#dr Bob kelso
lillydales · 2 years
jd’s unprompted banjo sequence
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phaeton-flier · 1 month
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Dr. Bob Kelso? (Ken Jenkins)
You know I never considered it before but he'd probably be great as Colonel Graff. Who'd they cast for that in the movie? Harrison Ford? I get why and he did do a good job despite that movie but I think Jenkins could pull off the "soft heart that doesn't stop the hard edge" that Graff's character is based on
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asadfangirlbitxh · 1 year
Blogmas #11
Comfort Friendship Groups <3
The loft gang - New Girl
What I'd do to play a game of True American with them
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2. The study group- Community
This show is one of the best-found family shows. The group dynamics are just so amazing. Even the additional new characters such as Chang, Dean, and the replacement characters.
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3. The kids and teens - Stranger Kids
Friends who fight interdimensional monsters together are the cutest. I just love their dynamics so much. Honestly, the friendship was the reason season 1 was so good. I wish it was more highlighted in the new season.
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4. The kid group from Recess
Their friendship always stood out to me when I was younger.
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5) The Police Squad - B99
The fact that every character has a fleshed-out dynamic with everyone makes me so happy. And male and female friendships that are just platonic? YES
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6. The Good place - Michael, Janet and their humans
They are the most random people and nonpeople. But they fit with each other so well.
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7. The murder podcast group- Only Murders from the building
Two old men and one sarcastic brunette? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP
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8. Derry Girls
I love my chaotic Irish girls and the one English boy so much
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9. Sex and the city squad
The iconic New York Squad
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10. Scrubs Doctor Squad
The people who can put up with JD and Elliot deserve all the awards. I couldn't find a gif but this mention includes Dr Cox, Jordan, Dr Kelso, Nurse Roberts, Bob, Janitor, Doug even Todd
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years
Fictober 7th - “Check that again, are you sure?”
This is part of #Fictober22, original post HERE if you want to follow or write along. ✌🏼
Eric held Donna’s hand and held back a wince of pain as she squeezed hard. His hand turned red, then purple as Donna grunted and strained as she delivered their child.
“That’s it, Donna,” the doctor coached from the foot of the hospital bed. “Just a few more pushes.”
“Great job, babe,” Eric spoke through gritted teeth. “Almost there.”
Donna tucked her chin to her chest and focused all of her energy on pushing. A mangled cry filled the room, but it was Eric’s. They all looked at him in alarm. 
“S-sorry,” Eric whispered, quickly offering Donna his other hand.
It was for naught, though. 
A new set of lungs had officially entered the world.
Dr. Carrington lifted the baby up so Eric and Donna could both see their screaming new infant. It was covered in blood and slimy... other stuff Eric wasn’t too sure about, but he was beautiful. He was -
“It’s a girl!”
He was a she?
Eric frowned. “Wait, check that again. Are you sure?”
Eric couldn’t see Dr. Carrington’s expression underneath his surgical mask, but he’d bet he was frowning too. “I’m... sure, son.” He gestured to Eric. “Come on over here, and cut the umbilical cord.”
Eric gave Donna’s arm a squeeze, and left her side to join the nurse who was handing him a pair of surgical scissors. “Cut here,” she directed him, her voice bored. She was indicating a small area, only a quarter inch margin. Eric could easily see how someone Kelso-esque could mess this task up.
Before he made the cut, Eric leaned over to look at his newborn baby. 
“Huh. Yep, it’s definitely not a boy,” he told Donna.
“No, no, sir,” the nurse grabbed his wrist. “Cut here.”
“Yeah, no, I got it,” Eric assured her. “It’s just - the ultrasound said we were having a boy, so we’re like, surprised.”
“Alright, Eric what the hell are you cutting?” Donna tried to sit up so she could see what was going on. “Maybe you should concentrate.”
“Oh, Mrs. Forman, please lie back,” the nurse turned towards Donna without stepping away from Eric. “You’re on quite a bit of pain medication.”
“Sometimes our ultrasound technicians can make mistakes,” Dr. Carrington explained to the couple kindly. “You know, the same thing happened to my wife and I? They told us that my son was going to be a girl.” He shook his head, bemused. “His nursery was painted pink that whole first year.”
“Right here,” the nurse guided Eric gently to cut the umbilical cord. “Good.”
