#but i hope ur periods don't hurt as much anon!
twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
Can I please get period headcannons for Mallues? I’m on mine and it’s terrible :(
update: an anon reminded me that not only females can get periods, so! it's gender neutral reader tw: periods, blood I'm not sure if you're asking for platonic/romantic headcannons, so I'll make it platonic, nonnie! requests are closed!
🍉malleus draconia 🍉
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first and foremost, he will ask. he'll ask what you need, and deliver to the best of his abilities. this includes...
he'll ask for someone to give you a massage, as he worries he might be too harsh on you and make it worse, and he'll make damn sure that it's a good massage.
he's attentive. he'll ask about your day, what happened, so on and so forth. he, out of everyone, knows how it feels to be left out, so the TLC he gives you is a guaranteed 10/10.
space. he'll give you space if need be. perhaps entirely out of ramshackle, perhaps he'll be outside ramshackle, looking at gargoyles.
he'll ask for a heating pad, and make sure that the temperature's right.
overall, he's a good friend that will take care of you through the tough days.
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sincerestlove · 3 months
Mother Nature - R.G.
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thank you so much for the request Anon! i hope i did the idea justice!
Request: hii! my sincere welcome to tumblr, hope u find it a great community here 🫶 u said u were taking requests, i really liked ur writing so what about regina george and reader are on their periods but g gets extra mean and r gets super sensitive and emotional?
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: None; just Regina being moody and mean
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Your P.O.V.
The second you woke up, you knew it was shark week.
You could feel the dull, painful ache in your lower stomach and the tension in your lower back. Your boobs were sore and to top it all off, you could feel a migraine working its way to the front of your head.
Yeah, today was going to be hell.
Sluggishly dragging yourself out of bed, you somehow managed to get ready for school, gathering all of your things into your backpack. You were about to text your girlfriend, Regina, who picked you up for school every morning, when you heard her obnoxious car horn outside your window. You figured she'd stop after her usual 3, but no.
She kept honking.
Rolling your eyes, you made your way downstairs and out the door. The second you laid your eyes on the blonde, you could tell she was in a bad mood. She looked stunning as usual though, clad in a pretty multicolored pink top, pink high-waisted jeans and her signature docs. It was Wednesday, after all.
"You want to stop staring and get in the car?" Regina all but snapped at you, bright blue eyes icy cold as they glared at you. You didn't respond but did as she asked, settling into the passengers seat. You leaned over to press a kiss to her cheek, but she leaned away, brushing you off.
Okay, ouch.
"Don't, Y/N. I did my makeup perfectly, today. You'd just mess it up."
You felt the harsh pang of sadness and hurt settle deep in your chest, turning away from her to stare out the window. The rest of the car ride to school was silent, thankfully. When you arrived and Regina parked the car in her usual spot, you rushed out, not stopping to hear anything more from her. She didn't say anything, anyway.
The rest of the day dragged on uneventfully, the only notable event being that your migraine had gotten substantially worse. By lunch time, your vision was blurry and you could barely keep your eyes open. Regina hadn't texted you all day either, which only made your mood worse than it already was. You were used to secretly texting in class, but she hadn't reached out at all. Settling at the Plastic's lunch table, you were the first one there, and decided to lay your head down, offering you some minimal but much needed relief.
"What are you doing? You look ridiculous, sit up." You looked up to see Regina towered over you, arms crossed, an annoyed look on her face. "God, you look awful. What, did you get hit by a bus?" She all but laughed at you, a sneer resting on her pretty lips.
You didn't know what her problem was, but ever since this morning, she had been mean to you. One thing about Regina that you knew for a fact, was that she was always nice to you. Ever since you met, she had been nothing but sweet. She had a soft spot for you. But today, something changed. You had enough of her bitchiness for one day.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, a few of them falling down your cheeks. When Regina saw them, her expression changed, eyes softening, her hands reaching out to you. You swatted them away, standing up from the lunch table. "You know what? Fuck this. I'm going home." Without another word, you grabbed your backpack and made your way to the front doors of the school. This time, you heard Regina call out for you, but you didn't turn around.
You made it halfway down the walkway when you began seeing spots in your vision and fell to the ground. You groaned in pain, hands coming up to hold your throbbing head. Regina called out for you again, a moment later feeling her arms wrap around you. "Y/N, hey, what happened?!" That was the last thing you heard before everything faded to black.
When you opened your eyes again, you were laid in the nurse's office, headache still pounding against your temples. "Y/N?" Warm hands cupped your face, turning your head to meet a familiar pair of blue eyes filled with worry.
