#egotober day 26
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Egotober day 26: Bone
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chaseisglitched · 6 months
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Egotober/Septictober Day 26: Werewolf/Cursed
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inkribbon796 · 7 months
Egotober 2023 Day 1: I Just Want to Help
Summary: Silver wouldn’t go as far to say that he has a “biggest fan” just that he has someone who sees him as a “biggest inspiration”. Which normally wouldn’t be a problem, however Silver is a superhero with two dangerous supervillain enemies who run a massive criminal organization.
Prompt: Cape
A/N: Been a while, dealing with some serious writer’s block brain rot. Hoped to return early but didn’t happen. So I’m dropping off some Egotober stuff and hopefully some other stuff but I make no promises. This Egotober I’m going with an additional theme that was highlighted in: Six Ate Seven. So for some people it’s been a while but this works in that former reality. Where Patton is still a Lost One and deals with those characters. This is in the timeframe where they’re all still kids (teenagers to be exact). So you might see teen Ethan running around too.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Over the city streets of Egoton, Silver was keeping a watch on the town.
While he was conducting a sky patrol he heard someone calling out to him on the top of a fire escape.
“Hey, Silver!”
Silver looked over and saw the rather common sight of what looked like a kid wearing a mask. They were maybe a teenager in bright blues, a sweater and a pair of jeans, and a black domino mask that looked like it’d been brought at Spirit Halloween. A bright blue cape on and a shock of dyed blue hair.
A kid looking like a superhero was common. He and the rest of the Coalition saw it all the time. What was uncommon was one standing on top of the fire escape.
“H-Hello?” Silver said, coming to a stop to float mid air.
“I’m here to help,” he had a huge smile on his face as he half jumped up on the top of the rail and balanced on it.
“I don’t think the Coalition can legally add minors,” Silver tried to say. He didn’t wanna just crush this kid’s dreams right out the gate. Maybe in ten years they could set something up, but not now.
“No, I can fight bad guys, I can do this,” he said with a huge smile.
Silver floated over closer.
“Come on, kid,” Silver said. “This stuff is really dangerous. You can’t just be running around in a domino mask and a sweater. Wilford shots people on a whim. Dark flays people apart with his shadow aura.”
“And I have powers,” the young man said. “I can do this and I’ll do it with or without you.”
“You’re like what? Ten?” Silver asked.
“I am fourteen,” the young man boasted. “I’m a man.”
“Oh yeah, fourteen, that’s so much better,” Silver said. “You know what I was doing when I was fourteen? Playing video games and being too chickenshit to talk to girls. That’s what I was doing.”
“Yeah, because you were wasting your powers, I have them and I’m going to use them,” Ethan said.
And then he ran off and Silver’s heart was beating a little too fast. This kid was going to be the death of him. Either this kid was going to kill himself, or Mark was going to do it for him.
Silver tried to catch up with him but the kid had disappeared. Which was probably the most terrifying thing. He had to get this kid home safe and he couldn’t find him.
Silver hit his communicator. “SAM, we got a teenager running around trying to fight villains.”
“Seems like a you problem, Silver,” an automated voice said.
“No, no it’s us problem, you ass. He can turn invisible.” Silver began flying around.
Silver wished this had happened last week when Marvin had been in town. They had absolutely no one in the Egoton branch who could follow aura trails. Maybe he could get Marvin over stateside for a while, or they could find someone who could see aura trails. He’d take anything at this point.
While he was flying around, starting with the fire escape and radiating out from there. He called his entire team out to track down one fourteen-year-old kid.
“APB, we have a fourteen-year-old punk running around and trying to be a superhero. I need help finding him before Wilford kills him. He turns invisible.”
“I hear you,” Wade said, he sounded like he was in the middle of a crowd or his mic was broken again. “Why are you chasing a child?”
“In-vis-ible, invisible, dipshit,” Silver said. “Is there some toy or tool that the Septics left last week that we can use?”
“I think I have something,” Bob said. “Marvin was testing some weird shit out when he and Average were in town.”
Silver began a mad chase through the city, which unfortunately eventually led him to the Warehouses. The superhero hoped desperately that the kid wouldn’t be here. He could be in and out and that he’d just gone home.
Silver tried being stealthy, and for a second he caught sight of the teenager he’d been chasing. And Silver’s heart sank as he started following him.
In front of one of the warehouses in the cluster was Wilford.
Silver’s literal worst case scenario.
There was someone, maybe a teenager, with him in a tweed suit. With a matching dark green hat on his head. They seemed to be talking about something, Wilford talking with his hands rather animatedly.
Then Wilford’s eyes were tracking something and Silver’s heart managed to beat even faster.
“Oh, ho,” Wilford smiled as he reached out and grabbed something. “What have we here?”
A few things happened at once. One was the teenage hero turned visible again as he fought for air against the grip on his throat. Silver flew closer, trying to get to them before Wilford shot the teenager. And then there was the far more worrying thing to happen: Dark showed up.
