lotro-tooltips-daily · 5 months
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if you take submissions, may I offer my favorite status effect in the game? (he's worried)
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a-little-hobbit-hole · 3 months
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Dunland Shenanigans: Isengard bids five
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radanir · 1 year
i hate you dunland i hate you tâl methedras i hate you tûr morva i hate you oxen i hate you manure i hate you falcon-clan i hate you lheu brenin i hate you jackals i hate you leg injury i hate you i hate you i hate you
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numenskog · 2 years
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#day18 of #middleearthmonth . #crabain!!! Ahoy obscure Lore: crebain wee a specie of large, black, crow-like birds native to #Dunland and #Fangorn #forest that #saruman in #isengsrd used to spies #middleearth #sauron #conceptart #fanart #fantasy #fantasyart #antagonist #villian #lordoftherings #swordandsorcery #tolkien #tolkienverse #ink #artober #inkandpaper #middleearth #lotr #thehobbit #silmarillion #creature #creban #crow #raven https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3QGihKhdT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ɢᴀʟᴛʀᴇᴠ ᴀᴛ ᴅᴜꜱᴋ - ᴅᴜɴʟᴀɴᴅ
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 years
One of my absolute favorite quotes from Tolkien is this one from The Two Towers, where Tolkien gives his opinion on men fighting against men.
"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would rather have stayed there in peace."
This is a line written by a veteran of the great war, the first world war, where you can so obviously tell that this is something he must have thought many a time in in the war, when he and his countrymen were fighting against the "Evil Huns" that Great Britain portrayed the German Empire.
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But the fact is, that unlike World War Two, there was no big, evil against good in this conflict, at least not on the western front. It was a war between a bunch of very similar empires sending off an entire generation of young men to die for their imperial ambitions.
As Tolkien himself said "We Were All Orcs In The Great War", talking about how each of the sides invovled dehumanized each other to the point where their soldiers were encouraged to think of the other as pretty much non human scum, despite the fact that all the men involved had so many similarities, so many shared roots, and above everything else, a shared humanity.
It's one of the reasons why Tolkien in his own writing refuses to write the human wars as completely good or evil.
The men of Haradrim and Khand serves Sauron yes, but they are brave and valient men unlike the orcs, and as Tolkien himself put it, Aragorn's conflicts later in life with their post-Sauron leadership was a conflict between men, not a fight between the forces of good and evil the way war of the ring was.
They were not fundamentally different than say, the Rohirrim, or the men from Bree, or Erebor or even Gondor. Just men who had the misfortune of having to march to battle under Threat of force, or led astray by lies.
Similar story with the Rohirrim's conflict with the Dunlendings.
Tolkien made a point that whichever side had wronged one the most, and though the characters for obvious reasons side with the Rohirrim, the Dunlendings who invaded alongside Saruman's forces were not evil men who deserved to be cut down or crippled at the end, but men led astray with lies and threats, and an appeal to a greater cause, just like he was once upon a time to defend the empire he was born into.
Instead he emphasized the the virtue of Mercy when dealing with surrendering troops, as the Rohirrim ultimately spares the surrendering Dunlending army, and in the end let's them return home alive and disarmed.
Human sides of Tolkien's work are rarely portrayed as completely good, or completely evil when in confrontation with each other, only when put against Sauron.
Even Numenor, at it's worst stage of colonialism was not completely evil before the coming of Sauron, and on the other side of the coin, when you look at their history, it is very, very clear why Harad hates them to this day(In the days of old they were captured as slaves, and later used as human sacrifice).
The previous war between Dunland and Rohan was caused when Helm Hammerhand responded to an insult from the Dunlending leader who came as an envoy in his own home, and struck him so hard in the gut he died from it, breaking all the laws of guest and host to do so.
Their original conflict was caused by 3 sides, as the Dunlendings had moved into an area(Modern rohan) that belonged to Gondor against the Gondorians wishes, who then decided to give that land to the Rohirrim instead, failing to mention that someone currently lived there(Illegally or not), which in turn made the Rohirrim regard them as little more than brigands and thieves, occupying what they saw as Gondors(Now their land) lands.