You smiled softly taking hold of her hand into yours. "Hi." She sighed with relief, leaning down to take your lips into a gentle kiss. She brought you into a tight hug, nosing herself deeper into your neck.
"God, I was so worried. I didn't know what happened to you, I just saw you fall." She rushed out, voice breaking at the end. You shook your head, running a hand through her hair.
"I'm fine, Gina. I'm just on my period. I think it's because I haven't eaten or drank anything all day and on top of my emotions, it caught up to me."
She lifted her head, meeting your gaze. "Y/N, I'm so sorry for being a bitch to you. I woke up and started my period today, too, which just ruined my whole mood." She sighed, brushing her thumbs over my cheeks. "But that doesn't excuse how I treated you and how I acted. I'm so sorry for hurting you and making you cry. I'm so sorry."
You saw tears bubbling up in Regina's eyes, making your heart ache. You knew she wouldn't and couldn't be mean to you without something going on. "It's okay, Gina. I know you didn't mean it, I was just hurt and confused. I didn't know if you hated me, or what."
"Of course not. I could never ever hate you. I'm sorry, baby." Regina kissed you then, running her hands up and down your shoulders soothingly. "I promise I will make it up to you. For now, c'mon, let's get you some painkillers, food and water."
You nodded gratefully, taking the hand she offered you. Leading you out of the nurses office, she guided you to the cafeteria and sat you down at the table. She kissed you once more, before walking off to the lunch line.
Gretchen, Karen and Cady were all staring at you like you were an alien.
"What, is there something on my face?" You reached up, wiping a hand on your eyebrows and cheeks.
The three girls smiled at each other knowingly. "Yeah, it's called Regina George's complete love and adoration."
You rolled your eyes at them, falling into familiar banter and gossip about the happenings of the school. Regina returned a few minutes later, armed with a full tray, a bottle of water and an Advil. You smiled at her warmly, waiting until she sat down beside you to kiss her. "Thank you, Gina." You mumbled against her lips, feeling her smile.
"You're welcome, baby."
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i hope you enjoyed!
please leave requests if you have any ideas! :)
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saey707 · 8 months
Hello ! Is it possible to request an heartsteel kayn x reader ?
Reader has own band they're the funder and leader off and they're comforting kayn after he got kicked out from his group ? (Ofc they're lovers your honor)
I just want to see your takes on this one tbh
✿ Prompt: Kayn gets kicked out of his old band ✿
♡ champion focus: kayn ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author's Note: I'm not going to lie anon, I skipped over a bunch of requests the minute yours popped up tbh (⸝⸝ᴗ﹏ᴗ⸝⸝) ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 I got super inspired by your prompt and had to do it immediately before I forgot some of my ideas! So I hope you enjoy!
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Rarely were there things that bothered Kayn. He has always been well known for his "I don't give a damn attitude" and being the infamous rule breaker that always gets what he wants!
But lately, you can tell a recent predicament left him crushed.
Even though Kayn refuses to outwardly show his deeper and innermost feelings, you can tell how upset he has been about his band kicking him out.
The indefinite solos, stage dives, narcissistic talks about his superiority over the others, and toxic publicity Kayn gave them had grown to be too much... So much so that they had to make the hard decision to let him go.
"They just didn't have what it takes to be flawless like me!" "They just were going to hold me back!" "Can you believe they called me toxic? I swear, they just suck!" Despite all the excuses Kayn makes you know deep down he is hurting inside. How could he not be? They were together for so long and they just let him go!
Kayn's grief comes in waves, but he'll never let anyone see him cry. Instead, he'll lash out on Twitter, screaming and starting petty fights so he can stay the least bit relevant. And boy does his long-time fans eat it up!
"you'll never catch up to me but i'd love to see you try" "you cant handle me? that's ur problem" "U CANT EVEN TOUCH ME"
You might have to take his phone and laptop away for a couple of hours so he doesn't continue to make things worse for himself...
He is truly one to stress eat and then lay under the covers for extensive periods of time when you aren't at his side to comfort him, let alone show him some attention!
It comes to a point where the most you can do is just give him a long, comforting hug. Despite how busy you are managing your own band, you aren't going to neglect your boyfriend's feelings.
For the first time ever, Kayn will find himself sinking into your touch... To him, just one gentle hug alone made him feel like the tension and weight he was carrying were slipping from his shoulders.
It will be the first time you'll ever see Kayn cry. But maybe one good cry is all he'll need to pick himself back up and continue to push forward.
