#dont ask until there open
elftwink · 11 months
one major difference i have found between service industry work (in my case food service but this is widely applicable to similar jobs) and other public-facing positions is that the job itself is often very similar because people is the same, it's just in service everyone approaches you already thinking they're right and you're a fucking idiot and its their god given right to disrespect you, where in other positions even if they are not nice to you they usually acknowledge that you know more than them on issues pertaining to your job. like the difference in behaviour from people who see you as serving them vs helping them is unreal. i am doing literally the exact same things. customer is always right mentality did irreparable damage to the fabric of society
#good idea generator#i loveee the library front desk everyone is polite and people will just ask you anything#they assume so much knowledge and access to data#ill be like 'just one moment let me look that up in the system' [googles name of school + upcoming events]#also not in a mean way but i never realized until i worked here how little anybody is googling anything#i think its funny and i also love to google things for people so i am perfectly suited to this#and some questions even though they are googleable the issue is more that the person isnt totally sure what theyre asking#but like. the library hours are visible on the home page. and outside the building that you just walked into on a sign#PPL DO NOT READ SIGNS. i knew that from other jobs but good lord people do NOT even GLANCE at signs#ppl would fully walk past like 4 signs about a specific thing and proceed to ask me a q about the thing. after waiting in a line#constantly CONSTANTLY ppl are trying to enter or exit through locked doors. clambering over closed signs to do so#its someones job when the library closes specifically to point out the signs and direct ppl to an open exit#and still often people will get up to the automatic doors and be baffled and confused as to why they dont open#but like even this i dealt w/this at my food service job and it was so frustrating#bc when you had to confront these people they would get MAD AT YOU. furious that they didnt read a sign telling them where to line up#but at the library people are polite and apologetic so you know it's not malice or entitlement ppl are just kind of inattentive#monumental difference tbh i actually love front counter so much people are so fun#and i like it when nobody is actively trying to kill me with their mind while we speak
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aliengirl · 4 months
send me a color combo and i will make a sim of it*
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goleb · 23 days
Dose Roy or Maxwell have any siblings?
Indeed they both do!
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Roy has his twin sister, Rose. I elaborated on their relationship a little in this post before: they're best friends :Dc
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Coincidentally, Maxwell also has a twin, Patrick. He inherited the confidence when they were splitting personality traits, and is the aspiring musician to Maxwell's aspiring writer. He is never seen without his hat on - one time Max got a hold of it to wash it, which normally wouldn't be a problem but the thing was a good decade old at that point and it got a little tattered. Neither of them were happy that day. Max even contemplated asking Roy to hide him from the shame at one point.
There's also Trevor, who's a couple years younger than the twins, and still in his edgy phase. He doesn't leave his room often (at least until he gets his first car). We love him nonetheless.
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maschotch · 1 year
aaron hotchner top five autism moments
“its a dog” lmaoo “maybe a dad knows” my ASS thats the autism babe
any time he stims. especially in eps like psychodrama or ashes and dust
wearing a whole ass suit no matter where they are. especially when the others complain about the heat like in a thousand words
“where are my clothes please” frazzled and out of it and being vulnerable in a new place without anyone he knows without his suit without any of the usual things that can ground him. still unerringly polite but his voice is raised and he’s growing louder and louder bc he’s upset (not angry) and there’s too much happening at once that he isn’t in control of
in revelations when reid calls him a narcissist and he immediately leaves the room and starts leafing through the bible while he asks everyone what his worst quality is. like yes it’s a little bit self deprecating but it’s mostly a genuine, practical question—even while his hands shake. he distantly knows that he’s making everyone else uncomfortable with that question but he has to ask so he can be sure he’s on the right track and he can’t waste time trying to make it easier for them to understand that
there are so many more that im probably missing but these are the ones i can think of atm. @eldrai would be a better person to ask
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becauseplot · 3 months
thinking abt Little Dagger AU (hg duo au where young qcellbit is called “Dagger” and qbad acts as his mentor/guide in the War) mainly bc im working on something for the au but im ALSO thinking about (read: have been thinking about for months) when winter finally comes and descends upon the island server where the War takes place. and Dagger gets sick, because of course he does. he’s a kid who’s perpetually malnourished with clothes that don’t fit him well, sustaining injuries on the regular, so he’s gonna get sick, and he gets it bad. the fever slams him, and it’s not only physically awful, but it’s his worst nightmare come true, because now? now bad is having to slow down for him. he’s slowing bad down, dragging him, unable to run, unable to fight, unable to think and act quickly. his worst fear has always been that bad will abandon him because he was a burden, and it’s such a real possibility now.