It was an incredibly cynical power move from Gondor's steward, where he used his newfound allies to get rid of what he saw as a direct thorn in his sides, playing on the Rohirrim's trust in him and his people as the obvious "Good guys" they had just aided in war, to pit them against an entire people they had no history or quarrel with, and in turn have the Horselords drive them west out out into Eriador.
Which in turn caused a massive hate in the Dunlendings against the Rohirrim as foreign invaders, and a disdain to form in the Rohirrim against the Dunlendings as thieves and brigands.
When as two towers showed, they were both composed of human beings, worthy of mercy and compassion.
Just like all humans are.
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lord-of-the-hobbits · 2 years
Feel free to answer 😊 Rivendell or the Shire for me 🍃🍄🌳
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ladydwarfbadari · 2 years
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thesilmarilchick · 10 months
The War of the Dead, Chapter 12: The Castle on the Hillock
Arda, Middle-Earth, Dunland, Dunlich Castle:  T.A.  2991
Dunlanders, as they were known to the men of the West, did not often waste their time building structures of stone. Most of them lived the nomadic lifestyle of the sheep-herder or the insular one of the hunter, so a structure – if it was built at all, was more likely to be something you could pick up and carry with you.  Every so often you got a prayer temple, or a hermitage pop up, but since the purpose of those was shelter for the truly devout, they tended to veer away from grand structures carved into granite. Most of them were made of little more than straw and dried mud, after all the gods didn’t need earthly buildings to show theirmight. However, there was always at least one exception to the rule.
Dunlich Castle would have been considered little more than a fort to the people of Gondor or Rohan, but it was both the largest and most long-lived structure in all Dunland. Situated atop the fortified hillock of Caomhán, the fort had an almost perfect viewpoint into the territories of the four major clans: The Bear Clan of the Ancient Moors, The Wolf Clan of the Hallowed Hills, The Onex Clan of the Baron Plains and of course The Mountain-Lion Clan of the Crystal Caverns. No one was entirely sure who had first built Dunlich Castle, it had just always seemed to be there, but it had been maintained almost devoutly by the clans and chieftains across the years.   So, it stood now as neutral ground, a place where a clan could rest and tend to their most needy without fear of attack or betrayal from outside sources. Or as it was used now, a place where the chieftains of the many clans of Dunland could meet and discuss events that troubled them.
Rhys Ynis Dowyll, head of the Bear clan and unofficial spokesman for all nay-sayers in the land, sat now at the head of the chieftains’ table. As the leader of the current largest clan in Dunland, Ynis Dowyll’s voice held the greatest weight among those whose judgement counted. So, it was to him that Mab and the Elder of her tribe told their tale to, and as per usual, he was not in the least impressed.
‘Tis a fair tale Elder, I’ll give ye that much for fairness sake, but what credence can ye lend to it? The word of a girl no more than twelve, soaked in her own brother’s blood?  There’s a fouler tale hidden here than you give voice to, good Clansman. How do we know the lass didn’t go mad and stab the boy herself?’
Mab’s already thinning patience snapped at that last remark.
‘Twas not my brother’s blood that covered me, sir!  Twas was the blood of the slain!’ 
A hush fell over the collective clans crowded into the vast hall of Dunlich, and Rhys sat back in his high-backed chair, a fleeting look of trepidation crossing his stone like features, before the normal Dowyll scowl claimed its rightful place once again.
‘Hmm…many a charlatan has claimed to be bathed in the blood of the slain, lass. There’s no telling what they, or you for that matter, say is true or not. Many of our kin are born with a gift, but it takes more than a minor talent for clairvoyance to convince the likes of me you’re so bathed girl. So, tell us, this high council of mighty chieftains…what powers has yet developed since thy bathing’
For a moment nothing happened, and Rhys Ynis Dowyll seemed unable to contain the sneer bursting forth across his face. And then…the high table burst into flames.