She whisked the baby away to be weighed and cleaned off, and the doctor tended to Donna, who seemed pretty blissed out on her labor and delivery drugs still.
“Where’s the baby?” Donna asked Eric after a moment. She glanced around, seeming to be looking for her, and then looked down at her lap in a panic. “Did I drop her?”
“No - honey, she’s with the nurse.” Eric touched her shoulder and then gave the doctor a worried look. “Um. Is she... okay?”
Dr. Carrington laughed. “Still loopy while her medication wears off. She’s fine, though.” Then he stood up. “I’ll be back in a while to check on her. The nurse has some paperwork for you to fill out.”
But the nurse came back with the baby first. She was warm and clean, and wrapped in a bundle of pink blankets. Eric sat on the bed next to Donna and they both stared at their new baby, completely in love.
“Oh my God Eric, look at her,” Donna cooed. “She’s so perfect. I already love her so much.” She wrinkled up her nose. “Boys are dumb, anyway. I’m so glad she’s a girl.”
Eric laughed softly. “Yeah, she’s perfect. Just like her mama.”
Donna kissed his shoulder.
He reached a finger out to gently, tenderly trace his new daughter’s features. “Except for that nose,” he smirked, making Donna laugh. “That’s the Forman nose.”
“I think she looks like Bob,” Donna whispered.
“Doesn’t... doesn’t every baby kind of look like Bob, though? You know what I mean?” 
Donna laughed again, but stopped herself in a grimace of pain. “Ow. Eric, don’t make me laugh right now. It actually really hurts.”
“Sorry, m’lady.”
“So. Do you have a name yet for your surprise baby girl?” The nurse was back, this time with a clipboard in her hand. It was the birth certificate, and she handed it to Eric.
Eric rounded on Donna, smirking. “You know our deal. You name the boys and I name the girls.”
Donna groaned. “That was our deal when we were having a boy.”
Eric’s grin got wider. “Yeah, well, something something... karma.”
“Okay, what’s your idea then?”
He grinned at her smugly. “Leia. Leia Forman.”
Donna scowled. “No. Absolutely not.”
Eric frowned. “Wha - why?”
“No Star Wars names.”
“That’s - ” Eric started stuttering. “Severely limiting!”
“Donna, look. She’s our princess.” 
“That’s - ” Donna hesitated, looking down at her daughter. She was entranced by her newborn’s face, and started to trace each of her features the way Eric did earlier. “Kind of sweet, I guess...”
“And - and Princess Leia. She’s a badass, Donna. She’s one of the leaders of the Rebellion. A - a total feminist. A great role model for our daughter.”
“That’s... true...” She looked up at Eric thoughtfully, like she was going to say something profound. But instead she said, “Plus, I just kinda like the way it sounds. Laaaaaay-uhhh.” She shrugged, goofily. “It’s fun to say.”
“Uh huh,” Eric nodded. “Yeah. Good. And hey, you know what? Her middle name can be something you like,” he offered.
“I had a few names circled in that baby book Jackie gave me,” Donna said absent-mindedly. “I liked Agatha. And Eunice.”
“Or - or maybe not,” Eric swallowed, changing course. Damn - he forgot her curse of terrible taste! “Maybe we should name her after a family member, huh? That would be nice. That’s like, tradition. Hey, how about your mom?”
Donna wrinkled her nose. “No. But maybe your mom.”
“Leia Katherine Forman,” Eric said, grinning. The baby made a little cooing noise as he spoke. Donna chuckled.
“Well, I guess she likes it.”
“Yes, yes. Sign right here m’lady.” Eric presented her with the birth certificate, and once the nurse had both of their signatures she left the room, leaving the new family alone for the very first time.
They both smiled, looking down at their new baby once again.
“Wow. I can’t believe we made that,” Donna said, in disbelief.
“I can’t believe you let me name her Leia,” Eric chuckled.
“Yeah, I can’t believe that either.”
