#deen over dunya
journeytojannah · 5 months
everything you’ve been praying for is making its way to you. if there isn’t any limit for Allāh then you should also not think about the limitations. how can there be a limit to what Allāh can do for you. He is able to do all things. believe in duā until you see it all happen.
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learnerofislam · 2 months
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May Allah guide all of us to study HIS Words and implement it in our lives. Ameen✨️
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The Call of the Dunya
This is from the best similitudes. A king built a home. Those who see did not see, and those who hear did not hear of a home better than this home, or more spacious than this home, or of a home con­taining more delights of the soul than this home. A path leading to this home was prepared, and a caller was sent out to call the people to it.
There was a beautiful woman sitting on the path. She was adorned with assorted types of adornments and she wore various types of jewelry. All the people had to pass by her. She had helpers and servants at her disposal. The woman and her helpers had provisions for those walking on the path toward the king.
The king said to the woman and her helpers, “Whoever lowers their gaze from you, does not allow you to distract them from me, and seeks provisions from you that will allow them to reach me, then serve him and give him provisions. Don’t hinder him from his travel to me; rather, assist him with everything that will allow him to complete his journey.
But whoever turns his eyes toward you, is pleased with you, pre­fers you over me, and desires to reach you, then impose upon him an evil punishment and humiliation. Make him chase behind you with a pursuit of loneliness. Whoever eats from you, then lead him astray with it for a while, then snatch all of it away from him. Take mastery over all those who follow and serve you. The more he increases his love for you, exalts and honors you, then recipro­cate him with alienation, distance and belittlement until he is dis­connected from you with misery.”
Thus, ponder this similitude and the condition of the call of the worldly life and the call of the Afterlife. And with Allah aid is sought.
This example is extracted from the narration narrated from Allah, the Exalted:
“O Dunya; serve whoever serves Me, and cause fa­tigue and trouble O Dunya to whoever serves you.”
- An extract taken from ‘The dunya and it’s reality’ by Ibn al-Qayyim
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ro7hiiismind · 2 months
A person on their Deen will never hurt you
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srvyxhi · 4 months
مَن كَانَ يُرِيدُ حَرْثَ ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ نَزِدْ لَهُۥ فِى حَرْثِهِۦ ۖ وَمَن كَانَ يُرِيدُ حَرْثَ ٱلدُّنْيَا نُؤْتِهِۦ مِنْهَا وَمَا لَهُۥ فِى ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ مِن نَّصِيبٍ ٢٠
Whoever desires the harvest of the Hereafter - We increase for him in his harvest [i.e., reward]. And whoever desires the harvest [i.e., benefits] of this world - We give him thereof, but there is not for him in the Hereafter any share.
{Qur'an 42:20}
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repentingmuslimm · 11 months
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They will cry, “My Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, although I used to see?”
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mariamboogy · 10 months
I just need some time off of everything to get back to God and my deen. I don’t social media and people ti destroy my deen and make me think that this life is permanent.
يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
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justmakeduaa · 2 years
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🤲🏻🤎 • Dear Allah, Lately my mind has been stuck: stuck in the past, in an elusive future, stuck in every moment but the one I am living in now. Teach me how to appreciate the present. Let the silence fill me with peace, not anxiety. • 🤲🏻 share for a good deed 🤲🏻 Follow @justmakeduaa ❤️ • • #justmakeduaa • #allahswt #islamicquotes #islamicreminders #muslimandproud #reminders #alhamdulillah #alhamdulilah #allahﷻ #taqwa #reminders #faith #trust #islam #anxiety #sabr #godisenough #islamicquotes #islamicreminder #allah #faithful #yaallah #deenoverdunya #deepquotes #tawakkul #islamicpost #islamicart #duaa #alhamdullilah #allahisenough #depression
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journeytojannah · 5 months
Salah is one of the most important things in a Muslim’s life.
If you think you’re the worst human to ever be on this earth, if you do drugs, smoke, sin in general one thing you should never leave is your salah.
Pray as much as you can even 1,2 or 3 (though you should aim/ intend to pray the five obligatory prayers as they are obligatory, May Allah help us with fulfilling our obligations, Ameen) Pray it late but never leave it. Once you cut your connection with Allah swt that’s when your life serves no purpose and it’s just flesh with an empty soul.
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learnerofislam · 29 days
The urge to hide from this duniya and disappear in the streets of Medinah is increasing day by day.
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thoughttraill · 1 year
Evrenin var oluşu
Bilim ve Felsefenin Karşılaşması
İnsanlık tarihinde belki de en büyük sorulardan biri, evrenin var oluşudur. Bu soru, binlerce yıldır bilim insanları, filozoflar ve din adamları tarafından incelenmiştir. Ancak, tam olarak ne olduğu ve nasıl var olduğu hala bir sır olarak kalmaktadır. Bu makalede, evrenin varoluşuna bilim ve felsefe açısından bakış açılarını inceleyeceğiz.
Big Bang Teorisi
Bilim insanları, evrenin kökenini açıklamak için birkaç teori öne sürmüşlerdir. Ancak, en kabul gören teori, Big Bang teorisidir. Big Bang teorisine göre, evren, yaklaşık 13,8 milyar yıl önce tek bir noktadan patlamıştır. Bu patlama, evrenin genişlemesi ve gelişmesi ile sonuçlanmıştır.
