#dream smp timestamps
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
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last year, i ran a survey to gauge tumblr's headcanons of the dream smp characters' species, and have decided to turn it into an annual thing! as always, here is the full powerpoint + the full data spread, for anyone who wants to look through them! thank you all for your continued participation, and i hope to see you again next year for round three!
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smallishbabes · 2 years
Here is a compilation of (almost) every time Techno shouts “PHIL LOOK OUT” or something similar to that effect on Dream SMP (+one moment from Terraria) [two more moments I forgot]
Sources and timestamps used under the cut
Phil’s first day
Moving stream
Turtle stream
Table POG
SBI Terraria:
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fallen-elytrian · 1 year
Okay, okay, I’m going to start this by saying I haven’t actually watched the lore yet, I’ve only seen people screaming about it
But, but. Apparently. Sam and Phil knew each other. Really knew each other. Before the Dream SMP. But had a falling out because of Sam’s clones
I feel like that adds a LOT of layers to the interaction Sam and Phil have in that one Tommy stream. The one right after dream escapes prison (link timestamp- 41:51)
They have this interaction:
Sam: Oh, Philza
Phil: Sam
Sam: it’s good to see you!
Phil: I wish I could say the same
And I know, I know it’s mainly because the prison break literally just happened but. I can’t help but feel. There’s a lot being unsaid there. That it goes deeper than that
“I wish I could say the same” I wish I didn’t know this was a clone. I wish you were who you were before all this. I wish you listen to me when I told you to stop. I wish I was looking at the original you
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dr3amofagame · 1 year
on c!dream and the revolution
(aka: holy shit this is going to be a bit of a mess but hopefully something in here is coherent) 
c!Dream and the L’manburg Revolution has weeeeeell kind of been talked to death, but that’s not for no reason. The L’manburg Revolution has a huge impact on the entire story for the rest of the timeline and a huge impact on c!Dream in particular--he himself references the final deal for the discs quite a few times just on his own in later parts of the timeline, not to mention the entirety of inconsolable differences being a callback to the revolution (and to vassal, but everything’s a callback to vassal when you have dream, tommy, and wilbur in a room.) The Revolution is what forms the foundation of the L’manburg mythos which then forms the foundation of so many conflicts in the server--especially involving c!Dream, as L’manburg’s villain-tyrant-monster-lizard-snake-thing in particular. 
Even so, a lot of people tend to have a lot of different opinions on c!Dream’s motivations during the Revolution. This post is meant to be an exploration of my thoughts on the matter (forgive me for the lack of actual timestamped sources I’m lazy) especially regarding three main points:
1. c!Dream had specific in-universe reasons for going against L’manburg that are referenced before the revolution and after it 
 2. c!Dream went to war with L’manburg because he largely thought that it was inevitable 
 3. c!Dream went into the war with L’manburg knowing that he would concede to c!Wilbur in the end and give them what they wanted
To start with point 1), I’ve seen it pretty commonly asserted that c!Dream didn’t actually have a particular reason to fight in the Revolution in-universe and his actions can be explained away by the ccs/actors knowing that an actual war would be the best For Content. And while I agree that the “for content” angle is an important angle to consider when we speak about this conflict, especially considering the roleplay as it would come to exist wasn’t really as established of a construct yet, to say that c!Dream had no in-universe motivations at all is...a gross oversimplification, especially when these people are often the same ones that I see taking L’manburg’s stated motivations of Peace and Freedom and Liberation at face value. 
I think there's a lot of debate on a lot of different factors surrounding the revolution, but I also think it's important to consider that like, while obviously the rp wasn't quite as developed at that point in time, that doesn't mean that c!Dream was played as a character without any motivation at all. For example, in that first conversation between c!Dream and c!Wilbur [x], I think it's important to note that c!Dream 1. expresses doubt abt c!Wilbur's whole schtick with L’manburg and DOES seem genuinely peeved by c!Wilbur's arbitrary rule setting and whole "we're doing this against tyranny" deal, even though he does make a pretty deliberate point of FOLLOWING the rules that wilbur sets (until he breaks one (1) leaf block as an expression of rebellion, which is in itself very interesting) and 2. very deliberately calls out c!Wilbur's whole L’manburg deal as something he's unsure of as being something that the people in L’manburg actually want and agree with--see his asking c!Tommy and c!Tubbo if they actually want to “totally break off from the SMP and are okay with L’manburg and never leaving L’manburg again”, as c!Wilbur had just stated (paraphrased, but anyway), and then obviously taking note of both c!Tommy and c!Tubbo's doubt afterwards.
From the very beginning of L’manburg's conception, I think it's fair to say that c!Dream has Visible Doubts about c!Wilbur's whole schtick that served as a foundation of its creation. Were those ideological differences the sole driving force behind his decision to go to war? No, absolutely not. c!Dream was not fighting the revolution just in an effort to idk, ~save~ the L’manburgians or anything I’m not trying to say that. but c!Dream does, from the very beginning, take issue with the specific division that c!Wilbur created. He prods at c!Wilbur's claims about a separate server with separate rules. He specifically asks if c!Tommy and c!Tubbo are okay with "L’manburg and only L’manburg" as c!Wilbur seemed to be implying was all they needed. He STARTS the conversation considerably more lighthearted than at its end--the first thing he says about L’manburg is a fucking dick joke, for god's sake. There's even something you can say about c!Wilbur making rules and then SHOWING dream that the rules are arbitrary, because before dream makes a deliberate Point of breaking the leaf block to symbolize his irritation with L’manburg's rule setting and the whole idea of L’manburg in the first place, c!Wilbur states that they really respect the foliage of the place and want not a single block out of place while breaking leaves himself! 
