#eating dragon fruit during pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Dragon Fruit During Pregnancy: Benefits and Side Effects | Pitaya
Dragon Fruit During Pregnancy: Benefits and Side Effects | Pitaya #Dragon #Fruit #During #Pregnancy: #Benefits #and #Side #Effects | #Pitaya,is #it #safe #to #eat #dragon #fruit #during #pregnancy,dragon #fruit #benefits,dragon #fruit #pregnancy,dragon
Pregnancy is when expectant mothers are extra cautious about their diet and nutritional intake. With various fruits available, one fruit that often sparks curiosity is the dragon fruit, known for its vibrant colors and unique appearance. Dragon fruit is visually appealing and offers several potential health benefits. This article will explore whether dragon fruit during pregnancy is safe and…
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kyros-tha-soldier · 5 months
chapter 1103 SPOILERS
I've gotten a bit lazy lately, I'm basically burnt out to the BONE from work so sorry for not bringing the previous leaks earlier:
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we've got big news for my beloved bonbon and her bear papa:
The chapter's title is "I'm sorry, daddy" (GOOOOOOOOD WHY!) And we have a beautiful color spread of the straw hats and our beloved wano warrior YAMATO, they're all riding momo in his dragon form (😏) since it's the year of the dragon
We start where we finished in the mini flashback, where bonney is standing in the memory bubble room, she turns back to her original child form and apologizes to vegapunk since she used to think HE was the one behind her dad's death
Vegapunk understands and gives her something Kuma was planning on handing her on her 10th birthday, it's a sun necklace made of sapphire
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Speak of the devil (literally!) We go back to the present time confrontation between saturn, the remaining vegapunks, the cp0 and the rest. Bonney uses her attack "Nika-ish future" to attack saturn but she fails. NOW THIS IS WHERE IT'S ABOUT TO GET ABSOLUTELY BONKERS!
Saturn thinks to himself that this form of Bonney's Nika is much more different than the Nika God since she can only replicate the rubber power
This mf Saturn has his power over everybody that they can't budge a single inch, suddenly he notices that Luffy is eating some food from the floor (somebody must've snuck it at the beginning of the confrontation or smtn) of course Saturn is like "how fucking dare you eat while I'm in the middle of my epic fit of rage" and orders someone to chain him with kairoseki (what a vibe killer)
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Like oooooooh calm down big man he's not gonna bite you ffs
It's revealed that thw Toshi Toshi no mi power was given to bonney by saturn, now underline the word "POWER" because this is where it's about to get REALLY messed up
Saturn has been experimenting on people to extract devil fruit powers and then give them to other people. And of course, as fucked up as it sounds, Saturn gave the disease to Ginny (probably while she was pregnant) and the poor woman ended up developing the rare sapphire scale disease
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i swear on god, if Saturn's bitchass doesn't get absolutely wrecked then I'm dropping OP, do NOT DISAPPOINT ME ODA I AM SERIOUS!
also is it just me, or is this aj attempt from Oda to clarify that the sapphire scale disease is a sideffect and not an STD? Because I've ssen A LOT of fans speculating about that and i have NEVER EVER in my life thought I'd see the day where I'll hear the words STD and ONE PIECE in one sentence until this very arc!
anyways, Saturn's stupid-ass gave the toshi toshi effect to ginny and somehow she passed it to bonney during her pregnancy, this comes as a surprise to him since this has never happened
According to Saturn, the more bonney starts to learn about Nika's true form and tries to copy it, the weaker she becomes. bonney is seen crying in despair and fear, she apologizes to her father about how despite how far he went to ensure she'd make it out alive, she will end up dead anyways
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Speaking of her papi, Kuma crashes right into egghead and gets attacked by some marine soldiers who were shooting at him with grenade launchers (taht's hardcore as fuck, I AM DROPPING THE PANELS NOW just so you can see how cold Kuma looks!)
he gets injured once again in his head but is able to reach Saturn just in time (who had thrown bonney to the ground and was about to squash her with his spider legs) just for Kuma to come and shield her with his body, and have the long nail at the end of Saturn's leg punture his back and chest
Kuma grabs him by the leg and turs around, readying a punch as his face grimaces in rage, and saturn looks at him in absolute shock
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oh boy, we eating GOOD tonight!
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sweetmuffynsblog · 2 years
This is the seventh part! I'm so glad and proud!!! 😁
During the ends of your pregnancy, everyone are nervous, especially Daemon and Viserys. Daemon becomes more overprotective of you, always make sure that you are at least accompanied by two maids and five guards, or with your aunt Rhaenys. You feel ok, not in too much pain like your late mother was, you only despise how you can't even look at your feet, other than that, you are good, you don't feel nausea, only love to eat more.
You walk in the garden with five sworn guards and your maids, Alina, your favorite hold your hand and helps you to walk around, until your eyes caught a familiar silver hair that belongs to Rhaenyra, The Realm's Delight, sitting under the Weirdwood with the books in her hands.
" 'Nyra!" you call her, walking to her with a careful steps, everyone around you are nervous everytime you move with a faster speed than necessary, even Daemon for he will runs to you first and holds your waist. She looks up and her eyes widens, she quickly gets up and walking away, " 'Nyra, please stop!" you plead, your voice shaking, you are almost in tears, you are so emotional. She stops but doesn't look back, your heart breaks, "i am sorry."
You are fully sobbing now, ignoring your maids' plea to be careful, you almost run to Rhaenyra, you put your hands in her shoulders and make her looks at you, her looks are so cold, and filling with resentment and pain, she also feels shock when she sees your tears,
"i am glad you are ok." you smile at her, your fingers tracing her hair and her cheeks, "i miss you, sister." you say but Rhaenyra remains stoic which breaks your heart, "please talk to me..."
"what's there to talk about?" she asks in a indifferent tone that makes your heart clench, "water already poured. You marry a man that i love and i am marrying a man that also loves a man! You are happy, while me? I am miserable!"
"i am so sorry. I didn't even think that-"
"yes! Yes you never! You never think before you took away someone that matters to me the most! You are so selfish, i hate you, i hate you so much! I hope you die!"
You look at her with unbeliavable gaze, you feel a need to throw up at her malice words, you feel you heart breaks into pieces, you are sobbing mess, "i-i... I need to sit down..." you tell your maid, one of the guards quickly brings the stone chair for you, you sit there and crying, your tears cannot seems to stop,
"Your Grace please don't crying. It's not good for the baby if you are always crying like this." Alina says, helping you wipe down your tears, your maids fan you and others fetch drinks.
"is that my sister?" you hear a sweet voice belongs to a child from distance, and you see a small figure of a silver hair runs towards you, with plenty of maids and guards following him. "sister?"
"Aegon, my sweet," you call him, let him comes closer and plant a kiss on your cheeks, you also kissing his head and rubbing his hair, "how are you doing?" you ask him, wipe a tears from your eyes, seeing your younger siblings always improve your mood sucessfully, you love their innocent eyes and sweet smiles,
"i am good. But Mother keeps asking the Septa to watch over me so i can study. The Septa is so boring." Aegon tells you, your maids finally comes with pot fills with tea and milk and a lot of exotic snack and fruits, "she also doesn't let me eat sweet things!"
You let out a small laugh, "if so then you should eat at my presence, my sweet, no one's going to question if i am the one who gives you."
You let Aegon eats sweet things, before give him milk, "you are the best, sister! I can't wait for you to be the Queen so you can let me play anywhere i want! Not like the Septa and Mother! They don't even let me near dragons!"
Your peace is interrupted by maids who carrying little Helaena and baby Aemond,
"forgive us, my Princess, but Her Grace is searching for Prince Aegon. Says that he should attends his classes!"
You furrowing your eyebrow while Aegon looks pannicked, "i don't want to go! I want to spend times with my sister!" he says and you give him your calm smile and ruff his hair again,
"you didn't say that your classes isn't ended yet. You are naughty, Aegon." you tell him while he gulps, then shake his head,
"i am not!"
"well, if you are not then you should attend your classes."
"but sister-" he whines, you give him a look, which make him nods, "fine! I am sorry and i will go!"
You smile at him and kiss his forehead and cheeks, "my good boy, i'll see you later with more sweets!"
"he always listens to you." a voice comes, you look and find Alicent, the maids and guards bow while you try to stand but she holds you, "no, keep sitting." she says, you nod,
"thank you."
"as i was saying, he always listens and idolized you."
You chuckle, "of course he is. He is my younger sibling, i was the one who held him first after he was born. I love him." you tell Alicent, while she gives you a sad smils, you wave to your maid and guards to leave you both, they do, only slighty far enough to listen but close enough to run to you and help you in case something happens.
"you are always so different than any of us, Y/N. I know since i met you that you will make a great Queen one day."
You look at her with questions, "what?"
"i want you to be The Queen, Y/N, and when the time comes, please spare my children." she begs you while you look at her with frown,
"you think i will be heartless enough to kill my young siblings? I was the one who held them first when they were born! How could you think of me like that?"
Alicent nods, she wipes her tears, "thank you. Thank you so much!"
Anyway, Rhaenyra is still hurt.
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Thrasos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Hellraiser by his mother
Tank by his friends
Age- 12 (immortal)
Location- Sparta, Olympius
Personality- He's an athletic active young man who's quite the risk taker- almost never passing up a bet or dare! He prefers to keep his social circle small, relegated to family & close friends.
He has the standard abilities of a god except shapeshifting. As the god of boldness, insolence, recklessness, & courage his other powers/abilities include courage inducement (temporarily in others), having an innate sense of a person's greatest fear, heartbeat detection, fear immunity, enhanced touch (hypertactility), and even unbreaking sight (can go for long periods of time without blinking).
Thrasos is the youngest child and only son to Atë (goddess of mischief, ruin, blind folly, delusion, & downfall of heroes). He has two older sisters- Lyssa (goddess of rage & frenzy) and Mania (goddess of insanity).
He lives with his mom at their loft apartment in the state of Sparta. His bedroom walls are covered almost entirely with posters of his favorite sports teams, bands, & deities in the pantheon. Thrasos' brand new drum set is at the far corner of his room with various candy wrappers strewn about. He has a single pet- his companion, a dragon named Thorn. He has yellow and brown scales, bright green eyes, & winding horns that remind Thrasos of bare tree branches. The dragon hatched some time after Thrasos' third birthday, so they have an undeniable bond. Thorn is usually his mode of transportation (especially to school which is in New Olympus). Thrasos loves the feeling of riding on dragonback whether it's on his custom made dragon saddle or even bareback (which he did a handful of times)!
Thrasos has ADHD (attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder). He think it was inevitable, considering his start in life. He was born after the pregnancy lasted three weeks! He likes to think that during that time, he was always moving around in his mother's womb doing backflips & headstands. He's one of the few cases in the pantheon with early heightened development- like being able to crawl while barely being a month old, walking at six months, and saying his first words before his first birthday! He sometimes takes medication to help with his attention & focusing, but he mainly uses behavioral therapy.
His favorite go-to drink is the mega twisted flavor of the OmegaDash energy drink! He also likes fruit punch, blue raspberry flavored soda, chocolate root beer milkshakes, and black cherry cola.
As much as Thrasos likes living in Sparta, he finds black broth (their most popular delicacy) to be unappealing. No amount of wagers, bets, or dares would ever make him eat a morsel.
He has a close relationship with his mom. He appreaciates the fact that she lets him decompress in his own way whenever he's stressed out or feeling overwhelmed. They often ride their dragons together and they're HUGE fans of monster truck rallies!
Thrasos has a good relationship with his older sisters, hanging out with them whenever there's a chance to. He likes playing with Lyssa's dogs (with Machete being his best dog pal). Thrasos has traveled to the Underworld to visit Mania- with ice hockey being the main activity for them. He was once dared to procure some Stygian Ice for her which she used to make ultra frozen pomegranate slushies, which gave Thrasos the most bone chilling brain freeze ever!
The Hearthside Diner is a frequent stop for him for a go-to order of a spicy breakfast gyro with a side of home fries. More often than not, his usual go-to breakfast is either a frosted granola bar or a bowl of sugary cereal (his favorite being Grains of Olympus).
Even though he has a parent, Thrasos feels like his mom's longtime girlfriend Limos (goddess of starvation & famine) fills the paternal role in his life. He likes her no-nonsense attitude, the fact that she helps out with his homework, and the other activities they do together when she stays over. Thrasos especially likes the gift she gave him for his 11th birthday- a dragon style ring forged from Stygian Iron! He wears it often on his pointer finger!
His favorite snack are spicy cheesy jalapeño flavored chips!
One of his favorite sweet treats are the assorted "candy" doughnuts from Hollyhock's Bakery- one in particular being the vanilla frosted doughnut topped with popping rock candy, chocolate covered candy pieces, & mini sour blueberry gummy bears!
