#carrot x beet
madsgotmadagain · 2 months
Some of my Cookie Run Ships using the cookie run comic maker! Just got ovenbreak and it's so fun omg
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If anyone wants I am more than open to sharing my hcs and explanations as to why I ship it! I love talking about my ships so much guys please ask me about them if your curious <3
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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Tales of Sweetness (Valentine’s Day Special)
Imagine posting the special after Valentine’s Day. Couldn’t be me. 3 Valentine’s Day goofs, hope you all like!
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Order Up!
You had just wrapped up on your meal at the local diner, looking out the window to see various cookies conversing with each other and some shyly presenting their Valentine’s Day chocolates to the other.
It was Valentine’s Day today, a day where a cookie expresses how they feel to the one they care about the most. A splendid day to share with a cookie you picture yourself with, the cookie you held close adoration for….
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“Y/N Cookie! Did you like the carrot cake I serve ya? I made sure to only use the best carrots I had to really bring out the flavor!”
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“I hope you liked my beet stew too.”
You quickly apologized for jumping a bit there after getting snapped out of your train of thought before letting the two girls know that their food was nothing but great! Carrot and Beet Cookie visibly brightened from the compliments, coming from you, it meant a lot.
“Thanks! Were you looking outside just now? Yep, many cookies are celebrating Valentine’s Day today!”
“It means more work for us since couples are coming in, seeing you alone surprised me.”
Yep, you were spending the holiday by your lonesome, it was okay with you. You were happy just seeing cookies celebrating today instead, you were going to KILL IT when chocolates go on discount tomorrow-
“NONSENSE! Cookies should spend this time with their special ones and if no cookie is willing to spend today with you, then gosh darn it, I will-“
“I’d like to.”
“I planned on looking for Y/N Cookie once we closed for the day, I even made chocolates for them.”
“I made chocolates too! I even made sure that they tasted perfect for when I gave them to Y/N Cookie! We agreed that I can give them my chocolates first!”
“We? You just kept talking to yourself all the time. Why doesn’t it matter anyway, they’ll like both our chocolates, right?”
“This does matter! It matters a lot!”
You sweat dropped as you watched the two cooks argue, wondering if you should take off from the diner, the two getting in each other’s faces could only grow worse from there.
Beet Cookie reached behind her back and showed her box of chocolates to Carrot Cookie.
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“You’re not the only one who’s poured their hard work and care into their chocolates. I made sure to shape them into the various things that Y/N Cookie likes. This one is even in the shape of a bear jelly.”
Carrot Cookie quickly pulled out her box of chocolates in retaliation.
“Not everything needs to be all fancy and whatnot to make chocolates Y/N Cookie will love! Carrot shaped chocolate, carrots dipped in chocolate-“
“Wait, It’s all carrots?”
“It always has been carrots! Y/N Cookie gets to have the best of both worlds with the taste of carrot AND chocolate!”
“Carrots aren’t really what I imagine for Valentine’s Day.”
“Like yours are any better! Lemme try one!”
“What? No. These are for Y/N Cookie only.”
“I knew it! You didn’t make them good enough!”
“The only thing I know is that Y/N likely doesn’t want carrots in their chocolate.”
You had to step in to avoid the two cookies starting an all out food fight when the argument escalated.
After all has calmed down, the two took a deep breath and presented their chocolates to you.
“Y/N Cookie, I pour days into making sure the carrots and chocolate were just right for the right cookie for me. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N Cookie. I did my best to make sure the chocolates were good enough for you. If you like them…I’ll make more for you!”
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Chocolates of Darkness
E/C = eye color
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Red Velvet: I told you once, I told you a hundred times over, my chocolates are capable and worthy for my Lord/Lady when they return, I have no need for your constant pestering. They will appreciate my efforts!
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Pomegranate: Is it now? How will your chocolates be appreciated when my Lord/Lady spits them out? That is why I’m here to give my chocolates as well, made with careful preparation. They’ll need it after trying your chocolate.
Red Velvet: I doubt my Lord/Lady will want to eat your poison. My hounds and I have spent a long time in the tower to prepare for the day. They worked hard to make sure the chocolate is sweet and firm.
Pomegranate: Cake monster strawberries all over the chocolate? Giving this deplorable chocolate to my Lord/Lady would be nothing but the biggest disrespect to them!
At the edge of the Tower waited two cookies with chocolates in hand, waiting for the return of the Lord/Lady of Darkness, Y/N Cookie, Dark Enchantress Cookie’s right hand cookie.
Pomegranate Cookie longed for the day she could express how much adoration she held for you, her Lord/Lady. She made sure her chocolate was up to quality, after all, you deserved nothing but perfect chocolate. She was hoping she would be the first one to gift you her chocolate and the only one waiting for you to return from your mission.
But it seems a nuisance has decided to make himself known to her here. Red Velvet had also been prepping for the day you returned, his chocolates on hand. He and the cake hounds have spent days to make them and make them they did, Red Velvet did multiple taste tests to make sure the chocolate was sweet and not stale, so Pomegranate’s comment really pissed him off.
Red Velvet: Deplorable? How dare you…may I remind you that I took DAYS to prepare for this occasion? Spew all the nonsense you want, I know my Lord/Lady will enjoy my gift to them. More so then yours, that I already know.
Pomegranate: I have spent a long time for this moment with nothing but dedication to my Lord/Lady, just as much as for my Master! Anything less then what they deserve belongs in the trash and my gift to them is anything but that. Are you sure you’re not looking into my mirror?
Red Velvet: I should’ve known being here with you only serves to be an annoyance. I’m already getting a headache…
Pomegranate: !!!
Red Velvet: What are you looking at-
Red Velvet then noticed that a shadow was casted over him which halted him in his words, he then turned to what…or who Pomegranate was looking at.
