#but anyway after the morning routines and mama duties i will be here to continue replying to things
rhaegxr · 9 months
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Rhaegar on his way to sneak out and serenade the smallfolk Rhaegar on his way to Summerhall to brood with ghosts Rhaegar on his way to have a clandestine meeting with a she-wolf
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Hi all! Here is the next Installment of the little au pair Harry ditty inspired by @papiermachecat, thanks to @chasm2018 for the brainstorming sessions, @emulateharry for the read through, and @dirtystyles and @bleedinglove4h for being my people!
To Be So Lonely
Home Not Alone
"Shhhhh," Victoria told the door as it clicked behind her; she hoped she suppressed her pointed exhalation enough. These were difficult nights, the ones where she thought she'd make it just in time for the twins bedtime, but missed it by just enough to be a distraction. It had been happening more than she'd liked the last month, being late for the routine.
The routine that Harry created with them. Not her.
Was it normal to be jealous of your nanny? Manny?
That was weird, her face screwed up at that. That word didn't need to be gendered.
"Your face might stick like that." The softly accented voice was her third favorite thing to hear when she came into her apartment. After Mateo and Maribel giggling together, the ding of whatever food Harry had ready for her, and way above her kids calling him 'Awwy'. Partially because it was annoying that they said it wrong. Mostly, because it came not long after mama and was said more often. Not that she was keeping count.
Her eyes had closed while she grimaced over her loud entrance. She blinked open and noticed the slight bags under Harry's eyes. She should send him to bed. Mateo had been on a very early kick, which meant she got to see him first thing, but also, that he was very cranky by 7 pm but had to be kept up for an extra half hour to stay on schedule. That half hour felt really, really long. And she only had to do it last Sunday, when the new pattern emerged. Then the work week had come and Harry had taken over. It was Thursday now. That was lots of tiring nights.
Plus the twins had tarted crawling. They moved faster than a two legged creature on four legs should be able to. They also tended to go in separate directions straight into harm's way. Victoria had decided to call a baby proofer this weekend, though Harry claimed to be certified. He didn't have the time.
Who certified baby proofers?
Her hand mopped the hair that had fallen over her forehead. Her weighted lids seemed heavy to open. She was tired too, her wandering mind proof. Victoria finally convinced her eyes to open, it took all her strength. Speaking of baby proofing, the coffee table had been moved again, so they didn't get stuck under it she'd been informed. Maribel had done it right before afternoon nap not too long ago, and she couldn't push up all the way under the mid century design, it had pushed her to her belly, and Victoria figured she had flashbacks to all the tummy time Harry instituted. The fit had been epic, he'd sent her videos. She wondered if Harry rued his tummy time emphasis in that moment. It was responsible for her early crawlers and their baby frustrations, which Harry bore the brunt of. She should buy him ear plugs.
She should get rid of the coffee table. If they started pulling up on that, and god forbid walking into it, she imagined hospital trips, even if it was pushed against the wall. She had a mental flash of someone losing an eye. Coffee tables were useless anyway. When she had a mug, it was in her hands. She'd never wanted it anyway. Her mom had insisted she had one; Victoria had wanted an ottoman.
"They busy today?" She pushed off the wall and walked to the kitchen. Her plate was in the microwave, since it wasn't next to his on the breakfast bar where it was when she made it home in a timely fashion. He waited if he could help it, so they had an excuse to not eat standing up in the kitchen. It was later than she thought, kids should definitely be sleeping well by now. Then why was he whispering?
He answered her raised eyebrow.
"Yeah," he huffed and sat across from her at the breakfast bar. "Bell was really fussy at morning nap, kinda kept Mateo awake, but then he returned the favor later. He was out by 7, but Maribel was unsettled I'd really just got her down when I heard the door click."
"I'm so tempted to wake them both up at the same time tonight." Victoria cut into the chicken. "You stuffed it? How'd you find the time?"
"I got it premade." She nodded. He continued. "I don't see why you dont. Seems like a solid choice with two babies. To change all the nappies and such at the same time?"
"I guess I can't get my mom's 'no molestate, tienen suenos' out of my head." She looked up and immediately started translating.
"I get the gist," he had a nice laugh. Harry was pleasant all together. "But, due respect," clearly tip-toeing over what he thought were dropped eggs. "your mom never had twins." She laughed and it brought out the dimples. She always had a soft spot for those. They inspired trust in her mind. It had gotten her in trouble with clients, because she'd assumed honesty. She assumed nothing these days, but she had trusted Harry and his dependable face straightaway.
He stretched and his sweatshirt lifted to show one of the tatttoos she'd not discovered he had until he rolled up his sleeves to do dishes one day. One day she'd have energy to ask about them. She'd even missed the hand tattoo at the first meeting. She must have been in dire straits. Right now she was too tired to even think about the leaves?
She could sleep standing up at the moment, entirely too tired. Oh, his eyebrows were a question mark.
"She did not, and I should have ignored her benediction months ago. They wake up much less now, and for shorter periods of time." Her forehead felt tight. She should wash up.
"Do you want a glass of wine?" His question interrupted the mental argument she was having with herself about washing her face and doing skincare before laying down on her bed. She'd recently got a new mattress, and it was, frankly, the best thing in the world. But, she passed out the minute she laid down. She had to go do the motions first. Definitely.
Wait, he'd asked her a question. Wine, at this time of night, by herself?
Her question must have been on her face.
"You just look like court was rough. You've been later the last few weeks. It'll relax your temples, drop your shoulders," her deltoids came down at his mention. "And, it may ease you to sleep?"
"New mattress does the work." Victoria exhaled.
"Yeah, I noticed today." He said nonchalantly.
Her brow knit. "You were in my bed?" He never gave her sketch vibes. Weird, that's why you couldn't trust dimples.
His already big eyes were huge, "yeahs sorry! weird,I know. I was super desperate with Mateo, that tooth is really bugging him. and they were keeping each other up, so I separated them. I had to grab wipes from in there, and it...damn. I really have no good explanation." He shrugged. "It looked really inviting."
She laughed. It did, that was purposeful. So she would stay there when her insomnia kicked in or when the babies woke up. Made it was easy to wait the 10 minutes to see if they settled themselves. Slowly stretching that time out would be easier and easier in the sanctuary she'd made the bed a centerpiece of.
He relaxed, "Whew, thought I may lose my job."
"Unemployment sucks, no worries, you're safe."
"I mean, yeah, but I'd miss the twins, and..." He shook his head. He'd need to find a place and he'd be out a job, those were good reasons, but less sweet and more obvious than Harry tended to be. "Anyway, glass of wine?"
What exactly was he offering? With him in the kitchen, or a sad drink in her bed alone? Victoria wasn't sure which. She thought he may have offered her wine last week too. This case must be killing her if her nanny was worried about her.
Should only be a bit longer. She hoped.
"No, but thanks, really Harry. But I think we may both do better with sleep." She smiled
"Another time then." his voice was thin over the distance. She heard it as she headed to her bedchamber.
She clicked on her monitor, though she'd given Harry the farther room, so she could hear the babies through the wall. It made it easier to tell if they were really awake of just stirring. Harry didn't need the monitor or proximity during the day. She let him sleep at night. He didn't make breast milk, and needed the sleep to chase them all day.
She drifted to sleep with the taste of wine in her mouth and a pleasant new smell in her nostrils
"Vee!" He tried to keep his voice level, and he'd already resorted to a new level of desperate with the voicemail. Who listened to voicemail these days? No one. Except Vee. "Give me a call soon as you get this!"
Actually, she talked on the phone more than any person he knew. Usually, it was for work, or to her mom. But she seemed to talk to old friends from college and Texas, which she referred to like it was a time in her life instead of a place, on the regular.
Her mom, she talked to her mom several times a day he had noticed, usually in Spanish so rapid fire he couldn't even catch the words he knew. Though he really only knew pidgeon French.
He liked hearing her Spanish better, he thought maybe he should learn it, so he could talk to the twins in it.
Without discussing it, they had split up language duties. Victoria only spoke to them in Spanish, he took English. But he was with them when they were awake more.
He knew she secretly hated that, the only times she'd ever really mentioned it, her long hours away, it had to do with Spanish, and how she wished she had more than nights and weekends to teach them.
