#cw fakeclaiming
pluralcultureis · 2 days
Plural culture is being so mad at fakeclaimers for pushing the "Systems who post about their positive experiences in relation to their disorder are obviously faking"
Because sometimes it gets to us, and makes us annoyed when we see other systems being happy online
And every time we have to make ourselves step back and list our own positive expirences with our system, because fakeclaiming even just in our own head makes us feel so awful
But then because we have positive experiences we get stressed that we're faking, even though for every positive experience there are like 12 horrific ones
We're just so sick of fakeclaimers and all their grossness getting everywhere
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forestmothsystem · 26 days
reasons we are pro endo.
the first, and most important, is that i genuinely do not care what goes on in your head. system developed without trauma? ok. system developed with trauma? ok. system created on purpose? ok. more than one of these? ok. something more complicated? ok. i support you.
other reasons include that anti endo stuff seems to be very intertwined with fakeclaiming. i suppose not all of them do this, as there seems to be more than one way to be anti endo, but one way i see a lot is the very simple statement “endos actually don’t exist and all of them are faking”. of course, there are the other varieties, such as “endos are just traumatised and don’t know it” and “endos are delusional” (genuinely fuck off if you tell anyone that they’re delusional as an insult). probably some others that i’m missing. i also see these same people saying that they’re anti fakeclaiming, or having fakeclaimers in their dni. do they know? did they simply never think about what they are doing?
i don’t like fakeclaiming. i have trauma surrounding similar things to it. if someone fakeclaims me, i can shrug it off (mostly. there are some things that will trigger me.) but if someone fakeclaims someone else, that almost always triggers me. i cannot stand someone being fakeclaimed. there is an intrinsic pain in being told that you are lying, that your pain is not real, that what has been happening to you is just a lie and the product of a child’s overactive imagination, and i hate the idea of that happening to someone else, because *nobody deserves it*. it hurts to see that people hurt other people.
and telling people that they are traumatised will not do anything good. firstly, one is assuming that they haven’t already tried searching for their trauma. what if they have, and can either confirm that they do not have any, or that it is not intertwined with their systemhood? or what if they haven’t, and one’s pushing makes them unearth trauma that they were not ready for? this can cause actual harm. it has real consequences.
and telling people that they are delusional is a shitty move. firstly, having delusions is not something one can throw around to insult people with. it is a genuine condition and if someone is actually delusional, reality checking can cause them harm. and saying that someone is delusional just seems to be a roundabout way of telling someone that they’re faking. i actually do hate people who tell other people that they’re delusional. delusional people do not exist as a way for one to be an arse to other people. they are people who have a condition. delusions are not automatically evil, despite the fact that they have been demonised.
and endos do not exist to harm people, despite the beliefs of some. plurality/systemhood is not an exclusive club that only people with severe trauma can access. even though i could access this hypothetical club, i don’t want to be in it if it automatically excludes people. plenty of endos still have trauma even if it does not intertwine with their systemhood. this is to say nothing of mixed origin systems, who are always excluded from this discussion. if they are not purely born of trauma, then would they be prevented from accessing spaces for trauma survivors who are systems? i do think there should be spaces for trauma survivors, but saying that they need to be endo free is a bit assholish to those who are mixed origin systems.
those are my main reasons, among others.
-rant from a traumagenic system who is so tired of having to read about others being fakeclaimed.
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ur-fav-is-schizo · 9 months
Just an observation, but it's sooo sillyz to me those fakeclaimerz ppl use "cringe" as a measure of fakeness when that's literally how neurodivergency manifests itself like... A LOT a lot of the time. It's wild.
Too obsessive about an interest? CRINGE!! Don't have a typical interest? CRINGE!! Can't talk like a normal person? CRINGE!! Don't have self awareness? CRINGE!! Too full of yourself? CRINGE!! Too sincere and open? CRINGE!! All these things (and more) are CRINGE...!!
