#cw: death threat mention
greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(ive been away from tumblr etc for the better part of a month, i'm not "back" quite yet, but I've spent some time "catching up" so to speak this evening and have a bit of a heavy heart.
some i already knew-- death threats, death threats and more death threats. hate mail.
my friends leaving fandoms they love. people i barely speak to burning out and needing a break from their fics and the constant/consistent stream of "update??????" and rudeness.
and i just need to say that there is an alarming pattern of bx i see, where the authors and creators that make themselves the most accessible and approachable and welcoming to their anons and their followers and readers are often the ones who get shit on first. yall take their openness as an excuse to be dicks. period. you take the people who are willing to have a convo with everyone, who make discords and mod fests, or give people chances and run them into the ground when they post something you dont agree with. the second they post something you don't agree with or write something you don't agree with. or update on a schedule that doesnt align with yours. or write a new ship that isnt part of the #brand. or whatever it might be. and you've made yourselves so comfortable with someone who is FRIENDLY online that you take it as permission to take a shit on the carpet in someone elses home.
and i understand thats a weird metaphor, but i don't much care. y'all forget these tumblrs, these works are still the creators. it is not your space. i repeat: it is not your space. and while they may be welcoming and happy to have you in it--it is still not yours.
and as someone who operates on the opposite end of the spectrum where i don't interact a lot with my readers or my anons or even my mutuals, and occasionally gets a nasty anon about this (cue the folks who @ me for not reccing their fics or doing their prompts; cue that one person who told me i was an asshole, which like, fair enough), i also want to say you can't have it both ways. you cannot be graciously invited into someone else home and then ask them to change the colors of the duvets to suit you. it is not your space.
that is all).
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n33tabix · 2 years
What constitutes an "extreme SJW?"
SJW's that go to extreme lengths to get their point across, doing things like doxxing, sending death threats, sending cp, threatening self harm, etc. They’re sort of like violent protesters but worse
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cometstry · 6 months
🐕 barkinginthe-night Follow
wait wait wait wait you’re telling me all night wolves are related. how do y’all reproduce wtf
🐶 the-most-correct-dog-ever Follow
This is why we need to make a come back for Night Wolf exterminators, they are literal pests that do disgusting things.
#follow for more tips! #NIGHTWOLVES KYS
🌹 night-wolfboy ☑️ Follow
nah i did not almost die to make schools teach about night wolves a thing for you to say this 😭😭
🔁 night-wolfboy ☑️
@barkinginthe-night op, what happens is that people w/ night wolf genes get with normal werewolves or humans and have kids if they wish to, that’s where most night wolves come from now
🧛 vampussy-wait-no Follow
but nightwolves are literally a result of a werewolf king m*ting with a vampire king?
🌹 night-wolfboy Follow
yea! It’s like a half chance if a night wolf were to mate with a human or werewolf, but 100% if they get with a vampire
🔁 night-wolfboy Follow
@/the-most-correct-dog-ever blocked me 💀
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You got doxxed? If youre comfortable with it would you mind sharing more on that? I always associated doxxing with big named online people as a kid but now I realize it happens to just anyone. How does someone deal with that? How do you protect yourself from future cases? I know you aren’t an expert or anything but I’d like to know your experience.
Sure~ though, I doubt I have any experiences at all since, well, I ran away from it.
So it was back when I was still in Genshin fandom. I'm a very enthusiastic fanartist of two very scandalous ships in the fandom at that time, when Liyue just landed. Ah wait, thinking back, it was 3 ships, one "pedo", one "incest yaoi" and one "underage" ship. Also, my fav character is Xinyan, and according to some people, I "white washed" her.
As I was being on Twitter, I was witch-hunted. They commented, sent me harassment, bombarded my DM with death-threats,... They screenshot my twitter wall and posted it on public and "warned" others that I'm a "pedo, sexualized underage children",... They somehow even stalk my facebook and gmail and spammed the heck outta me, traced all the way back at my old post to comment hate. Then they somehow found even my phone number and sent hate too...