Lord/Lady Y/N Cookie….in a silent stare with the two. The Red Velvet Dragon that was your transport next to you, also staring down the two cookies.
You pulled out jellies from their pocket and fed it to the dragon, who happily accepted it as you reached up and petted it. After it was done did you bid it farewell as it flew up and away, leaving you and the two cookies who were still frozen in shock, it didn’t help that you started to menacingly approach them.
You were taller then most cookies as you adorned molten armor, a cape on your back, and a dino skull helmet that covered your head, your glowing e/c eyes visible through the skull’s eyeholes. Your weapon was a halberd, with something shining near the top of the weapon.
Pomegranate quickly regained her senses and readied her box of chocolates, followed by Red Velvet.
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Pomegranate: My dearest Lord/Lady, may I present you a token of my warmth. I made sure it was the best that can be made in all of the land. You give my heart peace again and again knowing we count on you to fulfill our Master’s plan. For that I say, happy Valentines Day…~
Red Velvet: Happy Valentines Day, Lord/Lady Y/N Cookie! Your expert beastmaster techniques never fail to impress me! Seeing you treat the desserts and Chiffon with nothing but care, you have my loyalty! I wish to do much more today with these chocolates I made for you!
You stopped right in front of them as they held out their opened boxes, the prolonged stare only making them a bite more nervous…
…before you let out a small laugh before lifting up your helmet to reveal your smiling face as you popped one of Pomegranate’s chocolates into your mouth! Then Red Velvet’s!
Why did they look so worried? These taste wonderful!
The two cookies sighed in relief as they handed over their boxes to you. Pomegranate eager to get your judgment.
Pomegranate: So how are they, my Lord/Lady? Are they up to your standards?
Red Velvet: As do mine?
Yep, both of these chocolates tasted great! You’ll eat the rest of them on the way, you had to report to Dark Enchantress on the findings of these odd fragments you found.
Pomegranate and Red Velvet glowed from your praise, before exchanging a quick glare towards the other. They were right behind you as you all made your way back, Pomegranate warning you that the other members were waiting with their chocolates at hand, she hopes they don’t take up too much of your precious time.
Hehe, let’s not keep them waiting then, shall we?
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Calm Time
You whistled as you closed up shop for the day, cake baking was on an all-time high today with the holiday, so many cookies wanted to go above and beyond with a chocolate cake for their special someone instead of just a box of chocolates. Combined with how much the republicans were willing to pay for your expertise and you were scoring more coins then usual.
You never really paid any mine to the holiday yourself, pretty much married to your job of cake baking. It warmed your heart instead to see cookies pour much of their coins to get a cake ready for the cookie they cared about-
“Oh! I’m glad I was able to catch you after closing time!”
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Light Cream Cookie? It was her! She was a regular at your shop ever since she stopped by one day around the grand opening. At times though, you felt like she was there more to see you then to order anything, she tended to just sit at one of the indoor tables and gaze at you frequently.
She was the bashful one with how she often stuttered her words during conversations, so for her to wait for you until closing time was quite surprising from her. She took a deep breath before speaking.
“Um…if it’s not too much for you, would you..like to walk with me?”
Of course. You’d be glad to have a walk with her.
Light Cream sighed in relief before quickly regaining her composure as she walked alongside you around the Republic.
The first stop would be at a dessert shop, Light Cream Cookie tried reaching for her purse when came time to pay for your ice creams, but you stopped her, offering to pay instead. She tried to apologize, but you reassured her that from the profit today that you wouldn’t mind paying at all. She..shyly thanked you as she hid her blushing face as you two enjoyed your desserts.
The next stop would be at the theater, the two of you sat together as you watched the performances. The cookies around taking note of how you two talked and laughed together, one even pointed out how cute of a couple you two were, the well known baker of the Republic and a noble lady from House Scone? Who knew you’d make the perfect match!
Light Cream blushed in embarrassment from the comment, you were about to correct that cookie when you felt her hand hold yours tightly. She…wasn’t denying it? Hmm….
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You two had even visited the Lower City for a knickknack Light Cream thought looked cute, a wind-up puppy. You bought it when she was busy looking at other things in the booths, she was immensely happy when you gifted it to her.
There was plentiful back-alley cookies who tried to ask for coins, you normally do on basis they asked politely for it. However, one cookie made the mistake of getting bold and tried to reach Light Cream’s purse!
You quickly gripped the cookie’s hand and pushed it away from her as you got up in the scoundrel’s face. You then proceed to scold the cookie for a good 5 minutes, them cowering more and more as the cookies around them backed away.
You sighed as you told them that if they asked politely, you’d help them out, but DO NOT steal. Especially from a lady!
If Light Cream could get any redder in the face, she was now.
It cuts to sunset as you and Light Cream sat on a bench in the square, Light Cream fiddling with her windup puppy’s ears.
“Y/N Cookie, I’ll say it now. It has been truly a wonderful day with you. I wasn’t sure if you would have been willing to spend the evening with a disgraced cookie like me…”
Ok, whoever was telling her she’s that should go buzz off. You had a nice evening with her too! You were just planning on going home to sleep for the rest of the day, but spending time with her was much better.
“I’m…I’m happy to hear that! When I first saw you from your shop window, something within me felt…drawn to you, I can’t explain it!”
You had a feeling that was the case. Again, she was more so visiting your shop ro come see you as opposing to ordering a cake. She would make small talk as she came up to the counter for her order. You had a feeling she would want to spend time with you…on a Valentine’s Day.
“Today has shown me that you were the cookie I’ve thought you’d be and so much more. It’s why I wanted to gift you this…”
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This was a box of chocolate!
Light Cream nodded her head, she looked down with a blushing face as she handed it to you.
