#fun fact there’s this flower that looks like a naked dude
rosicheeks · 19 days
I'd feel like the luckiest man alive to buy a beautiful girl like yourself a bunch of flowers! What are your favourite kind of flowers?
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mistaeq · 3 years
Tuesday, 29th December
Greek Mythology!Duwang Gang AU: Headcanons
TW // sliiight nsfw-ish or non-con hints in dionysus' part. come on it's dionysus.
Today I offer you these babies. Tomorrow who knows. Hope you enjoy, I had fun with writing these.♡
Greek Mythology AU: Duwang Gang Headcanons. [includes: Higashikata Josuke, Nijimura Okuyasu, Kujo Jotaro, Hirose Koichi, Yamagishi Yukako, Kishibe Rohan]
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Seen as the most beautiful god, Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. One of the most important and complex of the Greek gods, he is the son of Zeus (Joseph) and brother of Artemis (Holly). As the protector of young, Apollo is concerned with the health and education of children.
He's seen every early morning, on his chariot, to bring the sunlight up in the sky, all over the Olympus. Josuke's the dream of many nymphs, who look at him from afar, singing songs for the god with their sweet voices, a sound so sweet, a sound so celestial... which is covered up by Apollo's voice fucking around the Olympus with young Dionysus (Okuyasu), pulling pranks on Poseidon (Jotaro) or getting drunk.
You're the most envied creature out of everyone in the Olympus, because Josuke only has eyes for you. Envious nymphs stare at you, and comment on you, trying to convince themselves that they're way better than you are.
"Don't listen to their envy and their insults, they don't know how to cope with the fact that I have clear preferences..." he'd say, caressing your cheek and neck. "This is what poisons relationships and romances... envy... jealousy... but we don't have these useless problems, do we, love...?"
His relationship with other gods on the Olympus is usually fine, but it's not like he cares about hiding his feelings. Almost everyone who knows Josuke, will get to know after not even a week that the god is crushing on you, and that he wants to marry you. You sure hope he's not gonna behave the same way he did to Daphne...
It seems that he has healing powers, and if you happen to not to be a deity, he'll gladly use them on you, Josuke wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to you.
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Surely not known for his capability to reasonate, Dionysus was the ancient god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, theater, and ecstasy. The god is shown to be a beardless, sensuous, naked or semi-naked youth. Though Dionysus was mostly a kind and generous deity, he could be cruel when he needed it. For some reason, Aphrodite (Yukako) doesn't want to get close to him. She looks scared.
He doesn't do much, during the day. Let's say his favourite thing are feasts. Not really chaste ones, to be completely true. Okuyasu's mind is almost totally hedonistic, and won't feel guilty just because he spent a day watching dancing maenads and had fun teasing them with his Thyrsus instead of caring about whatever mortal dude needed him on Earth. Most of the time he's drunk, but Josuke has his back for some reason.
Many say they don't envy you for being the god's favourite creature, but you don't really care. You enjoy lying down with Okuyasu, caught in a ecstatic feeling as he turns you on with his touch and teaseful words whispered at you.
"Tell me, is it embarrassing for you to be the only one to lie beside me during feasts?" He'd run his lustful gaze and hand all over your body as he asks so, and smirk a little. "No? It isn't...? Sounds like you really like it instead, to be completely honest. Good... really good, in fact. Kiss me now."
He doesn't really have a brilliant relationship with other deities, apart from Apollo. He sometimes sees Echo (Koichi), but not much more. Still, everyone knows it when he has someone he's interested in. The man becomes possessive, Okuyasu will make sure everyone knows you're his. He might give a demonstration during feasts.
He likes to feed you grapes, and in case you liked wine, Okuyasu would want to hold the glass for you as you drink. He likes to do this for you, and you don't mind letting him.
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Poseidon is the violent and ill-tempered god of the sea. He is nowadays known exclusively as a sea god, but in ancient times, he may have been the god of the earth and fertility or even the supreme god of the sky. His huge height and strength come from his Titan parents, Cronus and Rhea. What he can't acquire with romance and gentleness, he does with violence and craftiness.
He sometimes uses the sea as a coping mechanism for his tiring life. Jotaro doesn't find his ocean so bad to be in, he concentrates and spends his time doing stuff gods... do? What does he really do, is not clear? Apollo and Dionysus tried to stick their heads into the water to spy on him several times, without any result. It's not like he's so happy when mortals need his help, but he can't pull back from his duty.
Poseidon probably noticed you because you weren't bugging him for pointless stuff. He likes pleasures too, like most of the deities do really, he just needs to find the right creature for him. Jotaro doesn't enjoy partners who talk too much.
"Don't worry about being a bother for me. You're the first one who isn't truly bothering me, I take it as a goal by now." he'd say, after he closed you in a bubble in order to bring you under the sea with him. "I never dare to show my realm to people who I judge as annoying, remember that."
It's not like he doesn't have a good relationship with other deities, he basically doesn't really care. He'll just be happy with being under the ocean whenever he feels Josuke and Okuyasu approaching, or not to be there during Apollo and Calliope (Rohan) debates. Give him some deserved peace and an ocean and he'll be grateful forever.
If Jotaro lets you in his private place which is the ocean, consider yourself special for him, for he hates having people there, above all people who are there for him purposely.
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Echo is a mountain nymph, or oread. The myth says that Echo offended the goddess Hera by keeping her in conversation, in order to prevent her from spying on one of Zeus' lovers. To punish him, Hera deprived him of speech, except for the ability to repeat the last words of another. Because of this, his good heart is often misunderstood, but he managed to be appreciated nonetheless.
Koichi would rather have no conversations, for he's not able to say nothing more than the last words his interlocutor said. But he's down to make people understand what he wants to say, by writing it down or through gestures. Apollo approached him once, and brought Dionysus along. He doesn't know how to feel about hanging with gods, but since his issue isn't a problem to them, he'll keep them around. Until they misbehave...
When he gets to know you and notices you aren't willing to exclude him for he doesn't talk properly, his heart melts. Echo wants to spend most of his time with you now, since you make him feel comfortable about the problem Hera caused him.
"I love you, I love you, love you, love you, you, you..." he'd repeat, after you told him that. When he wants to say something like this, you say it for him, so that he can repeat it and say it as well. "You're important to me... important to me... important to me... to me... to me... me..."
Look, he's trying his best, really. Deities aren't known for their inclusive ways, and when he asked you if it was because of his past, you quickly said it wasn't. Nobody cared about it there. Deities were like that with every nymph. Echo had a chance to build up a good relationship with Calliope (Rohan). The muse taught him a lot.
He has fun bringing you to places where your voice echoes, to make you judge who does it better between him and the nature. Needless to say, Koichi always wins.
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Aphrodite was known primarily as a goddess of sexual love, beauty, fertility and even occasionally presided over marriage. Even prostitutes considered Aphrodite their patron. She's had many mortal lovers, and none of them should have ever dared to make her upset. She won't be down for forgiveness, she's really never been. Still, Aphrodite found herself often in trouble due to her personality.