She wished she had more than nights and weekends with them. He could tell her career had been her baby before the babies. Now she was stuck in the middle, walking a fine line between her own ambition and her desire.
He should help with the Spanish, may kill some mom guilt. If he learned to help her. Or would it induce more? Women were complicated.
But, mental workout over, she talked on the phone, so he was hoping she'd see he called, which he never did, and know to call back.
He was thinking he needed to take Maribel to the emergency room. She'd been a little warm when she woke up, late, and then she just got hotter.
Then she was puking. Mateo seemed to sense he needed to be an angel that day and did just that. He was spinning away in his play saucer while Harry frantically walked his sister while she cried. She had thrown her water on the floor every time he tried to get her to sip on it, and the look she'd given the popsicle, he was surprised it stayed frozen. Wow! Fireball.
He loved it! Except when he had to parent it. Help parent it.
He wondered if Vee looked like that in court?
The popsicle cooled him down, he wished Maribel would try it.
Should he call again? Just bundle the kids into the car? He had all of the things, the insurance and the affidavit, and car seats put in correctly. Except, he felt like if Vee came home to an empty house she would freak.
"Harry?" She sounded distracted, maybe just that bit worried. That shade of gray her voice got "Everything ok?"
"Um, well, yes and no. Maribel has a temp of 103,—"
"Oh my god! Is she ok?"
"She's weepy and tired and she's thrown up a few times-"
"I'm coming home."
"Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea." He heard 'oh my god' and shuffling paper in her background. "But I think we should meet is at the urgent care on Washington? Her fever isn't responding to meds." He tried to keep the worry out of his voice. He wouldn't be concerned, kids got fevers all the time, but for that. The baby had taken the medicine, begrudgingly, over an hour ago, and she was still getting hotter. But, that was a detail he could share with Vee later, after, when everybody was ok. She'd freak out even more that she was about to. And then be consumed with extra guilt, and he didn't want her to feel like that.
He could hear the ding of an elevator.
"I might lose you, I'll call you back."
"I've got to get out of the house—"
"Oh, ok, just text me if you-"
"I'll call you from the car?"
He liked that she sighed in relief. "Please."
"Of course." He went to hang up, but first said "She's gonna be fine, kids get sick all the time."
"How do you know?" Oh, the lawyer voice, he may have overstepped. "You don't have kids."
"Ouch," slipped out and he heard her suck in a breath. "I don't, but I love yours, and this isn't my first nanny gig." He chose not to remind her that he had more experience with kids, on paper, than she did. She hung up then after a soft "yeah."
He frowned, he hadn't meant to incite the lioness. He worried about it for almost an hour while he tried to keep both kids from touching anything in the emergency room.
Her cheeks were flushed when she rushed in the door that opened like theater curtains. He had only seen that color the first week she had insisted on taking running back up. It was like a month in to him working for her. She walked out the door confidently.
"Take it easy, yeah? Your body's been through something," he had suggested gently.
"Pfft, I ran until they induced me." She may have rolled her eyes.
Then she came in like a hurricane popping back over the ocean to get more moisture to dump over a neighboring city. She drank water like it too.
He did not say 'I told you so', he did not need to.
"If you mention going easy, so help me..." She said between her second and third glasses.
He zipped his lips and picked up Mateo. He must need a diaper change by now. Then he had told the little guy how lovely and silly his mum was.
This was a less amusing flush to her cheeks.
Shit! She might have run here.
"Fucking Uber driver." She cursed and he laughed and jokingly covered Maribel's ears. Well he hovered his hands over her ears, she'd fallen asleep. It wasn't restful, but he was not going to disrupt the dribble she had started leaving on his shoulder. Mateo sat on a blanket at his feet. Harry had bracketed it with his legs to keep him within its lines. Luckily, Teo was very interested in the shape sorter that had delighted countless generations, because that floor was infectious. Harry was doing his best to keep the boy off of it.
"What happened with the driver?" He was still chuckling. Her ire was his favorite. Well, after her delight at the babies.
"I told him how I wanted to go, but he said 'Waze and driving all the time say this way.'" And I said, "Fuck waze, I used to walk this in college and this road backs up horribly in the next twenty minutes."
"Did he listen?" He knew the answer, he just wanted her to tell him.
"No! The Puto!" She sat next to him and tucked Mateo's chin and silhouetted Maribel's curls. She exhaled a little bit then. But fussed a little bit more, now for the sake of story telling rather than real frustrations. "And he messed up my rating!"
"Did you cuss at him a lot?" He already knew that answer too.
"Of course! Because I was right and he needed to say it." He knew he was grinning. The little smile that started backwards, with her eyes before it spread to her mouth, when she caught his amusement told him so.
"De la Rosa?" The triage nurse called. And both of their heads swiveled like a meerkat on the plain.
"But, I suppose it was better to wait in traffic than here. I saved myself some drool and energy, sticking you with the babies." She slapped a smile on her face.
"Wasn't" he caught her eye to say.
"I know." And she picked up Mateo and scooped the four corners of the blanket while blazing the trail to the curtained room they were in until 3am.
"This is weird, yeah?" He asked.
"Listen Goldilocks, you've already been sleeping in my bed, don't act like you're not excited." She must be punch drunk to be teasing him about their kitchen conversation. 4:00 was an ungodly hour by any rights, especially at a pharmacy where the workers are half asleep. Seeing the wrong side of 5 made you desperate, which explained their current arrangement.
Their bodies had formed brackets around Maribel like she was the primary number in their equation. She was. And Mateo. He'd never have been here but for her needing a bit of help with the twins. Maribel had napped on and off during their time at the emergency room. She'd been sleeping best on his or Vee's chest. He'd had to dislodge her from her mum to place her in her car seat. It did not go over well. Maribel had favored them with her best high notes the whole drive home. So Mateo was awake as well. He was easy enough to get down, they just had to get home.
Their steps were slow. He had Teo and she had Mari, it was easy enough to keep the division. They wordlessly agreed to keep them separate. He followed her down the hallway after carelessly leaving everything but the babies and the medicine in the living room.
"Vee." He whispered and motioned with his head to his awkwardly extended hand. She nodded, took the step closer to retrieve the paper packet before leaving him to it at the nursery door.
Teo was tired and Harry only had to dance him a bit before he lay him down.
Harry pressed his hand to the sweet tummy for just a few minutes for good measure, but he was out like a popped bulb.
Harry could hear the fussing as soon as he left the nursery door frame, the closing a soft snick behind him. Maribel was still awake and so overtired her cry was more a pathetic whimper. Or maybe that was Vee's soothing sounds.
"I remember when I used to stay up for 24 hours on purpose!" She whispered when he came near enough to hear. "Do you ever mourn all of the sleep you gave up before?"
"Think I'm still too close to the staying up on purpose phase."
"Ah, I forget how young you are." She pursed her lips and it threw the lines of her face into stark relief in the morning light sneaking through her blinds.
"Hey, I turn 30 soon."
"Oh yes, so grown up." She smiled sleepily and the expression highlighted the 10 years she had on him.
"Let me take her. You worked all day yesterday." He could feel the bleeding heart in his eyes.
"So did you." She reminded him.
"Yeah, but I just had to make two wonderful babes smile and keep them clean and fed. You fought for someone along with the patriarchy."
"The patriarchy?"
He shrugged and shifted the baby over. She let him. "I just imagine you as the only woman standing in the courtroom."
She blinked. "I'm not always." She started rubbing Maribel's back, and the baby's whimper ceased.
"But often enough," he whispered. They looked at each, their eyes going wide moments later when they realized the baby was sleeping. Vee carefully removed her hand and Mari stirred, mewled.
Harry motioned with his chin and she replaced her hand. They stood breathless, rocking in the same slow rhythm for long moments.
"I think she's really out." Vee said after 15 min. "But I'm afraid for you to lay her down."
"I'll lay down with you guys at first?" He raised his brow.
"Yeah, yeah, ok." He could see her desperation, the call of sleep.
"I'll leave soon as I can. You need sleep."
"So do you." She cocked her head to the side.
He ninjaed his way down to the bed and was thankful he'd gone down to his tee shirt and had worn trousers. He hadn't slept in Jeans since undergrad, he was unwilling to take the habit back up. Maribel moved a bit, but she curled her little body into him and got hold of his earlobe like she did when her sleep was gonna get deep.
