#demi luffy
jackrabbit-fandom · 29 days
Hi hi hi!!! I saw you write for one piece and was wondering if I could request something for luffy thats probably a little too specific..????
I headcannon luffy is somewhere on the aro/ace or gray spectrum and would just be so interested in reading about reader having feelings for him because hes like just you know luffy our boy😭 and luffy considers reader as practically oul mate type thsts how close they are.
Maybe like he feels just a tiny bit of something but decides to leave that until after he becomes king of the pirates but if its too hard you dont have to do this😭😭
Like doesnt have to be anything long or too grand and its okay if you dont want to write it🙏but thank you so much in advanve if you make it! ^^ (also hopefully no events that happen after sabaody because thats where i am right now im sorry but you dont have to if yoh dont want!😭💔)
AroAce Luffy headcanons (sorta)
So I'm not super versed on the aro part of the spectrum, but i am on the ace side, so i know more given that. Ether way, luffy is one of my favorites, and this is one of my own headcanons for him. More so, headcannon style then "story" cause im still trying to figure that part out, lol
Firstly, I'll say that to make this work, im going more so in the demi-romantic/sexual side. I am of the opinion that while he is slightly oblivious, and let's be honest, kinda dumb at times, luffy isn't completely clueless to these things.
Nothing too big here, gender neutral pronouns, fluff/tiny bit of angst, It's a tiny suggestive, but it's not really anything bad, Mabye, a bit of crack cause luffy
Sorry if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for. Like i said, I've never done this before, but hopefully, you liked it anyway
Having feelings for this guy would be kinda hard, mainly because he's very obvious when people do like him. Hed likely just assumed your best buds for a while unless you get the courage to just tell him. This can get frustrating when he's constantly hugging you and hanging around you.
If we do go fully on aroace luffy, it'd probably hurt a bit. He'd probably fully ignore your feelings for him or just not notice. It would be more so a one-sided pinning. If you're part of his crew, he likely clings onto you like he does with the others, which could also make things worse
If you confess to him now, he'd just straight up tell you he's not interested, or he doesn't care about that kinda thing
However, if we go more of a demi route and you confess, theres a few outcomes:
The first one is that he just bluntly says he's not interested, just like in the aroace one, which is kinda harsh but not fully unexpected. I don't think he'd mean it to actually hurt you, but he does mainly seem to tell the truth with these things
The second would be where he misunderstands your confession somehow? And it ends up as a kind of "i love you." "i love you too, buddy!" Thing which just gets awkward....
The third is where he's known you for quite some time and has been able to get close enough to develop some feelings. With him, he's a very loyal friend, but in terms of relationships, he's not used to feeling that kind of love, i guess? So it'd likely take him a bit of time to get used to the feeling and figure out what to do with it. It likely does come with confusion and a few questions, but as i said, he's not COMPLETELY clueless. He knows what a relationship is, at least. You'd have to essentially be his soulmate, which in his mind is likely someone who has his sense of humor and can cook. Obviously, he has a bit more to that, such as he'd prefer someone who doesn't manipulate or hurt ithers for their own personal gain
If he were to start a relationship, i do think it would have to be after he became king of the pirates. He doesn't really want many distractions in his adventure when it comes to that kind of relationship. Plus, like i said, he'd have to be very close to you, so assuming you a strawhat as well, I'd give him plenty of time to grow attached. So once his goal was reached, he may be willing to try a relationship. I still see him as a very goofy person even then, so he'd probably still just treat you like his best buddy but with a new title.
Like i said, i dont think much would change when it comes to how he treats you. He's already very affectionate with his crew, so he likely acts the same with you. If you asked, though, i think he'd try to give you a bit more than the others, but it still wouldn't be a big difference. Though if you asked for a kiss... you might end up with the sloppiest wettest smooch in the world right on your cheek.
Given that he's inexperienced, he might ask the others for some advice which likely wouldn't end well, its ether zoro giving him the dumbest awnsers sense they share a brain cell, sanji attempting to give luffy 'gentleman lessons" and getting frustrated, usopp acting like a expert just to not be that, or him finally getting to nami and robin and getting actual advice. That would somehow backfire anyway.
On the side of Ace, i don't think he'd be very interested in that kind of stuff. It's been confirmed that he reacts towards the bath scenes and such due to usopp being there. He just doesn't strike me as the type to be overly active in that area, again i dont think hes clueless,i doubt makima never gave him and his brother 'the talk' he just doesnt care for it. It's just never been something he's been interested in. He likely overheard Shanks talking about it at some point but didn't really care.
One piece and luffy are not my own characters, though the headcannons themselves are mine
Sorry for any grammer or spelling errors.
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penn-dragon · 5 months
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Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about my headcanons and to draw all the Straw Hats!
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
luffy doesn't get the sexual appeal of bodies. they're just that, right? bodies. muscles. he doesn't really get why sanji gets all annoying when he sees nami in a swimsuit. he doesn't get why franky likes to stare at robin so much when she's sunbathing. he understands they're supposed to be sexy or whatever, but he has never felt the way others do. he doesn't get it, but he doesn't care much about it either.
then he sees zoro covered in blood. bruised, damaged skin under the moonlight. his chest moving up and down because of his deep breathing. red dripping from his swords. his teeth tightly pressing into the hilt of wado.
luffy doesn't know if what he's feeling could be compared to sanji's sudden outbursts of horniness or franky's heart eyed expressions, but he certainly feels something he has never experienced before.
he's aware that he's staring at zoro, lost in thought. lost in his huge hands and wide chest. callused fingers. chapped lips. he wants to trace his nails over his scars. he wants to kiss every part of him. devour him. consume him.
is that what sex is supposed to be? luffy isn't sure. he has always known what it is, but never how it feels like.
usopp makes a joke about him staring, but he doesn't hear him. zoro's smiling. at him. his captain. but right now luffy doesn't know how to tell zoro that he's the one holding his soul. his breathing feels heavy on his chest and throat. he feels warmth overcoming him completely.
"all good, captain?" zoro's still grinning. he looks like the devil himself.
who were they fighting against again?
luffy only nods and his first mate seems to take it as a proper answer.
first mate. for some reason now that title feels more intimate. it makes him choke on his unsaid words.
luffy might not know a lot of things, but he knows he wants zoro in every possible way, and maybe that's more than enough.
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sen-ya · 29 days
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Still was probably reading early Dressrosa when I did this one. It’s wild looking at these drawings tbh lmao.
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randomrando767 · 7 months
Demi god au.
Pretty much the d clan are Demi gods.
Garp is the offspring of justice, Dragon is mothered by the God of storms. Luffy was born to the sun, Roger with the sea. Rouge was born to the God of the Afterlife.
