#either way i am having so much fun <3 thank you phil for my life
purpurussy · 1 month
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phil said "rpf is fine". and i took that personally
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Some random questions xd (optional dw)
do you like hermitcraft? cause im brainrotting abt it lmao
what is your fav color? mines green!
if you could pick any power in the clinic!universe what would you pick and why? personally i would pick Phils powers cause i want to flyyyyy
What DND moral alightment are you? if u dont know what this is dw, im a true neutral
what is your answer to the trolley problem? i think i would move the lever but idk
If you had to pick one persons lore on dsmp whos would you pick and why? i think i would chose quackity's
What is a fic idea you have but dont think would do well/ isnt something you feel like writing?
what is a comfort movie/show/video? mine isnt a movie but its a 3 hour long techno vid haha
given the chance to be in MCC who would you pick for your team?
i just felt like this btw:) you dont have to answer any of them btw^^
-👑 (king)
oooo these are fun questions!!!
no I don't watch hermitcraft, but I hear bits and pieces from the people on my tumblr dash and my twitter tl who do watch it. also, I've watched 3rd life and last life (and part of double life) which have a lot of the hermits in them, so I'm mostly familiar with the hermits through that (I will say that I am not immune to good times)
yellow is my fav color!
oooo I'd probably pick wilbur's power. siren abilities hello?? insanely powerful man. if not his then I'd go with niki's because I always wanted to be a waterbender like katara when i was a little kid
uhh I'm either neutral good or true neutral, not exactly sure which
I have no idea what my answer would be tbh
if you mean pick someone's lore as in my favorite lore, it'd be wilbur's hands down. he created such a complex and fascinating character who was incredibly consistent in his characterization, I brainrot over c!wilbur so often so everything from him is my favorite
oh god most of my google drive is full of fic ideas that either wouldn't do well or I just don't feel like writing lmao. one example is that I love coming up with aus of movies but rarely do I actually wanna write them out entirely. one movie au I think about so often but would never get around to writing is an au of the movie Push. Push is not a very good film. it's fun! but it's not good lmao. the concept was SUPER cool to me though. it's a movie about people who have psychic powers that are hunted down by an evil government organization yknow the drill, but the plot is about a guy in his 20s who is a 'mover' (has telekinesis) that's kind of down on his luck and doesn't have much of a life. he gets dragged into a plot to steal a metal briefcase because a 13 year old 'watcher' (sees the future) shows up on his doorstep and tells him she sees the two of them teaming up to find this case and she's convinced it has a shit ton of money in it. a lot of other stuff happens but the main two characters have such older brother/little sister energy that i literally can't stop thinking about crimeboysing it. it would be so fun but I'll never write it unfortunately.
hmm... one of my favorite self indulgent movies to rewatch just for fun is a super cheesy 90s film called hackers. the fashion is peak bad 90s fashion and the plot is so stupid, it's so much fun I adore it. I love rewatching it to cheer myself up
OOOOO GOOD QUESTION! ok i'm assuming you mean cc's I can pick. now the thing is, I suck at minecraft. so while I'd love to give myself a goated team so i can win, I don't think I'd have much of a chance of winning either way. but I'll give two teams anyway, one for a chance at the win, one just for fun content. so for a chance to win: tommy, phil, and shubble. for content: wilbur, wisp, and jack manifold. it'd be terrifying but also hilarious.
thank you for the questions these were really fun!!
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always-andromeda · 1 year
i am very curious as to how you quite exactly feel about holden worther from the good girl for the character bingo. like tell me. how do you feel about this poor, messed up child? i need specifics
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send a character for an unhinged bingo ask!
Oh goodness gracious, Soph. Under the cut I'm gonna leave possibly an entire essay on how I feel about Holden because whoop dee doo I feel a lot of things about his character!!
First of all, I don't think him directly comparing himself to Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye is just some fluke; it's 100% intentional. Now I've never read Catcher in the Rye but based on the reading I've done of the main character, he is so similar to how Holden (or Thomas lol) composes himself. Both characters heavily judge others around them based on superficial traits and tend to see themselves as superior in some way. I think Holden (Thomas) found a lot of solace in this character and takes it as a thing of pride to imitate him, especially on matters of morality. It's partly why he gets so personally offended when Justine sleeps with Bubba (because lol it seems that book Holden feels the same way with just the concept of casual sex existing). It's also how he can so easily look down on almost everyone around him.
I think Holden's issues with his parents can't go unstated either. Like I haven't watched the movie since we watched it a few weeks ago bUT DO YOU REMEMBER A SINGLE TIME WHEN THIS GUY'S PARENTS GAVE A SHIT ABOUT HIM? NOOOO. It really is that parental neglect that both fuels his wild thought processes but also allows them to go unchecked.
AND ANOTHER THING. Even just knowing a sliver about Catcher in the Rye has really helped my interpretation of his character. Because The Good Girl is primarily about the monotony in the lives of these two people. Everyone else seems to have found their little niche in their lives and they're content with that living. Corny is cool with being the church guy, Cheryl manages to have fun working the makeup counter and annoying everyone over the loudspeaker, Phil is cool with getting high and doing his job and watching TV every day, Bubba is also cool with just watching his friend live out a "perfect" relationship. Everyone except for Justine and Holden are fine with all of this.
Holden, just like the character he admires so much, is a symbol of rebellion. Rebellion against the slow, mundane, cyclical lives that they live. But it's a rebellion that Justine ultimately can't go along with. Because picking up and running away with him would be the "easy" option. That's the great divide between them; Holden is young enough to believe that he is invincible and that they can do anything and be anything and they don't have to face the consequences. Justine has enough maturity to see the bigger picture and accept her life for what it is and decides to work with what she has in order to spare the people around her.
I genuinely love this movie so so so much and like...I'm genuinely debating reading Catcher in the Rye just so I can see if I can find more parallels between it and the movie. Because, GOD, The Good Girl embodies like. Almost everything I fear in my life. And I love Holden with all of my heart; wish I could cart him off to a good therapist. <3
Thank you for asking, soph 🥺 hope you enjoy the essay lol
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piteouspeculiarity · 3 years
Defining Home: Extended Author's Note
Warning: This might contain spoilers for the series
(For clarity, when I say 'Tommy' etc in this post, I'm talking about the characters from my fics, not the content creators themselves.)
So it's done, huh? This note will include the sappy shit, the fun facts, then some of the more serious stuff, because I just didn't want to add an essay to the end of that chapter.
First of all, thank you all for the support along the way. Defining Home is easily my most popular series of fics I’ve ever written and I’ve been writing fanfic for years now. The comments and the kudos and the bookmarks were so very validating when I was new to the fandom, and still are. Hell, people have gifted me fics and written related fics to Defining Home, which blows my tiny mind. I haven’t gotten the chance to read a lot of them yet (procrastination I know thy name), but when I do, I’ll be leaving my best comments in thanks <3
I'll be honest, when I posted the first chapter of Enough, I never expected it to turn into what it did.
That first chapter was written in my phone notes at 3am, hours before an exam. I hadn't interacted with the fandom at all at that point, didn't even have a Tumblr for it, but boy oh boy did I get a warm welcome.
The point is, that first chapter was a very spur in the moment thing, mainly consisting of one scene I couldn't get out of my head (Tommy on a train to Wilbur's). I've gotten a few people telling me since then that they wished that they could write as well as I can, which is a huge compliment, but every person can write a fic like Enough. There are things that we all struggle with when it comes to writing: dialogue, prose, starting scenes - I have my own things I struggle with, things you might have noticed, things you might have not. You don't have to be a perfect writer to tell a story, especially in fandoms, where betas are easy to come across.
Write your story, even if its just for yourself. Posting that chapter gave me the chance to make new friends and I'll never stop being grateful for that.
One of those friends is Kat, who I've mentioned a couple times in the author's notes, but who honestly, I owe a lot to. Kat has encouraged me and been one of the main motivators to write this fic when I felt like it would never be finished, or that I'd never live up to other people's expectations. Sometimes, that meant motivating in some weird ass ways, but hey, it worked.
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People who know me in discord servers might know that I'm a simp for Kat and it's damn true. Kat, I love you, you've improved my life more than you know in the last couple months and you deserve so, so much happiness.
In fear of love reciprocation from Kat, we'll move swiftly on to the more fun side of things.
Anyone feel like fun facts? You might already know some of these because I tend to overshare in author's notes, but I'm pretty sure some of them are new to all of you.
Barney the dog? Named after my own late labrador, who I love very much and loved to jump in lakes and need rescuing, time and time again.
I had no plans in moving Tommy in with Techno, hell, I had no plans in Techno moving to England at all. It was as much of a surprise to me as it was to everyone else when he told Tommy the news, but I latched onto the idea and ran with it. I think it worked out okay, in the end.
Techno has a draw in his bedroom full of parenting books, most of which were stolen from Phil.
After Tommy asked for help about what to do with Dream, Wilbur sent Dream a dm telling him he better not fuck anything up and if he did, Wilbur would not hesitate to humiliate him in front of millions of people. It was unnecessary, of course, but Dream was definitely a bit more cautious about what he said when he listened to Tommy’s explanation.
Some of my favourite things about writing Defining Home:
The Tesco v Asda discourse. Look, some of you just need to accept that Asda is the superior shop and get off your Tesco stanning bullshit. /j
The offers I would get for new chapters, some honourable mentions being newborns, siblings, diamonds and kidneys.
Now, I know that as much as I tried to, I won't have managed to include everything that everyone wanted from Defining Home, whether that's certain confrontations or scenes, I am sorry if I haven't included.
I don't imagine myself writing any more in the series, not because I think there isn't more I could write about, but because as a whole it feels complete to me, and any added oneshots I write would disturb that.
Right now Defining Home feels well rounded in a way that I'm proud of. The minute I realised that Enough was going to turn into a series I planned out how I wanted it to work. Maybe its just the maths part of my brain, but I like how there's three fics, with three chapters in each and how Tommy heals as you progress throughout the series.
My aim for the series was for the tone to get lighter as you went through, because yes, things kept happening (confrontation with dad, beach incident etc) but the point was that Tommy dealt with those things in different ways that he would have earlier on in the series. I have lots of thoughts and lots of emotions about how he felt safe enough with his family to experience nightmares and such. I made an effort in The Truth Behind Family to include more fluff, especially in the last two chapters, because I think it’s important to show that yeah, his parents’ abuse effected him, but it didn’t dictate how he lived his life. 
Like yes, I could write about their first Christmas together, for example, and add it onto the series, but I don’t think that I’d be able to do the rest of the series justice in that. Defining Home is largely about what the title implies, Tommy discovering what words like ‘home’ and ‘family’ mean beyond what he’s been told he’s stuck with and I believe that by the end of the series, he’s been successful in that. 
I'm so proud of the characters I wrote, Tommy in particular, for how far they've come in Defining Home, but I think that in a way, it’s time for me to let them go.
That’s not to say I’m done with writing for sbi! Hell no! 
I have a couple long fics in the works and a one shot I’m working on. The main fic I’m excited to focus on now Defining Home is finished is heavy heart, heavy head, heavy hero which, to put it simply, is an sbi royalty au, where unfortunate circumstances mean Tommy is forced to become King. It’s going to be a little more plot focused than Defining Home was and I am so very pumped to give it my full attention instead of leaving that lonely one chapter on AO3 like I have been doing.
I was 🤏close to making a Discord server, but ultimately decided I’m much more suited to causing chaos on other people’s servers than running my own. I think at this point the karma would be too great to even consider making my own server, so if you’d like to talk to me on Discord, keep an eye for me on other people’s servers - I mainly lurk, but I’m pretty active on one or two :D
On a more serious note, Defining Home deals with some heavy topics and I’ve had comments tell me that they relate to Tommy’s situation and wish that they had their own found family to run to. 
This Tumblr post has a list of phone numbers and places you can contact if you need help or want someone to talk to. Saying that, I recognise that a list as long as that can be daunting, so feel free to shoot me a message and I can either help you find the right one for you, or keep you company for a bit if you need it. 
Not all of us are lucky enough to have our own found family, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t forever, or that you’re alone. My dms and ask box are always open if you want someone to talk to.
