#fascist italy
ciaheyhimm · 1 month
The Two Ministers: Galeazzo Ciano and Joachim von Ribbentrop
Probably the one of the two most interesting figures. Since I make researches mostly on Fascist Italy, it was intriguing to read Galeazzo Ciano's perspective and thoughts on Joachim von Ribbentrop, his German colleague Minister. One thing is certain: both men didn't like each other. It was a huge despise from both parties. Ciano thought of Ribbentrop as a "too cynical and suck up" kind of man. Meanwhile, Ribbentrop considered Ciano as a "hiding traitor, playing the double-agent role for the democratic countries". Fun fact: Galeazzo Ciano's diaries were used by the Allies as a proof against Joachim von Ribbentrop in the Nuremberg Trials.
On May 22, 1939, the Kingdom of Italy and Nazi Germany entered into the Pact of Steel signed by their respective Foreign Ministers Galeazzo Ciano and Joachim von Ribbentrop. This agreement was greeted with great enthusiasm by the press: "unfailing friendship between our two peoples." Ciano wrote in his diary, a few days after his execution in January 1944: "The tragedy of Italy began in August 1939. On my own initiative, I went to Hitler's headquarters in Salzburg and was suddenly confronted with the cold and cynical Germanic determination to provoke the conflict. The alliance between Italy and Germany had been signed in May. I had opposed it, making every effort to delay such a step, or at least make it ineffective. There was no reason, on the other hand, in my opinion, to bind oneself for life and death to the fate of Nazi Germany. I had favored, it is true, a policy of cooperation, because of our geographic location, because we can and should detest, but not ignore that eighty million Germans brutally burden the heart of Europe. The decision to cement the alliance was made suddenly by Mussolini, while I was in Milan with Ribbentrop. Several American newspapers had published that the Lombard metropolis had welcomed the Reich Foreign Ministry with blatant hostility, and this was evidence of Mussolini's diminished personal prestige. He was in a state of rage. By telephone he ordered me to accept the German demands for an alliance, which I had held in abeyance for more than a year and hoped to send off again. Thus was born the "Pact of Steel." This decision, which was then to have such a disastrous influence on the life and future of the Italian people, was due solely to a spiteful reaction on the part of the dictator to certain rash and baseless statements in some foreign newspapers." Actually Mussolini is worried because subsequent to the Pact of Steel the Nazis assure him that they do not want to wage war for the time being, but he is beginning to be not so sure. Italy in 39' is completely depleted, exhausted by the Ethiopian War and the intervention in Spain on the side of Franco, later the winner of the civil war. Despite the positive outcome, wars cost huge sums of money and the Italian budget suffers greatly; entering a world war in this condition would be difficult to sustain. Galeazzo Ciano, Foreign Minister as well as Mussolini's son-in-law, writes in his diary in early August, "the time has come to see how things stand: the game is too big."
On August 11 Ciano flies to Germany, is sent to von Ribbentrop with instructions to explain to him that to wage war at that time would be madness. On the question of Poland, the Kingdom Minister asks his peer, "do you want Danzig?" von Ribbentrop replies, "not anymore, we want war." Later, during the reception, Ciano approaches one of his aides and says in his ear, "we are at blows." Ciano, worried, wonders if the Germans have considered the likely intervention of England and France and how they intend to deal with them. But Ribbentrop is sure, they will not dare to intervene, Germany will invade Poland and have a free field. It is a bet on the non-intervention of the Western powers, as in 1914, when Kaiser Wilhelm's Germany invaded Belgium sure of no consequences from England. This time they really make the bet: von Ribbentrop proposes to Ciano that if England and France stayed out then Italy would give Germany a Renaissance painting; if not, Germany would give Italy a collection of ancient German weapons. But Ribbentrop is sure: "We will wage war and it will not become a world war, because France and England will not dare to intervene."
Ciano returns to Rome, and it is now clear that the Nazis are about to invade Poland, as well as that Hitler expects Fascist Italy, as declared at the 1937 Berlin Assembly by Mussolini, to march with its ally all the way. But the Führer does not know that Italy is prepared to hold out to avoid imminent catastrophe given the weakness of the army. When the Duce finally comes forward and confesses his country's total unpreparedness, the Germans first turn up their noses, then they are fine with it as long as Italy's neutrality is not flaunted too much around. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland triggering the tremendous conflict that for six years displayed the greatest atrocities in human history. Italy would enter it about a year later when during the famous Piazza Venezia speech on June 10, 1940, Mussolini announced that "The declaration of war has already been delivered to the ambassadors of Great Britain and France." It was "the hour of irrevocable decisions" that led Mussolini and the Fascist regime to its fall.