it happens one morning, when dagger sleeps late because he’s exhausted. he wakes up and bad isn’t there. he’s not in the camp. and dagger panics. without putting on his boots he runs out into the snowy woodlands, calling for bad in his sickness-riddled croak, hoping against hope he can find bad, convince him to come back, that he’s strong and he can keep going, that bad doesn’t have to leave him behind, please, please, he can do it, he can do it just don’t leave him alone out here…
as it would turn out, bad just left to get some dry firewood. they find each other eventually, and bad calms him down enough to lead him back to camp, where he gets dagger dried off and gives him a bit of a diluted health potion for the fever. dagger will go to sleep and wake up later with his head a little clearer, and bad will reassure him that he’s not going to leave dagger alone because he’s sick, and dagger will feel a little stupid for freaking out and it’ll all be okay in the end.
but…even after the War ends and bad leaves and dagger becomes cell, becomes cellbit, he’ll remember that, at the time, that had been the one of the most terrifying moments of his life. and even though he’s not the scared little kid he was back in the War, whenever he gets slammed by a fever, there will always be a fluttery sort of anxiety in his chest, a feeling of sinking dread, and the desire to cling to whoever’s closest. the fact that his body is so weak will stress him to no end. he’ll dream of running for dear life, and he’ll wake up with a raw throat every time.
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angelboybreakdowns · 22 days
im so tired
#its exhausting living here#im the bad guy in every situation#every time i dont accomodate her stupid bullshit whims im evil and creating conflict#dean you arent allowed to get lunch for yourself bc she wants to do a baking project &youre too Disgusting to be in the same room as her fo#*food#dean you arent allowed to listen to music out loud in your room but she can play her music in the living room while you have a migraine#dean you have to ask her what food she wants from town bc she doesnt feel like texting mom herself#dean you have to stop laughing because she thinks your laugh is annoying#dean you arent allowed to eat the bread that was bought for you because she decided she wanted it#dean you arent allowed to wear the one piece of mens clothing youve ever gotten to buy apart from plaid shirts bc she thinks youre too fat#dean you arent allowed to correct her when she says things about you that are objectively untrue#dean she wants to hang out in the living room go back to your room so she doesnt have to be around you#dean she wants a book for english class you have to give her one of yours#dean you arent allowed to be angry at her for ripping the cover off one of your favorite books & nrver apologizing that was years ago#dean you arent allowed to make plans with your friends this weekend bc she might want to hang out w her friends & wants to keep moms schedul#schedule open to drive her#dean you arent allowed to eat until she serves herself#dean if youre making food & she refuses to eat bc you were in the kitchen thats your fault#dean how dare you say her hair looks like sam winchesters#dean you cant be angry when she calls you fat & ugly & disgusting & tells you to kill yourself you shouldnt let it get to you#sui mention#dean you cant get new pants bc she wants to buy this dress that she’ll never wear#dean its not a big deal when she misgenders you she waa just joking#dean shes not ableist bc youre the only autistic person she thinks is faking it for attention#im just so goddamn tired
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definitelynotshouting · 8 months
Do you have any tips for starting a story? The middle and end is easy (lie) but the beginning SUCKS to write sometimes
oh gods no joke openers are one of the hardest part for me. Theres so many ways a story can start, and it makes me CRAZY because that right there is your hook, thats what convinces people to start reading!!!!! And there are so many unique ways one can start, so it ends up feeling a bit like that one reaction image of the girl being handed so so many pancakes
I think for me, what i try to ask myself when sitting down to write an opener is: "what kind of story is this?"
Because each story needs something different to accomplish its goals. A slower story might want to take its time with setting the scene, while an action-packed one might start in media res and with a bang!!! I guess if i had to give advice i would say, take the time to identify what your story is trying to say, and then look at what different openings can do for you to identify that goal.
