#dean's fucked up
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I saw this post and had to make one for Destiel
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 4 months
In a perfect world they would have written a plotline where Dean becomes addicted to angel grace because it was the only thing that keeps the effects of the mark of cain at bay.
In a perfect world it would have been the perfect parallel to Sam's demon blood junkie arc
In a perfect world, Cas would have been Deans Ruby
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sky-is-the-limit · 2 months
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insanesonofabitch · 8 months
I’m not sure if someone else already made a post about this, but I was rewatching Tombstone and something just hit me. Dean wanted to stay alone with Cas a little bit longer in that cowboy hotel room. Sam takes Jack with him and pairs Dean up with Cas, after noticing how happy Dean was to get Cas back (which he even made a comment on earlier in the episode, we love a supportive brother). Dean agrees with this change of plan. Sam and Jack immediately gets up to leave and head for the graveyard. But when Cas is about to get up too and get ready, Dean does this:
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And this is the same fucking goddamn episode where Dean makes Cas wear a fucking cowboy hat. And then gets offended when Cas didn’t immediately recognize his Tombstone reference. “I made you watch it,” not “we.” The same way “where Dean spread your ashes” is NOT “we.” And Dean has probably already seen ALL of those movies, probably a shit ton of times. He just wanted Cas to see them too. With him. Like a movie date night. And then Cas imitates a phrase from the movie, “I’m your huckleberry.” And then Dean, after averting his eyes and closing them and gulping down, says “Yeah, exactly.” immediately followed by “…it’s good to have you back, Cas.”
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stellernorth · 8 months
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line from the production draft of ouroboros??? when the "wide-eyed hitchhiker" routine we just saw noah do was offer sex in exchange for a lift???
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2sw · 12 days
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"Dean physically hitting/beating Sam" requested by anonymous
I had this same themed gifset in my drafts for quite some time, but since anon requested it, I remade it to finally post it. I excluded the occasions when dean was under the influence of MoC even though the show explicitly stated that the mark only amplifies what's already there. I also excluded a few other scenes for obvious reasons because I know how to take context into account, so I think this is a fair gifset. now apply the same standard to sam and do the math. and my original intention was, and still is, to show sam's reaction because everything I post is about sam. I don't even consider this as a dean crit post, this is just how he is and it is part of the show you can't deny.
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chappelroan · 7 months
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GET TO KNOW ME ♡ Favorite Characters ↳ Dean Winchester “That’s crap. You always have a choice. You can either roll over and die or you can keep fighting, no matter what.”
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souporsaladnatural · 6 months
i still believe that OBJECTIVELY the craziest most batshit thing jackles has ever said is "im sure it would go how we all think it would go" about a dean and cas reunion. brother WHO is we i am a destiel shipping tumblrina u r the man who supposedly does not believe dean reciprocates cas' feelings we r not the same (??????)
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multifandom-lesbian09 · 2 months
Finding out that the majority of anti Destiels are Wincest shippers is actually so funny to me. Y’all gotta, I dunno, get the fuck outta Alabama or something idk.
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zombiegirldean · 2 months
Dean: "we have to break the family curse" Girl family IS the curse! Pay attention! "I wish we could return to the archetypal family home from before the poison took hold" Noooo Dean the stagnant rotting myth of the archetypal family home is the source of the poison!!! The idealized nuclear family structure perpetuates the gendered violence it claims to extinguish! The violence is not external the white picket fence can't save you Dean........he can't hear me......
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lelelego · 1 year
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nooo brother elijah youre so sexy don't steal my equipment hahah
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winchestergifs · 12 days
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STACKEDextras ➙ He has relatives?
10.9 The Things We Left Behind Written by Andrew Dabb Directed by Guy Norman Bee 11.9 O Brother Where Art Thou? Written by Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Dates: December 9, 2014 & 2015
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disinhume · 3 days
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What we could have had if the writers weren't cowards
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shadystranger · 11 days
something about the way sam flinches when dean breaks stuff
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shinelikethunder · 1 month
i don't actually think teenage Dean Winchester would be spurned-lover-style jealous of teenage Sam's girlfriends i think based on his s1 behavior that it's far more likely he went "HELL YEAH my little brother is DATING he is going to SLAY at this and i'll make sure of it," unilaterally appointed himself Sam's wingman, had to be beaten back with a stick from micromanaging his brother's love life, and probably lovingly fantasized about all the hot chicks Sam was gonna hook up with and all the things they'd get up to because let's face it, who wouldn't fall head over heels for the guy? (speculation about kissing practice, which of course Would Not Count as anything except making sure the little nerd did their family proud, is left as an exercise to readers who are so inclined.)
also probably the closest thing to a jealous shitfit he pulled involved one (1) time Sam ditched a hunt to be there for his then-girlfriend's Important Life Event, and it'd be like 40% loudly-expressed "he should be putting his FAMILY first" and 60% ferociously-suppressed "we don't get to just DO that! if i've accepted only ever being able to date super casually for a few weeks at a time before we blow town then where the fuck does he get off thinking he can just PRIORITIZE this COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP BEHAVIOR bullshit. that i tooootally don't want or care about anyway. because it's for SISSY NORMIE LOSERS, not a tight-knit clan of ULTRA-COOL SECRET MONSTER HUNTERS like us"
like i think Dean did accept much more readily, long before he could even realize the ramifications of what he was accepting, that the way they lived meant the Winchesters' only long-term relationship option was "rampant emotional incest that we don't have to acknowledge as long as we all only bang girls," but he also canonically had all kinds of festering resentment about missing out, and was aware on some level that their lives required the sacrifice of a lot of things he secretly longed for (and made a lot of noise about devaluing in favor of What's More Important)
and the toxic cocktail of that + envy of Sam's ability to just go "nah fuck expectations i want something else" + boundary-challenged investment/enabling/policing of each other's heterosexual exploits as a bulwark between their family dynamics and The Unspeakable + freakout over the early warning signs of a difference in values on family loyalty + inchoate terror of losing him to the outside world one day + unthinking idolization and projection along the lines of "well of course this girlfriend would take him away from us and wrap her entire life around his if she could, i mean, have you met him? who wouldn't want that? this is WHY we have to keep it casual and not get girls' expectations up"...
...the entire dynamic of Dean being Sam's number one hookup cheerleader but also perceiving signs of romance/commitment as a threat... s1 Dean trying to have a hand in pushing him towards actual romantic prospects anyway, because he's worried about Sam grief-spiraling and has reluctantly accepted that the rupture in the family is about things Sam genuinely wants, even as Sam's grief is already driving him to the conclusion that they aren't worth the cost and meanwhile the brothers have spent all season bonding even closer and more claustrophobically as adults...
well, i think all that is way more interesting, and in many ways even more fucked-up, than applying bog-standard jealous boyfriend tropes to the absolute mess of their upbringing
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ghostcrypte · 2 months
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Soldier, Poet, King
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