Differently from many other deities, Yukako's real fun consisted in watching humans' love stories bloom and wither. Sometimes she was the reason, sometimes she wasn't. Mortals were so easy to play with. It was when she thought that playing gods was just as simple, that she got caught into a trap. Since that mistake, she decided she would have been amused enough to be happy by mortals' love stories.
Oh, Aphrodite's so used to creatures - above all gods - who tried to stick around her for her body only, so that when you give an appreciation for her intelligence, she'll remember it and love you forever. It's like you signed up a free trial to be loved.
"You know, it's difficult to make me feel love so strong I don't even think about the lustful part... but apparently you managed to do so..." she'd say, sitting in the calm forest as she hands you a flower. "It's good to know someone doesn't love you for your body only but for yourself as well."
Yukako's relationship with other deities and creatures is just... ambiguous? She may never judge what's behind everyone's gaze. Hatred? Love? Lust? Who knows. All she knows, is that the only sight of Dionysus makes the ground under her feet disappear in fear. Compared to him, she'll just be fine in everyone else's company.
Everything she does, it's for the good. If it happens to harm you, Yukako definitely didn't mean it. It'll be enough to tell her, and believe me, it won't happen again.
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In Greek mythology Calliope is the muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry. He's called the "Chief of all Muses". He's down to help every literate artist who needs him, gives inspiration and guides the mortals' talented hands, as far as they deserve his power. Calliope's used to be mentioned, and might happen to get upset if not. Even if he's only halfway a deity, he's known for his confidence.
The most famous out of the Muses, Rohan won't forgive anyone who's never heard about him before. He can be seen around Echo a lot lately, since he found the nymph's story interesting and won't hold back from inspiring a mortal with writing about what happened to Koichi. He's used to collect creatures' stories, in order to be written by someone who's talented enough to talk about them properly.
He probably got interested in your story first. Then, for some reason he grew possessive of it. Calliope won't let a mortal put their filthy hands on a story so pure. Let the Muse be the only one who can properly love you.
"This story of yours is so beautiful, I can never have enough... and it's mine only, is it, y/n? Is it?" he'd ask him forever until you answer yes, he'll find no peace at all. "Let me get inspiration from you. Let me be the only one who can properly appreciate your life... just like you deserve."
His relationship with other creatures and deities is... rather good? Rohan's used to have debates and discussions with Josuke, and most of the time they just disagree. Though, many envy his capability of being so creative and smart, mortal writers ask for his help several times. Aphrodite and him sometimes fight over Echo.
He'd write lots of poetries in order to edulcorate your feelings towards him and make you forgive him for his excessive possessiveness. Rohan often succeeds.
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Bathtub sex. That's it that's the request. (okay also let me tell you again how much I'm enjoying your writing. The latest one had me squealing at the sweetness of Sooga caring for his master but also... like, talk about depth when it comes to Kohga?? Of course he wants to be strong. And he IS strong, and it's hard to be vulnerable and... ahh you're so good at writing this sort of thing) So yeah, bathtub hanky-panky plz XD
Thank you for the kind words, really! Means so much to me! As for your request, you can ABSOLUTELY have some bathtub fun times! I’ve written them in the tub before, but I have NOT done hanky panky, and shame on me for that.
“I still can’t believe you let me do this.”
Kohga and Sooga were in Kohga’s bath, and both were in the middle of undoing their hair from their classic yiga styling. Kohga chuckled as he fluffed it up in his hands.
“What? Be in my bathroom?”
“Yes. Many of us find it a rather sacred place, and it means a lot, that you deem me worthy of this.”
“‘Worthy’ this and ‘worthy’ that with you. I like you, and you look good naked, it ain’t that deep.”
He held Sooga’s face in his hand, lightly squeezing his chin.
“BUT. It’s sweet, in a way, knowing it means something to you. It’s why I got you a little something.”
Kohga let go of his face, in order to dig into the cabinet. From it, he pulled out a yellow candle, giving it to Sooga.
“This is...for me?”
“Yeah, your favorite is those electric Safflina , right? Saw this candle at the market yesterday, figured you’d really like it.”
“Oh. That’s...very kind of you to remember. Thank you.”
“God you’re smiling that big, dumb smile of yours. Just light it and get in the tub with me.”
Kohga always waved off any sort of praise from Sooga like that. Such simple gestures were nothing to Kohga, but they were everything to Sooga. Sooga lit the candle (along with god knows how many others Kohga liked to have around), before joining him in the tub. There was something so indulgent about Kohga’s tub. Full of flowers, steam, and fragrances, it was like a spa. And what else did a spa have? A handsome guy there to give just the best spa treatment. Aka, Sooga, massaging his scalp in his favorite shampoo.
“Master Kohga, please stop squirming, you know it needs to sit for a moment.”
“Wouldn’t squirm if you’d stop touchin’ my damn ears!”
“...Your ears are cute, I never get to see them.”
Kohga grumbled something about Sooga being a sap, before he begrudgingly let Sooga continue. Sooga, ever since he was allowed in the bath, assumed full responsibility of making sure Kohga was clean. It was annoying, but it was cute, and less work on his end. Plus...it felt nice, having those big, nice hands roaming his frame. It was nice, how careful he was with him. And how there wasn’t a single spot he wouldn’t clean. From his back, to his arms...right to his legs. Kohga leaned up against Sooga, and stopped his hand as soon as it went between his legs. He didn’t wash there TOO much, for ‘honors sake’ as he put it, but why would he have Sooga half ass something with him? Just wasn’t right.
“You know Sooga, you really should take more care of me, if I let you do this.”
“I’m saying you need to really clean me here. If YOU’RE gonna do it, do it right.”
Kohga saw the wheels turning in his big, dumb head, and it took him SO long to process what he meant.
“Ah. I see. I suppose I have been slacking, Master Kohga. Please, do forgive me.”
He wrapped an arm around Kohga, before using his other hand to start to lightly stroke Master Kohga’s cock. He was always so slow at first. It was cute, but god dammit Kohga liked his shit right out of the gate. He was going to complain about it, before Sooga leaned down, and pressed his lips against Kohga’s, It was soft, smooth kiss, and it kinda made Kohga forget that Sooga’s hand could be going MUCH faster. Kohga chuckled once they parted, cupping the side of his face.
“Now THIS is way more like it. You know, I like a LOT of things about you, but my favorite thing has gotta be those hands of yours. Though, the hair is a damn close second.”
He wasn’t gonna be the only one getting something out of their little bathtime. He watched Sooga slightly melt as Kohga dug his fingers through his hair, giving it just an ever so slight pull. Sooga chuckled, clearly not expecting Kohga to get frisky in return.
“I like many things about you as well. Your way with words, your nice hair, your ever so skilled hands…”
Sooga’s thoughts drifted off as Kohga pulled him into another kiss, chuckling into it. Sooga lightly squeezed at his balls, before returning to stroking his nice, thick cock. It was borderline romantic, how he was treating Kohga. Not his usual cup of tea, but...Kohga liked Sooga. A lot. Kohga chuckled, lightly shaking his head as Sooga gave him such a loving set of puppy dog eyes.
“Ha. You love me. Idiot. You got the biggest, fattest crush on me.”
“I do, I really, really do.”