..but like. Aren't these all apt descriptions of different neurodivergencies? When you break it down, you realise that this measure of 'fakeness' is absolutely contradictory to what neurodivergency is, because neurodivergency is systematically CATEGORISED as cringe. The label of 'cringe' is for behaviour that doesn't fit in, right? But like that's the entire definition of neurodivergency?? You're trying to disprove someone's neurodivergency with a symptom of neurodivergency itself.
There's other things to be said about why fakeclaiming is wrong, but I feel like this is the emotional core of a lot of it. I browse sometimes to see what the sanists are up to, and the amount of reasoning that boils down to, "I know it when I see it"... And the thing they see in question is 'cringe' behaviour..... It speaks for itself.
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theswiftheartsystem · 2 months
Tw: very aggressive anti-endo post I’m responding to (Syscourse of course with that.) also I will most likely curse here and come off as very angry.
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Okay, so I normally wouldn’t do this, but this post genuinely pissed me the fuck off. I blocked out identifying information of the person because it’s not about this person, it’s about the general misinformation spread by these people. Please do not harass this person, this post is clearly engagement bait, which is what ultimately made me decide to do it this way.
Religious forms of plurality has existed and been known about far longer then DID has. Not just Tibetan Buddism. Which just shows you haven’t done any fucking research whatsoever. That’s pretty typical for posts like this, but still.
“Support actual victims” A lot of endogenic systems have trauma as well, but you deny them the right to exist because the trauma isn’t valid to you. It isn’t the “right” way. A lot of endogenic systems form alters to because there brain isn’t shielding them from the trauma by forming DID or OSDD, or a different form of plurality, so they fucking do it themselves. But no, they don’t fit your narrow views of plurality so therefore “to bad, so sad, you don’t deserve support” A lot of systems are Trauma-Endo, but that trauma isn’t real enough to you because you have decided “I don’t experience this, so it doesn’t exist” same fucking argument is used against queer people, people with invisible disabilities, (which DID can be, and we consider it one for ourselves personally, that doesn’t mean it is for everyone) and basically every fucking Minority.
Even if endogenic systems have no trauma, which does happen, why are you against them having a safe space??? That means they won’t be in your safe spaces because they have separate ones?!?!
I assume the persecutor thing is something to fall back on “Oh my persecutor said it, it wasn’t me!!!” As a persecutor myself, I don’t give a shit if you are a persecutor, or a caregiver, or whatever. You still are responsible for what you say and do. You are still responsible for what your alters say and do.
I assume this person is saying endogenic systems have factious disorder or something, but guess the fuck what. People with factious disorder deserve safe spaces too. Factious disorder is a real fucking disorder not just a quirky thing to call people. They deserve help and therapy with factious disorder, like you deserve treatment for DID.
Also as a final thing to add, it’s funny how sysmeds complain about how endogenic systems go on tags for them, when they don’t want to see it, and then purposely try to make upsetting post and using the tags used by the community so they see them and get triggered.
Endogenic systems have done nothing fucking wrong to you by existing.
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tales-from-sysblr · 22 days
I got fakeclaimed for calling myself the host..what
You... huh? That. INTERESTING.
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tales-from-systok · 2 months
One of my alters got fakeclaimed for having the same name as a popular streamer. He’s not an introject, he just likes that name 💀
Pff, they tried so hard to fakeclaim introjects and ✨failed miserably,✨ that's hilarious tbh
Do remember that you're valid no matter what! Tiktok can get wild when it comes to fakeclaiming..
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essthereal-archived · 5 months
i just got home from work to see all this gross stuff that was being sent to my mutuals .. if you genuinely believe certain beings ( that literally just run editing blogs , and are minding their own business ! ) are faking their disorders , please seek therapy . /gen
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katetorias · 1 month
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i have a therapy appointment tomorrow you should try it you might benefit
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forestmothsystem · 26 days
“anti fakeclaiming”
said person proceeds to share a post in which op fakeclaims people
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npdemu · 5 months
can we talk about how fdc literally admits to seeing illness anxiety and self-misdiagnosis as on the same level as purposeful faking
being anti-self diagnosis is one thing. not something i necessarily agree with, but still. but admitting that people who self-diagnose can just genuinely be wrong sometimes while also calling them fakers at the same time is just... what??? so are they wrong or are they faking? make up your mind. also, misdiagnoses happen all the time, i don't understand this idea that professionals are perfect and you are clueless without them. it's just objectively not true.