"She's got my ear." Harry whispered. They'd found it disrupted her when you dislodged her hold.
Vee tightened her face. "Damn, she's got my pinky." She used to do that to Mateo when they shared a blanket. When he rolled away, she always woke up. It occurred to Harry that Maribel was not a good sleeper, now he was tired enough to be grumpy about it. "I think you're stuck here." Vee opened her big brown eyes and looked up at him from her drowsy lashes.
"Yeah, looks like." He tried to inject some regret in his voice.
And that was how they found themselves forming a cocoon around the sprawled out baby whispering across a shared pillow.
"Can you pull more blanket from the side of the bed? I want to pull it down away from her face, but my shoulders are cold." She sighed with closed lids. "I already feel guilty enough she sleeps on her tummy."
"She started that as soon as she could roll over. And we both got more sleep for it." He adjusted the blanket.
"I know," trickled out slowly. "But it makes me worry."
"I know." He brushed her hair off her face where it had fallen before he could catch himself. Her eyes dragged open. "Vee," he caught her ear lobe between his fingers. "Stop worrying, go to sleep."
"Yeah, yeah, stop worrying, he says." She chuckled and he slid his errant touch away without mention. "But sleep, I can do."
Harry woke up hours later. The sun was using all its cold power to push through the wooden slats. The day would be freezing with that amount of sunshine. That had been a news flash when he'd moved here. Sun like that in the winter equaled brr. But his circadian rhythm insisted he also rise and shine.
He didn't want to wake either female in the bed. Maribel had released his earlobe in her rustling, so he was clear there. But the anchor was stronger in the hand laced with his.
Harry was sad to let it go, but he looked back from the door and congratulated himself on not disturbing them. The warmth of his hand, that was anything but upsetting as he set about checking on Teo and cooking breakfast.
It may be cold outside, but they were snug in here.
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Wingman - Part 4
I have six parts written and I feel like I still haven’t finished. Oh, well. ^^
You can read the first three parts here. Please mind the tags on Ao3.
After that night, sleeping together quickly became the norm. The first few nights they hemmed and hawed, both equally nervous about asking for it. But, somehow, they still always ended up in each other’s arms. After a week, it became routine. The first one to go to bed always retired to the other one’s bed in a silent admission of ‘yes, I want to sleep next to you tonight’.
It often took Rhett a while to fall asleep. He’d lose himself in the enjoyment of Link. The warmth of his body, the fall and rise of his chest, the little murmurs he made in his sleep. Rhett tried to make out what he was saying, secretly hoping to hear his name. He kept hoping that Link was dreaming about him. That in Link’s dream world they were doing more than sleeping next to each other. And when he did fall asleep, he dreamt of Link. He dreamt of touching Link, the quiet sighs and whines he could bring worth with his hands and mouth. He dreamt of Link on top of him. He dreamt of them joining in ways he’d never before imagined. If Link hadn’t been such a heavy sleeper, there were many nights he could have heard Rhett moan his name into the darkness.
Months rolled by. Link didn’t seem interested in dating anymore. Rhett tried half-heartedly to encourage him. He told him not all guys were like that, that he’d just had bad luck with man bun. Link just waved his hand annoyedly and told Rhett to leave it alone. He’d date again when he felt like it. Secretly, Rhett was glad. He hated himself for that. In November, Link asked Rhett if they were going home for Christmas. The way he phrased it made Rhett’s chest fill with warmth. “Are WE going?” Like they either went together or not at all. Things were still a bit tense between Link and his family but they agreed that it would still do them good to spend time with the relatives.
They drove in together, listening to music and playing stupid road trip games. Rhett dropped Link off at his childhood home and continued to his own. It was good to be home. It was good to hug his mother and get a firm handshake from his father. It was good to sit at the dining table and let Mama Di spoil him. It was good to see his brother and talk about the time passing, to marvel the fact they were grown ups, making their mother laugh at the thought. It was good be in his old room, smell the scents of home and hear the murmurs of his parents downstairs.  
But when he got to bed, the good feeling vanished. His bed was cold and empty. He’d grown so used to Link’s body pressed against his at night, that he had trouble falling asleep. After an hour of anxiously rolling around in his sheets, he relented and called Link. Just hearing his voice instantly warmed him again. Rhett fleetingly remembered the adage of how absence makes the heart grow fonder. It had only been a few hours since he saw Link, but it surprised Rhett how true it felt. They talked like before college, reverting back to their teenage selves, giggling and teasing each other, staying up too late. They fell asleep one after the other while the line was still open.  
On the last day before driving back, Link came for dinner. Rhett was buzzing the whole morning, full of anxious energy. His mother finally had enough of his antics and ordered him to laundry duty, just so she could get a break from all the tomfoolery. Rhett was sitting on the floor of the utility room folding clothes when he heard the door. Link’s voice drifted in. Rhett felt his body tug towards him. He refused to get up. Don’t be desperate, he told himself. Link greeted his father and talked with Rhett’s mom for what seemed like ages. Rhett’s foot was shaking nervously. Finally, the door creaked open and Link peeked in.
“Here you are.”
“Hey, Link,” Rhett fought to keep his voice steady, fought against the need to throw his body against Link’s. He couldn’t help the smile, though. It lit up his face and Link answered in kind with that crooked smile of his and sat in front of Rhett.
“Can I help?”
“I know how much you like pairing socks, so this might just be my Christmas present to you,” Rhett laughed. Link grimaced at him but got to work anyway. They sat in comfortable silence. There was no need to exchange pleasantries, no need to tell about how their holidays had went. They’d been on the phone every night. Just the presence of Link made Rhett’s heart sing. He got lost in his thoughts. After college, they could get a place together. It would be smart and economical. Two bedrooms of course. They’d get jobs and drive to work together. Maybe if they worked close enough, they could get lunch together. They could spend the nights together, watching movies or hiking or going to bars or anything they’d like. Is it so wrong, Rhett thought, that I want to share my life with him?
“Hello, Rhett? Your mom is calling for us.” Link’s voice brought Rhett back to reality.
“Oh, sorry. Got lost in my head,” Rhett said, smiling sheepishly.
“What were you thinking about?” Link looked interested. Rhett shrugged trying to hide his blush.
“You know. The future.”
After dinner, they sat in Rhett’s room. Link settled on the bed and Rhett sat on the floor next to his old boombox, playing tapes they’d made as kids. They were listening to a classic Merle song, both in reverent silence. Link had turned on his back and was staring at the ceiling. When the song ended, he sighed. Rhett started to look for a certain tape.  
“You know this is where we slept together the first time.”
Rhett’s head snapped up. Link laughed awkwardly and hastily continued.
“I mean. Ha! I meant...You know, sleepovers.”
“Mm-hmm. The first sleepover was at your place,” Rhett reminded, cursing his need to be a stickler for details.
“Yeah, but you slept on the floor. We usually just slept on the floor. This is where we slept in the same bed.” Suddenly, Link seemed uncomfortable. He got up with a jump and walked to Rhett’s desk, where he started to fiddle with his pens and markers.
“I remember,” Rhett said quietly. They’d been teenagers. There had been a thunderstorm. Rhett had gotten so annoyed at Link’s yelps and whimpers that he’d invited him to the bed with him. They’d both been so self-conscious and awkward. It amused Rhett, compared to the way they slept nowadays, wrapped around each other, completely relaxed.
“That’s when I knew.”
“Knew what?” Rhett asked still rifling through his tapes.
“That I was gay.”
The air in the room stood still. Rhett’s hand stopped mid-move and his heart hammered on with a pace of a race horse. It seemed that Link had stopped breathing. He was motionless too, waiting for Rhett’s reactions. But Rhett’s brain had stopped working. All he could think about was Link. It was like a strobe light in his head, a pulse in his veins: linklinklinklinklinklink. What felt like thousands of years, Link drew a sharp breath and whispered:
“It’s okay, Rhett. Whatever. I need to go.”
The door had already closed behind Link when Rhett got his faculties back. He scrambled up and pulled the door open.
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kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Daddy Duty
Next Chapter >>
A/N: You know I rarely start a story without a note to y’all. Daddy Duty was originally a short drabble that wanted to make into a slightly longer fic. The first draft was 4,000 plus words. I wasn’t even halfway done. So, it’ll be split into a series because you know I love a good series. Here’s part one. I figured, what better way to celebrate my birthday than with a little fluff. The rest of the series should be out tomorrow. Good night and thank you to everyone that sent me birthday wishes. All of you are amazing. And even if you didn’t, you’re still amazing. I’ll shut up now. 