And of course, we all know about the table speech. There are arguments to be made about server ownership and entitlement that have been discussed before and could be touched on here, but once again--c!Dream's issue was about the division created. Not the usage of the table (or, on the server, the land) but the claiming of it as someplace “Separate.” When he expresses that everyone can use the table, he's not against the idea of individual or community ownership in itself, as can be clearly seen by the amount of properties on the server that belonged to one or more people. However, what he WAS against was the idea of people claiming a piece of land as their as in, their server, which meant that they could set whatever rules they wanted on it no matter the detriment to other people on the server. which is exactly what was done in L’manburg. It wasn't about the ownership, it was about claiming a part of a house As Their Own House because by stating that L’manburg was a "separate" server, they could also come up with whatever rules they wanted. such as pvp-is-off-so-take-off-your-armor, and you're-not-in-the-whitelist, etc. 
And like, again. I think people can have different perspectives and opinions on the table speech and how right he was and whatever, but like the table speech was NOT long after the revolution, and dream made it plenty clear that people could use the land at will before L’manburg’s creation. Hell, AFTER the revolution people could still y’know, kinda use the land at will, when he could've (according to c!Wilbur's original plans and words) restricted L’manburgians from leaving L’manburg. And again this is explicit--c!Dream says it himself to c!Skeppy in the table speech, and we see how everyone was using the land however they wanted at this point in time as well. 
And i think like, later on, when the characters are more established, every time c!Dream talks abt L’manburg makes it pretty clear that he was fighting abt it for more reasons than just "well he felt like fighting shit." He clearly dislikes L’manburg and disagreed with the division it created fundamentally. Obviously, the way you interpret all of this can be pretty different ,, but I think it's always been pretty clear that c!Dream does like. Disagree with L’manburg from the very beginning at the very least, and that goes into his decision to eventually go to war with the place.
Still, though, I don’t think these ideological differences are the most important reasoning behind his decision to fight in the Revolution in the first place. Which brings me to point 2), which is to say...from c!Dream’s perspective, honestly, war felt pretty goddamn inevitable?
From c!Dream’s perspective, he had no reason to believe that L’manburg wasn’t gunning for war. Honestly, he has every reason to believe the opposite? The FIRST time he interacted with L’manburg it was to c!Wilbur goading c!Tommy to shout “war words” at him. They were dressed in army uniforms. The entire side of L’manburg was allegedly built on a foundation of opposing c!Dream. They clearly didn’t shy away from conflict, considering their actions the day before had been basically trying their best to scam the shit out of people on the server and ending up chased down for their efforts. The ideals of L’manburg being this idea of like, Injustice and Freedom and Liberation From Oppression does not paint the idea of them being like willing to patiently come to a compromise or engage c!Dream in good faith like, at all. When c!Dream actually comes to L’manburg to try and have a discussion, c!Wilbur makes it plenty clear that compromise isn’t going to be an option, acts like L’manburg’s legitimacy is an assured thing, uses his act of legitimacy to impose on c!Dream’s behavior (mostly by inventing all kinds of arbitrary rules for him to follow until the ‘don’t touch our foliage’ makes him lose his patience and leave). None of this suggests any willingness for L’manburg to actually make concessions or compromise. 
And that, in itself, limits c!Dream’s options. If he concedes, then he’s folding to external pressure without putting up a fight, which sets a precedent. Again, from his perspective, c!Wilbur is a total stranger! He’s this guy that he’s literally never met before that managed to turn half of c!Dream’s server--as in, friends and acquaintances and neighbors--against him in a “country” that is explicitly founded in opposition against c!Dream by someone he knows nothing about. A country that has framed itself as existing directly against what c!Dream wants, has referred to him as a tyrant, and has turned this idea of fighting against him into a moral issue--limiting their willingness to backdown or compromise in any way whatsoever. No matter whether or not c!Wilbur was actually gunning for war, c!Dream had every reason to think that that was the intention--they wrote a Declaration of Independ(a)nce, for god’s sake. Obviously this is getting meta but if they’re making relentless comparisons to Hamilton Act I which is...entirely about a war, that’s hardly a point in favor for them actually just wanting to sit down at a table with some tea to talk things out. (Not to mention how they run onto DreamSMP land to attack c!Alyssa as a unit like, right after all of this.) 
