#dark fierce deity
bokettochild · 2 months
Day 8 - "Why Won't It Stop?"
Took me forever, but this one is one that I am VERY pleased with. Part two will follow in later days
Wordcount: 4,847
Rating: Teen
Summary: An effect of abusing a god's power is that the soul of the deity is now bound to Time's own, and sometimes it has more power than he'd wish. usually, he can tame it, but learning the fate of the worlds he's left behind have made him slip, and the deity is intent on purging their legacy.
Written by request of @sweetlemonad
“It’s not like heroes can die anyways.” 
The uncomfortable silence that follows those words is not something Time is particularly keen on learning the source of. The boys have all been in a rather good mood for most of the day, and currently Wind and Legend are trying to see who can outlast the other by remaining balanced on the rail fence that abuts the pathway on their right. He thinks Wind dared Legend or maybe the vet just got bored and Wind decided to follow. Either way, the elder is currently strolling along with his arms behind his head while Wind walks, precariously balanced and failing a bit here and there.. 
Balancing at sea and balancing on land are apparently exceedingly different. 
He’s not particularly sure who’d started the conversation, but he thinks it was Warriors. The man has been a bit more stressed than he’d like these last few days, and the worry that something bad will happen to them definitely sounds like something the captain would express in order to keep the rest on their guard. The sudden way Legend falters, perfect balance suddenly failing and sending him flailing, is more telling than the silence that follows Wind’s words, and he finds it only right to offer a steadying hand to the younger man to stop him eating dirt. 
Sky’s eyes settling on the sailor, confused, are just as telling. 
“Right?” Wind looks between the vet, whose caught his balance and looks at the youngest with pricked back ears, gnawing his lip, and the chosen one who won’t meet their eyes. “Wait,” the kid glances back and forth again, as though to be sure, “they haven’t, right?” 
The vet’s hand slips out of his own, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “Wind, did you receive an education?” 
“What’s that have to do with anything?” Hyrule asks, sounding a little miffed. They all know the boy’s lack of formal teaching is a bit of a sore spot considering the apparent circumstances of everyone else. Had he the right, Time would maybe let slip that the captain was entirely illiterate before his enlistment, but he’s not sure that exposing that would actually help anyone. 
Their chosen hero and vet share a glance at the question though, some silent conversation slipping between them for a moment before Sky gives an encouraging look that seems to indicate Legend ought to be the one to handle this. It makes sense, he supposes, considering Legend is the one with purportedly the best education out of them, or at least the most up to date between himself and Sky. 
  “Alright,” the pink haired hero slips down to a seated position on the rail fence, and the rest of them take the cue to stop, themselves sitting or leaning against the railing as well, save the captain, who stands at something almost like parade rest as he listens. “So, I suppose it’s lost to time for most of you, but there was a hero- a couple actually, who fell to the enemy.” 
“How?” Hyrule demands. “I thought our whole existence was based off some heavenly power calling us so evil was always stopped?” 
Murmurs of agreement sound from the rest, but the vet shakes his head, although he’s also very clearly avoiding eye contact. “I wish it was that straight forwards. No, actually, there are two heroes, to my knowledge and as of my era, that are quite famous for dying in their efforts against evil.” Dark eyes lift to Sky. “One was the first hero, the one who fought beside Hylia herself.” 
“Sky’s going to die?” Four breathes, utterly horrified. 
The boys almost all turn to their skyloftian but are quickly assured by a sharp ‘no!’ from Legend and a soft “not me, guys” from the hero himself. “It was my predecessor,” Sky says once they’ve all stopped looking so horrified, “the one who crafted the Master Sword and sealed Demise away, ages before my time.” 
“So you knew.” He finds himself asking, and his question is answered with a slow nod. 
“I did.” He knew about fallen heroes. He knew that the only other hero to exist before him had died. Suddenly Sky seems all the more brave to the scar-faced leader; he couldn’t imagine going into his adventure knowing all the others who undertook it had died. 
“The first hero,” Legend begins again, hesitantly, “is said to have sealed Demise away, but succumbed from his injuries shortly thereafter, leaving the heavens to call another hero after his passing: Sky.” 
There are a few hums, and Twilight looks like he’s half a second from taking notes. No doubt, the rancher hasn't heard this bit of Hylian history before, and while his pup is certainly less interested in the history of the kingdom than he is in the workings of things and understanding the dark magics, the dear lad is, all the same, what Mido would call “a nerd”. He finds himself smiling at the thought, watching as his boy absorbs every bit of the knowledge the vet is sharing, and what little Sky uses to back him up. 
“What about the second one?” Wild asks, staring at Legend oddly.  
Abruptly, he finds himself realizing that the cub himself has also died at the hands of the enemy, and though revived through some magic he couldn’t explain, the fact that it happened at all means that he too belongs on Legend’s list. Would that mean that the vet follows after the champion in the course of things then? Good gracious, would that make Legend the same to Wild as Wild is to Twilight? As Twilight is to him? 
The vet, unknowing of their leader’s thoughts, drops his gaze a bit, fiddling with the bracelet on his hand but eyes clearly on the mark of the triforce he still bears on his left hand, just as most of them do. “He was my predecessor.” 
Deku Tree bless, is he right? 
  “A hero called from the forest and trained to the blade since childhood, only to fall when forced to face Ganon.” The vet’s face twists up in something between sorrow and frustration. “He was prepared the best anyone could try, but for nothing. Ganon ruled Hyrule for almost a decade before the rebellion that sent the fallen hero managed to amass enough power to strike again and seal him into the sacred realm.” There’s a pause where Legend takes a heavy breath that’s neither sigh nor resignation, but maybe just the slightest bit sorrow for their fallen brother, and the rest keep quiet for it too, as though in mourning for a hero they’ve never met. But that’s when the vet says it. “If not for the sages and Skeik, I’d never have gotten a chance to defeat the monster that killed my predecessor, but with the aid of the Hylian Knights, they managed to seal him away for nearly four-hundred years.” 
