#french quarter fest
kalinahblog · 1 month
A few days in New Orleans
Recently, my friend Rachel and I traveled to the great city of New Orleans, and I wanted to share with you our itinerary (and what we did when we deviated from our itinerary). I would gladly go back to explore the city more, but we packed as much as we could into the few days that we were there! We were originally suppose to arrive early on Wednesday, April 10th, but weather prevented us from…
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travelonourown · 2 months
Thu 4/11
Second day in New Orleans- beautiful weather for the first day of the French Quarter Fest. Took the funky trolley again to Canal Street, then walked on Bourbon Street to Jackson.Square, where there was a main stage as well as a traditional jazz band (our fav!) playing across from the St Louis Cathedral (unfortunately closed). Main stage bands were good but very amplified, so a bit loud for us. After listening to the fabulous traditional band, we walked to the French Market where we purchased some Cajun and Creole spices and had more raw oysters. Headed back to Jackson Square for beer and savory snacks- little crab pies and crab artichoke salad, and nice amber beer. Next we walked along the Mississippi riverfront to another main stage, where we had drinks (Bloody Mary and Mint Julep) and bought Beignets (with lots of powdered sugar!) for later. Took Uber back to rest up for big travel day on Friday, but will leave NOLA with best intention of returning soon!
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rootsandwingsboutique · 2 months
Listening to the WONDERFUL #amandashaw on #wwoz while they are broadcasting from the #frenchquarterfest in #neworleans . Just finished this placemat...on to the next! Please support my small business by making a purchase. 10% off on Etsy NOW!
Started yet another #wip ...it is #wipwednesday after all...
SHOP: https://www.rootsandwingsboutiquehandmade.com
ETSY: https://rootswingsboutique.etsy.com
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I Don't Love You Like I Used To
Summary: After so many years with you, Javy Machado doesn't love you like he used to. He loves you so much more.
Notes: A short little one shot for the Love Is In The Air TGM challenge created and hosted by @roosterforme. This was so fun to write! Javy deserves all the love.
Song Inspiration: I Don't Love You Like I Used To by John Legend. Some of the lyrics definitely make their way into the story near the end.
Pairing: Javy Machado x Reader (no use of y/n, can be read as unnamed OC)
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: It's a fluff fest.
You’re sixteen the first time you meet, and Javy is gone for you instantly. He locks eyes on you when he’s running toward the end zone and is so distracted that the football he was meant to catch hits him straight in the head, bouncing off his helmet and into the hands of someone from the other team. Your pom-poms shake when it happens, and that’s when he realizes you’re standing on the opposing team’s sideline in their colors. 
When the game is over three minutes later, definitely because of the interception he caused, he wastes no time in ripping his helmet off and running over to you. 
“Hey!” He yells, trying to grab your attention when he sees you turn to make your way back to the team bus you arrived on. You don’t realize he’s calling after you specifically, so he sprints faster than he had run all night so he can swing himself in front of you. You jump, stopping in your tracks with barely enough time to stop yourself from running straight into his padded chest and sweaty jersey. The little yelp you let out is the cutest sound he had ever heard. 
“Sorry,” he pants in apology, “I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“Can I help you with something?” you ask. Your voice mesmerized him. He finds himself going a little cross eyed the longer he looks at you, but shakes himself out of it when you raise an eyebrow expectantly. He realizes he ran over here with no plan in mind. How were you making him so nervous already?
“You’re beautiful,” he blurts out. 
You let out a laugh, and he changed his mind. That was the cutest sound he had never heard. 
“Did that ball you took to the head hit you harder than it looked?” you ask, and Javy shook his head so fast he was surprised he didn’t crack his neck. 
“It was why I took the ball to the head. You took my breath away, baby.” 
You smile at him, giggling happily. You shift your pom poms into one hand and hold out the other to him, introducing yourself. Javy takes it and swears he feels electricity go through his entire body.
“I’m Javy,” he says, “but I’ll be whoever you want me to be.”
He takes you for beignets that weekend, holding your hand as you make your way through the French Quarter, and he hasn’t let go of it since. 
Two years later, he decides that getting into the Naval Academy is the best thing and the hardest thing to ever happen to him. You’re sitting beside him on his front porch when he opens the letter. You throw your arms around him and keep saying how proud you are, over and over and over again. But he feels the tears as they seep into his collar and he knows they aren’t just because of how happy you are that he’s part of the slim 8% acceptance rate. 
Because you had been accepted to Tulane, and he knew the scholarship you received there wasn’t something you would ever be able to turn down, no matter how much he wanted you close to him. He would never hold you back like that, anyway. 
“We’ll be okay,” he promises, pulling back to kiss your tears away and stare into the eyes that had captivated him from the very beginning. 
He would marry you tomorrow if it wasn’t for the fact that the academy prohibited him from doing so. He doesn’t have the money for a diamond, so he does the next best thing and slips his class ring off his finger and places it on your own. He’d replace it when he could. 
They’re the longest four years of his life, but he makes it. You both make it, individually and together. You get your degree, and you’re there tapping him out as he earns his place in the Navy two days later. 
He still has flight school and a long way to go, but now you can be next to him. He wants you to be able to go anywhere with him, and you want the exact same. He had put a little bit of money aside from his stipend check every month for the last four years, and it’s enough to buy you the ring you deserve. His class ring stays on a chain around your neck. 