Word Count: 2,150
Warnings: Cursing. 
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Your body bounced up and down, one breast free from your button up and bra, as you walked around your bedroom looking for your shoes. The second go at motherhood taught you that a child feeding from your breast didn’t stop you from completing daily activities. In five months, you’d learned to cook, clean and complete simple hygiene tasks with your son attached to you.
“Slow down, Noah,” you giggled at your baby boy. “Mommy has plenty to share.”
“Good, ‘cause I got next.” Chadwick’s long arms wrapped around your waist to pull you against his chest. His chin dropped to rest in the space between your shoulder and neck to observe his son.
“You hear Daddy being silly,” you cooed, catching a glimpse of a smirk from Noah. “Daddy’s a baby, too.”
“I’m not being silly; I'm serious. He’s gotta learn to share one day.”
“The milk is for him,” you scoffed, accepting his kiss on your cheek before he moved to sit on his side of the bed.
“I don’t want the milk. I want the titty. I miss it.”
“You just had one in your mouth last night before you went to bed.”
“Is this not a whole new day,” his smile grew at the memory of burying his face in your chest as much as you would let him the night before. You rolled your eyes in response.
“Alright, AJ, that’s enough. You’re just eating because it’s there, not because you’re still hungry.”
Noah’s small whine was nearly enough to change your mind and allow him to feed for as long as he wanted but, you remained strong. Chadwick offered his assistance by motioning you over and grabbing his son from your arms.
“Mama’s gotta go, son. She’s leaving us to fend for ourselves.”
“Don’t tell him that,” you exclaimed while hitting him in the back of the head with a pillow. “I’m only gonna be away for the day, and I already feel bad about it.”
Despite your reluctance and initial decline, you agreed to help Yvonne with an event she was planning. After leaving your position with the Sparks to focus on your family, the opportunities to work on your terms came rushing in. The Lakers and Clippers were still in negotiations with your representatives to bring you in as a special consultant, and Yvonne frequently used you for your clerical skills when you had a free moment. You assumed being a stay at home mom would be enough to fulfill you but, you still felt the tug to work outside of your home.
“Aww come here, baby,” Chadwick shifted Noah to one arm to make room on his lap for you. With a pout, you slid into the open space and rested your head on his bare shoulder. His kisses to you hair and forehead worked double time to cure your worry and guilt. “You don’t need to feel bad. You’ve been taking care of two kids non-stop for five months. It’s okay for you to go out and work for a day.”
“Yeah but, my babies. Who’s gonna take care of my babies?” You knew full well what you were doing. Looking up at Chadwick’s frown made you giggle in satisfaction.
“Haha, my wife is so funny. Get off me,” he joked, helping you stand to your feet. “I’m on Daddy Duty today so, you know we gon’ be alright. Nothing but candy and cartoons all day. Right, CoCo Jr.?”
Noah smiled a gummy response to his father’s playfulness, not completely understanding what was happening around him. His golden brown skin, just a few shades lighter than his father’s, matched your’s to a “T.” His brown eyes and button nose looked copied and pasted from your face to his and resized to fit a baby’s proportions. You prayed for a baby that resembled you in some way, and God blessed you with a twin of your own. But, only in physical appearance. Noah’s laugh was boisterous like his father’s, and their facial expressions often mirrored each other’s. While you had your personality twin in Micah, Noah was Chadwick through and through.
“So that means you’ll be calling me to complain by 12:30?”
“You’re acting like you won’t be calling to check in by then anyway.”
“Oh no, sir,” you hands extended retrieve Noah as you walked through the threshold of the bedroom into the hallway. “I won’t be calling. You, on the other hand, have a monster that needs to be awake.”
Chadwick followed your head motions to Micah’s room and groaned. He’d forgotten about how his precious little girl could act in the morning. Usually, he’d let her sleep in on the weekends, but she had a ballet class that she needed to get ready for. Fixing his facial expression, he turned his head to you and flashed his bedroom eyes.
“Can you do it, baby? You’re so beautiful and loving. Did I mention smart? And your cooking-”
“Nuh uh, you’re on Daddy Duty right? Task number one is showing me you can handle the monster you created. Move along. She’s gotta be dressed before I leave.”
“And when do you leave?”
“Ummm,” you took a look at the Piaget watch on your wrist to judge the time. “In about...thirty minutes.”
“Thirty minutes!? It’s gon’ take ten to get her awake!”
“Then you better hurry. This is test number one.”
You giggles as Chadwick turned on his heels to start the dreaded trek to his twin’s room. Micah was a well-documented morning grump. It was a daily battle to get her up and ready for school, one that you had perfected, but not without your share of mishaps. If Chadwick was going to succeed, he would need to shed his sweet parent persona and put his foot down.
“You wanna see Daddy try and wake up your big sissy? You think he can do it,” You asked Noah, receiving a spitty gurgle in response. “That’s what I said. No chance.”
Stepping closer to the door, you could hear the battle getting off to a shaky start. Chadwick had managed to pull Micah into his lap, but her body stretched across his arms like a wet towel as he tried to get her to respond to his pleas for her to wake up.
“C’mon, Princess. Daddy really needs to get you dressed before Mommy leaves so she can make you breakfast. You want french toast, don’t you?”
“Nuh uh,” she huffed, clamping her eyes shut and crossing her arms.
“Micah, don’t do that. I promise it won’t even take that long. Your hair is already pretty, and you took a bath before bed last night. All you have to is put on your outfit, brush your teeth and wash your face.”
“I don’t wanna.”
“Micah Noelle,” your voice started both father and daughter as you stepped further into the room. Micah’s head popped up immediately, knowing the tone you were using only led to two possible destinations: getting dressed or getting spanked. “Get up and get dressed, now. We will not tell you again.”
The lanky child quickly shimmied from her father’s lap to shuffle out of the room and into the bathroom down the hallway. You gave Chadwick an amused look and shook your head.
“Tip number one: don’t give her an option. You can’t always be the nice guy, baby. She’s stubborn.”
“Sound like someone else I know.”
“Yeah, but you’re getting better. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
He couldn’t help but smile at the way you flipped his insult back to him. While he chaperoned Micah’s morning routine, you made use of your extra time to finish breakfast for the house. With Noah in the baby carrier against your chest, you maneuvered around the kitchen preparing french toast and fruit for everyone with teeth. Quick feet rushing down the stairs did little to prepare you for the brown body speeding into the kitchen and crashing against your legs.
“I see my diva is finally dressed. Do you like your new leotard?” Your hands ran over Micah’s “lemonade” braids, making a mental note to tell her Chadwick to take them out before you got back home.
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you,” she half-heartedly replied, more focused on playing with her brother’s fingers and getting his attention for a smile.
“Can I get some of Mama, too?” Before you knew it, all three of your babies were attached to you and soaking up their last few moments of your warmth. Chadwick ran his hand over Noah’s head and sighed. “We’re gonna miss you, baby. I hope you know that. We love Mama, right kids?”
“Yeah,” Micah exclaimed, setting off a nonsensical barrage of babbles from Noah. Your laughter turned into a sad smile as you looked at your family. Was leaving a good idea?
“I know. It’s only for a day, and I’ll miss yall, too. Don’t forget about me.”
“How could we forget about the lady that gives the best kisses and hugs in the whole wide world,” Chadwick spoke into the crook of your neck before kissing you.
“And paints the best nails.”
“I thought you said I paint the best nails, Twin?”
“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, daddy.”
Your family moment was interrupted by the beep of your alarm alerting you to the moment you weren’t looking forward to. “Well, it’s time for me to go. If only I had three people to walk me to my car. A big strong man, a cute little girl, and chunk baby preferably.”
“Ooh, I’m a cute little girl! And AJ is a chunky baby.”
“Then who’s the big strong man,” you inquired, looking between her and a smiling Chadwick.
“I dunno, but daddy is here. He can come, too!”
“Woooooow. Okay, I see how it is around here.”
The light banter continued to the driveway, temporarily making you forget that you would have to leave for a full twenty-four hours. When you reached the end of the paved path, you and Chadwick made the switch off, trading Noah for your overnight bag and crossbody purse.