Keep yourselves safe <3
- Lee 
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goosedawn · 3 years
i've never listened to Friends At The Table (though it's on my list now, dnd campaigns podcast wooo!) what would the storyline of the crossover entail? with the HermitCraft characters i'm guessing it's chaotic and interesting 😊
:0!!!! :DDD!!!!!!! if u end up giving it a shot i hope u enjoy it! they dont actually play dnd, they play a bunch of other tabletop games which are all really neat also! (also if u need a suggestion for where to start if/when u get to it, feel free to drop me an ask)
the story follows the typical structure of "group is sent off to do tasks for money, and eventually realise something bigger is going on" so i am largely following the plot in that way, where groups of adventurers are sent out to investigate a series of towers that appear to have some connection to the gods of the world. ajhsjjejhfhjef most of my thoughts about the au are more character based,, so instead of a proper plot summary i can give details and thoughts on where some of the hermits fit into everything so far (while. trying to avoid the big twists revealed in the podcast ig,,?) i also ended up including some sleepybees (sbi + beeduo) in the au but im still not 100% sure on where they fit in (as in i have too many ideas djhdkndnj)
ANYWAY uhhhh some spoilers for the universe im basing this off of, under the cut cos it got long :'D
the specific arc/universe that this au is set in is the one from Seasons in Hieron (SiH) which is their fantasy season! (its. its long,, this arc spans i think. 3 seasons? plus a short interlude season)
the setting was previously a traditional fantasy world that had some sort of great catastrophe (the Erasure) happen, and the current world is after people have rebuilt a new society! its described as "post-fantasy, post-post-apocalyptic" its very fun and subversive and afhdjfbj the worldbuilding is just. real good :>
im still figuring out where different hermits fit into the au but i am basically taking aspects of various characters from the podcast and splitting roles and traits to hermits, so its all mixed up! also,, there are just. so many hermits,, i have not found places for all of them (not even most of them i dont think) but here is what i have so far:
impulse and zedaph work in the New Archives (a series of huge warehouse-like archives run by the orcs of this world!) impulse is an orc, zed is not! impulse works to retrieve artifacts for the archive, and zed,, hes just kinda there. learning and experimenting with pattern magic (a type of magic done by arranging and rearranging things in specific configurations, often they are obscure and weird things like "27 brown birds in a tree, 5 table legs, 500 buttons, 16 steps to the east" etc.) when the story finds them they are studying a fallen tower in the center of the Mark of the Erasure (a location still showing the effect of the great cataclysm that befell the world)
tango vaguely takes the role of Ephraim, prince of something or rather,,, idk man hes cool and has fire powers, very anime. his powers were a gift from the gods, and he goes on to hv close relations w them! he meets up with impulse and zed later on and become fast friends obviously
joe is an expert in pattern magic, and is on the run from the archives after having stolen a pretty nondescript notebook. its a nice notebook! hes just a human guy. he writes and recites poetry in order to do pattern magic using the notebook!
cleo hails from the city of *Nacre*, where people get multiple chances at life. people from there can get killed but will exist on as zombies, then if they are killed again, they exist as ghosts, and then they pass away fully. she is an undead pirate captain that joe somehow manages to sway over to their side ahjbhfbjf,, she is hunting down the lost prince/king of Nacre.
wels is a pala-din (pal-ah-deen, rather than paladin), a sort of living marble statue that serves one of the gods in the pantheon.
scar is ofc, a wizard! it. it should be noted that wizards dont really exist in this world, people who perform and study magic are mages, not wizards,, "wizard" is kind of a weird term to use sjbdbjhfjjhb scar takes place of The Great Fantasmo in the podcast, and similarly has an invisible assistant! he doesnt seem to remember much of his past...
cubfan works in Velas, a fishing town where the story "begins" he does not enjoy talking to scar, and seems to be sad whenever hes around. perhaps scar reminds him of someone, or perhaps of better times...
tfc hes a priest aagsuijdjhkdgjdkihwhjvd i swear theres a reason for this later,, the role of the npc alyosha is somewhat split between tfc and cub!
others i have thoughts on but im not settled on yet:
im debating having xisuma as part of the pantheon, but if not, he would be a druid so he can shapeshift into animals sjbakjnsnfjb he would take the general role of Fero in the story, but would also be kind of split with evil x, who captures... a certain stubbornness and deepset frustration Fero has in later times.
etho could take the place of Samol, the first god to exist. he is the embodiment of this world, and is kind of isolated and strange wbhshjhbdbhjdjbdkjn,, strange /pos. hes also. kind of dissapearing though... i wonder why :)
while theoratically i could have xisuma as samol cos. yknow. admin. i think the vibes and role just fit etho better
and... if i had etho as samol i think it could be fun to have doc and bdubs as other members of the pantheon, if u go with their dynamic from the start of s7 they even fit the divorced couple vibe two of the gods have /lh /hj (nho pantheon pog..? maybe. theres a total of 5 deities in the pantheon tho...)
im leaning toward either false + stress or maybe gem + pearl pairs for two of the goddesses in the pantheon, but thatd probably depend on if i can find a better place for them ;P
techno and phil take the role of red jack, and techno is a Huge Oni Dude >:] in canon red jack has a cool horse!!! it fits!! hes also. heavily implied to be kinda immortal?? anyway. im torn on this because techno and phil ALSO fit the roles of some of the player characters, with relation to the missing prince/king of Nacre but im still working things out,,
no matter whats up with them, ranboo takes the role of bluejay, redjacks son, meeting up with tubbo and tommy who take the place of benjamin, the son of one of the player characters. tubbo and tommy kind of. get sent to another dimension to keep them safe,,? and live in a lie for many years before they are brought back.
when i first thought about this au, i also thought about the whole. sending child off into fake dimension to live life, and of course. i thought about. grumbot ofc and originally planned to have mumbo or grian take the place of that player character abhdfvnbrvbn but it also implies one or both of them would be paladins (not pala-din! just the normal religious knight) AND have connections to tubbo and tommy which is. funny but ehhhh idk.
and that. maybe probably somewhat incoherent train of thought is what i have for the au so far! its. still very much a work in progress so thank you if you stuck through all that!! ive still got a lot to think abt in the au,,,, lots to figure out ;P hopefully i can iron it out a bit more in the future, but its fun to think about for the time being
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Fic Writer Questions!
Tagged by @posingasme - seeing as my last fic was posted in 2016, thank you for still thinking of me!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 5 little fics, and a sixth one I sadly never finished
2) What's your total AO3 word count? a humble 5758 words
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I started with Spernatural, then stumbled my way into the phandom, and I did one little Merlin crossover. (If I ever start writing again, it will probably be for audio drama's/fiction podcasts tho...)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) Of Hidden Memories and Kitchen Adventures - Phandom/Merlin Crossover. I just thought that Phil Lester and Colin Morgan looked similar enough to warrant a reincarnation fic.
2) Made by Gabriel - Supernatural. A fluffy little fic where the young archangels all get to create an animal. So of course they all try to outdo each other.
3) Couples Yoga Challenge - Phandom. Sweet, short and fluffy. The title says it all, really.
4)Temporary Bliss - Supernatural. Angsty and raw. Basically, I wrote a fic about Dean's internalized homophobia before I even knew what those words mean. (Started as a songfic with lyrics from temporary bliss by The Cab, but later I deleted the song quotes)
5) Tale of a Vessel - Supernatural. After the Jimmy Novak episode, all I could think about was how it must feel to be one. So this one is Jimmy getting a bit of a break from Cas and taking some time to reflect.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I always try, but sometimes I got a little overwhelmed with attention and didn't know what to say. But all comments are super appreciated and sometimes I'm just staring happily at the screen. Every notification brings a smile on my face!
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Oof, definitely Temporary Bliss, that fic is just a heap of emotional turmoil wrapped in a little bow. Fun fact, Elysian would have the most angsty ending, but that's the one I never finished...
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Either Couples Yoga challenge or Made by Gabriel. The first one is just happy people in a happy relationship living their own happy life. Made by Gabriel is definitely very fluffy and adorable.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written? Just the Phandom/Merlin one! But I think that's a pretty rare combination ;)
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? No, I've been very fortunate in that way. Only on ff.net, a little warning against copywrite that made me delete some of the song-quotes in Temporary Bliss and one little harsh but well-meaning comment on Elysian that if I didn't update, people would stop reading. But nothing that I would call "hate".
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Oh no, I don't trust my writing abilities enough for that. I think there's an art to writing a good smut-scene and it's one I haven't mastered
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Someone translated Made by Gabriel into Russian! Sometimes I google-translate the comments there and it's so lovely to read. (I'm very okay with translating, as long as you ask first and properly credit and stuff)
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I haven't.
14) What's your all time favorite ship? That's the hardest question of the list! I don't think I have an all-time favorite, it changes too much! Whenever I stop watching a show I also tend to stop reading fic for it. sastiel and sabriel were definitely long-time faves, so were Dan&Phil. Right now I'm very into non-romantic queerplatonic Sammy and Ben from the podcast King Falls AM.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? Elysium, definitely Elysium. I had so much of that story planned out, and then I lost all my notes for it. Accidentally deleted and never found again. It completely crushed my enthusiasm and I never finished it. It was supposed to be a five-chaptered story. A prologue, and then the four episodes that featured Gabriel (Tall Tales, Mystery Spot, Changing Channels and Hammer of the Gods) from his point of view, interspersed with flashbacks of his time in heaven, with his brothers, and his time under the apprenticeship of actual norse-god Loki before Gabriel became a trickster himself. It was supposed to end with his death at the hands of Lucifer in season 5.
16) What are your writing strengths? Short fluffy stuff and I also like a bit of introspection, mostly with Temporary Bliss and Tale of a Vessel. Just kinda crawl in a characters head for a little bit. Also, not necessarily a writing strength, but I'm very proud that I write them in English even tho it's not my first language.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Planning/writing long fics. And dialogue. I find it so hard to get the voice right.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I haven't tried, but I always like it when I read it. Especially when the character isn't American/English. Makes it feel more real :)
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Supernatural! It's the fandom that made me start a tumblr.
20) What's your favorite fic you've written? Made by Gabriel. It's cute, it's fun, it's the first one I've ever written and I'm still very proud of it.
I'm throwing this challenge to the podcast writers!: @kurofae @houseofbeesart @lucifer-kane and anybody that wants to do the tag!
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afaimsarrowverse · 3 years
The 14 Creepiest Arrowverse Villains:
Yes, this one should have been made for Halloween. But after the year we just had, let’s take comfort in the fact that were are not forced to ever meet this guys here on the street in the dark. While two of the villains on this list had rather big seasonal arcs, I specifically disqualified characters from here, have proper motivations and character arcs as well as villains, who are creepy but at the same time quite a lot of fun. This why you won’t find Alice, her Mouse, Ramsay, Eobard, the Trickster, Mallus, Neron or even the Thinker here.
This list mainly consists of people we want to put back in the box, they got out of, until not seeing them at least for a season or so, and who we want to yell at: „What’s wrong with you!“ while they are on screen.
 14.  Toyman Senior (Winslow Schott Sr., Supergirl, Henry Czerny)
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Technically this one should not be on this list, because he was redeemed in Season 5, however that happend after his death and on Earth Prime rather than Supergirls Original Eart,h so we will ignore that for now (also I wrecked my head whom from „Supergirl“ to put on here, so I overlooked that on purpose). Toyman is more creepy as a concept than in reality. He blows up kids (and other than the Trickster is no fun at all while he is doing it), threatened the life of his son to get his wife to leave him and did God knows what else to said wife and son. And did not even stop terrorizing people after his death. Can you imagine growing up as Toyman’s son? Poor Winn, you truly deserved better!
 13. Bug Eyed Bandit (Brie Larvan, Queen Bee, The Flash, Arrow, Emily Kinney)
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Yes, it’s because of the Bees. Because she controls Mechanical Bees that sting and kill people! I am sorry, but what’s your problem, can’t you just kill your enemies like a normal person, Brie? Not to mention the whole Felicity-thing, because yes it’s totally normal to go around and kidnap and threaten to get what you want and then try to murder again. I still do not get why they let her into the Young Rogues anyway, but then … most members of that gang were all wrong, weren’t they?
 12. Garfield Lynns (Arrow, Andrew Dunbar)
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Most of us have tried to forget about Season 1 Episode „Burned“ for several reasons. But the villain of it is also one of those. Because, yes Mick was a Pyromanic as well, but for more complex reasons. Garfield Lynns was a fire fighter who started burning people and ended burning himself to death because of reasons and … well let’s be honest, he was nuts and burning people is not cool at all!
 11. Jake Simmons (Deathbolt, Arrow, The Flash, Doug Jones)
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That’s what you get, if you hire a creature actor (no offense, Doug, we love your work!) to play a psychopatic villain. Occasionally kind of fun, yes, but mostly Simmons is crazy and creepy, and we never liked him very much, but crucial Captain Cold killed him with a flimsey excuse, which no one ever bought, and let’s put it that way: If Leonard killed him just like that, there had to be something wrong with him in a big way, and yes, the hints were there, so, yeah, what a creep.
 10. The Mist (Kyle Nimbus, The Flash, Antony Carrigan)
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A former Mob Hitman that looks like that and can turn into Mist. Do I have to say any more? I would take Victor Szasz over this one any day. Because Nimbus … well you would not want to meet him during a misty night, would you?
