#but like why isnt it enough to talk about trans peoples lives?
harpylady · 9 months
it really bothers me that like out of all the progressive coverage of the trans rights issues going on right now in the us, i have yet to hear people just acknowledge its impact on trans people without having to add on other people it could effect so that everyone will care
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surrender-souls · 2 years
maybe i shouldve told someone other than the gossip besties that the art teacher when talking about her friends autistic kid and then promptly finding out im autistic and took offense with how she talked about them basically said ”not like that though”
#theres a difference between recognizing a persons need to be taken care of and completely disrespecting them.#she crossed that line. like i mentioned me being autistic and saying how low functioning isnt really used by us#and then she proceeded to explain how much this person cant do. i dont even know their name why would you tell#your whole art class that? its a total breach of privacy#i have never met them they had never given me permission to know that! i doubt they want you going around telling us that!#and she said it in a way that was definitely demeaning. i doubt she has this person as an actual person in her mind#and i dont think this was even a kid! like iirc theyre around our age! like fucking hell#this is one of many stupid bullshit things she has done that make me despise her. sad because art is my biggest passion#and to have a teacher who is a total… i dont know? would bigot fit? also her husband is a cop.#and she has a blue lives matter patch on her apron. i want to mention that half or more of our class were poc#shes also a huge harry potter fan. instant red flag she doesnt shut UP! about it.#she also said that in older art women were naked a lot because “their bodies were worshipped”#which is blatantly untrue and also confirms that she just. does not think of trans people.#which if she werent an hp fan i would take as just another stupid cis person moment but the deeper vibes are there#oh she also constantly points out how one of us always draws darker things while completely disregarding the reason she draws what she does#not all dark things are edgy im sure you know and talk to her enough to know the trauma she puts in this#i definitely have stuff on her that at the very least would get her in trouble. but i dont wanna go talking to departments#its hard for me i dont like talking to teachers and people i dont know… but maybe i could say something anonymously#my parents are fed up with her too for different reasons#i speak
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sualne · 8 months
im losing my mind over live action mihawk, spoilers under read more
HE(the actor) KNOWS. HE KNOWS ABOUT THE DIVORCE. THERES NO WAY. the way he moves and talks, his voice?? "i like your hat"?? YEAH I BET. I BET YOUR LIKE HIS STRAWHAT MIHAWK I BET. i cant remember if it was in the manga so im going to fully believe they added it here (they mightvnt but yknow), but man!! my man gothed gayly and im never going to recover!! i have to pause ep5 for this, he might show up to shanks and his crew in the next ep and im so excited for that if that happens but wow. ive rewatched all his scenes thrice already i love this mihawk. i also love that he doesnt blink!! his "magnificent" wasnt nearly insane enough, he didnt even smile, he said it like any other line, bit sad, but, gay mihawk real in my heart.
also why is buggy on my dash. speaking of buggy "arlong, baby", i. i am. gay one piece is real. i love live action buggy too he moves so fun.
also koby played by a trans actor, i thought this wouldnt be relevant, and by all means it isnt, but, the way you can read his story and all, luffy saying "koby is his own man" like, cmon man, trans people real too. amazing amazing.
on the other hand, garp.. white garp disturbs me, why do you have blue eyes for, but also, him calling koby "son" is so. that fucked up, because of what kind of father and grandpa he is, its so. its very. he's also too kind on koby, manga garp would never but i understand why they made him like that.
and shanks, the man himself, his beautiful soulful eyes, hes so pretty and i love how he's portrayed so far.
had trouble with the first two, maybe three eps but im fully won over now. theres more i want to say but none coherent, im so happy rn. giggling, kicking my feet and all the rest!
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moss-sprouted · 7 months
hello! my about me is under the cut:
i'm moth/moss,i go by both but either is fine! just try to type them lowercase whichever you use! i'm 25, my birthdays in july, and i live in the US! i'm fat, agender(they/them), queer, wavering around on the demi spectrums, as well as polyam and in a qpr like relationship!
i'm very dyslexic and use a stupid amount of commas and parenthesis, am probably autistic/adhd,and i have no doubt i also have bpd, but unfortunately accessing a diagnosis is inaccessible for me rn and i've done research into all of these for more than 5 years each and self diagnosing is extremely valid because its not accessible to everyone and i believe people know their own brains well enough to know if something fits if they've done the proper research! so dont be a dick, a diagnosis doesnt make me less or more autistic
i've been on tumblr for almost 12 years and this blog has always just been a cluster of random fandom shit, memes, some venting, and different issues i care about and there isnt an overall theme,however! i've recently got back into reading so if you are interested my sideblog for reading things is mossreads!
if you're curious what i look like i have a selfie tag! just dont be weird thanks
also feel free to dm! i dont always have a lot to say unless its about a specific topic i post about but i'm always down to listen and make friends!
ps- if you have a hogwarts house in your bio i dont want you here. fuck jk rowling, fuck terfs, she has explicitly said she thinks if you still talk about harry potter it means you fully endorse her beliefs so shut up about harry potter if you think trans people deserve rights... and if you dont why did you get this far?