You buy a white dress from a department store and he’s in his dress uniform when you get married in the courthouse in New Orleans the weekend before he leaves for more training. Everything the two of you own is packed in the back of the car you’ve had since your 16th birthday, ready to make the drive to Pensacola with him in the driver’s side. It’s only your immediate family there, and he promises that one day, he’ll give you the big wedding of your dreams. 
“I don’t need that,” you assure him, standing in the hallway waiting for the judge to call you in. You cup his face in your hands, smoothing your thumb back and forth across his cleanly shaven chin. “All I need is you and me, baby. Always and forever.” 
He knows that you mean it, but he swears to himself that this won’t be the last time the two of you say “I Do” to one another, and the next time will be in front of everyone you know. 
It’s not always easy. You’re left alone a lot while he trains, and then when he finally earns his wings, the deployments start almost right away. The first one lasts nearly 6 months, and he feels like he’s missing half of his soul the entire time he’s away. He hates the thought of you in the small little apartment the two of you share all alone. It’s never been easy for you to make friends, and your family is hundreds of miles away. You sound sad on the few chances the two of you get to talk even if you’re trying to be chipper for him. He knows you well enough to know the difference. 
Holding you in his arms when he gets off the ship is the best feeling he’s ever had. He hopes that he’d never have to leave you again, but both of you know that won’t be the case. 
He comes home the next day with a small bundle of fluff with a pink ribbon tied around her neck. You fling yourself off the couch, rushing toward him. 
“Oh my god, Javy! It’s a puppy! Hi, sweetheart!” you coo, and Javy is beaming as he transfers the little one into your waiting arms. 
It’s not the same, he knows, but at least now you won’t be totally alone when he’s gone. 
You had been married for four years the first time he’s seriously injured. He wakes up in a hospital bed in Germany to you sleeping curled up in a chair, holding his hand. There are tear stains on your face and your eyes look puffy, even in sleep.
Hangman, someone who has become his best friend in the last few years, is on his other side. He looks tired, too, but he has his signature smirk on his face. 
“Morning, sleeping beauty.” 
His voice is quieter than Javy had ever heard it, used to the blonde being loud and boisterous at any opportunity. It says a lot about who Jake really is that he’s being quiet now, knowing that the sleep you’re getting is fitful and light. In the back of his hazy mind, Javy wishes other people got to see this side of him.
“Is she alright?”
His wingman huffs out a laugh, shaking his head in amused disbelief. “Unreal. You wake up from almost getting blown out of the sky and the first thing you do is ask if she’s okay? You’re whipped, man.”
“Jake,” he croaks, and the blonde sobers up from his teasing instantly at the use of his first name. 
He heaves out a long sigh, scratching at his chin, “I called her as soon as I could, like you asked. The Navy beat me to it though and she was already boarding a flight. I was there when she landed and brought her here safely. I force some water and some food down her throat every few hours. May have had to pull the ‘it’s what Javy would want’ card a few times for that one, though. She hasn’t slept much, but she’s been out for about an hour this time. When I asked if she wanted to go check into a hotel, I thought her glare was going to actually kill me, no weapons or even words necessary.”
Javy manages a grin, knowing exactly what the other man was talking about. “She’s a little scary sometimes,”
“Yeah, no shit,” Jake snorts, shaking his head. “But she’s been as okay as she can be, man. Worried like hell about you. You got yourself a good one, you know?”
“Yeah,” Javy breathes out, “I know I do. Thank you, man. For looking out for her.” 
Jake gives him a single nod, not saying anything, because he really didn’t have to. It was something the two of them had discussed only once, shortly after realizing the friendship between them. If anything ever happened to the other, they’d step up. Javy would make sure Jake’s mom and sisters were taken care of, and Jake would make sure you were okay. The pact made Javy feel better every time he went up in the sky. 
You startle in your chair, blinking awake from your restless sleep with a gasp. Your eyes find his instantly, and Javy feels a dampness in his eyes that reflects that in yours. 
“Hey baby” he whispers, already reaching his hand out for yours. Jake standing up and excusing himself to go find a doctor doesn’t even register to him, his focus entirely on you. 
“Javy,” you cry, grasping his hand tightly as you stand to lean over him. “Oh, baby.” 
You kiss him gently, mindful of the cuts on his cheek and the stitches on his hairline. A tear drips onto his face and he breathes through the pain to bring a hand up to cup your face in his palm. “Hey now. None of that, pretty girl.” 
“It’s so good to see you,” you choke out, pressing another kiss to his lips. 
“Missed you, baby,” he murmurs, stroking his hand through your hair before he tugs gently on you, wanting you to lay with him. You protest, afraid of disrupting his injuries, but he shakes his head at you adamantly. He wants to hold you. He needs to. It had been too long, and he knew it would help your frazzled nerves along with his. 
“I’m okay,” he promises, “come here, please.” 
When you gently crawl into the bed beside him, the pain becomes an afterthought. He hurts all over, sure, but you’re here with him, and that has always made everything better. 
The two of you spend your 8 year wedding anniversary packing up your apartment in Sigonella, Italy. It’s the fourth duty station he’s had, and by far your favorite. You’re both going to miss it, but a full time opportunity at Top Gun was next on the docket and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to what that meant for his career. Plus, seeing you in the California sun everyday would be an added perk. 