Thrasos is currently on break from school. His two favorite classes are gym and earth science. He thinks his earth science teacher Athos (one of The Ourea) is awesome! He's also looking forward to an upcoming class trip to the state of Thrace. Thrasos' friend group includes Thespios (god of acting); sometimes they race their dragons afterschool, a cyclops named Cleon, & Deucalion (Deuce). The two of them have especially gotten close with Deuce dealing with his father's punishment and his step-mother's very public mental breakdown. Thrasos finds the teasing and sarcastic remarks from some of the other students to be annoying. An idea that's been shared back & forth is for them to sneak into the Underworld where Prometheus is being held so Deuce can see him, but a serious concrete plan hasn't been made. Thrasos doesn't really talk with the other godly students in the school like E.B, Pompe (goddess of rites), Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness), Krysothemis, Pandia (goddess of the full moon), Achelois (goddess of the moon & comfort), Telete (goddess of prayers), and Dysis (goddess of the sunset), but thinks that Epidotes (god of purity) has no idea what the concept of fun means and that Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness) is the smartest kid in their entire grade.
Sometimes afterschool he'll spend some time at a trampoline park. He recently signed up for breakdancing classes at Terpischore's dance studio!
His favorite basketball team is the Sparta Spears!
In the pantheon Thrasos admires Horme (god of energy), Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought), the messenger god Hermes, and Koros (god of surfiet & disdain); especially his punk rock band Dissonance Machine. He has no idea who'll be his upcoming mentor. Outside of school Thrasos sometimes talks to Deuce's little sister Aidos (goddess of shame, modesty, humility, & respect).
He's not looking forward to the boy/girl party he's gonna host in a few months. His mom wants him to "expand his social horizons."
Thrasos' go-to thing from Olympic Chef is the double cheeseburger (with extra feta cheese) and loaded gyro fries!
In his free time he enjoys a wide range of activities like cloud surfing, lava surfing, reading (comic books), skateboarding, roller blading, mountain climbing, watching TV, listening to music, football (soccer), basketball, ice hockey, swimming, playing video games, baseball, and doing graffiti art!
His all time favorite meal (which is mom makes) is wild boar steak with spicy roasted potatoes.
"Underestimate me. That'll be fun."
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lifehealthheal · 1 year
Dragon Fruit
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How often do you pick up dragon fruit at the grocery store? Probably never! Right? It’s not a forbidden fruit although it might have some connection with medieval dragon stories. Dragon fruit is delicious, can add a pop of color to your smoothies, and salad bowls, and give you a blast of other health benefits. So, let’s discuss why you should be eating more dragon fruit? and Benefits of dragon fruit.
9 Benefits of dragon Fruits
3. Dragon fruit Advantage in DIABETES
9. Benefits of dragon fruit during PREGNANCY
Gragon Fruits gives these benefits. BUT HOW? Know more..
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy WBW!
Tell me about the food in your world!
i.e. what are delicacies unique to your world, what is food that everyone can get or make, what is most popular, if there are different regions/countries/kingdoms what are the differences foodwise, what do the characters eat, are there any food significant to the story and does it play a role in the plot, etc etc.
Make me hungry <3
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Happy belated WBW, Anna. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you so much for the question.
I love to talk about the foods that are featured within my work.
Are there any food significant to the story and does it play a role in the plot?
Food does play a significant moment in the story, as the betrothal of the Crown Prince is announced over a feast. This event does move the plot forward as Vaene is talking about how he met with the stewardess over how he met his betrothed. Vaene is unhappy with the situation as he is being forced to marry Catrina as she is with his child, and he is trying to do "right" by her and the child, but the truth was that Catrina was only a one-night stand.
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What are delicacies unique to your world?
As meat was an expensive and rare item, it was considered a delicacy. During any feasts hosted by the emperor of the Olessan Empire, there would be a casserole prepared with doe, beef, and pork. This casserole would also have potatoes, onions, white wine, and berries.
Emperor Graeme was proud of everything that he would offer his nobility, but this placed a strain between him and the new stewardess. The nobles feasted while the poor starved. This is something that Cyras would strive to change when she befriended the Crown Prince.
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What is food that everyone can get or make?
What, how, and where people ate in the Olessan Empire depended on where they fell within the social hierarchy. While meat was limited, the nobility enjoyed it more than the peasants.
Bread, pottage made from oats or barley, and vegetables were available for everyone. It was typical for people to add a smear of butter to the bread. The wealthier would also add a little bit of jam.
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What is most popular?
There were some vendors within the Olessan Forum that will serve a frozen product that was made with milk, cream, and fresh fruits or nuts. This frozen treat would have more milk than the Glorendt's copycat version.
It wouldn't be uncommon for those who pursue the other merchandise within the Forum to eat this as they ventured from each stall.
This was the case when the Stewardess of the Olessan Empire met the Crown Prince. Her lady-in-waiting and the boy who was her deceased husband's charge were enjoying such a treat made from strawberries.
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If there are different regions/countries/kingdoms what are the differences foodwise?
The cuisine between the Olessan Empire and the Glorendt Kingdom are similar. They both are known for their love and appreciation of food.
Olessan cuisine tends to influence most of the kingdoms surrounding it as it has recently undergone a cultural revolution, focusing on art, food, and other things.
The biggest difference between the two main countries was how each eat their vegetables. Glorendines like to enjoy their food in raw or cooked lightly in lots of butter.
Olessan meat dishes consists of land-based animals, such as oxen, sheep, and deer. This is because Olessan's capital, where most of food dishes are inspired, is landlocked. Glorendine is a coastal-based country. They love to eat shellfish and other marine animals.
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cw: pregnancy.
What do the characters eat?
This depends on the novel.
In a later novel proceeding Pale Fire, Brennan will go hunting in his dragon form to provide meat for Alystin. Alystin is thick with his children, and he knows she needs lots of protein to support the development for their dragon Halfbreeds. If they are not satiated within the womb, they will consume their mother's energy.
Without enough protein, the twins would start to consume their mother's life force. This is something that Brennan fears will happen, anywhere.
In Cold as Ice, the Crown Prince has Cyras stay at his estate to protect her from the Wraith. During this time, he has his servants make a special chocolate pudding that is topped with a white cream and sprinkled with gold flakes.
In this scene, it is snowing. It's Cyras's first time she has seen snow. Vaene tells her not to worry about the Wraith and holds her. He comments that she is shaking like a leaf and makes a promise to always protect her.
Like Cyras, Anabelle Vasser has been raised among the nobility. She and Cyras would serve as a way for the Shadow Council still maintain power after Emperor Graeme's passes away. They were both to assimilate into nobility, but that is where the similar plotlines stop.
Since the Duke of Avis adopted Cyras, she never had to cook. Jackson, Anabelle's foster father, would bring in a tutor from a finishing school. She would be expected to learn how to cook and mend cloths.
Annie cooks a bread dish for Seamus. Anabelle usually makes the bread for this dish, leaving it out to make it "stale". She will add extra cream to the custard before soaking the bread until it absorbs all the liquid. Annie usually fries it in butter before serving it with a dusting of sugar or a spice similar to nutmeg.
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madlymiho · 5 years
Heacanons : Master List (2)
Second half of my headcanons! Still classified in alphabetic order!
Letters : L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Law :
Reaction to his girlfriend dying in his arms
Reaction to a s/o who wants to be spanked (NSFW)
Discovering his girlfriend is a sea dragon
Reacting to a s/o who’s a good belly dancer
Reaction to his s/o saying that she doesn’t know how love feels
Reaction to his innocent looking s/o who’s a martial art expert
Witnessing a cute moment with his kudere girlfriend
Reaction to a s/o who never has a first kiss
Dealing with a girlfriend who’s actually very shy (NSFW)
Dealing with a s/o who’s a cat devil fruit user
Falling in love with a s/o who’s supposed to be an enemy (NSFW)
Discovering his s/o is a princess from a lost kingdom
Reaction to a s/o who has the silent silent fruit
Reaction to a strong s/o who has a nightmare
The Olympics of the Dirty Talking
Finding out his s/o is a god but doesn’t use her power
Reaction to his s/o who gets verbally sexually abused
Dealing with his teenage son and his misfit friends
Genderbend Law headcanons
Reaction to his s/o who’s more attractive during her periods
Reaction to his s/o who has the Hito Hito no mi model succubus
Reaction to a s/o who’s a skilled kunoichi (ninja)
Reacting to his crewmates seeing his s/o half naked
Falling in love with his art teacher (AU)
Reaction to a s/o meeting her former “owner”
Falling for a s/o who has a marine family
Meeting his s/o after a long time apart (NSFW)
First time with a s/o who used to be a slave and sex slave (NSFW - followers event)
Reaction to a s/o who tries their best to look smart
Reaction to a s/o experiencing nightmares
Reaction to a teasing girlfriend who leaves him panting (followers event)
Reaction to a s/o who’s an expert sniper
Reaction to a chubby s/o out of chocolate
Reaction to a s/o opening herself about her infertility
Reaction to a s/o who leaves the sub after a fight (special 200 followers)
Reaction to a s/o who has been a slave/sex slave (NSFW)
Reaction to a depressed s/o who shakes her baby out of frustration
Reaction to a s/o who keeps disappearing
Reaction to a s/o who is injured and tries to heal their wounds
Reaction to a s/o who makes him a mecanical arm after he lost it
Reaction to a s/o who doesn’t believe his love confession
Reaction to a s/o being a witch doctor
Having to use his safe word during sex (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who loves astrology
Reaction to a s/o who asks him to be their first time (NSFW)
Discovering his s/o’s pregnancy
Flirting with his crush
Reaction to a suicidal s/o
Perfect love confession moment to his s/o
Reaction after saving his kidnapped s/o
Texting his s/o
Confessing his feelings for his s/o
Playing a scrabble party with his s/o
Acting with a crush he’s “head over heels” for
Ideal s/o
College AU! Professor Law falling for a student
Holding his newborn child for the first time
Triggers that make him sad and how is s/o could comfort him
Reaction to a s/o who tells him about her abortion
Reaction to a s/o who has no chill about their love for him
Discovering his crush drunk and asleep in his bed
Lucci :
Dealing with a really sweet partner who hugs everyone
Developping a crush for someone in Water 7
Reaction to a s/o who’s hunting by the world government for her power
Accidentally using his strongest fight move on his s/o
Reaction to their girlfriend trying to leave the crew for personal reasons
Reaction to a s/o experiencing nightmares
Eating in a spicy food contest with his s/o
Comforting and goofing around with his lesbian crewmate
Reaction to a s/o who confesses him their asexuality
Music theme
Reaction to a fem!Frankie disappearing with her girlfriend for a sexy time
Comforting his crushing having an anxiety attack
Reaction to a s/o mastering kung-fu
Realizing he loves his crush
Marco :
Reaction to his s/o who’s a boxer in the underground
Meeting his s/o’s abusing ex boyfriend
Reacting to a s/o who’s a good belly dancer
Finding his s/o injured after a fight
Discovering his girlfriend is a sea dragon
Reaction to a s/o who pulls a prank on him
Reaction to his s/o who is a princess from a country under a dictatorship
Reaction to his dandere s/o being good at teaching martial arts
Favorite cuddle position with a small girlfriend
Reaction to a s/o who’s a skilled kunoichi (ninja)
Morning after sex
Reaction to a s/o being a witch doctor
Reaction to a suicidal s/o
Seeing his s/o after a long time apart (NSFW)
Holding his newborn baby for the first time
Mihawk :
Dating a s/o who climbs on him when feels anxious
Dealing with a s/o who falls asleep everywhere
Discovering his girlfriend is a sea dragon
Treating his s/o in a night of passion (NSFW)
Reaction to a teasing girlfriend who leaves him panting (followers event)
Spoiling her girlfriend after a stressful day (followers event)
Kinks with a male s/o
Comforting and goofing around with her lesbian crewmate
Having a picnic with her s/o
Music theme
Reaction to a fem!Frankie disappearing with her girlfriend for a sexy time
Relationship headcanons
Paulie :
Reaction to a s/o who demonstrates her love in public
Perona :
Relationship headcanons
Perospero :
Dealing with a short female s/o
Robin :
Dealing with a really sweet partner who hugs everyone
Reaction to a s/o suggesting an open relationship
Genderbend headcanon
Music theme
Kinks with male s/o (NSFW)
Kinks (NSFW)
Relationship headcanons
Sabo :
Reaction to a s/o who’s hunting by the world government for her power
Reaction to his innocent looking s/o who’s a martial art expert
Witnessing a cute moment with his kudere girlfriend
Dealing with an ex toxic friend of his s/o
Discovering his girlfriend is a sea dragon
Dealing with a s/o who’s a cat devil fruit user
Reaction to a s/o who’s a good belly dancer
Reaction to his s/o who is a princess from a country under a dictatorship
Walking in the room when his fem s/o wears his underwears
Reaction to his s/o who gets verbally sexually abused
Awkward first time (NSFW)
Reaction to a chubby s/o out of chocolate
Reaction to a s/o mastering kung-fu
Sanji :
Falling in love with a shy boy
Reaction to his girlfriend having leg weapons
Receiving oral sex headcanons (NSFW)
Accidentally using his strongest fight move on his s/o
Dealing with a super insecure crush
