#ciel's ramblings
ciel-bell · 3 months
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well how can i not smile in a world where this exists
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withinthecoffin · 5 months
“Aren’t they siblings?!?” Sibling who should be aggressively making out.
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anewp0tat0 · 2 months
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it doesn't feel real to me fellas. but I don't have time to sit by and chat and unload unfortunately so I'll just drop this and be on my way, cya kind folks very soon ✌️
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not professional but I liked how his eye looked goddang it. I knew I was screwing myself but I did it anyway
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icantdothistodaybruh · 9 months
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lem0nn-juice · 2 months
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Ciel's ability to attract fruity blond people needs to be studied
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cosmiclion · 10 months
"Dadbastian makes no sense and it's delusional because Sebastian's a demon who just wants to eat Ciel's soul and views humans in general as livestock!" People in real life can and often do find cows/pigs/chickens/etc cute while still being meat eaters. Meat farmers often care a lot about their animals and even are affectionate towards them. I myself raise insects as feeders for my frogs and said insects are my precious adorable babies and I give them the best life untill the end. These concepts can perfectly coexist. Also you're mean and I don't like you.
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pxrsonallxvv · 4 months
radqueer mrbeast where instead of helping the blind he blinds transblind people
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ceoandslutler · 19 days
not to always complain about antis but why do they read/watch kuro if they hate sebastian this much
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he's the mc how do u have beef w him so bad, interpret him however u want but if you genuinely dislike him... why put yourself thru the torture of reading his story (and this is about him, no way to argue against that)
like are you just gonna ignore all his development with the other servants... he is the epitome of an allegorical queer coded outcasted non human character who finds kinship in other odd (queer) people. how are you ignoring that lol
you can interpret main characters as morally grey or evil (a lot of times they are) but atp it feels like antis hate him and ignore any changes or developments in his personality, at least acknowledge him as part of the 'phantomfam' he helped to create. there would be no phantomfam w/o sebastian because there would be no o!ciel and phantomhive manor w/o sebastian,,, hell, there'd be no kuroshitsuji w/o sebastian. actually fun fact it's called 黒執事 kuroshitsuji (black butler) not 貴族子 kizokuko (noble kid).
they hate him until they sexualise him into the molds they want, usually within the ships they like [nothing wrong with those ships per se but they're viewed as 'correct' while the most canonical ship is wrong(?)] or they only love him after they take away all his sexual characteristics and turn him into a cat loving spinster, a dad/mom figure with no other characteristics other than (1) love cat, (2) dad/mombastian, (3) cooking and cleaning, nothing else but that ruins him because he's not that flat of a character in the original work... from what we've seen he likes a lot of things, he enjoys playing this butler game with ciel, he likes being mean and flirty, he likes being around certain humans like agni who he genuinely seemed to respect despite being a demon, he likes the concept of death and finds it beautiful, he has an eye for fashion and a lot more.
the way they treat him is akin to how society treated women in the victorian era... either the angel of the house (maternal figure, or in his case, paternal but they do momify him a lot, no sexualised identity or made limited and very 'pure'/'demure') or the hated demonised prostitute (evil evil demon taking advantage of little boy, no parental feelings and no feelings AT ALL, worthless). it's laughable how half of the fandom have such an innate dislike of sebs that they want to deny the changes within him or in the best case scenario, they'd minimise it. not to mention how they want ciel to be the perfect little sex-repulsed victim but other people have made posts about that before. my focus is on sebastian who is so grossly mischaracterised by antis, they are either purposely misunderstanding him or just very obtuse.
you guys have two interpretations of him and both are either dead wrong or at best extremely misinformed lol
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viridwns · 1 year
Thinking about yandere Phantomhive twin brothers who force ask you to cheer them on with the cricket tournament. They make you wear something blue to represent their house. They know their little sister is watching so they have to show off ofcourse (R!Ciel more than O!Ciel). They know their house isn't really focused on sports but they will become olympic players if you're there.
If they even see a noble breathe in your direction while standing on the bleachers, they will throw the cricket ball at that nobles head. On accident ofcourse. They have to keep up their appearance.
You have to cheer for everything they do and be ready to console them and pamper them when they loose.
The whole school will have their eyes on the infamous Phantomhive girl, but their curiosity will soon fade when they see the burning glares of the twins.
If father dearest is with you then be ready to be the picture perfect daughter. He will prance you around like a doll. He won't allow any men or women near you except for the Midfords'. (Although you and Edward seem AWFULLY close)
If cheering all day long wasn't tiring enough, the prefects are dying to meet the girl the twins were talking about 24/7. The most precious sister in the world.