“See you later, Boop,” you cooed, kissing her nose and smoothing her hair. “See you later my little Pookie,” Noah giggled at your silly faces and raspberries against his cheeks. “And my big Pookie,” Chadwick was the last to receive affection, relishing the opportunity to kiss you like he would never see you again. His free arm snaked around your waist, pulling your body into his to get you as close as possible. The whispered ‘yuck’ in the background made both of you giggle as you pulled away.
“Be safe, girl. Come back home to me. To us.”
“I will. I promise.”
He pressed another kiss onto your forehead before opening your car door. “Alright kids, blow Mommy kisses. Tell her bye.”
“See you tomorrow, babies. Aaron, Noah has enough milk to last until I get home. Try giving him some of the baby food I made. They’re in glass jars in the fridge. Take down Micah’s braids and put her hair in a bonnet. Make sure-“
“We got it, we got it,” Chadwick assured. “Dad can handle a day by himself. Call me when you get settled.”
The realization came crashing down on you that an entire 24 hours without a loving hug or kiss from your three favorite people, turning the corners of your lips downward. “I love you. I’ll miss you.”
“We miss you already, baby,” closing your door, Chadwick poked his head through the window for one last kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you. Kiss the kids for two times for me tonight.”
Nodding in agreement, he stepped back to allow you to back out of the driveway. Solemn silence sat over the three remaining members of the Boseman clan as they thought of what life would be without you for the remainder of the day.
“Well, kids, what are we gonna do without Mommy today?” A shrug from Micah and a short grunt from Noah didn’t provide many answers. When Chadwick opened his mouth to speak, a foul aroma threatened to trigger his gag reflexes. “Oh, my-what is that?”
With her thumb and index finger pinching her nose, Micah offered an answer. “I think it’s AJ. He’s stinky!”
“Boy, what is your mama feeding you? You smell like a grown man. Is it on your legs, too? You couldn’t give me two hours of calm before you shi-pooped all over the place?”
“Did you say a bad word, Daddy? I think you did.”
“Go inside, Princess. Find your ballet shoes and finish your breakfast,” he quickly responded, turning Micah’s body toward the house. Following his daughter, his took a peek at the soiled area at the bottom of Noah’s onesie. “This is ridiculous, AJ. How you get it on your back!?”
TAGS: @njadont @k-michaelis @wakandanmoonchild @idilly @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving @inxan-ity @daytimeheroicsonly @onyour-right @brianabreeze @sisterwifeudaku @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl @willowtree77785901 @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee @halfrican-heat @purple-apricots @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx@profilia @ljstraightnochaser @girl-wtf-lmao @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @melaninmarvel @thiccdaddy-mbaku @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess @unholyxcumbucket  @airis-paris14 @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny​ @drsunshine97​ @cozyshack2​ @zxddy-panther​ @queentearra​ @skysynclair19​ @retro-melanin​ @mermaidchansons​ @misspooh​ @melanisticroyalty​ @babygirlofwakanda​ @wakanda-4evr​ @sarahboseman​ @karensraisns​ @blackmissmarvel​ @wakandankings​ @kaykay4454fan​ @ororowrites​ @awkwardlyabstract​ @mixedmelanin​ @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers​ @sunflowerpsalms​ @panthergoddessbast​ @justanotherloveaffair​ @jaeee-http​ @iliketowrite1996​ @blackpantherismyish​ @thompettiedatheaux​ @msincognito67​ @reignsxjackson​ @yaachtynoboat711​ @syreanne​ @ilcb7​ @minim236
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wolfie-dragon-rider · 5 years
Bursts of Light, Day 16: During Their Morning Rituals
Hiccup woke slowly. Unlike Astrid, who had the ability to jump out of bed full of energy, he needed a few minutes to collect himself.
"Five more minutes," he mumbled into the pillow when Astrid stirred next to him. "Don't go, you're warm and it's winter," he said when he realized she was moving out of bed. She had been spooning him, but he quickly turned over and held her.
"Can we stay in here forever?" he asked when she relented with a chuckle. He buried his face in her neck, and pulled her close. Her body was like a furnace to him, and they were squeezed together from toes to hair.
"Five more minutes. Thora will wake up soon. And we have to finish calculating the food rations, remember?" she sighed, not showing any sign of wanting to leave. They didn't talk for a while, lips meeting hungrily despite morning breath.
"This might take a little more than five minutes," Hiccup whispered when hands roamed under nightclothes. Astrid squeezed his butt, while he ran his fingers over swollen breasts. He still couldn't believe the miracle of Astrid breastfeeding. Her body nourished their child even after those difficult nine months. It awoke love in him, but also desire.
"I'm not complaining." Her chuckle turned into a gasp when he pinched her nipple. All memories of cold were washed away as he crawled on top of her, his fingers moving to pull her underwear off. He wanted her, he needed her, his body was aching for her-
Hiccup froze, feeling like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over him. It was a crazed duality where he still wanted her, was still hard and aching for her, but at the same time his daughter's wail demanded all his attention. Toothless' heavy footsteps ran into the room. The dragon was probably wondering why the parents were not dealing with the very loud crying baby.
"I'll get it. Can you start a fire and get breakfast going? We should still have some chicken from last night left," he grumbled, falling back onto his side of the bed. With the hot atmosphere gone he felt sticky and sweaty, but he didn't have time to get cleaned up. So he allowed himself two seconds to catch his breath before he reached for his prosthetic and put some pants on.
"Alright. It's still a little early for her to feed anyway," Astrid groaned, clearly unhappy with the interruption too.
Hiccup barely remembered to put his blindfold on before leaving the room and going to the kid's room. They found that little Thora was a bit too excitable to sleep with them. She woke from every single noise, and was unable to ignore anything they did. She was still screaming loudly when Hiccup walked in.
"There, there. Daddy's here. Now what's the matter? Did you miss me?" he asked, feeling around the cradle for the baby and gently picking her up once he found her.
It was a feeling he never got used to, even after months of doing it. The feeling of his child in his arms. She was so small and vulnerable and beautiful and amazing. He was both terrified of hurting her and humbled by her existence.
"Shh, shh, there now. Hush, little Viking, don't you cry, or the Berserker's gonna stab you in the eye…" he sang softly, rocking her in his arms. Thora quickly quieted, apparently reassured by his presence. As he sang he smelled her, and decided she needed a change in diaper.
"Now, let's get you cleaned up," he said when her wails made way for soft hiccups. He quickly put her on the little changing table. This hadn't been easy the first few times, especially since he couldn't see, but now it was almost second nature. Take off her clothes, put it in the airtight wash box, wipe her down in a way he'd clean everything, and put a new diaper on. Thora fussed a lot while he moved, but didn't fight like she sometimes did.
"There you go, all cleaned up," he said as he picked her up again. He was about to move to the kitchen when Thora started kicking and squirming.
"What's wrong? Do you want to explore? Are you angry? Let's calm down a little first, okay?" Hiccup said as he sat down in the chair next to the cradle, and put her more firmly on his chest. She buried her face in his shirt, trembling a bit.
"There, there. It isn't easy being small, is it? Mommy will be done in the kitchen soon, and then you can eat. And then later today we'll visit Grandma Kirsten! She's probably going to sing lots of songs for you, isn't that nice?"
Hiccup rambled, though he softened his voice when she yawned. Moments later she fell asleep again. Her tiny breaths made him smile. How did he get so lucky?
For a second he felt utterly content. He had the love of his life as his wife, a dragon best friend, amazing friends, and now a child as well. Before Thora was born he hadn't understood how he would be able to love her like everyone told her he would. His heart already felt so full with love for Astrid and Toothless and his parents and everyone else, and he didn't want that to lessen.
But it was the complete opposite of that. The moment he held his daughter in his arms for the first time it was like his heart doubled in size, like she opened a reservoir of affection deep within him he had never known about.
And every time he held her he loved her more.
The only thing that could make him happier is if he could see her. Astrid had described her, of course. Apparently Thora had his nose, her mother's round face, and her grandfather's red hair. And according to Valka, she had Hiccup's green eyes too. He ran his fingers gently over her face and through her soft hair, trying to picture it in his head. Over the years the memories of colors and shapes had faded. He still remembered what green was, but not what kind of green his own eyes had been. He knew Astrid's face better than his own, knew exactly how it fit in his hands, but picturing it on this tiny baby was beyond him.
