#finn hudson: all
angelhummel · 7 months
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there were too many awful suggestions to include them all but it's done!!! terrible job everyone <3
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flaine · 1 year
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GLEE ANNIVERSARY APPRECIATION WEEK | day 4: underrated dynamic
“Finn, you look like you’re stepping on bees.”
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laylakeating · 1 year
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GLEE ANNIVERSARY APPRECIATION WEEK DAY FIVE | parallels → rachel’s four types of crying
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
What a lot of Finn Hudson fans/defenders/apologists don't understand is that it isn't just about the outing.
Don't misunderstand, him outing Santana was fucking terrible. It was a shitty thing to do and there's no excusing it.
But for me, 3x07 will always be worse than 3x06.
I've said this before, but everyone in Glee is awful and everyone does shitty things. But what matters here is framing and execution.
Take Rachel sending Sunshine to the crack house, for example. You are NOT supposed to be on Rachel's side. Her actions are called out by everyone- even Schue and Finn who usually let her get away with her shit- and this is the focal point of her changing her behavior the rest of the season.
The show, even in its satirical phase, made the effort to stress that Rachel did a bad thing and it shouldn't be brushed over or justified.
Hell even compare it to the f*ggy scene in season 1. The show makes it clear that not only is Finn using the slur not justified, it makes the effort to address the fact that he has prejudices he wasn't aware of. He tolerated Kurt being gay, he didn't accept it. His arc that season was acknowledging that and making the effort to fix it.
Now, compare that to IKAG.
The show goes out of its way to excuse Finn outing Santana. We all saw why he did it in 3x06, he did it out of retaliation. He deliberately did it to be cruel to her because she was mean to him, the consequences of doing so never even crossed his mind because he didn't care enough.
But for some reason, 3x07 tries its damn hardest to convince us that he did it because he cares about her. That he was so afraid of her dying that he absolutely had to force her out of the closet and strongarm her into "accepting" herself. Mind you, in this episode he proceeded to blackmail her even further out of the closet under the guise of doing her a favor.
Finn was downright vile in IKAG, yet the show is bending over backwards to make him seem heroic. No one called him out and everyone was on his side (except Brittany, but they couldn't even have her say anything against him). Not only is this deplorable, it's also contradictory with what he saw in the previous episode. Almost like the writers realized that they had made Finn come off more spiteful than they meant to and scrambled to do damage control the next episode.
Listen, nothing could have made what he did better. But if they wanted to salvage any of Finn's character, they should have had him, at the very least, admit what he did was shitty and show even an ounce of regret. That would have made him a character that had the potential to be better.
(Hell, that's even what they did with Santana. She, if anyone recalls, always got called out. Season 2 was all about her behavior not being condoned or rewarded. Her name-calling in season 3 is also framed as antagonistic, even Mercedes and Brittany tell her to chill. So defending Finn by saying "well Santana's a bully🤓" amounts to nothing because Santana's actions aren't being framed positively like his constantly are)
In conclusion, fuck Finn Hudson all my homies hate Finn Hudson
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mioakem · 10 months
Dear lord when I get to heaven, please let me bring my mannnnnn
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tophsazulas · 2 years
I did a thing
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mdverse · 1 year
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You may see a tree, wonder what’s the use Maybe there’s no use, just a nice excuse For me to sit beside you On these cold and lonely nights Surrounded by the darkness Looking at the lights
this one goes out to those who find the holiday season tough
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gleekidshooray · 2 years
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Some stuff from before I started posting art:
1. My platonic fabrevans agenda!! Sam likes to cuddle and Quinn secretly craves affection.
2. There’s like 0 finntina content so I have to make my own.
3. When the angry drunk is dating the clingy drunk. Quinn’s glaring at anybody who glances their way.
4. And the first time I drew puckurt. 💕
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purplerae364 · 1 year
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I grant you my wonderful cars designs
I Love making These
I’m literally obsessed with drawing lightning hes so fun to draw hehe
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angelhummel · 7 months
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gleesongtournament · 11 months
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philtatosbuck · 8 months
and when i say i can't think of any og member of the glee club who deserved finn's jacket less than santana but it's especially outrageous they were all ready to jump down puck's throat for taking it as if he didn't especially deserve it more than her i mean it
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tuiyla · 1 year
Can I just float the question of: was Finn homophobic?
• I mean he said the F word to Kurt. Which was really bad and he should have known better, especially since they were friends.