“Look at this!” 
You’re sitting on the living room floor, surrounded by boxes and old newspapers to wrap things in. Javy crawls over to settle beside you, his arm braced behind your back. It’s a scrapbook from your senior year of high school. You’re giggling as you flip through it, seeing picture after picture of the two of you looking over ten years younger. Football games in opposing colors, homecoming and prom, both his and yours, and your weekly breakfast dates over beignets in the French Quarter. It’s filled with all the memories that defined the beginning of your relationship. 
“Do you still love me like you did back then?” you tease, leaning toward him with a faux innocent expression on your face. Javy thinks he falls in love with you all over again at that moment, like he has every day for the last 14 years you have been together. He knows that the love struck look on his face in all of those pictures had nothing on what it looked like now. 
The truth was, he did love you differently. It wasn’t the same juvenile love he had felt the two years you were together in high school, or the longing love he felt during the academy. It had changed as the two of you grew. It was something you both worked at every single day, not without its challenges. You’d been through so much together and you get a little closer as you get closer to your forever. You weren’t in a honeymoon phase anymore and had gone through so many different stages of life. But if he had the chance, he wouldn’t change a single thing. 
He’d been in too deep to run away from you from the very moment he saw you on the sidelines cheering for another team. After all the years together, he knew without a doubt that he couldn’t live without you now. 
“Nah,” he shakes his head, and kisses your lips gently when you raise your eyebrows at him, “I love you so much more, baby.”
Notes: This may be the softest thing I've ever written. Leave it some love if you enjoyed it! 💚😊
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gascon-en-exil · 2 months
I had a friend over yesterday and 3H came up and I said the phrase "great Fargheus polycule" unironically. Which I think is pretty clear evidence of the measurable and positive impact you have on the world around you. On an unrelated note, how bad is the pollen in New Orleans this time of year? I live in DC and my sinuses are unionizing as we speak.
That's pretty funny. I can say that sort of thing has happened in fandom before, back when Echoes was current and I started referring to "Clive's gay entourage" which a mutual really picked up and ran with. With how much smaller and short-lived conversations surrounding FE15 were compared to Houses, it wouldn't surprise me if those headcanons from 2017 found their way into broader fandom consciousness. I mean, Fernand is explicitly gay in Sacred Echoes.... But anyway, it's just one of those things that works out well as a reflection of shipping culture, in how there's surprisingly little antagonism between the many gay Dimitri ships. Even if you're not multishipping him with half the continent, they all overlap so well that there's no real need for conflict.
The pollen in New Orleans is awful as it always is this time of year, as is the mounting heat. April is generally what I think of as the beginning of southern Louisiana's 7-8 month long summer, and the ending of that most wonderful time of year when walking outside doesn't feel like entering a dirty, overheated, insect-infested sauna. Pollen only adds to the "fun"...although it doesn't deter tourism much. We just had the annual gay Easter parade, and coming up is French Quarter Fest and later Jazz Fest. I really don't know how all those people can stand it.
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evesaintyves · 11 months
this was my submission to @thethreebroomsticksficfest Pride Fest 2023 🌈
The Rougarou
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Remus Lupin/Sirius Black | M | 9.7k | After the end of the first war, Remus Lupin seeks some kind of new life in New Orleans. He finds it.
In the mosquito-song of morning, without the din of bass and customers and Order up! from Ish, bad thoughts bubbled up like groundwater from the cracks in the street: the little varnished wood box that held only a finger. Peter's dad ripping up the hymnal.   Stop it, Remus would say to himself.   Autumn drizzle like spit in the graves.   Just stop. Getting in bed, pulling the sheets over his face, steaming in the heat of his own breath.   Too drunk to stand, somehow too drunk even to cry. Two married slots in the ground. The itchy suit he'd borrowed from his father. Two babies fussing in the black pram—craning his neck to see Harry, then shrinking back in shame. The sour look on Lily's sister. The stone look on Dumbledore: how had it happened? How could we let it happen?   He'd try to put himself to sleep, but once he'd started his mind wouldn't let him stop, and sooner or later he'd think about the worst thing, the thing that felt like a crime:   Even in June it must be freezing in the North Sea.
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some notes on this fic under the cut
first, i just want to acknowledge that i'm writing about New Orleans as someone who's never lived there, and i apologize unreservedly for anything i got wrong. i love the city and i've spent a lot of time there, but ultimately i'm just a tourist.
the rougarou is a cryptid in Cajun and Métis folklore, often depicted as a creature with a human body and the head of a dog or a wolf. the name is a cajunization of "loup-garou." the rougarou may be a syncretization of the French loup-garou legend and indigenous concepts of humanlike shapeshifters, like the Wendigo. In some iterations of the Wendigo legend, a person can be cursed with insatiable hunger and greed and cravings for human flesh after committing an act of cannibalism or violence. stories of the rougarou in Louisiana were a cautionary tale for children and sometimes represented a consequence of breaking lent. the rougarou also happens to feature in the Harry Potter universe, which is convenient for me.
the feu-follet is a ghost-light, similar to the will-o'-the-wisp, said to appear in the swamps of the Mississippi delta; traditionally held to be the souls of unbaptized babies
the French Quarter ghosts - years ago in the FQ we used to see real estate signs advertising houses and apartments for sale as Haunted or Not Haunted which i always thought was pretty cool. the ghosts generally aren't representative of any specific historical figures or events, except for one, sort of—i'll let you figure out which if you care to.