"Is something wrong in here? It's so quiet," Astrid said as she walked into the room, making him jump slightly. Thora groaned with the sudden movement.
"There's nothing wrong at all. I was just… thinking," he said, smiling. Astrid was quiet for a few seconds, and he wondered if she thought he was crazy.
"Well, breakfast is ready. And I bet this little girl is hungry too. You had to make her fall asleep again, didn't you? Now she'll be grumpy when I wake her up," she eventually said, oh-so-gently taking the baby from him. It was always a little scary when Thora disappeared into the blackness like that, but he knew Astrid would protect her.
"I'm sure she'll forgive you. You're her favorite," he said as he stood up and followed Astrid to the kitchen where the smell of bread and roast chicken awaited him.
"Oh, don't think like that. She loves your singing. I think you're always just a little more nervous with her, and she notices that. Isn't that right, Thora?" she said as the baby began to stir again. Astrid quickly moved up her shift to feed her. It made Hiccup smile, and he sat down behind his wife. She chuckled when he began braiding her hair. He did that nearly every morning now.
"You've gotten so good at this. Your hands are just so much faster and nimbler than mine. Thanks, babe!" Astrid sighed.
Thora was done feeding just around the same time Hiccup finished the braid, and Astrid put her down on the little carpeted area with her toys in the corner. For a second the baby cried out "Mama!", but then she noticed the wooden dragon and began playing with it. Giggles quickly replaced sniffles.
"So, what's the plan for today? I'm gonna take a quick flight, and then a bath after breakfast, and then we can work on those ration lists?" Hiccup offered. He sensed Astrid's nod.
"Sure! I'll do some laundry work while keeping an eye on Thora, and then when you're back I'll wash up quickly too. Mother will babysit Thora this afternoon, so we can focus on the rations then. And you know, if we get it done quickly, we might be able to continue this morning's… plans," she said, her voice turning to a whisper near the end. Hiccup could hear the smirk in it, though.
"You're insatiable. But that sounds like a good plan. We have enough food, so no need to go to the market today. And we don't have chief duties until this evening, so plenty of time," he said as he say down on reached for his plate. Astrid always put his breakfast in the same place. It was routine they adopted over the years they lived there. Where to put dishes, who'd clean when, what the locations were of all their tools. Especially Hiccup needed the routine. Astrid could adapt easier.
Thora's birth had thrown the house into a bit of chaos. She was fond of throwing her toys around where Hiccup would step on them, and her sleep was inconsistent at best, but Hiccup couldn't think of a better source of noise and surprise.
Astrid read a letter from Bog Island while eating with one hand, while Hiccup focused on eating with both hands. Toothless switched between keeping an eye on Thora and nudging Hiccup, eager for his flight. The dragon was perhaps having the most difficulty with the new baby. Of course he did his best as uncle, but often he didn't know how to handle a human child. Thora seemed intimidated by the black dragon, and shied away from playing with him.
She was more at ease with Stormfly, who had taken up her role as babysitter easily. Thora had a talent for sneaking away, even if Hiccup or Astrid was in the room. One moment she'd be playing happily with blocks or toys, and the next she'd be on the other side of the room without them noticing. Stormfly didn't let that happen however, gently biting the neck of her little shirt and carrying her back to the play carpet.
Of course, the fact that Thora thought this was a fun game only made her more determined to run off.
"Okay, I'm done eating. We can go flying now," Hiccup told Toothless, who responded with an eager warble. The dragon ran out immediately, but Hiccup couldn't go yet. He walked to the play area and knelt down.
"Bye, little girl. Daddy will be back in just an hour, okay? Be nice to Mommy and Stormfly until then," he said, ruffling his daughter's short hair.
"And bye to you too. Just a quick flight and bath, and then you can clean up too," he told Astrid, hugging her from behind where she was cleaning up the dishes.
"Of course. Love you," she said, and Hiccup kissed her cheek quickly before running out and jumping on Toothless.
Despite the joys of fatherhood, and the endless love between him and Astrid, Hiccup never got tired of flying with his best friend. That was still the best part of his morning.
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naughty-teddy-innit · 6 years
Rehabilitation : Chap. 1 An Ed Sheeran Fanfiction
Title:       Rehab: Chapter 1
Author: @naughty-teddy-innit
Rating:  PG- No smuts for a while, but intense content?
Click here for: INTRO
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 I craned my neck, to the left slowly, and then to the right. “Mmmmmmm...” I mumble-moaned, trying to loosen and stretch my stiff muscles.  For once, I was at the tail end of day shift.  My normal hours would often take me through the night into the wee hours of the morning, but today I found myself battling piles of precariously stacked charts right into the dinner hour, and I was feeling it.  It was one of those days where I felt it necessary to knock on wood, a catch-up day we often called it, because so far, no crazy emergencies had come in. No crashes or outbreaks, no crying parents or injured children or mass tragedies.  Days like this were always a welcome relief, and exactly why I could currently be found hunched over a mountain of paperwork, rather than running around like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off. Having said all that, it was becoming super obvious that food was going to be necessary in very short order. And coffee. DEFINITELY coffee.
“Leesie, love…?”  
“Hmm??” I spun my chair around at the soft voice behind me, and smiled at the friendly face it belonged to.  Gray-haired, big brown eyes, and grandmotherly curves, Brenda had many, many years on me in this hospital.  She and I worked together often, and she was often a motherly figure to us young ones, honest to a fault with a heart of gold, and we loved her for it.
“Hey lady, what’s up?” I stood, and turned my back to the desk, shooting her a warm smile. Welcoming the chance to move my body, I stretched my arms over my head, and leaned my hip back against the curved surface.
“Well, Sweetheart…” She paused. “I was hoping I could ask you a favour?” She cocked her head to the side, and I recognized THAT hopeful look.
“When do I ever say no to you, Mama B?” I shook my head and crossed my arms with a grin, and waited for what I knew was coming.
“I’m supposed to cover a couple of shifts up in ICU this week, tomorrow bright and early, and Saturday graveyard.” She hesitated, and with that I knew exactly where I’d be found those two days.  
“Operative words being Supposed to?” I raised an eyebrow, and huffed a laugh at the knowing smirk that crossed her face.
“You know me too well!” She chuckled, and shifted her weight. “You know my Hannah’s been having a tough time now she’s at the end of this baby business, and her doctor wants bring her in for an induction tomorrow afternoon. High blood pressure and the whole nine yards. I had next week off anyway, her due date! But I need to be there for her tomorrow. I can tell ya, Nana is NOT missing this!”
“Oh!!” I couldn’t control the grin that spread across my face! She’d been waiting for this moment for months and months. “B, I got it. Go be with your baby AND your grandbaby. Do not even worry.”
“As usual, you are the BEST, Leesie. THANK YOU. Next time you need a cover, I’m at your mercy. I’ll let Mary know to update the roster!” She reached over and squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back with a firm hand and a grin. I was just glad to help out.
Even it did mean a 5 am start. Sigh.
 Despite the unconscionable hour that I’d been forced to set my alarm for, I actually preferred the early morning hours to the late or overnight shifts.  Something about a brand-new day, a fresh new slate waiting to be written upon.  It always put in a ready-to-go state of mind, and today was no different.
Intensive care was a whole different ball game from Emergency. There was not nearly the chaos that came through the revolving door downstairs, but the lives we cared for still hung in the balance.  ICU was where you found the patients who were not yet stable enough to move anywhere else, who needed continuous monitoring, and who were either recovering from emergency surgery or might need to be rushed to surgery, in an instant.  Visitors were restricted, and the continuous beep and wail of monitors and alarms were routine. You could feel the gravity of our unit the moment you walked through the swinging doors, I was rather proud of the fact that I was able to keep my calm and do my job well when a patient’s status deteriorated.  
Walking in, I ran through my mental checklist, readying myself for the day.  The “Day-Board”, also known as the giant whiteboard on the wall behind our central desk, listed our current patients.  Names and Chart/Unit numbers, status, room numbers, and the doctor on duty, were kept meticulously updated on this board, for the benefit of the nurses, the doctors and anyone else involved in ICU care. There was a similar board downstairs in the ER, to track our patients in a similar fashion, and no matter where I was or what area I was working in, scanning that board was ALWAYS my first order of the day (or night!).