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teaveetamer · 1 year
"you’re soooo disgusted by incest that you’re willing to harass people who talk about it, but not disgusted enough to stop funding the company that continues producing content you’re supposedly so disgusted by? Miss me with that shit" you forgot that here is the 3dr category, the people who do boycott but bully others for not doing it. Like the people who bullied streamers who bought Hogwarts Legacy (i don't play the game nor care for it but damn)
That asides, Fe incest is limited to subtext between siblings that never go far, incest protrayed as wrong in several games and if it's the Avatar, you have the game's excuse to explain why it technically isnt' because Fe games are targeted at teens so they can't go too far with it, just like they have to be careful with the fanservice within the game.
Also, forgot to say this, but they'd also have to boycott greek mythology or mythology in general. And historical text such as Cleopatra marrying her brother (though t'was political) or the famous rumors about the Borgia family though it turn out to be false but never prevented people to use it in fictions (cough, cough Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas)
Oh boy someone's giving me the opportunity to talk about the stupid wizard game it's my lucky day!
I'm not going to argue that harassment didn't happen to streamers who played the game, but I was pretty deep in the sauce following the fallout for this and 99.9999999999999999999999% of the commentary I saw was just people saying basic shit like "trans rights", telling the streamer that they were disappointed in their decision to purchase and play the game on stream and they would not be watching/following any longer, and pointing out that your $60 to trans lifeline wasn't gonna do jack shit compared to the disgusting amount of influence JK has.
(Just so everyone is clear... I, you know, I agree with these statements. Especially that last point, that "but I donated $60 to trans lifeline!" is a placebo to make yourself feel like you've done something to counterbalance. A dollar in JKR's pocket is worth a hundred in trans lifeline's, because JKR has a fuckton of money she can throw at anything she wants to support or oppose, is friends with people in government who will listen to her, and despite the backlash she's still an incredibly well known, influential person. Streamers and Youtubers are even worse tbh, because not only did they put money in JKR's pockets, they're now actively advertising and profiting off of the game. Why don't you put all of the profits you make from your streams toward trans lifeline too, if you're such an ally?)
And this is not something where I was just going into pro-trans-people-should-be-allowed-to-live circles. I was looking at compilations from supporters of the streamers trying to condemn people for the hate, and this was the kind of thing people were pulling up. Now I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure when you're trying to demonstrate that brutal harassment is happening, you go for the most fucked up shit you can find. Sooooo if that's the best they were coming up with, either their perception of what constitutes harassment is grievously warped, or they genuinely couldn't find anything harder than someone on twit with a trans flag in their display name saying "trans rights". Which is... telling.
I did, however, see a lot of really disgusting harassment from transphobes leaving hateful shit on youtube videos and tweets from trans creators! You can find it pretty easily, actually, it's literally all over any trans creator's videos speaking up about the game. Even chill ones that were like "I'm not saying you're a bad person for buying this game, but you're not my ally" which, you know. Yeah.
So like, you know, ~cis opinions~ and all, but kiiiiiiiinda feels like maybe one side was blatantly trying to martyr streamers based on some critique they received and maybe a small group of bad actors harassing them to motivate and justify harassment of trans people. Which, you know, if you've ever been a member of a marginalized community, should be an extremely familiar tactic to you by now.
And the thing that really fucks me off is that it's not hard to enjoy the stupid wizard game without putting money into the pockets of someone who literally wants their fellow humans dead. This is a very rare instance in life where you actually can have your cake and eat it too. Just buy it used, I've been saying that for months. The profit from used games go entirely to the store you purchased them from. And hey, another reason to not let physical die out! It requires that someone, somewhere buy it new first, but let's be real we all know that people were gonna buy the stupid wizard game and there was nothing we were gonna be able to do to stop them.
That's what I was going to do if the game piqued my interest (which tbh, the more I saw of it the less interested in actually playing it at some point I got. I mean I like the stupid wizard world as much as the next Zilennial but they aren't selling me shit unless it's a cozy wizard school life sim. There aren't even romance options! That's like half the reason to play a not!Bioware game! And I don't want to play a stupid 15 year old. And I've heard all of the outfits are atrocious and I'm sorry, I'm a fashion over function player.)
Also, while I'm ranting, here's an unpopular opinion for you: the blatant dick sucking by review outlets of one of the most mid looking games of 2023 was excruciatingly painful to watch. Did you see some of those reviews? Fucking ridiculous. "There's only six spells, the texture pop in is godawful, the game runs like shit, the world is boring. 9/10". Like yeah I get that review outlets are naturally going to be biased toward positive reviews so they can continue getting early access and perks, but GOD they could at least pretend. And it'll still probably get GotY because it's the wizard IP you remember from when you were a kid! Member? I member!