As far as c!Dream is concerned, giving L’manburg what they want at this point without putting up a fight, just rolling over and showing his belly to their every demand is...dangerous? He’s facing a group of people that include people that, again, he’s lived with for months who have suddenly decided that standing against him is some kind of moral statement, who are slandering him and calling him a tyrant. He’s being talked about like some kind of dragon to slay--of course he’s not particularly inclined to just give them what they want. The Revolution establishes DreamSMP as people you don’t want to fight. c!Dream establishes himself as someone that you should think twice about antagonizing. And we know this works because c!Wilbur does get more cautious after the Revolution--he’s not quite as willing to go against c!Dream as directly as he was when he literally showed up out of nowhere to call c!Dream a tyrant. Through the Revolution, c!Dream successfully discourages another war in the future by making it too costly for L’manburg to pursue the next time they want something out of DreamSMP (which wouldn’t necessarily be the case if he just conceded the first time around, considering as far as c!Dream is concerned, L’manburg’s initial reaction to wanting something w/ their whole “independence” schtick was to make war preparations). Instead of seeming like a pushover, which in his mind possibly could’ve emboldened c!Wilbur further, he establishes himself as someone fair (see: his insisting on listening to L’manburg’s rules even during the literal war, not entering into L’manburg’s borders to plant the TNT, something they both concede, as well as during the intimidation campaign w/ c!Sapnap) but intimidating as an opponent. 
All of that being said, though, it’s worth considering that c!Dream does, in effect, give L’manburg what they want in the end. Which is part of what I want to consider with my final point here: c!Dream always knew that he was going to give L’manburg independence. 
And this is a fact! We know this because during the preparations for the war, in Punz’s L’manburg Revolution videos, we see c!Dream stating that he will give L’manburg technical independence before the war even begins. Which i find. Fascinating. Because like obviously given c!Dream's strategic ability (final control room + just general preparation wise), obviously Dream SMP was at a great advantage. (Interestingly enough, I will NOT actually argue that PVPwise they actually outranked L’manburg by THAT much. When the war was declared, it was actually a 3v5, considering c!Eret had not yet defected and c!George had not yet joined DreamSMP's side. This was at the same general time where c!Fundy and c!Sapnap, who would later be a formidable opponent against Dream and Technoblade alike, were about evenly matched in a PVP duel! Like DreamSMP would've still likely panned out on top in terms of straight up PVP, but it would've been a much closer battle with a much higher chance of loss of life on the DreamSMP side.)
On that same note, i think it's interesting to note (if you watch Punz's pov of the revolution videos) HOW CONCERNED c!dream was the ENTIRE time for any losses on his side. Like this guy was freaking out if someone on the DreamSMP like got hit by an arrow kind of concerned. He was worried about c!Eret in the crossfire of the final control room. Honestly speaking, he probably lost more hearts from that goddamn poison pot than like the entirety of the DreamSMP side during the war. L’manburg was during a time where Tubbo and Tommy could reasonably defeat Dream in a 1v2, given certain situations, and there was that whole Dream versus Tommy, Tubbo, and Sapnap 1v3--but that's when Dream way outgeared them and he WAS worn down and DID lose.
(Compare to like much later on where Dream could like 50/50 1v3 people in full diamond with nothing but an axe and shield.)
And whether or not L’manburg actually like, could’ve outgeared or outpvped DreamSMP (which. I mean. Like, c!Tubbo had villagers--from experience, it really doesn’t take that long to get decent enchants + gear from villagers even if you’re just one person, just go to town on a bunch of trees for a couple hours), the idea of L’manburg as a threat doesn’t even matter as much as whether or not c!Dream saw them as a threat. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of opinions on this matter that boil down to “well clearly L’manburg wasn’t a threat so clearly c!Dream didn’t see them as one so clearly fighting L’manburg was just about killing people for his own ego” which...absolutely contradicts how c!Dream himself faces this conflict. I think it's fair to say that based on his words and actions, c!Dream did see them as a significant threat to his/his friends' safety in the war. He has backup plans upon backup plans, he's very anxious about the DreamSMP side’s health bars throughout the revolution, he specifically worries about them losing health and dying in the final control room like. Many times.
All of that being said, c!Dream goes into the Revolution knowing that he'll have to grant L’manburg independence, specifically because he knows they wont give up. He says this very explicitly. And like, I think it's like. again. Important to note that c!Dream could've like forced L’manburg into a corner by like idk repeatedly spawnkilling them, or sieging them, until they give into his commands or whatever right. Like it was a war. He definitely could've forced them to surrender on his terms.
HOWEVER, what we actually see is c!Dream repeatedly calling them to surrender at like every possible turn. Before the war, during it, whatever. White flags was an obvious attempt to intimidate, but at the same time you can only demand someone to surrender so many times before you're showing your hand.
And it’s like--war, when you boil it down a Lot, is basically an extended game of chicken. This is very oversimplified, but at the end of the day what matters is that you have to decide how far you're willing to go and how far the other side is willing to go and figure out if you're willing to accept the necessary losses. And it's also important to note that from c!Dream's perspective, L’manburg was never going to give up.