He knows, from the war, from meeting Warriors and watching people of all eras amass, that Sheik isn’t especial to his own time. The captain’s own princess had taken on the disguise herself in order to take a more active role on the front lines, but even so, the name catches him off guard, as does the association with the sages, which he’s only ever heard Wind talk of before. 
The sailor doesn’t miss the reference either, the sharp little whip that he is. “What were the sages called? Do you know?” 
The vet blinks, staring and clearly confused, but rattles them off all the same. “Zelda, Impa, Nabooru, Saria, Ruto, Daruna, and Rauru?” 
The sailor nods, but the ground feels like it’s being swept out from under Time’s feet as the words sink in and that sunshine bright gaze is turned to him. Wind already has some eager words on his lips before his face falls, horror written across it as the truth of the vet’s words sinks in fully. “Holy shit.”  
By virtue of simply not wanting to be met with the captain’s ire, he keeps the loud cursing within his own head internal, rather than letting it escape and being fixed under The Look. Even so, he’s half a second from slipping and repeating the sailor’s words in far more colorful language.  
“Time...” Wind’s eyes are growing somehow wider, as though they weren’t just a bit too big to begin with, “....oh crap.” 
It’s Twilight that makes the connection first, he thinks. He knows his story is forgotten to the world he’d returned to, the one the rancher is a product of, but if there’s one thing his pup is, it’s clever. Picking up on the clues in the exchange as well as what Legend’s said up to now, he can see for himself as realization dawns in midnight blue eyes and Twilight’s face falls. “Sweet Ordonia.” 
“What?” Legend asks, glancing about between them, just the same as the others, save Hyrule who looks like he’s rethinking some matter of his own, no doubt what little history has been passed to him now bears reviewing. That doesn’t matter to the rest of them however, because those who know are now gaping, those who don’t are demanding answers, and the captain, who’d met two of the sages for himself and heard their tales, is shaking his head with a sigh. 
Time did not sign up for this. Learning that’s he’d split time is one thing, but knowing that somehow, in some way, he’d done so to the extent that not only are his fears about creating multiple timelines actually a reality, but apparently there’s one that spun so far off that not only had he failed, but he’d died at Ganon’s hand and left the burden of defeating the demon to someone else. Two timelines, each resulting in a child being called to do a man’s work, just the same as he had. How old was Legend? Was he the same age as both he and Wind had been? Older? Does he resent the man who left him behind as some people in the sailor’s time do? Like Wind, does he respect his predecessor? Despise him? Curse him? Praise him? His thoughts are spinning and despite not using it, his right eye throbs. 
As though sensing his distress, the deity awakens. 
It doesn’t happen often. Without the mask, it isn’t nearly as powerful as to accomplish what they can with the aid of the power of the thing. Since abusing its power as a youth though, their magics are enough interlocked, souls enough intertwined, that even removing the cursed thing does not fully displace the deity’s presence from his mind. It is a silent thing at most times, but much like the mask it is sourced from, it awakens when he is in greatest need or fear, and more than once he’s allowed the modicum of its power that now lies bound to his own soul to overtake him in order to escape one situation or another. Such power does not present itself now, but the rumbling voice and the accompanying pulsing pain is enough to shift his focus towards quieting both, attention slipping from his boys and inward to the deity. 
Despite managing to gather himself and the boys, to start forwards again on the path, he does not manage to silence the deity. He does, however, manage to ignore it for the time being. 
He can only ignore it for so long though. 
Sitting on watch after the boys have all gone to sleep, the rumbling thunder of the deity becomes impossible to ignore in the stifling silence around him. The deity will not be silenced, and try as he might, he can’t block-out nor forget the words spoken within his own mind. 
“Failure follows in your legacy.” 
As though he doesn’t know. It’s been bothering him all day, and despite the rest who hadn't pieced it together asking, he couldn’t bring himself to look, to say anything it was hard enough just putting one foot in front of the other. Wind revealing the split in time had shaken him, but at least he’d known how such a timeline came to be. The vet comes from a world where he’d died. How many of the other boys come from a world, an era, split off from time by his actions? How many timelines did he create? 
How many of them have such dark fates as that of Legend’s own? 
“He is an heir to failure,” the deity growls, “a scion of death.” 
Time shakes his head, voice soft so as to not wake his slumbering team-mates. “No. He’s a hero.” 
“To a world that ought not be, that ought to have perished.” 
No world ought to perish, especially not because of the actions of one person. Still as he watches the vet sleep, curled up tight around his sword, the voice of the deity continues to ring about in his head. Turning his eyes away to the others doesn’t help though. The deity is truly set off and harsh whispers and growls sound, wondering, just as he does, how many of their number are born of his mistakes, his actions, in a world separate from his own because of actions he hadn’t realized the truth depth of. 
He’d turned back time so many times, in both his first and second adventures. Are there timelines born of each time? What of his time in Termina? How many timelines did he create there? How many had seen the moon fall and everyone perish? 
Time groans, running a hand over his face, rubbing at the scars and markings left by the deity’s power. Warriors would be so disappointed if he started scratching again, and the scars on either side of his face have finally faded enough to not be as noticeable as when he was a child. There's no mask to tear off, even if the sensation of one lingers as the deity speaks. He doesn’t want to wake up to the captain’s worried stare in the morning at the sight of scars made fresh again. He doesn’t. 
Still, he wishes the deity would stop talking. 
