#but hey when on a fandom tumblr blog yk?
monprecieuxx · 4 months
See the thing is, to me, Twins at the heart of it has become about loneliness. Regardless of how much they’re explored or present on screen, every character is so painfully alone. By choice, by circumstances, by accident, just so crippingly lonely.
Sprite is alone by circumstance. He’s alone because no one prefers him, alone because Zee is a better bearer of their mother’s expectations. He’s the older twin and overlooked and he still tries, my goodness he tries so hard that it makes me wonder how anyone in his life can see that and not adore him to pieces. He’s so lonely he thinks his brother’s known nemesis is his closest confidant. In this team full of people who hate the one who wears his face he would rather tackle trying to befriend First, that it is the best choice. Idk if it’s naïveté or just unchallenged confidence he built up as a way to survival but it’s so audacious, it’s kind of brilliant.
And it works, it wears First down, he manages to get these people to like him but at the end of the day, it’s not him they like. This timed repose of belonging but only when he is standing in for someone else. Holding onto Zee’s life while his falls to pieces and for what? No credit, no appreciation, not even a hint of understanding from his mother, his father, even Salmon or Tan.
First is similar in the sense of never getting afforded the favouritism Zee enjoys from his father and his sister being a Zee stan just adds salt to the wound. The only people who prefer him are the team and even then they are so factioned he’s part of the in-group and still stands alone.
Zee, see Zee is so interesting to me cause his loneliness is self-inflicted. Maybe it started when the twins were split, maybe when he became part of the team we don’t know. We’ve only seen the worst parts of him until now and he seems to be content functioning in that window too. He’s thrust into this life w/o any input, seems to be doing it right and he’s still miserable. He has the recognition, he allegedly has the skill, he (undeservedly, in a way) has the girl and he still vows to take over Sprite’s life? And do what? Wreak havoc as him? Permanently replace him? Just hang around to fuck w/Sprite?
Idk where im going w/this, just ruminating about characters from this silly twin swap show.
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you are officially the strongest person alive for not just closing the askbox after some of the trash you've gotten from idiots on this site. gdspeed and good luck holy hell
I've received a lot of asks like this one so I wanna respond and clarify
I actually love getting asks and even anon asks. I prefer having anon on bc yk big boy blog and all that but also so that people can send me their silliest things.
I really do truly genuinely enjoy having this blog and especially interacting w it. I've made a lot of friends recently and it's just fun to be able to talk ab the cringe failgame from a decade ago. Both for myself and in front of such a large audience.
Ever since I became aware I'm literally in the top 10 on skyrim blogs (at #9 but still) some of my anons started making a lot more sense. The power of anonymity makes people braver, which is good for things like funny headcanons and such.
I don't really like having to turn anon off and god I hope I don't have to shut asks off entirely. Fortunately once I turned anon off my inbox became a lot more peaceful. Funny that.
If I were to compare the two I'm sure I've gotten much more love than hate, but hate is much louder than love. And I know me giving it attention doesn't help much of anything but on the other hand people can and do throw around serious words about an unserious video game on unserious posts from an unserious person.
Even if I ignored all of it, just having to see it can feel so draining. And it isn't just in my inbox. It's also in the tags. I've repeatedly tried to express how deeply uncomfortable I am, AS A JEWISH PERSON OF COLOR, with people throwing words like racist and genocide around all willy nilly over video game characters.
It trivializes those real world issues, that have affected me, my ancestors, and people like me, down to fucking. Skyrim discourse. It's extremely frustrating. And from what I can see I don't think anyone is doing it maliciously or to get a rise out of me. But I think the sheer weight of those words has gotten lost.
And not to pull another race card, but this is especially upsetting from white people. I'm not thrilled about the fact white people keep talking over me and other people of color in the fandom about what is and isn't racist.
But I do also see the love. I see the cats in my inbox and the lovely asks and people writing paragraphs to defend me (when tbh I haven't done anything wrong anyways but. Eh.) and it's genuinely very touching and sweet and even if I don't reply to it (there's a lot to reply to!) I do see it and I appreciate it.
And for the poll, I fully plan on seeing it through. Round 2 closes tomorrow after which I'll set up round 3/the semi finals and then we go to the championship!
I started this poll, also this blog, for fun. I want people to have fun. I want to have fun. And most of the time I do have fun! But with the uptick in activity that brings *gestures vaguely* what it does.
Tumblr is one of those very few websites with true anonymity. This and reddit are the only ones I can think of where it's not expected to have your name, face, or other info about you anywhere. Which is a rare blessing on today's internet but it makes people very audacious about what they can and can't say to me.
I think because of that anonymity it's easy to forget I'm a human person. I very much doubt some of things I've had said to me in the last 48 hours would still be said if it was face to face. I truly don't think someone would look me in the eye and tell me to kill myself over skyrim bullshit.
And the funny part of that is if they did, I'd probably laugh in real life. For the sheer ridiculousness of the statement. "Hey. You. End your life because of video game drama" spoken to me at the local Target would be funny to me. But with the anonymity it feels just as hurtful as I'm sure it's supposed to be.
Thanks for letting me ramble and such. I'm not really even sure what I'm trying to say with all this. Other than I'm human, you're human, we're all humans, and we'd do well to remember that. Please just be nice to each other..
And be nice to me.
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sorcerous-caress · 13 days
hope this isn't weird to ask but how long have you been writing and how old are you? did you ever take any courses related to writing or have you been improving through writing as a hobby?
Hey it's not weird at all, I'll happily answer!
I'm 20 years old, and I have been writing non-continuously since I was 12.
My first fic was written with colon punctuation for spoken dialogue instead of quotation marks bc I didn't know what those were at the time. For example:
Bob: nice weather we're having today (he said with a smile)
Bob2: I signed the divorce papers, they're on the counter. (Sighing at the other's stubbornness)
I posted it on wattpad.
Afterwards, I never wrote anything else, but I learned about Ao3 and kept enganging in fandom spaces. At 14, I joined roleplaying group chats, which made me think and write faster to keep the rp going. Eventually, it became one on one rp with another person where we would take our chat history log, freshen it up a bit, then post it as a fic.
By 16, I joined a fandom server with a semi serious writing subcategory in it. People more experienced and much older than me would beta for other's story. It's where I picked up the habit to write drafts in google docs so I can easily share the link for a beta reader to add suggestions to.
I still haven't written another fic by then, not by myself, at least. I got very insecure at the time about my writing and lack of knowledge. Mind you, I joined the server, not knowing what punctuation was. It took several beta readers adding punctuation for me until it finally clicked that I should use it.
It felt like I was an outcast in a way? Sure, everyone treated me just as nicely as others there, but I noticed the little things that added up over time. Like how no one would react or talk about the stories I post, but if someone else shares theirs, then the entire server gushes over it. Or how one time I reacted to my own story with an emoji, only for someone else to mention how it's me who clicked it and I shouldn't do that. It was a very unhealthy environment for a 16-year-old surrounded by 30-20 years old, but I stuck to it because I wanted to improve my writing.