Sources: Alessandro Barbero, Galeazzo Ciano's Diaries.
QOD: What do you think about Galeazzo Ciano and Joachim von Ribbentrop?
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telogreika · 2 months
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North Africa recon vehicles
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e350tb · 6 months
Italian citizens when the cost of living doubles because the government decided to go to war Ethiopia for no reason
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Adolf Hitler et Benito Mussolini en visite à Venise – Italie – 14-15 juin 1934
©United States Library of Congress – LC-USZ62-99614
La question autrichienne est au coeur de la visite d'Hitler en Italie. Le chancelier allemand envisage l'annexion de l'Autriche alors que le Duce déclare que l'Autriche doit garder son indépendance.  Les rapports entre les deux dirigeants sont tendus et la rencontre est un échec pour Hitler.
A la suite de cette rencontre, Mussolini écrira à propos de Hitler :
« Ce raseur m'a récité Mein Kampf, ce livre indigeste que je ne suis jamais parvenu à lire. Je ne me sens aucunement flatté de savoir que cet aventurier de mauvais goût a copié sa révolution sur la mienne. Les Allemands finiront par ruiner notre idée. Cet Hitler est un être féroce et cruel qui fait penser à Attila. Les Allemands resteront les barbares de Tacite et de la Réforme, les éternels ennemis de Rome ».
Le 25 juillet 1934, à la suite de l’échec du coup d’État en Autriche par lequel l’Allemagne nazie espérait annexer le pays (le chancelier Dollfuss et ami du Duce est assassiné), Mussolini envoie deux divisions au col du Brenner à la frontière austro-italienne pour défendre l’indépendance autrichienne. Hitler n'insistera pas avant d'annexer définitivement l'Autriche 4 ans plus tard en 1938. Ca sera l'Anschluss.
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pr0pagand4-style · 5 days
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Italian WWII propaganda poster
Note: the description reads ''the blame lies on them''
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dondexoy · 1 month
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Fascist Italy | Countryhumans
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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'Il conformista' (1970) Bernardo Bertolucci. (The Conformist)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“The Fascists of Italy recently celebrated the 19th anniversary of their regime. In the above picture, Premier Benito Mussolini is seen in a fiery attitude addressing some 25,000 of his followers in Rome.”
- from the Kingston Whig-Standard. November 2, 1932. Page 3.
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pinocchio-reviews · 1 year
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022)
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Accuracy 4/10
its a very different story but i think it has enough of the same characters and events to be called accurate, I quite like some of the ways characters are used in different ways, instead of the fairy there are 2 blue angels inspired by biblical descriptions of angels, they are beings of life and death, talking about death Pinocchio dies a lot in this film, a bit like how in the book he was originally planned to die in chapter 15. The black rabbits are like grim reapers. The fox and the cat are replaced with a man called Volpe who is fairly similiar to his original character, and Spazzatura who is completely different to the cat, she is an abused monkey who helps Pinocchio, I love Spazzatura.
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Quality 10/10The best Pinocchio adaptation by far, first of all stop motion is just a beautiful art form and this is no exception. The film itself has good humour especially from the cricket but also does more serious moments really well and can get really dark but in a more complex way than the orignal book, in the book characters just get basically tortured whereas this adaption is a more tragic story, its based in fascist italy and this works really well for the story, in the original book the lesson is that obedience is good but in this film its shown that extreme obedience like in Pinocchio and also Fascist Italy is definitely a bad thing. Instead of turning them into donkeys they turn children into obedient soldiers which i think is a really clever use of the original story. Just like in Disney's Pinocchio of the same year this adaptation added the plot point of Gepetto having a dead son, in the Disney movie this isn't really developed on but in this film its really important, at the start Gepetto hates that he has this annoying puppet instead of his son, this isn't what he wanted, he wanted his son back and Pinocchio is not even close to a replacement but by the end of the film he learns to love Pinocchio and that is the lesson, he doesn't even turn into a real boy because thats not necessary, he just becomes a better person.
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ciaheyhimm · 4 months
Daily dose of Galeazzo Ciano images
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telogreika · 3 months
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Eating Late at Night Bad for You
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deodatasslawson · 2 years
This is probably a very hot and controversial take but:
White women's obsession with true crime is equivalent to that of white men's obsession with World War II (and that especially includes Wehraboos and Tojoboos).