It doesn’t though, because of course it doesn’t. It hisses in his dreams, whispering as he watches worlds fall and two little figures, he thinks are meant to be Wind and Legend running about, facing the monster he remembers, as well as dark, shapeless figures he doesn’t. They look so small, so young, and despite his heart crying one thing, the deity hisses another. Where he mourns their innocence, the demon screams for their end. 
Come morning, he’s a wreck. He manages to go through the motions, washing up with the rest with water from a well on the roadside, shaving and running a hand through his hair enough that it’s not a total mess. The captain was always strict about hygiene and basic care of their appearances. They’re Hyrule’s finest, not to seen wandering around like vagabonds and scamps. Still, the motions feel hollow, like a puppet moving at the command of another, and it feels like a chore to get ready, to strap on his armor, to gird his sword, and to step out onto the path with the others. 
Wind and Legend return to walking the fences, apparently determined to do so until the railings give way to open country again. Usually, he’d find that endearing, a proof that despite everything his boys have faced, there still remains a childlike whimsical side to them. Now though, it means that every time one slips or Wind fumbles and yelps, he can’t help but look up and the deity’s words start up all over again. 
Never intended to exist. 
Ought never have come to be. 
Proof of the cruelty of the goddesses. 
It’s painful. They're good kids, bright young men and skillful, admirable, talented, smart, sharp, kind, and he hates that such dark thoughts invade his mind at the mere sight of them, at even the smallest sound of their voices. It's not their fault that they exist, nor their fault that their worlds are a product of his actions and his mistakes. They don’t deserve the deity’s ire for simply existing. 
Yet the roaring of that horrible voice in his mind continues, pulsing through his head and aching at the eye that the demon controls. 
He wishes it would stop. Why won’t it stop? 
“Time, hey, Time!” He comes back to himself with a blink, head shaking slightly as he raises his good eye to find the captain staring at him. They’re still on the path, still just walking along, still with nothing and no one else in sight, although the rail fence is nowhere to be seen anymore and blessedly means that the two younger heroes are back on the path with the rest, back in their normal places behind him, out of sight and away from the ire of the deity. 
The captain’s face is creased with worry, lips pursed, and gaze guarded. “You blanked out.” 
Not blacked out, not fainted, not lost consciousness. No, it’s something rather different, and based off the familiar expression of the other, the soldier is well aware of what it really was; a slip. When stress or pain or emotion are too much, it happens. It’s been less common since he’d put away the mask for the last time, but during the war it happened frequently from overuse of the thing, the deity exercising control in the absence of his own will to. 
“I’m alright,” he tries to assure, careful not to look behind him, even though he can feel the worry from the rest, “just tired.” 
“We can stop for a rest.”  
The captain’s halfway towards turning towards the other, already drawing a breath to call a halt to the rest, but Time stops him with a hand to his arm and a shake of the head, eyes carefully closed to avoid the sight of bright blue or crimson. “Don’t. It won’t help.”  
Sleeping isn’t the problem, it’s his mind running away with him in a thousand directions, he doesn’t want it too. Sitting still will only make it worse. Stil, the captain regards him with worry. “Tell me if you change your mind.” 
He nods. He won’t, but if he did, he’d tell the other There’s no worry of that though because sitting still right now sounds like actual torture. Just sitting there, a prisoner to his thoughts, to the deity’s thoughts, to wonderings and fears he doesn’t wish to address now or ever; he wouldn’t wish such things on anyone. 
Except maybe Ganon. Screw him and everything he’s done to them. He deserves to be tortured by guilt. 
Warriors lets it go, but not without a final worried look, and every so often he can feel heavy blue eyes settling on him, reading him, watching for any tick or sign that e’s in need of a break. He appreciates it, and focusing on the captain’s worry is an escape, because the deity has nothing ill to say of the soldier, in fact, he thinks it might even respect the other man, not that it will ever admit to such a thing. 
In some ways, it gets easier, but in others, it’s worse. Focusing on his pup, his cub, turns his attention away. He can laugh and tease and watch them tease each other. Having Warriors standing beside him, talking about this thing or that, about paths and courses of action, is almost soothing. Sky’s smile and warm laughter is a balm, and Four’s quiet presence an assurance. 
The moment Legend or Wind come into view though, even if his focus isn’t on them, or even what they’re doing, the growl of the deity rises again, a splitting pain in his head. 
They know too. Wind’s hurt expressions and confusion are clear, and while Legend doesn’t appear to care at first, after a few days of such treatment, the vet tries to pull him aside and demand what has him treating Wind like a plague. He's not even noticed that the treatment is extended to him, but they all know of the vet’s soft spot for the sailor. He won’t stand to see their leader, whom the kid respects and admires so much, treating the sight of the boy like it’s painful. 
But it is. It’s a rush of thoughts and twitch of his hands. It’s the hiss of the deity demanding he purge his namesake of all the dark twists it’s taken due to his actions. It’s images of children fighting demons and worlds falling due to his own failures. 
He can’t bring himself to apologize, because that would mean looking at them, speaking to them, and thus hearing the demon scream for their blood to right the wrongs they represent. 
Legend gives up in anger. Wind closes off, quiet and pensive. He doesn’t miss the veteran’s hand on broad little shoulders, a silent comfort when he passes by. Doesn’t miss the soft questions whispered from younger to elder, or the harsh glares from violet eyes as begrudging tones reply that they have no answers. He hates it but can’t do anything about it. For their own sakes, ignoring them is kinder than risking letting himself slip and do far worse. 
When next they face the shadow, it’s nearly a relief. Finally, he can pour the aggression of the deity into his motions, into the swing of his sword and the roaring of his magic. He can let the demon loose, just a little, just enough to destroy and wreak havoc on enemies that deserve his wrath, on creatures who’ve earned his ire and hatred. 