Even if I was ignored, they'd still beta for me as a chance to offer "constructive criticism." Artists can be very petty when a low skilled person joins them.
My skills improved, and I posted my second fic! It was nothing remarkable, but it felt like the first stone into the stairway of improvement, yk? I loved that fic, it was my crowning jewel.
But as a result, I started to hate writing. It was a struggle, I'd spend hours on two sentences while others on the server were bragging about their 50k fics. I hated my own inability to perform better, to write better.
I got sick of reading my own writing from the number of times I'd rewrite it in an attempt to format it better. I couldn't even bare look at other's writing or read fanfics on AO3 because I'd always compare their writing to mine. Break their style down and analyse it in an attempt to spot what I'm doing wrong.
I left the server eventually, abruptly too. It was for the better.
I swore off of writing.
For two years, that was true. I gradually came to reading fanfics again, but just looking at a blank document was enough to get me nauses.
By 18, Aot happened, and the boom in x reader fanfics.
Everything I've written up to this point has been ships. Not once did I consider the idea of an x reader. For a while, I used to scoff at it and label it as cringe, as if the ship fanfics I was reading wasn't cringe either. Elitism, I tell you.
I saw these request blogs and how posting on tumblr seemed less intimidating than AO3. How intimate it felt to have an anon talk to you about your own fic that you wrote for them, to have people discussing your writing and stories with you! And they ask for more!
Sign me tf up.
I started my first writing blog, and I didn't know shit. I learned as I went. The new formatting, the tumblr tag system, creating a masterlist.
How important presentation is in here.
In AO3, your fic has the same chance of being read as any other one. Only your description is there to judge it by. But on tumblr? The shiny bookcover was almost as important as the material inside. In here, you have to market your own fic, present it with a lovely bow on top, add a pretty eyecatching header, and all the right trending tags.
Luckily, it clicked easy for me. I used free domian paintings from past centuries to make my covers, and they stood out amongst the anime cover galore. It was a little pretentious, I admit, but I also was a little pretentious, so it's alright.
I played my cards right, answered requests enthusiastically, and delivered fics at a fast rate. Paid attention to what styles worked best and what genres attracted more attention. At that point, it was a numbers game for me. Play marketing right, and you'll win at capitalism.
It felt very degrading and dirty.
My personal style fazed out, and my fics had a sanitised safe for mass consume feel to it. It was written to appeal to you rather than written out of any real love or passion.
It was soulless garbage.
Not to mention at the time I still used the same unhealthy and needlessly convoluted writing method I learned from that server. Yes I cut ties with them but I still didn't have any other alternative writing method to use.
What's that? Just write however I want? Are you crazy? What like my 12y old self wrote on wattpad? My 18y old self would rather die than actually be true to themselves.
I was extremely insecure and afraid of being labelled as "cringe" I completely ereased any stray stains of personality that managed to trickle their way down into my writing. Not once did I write for myself during that time, and not once did I actually enjoy a single piece I made.
I hated all of them, I couldn't bear to even read the fics I wrote. But I still made more and more to appease the requesters, still forced myself to sit and write each morning for hours on end.
A tight timeline, an exhausting production and no friends or hobbies to fall back into and relax. It was a fucking nightmare.
What ircked me the most was how people would just keep requesting more without a thank you or even a fuck you afterwards. It's like it's a fast food drive-through and I should be grateful for any attention I get.
But I never said a word. I never complained because complaining drives away people and engagement. No, I needed to keep my happy chill imagine and never show any emotion or talk about my struggles in real life or writing.
Instead of realising I hated my writing because of its lack of essence and soul, I convinced myself instead that it's because my skill level is still too low.
So I searched online. I found writing courses I couldn't afford, and neither could I ask my family for money for anything at the time because of personal reasons.
So I put on my pirate hat.
Apparently, people don't bother uploading the scam writing tips courses to pirate websites. That's fair.
Instead, I pirated books from famous authors talking about writing. Read them and tried to apply their methods, ignored my own preferences, and wrote to fit their subjective standards of what good writing is.
I signed up for free trials courses that didn't require a credit card and copied every single file into my hard drive before the trail ended.
I had so much material to study. I watched youtube videos about writing. I really really tried everything I could.
But I still loathed every fucking word I put down on these pages.
And I hated how a general advice in writing was to "follow your heart" what is that supposed to mean? I can't do that. Others do not like my heart, It has been proven many times before so how about you just give me some useful advice instead you useless wrinkled piece of shit book?
You can't force or fake creativity.
You can fake an elegant writing style, you can copy interesting lines from famous books and apply them to your own writing, you can include every trendy word in all the right places.
But you can't fake creativity.
I wished I was 12 again. Writing fics on wattpad, where my style was worse than garbage, and yet I loved it. People loved it.
Because it was garbage with a soul, a garbage that had empty chocolate milk bottles and spilt sprinkles. A garbage that showed personality and where my priorities were. With kids' fingerprints in colourful paint and a toddler's fridge artpiece.
A garbage that mirrored my love for the art.
And I ruined it. I traded it all for stupid punctuation that I didn't even care for.
I was happy.
Like every other probome in my life, I ran away.
I hit my breaking point. The requests were never ending, the studying and writing books were getting more and more pretentious and contradicting themselves. I barely had time to eat, I don't talk to people or go outside.
I do not have the time for anything, I missed having friends.
I left the blog. I stopped writing, it was too anxiety inducing.
I got into videogames again, I enjoyed the text heavy ones. I chose to ignore what that implied.
They were so...beautiful.
And fun!
I made some friends, I was happy for a while.
Then, one of my favourite characters in my video game mentioned missing their parents, how hard the funeral was.
It hit home.
I'm not writing, I convinced myself with a lie, I'm just gonna put down my thoughts on them...in a google document.
See just around 1k words, easy peasy. I AM NOT WRITING. It doesn't count.
But I did write it. Not with any calculated formula or method. I wrote my thoughts like how I hear them in my head and what I felt, what I imagined the character would feel.
Then, I added some dialogue, trimmed the corners, and sprinkled in euphemism.
It was simple and bare, vulnerable.
I posted it. It never got much traction.
But I was happy, I liked it, even loved it and kept rereading it.
I was 19.
I nervously showed it to my friend. They mentioned how much they can't stand reading books or fics because the words overwhelm them courtesy of their ADHD.
But they managed to read mine. Very smoothly.
Because my style, my own personal style that is set to my preference, makes me write in small paragraphs and straightforward. I never linger on details or focus on one thing for too long, I always give breaks and seperate events from each other.
And it clicked for this one person who struggled with reading, a style that will get criticism in any serious writing circle for being too simple or childish.
They liked it.
I hate needless convolution.
I just turned 20 years old, I asked for Baldur's Gate 3 early access as my birthday gift.
I received it, I played it.
I fell in love with its writing.
Then I made this blog, and I promised myself not to follow rabbits into any holes again. To reject the requests I don't want, to write because I love to, because I find it interesting or fun.
To never feel obligated to any thing or person. Only write if I want to, only post it if I want to. And if I don't want to? Then I simply won't.
