#but then again i’d give the first one in the series a 7/10 so i’m
beom-pyu · 11 months
truth or drink! (blind date edition): huening kai
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the final part of the truth or drink series! thank you for all the love received on this <3 i'm planning on doing another youtube series eventually, so stay tuned!
other parts: beomgyu & taehyun "my ex + my boyfriend edition" yeonjun "couples edition" soobin "engaged edition"
slightly nsfw! (minors dni.)
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welcome to truth or drink—blind date edition! strangers will ask each other a set of random questions. they can either answer the question or take a shot.
YOU: “um, hi, hello—”
HK: “hi. oh wait, that’s not your hand—”
you search for kai’s hand in the darkness before you finally feel his fingers, giggling as he gently shakes your hand.
YOU: “i’m y/n.”
HK: “nice to meet you, y/n. i’m kai.”
how long have you guys been single?
YOU: “about a year.”
HK: “i’ve been single for 3 years.”
is there a reason you’re single right now?
HK: “i’m a pretty shy person, so i never really go on dates.”
YOU: “i go on too many dates. i guess i just know what i want and don’t really like to waste my time.”
you guys ready to take the blindfold off?
YOU: “on the count of three.”
HK: “okay, one… two… two and a quarter… two and a half…”
YOU: “two and six eighths…”
HK: “two and fourteen sixteenths…”
YOU: “oh my god, i’m nervous.”
HK: “me too.”
YOU: “okay—three!”
you both take your blindfolds off and your jaw immediately drops while kai’s eyes widen.
YOU: “you guys didn’t tell me i’d be doing this with prince charming.”
kai nervously giggles.
HK: “you’re very, very cute. fuck, i wasn’t expecting this.”
YOU: “did you think i was going to be ugly?”
kai flusters, waving his hands in denial.
HK: “no, no! i-i just… woah.”
it’s your turn to giggle now.
YOU: “i’m just messing with you. i’m flattered.”
you guys wanna take a shot for the nerves?
YOU: “yes, please.”
HK: “cheers.”
YOU: “do you want to go first?”
HK: “sure.”
HUENINGKAI: what is your type? am i your type?
YOU: “honestly, i don’t think i have a type? and you’re insanely attractive, so yes.”
HK: “you’re definitely my type.”
YOU: “and what would that be?”
HK: “i like how confident you are. also the fact that you’re probably the prettiest person in this room right now.”
YOU: “i think we can just end the video here, guys. he’s perfect.”
YOU: what sounds do you make when you’re having sex? can you make them right now?
kai slides his shot glass towards you to fill up—you laugh as you unscrew the bottle, pouring it for him.
YOU: “i guess i’ll just have to find out for myself.”
HK: “guess so.”
HUENINGKAI: where is the craziest place you’ve hooked up with someone?
YOU: “i gave head in an elevator twice.”
HK: “twice?”
YOU: “it’s a long story.”
YOU: how many sexual partners have you had?
HK: “three…?”
YOU: “oh my god, why did you guys pair him with me—this feels like corruption.”
HK: “you’ve never been with anybody?”
YOU: “no, i’m corrupting you, sweetie.”
HK: “o–oh. okay. yeah, no, that’s fine. yeah. cool. okay. can i take a shot?”
HUENINGKAI: how would you rate your oral sex skills out of 10?
YOU: “10 out of 10, next question.”
YOU: i dare you to kiss me on the lips, or take a shot.
HK: “i’ll kiss you.”
YOU: “good, cause i was about to hide the whiskey so you have no choice.”
HK: “who’d pass up a chance like this?”
you giggle as you stand from your seat, leaning across the table to cup kai’s cheek. his face is flushed a light pink, his eyes wide and sparkling as he stares up at you. you give him a small smile before pressing your lips to his soft, plush ones—it doesn’t last longer than a few seconds, but you’re still rendered breathless. kai’s eyes stay glued onto your figure as you sit back down, your hands automatically reaching for the bottle.
HK: “was it bad?”
YOU: “the opposite, actually. i need to be drunk so i have an excuse as to why i’m going to kiss you again after this.”
HUENINGKAI: what is your average relationship length?
YOU: “on average… like 7 or 8 months? i’ve had a lot of situationships, but also a few serious relationships.” 
HK: “that’s not too bad.”
YOU: “and you?”
HK: “i’d say a year and a half.”
YOU: what’s the worst thing you did in your last relationship?
HK: “this one’s embarrassing, oh god. i think i’m gonna drink.”
YOU: “red flag, red flag!”
HK: “no, no, it’s nothing like that! well. it’s kind of like that.”
YOU: “what did you do?”
HK: “i… uh, i ghosted them.”
YOU: “oh, how long were you guys together?”
HK: “two years…”
YOU: “and you ghosted them???”
HK: “they were going to break up with me anyways, so i wanted to get them first. it was stupid.”
YOU: “honestly, you’re just like me. i can’t even blame you.”
HK: “let’s cheers to that.”
HUENINGKAI: what’s your biggest red flag?
YOU: “i’m scared of commitment.”
HK: “i was expecting something way worse.”
YOU: "like what? criminal activity?"
HK: "hey, you never know!"
YOU: “and what’s yours?”
HK: “hm, i don’t know… i have an extensive plushie collection?”
YOU: “wait, that’s actually cute!”
HK: “i have to make sure they face the wall when i have sex though.”
YOU: “that’s not a red flag. that’s basic human decency.”
HK: “thank you! finally someone understands.”
YOU: what do you do for a living?
HK: "i coach a youth soccer team."
YOU: "that's so cool! i'm a part-time student with a paid internship at a tech company."
HK: "brains are sexy."
YOU: "soccer is sexy too."
HK: "are we about to kiss right now?"
YOU: "let's save that for when the cameras are off."
HUENINGKAI: when was the last time you cried, and why?
YOU: “there was this really cute kitten that i wanted to adopt, but i live on my college campus, so i can’t have pets. i cried for a good 3 hours.”
HK: “i have a cat! maybe you can come over and meet her sometime.”
YOU: “yes. let’s go. right now.”
YOU: would you like to go out on another date with me? if yes, when and where? if no, why not?
HK: “i’d love to go on another date with you. whenever and wherever you’d like.”
YOU: “i’d love that too. and it’s not just because i want to meet your cat.”
HK: “...”
YOU: “okay, it’s partially because i want to meet your cat. but! you’re also really cute and sweet. i really want to get to know you better.”
HK: “i feel the same way. and i’d also like that second kiss.”
you turn to the camera, overdramatically waving goodbye.
YOU: “well, we have a date to get to! thank you for having us!”
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January Creator of the Month: Jerzwriter
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is CFWC's own @jerzwriter.  The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog Complete Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
It was sometime in 2017, and the first book I ever played was The Royal Romance, Book 1.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined a couple Facebook groups in 2019. I just wanted to discuss stories with others who were interested, as no one in my real life reads Choices. I didn't even know I was entering a fandom. lol I started reading fanfic on Tumblr the following year, but I found Tumblr intimidating, so I was mostly a silent reader. I didn’t start writing and contributing until May 2021, mostly because Open Heart was ending and I was in denial. 🙂
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It’s pretty boring, actually. I’m from NJ, and I write. I wanted it to be JerZwriter, so people would know it is Jer-ZEE-Writer, but that wasn’t doable, so it’s Jerzwriter, and most think it is Jerz-Writer. Oh, well!  
4- Pull up the first and last posts in your archive, and tell us about them!  
My first post was the first chapter of my Ethan x Casey x Tobias love triangle, Delaying the Inevitable (OH).  It was my very first fanfic and I really didn't think I'd write anything beyond that.  I was so green back then, not only to fanfic but to the fandom as well. I’m really glad that I was naive because I don’t think I would have had the courage to post it if I had, but I’m glad that I did. 
My last post was Falling for You, a little drabble I wrote for Tobias x Casey (OH), and it featured a commission by the talented artist @weetlebeetle. It was a light, fun piece that took place early in Tobias and Casey's relationship, and it shows Tobias at his absolute simpiest. Lol 
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
Oh, how I wish I could draw, but I can't.  So, I’m strictly a writer. I may try giving drawing a go again, but I don't expect much to come of it. lol
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
Choices was the first fandom I ever wrote for, and I started in May of 2021.  So, just over two and a half years. I have written a little bit for some other fandoms since that time, but I primarily write for Choices.
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Tough question.  I write for Open Heart, Crimes of Passion, and Wake the Dead, and they are three of my favorite stories. I also loved Desire & Decorum, but I never wrote for it.  Though, I’m planning a re-read, and you never know. 🙂
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
It was the first chapter of Delaying the Inevitable. I was so green when I started that series that I’m sure there are things I would change, but I’m still very proud of it.  That series will always have a special place in my heart.  I’d like to revisit it one day to “clean it up”, it could use some condensing. But I would never change the storyline.
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
This is such an unfair question. lol The Delaying the Inevitable Series definitely comes to mind, but I’m also very proud of my Eli Sipes prequel stories, A Mother’s Journal, Coming Up Blank, and The End of the World. But Tobias and Casey are my favorite pairing, and I simply love the world I created for them. And while my headcanon for them is my favorite, I cannot pick just one fic for them, and I'm not going to! lol But, I've also written a bunch of AUs for them, and Friends* is one of my favorites.
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
Yes, to both! The fandom is much smaller today, but back when we were more active, I learned you couldn't predict how a fic would be received.  There are too many to name, but I will say whenever my smut does well (and quite a few of them have), I’m always astounded. lol 
11-  If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
This is such a difficult question because I believe the best stories incorporate a little of each, and, as a writer, exploring all three helps spur creativity. Also, my absolute favorite is angst with a happy ending, so there is definitely some fluff in there (and I'm never mad at a little smut being thrown in!) But if I were forced to choose, it would probably be angst.  I think that's where I am strongest, and I just love raw emotion. I think that’s where character development really occurs. I have not written as much angst recently, and I miss it.  Perhaps I need a change in 2024. 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
There are definitely parts of me in my MCs and OCs, but I do my best to prevent them from becoming self-inserts.  I'm not as cool as any of them, that's for sure! lol That said, I do find inspiration for my fics in real life, so there is bound to be a little crossover. When using real-life inspiration, I try to change details so that the fiction is not a carbon copy of the real-life event. Normally, by the time I'm done, they're hardly recognizable.
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most? Where do you feel you are strongest?
I struggle most with setting a scene. Dialogue is my strong suit, and that just flows for me. It flows so much that sometimes I forget to describe what's going on around the conversation. I think this is particularly easy to do in fanfiction because so much of the "world" has already been provided for us, so I recognize this more when I'm writing original works.