Monsieur's is made up, obviously, but most other locations mentioned by name are real and were operating in 1982. Café Lafitte In Exile, Verti Marte, Café du Monde and The Apple Barrel are still around, but Charlene's and Las Pierres (which were actually de facto segregated in the way the fic describes) are now closed.
i made a little map—i'm not an artist, but i enjoy maps, like, a weird amount—of some of the locations in the fic.
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New Orleans has been a center of queer culture in the South for a really long time—gay social clubs and carnival krewes have existed there since as early as the 40s, and Café Lafitte, which opened in 1933 (in its current location since 1953) is one of the oldest gay bars in America. i was really excited to find a book on Café Lafitte and its place in New Orleans queer history called In Exile: The History and Lore Surrounding New Orleans Gay Culture and Its Oldest Gay Bar by Frank Perez and Jeffrey Palmquist , two bartenders who worked there in the 80s and 90s. other than the obvious thematic connections in outlaws and exile, Café Lafitte is one of the couple of places that were around back then that i've actually been inside and could hope to describe with some accuracy.
other resources on queer history in New Orleans:
The LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana
Last Call NOLA, a queer and trans art & archival collective who host a podcast series on vanishing NOLA gay bars and other queer spaces - episodes 3.2 and 3.3 are about Charlene's and Las Pierres
for this fic we're gonna roll with the PoA movie canon that Lupin's a big ol' vinyl dork who likes vaguely-jazzy big band music ok
Will You Love Me Tomorrow by The Shirelles - The Shirelles were a girl group in the late 50s and early 60s - i imagine Ish, somewhere in her 40s in this story, might have listened to them as a teenager. they were an early example of an all-Black band who found success with white audiences during the civil rights era, and they cultivated a "naive schoolgirl" sound and aesthetic that helped them get away with some relatively edgy-for-the-time sexual subtext in their songs. Will You Love Me Tomorrow was banned from radio in parts of the US - the lyrics address a lover before a tryst: tonight the light of love is in your eyes/but will you love me tomorrow?
The Stargazers - a UK pop group from the mid-50s. i'll be honest, this choice was mainly based on that name and some irresistibly appropriate song titles, but here's my excuse: their arrangements are heavy on tinkling piano and brass, and they collaborated with jazz-influenced British bandleader Syd Dean, so we're gonna go with the headcanon that young Remus got a taste for jazz through the pop groups of Hope's girlhood, many of which were covering (or just ripping off) American jazz & R&B artists at the time.
Junco Player by James Booker - "the Bayou Maharaja." A New Orleans-born jazz and R&B pianist, who led the house band at the Maple Leaf Bar in Carrollton (across town from where Lupin lives in this story) in the late 70s and early 80s. He was better known in Europe than in the US during the time Lupin would have been in his late teens, so if Lupin was a big jazz nerd he might have heard of him. Booker was openly gay and sometimes described as the "Black Liberace" due to his flamboyant style; he was also troubled and chronically ill, having been hit by an ambulance as a child and left with one working eye, a limp, chronic pain and a morphine addiction. He died shortly after the timeline of this fic.
image from the Times-Picayune archives, photographer uncredited
Heart of Glass by Blondie - this is honestly just how it happened in the scene in my head, and it's obviously kind of on-the-nose, but I really think some disco-y pop, at that moment, would feel like a sign to Lupin that the city isn't going to give him what he wants and he doesn't belong there.
thanks for reading!
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diamondcrownacademy · 7 months
DCA Info Part 24: Lagniappe Dorm 🐸🎺🪷
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Lagniappe (ラグニアーペ寮, Raguniāpe Ryō) was founded on the Ambitions (野��) of the Maiden of the City of Lights and is inspired by the world of The Princess and the Frog. Students of this dorm excel in Culinary Arts and Alchemy.
Dorm Founder: Tiana
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Known in-universe as the Maiden of the City of Lights (光の都の乙女).
Dorm Crest
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The dorm crest features an emblem with green interior and darker green exterior. The interior features a pale green silhouette of Tiana and Naveen (in his frog form), with the latter ready for a kiss. In the bottom of the interior emblem, there is a lotus flower above a pale yellowish green banner with the dorm's name on it. On top of the exterior emblem, there is a tiara that looks similar to the one Tiana wore with the blue gown. In the background of the exterior emblem, there are various cattail plants with tall grass.
Dorm Leader: Perrine Bousquet
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Lagniappe's current dorm leader is Perrine Bousquet, a cheerful young woman who's an amazing cook and enjoys experimenting with different flavors and ingredients.
Dorm Fairy: Lillie
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Lillie (リリー, Rirī) is Lagniappe's dorm fairy and vice dorm leader. She has an obsession with beignets and she even has her own personal table where a large serving of beignets are placed. She is a happy-go-lucky fairy who loves to party, any gathering whether big or small she is present and would want to mingle.
Her current appearance is based on Perrine's home life, she always loved to join the crowd and be merry. Her most cherished memory was the time when her family started a catering business and plenty of people smiled because the food was delicious.