While it is pretty obvious that World War II tends to attract people who have fascist sympathies at the very least, if not full blown Nazis and fascists who glorify the Third Reich, Fascist Italy, or Imperial Japan, I also notice that there are a lot of white women who are deeply into true crime have fascist sympathies as well, whether that be glorifying/fetishizing mass murderers who were fascists/neo-Nazis/incels, supporting carceral structures that have done absolutely nothing to stop crime (talking about cops/pigs especially), and some of them having racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, and/or ableist takes that literally border on, if not full-out support fucking eugenics, especially against neurodivergent people (and true crime people are especially awful when it comes to stigmatizing people with personality disorders (ESPECIALLY cluster B pds which have severe stigma in the psychiatric world)).
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Carnivale Brother Justin's Victor
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Good evening brothers and sisters.
FDR's disability is revealed and he loses the the 1940 election to Val Templeton with Justin's Endorsement and becomes a isolationist dictatorship that supports the Axis.
Before this, Justin had took control of Congress and had the loyalty of the Fortune 500.
Justin was made Time's man of the year in 1939.
Once a year, bands of young men armed with scythes massacre atheists, jewry, catholics, and other infidels.
Justin has a harem of about a hundred young women at a time, mostly asian immigrants and white okies whose purpose is to ease his "sexual pressure" and are driven irrevocably mad and physically scarred in the process.
The Knight's of Jericho led by Varlyn Stroud, consist of rapists, thieves, and murderers who worship Justin like a god, trained by WWI veterans, and are awarded with "divine protection" in order to get away with their crimes as well as enforced polygamy. They wear white suits, red ties, and cowboy hats as well as ride horses and are armed with rifles and whips.
They have alliance with the KKK and Bund, which all white Anglo-Saxon's and German's are members of.
The Knight's Templar led by Jack Parsons takes over the Unions and Universities, practice occult rituals, and engage in homosexual sex magic
Creationism is taught as fact in schools along with American Ultranationalism and scientific racism.
Modern Art is banned.
All immigrants are expelled and repatriated to their countries of origin.
Every town is a sundown town.
Jim Crow, Juan Crow, Ugly Laws, and Eugenic Codes are nationwide.
Vaudeville returns.
Church of the Air also serves as a mass communication hub for Justin's followers as well as mass surveillance for potential enemies.
Anarchism, Socialism, and Communism is banned.
Lynching Postcards are relegalized by the Post Office.
Automatic payment of bonuses for WW1 veterans.
Disasters and calamities of biblical proportions such as droughts, tsunami's, earthquakes, floods, blizzards, solar eclipses, rivers of blood, animal rain, and other either biblical or fortean phenomena are predicted by Brother Justin.
Sophie Crowe is capable of miracles ala Fatima and Lourdes and almost rivals Justin in her popularity due to reading the cards for celebrities and engaging in faith healing.
Jewry, Roma, and Carnies are either lynched or put into concentration camps.
Japanese are given special privileges as one of the four ruling classes of America.
Severed heads on posts are a common sight in cities and are worshipped.
Amputation of hands and feet are common punishments.
Biblical sacrifices are common.
Banks are broken up.
Model American Citizens engage in orgies, adultery. and other "depraved" practices as well as are inherently selfish similar to Ayn Rand.
Brother Justin's first book Acts of Redemption becomes a massive best seller and slowly replaces the bible in most hotels.
To non worshippers of Justin, the speeches of fascists and racists sound like unintelligible whispers.
Child Labor is banned.
Maximum Inheritance of 5 million
Maximum Salary per year being 1 million
Maximum Wealth of 50 million.
Free Higher Education
30 Hour work week
$360 per year pension for those over 65.
Women lose their suffrage
Goitres and inbreeding is common.
Justin forms his own branch of Christianity that is deemed heretical by the Pope, unifies all remaining branches in American under his leadership.
Malaria, Leprosy, Polio, Trachoma, Smallpox, Measles, Rubella, Bubonic Plague, and other medieval or tropical neglected diseases persist in America.
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poz-patrol · 5 months
IL Duce Benito Mussolini as M. Bison
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world-v-you-blog · 9 months
The Uses of History, 41 – Mussolini and Fascism, 13 – The Fate of the Duce
On September 12, 1943, a squad of 16 elite SS Commandos, with a couple of platoons of crack German parachute troops, performed a very risky mission by gliding onto the mountain side of the remote resort Hotel Imperatore, north-east of Rome. German troops had just occupied Rome, and Hitler wanted to legitimize his seizure of his former mentor’s country as a German vassal state by creating a…
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