The last thing you can ever hope to make Kayn believe is someone else is going to leave him. That was the last thing he needed right now. No, you weren't going anywhere- you were going to always be by his side...
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colgatebluemintygel · 3 months
hi hi hi!!! first and foremost: how are you?? hope everything is fine! everytime I see the little notification of you posting pop, i need to come and just see
this ask is just to tell you, after reading that you considered at one point not finishing OAO, that even it being one of my favourite fanfics (I really love your writing), i had made my peace with it bcs it would have been your choice. but, the day you said you were working on it again?? well, i was so so so happy and excited and i (and many of us) would wait as long as necessary to read the ending of it!
so, if you are gonna finish it, take as much time as you need. we'll be waiting💞
eeeeeep anon i know it has been a hot minute since you sent this but well .. i think you are just so sweet <333
i tend to dodge around q's of abandoning oao , mostly bc i think they're funny (some of u have never been hurt by a fic that has been abandoned for 10+ years and it shows ... stupid post it notes by dirty angel toes .. you will be complete one day .... manifesting works !!!!!!) , but if i am being completely serious and sincere i don't think leaving oao unfinished will ever be on the table 4 me . sometimes i get a little crazy around my period n such and consider deleting my ao3 account but it's just temporary insanity and it always passes once i've sniffed my cat's fur and had some chocolate. the only time where i had genuinely considered not finishing it was at a time when i was very affected by the things ppl would say and a weird or rogue comment would throw me off for days. i'd just seen a less than kind vid the #1 evil site and cried in the shower for hours until my beloved em maybebabyplease gave me some very tender n gentle love and talked me down from a minor crisis O:-))) anyway all of this is to say. genuinely i think i would have to sustain a life-altering injury and lose all brain function to really truly consider abandoning oao. they are sooo firmly rooted in my brain it is insane. they have made a home there and they are not leaving any time soon (everyone say thank you oao!s.. my stubborn angel!!!)
the reason why it can take me an age to get chapters out is because i care a whole lot and sometimes it takes me a while to find the right words for them .. i love them so so dearly and i prommy it is just as important to me to see oao to the end as it is for yall :^)))) even thinking abt the final scene gahh my tummy hurts !!!!! love them so bad ....
anywho /end rant. UR CUTE <3333
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keirawantstocry · 4 months
hi hi, tis I 💋anon. I would like to say both fics were fucking FANTASTIC OMG. (also the terezicaptor bit was also so fucking cool?? youre both so cool????) Im also assuming the aggressive makeout means you liked it? So in a kinda? similar vein-
Vampire Pac and either Fit or Tubbo bleeding? or both (I was thinkin period but like, cooking or fighting also work wonderfully). could so go him fawning over them when theyre bleeding or like, agressive protective, borderline controlling not letting them do Anyhing (or a uh.. different direction cougg cough) I dont have much other than simply Vibes to give srry that this is so chaotic.
hope you're having a good day! sorry that val wasnt great, many many kisses, both agressive and soft, you deserve all of em :>
THANK YOU <3 no you're so cool! Aggressive makeout mean im In Love with you, gen ur the fucking sweetest <3
The first time they noticed how protective Pac was was when they were cooking. It was an accident. A slip of Fit's hand and the knife was being fumbled in his hand. 
"Ouch," he hissed as the blood trickled down his palm. 
Tubbo saw the change in Pac instantly. The way his eyes widened, his pupils darkening as his fangs pushed past his lips. Pac rushed over, grabbing a band aid as he did. Cradling Fit's hand gently, he licked the blood gently off the other man's hand while Fit and Tubbo watched curiously. He laid down the band aid with a sealing kiss. 
Only Tubbo noticed how possessive he turned afterwards. How he seemed to fawn over Fit's every move to try and prevent him from getting hurt in any capacity. While Fit was opening the oven, Tubbo grabbed Pac by the arm and pulled him close. “You're being so protective,” he teased as Pac flushed. 
“I just care about you guys, okay?” 
“Yeah, okay, bossman.”
Pac huffed. “I'm serious.” 
“Yeah, okay. It's totally not some weird ass vampire instinct shit that tells you to protect us from everything.” 
He was nearly unbearable when the men were on their periods. Something about being able to smell the blood coming out of them made him feral as a dog. They had to get used to being wrapped up in blankets while Pac ran around trying to pamper them as much as humanly possible. 