And yes this blog gets much less attention than my first one but the people in here, the anons and my readers, they interact much more with me and my writing. It feels much better to have a handful of people genuinely excited and curious about your stories than a hundred people who would only leave likes and leave.
I have never touched a writing course or a helpful book since then. I block every writing tips blog, I see. I hate each and every single post about writing tricks and immediately skip past it.
I don't care if I improve anymore. I don't care if people don't read my stuff. I do not care if my style degenerates so much and reverts back to wattpad. All I care about is the fact I love writing and I enjoy it, I plan to keep it this way.
It's also funny that I'm writing in English since I when I first started writing at 12 it was in Arabic. My first fic? In Arabic.
And I was willing to go down that road yk. Keep true to my heritage and culture, write in my own beautiful language.
But. I wrote about queer topics and stories. Homophobia is still a massive thing in our society. My story was more infamous and taboo than famous and beloved.
I had so many people coming to my dms to "educate" me about religion and sin. How what I'm doing is wrong and the message I'm spreading is haram.
It was funny at first especially when it was the quran that made me want to write in the first place. Because it's actually a collection of poems! It just loses its rhythm when translated to English. It was so beautifully written, I'd listen to it always as a kid.
But then those dms became unbearable and I decided to learn english to join the western fandoms instead. A 12y old just deciding to fuck it and learn a whole new language to write gay fics.
A lot of my struggles in writing at 12-17 was because I was still learning English at the time.
This was fun. Thank you so much for asking this, anon! I had the chance to reminisce about the past.
I made so many mistakes. But I'd rather having made them and reached this point of content with myself than not having made them at all.
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oneshlut · 11 months
heyhey! dunno how you found me, but happy to have you here. okok lets get to the nitty gritty, you're here for FANFIC. the
you've come to the right place!!!
alright let's get ourselves settled in with some of these
NO NSFW! sorry, horny people, go skedaddle off to somewhere else
NO Self-Harm, Depression, or other mental health related topics!! this blog will not cure any illnesses!!
DO NOT request ANYTHING with topics deemed illegal or just straight up weird. these are just general walls for rules, but stuff like rape, pedophilia, proshipping, incest, etc. y'all know better.
NO DISCRIMINATION against minorites in your request. Again, basic stuff
(see more in I will allow!!)
General Rules
Nothing anime, marvel, or nintendo characters. I also can't do any real, live-action characters. Sorry, just dunno how to write for 'em
No real people!!!!! I'm not gonna self ship you with people who have a life in the real world. Kinda freaky
Heyhey, nothing self deprecating, alright?? I'm NOT writing anything where a character hates the reader, abuses the reader, bullies the reader, etc. EVEN if its yandere!! My yandere stories may not be tame, theyre very bloody (unless specified otherwise), and it shows that being yandere is BAD and should NOT be replicated in real life, because these tropes are purely fictional and do not condemn yandere behaviors. but im not going as far to write abuse of the reader into my story. not sorry. but angst is fine, so you can request the reader to not feel worth it or have the reader be sad and what not, i'm a SUCKER for hurt/comfort!
Try to keep your requests simplistic! I don't mind when the reader has a lot of details, or even the character, but please keep in mind when you're adding too many details to a request, I try to keep my works open to everyone! please notice when your request has too many oc-specific details, i want my writings to seem relateable, I suppose
I take reaction requests! So for example, you'd request "reader says "why me?" after a confession from (character/s)" and i'll write how the characters would react!! Most of the time these are labeled under 'Imagines' unless specified otherwise!
Also, if you don't see a major character in a fandom under characters i will write for, it most likely means i wont write for them! so dont request them! most common example being: william afton under fnaf. yep, not writing for a child murderer
I don't write for male readers. I'm really sorry for this one, but I don't really know how to write for it, as I usually write for gender neutral readers, since I'm most comfortable with that. I'll do fem readers if you ask nicely, though!
I can deny any requests. This is my blog, and if I feel uncomfy with something or I just don't know the character that well, I will not write for you (if you're request hasn't been answered in over 4 weeks, there's a high chance that I've denied your request!) However, this doesn't always mean I was uncomfy with your request! Normally it means that I just had no idea how to write for it, so don't feel bad! (im also a bit picky lol)
MAKE SURE TO SPECIFY WHETHER YOU WANT ONESHOTS, HCS, OR IMAGINES!! cant tell you how many times i'll get requests that dont even specify these blatant details, make sure to let me know so i dont get anything wrong!!
Oh, and, sorry but I don't do songfics :(
I will allow:
Platonic fics!! these are super fun to write for
Child readers, as long as its platonic
Any animal characters. Yes, this does include MLP and Sonic characters. Go wild
Things that seem "unnatural".... by this I mean characters like Bill Cipher or Wheatley.. who kinda are like objects but yk oh well they're sexymen...
Long oneshots! (my maximum is usually 2-5k words)
Different types of readers! Such as Shy!Reader, (or if an MLP oneshot), Pegasus!Reader. Just nothing too specific,,
Yandere fics! I will not only write romantic yandere, but platonic yandere! Sounds confusing, I know, but you'll get used to it
Not just oneshots! I'll accept imagines, headcanons, etc.
Alphabets! This includes SFW abcs, Fluff abcs, Angst, you name it! Again, NO NSFW abcs please,,
WLW, WLNB, MLNB or any other homo combos. gay people are cool, being one myself B)
Weird people. thats just my entire blog, honestly. oh well. everyone is welcome!! everyone can request!!
All types of characters are welcome! Feel free to request whatever, but please remember that if I don't feel comfy with a request, I can deny your request.
Characters I Will Write For!
I look forward to writing for you guys!!!!!! :33
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garoujo · 1 year
hey emmie! Ok so I hope this isn’t too long and boring and like wtf but you’re my favourite author on the app so I think I’ll just ask you though anon. im not entirely new to tumblr, been on it for slightly over a year but all I do I read fics, like I don’t interact with people (kinda scared to in a way💀). Anyways, so id been reading without an account for a long time and recently made one to simply keep a tally of my fav fics and follow people I like, so my page is like... blank?? Yea. Then I commented on someone’s post for the first time ever recently, asking, along with other people, for a part 2 of what they posted. tell me why they literally blasted me in their next post because my page is blank?? And a lot of people have been saying the same stuff about blank blogs so like long story short, is there some kind of beef with blank blogs or something? Like my age and gender and pronouns and all the important stuff are in my bio so like what am I doing wrong??😭 I felt so sad when they posted that like I was showing appreciation to their content then got slapped in the face man😭 so like yea, I hope what I’m saying is making sense? You’re Literally so bbg and kind so I rly want to know your take on this. much love and I hope I’m not to late to say happy 1 year anniversary for your account <33
hiiii nonnie !!! to put it in as short an explanation as i can there’s always been a sort of ‘problem’ with the ratio of likes vs reblogs when it comes to fanfiction ! a lot if not all writers always urge writers to reblog their work because it helps to boost it, it lets us know you enjoyed it, you can leave tags letting us know you enjoyed it & all that other good stuff !