It was painful to be honest. BUT I have friends and other fanartist who were willing to protect me. They helped me to report hate comments, told me those DMs were bullshit and redirected my attention to other things. Us Asian fan have very different view from Westerner, and we're so chill with pro-ship I still can't understand how those hater can assume I'm a bad person just because they don't like my ships?? Fellow Asian fanartists got my back too. We continued to exchange drawings and cheering each other up and laughing because we knew those haters must be fuming with rage as we did so. I can't change the phone number, but luckily I had other numbers to use, and I made other gmail to take commissionsnd too. I sorta got used to the harassment as things kept going on, and the haters sorta fell out of it when they can't get my atention anymore.
Still, it's mentally strained to maintain such a strong front. And then to add more to the already-bad-enough, one of my friend passed away due to SLE. That was when I lost my final resolve and became a grieving mess. I made my final post on twitter saying farewell, and then never look back, never draw anything for genshin ever again. I ran away and closed myself, only socialized with irl friends, not drawing or posting online,etc... For years before I joined DoL fandom on tumblr.
So there you have it! I don't really know how to tell story, so I write down whatever I remember. Even if this can't count as experiences to deal with doxxing, it was how I got away with it. Man, really makes me appreciate the tumblr DoL fandom even more.
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antiendovents · 2 months
cw: death threat mention.
i fucking hate that i can't say i'm anti-endo without people taking that as an opportunity to yell, harass and otherwise target me. LITERALLY JUST BLOCK ME IF IT BOTHERS YOU THAT MUCH. but, no, you're going to spend your time sending me death threats for being a traumatised person who believes in *science*. i am so tired of this stupid "discourse". i want to exist as someone with DID without needing to be asked if i support people who claim they know better than neuroscientists when it comes to the formation of my disorder.
yeah. I hate having to argue over this, but unfortunately this is what happens when groups of people get together and spread misinformation and then form a whole community towards validating that misinformation. It's shitty. And I hate it.
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castielsprostate · 6 months
Not to tell you how to post, but someone who reblogged your don’t look to influencers post posted a death threat @ misha. you’re-only-gay-once
hi anon, thank you for letting me know!
while i HEAVILY disagree with most of misha's take on the genocide performed by isreal towards palestine, threatening death and/or violence against another human being for their opinion on a very nuanced and complicated topic is NOT something i'm okay with.
if you want to educate someone, telling them to commit suicide is NOT helpful and it will actively turn someone against you, no matter their want to be educated on said topic. besides that, it's an abhorrent thing to say to another human being. adults should know better than to say any of that shit, and so should misha collins have to even open his gob about the topic at all, but that is NOT an excuse for others to tell him to end his life or to "kill him with hammers".
please stop giving attention to celebrities when it comes to these topics in general, and instead focus your attention and effort in getting legislators and world leaders to call for a ceasefire. THAT is the most important thing right now.
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taskforcedistortion · 3 months
The son he adopted did it to save them both you idiot.
His monster of a brother would have killed them both with the stunts he was trying to pull.
[User EROSION disconnected... please wait.]
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helicarrier · 1 year
If someone asks me about my issues with DNIs, I think I’ll just refer them to this post from now on.
Tumblr, as a website, is designed for quick, casual content sharing. You can follow blogs, then immediately like and reblog posts from them. New posts are even recommended to you directly on your dash, so you don’t even need to look at their originating blogs to interact with them. DNIs put a wrench in this intuitive manner of using tumblr. They force someone to stop and detour and read a page before they touch any posts from a blog they don't know, and that contradicts how tumblr is intuitively meant to be used. If you see a post and you like it, and if there’s an icon right underneath it, your first reaction is to click the icon. I’m sure most of us have instinctively clicked “like” (or “reblog”) on a post we found interesting.
DNIs prevent this kind of “casual” interaction. Their existence means you have to stop yourself before you interact (in any way) with a cool post, find the DNI page of the person who reblogged the post and, if applicable, find the DNI of the person who made the original post as well (because they’ll also receive the notification, unless they deleted the post on their blog), read it, then return to the post. Nothing about DNIs are baked into the functionality of tumblr in an intuitive way; if anything, the only real “do not interact with me” function you will find here in tumblr’s infrastructure is the block function.