The kid in tweed was pulled through a portal, worrying Silver, and Dark emerged in their place. Oozing purple, blue, and a little bit of red aura, dripping off of him like toxic waste.
His eyes met Silver’s mask and he looked braced to attack.
Then his eyes tracked over to the kid. “Wilford, what are you doing?”
“Little tyke has a neat party trick, I only plucked him out of thin air,” Wilford smiled.
“Hmm, release him,” Dark said and to Silver’s amazement the madman did so.
“No fun, Darky,” Wilford frowned.
The teenager began backpedaling towards Silver, who was all too happy to push him behind him but kept a hold of his arm.
“Who’s your friend, Shepherd?” Dark’s head tilted.
“Not my friend, I’ll be escorting him back home,” Silver said.
Dark’s eyes moved between Silver and the teen behind him. His head tilted and he looked a little smug. “Is that yours, Silver?”
“No, I’d have to have been ten, if he was mine,” Silver said.
“Interesting, I would have thought you were older, but now that I think about it, you do sound twenty-four,” Dark smiled at him.
“Nope,” Silver tried to sound casual. “Not that young, I’ll take him, and we’ll be out. Forget you saw either of us. Just go back to doing illegal shit.”
“Oh, we will,” Dark smiled at him. “Now run off. And take your little child with you.”
Silver did just that, dragging the young man along but keeping an eye on Dark and Wilford.
Bob and Wade were waiting for them in costume.
“Gatling, Drowned,” Silver greeted stiffly and lifted the young man’s arm up.
Within seconds a bubble enclosed around the young man.
“Hey!” He shouted.
Bob was looking at the teenager beating his fists against the bubble.
“So this is your little Syndrome, huh?” Bob said.
“If this kid turns into a supervillain, I think you deserve it,” Wade smiled at him.
“I’m going to be a superhero and you can’t stop me,” Ethan said. “I don’t need you three to do it.”
“I don’t know, Silv, I like this kid’s moxie,” Wade said. “Maybe we can keep him around.”
The young man smiled at Wade.
“Absolutely not,” Mark said, flying up with a careful but firm grip.
He signaled and Bob made a handle grow out of the top of the bubble. Silver grabbed it and began flying off. “C’mon, before Dark follows us back to the kid’s place.” 
“Not a kid!” The young man shouted.
“You’re four-fucking-teen,” Silver shouted. Which reminded Silver. Dark had seemed to know that. But . . . That sounded off.
How did Dark know what a fourteen-year-old even looked like? As opposed to a thirteen-year-old or a ten-year-old. Dark hated kids, always looked at them with some kind of disgust.
It took some time to get both the kid’s name and his address from him. Mostly under threat of demasking and scanning his face and start calling up different schools to figure out who he was.
They arrived in front of a house in some suburban neighborhood. Not the biggest house, but no one could compete with Dark’s Hilltop Manor.
Silver knocked on the door as he popped the bubble barrier and grabbed Ethan Nestor by the arm.
“I just want to help,” Ethan glared at him. Still in his mask and costume.
“We can talk when you’re eighteen,” Silver said. “This isn’t a game. Just because I can get thrown against the wall and keep on ticking doesn’t mean everyone should be doing it.
Ethan was about to respond when the door opened and a worried looking woman opened the door.
“There you are,” she said.
Silver held up Ethan’s arm. “Ma’am, I believe this is yours.”
Ethan pulled his arm away. “I’m not going to stop.”
“You should,” Silver said. “If this was anything else I’d say follow your dreams, but Wilford is a madman and a murderer, and so is Dark.”
Ethan took off his mask and stormed inside.
“Thank you,” she said. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just try and talk some sense into him,” Silver said. “Have a good night, ma’am.”
She said goodbye and the door was closed and Silver flew off, going back to scanning the city and hoping he wouldn’t run into Ethan again.
He was wrong of course. He’d see Ethan several times over the next couple of weeks, and then more often over the next couple of years.
In the Manor, however, Dark was chewing Wilford out.
“What was that?” Dark held Wilford against the wall, his arm barred across his chest.
Wilford smiled at him.
“No,” Dark cut him off. “You had Illinois with you, within sight of the heroes.”
“It wasn’t that bad, Darky,” Wilford said.
“Only because I was watching,” Dark said.
“At best, I’m one of your enforcers,” Illinois said.
“Don’t, or I’ll just let Arthur and Kay be enforcers and you can stay behind.” Dark gave him a look and turned back to Wilford.
“J.J is the single biggest threat the heroes have against us, and I need that time traveling bastard to stay in England dealing with Anti and not in our city.”
“Jay is fun, Darkling, come on,” Wilford smiled.
“No, and that’s final, if I see J.J in town anytime soon, you will regret it,” Dark said.