so alot of writers when they see a blank blog in their notifs (having an age in ur bio aside) it can be disheartening esp if you’re asking for things like “part 2?” for example because if you’re not reblogging, it can come across like ‘i didn’t like this enough to reblog but i’m also not satisfied with just this so can you write more?’ which is why a lot of people can get upset about it even if you’ve not meant it in a malicious sort of way !
it’s been a long standing sort of discussion / fight because writers put a lot of time into their craft etc. and all we really want is just someone to tell us it was worth it yk? esp when like you said you just want to have a way to bookmark your favourite pieces, that is when reblogging can come in handy so i can understand where that writer is coming from because it does upset alot of people to be sort of seen like a ‘content machine’ of sorts !
i hope this makes sense because it is sort of like an ongoing problem in the fandom i guess you could say, a lot of writers just want to know you enjoyed their stuff because it motivates them to write more ! as much as most write for themselves, we post for the readers so it just makes us feel a lot better if we know it’s not just a waste of time yk? <3
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jayflrt · 2 years
hey!! hope you’re doing well, i’ve really been enjoying your fics :) i kind of have a random question; what are your thoughts on the “reblog to like ratio” discourse that’s been going on here on tumblr? personally i have some opinions on it but they don’t really match with the majority of what i’ve seen haha. so i’m curious about what your thoughts are? like do you think writers are entitled to reblogs and comments?
hihi anon !! 💘💘 thank you for supporting my fics ! and i hope you’re having a great day/night love :’) ooo hmm i’ve definitely seen conversations about that going around 😵‍💫 i’ll put the rest of my answer under the cut since it sort of got long 🤧
i do agree that interaction is a factor of encouragement for a lot of people and it can be discouraging when you pour your heart into a fic and don’t get the engagement you anticipated. however, i do think we should be realistic about how well content does in certain fandoms. for example, smaus and headcanons/reactions seem to do a lot better in enhablr than long fics. with tumblr in general, a lot of readers seem to prefer smut over fluff. btw i’m not saying people don’t like other genres like crime or mystery or something, but from what i see smut gets a lot more engagement
and there’s also other factors as to why engagement might be slow. maybe your readers are just too busy to read at the moment, maybe the certain trope/plot you’ve written isn’t their cup of tea — it honestly just comes down to personal preference
i used to write on wattpad and i’m ngl i feel like the interaction there was worse (and kind of negative) so tumblr is kind of a dream LMFAO and also ngl i never thought of my like to reblog ratio until i saw posts about it and stuff. i don’t rlly mind it tho bc the reblogs and comments and asks are very very sweet. tumblr does have an odd algorithm where only reblogs are how you spread posts across other blogs, and that’s why i use my likes as bookmarks instead :’)
i do see that across most platforms tho, like tweets will have more likes than retweets and wattpad books will have more votes than comments sometimes. so i do encourage people to reblog more for that exposure, but i also feel like the criteria changes each time i see a post LOL like i’ve seen posts going from “don’t just like, reblog the post” to “don’t reblog with just tags” to “don’t just reblog with one comment and keysmashes.” i will say when you place these expectations on your readers, it becomes hard to enjoy what you’re writing and to appreciate the praise you do receive
i used to be a silent reader around 2019-2020 and now i do enjoy leaving extensive commentary on fics if you see my fic recs blog, but i also can only really do it with long fics :o if it’s a smau/drabble/timestamp/reaction, then i sort of just read it and don’t have much to say yk? i feel like that’s the same for a lot of people as well, especially on enhablr when that seems to be a lot of the content
i’m not sure if “entitled” is the right word for reblogging and commenting. i do encourage readers to reblog and comment on content they like !! since we’re all putting out free content tho, we gotta keep in mind that readers are not expected to read all of our works in the same way that we’re not obligated to write for others. i also respect that some people like to curate their own blog’s content. like yeah blog aesthetic whatever — i make multiple side blogs for that reason. we can’t be entitled to reblogs but not allow our readers to be entitled to having their blogs be the way they want yk ??
i’m sure people have other opinions on this so i hope this didn’t come off in an aggressive way or anything !! and i’m sorry for rambling on for so long omg 😭 ofc i’m always open to other perspectives on this matter as well 💗
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sophsun1 · 1 year
contrary to the other anons opinion, i think you should make MORE qaf gifs!!!
but on the real, i’m one of those people who didn’t watch qaf until this year and it’s been such a treat to be able to come to your blog every day and see new qaf content so thank you!
Hey anon!
Aww, thank you I really appreciate you saying that and I'm glad you enjoy the content. It's why I do it, so me and other fans can see it and to spread a tiny bit of escapism happiness 💕
To be honest I wouldn't have even acknowledged that anon because the best way to deal with hate is to straight up block and delete. Don't even give them your energy as the issue is with them and not you. But what triggered me was the blatant entitlement and rudeness that they had a right to tell me what to post on MY blog. As far as I'm aware I do not have a gun to their head or anyone's asking them to follow me if they don't like what I post. I would rather you unfollow and go enjoy the things you want to see, why make yourself upset over something that is so avoidable and trivial in the grand scheme of things.
You are in charge of what you see on here, unfollow, block, filter the tag are all options available to you so the idiocy of going to the blog owner and demanding they tailor their content to suit you is ridiculous.
Plus I came onto tumblr posting qaf and have been doing so for TWO YEARS. My icon is qaf and so is my header and if you ask my mutuals/followers what is Soph known for? they'll say oh she's the one posting qaf! It's not like it's not obvious I post about it. I didn't know my two whole gifsets a day was overkill, and what made me laugh was I do post gifs about other shows, my top posts reflect that and are all non qaf related! My other show interests are on hiatus so I can't exactly magic up content to gif. I make a lot of gifs for fandoms that don't even have active gif makers anymore so yk.
There's enough unkindness in the world as it is, and I use tumblr and gif making as a creative escape as do the majority of content creators on here, whether it's answering asks, writing fic, writing meta, funny posts etc whatever. It's my tiny safe space to be silly and post with and for my followers. I go through enough shit in real life I don't welcome it here.
The major reason why I love posting gifs in general for qaf is because I only discovered the show two years ago and when I came on here there was zero content. So I took it upon myself to learn gif making and I'm 100% self taught, no one has shown me how to do anything I've had to go search it myself. I'm really fucking proud of how far I've come with making them, from my grainy and uncoloured ones which I still smile at because I made them with love to the ones that I create now. It takes literal hours and the process isn't easy. So now to be the one posting stuff for old fans, new fans to discover is me coming tumblr full circle!
There's many gif makers like me that create for "dead fandoms" or forgotten shows, and sometimes it might be that if we didn't post then there would be nothing for people to enjoy like it was for me. I've had people who followed me from day one and my first ever britin gifset who still pop up in my notes now and people who have discovered the show from my gifs, and ones like you who come to the tag and see my unhinged self all over it.