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rxttenslutcemeterysys · 7 months
Tw; fakeclaiming mention
Hey, so this is just something we've kinda been putting off due to fear of being shamed. But we're genuinely curious on learning about Endogenic and other origins of system that are not traumagenic.
Ever since we learned what a system is and that we were one. We were always kinda surrounded around the idea that any system that wasn't traumagenic were fake and to not engage with anyone who wasn't traumagenic.
We genuinely want to learn more about it and would really like someone who has the knowledge and resources so we can learn more about it.
Up until these past four to six months we've been strictly putting other origins other than traumagenic on DNI with us and that honestly just feels super wrong to us. If anyone's open to answering questions we have and in general just giving us information that would be really lovely tbh.
PLEASE if you do not agree with the idea that they are not faking do not interact with this post. We are here to learn and gather our own opinion on it rather than follow along with societies.
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no-empathy-culture-is · 7 months
Low empathy culture is looking at the "no Endo" syscourse bullshit on here and being enough of an adult to point out that you're faking your disorder and don't deal with low empathy, you just want attention. Please give this blog to someone who it's relevant to rather than having it run by a shitty neurotypical who doesn't understand what it's like to have a real diagnosis.
You don't get to just decide you want to be mentally ill and diagnose yourself while faking symptoms. Fuck you, you don't deserve this page.
nonny what on earth makes you think i'm not diagnosed lmao
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stolasqueer · 18 days
Anyone who wants me to go into their inbox and fakeclaim them rb and say you want it
Wanting to give euphoria and sillies to our beloved TransFakers and those who get disability euphoria out of being fakeclaimed
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chemical-crow-corium · 2 months
TW for ableism & fakeclaiming
mfers on r/fakedisordercringe: THESE PEOPLE!! Faking disorders for attention, for clout... how narcassistic!!! how self-absorbed and attention seeking!! If only they would face the real issue with their brains!!
also mfers on r/fakedisordercringe: ehhh.. You say you have NPD? ASPD? BPD? No... That doesn't seem possible to me.. No, no.. People with narcassistic traits are never ever ever self aware and can't take the steps to heal and recover ever... So you must be faking.
(Sidenote but I bet there's a massive overlap between these bootlickers and the supposed poor helpless victims of "narc abuse", both of them have to latch onto some form of victimhood)
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bumblebeerror · 7 months
I’m sorry, I know this is beating a dead horse but I HAVE to break down this anon.
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For context: This anon was sent to me, and similar ones were sent to @maybe0rdinary [if you want to be untagged lemme know] because we both expressed nondisordered (in this context, meaning: symptoms that do not negatively or significantly effect our quality of life at this current moment) symptoms that are associated with psychosis. In my case, I have ongoing hallucinations of common repetitive noises, such as doors closing or opening, footsteps, doorbells, phone buzzes/text tones, phones ringing or hanging up, dogs barking, people talking, etc. These hallucinations happen almost daily, but because they are easy to check and only startle me occasionally, I’m both used to them and don’t really have an issue with them. I don’t know why they happen, and honestly I don’t particularly care to find out unless it becomes more bothersome.
So, let’s break it down, shall we?
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I don’t know what “fucking disgraces to the medical community” is supposed to mean, if I’m honest. I’ve heard of transmeds? Maybe it’s something similar but either way. I don’t really care that much tbh. The medical system has a long and sordid history with mental health and I don’t really seek their approval whatsoever.