Then he let Wilford go and steered Illinois back to the living room where the rest of the Lost Ones were playing games. 
Both Ethan and Illinois returned safely home.
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altr5312916195 · 8 months
EgoTober Notes and Master List
Hey Gamers! So @tracobuttons has dropped the Egotober prompt list and this year, I'll be writing again. I've been writing for Egotober since it was started but in years past I only got a few out, there was no cohesive story. Last year I actually wrote every day and it got a lot more attention than I expected. Last year I had a coherent storyline, and because all stories were left on cliff hangers I'm going to continue with it during this year.
One thing that happened last year though was a lot of people asking me how my universe worked around the Septic and Iplier Egos and this post will serve as that information post.
So, here is my Egotober Masterlist and notes guide to Raspy Hill!
What Egos exist in my canon?
In the Iplier Manor: Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache, The Jims, King of the Squirrels (Kos, prounounced cause, for short) Yancy, Google, Bing, YandereIplier (Yani, pronounced -yuh-ann-ee, for short), Annus, Heehoo, Actor!Mark (Mark Iplier), really anyone conistently seen post Markiplier TV
In the Septic House: JackieBoyMan, Henrik Von Schneeplestien, Anti, Chase, Marvin, Jameson Jakson, and Robbie.
Where do the Egos exist?
Depending on the Ego they will live full time in Raspy Hill. All of the Iplier Egos are confided to Raspy Hill because of Mark, save for Wilford and Dark who are able to leave the confines for short periods.
The Septic Egos are more of a case by case thing, for instance, Chase and Jackie live in the subdivision of Attitude City, LA (yes that Attitude City) Henrik works in LA as well, at IRIS facilites.
Marvin, Jamie, and Robbie stay in Raspy Hill due to needing its magic to survive.
What is Raspy Hill?
You know that theory that's like "if humans believe in something enough it's real" keep that in mind.
In my canon while Mark and Sean do exist. While Sean is connected to the Septic Egos in more of a magic way. They need someone human to tell their stories and connected them to the normal realm. (This is where that theory comes in) Raspy Hill is their inherent home, so if Jack stops telling their stories and fans stop caring they can become confined to Raspy Hill or even disappear all together.
But the Iplier Egos are different, they are anchored to Mark Iplier. Iplier was reincarnated in our Mark, and if his spirit persists so do the Ipliers.
If you're curious about anything else, just shoot me a message or an Ask. :)
Egotober '22 Master List
October 1 - Hoodie - JackieBoyMan (TWs: None)
October 2 - Leaves - Chase Brody (TWs:None)
October 3 - Ink - Jamesone Jackson (TWs:None)
October 4 - Grey - Jameson Jackson (TWs:Anxious thoughts)
October 5 - Water - Chase Brody (TWs: Allusions to car crash and drowning)
October 6 - Doctor - Henrik Von Schneeplestien, Antisepticeye (TWs: None)
October 7 - Peaceful - Chase Brody (TWs: Allusion to car crash)
October 8 - Key - Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 9 - Shattered - Darkiplier (TWs: None)
October 10
October 11 - Game - Chase Brody (TWs: None)
October 12 - Metal - Henrik and Chase Brody (TWs: mentions of dissasociation, mentions of blood)
October 13 - Sky - Chase Brody (TWs: Mentions of blood, Allusion to past self harm, falling)
October 14
October 15 - Plant - Jameson Jackson, Marvin the Magnificent (TWs: None)
October 16 - Dragon - Marvin (TWs:None)
October 17 - Path - Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 18 - Wings - Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 19
October 20 - Alarm - Henrik, Chase Brody (TWs:Mentions of blood)
October 21 - IRIS - Henrik, Chase Brody (TWs: Mentions of blood and vomit)
October 22 - Buried - Jameson Jackson, Robbie the Zombie (TWs:None)
October 23
October 24 - Creepy - Robbie, Jameson Jackson (TWs:None)
October 25 - Magic - Marvin, Antisepticeye (TWs:Mentions of burning/being burnt, knife mention)
October 26 - Bones - Wilford Warfstache, Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 27 - Expirement - Henrik, Chase Brody (TWs:None)
October 28 - Purple - Jamie, Robbie, Jackie (TWs: Mentions of burning/being burnt)
October 29 - Ghost - Dark, Wilford (TWs:None)
October 30 - Pumpkin - Chase Brody (TWs: Mentions of drugging)
October 31 - Happy Halloween - Chase Brody (TWs:Allusion to falling, dissasociation)
Egotober 23' Masterlist
October 1 - Cape - JackieBoyMan
October 2 - Stone - Marvin
October 3 - Drink - Chase Brody
October 4 - Happy - Chase Brody
October 5 - Jar - Marvin
October 6 - Pillow - Chase Brody
October 7 - Leaves - Chase Brody
October 8- Frame - Henrik Von Schneeplestien
October 9 - Antlers - Marvin
October 10 - Glitch - AntiSepticEye
October 11 - Metal - AntiSepticEye, Henrik Von Schneeplestien
October 12 - Green - AntiSepticEye
October 13 - Mirror - Darkiplier
October 14 - Time - Wilford Warfstache
October 15 - Strong - JackieBoyMan, AntiSepticEye
October 16 - Cards - Marvin
October 17 - Flower - Robbie the Zombie, Jameson Jackson
October 18 - Rage - Wilfor Warfstache
October 19 - Silver - Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache
October 20 - Music - Wilford Warfstache
October 21 - Shadow - Marvin
October 22 - Vampire - Yani, Bingiplier
October 23 - Web - Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache, Mark Iplier
October 24 - Fire - The House