Their friends learned to stay away very quickly. When Pac was deep in his instincts he was a kill first, ask questions later type of guy. After two near attacks, everyone knew to stay far far away if they smelled blood coming from the house. 
“Part of me is sad they don't try and come around,” Tubbo whispered to Fit the moment Pac left the room. They were curled up in bed together pretending they were annoyed at the pampering but loving it. 
“Why?” Fit asked, squinting at him. 
He laughed, open and honest. 
The door cracked open and Pac stuck his head in with slitted eyes. “I heard that.” 
Tubbo rolled his eyes. “Oh so I'm not allowed to call you hot now? Wowwwww, I see how it is.” The next moment he was bending over in pain and Pac was rushing over to bring him a new hot pad. 
“Now, now, now, you see what happens when you bitch at me. Take the coddling. Rest.” 
Tubbo rolled his eyes but he was smiling. “Yes, sir,” he said with a mocking salute. “Just don't rip anyone to shreds without us. I want something to drool over.” 
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inmaki · 3 months
wee ramble...showering hurts so bad it feels like im about to pass out because my legs don't have the energy to keep me up for a certain period of time.... iron deficiency gang lay DOWN 🗣️🔥 hhugghhhh anyways haiaiiiii make sure to hydrate and sleep good!! have an amazasauce day (*´ω*) - 🎨 anon (´^ω^`)
HI ART NONIE !!!! i understand u so bad wjendjn but omg ur iron deficiency sounds much worse than mine.. ARE U OK???!!
i hope u have an awesome sauce day too cutie pie <3
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Hi Sex Witch, I have a question on behalf of my girlfriend (afab). This might well be a 'see a doctor' situation, but i thought i'd ask anyway.
About two or three weeks ago we had sex (penetration with fingers) and she started having her period again a little bit after it. This was odd because she'd just finished her period the week beforehand. We were obviously concerned about it and she booked an appointment with a doctor. She's had very painful periods for a long time so we thought it might be something with her ovaries. The period stopped after a few days but we fucked again on Friday and she's been spotting over the weekend and now it's started again.
She's got an internal scan today and she'll be getting the results from an STI test in a few days. I don't know if there's much else that you can advise us on here, but does this sound like any STI you're aware of? She's worried that she might be contagious and have given me something and I'm worried for the opposite. I'm also really concerned that i might be hurting her during sex and it's making her bleed.
Any advice would be really welcome and would help calm both of our nerves. Thank you.
hi anon,
sorry to hear you and your girlfriend are dealing with this; I hope I can help some.
if this is an STI, the post-sex bleeding would seem to point most strongly towards chlamydia or gonorrhea, or possibly pelvic inflammatory disease. that's actually pretty good news, even if you've also caught it, because all are extremely easy to treat with a round of antibiotics - and nothing says romance like taking your medicine together!
the alternative is that it could be something that isn't contagious but is much harder to cure - you've likely already seen the extremely soothing google searches declaring that it must be vaginal cancer. that's not impossible, but statistically very unlikely. more plausible are conditions like endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, especially if your girlfriend has a history of painful, complicated periods.
re: your last concern that you're hurting her during sex - if your girlfriend says what you're doing is fine then you should believe her, but there's always the possibility that we're simply not using enough lubricant. minor vaginal tearing and even a little spotting are fairly common after penetrative sex, and while it sounds like your girlfriend is bleeding more than average, it could still be within the realm of possibility. especially if those scans and tests come back negative, consider investing in a jumbo-sized bottle of lube and reassessing how you approach sex to see if changing it up prevents further bleeding.
wishing you both satisfying answers and peace of mind while you wait,
ur sex witch
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tianshiisdead · 1 year
nah ur totally valid. i hope they grow and change tho, bc i dont want to live in a world where ppl like this exist 🙃
yeahhh tbh I agree :')) hope we can move forward somehow fkjdhlg (sorry to go off on you anon but I ended up typing a rant so feel free to stop here haha it's only tangentially related!)