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lostandfem · 2 years
Hey I dont think jumping from a cult to another one will be helpful to you. You should check deeper into a more broad generalisation of life experiences instead of making your whole life about your gender again. Radical feminism isn't helpful because it doesn't take women accountable for the shit they do to other women too. Blaming males all day long won't work or do shit because we have to solve our own issues between females to live better lives. Sure men can be awful. But so are women. Radfems are also full of shit and attack peoples physical flaws at the second they have the occasion to. They don't really understand that women come in different shapes and ethnicities. Shit like "oh look at her body hair/facial hair" for exemple will come on the table all the time. Or while trying to make fun of transwomen they'll insult women that are less GC too because they don't give a shit anymore. So be careful with "communities"... Those women aren't full on accepting. That's my two cents. Good luck with everything, life's hard and so is finding respectable people... Or real lesbian women and sane bisexual women. But never give up. You'll find your way.
yknow, i appreciate youre trying to be helpful, but i trust myself here, and i dont really appreciate the patronizing attitude. im not some helpless, lost puppy
its interesting youre talking about making gender my whole life again tho. its not something id expect someone to acknowledge. most people dont want to acknowledge that thats what its like in the trans community. but this isnt making gender my whole life again. acknowledging misogyny and sexism isnt obsessing about an identity. these are judgement calls about peoples lived experiences as well as my own. and yeah, absolutely both men and women can be awful as individuals, but thats an entirely different issue from recognizing how women are treated as a sex because of their reproductive capabilities. that capability is a resource people want to take control of (if you support abortion rights then thats the cause youre addressing for an example of how thats a real issue that needs to be discussed). if you recognize that, you recognize that theres an imbalance between what sex holds power. were not “blaming males”, were recognizing who holds the power in the situations we are disadvantaged in. you have to find a source to a problem *somewhere*. women doing bad things to other women doesnt mean that power imbalance doesnt exist. and looking inward to address an outward disadvantage doesnt make any sense. if we examine ourselves enough, will the pay gap close, for example? is it womens fault theres a pay gap to begin with?
also idk where youre getting your information about what radfems think about other women, but do you think theyd even tolerate me here if they only wanted a certain type of body? my tits are gone and im hairy from testosterone. if they were anti-body diversity, why am i accepted anyway? why are they accepting any detrans woman? ive seen these women come in every shape and ethnicity, and praise women of every size and ethnicity (from thirsting to beautiful photography).
if you want to look into it, check out @ laetitiaky on instagram. shes a black woman who describes sex-based oppression from her own experiences, essentially (also makes p cool art). if you want to see examples of radfems of colour the blogs @oneblackbraid and @rad-by-nature are two off the top of my head (hopefully im not mistaken rip). im sure if you scroll enough youll find them talking about radical feminism in relation to racial issues.
anyway thanks for the advice, but i didnt ask to be helped. i hope you find your way, too
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swiftfootedachilles · 3 months
achilles! pls talk to me about early gallavich with trans mickey and enby ian, your thoughts are always such a delight <3
honestly - staying within canon as much as possible - i think nb ian would be essentially the same. he feels content enough with being considered a boy that he never considered any alternatives. he doesnt really learn about genders outside the binary until he dates trevor, and it takes a lot of dismantling internalized cisheteronormativity to fully realize himself
when he and mady start hanging out, he tries the whole "im gay on queer" facade for a few days but it falls apart pretty quickly when he and mandy get high and she convinces him to let her do his makeup. he loves baking with debbie no matter how many offensive things lip yells from the living room. he even kinda likes when fiona and vee and getting ready for a night out and they ask him what he thinks of their outfits
after he and mickey start banging and kinda becoming friends, he asks mickey questions about how he knew he was a guy, how be knew he was gay, etc. and its definitely eye-opening to him. he cant explain why, but it makes him super uncomfortable when transphobes say "youre fucking a trans guy so youre essentially straight" like being gay is just such a huge part of what makes ian ian. he doesnt figure it out for years, but its because being gay is inherent to his gender. being gay isnt just being a guy who fucks guys (though thats definitely the best part). its informs not just how be interacts with other men but how he views himself. his feelings are comparable to that of lesbians and dykes whose genders are simply "lesbian" or "dyke." theres a culture that surrounds it and complicates ones relationship with gender. hes a queer, a pansy, a fag. hes gay!!!
especially after dating trevor, ian sees gender as very performative and becomes somewhat gender-apathetic. he doesnt feel dysphoria and is still comfortable being viewed as a man and calling himself one. but he doesnt have strong ties to maleness like mickey does. mickey knows hes a man. he feels like his body is disconnected to his mind, he hates being viewed as anything other than male, he is very dedicated to the social performance of masculinity. where he gets upset about "not passing enough" if someone asks his pronouns, ian loves when someone asks him and doesnt immediately assume he primarily or only uses he/him. he loves dressing up nice to go to the gay bar (aka show off mickey) and people say "girl i love your outfit so much" "she is the moment!" it just makes him feel warm and sunny inside. he lets franny horribly paint his nails and get lipstick all over his face. he has deep philosophy conversations with liam about gender, sexuality, race, and societal expectations for all 3. he lets mickey introduce him as "spouse" to strangers. he gives mickey second hand embarrassment by referring to his dick in the third person as "she." ian is just vibing and living her best life!!!!