Dealing with a really sweet partner who hugs everyone
Dealing with an ex toxic friend of his s/o
Reaction to a s/o who’s a good belly dancer
Reaction to his s/o who is a princess from a country under a dictatorship
Reaction to his dandere s/o being good at teaching martial arts
Reaction to his s/o who’s a flirty bisexual woman
Reaction to their girlfriend trying to leave the crew for personal reasons
Reaction to a s/o who gets a sunburn
Falling in love with his art teacher (AU)
Dealing with a s/o who wears a medical mask
Dealing with a s/o who takes a blast for him
Reaction to a s/o suggesting to have an open relationship
First time with a s/o who used to be a slave and sex slave (NSFW - followers event)
Beeing a teenage girl figure brother
Reaction to a s/o being an ex slave and refusing to have sex
Reaction to a s/o who’s an expert sniper
Reaction to a s/o who opens up about her infertility
Reaction to Doflamingo’s girlfriend being brutalised (part 2)
Reaction to his daughter eating a devil fruit (special 200 followers)
Reaction to a s/o who has been a slave/sex slave (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who keeps disappearing
Reaction to a s/o who opens up about their anorexia
Reaction to a s/o who just had a violent argument with her father
Reaction to a s/o who has a panick attack during sex (NSFW)
Reaction to Doflamingo’s girlfriend being brutalised (part 1)
Having to use his safe word during sex (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who doesn’t want to have sex as he’s horny (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o being generally nervous an highly worried
Vampire! AU Sanji
Taking his s/o to the movies
Texting his s/o
Music theme
Reaction to a fem!Frankie disappearing with her girlfriend for a sexy time
Kinks (NSFW)
Comforting his crush having an anxiety attack
Ideal s/o
Playing with bondage (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who tells him about her abortion
Reaction to a s/o who has no chill about their love for him
Shanks :
Dating a s/o who climbs on him when feels anxious
Dealing with a s/o who falls asleep everywhere
Reaction to his s/o who’s a boxer in the underground
Finding his s/o injured after a fight
Using a mirror for a sexy times with his s/o (NSFW)
Reaction to see his s/o in bikini (NSFW)
Treating his s/o in a night of passion (NSFW)
Shanks making out with his female s/o during a fight (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who opens up about her infertility
Romantic headcanon (NSFW)
Taking his s/o to the movies
Ideal s/o
Reaction to a s/o who masters kung-fu
Smoker :
Reaction to a s/o who wants to be spanked (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who can control blood with her devil fruit
First time with a virgin s/o (followers event) NSFW
Reaction after saving his kidnapped s/o
Accidentally hitting his s/o during a battle
Usopp :
General angst with a s/o
Reaction to a s/o who gets a sunburn
Dealing with a s/o who wears a medical mask
Reaction to a s/o being an ex slave and refusing to have sex
First fight with his s/o
Virgin headcanon (NSFW)
Yandere headcanon
Fluff general headcanons
Reaction to a s/o being generally nervous and highly worried
Misc headcanon
Having a picnic with his s/o
Music theme
Reaction to an overly curious s/o
Reaction to a s/o who always feels insecure and weak
Vivi :
Kinks with a male s/o (NSFW)
Relationship headcanon
Vergo :
Giving his s/o a full body massage
X-Drake :
Dating a s/o who climbs on him when feels anxious
Taking care of his sick s/o
Reaction to a s/o who wants to take a bath with him (NSFW)
Reaction to his s/o who has the Hito Hito no mi model succubus
Reaction to a s/o who wants to mark him (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who can become very violent during a fight
Zoro :
Reaction to his girlfriend dying in his arms
Discovering his girlfriend is a sea dragon
Reaction to a s/o who can control blood with her devil fruit
Witnessing a cute moment with his kudere girlfriend
Accidentally using his strongest fight move on his s/o
Dealing with a super insecure crush
Discovering his s/o is a princess from a lost kingdom
Reaction to his s/o who wants to tied him up
Reaction to a s/o who’s a good belly dancer
Reaction to his dandere s/o being good at teaching martial arts
Reaction to a s/o who has the silent silent fruit
The Olympics of the Dirty Talking
Finding out his s/o is a god but doesn’t use her power
Reaction to their girlfriend trying to leave the crew for personal reasons
Reaction to a s/o who’s a skilled kunoichi (ninja)
Adding weapons/toys in the bedroom (NSFW)
Falling in love with his art teacher (AU)
Learning that his s/o is pregnant
Dealing with a s/o who takes a blast for him
Awkward first time (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o meeting her former “owner”
Reaction to a s/o who decides to play hide and seek (followers event)
Trying to figure out how to ask his s/o out (followers event)
Reaction to a s/o being an ex slave and refusing to have sex
Reaction to a s/o who’s a sword fighter (followers event)
Reaction to a s/o who’s an expert sniper
Eating in a spicy food contest with his s/o
Reaction to a s/o who doesn’t believe in his love confession
Reaction to a s/o who asks him to be their first time (NSFW)
Flirting with his crush
Comforting and goofing around with his lesbian crewmate
Texting his s/o
Confessing his feelings for his s/o
Music theme
Acting with a crush he’s “head over heels” for
Kinks (NSFW)
Comforting his crush having an anxiety attack
Playing with bondage (NSFW)
Trying to be quiet during his sexy times with his s/o (NSFW)
Realizing he loves his crush
Discovering his crush drunk and asleep in his bed
2K notes · View notes
bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
Lore 100
That’s right. This is the 100th chapter in Bed, Belly, and Beyond. This is not including flashbacks however, so we’re a little further than that. I figured, I’d do a bit of a ‘Where are they now’ type thing, and visit most of our characters for one night. I didn’t create any art for it as too many circumstances and characters are involved. I hope you like it. That night, all was well. Dari and Fay had another Happy Day. But this one was a little different with Rheni around. As soon as Fay explained the situation, the Arrhenius man insisted on taking care of the kids that day. He solicited Milo's help with the ins and outs of a Happy Day, but mostly took on the responsibility himself. Fay was able to spend the entire day alone with Dari and they mostly just hung out in the bedroom watching movies and eating food Milo brought up for them. While he loved being with the kids, Fay really did miss these kinds of days alone with his husband. It felt like Dari was the only person he had to worry about and he had been so lonely before without him. Dari had expanded his world they had so much to look forward to together.
Lino and Vi went to a club for date night. Fay had informed his friend of a club that had just opened up run by and for non-humans. It wasn't exclusive, Lino was still allowed in, but it was like being straight at a gay bar. Vi was nervous about it, but Lino insisted they should try it since they'd hardly ever been to any outings like that. When they'd first met, the idea of a club like this seemed impossible. Everything about Vi's very existence was completely clandestine. They spent three weeks talking online before agreeing to meet and Fay had to give him clearance into APID, which involved a lot of security measures, and after descending what felt like a mile into the ground, Vi still tried to hide his true face under the human one he'd been working on. He wasn't very good at it yet though and Lino saw through it immediately, insisting on seeing his real self before they even started talking. He wasn't one for fairytales, but when spikes and horns grew from his dates face, Lino fell in love immediately. To think several years later, they'd be sitting at a club downtown, bopping their heads to a synth tune from Proxima Centauri, surrounded by unmasked extraterrestrials, like Han and Greedo at the Mos Eisley Cantina; they would've never thought it possible. Lino invited a young Pelavian to their booth. His name was Derris. Vi and Derris danced. Lino bought a round of drinks. Derris had a hotel room. Lino bought room service.
Dante watched Kidd while they were out. He didn't have Grey that day, so it was just the triplets and their cousin. Ruben and Yori did some Hanukkah shopping during the day, so Dante took the kids out to a movie so they had time to hide the presents. It was late when everyone got home so it was straight to bed. Dante called Dusty to say goodnight to Grey. In bed, Yori complained about how he wouldn't be able to transform once his pregnancy progressed further. Dante and Ruben were less sympathetic, considering he'd done it to himself. But they couldn’t help but give him belly rubs anyway.
After getting the herd to bed, Rheni started texting Camilo to see how he was doing. Camilo was awake and studying for his exams, but he welcomed the distraction and called Rheni to talk. He asked if Rheni was still keeping up with his online courses and if he was getting any work. The slime man admitted he’d fell behind work and learning for about a month after Camilo had left. He was working now though, and thankfully he was freelance and picked up a new project, he was just a little bit broke at the moment. More than anything, after Camilo, Rheni wanted to know how the baby was doing. Anything Camilo knew about her, he wanted to know it too. Camilo shared, but he didn’t think there was much to say. He sent over his ultrasound pictures, talked about how healthy she was every time he got checked up at the doctor. Technically, he wasn’t supposed to be getting health care for his pregnancy from APID, since none of the parties involved were non-human, so he’d been seeing his family doctor for check ups, but he still occasionally was seen by an APID doctor, Dr Gardi before and now Syd, just to continue the research into Rheni’s paternity. One annoying thing he learned was that in pregnancy communities online, if he searched ‘ftm pregnancy’ in any forum, it didn’t mean ‘female to male’ like he’d assumed, but instead ‘first time mom’. It didn’t do well to help him feel welcome, but he’d manage to find some information on other media, like YouTube and blogs, where pregnant transmen had done their own documentation, as if just for him. He couldn’t imagine being that open about it with the world, so he was very thankful for them and even reached out to them if he had any questions. After a bit, they got bored of chit chat and decided to stream the same movie together. Camilo loved sci-fi so they watched Spaceballs and went back to messaging while it ran. After the credits rolled, they were both very tired, so they said goodnight and got to sleep.
Dusty took Grey that day to visit Sydryn. It had been a couple months since Grey had seen the dragon and he was very excited when he saw them again. Syd had assisted in the delivery of Grey in their home and had helped Dusty (although very reluctantly) to raise the child for his first three years of life. In a way, Syd was like a third parent, and they made sure he was fed and cared for properly, despite their constant desire to be completely child free. They didn’t like children and they liked babies even less, but they were good with them and the only thing they had been particularly strict about was colour coordination and noise regulation. This was likely how Grey had become so quiet; Syd hadn’t encouraged speech development and questions as much as they probably should have. But they’d come to realise this now, and apologised to Dusty for it. Dusty forgave them and assured them that Grey’s time with Dante and the triplets had really done good to help him open up. Dusty was of the mind that Sydryn should consider raising their own children when they came because he was sure they’d be a good parent, but Sydryn banished the thought, reaffirming that they preferred to be alone, and even preferred the company of humans more than that of dragons, the latter of which their children would obviously be. In fact, they said, they’d rather raise one hundred children of any other species, than seven dragon hatchlings. They wished they’d never said that though since Dusty was able to use it to trap Sydryn into babysitting for him in the future. They stayed over at Syd’s for the night, eating a smorgasbord of meat cold cuts and fruit, before watching Pretty in Pink to get to sleep.
Dr Reid Gardi was recovering, but he still needed a lot of rest and without Köbi’s assistance, he was not able to wake up. When he was awake, he was delirious and didn’t think straight. He muttered things about faces and angels and dreams, but getting him to answer basic questions was difficult. The strangest thing was that his heartbeat had slowed to no more than a single beat per minute. He shouldn’t have been alive. But he lived. Sydryn considered he might’ve been like a vampire, but Nari was consulted and he assured them that this was not the case. Reid was never bitten, and those this state he was in was similar to the transition to a vampire, it was taking too long. He would’ve died already if he was turning into a vampire. He hadn’t gained any of the characteristics either, save for the paleness. It was still beyond them what was happening to him.
Nathan and Dax took the night slowly. Nathan prepared like he usually would for his transformation; he locked all his most important belongings away in the steel cabinets he’d been provided, ate as much as he could beforehand to help sate the wolf’s appetite, and used a hook to remove the lens caps from the surveillance cameras in the corners. Dax was a bit apprehensive about being surveilled at night, but he understood that Nathan gave consent to be observed while he was the wolf so that APID could intervene in case anything did go wrong during his transformation. Sydryn provided him the paperwork to sign to give his consent as well, and he just tried to ignore the cameras’ existences. The transformation occurred slowly that night. Nathan and Dax were talking about classes and how Dax was restructuring the French immersion programs for students with parents from off planet who might not be able to vocalise the same as a human. It started off as excessive hair growth and once he realised it was starting, Nathan asked Dax to help him undress then get as far away as possible. Dax obeyed and retreated to a corner of the room to watch. When the transformation was done, Dax was simply in awe, thankful to finally see the beautiful animal he'd roomed once before. The wolf was weary of him at first but he knelt down before the creature and stayed still. The wolf approached, sniffing and nudging at his clothes. Finally, the wolf laid down before him and lowered its head. Dax smiled, slowly offering a hand and placing it gently on the wolf's head. The animal whined and let Dax pet them gently. The pregnancy was less noticeable in this form, but the swell was there and the wolf allowed Dax to rub their stomach gently. Whether it was Nathan in control or a spirit of some kind, Dax didn’t know, but he knew that they were going to be alright that night.