For example; this is from my fic when the night cries, which is essentially a ghost story:
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This was meant to be an introspective story, with a very gentle pace overall, so i took the time to really set the scene, build up the sense of what we're looking at before we get dropped into the fic proper. I remember my thought process for this was: how can i make this unique??? how can i make it FEEL like one of those old paintings with the beautiful yellows and summery oranges, while giving the reader a sense of whats to come?? Adding in the repetition of "it begins" was a way for me to sorta hammer that home: this is the start. This is where the story originates. And in a technical sense, it hooks your attention, with the question and immediate answer within the narration. The intention here is for the reader to want to know why this is important, and now it's answering that, but still leaving gaps for more questions.
Now compare that to, say.... lost in the dark's opening:
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The overall pace of hunger au is slow, but this opener isn't-- partially because it's a rough draft, but also because what i wanted out of this scene was a sense of deep, deep urgency. We're in the middle of action; Grian is physically running while he thinks, and i wanted the reader to feel hunted and uncertain with him. Dropping everyone in with Grian at one of his most frightened, shaken points was the best way i felt i could establish that scene, and throughout it i drop hints as to what's actually going on. He's scared. He thinks he's going to hurt people. He's been on the move for a very, very long time. These are all things that are meant to pique interest and get answered later, when the reader is already invested. And i guess in that regard, its really all about timing.
But yeah!! Rambling aside, i'd say try out a few different ways of opening your fic and see what works. Think of em as thumbnails; write maybe 200 or so words at most and see if something works better than something else. I think theres this secret culture of shame among writers for not putting the perfect start down on the page the very first time you open the doc, but it's super normal to have to workshop things around to your liking!!! There's absolutely nothing wrong with writing a few different openers to see what works best for you and your story, and in fact is something i genuinely recommend. Its good practice, and essentially functions as a warm-up!!! You also get the benefit of exploring new angles in a scene, which can sometimes unlock really cool stuff for your writing
Sorry for how long this is, anon!! Hopefully you find my rambling helpful :D thank you for sending in this ask!!!
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thehappiestgolucky · 11 months
I don't know if you're going to answer this but, Vigilante Tiso, is this an AU of yours? If so, I'm curious about the context of this concept!
Yep! Vigilante Tiso is one of my older and blog popular AU’s for Hollow Knight (based on poll results)
Originally, it started as a joke about Tiso being in Hallownest early just to take the piss out of PK and Lurien, but slowly developed into a more complicated story about Tiso being Xero and Markoth’s son (Xero biologically and Markoth via marrying into the family) as Tiso moved to Hallownest much earlier - eventually putting his distaste for the royalty into become the cities Vigilante that continued through the Infection Outbreak and in-game events. Instead of an arrogant ant that dies in the Colosseum, he’s a hot headed ant that’s been trying to protect survivors of a dying kingdom whilst wanting a solution and is willing to die for it.
A lot of it focuses more on the character relationships as they change and are affected by the story events - particularly with a small family being torn apart as simple mortals in a gods war.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
Matt Baume about Dynasty being the only show on the air at the time with a gay main character: "On a show where the straight characters are constantly getting naked in bed together, the closest the gay characters are allowed to get is this one moment in what looks like a pizza hut"
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Me: Wait.
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"Dynasty was free to show Steven getting gay bashed, he just couldn't show a gay kiss."
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icewindandboringhorror · 10 months
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I’m always paranoid of my tumblr being deleted or malfunctioning or something like that someday, so here’s other places to find me/follow me, just in case lol
~ instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lucalicatte/
~ main youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/LucaLiCatte
~ games/sims youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@cloudycatte
~ facebook page (I rarely use this because I hate facebook but.. it at least allows text posts better than instagram does, so idk maybe I’d use it more if tumblr went away? lol) - https://www.facebook.com/cloudycatteart/
~ Other Links (stuff I don’t use often/isn’t Main enough to list here, like twitter, neopets, other tumblr sideblogs, youtube channels, etc.) are here - http://icewindandboringhorror.tumblr.com/otherlinks )
