#friends and pints
itsphantasmagoria · 1 year
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Draco: *flirts aggressively*
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buglaur · 2 months
💌 Random simblr question of the day: What is the last screenshot you took? No cheating!
hellooo i missed you random simblr question of the day anon
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its my shane that doesn't really look like shane the more i look at him 😪
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horatio-fig · 15 days
help I said I enjoyed the deep caring friendship between two fictional men and now strangers are calling me homophobic on the internet 😭😭😭
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meadow-roses · 7 months
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@starrystories2 's absolutely incredible OC Half Pint, the main character from her fic Pint Half Full or Empty? that you can read on A03!! :D General Kenobi is getting a new padawan, whether he wants one or not. 😏
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calamitys-child · 1 year
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[ID: me, a white man in my early 20s. I've got a messy ginger mullet, scruffy stubble, and am wearing glasses, a wham! tshirt that says FREE DOM on it, black jeans, and boots. Several heavy-duty chains and a carabiner of keys hang off my belt, my overshirt is torn in several places including the sleeves being ripped off, and I'm wearing wrist cuffs, a studded choker, heavy rings including one of a snarling wolf head, and a heavy chain earring. Around my mirror is a fake anatomical heart, a ouija board, and fake climbing ivy.]
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cosmogenous2 · 2 months
idc if im broke, i have choc chip cookie
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lonelyzarquon · 2 months
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lowkey obsessed with the age restriction on my copy of the cornetto trilogy. work of art
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
I legit hate it here on TERF Island you cannot open any newspaper or news site for any reason without hitting an article about the Trans Menace. literally any to the opinion page of the local paper to pick up a link for a column my boss wrote about rising rough sleeping in the city and top line, top of the page, "Sturgeon is using gender bill to fuel culture war."
also on that in particular. take the L my guys. you couldn't even fucking muster a full gallery of transphobes. literally every time there's a transphobic protest they're massively outnumbered by counterprotesters. over and over again, attempts to leverage transphobia for populist electoral gain fail. THE GENERAL PUBLIC DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU.
like Scottish transphobes are addicted to this narrative that trans rights are being undemocratically pushed forward by the government as part of a conspiracy to impose transness on an unwilling nation or something. but open transphobia is not, all told, correlating with a massive upswing in broad public support. the current government were p clear on being in favour of trans healthcare and rights reforms at the last election, and Alba and the Family Party ran almost entirely on a platform of transphobia and what did that get them? let me just check ohhhh it's 0 seats in Scottish parliament and 2 in Westminster, both of whom were voted in as SNP MPs.
The Scottish people are not being silenced or overridden. They're Just Not That Into You. because your behaviour is fucking unhinged and your beliefs are hateful and abhorrent to even people who don't really Get The Whole Trans Thing. and in a time when the cost of living is increasing exponentially, homelessness and hunger have been on a constant rise for years, and the UK government are serving their own interests while cracking down on protest, your top priority as "feminists" is trying to shut down rape crisis centres and women's aid organisations for not being transphobic enough.
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leefi · 7 months
i love having my younger brothers at driving age. i get to send them on quests
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killa-trav · 1 year
Lewis being British and seb being German probably means they have a great time discussing the weather together
they probs go to the local pub have a pint n discus the weather as u do
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vendettavalor · 3 months
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@unrclypirxte said: one muse steps protectively in front of the other || Beth and Piper...
⚔️ 100 Indulgent Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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Piper tries to warn her through choked coughs and gasps for air. A hand claws at her own throat, thinking somehow it will open her airway and allow her to somehow breathe more. The blood dribbling down from the corners of her lips suggests otherwise. She spits out another mouthful of the viscera, half-congealed and deep red in color. Her eyes widen at the sight.
It is all too familiar.
She looks up as a shadow falls over her and her ears fall back in dismay. At first, it is in fear. For a fleeting moment she thinks that her attacker has closed in on her and her breath wavers with the terrorizing thought that he'd going to finish the job. But it's not him. It's Beth. And somehow, that only makes her more afraid. She anticipates what he will do to her. Her friend.
"Don't - Get away from him, Stripey. RUN."
It's an unexpected sentiment coming from Piper. Piper. The one who fearlessly faces off against tigers and wrestles them while onlookers cheer and place bets. Piper, who routinely makes it an annoying habit of challenging her boss knowing full-well he has the power to send two whole islands-worth of men down upon her as a punishment for her insubordination. Piper, who regularly picked up venomous snakes, bit their heads off, and called it brekkie. Piper, who feared nothing. No God, no man, no beast.
And here she laid, bruised and broken, hyperventilating and quivering like a rabbit. Doing the only thing she knew worked in this type of situation with this man.
Stay low, stay still, stay quiet. Don't try to fight it. You'll never win. Just wait for it to be over and pray that it's quick.
Disheartening as it was, it had been her way of living a long time ago. Her way of surviving. She'd hoped somehow those days were now long behind her. And she was a fool for hoping.
Now she could only hope that she still had the strength and the reflexes to keep surviving him.
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wild-at-mind · 11 months
If I was cool and did drugs, would I be a better person? If I wasn't such a loser, would I have value?
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true-blue-sonic · 4 months
Espio may or may not have picked up a talent Vector has, and is unaware of;
being able to cast Vicious Mockery IRL.
If you don't know what this is, it's basically the ability to cause actual damage to someone via roasting them.
If he and Silver ever have a kid, this child will definitely be an absolute menace.
I asked my D&D-knowing friend whether Vicious Mockery is from D&D, which it is, and they further added it's a cantrip used by bards as the default way they damage enemies. That works out great for Espio with his shamisen and terrible singing voice! XD
Though, Espio does seem to have sass galore to his person anyway. I guess it's a necessary survival mechanism when one lives with Vector and Charmy, who've got plenty of things going on that can be snarked at. Plus, it's not as if Charmy and Vector are above squabbling and insulting others themselves... And Silver's quite sassy and rude as well, so... The art of roasting each other might just be practiced heavily in the Agency, and even more when Silver is around.
The fankid I have for Silver and Espio currently is Lilac the Chao-turned-anthro, so with two role models like that in her life, she will be a menace indeed. It doesn't help that she's very small and cute: nobody will see it coming when she verbally destroys someone in the span of like ten seconds. Espio and Silver are very proud of her for it, Charmy happily participates, and Vector just mourns the loss of his peace (because now he's got four people sassing him at every opportunity instead of just two). Good thing they're all quite caring people as well, so all the snarking aside, they do still cherish each other lots too <3
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meadow-roses · 1 year
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Fanart for @starrystories2 fic, Pint Half Full or Empty? 
You should read it, it’s a fabulous clone wars au with all your favorite tropes including found family and amnesia!
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dustmint · 4 months
why the fuck are dreams so weird
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deanmartinofficial · 4 months
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