 9. Murmur (Michael Amar, Arrow, Adrian Glynn McMorran)
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This one actually cares about his grandma, I will give him that, but SOMEONE SEWED HIS FUCKING LIPS TOGETHER! So you don’t really like looking at him, and he kind of went over board after he was pressured into joining Damien Darhk with, you know, killing everyone and joining HIVE, who as you recall planned to end the world as wen know it, so what about everyone elses grandmas, they can just die or what? No, Mister Amar, there is quite a lot wrong with you, that’s for sure.
 8. Everyman (Hannibal Bates, The Flash, Various)
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That one could be a tragedy, but well, he got so mixed up and wrong in the head, that he became a danger to everyone else. He is creepy trapped between shapes and he is creepy in other shapes because … you don’t just go around and kiss random women, who think you are somebody else. That is just wrong. But Bates is kind of mostly wrong, so, yeah.
 7. Anthony Ivo (Arrow, Dylan Neal)
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Ivo is Sara’s Personal Case of #Metoo, which really should be enough to earn him a spot on this list, but there is also his habit of keeping people in cages and the whole „You have to choose, whom I shoot dead!“- thing and all of that is only the tip of the iceberg. Not even Dylan Neal can stop me from wanting to scream at the top of my lungs: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! at Dr. Ivo.
 6. Nocturna (Natalia Knight, Batwoman, Kayla Ewell)
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We all know the story how Nocturna was not allowed to show up in the Animated Batman Series in the 90s, because she was considered too disturbing (Morbius on the other hand was allowed to show up in the Spider-Man Cartoon but had to … undergo some changes, which made a perfectly good vampire into the creepies cartoon-villain ever unleashed on kids and scarred me for life, but that’s another story). Here she finally is, and yes, she is rather disturbing. Because she acutally knows very well that she isn’t a vampire, but still strings her victims up and bleeds them out, after biting them with laced spikey teeth. It would be kinky, if it were the least bit sexy, which it totally isn’t, so yeah, put her away for good please.
 5. Vandal Savages Hawk Creatures (Legends of Tomorrow, Various)
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Season 1 of „Legends“ was quite different than what came after, but „Night of the Hawk“ was an early highlight. While it was kind of a parody, being Season 1 it still played it straight for the most part, which resulted in an episode with the vibe of „American Horror Story“: We are in on the joke, but it’s still Horror. No wonder, after all Joe Dante directed this one. Vandal Savage turned poor teenagers into hawklike monsters, that no one would want to meet … ever. So yeah, thanks, but no thanks.
 4.      August Cartwright (Ethan Campell, Batwoman, John Emmet Tracy, Sebastian Roche)
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Oh, God, that guy. So his mother wasn’t particulary ... nice, but that is no excuse to kidnap, gaslight, and brainwash a young girl, keep that girl’s mother’s head in a fridge for years, turn said girl into a slave and get her to make facemasks out of actual human face! Nor is that any excuse for fear-gasing your own son just because you are mad at him. Or anything in any way related to face-stealing, ,killing, identitiy theft, or anything else Dr. Cartwright has ever been up to. Like, seriously it has been a long time a character that desevers to be hated that much has been on our televions screens. Creepy Creep!
 3. Duela Dent (Batwoman, Alessandra Torresani)
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Female Slashers have become kind of a common trope in fiction by now, but Duela is kind of different. Suffering from a pretty extreme version of of body dysmorphic disorder Duela sees beauty through a different lense than the rest of the world (we will never forget what she deems to be her face being perfect, even though we desperatly want to). So yeah, she slashes faces, mainly her own, is out to punish people, who force beauty ideals on her and othes, and somehow has no problem with … donating her face to Alice. … Can someone please get that poor woman help, I mean, seriously?!
 2.      Rag Doll (Peter Merkel, The Flash, Troy James, Phil LaMarr)
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He did make Joe West throw up. And not only him. Rag Doll is plains disgusting. So disgusting actually, that the producers dialed him back in Season 6 and used more CG and less pratical „Troy James freaks us out“- bending. But while he could be fun all elongaty, we actually prefer him as his creepy original Season 5 Self. He is demented, wears a creepy mask, acts creepy, and we really don’t want to see him do his stuff but can’t look away at the same time. I have no idea why he was in the Young Rogues either, because he is really mainly creepy – und would be the Overcreep on this list, if it weren’t for….
 1.      The Dollmaker (Barton Mathis, The Broken Doll Killer, Arrow, Michael Eklund)
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I am still amazed to this day that they were allowed to make this episode. You have to remember „Arrow“ had been only on for one Season at this point and „The 100“ was still about to premier. The CW was yet to change it’s image. Still they somehow got to made the Dollmaker-Episode, which left us disturbed to this very day. What Mathis was doing to his victims …. Well not only Quentin got nightmares about it. Poor Laurel went understandable full addict after almost being made into a puppet by him. So, Rag Doll might look creepier, but the Dollmaker is one of this Serial Killers we never want to even hear from again. It’s really no wonder he was an one-off, like I said, I am still amazed they were even allowed to make the episode on Network Television let alone The CW at all.
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
I was tagged by the lovely @emma-arthur, thank you! <3
What is your name?
I use MoonlightBreeze and Em interchangably online, and either one works for me <3 Em is my real life nickname and what I prefer to go by in any situation.
What are your fandoms?
This is a short question with a long answer haha. My biggest fandoms are Shadowhunters, Supernatural, and Criminal Minds. I also dabble in Supergirl, Harry Potter, Detroit: Become Human, Dan & Phil, Hawaii Five-0, Hamilton, Nancy Drew, various RPF, and NCIS. 
Where do you post your fanfiction?
Archive of Our Own! I used to post on Fanfiction.net and Wattpad, too, but that was a long time ago, and I can’t in good conscience link those here haha.
Going by kudos, what is your most popular one-shot?
In The Past, which is one of my very first fics written for a prompt. It’s not one of my personal favourites, but I appreciate the kudos more than words can say <3
Going by kudos, what is your most popular multi-chapter?
I’m a mere mortal compared to those amazingly talented multi-chapter writers. I don’t have any multi-chapter fics currently, though I am planning on posting one soon!
What is your personal favourite story, out of your current content?
Learning To Be Human is an angst-filled fic in which I dove deeper into Alec’s psyche than I ever have before, and it’s my favourite thing I’ve written to this day. 
What work were you most nervous to post?
I think I was definitely the most nervous about posting Bad Day, my first Autistic Alec fic. I write Autistic Alec quite a lot now, and it’s one of my very favourite headcanons for him. But at the time I posted Bad Day, I didn’t have the wonderful friends that I have now, who encourage & support me in all of my endeavors, but especially Autistic Alec, and I was terrified to post something that was largely based off of my own experiences and detailed an autistic meltdown, which is something that’s often subject to ridicule by other people.
Is there a method to how you title your work?
As with most of the rest of my writing, there is no method at all. Sometimes the title comes to me immediately, sometimes I have to think about it for a bit, and sometimes I’m at such a loss that I leave the fic untitled until the very last minute. My titles can be anything from phrases, quotes, song lyrics, words in foreign languages, etc. 
Do you outline your works or just wing it?
I never really outline my works very much - usually, I just sit down, start writing, and see where the story takes me. I’ll typically jot down a short paragraph about my idea or the things I want to include at some point so I don’t forget them, but other than that, I’m a total pantser. 
Are you excited about any of your upcoming works?
Yes! I’m hoping to edit and post a multi-chapter prompt fill for one of my friends tonight, and after that, I’m working on two fics for a very special friend of mine plus whatever else I have to do. I have way too many WIPs, but all of them hold a special place in my heart. 
What are your AO3 statistics?
Total history:
User Subscriptions: 96
Kudos: 9577
Comment Threads: 432
Bookmarks: 1570
Subscriptions: 264
Word Count: 195649
Hits: 116063
2020 only:
Kudos: 9235
Comment Threads: 421
Bookmarks: 1527
Subscriptions: 256
Word Count: 181747
Hits: 111802
This was really fun to do!! It was a nice lookback on 2020 for me :) I will tag @sugarandspace, @eternallysilvermagnusandalec, @lightwormsiblings, @aceon-ice, and @brightasstars! <3
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Hi! I'm a big fan of your writing. Can you or are you planning to write a fic about Maria or Natasha being jealous? I need some angst in my life.
Nawwww! That’s so nice, anon!! Thank you so much! I’m soooo sorry this took a wee bit! WAs lacking inspiration, buuuut here it is now! 
You asked to see either Natasha or Maria jealous and I thought…. Why not both!? =D
It’s quite short, but I wrote it really fast cause I’m working on other stuff (sorry), but I dooooo hope you like it! It was really fun to write haha
Also, it takes place during Iron Man 2, soooo it is a Lost Moment as well but a prequel! =D
Anyways, enjoy!
P.S.: this fic starts with Natasha’s POV and alternate with Maria’s every “Xxxx”, kay? Sorry if it’s confusing!Ao3
“Sooo, Hill asked you to her room, eh?” Clint’s voice was loud and far too happy for her taste.
“It’s for a mission, Barton.” She stated, not bothering to look back.
“Actually, she never said that. She said, and I quote, ‘Romanoff, my room in 10, and  keep the idiot that tends to tag along away.’” He said.
Natasha smirked.
“We always knew she was ridiculously smart.”
She didn’t need to look back to know he was rolling his eyes.
“And ridiculously attractive?”
It was Natasha’s turn to be exasperated.
“I never denied that, Clint.”
“True, but you keep saying that’s all there is…”
She finally stopped to look at him, right outside Hill’s door.
“Yes, so? It is.”
He just looked at her.
“It is, Barton. I’m the Black Wi-“
“Widow, I do not do love, infatuation or crushes. I have no feeling. I am a dark knight, yadda yadda.” He cut her off, shaking his head. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Uh-huh, and yet we’re best friends, Miss I-feel-nothing! And you keep flirting with her!”
“Friendships are different, and jury’s still out on that, fyi. I flirt cause it’s fun. I wanna see how far she can take it.”
He gasped in mock outrage.
“I am hurt! Also, I’m betting marriage and two kids.”
“What?!” She whisper-shouted.
“How far she can take it. Marriage and two kids.”
“To the Black Widow? You’re out of your mind.” She turned around and opened the door before he could say anything else. It was just harmless flirtation. Hill didn’t even acknowledge her, most of the time.
As soon as she walked inside the room, however, she stopped. A very unpleasant feeling crept along her spine, and a heaviness settled in her stomach. Right in front of her was Coulson and Hill. Less than an inch between their faces, staring deep into each other’s eyes. Coulson’s hand was on Hill’s shoulder and Maria’s on his sternum. She clenched her teeth and put on the best fake smile she had ever plastered on her face.
“Oops, so sorry! Are we interrupting something?”
It was with very little pleasure she saw the two officers spring apart, a blush rushing to Coulson’s cheeks. As her gaze locked on Maria’s, she felt her perfect spy smile diminish a notch… there was also some redness on the older agent’s cheek.
Natasha clenched her fists.
Just harmless flirtation…
Just fun.
Then why the fuck was her stomach clenching more than her fists?
Fuck Clint.
“I hate that bastard.”
Coulson rolled his eyes and closed the laptop that was in front of them.
“I mean, who the hell does he think he is? Just blatantly flirting with every woman that passes by him. What is wrong with him?” She started muttering, drumming her fingertips on the table. ”And what is Romanoff thinking? Actually answering to it like that?!”
Coulson laughed at that.
“Come now, Maria, she’s hardly answering in an encouraging manner. She’s being more sarcastic than anything.”
“Well, Stark keeps on going, so she’s not stopped him.” She continued, even though she knew there was absolutely no point in doing so. There was just… this unpleasantness in her stomach. She did not like it.
“It’s in her best interest to keep him thinking she might be interested, but either way, Stark is harmless in that regard, Maria.”
“There is no point of view or regard that could or would EVER make Tony Stark harmless, Phil.” She kept glaring at the laptop in front of her.
He stopped gathering the stuff around the table at that.
“Fair, but worry not. There is no way Natasha would ever look at him that way for real.”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“What does that have to do with anything?” She asked, knowing it was futile, but trying for a confused tone, even as her fist clenched under the table.
He just stared at her.
She stared back.
“She’s far too busy making goo-goo eyes at you to really notice anyone else.” He finally caved, rolling his eyes.
Maria scoffed even as her heartbeat accelerated at that.
“You’re out of your mind.”
“Maria, the other, day when we told her about her new assignment to Stark and she saw us close to each other, she almost killed me with her eyes. I was honestly quite scared for my life.” He mumbled that last part as an afterthought, but Maria chose to go with that.
“Serves you right for teasing me so much about her!”