October 25 - Cauldron - Marvin
October 26 - Werewolf - Bingiplier, Yani
October 27 - Orange - Darkiplier
October 28 - Ghost - Wilford Warfstache
October 29 - Fright - AntiSepticEye
October 30 - Witch - Marvin
October 31 - Happy Halloween
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southerndragontamer · 6 months
Egotober Day 26: Werewolf
Night and darkness, space and the celestial bodies within were the subject of many stories and fairytales, of questions and fears. But the thing that had been forgotten by almost all but a select few, as small as the group of believers was, that Night was a God. Older than even Day, than humanity itself. Night’s worship had slowly faded until it was a shade of its former self, scant and scattered but they had done their best to keep as thorough records as they could.
One such record, a tome in your hands from a lucky auction grab, contained not just everything needed to understand or worship Night but also what happened to the God during different phases of the moon. He wasn’t a werewolf or anything of that nature but it affected him just the same as it pulled and pushed the tide on earth. He would gain strength and power as the moon grew in size, and it would fade as it shrank with some rumored pain like what those with chronic fatigue experienced, though that didn’t mean he was helpless either.
And during different lunar events Night would gain even more power. Though multiple of them were marked as too dangerous to be around him in, such as a New Moon or Blood Moon.
You stroked the tome’s cover, a deep spacial purple black with dots of blue and silver for stars and a lunar calendar along the top with Night’s symbol in the center, reverently. Your heart pounded in your chest a bit as you took a slow deep breath to try to keep calm. You were alone in the house for now, no one knew that you had the tome.
You had to keep this safe, only bring it out when no one could catch you with it, especially your parents. This book, no Night, could be your only chance out of this farce of a wedding they had planned for you, you just had time things right over the next few months and your opening would be revealed to you…
The sound of brush being roughly pulled aside was accompanied by the muttering that left Richard’s lips as he stomped through the forest. Really, what on earth had you been thinking running off like this?! On the eve of the wedding no less! Though he supposed wedding jitters had gotten the best of them, he was a bit nervous too but he wasn’t the one who had vanished in the middle of the night now was he?
You had been brought up better than this, he hoped the fright that being in such a dark atmosphere had been worth making him wake up to find you. Though he hoped you were unharmed, a pretty little thing like you didn’t need any visible damages and it wouldn’t do well for the guests to see you with him like that.
Richard called your name and after a few moments was about to call again, when he heard….singing? It sounded like a man’s voice. Deeper than his own, in the tone someone would use for a lullaby, though he couldn’t make out words. But still, it might be a hint as to where you went, someone took you instead of you running. If you had been so foolish as to try to run to someone else, he might make you stay out here a bit longer in recompense for his wounded pride and honor.
The sound led him into a clearing which was lit with the light of the moon above like a scene out of a fairytale, where Richard’s vision went red for a few moments at what he saw as angry possessiveness reared its ugly head. You were in another man’s arms, in your wedding gown but…it had been altered from the old fashioned, lovely piece your mother had given you as the ‘something old’ and of course it had been passed down on your mothers side of the family.
It was now more silver than white, the lace looked like it glittered like stars, shimmering in different colors like a prism with the soft movements you made in the gentle swaying you two were doing, the train looked like it had been fashioned out of the night sky as it was black instead of white like a mourning veil was, it rested on your head with a line of star shaped opals like a crown in your hair that fell around your shoulders and back, there was a pendant around your neck of a moonstone crafted into a lunar calendar, the full moon seemed to be almost glowing on it. You looked….so content…so happy in the strangers arms as you rested your head against his chest, like you’d known him for a long time, trusted him, there was even a blush to your cheeks that Richard hadn’t ever seen with him and it stoked his anger higher.
The stranger was as if someone had taken the phrase ‘tall, dark and handsome’ and crafted him specifically for it. He was dressed like a true noble in black lace up boots, dress pants, a black overcoat with onyx and silver buttons, moonstone and sapphire cufflinks, a purple to blue gradient vest styled like the cosmos above, his cravat was a black to red to purple, the broach atop the center at his throat held a spiral shaped seal in red wax, the earrings in his ears were obsidian. He had broad shoulders, thick black hair tousled just so as it fell into a ponytail, tanned skin, well groomed beard, dark eyes that looked down at you with such fondness and adoration that made Richard clench his teeth. The stranger was bigger than you, and twice as muscled as he was, it wouldn’t do to startle him and make him hurt you.