Whilst I absolutely can HAHA FUNNY 🤪 my way out of whatever I want because I am awesome and cool,
I in no way said that faking a mental illness is okay. However, I will say that fakeclaiming random people online based on your understanding of a book of diagnostic criteria meant to be used by doctors is absolutely far more harmful to mentally ill people as a whole than someone pretending to be mentally ill for clout.
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L.A. and I are in no way effecting doctor’s opinions of psychosis in any meaningful way. I assure you that just like homophobes, doctors in general who already have low opinions of psychotic disorders and the people who have them will not be further swayed.
Ah yes, I forgot I cannot have Symptoms until I am designated my Disorder by the doctor.
Delusions can and do happen in disorders besides psychosis. In fact, there’s a whole disorder called Delusional Disorder. They can present in Bipolar Disorder and even Major Depression, dementia, and that’s not even mentioning various schizophrenic disorders…
Visual Hallucinations can also be caused by various schizophrenic disorders, bipolar disorder, dementia, and also PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Parkinson’s, migraine…
Auditory Hallucinations can be caused by the above and also by insomnia, narcolepsy…
Point being, psychosis is not the only disorder or condition that causes delusions or hallucinations.
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“OBVIOUSLY you would have had to have gotten them treated” presumes a lot about the cost in both time and money of getting those things diagnosed. It presumes a lot about someone’s resources. It presumes a lot about how much literally anyone at a job or in the medical field cares about someone who is struggling, even if said struggle is obvious.
“Literally wouldn’t be able to hold down a job” presumes that anyone with psychosis or a disorder that can cause hallucinations or delusions is helpless, useless, or otherwise incapable by default of acceptable or masking behavior, mental fortitude, or any other ability really.
Which is incredibly ableist to assume off the bat about such a wide and varied spectrum of disorders and such a large number of individuals.
“Shut the fuck up and let people with actual psychosis speak” is presumptuous at best. I won’t say anything more.
I do not have psychosis - and I have never claimed to. I don’t presume to speak for everyone who’s ever had an auditory hallucination the same way L.A. talking about a delusion from years ago isn’t presuming to speak for anyone but them and their own experience, and I feel that was obvious from the way they phrased their experience.
Disorders are disorders only if they negatively effect your quality of life. If you were to have clinical depression, and you learned coping techniques to combat it effectively to the point that it doesn’t impact your day to day life, your brain has not stopped having a predisposition to not having enough serotonin receptors. Your brain has not magically been made neurotypical. But, provided that your coping mechanisms adequately negate the symptoms that negatively impact your life, you could be considered no longer disordered.
The same is true with any symptom or condition that could be categorized as a disorder - if it doesn’t impact your quality of life… it’s not a disorder. It is a requirement when it comes to shit like this that the thing be hurting you. If it doesn’t hurt you, like my auditory hallucinations don’t hurt me, it’s not a disorder.
Speaking about a symptom of a possible disorder does not equal stolen valor or speaking over others with that disorder, and using it as such feels very much like a silencing tactic. I hope you think carefully about doing this in the future.
All in all, I think maybe you need to spend more time researching and speaking with other mentally ill people in general.
I think you are probably pretty young and pretty new to discourse in general, and that’s okay. The benefit of the doubt is a powerful tool, and I hope when it comes to these things you use it more, because your passion is admirable.
I’m glad you were on anon - it means I can pull this ask apart now that I’m done clowning on it and explain why I clowned it without fear of you getting personally hurt.
I think this is an opportunity to learn, and I hope you take it. I think that this is something you care deeply about, and I hope you continue to do so and aren’t doing so only for internet points. I hope you can take a moment to listen to new voices, and try new perspectives. They have important and helpful insight to offer.
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pluralcultureis · 3 months
Just wanted to let u guys know you’ve been posted on r/systemscringe a few times, idk if it affects you or anything but I wanted to just let u know
We're aware, we don't really care honestly
Fakeclaimers are always going to find a reason to fakeclaim systems, we do our best to just ignore them. Their opinions don't matter to us
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