The other thing I struggle with? Brevity. I know I can go on, and on, and on. lol I've gotten much better at this, but there is still room for improvement.
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
(Elsa leaves the room, quietly crawls under her desk, and hides…) YES!!! Far, far too many, and no matter how much I share those posts that say, "You don't have to finish! If you're not feeling it, move on!" I don't believe it! lol I really want to make wrapping them up a priority in 2024.  But I also know writing - particularly good writing - cannot be forced.  So, it's a goal, but I'll only do it if I feel it’s right. 
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
It would depend on who asked.  I’m not ashamed of writing fanfic at all, but if I believed the person would be judgemental, I wouldn't be willing to share.  A few of my friends have read select pieces of my fanfic, and I’ve always received positive feedback from them. I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing more.  What I'd share would depend greatly on the person asking.
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
There are many published writers that I admire, but I don’t think they've influenced my writing here. Within the fandom, there are many writers who have inspired me in different ways. There is no way I can ever name them all. But I'd like to give a shout-out to some.
@jamespotterthefirst and @bex-la-get were among the first writers I read when I joined Tumblr. I found their passion for both canon and the worlds they created inspiring, especially as Open Heart was nearing its end and all of us addicts needed our fill. Reading their works helped keep the story alive for me and so many others, and it inspired me to try my hand at it as well. To my shock, they were both so encouraging and supportive of me when I arrived, and I'm forever grateful. Back then, I thought they were rockstars - and they are! But now, they're also friends. I wasn't familiar with @alwaysmychoices from the start, but when I came across their work, I was just blown away.  Weekend with Dr. Ramsey will live rent-free in my head forever, and that headcanon about Charlie calling Ethan the night before she marries someone else. (I faint.) Ohhh, the delicious angst! The way she made me feel what Charlie felt was just mind-boggling, and it encouraged me to really dig into my character's emotions and bring them to life in a more meaningful way.
Early on, I read @utterlyinevitable, and the thing that impressed me the most was how Dom was willing to "write stories that “went "go there.”  They tackled issues that others wouldn't touch.  In their world, everything wasn’t perfect, including the characters themselves. I admired that vision and, frankly, bravery, and it definitely encouraged me to write what I wanted to and not what I felt was expected of me.
More recently, @mydemonsdrivealimo inspired me to explore parts of my MCs that I have not delved into in the past.  In particular, Casey's bisexuality. It can be challenging to represent a bisexual character when they are in a straight-presenting relationship, and you risk alienating readers no matter what you do (looking at all readers here.) So it becomes easier to be lazy and ignore it. But that's a disservice to the character as much as it's a disservice to people living similar situations in real life... like I have many times. Through MJ's writing and our conversations, they've helped me become more aware and do a better job in this regard, and I'm not even sure if they know this - it may totally be news to them lol - but I'm eternally grateful. Now, I feel my girl Casey is free, and OMG, how I love our characters playing together in HC now!
Then there are @lilyoffandoms and @storyofmychoices, who bring joy to all that they touch. Who knew when Lily created a little drabble putting our characters in a new world together, it would end up being one of the brightest fandom spots of 2023? Who knew that so much more would stem from that one work? Seriously, it's been one of the highlights of my fandom experience this year, and it's helped me to find inspiration at times when I felt like it was lost. Thank you both - I am so lucky to have you both here!
There are so many more I could mention, but I'd still forget people and feel horrible, so I want to take the chance to thank every writer in the fandom for sharing their gifts with us. Each of you is an inspiration in your own way; each of you can give someone an idea, and you have no idea where that spark will lead. So, never stop sharing!
17-  Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Delaying the Inevitable, Friends*, All in the Past, and the WIP What’s Forever For. I also think some of my Ethan x Tobias works would have made for a good sitcom, and how I wish my Tobias x Casey friendship with Bryce x Jensen would be an epic sitcom. The world needs it! lol   (Jensen belongs to @mydemonsdrivealimo.)
19- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
I do. Mostly shorter stories that will never see the light of day, but also some more substantive works... which will also never see the light of day! lol I wrote a novel-length political thriller some time ago. It would need a ton of work to bring it up to 2024, as the political landscape has changed so much. I also have two original WIPs I've been writing. One is an angsty story about a friendship that's loosely based on a childhood friend I lost to cancer a few years ago.  The other is a polyamorous romance about two best friends who fall for the same person. It's really a beautiful, emotional story. If I like the end result, maybe I'll let it see the light of day... maybe. lol
20-  What other hobbies do you have?
I enjoy theater, and I'm lucky enough to live in the best part of the world to partake in that.  I go to a lot of Broadway, Off-Broadway, and local theater productions. I also love going to concerts - they’re like group therapy! Trust me, I got more out of seeing Noah Kahan and Hozier in 2023 than I did from the entirety of sessions with my therapist - and I loved my therapist. lol
Prior to 2020, I did a fair amount of traveling, and I hope to start doing a little more this year.  But I have to admit, since the lockdown, I’ve become more of a homebody, and I like it, so we’ll see how that goes! 
I used to be very involved with activism and advocacy for women’s, lgbtq+, and mental health issues. I still am, but in a different capacity than I was in the past. These issues require people fighting for them, and doing so has always been a huge part of who I am, but it can be draining, and burnout is real. I really reached the end of my rope. So, nowadays, I work as a volunteer for a couple local organizations that really mean a lot to me. I'm not involved in grassroots efforts or taking trips to talk to legislators as often, but I'm helping people on a smaller scale, and that still goes a long, long way.
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
As most of you know, I’m one of the mods here at CFWC, so it was a little weird when my the wheel landed on my name.  But, honestly, it’s happened before, and I've just spun again, even though I am eligible. But this time around, I decided to do it. This fandom really means a lot to me, and I wanted to share a little more about myself and my crazy pixelated people.
I'm truly grateful to everyone in the fandom who does their part to make this a place that many, like me, still see as a place they want to be. We're smaller, it's imperfect, it has plenty of problems, but I am choosing to focus on the good... because there is much more of that than there is bad. So, thank you to each of you... and I hope we all have a wonderful 2024! xo
PS... My header... I know Tobias wasn't technically an LI... which was truly criminal. So, that's what fandom is for, fixing what canon effed up. lol My favorite canon LI is Trystan Thorne (COP). I tried adding their picture to the header alongside Tobias, but it looked terrible, so here I am. :)
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I can't wait to highlight more of you in 2024! :)
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Ivy - Part 12
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gif by: @hotch-girl <3
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (Sean Hotchner x Fem!Reader)
Series summary: Your relationship with your boyfriend, Sean, is going great. Well, that is until you meet his older brother, Aaron.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
i'm a liar and a clown - this isn't the last part, this is mostly smut.
Warnings: this chapter is nsfw - 18+
also warning for um...condescending aaron? but he's sweet about it.
Minors DNI
Chapter summary: again...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lmfao
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You had expected the princess treatment to end sooner or later but it only kept getting worse.
Aaron had insisted on being the one to get your stuff from Sean’s house. And of course after bringing all your things home, there wasn’t even a discussion about where said things would go. Aaron’s place was the only right answer.
Not that you were complaining of course. He was gone for work most of the day, so living in his home – your home too, as he kept correcting you – gave you the opportunity to take in as much of him as possible.
It could be almost perfect, if it wasn’t for the thought of Sean eating you alive. You were waiting for that phone call, that message that he was finally ready to speak with you, every single day. And the more the time passed with no signal from him the more your feelings got unbearable.
It would take time to make peace with the fact that you and the man you loved were the villains in someone else’s story. You wanted Sean to forgive you, but you were well aware you also needed to forgive your own self in order to move on.
Part of you felt that maybe you deserved what you had gone through; that maybe being kidnapped was your punishment for being unfaithful to your ex-boyfriend.
Aaron would go crazy if you brought those thoughts to his attention, so you had chosen to stay quiet about it.
“What are you thinking about, honey?” he asked, pushing your hair back as he joined you on the couch.
“Nothing in particular.” You smiled.
“You know, I was thinking…”
“Yeah?” You raised your brow, intrigued.
“I never took you out for a date,” he said, his voice more melancholic than excited. “Never asked you out.”
“Well the circumstances weren’t ideal for something like this,” you said, in the same tone as his.
“I wanna do it. The first date, the flowers.”
“Aaron…” you laughed.
“I mean it. Y/N,” he se said, his voice turning serious, “Are you free tomorrow night? I would like to take you out to dinner.”
You gave him a sweet smile. “Yes, Aaron. I’m free and I’d love to go to dinner with you.”
This man had been inside you, and yet blushed like a tomato to you agreeing to go on a date with him.
He wanted it to be perfect.
That included your favorite flowers, his best suit, and of course him leaving the house for a few hours so he could come back when you were ready to pick you up for the date.
Aaron’s heart was racing as he rang the doorbell of his own house. He thought it was funny how the girl he was essentially living with, gave him butterflies as if he was a teenager picking up his prom date from her parents’ house.
You opened the door with a big smile, stealing his breath away.
I’m so in love with her, he thought.
He didn’t say it though – it would have been a terrible opening line for a first date.
“You look like a dream,” he chose to say instead.
Your shy smile made his heart flutter. Aaron was so mesmerized by you, he had almost forgotten to offer you the beautiful bouquet of flowers he was holding.
“Are those for me?” you asked, reminding him of it.
“Yes,” he rushed to reply, giving them to you. “I hope you like them.”
“They’re perfect. Thank you, Aaron.”
A gentleman as always, Aaron opened every single door for you, pulled your chair out, and showered you with compliments. It felt good and had you wishing you had done everything in the correct order.
You chose not to dwell on it though, and focused on the conversation you were having with the sweet man at your table.
“And I had to wait in line for four hours. It was hell,” you groaned, letting your head fall back.
“Wait, when was this?” Aaron asked you.
“Three years ago. The day before New Year’s Eve,” you answered, sipping some of your red wine. “I’ll never forget that day.”
“Y/N, what time were you there?”
“What time were you there?” he insisted.
“I don’t remember exactly but I was there at least an hour before the store had opened. I was desperate.”
“I was there too,” Aaron said.
“What?” you asked, the palms of your hands covering your mouth. “You were there at the same time?”
“Yes,” he laughed. “I was there an hour before the store opened. I thought it would be early enough.”
“Aaron,” you giggled. “We were there at the same time.”
“We were.” He smiled.
You reached out your hand to hold his. “Imagine how frustrated I was that I didn’t notice the sexiest man in the world waiting in line with me.”