But when he looked at where your hands were joined, the stranger with full black leather and you with the modest silvery lace and fingers intertwined intimate and loving, was truly the straw that broke the camels back as the phrase went.
You both had wedding bands on your fingers, the gold ring Richard had given you on his proposal nowhere in sight. Instead you wore a silver ring with a moonstone held in the center, inlaid in a line down the ring were what to him appeared to be crushed gemstones to form a galaxy like effect. The stranger’s ring was black with the same galaxy like effect in the center with an amethyst or onyx star in the center.
If Richard hadn’t been so utterly incensed at this betrayal in front of him-how could you do this to your parents, to him?!? After what he’d been promised with you, a demure, obedient wife who would give him children and tend to his needs, and what your parents would’ve gotten in turn for marrying into a family as upstanding as his was. Did you have no respect for yourself?!?- he would’ve noticed that the stones in the rings were glowing, the galaxies shifting different colors. Or the way the stranger’s eyes suddenly flashed and reflected the full moon above and how a dark, cruel smirk flashed on his face.
At the soft, sweet confused sound from you at the change in expression Night chuckled and kissed your forehead, warm cheeks and then your lips sweet and tender, for a few moments relished in the contact of his new consort, he whispered in a tone just for your ears alone. “We seem to have an uninvited guest my star. Don’t fret your darling head about this now, it’s alright. I’ll take care of him and then I’ll take you home to properly make you mine. Just sleep for me right now, you don’t need to see such a ghastly sight… especially on a night as beautiful as this one.”
You momentarily had a look of fear on your face, but it faded at his reassurance and you smiled, giggled gently with a maidenly blush and then closed your eyes and slipped into sleep as your deity, your husband asked. Night gently laid you down in the soft grass that shined blue in the moonlight and then stepped in front of you, all pleasantry vanished in the face of the mortal you’d been promised to without any say so in your own wishes.
“You look the essence of aristocracy to your kind but in truth you are a bastard of a man Richard Ferguson. I suppose I should thank you for that though, otherwise my moonlight may have not found me as they did. Oh don’t you dare try to deny what you are you worm, you aren’t worth the dirt on my boots let alone the air my new spouse breathes.”
Night strolled closer and his coat billowed behind him, his eyes began to glow blue as he spat out in a furious rage, not giving the human a chance to speak or even try to make a sound. Even if he’d enchanted your sleep, Night wanted you to only remember his voice no one else’s, at least that wasn’t worthy of you. Your former fiancé was not in any way worthy of that honor.
“You had every plan to break them down, to abuse them and frighten them, break their spirit into what you thought was ‘proper and right’ for a wife until they were a mere shell of what they once were that jumped at every shadow and was so afraid of you and your drunken rage that they’d never disobey you on anything. You would’ve taken out the brightest light humanity had seen in decades and not cared one bit for the pieces crushed to dust to do it. Humans like you sicken me, greedy in your claim of everything you touch like it holds no other purpose or value but to be yours, pride oozing out of every pore like the world should bow to you and worship you, inflicting wrath on those that work for you until they break and you toss them aside, forcing your lusts on those that can’t say no because of your position, turning a blind eye to the poor and abandoned as if you didn’t cause their fates with your gluttonous attitude, slothing around in luxury while the innocent scrape to even feed themselves and envious of each other to the point you stab your ‘friends’ in the back the quickest chance you get to take more than what you deserve.”
Night’s power pulsed around him, shadows writhed and darkened, the air grew colder until dew frosted over around the clearing except for where you rested, his mark burned out of the glamor he’d put on the spiral like the harsh glow of a red supergiant against his skin as he felt his teeth begin to sharpen. He knew all the secrets the mortals tried to hide, one couldn’t hide anything from the darkness incarnate, from that which saw everything that tried to be hidden in its shadows, the darkness and shades of the human soul. It was all Night’s to know, to hoard and guard…to use as he saw fit.
And right now he grinned, feral as he threw back his head and howled, instantly there were a chorus of answering songs to his call as either by their own power or his, a group of people emerged from the woods, dressed in working clothes and rags alike they moved as if under a spell. They paid no mind to Night’s sleeping companion and moved around them until they stood behind the god. The light of a full moon, a rare blue supermoon in fact, shone down across their shoulders like a mother’s fond touch. Night’s expression was cruel as he let out a wicked rumble.
