#dragon neuvillette but the OTHER dragon
lyss-sketchbox · 20 days
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Only 3 of you understand what this is
If you dont -> Reference
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hydrachea · 7 months
Genshin fans: So the archons are going to be only 2 men to 5 women? That's kind of uneven...
Mihoyo: Sorry, it is what it is.
Mihoyo in 4.2, giving Neuvillette his authority over Hydro back and straight-up destroying the very concept of the Hydro archon: SIKE.
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zareleonis · 7 months
"neuvillette has two hands"
yeah, one for furina and one for focalors
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aha-chuu · 9 months
I just wanted to voice yet another Neuvillette thought I had.
So, we don't know 100% if he's the Hydro Dragon, but all the evidence is pointing in that direction. And Genshin does have a distinction between dragons and the Dragon Sovereigns of each element (there only being seven Sovereigns with many vishaps (lesser dragons) all over). However, Enkonomiya lore states that the Hydro Dragon will be reborn as a human because the Hydro Vishaps are too impure/corrupted:
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This implies that the human Dragon of Water is also one of the new Sovereigns presently being born.
Okay awesome so Neuvillette is one of the cool, powerful dragons probably maybe. We already kinda knew that. Why am I thinking about it?
Apep is one of few remaining Sovereigns from thousands of years ago. Just to remind you of what she looks like:
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She's big. Like. Ah. She's way in the background and our crew is way in the foreground in that image. That means she is absolutely huge and we can't see all of her.
Which yes not every dragon is as huge as her. We have a few skeletons that are the size of islands but Zhongli and Dvalin are significantly smaller. Dvalin is still pretty big but whatever - he's actually specified to be small because he's so young at, uh, 2000 ish years old.
But there are two things I wanna point out. Firstly, this is what Neuvillette's constellation looks like:
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Big serpent thing just like Apep. Also similar to Zhongli's dragon form yup.
But my second thing is that Neuvillette is a Hydro Dragon, so water. All of the largest creatures on Earth are sea creatures. You know, blue whale being the biggest.
This creates a couple of opportunities. Perhaps Neuvillette, despite being born in "human form" as the lore states, might be able to transform into his dragon form. But in doing so he'd probably destroy the entirety of Fontaine city. I'm not even sure if the sea/lake of Fontaine is deep enough for him to transform.
On the other hand, if he can't transform into a proper dragon, can you imagine what the other really old peeps would think? Like they met the former Sovereign Hydro Dragon who was, you know, large enough to encompass a country a couple times over. They sense the energy of the new Hydro Dragon and it's just this teeny tiny human. No wonder his name is Neuvillette.
(there's also the possibility that he does have a dragon form, but that he's too young to be all that large (like Dvalin). In this case I would like to imagine Neuvillette has no real bearing on how much he will grow and Zhongli has been quietly hinting that he should enjoy the shallow waters while he can (Neuvillette thinks he's talking about the global warming/Fontaine prophecy)).
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k-chips · 7 months
We literally still don't know anything about Neuvillette and they want me to believe our time in Fontaine ended???? HELL NO.
If Scaramouche had a whole archon quest about him, with all of his story from start to finish, they HAVE TO do the same thing with the fucking SOVEREIGN HYDRO DRAGON.
When and where was he born? Did he just spawn somewhere in Fontaine, with a human adult body and full dressed, or was he once a kid as well?
Did he saw the Khaenri'ah disaster? Does he know something about it? He said he never saw our sibling so it could mean he wasn't around at the time our twin and Dain traveled through Teyvat.
Is the big ass snake-looking skeleton (Elynas) in the middle of Fontaine, where all the Melusines are originated and (some of them) live in, the old Hydro Dragon? Or is it just another beast from the Abyss? If it's not the past Hydro Dragon, why does Neuvillette have such a special bond with the Melusines?
Is he really the "Visitor" Pahsiv mentioned? The one who would be affected by the purple pollution in the water and in the roots of the willow? (If I remember correctly. But it could be just because, you know, he drinks water lol)
Does he have all of his memories back now? Are they fully restored? And what exactly are these memories? Is the old Hydro Dragon literally his past life?
I really hope we'll get another quest about him but I fear Hoyo won't tell us much and will keep all the details about Sovereign Dragons for the future, maybe even for the end :(
BUT. AT LEAST. I hope we won't get any more "human" Sovereign, I hope Neuvillette will still be the exception. It would be predictable and kinda boring if there were other dragons born with a human body
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m0rningtide · 7 months
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Furina is playing Neuvillette like a damn fiddle
I love this dynamic sm
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Coming fresh from the new archon quest so ignore if you havent played that far yet because spoilers for the first act.