‘Are thou impressed lord chief…or must I continue with greater feats…perhaps I should steal the air from thy lungs next? Or swell this castle with the tears of the widows you’ve sown across the lands? Would that be more fitting to your belief?’ 
One of the other chiefs, a boy no older than Mab’s brother, his beard dyed as blue as the Grand River at the height of summer placed a hand on Rhys’ shoulder; interrupting whatever torrent the hot-headed man was about to burst out with. He then spoke himself, with the strange words of the men of the Crystal Caverns. His voice barely more than a whisper, yet clearly heard from every corner of the hall.
‘Aye, thoust has proven thy self so bathed. So now we must turn our een to the ither part of yer tale. Tell us mair of these spirits you heard wailing…were they Clan Men or were they something much fouler than that?’
Mab wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to remember the spirits, their wailing, their screams of pain as their blood had drenched her…as it had washed her away from a drowning brother’s arms. Beneath her fingers the sheep-skin, felt warm and almost comforting. But she couldn’t afford to let herself be distracted by such things, everything hung on what she said next, on what she could bring herself to say next.
‘I didn’t see their faces Chief, but I heard them well enough, and those weren’t the voices of Men. They felt…older…as if they’d been there, in the world that is, before our Ancestors even took their first breath.’
The Man’s face grew pinched at that, and a rumble of muttering spread throughout the hall. Mab felt her stomach constrict and she grabbed blindingly for her Elder’s hand, as the rumble grew to a deafening roar.
The blue-haired chief had stood up and bellowed like he could control the very wind itself; the still flickering flames of the table had illuminated one half of his face, casting the other into complete shadow…so Mab could well believe it so.
‘This is a day we have long feared may cum ben tae pass, my brothers. Many a prophet has foretold this day, and now…. aat we are finally here, are we to cower from the shadows like so many wee bairns barely weaned from their mither’s breast?’
The rumble had settled to a ripple now and faces turned upwards in rapt attention to the man as his voice boomed like thunder over them.
‘No…this day of all days we will nae hide, we will nae cower…we will nae run away. No, this day of all days we will div fit maun be dane!’ And then when many of the men from clans closer to the border of the Strawheads’ land, looked confused and begun to mutter amongst themselves, the Crystal Caverns man amended his own words. ‘We will do what must be done. We will protect those aat are ours, and we will defend this land from those aat would see the likes of us crawling on our knees with the dogs. This day we fight, for all aat we hold dear to our hearts and the hearts of our brothers, of our sisters, of our mithers and fathers and children’s children. This day, we make the dead bleed!’
Men, Women and Children leapt to their feet with a roar, shields and spears alike rattled high in the air and amidst it all Mab stood still, her heart pounding in her ears, never once taking her eyes off the young visage of the blue-haired chieftain. The chant of the crowd washed over her then and she could hear it resounding within her own skull: ‘Hail Chief, Hail the Chief… Hail the Leomhann, leader of men living!’  The girl felt a shiver move through her then, the words meant more than the crowd chanting them knew. They were more than a chant for a chief, more than a chant for a man; they were a promise of what was to come…a prophecy. 
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
c. 1630 They are joined by Stoors coming up from Dunland.
"The Lord of the Rings: Appendices - Appendix B" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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loremastering · 3 months
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The Slade of Shadows
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a-little-hobbit-hole · 3 months
Next outfit time! I needed something nice and earthy, especially as Ali isn't getting the goofy bright outfits that I'm giving Nen
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(Doesn't mean I can't take goofy pictures of course)
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I'm almost done with Dunland too! I do like the story here, the tragedies (poor Grey Company once again), the betrayal!
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But I spur of the moment decided to use a random leg piece I had sitting in my wardrobe, did some dying of pieces until I found mixes I liked, bought a few things to find a good mesh, and voila! A brown outfit I actually like 😊
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I've also been sitting on this cloak for a while. I had wanted to use a quiver, but the back doesn't quite have the right coloring to leave it uncovered, so I decided to give this cloak a random try and it dyes so nicely!
