#diablo 4 open beta
sepp-gw · 1 year
I’m playing the open beta for Diablo IV and I’m having a really shallow problem with it. Maybe it’s standard for this type of game and I just haven’t played them enough in recent years, I don’t know, but it’s this:
If I’ve equipped a weapon one would normally use to hit a bitch with just give me a hit a bitch button. Please. What am I even carrying this sword for? For looks? 
It just doesn’t make any sense in-world. Explain to me with a straight face how holding a switch blade has anything to do with how well I can cast Hemorrhoid Explosion at twenty paces or whatever. 
I used to play a necromancer all the time in Diablo II, and if all I had on me was a wand you know what I’d do? I’d run up and bash a motherfucker in the skull with it. With these last two games I could be wielding a broadsword and it seems all I can do is wave it at my opponents and give them an autoimmune disorder. 
Is this normal for these kinds of games now? Am I just old?
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deadweight-at7am · 1 year
Diablo 4
So, D4 is going to drop another server smash mid-May and I guess I'll ACTUALLY play this time. I didn't get to play the Beta because I was feverish and sweating the entire time from the flu.
I'm playing Diablo 3 again with Vincent, he started a Necromancer and I have my old standby the Demon Hunter. He's literally like a little treasure Goblin, all he cares about is the cool loot. We'll be in the middle of an elite mob and he's like "oh let me pick up this weapon and see what it does" LMFAO I love the kid but he's a bit self-centered in his play style (we'll give him a break, he's 7 years old). He plays better than most adults, though. Needs very little coaching. These iPad kids are something else, man.
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edubenart · 1 year
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So I had a lot of fun with a rogue himbo I made in the Diablo IV open beta going all stabby-stab and pew-pew
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fiercelywinged · 1 year
Also fair warning: Kei is in a mood and apparently wishes to be even more chaotic...I'm sorry...
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xiphos-gaming · 1 year
Diablo 4 Open Beta - Necromancer Gameplay! (4k60)
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Heavy Voice - Diablo 4
I want it out there and on the record that I have known since the first days of the Open Beta that the weird half-dead wolf character was Mephisto. That's a legitimately proud moment I have as a lore enthusiast. The rune carved into his skull was a dead giveaway, appearing in the Book of Adria as a symbol connected to Mephisto. And boy... was it.
I just wanted to make this comic to say that I think Mephisto's voice just doesn't fit in D4. Do not get me wrong, it is an awesome voice, it is powerful, malevolent as all hell, and there is just a soft gurgling undertone to it that brings it all together. Steve Blum is the man! But my guy, I picture a body behind that voice that has actual weight to it. Have you seen Mephisto? He's a literal bone collection, he probably weighs less than a skinny adult human! I am convinced the VA was cast for the wolf, not Mephisto's real appearance. The strangest part is that Mephisto had the perfect voice in the past!
No, not Diablo 2.
Diablo 3! Listen! I have always loved this voice, every time I find this lore entry during a playthrough, I am so happy to listen to him! It's not a weighty voice, it sounds old, which fits because Mephisto is the eldest among all the demons, the Firstborn of Tathamet, basically. And to me it sounds like a cunning evil, especially with his last sentence being "Some battles can only be won with words". Now can a voice like this carry an entire main-entry game with him as the second big bad? A good question, I honestly have no idea. Maybe it really would not work on the long run, but certainly they could have found something closer to this than the Bass King in D4.
Okay but then why do I like Malthael's voice? That's incredibly deep too, and the guy looks like two french fries duck-taped together.
Well, first of all, Malthael is not that skinny actually. He appears so because of his design (which is genius, btw), but if you've tried to learn to draw him well, you realize he has some meat under that armor. I am certain he is what one might call a "sleeper build". Second, it's kind of hard for me to put it into words, but Malthael's voice has an empty echo-y subtone and feel to it that makes it far less weighty in my ears (and also shows just how far he has fallen). I don't know, does that make sense?
Either way, that was my deep dive into the Diablo franchise VA scene, thank you for coming to my TED talk! I still am very much looking forward to Vessel of Hatred, and to finally murder Mephisto once again as well. I don't hate him as much as Lilith, but I am sure he will earn it by the end of the story, whenever that will be.
If you have any voices that you love or hate, share them with me! It's fun!
Other Diablo 4 adventures!
Suck it, Butcher!
A Team to Fight For!
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igglemouse · 1 year
Life By You Thoughts...
Ok, I just finished watching their presentation a few things super impressed me. Here are the positives!