I checked in with the clerk finishing up from the night before, and greeted the nurses on duty before signing into my workstation. My eyes swept the board as I settled into my workstation; a middle-aged dad waiting for a bypass after a massive heart attack and a little one in bad shape after a nasty fall. A young girl, only 16, had suffered a nasty anaphylactic reaction, and an elderly woman in bad shape after a stroke. Finally, I noticed, 2 of the bus crash victims from the ER. I exhaled softly, seeing their names. I was beyond relieved they were still with us.  After the scene only 48 hours prior, when they were brought in…I wasn’t sure whether they would be.
I whirled around at the sound of my name, cheerfully greeting one of the nurses at the desk.
“What can I do for you?”
“If you could grab the order sheets from the charts, and get them all entered, that would be terrific. Dr. Collins has them all updated and ready to go, and Lord only knows, when Dr. Hendry comes on shift, everything BETTER be at his fingertips.” A sigh and smile and she continued. “You know how he is. Save yourself the trouble! Let’s see…Alison, Dr. Hamoudi, is the surgeon on-call tonight, and the Resident is on rounds, he’ll be back for shift change later. Hendry’s on call for everything else. Page him if necessary, he’s on the board.” She paused. “…I think that’s it?”
Goody. Dr. Hendry was nobody’s favourite. His ego was known far and wide as massively overinflated and a gigantic pain in everyone’s ass. Lucky for him, and for his patients, his saving grace was that he was a damn good doctor.  
“Got it and I’ll get right on the paperwork. Thanks Amy!”
“Have a great day Annaliese, thanks again for covering!”
We both heard the direct line to the OR go off, and while she dashed off to answer the call, I headed off to discreetly gather my paperwork.  Charts hung on the front of each ICU bed, and order sheets were always clipped to the front, making them easy and quick for us to find without disturbing the patients. I smiled warmly and gently at family members sitting with their loved ones, softly explaining why I was there, and apologizing for my intrusion. I could see the fear and anxiety etched on their faces, and I tried be as warm and reassuring as I possibly could.
I had gathered all but one, and the last bed was in a corner by itself.  The patient in the bed, he was still unconscious, and the usual monitors and wires and tubes crisscrossed his body. He was intubated, a tube down his throat that helped him to breathe, and when my eyes caught the beautiful, fiery orange hue of his hair against the paleness of his skin and sheets, I remembered him immediately.  The boy from the bus crash.
I didn’t figure he was as young as he looked, ashen and still against the sheets, but I couldn’t help the thought that he looked like a small boy all on his own like that. Even the sweet sprinkle of freckles across his cheeks, his delicate eyelashes…such innocence. I so hoped he’d be okay. I cocked my head and paused for a brief moment, the thought crossing my mind that I’d not seen any family? Where in the world were they? I shook my head softly, making a note to check into that when I got back to the desk.  I very quietly gathered the paperwork I needed, my eyes sweeping over him one last time, taking in the vivid colours on his arms, and rise and fall of his chest. I really hoped he’d be alr-…
“Then find me someone who CAN help me. PLEASE.”
What in the world?? I did a double take at the sudden intrusion of a deep, aggravated, British brogue emanating from around the corner, presumably at the front desk in the front of the unit.  Whoever it was, he was NOT happy.
The last thing I wanted was any of our patients or their families to be disturbed. I strode quickly around the corner, and saw one of our Care Aides standing at the desk, intimidation etched across her face at the gentleman facing her from the other side of the nurses’ station.
She looked MORE than relieved to see my face, this sort of situation was not generally a part of their job description; transporting supplies and medications, assisting patients, maybe, but dealing with distraught families or patients not so much.
“Sir?” I said softly, calmly. “How can I help you?”  
He appeared to be middle-aged; thinning gray hair, scruffy-jawed and a round middle. His arm was fully casted, and in a sling, and he appeared to have some stitches along hairline, crossing his forehead.  The thing that struck me the most through, the thing that somehow always caught me when dealing with someone in this sort of situation, was his eyes. This was a man who hadn’t slept in ages. He was obviously agitated, frustrated, exhausted…. but mainly? He was scared. I could see the stress and panic in his eyes, and I had no doubt there was likely a damn good reason for his outburst.  
“My name is Stuart. Stuart Camp.” He exhaled, and then rubbed his eyes with his good hand, tiredly. “I feel like I’ve explained this 3 bloody times since last night, but we’ll try it again.  There was a godawful crash, a bus crash, about 36 hours ago, and a young man was brought in. Edward, 26 years old.  I need to see him, I need to know he’s okay. I’ve not had a wink of damn sleep and I’m just…knackered. I…. Jesus Christ. I just need to see him. Please.”
The rules in Intensive Care generally dictated that only immediate family be allowed in to visit a patient, and usually only 1 at a time. SOMETIMES, 2. I had a feeling though…
“Are you a family member, sir? A parent? Our rules are quite strict in intensive care, we usually only-“
He cut me off. “I’m not…not really, anyway. His mum and his dad, they’re from across the pond, in England, they’re not here yet.” He stopped to catch his breath, a weathered hand rubbing at the graying scruff that covered his jawline. “They should be touching down shortly. The airports, Jesus. You’d think they’d get their heads out of their asses considering- Never mind.” He steadied himself and continued. “They’re in a right state, Imogen especially, and they’ve been told VIRTUALLY nothing. He’s alone back there. He’s not even got cousins or aunts or anyone here. Please….”
I could see the anxiety and desperation in his widened eyes, and I really, truly wanted nothing more than to help, but…
“Mr. Camp, I can only begin to imagine how awful this must be for you, I’m so sorry.  You’re not a family member, you said…?” I paused, hoping to glean some more information. “Can I ask how you know the patient? I’m afraid our confidentiality policies make it impossible for me to give out any information, if you’re not family?”
“It’s rather complicated…” He trailed off.  “We’ve…worked together for 8 years.  I’m his manager.”  He rubbed his eyes, shaking his head slightly as he fought to make his point.  “Whether or not you’ve recognized him, I don’t know; right now, I’m trusting that you follow your own confidentiality policies. He’s one of the best-known singer-songwriters in the world right now. I’ve been with him from the beginning, and he IS family to me. His family is my family, in every way. I am not asking you to release any medical records or information on his health, I am simply asking to just…sit with him. Just let me watch over him until his family arrives. I can’t stand the thought of him back there alone. Please?”
Truthfully, I hadn’t really recognized the boy from the crash at all. His lovely orange hair had struck me as familiar, but I wasn’t much for social media, and most of the music I listened to was what played on the radio at whatever desk I was working at. Regardless of who he was, though, I’d never have violated his privacy.  
I was still a bit fuzzy on the particulars, but I what I wasn’t fuzzy on? Was how much this gentleman obviously cared for the red headed boy in the back. I wanted to help, I truly did.
I took a deep breath. “Let me speak to the nurse, Mr. Camp.  I can’t make any promises, but I’ll see what I can do.” I smiled at him, trying to put as reassurance and warmth into the gesture as I could, and motioned toward the set of seats by the automatic entrance doors. “Why don’t you have a seat for a moment, and I’ll be right back.”
He nodded tiredly, and managed a small but grateful smile. “Thank you, Love. I appreciate it.”
 He was still sitting there when I returned about 10 minutes later; hunched over, elbows resting on his knees with his head buried in his hands.  
“Mr. Camp?” I said softly, catching his gaze as I approached. He sat bolt upright with widened eyes, obviously waiting for me to say something. “I spoke to the nurse, and she in turn checked with the Resident on call, and while we CANNOT under any circumstances release any information on his health or medical status…” I took a deep breath, allowing a small smile to play across my features at the sight of him jumping out of his chair. “We’ll allow you into the unit to be with him until his family arrives.”
I could see his whole body sag as he exhaled, and his whole head tipped forward, chin to chest for just a brief moment as he steadied himself.  “Thank you.” His voice rumbled deep, the emotion evident.  “Thank you, thank you very, very much. His Mum and Dad are due to land after lunch; I’ve just had a text with their flight update. You have my word I won’t interfere once they’re here.” He huffed a dry laugh. “Hell, I won’t interfere NOW.”