Sooga chuckled, quickening his pace on his hand just a little bit. He knew his Master liked it fast, but Sooga MUCH preferred it when they took things slow. It was cute, watching his Master slowly unravel in his hands. He pressed his lips against his bare shoulder, sighing at the soft, aromatic skin.
“Even eight pack Sidon?”
“I do like you. I like you so very much, I can’t imagine myself really liking anyone but you.”
“Even him.”
“Even the Goron Sweetheart, Daruk?”
“That’s you, Master Kohga.”
Kohga looked up at him, as if he was offended. So what if he was stroking his cock in a nice and hot bath? Didn’t mean he could talk shit.
“Excuse me, I can’t be the only one here who thinks Gorons are hot as hell.”
“You must be, because quite frankly, I don’t. Daruk is...sweet, and rather simple. Not my type.”
“It’s mine. Makes sense why I like you. Especially when you tie that with the pretty hair, I like the pretty hair.”
Sooga took his turn to huf, burying his face in the crook of his Master’s neck, speeding up his palm just a little.
“...who has the better hair?”
“Don’t tell me you’re getting into a pissing contest with DARUK of all people.”
“I am not. It’s just a question.”
Kohga laughed, sort of finding it hard to think as Sooga’s hand was starting to speed up still. THIS was way more like it.
“Look, I like YOU, what does it matter?”
“It doesn’t answer my question.”
“You jealous dog.”
Kohga chuckled, leaning up to peck at his neck. He sighed as he relaxed in Sooga’s arms, starting to feel that build up in his gut. He let Sooga look at him in eagerness, before he finally relented.
“You BOTH have pretty hair. But trust me, I like yours a lot better. He’s the sorta ‘dumb blonde’ type. While it’s cute, I like yours a lot better. Super soft and long. I like YOU a lot more, Sooga.”
“Good. While I have no qualms with you being in bed with others...I dislike the idea that you’d like them better than me.”
Jealous little Sooga, muttering his bitterness right into Kohga’s ear as his hand started to very quickly pump his cock, making him squirm in his grip. Kohga laughed, digging his fingers in his hair, and giving it a nice, good pull.
“It’s like food, Sooga. I like Tabantha bakes, but no way would I take them over my bananas. I don’t like anyone more than you.”
“I don’t know, I see how often you look at Rhoam’s rear end.”
“Listen, dude’s got some thunder cheeks, I can’t stop that.”
They both shared a snicker at that. While they were somewhat kidding, Kohga DID think Rhoam was such a dilf.
“You’re such a unique man, Master Kohga. I know I personally couldn’t love anyone more than you. No one. No one is prettier than you, no one is as sweet as you, no one plagues my thoughts like you do. There isn’t anyone in the world more hunky than you.”
Kohga didn’t need much else. Aside from the fact that his palm was working so fast against him, those sweet, honest words were enough to make Kohga cum, clinging onto Sooga’s arm as he did just that. He laid against Sooga as he sighed in relief, though it didn’t last long, given the fact that Sooga started to decorate his face in kisses. Kohga laughed, pushing his face away.
“Sooga come ON! You just made me cum, can you give me two seconds before you get all mushy gushy on me?”
“No. Because I love you so much, I want to be the only one in your thoughts. Not Daruk, not anyone.”
“Even Link?”
Sooga suddenly got out of the bath, covering himself in a towel. Kohga cocked his head from the tub.
“Where are you going?”
“I have a knight to neuter.”
“Sooga, come on, enough joking, that’s-wait why do you have your sword? Sooga? SOOGA NO-”
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Something in Your Mouth
Santiago “Pope” Garcia x reader
A/N: A song fic has been done. This is a Nickelback song (don’t @ me they are my favorite rockband). Warnings: Sex (allusions and some descriptions), BJ, shitty ex. Um. I think that’s it? Maybe some self-esteem issues
Everything tag: @mikeisthricedeceased
Oscar/Triple Frontier tag: @m-123 @artsymaddie @mcrmarvelloki​
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Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body
They say it's over budget, but you'd pay her just to touch it, come on!
Santiago Garcia was not a shy man. If a woman was willing, he’d do anything she was comfortable with. Sex in a public bathroom? Done it. Fingering under the table? Yes ma’am. Vibrating panties with him having the remote control? Hell yes.
However, this is the first time he’s ever been with a girl that was so shy. He met her at a local coffee shop that he had become a regular to. She happened to come in one day, needing some long-winded concoction that he wasn’t even sure was actually coffee, for her boss.
When she got it, she had the misfortune of some asshole running into her and spilling the coffee all over her. Santi after yelling at the dude who dared to get in her face about it, bought her a replacement coffee, and strolled out to his truck to grab an old army t-shirt he kept in there.
“It’s clean I swear, it’s a bit a good luck charm I guess,” He awkwardly explained as he handed it to her.
She took it from him running into the bathroom to change. She had to tuck in the bottom of it into her pants since it was bit big.
She stepped back out and quietly asked, “How can I return this to you? Or better yet, repay?”
“If it’s not too bold, may I take you out on a date? And you can give it back to me then?” He questioned hoping she would say yes.
She smiled shyly, nodding her head, as she unlocked her phone for him to give her his number. He quickly typed it in, sending himself a text as he saved it.
She grabbed the replacement coffee and left a moment later. He texted her that evening and that was the beginning of it all.
Needs to hit the big screen and shoot a little love scene
If Hollywood had called her she'd be gone before you holler, come on!
She worked for a fashion company, currently working as a secretary to the CEO, hoping to one day be able to present her ideas as a creator. She loved to draw; it was one of her biggest passions as a kid. As she got older, she realized she loved fashion as well, and combined the two loves.
She had finished up her degree some months ago and got a job working for a local fashion industry. It wasn’t nearly as famous Prada, Gucci, or Hermes, but the name was recognized as a steppingstone for those companies.
Granted, she thought she would be working in design when she applied for the job, not as secretary number 2. A job was a job, however. She decided that she would grin and bear it until she had her chance.
Running into Santi was strange to say the least. She was sure, so sure, that he was just joking when he asked her out. But lo and behold… that night when he texted her details, she was pleasantly surprised.
They had gone out on a few dates, and while he was always respectful of her boundaries, she could tell he was used to more… provocative women. It’s not that she wasn’t interested in exploring his ideas, it was that… he was the first guy she had dated in a long while that seemed interested in seeing her naked.
She was used to guys getting bored with her after the first date, or when they found out she worked in fashion, they mocked her.
Santi, however, thought it was interesting. He would actually listen to her when she would rant about fabrics or colors. He at one point told her he thought it was adorable.
“It shows your passion. I think it’s cute as hell,” He told one day after a rant in which she cut herself off thinking she was being annoying.
She did eventually open up to him that she wasn’t used to having a man be attracted to her for more than 5 minutes.
He was shocked to say the least, “Who the hell were you dating honey?”
She shrugged, “Jerks. So. I mean… I want to do all those things with you… I just… worry I won’t be good at it? I guess?”
Crafty little lip tricks, tattoos on her left hip
She's bending as you're spending, there's no end to it, so baby come on!
When she said that, his jaw dropped. He wanted to beat up whoever had made her feel this way. He found her shyness refreshing, but not at the expense that she worried that he would think she was inadequate.