“You remember those old stories your grandfather told you when you were a boy, mortal? About the things that go bump in the night? The creatures that call the darkness home? The stories that frighten you so much that even today you still need to sleep with a knife under your pillow? They’re as real as you, and now…they’re going to bring you down to the level you threw them down to when they were merely trying to survive as humans before they were blessed with their mother’s power. You’ll live a life where you have to hide yourself like a pariah because of how awful you look, beg for any chance at food or drink….but you won’t be as lucky as them…their mother won’t honor you like she does them. Every time she appears in full beauty, it won’t be as painless as it is for them. It will hurt like nothing in your overindulged life has and it won’t stop hurting until you finally reach death’s embrace and face the consequences of your rotten soul.”
Night raised a hand and snapped his fingers and the people’s eyes flared golden and their bodies all contorted and arched in what looked to them like bliss as fur began to sprout as their muscle mass broadened and their faces shifted to be more wolf than man. The mortal bolted before the transformation finished, unable to take the strain of fear that ran primal in his veins, not now with the show of power and the oath of a god that felt like chains of iron around his chest. The werewolves all howled with animalistic joy of a hunt and raced after their prey, Night trusted the moon to keep you safe as he joined the fray.
The power in his veins bayed for blood, for him to soak in fear and pain from a hubristic mortal before delivering a just punishment. Night was only too happy to give it what it wanted.
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glitchyartist · 1 year
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Egotober days 26 and 27: bones and experiment
Necromancer Marvin revives a friend
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lostcybertronian · 6 months
Egotober - Day 26
Prompt: Werewolf
Prompts by @tracobuttons
Schneep shined a bright light in his eyes as the others crowded around him, expressions ranging from concern (JJ) to outright curious (Marvin) to freaked out (Jackie). 
“Uhh?” Robbie tried to vocalize his misgivings but, per usual, it came out a groan. Actually, it came out as a groan that turned into a growl. It was hard to force sound through the mouthful of fangs. Instead, he raised a sluggish hand to scratch at the course, brown fur along his neck. 
“Don’t do that.” Schneep took his hand and raised it to Robbie’s face so he could see his nails had grown and sharpened into inch-long claws. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
He’d hardly stopped talking when Marvin shoved past him to poke and prod at Robbie– touching the tips of his long, furry ears, taking his chin and forcing his jaw open to look at his teeth– murmuring, “I didn’t know lycanthropy could infect the undead.”
“Gaa.” Robbie said, and Marvin must’ve intuited what he meant because he nodded, let go, and stepped back. “Congrats, Rob. You’re a zombie-werewolf.”
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lirusstories · 2 years
Egotober: Hoodie
Tw: Improper binding, eludements to abuse, Don't trust strangers kids
Jackie starts wearing hoodies when he's 13 and... changing, he doesn't like the change, it makes him feel weird gross and wanting to crawl out of his own skin.
He keeps his hair in a ponytail and under his hood and hopes people don't notice. They notice. He cuts his hair and can't preform for a week.
Jackie grows out of his hoodie when he's 14 and has to... borrow a new one from the lost and found. His adopters scrunch their noses at it but don't say anything until it "mysteriously" disappears from one of his suitcases. 
He's heartbroken and every time he looks in the mirror he wants to peel his skin off. He sneaks into their medics tent and steals some ace bandages and wraps his chest flat. He struggles to breathe but it's more comfortable than having to feel the flaps of fat on his chest.
He takes them off for practice and pretends to not notice the bruises. 
Jackie's 15 and a half when he meets a man passing through the same town as his family. He meets him outside a convince store and the man offers to help him out upon seeing the ace bandages poorly hidden beneath his tank top. 
Jackie is 15 and a half when he gets his first binder, it's lightly used but it's the only one that fits him. He doesn't care. It's bright green, one of his favorite colors. 
The man gets him a hoodie too, a large one that he'll have to grow into but he loves it nonetheless, the red is a comforting color, it makes him feel safe and he nearly cries when he puts it on. The Man offers to get him his hair cut as well, he turns it down as he remembers the last time he cut it.
He doesn't see the way the man frowns as he sees the fear on his face and merely buys him some more clothes as well and a few pieces of candy for the road before Jackie asks him why he helped him.
His heart flutters happily when hearing that the man's husband had a rough childhood because of him being a male when people choose to view him as something he wasn't just because of "Silly little Body Parts". It's nice to know that other people like him. He suppresses a laugh at the man's phrasing though.
The man leaves him with a card with his number on it and tells him to call him if he needs anything.
Jackie is 16 when he runs away. He gives himself a near buzz cut before running after a particularly bad practice session. He toys with the thought of calling before deciding against him.
Jackie's 19 when he meets one of his brothers for the first time since they were children. He has a noticeably different accent but it's him. The only thing that could surpass the joy of his brother remembering and recognizing him as his brother is if all of his brothers suddenly showed up and did the same thing.
Jackie's 20 when he starts taking hormones, his brother doesn't ask where he gets them and he doesn't tell.