Dorm Living Quarters
• The Lagniappe dorm living quarters is located on a huge lake with a very wide river, why? Because the living quarters is actually a cruise ship. It is anchored on a very big lake located near a swamp. The boat is decorated in beautiful festive décor and at night, the lamps that carry fireflies come out at night. Making the scenery so beautiful.
• The students of the dorm would sometimes take small boats that fit two or three people and take a small boat ride around the lake, just taking in the sights.
• There's another boat but it's smaller compared to the dorm ship. This boat is a restaurant that travels along the river that travels down to other dorm living quarters like the Sagamore living quarters and the Coquille living quarters. The boat is called Club Jazz Vanille (クラブ・ジャズ・バニール). Students look forward to seeing the restaurant boat because of the food.
• Though the dorm looks so scary at first, with the alligators, crocodiles and snapping turtles swimming about. But they are actually docile since the swamp is filled with plenty of food and the students take duties to feed them.
• So, the wildlife knows that they are here as someone who provides food for them. Some were even climbing on the boat but Perrine handles them by carrying them and gently placing them back at the water. Due to the moss that sometimes can be found in the swamp. They take cleaning seriously and they work hard to keep the ship clean.
• The students of the dorm have a weekly Jazz fest on a saturday night. They play iconic jazz music and dance around so merrily, but there are times they go techno and play remixes and have a dance off. The students would break dance and some of them do it in heels.
The dorm's name is derived from the word "lagniappe". Lagniappe was the tradition of giving a tip in Louisiana, especially in the French Quarter of New Orleans.
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French Quarter Fest, a celebration of the Vieux Carre's food, music, art, and culture, runs today through Sunday. The largest free music festival in the south, this year's fest features more than 270 artists performing on 20 stages throughout the Quarter - and every set is fantastic! With amazing music and even better food, it's easy to see why French Quarter Fest has become a favorite of locals and visitors alike.
For a taste of the Fest, check out some highlights from last year!
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goodpix2021 · 4 months
The Second Day
Marching bands to the rescue. Sometimes, I really miss New Orleans. I miss Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest and French Quarter Fest. All have music entwined within them. I don’t miss the holes, potholes and bullet holes. If I have to make a choice — and, I did — I’ll take the solitude of the farm compared to the noise of my former city. Luckily, I still can listen to the music of marching bands, some of…
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gardenianoire · 2 months
at french quarter fest someone's uncle tapped me on the arm and said "kid you've never look better"
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but did you happen to get an ask about Lucifer and Alastor hanging out in Al's little indoor bayou a couple days ago? If you did get it, then great! No pressure to answer, I'm just checking to make sure tumblr didn't eat it, as this hellsite is want to do.
Oh! no worries at all! I did get it and I have been staring at it for days, wondering what I want to do with it yet. I've already got so many prompts tumbling around in my brain, but the idea of Alastor and Lucifer sitting in Alastor's bayou, chilling, and Lucifer opens it up with magicy magic hands so Alastor can see the Louisiana night sky, just as its the French Quarter Fest and they can hear the music is just sdlkfnslnflbs
The idea of Alastor letting him into his room ALONE is chewing on my brain, but then Lucifer giving Alastor a piece of his home back on Earth???????? AHHHHHHHHHHH??????????
A part of me wants to draw it, but my background skills are terrible lacking 🥲 A part of me wants to write, but I've got so many prompts tumbling in my brain that my thoughts keep tripping on them.
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milfzatannaz · 4 months
I miss seeing Ani live :( she’ll be on stage this spring so she won’t be in NOLA like usual and I liked seeing her at French quarter fest :(
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dear-indies · 4 months
good timezone to you, finder of faces! i was hoping you could help a weary soul out and please suggest some latina female fcs with a tomboy vibe? ideally actors so i have resources to pull on it possible! thank you kindly!
Stephanie Beatriz (1981) Colombian [White, one quarter Sephardi Jewish, possibly other] / Bolivian [Unspecified Indigenous, White, possibly other] - is bisexual.
Maria-Elena Laas (1983) Puerto Rican - Vida.
Jennifer Cheon (1985) Mexican / Korean.
Monica Raymund (1986) Dominican Republic / English, Ashkenazi Jewish - is bisexual.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer.
Vaneza Oliveira (1988) Afro Brazilian - 3%.
Chelsea Rendon (1993) Mexican - Vida.
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) French, Mexican / White - Blood Fest.
Sky Ferreira (1992) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] / Ashkenazi Jewish, Ojibwe, Cree, Chippewa Cree, Cheyenne, White - has Chronic Lyme Disease.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Mexican, Filipino, White, Choctaw - non-binary womxn, lesbian and polyamorous (she/they) - is pro Palestine!
Lauren Jauregui (1996) Cuban [Spanish, possibly other], likely some Basque - is bisexual - is pro Palestine!
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Mexican, Cherokee, and Swedish - is pro Palestine!
Alba Baptista (1997) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly German and other] - Warrior Nun.
Regina Pavón (1998) Mexican - Oscuro Deseo.
Julia Dalavia (1998) Brazilian - Pantanal.
Rachelle Vinberg (1998) Colombian / White.
also I had to list these people too but they're not women:
Sara Ramirez (1975) Mexican - is non-binary (they/them) - is Pro Palestine!
