#eugenics mention cw
helicarrier · 2 years
Unpopular opinion, but...
It genuinely baffles me when I see someone’s bio say “anti (insert mental illness here)”. Like, any mental illness. What is that supposed to accomplish? It just feels like someone is persecuting people based on thought crimes that are inherent to their mental illness, without looking at their behaviour and how they actually treat other people, which is what really matters here. Someone’s mental illnesses do not make them a bad person by default.
I have mental illnesses. I have been abused by people with mental illnesses. I still don’t go around saying that everyone with the same mental illness as my abuser is a terrible person unworthy of rights. And I would hope, even though I’ve had intrusive thoughts about running my vehicle off the road and stepping in front of semis, people won’t call me a horrible person who traumatizes innocent people, either, because they are just thoughts.
Yes, this applies to all mental illnesses. The moment we start acting like “only people with xyz mental illness” are good people worthy of rights and deserving of rehabilitation, and like all people with mental illnesses that are often referenced in the news and/or stigmatized are degenerates who deserve to die because they always commit atrocities, we lose something important. You can’t advocate for mental illness awareness and treatment, while picking and choosing which kinds to advocate for and conflating certain illnesses with the idea that they guarantee an offense. What are these people supposed to do then, if they’re effectively considered lost causes and unworthy of help just for existing? Are they just forced to exist, now, with everyone hating them and they have no way to help themselves because that help is simply not available? It is incredibly ableist, almost tantamount to eugenics. People can’t help having a mental illness and frankly, a lot of mental illnesses are so stigmatized people constantly get turned away even if they do seek help, because even therapists hate them just for existing. They never even needed to commit a single crime.
That, to me, is so sad.
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tabby-shieldmaiden · 3 months
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My intrusive thoughts: “Hey, maybe the fact that your University graduate parents wanted you and planned for you was a sign that you weren’t actually a soul which needed to be here. Maybe that’s why you don’t intuitively understand yourself and your likes and dislikes. God didn’t push through to put you here, he just conceded to one-and-a-half mortals’ demands. Maybe that’s why you can’t stand the thought of who your “true self” could possibly be. Maybe that’s why you’re meant to be just a faceless member of society.”
My agnostic thoughts: “Or maybe you’re just tired and hungry and mad at everyone and dehydrated and about to start your period.”
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tobytalksaac · 5 months
Toby is upset.
Toby will talk about this. (Toby receive help making post by other alter.) User u/SpecialNeedsDevil
TW: abandonment, ableist language, sibling abuse, and lot hate words.
Please read link before post so understand what Toby talking about.
The word, the situation talk about in post make Toby very upset, very uncomfortable. Toby does not blame mother for putting son in residential, but DOES despise her for using hurt and mean word to call son. She call him "potato" call him "THING" CALL HIM "MALIGNANT LUMP"!!! He is person too, maybe he not respond, communicate, or do much but he is person.
Would not call person on street "potato" or "thing", why call SON those words?!
She says she watched while older son HIT younger, and yell how much hates him. SHE WATCH HIM HIT!!
She say many many times how not love him, how not family, how never will be person. That CRUEL! CRUEL!!
There is big big difference between putting disabled in residential to help, to make quality life better, and doing out of HATE HATE and not seeing disabled person as human!
Comments also very very horrible. Comments talk how kids like son SHOULDN'T BE ALIVE!
Toby scared, Toby wish disabled get more respect.. wish not hate.
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the-diabolic-acid · 1 year
there was a post that showed up on my dash about mother gothel and antisemitism but the op blocked reblogs, and i would like to talk about it because the take was really bad and filled me with anger and this is my blog i make the rules. i have no clue how old it is. i dont care im upset and i wanna talk about it sjfkdgj
cw for discussions of antisemitism in tangled under the thing i got a lot of thoughts so read more my beloved
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This is a bad take.