So in conclusion my point is first off think twice before you hit that anon button with hate, because there's a real life person behind that icon who is causing you no harm so have the decency to do the same in return. Imagine someone did become self conscious after getting that ask and stopped posting something they like. Let people enjoy what they want and it's first world problems to be complaining about, I don't take stuff on here seriously when it's fandom stuff but I don't care for nastiness towards anyone.
I wish more people did make qaf gifs so I would have stuff to reblog myself and could take a break lmao it's lonely out here. It doesn't even have to be gifs, it can be meta, mood boards, screenshots, fic anything. So qaf fans get to it pls...
Keep creating what you like, for me it doesn't have to be the best quality gifs or greatest technical gifset. What makes me smile and I love seeing is people post stuff because they wanna have fun, they took the time and effort to create and post because it came from the heart. So fuck anyone else as we're all losers on tumblr together!
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About the Author
Finally got around to writing this lol, this is sorta a request rules page to I guess.
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Hey! I’m Mori! Responsible for all the writing, editing, beta reading, running, and responding on the multifandom-simp-page!
I write fanficton for a lot of fandoms, whether they’re new hyperfixations, or old obsessions I can’t let die.
My requests are usually open and I try to post at least once a week (a bitch gets busy sometimes yk?) but sometimes post more often
I love interacting with my readers so sliding into my req box just to chat is always welcome!
I’ve seen on tumblr people assigning emojis to their anons and would love to do that if your interested! I can also correlate your anon with a character or fandom if you so please!
I really like when people just slide in without using the anon button though cus, idk it just feels nicer interacting that way, idk how to explain it though. BUT I completely understand sending anonymous requests, lmao it’s all I ever do.
My main hobbies are writing (obviously), reading (obviously), and painting! Though during the summer months I like doing as many outdoors activities as possible (archery, paddle boarding, kayaking, etc). I also enjoy doing water sports!!
My current occupation is a full time student, which sucks but you know, gotta do what you gotta do to make a living. But I want to pursue professional writing or acting in the near future.
I am an American-New Zealand dual citizen but currently live in the US.
I have 3 dogs and a rabbit, Bella is my oldest (11), Skipper is my middle (5), and Apollo is my youngest (8 weeks), and my rabbit Lucky is a bit over a year.
About the blog
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I do not like English. Yes it’s my native language. But I have ADD and Dyslexia so my spelling and grammar sucks sometimes, I ask that you forgive me because I know it’s bad and I chose to write anyways.
Again, this is a Multifandom blog, and I mostly write things that are submitted to my inbox, but there is the occasional self indulgence here and there.
I write Drabbles, one shots, HC’s and imagines.
With my writing, I gender neutral unless pronouns are specific to the request. My comfort zone is writing GN and Fem readers, but for you male readers out there I’m willing to try my hand at it for you. I write romantic and platonic relationships! Pretty much any dynamic.
This blog does have NSFW posts, more specifically I really only write NSFW HC’s, alphabets and imagines, as I’m totally not confident in my ability to write smut lol. And for NSFW posts I won’t write male!reader. So sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable nor confident, because I don’t think I can do you guys justice.
If you submit a request and you don’t see it posted for a while, don’t think I immediately scrapped the idea, it’s probably because it’s just sitting in my inbox partially done cus I can’t find time to focus on it, but then again, there’s always a chance I didn’t feel comfortable nor confident enough to write it, and for that I deeply apologize.
I always feel so bad when I don’t write someone’s request because they’re all sooo good but I either don’t know enough about something in the req or I just feel that it’s wayyy out of my league to write.
That’s all I can think of doing right now, but if you think of anything else you’d like to know please do not be afraid to ask!
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leaderwon · 2 hours
if you want a completely honest opinions abt ur blog here it is!!! (coming from a brutally honest person):
you’re one of the first writers I came across on enhypen tumblr and you literally set the standard. It’s obviously you put so much thought and work into your work pieces, which makes them much more satisfying to read. When im reading your work I can literally feel and imagine what’s going on — which overall makes it way better.
your theme is also so frickin cute (biased cuz peach is my favourite colour) and js sets the vibes and mood just right!
I think the only thing I don’t “like” (quotations around ‘dont like’ because ill still read it and like it, just won’t enjoy it as much as I could/usually would) is that the topics are repetitive.
For example; “what enhypen would do when you’re on your period” “what they would do when you’re stressed over exams” etc, are some of the most enhypen reactions/imagines you’d see on this app. And by no means am I saying your version of them is bad, its just repetitive and tiring to see ALL the time. Although, your writing is what makes yours stand out from all the rest. I’d suggest digging deeper for new topics that you wouldn’t see as much, yk?
overall ur literally one of my fav writers on tumblr, keep it up ❣️
hey anon! thanks so much on your thoughts :)
I agree the topics are repetitive not only on enhablr but other fandoms too and honestly it's so hard to come up with something new and different because I'm not very creative and since I mostly write texts the topics are somewhat limited but i completely understand where you're coming from and I appreciate you coming forward and saying this! I'll try and look for new topics. Feel free to request if you find something! I'll happily do it :)
Thank you so much for reading my work and I'm honoured to be one of you favorite writers on the app.
Peach is such a cute and pretty color how can someone not love it
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pantherxdrawz · 1 year
Oh fucc forgot to do an intro
and AFTER the 500 post point-
…I ain’t putting all this in my bio
Anywho, Welcome to my blog!
[That is of course, unless your a proshipper, MAP, lgbtphobic, bigot, TERF, racist, support the shitshow that is TBATF and/or the creators (that parts just because I’m in the Eddsworld Fandom).]