“I was just showing how she stood with you the other day! You were that close, and don’t dare say it was nothing, otherwise she would not have been that jealous.” He quickly answered, throwing his hands in the air. Maria rolled her eyes.
“I’ll just ignore that, and say that we can’t have a handler being scared of his agent, now can we? Maybe we should give her to someone else?”
He laughed at that.
“Sure, to you maybe? It’d be fun to see the Black Widow’s impeccable record plummet ‘cause she couldn’t pay attention to any debrief by being too busy making heart eyes at her handler.”
Maria huffed at that, getting up and starting to fix some papers herself.
“Enough with the eyes this and that already. I’ll start to think you’re the one with an infatuation.”
She stopped at his tone. The paper in her hands crumbling a tad. She looked at him with narrowed eyes. He looked pensive.
“She is quite attractive.” He shrugged.
“What the fuck Coulson?”
He held her gaze.
He exploded in laughter.
“Oh my god, you should have seen your face!” He breathed out, still laughing.
She clenched the bridge of her nose, pissed at herself.
She could not believe she’d fell for that. What the hell was wrong with her.
“Oh my god, you’ve got it bad!” He said as he kept on laughing. She counted to ten. “I honestly thought it was just a harmless crush, but for you to glare at me like that! Oh my!”
… Maybe one hundred… Fury would kill her if she killed Coulson.
“Maybe I can make her even more jealous next time she’s in for a debrief! Oh, this should be fun.” He mumbled, wiping the tears in his eyes.
Or maybe she could do it and just ran away. Or make it look like an accident. She was quite the agent, after all, Fury would never find out.
“Oh, stop planning my demise! You know you can’t live without me!” He said, coming around to her side and patting her back. “Also, making Romanoff jealous might work in your favour!”
She would not ask.
“Why is that?”
“Maybe she’ll finally make a move, you’ll have dinner, bang, fall in love, get married and adopt a couple kids!” He said joyously as he walked towards the door.
She stared after him for a few stunned seconds.
“Are you high?”
“Nah, can’t. I’m on the clock.”
“Then maybe I should just ask Fury to reevaluate your mental stability.” She deadpanned, because okay… maybe she did harbor a bit of a… ahm… liking… for Romanoff’s flirting. It was… nice… and funny. The Russian woman was quite creative. And maybe she often awaited those moments. Also, she maybe did realize her glaring at Phil last meeting. But from that to ‘marriage and a couple kids’? What the hell.
“I’m pretty sure he’d agree with me!” He called over his shoulder, not even bothering to turn back.
“Well, I’ve always known he had one or two loose bolts.”
Coulson laughed at that and looked at her once more right before closing the door.
“Fair, but anyways, remember one thing, Maria.”
Against her better judgment, she nodded at him.
“Denial is not just a river in Egypt.” A wink and a closed door were done faster than the paper weight she tossed in his direction. Damn him.
She looked back at the table in front of her, which had a picture of Stark starting at Natasha’s ass as she walked away.
Maria calmly picked up the paper… then promptly crumbled it into a very tiny ball.
Maybe Phil had a point.
“Ooh, another meeting, huh?”
Natasha had to very count to ten very quickly as she made her way through the halls, Clint hot on her tail. She had no idea how they were friends.
“I called for it.”
“Hm, couldn’t keep away, huh? The assignment kept you too far apart for too long, I know. I get you, I get you.”
Worst part? He did. She hated it.
… Not.
Best friend indeed.
“Not the point of the meeting.”
“Maybe, but a bonus, for sure!” He said cheerfully as they rounded the last corner. Soon she’d be free.
He was making good points, though. Maybe he did deserve something.
She stopped and turned around, making him almost lose his balance trying to stop before hitting her.
“Fine, I’ll give you that. A very good bonus.”
“But not the best part.”
“Hah, and what would that be?”
“You’re not in it.”
She smirked, opened and closed the door on his face. She was almost fast enough not to hear the small ‘liar’ that came from Clint’s voice. Even so, she was still satisfied with her last word.
As soon as she looked inside, however, her smirked died.
“What’s he doing here?” She said before she could control herself.
The three other people in the room looked at her with wide eyes at that. Fuck.
“He is your handler, Romanoff.” Fury finally said, looking between her and Coulson.
Coulson had a little smirk on his lips. Why did Coulson have a smirk on his face?
Long silence.
“Is there a problem, Romanoff?” Natasha’s heart skipped a beat.
The question came from Maria.
Swallowing both her pride and absolutely nothing, she turned to look into blue, blue eyes.
Was that… a smile on her face?
She was beautiful.
“Romanoff?” She raised an eyebrow.
Right. Question. She looked back at Coulson.
“No, of course. I was just surprised.”
“Good, ‘cause after your report, we thought of a few changes.”
“I’m meeting Stark. And you’re meeting me there.”
“It’s time. He’s become too dangerous.”
“Worried about me, Commander?” She smirked at Hill. To her surprise, the other agent mimed her.
“I worry about all my agents, Romanoff –“
“And their missions.” Hill completed over her, but her smirk grew.
“Stark is the mission. You worried about him?”
Maria’s eyes narrowed at her at that, and a brief glance around showed Coulson and Fury fighting to keep laughter in. Interesting.
“Well, hard not to. Being played with by a pretty girl is quite the hardship…”
Natasha did not hear anything else said, her mind froze on one single thing.
“You think I’m pretty?”
As Maria’s smirk grew, Natasha was very proud of not blushing, even with Coulson and Fury’s barely contained laughter as she focused on Maria’s blue eyes.
“Well, I had meant Pepper, but…” She trailed off, and this time Natasha could not stop the blush.
She had been played, yes, but… That was not a no.
“The complete report, Romanoff.” Nick had apparently decided to take pity on her and she turned to the matter at hand. But before she could focus on the one-eyed director, she saw Maria.
Not Commander Hill, Deputy Director. She saw Maria Hill’s shoulders shake with silent laughter and an easy and content smile on her lips.
Natasha’s heart did funny flips and flops at that, translating into just the slightest pause on her speech to Fury, barely noticeable to anyone but herself.
Damn… Maybe Clint was right.
It was more… And she was jealous. But Maria had laughed with her, looked at her. Called her pretty (indirectly, but still…).
She was in deep.
“Where’s ‘Phil’?”
“Where’s Stark?
Clearing throat.
“Phil is at a date I set him up on, he’s my best friend, and he needs to get over his infatuation with a mutual friend.”
“He’s hopefully on a date with Pepper if either of them took my many hints that although he’s too good for her, she loves him.”
They said at the same time, eyes snapping back to meet each other at that.
Oh. Both Phil and Fury had been right about Stark, then. Maybe… maybe they were right about Natasha as well.
They started at each other for a long time.
Maria cleared her throat.
“Well… that, ahm… that was a very good mission, Romanoff. Congratulations.” She passed over the completed dossier.
Natasha smiled at the papers for a moment, then moved it on to her.
“Another compliment? Why, Commander, a girl could get used to that.”
Heart beating so fast it felt like it would come out of her chest at any time, Maria answered, deciding not to deny that she had indeed called Natasha pretty. She was. Beautiful in fact.
“Well… I’d love to keep them coming, Agent Romanoff.” She said, deliberately slow, as she got up and around her desk, coming face to face with the other woman.
“Aye, you just have to keep excelling at the missions.”
Natasha smirked.
“Are you asking me to keep being a good girl?”
Maria was very proud of not choking at that.
“A good agent.”
Natasha hummed.
“Is that an order?
“It is, agent.”
“Aye aye, Commander.”
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Liam & Edie
Liam: [sends her some kind of coded thing where the answer equals 6 when she works it out so she knows he's not living his best life without her because they're both weird little nerds] Edie: I'm so insanely bored Edie: what lesson are you in and how many negative ⭐s is it Liam: german Liam: all the negatives Liam: [sends her a picture of his textbook with everyone's eyes stabbed out via pencil holes like miss you] Edie: awh, you wanna give me schadenfreude 😍🥴 Edie: that's generous Edie: I was just thinking that a Columbine would liven this place up Liam: write your list, I'll try & think of anyone I'd wanna keep off mine except for you Edie: but being the last ones standing is what we aim for Edie: and what I want right now Liam: anything else you want before I kick that plan off? Edie: don't need time to say any final farewells to any dickhead in this place Liam: you've got a steadier hand, I'll need you to carve no farewells onto the bullets Edie: more deserving use of my time than whatever I'm not being taught right now Edie: how's your aim though? Liam: -9 ⭐s for the lesson you're in Liam: but + it for my aim Edie: my fault for naively thinking Physics might be interesting when I picked it Edie: forgot we were catering for the braindead masses Edie: I believe it, no bullshit brag detected Liam: chemistry would've let you blow more things up Liam: & make 💊 Edie: 😤 I'm mad Edie: no amount of black holes are gonna make up for this Liam: we'll learn it online Edie: but I wanna blow things up with you now Edie: or not learn German vocab Liam: let's go blow up a 🚽 they have to let you out in case you're about to bleed or cry in front of everyone Edie: and am I? Liam: in front of me & whoever else is in there Liam: unless you wanna upload it after Edie: I do need to make the overreaction my fam had over the weekend worth the headache Edie: owed more trouble, like Liam: my dad was on one too, he's the only one not allowed to show up by his logic Liam: you want a bigger scale? every 🚽 in the building Liam: maybe school would have to shut Edie: Know that, my sister is the definition of one rule for her, another for the rest of us Edie: I reckon we could do 'em all without getting caught in the act Edie: more fun after the fact 📹 to claim it Liam: just need to get creative with our explosives, I won't have enough 🧨 to do every bathroom Liam: you in the labs or a standard classroom? Edie: labs Edie: she's scheduled a breakdown any moment now anyway, she's always pissing off to cry herself so I'll take my opportunity and cue as such Liam: 3 HNO3 + C6H7(OH)3O2  H2SO4 →  C6H7(ONO2)3O2 + 3 H2O Liam: only need nitric & sulphuric acid from you Edie: you're a hot evil genius, okay Liam: there's a story behind it but maybe I shouldn't give it to you Liam: keep that train of thought intact Edie: but I need it Edie: I can keep 'em both on track, trust me Liam: you need it? tell me about that first Edie: I love stories Edie: and I liked talking to you, a lot Edie: and I like it when you give me things Edie: so yeah, it's a need Liam: to make you happy then Liam: the year is 1846 and this german-swiss scientist was messing in his kitchen Liam: he spilled a mixture of those 2 acids I told you to get on his table & grabbed the first thing he had about to clean it up Liam: happened to be a cotton apron & he hung it on his oven door to dry after, super chill until it exploded Edie: that's perfect Edie: scientists really loved making shit happen on accident, just like all life Edie: 🧫🦠 Liam: I was an accident & look how that turned out Edie: Big same Liam: my sister too, different loser dad though Edie: yeah? Edie: we've got that in common too Liam: does seem to be pretty common Edie: happy little accidents Edie: or not so Liam: I don't wanna be like that Liam: the different girls bit at least Edie: people love repeating their parents mistakes and bullshit Edie: even when they railed on it for years Edie: I don't fucking get it Edie: make your own, at least Liam: maybe you'll think this is one but I gotta say it Liam: I don't care about claiming 🚽💥 I wanna claim you Liam: be with me Edie: You mean it Edie: no bullshit Liam: only if there's bullshit that comes with being official & exclusive all of that Edie: I think that's a really, really good idea Edie: not a mistake but even if it was, I still want it Liam: alright, it's yours, me & the gay 🖤 shit Edie: [sends him a 🥰 selfie] Liam: it's my background Edie: you were already mine Edie: [glitter moment shamelessly] Liam: took the longest shower & I'm still finding it 🗺❌ Edie: good thing you suit it Edie: we can try again though, after the literal shitstorm, a shower is a good idea Liam: yeah, wouldn't suit that Liam: german teacher can disagree as loud as she wants Edie: 😏 Edie: can keep their filth and their hands to themselves Liam: I respect that you only covered me in glitter so that those girls would think I was gay & do the same Edie: people gotta respect territory Edie: works until I perfect your tat Liam: I'll get on the school roof with a 📢 Edie: You're everything Liam: you can sample it when you write a song about me Edie: I will Edie: your friend is not getting a feature Liam: his loss Liam: I'll only gloat for a while Edie: you can go as hard as you want, I reckon Edie: you've earnt it, like Liam: I'll go as hard as you want Liam: you're my girl now Edie: I'm yours Liam: make your physics teacher cry for me then Liam: we've got shit to do Edie: 😄 Edie: done Edie: where are we meeting when I'm fully done and have secured the shit? Liam: [a location] Edie: 👍 Liam: 🔜 Edie: making people cry is a speciality of mine Liam: it won't work on me Edie: I don't want to make you cry Edie: ever Liam: good thing I can't ever, all that toxic masculinity Edie: not missing out on much Edie: even if Miss makes a proper performance out of it Edie: more fun ways to do that Liam: yeah there are Edie: 💣💥 Liam: don't have to hand you a 🧨 to cause 🎇🎆 Edie: you don't even know how true that is Edie: yet Liam: for now it's a guess Edie: I'll show you Liam: I just wanna feel something Liam: that's not only 💊🥤 Edie: I will make that happen Edie: you don't need to believe me, just wait Liam: I'm waiting Edie: you deserve to feel everything Liam: I've tried but it don't work out like that Edie: you can't? Edie: or only certain emotions Liam: there's no 💣💥 in me Edie: we can be dead inside together and make it happen to everyone