It’s freeing. 
There’s no need to hold back, and maybe, just maybe, he let’s himself slip into the background, lets the deity have just a little more power than he’d planned. It’s fine though, it’s fine because maybe this will exhaust the thing, grant it the blood it’s so thirsty for, quench that hunger enough to make it fall silent again. 
Once the battle is over, and the deity silent, maybe now he can talk to Wind. Show the boy a smile and apologize, tell him he’s had a migraine that’s impacted by the sailor’s magic or some such thing. Legend or Hyrule might call bull on that, but maybe he’s willing to abuse the fact that Wind’s hero worship of him means he’s more likely to be believed. He’s not telling the kid the truth though, not burdening him with the weight of the horrible thoughts and impulses that wreck his mind, but he’ll give an answer that’s half true, give him something, maybe even sit down and talk about nonsense together to assure that he doesn’t hate the kid. He doesn’t. Wind’s a good kid, and he deserves the world. 
He just needs the deity to wear itself out. So, he drops his guard, lets himself fall to the backseat and lets the demon take the reins, sweep over the field with full fury and power unleashed, hoping to exhaust his magic enough that the demon will be silent.  Enemies fall like wheat to a scythe, a cloud of black and purple smoke rising in his wake as the deity rampages, blade moving uncommonly fast as he darts to the captain’s side to assist him for a moment, springs over to Twilight to aid him as well. 
The deity’s voice rumbles, laughing, savoring the bloodshed and reveling just as much in fighting beside their “true heir”, beside the “dragon of war”. He doesn’t understand that, not entirely. Still, he can guess what it means, and while a dragon does seem to suit the man he’s watched wield flames with the same proficiency as a blade, calling Twilight their “true heir” seems like a direct jab, like spitting in the face of the two other heroes that follow in his wake. They’re just words though. Just more words from the demon god’s mind. They don’t matter. They’re not his thoughts. 
Except that when the enemy is dead, when the shadow fled, when the battle over, those words still play in his head, an echo of the deity’s thoughts, and when he tries to take back control, he can’t. 
He can’t control his own actions, can’t control even his words, can’t do anything no matter how much he desperately tries to retake control of the body that’s stalking towards where their veteran is wiping his sword off in the grass, can’t do anything as he hears the deity’s thoughts echo around him, watching as his body becomes but a puppet to the still raging demon. 
“If Nayru will not prune back the dead branches, it falls to me.” 
He wants to scream, to say anything, to catch his own hand as it raises, blade lifted high, but he can’t do anything. 
Legend turns at the last second, eyes sharp and blade sharper as it lifts, catches the weapon descending towards him, pushes it and the strength of the deity away and slips himself back, flips over them and perfectly executes a helm-splitter, stopping seconds before their leader’s skull is cleaved in two, voice sharp as it demands to know what’s wrong with him, what he’s doing. 
The deity doesn’t care, simply springs back and away, Time’s body swinging his sword at the younger hero even as Warriors shouts something unintelligible and Twilight snarls something sharp, something terrified as their “true heir” rushes towards the scion of death, the heir to failure. 
The others aren’t fast enough to stop the deity though, aren’t strong enough to stop the blade clashing, lifting and falling and lifting and falling. He can see, although he can’t do anything else, as the force of the blows rattles up the veteran’s arms. Sees the way his teeth set and his body shakes as he responds, holding the deity puppeteering Time’s body off, but only by backing away, driven slowly further and further from the others who rush and hurry. 
Twilight throws himself at them, but the deity catches him by the pelt. All ire fades in favor of fondness as the demon’s thoughts turn sorrowful. He can hear them, a sadness that their true heir will have to see this, a confusion of why the pup does not understand their intent. He knows, if Twilight understood, that he would never condone the actions of the demon, but he can’t say as much even to his own mind as the deity lifts and throws their boy out of reach. Not harsh, not meant to harm, but fully intending to distance the boy from their fight, to stop him interfering. 
He flinches, as does his body, as the rancher hits the ground some yards away. 
In the opening left by the action, Legend’s tempered sword strikes, blood gushing as the blade rips free of flesh, but the blow does nothing to stop the assault of the demon In fact, it only provokes him further, and the little control Time felt finally fall into his hands is ripped away as his body returns control to the thing that will protect it, to the demon that will not let them be harmed. 
Legend is the next to go flying, but not with the care and sorrow granted to Twilight, and instead with blood dripping in his wake as the biggoron sword finally lands a blow. 
The shouts of the other boys sound, and there’s the snarling of a wolf beside them. 
When his body turns from the broken form of the felled vet, he’s met with the sight of drawn swords and bared teeth as the wolf launches at him. He’s not sure when or why Twi has shifted, but the teeth closing on his arm hold him back for a moment as Warriors throws him forwards as well, attempting, no doubt to seek some weakness. In the war, he’d learned to rip the masks free from his kid’s face when he must, but there’s no mask for the captain to tear away this time, and despite the affection of the deity for “the dragon of war”, the demon god still tosses the captain away, plunging through the hesitant and terrified heroes. 
Time’s heart drops when he realizes the goal of the demon: the sailor, eyes hard and blade raised, even as terror and confusion have the kid’s body shaking, voice doing the same as it demands ‘why’. “Time, what’s gotten into you?” 
The cry of his heart at the veteran’s fall echoes again as the blow of the deity comes down on the sailor, and while the boy dodges, he’s not fast enough to escape injury. 
Blood paints the earth, paints blue fabric and darkens crimson. Pain clouds in violet eye sand in the ocean ones of their youngest. 
A roar, like nothing the deity can manage, has him turning. 
The last things Time sees are Sky’s blazing eyes and the matching gleam of the Master Sword. 