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icon by @lightofsanday
Full name: Eric Albert Forman
Nicknames: Forman, Foreskin, Foreplay, Little Orphan Acne, Dillhole (by everyone), This Guy, Duck, Donna's Man (by himself), Fun-Stuff (by himself and Donna), The Most Eligible Viking (by the school's newspaper), Einstein, Son, Erin, Casanova, Dumbass, Wiseass, Mr. Nude, Mr. Smart Mouth, The Idiot (by Red), Scrawny Little Neighbor Boy, Loser, Erica, Wife, Screwhead, Esmeralda (by Hyde), Sadistic bastard, the lady of the lake (by Kelso), Donna lover, party pooper (by Fez), Irresponsible Twitchy Little Man, The Dumb One (by Brooke), Dr. Pee-Pee (at summer camp), My baby boy, my baby, porky-mouth, pervert, mother-hater (by Kitty), Little brother (by Laurie), Dad (by Leia), Uncle Eric (by Betsy and Kristie), Sherlock (by Valerie)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birth Place: Point Place
Birthday: December 14, 1959 (age 64)
Age: 17 (t7s Season 1-t7 Season 4), 17-18 (t7s Season 4), 18-19 (t7s Season 5), 19 (t7s Season 6-t7s Late Season 7), 20 (t7s Late Season 7-t7s Season 8), 36 (t9s Season 1-mid Season 3), 37 (t9s mid Season 3-late Season 5), 38 (t9s late season 5-late season 6), 39 (t9s late season 6-mid season 8)
Occupation: School Professor
Family: Donna Pinciotti (wife), Leia Forman (daughter), Kitty Forman (mother), Red Forman (father), Laurie Forman (older sister), Steven Hyde (foster brother), Fez (former brother-in law), Bea Sigurdson (maternal grandmother) †, Burt Sigurdson (maternal grandfather) †, Paula Sigurdson (maternal aunt), Penny Sigurdson (maternal cousin), Bernice Forman (paternal grandmother) †, Albert Forman (paternal grandfather) †, Marty Forman (paternal uncle), Jerry Forman (paternal uncle), Pearl (maternal great aunt), Schatzi (pet dog) †, Snowball (childhood pet hamster), Betsy Kelso (honorary niece), Kristie Forman (niece), Jackie Burkhart (foster sister in law), Ridge Pinciotti (nephew), Mitch Pinciotti (nephew), unborn nieces/nephews (from Jackie and Hyde), Midge Pinciotti (mother in law), Bob Pinciotti (father in law), Valerie Pinciotti (sister in law), Alan (father in law), Tina Pinciotti (sister in law)
Romances: Donna Pinciotti (wife), Leslie Cannon (fling), Slurpee Girl (ex-girlfriend), Connie (kissed), Katie (flirtation), Kate (kissed), Pam Burkhart (attraction)
Friends: Steven Hyde (best friend/brother figure), Michael Kelso (good friend), Fez (good friend), Jackie Burkhart (close friend), Buddy
First Appearance: That '70s Pilot, That '90s Pilot
Last Appearance: The Holy Union of the Burnout and the Devil, TBD
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thegreaterlink · 1 year
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S3E1 "Evolution"
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^ I admit this image doesn't have much to do with the episode's plot, but it looks really damn cool, so it's staying.
Look, I know I did this one already, but I accidentally deleted it a while ago, then Tumblr pulled some fuckery where it was in some weird limbo of existing and not existing, so I decided to repost it just to be safe.
The Enterprise approaches the Kavis Alpha binary star system to perform astrophysics research under the guidance of Dr Paul Stubbs, analysing the decay of neutronium as a result of a stellar explosion which occurs once every 196 years and is due to occur again in a few hours. Stubbs plans to launch a probe, dubbed "the Egg," to gather the data.
As the explosion nears, the ship starts to malfunction, and the issue is traced back to the computer core. Wesley Crusher realises that he may have accidentally released two nanites from his school experiments loose on the ship.
The changes are nowhere near as numerous as season 2, but they're still enough to show that the series is continuing to evolve.
Doctor Beverly Crusher, once again played by Gates McFadden, has returned as the ship's Chief Medical Officer after a year at Starfleet Medical. Not so coincidentally, this is immediately after the departure of Maurice Hurley, who had fired her in the first place.
Also, since we now once again have two Crushers on the ship, I'm probably going to be calling her Beverly in episodes where she and Wesley both appear.
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I want to make it absolutely clear that I have no animosity towards Diana Muldaur, who unfortunately left the series on less-than-amicable terms (though I can't say for certain if she was fired) and did not seem to enjoy her time playing Dr Pulaski. I think she's a talented actress with a character who has really grown on me despite a somewhat shaky debut. I'm glad she has fans who appreciate her character all these years later, and I wish her all the best.