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rdwyns · 4 years
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          hey y’all, it’s kit again ! swapping jeyne out for anya, my muse from the last iteration of warofcrowns but with some obvious edits ! if you remember her from the old version, fair warning, she’s gotten significantly worse. her intro is still absurdly, ridiculously long, i am well aware and will not apologize. but if you do manage to read the whole thing you have my eternal gratitude & admiration ! i’d also really, really love plenty of plots and connections for her so if you want to plot, here’s how: like this post if you don’t mind me messaging you, or get a head start and shoot me a message either on IMs or on discord !
⤷ ( kit. cet. 22. she / her. violence against children. ) the courts offer bread and salt to anya caron née redwyne of house caron. many say the twenty-five year old ruling lady of nightsong is known to be poised and insightful, though ill tongues whisper that she is insecure and volatile. when her name is uttered, one is reminded of a faint light in a sea of fog, sweet fruit souring into wine, & a dark stain spreading over silk. may she be blessed and protected in this war of crowns.
        tw - discussions or mentions of alcoholism, childbirth & pregnancy, domestic abuse & neglect, suicide by drowning, food & disordered eating, forced marriage, mental & physical illness, misogyny. ( yeah it’s a lot, don’t mind me. )
name. anya caron née redwyne. nicknames. age. twenty-five. traits.      + educated, reverent, insightful, poised, curious, resourceful, sentimental.      - guarded, resentful, volatile, insecure, transgressive, dependent. titles. ruling lady of nightsong. loyalty. house targaryen.
desmond redwyne, ruling lord of the arbor. ( father ) viola redwyne née ???, ruling lady of the arbor. ( mother , deceased ) ??? redwyne, heir to the arbor. ( half-brother ) ??? ??? née redwyne, lady of the arbor. ( half-sister )
??? caron, ruling lord of nightsong. ( husband ) amerei caron, lady of nightsong ( sister-in-law )
pre - history ; house & parents .
the redwynes were always military men. had to be, really, being island people, more isolated and often more endangered than their mainland counterparts. really, there was nothing quite so loved as war, except perhaps wine.
an old, proud house, the redwynes and their fleet have fought for targaryen kings for centuries — they stood by aegon in the dance of the dragons, stood by jon & daenerys against cersei lannister, and even stood by maegos against the dornish and northern rebellions.
lord desmond redwyne took his father’s seat in the reign of king aeron. in a prosperous and peaceful time, men drunk on dreams of a glorious war grow restless — so he hunted, and whored, and drank, and none of it so much as touched his reputation. no, lord redwyne was an honorable man, a true servant of the realm, an example to many.
lady viola redwyne might have said otherwise, had anyone asked her. prone to bouts of melancholy, often disagreeable, and with a reputation for refusing suitors, she might have even succeeded had she not been so beautiful. lord redwyne must have her, and her father could not refuse.
his second wife, fifteen years his junior, and unhappy with the match, she could not love him, nor his other children, nor the arbor. a lack of love in such close quarters sours into hate over time, like bad wine. one of her few reliefs was that he already had an heir and a spare. poor health and misery would not have made her a brood-mare of any longevity.
family history & early childhood . 
as it stood, anya was more an unexpected result than a desired outcome, and ultimately even a bone of contention. she bound her mother by love, to the arbor and the man that she hated.
they were left well enough alone, for a time, viola and her daughter, the septa, and the maidservants. even the wet nurse sent away. anya’s infancy brought a modicum of respite, but it would not last more than a handful of years.
by that time it aroused suspicion. lady redwyne would hardly leave her chambers, refuse to let the child out of her sight, would not see her husband and even refused food for periods at a time. it was unhealthy, unnatural, they soon started saying. in inns and winesinks at ryamsport men would murmur ‘poor lord redwyne, imagine a wife that beautiful going mad on you,’ into their cups, laughing at their great fortune to have avoided his.
and perhaps there was something real to it, perhaps there really was something unsettling about the arrangement. perhaps not. but in the end it was only the talk that mattered. once it reached lord redwyne’s ears, red with shame at being laughed at by traders and fishermen, he put his foot down. viola’s whims were not to be indulged or tolerated any longer, and besides, ‘the child’—by this he meant anya—‘must grow to be a fool or a half-wit if left in her care.’
and so anya was removed to the care of a cousin, mostly sheltered from her mother’s influence. there were fights about it for months. the withdrawn lady redwyne who would not speak but to her daughter and her maidservant and looked to the window whenever anyone looked at her had disappeared. she raged, schemed to steal her daughter away, wept, wandered the halls at night, and made trouble.
lord redwyne even tried being gentle, for a time, speaking in soft pleading words for her to be reasonable, but gentle or harsh it made no difference. if she saw anya twice, even three times a day, it was not enough — to her mind, he had stolen her daughter, stolen her life, stolen her freedom and anything else he might think of taking, and she wasn’t wrong. but when she threatened to throw herself from the eastern tower, she sealed her own fate.
on horseshoe rock, one of the smaller islands in the waters surrounding the arbor, a small stout keep was furnished and staffed, and lady redwyne was sent out of sight, out of mind, and certainly out of the way, where she couldn’t cause another such a stir — and most importantly, after a while, the talk died down.
personal history .
with all the difficulties tended to, and all the loose ends and loose canons carefully tied down, anya’s upbringing was left to a succession of septas, servants, and after a time, an aunt, newly widowed  and returned to the arbor.
out of her father’s favor for as long as she could remember, with a rocky relationship with her siblings ( i won’t go into detail in case my wc is picked up ! ), anya found little relief within the castle walls. she attended her lessons dutifully, could sew and sing and smile, recite the houses, their sigils and heroes, and it all meant little and less to her.
she wanted to set sail, she had always insisted — since before she knew what it really meant, just uttering phrases picked up along the way the way one does around seafarers — but desmond redwyne would not suffer any of his daughters to venture so far beyond his control. he knew better than to trust sailors, and certainly never trusted women.
so instead anya spent years at her window, watching sails shrink and disappear over the horizon ; by the sea, swimming in a cove under the watchful eye of the septa ; sneaking in the fields during harvest, stealing grapes ripe to bursting. searching desperately, maybe shiftlessly, for a little bit of sweetness. all the while she visited her mother only rarely, on namedays and holy days and days when, for whatever mysterious reason, her father’s pity won out over his good sense.
she studied too, though silently, mostly unnoticed. the kitchen girls, the household guard, the way people talked when they didn’t think anyone was paying attention. watched her father most of all, and had no illusions about him. even if she still aspired to please him, somehow, to gain his approval, she knew: he was a cruel man, harsh, childish, selfish, drunk on wine and himself, and yet still too clever to let all of that be his ruin.
her betrothal, like any lady’s, was inevitable — on the horizon of her future, marriage appeared to her like a fog, uncertain in all aspects but its impending approach. in the end it was a transaction, as these things almost always are. a dowry of ships, wine, and gold ( but really, mostly ships ) was enough to make anya a desirable bride despite the whispers of madness that clung to her mother, and she was promised to the heir of nightsong without even the illusion of being well-matched.
demure, docile, even shy, few suspected that, days before she was to leave for her wedding, anya would disappear in the night. would sneak from the castle in the dark, with a torch and one gold dragon, paid to the wife of a fisherman who, in her husband’s small boat, rowed anya to the shores of horseshoe rock to say goodbye to her mother one last time.
it was a mistake, but she couldn’t have known that. she came at night, the only time she could, but to viola, startled from her sleep, she was a ghost in the moonlight. after the truth came, ‘i’m leaving. father says i must,’ her mother, in tears, threw herself in front of the door, on the ground, wept in fits and refused to let her leave. it was the first and last time anya ever truly believed her mad. with promises that she would refuse her marriage and sail home as soon as she could, she left.
she was guilty, of course — so guilty it ate her up, and very nearly killed her, but not so guilty that she turned back. her mother could not bear for her to go, but anya felt she would die — truly die — if she were forced to stay.
the preparations were already well underway by the time word reached them from the arbor. lady redwyne had disappeared. alseep in bed at night, swore the servant, but gone in the morning. the island was searched for weeks, coasts scoured, sailors and captains interrogated, but to no avail. some say she escaped, others that she was kidnapped, and yet others know with conviction that she simply walked into the sea and drowned
though she wore the her house colors instead of black, anya was married in mourning. the wedding was a ridiculous affair, lavish and splendid and festive, and it only made her all the more self-conscious. she was polite, sweet, but in the momentary lull of conversation she looked lost. doe-eyed — not innocent, but wary, reproachful.
( note --- everything that follows may be changed at a later date if / when her husband is applied for ; i’m trying to keep it as vague as possible for that reason, sorry. )
it was a relief to be gone from the arbor, that she could not deny, but things at nightsong were not better. she was withdrawn, in mourning, clumsy in her attempts to draw affection from her husband and all the while mistrusting him ; even at the arbor she knew the household, was familiar with the scullery maids and the maester. here she was a stranger in her own home, and resentment blossomed as easily and intractably as wildflowers.
in the end she found she had traded a familiar prison for one completely alien to her. in the end it was probably worse. she did not sour quickly, no --- it took time, but sour she did. 
tl ; dr , personality .
a traumatic, tense, and lonely childhood, ghost-like and disconnected. mommy and daddy issues, because why not. that and a poor marriage leaves her bitter, withdrawn ; there is a deep, foul darkness in her that she does not have the strength to keep at bay.
haunted by rumors of madness passed down from her mother, hard to disprove when she seems to be turning into her more and more every day. more recently questions of her fidelity have been raised ; she ignores them publicly but remains wary. honestly she’s not ‘mad’ it’s just what they call women with big emotions and opinions, y’know.
despite all that she still seeks sweetness, tenderness --- she is seriously traumatized and seriously sentimental, but not necessarily a good person. she might try to be or think she is, but in the end she’s also very shady and good at lying to herself, or aspiring to goodness. wants intensity above all else, whether good or bad. 
basically what happens when you put a sweet, sensitive girl into the rough, careless hands of men ; even when they do not mean to misuse her some damage is inevitably done. that’s not to say she’s only a victim ; she can be as cruel as she is tender, and hurting only makes her want to hurt more.
very insecure, which manifests itself in a lot of different ways ; does she try to make herself big and powerful ? does she try to turn herself into whatever it is she thinks someone wants ? does she overthink things and say too little end up seeming like an absolute whacko ? does she get overexcited and yes.
poised and image-aware but resents it. she should have been the daughter of a miller or a fisherman or even a knight, but not of a lord ; harbors secret dreams of simple domesticity but she’s been told at every turn that makes her weak or small-minded so she dreams of nothing instead.
plot ideas !
cousins. i haven’t yet decided what house anya’s mother is from, so there are plenty of options for familial attachments there, though probably a house from the reach / southern kingdom ! her father also probably had sisters, although they’d probably be another generation older and have adult grandchildren at this point, so. second cousins ? i think ? 
failed or cancelled betrothal. this is also super open ! again, would probably be someone from the southern kingdom, all things considered. what their relationship would be or whether they had even ever met is all very much up in the air. 
former flings. again i like to keep my plot ideas open to customization and further plotting ! but i also think that she may, probably, arguably, definitely have sought comfort elsewhere after realizing her marriage was not going the places she was hoping. idk man she just wants to be touched. how intense it was or how long it went on or what it meant are all very very open to discussion, i love a little drama but i definitely don’t need this to turn into a ship or anything ! and again this would be open to any gender because all my muses are bi !
enemies. i cannot stress this enough, i love enemy connections. maybe anya’s jealous and petty which she is perfectly capable of being ; she loves herself a backhanded compliment and has a bad habit of lashing out when she’s feeling upset or otherwise justified in her shittiness. could also be enemies due to bad blood between their families, since her dad is fairly shitty also. 
family ward. could go two ways ; either someone who spent some time in their childhood at the arbor or somewhere anya might have been sent for some time in her childhood ? she was fairly isolated at the arbor for most of her childhood but i would love for her to still have some childhood connections or something.
#badreputation friends. anya adores her sister-in-law amerei more than she can express ; both of them have a dark cloud of a bad reputation hanging over their heads. anya’s a madwoman and a whore, and amerei’s killed all three of her husbands, if the rumors are to be believed. which means that anya absolutely adores any lady with a bad reputation, especially if that reputation is only bad because of misogyny. they also don’t necessarily need to be friends, but anya definitely finds them more interesting than most others.
little sibling-ey relationship. yea i’m braindead and not thinking of cool names for these things anymore. anyway, gimme a muse who’s still all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and brings out the very best in anya ; she’s always been the youngest sibling but with an intense need to protecc ( catch her rehabilitating birds with broken wings and defending the baker’s boy from bullies ). also has loads of mostly half-bad advice to pass on ! 
literally anything else ! please ! i just love intense, extensive, or lore-heavy plots but also anything casual and fun i am not picky ! i just ! want plots and connections and muse to write !