Whether or not it was intentional, Mother Gothel looks like a jewish woman. Her name is mother Gothel. making the protagonist of this story a blonde haired blue eyed girl who was kidnapped by a woman with dark curly hair and a hooked nose has implications whether you wanted to have them or not.
Not to mention! Blood libel! for anyone who is not aware, blood libel is a very old antisemitic trope that is found in Tons of pieces of media, where jews are accused of kidnapping and murdering goyim and using their blood in religious rituals. A lot of stories will use this trope without even realizing it, (Dracula is one that immediately comes to mind) which is why it is so important we talk about antisemitism and how pervasive it is.
A story about a woman with jewish features, named mother gothel, who kidnapped a blonde haired blue eyed girl and used her in a ritual to keep herself young has implications. Very bad implications. Passive antisemitism and active antisemitism are different, but getting defensive when someone (especially jewish people) tell you that a piece of media is harmful is in fact antisemitic and is very frustrating.
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Yes! If you create a characters with stereotypically jewish features, especially in a medium that has a Very long history of jew coding its villains, that is a problem. You can say it wasn't intentional, but please tell that to all the kids in disney circles who compared me to mother gothel. (News flash, I don't look like the VA. I look like an ashkenazi jew.)
This isn't to say you can't still love Tangled. I'm in the fandom. I'd be a complete hypocrite. But ignoring the harmful parts only makes things worse.
By the way, a side note, I was not seething when I read this, but then I read the tags.
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I'm sorry but. No? Respectfully can we not compare an antisemitic villain (she is antisemitic. I don't care if it wasn't intentional. Her design hurts jewish people.) to a genocidal maniac? Out of all the disney villains you could have picked to make that point you picked the one who explicitly wanted to commit genocide. I'm sorry but I really do not understand how you thought that was an OK and good point to make.
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
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a sort-of-essay about Doctor Octopus: Year One and transhumanism as religion and reality
main text source articles: Transhumanism (1957) by Julian Huxley, God In The Machine (2017) by Meghan O'Gieblyn, The Common Cyborg (2018) by Jilian Weise, and The Bionic-Hand Arms Race (2022) by Britt Young
(attempt at image transcription here)
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wellnoe · 10 months
lets make a list of times jean gets mind controlled or fucked with telepathically so that she can get sexually assaulted. warlock, mesmero, mastermind. those 2 guys in fallen angels don't actually get to mind control her but they sure want to!
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just-antithings · 2 years
So on owlvid, their defence is that a paraphilia is something you ACTIVELY WANT and if it causes you distress then it's a type of intrusive thought and isn't ACTUALLY a paraphilia. So therefore eugenics and chemical castration against people with paraphilias is a good thing because they're "ticking time bombs" in their own words. Do with that what you will. Jesus fucking Christ.
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*screams in behavioral sciences*
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 9 months
HC that Ambrosius's mom and dad look exactly like slightly (and I do mean SLIGHTLY) feminized Comic Ambrosius and Eugene Lee Yang respectively
This isn't to say anything of their personalities he just literally looks like you smashed the two of them together
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(darker HCs below the cut)
I also HC that the Gloreth bloodline is very uh... much like old Noble bloodlines often are (the family tree goes straight up) which caused genetic fertility problems which is why Ambrosius is an only child despite how much legacy that puts on him. He was a Rainbow baby (in more ways than one haha get it...)
His mom getting into an interracial relationship was considered at least somewhat controversial when it happened, and she did it in small part because she wanted to be absolutely fucking CERTAIN that the person she was reproducing with wasn't related to her.
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martian-garden · 1 year
me wanting to learn more about the underlying neurological mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders
my discomfort with researchers focused on finding "avenues for treatments" in a way that I'm sure doesn't actually take into account the wants or needs of individuals with those disorders (which may include treating symptoms and that's valid if that's what someone wants) or the social fallout of finding 'treatments' that then get forced onto people who don't want them
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pennycutenice · 1 year
Transness, weird signs, pain and becoming a great actor because of it
To me thinking about the following thing no longer triggers emotional reactions, but is probably triggering for some, so be warned and look at the tags please.