“H-happy Valentines Day, Y/N Cookie. I’ve waited for so long to express my feelings and I can now say…”
“I want more days to be like this one. I never want to spend another day without you…”
“Y/N Cookie….I cherish you….”
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mspescaoneke · 11 months
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Hi *start posting all his carrotbeet art every day*
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springbox19 · 2 years
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Let's go lesbians let's go
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animegirlicon3 · 2 years
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I love them lmao
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cookie-run-ships · 1 year
veggie trio? (beet/carrot/spinach)
Again, sorry this is late, I’ve just been putting off doing stuff on this account
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kindlittledemon · 2 years
A new friend!
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dvrk-moon · 4 months
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ENHYPEN OT7 ; 엔하이픈
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requested : no
genre : crack, fluff
pairing : enhypen x reader (can be platonic)
warnings : cursing + the members being menaces
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heeseung ; 희승
absolute sweat
like speed runner esque
nags on you for being too slow and making him have a speed run time of over fifteen minutes
like you’re barely getting an oak log and he’s already in the nether. like u turn away for two seconds and he’s already built the portal
“heeseung where did you go” “i’ve almost killed the wither wait” … “CAN U CHILL OUT WE JUST CREATED THIS WORLD”
so u thought u were gonna have fun hanging out with heeseung on minecraft? NO
because as soon as he finishes his speed run and you finally got your first diamond, he’s decided to build a base
and u thought he was gonna be all cute and make u a room awwww!!! no.
he does make u a room, but the stairway up to ur room is a parkour course
(when the fuck did he have time to even make that?!!?!!)
first and last time playing minecraft with him
jay ; 제이
absolute knight in shining armor
those mobs have nothing on his iron drip
protects u even if u don’t need it
“oh shit there’s a creeper” “ON MY WAY Y/N”
his netherite sword is CRACKED. like perfect enchantments
when he’s not protecting u he becomes ur farmer
the farm is so organized and beautiful jay is literally my husband pls
does in fact laugh when u die tho
like he’ll collect your stuff for you but the second he sees “[your gamertag] fell from a high place” he’s going to laugh for like two minutes straight
also he keeps an extra chest in his room for u
like in case u need something OR u die and he’s not able to collect ur stuff so it despawns
jay is so husband. even in minecraft
jake ; 제이크
he’s played before ok (trust him)
(it was when he was like nine)
like he’s very very. bad
he’s trying tho!!!
keeps dying. like every two minutes you see “jake_awesome2002 was blown up by a creeper”
he does not know how to change his gamertag so ur just stuck playing with jake_awesome2002
he starts getting the hang of it and immediately thinks he’s cracked at the game (he’s not)
so he disappears from you out of nowhere and so you try to help him :
“jake where are you” … “jake” … “jake sim where the fuck are you” …………. “i don’t know”
(cue “jake_awesome2002 fell out of the world”)
he respawns and like sulks for three minutes before leaving and collecting dirt(?) for some reason
coincidentally you keep finding dirt blocks placed throughout your base afterwards! how silly of him!
sunghoon ; 성훈
he was so ready to show u how good he is
he’s not very good. but at least he’s better than jake!
he somehow is always in a cave or some sort of dangerous location
like say u found a village and you’re like “sunghoon come raid this village with me!”
meanwhile he’s trying not to die because of a pillager outpost
somehow he doesn’t?
he’ll go and do stuff like that or spend days in the nether and survive but his weakness is witches
like he doesn’t scream UNLESS there is a witch
and if you’re nearby ? he will 100% sacrifice you to the witch so that he can survive
womp womp
he actually sacrifices you quite a bit because he has like 36 levels
he thinks he’s funny when he does it too
sunoo ; 선우
honestly prefers to play in creative mode (me too sunoo)
but when you were like “let’s play in survival for once” he’s like “fiiiiiiiiinneeeeeuhhhh” (very dramatic about it)
he immediately builds a forever base when you spawn in
makes you do all the mining and stuff
he will tag along! but he won’t do shit
he’s the interior designer. he’s got bigger and better things to do
he only redeems himself when you go into the base and find your minecraft beds right next to each other
besides holding the house down, he also has an extremely high scale and successful farming system
so if you ever check in his chests, 100% you will find like 20 stacks of wood, stacks of wheat, of carrots, of beets, etc.
may be a homebody in minecraft but at least he’s fun to play with !!!! 10/10 would recommend to a friend
jungwon ; 정원
the miner
like you’re trying to get along with your day until jungwon stops and drops into the smallest cave ever
“what are u doing” “wait y/n we might need this copper” “jungwon don’t u already have like three stacks of copper” “yeah but we might need it”
lots of time spent mining
u eat your words tho when he is decked out in diamond armor from almost the get-go
when you guys build a base it HAS to have a little mine under the house (little as in huge)
somehow has like ten dogs?
“this one is maeumi, this one is maeumi’s friend, this once can be gaeul… maybe this one can be layla? oh! and this one is maeumi’s other friend. this one is bisco. this one is yours but you don’t get to name it. i will name it for you.”
they would be cats if it was really up to you but you’ll live
also refuses to elaborate on this thing he does
he makes tons and tons of signs and just places them around the base
some of them make sense and others just don’t at all
has a 2x2 fenced in area and the sign outside of it says “jail”
has anyone ever been sent to jail there? no. but as jungwon says “just in case”
riki ; 니키
possibly the worst yet most fun person to play with
at first you’re like “let’s play together” and he’s like “yeah sure whatever” but little do u know he has every plan in the world to turn the game into warfare
it’s even worse if you are playing on a realm rather than just a server
he abandons you from the get-go and immediately runs away and you can’t catch him so he builds a base far away from you
the base is in fact a dirt house
but it’s minecraft who said he had to be an architect
yes he abandoned you and is regularly attacking you at any given chance but he still keeps his tabs on where you are
walks all over your farm and kills your livestock
leaves signs saying “riki was here” “get rikrolled”
since he keeps tabs on you, u have to be very cautious of what you leave in your chests
he will steal anything. just for fun
threatens to blow up everything because he just wants to
little does he know if he wants warfare ur gonna give him warfare
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a/n : this is random but i played mc like two days ago and i thought this could be a silly idea
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
hello there I Have a request for you .
so could you do headcanons of how the cookies would react to reader (gn) trying to get a GIGANTIC vegetable out of the ground
(like a potato or a white radish you choose)
You can take as much time as you need to
And have fun!