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verflares · 1 month
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(click for higher quality!) draconified link concept ive been chipping away at this past week ..... here's my funny little compendium concept for him:
"A heroic spirit has taken the form of this bestial dragon. Unlike it's kin, this creature exhibits an extremely aggressive disposition. It appears highly territorial, and will relentlessly chase down those who disturb its skywide patrols - of which it seems to be endlessly searching for either a long-time vassal or foe. Unfortunately, it seems the spirit within has long since forgotten exactly who it was looking for…"
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smilesrobotlover · 5 months
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vioshortforviolence · 10 months
So a post I reblogged about no Dark Link in TotK being a missed opportunity got me thinking about how he could've been implemented:
You could find one of those journals in one of the Yiga outposts in the Depths talking about him. Here's how I think it could read:
Spotted the Hero in the Depths today. I attempted to approach while disguised as a member of the Zonai Survey Team.
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Bad idea. I was attacked immediately and viciously without hesitation. I barely escaped with my life!
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That... was not the Hero.
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Was that the Hero's Shadow spoken of in the old legends? It is said the Shadow would mirror the Hero's appearance and fighting skills... I believe it after that encounter.
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ATTENTION YIGA CLAN MEMBERS: If you spot this figure during your patrols, DO NOT APPROACH. This 'Shadow' will viciously attack anything and anyone that dares get near, even the Yiga Clan.
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Beware the Hero's Shadow.
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Glory to Master Kohga.
Dark Link would be patrolling the Depths, and upon spotting you, he will chase you down and attack, similar to the Gloom Hands. But unlike the Gloom Hands, you cannot escape by climbing to high ground and waiting for him to vanish. He will simply teleport up to you.
You can either deal enough damage to him, which will make him leave and reappear elsewhere in the Depths (like how the Yiga flee when defeated), or you can teleport far enough away so he loses track of you. Thankfully, he will not follow you to the Surface.
If he spots you while you're wearing the Dark Link outfit, he will be temporarily confused, giving you very limited time to run away or hide before he figures it out and starts attacking you. Similar to the Lynel Mask.
Also while you're wearing the Dark Link outfit, the Yiga will not ambush you, because they think you're the Hero's Shadow.
Dark Link's number of hearts will match that of the player's, just like in OoT. The stronger you get, the stronger he gets too.
He would also have the smartest enemy AI in the game, besides Ganondorf himself:
He dodges any thrown items or arrows shot at him, which means he cannot be cheesed with bombs. He will simply hop out of the blast radius before it lands. You must fight him in close melee combat.
He will mirror your strikes perfectly if you fight him with a one-handed sword and shield. However, he only wields a sword and shield, meaning you can attack him more easily with a different weapon, like... oh I don't know... a two-handed hammer? 😉
I'm not entirely sure what he'd drop upon defeat... Maybe his sword and shield?
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I'd love to hear other ideas :)
(EDIT: Added more stuff in a reblog!)
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st-hedge · 2 years
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Line up of the redesigns of Links and Link adjacents I did this month! U can find the individual posts with notes by searching the ‘redesign month’ tag but the goal of this was as follows: create redesigns that don’t change link physically from his canon design but alter his clothes in a way that I feel is fitting for him and the canon setting, it can either be his main outfit or something else
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pro-gamer-moves · 7 months
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The root beer incident
<—prev next—>
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moonhasmanyanimals · 1 month
I like to think the links would give you cute gifts. So here are the little things they would give you as said gifts.
Sage- I think he would give you either apple seeds or make you a stuffed animal. Like take up sewing just to make you one
Wild- Silly little earrings, Because I like to think he loves to match clothes. I think matching earrings from Gerudo Town. Or maybe like sage a stuffed animal but make it a little wolf.
Time- He would totally make you something, He's a total romantic guy. He would get you flowers or get you chocolates. Bonus if the Kokiri helps him make the chocolates (Yes I headcanon that those kids can make some good ass chocolate)
Twilight- Why do you want to know? Ok but for real. He would go into his wolf form whenever you ask. Because I bet Wolfie is stupidly fluffy. But if that doesn't satisfy I think he would get you A necklace from Zora's Domain.
Four- He makes you gifts, My man is a blacksmith. He would make you branclets or earrings of whatever you want. But if you want he'll take you on a date under the starry sky.
Sky- Speaking of skies. I think his gift would be to show you how to ride a loftwing in his Hyrule. Or get you a Remlit. Because have you SEEN those little cute monsters. He is also very romantic like time so he would get you Flowers or Chocolate or any candy you want.
Wind- Like I stated he's romantic for you while you see him as a little brother or your kid. Would get you flowers from the field and bring them to you. Maybe ask Time or Wild for some money to go get you some fruits in Kakariko.
Hyrule- While I would like to say he's in his late teens or early twenties, he doesn't have experience like twilight or time. I think he tries really hard with his gifts. He kinda goes off everyone else so maybe just a little date with some roses.
Legend- lovely hoarder of a man, he's such a loser and I love him so much for it. I think he's a little classy, Roses and chocolates yes. But also gets you a ring. He would take you to Lorule with enough begging.
Wars- Imma make it easy because i don't know much about him yet, So imma say that he gives you his clothes or let's you wear his scarf. Likes your time more then having gifts
Fierce deity- He seems to follow you around a bit. He likes your time and your hugs but if he were to give you something it might be a little spirit he has in his pocket (another random headcanon I have)
Dark Link (Dink? idk what his LU name is)- One of those cool skull horses. You know? He would teach you to ride it. He also would give you black roses or get matching outfits.
Ravio- anything you want. It doesn't matter. But he would also get you a stuffed animal.