He's 24 when he starts growing facial hair, when he notices, he flaps his hands so hard he ends up smacking himself in the face. He lets Henrik laugh at him while he hands Jackie the Tylenol.
Jackie is 25 when he becomes a vigilante, Henrik finds out it's him pretty quickly and hits him over the head with a rolled up magazine for doing something so strenuous with his binder on. He promises not to do it again and keeps his hoodie on whenever he goes out to burn some people.
Jackie is 26 when he gets top surgery, he's not allowed to go out for almost three months because of Henrik's fretting. 
Jackie is finally able to start going out again just in time for June. He decides for the first day of patrol back, he'll wear his pride flag like a cape.
Standing atop the tallest sky scrapper in the city, he breathes. For the first time in years, he feels... hopeful. Good things are coming and will continue to come, he knows it. He's slowly getting better, feeling more and more like himself, every time he looks in the mirror he doesn't feel like it's a stranger looking back at them.
He's happy, he has one of his brothers here with him, and they're working on finding the others, and he knows, he just knows it, that everything will be okay.
@malaboos-bodacious-blog @glitchyartist @immabethehero @protectjj
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nightly-productions · 2 years
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Egotober 2022 - Day 26 - Bone / Bones Prompt list by - @tracobuttons  
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manebioniclegali · 2 years
Egotober, Day 26: Bone/Bones
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Illinois wasn't always unfazed by skeletons; and even then, sometimes even the most experienced adventurers can still be caught unawares by something they're used to.
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chaseisglitched · 2 years
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EGOTOBER Day 26: Bones
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inkribbon796 · 7 months
Egotober 2023 Day 10: Territorial
Summary: Anti finds out about Marvin moving oversees, and is not too thrilled he’s losing a toy.
A/N: Happy Birthday to Anti, he gets separation anxiety and feels for his birthday.
Prompt: Glitch
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
A lot of people thought Anti was an idiot.
Sometimes the glitch demon liked it that way. If someone thought he was stupid or weak they didn’t react fast enough before he cut their throat out. He’d made Dark bleed a lot of his rotten gunk blood before he treated Anti like the threat he was.
But he knew when the Septics were planning something. And they were planning something big. Not the fun kind either where it would be a fight and maybe they’d trap Anti into a bricked up phone, or a necklace, or that one time they forced him to be in a music box. This wasn’t the fun type of planning.
In fact, Anti suspected it had less to do with Anti, and everything to do with Dark.
Which always boiled Anti’s blood.
So Anti did what he always did best. He waited for Marvin to take one of his many walks around town. And set a car on fire right next to him.
“Hey!” Marvin called out, after getting spooked by it as a couple people screamed. His magic spun around him. “What the hell?”
Anti didn’t say a word, he just turned into a glitchy mess of aura and anger.
Magic began humming along Marvin’s skin. “Fine, asshat, let’s go.”
Anti’s latent aura got staticky as Marvin could only see malice and fury in his eyes as they clashed. Glitchy green aura mixing with the vibrant purples and silvers of Marvin’s magic.
Marvin was used to the quips and the threats, but whatever had set Anti off had him absolutely furious. “Did Dark come to town and no one told us? Did Rumble set your dick on fire?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Anti said as he kept trying to go for Marvin’s throat.
It took Marvin a while to tire Anti out and he started slowing down after destroying someone’s car.
“So, you gonna actually tell me what happened?” Marvin asked.
“You and the others are up to something and I don’t like it,” Anti said.
“Oh, because I’m probably moving to the States, at least for a little bit,” Marvin said, not thinking why that would be a problem.
Anti stiffened, so furious and angry that he looked calm. “To Egoton?”
“Yeah, well, no one in Egoton can see aura and they—”
Marvin didn’t get to finish, Anti lunged at him with renewed anger. Thankfully Jackie ran in to help him and being outnumbered and tired made Anti run off to sulk before they discorporated him.
The glitch demon would be back to fight with them another day, today he stewed in his anger. In his indignant fury.
Dark was not getting Marvin to play with. All the Septics belonged to Anti. They belonged to him. If Anti had to drill that into Dark and the Septics heads he would do that.  If the magician wanted to fuck off to a different country, Marvin would make him leave an arm when he did it.
Marvin sent out a random text to Anti. “It’s not personal, they’re just all blind as shit when it comes to aura.”
Anti sent a response of a phone virus over to Marvin’s phone just out of spite. Then he went to Egoton to get into a fight with Dark. The glitch demon used his aura to phase through every warehouse wall until he found the demonic mob boss in his office minding his own business.
The glitch demon got a couple scratches in and ripped Dark’s suit up but wound up getting discorporated in the end. He’d been fighting for a while and Dark discorporated him, unsure what exactly had set Anti off and not caring enough to ask.
The glitch demon was unpredictable and Dark changed into a new outfit and was left to deal with Anti after he’d reformed in a couple weeks.