Ace was just born to two Demi gods.
Demi gods and 1/4 gods all are covered in glyphs. All of them have a circle of their back with a mark to represent their god. Luffy has a sun with a detached inverted spike ring on the outside. Ace has two smaller ones.
They get some form of magic, luffy gets fire, Roger get water manipulation, Garp got disowned and doesn't have magic anymore.
Ace just gets weak ghost sensing and the ability to breath under water.
The glyphs also have an animal type design/familiar to go with it. Luffy has a lion dog on his shoulder and one as a familler. Roger had a sea king on his lower back. Garp lost his tiger, but it was on his upper back. Rouge had a kitsuine on her thigh. Ace gets a salamander on his bicep, Dragon has a western dragon on his lower arm.
The summones are gaint mythical animals, Ace's salamander can grow as large as Whitebeard and light on fire, Luffy's lion dog can get a big as the thousand sunny. Dragon's dragon can get as big as Kaido.
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betweenxt-the-lines · 2 months
Fic Analysis: Found in the Crack of Your Palm
Disclaimer: This analysis will contain SPOILERS. I encourage you to read the one-shot first before reading this post.
Read the fanfic here, and don't forget to leave kudos and comments to the author, @the-furthest-city-light! It's a very good time, to the point of inspiring me into writing ovo
The main draw that I had with this fanfic in the first place is that it characterizes Luffy as demisexual. His and Zoro's relationship is cleverly paced and built up from their small, bite-sized scenarios that capture the slow but eventual realization and admittance of his romantic feelings to Zoro.
While the one-shot is divided in several different scenes spanning many settings, The scenes in the crow’s nest with Luffy and Zoro are the most vital scenes of the fanfic. We see that throughout the story, only these two characters are shown to frequent the crow's nest. It's also the only place in the story where Zoro and Luffy allow for their vulnerability and openness to shine through, making this the location of Luffy's "checkpoint" where he reflects on his feelings and overall progress of his relationship with Zoro.
Being unaware of his feelings
When first introduced to the crow’s nest, Luffy at this point has made small notices that he’s been paying attention to Zoro in a way he’s not done with another person. In the scene before, Luffy was focused on Zoro’s physical features for the first time and he notes that it bubbles up a strange reaction inside of him.
... Zoro lying against the mast, the tender underbelly of him exposed. It does weird things to Luffy’s chest, makes his skin feel tight. His palms tingle, an itch beneath his skin to – to – 
Luffy stops his line of thinking by engaging in usual Luffy shenanigans (shooting a fish with a canon) to distract himself. Going back to Luffy and Zoro's scene in the crow’s nest, Luffy also catches the way the moon illuminates and paints Zoro’s features. Both of these scenarios points the start of his interest in Zoro. However, he too unaware of this behaviour to notice a shift within himself, and easily gives in to distractions. After staring at Zoro and taking in the night sky, Luffy comments,
“It’s pretty”, Luffy says when he’s done looking at the stars
But for someone who was just done looking at the stars, he’s paying an awful amount of more attention and focus on the way Zoro looks. Zoro’s features were intentionally described in more length, indicative of the amount of attention that Luffy was giving to them. By comparison, there was not a single description of the star’s beauty in the night sky. This made me believe that Luffy was unaware about how he’s using the stars as a cover for the feelings that he has not (for now) discovered. Luffy no doubt finds the stars to be beautiful, but he does not realize that he's not quite referring to the stars, but to Zoro. Checkpoint one in Luffy's relationship with Zoro displays that he's started to notice things about Zoro, something that he does not do for others.
Two crucial moments and the slow realization
By the second time we are privy to the events in the crow’s nest, Luffy had experienced two big events that caused a turning point with his development and realization about his feelings: the battle at Whiskey Peak, and the Battle with the Marines. Both of these scenarios forced Luffy to realize that he likes Zoro differently from how he likes his other close friends and family, putting him a step closer to finding out that his feelings may not be entirely platonic. I want to discuss each turning point in great detail because they provide the push Luffy needed to complete his realization, which he will then be reflecting and pondering on in the crow’s nest.
In the battle of Whiskey Peak, Luffy for the first time faces Zoro as an enemy. Luffy has always known that Zoro enjoys his battles, but he also gains another understanding with the way he fights. When the swordsman battles, he gives his utmost focus and attention to his enemy.
After Whiskey Peak he’s almost—he’s almost jealous, of the people Zoro fights.  Not because he wants to fight Zoro, but because Zoro affords all his focus to those he fights, the whole entire strength of him.
Luffy realizes that he likes being given that attention and admits that he is jealous of the people Zoro fights. Even for a small moment, Luffy gets a preview of what it is like to be Zoro’s everything, and he desperately craves that feeling again. Their skirmish ended with Luffy gaining a scar on his bicep that he is fond of because the scar is a proof of Zoro's connection with him, almost like he now as a part of Zoro. Luffy becomes more drawn to his swordsman as he now realizes what it will be like to be his only focus.
He notices that Zoro only shaves once a week, but by day five his stubble is visible and by day six it starts bugging him. … He notices Zoro doesn’t touch him, but he lets Luffy pull him along without much complaint.  So he finds himself yanking Zoro into his space at the dining table or pulling him along across Merry’s deck to show him cool stuff or hugging him one-sidedly like it’s the most natural thing in the world. If he’s really, really lucky, then Zoro will turn to look at him with this smile that he only gives Luffy.  And always, always, when Zoro looks at him with that smile, his eyes soften in a way that fills Luffy up to the brim, so full he can’t breathe.  It’s weird. Luffy likes it.  He likes Zoro in general.
At this point of the story, Luffy is much more deliberate with paying attention to the little details of  Zoro, signifying that he’s now aware of how much his eyes shift to his swordsman. He starts to find small excuses to continuously touch and be around him, realizing that he likes Zoro. Based on what we’ve seen of Luffy so far, it is hard to say he's referring to a romantic “like”, but it is not a stretch to believe that Zoro has gained his interest in a way that other people did not. He clues in that Zoro makes him feel strange, but he likes this feeling that Zoro gives him. Luffy even makes an attempt with sharing this discovery.
I don’t mind,” Luffy tells him, and stuffs his mouth full of a ham hock.  He is so glad they have Sanji on the crew now.  “Zoro can touch me."
The second turning point comes with the battle with the Marines. The fight is well-paced, carrying the right amount of energy with its punch and challenges, portraying that despite the Straw Hats needing to take the fight a little more seriously than usual, they will still be victorious. The fight contained its dangers, but the lighthearted banter and communications within the Straw Hats imply that they will triumph.