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^Visual representation of me tapping my lil DNI list
YK the common basics. (Tbh who WANTS those guys interacting with them/rh)
If your one of them,
very kindly fuck off
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(You WILL be blocked if not)
With that out of the way,
☄️-I’m Panther/Nyx/Shade
I’ve also got many other names take y’all’s pick [pulls out a comedically large tophat with names], I even have names like Cloudberg and Roomba at this point as long as it’s not offensive anything is on the table really-/hj
At this point you could point to me and go “your name is Tom now your Tom” and I’d go: “…okay guess I’m Tom now”
💫-I currently use all the pronouns, He/She/They/Xe/It etc. Whatever just go for it, still figuring that shit out and I don’t really mind
☄️-I‘ma hobby artist, also hobby animator if I feel like it, but I do take Discord Nitro commissions at times (info below if you’re interested, you could also just DM me right off the bat for info, however since I also have school I might not get to it straight way as fair warning)
I also feel like I should’ve charged for completion and not crop and that these are embarrassingly cheap, and full body’s are embarrassingly expensive but hey I don’t have this as my full job what do I know
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You can DM me on here, or on my Discord RandomPurplePantherGorl#2046 if you’re interested
Edit: So since the Twitter (or “X” *gags*) forced update with the username changes, my Discord is now pantherxdrawz just like my Tumblr
Disclaimer: I have all rights to deny a commission for any possible reason, even if it’s perfectly fine by all the guidelines I’ve put, I still have full rights to deny it (I probably won’t though, but still) ★・・・・・・★
Current Hyperfixations:
-Ensemble Stars (This one’s the newest and current strongest)
-Project Sekai
-Ace Attorney
-Eddsworld (Well, actually not really anymore, Been Hyperfixated on it for a year then eventually just kinda…lost interest and left the fandom. but I’m still gonna put it here, I might return one day)
I’m basically Multi-fandom friendly and post whatever tf I want when I want, basically I just see a cool thing and hit reblog
so if you followed me for only one fandom and don’t like multi fandom posting, uhhh sorry pal you’re in the wrong place, feel free to unfollow in that case
I’m just a little guy trying to post their art and reblog stuff
★・・・・・・★ Filtering tags of mine, everything else on this fucking blog is a cluttered garage:
#pantherxdrawz My art/animation tag
#pantherxeditz My edit tag, where you’ll find my au edits of game/show shots
#pantherxwritez My tag for writing/fanfics that I make
#pantherzocs / #panthersocs My tag for if you ever get interested in my Hand made blorbos (my ocs) and want to see everything I’ve posted of them
#for the pocket friends My tag for showing my mutuals stuff simple as that
Enjoy your stay :]
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basement-hobo · 1 year
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I posted 76 times in 2022
That's 36 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (55%)
34 posts reblogged (45%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 36 of my posts in 2022
#shitpost - 13 posts
#text post - 7 posts
#help - 4 posts
#bunny - 2 posts
#art - 2 posts
#image post - 2 posts
#transgender - 2 posts
#epithet erased - 2 posts
#music - 2 posts
#motivation - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#i went from drawing mediocre anatomy to the best twink drawing skills you ever did see
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi!! I noticed something on like the newest episode yk like when alador decided “fuck it im divorcing my wife” which he SHOULD like yass bitch slay good job on starting that redemption arc bestie!!!!
But during that i noticed something and uh
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Bestie what is this
See the full post
27 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
just summarised the entirety of bugsnax in one discord bit
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See the full post
27 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Reddit AITA can be really confusing sometimes because like some woman will go on there and be like “my boyfriend set my house on fire and stabbed me 15 times but when i told him off for it he got really sad and that made me feel bad am i the asshole” and then theres people that will say yes.
36 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
hey guys can we make the epithet erased fandom version of "no beta we die like men" be "no beta we cry like ben" or not
49 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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hey guys is anyone hungry i made soup
618 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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myelocin · 3 years
send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨💫 - @ryuiki
!!! u are the loveliest T^T as a show of appreciation im just gonna word dump an impromptu speech here ;w;
@xavestory - yk i always think story telling is already such a challenge with words but the fact that you can do it so naturally with art is just sth always worthy of an applause. not saying this bc im ur friend n u have blackmail material over me but im saying this as someone who has been ur fan before ur friend
@saetyrn9 - miss MAAM my LOVE MY LIFE amy TwT i love u!!! thank u for always writing the most beautiful pieces T3T im such a scatterbrained reader and often find it hard to immerse myself in words but u somehow have this way of just easing me in and having me float in this world from beginning to the end. and it NEVER stops at the end too. ur characters always feel human and i love u for that. what u've written have always lingered ;;w;;
@churoomiii - i appreciate u because at this point u are more than just this rando i found on the net. tq for sharing ur words and ur heart. (tear streaks down cheek)
@tsu-kiss - literally how do u come on tumblr to reblog 2 things every 2 weeks and still have the best aesthetic plz spare me tips my blog looks like a screencap from phub but emo version. thank u for sticking thru this whole time. ilu as big as the skies
@23soong - the part 2 to my part 1 in ayahuasca. cant believe it's a year in and we still find reasons to cry tgt whether it's 1pm or 1am. (crying emoji) (secret handshake)
@hvnlydmn - i still cannot believe u are a diluc stan but it's ok i will still support u. LMAO. ains how the hell do u have energy to have a full life outside of tumblr and still come here and keep ur blog up to date like i post 2 things every week and disappear for ten years. either way my liddle tumblr space always feels incomplete unless i see u around so thank u for being a part of this home TwT
@keisukesbaji - idk how else to preface this other than by saying helow mandy ur one of the ppl i will always remember when i think ab day 1 on this blog. u radiate so much joy and kind energy so thank u for constantly being here and constantly healing. i can't wait to cook for u
@prettyboykatsuki - HA. ARI. WOW. i can't think of love unless i think of your writing. so much of your wisdom and raw kindness bleeds into your pieces so thank u for all u do seriously. i WISH i can properly articulate how deep ur writing is embedded in my mf SOUL but alas pistachio nut brain i can only cry and clap again and again. but ily. u are wonderful. ily ily ily.
@mintchocolateships charlie!!!!!! u are such an angel. leading up to the last few chaps of aot i can never even think ab it unless i think ab u. ;;w;; i sincerely hope you constantly find joy and love all around and that it's there with u before u even think of getting up and finding it. levi feels incomplete without jenna in my head now LMAO
@gg9183 hey my day 1. wow. day ONE. it's nice to think we're in the same universe sharing this little corner tgt. u are the most lovely and im so thankful u let me in ur life ;;w;; i offer nothing but blurbs and the occasional poke on ur askbox but tq TwT
@acxciia i hope u know i genuinely think of u as ate kay in my head now LMAO. u are honestly the personification of the kindest form of love and im so incredibly blessed for u. + ur music taste?????? HAH ILY EVEN MORE
@amjustagirl nikki my love TwT resident big sister of this whole fandom u bring so much joy to this community. + all ur pieces??? IMMACULATE. i wish u the happiest every single day u are my whole sunshine and ily. 
@danibby i genuinely hope we meet one day just so i can give back to u and give u the biggest hug just to let u know how much i adore and appreciate u. let’s sit somewhere together and share some fruit and stories. ily times infinity ate
@neoheros rue!!!!!!!!! ur writing has always lived in this special room in my heart so thank u for continuously giving us gold. thank u for letting the most human part of love slip into ur words. u have no idea how much i look up to u.
@shinchiro i cant believe u like issei out of everyone in hq girl what did he do to deserve u. slander to ur lover aside, u are such a kind person im so thankful for u. thank u for letting me peek into u and issei’s world but as well as urs. my whole heart, always miss xin makki can have the crumbs leftover
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lokislytherin · 3 years
i gotta stop getting lost in my content / losing my content to the tumblr void so here is a neatly compiled list of everything i’ve ever written and posted, as well as everything i want to start / get done!