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lildevyl · 2 years
Egotober Day 26: Nightmare (Part 1)
Summary 1: Little Theo (Tommy) has a nightmare about his past self and runs to his new Dad Dream and Papa Gogy.
Inspired by: Hotel Arc ChildInnit Au by @deyageka.
Author Notes: This is part of my Second Chance AU that I will be starting here soon! I'll probably start writing it and posting by January, so keep an eye out for it!
Right Now, it's for the Second Chance: Dream (Will be posting the Prequal to this AU part Whumptober Day 2: Talking Is Overrated in a day or two!)
But I might rewrite this for the Second Chance: AwSamDude/Dad!Sam.
Not sure which Second Chance I'll be writing this for, it all depends on you Fiends feedback! Let me know if you want this to be part of Second Chance: Dream or Second Chance: Dad!Sam.
Okay, enough of the Author's Notes! Enjoy the Story!
ChildInnit AU/Second Chance AU: Dream?/AwSamDude?
(L’Manburg, Theo’s Nightmare)
Theo doesn’t understand what was going on! One moment he was in his room getting tucked in by his Dads and falling asleep. The next thing he knew, Theo was in this strange scary place!
Thunder and Lightning were echoing all around him. Rain was pouring down soaking him but he doesn’t feel cold? Loud bangs that reminded Theo of Creepers explosions were all around him but there were now Creepers. Instead there were two very scary and very terrifying men standing above Theo on top of a very strange box in the sky. Red things were starting to come down with the rain making all that noise and making the ground below it very large holes.
The two very scary and terrifying men were looking right out at Theo as if they wanted to hurt him! One had large black wings, glowing light yellow hair, and glowing cold dark blue eyes. This man’s eyes almost looked black! Black as his giant wings that the man spread out! All Theo knew was, he had to run! This man wants to hurt him or worse! He doesn’t know this man, nor does Theo know what he did to this man. All Theo knows is, this man is a Bad Man and he must find his Dads!
Theo ran! He ran as fast as his legs would carry him. He had to find his Dads! Dream and Gogy would save him! They would protect him! They said they would! Where’s Uncle Sappy Nappy? Did the Bad Man with Black Wings hurt them too? No! His Dad was the best fighter ever and his Papa was right behind him! Uncle Sappy Nappy even told stories of cool travels that they all did and the tournaments that they won!
But where was his Dad Dream and his Papa Gogy? Where was Uncle Sappy Nappy? Where was Grandma Puffy?
Theo came to a halt and slipped in the mud as someone else came into view towering over him. The man was even scarier than the other! Very big and tall, nearly touching the sky. Long pink hair in a braid, skull mask covering his face, glowing red eyes and dark red cape flowing in the rain and wind. A crown on top of his head. And a glowing sword in one hand and black skull in the other hand.
“You think of yourself as a Hero?” The man said in a very terrifying voice. “Then die like one!”
(Theo’s Room)
Theo woke up screaming and shaking from head to toe. Looking around Theo finds himself back in his room, in his house, safe with his Dads and Uncle. A bad dream, a nightmare, that’s all. Theo started to breath slowly trying to catch his breath. It was just a nightmare! It - it can’t hurt him! Then why did it feel so real?
Maybe he should go sleep with his Dads tonight? Yeah, not because he’s scared or anything! Theo’s a big boy and he doesn't get scared of a silly nightmare! But - but he just wants to make sure that his Dads don't have nightmares tonight! Yeah, that’s it!
Climbing out of bed, Theo opens his door and goes down the hallway to his Dads room. He quietly sneaks in so as to not wake his Dads up and then quietly closes the door behind him. Theo goes over his Dads bed and starts to take the covers off so he can climb in without waking his Dads up. Only to be met with very vibrant green eyes staring back at him and a worry look in his Dad’s face.
“Theo? What are doing up this late? Is everything alright?” Dream asked.
“Want to make sure you and Gogy don't have nightmares tonight.”
“Oh, okay. Well, it's best to be close so that we can keep the Dream Monsters at bay.”
Theo quickly climbed into bed and snuggled up to his Dad. Theo heard a light chuckle from Gogy as he held Dream close to him. Yeah, Gogy will protect Dream and Dream will protect Theo from the Dream Monsters!
“Night, night Dad! Night, night Papa!”
“Good night son.”
@weirdmixofweirdness, @dezzydynamite, @nightfuryobsessed, @isa-ghost, @a-humble-narcissus, @huffletrax
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milk-karton-kids · 6 years
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Y̶o̷u̸r̴ ̸R̶e̷a̶l̴i̵t̶y̴
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glitchyartist · 4 years
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Day 26: Cold
Did I make yet another Marvin design just for aesthetic purposes? Yes, yes i did.
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Egotober Day #26 - Blind I had to draw best Blind Boy, Host. I’m sure he would appreciate it if he could see it.
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