It is at the end of the battle, however, that brings Luffy's next development with his feelings for Zoro. Zoro scolds Luffy for his inaction after warning him of an incoming attack. Understanding that Luffy is okay, and that he’s taken more hits than his captain, Zoro softens. Luffy notices that Zoro is giving him his full attention, similar to how he did when they battled in Whiskey Peak. When Zoro clasps the back of Luffy’s head, Luffy starts to have an ecstatic reaction. This is our first look of Luffy's desire for Zoro, something he never had with anyone else.
None of it explains the way Luffy’s body lights up when Zoro clasps the back of his neck, like every nerve is alight and trained on the palm cupping the baby hairs at the back of his skull.  His stomach knots over itself and he wants to eat everything in Sanji’s kitchen.  Zoro’s skin is a little rough and sweaty from fighting and warm. Zoro is close, so close, his forehead nearly butting Luffy’s and Luffy couldn’t move if he wanted to, trapped there by the closeness and the touch that makes him aware of Zoro’s skin against his in a way he’s never been before.  Zoro’s eyes bore into his, digging deep into Luffy and dragging out—something, buried in the base of his spine.  He feels like the earth is tilting, and freefall seems like it might be fun. Luffy licks his lips, his mouth dry and his heartrate frantic.
As the moment between him and Zoro is broken, Luffy wanted Zoro’s attention back. Now aware for his desire for Zoro, Luffy is unable to handle this new turn of events, “…his [Luffy] brain blank and empty with static,” and “feeling weird and off-balance.” Zoro’s attention is now directed to Chopper was patching him up, and Luffy (for the first time) blushes as he takes in the details of Zoro’s back muscles and movements.
Zoro’s bared back faces Luffy, and it suddenly seems—different.  Luffy’s never noticed the way the muscles on Zoro’s back stand out, connect, contract as he moves.  He’s never noticed how his tanned skin seems to glow in the afternoon light, or how his shoulder-blades stand out, framing the divot of his spine. His face feels too warm.  Everything feels too warm.  Luffy tears his gaze away, and finds Sanji staring at him, one curly eyebrow raised.
With Luffy’s two reactions (blushing and the feelings he got when Zoro touched him on the back of his neck), I believe this is the point where Luffy realizes he has a crush on Zoro, even if he still does not understand what that entails. It’s also worth noting that right after Luffy notices his desires , his hunger pangs starts, desperate to fill a gap within himself with food. Even as he lays awake on his bunk at night and fed, he’s having trouble with sleep. I see this as Luffy making an attempt at trying to satiate his feelings of crush for Zoro with food, because he doesn’t know how to go about wanting his swordsman. Luffy’s a bit of a stress eater, and honestly, he’s me fr fr.
It’s no coincidence that he climbs into the crow’s nest the next night, now with a bit more of an understanding of his feelings about the swordsman, but also with many thoughts to ponder over. When he looks over at Zoro and absorbs the details of how the moon has painted Zoro’s features, Luffy reacts the same way he did during the aftermath of the battle with the Marines: blushing and wanting Zoro’s attention. To notice that he’s feeling new things about his swordsman. Wanting to touch him.
And just like what happened after, Luffy once again stops himself from saying what he wants. He tried to share his thoughts with Zoro, but it comes out lacking and not completely what he’s meaning to say. He still has no idea how to go about resolving and sharing how he feels with Zoro.
“Zoro,” Luffy starts.  He hears Zoro move to look over at him, but doesn’t know how to voice what he wants to ask.  He frowns in thought, and Zoro makes a questioning noise. “I like it up here,” Luffy tells him.  It’s not what he wants to say but it’s true regardless.  He looks up at Zoro because Zoro always seems to understand him with just a look, and he thinks he may as well give it a shot now. Zoro’s expression is soft, and he nods.  But there’s no light of understanding or realization in his eyes, and whatever Luffy’s thinking or feeling misses its mark.  That’s okay—it’s not like Luffy knows what he meant in the first place.”
As Luffy understands that he’s gaining non-platonic feelings for Zoro, he’s becomes unsure. Luffy (who throughout this story) has been confident and does not give too much of a thought about his actions, shows hesitation for the first time. He knows he wants Zoro, but he still does not completely understand what a crush means, or how to go about having a crush.
This second crow’s nest scene summarizes Luffy’s current progress on his feelings towards Zoro: aware of his non-platonic feelings, but doesn’t quite know what it is or what he’s going to do with it. The reason he’s been able to come to this conclusion is because of his discoveries both during the fight in Whiskey Peak and the Marines. In fact, I stand to believe that it’s not a coincidence that it’s during battles that Luffy makes these realizations. Zoro is a man of few words, and uses his actions to do the talking, which is fitting, that Luffy starts to fall for him as Zoro shows himself more through his actions.
Action and Conclusion
In the third (and final) time we’re shown in Luffy and Zoro’s moment in the crow’s nest, we reach a culmination of Luffy’s efforts to understanding and addressing how he feels about Zoro. To get to this point, he seeks out the help of Nami as he knows he won't go far trying to figure things out on his own. Nami and Vivi are in a relationship in this story, and Luffy is aware that they’ve kissed and done other romantic actions. This displays Luffy’s observant nature and accurate assessment, making the connection that what he’s feeling for Zoro is likely how Nami feels for Vivi.
Nami explains that she partakes in romantic endeavours with Vivi is that she’s attracted to Vivi, which Luffy does not understand. 
“… but you know how, like, you can look at a person and think they’re pretty or hot but it’s kind of—objective?  Remote?  And how with other people you notice they’re pretty and also you feel like you want to be near them or touch them?” Luffy tilts his head to the side.  “No?” “Hmm,” Nami frowns.  “What about, like, butterflies?  Where you see someone and get kind of nervous and hot because you like them?” Luffy scrunches his nose.  He can’t remember being nervous about…well, anything, ever.
Luffy’s demisexuality comes into the forefront of the story and is a major factor into him not understanding his feelings for Zoro. Being demisexual means that the person can’t be drawn to another solely on their physical appearance, or if they don’t know a person deeply. Prior to meeting Zoro, Luffy has never been nervous about a person, felt the feelings of “butterflies” in his stomach, or the need to touch someone and be near them. It’s curious that Luffy does not think about his reactions to Zoro when Nami was describing attraction, even when he did experience the same feelings. However, there is reason to believe that this is because at this point, Luffy does not connect the dots that his nervousness and uncertainty is linked with his romantic feelings for Zoro. As Nami made Zoro leave the kitchen, allowing for a more private conversation between her and Luffy, he opens to ask his true question: If he wants to kiss Zoro. Luffy explains to Nami that he’s never had the urge to do this with someone before, therefore attributing to his confusion.