I think I'm just frustrated because of all the attention towards growing and changing and such, like I get it and agree that people should grow and change and be given the space to do so, but a lot of times when people talk about it I feel like it's almost treated as more important than the hurt that they cause? Like, I'm just petty and hateful tbh but I don't have anything but hatred and resentment for people who spout racist or hateful things, I almost don't want them to be happy or get better, I'm the one that's hurt by them so why are they the focus? I hate how irl unless someone actively shouts a slur or physically threatens me with violence, I always have to shut up, I always have to keep the peace, if someone irl is subtly condescending or racist to me it's either on me to teach them and make them either hate me or tiptoe around me, or not tell them anything or push back at all and then later feel guilty about it. I'm just so frustrated with everything, I'm always pulling myself back and smiling and brushing things off irl as long as they're not openly malicious, but actually I hate it! I don't forgive it! I'm tired of taking the burden onto myself. I'm tired of the fact that pretty much every roommate I've had in these few years of uni is white and in some ways pretty openly ignorant, I hate how they try and, like, get my approval on asianness or something by pointedly making insensitive comments but get either angry or overly sad when I speak up and then I have to either back down or comfort them and LIVE with their condescending comments, I'm tired of being talked down to and pointed out and having to sit there and pretend everything is okay. Back when I was a sheltered little kid who only hung out with the Easian and Desi kids at school I only understood racism in mockery and violence because I almost never interacted with that many white people outside of teachers and, like, librarians, but then I came out into the world where I had to talk to coworkers and roommates and classmates for extended periods of time and it's horrible and I hate it, it's worse than just calling me slurs or making jokes about me being a sex worker imo. Growing and changing, in general, is fine but I'm tired of people pretending EVERYONE cares SOOO much about racism and the TRUE victim that needs to be addressed is the former/subtle racist who's getting 'attacked' the moment someone points it out, and not the people hurt by it. I hate how anything less than a slur has to be reacted to gently, after dealing with it day after week after month after year, and all of it building on top of the pre-existing internalized racism and open racism I've dealt with, I don't have any energy or patience and i just HATE them, I hate them so deeply and I hate all of them and I don't want them to get better and be praised for it like they're the main character and I'm just a symbol of what they used to be like.
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transphilza · 2 years
cia you are an amazing human being. first of all, an obligatory thank you for sharing such personal things with us, even if it's just for yourself, it reaches people all the same. it really helps me personally to know there's people out there who are grieving so hard, that it's ok to not be "over it" and that in fact, it's probably the state a lot of ppl are in, but just aren't talking about it. so thank you for talking abt it. and don't take that as pressure to keep doing that, just, like that one person said at the beginning of the month: you have been a wonderful hope for everyone in hard times, and it makes me happy and determined to know that even if life is shit rn, ppl are still pushing through because they think its worth it. and it makes me know it's worth it, too.
second off, an obilgatory "i don't wanna make ur feelings about how helpful/unhelpful they are to other ppl" everytime you post ur log, but i suck at social cues so i don't know how else to let u know i hear u. you are heard! you are!!!
third. im not trying to magically make you "feel better" with a hug or whatever, but i want it to be known that im still sending a hug everytime you feel overwhelmed and feel in need of one. yes, every single time. i'm that parasocial. /j (i'm serious about that /j i'm barely on tumblr bro don't cancel me-)
obviously there's no need to reply, i know ur probably feeling overwhelmed or not in the mood. i'm at peace knowing i said what i wanted to be said. that's enough from me, i'll stop being that one annoying anon that sends paragraphs whenever ur post makes me emotional after this ask :/ i promise lol!
hold that plush tight bro. hmu if you want random tips/articles for feeling emotions + processing grief. stay safe
ohhhh nonnie this is so sweet and really i love hearing from you all, it’s not annoying at all to get long messages like this. i feel very very happy knowing sharing my feelings can help people and that’s exactly why i continue to do it <3 it feels sort of strange and isolating during this time period, where you know many people are still hurting but don’t wish to talk about their grief.. having a reminder that other people are still feeling the same way helps so i like to share my thoughts for that purpose
i’m really doing okay, thank you so so much for the kind words ❤️❤️❤️ the world keeps spinning - he wanted us to be happy and prosperous so i’m doing the best i can to live on as he’d want me to, and i hope you are too! much love to you, and there’s no need to worry about sending me things like this, i appreciate it a lot :]
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tartagliad · 3 years
i loveee your writing sm omg <333 i was wondering if u could write about the boys taking care of u during ur period? thank you!!
thank you for the request anon and this is also one of my friend's request^^, i hope y'all enjoyed it.. idk if its genshin impact or tears of themis.. so im gonna go with tears of themis, please do inform me if im wrong.. thank you :D
Time of The Month
Summary: How they would take care of you during the time of the month
Fandom: Tears of Themis
Characters: Artem, Vyn, Luke, and Marius
F reader!
Genre: Fluff & short bulleted headcannon
Warnings: Hurt, period..