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My parents just gave me a lecture on why trans people dying isnt something isn't something I should care about. I told them about it and my dad rolled his eyes and said other people are dying and I should be focused on that. My mom said that women are more important. Yes, other people are dying and women are important but trans lives shouldn't be swept under the rug, they matter too.
"Pick what to be passionate about" Is something my father told me while I was talking, don't you see? I did pick something to be passionate about, people are dying, people in a group that I'm in are dying and you're acting like its trivial.
My parents go on and on about being allies but as soon as mention trans people being raped and murdered, it doesn't matter, it isn't important enough to pay attention to. People aren't transgender for attention or for a trend. We are real people.
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batsinurbelfrey · 10 months
Gender talk below the cut
About a month ago I had a conversation with my therapist that won't leave my mind.
and up until now i've been so perplexed by it.
It wasnt an incredibly complex conversation, and yet here i was playing it over in my mind again and again day in and day out.
The conversation came about when i brought up the topic of gender. because i was finally feeling safe enough with said therapist to let her know that i am non-binary. [information i'd held back for the first few sessions before i could weed out if i would be hate crimed etc]
once i informed her of this i also informed her that i am NOT out to my family.
I walked her through how i think my father could be "won over" if we take it low and slow. and how he may never Understand but i think if handled properly he could at least Tolerate. That being tolerated is the best you can ever really get from him, queer or not.
But then i move to my mother, and i say how i never plan to come out to her. point blank period. that i CANT come out to her.
and my therapist, who has heard PLENTY of stories about my mother's hate and bigotry and abuse, agrees with me.
"I think that's for the best." she says, affirmatively.
I think that's for the best. the sentence i keep playing OVER AND OVER in my mind. without knowing Why. The thing that felt like a gunshot to my chest.
because the thing is, she's Right. She made the RIGHT call, we both did. This isnt just a "keeping peace within the family" thing, this is about my SAFETY.
This woman tells me she lives in fear of a world where I try to come out to her as trans, that sometimes i "scare her". This woman says unbelievably hateful things about people like me. This woman spent her early career fighting for the rights of conversion camps.
This woman has told me Unprompted, and in no uncertain terms, that if i were to ever come out to her, that she would call the cops and try to have me 5150'd. Because evidently, she would rather her "daughter" be potentially harmed by the LAPD or mistreated in a ward somewhere, than accept and love her Child.
The call to not come out to her is one of logic and self-preservation. one I had already made myself. Her affirmation did nothing to change the path i was already walking.
So why did it feel like I shattered when she said it?
Did i WANT her to feed me the endless platitudes of "never say never" and "maybe she'll change some day?" would i not have found those empty and annoying had she slung them at me? Shouldnt i feel Proud to have a figure of emotional authority tell me i had it right? that i was "getting a gold star in life after trauma"?
The conversation kept chewing at my innards, gnawing away at me. Tonight as i lay in bed it was getting down to Bone. and thats when it hit me.
The part of me that made the decision, the part of me up front that my therapist agreed with, is Not the part of me thats hurting.
The part of me that's hurting, that screamed out from the depths as my therapist said what she said, is the "Little Girl" i once was. The one that never felt parental love in any form, that thought "she" had to earn it. That tried so hard to do so, stretching and contorting and burning "herself" to try to be deemed worthy. But still never getting it. The "little girl" that i thought was long dead but in fact had been clinging to and hiding behind my own "never say never" 's, that had been sustaining "herself" on my unspoken "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" 's. crawling around like a starving animal in the recesses of my mind, skin mottled and paper thin, eyes near blind from neglect, "she" was waiting and hoping and praying for "her" time in the sun. "she" had always told "herself" that ONE DAY, "she" would have it.....everyone has to eventually?.......Right?
And the feeling of a house full of windows blowing to shards all at once in the peak of a storm, ringing out like canon fire cracking through the air, the screams and bloody cries of loss and agony were......Her. A small scared child having to finally face the reality that..... They will go to the grave never having Felt maternal love.
That there is nothing they can do to fix it.
That while it is no failing of their own, that doesn't change that they have been failed. And that the groaning black hole will never be filled.
In a matter of seconds over a passing conversation, A lifetimes worth of grief was dragged out and silenced execution style.
With just a few words a door was definitively shut forever.
A door that Needed to be shut mind you, but that had been kept ajar because the pain of closing it felt too scary, too all-consuming.
But a guest came over and didn't see the signs taped around the frame, and shut it, because the draft was letting the AC out, and who would want that?
The door is shut.
And it bothers me, but there is nothing i can do.