“He doesn’t think it makes a lot of sense, since most of Luffy’s explanations have to do with Zoro staring or how it suddenly feels weird to touch his swordsman or how he really, really wants Zoro to touch him.  He tells them he feels—squirmy around Zoro now and it’s not restlessness or hunger or anything else he knows how to deal with, how he wants to say something but he doesn’t know what.” 
It is worth noting here that Luffy is an amateur when attempting to describe how he feels about Zoro. Not only that, but he describes his feelings objectively, as he only talks about the sensations in his body and wanting to do something about it. Luffy has felt happy, excited, and nervous when thinking about Zoro, but he does not describe any of these feelings to Nami. I see this as Luffy not being aware of how his feelings shifts when he is thinking about Zoro. Nami realizes that Luffy works better with action-based learning to resolving his feelings, and tells Luffy to ask Zoro for permission when wanting to do something with him. Luffy is then excited at the prospect of asking Zoro for a hug, because even in his uncertainty, getting an affirmation from the person in question is a direct and definitive way to having an answer.
Luffy decides on the next day that he’s going to ask Zoro for a hug, waiting patiently for him to finish his workout. He homes in on the way Zoro’s body and muscles move.
Zoro squats, and as he squats he exhales through his mouth.  His abs bend and his thighs bulge through the fabric of his trousers.  He rises, and his stomach contracts as he inhales through his nose, his broad chest bulging and his shoulders pinned back under the weight he’s holding.  Luffy follows the line off his shoulders to the swell of his biceps, the tension of his forearms and the firmness of his grip around the barbell. Luffy watches the motion of Zoro’s hips for a moment but it makes a flush of something deep and sharp slide through him, something unexpected.  He imagines Zoro turning around, imagines watching him do this from behind, and he has to look away, imagining the muscles of Zoro’s back move and twitch beneath his skin, his trousers filling with his butt on each squat— Luffy squirms, the first flash of impatience hitting him.  He wants to touch Zoro.  He wants to hug him.  Or something.”
The usually hyperactive and excitable Luffy is still and quiet when observing Zoro because he’s enamoured. He even goes as far as imagining what it would be like for him to stare at Zoro from behind but cuts off his line of thought by thinking of doing something else to distract himself. It took Luffy this long to find Zoro attractive, a feeling that Nami described to him earlier in the kitchen.
Zoro is confused by Luffy at this point because he’s waited two hours to ask a seemingly mundane question, but this shows how important this is to Luffy for him to sit still and wait. He wants Zoro to have his full attention when answering his question, and only with Zoro’s permission did he go for the hug.
“Do hugs make you feel good?” Luffy asks, curious.  He knows Zoro doesn’t like touch like Luffy does, so it would be disappointing but not weird for Zoro to say no. “I—don’t—maybe?” Zoro squirms and it makes Luffy giggle as his muscles move underneath him.  “It’s—fine, I guess.” Luffy leans back in the hug so he can see Zoro’s face.  He’s still sweaty from his workout, and red from the exertion, but he’s scowling hard, his whole face pinched into it.  His glare is fixed on Luffy’s face, firm and unrelenting. Luffy studies him, looking for objection, for discomfort or dislike. He grins.”
Luffy values Zoro’s opinion on the hug because this is a step closer to figuring out the answer to his main question (if he wants to kiss Zoro). He is expectedly happy that Zoro finds no problem with his hug, and he is now able to act on his affections with hugs.  In addition, he tells Zoro to hug him back whenever he wants, showing that Luffy wants Zoro to be open with affection the way he is to Zoro.
As Luffy gets more comfortable with asking Zoro for hugs, he extends to other methods of physical touches like head pats, touches on the arms, putting sunscreen on the back, and holding his hands. Zoro is undoubtedly confused by this new behaviour but continues to indulge with Luffy’s every requests. Luffy notes the strange feelings in his body, his “heart squeezes hard in his chest and freezes the air in his lungs.” He eventually becomes greedy for Zoro’s touches, and asks for more.
His greed reaches a tipping point when he asks Zoro to sit on his lap during a dinner. Zoro’s confusion on Luffy’s behaviour turns into hurt and embarrassment, causing him to storm out of the establishment.
“I don’t get it,” Zoro says after a moment.  He’s staring at Luffy with—wait, what, that looks like—hurt, or embarrassment, or— “Why are you being so weird the last few days?” Luffy frowns.  “I’ve been asking.” “Yeah, and—” Zoro runs his hand through his hair, frustrated.  He glares at nothing, somewhere above their heads, and squeezes the hilt of his white sword.  “Forget this.  Someone should watch the ship.”
While Luffy is confused with the reaction, Zoro’s hurt and embarrassment is not surprising. I’ve held off from talking about Zoro’s point of view so far because we are not privy to much of his thoughts or feelings in comparison to Luffy’s openness and having his heart on his sleeve. However, Zoro’s frustration and pain at this moment quickly clicked with me because of what he’s seen from Luffy's behaviour so far. When Luffy was asking Nami to explain attraction, he was there to witness that conversation and watch Luffy get increasingly confused with Nami’s descriptions. He does not believe that Luffy understood what it was. Coupling this detail with Luffy’s frequent requests for closeness and affection, Zoro concludes that Luffy is doing this out of curiosity, unaware of how the touches made Zoro feel. In a way, he might have felt like his emotions are being played with, even if it was not Luffy’s intention.
With the encouragement of his friends, Luffy would ultimately decide that he doesn’t want to keep betting around the bush with getting an answer to his original question, and moves to go after Zoro to do what he wanted to do since the beginning. It is here that we reach the third (and final!) scene, in the crow’s nest where Luffy and Zoro will confess their feelings.
In the final scenario at the crow’s nest plays differently from the two former events in the crow’s nest, with Luffy now understanding what he wants and intending to share his direct and honest thoughts with Zoro.
He opens with saying “It’s pretty,” but this time, he’s looking at Zoro. He is setting an intention to make Zoro understand that he’s not talking about the stars, but about him. Zoro asks him why he’s been behaving strange the past few days, because Luffy was never the type of person to ask for permission about anything. Luffy’s explanation and build up with his inner turmoil throughout the story is revealed.