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Is probably confused since you're his first girlfriend
He knows that girls have a period cycle but doesn't know how treat you during the time
Artem probably hears what you want at first like some tea or some heat packs
He'll cook some of your favorite foods to comfort you
When you get all clingy and always wants cuddles, he oblige.. though at first he's always blushy when you're like that >_<
Artem maybe give you some day of from work if it really pains you
Scoops you in his arms when you can't walk or just wanted to pick you up like a baby
Not related but he enjoys braiding your hair when both of you are in bed.. and sometimes it kinda soothes your headache
Nowadays since he knows what to do, he'll only get you things that you actually need not want
So expect that there's not many sweets and cold drinks
I know it sounds not fun, but trust me, after your period is done, he'll bring you out to for deserts
Artem just wanted to make sure you're alright okay..
"I'm sorry dear, you can't have that many sweets for now.. I can give you only once in a while, I promise I'll buy you some after this.."
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Different from Artem, this guy knows what he's have to do
Though Vyn is a psychiatrist, he also learn a bit of medical health.. so expect some great treatment from him lmao
I'm serious, he's already prepare everything and even knows when your period is coming
So you don't need to worry about anything
He probably gives you some massages to help you relax a little
Vyn sometimes will made you your favorite desserts but he also looks at how much sugar you have consumed in a day
Either give you some cakes or just tea, none in between
A great cuddler. No joke, he'll make you feel warm and sleepy in an instant
Always help you walk to the bathroom or if you cant walk, he'll carry you there
Vyn doesn't let you do much work.. if he can work on it.. he'll help
Sometimes he'll take you to the garden so you can have some fresh air
So yeah.. here's your doctor :v
"How are you feeling? Tell me where does it hurts so I can sooth it.."
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Expect a great treatment from him
What do you expect.. he's your childhood best friend, of course he knows what he's doing
Probably babies you or wont leave you alone for that long..
Always asks you if you're comfortable every once in a while
Luke will discard most of his work just to take care of you.. or when you're asleep, he'll work on the bed with you.. trying his best not to wake you up
Cooks your favorite food and maybe made some sweets for you
He doesn't really restrict you from eating this or that.. he just wanted to do something that makes you happy
Luke will 100% prepares a bath for you
A nice warm bath with candles and some bubbles of soap.. *chefs kiss
Will also cuddle you and puts you in his clothes, he's a walking heatpad
So yeah.. he'll try his best to make you feel better and happy
"Do you want something sugar? I have some cookies for you, I'll get you some"
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Spoils you A LOT
Buys anything you want actually
Since Marius is always busy with school and work, he'll buy you a teddy bear to keep you company ._.
Before leaving, he'll make sure that everything you needed are close to you
He'll sprint as fast as possible after he finishes with everything
Once he's home, he'll make some food for the two of you
Not that fancy since he only knows how to cook basic things, but he sometimes learn when he has time
He once cook one of your mom's recipe actually.. and it tastes good
Expect him to crack some jokes.. yes.. he does this to distract you from the pain
Or he teaches you simple drawings to help you relax a little
And last thing is CUDDLES no, teasing.. Marius likes to tease you ESPECIALLY, when you're all clingy ._. sorry, i feel like this is the thing that he'll do often.. but he also find it really cute..
"Onee-san.. do you want more cuddles from me~? give me a kiss first then I'll cuddle you, fair right~?"
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lowkeyorloki · 2 years
hi it’s phoebe anon and omg i completely relate to ur post about how ur gonna be sad when asis is over because i’ve thought about it quite a few times and OHHH boy it hurts my heart so much 😩 i’m gonna miss narvi and dilf loki so bad man!!!! i’ve always had such an issue with saying goodbye to things like this, especially when i’ve spent so much time with them, and like i’ve been following this story for over a year now so i’m trying to brace myself hahah i still remember when u posted the last chapter to the Archetype (which i think was a year ago) i cried for like 10 min for absolutely no reason bc i didn’t want it to be over and i spent a FRACTION of the time reading/ living in that world compared to this bruh. it’s bad fa me.
anyway i’ll stop the sob story i’m so so so excited for the update tomorrow !! prepared for the angst!!! ❤️ much love
YEAH so like I knew I would be sad because it's been over a year and if the fic ends in June like I think it will (my spring break is in a few weeks and I'm hoping I'll really solidify when the fic will end then) then asis will have lasted a year and half which is a super long time; especially during the pandemic because everything feels longer and more intense. Like I knew of that and felt sad but I've been preparing for a long time so like it's fine.