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neverchecking · 10 months
Ok I saw the 🧜‍♀️ request and I have to ask for a part two
Can I have a yandere sky, fd,war, sage, CDI link ( excuses me princess) , Link between worlds, dark link x harpy reader please nsfw
You can!
I assume you meant Legend when you said A Link Between Worlds Link? And I think you also meant the animated Link (Courage) because CDI Link (Koridai) Is from a game. Those are the ones I wrote anyway. Also bc there are so many, these are shorter. And i know you also asked for Dink and FD, but I got lazy and didn't wanna make them a banner so...
(Have you guys ever seen the CDI scenes? Holy hell that is PAINFUL-)
Part one -> Here!
Smut so MDNI! 18+!
Smut CW: Breeding, Monster fucking, Reader is a harpy!, light baby trapping
A Bird's Eye View
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・❥・Now, Sky, unlike the others, is used to birds. In fact, it was you who assisted him when he first began roaming the ground level.
・❥・You stuck by his side for the entire time before being left behind when he was deposited back on Skyloft.
・❥・He had tried finding you, but it was as if you just...disappeared.
・❥・So when he's on a ride with Crimson, and hears your distinct calls? He's thrown out whatever his previous goal was without so much as a flick of his wrist.
・❥・When he finds you hurt? He goes into total mother-hen mode.
・❥・When your bandaged and clean? hes just so ecstatic to see you again! He may be hovering, all but forcing food down your throat, but you have to understand.
・❥・He won't let you leave again.
"That's it, songbird. Nice and slow." His voice crooned smoothly over your warbled cries, hands holding your hips and easing your descent onto him. "You're doing so well."
You were a sight. Watching you above him, feathers ruffling as your body sheened with sweat, glimmering in the light around the room? It drove him mad with lust. Maybe desire? He just knew he wanted you. And he had you. You had come back to him!
He knew you were meant for him from the start. You had always been such a caring companion, perfect in every way. When you chirped at him for a cut a little too deep, or nuzzled up to him when the nights were a little too cold? He knew. When you shoved herbs and berries into his hands to boost his immune system? He knew. When you ran your taloned fingers through his hair, picking out twigs and bugs? He knew.
He knew that you were irrevocably his. His to keep and cherish and love and hold. Those were all privileges that were only bestowed upon him. He only had to give you your own privilege. One that would be exclusive to you and you alone.
And he knew exactly what he wanted it to be. Because he had seen you care for him. He had seen the way you fret and croon and-
And he wanted-no, needed to see you be that way with your child. No. That wasn't right either. Not your child. His child. A kid made from the two of you?
He was so excited to meet them.
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・❥・You probably save him from that dragon knight. Yk the one? In the beginning of the game? Him.
・❥・It probably leaves your feathers scorched and that's where he steps in. He cares for you with his basic military first aid knowledge.
・❥・You prove to be useful in battle, acting as an aerial advantage, so he keeps you close.
・❥・Your especially helpful when it comes to Cia. Your an unaccounted for variable. And she doesn't like that. She can try and get rid of you, but because Wars keeps you so close, it doesn't quite work out.
・❥・This only deludes him further, because if this powerful sorcerer that has a hand in time and space, can't separate you two, nothing can.
The hand around your throat tightened just a bit as his hips crashed against yours. In the back of his head, he worried about hurting you, but he had a mission that needed to be fulfilled.
As a Captain, the mission would override any concern.
He needed to ensure you stayed with him. That no matter what, you stayed by his side. And what was more damning than a baby? A person who would rely on the two of you so heavily that you would never even think of leaving him.
And that's what he needed. He needed you to stay with him. He needed you to remain with him, with your unyielding loyalty and unbending ferocity. You were everything he needed in this life. And the thought of you having his baby? Was something he also needed. Just the thought of having this perfect little nuclear family made his nerves buzz. He would provide and you would stay by his side.
Like a good little bird.
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・❥・I can't tell if I hate this guy or love him.
・❥・I just- I think i mostly wanna hit him.
・❥・Now, I don't know a lot about the animated series, but I have too much self respect (/j),
・❥・But he probably meets you through Sprite. She seems like the type to be like 'Look who I met' to attempt to rub it in your face, but it backfires.
・❥・Courage finds himself too enamored with your glorious feathers and effervescent eyes, immediately laying it on thick. He's complimenting your eyes and your smile and the way the light reflects off the apples of your cheeks.
・❥・If you dare even giggle at his honeyed words, he knows he's got you. Hook, line and Sinker. Now, Courage is more of a brawn over brains type of guy, but he's still a link. He knows how and when to go on the down-low.
・❥・And, honestly, who's better suited for you then the hero of Hyrule?
"Come on, Princess. I know you can do better." He knew his smirk was infuriating if your low grumbles were anything to go by. "How can you prove you want my kid if you don't work for it?"
You gave a challenging look, bounces speeding up as you leaned into his space. You gave a low trill, feathers moving in a wave of agitation as you did, teeth bared down at him . It was so cute seeing you act so aggressive. Like you would ever stand a real chance against him. It was almost daunting- how trusting you were of him. How you just believed everything he told you.
How you trusted he would ever let you out of his sight.
How you trusted he would never use whatever means necessary to get what he wants from you.
How you trusted that he wouldn't do anything to keep you tethered to him.
But he would. Because once you were tied to him, once you were his in every way- with a fat ring on your finger and your belly so swollen you couldn't see you feet- you wouldn't be able to escape. There was no where in this kingdom nor the next that he wouldn't be able to find you. Not that it would matter. Once his child was safely growing, you wouldn't be able to move fast enough to get rid of him! You would lose your, aerial advantage, your running and hiding abilities would be greatly hindered, and should push come to shove, he wasn't against using the triforce to keep you right where he wanted you.