“We’ll move at your pace, baby. I like you, for you. I’m not going to drop you like your yesterday’s news just because we aren’t having sex every time we see each other,” Santi assured her, with a kiss.
She gave him a look of appreciation and kissed back more firmly. He grinned at that, cupping her cheek as they kissed.
Dressed up like a princess, betting that her skin smells
Better than the scent of every flower in the desert, come on!
It took several months before she was ready to sleep with him, in a more intimate way. By that point, she had met his friends and their significant others. The girls were all too willing to help her when she asked for advice on what to do or wear.
Frankie’s girl was the calmest and took her shopping to get some nice lacey lingerie. While she appreciated the advice from Emma and Maura (Will’s, and Benny’s girlfriends respectively), she wasn’t quite sure she was up for the risqué ideas they came up with.
Valeria was the one who said to keep it simple. “You two have all the time in the world to explore kinks and such. You do not have to jump into that on your first night together.”
So, the two of them shopped, deciding on a dark blue number that Valeria said would make Santi drool at the sight of her.
That night, she had spent a good two hours shaving and primping before slipping on the barely there thong, and matching corset.
She tossed on a silk robe and waited for Santi to come home. She didn’t have to wait long before she heard the door open and close, Santi’s voice calling out for her.
“Hey babe, where ya at?” She heard him ask.
“Bedroom!” She answered waiting.
She could hear him walk down the hallway before opening the door. He stared at her curiously, taking in her robe.
“What’s happening sweetie?” Santi asked as he stepped further in.
She bit her lip slightly, as she undid the robe and let it slide off of her. His jaw drop as he gazed at her.
He sauntered up to her, his hands hovering hesitantly over her waist.
“Does this mean… what I think it does?” He questioned quietly, not wanting to assume anything.
She nodded with a small giggle, as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him. He deepened the kiss after a moment of hesitation.
The two of them crawled onto the bed, not breaking the kiss.
They spent the night, getting to know one another’s bodies. Learning about each scar, each spot that drove them crazy. It was night that fueled the fire in her; she knew right then… no other could ever compare.
She loves the night scene, bar queen, just living for the fun
Taking over every dance floor like she's the only one
After that night, the two of them were far more open about affection than they once were. It used to be she would shy away when he would kiss her in public. Now, she was used to it, and welcomed it far more. She still wasn’t quite used to the idea of doing anything sexual in public, which he was okay with.
He was just thrilled to know that she enjoyed his attention.
The two spent more time talking about previous experiences, mostly to learn about each other.
“In college I was definitely a bit more… wild child. I went barhopping with friends almost every weekend. Had a few one-night stands, if you can believe that. It was during one of my more serious relationships when I kind of lost apart of myself. He… he wasn’t like… physically aggressive or anything. He just… knew how to destroy every bit of my self-confidence,” She had told him one night while they were having pizza on his couch.
“I am sorry that happened to you. If I ever saw him, I would beat the shit out of him. No one deserves to be treated like that,” Santi said to her kissing her cheek softly.
“Hopefully you’ll never have to meet him. He was… the worst I dated. The others were… just… unsatisfactory. Then you come along… rescuing me from that jerk and giving me that shirt… that honestly kinda smelled,” She teased him slightly.
“Sorry, I was… just trying to help,” He cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like… I appreciated it, I truly did. It was better than having iced coffee on me all day. By the way… do you want that shirt back? I just realized I never returned it,” She said realizing that it was in her laundry.
“Nah. Keep it. I enjoy catching you wearing it randomly,” He flirted back.
She turned her head away, scrunching her nose up in slight embarrassment.
He turned her head back toward him to pull her into a short but passionate kiss.
In the spotlight, all night, kissing everyone
And trying to look so innocent while sucking on her thumb
They had been together for almost a year now. She had begun to feel a lot more like her old self. Felt more confident in her stride, and her work. In fact, her boss had informed her that a position had opened up in design and that she had sent her portfolio down to the lead supervisor to review.
She had just gotten off the phone with him and was super excited. She had gotten the job. She ran to Santi’s place and animatedly told him the news. He congratulated her and said that they should celebrate.
That night, the two of them plus the rest of the gang met at their favorite local pub for drinks and greasy foods. They were happily talking when she noticed someone come up to the table.
“Well, well. If it isn’t little Mouse?” She froze as she heard her ex’s voice speak.
“Rob. What do you want?” She asked not bothering to look at him, as she tried to control herself.
She could feel her hands shaking and it was getting a little hard to breathe.
“Not even going to look at me? Now, that’s just rude, Mousy,” His tone was a vicious tease.
“Get away from her. Now,” Santi’s voice cut in, cold.
“Who the hell are you? Her new squeeze?” He questioned with a scoff.
“Yeah. I am. You have exactly 10 seconds to walk away,” Santi warned him as he stood up.
“Or else what?” He dared.
Santi simply moved to stand between them, waiting a moment.
Rob started to laugh, thinking Santi was just all talk.
Santi punched him so hard in the face that he passed out before he hit the floor. Rob’s friends came over quietly to pick him up and carrying him out, not bothering to try and fight.
Santi breathed heavily through his nose once, trying to calm down before he turned back around.
“Hey, my little Lioness, you okay?” He asked her softly as he leaned closer to her.
She had started fidgeting with her fingers, a nervous tick he had picked up on early on.
He sat back down, pulling her hands into his, rubbing his thumb softly over her knuckles.
Conversation between everyone slowly picked back up, and she soon felt comfortable enough to join in again. She wasn’t as excited, but she tried to push past it.
When he eventually took her home, she collapsed into his arms. Her breathing was shaking as she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to escape her.
He whispered to her, “Let it out, my heart.”
She found herself sobbing into his chest.
When you never pull it out
(So much cuter)
He wished he had done more as he held her. Wished he had strangled the bastard. Here was this beautiful woman, whose confidence he had seen bloom over the past few months, crumble because of 2 sentences.
He whispered sweetly to her, telling her how much he loved her.
The tears eventually stopped, and as she pulled away, she apologized for the mess she made on his shirt.
“My shirts have seen worse things than tears. It’s fine honey. How about we get ready for bed?” He proposed as he led her to the bedroom and started strip down to his boxers.
She nodded, walking into the bathroom briefly to wash her face. She came out wearing his army shirt, joining him on the bed with a sigh.
The two of them fell asleep together, within minutes.
When she woke up, she realized it was one of the rare times, she was awake before Santi. She stared at him for a moment. She wanted to thank him for last night and an idea popped in her head.
She slipped her hand down under the covers, playing with the edge of his boxers briefly. When she had built up the nerve to do so, she slid her hand under his boxers, quicky finding his half-stiffened length. She ran her hand up and down it, enjoying the smoothness she felt as it quickly stiffened further. She slowly pulled it out from his boxers, moving under the covers as she did so.
This was something she had only slightly explored with Santi before. It had been a brief act, him claiming he didn’t want to cum in her mouth.
She gently ran her tongue around the head, savoring the slight salty taste of his precum that had beaded. She slowly took him into her mouth, breathing through her nose, to prevent her gag reflex from enacting. She bobbed her head up and down, her hands massaging what she couldn’t fit.