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Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to (Carrot, Beet, Spinach, Rambutan Cookie)
Vegetable gang rise up.
You yawned and stretched your limbs when the morning rays brightened up your room. You gathered your farming gear and attire before marching out of your home, readying to collect the spoils of your labor.
Ah, the fresh smell of fruits and veggies, grown by none other then yourself, you made sure the plants were well watered and planted with good fertilizer for maximum results. You had Carrot Cookie to thank for giving you tips on farming, even getting hands on herself with planting your crops.
You agreed with her, god you loved agriculture.
You spent the morning collecting the crops that were ready to be picked, until you came across this particular potato stem within the ground. You reached down, gripped the stem, and pulled!
It…wasn’t moving? You tried lifting it up harder, but it would barely budge. You tried once last time with all your might to pull it out of the ground, only for your grip to slip from the stem, making you fall backwards.
This was quite the pickle! You grabbed your shovel and chose to dig the potato out of the ground, it was ripe for the taking and you weren’t going to let it spoil. Imagine your shock when you had to walk a little away just to dig against the side of the now massive potato in the ground.
This was certainly going to take all day. Oh well, let’s get to work!
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“Holy moly, that potato is massive, Y/N Cookie!”
If there was a cookie who’s familiar with giant vegetables in the past, it was Carrot Cookie! So when she stopped by to see how your farm was doing, she was more then happy to help out with your potato problem.
Digging was a slow process, but with two cookies, it does go by faster then with one. All the while, you two chatted up a storm about vegetables, giving each other farming tips, etc.
Farming really did a number on you in terms of physique, your dough was firm and crisp, it was really noticeable when you removed your farming outfit for a moment to fan yourself in the baking sun. Not that Carrot was looking or anything!
You both were finally able to dig below enough to easily pull out the gigantic potato from the ground with the help of your truck with a tow. Carrot was marveling at how great the potato looked, she gave you a lot of praise for it!
You celebrated by taking a picture with her, your hand on her shoulder and hers on yours. #Farmers4life
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“Oh…that’s a pretty big potato.”
Beet Cookie was a common camper at your farm, usually here then over there at Carrot’s farm. Beet was just more comfortable with you on that.
She didn’t have the heart to pick at your crops without permission and you appreciated that. Hence why when she noticed a particular large mound of dirt amongst your potatoes, she’d let you know.
Working hard, she admits she glanced a little bit at your crispy dough that baked under the sun, she had to pull her hat down to hide her blushing face.
When the potato is finally dug out, you celebrated by making the best gosh darn mashed potatoes Beet’s ever tasted. Her eyes twinkled when she took a bite out of it, yep, this was worth the effort today!
Beet was always welcomed at your farm, camping where she pleased. You’ll even offer the bed in your guest room for her to sleep in, and while she does say camping is more her style..she doesn’t mind sleeping in a bed. Can she sleep on yours though?
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“Me...? Strong? Hehe, stop teasing me! But I’m more then happy to help you!”
With Spinach Cookie, it’s pretty much over. Her strength was substantial, able to visibly shift the potato within the ground.
With enough time and moving space from the dirt, she was able to pull the potato from the stem from the ground!
You gave her your best produce for the today and portion of the potato, of which she happily accepted.
Then she chose to hug you tightly. You had enough of your own strength to at least reciprocate it, but damn did this woman have a grip on you.
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“Need to pull out that potato? I’ll do my best to help!”
You figured that in order to pull this potato out of the ground, you were gonna need a strong cookie for the job, and who better then Rambutan Cookie. She hid her blush when you praised her like that, she’ll do her best to be the cookie you thought of her to be.
She was caught off guard by how massive the potato was, but she didn’t want to disappoint you, so she’ll do whatever she can to help you out!
With your digging around the potato and her pulling on the stem, you both made progress throughout the day. She complimented your fields, those veggies and fruits sure were tasty! You complimented her in return, then she was backing to being a blushing mess.
You gave her your best pickings once the job was done, even threw in little extra somethings for her village. She couldn’t thank you enough and hugged you, it wasn’t as powerful as Spinach’s, but it was enough to get the wind out of you!
You’re always welcome at her village if you ever stop by some time!
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kisakis-boyfriend · 6 months
Idk if it's fit the theme but m reader x fremi? Where's fremi moved in reader's place and he experienced winter for the first time? Like he's used to the depth of the sea and now all he sees are snows, wanna take him to watch movies but his focus are always landed on the snows so I offer him to play w the snow mybe make a snowman:0
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Pairings: Freminet x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, fluff, teasing, shoving snow under someone's clothes
Genre/Format: Fluff; Scenarios
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The first time that the diver experienced heavy snowfall was rather cute. Freminet's rosy cheeks peeked from underneath his scarf as he tipped his head up, staring at the descending snowflakes in awe
It was like he couldn't even hear you; lost in the moment entirely. You stood just a few steps ahead, staring at your partner — the angel that he was as he became gradually covered in powdery snow. Freminet's eyes blinked slowly and his hands opened up, palms facing the sky while the cold flurries kissed his skin, melting after a second on the warm surface
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“We're gonna be late, babe. Your siblings are going to wonder where we've been if we don't leave like right now.” You half shouted to your partner who was standing in the middle of your front yard, kicking around a chunk of icy snow
When you turned around to hurry him along again, he was muttering under his breath. Something about playing in the snow? It was hard to hear him, soft-spoken as he is, but especially so under multiple layers of clothing
Upon further questioning, you were able to get him to confess his thoughts. Freminet really wanted to experience all of those fun activities you mentioned before, when you talked about the snow and your childhood. “We'll have a snow day tomorrow, Frem. I'll clear our schedules and we can do whatever you want, promise.” You offered, though the sad expression on your partner's face caused you to cave rather quickly...