Afterall, you wouldn't want the kingdom your child was growing up in to be destroyed...Right?
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・❥・For Legend to trust you to this level, you must've met him at the beginning of his first adventure. In fact, you probably saved him when he was still young and inexperienced.
・❥・Thus proclaiming you as his most trusted companion.
・❥・After Koholint, he for sure latched onto you far more than ever before. He couldn't risk you being torn away from him too.
・❥・Because of what happened with Marin, he felt he had lost the ability to love. But you quietly and calmly reassure that he hasn't.
・❥・Thus leads to him just...knowing that you are here to stay. You won't be leaving him anytime soon. You won't ever leave him behind.
・❥・He lost his chance the first time and he absolutely refuses to lose it again.
・❥・Even if it means temporarily overriding your basic autonomy. You'll understand eventually.
He knew his other form sometimes bled over into his hylian one. it was something he learned to live with and, sometimes, battled with depending on his mood and the circumstance.
He was sure this was part of that.
He had heard the saying 'Fucking like rabbits' but this is just a little ridiculous. It wasn't all that unwarranted however. He needed to mark you as his. Brand you and litter you with enough hickeys and bitemarks to have even the most dense boys (Because that's all they were when compared to him) backing off.
Legend had lost too much in too short a time to take any chances. Honestly, it was a miracle that you were still here. Hylia had proven that she liked taking the most precious things in his life away from him (That fraud. Thinking she could outsmart him?! Thinking he would go down without a fight?! She had another fucking thing coming.) and you had held that title for years.
And you would. For at least a few more months. But even then, you would only have to share.
As he hoisted your legs up to your chest, folding you practically in half as he kept his rhythm steady and continuous (over and over again. Until you remembered the shape of him and only him.), he felt his lips twitch. He could see you now, cradling his and yours young. An absolutely precious little kit that would have your eyes, your perfect eyes, and maybe his nose. Who would be brought up with your gentle nature, but his intellect. Who would know no dangers of the outside world as he would destroy it to keep you two safe.
If it kept you two warm, he wouldn't hesitate to burn it all down.
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・❥・Yall have been WAITING for this one.
・❥・Now, my broken little rat. He probably meets you up on the Sky islands. You probably help him get down and he just...latches onto you.
・❥・When you stick with him, even down on the ground and into the depths, he slowly learns to trust you.
・❥・If your patient with him and let him move at his own pace? You aren't leaving. He has let too many people leave and let too many people fuck him over.
・❥・He will not let you do the same. In fact, he's thinking of a million and one ways to keep you with him.
・❥・while all of the boys will think a5bout it, Sage is the only one to actually genuinely clipping your wings. You can't leave him if you can't fly, now can you? He's faster than you.
・❥・ Let's say, for the sake of it all, you happen to befall an accident that makes clipping your wings necessary. While he isn't super excited about you being injured in any capacity, he is a little grateful that he didn't have to do it.
・❥・And on the plus side, he gets to be the good guy and nurse you back to health!
・❥・Not flying health (He has no idea why your wings aren't healing like the rest of you), but healthy enough he can enact his own little plan.
His voice quivered as he bent over your own hunched form, keeping your chest pinned to the counter he had deemed acceptable. His one hand remained locked onto your hip while the other snaked up your chest to gently wrap around your throat. There was no pressure behind the action, just enough to keep you right where he wanted you.
Keep you perfectly still while he pumps you so full of cum you'll have no choice but to carry his child. You won't ever be able to leave then. No, you were kind. Too kind for his world. Too nice, too much of a beacon of pure light to ever do that. You would never deprave a child of his father, nor would you deprave a father of his young. And he knew this. If he planned on capitalizing that fact, just a little, that was no one's business but his own.
Just the thought of you carrying a child, a perfect mix of both of you-- just as much yours and they were his-- was almost enough to have him thanking Hylia for you. For putting him through everything if only to gift him with you in the end.
"Keep going, dove. Your almost there. Soon, we'll have a family of our own."
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miharuki · 6 months
🌟I have perfect request for you… I would like a Fierce Deity Link! BEN Drowned with Hylia! Goddess! Female Y/N🌟 (I love this so much, have a wonderful day/night!💜)
For this request, let's do a few things. Let's say that you are not Zelda, or a reincarnation of Hylia or Zelda (who is a reincarnation of Hylia), but the Hylia herself. Here are some headcanons and a mini story (if you like it, I might be able to turn it into a series).
Remembering that my English is not perfect, I feel a lot :v Also, I only did the fierce deity link one because I missed the Ben drowned one, so I'm sorry too
Your wish is an order!
𝕱𝖎𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕳𝖞𝖑𝖎𝖆! 𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖘! 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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Fierce Deity Link:
—being the deity himself, Fierce would have a greater respect for you, let's say he respects you more than any other deity.
—I believe Fierce would be somewhat doubtful if you wanted to have a relationship with him. He would be questioning why, like, "She is literally a goddess, one of the creators of this land I'm standing on!! And she simply wants to go out with me?!"
—but let's say Fierce is also a deity, he would also be wondering why you would be dating someone like him when there are better options (it's not insecurity, just doubt). Something like, "She is the freaking creator of this land and she wants to go out with me, me? I'm not even at the feet of a goddess like her."
—A softie, I believe he would be as affectionate as possible, trying to make you feel comfortable in some way. He would also prioritize your safety, even if you know how to fight (let's say you do), he would still protect you and be concerned, even if you are stronger than him (because you're a goddess XD).
—The type of attentive person, for sure. Let's say you're telling a story about something that happened, he'll be listening to every detail. If you ask if you're talking too much, he'll say something like, "Your voice is too precious, I'd feel like trash if I didn't adore listening to you every second you speak," all with that sexy look and a gentle smile.