Ariela Barer (1998) Mexican [75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Unspecified]- she/they - has since deleted their Instagram post stating their non-binary so I’m unsure if they still identify as non-binary.
Lizeth Selene (1999) Mexican [Black and Unspecified Indigenous] - is genderfluid (they/she).
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Chiricahua Apache / Afro-Puerto Rican, Creole - is genderfluid (she/they) and pansexual.
I'll 1x1 fight the word tomboy but I hope these are what you're looking for!
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 4.18
Adult Autism Awareness Day
Anal Sex Day (Jim Jeffries)
Army Day (Iran)
Banyan Tree Birthday Party (Maui, Hawaii)
Battle of Dybbøl Day (Denmark)
Bilberry Day (French Republic)
Celebrate Ben Solo Day
Coggia’s Comet Day
Coma Patients’ Day (Poland)
Day of Historic and Cultural Monuments (Ukraine)
Day of Secretaries (Belgium, Netherlands)
89ers Day (Oklahoma)
Ernie Pyle Remembrance Day
Friend’s Day (Brazil)
I Love CSU Day (Colorado)
International Amateur Radio Day
International Day For Monuments and Sites (UNESCO)
International Erasure T-Shirt Day
International Juggler's Day
International No Declaw Day
Ianthe Asteroid Day
Invention Day (Japan)
Laundromat Day
National Columnists’ Day
National Exercise Day
National Financial Advisor Day
National Lineman Appreciation Day
National Lydia Day
National Poem in Your Pocket Day
National Send Nudes Day
National Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
National Transfer Money to Your Daughter’s Account Day
National Transgender HIV Testing Day
National Velociraptor Awareness Day
Newspaper Columnists' Day
Paul Revere Day
Pet Owners Independence Day (a.k.a. Pet Parents’ Day Off)
Piñata Day
Real People Day
Red Cross Society Day (Ukraine)
Respect Your Mother Day
Robanukah (Futurama)
Scouts’ Day (Armenia)
Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
Smile Big and Say Hi For No Particular Reason Day
Superman Day
Third World Day
Ushibuka Haiya Matsuri (Dance Festival; Japan)
Victory Over the Teutonic Knights in the Battle of the Ice (Russia)
World Amateur Radio Day
World Artisan Day
World Heritage Day
World Trifle Day
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Zhabdrung Kuchhoe (Bhutan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Animal Crackers Day
World Food Travel Day
3rd Thursday in April
Ask An Atheist Day [3rd Thursday; also 9.16]
Biomedical Research Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
College Student Grief Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
Get To Know Your Customers Day [3rd Thursday of each Quarter]
High Five Day [3rd Thursday]
International Pizza Cake Day [3rd Thursday]
National D.A.R.E. Day [3rd Thursday]
National High Five Day [3rd Thursday]
Sumardagurinn Fyrsti (1st Day of Summer; Iceland) [1st Thursday after 4.18]
Throwback Thursday [3rd Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 18 (3rd Week)
Cleaning for a Reason [thru 4.24]
Consumer Awareness Week [thru 4.23]
Health Information Professionals Week [thru 4.24]
National Osteopathic Medicine Week [thru 4.24]
Police Officers Who Gave Their Lives in the Line of Duty Week [thru 4.23]
Independence & Related Days
Earth’s Kingdom (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Pinang (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Republic of Eire (Formal Proclamation; 1949)
Zimbabwe (from UK, 1980)
New Year’s Days
Lao New Year Holiday (Laos)
Myanmar New Year Holidays (Myanmar)
Festivals Beginning April 18, 2024
Atlanta Wing Fest (Atlanta, Georgia)
Grape Day (Temecula, California)
Love the Burger Battle Contest (Luverne, Minnesota) [thru 5.25]
Roadburn Festival (Tilburg, Netherlands) [thru 4.20]
Taste of St. Croix (St. Croix, US Virgin Islands)
Feast Days
Agapitus (Christian; Saint)
Agia (Christian; Saint)
Apollonius the Apologist (Christian; Saint)
Bun-Bun Brothers’ Day (Muppetism)
Carista: Day of Peace in the Family (Pagan)
Corebus (Christian; Saint)
Cyril VI of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Eleutherius, Antia & His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Matsu (a.k.a. Mazu; Taoist Sea Goddess)
Festival of Rama-Navami (Hinduism; Everyday Wicca)
Fox Tail Burning Day (Ancient Rome)
Galdino della Sala (a.k.a. Galdin; Christian; Saint)
Gustave Moreau (Artology)
Idesbald (Christian; Saint)
Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet (Artology)
Lady Macbeth Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Laserian (a.k.a. Laisren or Molaisse; Christian; Saint)
Ludwig Meisner (Artology)
Make Faerie Rocks Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Laserim, Bishop of Laighlin, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Max Weber (Artology)
Molaise of Leighlin (Christian; Saint)
Nihilism Day (Pastafarian)
Perfectus (Christian; Saint)
Plato of Sakkoudion (Christian; Saint)
Three Impossible Mixtures Day (Celtic Book of Days)
The Underlings (Muppetism)
Vitruvius (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [18 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [15 of 30]
Absolute Beginners (Film; 1986)
Alice’s Circus Dance (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Apes of Wrath (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
Baggage Buster (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Barnyard Olympics (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Beyond This Horizon, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1948)
Chess-Nuts (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Dog Trouble (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Fancy Free, by Leonard Bernstein (Ballet; 1944)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Film; 2008)