“I’m glad we could help, Mr. Camp, I really am. I’ll bring you back if you’re ready, but…you might want to prepare yourself.”  I took a deep breath, and stared him in the eyes, purposefully keeping my voice calm and soft.  “I meant it when I said that we can’t give you any information in regards to his status or injuries until his next of kin arrives. But…he is in rough shape. You need to know that.”
His eyes had been focused on me until I’d finished that last sentence, and then I could see him almost get lost in whatever was tossing and turning in his head.
“He should have been in the back of the bus. He’s a damned night owl, couldn’t sleep after the show…I was passed out on the couch in the back, and he was messin’ around with his guitar in the front.  He…” His voice trailed off, almost breaking as he gathered himself. I tilted my head and bit my lip, listening to him, letting him get this out. How terrifying it must have been. My heart hurt so badly for him. “He was right where the bloody truck hit. The sound of those ruddy loud brakes screeching woke me up, that fucking truck, smashed right into the side of the bus.  Right where he was.  Right where Michael was driving. He always loves sitting up front on the late-night drives, keepin’ Mikey company. He should have been in BED.”  He squeezed his eyes shut just for a fleeting moment, and sucked in a deep breath, like he was trying to shore himself up. He straightened up, looking me in the eye once more. “Please excuse this old man’s incoherent, exhausted ramblings; the last 36 hours have been HELL.  But he’s here. How, I don’t know, but he is, and he’s not going to be alone while he recovers from this. Doesn’t matter what he looks like right now, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Well then, let me bring you to him.” I smiled softly, struck by the vehemence in his words, and the fierce determination in his eyes. I took a deep breath and gestured for him to follow me.  “It sounds like he’s very lucky to have someone like you in his corner, Mr. Camp. I’m really glad you’re okay, by the way.”
“Thank you. I know it could have been so much worse.” He looked down at my badge for just a moment, and then back up. “Annaliese, is it? Please just call me Stu. I appreciate your help and kindness more than you know.” His voice was calmer, and filled with genuine gratitude.  “Now where can I find him?”
“Bed 8.” I smiled. “And you’re very welcome. Follow me.”
AUTHOR’S NOTE:  I hope you guys don’t mind the slow build and set up, but trust me, I have SO many ideas and plans simmering in my head. Hope you love it, and I’m BEGGING you for any and all feedback, replies, Asks, Anons, etc......Us writers THRIVE on it. Xoxoxoxoxo  
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maryenette-writes · 7 years
Family [Jason Todd x Reader]
Anonymous requested: “Hey there love be, could you do one for rather a fluff one shot for Jason or Dick where it's after their s/o had their baby and its basically what their life is like at home with a adorable, yet noisy newborn, Thanks 🙏 if you can do this”
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1173
TAGS: @anothertypicalgirl00 @pinkwitch21 @coffee-randomness @angstytodd @kpkarlee @aworldwideapart @lovingmytelevision @abbytheninja @ifthisislove-loveiseasy @spacewife @galaxy-jellyfish-queen @femdamian @dc-hoe @wtfisachoncexx @jxsontxdds @yoichooseno @kiogenic @iamthenightiambatman @mockingjay-fury @zhang91yixing @mama-aqua @bandsomatic @theamazingrain
The cry of a baby sounded through the spacious apartment you called home, erupting a tired moan of protest from your throat before you could filter it. You shifted under the warm covers of your bed, dreading that walk down the hall to the room where your child slept.
“It’s okay baby, I got this.” your husband groaned, propping himself up. “Get some rest.”
“Mm… you sure?” you yawned, already fighting your drowsiness. In the darkness, you saw movement and assumed he was nodding his head.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” he stated, “go back to sleep.”
“M’kay Jason…” you murmured, laying your head down and closing your eyes once more before sleep swept you away.
As you were falling back into slumber, Jason sneaked down the hall and slipping into the baby room, where your little girl laid wailing. He sighed and picked her up gently, cradling her in his arms. He began to rock her in a soothing manner, trying to get her to fall back asleep.
“Come on sweetheart,” he murmured, “don’t make this harder for mommy and daddy, okay?” His lovely daughter quieted down slightly, but her lips were still wobbling and her eyes were still teary. The sight broke Jason’s heart.
“What’s wrong?” he asked the baby. She sniffled and whined, moving in his arms as if trying to tell him something. He stared at her in confusion, that was, until he noticed it.
“Ah shi…” he glanced at his daughter, “... shoot.” He maneuvered his way around the room and placed his little girl on a flat surface before going to grab some baby wipes, a clean diaper and a hand sanitizer.
“Why at night? Of all the times, why?” he muttered to himself as he began to take her onesie off. He cleaned his hands using the hand sanitizer and began to carefully changed his daughter’s diaper into a new one, his face scrunching up in disgust as he carefully disposed of the old one. After she was all changed, he cleaned his hands again and put her back into the crib.
By now, she had stopped crying and was staring up at her father’s face with large, round eyes. She gave him a toothless smile that simply melted his heart. He returned that smile and reached down but before he could do anything she captured his large finger with her tiny hand and began to giggle.
Jason’s heart swelled in love and pride. He stared at her adoringly before whispering, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He touched her cheek lightly. “I promise.”
Once his daughter had calmed down completely and fell asleep, Jason went back to bed, his arms instantly going around you when he hit the mattress. He turned to his side and laid there for a few minutes, simply looking at his beautiful wife beside him and wondering what he did to deserve you and a family.
Whenever he brought it up though, you always silenced him by saying that the world owed him for killing him, so this was it’s way to repay him back. When you put it like that, he couldn’t argue but he always had this constant fear that something terrible was going to happen that would screw things up.
However, months after you gave birth and it still hadn’t happened, making Jason wonder if perhaps this was the world’s way of repaying him after all. With that thought in mind, he fell sound asleep.
When he opened his eyes again, your side of the bed was empty but he wasn’t surprised. Since you had to go to work--unlike him--you were always rising early in order to get ready. That was why he always took care of the night duties.
He yawned and stretched before climbing off the bed and going through his morning routine quickly. After washing up, he hurried downstairs where you were in the middle of feeding the child you two had.
“Okay Jason, diaper is changed and feeding is in progress.” you informed, slipping into your jacket. “I really have to go or I’ll be late!” you exclaimed, rushing to grab the car keys from the table. “Do not call me, call Alfred if you need anything. Lord knows he is anyone’s first choice when it comes to child care advice.”
Jason chuckled and said, “will do.”
You grinned, admiring the sight of him with your daughter before rushing towards the door. But before you could go, a voice stopped you.
“[F/N], wait!”
You spun around and was met with your husband’s lips on yours. “Almost forgot my kiss.” He winked, making you roll your eyes.
“And here I was thinking it was something urgent.”
After you shut the door, Jason continued your task of feeding the baby that was making a huge mess of things on the kitchen table. Since you worked a day job, you and Jason decided that he would be the one taking care of your daughter while you earned money for the family. You could always ask for financial help from Bruce but both of you preferred not to. You had a high-earning job after all, you didn’t need any help, even when Jason had temporarily stopped his patrols and missions.
Not like Jason minded staying at home anyway. It meant he had even more time to spend with his precious little girl.
“Okay sweetie, it’s just you and me… again.” he spoke in a lighthearted voice, “now... what to do today?”
When you came home, you were absolutely drained. The only thing that kept you going and working so hard was the thought of coming home to your family and spending time with them. But when you entered the apartment and heard nothing but silence, you grew worried.
Closing the door quietly behind you, you scanned the place but found no signs of your husband or baby. Alarm bells rang in your head and you headed inside with caution. You noticed flickering lights coming from the living room and went to investigate, only to find that Cinderella was on the screen on mute. With raised brows, you walked around the couch and took the remote control to turn off the TV. 
You caught sight of your husband and daughter once you turned around and you couldn’t contain the smile that spread across your face. The both of them were on the couch, Jason lying on it with your daughter comfortably on his chest. The both of them were sleeping.
You quietly crossed the room and grabbed the camera from the shelf. You then focused the lens on Jason and the beautiful child you two made and took a picture to add to the growing collection of photos you two already had.
“Mn… [F/N]?” your sleepy husband mumbled. You put the camera down and leaned in to kiss him softly.
“Hey Jaybird, I’m home.” you said quietly, careful not to wake the baby on him up. He opened his eyes and smiled at you.
“Welcome home.”
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