Firstoff i would have totally thrown hands with the Chief Justice for touching our rat.
Imagine Neuv being too late to stop the transformation and Full Legacy is now in the court. You, following Childe around since before the Liyue Storm, try to hold down the Guardes and get a peaceful solution with both Legacy and Childe not ending in jail when one of the Guardes grab you and throw you to the floor. You land wrong on your shoulder - cue Legacy going wild.
On that note, they couldn't have been more obvious with the rain dragon...
Oh and I kinda guess Childe got convicted because of Legacy yk Abyss Taint = Evil but ofc we all know better 😂
You pulling for Childe or Zhongli next phase?
ggrrhaahhghh i'm so tempted to pull for Zhongli but i don't really need him and i must stay strong for Furina and Arlecchino aaaghhhh
you consider yourself a decent negotiator- Childe was always raring for battle and bloodshed, so you've had to mediate between him and another group plenty of times- but perhaps the clockwork meka have had an influence on the Guardes' approach, because they simply throw you to the ground, pinning you in place. you wince as your shoulder lets out an awful crunching sound, pain lashing at your nerves and veins, and you glare at the person holding you down with an irritated sigh- you know what's coming next
with an enraged roar the Guarde goes flying, Foul Legacy batting them away like they weigh nothing. he growls viciously at the rest of the audience, crouching over your body with a threatening hiss- but it fades the moment he looks down at you, transforming into a concerned whimper as he leans closer, gently licking your shoulder. a Guarde dares to take a step closer and Legacy snarls, baring his fangs as his fluff bristles in warning, and you have to bring your hand up to gently stroke his plated face to calm him down. you get to your feet with some difficulty, your shoulder aching painfully, and Legacy gently prods it with his claws, whining whenever you flinch. he hisses whenever anyone comes near, but handles you with only softness and worry, fussing over you for a few minutes and brushing dust away from your clothes. with a single swift motion he lifts you into his arms, cradling you carefully so you won't feel anymore pain
then he gives the strangers and friends watching you one final growl, and runs
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geewintg · 7 months
Trial of The Century
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Neuvillette-centric, furina's trial, angst
His hands felt cold. Stiff on the orb of his cane as the trial continues on. The onslaught of accusations burying the hydro archon deeper within her grave. The circle of doubt was a whisper of an ominous prophecy much like the one that was about to happen; that small pang in his chest as he starts having them as well.
Who is the hydro archon?
Who is Furina?
Cold as would the laws be in the face of the masses, but his heart wanes tender like the ocean tide against the shoreline. Two opposite faces of the same coin fought, he--as the Iudex--had to pick one.
His legs were numb as ice as he stood over the trial, heart was as loud as each turn of the oratrice in the traveller's favor was like chalk scraping his ears. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't bear to be here. He couldn't bear to see the tears that stains her blue eyes.
She turned to him but he closed his eyes. Her please were ever more desperate. This was his resolve. For the sake of the people in Fontaine. She is--was--the hydro archon first and foremost. He is the Iudex. They both had duties to fulfill.
Then declared guilty, his mind raced with thoughts. If she's not the hydro archon, who is she? For he does not believe this entirely, her persona shrouds with mystery and the secrets she seems to bury alongside her.
Like he had said, there were little to no excuses between them. They have worked together for centuries. But must the secret be so utmost important that not even the risk of Fontaine's prophecy faze her?
...does she not trust him?
The click in front of him startled his thoughts. The verdict is here... "The hydro archon, guilty..."
"--!" His blood ran cold. ...death sentence.
...how can this be?
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yandere-daydreams · 9 months
Current thoughts on Neuvillette and Furina?
the moment i saw them on screen together i was overcome with fantasies of the Most Austic Threesome ever penned to the hollowed halls of ao3. i have been been plagued with visions ever since.
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notitlemp3 · 7 months
my review of the fontaine archon quest act v:
i thought the sumeru story was sad. I THOUGHT THE SUMERU STORY WAS SAD
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lyss-sketchbox · 6 months
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Them with each other's catalyst
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psychopomparia · 6 months
Thinking about how the aquatic serpent leviathan mascot that Marius Von Hagen has as his animal mascot/family crest looks like Neuvillette if he were in his dragon-like form.
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Like, you can't tell me that doesn't look like Neuvillette. Same white color with the purplish-eyes. It's an aquatic dragon-esque being
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Now look at the design for Marius's family crest and Neuvillette's constellation
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"ancestor to the dragons...water serprent."