Aaron’s smirk made you laugh again. He lifted your joined hands to kiss your knuckles. “You were always around, weren’t you?”
“I guess I was.” It was your turn to kiss his hand now. “Waiting for my prince charming.”
“I just wish-”
“We should stop that,” you interrupted him. “This is the way things are. You have me and I have you now. That’s all that matters. We’re only looking forward from now on.”
“You’re right, my love.”
“Well this is me,” you said with a shy smile, pointing at Aaron’s house.
“Hm…” he said, his one eyebrow lifted.
You looked up finding him staring at you with a handsome smirk. At that moment it truly felt like the end of a first date; the excitement of the possibility of sharing a ‘first kiss’ with that man, making your stomach turn in the best kind of way.
“Thanks for driving me home,” you grinned, and you could see he was holding back his laughter at your act.
“Of course.”
He was not going to make a move.
So you moved closer, swinging your purse left and right. “Good night, Aaron.”
“Good night, sweet girl.”
“No good night kiss?” You frowned.
“Good girls should not make offers like this,” he said, sternly. “I might take advantage of you.”
You closed the gap between your bodies, and grabbed his tie. “Oh Aaron, you have no clue how bad I want you to take advantage of me.”
Aaron chuckled and grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand away from his tie. He made it rest on his shoulder as he pressed soft kisses on the inside of your arm. “You’re bold.”
“Aaron,” you said, in a tone that translated: let’s stop this game – I want you.
His large hands cupped your face through your hair and pulled you close enough that his nose was brushing against yours. “I like it when you get all needy for me. It’s cute.”
“It’s also painful.”
“Have I ever denied you anything? You’re gonna get everything you want, I promise.”
And with that, he kissed you with the passion and gentleness of a true first kiss.
Back in his bedroom, your fingers were playing with the zipper of his pants, the hardness you could feel and see underneath the fabric making you clench your thighs together for some relief.
You palmed him through his boxers and the groan he let out went through your entire body like a spark. You slowly lowered yourself on your knees, taking his trousers down with you.
The sight of his thick thighs was already making you drool, filling you with a strong urge to bite every single inch of his body. You placed your palms on them, running your hands up and down his hairy legs; your touches followed by small kisses, licks and bites.
“What are you doing?” he asked, amused.
“I’m enjoying you,” you answered.
His hand got lost in your hair, pulling it carefully to make you look up and into his eyes. “Honey,” he said, and it sounded like a request; an order.
“Sorry,” you smiled, leaving a last sweet kiss on the inside of his thigh. “Didn’t mean to neglect this part of you.”
Your opened mouthed kisses moved to his clothed cock, causing him to let out a heavy breath - deliciously close to a moan.
You hooked your fingers on the waistline of his boxers, carefully pulling them down, exposing his hard dick. The tip of it was just begging you to lick it, so that was what you did. You wrapped your hand around the base of his cock, leaving a few kisses down his length, before taking him into your mouth.
After a few minutes of having him inside, Aaron used his grip on your hair to push your head back. “Stop.”
You feared that there was something wrong, but Aaron’s next words made you realize that that wasn’t the case.
“Take your clothes off.”
Instinctively, you immediately did what he said. Not making a show out of it, but definitely taking your time, you took off your dress and your pretty underwear.
“Come here,” he said, when you were finally fully naked. His one hand moved between your legs, while the other traced patterns on the back of your neck.
“How does it feel down there?” he asked with fake concern; his middle finger brushing against your clit, and his touch light enough not to offer any actual relief.
“Hurts a little.” You pouted.
“You can play with it if you want,” he said, moving his finger in a slow circular motion. “While you suck me off. It’s okay,” he added, sweetly. “Just don’t get too distracted. Alright, baby?”
“Mhm.” You nodded and sank back to your knees. After Aaron’s touch you were burning for more, so you lost no time before moving your own hand between your legs, as your lips were once more wrapped around his cock.
He was right about the ‘distracted’ part. It was hard to stay concentrated when you were chasing your own orgasm but Aaron’s voice brought you back to your senses. “Focus, baby.”
You pulled him out of you for a moment, your split still connecting your lips with his cock, as you mumbled a sweet “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, sweetheart. You’re doing so good,” he reassured you, his palm cupping your cheek. “You’re so pretty like this.”
His praise made you even more eager and soon you were choking on his dick, Aaron’s heavy breaths and moans satisfying you more than you could ever explain.
“I’m close,” he sighed. “Wanna cum on your tits.”
He didn’t need to say anything else, you straightened your back, still on your knees and pressed your breasts together so Aaron could finish on you. You could focus on his cock fucking his fist or the white liquid that was falling on you, but instead you chose to pay attention to his face. The expression of ultimate pleasure he had on him, the drops of sweat on his forehead that made it glisten and made you feel disgusting enough to wanna lick them away.
He looked like a god and all you wanted to do was stay on your knees for the rest of time, just for him.
Part 13
ivy tag list: @preciousbabypeter @buckysmainhxe @galaxyofmyown @ssamorganhotchner @romanogersendgame @elhotchner @louderfortheback @northschild @iammirrorball @rousethemouse @kishie8 @save-the-sky @ssacharcoalgrey @realdirectionx @itsmytimetoodream @art-and-thoughts @red-red-rogue @dellalyra @feetgypsy @stella95827 @katieslotherford @jazzymariexoxoc @quietlyignoringyou @justarandommom @sebastiansstanswhore @lelifesaver @aaron-hotchners-girlfriend @whyamihere96 @sylvieofasgard @redbleedingrose @222brooke @xoprincessmel @girlintheredscarf @radical-gecko @yeehawbitchs @jazzerbelle14 @jayxox @adrienette715 @fudosl @sardonic-courtney @emlynblack @kizzywh @formulapierre @crocodilefeet2707 @mojo366 @spicysimpura @twelfthnightorwhatyouwill1998 @mrs-ssa-hotch @clairedragonessbaker @n0t-yours-you-w1sh @tipsyteenstoday @potatoesonacouch @the-fantasy-loving-angel @my-beel @lex13cm @chibsytelford @crimsonincursive @yourdryadwife @peachysnips
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chuluoyi · 6 months
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“can i go where you go? can we always be this close, forever and ever?”
a little thank you from me to you—for all the love and interactions for my silly little blog during two months of me being here!
[ status : closed ! ]
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NOTE ok first thing first, this is long overdue already bcs now i've gone past 1k—it's now 1.5k! thank u sm aaa <3 i never expected this. i still think my writing is kinda average and all but thank u for all kind words and interacting with me!
so what is this event? simple. pick your fave, prompt, setting, add your idea—then send it straight to my askbox!
how does it work? let us get a move on...
i will write 7 fics, ranging from 2k ~ 5k words, and mostly made up of angst, fluff or a combination of both
i will choose from what’s been sent to my askbox. so it’s possible for me to combine two similar requests or drop it (sorry!)
each prompt and setting can only be used once. i'll regularly update this post to cross out prompts and settings that are already taken!
anons are allowed, but since this is a followers event, i’ll prioritize the ones who choose to be off anons—i appreciate you for doing so!
with the speed of my writing, as always, please kindly expect delayed releases. there are still weekly series and regular requests—ah, you just have to make me reach 1k now, don’t you? :')) and now it’s 1.5k… really, love y'all!🫶🏻
now on to ordering...
HOW TO ORDER the format: character — prompts — setting — additional ideas
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✧ pick your character ! for this event, the character roster are limited to:
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✧ pick your prompts ! rules: max up to 3
1. “nah, i’d win.” 2. “i can show you incredible things.” 3. “i just have to ask. will you go out with me?” 4. “you don't deserve to be unhappy. and i don’t want to be unhappy, either.” 5. “i will protect you.” 6. “why did you do that?!” 7. “we are getting a divorce.” 8. “shut up and kiss me.” 9. “you have been kind of obvious.” 10. “if you feel safer with me being here, then i’ll be here.” 11. “it’s me and not him!” 12. “i suck at telling people my feelings, but i love you. i still do.” 13. “i can't do this anymore.” 14. “don't act innocent when we both know what filth come out of your mouth just five minutes ago.” 15. “tell me the truth. what are we?”
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✧ choose your setting ! rules: max up to 1
♡ happy marriage: you are married to the love of your life♡ married on purpose: marriage of convenience with your enemy seems to be what would solve your problems right now ♡ lover’s quarrel: fights, words you don’t mean—is this what it takes for your relationship to end?
ah i ran out of ideas. i’m opening the last four slots to cater to your desired ideas—give me your best!
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✧ lastly, shoot it right to my askbox! please tell me it’s for the event so i won’t confuse it with the regular requests! add your own idea too while at it, it'll be waaay more helpful!
if you want to use the available setting:
e.g. “for 1k event, gojo — prompt x and x — married on purpose — and i have an idea: yadda yadda yadda
if you want to suggest your own setting:
e.g. “for 1k event, megumi — prompt x — and i have a suggestion: yadda yadda yadda and it should be yadda yadda yadda
end of the word, thank you again for 1.5k!🫶🏻 if you have any questions regarding this event, feel free to ask me! hope you'll enjoy the 7 upcoming fics from this event!
50 notes · View notes
lol-jackles · 10 months
Hello, I’m sorry if this gets a bit long. I’ll try to edit it down once I’m done
So, I’m not saying this to downplay its importance to fans or Jared’s truly wanting to help people, but Jared was also very smart to come out with the Always Keep Fighting campaign, no? I could be talking out of my ass I this, because I wasn’t in the fandom at the time, but as well as being brave to share his anxiety/depression with fans, it also seems smart to share it on his own terms before it could be used against him. I think I’ve read on your blog that actors with MHI are often considered a liability to a production because if they “lose it” or walk off of the project, the higher ups are screwed. But, by Jared volunteering his personal information to the huge SPN fan base (and I assume some amount of press coverage), isn’t this a good way the give himself a bit of insurance? If his bosses are starting to think he looks expendable, they can’t now act on any desire to get rid of him without him or even his fans being able to turn around and call them out for discrimination.
I’m not saying these thoughts were the reason for AKF but do you think Jared had the foresight to sort of protect himself with the campaign as well, or was it all risk for him?.
I’m asking this because I read your recent response on possible reasons Jensen isn’t as sought after as Jared post SPN, despite being the clear favourite of some crew on the show.
Jared must have an amazing reputation to overcome the possible mental health stigma, and the fact that some SPN crew seem to blatantly favour Jensen (Wanek, Phil Segricia, Bib Singer, etc).
On a side note: who on the production crew do you think favoured, or even just backed Jared over Jensen? Or treated them equally even?