• He outed Santana and he didn't think it was that big of a deal. I mean no matter what, it is never someone's place to out another person. I know that it's not real, but in glee universe he had no idea what her situation was. Her parents could have disowned her, her abuela did. I'm saying this because if someone did that to me then my life would be over, I don't know where I would live and I wouldn't have any support.
• Also, when Santana was insulting Finn his reaction was to basically say "yea well you're gay." That is his idea of the biggest insult he could have thrown at Santana. In my mind being gay would never be seen as an insult or ammunition to use against someone but he did. What does that say about him??
I think even Glee itself doesn't shy away from Finn's homophobic tendencies, at least in season 1, which is a refreshing bit of self-awareness. It doesn't last. The self-awareness, that is. The homophobia does.
So here's the thing, I think Finn was meant to represent this more lowkey but just as sinister type of homophobia where you're cool with gay people in theory and are more progressive than your mates, until it's time to actually confront your own socialization and make a stand. That's season 1, imo. Where Glee has enough of a critical eye turned towards Finn where they can elevate him from ~other boys~ who are more hostile and actively homophobic but also explore that not standing up against a system is also perpetuating it. In non-pretentious terms, Glee doesn't shy away from Kurt's crossing of boundaries in season 1 but also 100% acknowledges that Finn is too comfortable in his privileged position and too ready to abuse it. The infamous slur scene is Finn resorting to homophobic language because it puts Kurt down and elevates him. And Finn throughout the series season is caving in to peer pressure from other jocks because his own image matters more to him than actually being anti-homophobic.
That story works in season 1, imo, because Finn learns his lesson but with much, much more space for growth. The correct continuation would have been not him having to learn the exact same lesson with Kurt again in 2x08 Furt and not him getting a free pass for every subsequent homophobic action. Alas, he lost all my sympathy when he was centered again and again in queer narratives without learning his lesson, without giving up his privilege to enact real change, without understanding how his actions continued hurting people, without examining his own messed up homophobia that came from his social context. Sure, he and Kurt became brothers but it felt like the show just absolved him of all sins. And proceeded to have him out a Latina lesbian to a homophobic high school/conservative town. With zero remorse or even sign that he knew how messed up what he did was. Because make no mistake, as much as Finn just wanted to hurt Santana in 3x06, he chose to do it by attacking her sexual identity and threatening her personal safety. That's homophobia and a particularly insidious act of it, at that, because everything in previous seasons tells us that Finn should know better than to do that. And he does it anyway. That's not just ignorance, that's cruelty.
So. Is Finn homophobic? Well, I think there's a distinction between being homophobic and doing/saying homophobic things. Finn was meant to belong to the latter category in Glee and meant to evolve into someone who genuinely learns to do better and stand up in the face of homophobia. Glee thinks that's what they did with the ch but I beg to differ. I think Finn is a person who just doesn't grasp the gravity of things and doesn't know how to apologize. See the Sue and baby Robin incident. So even though he does a genuinely great job later on with Unique's situation, I struggle to say he's not still homophobic because he just didn't demonstrate he was capable of that kind of growth. And that's on the writers and their treatment of Finn as a golden boy instead of the messed up kid who makes mistakes and has to learn bit by bit, not just be portrayed as this inherently "good" guy. By painting him as inherently, instinctively good even when he screwed up big time - bigger than anyone else on the show if you ask me - they halted that growth and he remained homophobic.
Mini-Finn analysis/glimpse at my personal frustrations with him aside, I'd say he has huge issues with homophobia, yeah. How can you not think so after everything that happened with both Kurt and Santana. But that's just it, most of the fandom (based on the reddit days, anyway) would vehemently deny this. The show tells us he got over his homophobia, so. When I say with 100% certainty that Finn Hudson has a nasty case of The Homophobia, I know that can be a controversial statement. To wrap up a long story concisely, that is what I'd say though, yeah. Not only was Finn homophobic but he never truly got over it like the show would have us pretend.
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gleeincorrectquotes · 2 years
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Conan Gray + Best Friend
Made a promise that I'm gonna marry you/If we're both still single by like thirty-two/And that shit is gonna end up being true/'Cause I hate like everyone except for you
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blaintism · 2 years
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cryscendo · 1 year
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kurt hummel in every performance
1x06 - Vitamin D
It’s My Life/Confessions Part II - New Directions Boys
“We all took something.”
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