#but if you’re curious they say
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go read hear it in the silence by @andiwriteordie on ao3!! short but such a good read if you need something sweet before you go to bed (or whenever but that’s why i clicked on it) you guys honestly might get another drawing later cause it really made me wanna draw lol.
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kelpermoosee · 1 month
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“Summers flew on the wings of fall
Simple life and world so small
(Say I haven’t lost it all)” -🎶
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crazyw3irdo · 10 months
okay, i think any time anyone asks what superpower we’d like to have most everyone on this website would say shapeshifting but what kind of shapeshifting would you like
type 1- wild shape, you can turn into any animal, real or fictional
type 2- mystique, you can turn into any real person
type 3- cosplay, you can turn into any humanoid fictional character
type 4- jake the dog, you’re super stretchy
type 5- character creator, you can alter your own appearance- like changing voice hair length texture color, changing height and weight, transing gender, etc, but you can’t add anything non-human (ie horns, wings, claws, etc)
type 6- additional features, you can add things like snake eyes, horns, cat ears, tail, claws, wings, mermaid tail, but you remain humanoid overall and can’t change things like height or gender presentation or hair color. you can still change your voice tho
type 7- were-wolf, we all know what a werewolf is, lads. can be any kind of animal. can be straight up wolf or more monstrous wolf form that’s up to you.
type 8- furry, you just become your fursona. or any kind of fursona really you can change between them
type 9- antman, can become small or big
type 10- other, say what kind ya want
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labannori · 1 month
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Closeups and details under cut!! :33
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bodega-catto · 26 days
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still mad about this post lol so let me also say: “they taught us critical thinking in english class” is extra funny to me because there’s a genuine debate among Ed Heads about whether “critical thinking” as a discrete and decontextualized skillset can actually be taught :) so it’s pretty silly to go around confidently branding yourself as a critical thinker while simultaneously revealing that you’re extremely comfortable making assumptions about the relative simplicity of complex ideas which remain contested in their respective fields :) personally i would be pretty embarrassed to call myself a critical thinker if i also couldn’t stop myself from revealing i was totally lacking in the intellectual humility that would enable me to understand that we have yet to reach consensus on unbelievably complicated issues like how best to educate an entire population :) but i guess i was absent the day that tenth grade english covered running your mouth like an asshole on social media :)
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goldenhand9107 · 23 days
9-1-1 brainrot so bad i had a literal dream about 7x06 last night.
how am i supposed to make it to next Thursday
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peach-pot · 8 months
*for example, someone who uses “she/they” pronouns, but does not use “they/she”
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restinthewest · 7 months
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I’m in a phase of perceiving Hallow that I’m calling the “geriatric baby” phase. I’ve now had Hallow longer than I had Hank or Jackalope and I can tell that my relatively brief time with them seriously altered my subconscious expectations of what time I think I will have with Hallow. I know she’s a very young dog- she’s just now the age that Hank and Jack were when I met them- but she also feels ancient to me.
The feeling will pass, probably. It’s just weird right now.
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aritany · 25 days
hey, do you have any advice for someone who. is pressured by family to get a book published?? i love writing but i think the pressure to be able to Live Comfortably worries me
WELL. yes i do. my main advice is that for traditional publishing, do not do it unless YOU want to do it. the process can be gruelling and miserable and i can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if i didn’t have that innate drive to get it out in the world.
that being said—publishing a book doesn’t mean you HAVE to be exclusively an author as your career. i do other things for work & while i’m personally working towards being able to write for a living (🤞🏻😩pls), that’s not a requirement.
also, getting a book deal doesn’t generally give you enough to live off of for any reasonable period of time. some debuts get lucky and score Wild deals, but those are few and far between. i was very privileged with the advance i got and even then i wouldn’t have made it if i wasn’t supplementing with outside work.
i think there’s a misconception among people outside of the publishing world (and perhaps this is where your family is coming from) that once you’ve published a book you’re “in” and you just get to keep doing that. it is not like that. publishing is exciting, but it’s not like getting a stable job.
tl;dr: do not pursue publishing unless YOU want to. otherwise it might eat you.