Okay, this was a lot. But I’d be interested in seeing your insight on any of this (I know you’ll pick what you would prefer to focus on) because from what I can tell, you really do have a pretty good read on what was likely going on behind the scenes.
I think you’re on the right track because it was also my first gut reaction the moment the Variety article came out. For Jared to come out when his career is still hot is pretty telling, normally actor don’t admit to mental illness until their career is drying up.  It’s one less thing he has to hide and therefore one less leverage others BTS can’t use against or hold over him.   
"I wasn’t in the fandom at the time"
During the early season there were rumors circulating that Jared was always late to the set. My first thought was, "They're setting him up to have a difficult reputation". It's producer tactic 101, put out fake news that the actor is a diva who is always late and if the actor doesn't toe the line, escalate it to "difficult actor" so that the studio is not the bad guy if the actor suddenly leaves. 7 years later we find out that Jared was looking to break his contract, so the producer(s) were preparing to make him the fall guy. Once Jared stayed on, the "late to the set" rumor immediately evaporated.
I bring this up because it ties into our speculation that Jared's decision to out himself for mental illness was at least partly motivated by removing a leverage against him BTS.
It was also the right time because he proved that as the principal lead of the longest continuous genre series in America, he's not a risk because filming schedule was never disrupted, which costs a lot of money. Even when he had a breakdown on set in season 3, he still finished out the season. His subsequent breakdown after season 10 could have derailed that, but he returned for season 11 and again lead the show through it's rating resurgence. Impressed, CBS arrived two years later at his doorstep with a holding deal.
"On a side note: who on the production crew do you think favoured, or even just backed Jared over Jensen?"
My immediate thought was Jeremy Carver. He was not in favor of the season 10 Dean-centric arc that Robert Singer and Jensen were angling for, and even tried to head off their campaign during Comic Con prior to season 9. His wife is currently the showrunner of Walker. There's also writer Adam Glass, I'm not sure why but he just vibed being all about Jared.
ETA: thanks to others' reminder, I would also add Sera Gamble. I can't believe I didn't immediatley thought of her as she's one of my favorite writers.
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trulybetty · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10 Posts
This was really interesting to go through as I really try to avoid anything related to stats - but also fun to revisit some posts/fics I’d forgotten about!
This year was such a transformative year in many different ways, that I’m still trying to process with 2024 quickly approaching. I’m looking forward to seeing what the New Year brings. But I hope it brings me more of the same I’ve experienced here - community building and some wonderful people that I get to call friends 💕
So if you’re interested, check out the following! If you do your own Top 10, please tag me in it! 🙌 you can do your own here!
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1. 879 notes - Jun 26 2023 - Pre-Outbreak/Non-Outbreak Joel (photo set)
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2. 413 notes - Sep 10 2023 - Sequins (Joel)
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Still so thankful for @wildemaven posting that gif - because if she hadn’t Sequins!Joel would never have been created! It’s the gift that keeps on giving. This was also my first foray into anything non-TLOU themed for Joel and I’m still shocked it was received so well. 
3. 306 notes - Sep 26 2023 - Happy Birthday (Joel)
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Written for Joel’s birthday - this was just straight up smut and birthday sex. But hey, it’s canon Joel likes it gentle, steady, nice and slow… so who was I to not give him nice and slow 🫠
4. 237 notes - Aug 16 2023 - Stood Up (Frankie)
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To this day I don’t remember where this idea came from. I was really intimidated to write for Frankie, like I almost didn’t post this! But I’m so glad I did, it’s spurred several other one-shots involving Frankie x Mav and a current (neglected) WIP that I’m excited to get back to in the new year.
5. 227 notes - Aug 31 2023 - Marcus Pike coded Pedro, which inspired this (and number 7).
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6. 225 notes - Jul 6 2023 - New (to me) Whiskey promo shoot (photo set)
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7. 205 notes - Sep 2 2023 - Sick Day (Marcus)
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When I first came back to fanfiction I was so confused by the reader insert format. The last time I wrote fanfic, it was canon characters or OC’s - which is what both Gold Rush and Chiffon (my first) are written in. So in order to try out the format I started with Marcus and what is now the Sweet Jane series. I have plans for those two, I have how they met mapped out in my head, that I hope to explore soon!
8. 175 notes - Aug 4 2023 - Strings (Joel)
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This was another nerve wracking foray - reader insert Joel and because it was a challenge to write Joel with someone other than my OC. It started as a one-shot, that then was three parts, then four and finally finished at five. It’s also the only series I’ve managed to complete 😆. I’m so proud of this one, it has a special place in my heart - this is the ending Joel deserves, living on a little farmhouse being taken care of and a reluctant chicken dad.
9. 167 notes - Aug 14 2023 - A Sunday Night Ramble (text post)
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This was a late night epiphany - where I realised that I was trying to force writing and make my two OG series’ fit into more palatable moulds for others consumption rather than writing the story I wanted. It’s also a good reminder that it’s okay to take a break from something that isn’t currently serving you. If you come back to it two day later, two weeks later or never - it’s okay. You’re not beholden to anyone. This is all supposed to be fun first and foremost, if you’re not having fun then it may be time to step back and re-evaluate.
10. 166 notes - Aug 24 2023 - Drip (Joel)
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I still get sad when I think about this piece. Like real sad. I don’t know if I could write something like this again now - or ever. I was well and truly in my feels with this one. I made the decision to watch a walkthrough of all the cut scenes of TLOU2 and it broke me. I knew what was coming, but knowing and watching were two different things. I do like that I left this one open to interpretation - meaning I can revisit one day if I want, so who knows.
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NPT’s: @wildemaven, @gnpwdrnwhiskey, @rhoorl, @morallyinept, @frenchiereading, @maggiemayhemnj, @magpiepills, @goodwithcheese, @secretelephanttattoo, @sin-djarin, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, @undercoverpena, @nerdieforpedro, @linzels-blog, @for-a-longlongtime, @avastrasposts​, @musings-of-a-rose, @mysterious-moonstruck-musings​ & anyone else who wants to play - consider this me tagging you in! Please tag me if you do it! I’d love to see! 🙌
21 notes · View notes
Hello....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
I can’t remember if I’ve done this before but it’s changed again recently. Most of these are gonna be books because I’ve had way too much time sitting around lately so I’ve had enough time to actually enjoy books without destroying my sleep schedule for it.
1. BBC Merlin is my all time favourite, I don’t feel like I need to elaborate, it’s pretty much all I post about on here.
2. Song of Achilles is still my all time favourite book and number 2 behind Merlin. I think I’m nearing 20 rereads total for it by now. It’s never boring and keeps me interested every time. Cannot recommend enough. I’d give anything to be able to read it again for the first time.
3. I’ve been reading quite a few classics recently, I had a lot of free time. I met another Greek mythology nerd so Iliad and Odyssey make my top ten again because they’ve been on my mind a lot more than I care to admit. (I know it’s technically two books but I always read them together)
4. And I finally got around to reading Iron Heart (sequel to Crier’s war) and it’s amazing. One of the best books I’ve read recently. I’m gonna leave it at that or I’ll start ranting but I can’t recommend it enough so definitely go read that if you get a chance.
5. BBC Musketeers is also really good, I started watching that recently. I’m only on episode 6 but it’s great so far. Santiago Cabrera’s hair is fucking gender. Also the show got me researching 17th century weapons and now I know a fair amount about capes so that’s fun. BBC is still shit at historical accuracy, but no surprise there.
6. The Great Gatsby because I’m that kind of nerd and I’ve been mostly rereading recently. Everyone is such an arsehole in that book but it’s so interesting to analyse and annotate. I read it in year 7 and hated it, then again in college and it wasn’t bad but 3rd times a charm I guess. I found it really interesting from an analytical perspective, but I wouldn’t read it for light reading or fun.
7. I’ve been avoiding anything new other than musketeers, just because I haven’t felt like getting to know a new set of characters and a new world. That being said, I rewatched the first season of Good Omens, Crowleys still one of my all time favourite characters and the show is great.
8. I rewatched Stars Align, always a fun one. It’s a great show and the art style is really cool.
9. Seraph of the end because I love vampire stories. The plot is really interesting, I still need to read the manga but the anime is brilliant so I want to read that soon. Also no romance (ignoring shipping) which my aroace self appreciates.
10. The Tempest because my cousin was studying it in school and asked for help so I reread it for her and got a little bit hyper-fixated for a few days, now it’s still just sort of in the back of my mind and I’m a Shakespeare nerd so might as well add it.
Thanks for the ask!
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samptlay · 2 months
To My Sweetheart Who Carries A Wounded Heart Ch. 9
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Series Masterlist, Chapter 1 🤍, Chapter 2 🖤, Chapter 3 🤍, Chapter 4🖤, Chapter 5🤍, Chapter 6🖤, Chapter 7🤍, Blade & Reader's Relationship, Chapter 8🖤
Lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling, saying he had a lot on his mind would be an understatement. For some reason, His boss had given him off today a whole week in advance because “he’d be needed somewhere else.” Elio seemed to be 10 steps ahead of everything, so he didn’t question it. But what he did question is the fact that something bad happened to you, and he had time off the exact next day, which was only ever occasional. Did Elio have anything to do with your mental health? Did he play a factor in this?
No, although Blade knew the work he did was questionable and sometimes on the radar of the authorities, he knew his boss would never do something to cause people harm. (This wasn’t true, but he wouldn’t do anything that  wouldn’t benefit him or proved to be unnecessary.) But Blade swears that Elio could foresee things others can’t.
But then does that mean this is a sign? He hadn’t realized it until after he called Herta personally, informing her of the situation you had faced recently so that you could take it easy for a while. He wasn’t surprised when Herta was questioning why Blade was calling in for you, not your husband. He simply answered that it was a hard time for the couple and that he was just looking out for both. But she knew that Blade did care one bit for your husband, he proved so time & time again.
That was about two hours ago, and when Blade got up from the black sheets to go get ready for work, both Kafka & Silver Wolf messaged him through a group chat that was created by S.W. when they first started working together. He had never been the best with technology, though he’s no boomer, suffice to say. Picking up the device, he unlocked it to see what they wanted.
Baldie: What’s so important that you two need to spam me while I’m supposed to have a day off? User-Banned: you weren’t at work today so I hijacked my way into your calendar, didn’t know you had work off today. 
He still rolls his eyes every time he reads that name. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he changed it, Silver Wolf always made her way into the system to change it back. He just let it be at that point.