else Edie: for now Edie: [show up] Liam: [just kiss her too hard because everything you do is a little bit too much boy, okay you're numb but there's too many emotions trapped under the surface that we're not addressing so] Edie: [thank god we're so overwhelmed ourselves that we can just roll with this and have it be the most extra thing] Liam: [this is why you two work] Edie: [just approaching this like you aren't her first honey not even 'cos we're fronting but feelings and trying to make you feel things] Liam: [realistically who have you ever slept with either boy unless you've gotten with one of Rio's friends casually prior to this or something like] Edie: [just out here doing the most from the jump, the fam must be like HELLO???] Liam: [shouldn't be here for it but I am] Edie: [we all are by all I mean us and them, no one else lol] Liam: [imagine how shook he'd be because didn't expect it to be like this] Edie: [awkward, like the levels you must pay attention to no one but Rio 'cos she isn't really conspicuous in how she be lol] Liam: [and if he did get with one of Rio's friends when he first started stalking her it clearly didn't work out so he's probably bracing himself for another failed attempt and then] Edie: [it makes logical sense, like tryna get in the friend group lowkey but none of her friends are really here for it[ Liam: [yeah and like in my head he started stalking Rio when his sister had just died so he wouldn't have been bringing his A game] Edie: [exactly dr phil] Liam: [but obviously nothing happened that she could clock as a red flag when she's thinking of suspects he was probably just really blah because numb] Edie: [yeah, and none of her friends are gonna chat shit on the boy who's sister just died really like it's to be expected] Liam: [it's a good cover like you said] Edie: [just sat here like it's so rude we're gonna kill Edie, as if it wasn't rude before] Liam: [I do feel so bad for him even though he literally fucks with Rio's entire life] Edie: [lol same, it's like if you could just stop doing that tah] Liam: [I think it's partly because we both know she ends up okay and living as happy a life as poss whereas he does not] Edie: [yeah, there's no hope and that's just sad, even if you were an absolute dick, like Ro, per example, still sad she dies for everyone else] Liam: [agreed] Edie: [and you aren't that insufferable boy which is just well] Liam: [nobody is, she's next level] Liam: [anyway also do your vandalism and have way more fun than you expected with that as well] Edie: [when it's just a moment for you immediately and you're all in] Liam: [do we wanna close the school or not let them destroy every bathroom in the place for various reasons lol?] Edie: [on the one hand, maybe get caught before you do every bathroom for that trouble mood, on the other, if you shamelessly upload it you'd get in more trouble for making the school look dumb and shit hmm, I think this time get caught and we'll let you be sneaky trouble causing nerds plenty of other times[ Liam: [I'm about that, we know you're both pretty distracted rn so] Edie: [it feels more legit for this instance, and we can separate you and they'd probably call Ali in for the drama of it] Liam: [you can work your way into the fam later boy you're trying to keep your gf highkey for now, I love the idea of both their mums getting called in and awkwardly meeting haha] Edie: [they'd lowkey want them to kick up a fuss and separate them for the school but Ali knows how well that works so it's like well soz you'll have to cope] Liam: [whereas his mum is the opposite, you know the sort never backs the kid and is just wholeheartedly like yes do whatever you think @ the school] Edie: [ahh the joys] Edie: [once that drama has unfurled and you're in your separate detention moments, sending him a pic from the school website of all the staff but she's digitally ❌d out all their eyes] Liam: I miss you too Edie: I hope so Liam: what else would I be doing? Edie: I don't know Edie: you are full of good ideas Liam: I was thinking about setting the fire alarm off Edie: an acceptable second to thinking about me constantly Edie: would hate to perish in a fire with all these cunts Liam: to be with you Liam: I'd get you before they made you line up in the playground for the head count Edie: then we can leave, like we planned Edie: they'll have let our mas fuck off by now Liam: 🗑🔥 Liam: boring if it wasn't for you Edie: you're like Edie: seeing a new colour Liam: maybe I should leave you there longer so you can work on your song about me Edie: don't though Edie: I know it sounds cliche but that's the only way I can explain how blindsided but transformed I feel from you Liam: you're the only person who's said it, don't think that's how cliches work Edie: I don't just say pretty things for the sake of it Edie: or anything Edie: I mean it, regardless of what it does or don't sound like Liam: I know you mean it Edie: if we both set one, it'll take them longer to get back inside Edie: hide and seek and we can finish what we started? Liam: you're on Edie: 3️���2️⃣1️⃣ Liam: 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ Edie: [ahh this poor school lol] Liam: [love that you get to be notorious though gal cos peeps gonna be talking about these antics for ages] Edie: [in this fam you have to make your own rep or life is really hard junie and grace, I said what I said] Liam: [tea though] Liam: [I'm trying to think of somewhere cool they could go and my first thought was like a junkyard vibe so they can destroy more things like life is strange and sex education unless you have any better ideas] Edie: [that's always a mood, also very akin to the barn which will clearly be your domain so] Liam: [yeah and somewhere she's probably been loads of times that she knows all the hiding places of so they don't need to be interrupted again] Edie: [live your best destructive lives] Liam: [when he would be and lowkey forget what he's meant to be doing here, such fun, not devastating me at all] Edie: [the theme of these painful two years lmao, I'm so glad you never find out babe truly] Liam: [though ngl I wish you could survive and we could see if y'all as a couple could survive that] Edie: [ahh when you can't do it all, so rude] Liam: [could've had it all rolling in the deep] Edie: [soz you've got to die my love] Liam: [soz you both have, his poor mother] Edie: [yeah that is no fun] Liam: [soz both your kids are dead babe but we need it for the plot] Edie: [some people have the worst luck truly]
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What was the brand of your first ever cell phone? Cingular Wireless. 
What are your 3 favorite internet sites? Tumblr, YouTube, and Twitter. 
Do you have a favorite pair of blue jeans? Describe them. I like all my jeans, they’re all dark wash skinny jeans. 
What profession do you respect? Anyone who works with the disadvantaged and is paid pennies for it – social workers, homeless/domestic violence shelter employees, animal rescuers, etc. High-stress jobs with no financial reward, basically. <<< Yes!
Have you ever been the recipient of a practical joke? No.
Have you ever ate something you’ve dropped on the floor, if so what? Nooo. That 5 second rule is a lie.
Would you consider being an Uber driver if you needed to make extra money? I don’t have a car, nor can I drive, which are both kinda necessary. IF I could, I still wouldn’t. I’d be scared to have strangers in my car.
How do you know when you’re in love, what’s the main sign? I actually want to be around the person for long periods of time. <<< Ha, yeah that’s definitely a sign for me as well. 
Have you ever gotten anything autographed, if so by who & what was it? Jim Carrey, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Drake Bell.
Do you prefer Walmart or Target? Target.
What do you long for? My vacation next year. 
If you could be a personal assistant to anyone, who would it be? No thanks.
What is the most important thing you can do to improve yourself? Take better care of myself.  What makes it hard for you to keep your focus? My mind will just start to wander after awhile and if I focus on trying to stay focused, I become too focused on being focused. Did you follow any of that? lol.
Do you think society has become too PC (politically correct)? I think in some cases people are too quick to attack others. Some people truly may just be ignorant about a topic or accidentally misspoke about something, but people are so quick to attack and make them out to be the worst person in the world. Try educating others instead. Some people act like they know everything and never say the wrong thing ever.
What tragic love story do you relate to? None.
Has your intuition or “gut” served you well? In some cases.
What’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line for something and what was it? Midnight premieres. My friends and I would get there an hour or two early and you just hang around until they start letting people in. It was fun, though. We’d bring blankets and a bunch of snacks. 
Who is your favorite model? I don’t have one.
What have you done that is out of character for you? I used to be the friend everyone could come and talk to. I was dependable. A few years ago I pushed everyone away and became distant and withdrawn. I’m not that dependable person anymore.
Would you rather get a gift card or a gift that someone bought for you? I appreciate either one.
Who is the most visionary person in your life & how do they inspire you? Uhhh.
How do you handle a betrayal? I’d be hurt, but I’d also likely blame myself.
What do you feel strong enough to protest about? I’ve never protested before. 
What’s the biggest blooper you’ve never lived down? My life.
If you owned a restaurant what kind of food do you want to serve? To play along with your hypothetical game I’d have a cafe. 
What will we find if we look in the bottom of your closet today? Medical supplies and shoes. 
What kind of car did you learn how to drive on? I still haven’t learned how to drive.
What is the best thing you have done just because you were told you can’t? I don’t know.
Have you ever had to go to court or testify and if so what for? No.
Do you believe in karma? No.
Are you more worried about doing the things right, or doing the right thing? I can worry about both. They are not mutually exclusive. <<< Yeah. They’re not even the same thing. Doing things right can be like following instructions and such, while doing the right thing is like what you think is morally right.
Do you believe in the term “Mother knows best? My mom often does. If I would have just listened to her advice some things would certainly be a lot different. Even now. I’m so damn stubborn. 
Who is your favorite movie action hero? Iron Man, Spiderman, Ant-Man, Star Lord, and Thor.  
What is one thing you can get in your hometown you can’t get elsewhere? Hm. Nothing is coming to mind, honestly. 
How important are looks in someone you’re in a relationship with? I just answered this in another survey. They’re not the most important thing, it’s gotta be deeper than just looks, but I can’t say they don’t matter at all.
What freedom do you feel is not really free anymore? Uhhh.
What are you most thankful for? My family.
Do you have any favorite talk shows or talk radio programs without music? Well, as far as talk shows go I like to watch Daily Pop and Dr. Phil. Sometimes The Talk as well.
What was the last book you read? Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado.
What’s your favorite online store? The places I shop online the most are: Hot Topic, BoxLunch, Kohl’s, Amazon, and Etsy.
What band would you love to tour with or be a roadie for? I don’t wanna do that. I couldn’t handle it.
If you were to throw a message in a bottle into the ocean, it would say? “Hi.” lol.
Do you have common sense or do you think people are lacking in it? It doesn’t seem to be very common sometimes. You either got it or you don’t, and it does seem to be lacking.
What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Coffee.
How do you feel about thrift shops or flea markets? Not my thing.
What do you like to put gravy on? Mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, and ham. I love country gravy on my eggs. 
Have you ever gone canoeing/kayaking? Nope.
What one thing in particular makes you feel good about yourself? Nothing.
What is priceless to you? Time with my family. 
What do you wait for discount sales to buy? I always look for a good sale and use coupon codes whenever I can.
What is one thing you know about your family history you’re proud of? I honestly don’t know a whole lot. I’d really like to do that ancestry test.
What 3 songs will always be found at the top of your playlist? It changes.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done for someone? Hmm. 
Do you keep a budget? I try. 
If you could cast a spell on someone what spell would you cast and on who? Nah.
What makes you feel rested and refreshed? Spending time at the beach is the only thing that can make me feel that way.
What is the funniest joke you have ever heard about? I don’t know what I’d say the funniest joke I ever heard was.  Who depends on you the most? No one.
Could you ever be someone’s bodyguard? Ha, no. I’m very thin, weak, and in a wheelchair. No offense to anyone else who may also be any of those things, but I know I couldn’t protect anyone. I’m also a scardy cat, easily intimidated, and non-confrontational, so... I’d really be of no use at all.
Has one of your biggest fears come true? Yes. And some will eventually... they’re inevitable. :(
Is there anything about the opposite sex you just don’t understand? There’s a lot I don’t understand about people in general.
Did you create a checklist for your ideal spouse? If so, what were two things you wanted? I only list things like that when asked in a survey. It comes up a lot.
Have you ever ridden on a subway or train an what did you like about it? Nope.
What song on your playlist gets played the most? My Spotify wrap up thingy listed all that, but I don’t feel like checking it again right now.
Do you prefer sporty or academic members of the opposite sex? Academic.
Do you have to experience something to fully understand it? No. I have a strong instinct for empathy. <<<
Has anyone in your family ever served in the military? Yes.
Finish the next line in your style: Roses are red, violets are blue… I’m tired, how are you?
What embarrasses you instantly? When I start mixing my words around when I speak. <<< Saaaame. I trip over my words, too. 