“I’ve never liked someone the way, like, Nami likes Vivi or Usopp likes Kaya.  I thought I didn’t get like that and I didn’t really care.  Except you…” “….And I started thinking about—how the way I like you feels different, how I notice things about you I don’t notice for anyone else, like the way you have nice hands or how you always clean your swords a certain way or when you like to shave, and I—“ Luffy scowls, because the words are kind of hard to say suddenly, “My favorite scar is the one you gave me, and sometimes I want to bite you so we match.”  “…So like, then I realized that I want you to look at me all the time, because no one looks at me like you do, and I want you to touch me all the time, because it feels different and good and stuff when you touch me.  It’s fun and I like it, and I want to touch you lots.” … (He really, really hopes that’s what Zoro wants too.) … (Oh—huh.  What if it’s not?) “…Nami said I should practice if I wasn’t sure what I wanted, and I did, so now I know what I want,” Luffy says, determined now that he’s said this much—the adrenaline in his veins feels a lot like nerves and he wants to laugh at his older self for scoffing at the idea.  Maybe Luffy’s laying his heart bare too, without even realizing it.  He flushes, looks Zoro in the eye, and smiles as big as he can.”
As a demisexual, Luffy does not start to develop feelings for a person unless he has a deep connection with them first. He may have many friends who he considers precious, but he’s been around Zoro the longest at this point of his journey to becoming a pirate king. He also matches with him in many aspects, operating from similar wavelengths and capable of having wordless conversations because they just understand each other that deeply. Luffy’s attraction to Zoro needed to take a long period of build up and slow realizations, perfectly timed and crafted by the author as they guide the readers from the start to the realization, and to the conclusion of Luffy’s romantic development. It started from the small observations, following by the realization that he wants Zoro differently that came much later after he’d gone through two major moments that recontextualized the way he sees Zoro.
Because Luffy is unsure about what to do with his romantic affections, he takes Nami’s suggestions to heart. Since Luffy has no previous understanding of romance or romantic gestures, he hesitates on what to do next. He’s only newly come to terms with his romantic feelings, therefore he struggles with asking Zoro for a kiss or how to initiate it.
As Luffy was about to ask Zoro for a kiss, his mouth is covered by his swordsman’s hand. It’s ironic how Luffy was told to ask permission when he’s unsure, and by asking for a kiss, he displays that he’s doubting himself as he asks for the kiss. Zoro doesn’t allow him to complete his question, showing Luffy that he does not need to doubt himself any longer. Putting a hand on the back of his neck, he captures his lips, and the moment reaches its eventual climax.
“Captain doesn’t need to ask me,” Zoro repeats, his voice rough and low and his breathing is ragged too.  “Captain should just take what he wants.”
When it comes to romance, Luffy started out not knowing of the feeling or how to deal with it, needing the guidance from his friends and explicit permission from Zoro to progress and do what he thinks is right. Romance is not an easy feeling to navigate, and it’s normal to feel the uncertainty and nervousness of the pressure to make it "feel right" when sharing your feelings and handling the overwhelming desires that comes from them.
Luffy was able to arrive to his answer and find the courage to share them, undoubtedly from the help of his friends, but also because he’s had plenty of time to reflect and sit with what he’s feeling and experiencing.
Found in the Crack of your Palm is a story about the slow yet steady build up of eventual romance and feeling it for the first time. The journey to the romance was eventful, but all it took was having the turning points to open the floodgates of the dormant feelings that was eager to be noticed. The moment can be as small as finding and feeling a scar on your bicep, a crack in your palm that opened the eyes to the realization that you’ve been wanting a certain someone to be a part of you as long as they can and forever if the stars allow for so. It’s the feeling of wanting to hold another person’s cracked palms and hands into your own as you take on the world together for all the challenges and joys that you both are about to experience, together.
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jojococomo · 1 year
Tell Me That You Love Me (I’ll Never Ask You Why)
One Piece, One-Shot, Teen, 3557 Words
Post-Wano, Trafalgar Law/ Monkey D. Luffy, first-kiss
Summary: After Wano in a nameless port town, two captains reunite. Not all alliances are the same.
There's no time to cry
You wanna see a world without pain
Take a swim in the river
We could fly higher than high
Light headed, I know you're a sightseer
Can I see your mind, no I can't
Wanna read your mind, but I can't
I don't feel alive, but I am
Make me feel alive, I know you can
Onyx- Odette, 2018
They utter it at the same time. Luffy, as he always was, perched on that lion figurehead looking down with a grin wider than the space of his cheeks had vacancy for. Law, as he always was, Kikoku notched at his shoulder, face turned towards the sun, towards Luffy.
“What are you doing here?” Luffy asks and Law frowns, beaten in asking the question himself. The docks of some no name port-town bustle about them. Them, their crews, their ships, separated by a paltry dock and lapping waves.
“I could ask you the same thing, Straw Hat-ya.” Law responds dryly, “I’m pretty sure I told you leaving Wano if we met again I would kill you.”
“Our alliance is over, Straw Hat-ya.” Luffy recites, his impression of Law is seamless on his own face, before it shatters with a grin. White wavebreak lines, laughter ringing out from his mouth, his throat, his stomach and soul, “You sure did! Bet you feel awkward now, huh?”
It had been a month since they left Wano. Four measly weeks didn’t quite wash all the time Law spent among the Straw Hat crew from his pores. He still wakes sometimes in the night thinking he hears Luffy’s snoring. He still bends over his plate, hand raised in defense of Luffy’s quick fingers when eating. Still closes his eyes and sees the impression of Luffy over him, blocking Doflamingo’s foot from bashing Law’s face in on the back of his eyelids. To see Luffy again, so suddenly, so surprisingly, isn’t awkward in the slightest.
“Hm.” Law hums. He doesn’t smile, not really. Whatever tugs at the corner of his mouth is out of his control, but it’s enough for Luffy. “Please tell me Kidd isn’t here, too. We drew straws for a reason.”
“Haven’t seen Jaggy since Wano.” Luffy confirms, rising to his feet. The wind off the bay catches the tails of his coat, deep red with gold thread. Law’s breath catches in his chest at the sight, lungs blooming. Pressing his ribcage until it aches with emotion as Luffy’s hand comes down on that crown made of straw, “So, are you going to kill me here on the dock?” A frown mars Luffy’s face in thought as he looks out at the port with it’s little shops and little people.The little lives going about their day, unknowing that two of the world’s most dangerous men stood deciding whether they were about to raze an entire town in combat, “I dunno, these people have been really nice to us. Hate to ruin their day.”
Law rolls his eyes, adjusting his sword. Pinky finger lifting off the hilt, back down, current rolling through the rest of his grip. He puts on a expression of mock-consideration, “Well, we did just dock. Probably should let my crew stretch their legs first before I make a mess.”
“Good idea,” Luffy nods, eyes sparkling with amusement that Law mirrors with a shake of his head. With a running leap, his shadow skates over water, over Law, before he lands with barely more than a soft tap of both his feet at Law’s side, “I was getting hungry.”