Black Widow: I’m sure Elio was the one who scheduled it, with everything that’s happened, you get time off. I’m assuming you also contacted her boss? How thoughtful of you, Bladie. Baldie: How did you even- Nevermind. What do you need? User-Banned: well on the work, Kafka noticed Levi’s car while she was on the highway. Spider Lady found it weird that he was anywhere but home with the woman who holds your heart, (AKA, (Y/N), ofc.) Just to drive up a bit more and see another woman in the passenger seat.
Did he read that right? Sitting on the bed, he blinked twice before looking at the slightly dimmed screen again with eyebrows raised as he finally found the courage to sit up in bed. His teeth clenched together and his hands started trembling while the poor phone in his hand seemed to crackle, this man was not happy in the slightest.
How could that fool even leave you alone for a single moment on a day like this? Though Blade lacked experience in relationships, even he knew that couples were supposed to stick together during hard times. And with how long he’s known your husband and your vents to Blade, he can bet a million credits he didn’t tell you that we left.
Another woman?? Someone other than you? He refused to believe you would choose a partner who took amazing things they didn’t deserve for granted, a prime example of what you are. Levi couldn’t be stupid enough to betray your trust, and abandon you when you needed him the most, could he?
*Ping!* Another notification.
Black Widow: @Baldie, I’m sure Elio made you take off for a reason. Why don’t you give our lovely (Y/N) a call? I’d like to do so, as well as the others but we don’t want to overwhelm her & give her the space she needs. So who better than the one person she trusts no matter what?  Black Widow: It’s not a secret that you two are closer to each other than everyone else, and (Y/N) must feel so lonely. So why not give her a little company? Honestly, I’m baffled that she has such a man as her spouse. Stelle told me that he used to have a kind heart until he reached the stages of life, leaving him as a scumbag. Black Widow: Anyways, you know what to do Bladie. Don’t make her wait any longer. Oh, and honestly, we don’t know the full story so we can’t say for certain if he’s having an affair. So avoid much conversation about Levi.
Blade stared at that last message for who knows how long. Kafka seemed to understand human feelings better than anyone else he knows, even though sometimes she seems to lack them herself. But was it really appropriate to call you just to what, hang out? Within less than 24 hours of the loss of your child’s life? If he were to do that, would you be angry with him for crossing a boundary? But since when did you two have boundaries?
With all these thoughts going through his head, he really thought he was hallucinating when Blade saw your name pop up on his screen.
Incoming call.
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Taglist: @uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael
Borders by @cafekitsune
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oneunexpected · 10 months
Happy TUC20! Last year, for the fifth anniversary of TUC Week, I wanted to create a playlist for every book in the series with one song per chapter. Well, I never got around for it, but when I saw @prophecyofgray's event I decided I’d use it as a second chance!
So, here’s my chapter-by-chapter playlist for Gregor the Overlander, with a brief description of why I chose each song. This one was tough, because so much of it is exposition, but I hope you enjoy and tune in to a couple of tracks during your (re)read! Click here to listen on Spotify. If you're gonna listen to anything, listen to Track 24, that's my favorite :)
1 - Could Be a Curse by Kaina - I almost went with Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark” for this one, because I wanted to capture how cooped up Gregor feels, and I think both songs capture that feeling of wanting more out of your life than you’re getting. I went with Could Be a Curse because the line “What if I die here, holding my breath” reminds me of Gregor at this point — he’s spent the last few years of his life holding his breath, wondering about his father’s fate.
2 - Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake - Gregor and Boots meet the cockroaches and run to Regalia in this chapter. Cosmo Sheldrake’s music has such a unique and almost fantastical quality to it, and I thought this would be a good choice to represent how strange this new world is to Gregor and how quickly he’s whisked off into it.
3 - Uninvited by Alanis Morisette - This song goes hard. It was written for a movie about a fallen angel, so it captures the whole “I’m curious about you but also I don’t feel like you belong” dynamic Luxa and Gregor have in this chapter.
4 - Sound and Color by Alabama Shakes - “A new world hangs / Outside the window / Beautiful and strange.” Just another song I thought would be good for Gregor’s introduction to the Underland, especially with its line, “No more to see the setting of the sun.” Of course, Gregor’s only goal is to see the sun again.
5 - Plainsong by The Cure - I chose this song more for its sound than its lyrics. The shimmery, quiet chimes that begin the track give way to this explosion of synthy strings and bass, and I chose that to represent Gregor walking through the moths and seeing Regalia for the first time.
6 - Hotel California by The Eagles - Honestly I could not decide what song to use for this chapter. I nearly used the song I ended up using for chapter 10, but I went with this classic mostly for the line, “I had to find the passage back to the place I was before.” Gregor is realizing the fate of every other Overlander that falls, and he’s also beginning to realize he is something of a captive, so I think the song’s concept of a too-good-to-be-true place that traps all who enter fits well.
7 - Sinnerman by Nina Simone - One of the greatest songs ever, used here to try to replicate the chaos of Gregor on the run from the Regalians on the river, not knowing what danger waits for him.
8 - Come Away to the Water by Maroon 5 and Rozzi - The first of many tracks I stole from The Hunger Games soundtrack. Shoutout to Suzanne for reusing themes. This song is creepy, kind of charming, and intended to lure the listener to a slaughter — perfect for the gnawers, who in this chapter promise to hunt Gregor to the last rat, matching well with the song’s refrain, “We are coming for you.”
9 - Eight by Sleeping at Last - I was stumped on this one, so I turned to Sleeping at Last, whom everyone in the fandom was obsessed with before I joined tumblr. This chapter gives us the first glimpse behind Luxa’s walls as we learn of her parents’ fate. The lyrics “I was little, weak and perfectly naive / And I grew up too quick” match her very well, and frankly, they match Gregor, too.
10 - Run Daddy Run by Miranda Lambert - Another THG classic that fits too well. “Mama’s been crying in the kitchen / Sister’s been scared of the dark / I’ve been gathering the pieces of all these shattered hearts” represents Gregor’s family situation in the wake of his father’s disappearance all too well. In this chapter, Gregor finds out his dad is alive but held captive, and the chorus “Daddy, can you hear the devil drawing near? / Like a bullet from a gun, run, Daddy, run” fit the situation well for me.
11 - Baba O’Riley by The Who - Another chapter I was stumped by, but I ended up focusing on Gregor choosing to bring Boots on the journey for this track. I liked the line “don’t cry, don’t raise your eyes” for the idea of bringing a toddler on a deadly trek. This song depicts hope in a period of war, and I feel like this is the chapter where Gregor really begins to believe finding his dad is possible.
12 - Yellow Light by Of Monsters and Men - This is a good TUC song, through and through. I chose it for this chapter because of the line “Ignore all those big warning signs,” because this chapter has a lot of those. This is the first time we get a hint of Solovet’s true character, and it’s also the chapter where an inconsolable Nerissa foretells Henry will meet some fate worse than death.
13 - Electric Co. by U2 - U2 is my favorite band, so you’ll get a lot of them in these playlists. Sorry that I have the music taste of a 50-year-old man. Anyways, this chapter is where Luxa and Henry dare Gregor to jump off the side of the cliff, and also the chapter where Gregor learns Henry’s parents were killed by rats. “Boy, stupid boy / Don’t sit at the table / until you’re able to” reminded me of Gregor’s inability to hang with Luxa and Henry, but the whole song, which is about this young man careening out of control, reminded me of Henry.
14 - Cut the World by Anohni - This is the chapter where the questers have a discussion on whether or not weak individuals are worthy of protection, and Luxa is extremely passive on the topic. This is a beautiful song I almost saved for Marks of Secret because I think it’s a good song for her, and MoS is really her book in my eyes, but I decided to use it here. “For so long I’ve obeyed / That feminine decree / I’ve always contained / Your desire to hurt me / But when will I turn and cut the world” are good lyrics for Luxa, who is unwilling to take a stand here (but eventually does “cut the world” on behalf of those who can’t defend themselves in the fourth book, as we know). But I also like the song for the crawlers, who take abuse from every other species — Temp and Tick can hear this whole conversation about whether or not they’re worthy of living! — and survive regardless.
15 - Road Drum by Mozart Gabriel - This song has a strong beat, but it’s still pretty quiet, which I liked for the ring dance the crawlers perform. The song’s lyrics depict aid from spiders and foxes that the protagonist receives as they run from evil, and I liked the way that matched with Gregor splitting off from the group and running away from the battle with the gnawers and ultimately ends up in a spinner’s web.
16 - Roslyn by Bon Iver and St. Vincent - Song selected mostly for vibes, and also because I like the line “Wings wouldn’t help you down,” which is a little nose since Gregor’s imprisoned dozens of feet off the ground. This song’s kind of a bummer, which is a good enough fit since Gregor’s trapped wondering if all of his friends are dead and if he’ll ever be able to find his father, but it also has a pretty melody, hopefully a little similar to the sort of lullaby the spinners play to calm down Boots.
17 - Acrobat by U2 - Another Luxa song that I almost saved for Marks of Secret. It’s a little too on the nose, maybe, because this is the chapter where Luxa and Aurora the Coiler to allow everyone to escape. “And I must be an acrobat / To talk like this and act like that” fits Luxa well at this point in her character arc — a bratty 11-year-old who seems haughty and cold, only to have these moments where her brave, selfless core is revealed.
18 - We’re Going to be Friends by The White Stripes - this is a gentle song for a relatively gentle chapter, a sort of breath of fresh air. Gregor saving Luxa with root beer (and then letting her try it after) is a turning point in their relationship, and Boots pouring out a little for everyone to try is one of the most harmonious moments we get in the whole book.
19 - The House of the Rising Sun as performed by The Animals - “Oh mothers, tell your children / Not to do what I have done.” I love this song for Ripred. I love the way it sounds, and I love its lyrical content. Obviously, he’s not a man destitute in New Orleans, but he is certainly a cynical old rat who recognizes all the ways he’s gone wrong. In terms of regrets, it’s also a good song for Vikus, who is staring down his own mistakes in this chapter.
20 - Sympathy by Vampire Weekend - Ah, the mutual need song. Also the Gregor-Luxa-Ripred triumvirate song. “Enemies for centuries / Until there was a third” is pretty good for them, right? This is sort of a tongue-in-cheek piece about what we’re willing to do, and what we’re willing to look past, so long as we have a common enemy, so I think it’s perfect for Gregor and Ripred’s famous conversation, and also for the spiders joining the quest now that their backs are to the wall.