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moonbeambucky · 6 years
The Price of Gold - Epilogue
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader Word Count: 3973 Warnings: fluff
Summary: As a sports journalist you’ve traveled the world interviewing famous athletes. You’ve loved your job up until you find out your next article is on the last person in the world you ever wanted to talk to, Lance Tucker.
A/N: I can’t believe this is over! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this! This fic has been my life for the past few months and it really means so much to me! Written for @green-eyeddragonfanfiction Dragon’s 3k Follower Creative Content Challenge. My prompt was “I can’t be in love with you!” gif source (x) 
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Saturdays were the busiest day for Tucker Gymnastics, with most parents available on the weekend to accompany their kids as they learned gymnastics from one of the very best in the field. On this particular Saturday the center was closed for a private event, one that would show no profits but make Lance Tucker’s heart richer with love.
Ariel Tucker, named after her mother’s favorite mermaid, was turning two years old today and Lance closed the center to the public to finally give Ariel her first official gymnastics lesson.
Waking up slowly you felt Lance’s chest pressed to your back, hearing his soft snores made your lips curve into smile with a sudden urge to look at his face. Shifting on to your back Lance inhaled stiffly, the corners of his lips pulling upwards as he nuzzled against you again.
“Good morning beautiful,” he said in a raspy whisper, his eyes still closed. It was the way he greeted you every morning since you moved in together and you never got tired of hearing it.
Within two years of dating you and Lance were married. It was the wedding you always dreamed of. Held at an estate south of Spring Hill you were married with an ocean backdrop, a cool breeze flowing through the air. Friends and family surrounding you to celebrate your special day, with both you and Lance shedding a few more tears than anticipated.
The moment he saw you it was like the world stopped spinning. Accompanied by your father, you glided down the aisle like an angel floating through the heavens. Wearing a strapless ivory mermaid style dress, lace and beads beautifully accentuated your body. Carrying a large bouquet of cascading flowers colored like the beautiful sunset behind him Lance thought it was the perfect accent to a more than perfect wedding– that is until you stood before him.
The tears that had formed in his eyes suddenly dropped down his cheeks as he smiled at the delicate pearls around your neck. They were Dorothy’s, given to you after her passing as part of her wishes. You knew the significance, these were the pearls Lance’s Grandma Ruth had worn on her wedding which she passed down to Dorothy for her wedding who always knew she would give it to you.
You choked back your own tears, smiling as you and Lance held each other’s hands during the ceremony, knowing how lucky you were that after half of your lives apart you found each other again.
“Good morning baby,” you replied, scratching your fingers through his hair, enjoying the surprisingly peaceful morning for as long as you could.
He was in need of a haircut, letting the time in between appointments go longer than he was used to. He didn’t mind though, his hair was the least of his concerns, not when any free time could be spent with you and Ariel. He needed a shave too, his stubble coming in a lot more than he normally let it. The combination made him look a little older but in a more distinguished way. No longer was he the spiky haired arrogant gymnast but the man you always dreamed you would grow old with (and thankfully no warts were to be found!)
“Speaking of babies,” he paused to rub his hand along your swollen belly, “How is the little guy doing?”
You were halfway through your second pregnancy, the name of your son to be determined. For now he was just “the little guy” and you were excited to welcome him as part of your growing family.
“Well he’s pressing on my bladder and if I don’t get up right this second I’m definitely going to pee on the bed,” you joked.
It was time to get up anyway, with Ariel’s giddy anticipation for her birthday you certain she would come flying into your bedroom any minute. Pushing yourself to sit up you were about to get off the bed before Lance called out for you to wait.
Turning around he stood on his knees in the center of the bed, dressed in boxers and white t-shirt, moving closer towards you for a kiss. Despite his morning breath you would have kissed him for hours, or until Ariel would undoubtedly come in, but at this moment you had to push him away as you clenched your legs together while running to the bathroom.
Lance laughed at your loud sigh of relief through the door for finally being able to pee. He laid back on the bed, his arm thrown over his eyes to block the strong morning sunlight from coming in through the window. With a smile plastered on his face Lance thought about how lucky he was to have this life.
He’s pulled from his peaceful reprieve as the pitter-patter of tiny feet echo off the wood floor, with tiny hands reaching up and grabbing the blanket. A quiet voice squeaks out a call for her Dad who turns and smiles at his little girl, lifting her up. Purple painted toes support her tiny frame that barely makes a dent on the mattress.
Born six weeks premature, Ariel required a short stay in the NICU, with you and Lance at her side every day. She made it through without any major complications except for the fact that her parents were even more overprotective of her. It was the main reason Lance hadn’t begun teaching her gymnastics.
You and Ariel visited Lance quite often at the center and she was always squirming to get out of your arms and join her Dad and the other kids for what she thought was playtime. She was so much smaller than the other children, and even though Lance would be at her side through each move he didn’t want his little girl to get hurt in any way; you both agreed she wasn’t ready yet.
Lance kissed her forehead, rolling down her Doc McStuffins pajama top that shifted up to expose her cute belly button.
“Daddy guesshwhat?”
Lance sat up against the headboard, “What is it Starfish?” he excitedly asked.
“Is my buhhthday!” she grinned, showing off her tiny teeth.
“It is?” he feigned surprise. “How old are you today?”
“I twoo!” she replied, holding up two small fingers.
“No you can’t be two! You’re my little baby,” Lance said, scooping her up into his arms as if he were cradling an infant, pressing kisses all over her face as she giggled from his ticklish stubble.
“No… I... Big... Girl,” she said in between fits of laughter.
Lance shifted Ariel so she faced him, “Okay, okay, you’re my big girl. What does my big girl want to do for her birthday?”
Ariel’s face lit up like fireworks, “Tumbwle!”
You stood in the doorframe watching their exchange, your heart growing bigger in size at the love Lance had for your daughter. He was the perfect father, loving, gentle, kind; he was the antithesis of Mitch Tucker.
“Daddy and I will take you to tumble but first we have a surprise for you!” you spoke up, your voice catching your daughter’s attention.
She jumped out of Lance’s arms, plopping down towards the end of the bed as you walked towards her. Sitting on her knees she was face to face with your large stomach and pressed a kiss to your belly.
“Good mawning bwother,” she said. For now Ariel was excited to have a sibling, once your or Lance’s attention is diverted from her there might be an issue.
Ariel was the sweetest little girl with an equal mix of Lance and your younger selves in her. She loved to sing, making up her own songs that she would perform as you and Lance sat together on the couch watching and cheering for her.
Like her namesake she was always in the water, with you and Lance playing “mermaids” with her. With floaties secured around her arms you would hold her by the waist on the surface of the water as her arms swept out in front of her with her legs wildly splashing behind. Ariel would swim to Lance and rescue him from the evil Ursula, also known as a smiling inflatable octopus pool toy.
When she was out of the water Ariel was never without her favorite teddy bear, your own childhood bear that once sat on the shelf proudly displaying Lance’s first medal, that is until Ariel made grabby hands and began to cry for the doll. The medal is now on your nightstand, hanging off a framed photo from your wedding day, a daily reminder of how far you and Lance have come.
Lance dressed Ariel as you prepared breakfast. Things had changed so much since you were a kid, now there were endless recipes on Pinterest to choose from, some you were able to master and others not so much. Today you made whole grain pancakes, pouring out two smaller circles of batter that would become the ears on the bear you were going to create. Using banana slices you placed them on the smaller pancakes as the inside of the bear’s ear, and one on the larger pancake as the snout, with chocolate chips becoming the eyes and nose.
In a small bowl was a plain yogurt with a fruit rainbow of raspberries, mandarin oranges, sliced green grapes and blueberries. So much work goes into preparing such a pretty breakfast all the time, your parents definitely had it easier.
Clinging to Lance’s frame as he went down the steps Ariel wore a coral halter romper with a hibiscus flower print and white strappy sandals with a large flower embellishment. He placed her at the table in her booster seat as she smiled at her pancakes.
“Where Teddy?” she worriedly asked before you brought him out from the table behind her.
Teddy required delicate cleaning since he was an old bear, something you occasionally did overnight as Ariel slept.
After eating and cleaning up yogurt on Ariel’s cheeks the three of you grab the bag you packed and head out to the garage. You handed Lance your car keys as you opened the door for Ariel, securing her in her car seat as Lance adjusted the mirrors.
“You know you’re gonna need a new car babe,” you said, as Lance pulled out of the garage and clicked a button for the door to close. Lance still had his convertible Mustang though the top has been up every time he’s driven with Ariel as per your insistence. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to fit another car seat in that thing,” you continued.
“Yeah I know,” he defeatedly huffed. “But there’s no way I’m getting a minivan!”
You burst out laughing as he looked over at you, his blue eyes full of stern conviction.
“Definitely not!” you agreed. “You’ll have to get something soon though, the little guy’s coming in a just a few months.”
“There’s still so much to do! New car, finish his room, name him!” Lance chuckled.
“Yeah I know,” you said running your hands over your stomach. “Well at least we know what we don’t want. No Brayden, Aiden, Grayson or Mason...”
“Yeah, not happening. Hey Starfish, what do you think we should name your brother?” Lance called out to Ariel who was playing with her dolls.
In one hand was Teddy and the other was Stuffy, the blue dragon from Doc McStuffins. Her growing brain mulled over the decision of names between the two stuffed animals. “Stuffy!” she cried out.
“Stuffy Tucker?” Lance questioned.
“Well, maybe if he has allergies,” you joked. “Sweetie what’s the name of the police dog on PAW Patrol?” It took a while for you and Ariel to think of the name until it finally hit you. “Chase! Lance, what about Chase?”
“Hmmm,” Lance mused out loud, “It’s a maybe.”
You quickly reached your destination, bringing Ariel for her first visit to Weeki Wachee. She had no idea what was happening until the “mermaids” swam in and Ariel gasped out loud, crying out “Mermaid!”
She was watching them in the same awe struck manner as you once did, pointing towards the viewing window as the mermaids swam by with a large smile plastered on her face.
Next you went to the wildlife show, with Lance having to hold Ariel tight in his lap as she kept wanting to pet all the animals. Your anxiety increased as the teenage employee kept bringing out progressively larger snakes until he finally showed off a small alligator.
Now that you were a mom you tried to find the balance between allowing Ariel the freedom to grow up while still being nurturing and protective. Right now you were going to be protective, extremely protective and used this opportunity to remind Ariel that these animals are not pets. Blowing out a harsh breath you wondered if you caused your own parents as much worry.
After the show you sat at a picnic table for a snack, giving Ariel a sippy cup of milk and putting out some Cheerios, string cheese and a mandarin orange that you shared with her. Lance made sure you ate more than just that, pulling out carrot sticks and a granola bar from the bag along with some water. Smiling you leaned forward to kiss him in return for his thoughtfulness.
You were taking a lot of precaution as the risk of another premature birth was always there. Lance was a big help, staying home more often to allow you more time to rest. Your workload lightened as well. You were still able to Skype with athletes for your articles but travel was out of the question. You were thankful having prepared a lot in advance to release during your maternity leave.
After eating you took Ariel on the boat ride. She sat in between you and Lance as she excitedly pointed out every fish, turtle and bird that you passed. When the ride was over you asked the driver to take your photo, the three of you saying “cheese” in unison, though Ariel screamed the word, which echoed off the roof of the boat.
Finally, you were headed to Tucker Gymnastics and Ariel was bubbling with anticipation. Lance had gone into his office, you suspect to check in on calls and emails while he waited for his girls. After a quick trip to the bathroom for both you and Ariel, you changed her into a shimmery purple leotard.
Lance’s door was still shut so you picked barefoot Ariel up carefully and walked her over to the photo of young Lance and Dorothy.
“This is your Daddy as a kid!” you said, pointing to him in the picture. “And this is your Grandma Dorothy. She is Daddy’s mommy.”
“Where Gamma Dowthy?” Ariel innocently asked.
“Grandma Dorothy is everywhere. When the sun warms up the day that’s Grandma Dorothy giving you a big warm hug, and when the moon is out at night she’s looking over and watching you sleep.”
Though she’s too young to truly understand you wanted Ariel to know Dorothy and one day when she’s older you know Lance will have her read your article. He still considers it one of the greatest gifts you’ve ever given him, though nothing compares to the love you show him every day, and the family you’ve made together.
Lance pulled open the door to his office, stepping out with a serious look on his face. He tightened a red bandana wrapped around his forehead and clapped his hands together, “Let’s do this!”
Reaching into his pocket he walked over to Ariel, pulling out a smaller bandana for her to match him. Ariel leaned towards Lance who took her from your arms and you followed them into the main gym. Lance leaned down in front of his antsy little girl who would not sit still as he gathered her hair together to tie it up and tie the bandana on her.
Once she was ready Lance put his palm up, “Let’s go for the gold!”
Ariel slapped his hand, “Go faw gold!”