The crew's uniforms have been redesigned from one-piece spandex to two-piece wool after complaints of fatigue and back pain from the main cast. The uniforms are now slightly baggier, but at least Data and Wesley don't have to slump all the way down in their chairs anymore.
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The opening credits have been given a complete visual overhaul and now look much better in my opinion. I was going to include a clip, but the last time I did that Tumblr threw a hissy fit and kinda deleted the whole review, so we’re not doing that.
In fact, the entire series seems to have taken a step-up in lighting and cinematography.
Let's take a look at the actual episode now, shall we?
It was only a matter of time before this science fiction series explored the concept of nanotechnology. The nanites were programmed to find ways to work together and evolve, and a scan reveals that they have infiltrated the computer core and found a way to replicate themselves.
In other words... Wesley Crusher is to blame for most of the problems in this episode. His haters must have had a field day with this one. Also, by "problems" I mean complications in the plot, not the episode's actual flaws. This episode is much better than "Shades of Gray," even though that's a very low bar to clear.
But while the idea of nanotechnology is certainly interesting, it feels somewhat underdeveloped here. The ship-wide system malfunctions are essentially a re-tread of the virus from "Contagion," only with an origin that makes more sense. It's like they were just looking for another way to have the ship stop working.
Speaking of which, Picard tells Stubbs that the experiment will only go ahead as long as it is safe to do so, and that the safety of the Enterprise and its crew come first.
Now, Dr Paul Stubbs (played by Ken Jenkins, who played another doctor, Bob Kelso, on Scrubs) is a pretty standard visionary scientist type to start off with, but he's likable enough I suppose. But when Picard gives him this update... let's just say he doesn't take it well. He wants the nanites destroyed, but Picard is against destroying what may be sentient life.
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But the scene that pushes him over the edge is when Stubbs goes down to the computer core, where they're attempting to slow down the nanites' productivity with low-energy gamma bursts. Knowing that a high-energy burst will kill the nanites, he fires directly upon the core, killing a bunch of the nanites and prompting them to release nitrogen oxide gas to protect themselves. It's here that Stubbs crosses the line from determined scientist to self-righteous prick, smugly telling Picard that now his only option is to destroy the nanites to save the crew. Picard tells him as formally as possible where to shove it and that he'll have his head if any of the crew are harmed.
I suppose I should also mention that Picard and Stubbs' differing views on the nanites' sentience is similar to the central argument of "The Measure of a Man," but it's less of a central theme here and more so a way to ramp up the conflict between them. Picard has Stubbs confined to his quarters, and Troi visits him to offer her help, but it just devolves into a discussion about how much of a self-centred twat he is. Fortunately he gets his comeuppance when the nanites screw with the electronics in his quarters and electrocute him.
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Just as it looks like they'll have to resort to exterminating the nanites, Data succeeds in establishing contact with them. He allows them to inhabit his body for proper communication. While he acknowledges the risk of it, it would also be a sign of trust. Picard agrees. The nanites start to speak through Data. Long story short: they were looking for materials to continue the replication process and meant no harm, and interpreted Stubbs' actions as an attack, which only happened because the crew mistook their actions for attack, so the whole thing was just a big misunderstanding.
Stubbs apologises, they repair the damage to the core, Picard agrees to relocate the nanites to a safer space, and the experiment goes ahead as planned.
But even though this review is already long as hell, I'm still not done. I wouldn’t blame you if you just want to skip to the end at this point.
Basically, the episode loosely revolves around Wesley Crusher (when I'm done reviewing this series, I'm going to tally up the amount of episodes focused on each character, because I feel like Wesley is cropping up way more than he has any right to) and his mother's return to the ship.
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Beverly is concerned about how Wesley has been progressing in her absence and whether a Federation Starship is a good environment for a teenage boy, while Wesley somewhat resents his mother for being absent - it's not her fault, dude. She was fired. Anyway, it's also shown that Wesley is working himself to the bone, subtly foreshadowed at the beginning of the episode, which implies that Wesley had fallen asleep at his desk and overslept.
Of course they manage to work out their problems with some help from Guinan, and the episode ends with Beverly happily watching her son from afar as he socialises with some other teenagers, with a girl seemingly taking a special interest in him. Let's hope that goes better than his last romance...