Do you think you could be a firefighter, why/why not? Nope. Well, there’s the wheelchair for one.
Do you often read your horoscope? I never do.
What current event are you tired of hearing about? Trump.
Are you a daredevil? Ha, nope.
What common pitfalls do you find yourself dealing with in your work life? I don’t have a job.
Describe your “poker face”. >> My resting face is a poker face. People tend to read all kinds of things into it (usually negative things), because I guess they can’t stand a simple blank slate. <–Me. We’re so misunderstood. Haha. <<< Me, too. 
What do you think should be censored? I don’t see the issue with curse words being censored. I just never understood why you can say some, but not others. 
Are you related to anyone famous or historical, if so who? Possibly.
Would you ever donate a kidney to anyone, and who? I don’t know.
How do you encourage yourself when you go through hard times? My relationship with God.
Have you ever fired a gun? Yes. I went to a shooting range once with friends.
Do you think people, including yourself live up to their full potential? I’m not doing anything with my life. :/ I don’t feel like I have much potential, either.
How are you different from most people? I’m different from people I know in a lot of ways. Like, people I know are functioning adults and I’m not.
What is the main quality you think makes a great parent? Understanding is definitely one. There’s a lot of things, though.
What creature do you admire for its ability to adapt? Dogs.
Have you ever stayed up for an entire 24 hours, why? Yeah. I’ve stayed up for over 30 hours. I honestly don’t know I ever did that. I could never now.
Who is a female role model in your life? My mom.
What childhood dreams have you neglected? The ones where I was doing something with my life.
How often do you reevaluate your life? I don’t. I am aware of what my life looks like at any given time. I don’t need to sit down and think deeply about it to realize I need to change something I’m doing; I am well aware of my faults and negative habits.  <<< Just gonna keep all your answers.
What’s your favorite place just to hang out? My bed.
What gives you a zest for life? This makes me think of this thing I saw on Twitter that said something like, “I thought it would be easy peasy lemon squeezy, not stressed, depressed, lemon zest”, ha.
What do you have trouble seeing clearly in your mind? My mind is a jumbled mess. 
What three things do you think of most of each day? God, my health, and my life.
Would you travel to space if possible? Nopeeee. Just the idea of space is terrifying to me. 
Name a famous person you wouldn’t mind for a business partner. I don’t want a business partner. I’m not doing anything in business. 
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Crazy Ex Girlfriend 4x17 I’m In Love
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) So… they’re doing a big reveal where Rebecca will tell who she has chosen right in front of everyone they know? Now I’m kind of hoping she chooses herself (although please please let her be with Greg!) because if she is about to choose one of the guys then she’ll be breaking the other two’s hearts in a very uncalled for manner…
2) Oh, Tim, what’s going on with your life, dude? First, the vibrator song, and now he’s happy not to be spending Valentine’s day with his wife…?
3) Dream ghost!!! Because Rebecca, in true Rebecca fashion, had another poop attack and fell asleep on the toilet… Dream Ghost is going to tell her about her future. Will we get to see what Rebecca thinks her life will be like if she chooses each of the three men in her life?
4) Oh!!! This is her future!!!
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5)  That was a cheap trick, show. You got me. Because she’s now imagining her future with Nathaniel and Josh…
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…and she’s not entirely happy in any of them.
5) Oh, god, I knew going into this I’d be an emotional wreck but I wasn’t expecting to be crying by minute 6. There’s just something about watching Rebecca shouting in her own face, demanding to know why she’s not happy. I think I know the answer. I think she just has to choose herself, I think the title of this episode is about Rebecca finally choosing to love herself first and foremost, and above all.
6) And she got the answer, straight from the horse’s mouth…
REBECCA: Tell me. Huh? Tell me why you're so sad. Why aren't you happy with Greg? Huh? I mean, what's wrong with him?
REBECCA 2: There's nothing wrong with Greg. Or Nathaniel or Josh. They're all wonderful.
REBECCA: Okay, then why am I not happy, with any of them? Don't… don't I love them?
REBECCA: You do love them. The problem is, you don't know who you are.
7) Is working at that firm the best fit for Paula if she can’t take the cases she wants to take?
8) Hmmmm.
JOSH: I just want to be in love. Get married, have babies. I'm ready now. She has to pick me.
This really sounds like Rebecca could be replaceable. He’s not talking about wanting or imagining all of these things with her, he just wants them.
9) George has great plans for his future. He’s growing a ponytail. Nathaniel, on the other hand, seems to have nothing going for him except the possibility of Rebecca choosing him. I kind of wish they had brought up the fact that he was bored with his job before the finale?
10) I love them. I’m gonna miss them so much.
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11)  I loved this!
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There had been some references to how Rebecca creates the musical numbers in her mind but never had we seen if the other characters were aware of what she does or how they react to it. it was a small moment, but it felt like a huge pay-off for four seasons of storytelling in the form of musical comedy.
12) This medley ruined me…
I was a sobbing mess all throughout, I was crying and trying to sing along, and each song brought up so many memories and feelings. I knew I wasn’t emotionally ready for this episode, but damn, I really wasn’t ready.
But thankfully, I also laughed…
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13) OMG TIME JUMP!!! And we can tell thanks to George’s lustrous ponytail!!
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So her big decision has nothing to do with choosing one of the guys? But what happened on Valentine’s day a year ago?! And everyone’s there except for Nathaniel, Josh, and Greg, or so it seems...
14) Good for you, Valencia!
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15) April adopted Hebecca, and she and Darryl are having a baby!
16) Was… Rebecca… masturbating in the hot tub?
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I wouldn’t put it past her, and we know Hector is already very acquainted with how much she enjoys self-gratification, but this would be going too far, even for her…
But… let me say that as much as I love the joke, I can help but feel that Heather was underused even in the finale.
17) I did really enjoy the whole back-and-forth between White Josh and Rebecca. She had no idea what had been going on in his life – two massive fires, apparently – and he admitted to never quite liking her, which is absolutely true.
18) Now, this is what earns a “Respect” as a response…
PAULA: The thing is, is, uh and I say this with so much affection, um, either we do this, or I quit.
BOSS: What?
PAULA: I love this job. But I am not gonna walk around with a hole in my heart because there are people out there who need me and I'm sitting up here on my ass in a fancy suit. I have to be true to who I am inside. So. Thanks. I loved it here. Bye.
BOSS: Paula, wait. Let's talk.
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19) Nooo. It can’t be him. It has to mean something else…
Which brings us to another person. The person I care about very much. And he's really the reason I'm here. Josh Chan.
I really hope it only means that he’s the one who gave her the courage to find out who she is or something, or I’ll be pissed off.
20) OH THANK GOD! It wasn’t him.
21) $80 dollars a month, Rebecca? I guess she still continues to be terrible with money.
22)  Josh has a girlfriend. I hope he doesn’t mess it up this time.
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23) And it’s Nathaniel’s turn now…
NATHANIEL: You don't, you don't have to explain. You only get one life. And you got to live that the way you want. I think everyone deserves that.
I’m really proud of Nathaniel. He truly came such a long way, and even if they are not together, his love for Rebecca had such a wonderful impact on him – he became a better version of himself because of it. I was absolutely floored by how mature and understanding he was, I wanted to hug him so badly.
And he quit his job and he got a job at the ZOO! TALK ABOUT A DREAM COME TRUE!
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25) What a wonderful moment!
PAULA: What are you doing?
REBECCA: Uh, sorry, nothing, nothing.
PAULA: No, that's not nothing. That's You're staring off into space, like you do. You do that a lot. What's happening when you do that?
REBECCA: I don't want to tell you. It's weird.
PAULA: Oh, come on, any weirder than the many, many weird things you and I have done since we met?
REBECCA: I've just… I don't know I've never told anybody, except for the Dream Ghost and Dr. Phil.
PAULA: What?
REBECCA: What the hell? Okay. When I stare off into space, I'm imagining myself in a musical number. That's how I sometimes see big moments in my life, as musical numbers. And because I do that, so does the show. And by show, I mean the very popular BPD workbook acronym, "Simply Having Omniscient Wishes.” So, yeah, I see myself in these songs.
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26) Paula is suggesting that Rebecca should write down the songs that she creates in her mind and that’s what I’ve been saying all along!!!
27) Oh my god, here come the waterworks again…
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What an amazing reprise and what a great way to bookend the story! I’m crying but I swear these are happy tears! It’s been such a long time since Paula and Rebecca stood holding each other’s hands outside a party and singing about how Rebecca should go after Josh. And here they are, still holding each other up through thick and thin and being each other’s person. It’s such an amazing moment for so many reasons. I can’t help but be in awe at such a wonderful portrayal of female friendship. It’s amazing that the person that helped Rebecca figured out what she wanted to do was Paula. It wasn’t Josh or Nathaniel or Greg. It wasn’t her therapist or her mother. It was her best friend, the person that’s seen her at her best and her worst and has accepted for the wonderful, weird, chaotic mess that she is. This scene also conveys a much more important and impactful message – that all you need is, well, you. It’s all right inside you. You just have to be ready to find yourself.
28) Oh, the wonderful, wonderful callback!
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29) And her break-up with Greg did not feel like a break-up at all. She was basically telling him that she couldn’t be with him right then. And even though he said he wouldn’t wait, he’s still single… I swear to god, I’ve been dreaming of a Settle for Me reprise, and if they deliver one I’ll probably die.
30) It was so fun to see Rebecca working hard and learning how to sing and play instruments and write lyrics. But this part was what really got to me…
REBECCA: I came to this town to find love, and I did. I love every person in this room. Each and every one of you.
I’m so happy she finally realized that! That’s what I’ve been saying all along. She’d always been so worried about finding one person or one thing that would make her truly happy, and there were so many people and so many things that did it for her and she just couldn’t see it.
31) Oh, wow…
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32) What a wonderful ending to a wonderful series! It truly was everything that I had hoped for and more. I really wanted the end of the show to be about Rebecca, self-love, and self-awareness, and the show delivered that in such a beautiful and moving way. I know I’ll cry every single time I listen to that medley! I was kind of concerned about the heavy emphasis on the rom-com aspect of the show in the last few episodes, but I’m really glad that was put on the back burner and it was left kind of open-ended – although I’m positive wherever she is, she’ll end up with Greg. This weird, wonderful show has meant a lot to me, and I can’t wait to revisit this story. I’m glad Rachel and Alina got to tell their story the way they envisioned it, and I think it was a terrific idea to end the story sort of media res – just when Rebecca was about to start a new chapter of her life.
I’m too emotional right now to properly convey exactly how much this show means to me and how impactful and groundbreaking I thought it was for many different reasons, but I’m certain the legacy of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will live on, and I truly can’t wait to see what the wonderfully talented people behind it have in store for us in the future. I know it will be wicked good.
Goodbye, Rebecca. Goodbye, West Covina. It’s been a wonderful journey!
 32)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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danandphilwhomst · 6 years
title: Memories in Melbourne
word count: 1.7k
based off of the recent instagram stories in Melbourne :)
a/n: @moon-boye inspired me with this post this morning and the bois posted some really hecking cute insta stories so I had to write this
read on ao3
     The entire 16 hours there Phil thought about how much longer he'd have to just sit. 16 hours of sitting. And unfortunately, 16 hours of not very much sleep. Nevertheless, he was his usual bubbly self, trying to reach over and poke Dan, asking him if he wanted to play a game and taking sneak pictures of him when he could.
    “Hey, Dan,” his soft voice comes out teasingly, “do you wanna play I-spy?”
Dan rolls his eyes.
    “Oh god,” he's annoyed, but Phil knows he's not really that bothered, “release me from this hell.” His hand reaches out to shoo Phil away. He was not going to play I-spy. Ugh. Not this time. But Phil, wanting to see Dan all flustered and annoyed asks again after posting the initial video.
    “Hey, Dan,” Dan turns to face him again with that look on his face, “wanna play I-spy?”
Dan rolls his eyes so hard they could've popped out of his head.
    “Sure, Phil,” he obliges, and then, “I spy a big dork.” Phil's giggle comes up from his throat once again and he points to Dan.
    “Found it!” Dan sputters,
    “Pfff, oh nice one, Phil.” Phil laughs and decides to leave Dan be for the time being.
    Three hours later and Phil gets an idea. He reaches for his phone again and pulls up Instagram. He glances over to make sure Dan isn't looking while he switches through different filters. His smirk pulls up the corner of his mouth as he finds exactly which one he was looking for and flips the camera onto Dan. He's deep into a video of some sort, and Phil smiles mischievously. It doesn't take long for Dan to notice he's being filmed.
    “What are you doing?” He keeps his voice soft and his eyes question Phil's motives. The recording ends and Dan still stares at him, curious, as Phil exacts his revenge. He posts before he answers Dan.