Lance started slow, easing her into tumbles. “Squat like a frog,” he said, adjusting her hands and feet, “Now stick your tushie in the air and look at your belly button.”
Ariel giggled at the way Lance taught her but he guided her through the movement, assuring her head was placed properly for her to roll through. Lance made it a fun as she repeated the motions until she got it before moving on to a backwards roll. She was definitely Lance’s kid as she completed a backwards roll much more gracefully than you ever could.
With your phone in hand you took a bunch of photos and videos, all of which you knew you would have to send your parents. Even though they would be coming over later for cake and presents they insisted on having their own copy of every picture of their granddaughter and you can’t blame them. Your own phone was filled with thousands of pictures of your beautiful girl.
Lance worked on some poses, teaching her how to do a bridge. Soon she was in a downward dog position in front of the wall. Lance told her to keep her arms strong as he braced one hand on her arms and the other under her stomach for support.
“Walk your feet up the walls,” he said, as her little feet staggered asymmetrically up the wall. “You’re doing great Starfish!”
It wasn’t quite a handstand, not yet at least but you know with Lance’s guidance she would get there one day, just as you did.
Afterwards Lance whispered something in Ariel’s ear that made her jump up and down. Lance carried Ariel to the balance beam that was closest to the ground, placing her down and standing behind her as he cupped his hands around his mouth as he announced, “The US Women’s Gymnastics Team proudly presents ARIEL TUCKER!”
You pleaded for him to wait so you could record this. When you were ready Lance lifted Ariel onto the beam, holding her hands as she walked across it, stopping midway as he told her to jump up. As Ariel jumped Lance lifted her up high over his head before placing her gently down on the beam again. She walked to the end of the beam, jumping off as Lance held her.
He carried her over to the uneven bars, still gripping her waist as he held her up, instructing Ariel to hold on to the lower bar. He swayed her body from side to side, all while providing commentary on how the young gymnast has skillfully mastered the uneven bars. Next was the pommel horse, where Lance held her up and she wasn’t sure quite what to do. Lance began to tickle her stomach and so she burst into a fit of giggles, her little feet stomping up and down which made it look like she was dancing.
“And for her final challenge, the vault!” his voice boomed.
Ariel clung to Lance as he stood midway in the runway. He jogged lightly, dodging the vault and jumping into the foam block pit behind it.
“Ariel Tucker wins the gold!” Lance cheered, kissing Ariel on the cheek. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck, stretching her arms around him and you were so happy to have recorded that moment.
Lance placed Ariel on the mat’s as he pulled himself out of the pit, scooping her into his arms again to head back to his office. He opened the small refrigerator that was stocked up on juices boxes and snacks for Ariel. She sat in his chair, swinging her dangling legs around as she sipped from an apple juice box.
“Here,” he said, grabbing a water bottle for you and pulling out a packet of almonds from his desk. “Come on babe, you know you want my nuts.”
“Lance!” you yelled in a whispered voice.
“What? It’s protein,” he smirked, opening the packet and tossing a few almonds into his mouth before handing it to you so he could untie his bandana.
You shook your head at him all while smiling and Lance leaned closer to rub the tip of his nose against yours, your face scrunching in return at the contact.
“I love you so much Lance,” you said, tilting your head to press a kiss to his lips.
He pulled away quickly asking, “What about Jim?” You squinted at him in confusion, wondering who Jim was and why you were supposed to love them.
“For the baby. Maybe Jim for gymnastics. Or James. James Tucker,” Lance worked through his reasoning out loud.
“Definitely not Jim. James is a maybe.”
Lance cupped your cheeks in his hands and leaned in to kiss you more sincerely, pulling away from each other before things got too steamy.
After arriving home you put Ariel down for a short nap. With Teddy by her side you tucked Ariel in and went downstairs to begin baking her birthday cake. Passing the photos that hung on the walls you stopped to smile at each one, pausing at Dorothy’s photo wishing she was here to see her grandchildren.
Lance stood behind you as you measured flour into a large mixing bowl, pressing a kiss to your neck which made you squirm with delight.
“Look at this,” you said, reaching your arms out in front of you, “I feel like I’m so far away from the counter!” You laughed as you gestured to your large belly that kept you back from the countertop.
“Just a few more months,” Lance said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You continued to prepare the ingredients, placing them in the mixer and setting it. You saw Lance was attempting to say something but you couldn’t hear him over the sound. Once everything was done you smiled and he repeated himself.
“I asked if you should really be on your feet, Y/N. You have to take it easy,” he said, bringing over a stool.
You looked warily at the seat, “I think I might break it,” you half joked and Lance shook his head.
Instead of getting on the stool you took Lance’s hand in yours, “Lance, I have an idea for a name,” you said softly.
Lance waited for you to continue, rubbing his thumb along your hand.
“What about Theodore? For your Mom,” you suggested, looking up at him with hopeful eyes as you waited for his response.
Lance’s lips curved into a bittersweet smile, once again you found the perfect way to honor Dorothy.
His palm caressed the swell of your belly, “I love it Y/N, I love you, I love you so much,” he whispered before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too.”
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The night was filled with laughter as Ariel ran around with your parents, opened up her presents and ended up with frosting all over her face.
Lance picked her up in his arms, laughing as she leaned forward to place a sticky kiss to your cheek. Your parents snapped the perfect photo with all three of you laughing widely. You wiped Ariel’s face and then cleaned your own, tucking yourself under Lance’s other arm for another picture.
The life you imagined with Lance had gone off track for a bit but you were thankful everyday for being given the opportunity to come back to each other. Lance stood proudly, with one arm wrapped around you, his little girl clinging to his other side like a starfish on a rock.
The Olympics were a distant memory, fading away as Lance finally achieved his greatest accomplishment and was rewarded with gold every day in the form of the love he shared with his family. 🏅
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nemowritesstuff · 5 years
Wingless Dragon Race Introduction: Sheta
Wingless Dragon Taglist: @malaykawrites @madammuffins @kaatiba @mvcreates @starlitesymphony
Sheta are a humanoid species, and Humanity's closest allies. Experts in the medical sciences, Sheta are at the forefront of many biological advancements.
As the story is on its first draft, all content is subject to change. Under a cut because it’s pushing 1200 words.
Sheta are reptilian beings, standing on two legs with two arms and a tail. Their hands have four fingers and two thumbs, one thumb on top of the hand and one on the bottom. Short claws extend off the fingers but not the thumbs. Their heads extend into a snout, with a nose on the end. Their tails are generally as long as the Sheta is tall. The blade on the end of the tail is made of enamel, similar to human teeth. 
Sheta reach a height of about 1.6 meters when fully grown, with common variances being 1 to 1.9 meters. While about as broad as a human, they generally bulkier, averaging 110kg for a Sheta of average height. Sheta scales are generally deep brown or pale orange, to blend in with mud, dirt, or sand.
Sheta reach adulthood at 27 years of age, and used to have a life expectancy of 90 years, but their medical advances increased that to about 195 years.
Sheta are cold blooded (specifically, ectothermic). Sheta clothing has such evolved to allow basic thermal control, with temperature belts being a popular item. When working planetside, depending on the planet and daily temperature, partial or complete TeRe (Temperature Regulation) gear will be needed. Sheta can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but colder environments slow down their productivity.
For food, Sheta are herbivores, and farming is seen as an important and spiritual part of life. Vegetables, fruits, and nuts provide the bulk of a Sheta's diet. In times of extreme need, a Sheta can eat meat, but cannot handle meat diets over extended periods of time.
The Sheta's tail-blade starts to form about six months after birth. At three years, it is naturally sharp enough to harm. This is when the child begins to learn how to care for the tail-blade, as a damaged or unkept blade can lead to severe pain or life-threatening infections. Properly cared for, the tail-blade can handle the rigors of daily use. If needed, a Sheta can use specially developed tail coverings that allow the tail-blade to withstand even the most strenuous of jobs.
The tail has another use, besides being a natural weapon. Sheta speak in near monotone voices and do not emote much with their faces. Their tail, however, is very animated during conversations, and is the main way for a Sheta to convey a tone through body language. Not understanding Sheta tail movements can lead one to the assumption that Sheta are cold and emotionless.
Sheta communities are smaller affairs, never really reaching more than several dozen members at a time. With pregnancies lasting from 30 to 32 months, and Sheta maturing later in life than most, Sheta are fiercely protective of their community members. Despite being in such small communities, all Sheta are bound through their devotion to All-Mother, and are willing to work with other communities to make life easier. This mindset has made Sheta valued members on starships, and many Sheta find new homes as permanent members of a ship's crew.
Sheta are a deeply religious people, with almost every Sheta following Matria, the worshiping of All-Mother. All-Mother is both the Sheta homeworld and their Goddess, and is revered as such. Many aspects of life, from farming and traveling to birth and death, involve rituals and sacrifices to the All-Mother.
Among the stars, Sheta still worship All-Mother and Her teachings. Any planet the Sheta land on is thanked for their hospitality in receiving the children of All-Mother, and the Sheta treat the planet as if it were their own. To recklessly endanger a planet is a criminal offense among the Sheta, and depending on the severity, can be punished by death. There have been several political incidents because of this, leading to a revamping of environmental laws in the Galactic Federation.
Sheta in the Galactic Federation
The Sheta's greatest contribution to the galaxy as a whole is their medical knowledge. When the Sheta's skill with medicine was combined with the Olgoth's skill in technology, the average health of GF citizens improved drastically. Sheta are highly valued as medical personnel, and the most skilled of Sheta doctors are on the cutting edge of medical advancement.
When Humanity first arrived on All-Mother, they did not know it was occupied by the Sheta. The humans, shortly after arriving, quickly turned to warring amongst themselves, as what they wanted to do with the planet remained unknown. In the midst of this war, the Sheta set about sabotaging the war efforts, trying to make the humans abandon the planet.
By the time the Sheta revealed themselves, the humans were nearly out of resources. Humanity knew they needed to make a deal with the Sheta. The treaty they signed left All-Mother to the Sheta, but the Sheta would assist the humans in not dying of starvation in space. In return, Humanity would gift the Sheta space travel.
The two coexisted as they further explored the stars. Upon finding the Yur, Olgoth, Tichon, and Amiriad, the Sheta willingly joined the Galactic Federation, while Humanity signed a treaty with their new alien allies. When Humanity went to war with the Amiriad, and then with itself over joining the Galactic Federation, some Sheta joined the humans as medics. The Sheta were able to save many lives during the wars, but seeing the devastation the humans were capable of unleashing left most Sheta mentally scarred.
After Humanity joined the Galactic Federation, Sheta went back to their lives as doctors and biologists. Many Sheta spend their days either helping others or researching cures. Alongside the Yur, Sheta are quick to dispel violence. Having seen Humanity in war three times, the Sheta are in no hurry to experience such a travesty again.
Bonus fact
The All-Mother's most sacred teaching is to not take life needlessly. But, even the Sheta acknowledge that sometimes killing is necessary to save lives. To earn the right to kill, a Sheta must complete the Murderous Rights ritual. The ritual consists of several personality and problem solving tests, to determine if a Sheta is capable of making the snap decisions while also maintaining morality and logical thinking.
The ritual ends when the Sheta attempting the ritual is told to enter a room and kill the other Sheta within. Some communities use convicted criminals, others use the elderly or terminally ill; there have been rare instances of communities using innocent Sheta. After making the kill, the Sheta must stand in the rain to see if All-Mother blesses them. If there is still blood on the tail by the end of the ritual, the Sheta becomes Bloodstained.
A Bloodstained gains the legal and spiritual rights to kill whomever they wish. The Sheta are willing to defend their Bloodstained's actions, even if the target is a member of another race, so sure are they that their Bloodstained's religiously sanctioned murder is entirely necessary.
Wingless Dragon introduction here (mobile)
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game-of-snows · 7 years
Jonerys Week: Day #4 - Angst
She told him about summer, fruit, and warm days. Just in case. Read the first three parts on AO3 or on my blog
“Yes, you must tell him,” Bran had told her. She couldn’t distrust him, not after all he had seen. She wasn’t even sure if the boy could lie, for it seemed anything that made him human had been sucked out of him and made him almost mechanical. She found herself going through the motions throughout the evening, deep in thought. How could she best break this news to him? Would he think she had lied to him and be cross with her? Would he call the life she carried just a cousin, not a son? Before, the thought would have never crossed her mind, but it was almost as if she no longer knew him. Maybe she had never known him at all truly. Maybe she was still just a foolish girl that had fallen in love with who she’d believed The King in the North to be.
    A year ago, it would seem strange to her, going about her days in the dark. The sun would only be out for a few hours before the long night began again, and each day that time grew shorter. By the time supper was to be held, it had been dark for quite a long while. They didn’t have enough food stored away for feasts, or enough seats for all of the people present. The crowded hall and the smell of the meager rations that were prepared still made her ill. She didn’t remember feeling so sick the first time, but she had been well fed, warm, and not at war the first time as well. Missandei would always bring her up some bread and water, as wine no longer sat right when she drank it. Sometimes, she would stay, but this evening she could not. She was needed elsewhere. That suited Dany just fine. She wasn’t feeling much like talking anyway or eating for that matter. She sat down on the bed, setting her small tray down on the table beside it, promising herself she would eat it later, for the baby’s sake. She stretched out on the bed, looking up at the wood that made up the roof, absently following the grain with her eyes. There were so many paths that could be taken if one followed it, but they all lead to the same place in the end.