#An updated version of this since some of the links on the old one are no longer the same lol#I might make a website website one day (not with a custom domain since I'm not paying for that/dont have the money lol#but like a 'my name.weebly.com type thing lol) but I haven't had the time recently. If I ever get around to it I'll update the post and#reblog that version. ANYWAY.. I just like to have one of these written out to reblog every once in a while. During the once ever few months#when poeple are like 'tumblr is failing again! it wont survive!' which has happened like 80 times but I'm still always like :0c what if!#also love the ms paint art done with a mouse ghhj#ANYWAY.. also if you want to see the stinky game I made that's not actually related to my own worldbuilding really (why I have never#posted anything about it publilcy because it's like.. how do I talk about it lol) I have my itch.io linked in the 'other links' page#as well as my General Projects blog. which talks about all the ongoing and upcoming projects I want to do that are#actually set in my world and can give you previews of some of the things I'm working on. Currently resuming my Game after abandoning it#basically for the entire pandemic and a little before that - as mentioned before - so that's OUgh.. in terms of A Lot Of Work#Especially since while kind of 'revamping and updating' I want to add a few features which are mostly easy but every once in a while#I don't understand something and it's like....... hGGhh...... Ironically despite Blogging I just hate talking to people in public open foru#.. I love privacy and security lol.. and I always feel that ONE day I am going to have a question that has not already been asked on a foru#somewhere and I am going to have to post myself and.. no.. I shan't even imagine it.. It's not even really social anxiety it's just like..#efficiency.. instead of wating like days to get an accurate response and resolve the problem with the general public I would rather just ha#e a one time 30min conversation with an expert and resolve it quickly. PLUS then I also only interact with One stranger instead of Many Of#Them lol.. any 6+ yrs of experience Ren'py experts hmu so I can pay you like $50 to have a single 45min conversation#with me over an insanely simple question and then never talk to you again until a year later when I have a second question. hhjb#ANYWAY.. I still really don't like instagram or it's layout and I never understood how it works like.. if I should be tagging photos or wha#or how you really use it and I just... euGH... stimky.. but it is one of the most popular so I feel obligated to link it. I wish facebook w#sn't such a nasty poo poo because I do actually like the variety of posts you can make and how Pages on facebook operate. In the scense of#it being similar to tumblr that you can make a VARIETy of styles of post. not just Only Post Photos or Only Short Text or Only Video which#is still like.. how the funk does sutff like that even get popular lol.. the Limited nature.. hewwo.. but alas.. and NO way I'm touching#fucking Threads please do not make an account on there and don't let your friends do it and don't let that shit catch on lol.#BUT YEahg... links...... just in case.. i hope tumblr stays aroundin it's current format forever though lol..#I'm pretty sure even facebook doesn't have audio posts. or tags the way this does. or CHRONOLOGICAL FEED. custom html for pages.. aaaaa
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saltynsassy31 · 7 months
I'll be going to sleep soon but
Can yall spam my inbox with asks for me to wake up to? Pretty please? I like talking to yall and I wanna talk more bout stuff, anything, pretty please, doesn't have to be related to me, any topic, just pretend we have been best friends for 10 years or something
Pretty please? With cherries on top? 👉👈
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peppermint-moss · 1 year
I have a really important question, how do you feel about your art being used in edits ? And I don’t mean taking your whole amv/pmv and changing the audio , I mean taking a few clips here and there, I want to make sure I’m not crossing any boundaries or anyone else
honestly ive been goin a lil back and forth for a while on how i feel about it; at the moment ive kinda been like i dont really like it but i also dont rlly care enough for it to actually make me uncomfortable/upset ? and then i think maybe i should just let ppl use it for edits if they dont bother me Too much idk... The only thing i know for certain is (wht u already mentioned) do not go taking my whole video and changing the audio etc. But just a few clips agh im not quite sure yet Sorry for the wishy-washy answer I know that's probably frustrating :( I'd say for now I'd prefer if people don't use my art/animations in edits but if that answer changes I'll update it in my FAQ on my tumblr and prob reblog this to inform ppl of it
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dallonwrites · 7 months
16. 29. & 48. for the ship ask game!! 🙏🏿
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
Omggg I actually don't think they would seriously like I think if they actually did it would be an impulsive drunk decision in their shared ~reckless~ era with not much thought put into it 😭 they'd wake up together and realise they both have some shit like just MADONNA <3 tattooed on their wrists
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
Okayy one thing I am excited for with RR book 3 that I haven't fully figured out yet is that Beau and Felix live together then and! The potentials for domestic night routines!! I don't know what it looks like but I feel like it's quiet. I need to know their dish cleaning routine and what shows they're watching. But in lieu of a specific answer for that here's Beau wandering about routine in a Lover Boy flashback of the first night they spent together (cw for sex but I don't think it's NSFW just ~sensual):
Felix fell asleep first, and Beau knew he wouldn’t sleep much, the room still unfamiliar even in its welcoming, but he found himself content to lay there like this, cuddled against the coolness, his fingers curled into Felix’s hair. He found it easy to lay there, familiarise himself with the rhythm of it, and wonder if this was all going to be a routine, going home together. Going out together knowing they would then go home. The wine and the new records, soft arguments over which song was better, Felix’s animated excitement over a bridge, an arrangement of synth. Making each other laugh in that sharp way, where you’ll never remember what it was all about but just the laughter, collapsing into one another. The kissing, all the kissing, across their hushed bodies, finding new ways to press together, the quiet fucking amongst the ambience of this carbonated city, where they can hear the outside but the outside can’t hear them, can’t hear Felix’s breath hot and urgent at his ear, whispering God, you’re everything, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted. He’d kept his window open, cool air gauzed around them, because he must have known, how Beau falls asleep better with the window open, and he must have remembered being told that, found it important, even though Beau does not remember admitting it.  