21 - Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls - This chapter was so tough for me. We got Gox drinking Treflex, we got Luxa talking about how she tells herself she’s gonna die every morning and Gregor realizing that’s not too different from what he does, we got a more in-depth description of bonding, and somehow I ended up with Iris, which I know has become kinda tacky. I thought a song about wanting someone to really understand you was fitting for a chapter about bonds, but also fitting for Luxa talking about how her parents’ death affected her.
22 - Little Dark Age by MGMT - Not really much to explain here. Every character is miserable in this chapter, and something about this song reminds me of Henry’s increasingly concerning behavior. “Forgiving who you are for what you stand to gain?” Sounds Henry-ish!
23 - 500 Miles by Peter, Paul and Mary - Tick’s death is a point of no return for Gregor in this whole series, the first major loss he experiences. Even beyond the grief of losing Tick, the situation in this chapter is so desolate, with Boots sick and all of the horrible things Gregor has witnessed finally catching up with him. “500 Miles” is about homesickness, but also recognizing that you can’t return, and the saddest line to me is “Lord, I can’t go home this way.” Gregor can’t go home, yet, either, since he hasn’t found his father.
24 - Until The End of the World by U2 - If you listen to any song here, PLEASE listen to this one. I made this whole series of playlists just to work this one in. It tells the story of Judas and Jesus, from Judas’ point of view, which is so, so perfect for Henry and his relationship with Ares and Luxa. I love the way this song sounds — I can just imagine those opening notes when Gregor decides what he’s going to do — but my favorite part is the outro. This technically happens in the next chapter, but “Waves of regret and waves of joy / I reached out for the one I tried to destroy / You / You said you’d wait until the end of the world” is such a perfect thing for Henry’s demise because of Ares’ decision to break the bond.
25 - King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men - “And as the world comes to an end / I’ll be there to hold your hand / Because you’re my king and I’m your lionheart” makes me cryyyyyy for Gregor and his dad in this chapter. Gregor’s been so brave for so long, and the reunion they have when his father finally becomes lucid again is the best moment in the book, even though scores of rats are waiting to tear them apart.
26 - Drowning Man by U2 - Another chapter, another U2 song, this one for Gregor bonding with Ares. The whole song is a good bonding song, but the lyrics “Take my hand / You know I’ll be there if you can / I’ll cross the skies for your love” remind me the most of their particular situation, down to Gregor begging Ares to recite the verse back.
27 - A Sort of Homecoming by U2 - Perhaps Prophecy of Bane will have less U2 songs. Good Lord. Anyways, I chose this song for “Oh don’t sorrow, no, don’t weep / For tonight, at last, I am coming home / I am coming home” and the whole “you’re scarred for life but at least you’ve made it home” vibe of this song as Gregor, his dad and Boots finally make it back to Grace.
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queer-ragnelle · 4 months
Hello. I shall thank you again for replying to my requests, which are really helpful. But there is a question that I would love to ask. Or maybe two
1. What are your personal favourite Arthuriana movies/series?
2. Which Arthuriana movies/series are the most accurate to the Legends?
3. Which ones shall I avoid? And why?
P. S. I have already watched:
Knights of the Round Table (1953) 9/10 (I loved Lancelot and Elaine together. He loved her, just not as much as he loved Guinevere... Arthur/Lancelot chemistry. Lancelot vs Mordred... Unexpected duel)
Lancelot du Lac (1974) 7/10 (I loved Gawain and the relationship with Lancelot)
Excalibur (1981) 10/10 (The movie is a gem. I wish we had more like this nowadays... The Lancelot redemption was amazing)
Cursed (2020) 6/10 (I only liked the Fae lore there)
BBC Merlin 8/10 (There were some wack moments. And Arthur wasn't really my jam. But the show is amazing)
hi! you’re welcome, i’m glad it was helpful. :^)
this is going to be a long multi-part answer, so i’ll throw it below a cut to avoid an obnoxious wall of text on the dash.
1. What are your personal favourite Arthuriana movies/series?
Knights of The Round Table (1953)
Sword of Lancelot (1963)
Camelot (1967)
Lancelot du Lac (1974)
Monty Python and The Holy Grail (1975)
Excalibur (1981) [review]
Merlin and The Sword (1985)
A Knight’s Tale (2001)
Tristan and Isolde (2006)
Kaamelott First Installment (2021)
The Green Knight (2021)
The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956–1957)
BBC The Legend of King Arthur (1979)
Merlin (1998)
Starz Camelot (2011)
2. Which Arthuriana movies/series are the most accurate to the Legends?
finding an “accurate” arthurian adaptation or retelling is an exercise in futility. no iteration exists without its own unique interpretation, including the medieval texts. gawain is obscenely inconsistent, so determining what constitutes an “accurate” characterization of him is literally impossible. the same can be said for every aspect of the legends. each author does their own thing! the other problem is that even if what’s there is reminiscent of the stories it references, something is inevitably missing. most of the time it’s gaheris. (okay, it’s always gaheris.) more often than not, the entire prose tristan cast gets cut. occasionally, one of the lads will show up on his own completely disconnected from the original lore… (palamedes in the black knight (1954), lamorak in sword of lancelot (1963) and again in kaamelott the first installment (2021), dinadan in camelot (1967), and tristan in king arthur (2004)) but i digress. if you’re looking for something that covers the majority of the story from arthur’s conception to his death, the choices are minimal.
BBC The Legend of King Arthur (1979)
Excalibur (1981)
3. Which ones shall I avoid? And why?
The Black Knight (1954): orientalist, black face palamedes. enough said.
Sword of The Valiant (1984): a remake of gawain and the green knight (1973) with worse everything from casting to costuming to pacing. tall, jacked gawain isn’t real and can’t hurt me.
Guinevere (1994): if i was persia woolley and they showed me this movie calling it an adaptation of my books, i’d maul them.
First Knight (1995): so ick it’s funny. wow this lancelot sucks. american accent, insufferable, entitled, gives face-hugger kisses? convoluted scenarios presented as romantic. lame costuming. questionable age gap between arthur/guin. he knew her as a child????? girl run.
Quest For Camelot (1998): rip author vera chapman, fortunate enough to pass before witnessing this abominable adaptation. why americanize the names lynette and gareth? why the hideous animation? the shabby song and dance numbers? the books are dark let’s make a kids musical out of it!
King Arthur: Legend of The Sword (2017): weaksauce attempt to cash in on existing audience. discombobulated the lore until unrecognizable. two women are fridged in the first half hour. strangely edited. nobody is likable. overall cringe.
King Arthur and The Knights of Justice (1992): nothing of substance here, typical 90s cartoon existing to sell toys.
The Mists of Avalon (2001): i’ll never support anything related to author marion zimmer bradley. she’s dead, let’s kill her legacy too.
Merlin’s Apprentice (2006): not sure what happened here but this sequel to the 1998 original is the biggest downgrade ever.
The Seven Deadly Sins (2014–present): every pitfall an anime can have, this one has in spades. beyond the bastardization of arthurian lore, it’s hard to follow chronologically bc the seasons are named not numbered, full of shameless fan service, lolis, a drop in budget resulted in ugly cgi animation.
Netflix Cursed (2020): take a shot every time a nicknamed character is revealed to be loosely arthurian. no don’t you’ll get alcohol poisoning. did netflix do it? did they solve misogyny by putting a sword in a girl’s hand? this was so disappointing it offended me.
anyway if there’s something i didn’t mention here then it’s mid. bbc merlin isn’t really my thing but it’s fun! transformers feels so far removed from actual arthuriana it’s not worth discussion, unlike some others that are trying really hard and suck so much. stuff like that. hope this gives you some things to check out next!
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Ending the Year FINE & simple
Dec 2022 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) 3 of 12 - Butler Dad (v.2) is going to be a problem, I can tell. Chimon is a cute, if suspicious, flirt. Palm, on the other hand, is the gentlest flirt imaginable. He wants spoiled prince + attack dog dynamic so bad. As, indeed, do I. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 8 of 12 - still enjoying it very much, annoyed by filler couples, WATCH ALONG HERE.
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 6 of 11 - Oh, I see! The Mint storyline is to give more characters motivation to murder Dew. It’s all set up. How clumsy. Meanwhile, we got a confession right on schedule, classic romance beats. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 7 of 12 - Whatever. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 12 of 14 - Honestly? I’d DNF this show but its almost done and I've watched 12 already. Sunk cost fallacy in action. I’m not going to make this mistake with this production house again. JaFirst cry well, but I’m vetting and binging these in future.  
My School President (Fri YT) 5 of 10 - no ep this week, resumes Jan 6
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The New Employee (Korea Weds Viki) 2 of 8 - It’s giving me life, this one. Pining boss. Drunk lesbian bestie of awesome. Plus gay player (former college heartthrob) is a fun background for the faen fatal, not to mention rainbow rice cakes. COME ON. RAINBOW RICE CAKES! 
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Thurs Viki) 1 of 20 - A cheerful kid from 1999 travels to 2022, works as a deliveryman, and meets an heir with a domineering personality. Directed by Nancy Chen (HIStory 4, Papa & Daddy). The time travel premise is interesting, the leads are giving me whipping boy vibes, but I don’t like seme’s stalker energy. It feels very HIStory franchise which means it could go any direction but sensible and I’m expecting problematic tropes. However! The sides are GREAT - they’re an office romance boss/intern relationship. And this is 20 full episodes so we will get plenty of them. Also, is that Taiwan I see giving us a femme character? I am all amazement. I think I like this show, actually. (Note; will be referring to this as H5 going forward.) 
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 5-6 of 10 - Is there a not very small part of me that wishes this were a love story between the earnest assistant baby boi, and the older anxiety-riddled rockstar? Yes. Although I did not expect Korea to go there with the lipstick mark AND an actually gay idol. What alternate reality are we currently living in? Also, is every character in this show slightly insane? Yes. Is every actor in this show slightly too pretty for my emotional well-being? Also, yes. Bring it on 2023. 
Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox (Japan Fri Gaga) 3 of 8 - I think I just don’t like the photographer character much (although he’s very typically Japanese tsundere seme). Really quite a good kiss though, for Japan. On the flip side, it was nice to see the reporter being good at his job (competency porn is a very underused trope in BL). Then we get confession, immediate retraction, and a disbelief counter attack. Then more kisses. Huh. This isn’t progressing how I expect. And that’s kinda nice too. Oh Japan, you so cute & trixie. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
Love Bill (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising stuff going on with them. I’ll wait and binge.
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) - same Team RL peeps we have seen before (Sunshine, Stupid)
Till the World Ends (Thai YT) 10 eps - it seems to be good but I don’t know about the ending with that kind of title, so I’m waiting.