    “Just getting you back, that's all,” he smirks at Dan this time. Within a few seconds, Dan has Instagram pulled up and he sees the offending video. He laughs and then,
    “Phil,” he whines, “really?” Phil shrugs,
    “Just getting you back for that sneak photo you got of me!” Dan plays annoyed but his face says, I love you, you stupid dork.
    They finally land and Phil sighs. He glances over to see a sleeping Dan, lips parted and eyelashes dusting his cheeks and he doesn't know how he got this lucky.
    As the plane makes contact with the runway, Dan's eyelids gradually open, blinking to will the sleepiness away. Phil is still staring.
    “What?” Dan questions. He questions Phil often. Phil can only smile softly,
    “Oh nothing,” and Dan doesn't press any further, but his eyes are gentle and he smiles back.
    As they get off the plane, their muscles ache from sitting in one small area for so long and they feel some gratification as they stretch their long limbs, finally.
    The first thing they decide to do is go to the beach. They wonder if it's too touristy, but they've never really shied away from that before. Everyone else has split off, to rest or get settled or explore some place else.
    Dan is relieved that it's just them, because he always cherishes the moments he can spend with just Phil, whether they have a discussion or if they just spend their time in comfortable silence, enjoying each other but not finding the need to talk. Especially now. Several months of always being busy and being around a crew of people doesn't give a person much time to themselves or time alone with their partner.
    When they make it down to the beach, Dan is more than grateful that he brought a jacket. This was no summery Florida beach. His weather app boasts a mere 13°C and the wind whips through his newly cut curls. A shiver runs down his spine and he hugs the denim to his middle. Damn. Not a warm enough jacket. He was freezing, and he shook a little as the cold traveled through his skin, nose, ears, and fingertips feeling the nip of the air.  
    “You cold, Dan?” Phil reaches out and sets a hand on Dan's elbow. Dan shivers again.
    “Yes I'm bloody cold, why is it so cold on the beach?” Phil understands. He's cold, as well, but he scoffs a little.
    “Dan, it's winter here- that's how hemispheres work. We're 'upside down,’ remember?” He looks at Dan again and it tugs at his heart a little. He would warm Dan up soon enough.
    “Fuck hemispheres. Fuck Australian winter,” Dan laments as he folds his arms into himself.
    “Dan!” He squeaks, “be nice to Australia, we just got here!” Phil bumps his shoulder into Dan's.
   “Whatever,” and Dan walks ahead of Phil down the boardwalk. Phil jogs to catch up with him as Dan starts another Instagram story. He finishes and Phil keeps messing with his hair as he did while Dan was recording. Dan looks behind him, amused at Phil being so concerned about his look.
    “Phil,” Dan reaches up and pulls Phil's arm down, “it looks fine. It'll just keep getting all messed up.” Phil huffs, but gives in, leaving his quiff alone. When he looks back to Dan, he is still staring at him, smirking.
    “Besides,” Dan starts, “it looks kind of sexy all mussed up like that.” With that, he receives a light shove from Phil.
    They shiver as they walk, but Dan pauses and goes to hand his phone to Phil. Phil scrunches his brows in question but Dan answers soon enough,
    “Here take a picture of me.” Phil nods and taps the camera icon, aiming at Dan as he leans against the faded wood railing. He takes a regular shot first, of just Dan, unprepared and not posing. He always does this, just to save photos for them.
    “Act like you're cold. Do a pose,” Phil suggests.
    “I am cold, you spork,” Dan retaliates and makes a face a Phil.
    “Well you know what I mean,” Phil starts but Dan sasses back,
    “Do I?” But Phil tucks the phone away in response.
    “Alright guess I won't take the picture then,” he gets out just before Dan is sputtering and whining at him to cut it out. Phil giggles and pulls Dan's phone from his back pocket and cooperates, snapping several photos for Dan to choose from. He waits for what seems like forever for Dan to pick just the right photo and caption.
    “Wait, okay? I'm nearly done! I have an aesthetic to maintain, you know,” Dan cuts him off before he can even complain. Finally Dan posts and as they continue their walk Phil takes some beach photos of his own.
    Phil watches as Dan strolls ahead of him, shivering and yet enjoying the beautiful view. He then takes a quick glance around, but one else is there. Just them. He sneaks behind Dan and wraps his arms around his waist, muttering into his shoulder,
    “Dan, you're so dramatic.”
    “Pffff I am not,” Dan retorts. He goes to spin around to face Phil but actually it feels pretty warm to have Phil wrapped around him, so he relishes the sensation for longer. Phil lets out a breathy giggle.
    “Am I actually warming you up?” Phil asks.
Dan puts his hands over Phil's, which are still firmly grasped in front of him, keeping them connected. He leans back into Phil.
    “Maybe.” A puff of breath from Phil's nostrils tickles his neck as Phil chuckles at his his answer. But Phil lets go and Dan immediately feels the warmth drain from his torso. He shivers again and he pouts at the lack of Phil's arms around him.
    “C'mon, we haven't even gone down to the actual beach yet!” Phil reaches a hand back to beckon Dan to follow him. Dan gives in and they make their way down to the shore.
    For several moments, they walk quietly, the only sound is the roll of waves against the shore and their footprints in the give of sand. Phil has an idea and gets his phone out from his back pocket and flips his phone upside down. He opens Instagram and films another story.
    “Dan! We're upside down right now!” Phil calls behind him. Dan spiffs,
    “Pssh god, good one, Phil,” but he smiles at Phil's excitement and youthful demeanor. He thinks of the weirdest and funniest things sometimes. Phil just laughs.
    “Very clever, Phil,” Dan says once Phil has pocketed his phone.
    “I thought so.” And seeing again that no one was around, Phil reaches back and laces his fingers with Dan's, both hands freezing but their hearts were warm. Dan looks down and smiles.
    It's cheesy as all hell but they're walking hand in hand on the beach, cool air whipping through their hair and shoulders brushing together occasionally. Dan decides that a little cheesy isn't so bad, especially with Phil. He's just happy to be here.
    “We're almost done,” Dan muses.
Phil is pulled out of his own thoughts by Dan's words.
    “Hm? Oh the tour. Yeah.” A moment passes before either of them speak up again.
    “How do you feel about it?” Phil asks, almost not loud enough for Dan to hear over the whistle of the wind. Dan ponders for a second. He has a feeling he's thought about this more in depth than Phil has. That's just the way his mind works.
    “I think it's the best thing we've ever done.” That must have not been the answer Phil was expecting, because he slows down and turns to look at Dan, releasing his hand. His eyes match the waves beside them and sincerity gleams in his irises as he speaks.
    “Yeah?” Phil took a step forward, “I think so, too.” Instead of reaching for Dan's hand again, he hooks an arm around his waist as they resume walking.
    “Phil?” Dan's voice breaks through the lull of the waves. Phil pulls Dan in closer and he hums in answer.
    “This is the most fun I've ever had in my entire life.” Phil leans in and bumps his cold nose against Dan's flushed cheek.
    “Me, too.”
a/n: Thanks for reading :) I hope you  enjoyed it, and likes/reblogs are much appreciated  <3 
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punchmedanny · 6 years
Chicago II July 25, 2018
Alright strap yourselves in cuz this is gonna be a long ass post WITH SPOILERS for Interactive Introverts. I will mark where spoilers begin if you want to read about pre show stuff. If you don't want any spoilers whatsoever, don't feel obligated to read this even if we're buddies! Feel free to send me an ask/dm instead 😅
Alright folks, let's go!
Playing the Waiting Game
I was supposed to get to the venue at 4 for m&g, but I got there before 3 because a) i'm terrified of being late and b) my uber driver made excellent time.
The venue was not open yet, so my bf and I walked to a nearby mall. We passed by the tour buses (presumably dnp's plus other performers'). There was a group of people hanging around them looking v stalkerish (please don't hang around the buses before the show)
We got back to venue around 3:50 and waited in line outside till 4 when the venue let us in. We were near the middle of the line, so if you want to be closer to the front, get there sooner lol
Turns out I was behind the lovely @noodlephil in line (although I didn’t know till after!)
Two internet friends were meeting for the first time and crying (it was adorable)
Inside, there was a table with staff that checked and marked our tickets then gave us silver paper wristbands
We got in a second line where we had a bag check (our venue allowed sealed water bottles, but that might vary) and were scanned by a wand metal detector. After that, staff scanned our tickets 
We went to a third line which was the actual line for m&g and were told the m&g itself would start around 4:30
Marianne came by and said we would be waiting a bit longer for "latecomers" (im p sure dnp were the latecomers because most people were there at that point haha)
Marianne walked like a frickin goddess and her voice was beautiful
She made a speech giving us a rundown of how m&g would work, which I recorded
The m&g area was set up in the lobby to the side of the theatre doors
Dan and Phil entered from our left (towards the back of the theate)
They jogged across the m&g backdrop where we could see them better and waved. Dan did the cutest bouncy jump ever while waving. He stayed out longer than Phil
There was a table to set your bag on as you approached the backdrop
The music was loud af and there was NO WAY to see or hear other people's m&g - it was v private even though there were tons of people
Marianne was at the very front of the line and asked what she could do to help. I was like uhhh (because I'm eloquent like that) and she asked if we had anything for them to sign. My bf had golf balls lmao and gave them to her. I said I wanted to take a Polaroid for them to sign. She had me turn the camera on because apparently they’d had issues with Polaroid cameras in the past
I thanked her for the way everything was being run and joked a bit while we waited
When it was our turn, the people in front of us were completely gone (I repeat: v private). Marianne gestured and verbally told us to go on in
Meeting Dan and Phil
Phil was wearing his red jacket and good vibes t-shirt just like the beginning of "week in the life" He welcomed us with open arms and I went in for the Phil Hug. Wow. Phil is an excellent hugger and his arms felt a lot stronger than I imagined. And, yes, he waited for me to let go first
As soon as I let go of Phil, I stepped to the side and and looked at Dan. He was wearing his II denim jacket over a white t-shirt. He also had his arms wide for a hug. And lemme tell you, that boi has a fuckin wingspan. Dan gave a more gentle hug than Phil and we let go at like the same time
I am not a hugger and wasnt even 100% sure before I went in that I would hug them tbh
After the hugs, I stepped back and took them both in that's what she said. My initial impression was confidence and class. Literally, the most confident people I've ever encountered irl
Everyone says they're tall, but they are, as my bf said, taller than advertised. He's 6'2 and still looked up to both of them. I feel like they're both close to the next inch up honestly
They are wide. Like we've all noticed the Phil is wide, but Dan is too! They are literal giants
The cameras do NOT do them justice. Phil looks his age irl and I mean that in the sexiest way possible. He does actually have pores and tiny wrinkles (gasp), but I think they only make him more attractive. He oozes understated masculinity. But he also has serious nerd energy and idgaf attitude. Basically, he seems kind of badass
Dan looked flawless. Like I know every so often people wonder about if he wears makeup and all imma say is either he does OR he has the best damn skin care routine and/or genetics ever. He looks like someone after they use a filter
I'd say dan is suave and phil has swagger
(I'm about to sound real fucking weird) They both had such strong auras or energy or whatever you want to call it. It was palpable and BIG - like it extended off of them a couple feet. Dan's felt more static-y, while phil's felt more like balloon about to burst. It merged together between them to where I couldn't tell where one stopped and the other started
Marianne handed Phil the golf balls and he and Dan just stared at them in his hand in confusion for a second then Phil said "golf balls?" before my bf explained it was because they were the caddy lads. They chuckled and Dan said it was "the only series that has any value"
I am now the proud (?) owner of photos and video of phil holding two balls in his hand and I feel really weird about it
Dan asked if I had anything for them to sign, so I told him I wanted to take a Polaroid to which Dan replied, "D'ya want me to attempt the rare Polaroid selfie?"