Big Bang teorisinin destekleyen kanıtları arasında, evrenin genişlemesi, kozmik mikrodalga arka plan ışıması ve kozmik ışınlar gibi gözlemler yer almaktadır. Bu gözlemler, evrenin tek bir noktadan patladığına ve genişlediğine işaret etmektedir.
Felsefi Yaklaşım
Felsefe açısından, evrenin varoluşu konusu, ontoloji olarak adlandırılan bir alt dalda incelenir. Ontoloji, varlığın doğasını, var oluşun kaynağını ve var olan şeylerin özelliklerini araştıran bir disiplindir.
Ontolojiye göre, evrenin varoluşu konusu, var olan şeylerin kaynağı ile ilgilidir. Var olan şeylerin kaynağı nedir ve nasıl ortaya çıktılar? Bu sorular, ontolojinin odak noktasıdır.
Evrenin varoluşu konusunda felsefi bir teori, Varlık Nedeni Teorisi’dir. Bu teori, evrenin neden var olduğunu açıklamaya çalışır. Varlık Nedeni Teorisi’ne göre, evrenin nedeni, bir varlık nedenidir. Bu varlık nedeni, evrenin özünde bulunur ve onun var olmasını sağlar.
Din Açısından
Dinler, evrenin varoluşu konusunda kendi açıklamalarını sunmuşlardır. Örneğin, Hristiyanlık, İslam ve Yahudilik, evrenin Tanrı tarafından yaratıldığına inanırlar. Bu dinlerde, Tanrı, evreni yarattıktan sonra onu yönetir ve korur.
Bununla birlikte, diğer dinler
ise, evrenin yaratılış hikayeleri farklıdır. Hinduizm, Budizm ve Şintoizm gibi doğu dinleri, evrenin sonsuz döngüsüne inanırlar. Bu dinlerde, evren doğar, büyür, bozulur ve ölür; ardından yeniden doğar. Bu döngü, kozmik döngü olarak adlandırılır.
Evrenin varoluşu konusu, bilim, felsefe ve dinler arasında farklı bakış açılarına sahiptir. Bilim, gözlemlere ve kanıtlara dayalıdır. Felsefe, mantık ve argümanlarla çalışır. Dinler ise, inanca dayalıdır. Ancak, her biri evrenin varoluşu konusunda bir şeyler söyleyebilir.
Sonuç olarak, evrenin varoluşu konusu, insanlık tarihinin en büyük sorulardan biridir ve hala tam olarak cevaplanamamıştır. Bilim, felsefe ve dinler, her biri kendi açıklamasını sunsa da, tam bir cevap yoktur. Evrenin varoluşu, insan zihninin sınırlarını zorlayan bir konudur ve belki de tam olarak anlaşılamayacaktır. Ancak, bu konu hakkında sürekli düşünmek, insanların kendilerini ve dünyayı daha iyi anlamalarına yardımcı olabilir.
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ma1aika · 2 years
Was auch immer deine Sorge ist, Allah soll deine Hoffnung sein
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srvyxhi · 4 months
that one top tier Book with 30 chapters & 114 parts >>>>>
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repentingmuslimm · 1 year
هل تستحي من أن ترفع يديك إلي ربٍّ حَيِيٍّ يستحي أن يردهما صفرًا؟
Are you shy to ask from a Lord that is shy to return you empty handed?
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takestotuesday · 2 years
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All that glitters is not gold.
This dunya (world) seems so lively and joyful with the concerts, fashion shows, festivals and parties and I want to be a part of it too. It's attractive. Then i remember that the path to jannah is difficult but the destination is beautiful and cannot be compared to what lively things have here. It's like one of those stories or movies where they show that some people get into a game or a casino, the whole place is very attractive but before going in it they were warned that everything inside that place will attract them. And that what the eyes see is not the reality. The food that looks good is actually poisonous, the clothes that seem fancy burn when they are on your skin, the drinks don't hydrate you but dry you out, the partied that look grand and fun are actually places where you get depressed but you can't leave once you are in them. But if they get out of that place, find the end without eating, drinking, getting in those parties or taking anything from the people on there they will be rewarded beyond their imagination. They have to walk in there and keep in mind that everything is just a lie, control their urges, stay strong and get out of there.
But imagine that except one guy, everyone else in the group starts to believe that what they see is true and enjoy their time in there. They tell the guy that all the fancy things are real and nothing is happening to them, he could take them for an example and should join in. What reason has he got to not join in? Why should he control his desires and wants when his family and friends are enjoying the luxuries of that place? Why should he be deprived of it and stay hungry, thirsty and not enjoy his time there?
I feel like this is the current situation a momin has to face in this dunya. Haram is enforced upon us. It's extremely hard to stay away from unlawful things when everyone around you is enjoying them and considering it normal. Their lives seem perfect, nothing is happening to them. And cherry on top is when your friends and family are among these people. They invite you in their parties and tell you to "loosen up" because God is merciful and surely He will forgive you once you repent after doing wrong. It's so hard to stay on the right path O Allah! I try, i do try but i slip every time. I start to find art in music, beauty in women's drawings and time for the things you forbade us to do. But ya Allah, I swear by You that i do love You. Please Al Rahman, O Guider, the one who made me and everything that i can see and everything that i cannot see, please put me on the right path and give me guidance. Make me among your most beloved believers and take me away from this world when i am closest to you and in the position that you like the most. Ameen.
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