Moonlight Chicken GMMTV’s Midnight series (Weds YT) 1 of 8 eventually - first segment has begun bit it’s not the EarthMix messy gays. Sorry all, I’m so not interested in messy hets, so I’m waiting until they grace my screen.
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In Case You Missed It
Coffee Melody special feat TitNuea & Jean like it’s counterpart was rather dull, but I find this a more appealing couple than the mains so I liked it better. 
Moments Of Love - featuring SmartJames AKA LeonPhob from Don't Say No) from Foremorfilm Production supposedly aired Dec 24 directed by Golf Tanwarin (609 Bedtime Story and The Eclipse). But it has no rating on MDL so I guess not? 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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2023 forthcoming BL master post is in the works... wait for it... I’m doing all the 2022 wrap ups first. Also waiting for the last of the studio announcements. 
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Mujigae-tteok (Korean rainbow rice cake) - a new item has entered my never ending food quest list. 
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OhmFluke do domesticity well, gotta give them that. 
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Quick end of year thoughts on 2022 BL & the future of these weekly posts: 
Honestly? Overall it’s been a fine year for BL with some good shows & and some ho shows, and also a lot of dross. But the most notable aspect was the overwhelming quantity to keep up with. My work world is opening back up with tons of travel. This plus my recent revelation that I actually prefer binge watching (especially the lower quality stuff) means that I can’t keep up with BL if it keeps up this insane pace. 
So in 2023 you can expect me to try to keep these weeklies updated with what’s airing, of course, but also pull back on how many I personally watch and summate. 
In 2022, BL sort of became my 2nd job, and it doesn't pay well enough for that.
All that said I think... 
2023 is going to be GOOD for BL. Happy new year! 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? I’ve been in a “beastly” mood recently so it’s Lee Gikwang’s (Beast, Highlight) Don’t Close Your Eyes. I forgot how fucking banging that opening rift is. Thank you Kpop gods for putting the 2nd gens through the ever eternal slut phase. 
Now just put them all though a BL phase and we’re golden. Yes, I am thinking of Unintentional Love Story (Gongchan B1A4), why do you ask? 
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rosetheocto · 16 days
My Rants and Reviews on the Failtopia S2 Finale Outfits!
this post was inspired by the one made by @cosmo-production so please check out their post too! my review is under the cut
Major Failtopia Season 2 spoilers ahead!
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yeah it’s the basic one, but i think that fits him! If I had to pick another outfit it would be the Pro one, but I genuinely can’t see him in anything else other than the boring chef outfit. I feel like if he wanted to change it he def could (I mean look at his imp outfit) but the basic chef outfit is very solid for him! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! 7/10
I know the outfit is very clashing and has a bunch of colors, but in Dan’s defense: Orion’s makeup already has a bunch of colors, and when you look into it the colors the outfit has actually matches with the makeup a bit! and also, I kinda wish Dan didn’t have the makeup be as out there for the sake of those drawing fanart, but at the same time this is Daniel Failboat. Insane designs are expected. That being said though, I can’t change the clothes or makeup even if you forced me to. the context for it is just so freakin cute!! we all love great fathers in this household. He makes me wish I had a meaningful relationship with my dad. 6/10
I like it! I have a few minor gripes though. This may be a bit of a hot take, but I don’t like Zone (the hat) or Ship (the staff). Not in the Finale at least. I think Friend should’ve removed them both to show that they’ve moved on and don’t need something like Lee anymore. Symbolism and character arcs and all that other fancy stuff idk. Also I like that she looks more like a priest than a Cleric, it makes sense! He’s really religious in-universe and their war cry is literally “die, sinner :)”, so I don’t have any problems with that! As much as I like her in purple, he looks oddly good in a black and white outfit too! 8/10
listen guys I’m sorry but her outfit kinda sucks.. the bright pink hearts don’t really give off the same vibes as her first outfit did.. I get where Dan was coming from with it but I just personally don’t like the design :((
I think that he should’ve went with the emo goth outfit for her instead, especially since it fit her more and the fandom latched onto it like a moth to a light, but that’s just me. it gets a free half point for matching up with Bill though, 3.5/10
look I love it but the actual armor part is so overdesigned. I hate drawing that thing. that’s my only problem though the rest of her outfit is cool as hell!! Let’s go lesbians. 8/10
(and this doesn’t really count for anything, but don’t like her weapon, again I get the idea Dan, but she realistically would NOT use the giant arm 😭)
This kind of outfit fits her so well omfg. The stupid bowtie? The short sleeves and general lack of lab safety?? The triangle patterns??? It all just screams “Chi” to me! Thank you Miitopia for creating this outfit. Flawless. 10/10
(also another weapon mention, her using the ketchup bottle in the finale?? as someone who is obsessed with S1 of this series, Daniel, ty sm for including that.)
the catsuit is very boring, but it is also very iconic. I like it. I’d give it a solid 7/10. But I don’t wanna talk about that one. I wanna talk about his outfit when using the Power of the Scythe.
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oh my lord. this outfit. this is not me dunking on Daniel or Wafferscotch at all, I genuinely love their art and content!! but like. you’re telling me this man saved the universe in tracksuit sweatpants and an open button up shirt WITH HIS OWN MERCH ON??? He killed god in the Bee Movie shoes?? The Piss Adidas??? It just. doesn’t really fit the Miitopia vibes to me, and I think this could’ve been better as an outfit for ACNH. It could’ve looked much worse, but still. I think it’s a 3/10
perfect. love the callback to Rose (and I mean, they’re very similar characters, so it makes sense!) She also looks cool af in a suit. her new look can be strange at first but you 100% get used to it with time. And her multiclass was just chefs kiss. Absolute goddess, let’s go lesbians. 10/10
very good. very iconic. so glad this series came out before the Kirby Era cuz i think the lips would’ve ruined it. 10/10
Big Bill
It looks really comfortable!! I want this robe irl, I like the patterns! I surprisingly really like the pink for Bill! It stands out compared the rest of his appearance and I think that’s really cool!! the dark blue also fits him really well!! Half point bonus for matching with Shrimp. 9.5/10
GOD TIER!! PEAK DESIGN!!! We all love Void in this household. 20/10
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disneywizard · 1 year
The Best Animated Series of 2022
2022.  Another year of Animation has come and gone, and so it is now time to do the one thing that I do on this site: make my top 10 list. This year should be an interesting mix, since I am allowing myself to put adult animated shows on the list for the first time.  But only if they are exceptional.  While this definitely made making this list harder this year, due to more content, it wasn’t as bad a deluge as I feared.  
Before we unveil the list, I also wanted to give a shout-out to the best thing that happened in 2022: the return of Gargoyles in comic form.  From Dynamite Publishing, written by series creator Greg Weisman.  Gargoyles is my favorite show of all time, it’s the reason I became enamored of Animation in the first place.  So I highly encourage everyone to check the comics out, if you can.  
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And now for the list: Honorable Mentions: Green Eggs and Ham, Dragon Age Absolution, and Paranormal Park were all fantastic shows, I just thought that the following ten series were slightly better.  But all three of these shows ALMOST made the list as I was working on it, so I thought they belonged here.   And without further ado:
10) Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
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The French Action Adventure show about two superheroes in love with each other continues to go strong for it’s fourth and fifth seasons, which have included some of the best episodes of the show.  
Available on: Netflix (S1-3) Disney+ (S4 & 5*)  
9) Legend of Vox Machina
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Man I wish someone would animate my D&D campaign.  
Available on: Amazon Prime.
8) Kid Cosmic and the Global Heroes!
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Craig McCracken’s amazing superhero show is the first one on this list that officially ended this year, and went out quite strong.  I cried at the end of the series.  Definitely worth a look.
Available on: Netflix
7) Tales of the Jedi
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I’m not much of a Star Wars fan.  It’s hard for me to even care outside of the Rebels series.  But this anthology series was so good, I’d be remiss to exclude it from the list.  
Available on: Disney+
6) The Dragon Prince: The Mystery of Aaravos
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If I’m being honest, TDP was a bit weaker this season than previous showings.  We’ve had a time skip and the characters are now all in different places, which made it a little harder to get back into a groove with them.  But the story was still fantastic and I can’t wait to see how the next 4 seasons unfold.  
5) The Owl House
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Why are you not watching this show?  You definitely SHOULD BE, it’s FANTASTIC.  The top four-through-two shows on this list were, IMO all so good, it was impossible to objectively place them in any order, so I’m listing them by my favorites.
Available on: Disney+  
4) Star Trek: Prodigy
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This show taught me to love Star Trek again.  Everything from the voice work, to the animation, to the story is an absolute treat.  The easter eggs aren’t heavy handed, but will excite you trekkies when you see them, and the plot kept me fully excited and engaged all season long.
Available on: Paramount+
3) Amphibia
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Another show we said goodbye to this year, the series finale had me in tears.  I just love these characters so much.  Everyone should watch this show, especially if they want something more from the property, and the defictionalized Marcy’s Journal hinted at some interesting future possibilities...
Available on: Disney+
2) Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
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Another show that we said goodbye to this year, Season 5 was an excellent close to the series, especially following the slightly weaker season 4.  The epilogue hinted at the possibility for further hijinks with these characters, and I hope we get them.  This is my favorite entry in a Movie Franchise that I already love.
Available on: Netflix
1) Young Justice Phantoms
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WOO-HOO!  It’s here!  It’s finally here.  I can finally actually put the show I actually thought was the best of the year on my actual list, instead of just being an “Honorable Mention” like in past years.  This season was an incredible well written roller coaster of character and story arcs, that kept my attention and interest from beginning to end.  I cannot emphasize how good this show.  There was never any question where it was going to fall on my list, unlike the rest of the shows on here.  It was always going to be #1 because it was the best.  Watch it on HBOMAX while you still can, because given what has been happening over there lately, who who knows how long that will be.
Available on: HBOMAX, for now.  
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yaraaltrospace · 11 months
Top 10 Annoying Orange Videos
Some people don’t like Annoying Orange, but for those that do, I wanna make a top 10 of episodes. As far as I researched, besides the channel itself posting a top 10 of episodes based on views, I don’t think anyone actually posted a Top 10 of Orange episodes, and I honestly think it deserves it.
The show created by Dane Boedigheimer, which was intended to be a one episodes thing, grew up to become something beyong he or any of us could imagine. This show revolves, obviously, around the main character, its ways of annoying directly or indirectly other foods, objects and guest stars in the kitchen. Though sometimes a joke CAN be carried for far too long, there ARE some good episodes that show the potential of this webseries and I’d like to show you some of my favorites.