“Hmm...I think this one needs to be bigger.” Freminet said, eyeballing the ball of snow that would serve as the base of your snowman. He does have a point... As of right now, the torso is far larger than the bottom snowball. If you leave him like this he'd probably collapse and become a snow-pile-man...
Using both of your arms, you scooped up a pile of snow, carrying it over to your snowman base and packing it in together. “Much better!” You said in unison, giving each other a confident nod
Freminet has the honor of decorating the head. Using some pretty rocks and seashells to create a smile and purple eyes out of two gorgeous shells, and of course using a large carrot as the nose! It was also Freminet's idea to gift the snowy fellow a cozy scarf and one of Lyney's old top hats; giving the snowman quite a dapper appearance
While he was focused on carefully embedding the items in the snowman's head, you subtly grabbed a small handful of snow and snuck up behind your partner–
“Waaahh!!” Freminet screamed, jumping a bit when the icy substance came into contact with the small of his back. “H-hey! Why did y-you–?”
You laughed so hard that your sides began to ache, bending forward and grasping at your ribs. Freminet wasn't entirely amused, whining and jokingly calling you a ‘mean boyfriend’ 🥺
“Sorry, love. I just wanted to see your reactions,” you said between laughs, “you're too cute when you get flustered like that!”
Flustered?! Him?!
Freminet froze — feeling uncomfortably warm despite the freezing temperature outside
“Aw, there's those pretty red cheeks that I love so much!” Freminet's hands immediately flew to his face, covering his freckled (and apparently beet red!!) cheeks and turning on his heel swiftly
“You're so mean...” He whined under his breath, yet smiling when he felt familiar arms wrap around his torso, pulling him into a tight hug
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queensharotto · 6 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 3: Early 2023)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs.
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January 2023 ❄️
• “Molded, Battered, Whole”
Featuring: The Five Dragons
• “Y/N Cookie getting Injured”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie, Mala Sauce Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Financier Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “Foul Play” 💗
Featuring: The Cherry Stars
• “Seize the Spin”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Face the Music!”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, B.A.D 4, Manager Scarlet and Producer D.K.E.C
• “Two Sides of a Coin”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie
• “New Time Balance Department Cookies”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
• “Sands of the Sale”
Featuring: Yogurt Cream Cookie and Lilac Cookie
• “Memories”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Coworkers Delight”
Featuring: Maple Taffy Cookie
• “Spared No Expense 2”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Valentine’s Day Experience” 💝
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Fish in a Barrel”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Good Day for Walks”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “A Handycookie’s Expertise”
Featuring: Coffee Candy Cookie, Baguette Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie, Maple Taffy Cookie and Marble Bread Cookie
• “Chaos and Control”
Featuring: Twizzly Gummy Cookie and her Gang
• “House is Where The Heart Is”
Featuring: Raspberry Mousse Cookie
• “The Serenity or The Charismatic”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Eternity”
Featuring: Snow Sugar Cookie
• “Interactions with Milky Way Cookie during Episode 15”
Featuring: Milky Way Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Dislikes People Yelling”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Carol Cookie, and Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “No Deed Goes Unnoticed”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “At Your Beck and Call”
Featuring: The Pearl Legion and House Custard Soldiers
• “Ayo, Their Pouch Responses”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “No Dice” 💗
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie and the Ancient Cookies
• “Undeserving”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie’s Disciples, Dark Cacao Cookie, Adventurer Cookie, and Captain Ice Cookie
• “But the Dance is Today!”
Featuring: Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Y/N Cookie’s Tailoring Hobby”
Featuring: The Tailor Cookies
• “Lost Amidst Matrimony” 😞💗
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Sweet Heartmender” 💝
Featuring: Blue Lily Cookie and Lilybell Cookie
• “Burger Chain Backfire”
Featuring: Reporter Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
February 2023 💝
• “Antagonized”
Featuring: Almond Cookie, Truffle Cookie, Butter Pretzel Cookie, Lollipop Cookie, and Melon Bun Cookie
• “Even More Heartbreak”
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, and Seaweed Cookie
• “Star of the Industry” ⭐️
Featuring: Dumpling Cookie (debut), Reporter Cookie, and various Music Cookies
• “The Sugar Swan’s Treasure”
Featuring: The Sugar Swan
• “Y/N Cookie Blurbs”
Featuring: Various Cookies
• “Pet Times”
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, and Baguette Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s First Encounter with Stardust Cookie”
Featuring: Stardust Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “Moon Pie Cookie”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie
• “Tales of Sweetness” 💝
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Beet Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie and Light Cream Cookie
• “If Y/N Cookie Hated Someone”
Featuring: Dark Choco Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie and Cocoa Cookie
• “Movie Star Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Eclair Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
• “Duel of Hearts”
Featuring: White Choco Cookie and Rose Cookie
• “A Very Much Invited Guest”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Fashion Week 2?”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Chestnut Cookie, and the Tailor Cookies
• “Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to”
Featuring: The Vegetable Cookies
March 2023 🌱
• “Artist Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Butter Pretzel Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, Truffle Cookie and Pastry Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Costume Concepts”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Drawings for the Little Cookies”
Featuring: Lollipop Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Onion Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie
• “Ya Like Raisin Buns?”