“Oh?” Law says. Kikoku moves from one shoulder to the other. Making room for Luffy to stand close. Not touching, they hadn’t touched really since Dressrosa, but the heat of Luffy’s sunwarm skin feels like a palm resting on his side, “That wasn’t an invitation to eat together.”
“Who says we’re eating together?” Luffy tosses back with ease as they walk. Law’s stride shortening and his quickening so they can walk side by side. Footfalls on wood to footfalls on cobblestone. “Do you have money to pay for food?” Law asks, already suspecting the answer. Luffy’s eyes slide to him, full of humor.
“Nope!” He says brightly, bumping his shoulder against Law’s arm, “Guess you’ll have to buy me lunch, Trao.”
Law tugs at the brim of his cap, pulls it low and levels his voice, “Whatever. Where is your crew, anyway?”
“Dunno, they each went off in a different direction.”
“Didn’t go with them?”
“Nah, wanted to take a nap.” A child sprints past with loose shoelaces. Splats belly-down on the ground, his toy flinging into Luffy’s path. Luffy plucks the toy, then the child off the ground without pause. Setting them to the side. The kid looks up at Luffy, at the captain’s coat and the pure, unadulterated power that radiates from Luffy’s core. Awe before worship. Law is a witness to the new convert at Luffy’s door, “Good thing I did. Would’ve missed you if I hadn’t stuck around.”
“Lucky me.” Law deadpans and it makes Luffy laugh. They walk until a raucous pub catches Luffy’s attention. Drinkers and smokers and sailors spilling out of the doors chased by the smell of cooking meat. There is laughter inside. Singing and fighting above din of conversation. A siren song for Luffy. Law looks at it with mild disdain, but Luffy tugs him in by the elbow. They find a spot at a corner table on the second floor landing. Balcony seats to the excitement below. The barmaid is a young girl of fifteen, she rattles off the food specials to them while serving the table next to them. Law orders a pint of whatever was on tap and whatever was caught fresh that morning. Luffy orders everything else. The girl looks frazzled at the request, but takes their orders and sails off towards the kitchen.
Law crosses his legs, stretching them long under the table, invading Luffy’s territory, “No sympathy for my wallet, Straw Hat-ya?”
“Oh, so you are buying me lunch?” Luffy grins back and Law blinks, before delivering a swift kick to Luffy’s shin. Luffy dodges it, hooks his foot over the top of Law’s legs and leaves it there. Neither of them mention it. “Besides,” Luffy adds, “Not like you are paying with your own money.”
Law tilts his head, not in confirmation. After so many years on the streets, Law knew better than to self-incriminate. The knowledge of being caught is there already, he'll wait until Luffy proves it. Luffy snorts, reaching into the basket of nuts and starting to crack the shell. He's being polite today, Law has seen him eat them before, casing and all. “The guy by the door, the big one with the scar. You filched his wallet on the way in when he bumped into you."
"Impressive." Law reaches into his jacket and draws out a leather wallet, worn with age. He flips it open and starts pulling out the cash inside. Counts it into piles, enough for the meal, even including the seconds and thirds Luffy was sure to order, and also a tip for the waitress. In the change purse there is a collection of coins. Half berris and half local currency. Law plucks his favorite. Silver with the insignia of a ram, aged 130 years. Luffy watches him, cheeks puffed in chewing. Law twists his hand and in a pop the wallet is gone. A rock lands in his hand and Law deposits it on the table next to the cash and coin. “No one has ever caught me before.”
Law folds the cash and pushes it into his pocket for later.
“Yer no’ a’ gud a’ ‘ami.”
Law grimaces, “Please chew before you speak.”
Luffy swallows in one big gulp, “You’re not as good as Nami. Sabo was— wait— is better than both of you combined. I could never catch him. He tried to teach me when we were younger, but I was no good at it.”
“Easier to punch a guy, I assume.”
Luffy shrugs, picking up the coin from the table and twisting it in his hands, “More straight-forward. Pick-pocketing didn’t do much if every mark around you was just as poor as you were. Better to hit and run.”
“Sure.” Law says, before drawing Luffy’s gaze with a turn of his head, “But not as satisfying.”
The man is pulling out his wallet, still in his back pocket where he had placed it hours before entering the pub. He opens it while laughing. Law and Luffy watch as the man’s laughter dies in his throat upon finding only spare change. Not nearly enough to pay for the several pints of beer that lay empty on the table. His drinking pals groan as he sputters, the barmaid looking on without sympathy as the rest of them dig through their pockets to pay for their friend. Luffy watches the events unfold, amused, “Funny. Though, I think you’ve never landed a really good punch, have you?”
Law holds up one hand, fingers spreading the letters inked into the skin wide. With a twist of his wrist, the coin abandons Luffy’s grasp and is between his pointer and middle finger, “Spent a lot of money on these tattoos, wouldn’t want to ruin them."
"Hadn't thought of that." Luffy admits, staring at the coin. Or at Law's hand. It was hard to tell in the low light of the pub. He holds his own hand up in examination, "Guess it would be dumb for me to get tattoos on my hands. I mess them up all the time."
Law had never taken the time to look at Luffy's hands. Those hands that held him, carrying him through the streets of Dressrosa. He looks now, the excuse given so freely. Takes it greedily, takes it as far as grabbing it so he can examine it in the light. Luffy's hands are the hands of a brawler. Swollen knuckles and a comet of scars mauling the bone and skin. A ganglion cyst sits puffed right above the joint of his thumb. His nails are groomed and clean. Little islands in a sea of healed over cartilage.
“No,” Law says low, letting go of Luffy’s hand so that he doesn’t do something stupid like slot his own fingers between them. His arms come to cross over his chest, “You probably couldn’t sit still long enough for the artist to get a needle on you.”
The waitress returns with their drinks in hand. Behind her was another barmaid, older with a twisted braid falling over her shoulder. Loaded down with plates and plates of food. Luffy cheers as food is set down on the table. Immediately digging into a turkey leg still sizzling with hot oil used to fry it. Yelping when he burns his tongue but eating through the pain. Law nods his thanks to the barmaid, who blushes a pretty pink and giggles. She leaves in a flurry and Law takes a bite of his grilled trout. Looking up he catches Luffy staring after the girl, a rope of turkey skin between his teeth.
“Trao, do you like girls?”
Law coughs around his fork, reaching for his beer to swallow it down. Luffy is watching him, still chewing but the question is there on his plate. Law wipes his mouth, playing for time. Luffy waits. “Um,” Law says ineloquently, “I— why do you want to know?”
Luffy frowns, “That’s not an answer.”
“Neither is that.”