Woodland Crown, default
Tough Shoulders of the Anórien Tree, walnut brown
Ceremonial Cloak of the Dwarf-holds, walnut brown
Lesser Claw of the West Breastplate, walnut brown
Leather Gauntlets of the Leaping Stag, black
Kozun's Gift, walnut brown
Brushed Boots of the Ithilien Path-finder, black
Malendol's Sword, light weapon aura
Oak Long Bow, weapon aura of the dead city
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radanir · 1 year
if i have to hear the word ‘duvodiad’ from the dunlendings one more time i am going to start calling them rídhathren so help me eru...... tis only fair. treat others how they wish to be treated
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cornerful · 2 months
'Not in half a thousand years have they forgotten their grievance that the lords of Gondor gave the Mark to Eorl the Young and made alliance with him. That old hatred Saruman has inflamed.'
The men of Dunland were amazed; for Saruman had told them that the men of Rohan were cruel and burned their captives alive.
A few things:
- it is wrong to send an army to go kill a bunch of people, obviously.
- Saruman lied to the men of Dunland, was not a trustworthy ally, and did not have their best interests at heart. Following him? Bad choice.
- Nevertheless the men of Dunland probably have not forgotten Gondor's "gift" of land to Rohan for a reason. Was that their land?? Sure seems like it might've been.
- Their relief that Rohan isn't going to torture the survivors should not be taken as evidence that there is no legitimate grievance or that Rohan has done no wrong to these people at all.
- I'm side eyeing the hell out of 'we pardon you for attacking us but you must swear an oath never to cross the river in arms again' in the same breath as telling them they may return "free" to their land. Yes, it would be great if no one ever marched anywhere in arms but what right does Rohan have to demand this oath? It's a means of protecting their people, great, but what Right have they and Why do they make no similar pledge? I'd sure like to know what the political situation is between these two because the fact is I don't, and this story doesn't focus on it, but the picture it's painting makes me feel icky.
On Commentary:
- the purpose of pointing out potentially colonialist narratives in fiction is not to fling accusations or win social awareness points. The way we interact with fiction is entwined with the way we act irl towards real people, and the goal here is to collectively root out gross frameworks of thought that are baked into us by the powers that be that profit from injustice. Team work makes the dream work
- it is because I enjoy lotr so much that I devote thought to being critical of it. (Hell, this is barely even criticism.) This is learning, not mudslinging. "Bad person for enjoying media" is not a game we play in my house.
-Characters behaving badly is not evidence that the author is ignorant or malicious, or that he isn't, and in fact authorial intent is entirely beside my point at the moment. The text must be able to stand on its own. Deciding which people are Good (aware) and Bad (ignorant) is silly, unhelpful, and a distraction. No one is immune to bias, and no one is incapable of change.
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✶ ― ɴᴀɴ ʟᴀᴇɢʟɪɴ
❝ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ɪꜱ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴀɴʏ ᴘᴀᴛʜꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ꜱʜᴀᴅᴏᴡꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴅɢᴇ ᴏꜰ ɴɪɢʜᴛ, ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴀʟɪɢʜᴛ. ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ, ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇᴅ. ᴍɪꜱᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ, ᴄʟᴏᴜᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱʜᴀᴅᴇ, ᴀᴡᴀʏ ꜱʜᴀʟʟ ꜰᴀᴅᴇ! ᴀᴡᴀʏ ꜱʜᴀʟʟ ꜰᴀᴅᴇ! ❞
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 months
lowkey it kinda bothers me a little bit that we've literally never seen the inside of a Dunlanding house. The only interiors we got in Dunland were craft areas and meeting-halls, never seen inside of one home. I mean presumably it looks similar to the interiors we've already seen (round, built a little ways into the ground, probably has a firepit in the center, furnished with a lot of fur rugs, most likely a bit smaller), but like, what do their beds look like? do they have bedframes or are they just on the ground? what does the rest of their furniture look like? are there windows or all they all as dark as the other buildings we've seen in Dunland? is it sectioned off into rooms or is it one large circular chamber? what different kinds of decorations would be in there??? I need to know these things!
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