    She felt him move more when she was laying down. Ever since she’d first pictured him climbing a lemon tree, she’d thought him to be a boy, at least in her own mind. He moved often as if to make her she hadn’t forgotten he was in there. He could be hungry, or just want some sort of attention. She didn’t know if he could hear the outside world, all of the yelling and the fire. People burning and gasping, the dreadful cries of the Others, and all of the hushed voices at council meetings. He could have heard Jon’s voice at those times as he spoke of the war and death.
    Just in case he could, she would talk to him every night and tell him about summer, fruit, and sailing on warm days. That she loved him, and if there was an afterlife, she would find him there, and he would have an older brother to play with. Night after night, her tears fell, and it made her feel weak, childish, and lonely. She reached for her bread. She could at least eat something so he wouldn’t be hungry. Dany nearly dropped it when there was a knock at the door. She stood up quickly, ignoring the rush of nausea and trying to brush her dress straight before opening the door. She knew that knock, and she knew it would be Jon standing on the other side.
    She stepped aside wordlessly, as she had so many times before to allow him to enter. He closed the door behind him, as he had so many times before, and then they were alone together, face to face, for the first time in two moons. He took a deep breath. “Bran said,” he paused as if to think for a moment. “Bran said that I had to come to you.” Her heart clenched. He’d had to come. It was a duty, just like any other. He must have read her face because he reached to take her hand in apology. She didn’t let him take it.
    “I-I wanted to come. I nearly did a dozen times now, but Bran was the one to talk some sense into me.” His eyes were wide and honest, and for the first time in a long time, she could see a trace of fondness in them. “What he told me before, it was a lot to take in, but when I look from Eddard to Lyanna in the crypts, I see my father and a stranger. When I look at Sansa, I see my sister, the one who never liked me much until recently. I look at Bran and see the boy who I helped teach to shoot arrows, my brother. I can’t look at Arya and see her as anything but the little sister I’ve always loved. Then I look at you and I can’t see anything but the woman I couldn’t help but fall in love with,” he cupped her cheek in his hand, slowly brushing his thumb over her cheek. She was afraid to make eye contact with him. She was so hurt by, felt so abandoned by this man and if she looked at him, she would start to cry. She didn’t want to cry, she needed to keep her queen’s mask on. She couldn’t let him know how afraid she was, how utterly lost she was.
“Look at me, Dany,” he said quietly. She couldn’t help but do so. “I’m so, so sorry. I wish I could take it back, what I said before. We might die tomorrow or the day after, but before we do, if we do, I need you to know that I love you.” She had been right to try to avert her eyes because they were now so blurry with tears she couldn’t see properly. Dany knew she should push him away, tell him that he couldn’t just push her away for two moons and expect that she would have been waiting for him to come back to her. She was supposed to be The Queen. She was supposed to stay strong and cool in the face of whatever came her way. Yet she couldn’t. She wasn’t a queen right now, she was just Dany, a girl not yet twenty, and she was scared, and she loved him, and she needed him right now.
She took the wrist of his hand, and gently pulled it from her cheek down to her stomach. Dany couldn’t speak, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. She needed him to just know, to just understand. He was kicking, she could feel it, and though she had always been told a woman could feel smaller movements during a second pregnancy, she wondered if maybe Jon could feel it too. He must have, his hand jumped away after a moment, only to return to its original place.
“I thought you couldn’t…”
“I didn’t think I could,”
Jon kissed her for the first time since he’d spoken with Bran and Sam all that time ago, and Dany kissed him back. He was soft, warm, and strong all at once. Somehow that was exactly what she needed. He kissed just over her ear then, where he knew she liked it from nights and nights of practice. “We have to win this war. It’s not safe here as it is, and this is no place for our baby to be born into.”
“Jon, I need to fight, and I’ll be a huge target on Drogon. I’m not quite sure...” she took in a shaky breath, “I’m not quite sure I’ll survive to see him born.” She had cried silently for weeks, but now she couldn’t hold in a sob because the broken look on Jon’s face mirrored everything she’d been struggling with since she’d realized she was pregnant.
“I have the blood of the dragon. I can ride Rhaegal, we’ll split the target,” he said. He must know her well. Enough to know that nothing he said could convince her not to fight. The thought was a bright spot in all of the darkness surrounding them.“Dany, we have to win. We made this life and we have to do anything we can to protect him. Promise me Dany, promise me”
“Anything we can,” she repeated, laying her hand over his on her lower stomach. “I promise.”
to be continued
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inkroot-beast · 5 years
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Origin Point The world before the Raywalls was peaceful..for the most part. Mankind was largely nomadic, every able body was required for survival so disputes between different tribes were often approached in a diplomatic attempt first. When the Raywalls first appeared, many creatures died like a mass exodus. There was widespread fear and panic that entire species were gone in the blink of an eye. What are Raywalls Raywall Forests, Boreal Walls, Ray Walls, a phenomenon that comes in many names. Raywall are believed to be the sudden, explosive manifestation of magic within the world. Many zones were "lost" to the Raywalls, currently uninhabitable by anything not borne upon them or Aether-touched. They appear similar to borealis - bright, ethereal, luminous. Even the smallest amount of exposure to the Raywall's zone of influence causes Aether poisoning for creatures that have not adapted. Many have learned to avoid it, as dying to Aether poisoning is a fast, but excruciatingly painful way to die where the body becomes overloaded with magic and explodes into pure Aether, causing a new Raywall zone to spawn. The true nature of Raywalls is unknown, but it IS known that their zone of influence expands like a parasite - killing victims creates Aether clusters, and Aether by nature will attempt to reconnect with itself thus expanding a zone. What lives beyond the veil Largely untouchable, Raywall Forests have become warped, mutated, they are looked on with envy and awe - large, winding trees stripped of color, their bark is now smooth, glossy in appearance with an opalescent sheen. Aether Trees bear no fruit, but every once in a while they do sprout large, translucent flowers - condensed Aether. Shining brilliantly, thus far it has shown to be completely inert and safe for non-Aether creatures to touch. Humans have found a use for this in both research and craft. Because of high demand, anyone who is able to present one of these highly coveted flowers is paid a king's random, and some have dared to find other uses for them. Flexible and strong, the flower petals can be molded and shaped, and have proven to be as strong as steel - a strange, but useful weapon alternative. There are few, small clans of scavengers who seek to take back the lands from these mysterious Raywalls, forging weapons and armor from the petals and hunting the creatures within the forests. The current Mutations Records show there are few species that were strong enough to withstand the sudden poison of the Raywall's magic, enthusiasts have taken great length to catalog these beasts to the best of their abilities over the centuries. Raywall Deer "Sunbreather" The most stable of the documented species as far as recorded mutations and temperament, the deer were marked as "Sunbreather" after studies showed certain..changes to their biology from the deer that they originated from. Sunbreathers are completely mute, a mask-like structure borne of bone replaces their face, emotionless eyes glow within the holes like glowing coals. Their method of communication seems to be through stamping their hooves in a similar fashion to morse code and scent, emanating from the flower-like fungi that grow on their hindquarters. These fungi have proven to be beneficial, to both them and those around them with a variety of uses ranging from various medicinal practices to a substitute food source. Sunbreathers have a biology that seems to have deviated from everything else - while humans refer to them as "male" and "female" their true division is by which one bears the offspring. The ones that bear the pregnancy have since been referred to as Matron. Matrons have female genitals while Lords have male genitals. There does exist a fairly common in-between, a specimen that can both sire offspring and carry offspring. They seem to be more highly regarded by the other Deer, often referred to as Deux Dietary: Photosynthesis Reproductive: Year-round- Males secrete a viscous liquid compared to honey, believed to be semen. Matrons become receptive during full moons and will fight other Deer for virile mates. Sunbreathers bear 1-3 offspring with a 21 days gestation period where the Matron is closely guarded by the other parent. Size: Large - range from 6'3" - 8'9" in height Distribution: Found in Northern + Eastern Raywall zones Raywall Hawk "Skystealer" These creatures, believed to be the amalgam of multiple original avian species is a strange anomaly. These birds, nicknamed Skystealer by humans, feed on the pure aether magic of the Raywalls themselves. They are highly volatile and war with one another almost religiously. Highly prolific breeders, this is both a boon and a bane as the high concentration of Raywall magic within their bodies causes extreme mutations and an incredibly short lifespan. Their incredibly short lifespan is rivaled only by their bloodlust in destroying one another - even the young and the (rare) elderly. Skystealers have no sexual dimorphism, males and females of this species appear the same save for reproductive organs. Males have a long tendril-like penis that has prehensile properties, the shape is similar to that of a dolphin's organ. The skin and sclera of these creatures is pitch black, and adult specimen have glowing iris. Juveniles of this species have white iris. Given that their food source is the Raywall itself, Skystealers often take on vibrant, almost glowing plumage that resembles the concentrated magic. Dietary: Aether Magic Reproductive: Highly active, Skystealers are in season year round and lay clutches of 10-40 eggs with a gestation period of 15 days Size: Varies by origin bird Distribution: Found in Southern Raywall zones Raywall Snake "Rootshiver" Very little is known on these reptile-like creatures referred to as Rootshivers. They vary in shape resembling the original snakes, geckos, and other various previously known reptiles like iguanas and komodo dragons. The larger ones of this variety seem very peaceful and solitary whereas the smaller varieties have been often seen hunting one another and cannibalizing their own subspecies. Rootshivers seem to be able to grow rapidly with minimal nutrition, the older Titan class creatures being easy meals for carnivorous species. Rootshivers are noticeable in appearance, dark earthy-black toned scales cover bright, bioluminescent skin that gives off a steady "breathing" glow. Currently the appearance and mating habits of these creatures is unknown as it's believed they perform their mating underground - this applies to all Snakes including the titan class. It should be noted that all eyewitness reports of Rootshivers claim that every single one has one glowing eye of a contrasting color to their other one. Dietary: Omnivorous, insectivore Reproductive: Unknown Size: Varies by origin species (Only documented creature to reach Titan class size, upper bounds 50'3" in height) Distribution: Found in Eastern + Southern Raywall zones Raywall Vine "Corpsewhisper" Walking plants that probably want to eat you. The only ones recorded have been the more peaceful ones, which appear to have originated from mushrooms and fruit-bearing plants. Similar to succulents, new Corpsewhispers can be cultivated from snipping off buds from a parent plant. These plant-based beasts were named as such because of their eerie, death rattle-like wail during sunset. Corpsewhispers do not have eyes, but are instead reactive to carbon dioxide, light, sound, and touch. Unlike the fauna-based beasts these creatures do not seem to exhibit any glow or patterning that wasn't already present among their originators. Dietary: Photosynthesis, carnivorous Reproductive: Asexual, pollination Size: Varies by origin plant Distribution: Found in all Raywall zones
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Tag game
Rules: Complete the questions and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’ve finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!
I was tagged by @heather-lynn (thanks babe!)
Are you named after anyone? nope. I was named after the flower lily-of-the-valley, which is the flower for the month of May, but I was born in June. My mom didn’t like the name Rose or its derivatives.
When was the last time you cried? earlier when I read the end chapter to @just-call-me-mrs-captain‘s Funny Thing About Perfect fic.
Do you like your handwriting? sure  
What is your favorite lunch meat?: prosciutto
Do you have kids? yes
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? hahahahah um, I don’t know. I’m kind of an acquired taste?
Do you use sarcasm? never
Do you still have your tonsils? yes
Would you bungee jump? maaaybe
What is your favorite kind of cereal? Special K with fruit & yogurt when I was pregnant, but it’s too sweet for me now, so probably just plain Special K
Do you untie your shoe laces when you take them off? Depends on the shoes 
Do you think you’re a strong person? some days
What is your favorite ice cream? ok story time. It was rocky road, but after my last pregnancy, I’ve developed a love for vanilla bean. I mean, I never minded vanilla before. It was always there, but I was always a chocolate+ girl, and then during that last pregnancy, I couldn’t have enough vanilla. The pregnancy changed my taste buds. Now, I eat chocolate if I’m in a good mood and vanilla if I need to be comforted. I still default to a chocolate+ milk shake though.
What is the first thing you notice about people? I honestly don’t know. I should do a people watching experiment and figure this out. 