—Speaking of sexy... I believe Fierce is the kind of person who would take things slow, if you know what I mean. He doesn't want to hurt you, he just wants you to feel good. He finds your body stunning, in his words, "There's nothing to fear, angel, your body is a paradise to look at," all with a husky voice.
—I believe he's a waist man, so at any moment, he might come up from behind and grab you by the waist, just to rest his chin on your head.
—In terms of height, I believe he's quite tall, and when I say tall, I mean really tall. So, he kind of loves that you're smaller compared to him, of course, with the respect that you're practically a goddess, but he just finds your height adorable and won't accept any complaints about it.
—I imagine him picking you up by the waist and lifting you to his head, for you to sit and for him to feel his head between your thighs, nothing sexual, just adorable.
"You had me worried!" said the armored man as he held your shoulders, shaking them in despair. "I told you I'd be fine, you don't need to worry," you replied."But your safety is so important to me, what would I do if I lost you?" he says, sighing as he stood up and removed his hands from your shoulders, looking down. "You know I can very well protect you," you reply.
"Yes, I know, but you also know I'm strong enough to protect myself, that was nothing," you say as you approach the boy.
"Even so, I still don't like knowing that you could get hurt at any moment... it's just..." He can't finish the sentence, hugging you as he puts his head on your neck, taking a deep breath.
"Just be careful next time, please," he says, letting go, making you smile as you run your hand down his back, returning the hug.
"I will."
"I love you," he says as he steps back, looking into your eyes while placing a hand on your cheek, smiling as his cheeks turn pink.
"I love you too, Fierce," you reply.
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trippygalaxy · 3 months
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anyways— i love the idea of Fierce and Dark fighting over Time annd its SUCH A COOL DYNAMIC IN MY MIND?!?! INLOVE FIERCE VS DARK DBKAHS
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yanderelinkeduniverse · 5 months
Reader: "So eventually I'm like- alright"
Reader: "Being nice doesn't work, being nice gets me stalkers" *side eyes the chain*
Reader: "Being mean gets me crazy men who are attached to crazy woman" *side eyes dink*
Reader: "I'm just gonna ignore y'all now *walks away while fierce deity follows behind her*
Reader: (AND THEY LIKE THAT TOO!) *turns around and yells* LEAVE ME ALONE!
(At this point, it's safe to say reader is a yandere link magnet with how many alternate versions of link swarm her like a bunch of honey bees to a field of flowers 🤣😂)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8fcnfoE/ (this is the audio they’re referring too)
Heavy is the head which where’s the crown, it seems like wherever this girl goes she ends up with at least one(1) admirer of the insane variety 😂
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breannasfluff · 3 months
Eldritch Dreams
Wild dreams. Shouting, half-heard conversations.
“It’s his fault! He did this to us!”
“It was Time’s choice!”
“Was it? Why didn’t you make him use the mask sooner?”
“I tried! Don’t you think I care?”
“Clearly not!”
The words blur and warp, turning into screams that descend into howls. The noise echoes in his ears for longer than they should.
Wild dreams. Memories of the past.
“I will hunt you down and kill you. Each and every one. Yet you, you will be last because this is all your fault. Perhaps I will give this body back as my sword sinks into your chest. Your hero can witness the destruction he’s brought.”
 “I’ll save them,” Wild rasps. “Both of them. You can’t have them.”
“You don’t have a choice. Watch out, little heroes. Dark Deity is coming.”
He reaches for the vanishing figure, yet the pain in his chest encompasses all. He’s bleeding. No, he is—was possessed. By the oily, pulsating thing from the forest. Or is he bleeding?
Perhaps it is both.
Wild dreams. Sounds he’s never heard, yet knows.
The grumble of a wolf, put upon, yet young and naïve. A song with no words for the end of the day to call forth the stars. A whistle winding through leaves is a melody more pleasing than expected. The sound of teeth tearing into flesh, killing and maiming.
A laugh, easy as breathing.
Wild dreams.
And then he wakes.
Read the rest here
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luciferianchild · 3 months
HAIL LUCIFER! and Hello Luciferians!
He loves/offering ideas:
Poetry, music and arts in general
(write poetry and leave them for him, write for yourself too, pros are good, listen to music with him, appreciate artworks with him)
2. Mints (Spearmints are good, leave them for him in an offering bowl)
3. Chocolates (offer them to him, treat yourself to chocolates)
4. Aloe Vera (if you have tattoos, take care of them with Aloe Vera, he loves tattoos)
5. Getting tattoos (he admires a rebellious nature)
6. Marlboro Reds (smoke them with him, light them up and leave some for him, let it burn, set intentions)
7. Lemons (leave slices in your water tumblers, he will bless them)
8. Cheeses (especially Brie cheeses)
9. Bones (chicken bones are good for him)
10. Snakes (adopt snakes as guides, they make good familiars for Luciferians)
11. Red Roses (leave them for him, buy some for yourself)
12. Red Strings (to seal your spell jars)
13. Meat pies (indulge in lots of meats, his favourite snack)
14. Lavender essential oils (leave them on your altar for him to bless, put some behind your ear for relaxation)
(to offer or for him to bless)
2. Rose Quartz
3. Citrine and any sun crystals (good protection crystals from him directly, let him bless them)
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pollysixpix · 1 year
Fierce Deity
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They're gonna tie together the Zonai/Dark Interlopers/Fierce Deity threads in Tears of The Kingdom, right? Right?!
Probably not - but I thought I'd combine all of these elements together anyway!
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penpenpencil · 1 year
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Some LU bois doodles I’ve drawn over the past few months. Since I just finished the page, I thought I’d share :)
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st-hedge · 1 year
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A clue for the other rabbits that I drew 🐣🐰
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