Whether or not that is true is once again, debatable. But from c!Dream's perspective WE CAN SEE that c!Dream thinks that c!Wilbur + co. were never going to give up. With the retroactive addition of canon lives then yeah you could probably state that c!dream thought that they were going to keep going even if it permakilled them. c!Wilbur makes the "we would rather die" speech after the final control room. Obviously retroactively applying things like canon lives gets finicky (and believe me, I DONT LIKE IT EITHER,) but if you're going to retroactively apply the final control room as killing all of L’manburg in order to essentially end the conflict in one blow instead of simply removing their gear as was the explicit goal of that ambush, then yeah, I think it's fair to apply the same statement of canon lives and their full ramifications on what c!Wilbur says here as well. c!Dream enters a war he knows that he will, by a matter of speaking, lose--because at the end of the day, he wasn't willing to go as far as L’manburg., From his point of view. he was not willing to keep the war going when lmanburg was, because L’manburg stated that they wouldn't give up (and he PREDICTED they would state that they wouldn't give up) no matter what the cost. 
So he very literally puts his life on the line (when doing so shouldn't have been necessary otherwise because like, he was winning the war) because he was willing to end the conflict at a great personal cost to himself. Why? Why would c!Dream decide to risk his life to participate in a duel that could literally nullify EVERYTHING he did so far in an instant in the war by literally granting L’manburg independence? And then, after winning the duel, why grant L’manburg independence anyway? If tommy won that duel (which he EASILY could've -- it was a 1v1 bow duel when both people were one-shot), then L’manburg would've won the war. Hell, EVEN AFTER THEY LOST THE DUEL, they stated they won the war for a long time. c!Dream could've fucking annihilated them!! They had no supplies. Why grant them "technical independence" ??
Like, what, all of this for the discs? The discs really did not matter that much at that point in time--the disc war had been over, for god’s sake-- and c!Tommy would literally blackmail him to steal ‘em back like less than a month later. And, like, there was really nothing stopping him from demanding the discs as reparations for the war anyway. What was L’manburg gonna do if he just enforced the borders and kept killing them unless they gave him shit yk? L’manburg got soundly beat in a war! c!Dream had no reason to put his own goddamn life on the line to give them A POTENTIAL SHOT AT VICTORY. 
The only reasoning that makes sense for c!Dream here is the reasoning he himself gives for basically every decision he makes in this war, from the demands to surrender to the Final Control Room to the agreeing to the duel to the granting them technical independence for the discs even after c!Tommy lost the duel. And that’s that he knew that they wouldn’t give up. Before the war began, c!Dream knew that he would have to give them independence. At the time, the justification was likely along the lines of well, he couldn’t permanently kill them because it’s MINECRAFT, so they would’ve just kept dragging the conflict out until he gave in. With the retroactive addition of canon lives, though, his hesitance reads much more along the lines of being generally unwilling to go through with killing L’manburg entirely during the war, which demanded that he make the concession of giving them what they wanted. 
And, again, this is all from c!Dream's perspective. Whether or not all of this is like, True objectively is a different matter. Would L’manburg have surrendered if he didn't give them a way out and kept pressing? Would c!Wilbur have stopped before everyone on his side lost all their canon lives? Maybe. But from c!Dream's perspective, the only way to end it was to grant them the independence they wanted (even you know, in the bastardized form that it was, not that it mattered because L’manburg ended up being treated as an entirely independent and separate entity ANYWAY but I digress).
So that's what he did.
And, of course, this paved the way for the rest of the story. The mythos of L’manburg was established. It all goes back to these decisions on both sides, in a lot of ways--the discs, c!Tommy and c!Dream and the duel on the path, c!Wilbur overseeing, heroes and villains and revolutions and tyrants. In a lot of ways, this is where things began to unravel, this is the story that would take until the (c!discduo) Finale to address and dismantle. c!Dream’s reasonings behind his decisions in the Revolution are logical, complex, and consistent with his character and motivations--and they’re also, in a lot of ways, his undoing. 
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voted4exile · 1 year
dream’s lore q&a 2022.11.16
Transcript of Dream’s answers to lore questions from his Twitter space on 2022.11.16. Timestamps link to an upload of the Twitter Space on Daily Dream Team Clips channel.
c!Dream’s lore finale [15:27]
Dream lore finale for Dream SMP. That's pretty good. It's a good topic. What about it? Let's talk about it. I think it turned out great. I- I really, I was really happy with it. Obviously, if we had more time and, and everything, we could do, do more. But I'm happy with what we, what we did, with what we were given. And I'm happy with how everything went. It went great. 
I quite enjoyed playing the character, and I like, I like, like role-playing and stuff is fun, obviously. Had a good time. It was great. Kind of the daily streams. Streaming with. With Tommy, it went back. It took me back to back in the day. Tommy and Tubbo and everything. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it.
I think revealing a lot of the stuff that in terms of intentions. It was all stuff that has kind of already been out there, but not like kind of concise and also not like to Tommy- c!Tommy and c!Tubbo. But you know, it was fun. It was fun. I enjoyed it.
c!Tommy’s limbo [21:15]
“Can you talk about why c!Tommy saw that in his limbo?” I'd say that that's, that's more of a question for Tommy than, than me. Because my reasoning is, well, it's, it's what pushes the story along. But I don't know what the- Tommy's reasoning behind, behind it is and what Tommy's character's reasoning behind it is. So.
I think that the way that I would, I would look, I would interpret it is that-- It's kind of like it, like Tommy wants like-- This, this is what, this is how I would interpret it. And totally, Tommy could completely disagree. So feel free to disregard everything I'm about to say if you don't like it at all.