What is your least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? my height
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? black jeans and no shoes
What are you listening to right now? an episode of Doug Loves Minis podcast 
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? periwinkle 
Favorite smell? rose, lavender, bergamot
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? hubs 
Favorite sport to watch? olympic swimming
Hair color? black
Eye color?  Brown
Do you wear contacts? sometimes
Favorite food to eat? noodles
Scary movies or comedy? comedy
Last movie you watched? cars 2
What color shirt are you wearing? sand
Summer or winter? fall
Hugs or kisses? Hugs
What book are you currently reading? none
Who do you miss right now? my baby pre this cold
What is on your mousepad? n/a
What is the last tv program you watched? how to train a dragon show on netflix (i totally ship hiccup & astrid).
What’s the best sound? My kids laughing
Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles
What’s the furthest you’ve traveled? China
Do you have a special talent? Nope
Where were you born? US
not tagging. do this if you want!
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anotherlifefic · 5 years
Chapter 38: Happy Days
We returned to our home in the city after the party. For the first time in what seemed like years. And after that, everything seemed to go back to the way it was. Link made a full recovery, I continued to attend my fighting lessons at Ashanti‘s school once a week, during which I would leave Gareth in either Link‘s or Sanna‘s care, and worked on Malon‘s wedding dress. Navi soon left us to return to the forest, promising to come back if we ever needed her. The chill of winter slowly faded into the gentle warmth of spring, which was then replaced by the heat of summer approaching. And when the first day of summer arrived, I spotted a familiar wagon while out shopping.
Link and I were walking side by side, talking about whatever trivial things came to our minds. Link was holding Gareth and I carried the basket. While I let my eyes wander over the stalls on the marketplace, I stopped and called out:„Jenna!“ Link must have heard the excitement in my voice, because he gave me a puzzled look. „Why are you so excited about her being here?“ Oh right. I hadn‘t told him. And he would have to wait for an explanation. I just grabbed his sleeve and tugged him towards Jenna‘s wagon. „Come, let‘s go say hello to her!“ Gareth, sensing my excitement, cooed and stretched his tiny hands out towards where we were headed. He was four months old now and much more aware of his sorroundings. Jenna poked her head out of the wagon when she heard my voice, and gave me an annoyed look, until she saw Link. She gave him her usual bright smile and waved him over. „Link!“ Link looked at me doubtfully. „What...“ „I‘ll explain it later“, I assured him and stepped in front of Jenna. „Hello, Jenna. Good to see you again. How have your travels been?“ Both Link and Jenna seemed equally baffled by my cheerful attitude. They looked at each other, then at me. „It‘s been… nice. Always good to see a lot of the world“, she sputtered, caught completely off guard. „That‘s good to hear. Hey, Link and I were planning to make baked salmon for supper. Why don‘t you join us, so you can tell us all about what you were up to?“ She looked at Link again. „Sure. I‘d love to.“ „Great! See you at six!“
„What was that?“, Link questioned as we moved on, occasionally stopping in front of stalls to browse their wares. „I met Jenna in the erased future“, I replied, and then explained what had happened. Link was quiet for a long time after I finished, just silently rocking Gareth in his arms. Then he finally asked:„So you think you can become friends with her now, based on what you experienced during your time-travel.“ „I know I can. Jenna has a good heart.“
That evening, just when I got the salmon out of the oven, there was a knock at our door. Link went to open, and a few seconds later Jenna stepped into our dining area. She wore an exquisite blue dress made of silk, with a low neckline and fine embroidery on the seams. Her hair was done up in a crownbraid. „Ah, just in time!“ I placed the food down on the dinnertable. „Make yourself comfortable!“ She sat down at the table, still looking at me suspiciously, before she turned to Link. „Oh, your house is beautiful, Link! It must be so nice to live here!“ „It is.“ „Though I kind of expected you to have a bigger home“, she continued. Before Link could answer, Gareth, who was sitting in a crib we had placed in the dining area so he could sit with us while we ate, started fussing. I took him into my arms and rocked him until he calmed down. Jenna slowly turned her head to look at him. „...Is this your child?“ „Yes“, Link replied, his chest positively swelling with pride. „That‘s my son.“ I could almost see Jenna‘s heart break. She looked at the toddler in my arms with her mouth slightly open as if to say something. I wanted to comfort her. To say, or do anything to make her feel better. So impulsively, I stretched out my arms. „Do you want to hold him?“ She swallowed, but took Gareth, holding him close to her chest. „So cute“, she mumbled. „I wonder what you would look like if I was your mother.“ I reached over, but only to stroke Gareth‘s cheek as he dozed in Jenna‘s arms. „I‘m sure you‘d have the prettiest babies, Jenna.“ She looked at me, bit her lip and looked away. „Well I guess we‘ll never know.“ With that, she carefully placed Gareth back in the crib and started eating. After a while of quietly enjoying our meal, I tried to get the conversation going again:„So where have you been, Jenna? You were gone for almost a year, so it must have been far away.“ „I went to a lot of different places“, she replied, pulling the fish apart with her fork. „I went back home for a while, and then travelled through the Faron region just east of Hyrule‘s border. Have you ever been there?“ I sighed wistfully. „Unfortunately not. The only time I ever left Hyrule was not too long ago, while I was… looking for someone.“ Link and I exchanged a quick look. „But even then, I was still fairly close to the border.“ „Oh, Faron is a beautiful region. Most of the trees there are palm trees, and you can find all kinds of exotic fruit and animals if you know where to look. But it‘s also fairly dangerous. There are thunderstorms every other day… the locals say it‘s because there‘s a dragon living in the region. I never saw it, though.“ Jenna‘s demeanor had brightened considerably. „And what about your homeland? What was it called? The Great Lebian Coast? Where is that?“, I asked further. „It‘s very far to the west. You see, north of the Haunted Wasteland lies a region covered in snow, called Hebra. Now if you go further west, you eventually cross the border to Labrynna, and right behind Labrynna is where the Great Lebian Coast is.“ In between two bites of potatoes, she continued:„I technically still own my parent‘s farm, but I was so lonely living there alone and I couldn‘t run it all by myself. That‘s why I became a merchant. I hoped that travelling around would help me… find a good husband. Someone to continue my family‘s legacy with.“ „I‘m sure you will find someone eventually“, Link said with a smile. „You are a sweet girl, Jenna. Someday, someone will see that.“
As the night went on, Jenna told us more about the many places she had visited. Countries I had never even heard about, with odd people and even odder costums. And the more I heard, the more I wished to travel myself. When it was finally time to say goodbye, Jenna was smiling at us. „Thank you for the invitation.“ „You‘re welcome. And feel free to visit us whenever you like while you‘re in the city.“
I didn‘t have much time to think about travelling after that. The days leading up to Malon‘s wedding were busy, to say the least. As the matron of honor, I was in charge of most of the preparations. I helped the bridesmaids decorate, I oversaw the preparation of the food, and I finished Malon‘s dress and veil just in time. She looked beautiful in it, like a princess. „Matthias will love this“, I told her as I finished some adjustments due to her advanced pregnancy. „I know I do“, she replied, a bit misty-eyed. „Thank you, Rebecca.“ I lightly booped her nose. „Anything for you.“
And then, finally, the day had come. I held back tears as I saw Malon walk down the aisle, holding onto the arm of her father, while Matthias beamed at her. I had made sure that LonLon Ranch was properly decorated. Flowers of all colours were wound around the arch, and the aisle was covered in petals. For this day, the ranch had been turned into a fairlytale bathed in flowers. Once Talon handed her over to Matthias, I took Malon‘s bouquet and listened to the words of the priest. It was the same kind of sermon he had giving during my wedding; the standard for most couples. Malon and Matthias were looking at each other the whole time, as if only they existed in their own little world. „I, Malon, take you, Matthias to be my lawfully wedded husband...“ „To love, to cherish… „...in sickness and in health...“ „...until death do us part.“ They exchanged the rings, and then kissed. The whole wedding party cheered, some were crying. Talon was probably the loudest, blowing his nose into his hankerchief.
The reception afterward quickly became a big party, with all of the guests drinking and dancing. I mostly stood by the side with Link, watching everyone have a good time. At this point, I was quite happy just watching. I was exhausted from the preparations, but it felt good to see everything come together in the end. Link took my hand. „Reminds me of our wedding. Our reception wasn‘t quite as lively, though.“ „Well… we kinda got married in a rush because of the approaching war.“ He nodded thoughtfully. „Do you think we should have another wedding? A proper one this time?“ „I mean, we could technically renew our vows at some point… but I think it‘s a bit early for that.“ „That‘s true. Maybe a few years down the road, then.“ Now that I was finally a bit calmer, I looked over to him. „Actually… there‘s something I wanted to talk about.“ He raised his eyebrow. „Oh?“ I was quiet for a moment, not quite able to find the right words. But then I just blurted out:„I want to go travelling!“ „Travelling? But what about our home? What about Gareth?“ „We can take him along. He can grow up seeing all kinds of different places.“ I held onto Link‘s hand, begging for him to understand. „I‘m not saying we should leave Hyrule forever. Just… see a bit more of the world. Without the threat of certain doom constantly on our minds.“ He took a deep breath. „I… I‘d be lying if I said that I haven‘t thought about this before. But are you sure?“ „Absolutely!“ I insisted. „All of the places Jenna mentioned… and much more! I want to see them all with my own two eyes!“ This was ridiculous. I felt like a child begging for candy. Link thought for a few more seconds. „...We‘ll have to wait until after the coronation and then ask Zelda what she thinks about it. It may be an unofficial title, but I‘m still the protector of Hyrule.“ That sure as hell didn‘t bother you when you left ten years ago, I though but didn‘t say it out loud. I didn‘t want to start a lover‘s spat at my best friend‘s wedding. Speaking of best friend, Malon walked up to us, a wide grin on her face. „Hey there! I hope you enjoy the party!“ „Sure we do, Malon“, I assured her. „What about you?“ „Oh it is everything I ever dreamed of.“ She hugged me and kissed my cheek. „Thank you, Rebecca.“
The coronation was not long after the wedding. Link and I were standing in the throne room, somewhat off to the side, while we watched Zelda walk down the red carpet up to the throne her father used to occupy. She now wore an elaborate gown of white and purple, with the emblem of the royal family stitched down the front of her skirt. It was noon, and the sun‘s rays that were falling through the window above the throne hit her hair and almost made it look like she had a halo around her head. The sages were gathered around the throne, as they would be her vassals during her reign. She bowed before them, and they reciprocated; a sign of mutual respect. Rauru stepped forth. „Zelda, once Princess of Hyrule, do you vow to protect Hyrule and its people?“ „I do“, she replied. „Do you vow to keep the peace, to rule justly and with mercy?“ „I do“, she replied again. Now Rauru turned around. „Will the representatives of the races lend our new Queen their power?“ „By lake and stream, sea and river, us, the Zora, will grant Her Majesty our loyalty“, Princess Ruto replied. „By mountain and hill, rock and stone, us, the Gorons, will grant Her Majesty our strength“, Darunia added, pounding his fist against his chest for emphasis. „By darkness and shadow, by secrets to be kept, us, the Sheikah, will grant Her Majesty our protection.“ Impa gave a small smile as she said that. „By forest and meadow, and all things green, us, the Kokiri, will grant Her Majesty our friendship.“ Saria beamed up at Zelda. It was good to see how much the once so reclusive Kokiri had become part of the kingdom. „By sand and spirit, blood and steel, us, the Gerudo, will grant Her Majesty our support.“ Rauru nodded, then turned to Zelda again. „And I, Rauru, grant Her Majesty the blessing of both her ancestors and the Goddesses they served. May Her reign be long and prosperous.“ He took the crown that had been resting on a small table next to him, and gently put it on Zelda‘s head. The gemstone on the middle of the piece flared up in the sunlight, and Zelda turned to the people. The hall erupted into cheering, its echo so deafening that I had to cover my ears. But I smiled. Zelda would be a wonderful Queen.
The coronation party lasted for hours, which Link and I spent dancing and talking to the sages. But once it all died down and people started to go home, we could finally catch Zelda alone. „There you are!“, she said. Then she looked around. „I hope you enjoyed the celebration.“ „It was grand, Your Majesty“, I replied, not sure if I could still call her Zelda now that she was Queen. „Rebecca“, she said gently, taking my hands. „It‘s still me. I‘m still your friend. Me being Queen doesn‘t change anything.“ Then she leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. She smelled sweet. Of lilac and roses. „There‘s actually something we wanted to talk to you about“, Link said, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. „Rebecca and I have been thinking about going travelling for a while.“ It wasn‘t hard to see that this revelation hit her. „You want to leave? Now?“ „Not… now. There‘s still a lot to be prepared. But sometime within the next year.“ „What about your son? And your home? What about m-… “ She stopped, stuttered a bit. „What about Hyrule? Link, you are our most powerful warrior. What if something happens while you‘re gone?“ „We won‘t be gone for long“, Link promised. „We‘ll be back before you know it. With a lot of new stories to tell.“ Zelda faltered. „I can‘t stop you, can I? No. You were always a restless spirit, Link. Alright then. But do stay in touch.“ „We will“, I promised and kissed her hand. „We will always return to you. No matter how far away the wind takes us.“
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eatiiinghealthy · 7 years
via Foods4BetterHealth
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