The overall theme of the game that everything is moddable basically in game. That’s great! I’m sure players will do a lot with that! Also the ability to create worlds it looks like is a big sell and open world will be nice to have. Hopefully it performs better than Sims 3 open world did when it launched. 
No rabbit holes. I mean, this is a pretty big claim when you think about it. They even showed your sim (I will call them sims until they have a name...) shopping and at their job. I hope they realize the kind of expectations they are setting with this. It’s one thing to say ‘No rabbitholes’ and another thing to actually pull that off. I am always skeptical I guess!
The open world and how moddable it is, GIANT selling point.
Conversations? That’s a bold choice! So no gibberish language like Animal Crossing or Sims but they actually have convos...text convos. The trailer did not show any voice acting (I wonder though...with AI....) and people can edit and add their own! Not really sure how this will work out in the long run but I like bold choices! 
The game looks so moddable I honestly wonder what would be the purpose of buying packs (which it looks like they will sell.) maybe they underestimate the determination and skills of modders lol but this is clearly a positive! As a customer/consumer it’s not on me to wonder how they will make money.
on the other hand...the character models look really meh right now IMHO. The portraits on the UI look good, really its the hair textures that just...it kind of looks like someone putting alpha hair on a MM sim...let me show you...
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Ok, this is a screen from the steam page, i didn’t edit it in any way. So the character doesn’t look bad really but the hair texture (and that blurry scalp part what is that?) just looks very meh to me. Hopefully they can clean this up but with how moddable this game is probably won’t matter in the long run and the game but just fix whatever they are doing with the hair and I’ll be fine with it personally. I know people might disagree.
Also, EA would get buried for this but they announced that pre-ordering would give you like 3 packs...and the game is launching in Early Access. That’s always a concern when a major publisher like Paradox is doing that. Feels like they have been at this for a long time and are now just pushing it out. I look at the trailer today and think it needs a bit more time. 
The whole presentation of the game is also meh. The UI just looks so bland and has little personality. Makes the game look more like a tool and not a game. Honestly the whole way they presented things made me feel like they were selling me some tool to MAKE a game and not a game itself. 
Another random negative that has nothing to do with this game but there’s so many things coming out this year! I mean I’ve been hyped for Diablo 4 (and even more hyped after the beta) and Starfield for years now! 
I root for this game though and while Early Access always raises a concerned brow from me it’s good to see that a Sims competitor is coming out and coming out this year (at least for now) and Paradox makes some amazing games. Obviously Cities but I’m always suggesting Crusader Kings and Stellaris!
Ok, that was long but those are my thoughts on this game as of now!
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
There’s a lot about the modern games industry that really pisses me off, which like, wow what a controversial statement. Yeah day 1 patches and microtransactions and deluxe and gold and platinum and ultimate editions and preorder bonuses and and and- are all bad. Shocker. But I think a recent thing that I’ve been thinking about thanks to Mortal Kombat 1 that I really hate is. Deluxe editions that let you play the game early. And I don’t mean like early access or open betas or anything, I mean full on getting the finished (as finished as any new AAA game release is anyway) product X amount of days earlier than the actual release date. Hogwarts Legacy (L game btw) and Diablo 4 did/are doing it as well, and there are plenty of other examples. And it just pisses me off because. All it’s doing is moving up the actual release date for people willing to pay more. Suddenly your acclaimed marketing release date of whatever fucking day you chose is irrelevant because the people that were able to afford the $100 version of your game with bonus premium currency and character skins are now also just bypassing that release date entirely. It’s just so transparently a way to sell games for higher prices - you can play the game even earlier if you fork up like $40 extra. I genuinely love the culture of the pre-release cycle for a game and waiting for one to release so it especially bothers me to see that get deliberately ruined for so many games just for higher profit margins.
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chromezi · 1 year
!!Spoiler Alert: Diablo 4
I dunno how much of a spoiler it is since it's just act I and open beta is next week.. but...
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Wow... Sorry I just um ,, I uh 🥵
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brazenautomaton · 1 year
diablo 4 open beta, huh?
I see people talking about how awesome the rogue is and I couldn’t get it to 15 to apparently unlock her actual mechanics because it felt so miserable. I look at the skill tree and go "Is this it? This can't possibly be it, right?" there is so, so, so much less going on than in D3, the talent tree is such a pain to use, this is like sticking back to the diablo 2 system out of spite except keeping a bunch of other changes predicated on d3's changes like the larger number of buttons with cooldown-oriented abilities -- you want to fucking know what your options are here? you get a left click skill at level 1 and a right click at level 3. left click is a builder, right click is a spender, so you need one of each. rogue has two archery abilities on left click, "homing shot" and "every 3rd cast makes them vulnerable shot." each of those has two upgraded versions: homing shot can ricochet to a second enemy, or increase crit. vulnerable shot can pierce vulnerable enemies or knock back close enemies. for spenders, you have Piercing Shot, Barrage (which is a poor, poor Multi-Shot since they come out in sequence), and Rapid Fire.