Because DNIs are so antithetical to how tumblr functions, they're an inherently futile way of preventing interaction with certain groups of people, too. Most people aren't going to read my rules or my pinned post before they interact with my content. I would not expect them to, because it doesn't occur to many people, and it's a lot of wasted time. Even people with certain kinds of users in their DNIs routinely interact with posts made by those very people, proving this point. It is so inconvenient and absurd to read a page every time someone so much as likes a post by a random blog. Those people you don't want interacting with you? They're probably reading your blog; liking your posts even if they don't expressly say they're x group from your DNI. They're doing the same to my posts, too. That's just the price we pay for being in a public space focused on content sharing. And I accept this. Other peoples' behaviour is completely out of my control. I just block people when needed, because it is my responsibility to curate my space.
And that is the crux of the matter: I refuse to pass the responsibility of curating my space onto strangers. I refuse to make it someone else's problem when they are using tumblr in the way it was meant to be used. Ideologically and functionally, it does not make sense to me.
Just think about it: tumblr is a public website. Unless your blog is password-protected, people can find it anytime, and if they really want to interact, they'll interact regardless of your DNI. It’s not like most people will say, "oh, drat, I'm a racist, I should leave!". Maybe they’ll just interact because the labels you dislike are not visible on their blog, so they'll fly under your radar. And at times where peoples' labels or behaviour are visible, the good ol' block button is the golden standard. It always has been.
If I become mutuals with someone, sure, we'll agree to scratch each others' backs, and tag whatever the other person needs tagged. But that's different from expecting every stranger who comes across my content, wherever it shows up, to follow demands that are all the way over here, on this blog. If someone reblogs one of my photosets way over in the Stranger Things fandom, and people see the reblogged post, they shouldn't need to come to my Marvel/Random Shit™ blog and read my pages before clicking the stupid little heart button. But imagine needing to do this with every single person, every single post of theirs. Sure, maybe you’re familiar with the DNIs of the people you follow. But what about all the posts they’ve reblogged? Those posts have OPs. Do the OPs of those posts have a DNI that’s favourable to you, too?
DNIs aren't even optional reads now, and everyone suffers because of that. The proliferation of DNIs has made a culture where if someone accidentally forgets to read a DNI, doesn't know that DNIs exist, or misinterprets the contents of a DNI, it’s considered acceptable to harass them for it. It's anxiety-inducing.
“...Shit, I forgot to like their DNI.”
It doesn't help that I never know what "basic DNI criteria" means, or what the "etcetera" means either, because it changes from person to person. Folks, I’ve seen homophobes with “basic DNI criteria” in their pages. That aside, you can say "bigots DNI", but a lot of transphobes don't believe they're bigots, so you could still get radfems liking your posts. You could say "bullies DNI", but many fanpols don't consider themselves bullies, because they believe if someone writes fanfiction from the perspective of Hannibal Lecter, of course their reaction to it isn’t “bullying”, it's just justified shaming!
Everyone is the hero of their own story, and everyone thinks they're the exception. They will be the exception to your DNI, too. Again, this all goes back to the "you can't control who interacts with your content" thing. It's maddening to try and think of all the angles, all the ways to "catch" people, all the ways to plug up all the holes. You may not want to hear it, but you never will. You can get the broad strokes, but you’ll never get everyone, you won’t even get close. Even if you do somehow manage to fit all the exact terms into your DNI, and you end up with a DNI longer than a CVS receipt, you’re still going to run into all the people who... Simply don’t read it. Meanwhile, you look a little too preoccupied with who’s looking at your blog on a public website, and even if a well-intended person comes across your blog, they may just check out because they’re uncomfortable with the micromanaging.
...If they can read the DNI. Look, I’m all for creative formatting, but I see so many DNIs (and carrds in general) that have hot pink writing on a red background, or baby pink on baby blue, or yellow on lime green, and I can’t read any of it, not to mention it’s a migraine risk among other things. I’m not reading dozens of these pages every other day.
It doesn't help that many DNIs are rude, angry, hostile pages that tell people to kill themselves. That's not right. When someone volunteers to read an information page, they are doing that person a courtesy. It is shameful people need to read things like "kill yourself", "swallow a knife", and other verbal sewage. It doesn't matter if it's directed to them or not. Simply looking for people to follow and interact with, simply liking a post, should not be an exercise in mental fortitude. Needing to read awful threats over and over again should not be a requirement for engaging on this site. Imagine having depression, intrusive thoughts, and so on, where this stuff could land twice as hard. It's gotten to the point where my eyes immediately gloss over when I open a DNI, because my mind simply doesn't want to see any more shit and is trying to protect me. I'm at the point where I don't want to open DNIs at all.