She heard him moan above her, and felt his hips jerk up slightly. The covers were pushed off her head as Santi woke up, looking down. He groaned at the sight before him; it was super sexy to see her like that.
She continued with her actions until he finally exploded in her mouth; she swallowed a couple times as she pulled away. She wiped the corner of her mouth, as she crawled back up him.
“What was that for honey?” Santi eventually asked as his senses came back to him.
“Last night. I wanted to show my appreciation for you being there for me and defending my honor,” She whispered to him.
He simply kissed her in response.
“I’ll always be there for you and defend your honor against assholes. You’re mine, my lioness,” He murmured against her lips.
With something in your mouth!
You're ripping up the dance floor honey
(You naughty woman)
It took a full month before she was able to shake off the experience. Santi was there for her every step of the way. Santi had taken to calling her Lioness, every chance he got. The nickname made her smile each time she heard it, especially when he was the only one who used it.
“Hey Lioness, we going or you goin’ to continue checkin’ yourself out,” Santi asked as he stepped into the bedroom, wondering why she was taking so long.
She had been staring at herself in the mirror making sure everything looked okay for their date.
“I don’t know. I think I look pretty hot, don’t you?” She complimented herself jokingly, twirling a bit.
He hummed as he stepped forward and checked her out in an exaggerated manner, circling her.
“Yeah. You’re pretty sexy Lioness. Now, shall we?” He offered his arm to her, giving her a flirty smile.
The two of them were going to go eat dinner and then go dancing.
Their meal passed by quickly and soon they were entering a club, music blasting.
Santi led her out on the dancefloor and brought her in close, his hands firmly on her hips. The two of them danced and grinded against one another. She occasionally showed off, twirling around him, bending over backwards, and dropping down low.
He laughed a little at first but soon his laughter turned to choked groans as he tried to smother his arousal as she showed off her moves, purposefully grinding against his crotch.
She was having fun, enjoying teasing him and hearing his grunts. They had been dancing for about an hour before he had enough. He took her hand and dragged her outside into the alleyway.
The cool air felt nice on her heated skin, but she wasn’t able to enjoy it for long as Santi pinned her to the wall in a deep kiss. She giggled softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands burying into his hair.
His hand snuck under her skirt, massaging her thigh, hooking it around his hip.
“Been drivin’ me nuts all night darlin’. Where exactly did you learn all that?” He asked as he kissed her neck.
“Told you. I went clubbing a lot. Had to learn some moves, to snag a guy,” She said with a soft moan as he sucked on a particularly sensitive spot on her neck.
“Good to know,” He murmured his hips rocking into hers.
She could feel his hard on that she had caused and tried to hide her grin by biting her lip.
She heard him undo his pants slightly and felt her body tremble with anticipation. He shoved her underwear out of the way as he buried his length into her. The two of them both moaned at the sensation.
Their movements were hurried, neither of them wanting to be caught.
All too soon, the both of them were reaching their peaks with happy sighs. The two of them quickly sorted their clothes out, a moment before a group of people walked out into the alley to smoke.
Her and Santi quickly left before the group could notice anything off with them. Santi took her home, joining her upstairs for a much more thorough appreciation of her.
You shake your ass around for everyone!
I love the way you dance with anybody
(The way you swing)
Another couple of months had passed, and they had taken the next steps and she had moved into his place. The two of them having been together for almost 2 years now.
The only thing she really had to adjust to was just how often the gang come over to hang out. At first, it wasn’t a problem, but it had begun to feel like she never got any alone time with Santi when she wasn’t at work.
Today, she had gotten off early, and was texting Santi to let him know, hoping to have a late lunch with him or just watch something together. She had picked up their favorite orders from a local sandwich shop, drinks, and all.
She stepped into the apartment, freezing slightly when she heard multiple voices coming from the living room.
She walked over to the living room, raising an eyebrow. The guys had arrived early that morning, disturbing the happy mood she was in. Santi and she had woken up early, and she was feeling frisky and wanted some attention from him. Before they could get very far, the front door opened and in came Benny with no hesitation.
Frankie and Will had the decency to look apologetic for barging when they greeted her that morning.
“Still… here… I see. Don’t yall… I don’t know… have your own homes to go to… girlfriends, fiancés that sort of thing?” She asked not particularly happy to see them.
Santi winced as he answered, “Hey, sorry, we have a mission coming up. We have been strategizing.”
She nodded, unimpressed.
“Okay. Well. When you remember you have a girlfriend who wanted to have lunch with her boyfriend, alone, I’ll be in our bedroom….” She said annoyed, tossing his sandwich onto the table with his drink as she muttered.  “Making no noise and pretending I don’t exist.”
She strolled into their bedroom, closing the door firmly. She changed into some cotton shorts and his old army shirt, before making herself comfortable on the bed and turning the TV on.
She had taken an aggressive bite out of her sandwich when the door opened to reveal Santi who looked a bit confused.
“Hey… what was that?” He asked her.
She didn’t answer, just pointedly stare at the TV, flicking through Netflix.
He slowly approached her, taking a seat on the bed.
“I understand that they are your friends. Hell, they are basically your brothers. I get it. However, do they have to be here…. everyday at all hours of the day? They came here at 6am and have yet to leave,” She began feeling herself getting frustrated.
She took a breath as she also felt guilty for complaining and shook her head.
“Forget it. Just… go finish your strategizing. Clearly, it’s important,” She stopped, taking another bite as she chose some random animal documentary.
Santi opened his mouth to speak but stopped, sighing heavily.
“It should only be an hour more,” He estimated, as he got up and slowly walked back out.
She made a noncommittal noise in response, focusing on the soothing sound of David Attenborough’s narration.
About halfway through the documentary, Santi had returned, a bag in hand. He took a seat near her again, and quietly unloaded the bag one item at a time. He placed each item in front of her: her favorite candy, chips, drinks. He also placed some flowers and a random plush.
She glanced down at it noticing it was one of those reversible octopus plushie with a smiley face on one side and a frown on the other. The frown side was facing her.
“The guys left. It’s just us. Mind telling me what’s going on in that mind of yours, honey,” He spoke softly.
“I don’t mind the guys being here. I do mind when they just waltz in without knocking. Or are here several days in a row. I get… I get that this is your apartment and I’ve only been living here 2 months but…  I feel like I am just… your roommate. Not… your girlfriend,” She explained, pausing the documentary beforehand.
Santi nodded in understanding, “I see… yeah… This place has been… a bachelor pad of sorts for a long while even after we began to date. I will… talk to the guys. You’re right. This should be OUR place.”
“I feel stupid for getting short with you about this,” She whispered softly looking down at the plush, playing with it.
Santi scooted forward, sitting next to her, putting his arm around her.
“Don’t. I… I was excited to see your texts and was trying to hurry up our meeting so we could be alone, just wasn’t going as planned. You are perfectly allowed to be annoyed. Just gotta talk to me baby,” He told her pressing a kiss to her shoulder and her cheeks.
She nodded somewhat shyly.
“Did you really go out and get all of this?” She asked him, motioning to the pile of junk food before her.
“Yep. I did. Now then shall we finish this documentary, and I’ll make dinner to make up for missing our lunch date?” Santi offered kissing her hand.