But I would interpret it as that Tommy really wants like for his friends to, to be able to, you know. If for it to be simple and for him to just be having fun with his friends. You know how, how, he- how it used to be back in the early days of the server and so seeing that but for his, you know, for-- seeing that, but for Dream. You know, the, the-- Dream experiencing what he, you know, what he wants. And of course, Dream is his nemesis, whatever. That's how. That's how I would interpret it.
c!Tommy did not forgive c!Dream [23:31]
“Hi king, can you confirm the interaction between Dream and Tommy wasn't a forgiveness, it was just understanding?” Yeah. No, no, Tommy wasn't forgiving, was not forgiving Dream. I think it was a-- I think Tommy, Tommy had never seen Dream other, as anything other than just this evil, you know, bastard that's doing all these horrible torturous things to him. Which he did and was. And had never, never stopped to think about or, or even imagine, you know, what Dream was like before, you know, in the, in the past. So it was more of a humanizing moment of kind of like a, you know, this person's, this, hey, this person's a human, too. We're both from the same place, whatever.
It was, it was definitely not, “Oh, that means that everything's OK.” Like, I think Tommy said this. Tommy said the same thing in the lore. He was like, “Well, it doesn't, you know, I understand, you know, what your goal is, but this isn't how you do it.” And I think it was one of those things where you-- In my mind, it was, it was a moment of, you know, before in, in the past, you know, you're never going to, if you don't understand somebody's intentions, you don't understand somebody's goals, you don't understand why somebody, what somebody wants and you go into every situation with a, “Well, you're, you know, you're evil or you're, you know, you're a bad person,” you know, whatever. Then you're never going to convince the other person. And it's the same thing with-- You're never gonna make any ground with anybody.
And I think that, so it was, it was the first time where, ever between Tommy and Dream, where they had any, any kind of understanding with each other. Because they had always just been at each other's throats and had always been. You know, fighting for so long. It had never stopped to really, really try and understand each other, but especially for, for Dream. As, as obviously his motives for a million different things had just been, had been up in the air and had been things that not only did the audience not know, but the, the characters themselves don't know either.
But yeah, so I'd say it was, it was 100%. It was not. It was not a forgiveness thing. It was a, it was an understanding. And it wasn't an understanding with a level of forgiveness. It was just understanding it completely. It was just a-- And I think it was more of a Tom- Tommy going up, you know, for the longest time, operating under the impression that Dream is just this, you know, evil bastard that. That, you know, “just enjoys, absolutely enjoys torturing me” and whatever. And, you know, that's the thing is you can interpret things how you like. But I- I'd say that there, there is an element there, and there, there is an element of enjoyment from, you know, from Dream's perspective. Because of, because of the, the past and their history together and whatever. I'm sure Dream does derive some joy from the actions he's seeing, the things he's put Tommy through and whatever.
But obviously those are-- He's not going into it with the intention of, “Oh, I- I- This is my, my goal is just to bring hell to Tommy or bring hell to the server” or whatever. And so I think that the, the moment of understanding is more understanding that if, if that's not, if that's not Dream, if Dream's intention isn't or Dream's main goal is not, you know, being an evil person and, you know, deep down he, he, he does have good intentions even if he's is an evil bastard for the way he went about things. That maybe there is a way to make it work. You know, because if you're just, if you're just pure evil then, you know. You get, get rid of, get rid of it from the earth, you know. Versus if, you know. Oh, you're, you've done horrible things. You deserve to pay, you to deserve to pay for them. You deserve to be punished for them. You deserve to have repercussions from them. But at the same time. Yeah, you can-- There is a way where we can work together because we have the same, we have the same goals, we have the same morals, we have the same, you know, whatever in mind. That’s kind of how I look at it. I don’t know if that-- I don’t know. I think it’s also more up for interpretation.
c!Dream’s plans for the prison [28:23]
“What would have happened if c!Dream's imprisonment had lasted longer?” I don't know what you mean by that. I think that the, the, the biggest, like, behind people, cause people were saying, “Oh, Dream purposely put himself in prison.” So I was like, “Well yeah, but no.” And from my pers- my understanding of it is, yes, Dream did purposefully, you know, put himself into the prison. And the prison was a part of the overall plan in terms of-- It wasn't, it wasn't, I didn't-- 
The prison wasn't built for Dream. The prison was built for the, for fulfilling Dream's goals overall and the ability to do that and one of those things was to-- Obviously, there'd be, there'd be certain people that would be more likely to get in the way and unlikely to-- And, and also having the understanding of the fact that there was a revival book. Dream, after kind of becoming aware of that and, and coming to possession of one himself, Dream had the idea that, well, you know, what if. What if somebody like Techno or somebody like, you know, somebody strong. 
And I'd say, in my mind, that it was originally, when I came up with the idea for it, it was, it was more so based on Technoblade. And the reasoning for it was Dream being scared of the fact. Well, what if there's more? What if there's more revival books and what if death is not, you can't stop somebody with death? Like it's, it's scary knowing that you can, you, you can beat somebody fully and then they're just there. And so he thought the idea of making a prison where if that ever does come to be where somebody is trying to stop, stop him, stop his goals, stop, you know, hurt the server or whatever that they'd be able to be stopped by putting them in the prison. Which is kind of funny because, obviously, it kind of ended up being the opposite but when Dream- c!Dream put himself into the prison. It was, it was thought of as a very, it was thought of as a temporary thing and ended up lasting a lot longer than he had imagined. And also, on top of that, he didn't expect that Awesamdude would let Quackity into fucking torture him. So that obviously made things a million times worse. But. 