But as you guessed, there's a problem with that. Because DNIs are almost compulsory on tumblr now, ignoring them has two possible outcomes: one, you annoy a ton of people, because maybe their DNIs say they don't want you around, but you're interacting with their stuff anyways. Maybe you get labelled as the person who ignores DNIs. Two, you stop your browsing in part, or as a whole, meaning almost nobody gets likes or reblogs from you anymore, because you’re trying to not waste your time, you’re trying to preserve your sanity, etc. And this hamstrings content creators.
One of the biggest flaws in DNIs is that nobody is obligated to reveal information on themselves. Minors can easily hide their age. Bigots can hide their bigotry. People can remove info from their description until they're clear of someone's initial "new follower vibe check", then put it back. Nobody knows you're a dog on the internet. It's naive to assume people will be honest about themselves, and adhere to a DNI.
DNIs are often so incredibly vague and their attitude so charged that people can't even ask for clarification, because the writer of the DNI could be radicalized and have very unhealthy views, and absolutely attack someone for reaching out. A DNI might say, "don't interact if you support incest", but it never clarifies in real life, or fiction. There has been an enormous uptick in moral panic over fiction lately, so lots of people might ask for clarification, but if they do, the person could say "in real life and fiction, duh!", flame them because they "didn't know something so obvious, it must mean they're sus!", then flame them again because they viewed the poor person's blog and saw lots of mature content they think people shouldn't write. It's absurd, but unfortunately, that kind of panic has spread. Many people use DNIs as extensions of their unhealthy interaction, media consumption, and browsing habits.
So I usually avoid DNIs.
All in all, I don't mind if someone politely asks other people to not interact, or if they say they block for certain stuff, if there’s a clear awareness that it's not a be-all, end-all solution, and that people will still interact. As long as they put the onus on themselves, rather than other people, to curate their space, it’s cool. For example, if someone is an 18+ blog, and they ask minors not to interact? Cool, if they don’t “punish” or otherwise attack minors who find posts of theirs on other blogs, and “like” them from there without going all the way over to the OG blog to see if they’re allowed to do like it. Because again, that’s a bit of an unfair requirement to impose on people. And whatever.
Because people shouldn’t feel like they’re playing minesweeper when they want to click a heart. Between the terfs, racists, and all the other issues, we have enough on our hands already.
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fliipside · 2 months
anyway. this was my first phestival and can i just saw while crow won yall were genuinely some of the most toxic motherfuckers ever. i got DEATH THREATS over being team dove. what the fuck dude
like i’m actually disappointed. i can take death threats but i don’t think we should be telling people to slit or tie a noose because they killed you in a fucking roblox game.
you guys aren’t funny or edgy you guys need to shut up lmaooo. this goes for BOTH SIDES BTW
as for the players who DIDNT send death threats! gg
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graepix · 7 months
Update: The Tiktok revolt thing has upgraded to use WW2 era anti-German propaganda. That’s right, I’m not fucking kidding, they’re comparing Mojang to Nazis now. Like touch some fucking grass, Jesus Christ.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
hope your child get a terror and die.
wasnt going to respond to this because its so absolutely vile but:
i just want to be perfectly clear when i say that i never want to see this shit in my ask box again.
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Harassment and suicide baiting is never okay.
Suicide baiting is never okay.
I don't care if the target is a terf. I don't care if the target is a Nazi. There is never a point where it's okay to tell someone to kill themselves ever, no exception. Suicide can never be a moral imperative. You will never be evil enough to existentially deserve that. Because if you start believing you're evil enough to deserve that, then death becomes far from the only way out of that evil. It will never be necessary. It will never be okay to suicide bait anyone, ever.
The belief that a person is ever bad enough for that kills. It kills innocent people. It kills children. It kills the abused most of all. Stop it. I don't care who your target is. Stop believing it's okay.