But over this past weekend I realized that asis ending basically means the end of Narvi because I've never seen him in a Loki x reader and I doubt we will tbh. If MCU Loki has had his fanbase for over ten years now and there's only a handful of fics with him (tbh my fic is the only one I know of that uses the Narvi character but I'm sure there's a couple more out there) then he's never going to be utilized. As sad as asis ending is, there is never going to a shortage of Loki x readers. What will genuinely make me depresso for a prolonged period of time is that, again, asis ending means I will probably never see the Narvi character again. Idk it just makes me sad. This is super self indulgent but I would love it if asis got popular enough to make Narvi a somewhat common character within the fandom. There's so much potential in Asgardian reader fics (maybe Loki's wife died and Odin brought you in to replace her before Loki and Narvi are ready, or maybe Loki is divorced) and modern AUs (all the single DILF tropes). Anyway this is all to say as sad as a fic ending is there's always more fics, but in the case of asis in regards to Narvi specifically that isn't the case and it's going to be hard to let go of the fic because of that.
Also.... Phoebe anon..... the serotonin boost I got at the mention of The Archetype... I definitely view that as my best work and I love it so so much so to know you read it is just 🥰🥰🥰 I was also sad when it ended because it was such a unique fic and truly out of the norm of my typical work. It's also so crazy to me to think that you liked my work enough to be sad over it ending like I don't want you to be upset but also knowing someone enjoys my silly little Loki fics that much... it makes me v happy :')
The biggest thing for me is that when She Shall Have and The Archetype ended, I still had asis going. I don't have any fics planned after this. I have two multichapter ideas in my drafts and a couple chapters written for each, but I've been writing multichapters since March of 2020 now so it's time for a break, haha. My point is I won't have another fic to throw myself into and distract myself from the other ending - and y'all won't either (at least not from me obvi there's plenty other awesome Loki authors).
Wow okay I hope this didn't make you too sad LMAO I hope you're enjoying the last couple hours until 1) YOUR BDAY OMG!!!! and 2) the next chapter of asis!! We've still got a lot of plot and chapters to get through so we can rest easy for the next two months at least <3
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emisfritish · 4 years
So no offense, but how can you make a post where you say Sarawat's not to blame for everything in that last train wreck of an episode. Especially when all the fandom agrees on something, you don't even see ur in the wrong then ? How delusional are you ?
Hi dear anon ! (I assume that in your eagerness to send me this message telling me how delusional I am, you forgot common courtesy, no biggie ;))
First- isn’t it interesting how messages that start with ‘no offense’ rarely come off that way ? Nevertheless, you’re one of four anons to send me messages about the subject of Sarawat in the last episode I assume following this post, so I’ll bite. This might get long, so I apologize in advance, and it will be my answer to all four anons, sorry.
I think it’s important to note that we’re watching the show through Tine’s perspective, so we know everything that’s going on in his head, we know how hurt and insecure he’s feeling, and we know how down he was this entire episode (and trust me, I was right there with you with my heart breaking for him basically the entire episode.) I do think though that because of that, we’re judging the situation based on what we know and not based on Sarawat’s perspective : 
To understand Sarawat’s perspective, I think it’s important to lay the context : he just came back from a trip where he poured his heart out to Tine and made it really clear (in his pov) how much he likes Tine and everything he did to get together with him, all the efforts he made. And because of that, I truly think he didn’t realize that Tine’s insecurities could be causing issues for a good chunk of episode 12, not until they talked openly about it. This is in no way blaming Tine either because truly, insecurities are a b*tch that you can’t control and it breaks my heart that he still doesn’t believe that someone could love him this much, that he’s not a placeholder. But here’s where I think Sarawat was at for a good chunk of the episode. I also believe that because people were (rightfully) angered by a few of Sarawat’s actions in the episode, those have kind of erased the way he behaved for 80% of the episode, which was supportive.
Sarawat realized that something was off with Tine in the very first part of the episode, and asked him to talk to him and reassured him about the fact that he was there if needed. When Tine said that it was nothing, Sarawat probably took him at his word, or thought that Tine didn’t want to talk about it. I can’t really blame him for either of those actions. And again in part 2, Sarawat realized that Tine was still off and when Tine brushed it off again, he insisted until Tine told him he had stomach ache, after which he immediately went to get him some medicine to help him. I know a lot of people had issues with the fact that Sarawat didn’t say anything when Tine stayed up all night upset and listening to music, and I can understand that. Here’s my take on it, of course that scene was heartbreaking because we know that Tine was upset, Sarawat however, just thinks that Tine has an upset stomach. Add to that the fact that Tine was wearing headphones, which could be taken as a sign that he just wanted to be left alone, I can’t really fault Wat for not saying anything then or staying up during the night. We reach the next morning and Sarawat immediately wants to stay to take care of Tine because he isn’t feeling well, he only accepts to go to rehearsal when Tine insists, and even after that he comes back early because he’s worried. 