She nodded once, “Can we watch the next one in the series too?”
Santi chuckled and said, “Yeah. We can watch the next one too. We can watch whatever you want.”
The two of them watched the rest of the one she began, and the next one. As they watched it, she slowly reverted the octopus to the happy side causing a small smile to appear on Santi’s face.
When the second documentary ended, Santi got up to go make dinner. She followed him wanting to help him prep food. He turned on the radio, which made her smile. As the two of them cooked, she danced around him, shaking her hips.
He laughed at her, as she convinced him to dance a little between stirs. Santi slowly realized it had been a while since they had spent time together, just relaxing. He had recognized that she had a point, since she moved in, they hadn’t really spent time together as a couple.
When a slow song came on, he turned the fire on low, and pulled her in close. He swayed softly with her, resting his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like a roommate and not my girlfriend. That wasn’t my intention,” He whispered to her as they danced.
“Apology accepted. I just… I love you and I was excited to spend the day with you and was disappointed,” She admitted quietly.
“I love you too. Promise me you’ll tell me if something’s bothering you next time?” He pleaded as the song ended.
“I promise. As long as you do the same,” She said back, as they pulled apart and finished up making dinner.
They made their plates and ate, catching up on what’s been going on with work.
Afterwards, they cuddled on the bed, and ate her 20 snacks together. She slowly fell asleep in his arms as they watched another documentary. In the morning, he was planning to talk to the guys about everything. He knew they wouldn’t care too much about setting some rules and would be understanding once her reaction from early was explained.
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
You're so much cooler when you never pull it out
It took some time but after that, the guys made more conscious efforts to knock and not be there every day. She had apologized to them for her attitude when she saw them again. The three of them waved it off, ruffling her hair.
“We were being annoying. It’s not a big deal,” Frankie said with a shrug.
The boys with their girls plus baby Isabella were over for to watch a football game, a few days later.
“Yeah. We are not upset,” Will chimed in with a half-smile.
Benny bounded over and gave a loud exaggerated kiss to her head, “MWAH. You’re fine, Prada.”
She shook her head at the nickname that the boys had taken to calling her.
The boys piled in the living room to watch the game with beers.  Emma, Valeria, and Maura joined her in the kitchen, wine glasses all around as they gossiped.
“So… Prada… have you ever designed a wedding dress?” Valeria asked her.
“Not yet. Why?” She questioned curiously.
“Well. I have everything else decided, but I cannot find a dress that I absolutely love you know? I’ve been to 4 different boutiques. Think you can help me out?” Valeria explained, with a tired sigh.
She held up a finger, telling her to wait a moment. She ran over to the desk in the living room that had her sketchbook, fabric swatches, and pencils. She grabbed all three items, rushing back over to the island.
“Alright. Describe to me what style you want, and then we will work on material,” She stated as she got comfortable with her sketchbook and pencils.
Valeria spent an hour describing the dress she was looking for, including fabrics. Once it was finished, she revealed what she came up with. Valeria gasped then squealed excitedly.
“That’s it! Oh… Now the real question… can it be made?” Valeria asked worriedly.
Prada took a photo of it and sent it to one of the designers, who made dresses as a side job, asking if this could be done. A minute later, she got a response telling her yes.
“Yes. It can be done. I’ll set up a meet so you can get measured and get it started,” She tells Valeria who tackles her in a hug.
“Think they can also do bridesmaid dresses?” Valeria asked hesitantly.
“Probably. I’ll talk with him,” She said with a nod.
The four of them continued to talk about wedding plans while the boys continued to watch the game. When the game ended, they had made their way into the kitchen to collect their wine drunk ladies who had been reduced to giggles.
Santi and she said their goodbyes with everyone and collapsed on to the couch together. She had made cinnamon rolls earlier and they snagged the last one. They shared it, not bothering with silverware, ripping off pieces randomly.
As they ate, she noticed that he had some icing on his thumb and she teasingly licked it off. He raised an eyebrow at the sudden intimate moment she created.
“Darling. You are going to be the death of me one of these days,” He said somewhat seriously as he kissed her, abandoning the last of the cinnamon roll.
“Hmm. Yes. But you see… I had a more nefarious plan…” She said ominously.
He looked at her confused watching as she suddenly shoved the last of the cinnamon roll into her mouth and running away.
“Mine!” She called out, her mouth full.
She heard him chase after her, she chewed quickly, swallowing as she reached the bedroom. She coughed a moment when it got caught slightly in her throat. Santi caught up to her, staring at her incredulously.
“Rude. Very rude. Distracting me to catch me off guard and steal our cinnamon roll? That deserves a punishment of some sort,” Santi teased, shaking his head.
She cleared her throat and asked, “Promise?”
He growled a bit, picking her up and tossing her on the bed, her giggles followed by her moans, filling the air.
Life was full of surprises. Santi wasn’t expecting his Lioness to come into his life, but he wouldn’t trade her for the world.
'Cause you look so much cuter with something in your
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lennonknowsmysins · 4 years
aspirin and ambrosia. (greek god au)
beatle: hades!george
summary: hades is a god to be feared. but first, he has to take care of his baby. 
warnings: drunk reader
a/n: this was fun! hades!george is defiantly my favorite. hopefully, i’ll have paul and john done soon so i can get all four of them.
the greek terms aren’t techinally correct because i’m not sure how to do acutes over words on my laptop, most of the time it happens on accident BUT
Agapi mou - my love
Moro mou - my baby
modern!gender neutral!reader
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People had feared him for centuries. That Greeks had built statues of him, the Romans had painted paintings. There was never ending literature about him and his realm of souls, tortured, lost and at peace combined. He remained a dark, brooding picture of death in the eyes of mortals, who knew that he sealed their fates.
“Who would have thought that the God of the Dead would have such a big dick?”
He’d also forgotten how difficult it was for mortals to hold their alcohol. The King of the Underworld was currently trying to wrangle a rowdy, drunk college student into their pjs. You, on the other hand, were trying to be conspicuous about the fact that you were trying to trick him into taking his pants off. You were such an amateur, it was adorable. 
“(y/n), my golden one, do you want the dinosaur or plaid pajama pants?” He asked, holding them up so you could see from where you were laying on the bed. You giggled and kicked at the dino pair. He sighed, “Dinosaur ones it is.”
George set them down next to you and made to take your pants off. You ran your hands through his hair as he unbuttoned your jeans and started to pull them down. 
“If I have to get naked, then you should have to get naked too.” You whined, moving on from his hair to paw at his shirt. He gently held your wrists down and tried to lock his eyes with your glazed ones. You looked up at him with a droopy smile. 
“But see, my sweet, I’m in my pajamas and soon, you’ll be in your pajamas so we’ll be even.”
“That’s fair, I don’t want you to get cold.” You chirped happily, nodding enthusiastically. You relaxed and let George finish taking your pants off. He smirked at your poka dotted underwear before tugging up the dino pj pants. “I drank sooo much alcohol tonight, it was crazy.”
“I can smell it, dear.” He promised, brushing his thumb along your cheek, “Now sit up and take this.”
You did as you were told, sitting up lazily and opening your mouth so George could feed you an aspirin (laced with ambrosia, of course). He sighed at your childishness but didn’t argue with you. 