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7/10 - A decent enough start to the new season.
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prismatic-starstuff · 2 years
Bob Kelso from Scrubs is a repressed bisexual man who resents his gay son for getting to live his own life.
...You know what? Never would've thought of this, but this headcanon is valid as fuck; I actually forgot Dr. Kelso had a gay son (been way too long since I saw any episodes of Scrubs, which is honestly a shame because it was really funny apart from the later seasons) and I could legit see it being canon, it works—
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xxxmasterkali · 3 months
Scrubs x Kingdom Hearts
Sora is a medical intern, learning the ropes of medicine along with his friends & co workers; Kairi & Riku. He is navigating the ups and downs of working in a hospital, while escaping to the fantasies in his head.
Cast Sora - John "JD" Dorian Kairi - Elliot Reid Riku - Chris Turk Namine - Carla Espinoza Terra - Dr. Perry Cox Axel - The Janitor Master Xehanort - Dr. Bob Kelso Aqua - Jordan Sullivan Ventus - Ted Buckland Roxas - The Todd & other misc. characters Xion - Laverne Roberts & other misc. characters
My thoughts & opinions on Scrubs; I love Scrubs for it's humor, while at the same time showing real life examples of friendship, romance, & working in a hospital. Scrubs is actually the most medically accurate TV show out there, despite it's crazy humor. Why I decided to do a Kingdom Hearts version? No specific reason really, other than it's funny & I thought it would be funny to set them in this environment. Tbh, I do love JD & Elliot, they are one of my favorite TV couples, however, I can't stand the way their relationship was handled throughout the series. It's really infuriating. I might make some changes because it's gonna piss me off writing Sora & Kairi like JD & Elliot.
Episode One: My First Day Episode Two: My Best Friend's Mistake Episode Three: My Drug Buddy Episode Four: My Bed Banter & Beyond
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F and X for the fic asks
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is a tough one. I'll go with something I've (currently) written so my two deleted fics won't count — even if there are some fun scenes in there.
So this is from Blackborne (1st year):
"Gryffindor sounds good." Harry breathed and a wistful smile grew on his face. "Where dwell the brave at heart, that's what Hagrid said. And he told me my dad was in Gryffindor."
"My dad was there too!" Leonis clapped a hand on Harry's shoulder and beamed, lifting his other hand as if holding an invisible sword. "Where dwell the brave at heart!"
Harry laughed, boisterously, with Leonis. 
"’Arry! ’Arry!" Hagrid rapped on the windows, startling the two boys. Madam Malkin gave a little half-strangled squawk in surprise, a hand over her chest as she heaved in and out. "Time ter go! Places to be, eh?"
"R-right. Be right there!" Harry called out. He turned just as Madam Malkin waved her wand once and his robes quickly soared into his waiting trunk, folding themselves perfectly. And with a loud click, his trunk slammed shut. "Wicked..."
"It's just a rudimentary Packing and Locking Charm, dear boy..." Madam Malkin fumbled over her words. Leonis noted her cheeks flushed a light pink. 
"Still!" Harry beamed at her. "Thank you!"
Harry leapt off the stool, grabbed his trunk with one hand and pushed through the open door, waved goodbye to Leonis with the other. Leonis and Madam Malkin watched as Harry — who was so very tiny, smaller than a boy his age should be — hurried beside Hagrid up the alley. The crowds still parted for the boy, or because Hagrid was rather tall and no one wanted to see the man when he was angry. 
"You know who that was, 'Arry?" Leonis could hear Hagrid's voice through the glass and wood of the shop. "That were Sirius Black's son. Yeh couldn't find a darker family than tha', some of the most loyal of You-Know-Who's followers. Yeh stay away from 'im, you hear me? Nothing good comes from mixing with a Black."
The smile died on Leonis' face. 
"Let's just get this over with." Leonis muttered darkly as Madam Malkin approached him.
The reason I like, the reason even if it's so simple. We can see Harry being so excited about magic, Leonis who grew up with it not batting an eye. And the utter dichotomy between Harry and Leonis. One boy beloved, the other despised. Leonis, condemned because his father is an accused mass murderer.
Even Hagrid treating Leonis like scum. Remember that Hagrid hated himself for "comforting" Sirius when they met at Godric's Hollow.
One boy beloved, one boy despised.