Just to clarify, the prison wasn't built for Techno, but it was just like. Oh well, Techno's-- Seeing Techno’s power and stuff back then and being like, it was one of those things where it was like. Oh. What if somebody as powerful as Technoblade? You know, there are people that can be as powerful as, as, you know, as me or whatever, as c!Dream and so. What if one of them is is not on our side? Or what if Techno is not in the future? Whatever.
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#i can add timestamps for scott too if y'all want but he joins pretty late and techno just says bye and leaves after wilbur ends
My Top Posts in 2022:
MCC has added a monument to Techno in the MCC lobby!
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A cropped screenshot of Techno’s memorial in the MCC hub from the update video for MCC 23. It consists of a wooden slab with a custom diamond sword with a stone hilt embedded into it. The sword’s connection between guard and hilt is decorated with a golden pig face and a custom version of Techno’s crown hangs from one side of the guard.
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9,244 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
A tribute to Techno has been added to the Java Minecraft Launcher.
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A cropped screenshot of the current banner displayed on the Java Minecraft launcher. It shows Steve and Alex running out of a cave in the side of a hill surrounded by a variety of peaceful and hostile mobs, including a pig wearing Technoblade's crown.
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10,770 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Techno’s plan for the Dream SMP was to have his main character “Technoblade” go off on a training arc while he plays a new character named “Cyberknife” who loves government in the new world of the Dream SMP that can be accessed via the special portal. He was going to involve as many smaller creators on the Dream SMP as he could and the Syndicate minus Techno would investigate this new character for anarchy related reasons!
10,903 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Some updates
- Techno will be receiving the Courage Award from the Sarcoma Foundation of America in September for his dedication to the cause. You can read about it here.
- A Mojang Community Manager on reddit has confirmed that Mojang is thinking of ways to honour Techno, but without any details as to how they will be doing so. Link to their reddit comment.
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- Techno’s channel hit 12 million subscribers on YouTube! That means he’s overtaken Tommy again.
- Phil has built a monument to Techno in his hardcore world. It consists of a diamond sword rammed into an island, with Techno’s cape hung from the hilt. A Friendship Emerald hangs from one side of the sword’s hand guard. Techno’s crown sits around where the sword meets the earth, with Phil having tried to replicate the scuffedness of the gems as best he could. A trident named “Technoblade Never Dies” is hung in an item frame on the crown. There is a bell on an emerald block and 2 pigs tethered next to the monument.
See the full post
17,736 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The splashtext “Technoblade Never Dies!” has been added to Minecraft!
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20,312 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pinkseas · 1 year
A few transcriptions from Eret’s stream today (11/14/2022 Diving into Subnautica for the First Time pt2! We're stuck here! D:) where the DSMP was discussed that I felt were important
I want to quickly point out in case of misunderstanding that Eret did not once raise his voice, sound overly frustrated, or sound angry. He seemed a little bummed out by the things he was frustrated about, but at some points where in text it may look like he was mad he was very lighthearted, and he laughed more than a few times when exclaiming things. As I watched it he seemed more nervous than anything, trying to play it off a bit, but you can see and interpret the tone for yourself if you watch the timestamps.
1:14:20 "Yeah but technically we still need to do- I still need to do my ending thing, but, it's, it's complicated. Uhh... Yeah. We'll see. [...] What's quite frustrating is it was very much, they divided us into different groups, and said 'you guys have got to do an ending together' and... I didn't really have any connections with a lot of the people in my group so we had to make those connections and then it was basically only me planning stuff, no one else seemed to want to do it and... So, if I wasn't the one organizing it, it just didn't happen, and I've just not had the mental... capacity to manage that stuff all by myself. Other people have contributed as well, but only when I've been like 'okay we need to do this.' I don't want to take all the credit or anything, but it has been very very frustrating." 
1:16:25 "I definitely want to do something for the ending of my Dream SMP lore stuff because I feel you guys deserve something for that." 
1:18:18 "We still don't have a set date or any real plans for when season 2 is supposed to be, it's all been up in the air which is very annoying, we've had to move the date for when season 2 was going to happen several times and we still don't know. Dream hasn't said anything, he's being very uncommunicative which is frustrating." 
1:19:28 "I don't wanna talk too much about it, I don't wanna get too into it, because I mean Dream SMP is kind of what made me [...] what made me like have a following, basically, so I want to do it justice."
1:20:14 "Yeah Dream never really set any dates or anything for when it was to be done, the one time he did it was like, there was a meeting and he said 'okay the Dream SMP's ending in 2 weeks.' Like, you- you can't just say it's gonna end in two weeks dude! Like, we need time to prepare the ending!"