Four Quartets, by T.S. Eliot (Poetry; 1943)
Gorky Park, by Martin Cruz Smith (Novel; 1981)
Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln (Disneyland Animatronic Exhibit; 1964)
Holes (Film; 2003)
Kongo-Roo (Phantasies Cartoon; 1946)
Legend (Film; 1986)
Little Johnny Jet (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
Mare of Easttown (TV Series; 2021)
Manifestoes of Surrealism, by André Breton (Book; 1924)
Master and Commander, by Patrick O'Brian (Novel; 1969)
Muscle Tussle (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
The Razor’s Edge, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1944)
The Saint in Trouble, by Graham Weaver (Short Stories; 1978) [Saint #47]
Sheikh of Araby, recorded by Sidney Bechet (Song; 1941)
The Simple Things (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Speaking of Animals Down on the Farm (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1941)
Straight Shooters (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Three Little Wolves (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1936)
Uncle Joey (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Winged Migration (Documentary Film; 2003)
Today’s Name Days
Werner, Wigbert (Austria)
Viktor, Viktoriya (Bulgaria)
Atanazija, Eusebije, Hermogen, Roman (Croatia)
Valérie (Czech Republic)
Eleutherius (Denmark)
Valdek, Valdeko, Valdemar, Valdo, Valdu, Valdur, Valmar, Valmer, Voldemar, Volli, Volmer (Estonia)
Valdemar, Valto (Finland)
Parfait (France)
Werner, Wigbert (Germany)
Eirene, Eirini, Irene, Irini, Nikolaos, Nikoleta, Nikos, Nicholas, Nicolas, Nick, Rafael, Rene, Rena, Renia, Rhenia (Greece)
Andrea, Ilma (Hungary)
Galdino (Italy)
Dana, Hildegarde, Jadviga, Laura, Nameisis (Latvia)
Apolonijus, Eitvilas, Girmantė, Undinė (Lithuania)
Eilen, Eilert (Norway)
Apoloniusz, Bogusław, Bogusława, Flawiusz, Gościsław (Poland)
Ioan (Romania)
Valér (Slovakia)
Perfecto (Spain)
Valdemar, Volmar (Sweden)
Anthea, Ayana, Ayanna, Warner, Werner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 109 of 2024; 257 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 10 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 10 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 9 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 19 Cyan; Fryday [19 of 30]
Julian: 5 April 2024
Moon: 76%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Archimedes (4th Month) [Strabo]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 31 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 29 of 31)
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v171 · 2 years
What's something you've really missed since you moved to Jersey?
As happy as I am to live in New Jersey overall, there are a lot of little things I miss about the south. The food diversity here is amazing, but the strong food culture in New Orleans and Mississippi is something that I miss a lot. It's not even necessarily about the actual food, but that there are so many fun, community events based around food. In New Orleans, there's 'festival season' where most weekends in the spring and summer there are festivals like The Strawberry Festival, Crawfish Fest, French Quarter Fest, and Seafood Festival. These are large social gatherings that celebrate food and music. I miss a lot of those community gatherings.
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brookston · 2 months
Holidays 4.18
Adult Autism Awareness Day
Anal Sex Day (Jim Jeffries)
Army Day (Iran)
Banyan Tree Birthday Party (Maui, Hawaii)
Battle of Dybbøl Day (Denmark)
Bilberry Day (French Republic)
Celebrate Ben Solo Day
Coggia’s Comet Day
Coma Patients’ Day (Poland)
Day of Historic and Cultural Monuments (Ukraine)
Day of Secretaries (Belgium, Netherlands)
89ers Day (Oklahoma)
Ernie Pyle Remembrance Day
Friend’s Day (Brazil)
I Love CSU Day (Colorado)
International Amateur Radio Day
International Day For Monuments and Sites (UNESCO)
International Erasure T-Shirt Day
International Juggler's Day
International No Declaw Day
Ianthe Asteroid Day
Invention Day (Japan)
Laundromat Day
National Columnists’ Day
National Exercise Day
National Financial Advisor Day
National Lineman Appreciation Day
National Lydia Day
National Poem in Your Pocket Day
National Send Nudes Day
National Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
National Transfer Money to Your Daughter’s Account Day
National Transgender HIV Testing Day
National Velociraptor Awareness Day
Newspaper Columnists' Day
Paul Revere Day
Pet Owners Independence Day (a.k.a. Pet Parents’ Day Off)
Piñata Day
Real People Day
Red Cross Society Day (Ukraine)
Respect Your Mother Day
Robanukah (Futurama)
Scouts’ Day (Armenia)
Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
Smile Big and Say Hi For No Particular Reason Day
Superman Day
Third World Day
Ushibuka Haiya Matsuri (Dance Festival; Japan)
Victory Over the Teutonic Knights in the Battle of the Ice (Russia)
World Amateur Radio Day
World Artisan Day
World Heritage Day
World Trifle Day
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Zhabdrung Kuchhoe (Bhutan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Animal Crackers Day
World Food Travel Day
3rd Thursday in April
Ask An Atheist Day [3rd Thursday; also 9.16]
Biomedical Research Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
College Student Grief Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
Get To Know Your Customers Day [3rd Thursday of each Quarter]
High Five Day [3rd Thursday]
International Pizza Cake Day [3rd Thursday]