Featuring: Black Raisin Cookie
• “Sweetheart Timekeeper Cookie” 💝
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “Stress from a Job”
Featuring: Baguette Cookie, Almond Cookie, Pizza Cookie, Dr. Bones Cookie and Kumiho Cookie
• “Ancient Y/N Cookie’s All Nighters”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie being part of a Royal Family”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie, Financier Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Chocolate Bonbon Cookie and Rougefort Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie having a Nightmare”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie, Milky Way Cookie and Stardust Cookie
• “Downstream: Part 1”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Group Findings”
Featuring: Cauliflower Cookie and Peperoncino Cookie
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 1)”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Sea Fairy x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie
• “A Jammed Heart” 😞
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie
• “Croissant Cookie vs. Timekeeper Cookie”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie and Dark Fondue Cookie
April 2023 ☔️
• “A Forced Hand” ⭐️
Featuring: Salsa Cookie (debut) and the Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in Scovillia”
Featuring: Scovillia Headmaster, Capsaicin Cookie, Parfaedia Principal, Prune Juice Cookie, Creme Knights Preceptor and Kouign-Amann Cookie
• “From Afar”
Featuring: Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Sour Belt Cookie and Lime Cookie
• “Kindred Souls”
Featuring: Milk Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Comforting Centipede Cookie”
Featuring: Centipede Cookie, Lilac Cookie and Scorpion Cookie
• “Chocolate Frosting Cookie trying to redeem herself”
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie and Timekeeper Cookie
• “The Pudding Cup Circus”
Featuring: Banana Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie
• “Cookies of Darkness Go to the Movies”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 2)”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Exiled from their Kingdom: The Darkness’s Offering”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “No Simp September”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Blueberry Pie Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “I’ll Miss You” 😞
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar #2”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in the Crème Knights”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Vanilla Sugar Cookie, Kouign-Amann Cookie, Prune Juice Cookie and Capsaicin Cookie
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angelasscribbles · 11 months
Savage Love Chapter 33: Finally, a Break
Series: Savage Love
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake normally but for THIS chapter, there's a little Riley x Madeleine
Word Count: 2,549
Rating: NSFWish
Warnings: Lemon scented
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner tonight,” I gushed as I stepped into Madeleine’s private room.
Her room wasn’t much different than my own. The small, round table situated halfway between the sleeping area and the bathroom was set with candles, silver covers adorned the serving dishes, and a bottle of chilled champagne rested next to the plates.
Oh yes, this was an intimate dinner. Any questions I had left about her intentions towards me vanished in a puff of smoke as I took in the room and her elegant, but revealing, dress.
I knew exactly how to get information out of her.
“I’m so happy you were available!” Her smile dropped as she produced a wand scanner, “Sorry, this has to be done first. It’s not that I don’t trust you…”
I gave her my brightest smile, “Trust but verify! I understand completely!”
I felt vindication that I hadn’t let Drake talk me into any type of device that would transmit as Madeliene ran the wand over every inch of my body. And I do mean every inch.
Her hand rested a bit longer than necessary on my hip. She clicked the wand off and stepped back with a smile, “I knew you’d understand! You really are one of us! I told my father we could trust you!”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence, especially with your father! He’s the leader, right?” I kept my tone light as I made my way to the table.
Madeleine took the seat opposite me and reached for the champagne, “Oh, of the Cordonian branch, yes. Emmeline is his lieutenant.”
I opened my eyes wide in feigned surprise, “The Cordonian branch? You mean…there’s more?”
“Oh yes,” she tittered as she filled our glasses, “We have chapters in nearly every country in Europe!”
“Wow!” I breathed out as I batted my eyelashes, “That’s impressive!”
“It is and one day I’ll take his place as leader.”
“I don’t doubt that for a minute!” I gushed, “You’re so smart and driven! I like that in a woman!”
I mean, it was true enough. I do admire strength and drive, I just prefer those things to be directed at the greater good, not at self-aggrandizing and building criminal empires. But I was intimately acquainted with the latter, just about every target I’d helped take down was powerful and ambitious, in all the wrong kinds of ways.
Like most narcissists, heaping praise on her encouraged her to continue talking about herself, which was my goal.
“I could say the same about you,” her gaze lingered on me as she poured the champagne.
I lowered my eyes to the table, pretending to be caught off guard by the admiration. I licked my lips then slowly lifted my eyes to her as I raised the champagne flute, “To strong, powerful women then.”
“I’ll drink to that!” Her eyes stayed locked on me as we drank. She lowered her glass with a smile, “I hope you enjoy the meal, I wasn’t sure what you like, but Italian food is usually safe.”
I inhaled appreciatively as she removed the lids from the serving dishes. Chicken and mushroom risotto, focaccia bread, a simple salad and over roasted vegetables, an aromatic and colorful mix of yellow squash, zucchini, onions, bell peppers, potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, and beets.
“Everything looks and smells delicious!” I told her honestly.
The meal was delicious, but then food from the royal kitchen always was. The Rys family understood good cuisine, I’d give them that. It seemed like a good way to steer the conversation back toward the royal family and hopefully more information on the Via Imperii.
“King Constantine sure knew what he was doing when he hired the kitchen staff! Good to know that when I’m queen, hiring good help won’t be an issue.”
That earned a smile from Madeleine, “You’re very confident, aren’t you?”
I gave her a self-assured smile as I swirled the effervescent liquid around in my flute.
This was it. The moment I solidified my position within the Via Imperii ranks and earned their trust once and for all.
It’s not like I was giving away state secrets. Everyone would know about the abdication come morning, but this tidbit of insider information would convince them that I was on their side and prevent the fact that I was present in that council meeting from ever biting me in the ass if it got out.