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butchviking · 1 year
You're usually so big brained but you honestly believe that if these past women and lesbians who literally weren't allowed to live full lives without concealing themselves as men can be categorised as "trans"? When the choice was to either appear as a man or have their lives ruined and achievements erased? When in the modern sense "trans" is about inner feelings instead of an actual effort in passing? These past women didn't feel like men, they HAD to appear as men because society didn't allow women to do anything. Such a need doesn't reflect the current trans community's hypervisibility. Calling them trans is an insulting misnomer
hmm so i have several points on this.
can you define transgender? bc if it's not someone of one sex assigned the corresponding gender role at birth who chooses to pass as the opposite sex in order to live in the opposite gender role, then I don't see what it could possibly be. unless it's going to be "someone who identifies as trangender", in which case. well. we know how that kind of definition goes.
like i said, you can speculate on motives all you like. many women in days gone by absolutely chose to live as men bc they weren't allowed to live full lives as women, particularly as lesbian women. the thing is. many women in the modern age make the SAME decision for, subconsciously or consciously, the same reasons. like this is obviously not something commonly admitted by current transmen (for lack of a better phrase lol) but is smthn reaaaally often discussed by detrans women. for the amount of 'transmen are just women/lesbians who want to escape sexism/homophobia' often cited in radblr circles, im always confused by. 'this woman/lesbian who wanted to escape sexism/homophobia cannot possibly be a transman'
"These past women didn't feel like men" ok for real like ofc we can't know how each individual person felt (again i don't think thats super important to defining them as trans tho unless we're defining trans purely by identity status which is. kinda meaningless i feel like being trans-identified and being transgender are actually not always synonymous at all) but actually. u know what. many DID 'feel like men', this is a common experience of many women and particularly lesbians and particularly women/lesbians who chose to LIVE AS MEN thru history. literally sexual inversion theory was not only believed by straight people bro many lesbians have thought of themselves as 'a man in a womans body' for a long time
hey why can so many gendercrits say things like 'transmen are women' but then when u say 'this historical figure was a transman' theyre like 'how dare u imply thats not a woman'. like bro if u think transmen are women then. calling them a transman isn't denying that they're women at all. like only females are transmen so saying someone is a transman doesn't hide or disguise their femaleness. in fact it openly states it. those two things aren't in conflict they go hand-in-hand.
btw yes i KNOW im always going on abt how the cis/trans dichotomy isnt real but listen. the grey areas of trans identity politics in the modern age isnt at all whats being discussed here like this isnt abt calling someone like joan of arc trans for being a woman who wore mens attire. again we are talking abt people of the female sex who literally lived as and passed as men like thats. i cannot stress enough that is like the entire definition of a transman. even if that word wasn't around in their era for them to self-identify with.
idk what u mean abt their need to live as men not reflecting the current trans community's hypervisibility. can u explain that?
also btw i think its fair to say that while the benefits of living as a man in deeply misogynistic cultures are obvious, it's not technically a need and the vast majority of women have (no blame on them the pressure is immense and physical force often involved) usually yielded to the demands of gender thru time. and even imposed that on other women often. and so sue me i think its nice for those who are defiant of gender to be able to point to people like them in history and say. that's me. that's someone like me and people like me have always been here. and i know trans identity/transition is often considered by gendercrits to be a cave-in to gender and i DO see the point there i see all the points i promise but. listen im biased but i honest to god think that the decision to live in the opposite gender role is like. no its not as defiant as being openly gnc and telling everyone who doesn't like it to cope and seethe but it IS a lot more defiant and i think a lot braver than to cave in to gender the other way, by conforming and being a feminine makeup sexy dresses kind of woman. im veering wildly off track here and ive had too much wine i think but let's end on a hot take: top surgery isn't feminist at all but its still more feminist than a boob job.