National D.A.R.E. Day [3rd Thursday]
National High Five Day [3rd Thursday]
Sumardagurinn Fyrsti (1st Day of Summer; Iceland) [1st Thursday after 4.18]
Throwback Thursday [3rd Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 18 (3rd Week)
Cleaning for a Reason [thru 4.24]
Consumer Awareness Week [thru 4.23]
Health Information Professionals Week [thru 4.24]
National Osteopathic Medicine Week [thru 4.24]
Police Officers Who Gave Their Lives in the Line of Duty Week [thru 4.23]
Independence & Related Days
Earth’s Kingdom (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Pinang (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Republic of Eire (Formal Proclamation; 1949)
Zimbabwe (from UK, 1980)
New Year’s Days
Lao New Year Holiday (Laos)
Myanmar New Year Holidays (Myanmar)
Festivals Beginning April 18, 2024
Atlanta Wing Fest (Atlanta, Georgia)
Grape Day (Temecula, California)
Love the Burger Battle Contest (Luverne, Minnesota) [thru 5.25]
Roadburn Festival (Tilburg, Netherlands) [thru 4.20]
Taste of St. Croix (St. Croix, US Virgin Islands)
Feast Days
Agapitus (Christian; Saint)
Agia (Christian; Saint)
Apollonius the Apologist (Christian; Saint)
Bun-Bun Brothers’ Day (Muppetism)
Carista: Day of Peace in the Family (Pagan)
Corebus (Christian; Saint)
Cyril VI of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Eleutherius, Antia & His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Matsu (a.k.a. Mazu; Taoist Sea Goddess)
Festival of Rama-Navami (Hinduism; Everyday Wicca)
Fox Tail Burning Day (Ancient Rome)
Galdino della Sala (a.k.a. Galdin; Christian; Saint)
Gustave Moreau (Artology)
Idesbald (Christian; Saint)
Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet (Artology)
Lady Macbeth Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Laserian (a.k.a. Laisren or Molaisse; Christian; Saint)
Ludwig Meisner (Artology)
Make Faerie Rocks Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Laserim, Bishop of Laighlin, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Max Weber (Artology)
Molaise of Leighlin (Christian; Saint)
Nihilism Day (Pastafarian)
Perfectus (Christian; Saint)
Plato of Sakkoudion (Christian; Saint)
Three Impossible Mixtures Day (Celtic Book of Days)
The Underlings (Muppetism)
Vitruvius (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [18 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [15 of 30]
Absolute Beginners (Film; 1986)
Alice’s Circus Dance (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Apes of Wrath (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
Baggage Buster (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Barnyard Olympics (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Beyond This Horizon, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1948)
Chess-Nuts (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Dog Trouble (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Fancy Free, by Leonard Bernstein (Ballet; 1944)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Film; 2008)
Four Quartets, by T.S. Eliot (Poetry; 1943)
Gorky Park, by Martin Cruz Smith (Novel; 1981)
Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln (Disneyland Animatronic Exhibit; 1964)
Holes (Film; 2003)
Kongo-Roo (Phantasies Cartoon; 1946)
Legend (Film; 1986)
Little Johnny Jet (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
Mare of Easttown (TV Series; 2021)
Manifestoes of Surrealism, by André Breton (Book; 1924)
Master and Commander, by Patrick O'Brian (Novel; 1969)
Muscle Tussle (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
The Razor’s Edge, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1944)
The Saint in Trouble, by Graham Weaver (Short Stories; 1978) [Saint #47]
Sheikh of Araby, recorded by Sidney Bechet (Song; 1941)
The Simple Things (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Speaking of Animals Down on the Farm (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1941)
Straight Shooters (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Three Little Wolves (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1936)
Uncle Joey (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Winged Migration (Documentary Film; 2003)
Today’s Name Days
Werner, Wigbert (Austria)
Viktor, Viktoriya (Bulgaria)
Atanazija, Eusebije, Hermogen, Roman (Croatia)
Valérie (Czech Republic)
Eleutherius (Denmark)
Valdek, Valdeko, Valdemar, Valdo, Valdu, Valdur, Valmar, Valmer, Voldemar, Volli, Volmer (Estonia)
Valdemar, Valto (Finland)
Parfait (France)
Werner, Wigbert (Germany)
Eirene, Eirini, Irene, Irini, Nikolaos, Nikoleta, Nikos, Nicholas, Nicolas, Nick, Rafael, Rene, Rena, Renia, Rhenia (Greece)
Andrea, Ilma (Hungary)
Galdino (Italy)
Dana, Hildegarde, Jadviga, Laura, Nameisis (Latvia)
Apolonijus, Eitvilas, Girmantė, Undinė (Lithuania)
Eilen, Eilert (Norway)
Apoloniusz, Bogusław, Bogusława, Flawiusz, Gościsław (Poland)
Ioan (Romania)
Valér (Slovakia)
Perfecto (Spain)
Valdemar, Volmar (Sweden)
Anthea, Ayana, Ayanna, Warner, Werner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 109 of 2024; 257 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 10 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 10 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 9 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 19 Cyan; Fryday [19 of 30]
Julian: 5 April 2024
Moon: 76%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Archimedes (4th Month) [Strabo]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 31 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 29 of 31)
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