Now, there are various holiday themed episodes, like the Christmas and Halloween themed ones, and certain episodes from Shocktober and Ask Orange series, and of course MANY movie spoofs. These are not entering the list, sorry. I’ll be focusing on episodes that are not part of a series, are not technically spoofs, challenges, or asks to any character. Mostly pattern adventures in the kitchen, other locations and those I perosnally think that used the comedy better. 
NOPE, not using the first ever episode, it’s cheating!
10 - Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind
Yeah, despite the title it isn’t a spoof episode, but it does involve the main idea: Pear and Orange get abducted. By what? Greys? Xenomorphs? Predators? Nope, BROCCOLI! Alien Broccoli! And I’m really sure the short-lived Cartoon Netwrok show took notice of this episode and saw an opportunity there. Really, I do like most of the episodes in the show, so don’t you dare judging me.
Back to the episode, that’s basically it: Orange and Pear are in a spaceship, with alien broccoli planning to dissect them. I just question why Orange seems to LIKE Justin Bieber, but this episode IS from 2010, so it was before we knew who he really is. I also really like the Broccoli Leader voiced by Evan Ferrante aka NotTomCruise. This early episode has a simple premise, the jokes flow properly, it’s good. I really like it.
9 - The Amnesiac Orange
I was torn among this one and The Exploding Orange, but honestly, I think this one has a lot more funny potential. Basically Orange gets hit in the head by a canteloupe and forgets who he is. Then, an apple comes by and trick him into believing he’s an apple. That is brilliant, and a little mean. But then again, he IS an apple.
The casting is excellent, the memory loss scenario is used very well here, and for such a short story, we have quite a lot of laughs. I at least laughed very much at this one.
8 - ZOOM!!!
Another basic plot: Orange takes an energy drink. Just that has plenty of potential, like in the Family Guy episode New Kidney in Town’s beginning. The energy drink that gives the episode its name is voiced by Bobjenz, well known for the voice of Grapefruit. And it might be the pitch, which is actually something well handled by the webseries’ characters, but hearing Zoom’s voice and excitement at his first appearance brings a big smile to my face. 
Also, adding a bit of venting here, in early episodes, Pear’s a lot more patient with Orange. He’s annoyed like everyone, but he still handles it with patience Orange’s hyper boost. Later episodes show Pear as intelligent and often hysterical, and always trying to hard to be something he isn’t. Like, in his extreme challenge videos, he seems to care too much about what others think of him. This early episodes Pear has a good will, patience and doesn’t deny being Orange’s friend, even though he’s annoying. I miss this.
7 - The Fruitbowl!
Orange and Pear narrate to us a Superbowl game and Little Apple literally becomes a part of that game. In Brazil we have the World Cup transmissions, but boy, the Superbowl events sound and look awesome, from the games to the crowd and performances. Heck, Michael Jackson started this trend.
There are funny moments, great slapstick and everyone gets a moment to shine. Marshmallow’s cute show is short but any moment with them is so cute. Please don’t bring up the gender discussion, It was settled recently that they're non-binary. This is a very good episode in my book.
6 - Clam’s Casino
This particular one is among those I hit replay for. A clam and his associates bring up a Vegas-style casino to the kitchen and we watch the Kitchen Crew, as we expect, bet and lose all their money. It’s a cliché, but clichés work when they’re properly used. 
Brock Baker gave a great performance as Johnny Clam, and the jokes are well-written and portrayed. Certainly we’ll think twice before we gamble.
5 - Pickleback
I’m really confused about why people hate Nickelback. What happened? What did I miss? Anyway, this episode shows obviously a pickle version of the band brainwashing food to get pickled despite their song apparently being awful.
And Orange’s annoyance actually manage to save the day for once. This is quite refreshing and enjoyable to see: Orange helping his friends with what he can do. Another video on the replaying book.
4 - Fan Boy
At a certain point, we were and maybe still are all fanboys and fangirls, and when we get to meet our idols in person it’s like a dream come true. Imagine being a fan that’s a fan of the Annoying Orange? 
Fan Boy’s behavior sort of remind us all of how we feel in this sort of environment. He even quotes the fan joke from an episode and how vintage things are. This episode works with what it has very nicely.
3 - Limes
Brad freakin’ Paisley! Really, Brad Paisley comes to the kitchen as a lime to cheer Orange up with a song. Musical episodes are always good, and Brad is really talented. This one reminds me a bit of Excess Cabbage, de in facto first episode of Annoying Orange I watched. So I hold it really dearly to my heart and added it to the replay book.
The song, the environment, the optimistic message, it’s a gem. I so reccomend this episode and this song.
2 - Cookie-DOH!
Everyone in the kitchen hides for Dane’s cooking something and when the oven gets open, a piece of cookie dough voice by Alexa Losey can’t wait to get in, and explains how she wants people to eat her, and the scenarios she often thought about. 
I relate to her with having big expectations and feeling very upset when none of them come true, and reality is a b-word with us. It’s a feeling we all got to deal with and maybe still have to. I call this one a relatable character and this episode a great one on my list.
Before taking a stab at our number one here are some Honorable Mentions:
Best Fiends Forever
Grapefruit moves into the kitchen and Orange and everyone else can’t even. And also a different side of one of our favorite foods.
The Leprechaun Trap
A clever parody of advertising, as you probably seen in SNL multiple times, and on many Youtube viral videos.
Bacon Invaders
Just having Harley from Epic Meal Time means we’re off to a great episode!
Annoying Marshmallow
Unlike Annoying Pear, I really like Marshmallow doing Orange’s job, and actually making everything great and enjoyable for everyone. Really, Marshie, you are the best!
The Land Beyond the Kitchen
A train ride to the title’s world and the promise of the best adventures ever.
1 - Magnet Madness
This is another on my replay book. Orange and his friends are witnesses of a situation between the fridge’s magnets, two of them voiced by Ross Everett and Eric Scwartz, later the voice of the Gaming Grape. I love bullying-dealing episodes of any media, and this one has great comedy, born from the simplest parts.
Yeah, Orange and the others are mostly aside, but they still are a part of that whole thing. This is a very funny, very good written, very interesting Annoying Orange episode. It might not be for some people, but any episode that shows a great way to deal with a bully is a fine one for me.
Do you agree with the list? What is your favorite Annoying Orange video?
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xxbrightshadowxx · 6 months
Rating Unwanteds ships
Note: this is just my opinion and I do not mean to offend anyone, you can ship whoever you want to ship, it does not effect me. This is just for fun and my opinion.
Sky x Alex: 6/10 Why: so in general I don’t think Lisa McMann is good at writing romantic relationships in general. She, in my opinion, does not understand how to do ‘show and not tell’ when it comes to writing romance.
This ship, while interesting in idea, does not do so well in execution. Lisa McMann most of the time has to tell us that Sky and Alex like each other and they spend most of their time going on a will they won’t they. It drags on for such a lone time and it is a bit annoying. Still, if I had to give it one thing, it’s cute and when they have cute moments, I can’t help but smile.
Kaylee x Aaron: 6.5/10 why: Just like Sky and Alex, good idea but poor execution. I understand that it was the last book and Lisa McMann had to do a lot of things in onto a few pages, when Kaylee and Aaron did interact, it was mostly told to us then shown. What makes me like ships is the chemistry they have. Kaylee and Aaron didn’t have as much chemistry as I’d wish. Though, they get slightly more points because they don’t do will they or won’t they. I also like the idea of Aaron finding someone who doesn’t immediately have bad impressions on him and doesn’t expect the worst.
Sam x Alex: 5.9/10 Why: I can see it. I’ve always seen them more as friends but if Lisa McMann went on twitter and said that they got together, I wouldn’t mind at all.
Lani x Sam: 5/10 Why: Again, LOVE THE CONCEPT, HATE THE EXECUTION. I love the concept of them getting close while they are stuck on Warbler and having a connection they can’t have with anyone else. However, we barely see them interacting after book three. At least with Sky and Alex and Kaylee and Aaron we got bits of them being cute.
Lani x Alex: 3.5/10 Why: I see them more as friends, if you were talking to me when I first read book 1, I’d say they were cute. Reminds me of puppy love. Innocence before the storm. But again, they are just friends .
Lani x Meghan: 7/10 Why: I don’t remember as much as interactions between the two, but the ones I do, they are cute. These two are cute. Again, if one day Lisa McMann said on twitter they are dating one day, I wouldn’t mind it.
And if you are wondering about Unwanteds Quest ships, my friend read the books before me and personally told me not to read them. She said they were bad and ripped the pages from her books(she got in big trouble for this), so I’m going to keep the good memories I have of this series and not read them.
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Ok one person asked for it, so here we go
welcome to the series where I review musicals I’ve watched. The first in this series will be If/Then because I just watched it on YouTube last week.
*some spoilers but I tried to leave that out, read at your own risk*
If/then is the story about a woman named Elizabeth (played by Idina Menzel) and if her life went in two different directions. Half the time is focused on her as Liz, who goes with a friend to meet a cute man in Central Park and they fall in love and all that stuff. The other she goes with her college friend and she gets a really good job and she and the friend fall in love. Use Google for a better summary lol.
The music: I thought the soundtrack for this one was incredible and I’ve been listening on repeat! My favourite songs were probably “you learn to live without” and “what the f**k” but each song was good. I don’t have a skip song so that’s a bonus point. 9/10 for the music
The set: I can’t tell you why, but I did not vibe with the set. There was nothing even wrong with it, it could even be the quality of the recording but it just wasn’t it for me. There’s this big like mirror I guess reflecting everything which could be cool but for me it just missed the mark. 3/10 for the set
Next the cast: I watched it in the first place because I’m a big Idina Menzel fan. She did not disappoint! Not only were her vocals amazing as always, she really put her heart and soul into the show and delivered an amazing performance. Other stand outs for me were Anthony Rapp (yes I’m a rent head) and LaChanze. The whole cast was amazing but these three really carried the show for me. I’d give the full cast overall an 9/10
Finally the plot: It was good. At some points in the show it was very hard to figure out if we were watching Beth or Liz’s story and for quite confused. It was an enjoyable watch and I would definitely like it better when I watch it again but I had trouble giving it my full attention. There were two queer couples, one of them was in both stories and the other was only in Liz’s. In what I think was Liz’s story the first couple I mentioned which were two lesbians ended up divorcing which would be fine but with so little w|w representation it peeved me a little. What I did like about the show was that it was an enjoyable enough watch, being both funny and sad and I would in fact watch it again. 6/10 for plot.
Final score: 7/10. I would recommend but it was not my favourite.
In the get to know me pinned on my page I listed musicals I’ve seen so let me know what I should review next!
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