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islanddboyy · 8 days
its the late hours of the night where i begin to dissect my entire personality. ive begun the whole self sabotaging spiel again and already pushed away one close friend and am in the process of doing it to another. but im just so tired of her relentless negativity and honestly shes made me a worse person when im trying to be a better person. thats what this last year has been about. trying to be better and i feel like im back at square one because of our friendship. except ive done the asshole thing and wont tell her why i havent been talking to her and keep avoiding any serious conversation about it. and on top of that im realising that my escape to canada isnt happening and im gonna have to spend 3 more years hiding who i am from my community and not living my life how i want to. i wanted to go to canada so i could be trans and start transitioning. but now that im stuck here i cant do that. i mean maybe medical tourism could work if i want top surgery but hrt is completely out the window in this backwards society. im just sick of having to hide who i am from people or being scared of what theyll say and how ill be treated differently if i do come out. like in my sport there are no rules about trans athletes because the thought hasnt even occurred to anyone. so if i want to compete no one would even understand what im trying to explain to them and in the miscommunication theyll just see some girl competing in the wrong category and send me back to the womens team. but i want to be on the mens team and maybe my club would be okay with it theyre pretty open minded. but outside of my club with the different race committees theyd just shut it all down no matter what i try and say. and im not ready for that kind of rejection. especially when i know for a fact that at least half of the club would have something mean to say about a trans person racing with them. holy shit that was a lot sorry to anyone unfortunate enough to come across this. i just needed to get this out into the void because i have no one to talk to honestly. the friends who know im queer and trans we dont talk about this shit because well im pretty emotionally closed off. so thats come back to bite me in the ass again lol
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thatmoththoth · 18 days
I find the argument of “it’s unnatural” a stupid one. Nature is just the way living creatures interact with each other. We are living creatures. We are animals, and even if we live in these big complexes, we made those big complexes. Ants live in these big colonies that they build, and in a way our cities are just colonies on a much larger scale. Unlike ant colonies however, our systems also evolve. From steam to gasoline our machines evolve too. And do you know why that is? It’s because humans evolved the capabilities to transfer knowledge between generations, and have enough storage for knowledge to understand that despite just how much information there is to be understood. The collective knowledge we hold is unique to humanity, but every animal has unique traits. How is everything humans do not part of the natural order? When did humans start seeing themselves as separate from it?
Now when we talk about things like factories, gender equality, and sexuality, people often say “its just not natural.” And this argument doesn’t make sense to me. Everything is natural. The only thing unnatural would be me suddenly breaking the laws of physics and levitating off the ground. The idea of nature is a complex idea that we broadly ascribe to plants and animals and the earth. The thing with complex ideas is that you cannot just say that something isnt part of the complex idea. Complex ideas are abstract and often can be applied to anything if you decide to look hard enough and ask enough questions about it. So a definitive “it’s not natural” is both an incorrect and true statement. It all is really subjective and if you’re going to try to convince me of something using that as your argument, what’s stopping me from interpreting that in a direction that goes the opposite of what you were trying to say. Say I’m a trans person and you argue “it’s not natural”. What’s stopping me from saying “since when has humanity given a damn about what’s natural” or “but it is natural, I am human and therefore it is natural.” Or even just “ok.”
“It’s not natural” is a dumb argument for literally anything and people need to find better arguments to make when defending their point.
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avo-kat · 4 months
lemme check the news! :)
federal office for the protection of the constitution: the right-wing party AFD is right-wing extremist
news: Members of the AFD (+ other nazis) have a meeting talking about “remigration”, aka a plan to deport all foreigners (immigrants, asyl seekers and not assimilated german citizens) living in germany there
AFD: umm, that wasn’t an official party meeting, it was just a private meeintg??? :/
some german politicans: maybe we should ban the party… their idee of deporting ppl is clearly against our constitution... But that may be too difficult? :/
news: prognosis: the AFD will most likely get a bunch of votes in the next elections and may be in the government according to surveys
the current government: hey we wanna send bullets to israel to fight hamas :) #neveragain
news: 900.000 social apartments are missing that are needed
politician and human scum called spahn: we should punish unemployed people on social security even more. Oh we cant because of the constitution? Hmm we should change the constitution so we can do that. :) yes, the parts talking about human dignity. Who cares about poor people? Lmao
“social” party SPD: oh yes. This cannabis legalization thing we promised to do in our campaign and weve worked on for two years and promised to bring this year? Actually, we voted against it, because. Um. Concerns. Ur welcome.
ALSO, theres a poltiician whos even TOO RIGHT-WING for germany and people are demanding to REVOKE HIS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS so his free sprech wont be protected anymore and he wont be able to vote or be voted for. Hes too much of a nazi even for germany!!!!! ?????? why yes, he’s part of AFD, why are you asking? And yes, its possible to revoke constituional rights for people who are a serious danger to our democracy. Lmao.
news: hospitals are overloaded, regular clinics are overloaded, the phone hotline is overloaded, long waiting times, not enough employees
news: the government promised “climate money” as a reward for ppl for use less energy, because energy prices are rising. But alas the money that was supposed to uhhh last year wont come until, um, maybe 2027?
government: hey we promised a new & better law for trans ppl! Now, instead of having to pay €€€ and letting urself be humiliated in front of judges, changing ur name and gender will be soooo easy! Just fill out this form. And… we’ll save ur prev name for security reasons in this list. And give this out to basically anybody who asks. Also, surgeries will no longer be covered. Because. Saftey. Also this law will come…. End of this year… maybe??? :)
news: 100 days after the hamas-attack. A whole society is re-traumatized. Poor israel. :(
news: the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer
news: the economy is shrinking… people arent buying enough. Because of the war. (russian war, duh) and inflation.
news: we are sending medicine to the israeli hostages! Don’t worry the red cross will make sure the medicine will reach the hostages! We need pictures as proof hamas isnt using the medicine themselves and giving it to the hostages tho. Some of the hostages are sick! Also apparently 160 palestinians died in the last 24 hours?