And also, the phrase "where dwell the brave at heart" and raising an arm as if with an invisible sword, is paralleled to James and Sirius on the Hogwarts Express all those years ago.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer. — Snape. I enjoy making Snape suffer, if only because I feel that he deserves it. He is, to quote Dr. Bob Kelso from Scrubs, a "bastard-coated bastard with bastard filling". I enjoy making him suffer because his hubris, greed, obsession, and lust were responsible for so much pain and suffering.
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Nothing in this world worth having comes easy
- Bob Kelso
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HUFFLEPUFF: “Life is scary. Get used to it... There are no magical fixes. It's all up to you. So get up off your keister, get out of here, and go start doing the work... Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy.” –Mark Stegemann (Dr. Bob Kelso: Scrubs: My Boss's Free Haircut)
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dorian-cox · 3 years
so after like three responses I went ahead and made a scrubs discord server!
please feel free to join and chat about this dumb show that we’re all still obsessed with <3 
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queer-lemons · 4 years
Ok so I’ve been watching Scrubs, it’s not my favorite show but it has some funny parts.  In season 1, episode 24, Dr. Cox says jokingly to Dr. Kelso,
“I don’t know what you want, I’m not dating that daughter of yours.”
Kelso replies, “I don’t have a daughter.  I only have a son.” Cox then says, “Oh, I’m sorry, I was going by the picture on your desk.”
My headcannon is that Kelso has a daughter who is trans, but he’s transphobic so he tells everyone she’s a son.  Cox, however, is an ally, and a friend of Kelso’s daughter.  This is why they are enemies.  Cox takes any chance he can get to support Kelso’s daughter.
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livelovelaug-h · 4 years
How you & Dr. Cox get together
Dr. Cox x reader small jd x reader
A/n: Sorry this is so long loll 😅 credit to @mona-stay for helping me with this and being my beta!!! 💕💕💕
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It sucks when you like someone but it especially sucks when it's someone you're working with. it can be hard to get their attention especially in a hospital. 
Of course you first thought Perry Cox was arrogant and full of himself. But it was all an act and he started growing on you the more the days went on. You guys didn't talk much but just seeing him around was enough to make your heart Start pumping out of its chest. He was so hot. 
You heard a rumour that 
"Cox has feelings for Carla" and they seemed pretty close so you didn't interfere. You got confused when Carla started dating Turk Jd's best friend. You and Jd talked only a little here & there, but when he broke up with Elliot you guys starting talking more and helplessly flirted. So you guys agreed to be friends with benefits. 
Your feelings grew more for Perry when you saw his true colors on this one specific day:
You were not having the best day. You lost two people. You lost a kid in the morning that was born premature and a girl who had terminal cancer. The rest of the day was going to torturous.
Crying in the medicine room for awhile, you heard someone come in. Perry Cox. You quickly wiped the tears away, picked up some random bottle to make it seem like that's why you were in there and started walking out. 
"Hey, I was looking for you." He says with something in his voice you couldn't quite place. 
"Look I don't need one of your world famous Dr. Cox lectures or rants right now. I know I could have done better I don't need you telling me too." You said. 
"I wasn't gonna say that actually. I was going to tell you that I think you did a good job."
"Yeah ever since you started working here you haven't needed me half as much as the others. You're independent, smart, and there was nothing you could have done differently to save those lives." You were now on the verge of tears. "it would have happened no matter who was their doctor. Don't doubt yourself for a second." 
"Wow... thank you. That means a lot coming from you." You let a tear shed, turning to walk away you heard: "Hey.. uh my shifts up in a few minutes wanna grab a cup of coffee?" 
"Yeah sure, I'd love that."
You guys sat down after being in line getting your coffees.  "Hey how are you feeling?" 
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. 
"Well... we knew it was terminal and the day would come, but it doesn't make it any easier. It's not fair, she was so Young." He must have seen you were about to cry again so he put his hand over yours. 
"It doesn't get easier but that just means you can't let it tear you down. It means you have feelings. I remember my first time losing someone, 20 years later I still react the same." 
"What do you do with the pain?" 
"I drink my pain away. Always will always have. Also every now and then I talk it out with someone. Maybe your boyfriend Abby can help you with that." 
"Jd? Oh no we're not dating. I told him it would be better if we were just friends." 
"What about you? Who's your special someone." 
"No one at the moment." 