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moothebloo · 1 year
Every time I see someone shit on Nemona, a literal child for being "predatory" and "creepy" when she's clearly just a lonely neurodivergent coded kid and then say how much they love Volo, I add another name to my list of people to surgically remove their skeleton from in the middle of the night
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theirheartandsoul · 3 months
[An audio has been uploaded onto the account... would you like to listen...?]
//Warning for a lot fowl language, violence, along with threats (both of violence and death) and brief mentions of past abuse.
[The sound of stomping is picked up first, heavy boots thudding against wooden tile as someone storms down whatever hallway they're in, the sound of a distant conversation can be heard as the voices quickly get louder and louder-
"and that's why I feel like Charizard should be a Dragon fire type!" It seems to be Lance?
"Fucking piece of shit, keeping him this long because of damn Dragon types I swear to fuck-" The other voice sounds like Silver, but there's something off, clearly Adam is messing with his voice to make him sound different.
Suddenly the sound of doors swinging open and slamming into walls is heard, and things go silent, until Lance speaks up.
"Ah! Silv- Silver! It's nice to see-" "Shut the fuck up fuck face."
The sound of stomping boots once again echos in the audio, a chair scraping against tile and someone's clothes rustling follows after "Adam what are you doing?!" Is said not even slightly above a whisper. "Getting you fucking out of here, what does it look like?!"
"Hey! What do you think you ar-" "You've been holding O-... Gold in this damn meeting for too long, we're leaving." "Can't he chose that for himself?"
There's a beat of silence, you can almost sense the anger and tension in the audio.
"What do you fucking think dickhead? We're leaving." "But you just got here! You need to at least-" "I'm not listening to you drone on about fucking Dragons, stay out of our shit."
As the foot steps start again, the sound of a pokeball is heard, followed quickly by the snarl of a draconic pokemon.
"Ah, bad boy Soaring Sky, don't block the door." Lance says flatly, loud thuds occur in a rapid pace, followed by a harsh sounding thump followed by a rough snort.
"Oh, bad bad boy... well, I can't move him, so I guess you'll have to stay!~ You wouldn't want to make my Dragonite mad now would you Silver...?~"
There's a deafening silence, a low growl can be heard... "Adam... Adam it's not worth it- please just- A- SILVER-!"
The sound of fast footsteps can be heard along with the very loud SMACK of skin against skin, the sound of a chair knocking over, and someone falling to the ground, Silver's voice giving way into something much darker and more violent, only the recording can seemingly pick up what is said next. "If you don't move your dumbass dragon in the next 5 seconds I will send all of my ice types to ice beam him and turn him into the most bloody ice statue you have ever seen, then do that to you NEXT, you fucking understand?!"
A brief moment of quiet follows, the sound of the Dragonite breaks through it as it starts coming closer.
"You better get off me Silver, we don't want you to get a matching scar on your other shoulder now do- HMPF?!"
"You better shut your damn mouth before I follow through with my threat you abusive prick."
There's more silence from the two of them, the Dragonite stomps over faster, growl picking up in intensity before what sounds like a low Pyroar growl comes from... what seems like Silver's body, it rumbles and vibrates lowly in a threat of pure rage.
... The Dragonite shuts up.
"... We're fucking leaving."
The audio ends]
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 2 months
man i have not posted enough pericky-specific content lately. i need to fix that. partly because it's a quality ship i love very much, and partly out of spite because tumblr is a garbage website and blocking does not keep me from seeing popular blogs around who talk about murdering pericky shippers and people who just, like, acknowledge that it's canonical SA/CSA/domestic violence survivor rep lol
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just-antithings · 6 months
Just anti thingz- so the new incest game. Coffin of Andy laylay or whatever the fuck it's called. Hooooo boi
I'm in a Facebook group for like bat shit crazy girls and everyone is so upset that this video game exists and that there are people in this group who are in this group because they're "batshit crazy" are playing this game. I'm just watching this group be divided down the middle between people who are like yeah of course there are people that are going to like this game... It's like the second biggest porn category.
And the people who are very clearly fresh from Tumblr and TikTok being like "oh my God how could you ever like this game You should be doxed and I'm sorry but I'm going to contact your employers because you're playing a video game where there's an option for incest"
I get paid on Friday and I'm going to buy the game 💅🏻 i WAS gonna rip it butt so many of the reviews are like straight up threatening the dev 🙃
just normal people behavior /s
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