Then I actually gently teased Dan (!?!?) because I'm a little shit lol I said, "I successfully did one this morning, so I hope you can"
They both seemed mildly amused and he did the thing where he touched his chest lightly in mock offense and said, "Well, let's see"
Tbh I think this was why I got genuine smiles in my pic
Dan said, "Beautiful" and Phil said "Amazing" lol (it really was tho)
Dan described the signature he'd be doing as "the tiniest little dan" and he used the highest voice ever
Phil's signature was so bad im pretty sure dan laughed at it lmao
Dan offered another selfie with my phone (i love him)
I shook their hands before I left and they seemed surprised, but appreciative. They both had excellent handshakes: firm, but not too hard. They both had soft, warm hands with Phil's being about average and Dan's being warmer than average
Overall, they were incredibly kind and professional. The vibe to be was sort of like talking to a boss who isn't your direct boss at a work party: fun, but still guarded
The saying goes "Never meet your heroes," but whoever said that obviously never met dan and phil. This was one of my happiest memories of all time
1500+ word description of the meeting including a sommelier worthy account of how the boys smell
And here’s the (real shit) video of my m&g
The Pre-Show
After meeting the bois, we were immediately given our goodie bags (one of them was double stuffed, lucky me)
Staff asked if we’d be staying in the theatre or not. Upon telling them we’d be leaving, they let us know we’d need to scan out so we could re-enter later
We bought merch (tie-dye/marbled look tee, long sleeved tee, and denim jacket). The line was basically non-existant, so if you have VIP 100% get your merch at this time
We scanned out and were told we could re-enter at 6 along with general admittance ticket holders
We had dinner then got back around 6:10. There was no line this time and we went through security and ticket scanning again
There were so many people everywhere and everyone was so cute! Why are we such a good looking fandom??? The line for merch was EXTREMELY long. RIP those folks
So was the line for the restrooms (and multiple men’s rooms were turned into ladydoors women’s restrooms)
We got 2 drinks (both for me) then went to our seats. We were front and center - I could literally touch the stage with my shoe from my seat. At this time I met @phandommom and @crunchytoasted1
The pre-show music was loud af where I was seated (I actually put in ear plugs lol). Lots of people were dancing and I got to witness crunchytoast dance to “Ladydoor” live which was a treat. At one point various people were running across the theatre with various LGBT+ flags to plenty of cheers. ‘Twas glorious. People did the whole waving the phone flashlights thing and sang along during “Welcome to the Black Parade”
My bf got me 2 more drinks
It was so, so weird to see them onstage after having the m&g. I legit wanted to climb onstage and like be close again, but, ya know, I didn’t cuz I know what’s socially acceptable
We were called Susan. Classic
Phil was wearing waffle socks. As in socks with tiny waffles all over them
We sacrificed Phil to Satan and Dan died in a furry nightclub
None of mine or my bf’s answers got chosen and I’m a bit salty lol
We sacrificed Dan (the only correct choice fite me)
At intermission the line for the bathrooms was sooooo long omg. I got myself 2 more drinks at this point and called @h-owllslide to gush about the show. I spilled one of my drinks on my bf a little when I sat back down.
Danny was 3 centimeters away from loosing his dick and he got paint on his shoe. He seemed legit irked lol
Nick Jonas was in Dan’s box, but I don’t recall the other two cuz that was the only one that mattered imo
I got a piece of the sign and when they threw it into the audience it was a bit disturbing how everyone tore into it like a swarm of pirahnas
They wore Cubs baseball shirts over their usual shirts during the rap/song finale which was absolutely precious. I LOVED the finale so fucking much - it was magnificent
Closing Thoughts
I wish I hadn’t drank so much (6 wines for those of you keeping track at home). I was getting real embarrassing by the end (as in screaming excitedly too much/ too often) and I don’t remember it as clearly as I wish I did. I was just freaking tf out and my anti-anxiety meds weren’t cutting it
I was struggling incredibly hard not to disassociate the entire time
I wish I could go to another show. It was so fun!
The following day, I had a major mood drop. If you’re prone to this, maybe have a plan to hang with someone and do something nice, but lowkey the next day
This was literally the most fun thing I’ve done in at least two years and was one of my happiest memories ever. We’re talking patronus conjuring levels of happy
If you can go, go. If you can’t, don’t feel too bad. It was EXTREMELY intense and not for everyone (especially m&g). Plus they are putting it up later, which I’m looking forward to because I think I’ll be able to better absorb it
Please feel free to ask me anything about the show! I’d love to go on about it lol
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higgins5 · 5 years
Tag game
Oof, this is so so late, but I am doing it! And thank you to the lovely @foxsoulcourt for tagging me!
drink: Water, we are being healthy children here 
phone call: My District Manager at work to discuss my transfer
text message: One of my best friends about his terrible life choices (jk but really binge watching a show for 14 hours straight? Boy get to sleep!)
song you listened to: I’m Over You by Bryan James (it may or may not have been on loop for a while)
time you cried: Last Thursday 
dated someone twice: Haha, yep. Didn’t work out, but we’re still friends
kissed someone and regretted it: Not yet!
been cheated on: Unfortunately
lost someone special: I think we all have, but such is life
gotten drunk and thrown up: Oh god no
fave colors? Sea green, storm gray, oh I can’t believe i almost forgot! Really any deep blue or purple, like how the night sky gets just before it’s almost black
made new friends: Multiple, and i am so greatly for all of the lovely people who have graced my life
fallen out of love: Not so much people. But things I believed I loved turned a little false, yes
laughed until you cried: Gosh, all the time. It’s awful, I call it my seal laugh because I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe and i’m just doubled over hitting a table or my leg to express my joy because that’s all I can do
found out someone was talking about you: Just two weeks ago! And honestly I hate that. Like if you’re gonna talk bad about me just do it to my face. I’ll find out one way or another, might as well be from you
met someone who changed you: Some good people, some not so good people. But I believe it was all for a reason
found out who your friends are: Yes
kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: Hmm... Well, I do not actually have a Facebook so I guess that would be a no
how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I guess I can clarify about FB here. My parents were always freaked out about the internet so never let me get one, and being a good child I never did- plus I was just not interested, so I just... never got around to it in adulthood. AND like whenever I needed to talk to a friend through FB I just used my parents page cause that was their solution, so there was no real need. But like, from the friends I had on my mom’s page yes, I know all of them irl
do you have any pets: SEVERAL AND I LOVE ALL OF MY FURRY CHILDREN! I have an 11yo poodle/terrier mix (mom was a poodle, dad was the terrier next door. Truly a scandal) named Bear and i love my grumpy old man to death; a 2yo boxer/husky mix we rescued that was originally supposed to be a lab which was a total lie named Nutmeg, but it’s okay I love my babe even if i can take her on a 3mi run and she’s still ready to run 3 more; an 8yo wonderfully affectionate and beautiful tabby cat named Willow; a 6 year old (oh my god, she’s 6, it feels like yesterday she was a satellite dish in a collar that meowed) purring machine tabby cat named Sage; and two beautiful girls. Lagertha and Gwenievere are two very playful and loving one year old dumbo eared rats
do you want to change your name: Eh, not really. I’ve had it for this long, might as well keep it
what did you do for your last birthday: Oh that was so fun. I went to the Melting pot (this fancy fondue place, so good) With a couple of friends and had a really great time, even though someone got me crayons as a gag gift (I.... hate, crayons with a PASSION, but she’s known me for like 10 years so of course I accepted.... hesitantly)
what time did you wake up today: Like 7:30? but i didn’t actually leave my bed until 9ish because don’t be fooled, I am not a morning person. I just run because I’m an idiot
what were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for: Figure out where life is taking me and then be a bomb ass bitch at it
what are you listening to right now: X&Y by Coldplay
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have, and he is a lovely person. Go talk to a Tom everybody, nice people
something that gets on your nerves: Horrible people. Like just those people that are horrible for no absolute reason. Like grow up, get a life, why do you have to make other people just because you’re unhappy. there are many people you could see for help and I have a number you can call if you need a recommendation 
most visited website: Probably a tie between Tumblr, Youtube, and Spotify
hair color: Well, naturally I am blonde but rn it’s a reddish auburn color (but hey, people ask me all the time if it’s my natural color so who knows maybe i was destined for this shade)
long or short hair: ish? It’s growing from a pixie (that I might go back to soon) so its like... not quite shoulder length yet but give it another month and we might be there
what do you like about yourself: You know what, i’m gonna give myself some love and say everything. Lol, but as a serious answer probably my personality/nature. I have a very big heart but am also incredibly sarcastic so it is a delicate balance 
want any piercings: SO many. I’m saving up to get my nose done soon (nostril) and later I’ll get my daith, helix, third piercing in my lobe, tragus, and maybe rook
blood type: Some kinda O? Honestly for someone who donates blood as much as I do, I should really know (but important blood donation note, if you wish to make sure not to do it too frequently! Healthy people = healthy blood = healthy donation receivers!)
nicknames: Gosh, too many to type. Apparently I’m just nick namey. But uhhh, the most common: Ash, Ashbash, Higgins, Higgy, Higgs, Figgins, Chief 
relationship status: Single
zodiac sign: I’m one of the twin fish babes, Pisces all the way
pronouns: She/Her
fave tv show: Don’t watch as much tv as I used to but Supernatural is always a good go to (recently I’ve been watching a lot of HGTv and doctor Phil and Hallmark with my mom though, if that’s anything)
tattoos: None (yet)
right or left handed: right handed, I’m basically useless with my left (unless an instrument is involved)
ever had surgery: Nope, and hopefully we keep that trend goin!
piercings: two ear piercings 
sports: Uh... in High School I was pretty active and track and I was a competitive shooter (air rifles- but I’m from Texas so). Nothing in college at the moment, I might try out for the track team just cause i miss bein a part of stuff
vacation: I am broke, I can only dream (but I do really wanna travel, so gotta save up!)
trainers: my totally stylish suede brown vans are my go to, but Adidas for running
eating: Currently? Nothing, but I did have some steamed broccoli and carrots&rice, and grilled chicken for dinner
drinking: Orange Juice
I’m about to watch: Absolutely nothing
waiting for: Didn’t I already answer this? it’s so much pressure. Uh... change?
want: To be successful in whatever I 
get married: Eventually
career: Haven’t gotten there yet, but everyday is one step closer
hugs or kisses: Depends on who and when
lips or eyes: Eyes. First thing I notice
shorter or taller: At 5′3 I don’t think I can even pretend to say i’m tall
older or younger: I probably fall more on the younger spectrum
nice arms or stomach: Yes
hookup or relationships: I am a committed relationship kinda person all the way. Never really understood the whole hookup thing but to each their own
troublemaker or hesitant: A hesitant troublemaker is probably more me. I say I try to stay out of trouble, but it just kinda finds me
kissed a stranger: No
drunk hard liquor: Yes
lost glasses: Ugh, all the time, worst is when I lose my contacts AND glasses
turned someone down: Yes
sex on the first date: Not my style
broken someone’s heart: Yes
had your heart broken: In love and life
been arrested: Nope, and i’d like to keep it that way!
cried when someone died: Yes
fallen for a friend: Yes
yourself: Well someone has to, so might as well be me!
miracles: I do. And if they aren’t true, at least the belief of their existence helps make their outcome possible
love at first sight: In some fairytale world maybe, but for me, nah
kiss on the first date: Possibly
angels: Yes. Of what way and form I think that’s for you to decide
best friend’s name: I have a couple because there is too much life to only need one person in it! Lexi+Brittany+Mauricio+Imaya from all the way back to middle school and Ronan (a recent addition)
And even if we don’t talk every day of our lives I know they’ll always be there for me when I need them. Good or bad. And they know I would do the same. That’s all that really matters in the end. They’re my little chosen family
(oh that got a bit sappy, okay moving on)
eye color: Light blue? Blue? I dunno, people say it’s pretty so I go with it
fave movie: Don’t really have one...
favorite actor: Yeah... same with movies, don’t have one of those either
extrovert or introvert: I like to call myself an introverted extrovert
favorite flower: white peonies 
favorite hello kitty character? I wasn’t aware there were characters aside from hello kitty....
oof this is a long post, but very fun to do! Hopefully y’all haven’t done this yet but if so well I’m gonna tag you anyways @i-h8-u-no-u-dont @pansexualpandion @rvmengf @egglorru @it-has-the-gay-fanfiction and really @ anyone who wants to do this! I’d love to see your versions!!
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roanniom · 2 years
hi issa! <33 how are you, lovely?!! >:) 🤍
from tha ultimate ask list, 18 (how old were you when you had your first celeb crush & who?) , 21 (pet peeves?), 35 (how do you take your coffee? or tea or whateva
Ahhhhhh no how are YOU, lovely??? It's been absolutely forever - I hope you are doing beautifuly <3
How old were you when you had your first celeb crush and who?
Oh gosh this is hard. I've been crushing for what feels like forever, but celeb crushes I'm not so sure. I loved Jonathan Taylor Thomas so much it hurt when I was like 7, like the basic bitch I am. Ricky Ullman in Phil of the Future got me. But goodness gracious, this is so stupid - my first like really sexual crush was when I was like 16 with David Duchovny when I started watching X Files. And I've made absolutely no secret of the massive crush I developed on Gillian Anderson.
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How do you take your coffee?
I take it the same way - always with vanilla soy creamer. I have seveeeeere dairy allergies so I can't really get coffee drinks out at regular coffee shops because cross contamination will kill me. So I just make coffee with Silk vanilla soy creamer every day, either hot or iced. (Fun fact - lately I've only been drinking decaf and it has changed my life. A month in and it has decreased my anxiety by at least 1/4)
Thank you so much for asking!!!
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