“Neither is that times infinity.”
“You—” Law gapes, rubbing his temple, “How old are you?”
“Older than that girl.” Luffy mutters and Law blinks.
“I don’t….” Law begins, feeling the words gurgle in his mouth, seeping out, “I’m not. I don’t like people, generally. I don’t really think about gender.”
Luffy tilts his head to the side, “I didn’t ask who you didn’t like. I asked who you liked.”
“I answered that, I don’t. Generally. Doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a guy. I’m not…into people.” It comes out stilted, as it always did when he told someone about this fact. He’s never had romantic feelings, sexual feelings even less frequent. He doesn’t know if it was the white lead killing everything he ever knew that did it, or just an innate part of his being.
“Hm,��� Luffy works his jaw, chewing on both his food and Law’s words in tandem, “I get that. I’m the same. I like people though, that’s a really silly way of putting it.”
“Same?” Law asks, his own food forgotten.
“The not being into people thing.” Luffy says, shrugging, “I don’t think it’s weird.”
“Your swordsman isn’t?” Law doesn’t know why he’s pressing for details but Luffy opened this box and Law is too curious to not dig into it. Luffy throws back his head and cackles, and it rattles the table, “Zoro likes Sanji and he has no idea that he does. It’s really funny to watch him mope around the ship when Sanji flirts with girls.”
“I thought… you two seem—“ Shut up. Stop talking.
“We’re close and I love him.” Luffy admits, his gaze does that thing that Law could never quite figure out. Where Luffy suddenly looks years older, “I love all my friends. I think that’s the loneliest part. That I have all these people surrounding me and it’s enough. It’s all I ever wanted, but one day they’ll find people they love more than our adventures and I won’t.”
He pried too far. This conversation shouldn’t be happening between them. They are enemies (not really). Law should leave (he won’t). Luffy brightens, a flame slow to catch on damp kindling, “I want them to be happy, so I just have to enjoy the time I have with them now.”
“I never thought I’d be alive this long.” Law looks away from the table, away from Luffy who always watches him. He crawls off the petri-dish because it makes him uncomfortable to have someone want to look through the microscope at him, “For years I was dying, and then for years I was thinking about revenge. Romance or sex, I never had the time to consider it. Still, a part of me wishes that I had what my parents had.”
“What did they have?” Luffy asks and Law tells him. Memories that had been so painful to visit now knocking eagerly at the door. He tells Luffy about his mother who was a brilliant surgeon but a terrible cook that burned every recipe and called it flavor. He talked about his father, who was kind and a bit of a goofball, always laughing and trying to drag his mother down with him even when she was angry. He talked about how it felt walking into the kitchen for a glass of water late at night and catching his parents slow dancing to a scratched record crooning from a den den mushi. How the image of it is burned into his very soul, the softness of his father’s gaze, the pure happiness of his mother curled against his chest. The way they swayed with each other. Always with each other. When they danced, when they fought, when they loved him and Lamy. With each other. Together.
Luffy listens. Really listens, eyes wide as he watches Law talk. He asks questions, strange questions that answers more about himself in the asking of them. What did your bedroom look like? Did you have a bed or did you sleep on the floor? What was it like to have your mother tuck you in at night? You had a father? Did he ever hit you? Did you love your little sister?
I was blessed, Law thinks as he answers. His room had been blue and yellow, his favorite colors. Stars on the ceiling and anatomical posters on the wall. It was a bed, a big bed with the softest pillows in the house. His mother would read to him every night even when he pretended he was too old to need a bedtime story. No, his father never hit him. His father couldn’t harm a fly, but his mother did slap him once when she found him playing in the lab with chemicals without eye protection. It had hurt her more than him but he knew even as his cheek stung that she had been scared. He had adored Lamy, had adored her the moment his mother had laid the bundle of her in his arms and those big eyes looked up at him and smiled gummy. Luffy gazes at him with awe. The kind of awe that a child has hearing a fantastical story.
I was blessed. I am blessed because I at least have memories.
He talks until his voice felt gritty, and would down his beer and talk more. The empty pints collecting with the empty plates. A city built of dishes between them. The crowd ebbs and wanes, lunch crowd to the early drinkers to the dinner rush and then to the audience of the two barmaids, sweeping the floor and putting chairs up on the table. The young girl comes up to them, sheepish and shy, “Sorry sirs, but it’s closing time.”
They both look at her in confusion, kings pulled out of silverware kingdoms to a dark pub. The silver of moonlight sneaking in through the window. Law pays the bill with his stolen money and Luffy snickers as he has to dip into his own wallet for the difference. The bill is astronomical, one too many zeros tacked at the end of the total. Luffy looks on it victorious as Law counts it out.
They stumble out onto the street, Law swaying on his feet, booze hitting him hard. He ends up leaning on Luffy, half his body folded over Luffy’s shoulders. It’s embarrassing, but Luffy smells like sea and straw and Law breathes it in. They walk like that; the wall where they didn’t touch crumbling into rubble. They are hip to hip, rib to rib. Foreheads knocking as they move through the darkened streets. They walk uphill, away from the docks and their ships and their beds. All the way to the top of the hill, where the streets give way to a grassy knoll and the sky is open above them, the moon a perfect ring of light birthing a twin in the distant sea.
They fall into soft grass, giggling. Law hasn’t giggled in years but he’s curled into Luffy laughing into his neck and hearing it echo in Luffy’s voice. It feels like sailing on a dream, that drunken haze where everything is feather-light. Floating. Law is just following the wind when Luffy turns his head towards him to say something and Law cuts him off with a kiss.
It is sweet, something stolen from teenage years that Law never had. Law has kissed people, has fucked them on the rare occasion that the urge finds him. Yet, the way Luffy’s breath hitches against his mouth is the most glorious thing. His hand slides into Luffy’s hair, pushing that hat off of his head to make room for his grip and Luffy is kissing him back. Clumsy, inexperienced and wonderful. Too many teeth, a stone arch of lips but it soon gives way to something natural. A quick learner chasing instinct. Teeth yield for tongue, Luffy’s head tilts, nose bumping the aquiline curve of Law’s. His shoulders hit the ground and Luffy is pushing him down. Weight blanketing across Law’s chest. Their hips slot and the brush of their groins has Law moaning into Luffy’s mouth. Luffy pulls back at the sound, eyes dark and breathing hard, “Oh.” Luffy whispers, “That’s what they mean.”
Law doesn’t quite comprehend what Luffy is saying; he’s lightheaded and the phantom sensation of Luffy’s lips on his has him pushing back up, seeking it. Luffy kisses him, once, twice. Softening, closed-mouth and Law feels it like a wind-down. The fire brought low to the glow of embers crackling. The sound he makes is pathetic, a keen, a whimper. Something being taken away.