1:34:09 "The Dream SMP was very much, like, and I hate to say it but it was very much like the- the big fishes the people with the most viewers are the ones that actually get listened to, um and the ones with less viewers don't get listened to as much. You say 'hey I really wanna do this!' and no one replies and then someone else will go 'I wanna do this' and everyone goes 'yeah lets do that that sounds great!' um, it- yeah. I dunno. I dunno. I don't wanna sound sour or anything, um, I don't wanna sound like I don't appreciate everything that's happened I don't wanna sound like I am unthankful for where I am but, um. I definitely think there are ways things could've been done better, ways things can be done better, um. And I have voiced these concerns and they, I've not really been listened to. Which is frustrating. So. I dunno. It is what it is. Um, it is what it is."
I believe the discussion pertaining the DSMP specifically ends at this point, but I’m still listening to the vod and will add if anything else comes up.
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elmhat · 7 months
Hi! I really hope this is not that stupid to ask, but I've been reading your posts and I noticed I don't know a lot about cDream's more recent lore, but I'm not sure how to learn. The only povs I watched were Tommy's, Wilbur's and Techno's, so I don't even know how Dream's pov worked. All the streams I found about his lore aren't even his, like did he stream on his account at all? If so, where are the vods?? Or is his lore actually just what we see in other people's streams?
I know pretty much everything until the prison arc, from this arc and on I just know the general of what happened. If you have any advice on where or how I could learn more about his lore from this arc and on, I'd be very grateful. Oh, and you also talk about scrapped lore sometimes. What exactly is that?
Not stupid at all, you’ve come to the right place! Dream’s lore was pretty much entirely streamed from other people’s perspectives, which is what makes it so difficult to keep track of. The only “proper” lore he did himself was a short video on his DreamXD youtube channel (which, unhelpfully, has nothing to do with the DreamXD character) that briefly shows some of the stuff he was doing with Punz before the prison arc. I've linked it below.
This is actually amazing timing because I just recently made a bunch of youtube playlists compiling Dream’s lore! If you watched Tommy then I’m assuming you’ve already seen the disc war finale stream—I have a prison arc playlist that picks up straight after this point and should cover everything until Dream’s escape. After that, I have a post-prison playlist, but it gets a little tricky to compile because Dream would often only appear for brief and random moments in other people’s hours-long streams. I’ll try to link you the most important vods and timestamps below.
Also, the scrapped lore is something that Dream talked about in a twitter space after the Las Nevadas finale stream, which is most of the information we have about it. Essentially, it was a piece of lore that Dream, Sam and Quackity were going to record for Dream’s youtube channel, similar to the other DreamXD lore video, but the plans fell through, hence some people consider it semi-canon and others don’t. Here's the twitter space (40:20 to 46:50). I don’t know if you care about spoilers, but if you don’t want to see the summary, skip the next paragraph.
The premise would’ve been that sometime after the prison break, c!Dream is walking through the SMP when he notices that the flag outside c!Punz’s base has changed—a signal between him and c!Dream to investigate. c!Dream goes in and finds a note from c!Punz containing coordinates to c!Quackity, who c!Dream is currently seeking revenge on following the prison arc. But when c!Dream goes to the coordinates, he finds that it’s a trap, and that c!Quackity has built a prison cell in Las Nevadas that’s an exact replica of his cell in Pandora’s Vault, which stuns c!Dream enough for c!Quackity to throw potions at him and knock him out. c!Dream wakes up bound and itemless, and hears c!Quackity telling c!Sam that they should just kill c!Dream and be done with it, revival book be damned. c!Quackity leaves to find the pickaxe that c!Dream previously killed c!Sam with so that he can then kill c!Dream with it, and in this time, c!Dream starts trying to convince c!Sam to let him go so that c!Quackity doesn’t kill him (there's more detail on that in the clip). The camera would then cut to c!Quackity rounding the corner with the pickaxe, only to see c!Sam alone in the room, implying that c!Sam actually did let c!Dream go. c!Dream runs away from Las Nevadas in a panic, and he takes shelter in a cave, where he suddenly hears c!Wilbur say “Why are we hiding?” from behind him. And that’s it! That’s the scrapped lore!
So, if you’re looking for an order to watch stuff in:
DreamXD youtube video
Prison arc playlist (I’d say watch all of this, except for maybe Ponk’s visit and Sam hiring the guards — just search for the moments in vods that look like they’re set inside the prison lol)
Post-prison playlist (look below for which parts to watch)
What to watch from the post-prison playlist, in order (timestamps are when Dream is onscreen):
“Jailbreak” (Techno) - 55:45 to 1:20:20
“Punz’s lore stream” (Punz) - 1:12:15 to the end
“Dream escapes prison” (Tommy) - 5:50 to 14:20
“Late thanksgiving stream” (Sapnap) - 1:34:55 to 1:44:30
“Awesamdude lore vod” (Sam) - Watch all 4 of these Sam streams that are grouped together, in full (This is (most of) the daedalus arc!)
“Dream twitter space” (Dream) - 40:20 to 46:50 (This is the scrapped lore!)
“Inconsolable differences” (Wilbur) - 42:30 to the end
“Foolish vod” (Foolish) - 5:18:25 to 6:07:35
“The end of Las Nevadas” (Quackity) - You might as well watch the whole stream, great stream :)
“Dream shares unreleased lore script” (Dream) - If you ever hear people talking about the “snake speech,” this is it!