-> DISCLAIMER: all information to this conflict CANT be verified by an independent source! Any information on the war progress, attacks and number of victims cant be relied upon!!!! Careful!!!!!!!!!!!
 news: Israel drones shot a car where the LEADER of TERROR CELL was inside who had been planning to ATTACK. Good thing israel killed him!!! And several other people! Yay!
news: the US defended a ship from a ROCKET shot by HUTHI, yay. With a fighter jet, cool! The US and allies started an attack on 30 milita stations in yemen last Friday. President joe biden warned, that huthi had to prepare for additional military actions, if they don’t give in. the US is supported by the uk, the netherlands, canada, australia and bahrain. Apparently ships are stuck with gas. If they cant continue, they have to sail around the cap. Some british politician says “freedom of shipping is an internation right”.
-> at the very bottom: The huthi are supported by iran and have been recently attacking trade ships in the red sea. they want to pressure israel because of the war in gaza. They see themselves as part of a self-named “axis of resistance” against israel. Hamas in gaza is also part of that.
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eboymoder · 7 months
i love how a shit ton of transfemmes love to act like transmasculine oppression is not only less important, but mostly nonexistent, to the point of it even being heretically offensive to discuss in a way that takes it as seriously as transmisogyny or even like. seriously AT ALL and not just something to joke about doing to transmascs when they happen to be both annoying and someone who goes by a common name, like aiden.
like i know you get all your facts and logic from a bunch of super retarded twitblr baeddels but i do in fact regret to inform you that out of most known social demographic categories, transmasculine people have THE highest rates of suicide and sexual assault, especially compared to cis men and cis women, but even sometimes when compared to transfems!
but yeah, tell me more about how “transandrophobia” is just some reddit MRA shit. keep talking about how transmisogyny is the worst kind of oppression that could possibly happen to anyone ever and how transmascs are just transitioning because they hate women and want to attain male privilege, something not only regular for us all to want but definitely possible to achieve through the cis validation we are soooo totally receiving from society.
if you believe that being a man or transitioning into masculinity is INHERENTLY EVIL or makes you get MORE PRIVILEGE AND NOT WAY LESS OF IT FROM LITERALLY ANYBODY INCLUDING OUR OWN SUPPOSED ALLIES then i am sorry to say but i think the thing that is poisoning your brain and making you stupid is not testosterone. it might be 4chan though, you might wanna get that checked out. being a woman does not make you inherently softer, more pure, more innocent, kinder, more deserving of love. none of those things. and in fact, acting like women can do no wrong by virtue of simply existing as their gender is often used to silence victims of abusive women, because feminism or something. absolutely shut the fuck up.
imagine let’s say, a trans man. scary, fucked up, i know right, but bear with me now, i have a point to make. so this guy is for all intents and purposes completely cis-passing. his voice is deep and melodic. he has full grown facial hair. his facial structure is like a chad wojak. he isnt getting bald from taking t yet. he’s skinny, but not to the point of looking twinky or like a femboy. he isn’t overly emotional in a womancoded way most of the time. he’s white. he’s got a good job that pays well enough to not be homeless or starving. so yeah, all of those things. except for one crucial difference: he does not wish to pursue bottom surgery. he enjoys having a vagina. he is also interested in having sexual relationships, exclusively with other men-identified people.
here’s where things get tricky. you know the trans panic murder legality exception? that still does apply to transmascs too, you know. we are also transgendereds. but yeah so this guy decides to hook up with a stranger off a dating app. things are going fine. he hasnt yet disclosed his birth sex, he had no pronouns in bio, he is assumed to be cis.
wow, you think, this guy is living the dream. he is so privileged for this.
sike, you fucking idiot. he is about to get hatecrimed and abused as soon as he does the pussy reveal. he will probably also get raped. the guy he wanted to have a fun time with actually hates women so much he thinks that sometimes they try to become men to trick true homosexuals. he fucking gets this guy. transmasc chad is now dead. when his funeral happens, his estranged parents retcon his legal name change from years prior to deadname and misgender him as a final slap in the face. where is this privilege then? huh? tell me, quickly now.
every single fucking hate crime that is possible to do to a transfeminine person is just as easily possible to do to a transmasculine person. absolutely fuck yourself if you disagree. because it can and does happen. not only that, but we experience unique things you never will be able to: getting pregnant, getting raped in ways that could make us pregnant, if we want to get pregnant we have to temporarily detransition in order to do so, period associated symptoms that involve painful bleeding and not just period-lite emotional swings like some people experience on estrogen. stuff like that is what we need our own words for, you just wouldnt get it.
you just live in a bubble full of shetheyits who love to be stupid online and expect the entire world to kiss their toes in response when they say things that are just completely and objectively wrong but frame themselves in a tactical light in order to shit on the most amount of people they can just to fucking feel something. why do you love re-creating or appropriating existing structures of oppression and drawing lines in the sand arbitrarily with people you should be experiencing sympathy for because we are more like you than we are not like you. society hates us all, dont you dare forget that.