“Call me that thing that I like when you call me it.” You slurred, pointing up at him. He sat down next to you, melting at the adoring gaze you were giving him. You leaned against him and he wrapped an arm around you, bringing his lips to your ear. 
“Agapl mou.”
You squealed with delight as George nibbled along your neck lovingly. Once you calmed down, you rested your head against his chest, bringing a hand up to play with his hair. 
“My George is so handsome and so sweet and so kind and I love him forever and ever, a-agrap-graph moo.” You cooed drunkenly, snuggling against him. He kissed your forehead, smiling at your sweet attempt at Greek.
“He loves you too, moro mou.” 
You yawned and stretched, curling up so you were fully in his lap. Nuzzling against his black tee shirt, your eyes began to flutter shut. “’m sleepy, Georgie. Give me snuggies.”
Who was he to tell you no. He maneuvered you under the covers while still keeping you as close as possible. Once he had you tucked in, he slipped his slippers off and slid in next to you, pulling you against his chest. You sighed dramatically loud and wiggled against him.
“Goodnight, Hades.”
“Goodnight, Flower.”
“So do you secretly look like that version of you from Hercules with the flaming blue hair?”
“(y/n), honey, not now.”
“Dude, I just gotta know if I’ve been fucking my childhood villain!”
“(y/n). Go. To. Sleep.”
160 notes · View notes
jawlinedolan · 4 years
Sugar Cane Nymph (G.D.)
Sugar cane nymph (G.D.)
disclaimer-> i’m colombian so english is obviously NOT my first language. i’m fluent and generally have non-terrible grammar but I usually just  write academic stuff in english. i have only ever written fiction in my mother language before this so please bare with me while i get used to this.
this took a while to write omg it wasn’t supposed to be this long, anyways enjoy and PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE let me know what you guys think about it?💓💓🎊🎊
summary: Grayson meets his mom’s new neighbor after an unexpected for legged visitor ivades Lisa’s Garden.
word count: +5k
warnings: some minor swearing, a whole buch of flustered grayson and hopefully a bit of humor? also i did not proof-read this sorry
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Poor Grayson. For the millionth time that night something was disturbing his peaceful sleep. First the frogs and now his mom chooses this moment to do laundry.He thought half asleep. His hazy mind couldn’t for the life of him imagine any other reason for the incessant rumbling that was currently penetrating the walls of his tiny bedroom. He was mad. All of that crunching and crashing outside had taking him out of his amazing dream.
Oh, and was it an amazing one. So beautiful, just like her. He didn’t even know her name yet her image had managed to plague his every waking moment and now it seemed his slumber too. Not that he minded though, his dream had brought them closer.
He needed his sleep because he needed to wake up early, otherwise he would miss it, miss her. He had discovered her on his first morning run ever since coming back home. He always thought that Jersey had the prettiest countryside in all of North America and now he was sure of it. How could it not be with such a gorgeous nymph galoping around bareback on top her trusty steed. She was out there every morning at exactly 5:50 a.m.
Dammit. When had he became such a sap? Grayson knew he was attractive and he definitely knew how to use it. He had never encountered trouble wooing the ladies before. But this one, oh this one was different. There was something about her, he didn’t even knew her name but he just felt a certain way when he was around her. Well, more like spying behind a particularly dense bush that surrounded the little clearing where she ended her ride every morning. And that he had found on pure coincidence . If you could count trying to conspicuously keep up with a galloping horse for a quarter of mile as coincidence, that is. In his defense he just couldn’t let her get away, it was like she was pulling him without even knowing.
Each morning she would ride up there and he would be waiting behind the bush to watch the show. He could hear it’s powerful hoves before he could devise the big black stallion. Even her horse was different. It had a beautiful shinny black coat that the women at his mom’s beauty salon would envy. It’s mane and tale cascaded down his body in actual curls. Just like hers. He had never seen a horse that didn’t have straight hair.
It was sort of funny, one of the first things he noticed about the mysterious girl was her long and lucious curly hair. And she looked so in sync with the beast. With the dark curls and big brown eyes they almost looked like family.
She was short thing, as he noticed when he saw her stading next to the horse for the first time. He reckoned she would reach to his chest or his shoulders, at best. Her thick thighs hugged the animal’s torso right before she jumped off its back, squatting on her landing which made her delectable ass stretch her jeans. It all looked pretty profesional and innocent, still, he couldn’t help but imagine those beautiful legs wrapping around his waist while his big hads supported that delicious bottom.
Was he seriously getting exited at a half asleep memory or was it just morning wood?
He ignored that thought and kept his eyes closed, continuing with his hazy recollection.
Their conection was amazing, it was just her and her beast. She didn’t use a saddle or tack. She simply spoke to it, like one would another human being, and then she would scratch it’s neck. After that the thousand poud animal did everything she asked. It reared and bowed at her comand and, sometimes, she would let her hair down and they would spin and jump around almost like they were dancing.
No matter how many times he hid behind that bush to watch them, Grayson was in awe at every single thing she did. To him, she was completely mesmerizing.
So mesmerizing, in fact, that he could never bring himself to step out from behind his reliable bush to say hi. She seemed nice enough, surely she wouldn’t think he was some sort of creepy stalker, right? Except, at this point, he kind of was. But his little nymph didn’t need to know that.
Giving up on sleep he decided that if his mom felt the need to do the laundry two days in a row he better find a way of his own of being productive. But upon opening his eyes he was surprised to be greeted by darkness and those stupid frogs chirping outside. He tapped around until his long fingers got a grasp on his cellphone and squinted when the damned thing nearly blinded him with it’s brightness.
Then suddenly the laundry room was shaking again.
“The fuck” he groaned sleepily.
When his eyes finally adjusted to the light emanating from the screen of his Iphone he let out another groan, silently cursing the digital clock that read 4:25 a.m.. His alarm would be ringing in less than an hour for his morning run and he was super tired because some frogs had decided to serenade him until one in the morning. How come they aren’t sleeping yet?
Then there was that rumbling again. But when he realized that his mechanical roommate would be empty of dirty clothes at such unholy hour he began to worry. It’s not like the house was near the street, whatever or whoever was causing all that ruckus had to be in the property. He crept out of his room barefoot trying to be conspicuous and stealthy, even though the cold floor was torturing his toes.
He reached the front door after a quick stop at the kitchen to grab his mother’s big trusty iron frying pan in case he needed to attack. He made a mentan note to not leave everything that could be a potential weapon inside his building shed next time.
After taking a fortifying breath he grabbed the doorknob and turned it as delicately and silently as man his size could manage.
At first glance nothing on the porch seemed out of the ordinary, but when he turned the lights on he noticed it. An overturned plantpot which used to contain an colorful flower that, according to his mom, was an exotic plant that her friend had brought her from her vacation in the caribbean. His mom couldn’t stop talking about her colorful little flower when they showed her her new garden and how she was going to give it a special place in it. And now some rascal had savagely munched on it leaving only the dying stems amongst the dirt.
Suddenly the early morning was eerily silent again. Grayson tried to slow his breathing while straining to hear anything tha would give away the position of the invader. His heart was just about to beat out of his chest, the house was in the middle of nowhere, anything could be out there.