main fandoms: tower of god, lookism, nijisanji EN
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tower of god:
tog calendar: sandwiches, summonings and supernatural beings
japan boarding school horror story: toilet bound viole senpai
joseon dynasty ehwaryun: 火花
khundeath crack ft whipped reaper bam: no body no crime
khunbam soft tango dancing ft hwaryun: permission to dance
deep voice khun x writer bam: my mind turns your life into folklore
vday / white day exchange: you are in love
aguero is not scared of eldritch bam: wake me in the moonlight
bam gets yeeted out of bed: how to share a bed by khun a.a
soft sadist!maschenny: we're going crazy, 본 적 없던 naughty girl
beauty and the beast, nekokhun: dinner here is never second best
alice in wonderland, kidnapped cop!bam: we found wonderland
khun maria character study: twit
gumiho!khun x hwarang!bam with a lil plot twist: stay gold
tog x bnha au with todoroki!khun and villain deku!bam: bad guy
mafia spy!khun x cop!bam in khunfam party: bang bang bang
kiki’s delivery service khunbam au: cruel summer
nijisanji EN:
vox akuma + eldritch kindred: love me only til this spring
cop au!vox vs fulgur: cyborgs roll the dice, demons roll their eyes
debut lore fulgur gets isekai’d into a barn: how baa-thersome
sonny brisko creates chaos as goose: it’s time to HUNT
pickpocket konbini tenchou alban: welcome to the nekonbini
fulgur ovid attempts to babysit noctyx: baby, baby, baby, NO
vox akuma bday fic for akumazine: and there is happiness
uki gaslight gatekeep girlbosses legatus: the ‘leg’ in legatus
yandere student council president sonny x reader: PSYCHO.
cartographer!fulgur ft mer!uki: something fishy in the water
fulgur sheep transmigration fic, the sequel: yes i read you
merry crisis to hako tenshi: no shame, that’s where i’m at
akumazine round 2 ft hako tenshi: i do wish me a lovely night
noctyx 2nd anni zine nya: borg dreams of holly and ribbon
akumazine round 3 ft luxiem and hako: cause destiny is mine
social anxiety awkward jay au: hong jaeyeol can’t communicate
chainsaw man!lookism au: 努力、未來、a beautiful star
idol!daniel x med student jay + plot twist: all eyes on me now
joy pov jay sick fic ft sibling feelings + daniel: made with love
5 wingmen vs 1 potential valentines janiel owo: hit and run
fluffy angsty gundaniel hurt and janiel comfort: finally clean
idol!daniel x med jay sequel + fox ears: you know i hype you boy
komi!jay finally confesses for white day: baby i love, i love you
janiel ft crystaljay arranged marriage: i found myself dreaming
janiel finally get their happy ending: and i hope i never lose you
byelingual gun x izakaya!reader + plot twist: speak no evil
idol daniel x pianist med jay: hey piano man, your dancing hands
assassinseok fails to kill jay 4 whole times: come a little closer
marine biologist x selkie jay ft ocean puns: when i sea you again
tattoo artist dan x gay panicking jay: nineteen’s kitsch
jay finds out ui dan is a closet cuddlebug: marshmallow cheeks
jaeseok meet cute + dan’s first time on a plane: city of stars
samuel and eli take care of yenna: and at last i see the light
flirty hyungseok x batman![guess who!]: hero in black armor
park jinyoung character study: hopes for tomorrow
prince!dan x protective guardian angel!jay: hikaru nara
vampire!dan x werewolf!jay rom com: mabushikute
spiderjay for nanowrimo: hong jaeyeol, superhero
jangseo hostel christmas ft yenna: snowing in my heart
lunar new year dragonjay: raging fire, roaring flood
trigun stampede: 
aboverse plantcest fluff and theoretical cuddling: koko ni, nai
millions knives? no he’s a worm now: would you still love me
the grandmaster of demonic cultivation | 魔道祖師:
mid autumn festival wangxian ft glowsticks: 舉頭望明月
handsome detective kim seokjin says be gay solve crime: save me
joon has heart cancer but it’s not what you think: 나 너를 사랑해
bwl era sope confession: i want to see the stars in your eyes
vampire!jeon jeongguk x human!reader: euphoria
waiter jeongguk coffeeshop au, u’ll get diabetes: hot stuff, beware
tower of god: 
khunbam idol au, singer!bam x manager!khun: ships in the night
khunbam merfolk au (title is a spoiler / pun btw): fish out of water
snow queen!khun + angels/demons: it’s always you, crystal snow
harry potter chosen ones!khunbam (title pun): works like a charm
detective jin says be gay solve crime part 2: i’m fine
beauty and the beast werewolf!joon x fairy!jin: the truth untold
circus au with photographer!jk + journalist!suga: burn the stage
mermaid!yoongi x human prince!jimin (same universe as ttu): run
star tears disease ft pining jaeyeol x oblivious daniel: starshatter
sussy ceo dg x journalist reader: devil by the window
jay adopts 5 y o kid!daniel: the single father to husband pipeline
dan accidentally moves in with ghost!jay: haunted
valentines secretary x ceo jaydan: my new boss is a himbo!!
reverse isekai with writer ike eveland:  hope in the dark
tower of god: 
little red riding hood yuri x big bad wolf mas: i’m a little monster
aladdin au khunbam ft genie!rak: shining shimmering splendid
yuri on ice x yuchenny (khunbam as otayuri): born to make history
model!khun x broke accidental sugar baby!bam: blue heart emojis
snippets of things from ships in the night, non-khunbam centric
genshin impact:
鲸鱼之歌 (whale song): singer!childe x retired pianist!zhongli
fearless: jeanlisa dancing in the rain ft klee (no electrocharge)
noctyx tog au ft other niji members: spiral to the abyss
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darknessisafriend · 2 years
What do you do to be popular here? People never answer my tags and sometimes even the asks... I don't know if It's a tumblr bug but it's really lonely here... I bet they won't answer even if I say I will kill myself
Hey! Well I didn't really do anything special to be 'popular' here. But you know what made me known to the fandom was writing my own stories and then I said I accepted requests, and keep doing those requests, sometimes I post some personnal stories or suggest little games, yk things like that. There's not really a recipe for it, just do what you enjoy doing ^^
When you send an ask make sure your request or question are clear, respectful and also make sure those blogs answer asks, some are shy :) I personally always answer to asks and I usually do too with the tags. But tags can easily go unnoticed because for example I receive a lot of notifications so I don't always see the tags :)
And please don't kill yourself anon, if you truly feel such desire, seek help and remember that there are people who care about you <3
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wernerherzogs · 5 years
feel like a lot of larries (me included) didn't dare to thirst for hl at first. I remember it being frowned upon because it was considered as gross since they're considered as a couple which is ridic because they are celebs and we don't know them so it should be normal to do so as long as it's not gross and too objectifying? And like people who used be thirsty would be instantly categorized as a Het™️. Now there are so many sections in the fandom so it's not as clear cut. 1/4
“Which was one of the first times I felt like it was a general reaction for Louis. As for Harry I don’t remember seeing a lot of Thirst from larries neither and I’d say that many larries harries who tended to do so have now gone stylers (lmao) and feel more comfortable to do so and because it’s more generally Accepted yk. I have a few blogs in mind who were larries and are wayyyy more explicit in their tags and desire for Harry now that they have separated themselves from the larrie fandom. ¾
I’d say right now (for the larrie fandom) that it’s still way more accepted to thirst on Louis than on Harry because louis’ het fandom isn’t really a thing, whereas harry’s is and people don’t want to be associated with them. Like rn i have no shame thirsting on Louis but I still feel weird abt harry because he’s objectively so Gorgeous but I’d feel weird af for thirsting on him. Still have to decipher why exactly and the dynamics it includes but it’s a work in progress haha. 4/4″
so i still haven’t got part 2 (maybe you’re using some ~risque word in there that tumblr’s censoring or something? idk, ugh :( ), but, like. your observations aren’t Untrue. and yeah there’s room in here for a larger conversation (that i’m not sure i’d be able to handle) re: that we can’t help but find some people attractive, but Public Consumption Of/Desire For celebrities might lead to feelings of guilt, to considering yourself predatory, to making you feel like you’re invading, and etc. like it’s hard to draw a clear line between “they’ve chosen to have a public career, and their bodies and attractiveness will just be inevitably tied to the way we decide to pay attention to them or not, because that’s how human beings operate”, and “i just don’t want to treat them as a product”. and, yeah, it all obviously gets more complicated when said feelings might regard someone who we believe is taken, and in a same-sex (that’s opposite to our sex) relationship, too. basically i… don’t really know what to say except that the points you made feel Accurate, akfjsfdjdf
eta: I GOT THIS NOW. i don’t think my answer changes, except yeah, this feels Accurate also:
“hey kasia i rewrote part 2 on desktop but it seems like you haven't got it either.. i don't know what's happening &hope ull get. this i was basically saying that people used to thirst on specific parts of louis'body (maybe) bc it seemed more acceptable to focus on 1 specific part instead of his entire being. but now he covers himself more and i was sying that txf was interesting bc some people went 'oh!! hot!!!' when all we saw was his covered upper body and his (gorg!!) face”
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phereinnike · 7 years
hey vero since u said u like talking shit why do u hate gan/sey? (I wanted to ask earlier but I didn't want to get u hate but since u said u don't mind here we go) (also love ur blog
Don’t you just love how there are a shit ton of ‘your fave is problematic: gn/sey’ posts that only mention his shit fashion sense and how he puts avocado on pizza and like completely ignore any and all character flaw he might have because the fandom is so busy sucking his three dicks that they either don’t see this flaws or completely condone and forgive them? 