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sparkedblaze · 11 months
ignoring penny screamimg at me because i threw her into the tree to scare off the newsies, i dont know why she complains, she cant feel pain
i can show you my richmond leader newsie now ;
- Arthur Ernest Adel
- Born 7 July 1881 so he is 18
- He is given the knickname 'Slip' because he can slip around the bulls easily ( most of the time at least )
  - I mean , he does walk around with a bandanna around his nose n mouth to hide himself from them and when someone asks about it , he just blames it on poor lungs ( the boy has never been sick once in his life )
- He is trans , FtM ( self-projection )
- Autistic ( alot of my character hcs r autistic because i am shush )
- Has rosacea
- He is from Egyptian descent ( ik that Egyptian Americans were probably not know well or at all then but hey 🤷‍♂️ )
- He is seen as the leader of the Richmond newsies ( i dont think there is alot given on the Richmond newsies in all the adaptations so im making up my own shit for them )
- He did not know his parents that well but he knew his siblings as they grew up in the Richmond lodging house together and still do live there
- His siblings are ;
  - Ethel Grace Adel , 14
  - Raymond Dewey Adel , 11
- They all started out pretty well since Ethel was adorable enough to coax people into giving her abunch of food for them all if they couldnt pay for food themselves
- Arthur or his siblings dont have alot about them that makes them distinct other than Arthur being the leader of the newsies and Raymond n Ethel being related to him
- It isnt really a big deal to show people his face but he still doesnt do it, he wears it in the lodging house and the streets . The only people that see his face frequently are his siblings or some of younger richmond newsies
- He doesnt talk to alot of other newsies that are from different boroughs but like every other newsie borough, he respects spot and brooklyn
- His siblings arent that involved with his leadership because hes quite independent despite them growing up really close since they stole and lived together
- He's very expressive with his eyes n eyebrows, i mean, he covers the rest of his face with his bandanna
- shh, dont tell anyone but another reason he covers his face is because he has a cleft lip and cleft palate
- if he had a theme song, itd be Money Money Money by ABBA Specifically the Mamma Mia version ( dont get pissy because its not the original but the " and have a BAAAAAAAAAAAALL " absolutely SLAPS )
- Arthur doesnt really have any pets but theres this same squrriel that keeps showing up to the lodging house and the newsies all agreed to call the squirrel "Chatter" because chatter makes so much noise
- His and his siblings father was egyptian while his mother was american
  - His father , Yahia Jabari Adel
  - His mother , Quinn Piper Adel ( once Quinn Piper Hadley )
- mystery anon
I would love to talk about how Swipe and Slip could be friends and also terrorize the city together
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milkolya · 11 months
accidentally got so angry i started crying while yelling abt the pride flag / bathroom rights / pronouns/ etc etc issues in various places across canada it just makes me insane to just think about. this got long oops so read more
if a school REFUSES to raise a pride flag on pride month what the fuck do you think that means in the case of, say, assault? a hate crime?? how are gay kids supposed to feel?? i was lucky i grew up in a relatively progressive area. my school hung up a pride flag when i was in grade 9 or 10 for june and then never bothered to take it down, it was just there year round. and u know what? it made me feel safer. bc when i came to the school with my parents they had things to say about that flag. and the fact that no one had bothered to take it down means that not one teacher cared enough about it - not the way my parents did. therefore, i could trust them to a certain degree. school was my SAFE SPACE. all these parents, school boards, ministries of education.... anyone STILL talking about their kids being ~influenced~ at school, referring to how we gays live as a "lifestyle" in the year 2023.... i have news for you. you cannot control your child. if your kid is gay, they will figure it out sooner or later. and the fact that youre pushing for it to be LATER... that means u dont care about your kid at all! why would you wish a decade of suffering on someone to figure out something that couldve come to light in their child/teenagehood? thats not love, and your child deserves better.
it just makes me want to scream. its people Just Like my parents who are pushing for reviews of policies surrounding the rights of gay/trans children. i want to grab them all and shake them. i personally have an incredible amount of patience. ten years. ten years i waited for my parents to change and they didnt even a little bit. now they dont get to know me at all. how long will your kid last? also 10 years? 5? will they leave straight out of high school? how do you not foresee this? how do you not understand this? how can you not care?
it is so frustrating because they do foresee it. and they would still rather have their kid leave them behind than even consider changing. the night i decided to stay away, my mother (drunkenly) asked me, "when are you finally going to decide you dont need us?"
she thought about it. she dreaded it for years, sounds like. by asking me that, she made it clear that she knew what would happen if she didnt change and still chose to be stubborn and bigoted.
i guess what really is making me angry is that all of this bullshit is dressed up to be about protecting your kids, your loved ones, when it fucking isnt, if you wanted to protect your child you wouldnt drive them away. fuck. none of this is new, i know. homophobes never cared about children, thats not news. its just very personal to me. and every headline i see drives me further up the wall
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