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
In RR it is a very important point that they do NOT talk about it, not intentionally avoiding it but like, in RR their relationship is a lot more intense and obsessive and very present driven, especially because they're also leaning on each other as a means to try and avoid all the things happening around them + in the future that they can't control. Meanwhile in Lover Boy all the things they were scared of happening back then have already happened and being on the other side of all that + knowing how they behaved before has them. a bit more considerate of these things! So there's probably going to be a lot of dialogue just talking about future possibilities and I think it'll contrast RR in that they actually find it comforting/grounding to do so
ship ask game
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sometimes. I remember some of the things my hot acupuncturist told me back in 2019/2020 pre pandemic and I'm just like hey past gabby......you good? bc um
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impostorsshow · 11 months
really??okay! so most of my headcanons about Vocaloid Max comes from the singular idea that Max was Sam's first voicebank. this would mean Max was probably made as a VC, which is very simple but only really works for japanese because of how simple it is. ontop of that, you dont have to record very many different versions of noises, which means that his voice would sound ridged saying words [i assume, i did like 3 hours of research a week ago and thats it]
i imagine after Max came to life, Sam worked on making Max a VCCV/CVVC voicebank so Max could speak english and Sam could hold a conversation with him without speaking fluent japanese. but his voice would probably still be a bit stilty, and like- have you ever seen those clips of the vocaloid anime, and how Hatsune speaks? i imagine Max speaks alot like that, where most of his voice is monotone in a distinctly inhuman fashion. they try to practice Max speaking more human, but Sam wouldnt really know how to improve Max's voicebank, not wanting to make another voicebank to test out how to improve Max's- what if it made another, and Sam had to teach two voicebanks how to speak? is max technically a person? does he have flesh?blood?is he a hologram? is his species 'voicebank', does he have lungs can he breathe is Max hydrophobic
anyway max is inexperienced at existence so while Sam learns pretty quickly how to consistently tell what Max is saying, Max is banned from taking any phone calls ever because he's always accused of using a voice changer or being a spam bot i also have a daydream that involves alot of shit including but not limited to Max being at multiverse poker and seeing 5 different versions of sam that wear suits at all times and 5 versions of him that. grew up. like as a normal person, and didnt just spawn into existence and how Max feels and grapples with doing everything he does with Sam in mind, because if Sam lost interest in Max then he might cease to exist and it just. feels bad to let down the person that is the literal reason you have concsiousness yknow but anyway thats not what im talking about im just bringing it up because in that daydream Max has a problem with his voicebank for a few meetups, which i imagine the tournaments are held maybe every two weeks, maybe monthly, somewhere around there which means Max just. cant use his voice properly for like 2-3 months until Sam figures out how to repair Max's voicebank without making it from scratch and idk it turns out the oto file and multiple of the wav files got corrupted so Sam had to rerecord them and Max didnt like how Sam voice doesnt sound the exact same
okay thats a long post uh. ill stop here, that was about,,,half of the bulletpoints i put down on the paper, maybe 1/3 of my thoughts on vocaloid max considering i didnt write down everything
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
ME: going feral and losing my goddam mind over my Genshin Fill-in Lore / God Reader AU
My Followers (wow!!): confused, afraid, watching me spiral into insanity and niche nonsense-
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"My Big Fat Genshin Fill-in Lore/God Reader AU"
OR SMTH ALONG THOSE LINES, ALSO ILL TAG IT "genshin au" "going feral" "genshin brainrot"
Honestly, now that I think about it...ya'll.
I think I've been hyperfixating over this AU for 2 years now.
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