I don’t love it either. 
PSA: This is 1.2k of gansey semi-serious hate open at your own risk.
Dickington Dickface McDikinson the third is kinda like universally loved and forgiven even though he’s done shit like: wonder out loud if poor people are capable of love (bcs ofc poor people are animals for you to study and you can extrapolate the relationship between 2 of them (out of the 3 you know) universally, they’re basically microorganisms??? right???), insinuate he’d pay a girl to talk to his friend (bcs again poor people are trained zoo seals that will dance for money and that proposal isn’t dehumanizing of both the girl and your friend at all bcs like were they even humans to begin with?) and erase someone’s humanity so completely he invalidated their existence. 
The Author explains people being like completely up Gansey’s ass as a consequenceof him as a character being super invested in people liking him and working hard for it. And like I’m not saying it might also be because white american rich boys are allowed to do anything at all in the world and people will always find a reason to excuse it but yk, it could like, have played a small part on it. 
He features some loveable character traits like 1) not understanding poor people -he’s rich what can he do? pay attention? ask? don’t be silly, rich people don’t ask we throw money around until things happen as they should-  2) and trying to solve his friend’s fear of depending on someone forever by -wait for it, wait for it, this is brilliant-getting him indebted to himself -my boy, such a mind such a brain- because ofc being indebted to him is different than being indebted to his dad and Adam being reticent to owe someone something as big as his high school fees or a fucking appartement after the incredibly traumatic relationship he has with his dad and money in general is not understandable at all. How is dickinson supposed to understand that??? by investing time -aside of money- in his friends? RIDICULOUS. 
There’s also that tiny unworthy of mention quote of “the difference between us and kavinsky is that we matter” that no one aside from me seems to have a problem with. And like, yk, maybe IT’S ME. Maybe thinking that the world revolves so completely around you if someone doesn’t matter to you they just don’t matter, maybe it’s totally normal. Maybe erasing a human being’s experiences and fears and hopes just because you don’t like them is acceptable. 
Like, I mean, dehumanizing drug addicts and insinuating anything bad that happens to them it’s their fault and they deserved it is kinda a real thing. So maybe everyone just agrees with that and I’m not disgusting enough for it. Maybe mocking someone with no support network coming from a place of incredible privilege is fun in america? idk dude. Like I seriously don’t get it. Because Ronan and Kavinsky do some pretty gross stuff too but at least peopleacknowledge that they did it????? (even if they excuse it afterwards).
Also he puts avocado on pizza which is totally on the same level, what a moster, what a heathen. 
There’s also that little thing he does where his life lacked sense so hard and he felt so guilty for being alive when other people aren’t “someone is dying when they should not and so you’ll live when you should not” that he shoved all his sense of self-worth into the mission of finding a dead dude and asking for a wish. Like, he could’ve decided to use his incredible privilege and money to help people or at least pulled a batman and became a night vigilante -we all know this wouldn’t work bcs he’s weak as shit- but no. This was more pretentious and went more with his general bitch aesthetic so here we are. And then he chastisises and mocks anyone that doesn’t have a life purpose because how do they dare not feel guilty for being alive????
On the topic of what a pretentious piece of shit he is, let me tell you i go to law school and spend 6 hours a day surrounded by gross rich people in boat shoes and polo shirts and I have never met anyone this pretentious. HE CHEWS MINT PLANTS. Not only is he so sickeningly pretentious that it’s not even cool anymore?? It’s just like those boys that talk you up in a bar but like “oh yeah i’m into welsh kings, specially glendower, bet you don’t know who that is, let me mansplain it” and you’re all please god fulminate him. It’s ridiculous? have you met any american teenage rich boy that spoke like an eightysomething british historian and not automatically wanted to break his nose in???? is that possible???? am i the only one that hate people whose usual voice tone is condescendence?????
And he’s such a special snowflake??? “oh you do drugs?? lozer!1!!1 glendower is my drugz!!!1!! lolz”. Like please dickinson calm down. No one cares. No one fucking asked. No one ever fucking asks. Just shut up. I’m sure if dick had a tumblr he’d be a superwholockian and you fuckers would still be up his ass. 
Along those lines he’s also the most entitled character I’ve ever read about??? He changes Blue’s name to something fancier without fucking asking and everyone finds it super quirky but if I tell a boy my name and he insists on calling me Jane I would break his nose in and I refuse to believe Blue Sargent wouldn’t too?????? (but i also totally hate blue and try not to read anything about her so what the fuck do i know). His holier than thou attitude comes in a nice holiday package that includes policing his friends hobbies as if his wasn’t weird as shit and also potentially lethal, not correcting people when they call his bestfriend a dog and even playing in on the joke, hanging with the literal paid killer that murdered his bestfriend’s father throwing him into a suicidal ptsd induced spiral AND then proceeded to beat up said’s bestfriend brother who dickinson is kinda friends with because can he keep is fucking nose out of someone’s affair??? unlikely! 
I’d say to rush and get this package before it sells out but, like dickinson’s happiness at having met himself, it will never ran out of stock. Rejoice.
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