“You’re drunk, Trao.” Luffy says and it sounds like an explanation, and it sounds sensible. Responsible. Silly coming from Luffy who is none of those things. Silly that Law who was all of those things hated how it sounds.
“I am.” He breathes, swallowing hard and Luffy watches the bob of his throat like it’s the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen, “You’re not.”
Luffy wasn’t. Luffy doesn’t like alcohol, so he doesn’t drink.
“Nope,” Luffy shakes his head, “I’ll know that it won’t change in the morning.”
“You think it’ll change for me?” Law asks. Luffy smiles, “Maybe. You’re the one that doesn’t like people.”
Law snorts, head falling back into the grass and feeling the blades tickle the shell of his ears. The movement sends his brain skipping in his head in a rush. He is drunk. “You just want me to admit that I don’t hate you.” Law grouses.
“You don’t.” Luffy’s tone is certain as he moves to stand, “I know that already.”
Law looks up at him, bathed in moonlight, still just as bright as in the sun, “Then what don’t you know?”
A hand falls down in front of him, palm up. Law takes it and Luffy doesn’t have any tattoos, but the look of Law’s on top of his hand doesn’t look so bad. Luffy doesn’t let him go when he pulls Law onto his feet. Law doesn’t think he has since they met. Luffy starts pulling Law towards town.
Luffy answers, “I have no idea. You’ll just have to tell me in the morning.”
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greeneyedsigma · 2 years
(I’m sorry, I’ve been playing sooooo many hours of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, my brains permanently in Ancient Greece at this point.)
God! Kid decides to spend some time amongst the humans after hearing the prayers of enslaved people on an island known for its depraved Slave Masters. He doesn’t expect how much suffering and cruelty he finds. Nor does he expect to find a young demi-god amongst the enslaved. Demi-God! Luffy doesn’t know what she is. But she’s drawn to the ethereal glow of Kid’s skin that no one else claims to be able to see.
Would include; slave rebellion and destruction of cruel masters. God! Sakazuki wondering why the demi-god Kid is infatuated with looks so much like that human priestess he had an affair with all those years ago. High Priestess! Crocodile trying to find her kidnapped child and having no bloody luck for fifteen years. Demi-God! Luffy being literal sunshine incarnate. Kid! Unintentionally but unregretfully encourage a bloody rebellion.
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catburglarnamiz · 1 year
listen im not to sure about the most of the strawhats sexualities but i just know sanjis a little gay boy. little zesty man. little homo. a fruit salad if you will. a little bit 💅.
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roses-in-rain · 1 year
also yeah sure hc luffy as asexual but be critical of the reasons you do it, he Is The Autism Creature, man.
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jackrabbit-fandom · 29 days
Hellooo its me who requested the Luffy aro/ace one and just wanted to say THANK YOU SM I LOVED EVERY BIT OF IT I'M SO GRATEFUL smiling the whole time while absorbing each and every word I would eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner everything made sense raaaghhhh😫💛 Would love to see more aro/ace/demi Luffy stuff if ever you think you have any more ideas in the future huhuhuhu🫶
I'm glad you liked it. It not gonna lie, i was kinda nervous about it, lol. I'll be sure to post more when i get more ideas! Maybe one day, I'll make an actual story thing.
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purplepenntapus · 4 months
Someone reblogged my straw hats sexuality headcanons post and I don’t know how I knew but I just felt the vibes and went to their blog and OF COURSE they’re a Luffy shipper.
I don’t know how much clearer I can be than staying directly on that art that Luffy is aroace and doesn’t like or care about romance that my content isn’t FOR YOU
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
Demiaroace Luffy is my favorite thing because one day he's not giving a single fuck about sex and the other he wants to do all sorts of viscerally, grotesque, disgusting sexual atrocities with Zoro because he looked "really pretty after slicing someone in half" and he doesn't know where the hell those feelings came from but he needs Zoro right the fuck now. But also Zoro smiles and the sun shines just perfectly on him and it makes his heart act silly and now he's blushing and covering his face with the straw hat and he would rather jump overboard to the sea than experience that again because what the fuck Nami fix this please-
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niishi · 4 months
I wish one piece franchise wasn't so gatekeepy...... I want idv x one piece crossover skins....... :(
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soaln · 4 months
i loved your demi luffy response!! v cute^^
can i get a follow up, or maybe a one shot of him biting reader’s neck? maybe he does it so much reader has his teeth marks scarred into his skin 👀
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🍓 ;; Fluffy,mention of blood and scars,nothing to bad tbh, short.
🍒 ;; part one
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It was normal day for the crew,with no problems but they noticed something off about [Name]. They noticed bites on his neck,some were fresh,some were scarred into his skin.
At first they didn’t really notice it,until Chopper mentioned it wondering if an animal bited,if it was venomous or not. He asked him to see him sometimes if there was red bloody bites.
He also noticed that wasn’t animal’s bites it human’s teeth,he was sure. Chopper asked him who did this,he didn’t respond he took him few minutes before revealing the person.
Luffy was the one did this,that’s what [Name] said,he would always scold him for doing but he never listened,well sometimes he does but can only hold him for few minutes before giving up. Chopper decided to not tell anyone about this.
One day,Nami asked infront of everyone who was lucky person who bites your neck. Luffy had no ashamed and said that he did this,the crew was deadpanned and dumbfounded and the [h.color] male felt his face became warmer,embarrassed.
Sanji and Zoro was both shocked but Zoro didn’t really show it on his face.
Ussop has his jaw dropped,he never the captain doing that he thought of someone like Zoro.
The red haired woman,would be also shock and would’ve say ‘Ehhhh’ out loud without realizing it.
Robin wasn’t the type of person who would be surprised but she didn’t really thought that the captain would do that.
Luffy didn’t understand why they were embarrassed and about for him to gives him loves bites he doesn’t he wanted to show the world that he owns you (in sexual if you want) and he thought that’s what people do when they like each other.
Luffy loved him dearly. (And Chopper also said that he should stop but didn’t really scold him like you do )
authors notes : sorry if the grammar is bad I’m writing this at 3am (bcs I live in France) and I’ve got BSD (Bungou stray dogs) blog you can request if you want @arsonw <3
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groupcheese · 7 months
So I’ve finally got into one piece and here are my thoughts on the crew.
Luffy is ace. (Unless you can be attracted to food)
Nani is a lesbian.
Zoro is gay
Sanji is bi
Usopp is straight
Franky is Demi/Pan
Robin is bi?
Brook is dead
Chopper is baby <3
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