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ortustheninth · 2 years
The corpses John loved didn’t decay; Gideon loved her hypothetical dead mom before she even saw her skeleton and Wake stuck around as a revenant for 20 years
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zenmom · 6 months
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I also made a comic about the design of Mickey in @disney-mystical-au and me loving mickey’s design though Mickey’s shoe design scares me because they remind me of that character who changed into an adventure outfit to save creatures and I did join him with that adventure. Too bad the comparisons were not made because it was sitting in my art inventory for so long, waiting to be completed🥲.
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i can never understand all the people going “covid’s just a cold” “it’s just like the flu”. it’s not influenza or a rhinovirus. covid sars-cov-2: severe accute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. scientifically, it can never be a cold or flu, and it will cause severe accute respiratory syndrome. that’s not posturing or dramatics, it’s science
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lunarrosette · 1 year
I feel like sharing the list of things I am very passionate abt mostly because I will rant so hard abt any of them if asked
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m1d-45 · 9 months
on a scale of 1 to 10 — 1 being the least and 10 being the most — how confident are you in surviving an imposter sagau situation?
short answer: i, a non-native in terrain i’ve only ever navigated with 1) a glider 2) no fear of death 3) via a vessel 4) with a map, against various well trained armies, all hellbent on killing me? you’re funny.
now, the long answer…
the long answer, of course, depends on your preferred brand of isekai, as well as the various traits within that. i will… attempt at brevity, but cannot make promises. oh, and there’s no particular order to this list.
1) blood. i myself am more inclined to blue over gold, but that doesn’t matter for this topic. what does matter is if its present and if it manifests immediately.
2) teyvat. is the earth on my side? do the plants and animals know it’s me, or do i need to ‘prove’ it? does it resent me for whatever reason? what’s it’s level of influence (which sounds dumb, but do i have the power of earthquakes and storms or just a few animal helpers?)
3) the imposter situation itself. is there a physical imposter already there,and if so what’s their level of influence? origin? i’d rather go against a wayward traveller than celestia’s puppet. do they have powers? how does teyvat react to them, if at all?
4) speaking of, celestia. are they on my side, the fake’s(if there is one), or staying neutral? what brand of sagau are we even using here? i know i made a post about my version of sagau lore, but one of the key changes since then was celestia. what version of lore are we following?
5) teyvat’s people, emphasis on vision wielders. do they have that subconscious Know? do their visions act up? how do the people overall feel about the one on the throne, if there is one? if there isn’t, is celestia involved in their opinions somehow? what about the traveller, or my vessels?
6) my influence. what can i do? do i have creator abilities, and if so do they take time/some other cue to manifest? is it something i train, or just Click one day? what level? is it an element by element basis, like the traveller, or does that not apply to me? do i have an inventory? if so, can i access the character menus? the map? waypoints? can i move my party, still? do statues of the seven heal me, does food heal me, how do hillichurls and various abyssal beings react to me? ancient gods, such as rhodea (i spelled that wrong) or dvalin or that fucker in the sea outside liyue (yeah i. forgot his name) or azhdaha or yo(u?)kai, if i’m in inazuma? where are we in the in-game lore, by the way?
7) teyvat, again, but this time in terms of biology. i have a few headcanons about teyvat, notably that their gravity is lesser (less fall damage), weather less severe (global warming), and is overall much more temperate/cooler/less humid (global warmingx2 and also just a touch of idealism), so do these apply? this ties into the other points about teyvat, i guess: does the earth let me get cold? can i just shelter in dragonspine?
8) plot armor, for lack of better phrasing. will teyvat let me die? oh, and do i get timeloop’d, or kicked back to my world? do i die, go to my world, then go back to teyvat when i sleep/next log on/whatever? again, tying into other points about teyvat, but will it protect me from death? is my skin like impenetrable or something, or whoops, god is dead, sorry. if i revive in teyvat, is it like that one recent piece i did where the earth moves me? what happens when (if?) i die? does teyvat take revenge?
the long answer… is that it depends.
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eebie · 4 months
if freud was wrong what;s with mommy/daddy being used so often in romantic/sexual contexts
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