With a teasing lilt in my voice, I informed her, “Because you were right about Leo and Olivia, but I have news you’re going to want to hear.”
“I’m all ears,” she leaned forward with interest.
“Leo abdicated today! Which means Liam will be the next king and Liam and I have already….well…bonded.”
She watched me warily, “And how do you know this?”
“I was there!”
“You were in a council meeting? How?”
“I told you…Liam and I are close. I was with him when he got the call to meet Leo in the council chambers, so I went with him.”
She stared at me in silence for a heartbeat then her face lit up like it was Christmas morning, “I knew we could trust you!”
She was so very, very wrong.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…” she took a long, slow sip from her glass before peering over the rim at me, “I already knew all of that.”
“What? How?” I demanded, my surprise real. No one outside of that council chamber should know yet.
“We have a source,” she replied vaguely, “May I ask why you advocated for continuing the social season rather than getting engaged right away?”
“Appearances,” I answered promptly, “The monarchy needs the support of the noble houses after all. Making them feel like they wasted their time and resources by sending their daughters is a mistake. One Leo already made. Liam can’t afford to compound that if he’s going to be a strong ruler. I don’t want to start out on the wrong foot with Cordonian elite society. I’m working on their behalf, after all.”
Clearly, there was a leak in the council, that was the only possible explanation. Relief flooded me that I had made the right call by telling her I was there so it didn’t look like I was hiding things from her. Which I was. But she didn’t know that.
I made a note to myself to let Liam know there was a traitor sitting on his father’s council. And to be a lot more careful with my comings and goings on the third floor.
I decided to shift the subject away from what had gone in the council chambers, “When will you reach out to Liam? I assume that’s the next step.”
“Oh, absolutely! Within the week! I’m not hopeful though,” she frowned as she pushed the food around on her plate, “He’s far too close to Drake Walker.”
“Wasn’t he raised as a member of the royal family?”
“Yes,” she tapped one fire engine red nail against the edge of her gold-rimmed bone china plate, “But his blood is still common. I don’t know how the entire Rys family became so enamored of the lower classes that they allowed one to strut around pretending he’s one of them…”
“It doesn’t matter,” I reminded her, “Even if he declines our offer, I will be the next queen, allowing us a foothold in the administration.”
“True…” her eyes traced my face thoughtfully, “He does seem quite taken with you…”
“We do get along quite well,” I agreed noncommittedly.
“How well?” Was that a note of jealousy in her voice?
I gave her a wicked grin, “Well enough. Don’t worry, I’m sure I can wrangle him down the aisle with no problem at all.”
“So, your alleged connection with Leo…”
I shrugged as I stabbed a forkful of salad, “It was true, we connected when we first met. But to be honest, you were right about Olivia, I couldn’t quite pry his attention away from her. Liam, on the other hand…”
“Hedging your bets,” she nodded, “That’s forward thinking, I like it!”
When the meal was finished, Madeline suggested drinks on the balcony, but before I could make it to the door, her body blocked mine. She leaned into me, one finger trailing from my throat to the valley between my breasts, her eyes heavy with desire as she asked, “Just how invested are you in Liam?”
I gave her a sultry grin as my hand went to her face, “Liam is just business. Why do you ask?”
Then she was kissing me and goddamn if it wasn’t a good kiss. I melted into it a little. Why did all the psycho killers kiss so fucking good? Rico had been a good kisser. Too bad he was out for my blood now. Just like Madeleine would be if she ever discerned my true intentions, so I grabbed two handfuls of her hair and made the kiss believable. I pushed my body against hers and slid my tongue past her soft, pouty lips into her welcoming mouth.
She moaned as her hands glided down my back, landing firmly on my ass. She breathed my name against my lips.
I released her hair, my fingers gliding down the velvety smooth skin of her back to tug at her zipper. I pulled the zipper down and then slipped my fingers under the thin straps of her dress, pushing them down her arms.
She arched her body into me as she returned the favor, stripping the clothes from my body and lavishing brutal kisses along every inch of exposed flesh her lips could find.
She was bare in front of me as my hand cupped one perfectly rounded breast.
I jolted forward as her hand slipped between my legs, stroking gently but firmly through my panties.
One day soon I’d be slapping cuffs on her, and not in the fun sexy way. But that day was not today, and I was ready for what she was offering.
A shrill chirping noise cut the silence and she cursed thoroughly as she pulled away from me with a shaky breath. “I am so sorry, but that’s my father’s ringtone. I have to take it.”
“It’s fine,” I told her as I stepped away from her, “We should probably slow down anyway.”
Always leave them wanting more. It’s not the giving it to them that gets their guard down. It’s the pursuit of it. Lust and frustration make everyone stupid. Careless.
She excused herself to the bathroom for privacy as I put myself back together. I straightened out my dress, fixed my hair, and reapplied my lipstick.
When she came back out, she was wrapped in a towel and her eyes were glittering with excitement.
“Good news?” I fluttered my eyelashes at her.
“Great news! But why are you dressed? You’re not leaving are you?”
“I didn’t want to intrude on whatever that was about,” I gestured toward her phone.
“Hmm,” she tossed the phone onto the bed and tapped a highly polished nail against her pouty lips, “I have to join my father for some Via Imperii business.”
“Then I’ll get out of your way,” I tossed my hair over my shoulder, making sure my cleavage was on full display as I did so.
She was clearly torn between wanting to finish what we started and whatever business was going down with the Via Imperii. She seemed to come to a decision. Reaching out for my arm, she stopped me in my tracks, “Come with me!”
“Go with you where?” I laughed.
“You don’t need to know the details.”
“I can’t just leave in the middle of the social season,” I protested as if I hadn’t just gotten back from Auvernall, “what would that look like?”