I just remembered a weird sign of me being trans going back to puberty ten years ago. I was obsessed with chemical castration. Like, I wanted to be chemically castrated so bad I envied sex criminals that forcefully got the drugs. I tried to find stuff I could get my hands on regularly for many years because having erections was so awful. It frustrated me and made me angry. And since this topic is so taboo I could not talk to anyone about it. So I was just in distress regularly for years until my general bleak outlook on life killed any healthy biological function down there for the most part lol.
Today I am angry at the world. Had I been taught what transness (or autism) is at any point in my life so much pain could have been prevented. Like, I am an obvious case. I wanted girl toys and was mostly friends with girls until puberty and literally wished to wake up as a girl and read gender bending stories und layed awake at night angry about my awful boy body. But nobody noticed my distress. To be fair, I hid it better and better over time. If physical pain patients learn to manage abhorrent pain without looking out of the ordinary after some time that's probably possible for emotional pain aswell.
After getting antidepressants and hormones I was genuinely shocked to realize that I could smile honestly that much. Because I am very good at faking a good mood when I feel like I need to to circumvent social punishment. Only about three times in my adult life was my mental health bad enough for me to be able to fake a great mood.
I'm a kinda good actor because of this. I realized young how hiding my emotional state trained my acting capabilities. I won competitions for being able to believably switch between emotions. I went from a very expressive kid in colorful clothing to a numb pessimistic suicidal depressive adult wearing grey every day over seven years because I was weird and wrong and got bullied for it and had no idea what was going on. It was awful.
Now I know I wasn't wrong. I was trans. I was neurodivergent. But since I never actually knew what that meant I just suffered. So god fucking damn it, I want the kids these days to know. Minimize the pain by telling them about how different people can be and how completely okay it is to be this way. You are good. Being like you is fine. You are on your very own spectrum of awesome, kiddos. Don't you ever forget!!!
Anyway now I'm on hormone replacement therapy and chemically castrated by it lmao.
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rays-animorphs · 1 year
Speaking of horrible implications, I got a moment of fridge logic after going to bed after finishing the hork bajir chronicles last night. The Yeerks aren’t know for respecting the ecological stability of planets they take over, and the Arn created the Hork-Bajir to manage the trees to preserve the right balance of gases in the atmosphere, with them believing that without the Hork-Bajir tending to the trees that the planet would lose a breathable atmosphere. After the Yeerk takeover, that planet is biologically dead. There’s no returning. And the Arn…well, they made sure they weren’t useful Yeerk hosts. They’re gone too. (Unless the Andalites did a refugee mission? Doesn’t sound like them tbh.)
That’s at least one actual genocide to the Yeerks then.
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soryualeksi · 2 years
I don’t really know what to do with the feelings that welled up inside me right now, so I do what everyone would consider the most logical thing and write a tumblr post about it, but.
The public discussion about Covid sure was.
“Covid isn’t dangerous! We don’t have to do anything! It only kills the old and the weak!”
“Nooo, Covid is ABSOLUTELY dangerous and we have to do something! It kills young and healthy people, too!!”
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
tw/ eugenics mention 
it concerns me when i have to explain eugenics to someone. if you’re genuinely asking i will explain it to you the best i can no problem. i just wish more people were aware of what it is and why it is such a problem, especially for disabled people who are constantly being threatened by it
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I like to think wonderful things can come from equal and opposite terrible things.
But the eugenics-based "Hitler had some good ideas, actually" roots of psychiatry make me second guess that with extremely uncomfortable frequency.
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Who would’ve thought that my professor at a small liberal arts school would ask me to make a project that is essentially promoting eugenics
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azureblooet · 1 year
Ok what are neurotypicals on about with eugenics? Like what’s the appeal? I know its like- illogical but bruh thats… so boring? Like why do y’all keep coming back to this isn’t that exhausting?
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