revali instantly feels bad and kicks his pride to the curb to actually help his s/o out
will actually go out of his way to learn what treatments work for Hylians, and does his best to get them right
he'll wordlessly offer them something like soup, and his s/o has to refrain from teasing him about how sweet he's being and how they should be sick more often
in truth, they know that Revali cares and it's just that this is new territory for him as well as that the Rito Champion has always shown affection through the form of action rather than words
whether it's Revali placing a cool rag on their forehead or checking in on them when he thinks they're sleeping, his s/o greatly appreciates his effort in taking care of them, and will absolutely tell him this endearingly once they're better
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yandereunsolved · 19 days
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✧ ˗ˏˋ Yandere Urbosa ´ˎ˗ ✧
"Those bastard Yiga dared to touch you earlier. I can't believe it. They are getting more daring by the day!"
"Yeah. Thank you, Urbosa. I would have been greatly harmed if not for you."
Truthfully, you would have been killed without her. You only wished to minimize it because of her possessive history. She is a talented woman, the chieftain of the Gerudo. Any creature would be blessed to have her affection. It isn't that you are unappreciative of them; you're just overwhelmed.
"You are correct. You should be more careful, darling. You aren't nearly proficient enough with your weapons."
Your body always managed to flush when she spoke of your combat abilities. She always made a spectacle of privately training with her. She always made sure you knew that she outclassed you in both strength and technique. It's almost as if she enjoyed pining you against the sandstone and teasing you. You didn't want to think about it any longer. It would only made your red tint more noticeable.
"I can fight pretty well."
"We can test those 'skills' of yours another day. You need to rest first. I'm taking the rest of the day off to make sure you stay safe."
"It's not—"
She cut you off with a kiss that left your lips bruised and your body tingling.
"It isn't what? Hmm~?"
"Never mind."
"You're so cute when you look like this, all vulnerable and flustered. It just makes me want to keep you in my room forever. Just you and me. Always."
( @sunset-peril )
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