I just found it like a funny connection I made in my head at 2 am. Marius is so special, that he gets a leviathan as his assigned animal motif.
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dkniade · 7 months
Translating Neuvillette’s Opening Chest (II) & Joining Party (I) Voicelines
(An attempt to translate based on what little I know of his character.) I will show the Chinese line, then the official English localization, then my English translation, then some thoughts on the word choice in Chinese, and English localization. For the first voiceline, I’ll also show the Japanese localization and my English translation of it, to support a claim.
Game: Genshin Impact
Developer: miHoYo / HoYoverse
Fan Localizations: Dusk
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Opening Treasure Chest: II
(Original Chinese)
(Official English Translation)
Is it what you wished to find? Hopefully, the excitement of opening a treasure chest has at least made it a worthwhile experience.
(My Chinese-to-English Translation)
Is it something nice? At least the split moment of opening it felt nice, right…?
(Official Japanese Localization)
(My Japanese-to-English translation)
Is it something nice? Even if it’s not a lot, the anticipation you felt the moment you opened it was pleasant, right…?
(@ EN ver: my, so formal Monsieur Neuvillette)
It feels to me like Neuvillette doesn’t know what’s in the chest, so he asks if the Traveler—who’s opening the chest—has found something nice. But then it seems he automatically assumes that the Traveler is disappointed at the treasure, so then he assures them that—and this is key—at least the split moment between opening the chest itself and seeing the treasure inside felt nice. (Morphologically, Mandarin Chinese doesn’t really have affix-based verb tenses like English so it’s a bit hard to explain.) It’s so sad… Why does he assume that… I mean, as players we might be more excited to open a chest than to see what random artifacts/materials/weapons are inside, but in-universe, why would Neuvillette say something like this, I wonder…
Though, 心绪 (xīnxù) is a literary word that means state of mind, but that word usually refers to negative emotions (compared to 心情 / xīnqíng which can refer to both positive and negative emotions), so I’m not sure why Neuvillette would use it in a positive sense. You could say it’s because he doesn’t understand human emotions well, but linguistically speaking, Genshin Impact text in general often has Chinese sentences in a strangely wordy structure or overly complicated/fancy word choice, to the point that it either feels like a weird translation, or that it’s just not a syntactic structure native speakers would use (e.g. using too many prepositions where it could all be omitted and simply implied)
Still, 心绪 alone doesn’t make the tone of the whole Chinese line formal, compared to its official English localization. I can’t comment as much on the Japanese localization, but content wise it’s much closer to Chinese, since the two languages are more similar… It seems the Japanese localization is politely casual too since he uses the casual verb form.
Another important thing: In the Chinese line, the second sentence starts with 至少 (zhìshǎo) which is at least, and ends in the question particle 吧 (ba) which marks uncertainty at the end of a declarative sentence. This makes the sentence structure something like a rhetorical question such as At least [statement], right? (E.g. At least it’s not raining, right?) even though it’s not marked with a question mark. This tone is… quite difficult to translate. It’s common in Chinese (and I believe Japanese too) for rhetorical questions or casual comments/observations to end in a period, but it’s not so in English (unless it’s social media, like Tumblr, right).
Joining Team: I
(Original Chinese)
(Official English Localization)
Thank you for permitting— No, inviting me to join you.
(My English Translation)
Thank you for permitting… Ahem, inviting me to travel with you.
Official translation is good here. Granting permission vs invitation huh… Is it out of formality or does he feel so out of place with humans that he thinks he needs permission to even join them on their journey
(There’s that rhetorical question again)
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aha-chuu · 9 months
Can't decide whether I prefer Neuvillette looking like an old man (white hair + grandpa demeanour + dad vibes for all the melusine) or if I like him looking like a pretty, youthful model (super young by dragon years + in game model baby-face + actually very inexperienced in human conduct = immature?)
All the fanart I see kind of just picks one but idkkkk,,, I sort of enjoy the idea that he's kinda young looking but talks and acts very very old because, you know, in human terms he is very old. And everyone in Fontaine is used to it cos they all know he's not human and appearance ≠ reality. But people usually see him from pretty far away in the Opera house, so they can only see the white hair and hear his old man voice. So when he rarely does show up in person the public has a jumpscare of "oh not literally a grandpa huh uh oh".
And he definitely doesn't look like teenage or twenties, even youthful Neuvillette has gotta be like late thirties earliest. Mature but not actually as old as anyone would expect.
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bansheecrankshaft · 8 months
ive literally cracked the code the best ship in genshin is zhongli/neuvillette
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gaycaelus · 10 months
weeps sobs cries i love fontaine so fucking much :''']]]
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