This is way less than the number of abilities for a DH in D3 and the DH also had runes gradually unlocked that completely changed the ability, or at least much more than the 2 options here
also d4 is fucking sloooooooow. the dodge maneuver feels so fucking terrible, it's the bizarro universe counterpart of Zagreus's dash, it's just a little scamper where you put your head down a bit and it's on a fucking five second cooldown are you shitting me. they are clearly going for more of a diablo 1 feel, and the moody atmosphere is great, but you can't make diablo 1 with parts from diablo 2 and 3, d1 was a slow descent with claustrophobic conditions and limited resources where you didn't have your ideal legendary build and you had to work with what you got the whole time.
but the most worrying thing is that I saw an interview about the game where the dev said the best thing it was bringing to the table was its incredible story. that's fucking danger will robinson right there.
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dufrau · 1 year
Filed my taxes so I bought Diablo 4 as a little treat so I could play the open beta this weekend but the queue times are uh a little long ???
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speedlimit15 · 1 year
well you know i was gonna draw this weekend but the diablo 4 open beta
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nosramus · 1 year
classic blizzard moment. opening the beta for diablo 4 but making the game online only because ofc you would. you're blizzard. but now people are stuck in hours long queues just to beta test your little game, that they have like, 48 hours to play, because you're closing the beta in 48 hours. but people have spent 70 dollars to play your beta. awesome
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independentzaun · 1 year
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Alright so not going to lie... Diablo 4 open beta this weekend (it's already up) means I'm not gona be responding to much stuff. I'll be lurking, and will get a couple responses out but not a lot I don't thing.
Cause Diablo 4 Open Beta.
With that said if we have something you'd really like me to respond to let me know, and I will try to do so.
Ya'll are awesome, keep doing your thing.
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birdzflycom · 1 year
Acquiring Your Equine Companion in Diablo 4: A Guide to Horses in the Game
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Acquiring Your Equine Companion in Diablo 4 During my recent playthrough with a review copy of Diablo 4, I anticipated a question that would undoubtedly arise as players embarked on their campaign: "Where on earth is my trusty steed?" The inclusion of horses in Diablo 4 marks a significant departure from previous installments, introducing these majestic creatures to the vast new game world. However, contrary to popular belief, you haven't overlooked a hidden side quest or anything of the sort. In reality, acquiring your horse requires some patience. Diablo 4 is divided into six Acts, and it's not until the start of Act 4, following the extensive Act 3, that you finally obtain your horse. At the beginning of Act 4, you will encounter a quest called "Mount: Doran's Favor." Completing this quest will lead you to Kyovashad, a location where you will spend a considerable amount of time, and it is here that you will finally acquire your horse. The good news is that once you have completed this quest with one character, subsequent playthroughs with other characters on your account will grant immediate access to the horse.   Diablo 4 BLIZZARD It's worth noting that horses in Diablo 4 play a prominent role in microtransaction cosmetics. In fact, it almost feels as though they were primarily introduced for this purpose alone. I also suspect that, in due time, there will be additional mounts available that are not horses. However, for now, this is where our journey begins. It's not just about acquiring different horse variants (which, from a gameplay standpoint, function identically); you can also customize your horse with various adornments. Some of these adornments can be earned through in-game achievements, such as the Ashava horn rewarded to players for defeating the World Boss during the beta. Others will likely be available for purchase. During my playthrough, the presence of horses struck me as somewhat peculiar. Galloping past hordes of enemies to traverse the map felt oddly out of place. Despite the vastness of the map, numerous fast-travel points are available, leading me to question the necessity of introducing horses when additional waypoints could have sufficed. Moreover, the teleportation system has been altered, making it more challenging to maintain open portals. It's important to note that horses cannot be utilized within dungeons or interior quest areas, so enemies within those areas still need to be vanquished on foot. However, I encourage you to keep a close eye on horse cosmetics, as Blizzard undoubtedly expects them to generate significant revenue. Hopefully, there will also be ample opportunities to earn cosmetic upgrades through gameplay. Read the full article
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xiphos-gaming · 1 year
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