She regarded me with equal parts desire and frustration for several long seconds before blurting out, “If I tell you what it’s about, will you come?”
“Madi,” I moved closer to her, filling my eyes with concern, “I would never ask you to reveal anything confidential.”
My seeming disinterest was enough to convince her that I could be trusted, “We know where the missing heir to the throne is!”
My eyes widened, betraying my actual shock, “Really?”
“Yes!” She was positively squirming with delight, “Apparently leadership at the global level has always known where the heir is. They finally decided to let my father in on the secret.”
“And they’re sure this heir is legitimate?”
“Oh, yes. DNA testing has verified the child is a Rys, apparently living in Vallenheim all this time. We’re going to meet in Hidar to discuss possible next steps if Liam proves as intractable as his brother.”
My blood ran cold. They only needed another heir if they were planning to dispose of Liam. Leo had removed himself from the line of succession, so he was safe. Articles of abdication were permanent. He could not sit on the throne even if something happened to Liam.
Though technically by abdicating Leo had removed him and his descendants from the line of succession, Liam could appoint one of Leo’s children his heir if he had no children of his own. But neither of them had any children yet. That would make a sibling next in line.
But Liam would have to abdicate or die for the throne to be vacated. And I couldn’t see that man abdicating for any reason. He was too loyal, too dedicated, too fucking honorable.
“I’ll go,” I kept my voice light, “If it means I get to spend more time with you!”
There was nothing and no one that was going to keep me from pursuing this lead. Maybe when I found Liam’s sister, I could convince her not to go along with the Via Imperii.
There was always a chance she was being held by them against her will. I wondered again why Eleanor had hidden her away.
“Excellent!” Madeleine clapped her hands together, “You should go pack a few things! We’re leaving in two hours. Meet me out front in an hour and a half and we’ll head to the airfield together.”
“How long will we be gone?”
“Shouldn’t be more than a few days. We have to be back before the next court-sponsored event.”
“Yes, I’m looking forward to the regatta.” The social season was winding down and I needed to take down the Via Imperii sooner rather than later. I probably had enough to take down the Cordonian faction right now, but they would simply regroup. They could easily rebuild and regain a foothold within the country once the GIA was gone.
But If I played my cards right, we could take the whole thing down.
I had to take the whole thing down, because as long as the Via Imperii existed anywhere in the world, Liam wasn’t safe. As long as they possessed another true blood heir that would do their bidding, his life could easily be forfeited and that was completely unacceptable.
I had to let Drake and Liam know I was leaving. Neither was going to be thrilled about it, but neither was going to be able to stop me.
Come hell or high water, I was going to Hidar.
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Eliot, also known this weekend as “Chef Merino” (after his favourite type of wool), chopped seasonal root vegetables on a large wooden cutting board. Carrots, beets, turnips, shallots, everything spread out on several baking trays lined with parchment paper, oil and a special herb mix his mother taught him to make as a child.
He’d just taken his earpiece out, as everyone had told him to abandon post. These potatoes didn’t cut themselves, did they, and they wanted their alibis to hold for another two days, damn it. It was imperative the meal he put in front of the Ambassador and his wife was flawlessly executed, and he did not have the time to be a hitter if he was also going to be three Michelin Star Chef Antonio Merion. Only one of them was strictly needed right now, and it wasn’t a guy who could incapacitate another with a pinky and a one-liner.
When the chatter in his ear disappeared, there weren’t much else than the soothing staccato of blade against wood, and the solemn tapping of vegetable cubes sliding off metal. There was also a ticking noise.
A very distinct ticking noise. Eliot turned towards the pre-heated ovens.
Ticktick. Ticktick. Ticktick.
That was the sound of two Culinary Maxator Four-Thousand-And-Three X hitting their breaking curves after being used too hot for too long for too many consecutive days. In itself, this wasn’t anything strange, but the fact was that these were newly installed ovens in a newly renovated house in a newly bought villa, and, to the best of Eliot’s knowledge, this was the first time anyone had even put them on.
“Oh, no, you won’t,” he said, pointing a finger at the ovens. “No. You are not.”
He stepped up to them and put a hand on the glass. Heat radiated from the oven door to his skin and he held just a little too long before pulling back. The ticking continued, and amped up in volume. He pressed his thumb to his red palm. His skin stung, but he picked up the earpiece and put it back in. “Guys, we have a problem.”
Sophie answered first. “Eliot, what’s going on?”
“Something’s wrong with the ovens. They’re breaking.” 
“Breaking how?”
“The pressure is building in the internal pipes and they’re about five minutes from busting from the inside.”
“How do you know?” Parker piped in.
“Because!” Eliot groaned. “It’s a very distinct sound. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, they’re going to burst and there will be no dinner and the Ambassador can’t be blown away by the taste buds because he won’t be able to taste--”
“Eliot!” Sophie chimed. “Is there a backup plan?” 
“A backup plan? Of course, there’s a backup plan! It’s not my first rodeo, Soph. But this is not going to be a walk in the park, let me tell you.”
“Did I hear my name?”
“All I’m saying is that I need...” He looked around the counter at the half finished meal still waiting for heat. “Twenty-eight minutes extra.”
“Shall we say thirty?”
“Twenty. Eight.”
Sophie laughed. “You heard the man! A twenty-eight-minute distraction, guys.”
Eliot took the earpiece out again, muttering. If there was one thing he was going to make damn sure of, was that nothing would ruin his dinner.
Written based on this prompt from @firefly124​ : Eliot, by some other name, while cooking for the team, notices the oven making a very distinctive sound. Maybe it's breaking, maybe it's sabotage, but it is damn well not ruining dinner.
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Knut Ivar Aaser, Untitled, 2016 Red cabbage, beet, carrots, radicchio, 18 x 21 x 22 inches
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