Now we reach the one moment of the episode where I was actually mad at Sarawat : I was glad that they talked openly and Sarawat tried to reassure Tine that he wasn’t just a placeholder (a thought that hadn’t even occurred to him). But when Tine told him he stayed up crying all night and Sarawat just kind of made light of it, yeah, I was mad. I understand that he was just trying to lighten the situation, but I still didn’t like his reaction and wish he had said basically anything else than what he did. That being said, I also recognize that he’s a human being and he’ll make mistakes. So yeah, I didn’t like that scene very much, but I’m not going to cancel him for it either. 
I know people also had a lot of issues with Sarawat’s reaction when Tine sees him and Pam, and again, I understand a 100%. Here’s the way I see it : From Sarawat’s point of view, we’ve gathered that Sarawat liked her for a while and there was no sign of reciprocation, I don’t think the thought that she could actually like him now even crossed his mind until this very moment. So while I wish that Sarawat had reacted quicker and went after Tine, I do think he was just genuinely in shock. I also think that he was kind of in an impossible situation here : basically either follow your boyfriend because he’s rightfully upset about something that is a non-issue in your mind and ditch your friend who just poured her heart out to you and is obviously distressed, or the contrary. I don’t think either decision would have felt right, and it was kind of an impossible situation.
As to how I can think that way when most of the fandom doesn’t ? You’re right, it does seem that most of the fandom really disliked Sarawat this episode and I completely get where they’re coming from and understand, but I also think I’m entitled to my own opinion. We all watch shows and interpret scenes in different ways, and I just didn’t share the same interpretations. That doesn’t make any of the opinions less valid in my book.
Now don’t get me wrong, episode 12 was definitely my least favourite episode so far, and I really really wish they weren’t springing all of this on us in episode 12, leaving them very little time to treat the situation and resolve it in a way that will seem satisfactory. I’ll make my peace with it and see what they have waiting for us in episode 13, but yeah... I still wish it hadn’t happened that way.
That being said- I stand by what I said : I think this situation was shitty for every one involved, and that Sarawat unknowingly hurt Tine, which he definitely has to make up for (just like Tine unknowingly hurt Sarawat many times in the past btw). But these characters are human and flawed, that’s what I love about them, and I truly believe that this whole situation was caused by misunderstandings, insecurities and hurt feelings and I can’t really blame either Tine, Sarawat or Pam for it all, as unpopular of an opinion as it may be. 
I’ll stop there, but just a piece of advice which is valid for all four anons that I got- Leaving an anon message where you either call the person you’re addressing delusional/crazy or are a bit agressive is maybe not the best way to get your point across. I also hope I don’t need to explain the irony in the fact that you’re sending a low key judgmental/insensitive message to an actual person to blame a fictional character for doing the exact same thing you did, but yeah... the irony is definitely there.  
That being said, I hope you have a nice day and stay safe during this peculiar period we’re going through
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tbhstudying1 · 6 years
Seo I'm 16 and still 5 foot. IS THERE HOPE?? I've got my period but my chest area hasn't really developed yet (or I'm just meant to be flat-chested... I honestly don't know). And I have a problem drinking milk but it's not that bad.
yes there is bc ppl can have late puberty!
and if not, it’s totally ok to be small!! on the bright side, you’ll be able to fit kids clothes (meaning cheaper prices lmao) and your chest and back won’t rly hurt when you go running or exercising! high heels still exist and in the end, height or size don’t rly determine much of anything in life. 
ur gonna be fine, anon!!
from for the dreams i want to catch https://ift.tt/2IPJgaj See More
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tbhstudying · 6 years
Seo I'm 16 and still 5 foot. IS THERE HOPE?? I've got my period but my chest area hasn't really developed yet (or I'm just meant to be flat-chested... I honestly don't know). And I have a problem drinking milk but it's not that bad.
yes there is bc ppl can have late puberty!
and if not, it’s totally ok to be small!! on the bright side, you’ll be able to fit kids clothes (meaning cheaper prices lmao) and your chest and back won’t rly hurt when you go running or exercising! high heels still exist and in the end, height or size don’t rly determine much of anything in life. 
ur gonna be fine, anon!!
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