You are so gentle and modest. Redmond thinks you are the most adorable thing in the world when you shy away from his flirty advances. Violet can't seem to capure your ethereal beauty in any of his drawings. Bluewer is suprised by your knowledge (although it was expected, seen as Vincent is your father and the twins your brothers) and can't stop discussing various books with you. Greenhill thinks you are so delicate and handles you like glass, he always has the need to show off his strength to you, to make you see how good he could protect you.
Your brothers seem to notice how liked you are, but can't do nothing about it, the prefects are not to be messed with. They become more and more possessive and agitated. Trying to put the prefects in a bad light, but even Vincent can't ignore requests from them asking you to come for tea.
It's not like you really want to go, but what choice do you have?
Stay with your overbearing family? Or go to the obsessive prefects?
You'd rather be with Edward, but you would loose all privileges if you said that out loud.
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 month
Jude Jazza’s Bond Level 29 Clip &…….
Not 100% accurate. Below the cut.
Context: He’s sleeping over in our room……
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Jude: Why…..I love your screams. It would be sad if I couldn't hear ‘em anymore because your throat was hurt, wouldn't it?
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Please, My Fairy, let me lick you 😭 But also, Cybird had better give him scars!!
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ciel-bell · 1 year
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It’s twenty years old today!
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iraqi-menace · 1 day
At this point Sebastian and Ciel could have a huge wedding, make out, have hardcore sex
And some of y'all will still insist on their relationship being ✨father and son✨-like
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lovexmemonster · 22 days
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My uzi interpretation !!
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wuchangswag · 14 days
It’s probably been discussed before but ciel is constantly saying this nearing the end of circus arc and with the reveal of 2ct it makes so much more sense… he is reaffirming this fake identity— not just to joker and the others, but to himself as well
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The reoccurring motif emphasized in this arc are lies and deception. At the very end of it, “ciel” confirms that he is not exempt from these lies. This could be chalked up to the way o!Ciel infiltrated the circus group and feigned friendship with them, but there was so much underlying meaning behind these words leading up to the big reveal…
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The point of this entire arc was to develop Ciel’s trauma and backstory- it also serves as way to solidify his morally grey characteristics. In hindsight, it is definitely not a surprise that all of this linked back to his false identity. Every detail and dialogue was so meticulously planned and I genuinely have no idea how Yana was patient enough to keep this overarching point of the story for over 10 years… it’s so fun to look at the past chapters and have it all tie together a decade later. Brilliant story telling, even if it took so long to play out. I can’t wait for the Undertaker backstory reveal because the seeds have been planted for a while too
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 month
In honor of our first Wednesday without an episode:
Echo and Crosshair get to talking on the long flight back to Pabu.
pov me getting steamrolled by this idea at like midnight on the 4th lol
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i wrote this one super fast DURING MY EXAM WEEK so don’t expect too much lol
full of fluffy banter, Crosshair whump, and… well let’s just say my classic Echo trope lol
taglist below cut:
@inkstainedhandswithrings @the-bi-space-ace @floundrickthewayfarer @ihaventpiickedausername @arctrooper69 @myrtlesb
(p.s. if y’all would rather only be tagged in Slow Down updates or something let me know!)
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cosmiclion · 29 days
Kuro AU where little OCiel is so sick that he probably won't have another birthday. In their desperation and after running out of options, Vincent and Rachel turn to forbidden practices and try to summon an ancient demon that will save their child. However, they end up summoning a demon that is very battered and weak themself after a previous encounter with another powerful demon. They can't do much for the child in this state so they offer the parents a deal: instead of accepting a sacrifice, they'll possess the child and lend him their supernatural powers to strenghten his body and keep him healthy, and in turn the child will provide them a vessel to help them rest and recover. But they will be bound permanently, meaning that even when they recover they can't stay too far away from each other. Vincent and Rachel accept and so demon's and child's fates are sealed. The demon thinks this isn't exactly an ideal situation but it could be worse, they just didn't want to die. The child is ok, after the initial freak out he slowly gets used to having a horror beyond comprehension inhabiting his body, even starts to curiously experiment will all the things he can do with his new strenght. He directly addresses the demon, more and more often, does this child have any idea who he's talking to? And why does he talk to them like they are best friends? The audacity! What do you mean? Of course the demon starts to look after him only because they are bound by contract and nothing else! No, they do NOT find similarities between him and a kitten. Little Ciel recovers and grows up into a healthy young boy, then into a fine gentleman. People who have gotten to know him personally share rumors about the strange aura surroundig him, how he's so smart, talented and successful but also uncanny, as if he wasn't entirely human, even getting the feeling that when he talks, they could swear they hear two people talking at once.
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