And then watch all the Tommy vods at the end!
Sorry, I feel like I’ve just given you homework kjshdgfkhjsd, I get a little carried away sometimes. But that should be a good starting point! You absolutely do not have to watch all of that, I just wanted to be thorough. I just think that nothing beats the original vods in terms of getting an unbiased viewpoint. I can always give timestamps for the prison arc playlist as well, if it’s confusing.
I hope that wasn’t too overwhelming… Let me know if you need anything else!
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call-me-apple · 2 years
A transcription of what Tommy said about the Disc War Finale since many people didn't catch the stream and the VOD wasn't uploaded on Twitch [timestamp]:
Tribute video voiceover: "But I can't lie, I watched Avengers Endgame about a week before writing, so the WHOLE server arrived through a portal, saving us-" Tommy: "This bit had a lot of plot holes, this bit had a- I was like, Dream, why would Punz save us and know where we are? And he was like, ah nah, don't worry. And I was like, alright. I think the cool thing about the Dream SMP though is this is like made by people. Like it's not meant to be perfect y'know. I think Dream said on a stream like we all make stuff up cuz of plot holes, like and we fill them in and then that makes the server cooler. Like that's sick. That's kind of the point of it y'know."
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dsmpclips · 2 years
Video Description: This clip was taken from Tommy’s VOD “ jschlatt gets unbanned from the Dream SMP”. Timestamp is 40:39. Tommy, Wilbur, and Quackity are all speaking on top of the podium in L’manberg. 
Quackity: (in reference to George) He’s gonna show up at some point. 
Wilbur: (interjecting) Big Q, Big Q, I think- I think you’re hot, and- and cute, and gorgeous. 
Quackity: (Quickly presses his face against Wilbur’s before backing away.)
Wilbur: (Takes a step back.)
Tommy: Wilbur, what would- (cuts himself off) Pokimane would be very displeased if she heard you 
Wilbur: (talking over Tommy while laughing) Was that a kiss? 
Quackity: (Laughs) Oh, I- (stammers) I don’t know, I just- 
Tommy: Hey, Big Q, Big Q, do you know about Wilbur and Pokimane? 
Wilbur: (Shouting over them) Stop bringing up Pokimane, Tommy! 
End transcript. 
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benchtrioupdates · 2 years
Ranboo was on Twitchcon's Dream SMP panel yesterday!
Here is a timestamped vod of the event!
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Not to be rude to your 'stop adopting tubbo' challenge, but you still don't have anything of sparklez confirming he was tubbo's dad (and not schlatt) for dsmp. but if you're ignoring that, or want to make it more complicated for yourself, i think i remember smthn about iskall saying sparklez was his kid.
(ok i went to double check and i couldn't find it myself but someone in the replies of the family tree post mentioned it was vault hunters which lol, that makes sense, thats' mainly why i watch the guy)
even if it wasn't vault hunters, jordan has actually confirmed himself to be tubbo's dad in dsmp canon! whether tubbo knows or not is a different thing, but in jordan's mind, he is fully 100% tubbo's father in the dream smp. i'll link the vid below, with the rough timestamp being around 12:30!
basically jordan had seen a few posts about the headcanon, did not necessarily realize it was just a headcanon due to knowing nothing of the dsmp, and just. accepted his role as ctubbo's dad.
never doubt my captainsparklez knowledge again
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smallishbabes · 2 years
Here is a collection of little disagreements Techno and Phil had on the Dream SMP [part 2]
Sources and timestamps under the cut
Moving stream:
Phil builds while lore:
Table POG:
3 month rescue:
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sneegsnitties · 1 year
my pinned post
twitter: ADHDChayanne
twitch: vesperriver
timestamper for philza vods
This blog is entirely multifandon though the current hyperfixation is qsmp
Origins SMP
White Noise (they are siblings your honor)
Rise of The TMNT
Gravity Falls
TAZ balance and amnesty
fall out boy
Inanimate insanity
i dont particularly care who interacts with me on here as long as you dont like the following:
ninja/lloyd shippers, llorumi shippers, lloykita shippers
tcest supporters/neutrals
dream team stans/supporters/neutrals
steven universe fans (very uncomfortable with it)
DSMP stans (occasional posting is fine)
wilbur soot/lovejoy supporters/defenders
hazbin hotel/helluva boss/vivziepop supporters/enjoyers/ect
punz supporters/defenders
PLEASE TAG (or just put vesper dni in the tags)
i block empty blogs
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miaclemeverett · 2 years
can you drop that spreadsheet?
yeah lmfao pls note i made this when i still liked dream smp...
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wils-brother-tommy · 1 year
dream smp was like nothing ive ever seen before. its crazy! its how i got into mcyt, its how i found this community and these creators i know and love today. the first dream smp thing i interacted with was an animation! i think these kind of things will always stick with me, all the bits and inside jokes. i know i’ll never see a minecraft disc the same again LOL. i love the dream smp!!! its just wild scrolling through tommys vod channel, remembering getting the upload notification for these vods and now seeing the timestamps say TWO YEARS AGO. no matter how much time passes, the impact sure has lasted :] like dream smp was SO SICK! this minecraft server will always mean so much to me
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