You guys lost track of the time and stayed in the cafe over an hour just talking. He truly did make you feel better. 
Jd came in the Lunchroom and started heading over to you guys: 
"oh hey you guys are still here. Are you ready to carpool?." 
"Yeah sure. By the way (you looked back at Cox) you were right it was nice talking with someone." You smiled at him. 
"Of course I'm always right." He said teasing, which you laughed too.
"I really appreciated this. See you tomorrow." 
"Yeah, see ya." 
End of flashback
Since yesterday you couldn't stop thinking of him even more. You had to walk past him so you nodded saying "doctor Cox." 
"Doctor (y/l/n)." He was smiling too much, but you didn't get to see since you were walking away. When you left he did a little "ugh" but the good one. 
"Ooo looks like someone has a crush." Carla said. 
"Oh no I don't." 
"No? what do you call it when you smile like that?" 
"I am not smiling -  (he stops the smiling) no I'm not and I call it one of the only people in this hospital that doesn't drive me crazy? Ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner and it's not you anymore." 
"Oh please you know I'm right!" She says while he walks away. 
~~The next week~~
You had just finished up your shift and wanted to change from your scrubs. It had been a long day so you were ready for a drink. You had on a nice top that was a little revealing but hey Friday night was the night to let your hair down right?! 
You were walking towards the front of the hospital where you seen Todd, Cox and Carla. Of course Todd was drooling. "Boobies. Oh… I mean you look hot."  Todd blurted out before he could stop himself. 
"Todd give It a rest." Cox said hitting him on the head.
Todd shrugs looking towards Carla "but she does look hot" he said low so cox wouldn't hear. 
"You look nice." Perry says, taking a step closer. OMG HE THINKS I LOOK HOT. His tone sounded slightly sarcastic but the cheek wink and flirty smirk, definitely made it clear to you alone he really meant it. "going anywhere special?" he asked.
You could feel the blush on your cheeks burn, "erm only the local with these two" you pointed at Carla and Todd "the others are meeting us there, you should come"
"Ah no i don't want to Intrude." 
"Oh no you won't be. Plus I'll need someone cool to talk to." 
"I'll think about it." he winks.
"Hopefully I'll see you there."
The whole time you kept checking the door to see who was coming in and every time you got disappointed. He never showed up. 
JD walked over to you and asked: "Hey why do you keep checking the door? who are you waiting for?"
You shrugged "no one." Carla gave you a sad smile.
You may have thought you had someones attention but maybe it wasn't enough to pull them in.
Fear is something we're constantly fighting. Weather its a new relationship or a new job it always seems to be there.
Carla walks in the hospital and sees Dr. Cox
"Why say your gonna be somewhere and not show up?''
"ahh don't let the bf hear you say that but I'm flattered you missed me."
Fear can make you do a lot of things like, not show up to something even though you really wanted to go.
"it's not me who missed you but if your gonna play y/n like you do all the interns I'm not gonna stand around and watch." 
"y/n only wanted me there because I was there for her when she lost those people."
Carla soften up "maybe but that girl had eyes for you since day one and if weren't so full of it you would have seen that."
Cox is quiet for a moment and rubs his head.
 "see you do like her too!" 
"I don't and even if I did it can't happen."
"Well it's unethical we work together" 
"yeah right like that ever stopped you. Next excuse."
"so what? even if it's possible to date each other why would she want me, I'm sure she'll find herself some younger nicer boyfriend."
"Sure you are ignorant most of the time but we know that you are no Bob kelso. You are a good man and that's what she sees." 
"Ehh yeah i don't know." 
"I think you're just scared to commit." He stands quiet again. Carla was looking at something behind him. 
"...But if you don't believe me you can ask her yourself."  Perry turned and saw you standing there. 
Maybe after all you did have their attention..
"is that really how you feel?" You asked him.
"look I like you but I'm older and I have a lot of baggage."
"we all have our baggage. And as long as the age I don't care. We don't have to get serious or jump right in, we can go out and have fun and just see where the feelings lead us. "
"that sounds good. Wanna go grab a drink after work? I promise I'll show up this time."
"i would love that." You giggle.
In the end it just takes talking it out with a friend to get over- well anything. In some cases it might help you realize that you shouldn't let fear hold you back.  
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john-dorkian · 5 years
fr tho why isn’t scrubs on netflix
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