When he finally heard something he couldn’t believe his ears. High pitched and clearly irritated he barely recognized it.
Was that a neigh?
He followed the sound and finally got his answer upon glancing at Lisa’s Garden. The animal that appeared tu be stuck near one of the flower beds looked like a horse, kind of. It had a mane, a tail, four hooves, pointy ears and it was distinctly neighing, everythig pointed that it was a horse. Except for the fact that it couldn’t be any taller than three feet. It seemed he was in presence of a miniature horse.
Quickly running to his building shed he grabbed his diagonal pliers to cut the wire that had most likely trapped his hoof. But when he came back to help the little guy found him with his head deep into the nearest flower pot casually having a 5 a.m. flowery snack.
“Hey! Stop that!” he yelled trying to separate the little beast from it’s colorful victim. “YOU LITTLE FUCKER” Grayson yelled when the animal actually bit him for trying to take away his meal. Weren’t horses suposed to be vegetarian? Well if it liked flowers so much who’s to say it didn’t have other bizarre tastes... like fucking human flesh.
Waking up from all the noise Lisa walked outside to see her 6ft tall 200lb son wrestling a mini horse for a pot of half munched flowers. And she knew their equine visitor very well.
Grayson looked up from his struggle to see his mom walking out of the house with her phone in hand. He looked at her pleadingly and she just chuckled.
“Don’t worry sweetie I called his owners, Emperor’s mom is coming to pick him up as we speak” She told him.
“Wait you actually know where he came from?!” He let go of the animal and marched up to the woman comfortably clad in whool robe and warm slippers while he was out there shirtless and barefoot, hair stuck in every direction, trying to defend their home.
And of course in that moment his beloved brother decided to join in the fun from his bedroom window. Ethan let put a loud snort at his twin’s dishiveled appearance.
“Dude, what happened to you?” he asked in between laughs.
“Shut the fuck up E!” Grayson yelled looking up to his brother. “It could’ve been a murderer or some shit” At that Lisa couldn’t contain herself anymore and let put a loud laugh. She walked towards him with his coat in her hands that she had retrieved while the boys bantered.
“Oh realx sweetie! I don’t think you can die from cuteness overload” She paused while Grayson snatched his coat and glanced at the small black horse. to speak to it in a baby voice. “Ain’t that right Emperor?”
He put on his coat over his otherwise naked torso and and ran his hands through his unruly hair, exasperated. His mom speaking to the little monster briefly reminded him of his beautiful nymph and how her horse actually seemeyto listen, unlike this urchin that had breakfast on his mom’s flowers. He sneered at the animal before speaking.
“So you know the owners, ma?”
“Yeah, they’re sugarcane farmers. Our neighbors up north.”
“Up north? That’s dairy farm?” Grayson replied maliciously. Of course it would be dairy people that would own this mini horse devil. It just made sense.
Lisa just chuckled again at the grave look on Grayson’s face. Ethan just observed carefully from above how Emperor finished a pot of tiny purple flowers and was stretching his little neck trying to reach the next one containing daisies. Or at least he thought that’s what those were, either way it was simply hilarious.
“That’s north of the road, Gray. I’m talking about north of the property, they grow sugarcane organically. ” She explained exitedly.
“Oh... well whoever they are they better come get their poor animal soon.”
“They are already on the way, I just sent Denisse a text” She replied sternly, her sons could be the biggest men-child sometimes. “And even though they’re not vegan, I can assure you they take real good care of their animals.” Since Grayson didn’t seem all that convinced she continued, “Especially their horses, Denisse’s daughter has wall full of horsemanship thophies and first place ribbons, that girl spends hours everyday tending them.”
“Well apparently not enough” He grumbled brooding. “This one is clearly not that educated”
“Oh, Emperor is just a bit... energetic”
Oh hell no. She was actually gonna deffend it.
“ENERGETIC?!” He snapped. “ He ate your exotic flower and destroyed the garden! He’s a monster in a small package!”
“Gray it’s okay. And you’re exaggerating he didn’t destroy anything he just turned a few flower pots.”
“What about you exotic kayacka or whatever it’s called!” He kept on yelling. “HE ANNIHILATE IT”
Grayson was seething at this point. He loved animals and nature, he had gone vegan for God’s sake. But this was just too much, nature had basically trampled him in the last 12 hours. First the god forsaken frogs screaming their slimy little lungs out kept him up half of the night and now this!
This annoying piece of horse flesh had not only awoken him at the fucking asscrack of down, but it had also destroyed the garden he had busted his back to buid for Ma, who was currently laughing at his missery. And as if that wasn’t enough he was more than likely going to miss his secret appointment with his beautiful nymph.
“It’s called a cayena and he didn’t do it intentionally , Gosh, calm down” She pinned him with a stare “And it’s not that big of a deal, there’s more where that one came from I’m sure Denisse wouldn’t mind. Plus her daughter will more than likely begg to help picking up this mess, like I said she always looks out for the horses” She pursed her lips starting to get a annoyed at his irrational fury. “As mother would, she’s always picking up her childs messes”
“Well if she is such a great horse mom, how come her child is a freakin flower eating tornado” Grayson replied grudgingly, feeling like a scolded child for something he didn’t even do. Was he seriously talking about this horse like it was a person?
In the middle of his ire he looked down. Now that the sun was starting to illuminate the early morning he could see it had a kinda nice chesnut color and his beady ayes were staring eagerly at the daisies, that were just a few centimeters out of reach. If it hadn’t been such a nightmare Grayson could almost see himself looking for his allergy pill after petting the cute tiny thing. But it had messed with his garden and managed to get stuck, now he was going to have to ruin the chicken wire to cut him free. So no, Emeperos wasn’t all that cute anymore and after looking at the redish bite mark on his hand he definitely didn’t want to pet it. Lisa’s voice interrupted his musings.
“Listes, go put on you shoes, get yourself some breakfast and try to calm down. Denisse’s daughter shouldn’t be more than a few minutes away, I’ll look after him in the meantime”
“Oh no no, I’m gonna have a word with this chit and she’s gonna fix this immediately.”
Lisa was about to stop Grayson’s angry rambling until she spotted a rider and horse closing in on the house from the north trail.
“I mean, who the hell does she think she is? Letting her animals trample around and how long tilll-“
“Oh my Gosh! I’m so sorry Mrs Dolan I can’t believe he’s done this again.” A female voice rung melodically behind him accompanied by the resounding thudding of heavy hooves on grass. “Emperooor” the voice groaned “ what was it this time?”
Grayson knew that voice, and even if he had never heard her giving soft commands to her intimidating black stallion he would have recognized the feeling she stirred in him. That fluttering on the left side of his chest, the earthquake of butterflies in his stomach, that familiar sense of calmness that only her could bring him. 
Lisa´s voice brought him back from his momentary day dream.
“Well son it looks like your wish came true” she said so only he could hear and the raised her voice to greet the girl rapidly approaching them on horseback. “(Y/N) , sweetie, hello!”
Grayson turned around utterly speechless. Astounded by her beauty and awed by the mere sight of her as she dismounted  gracefully from the familiar black stud, who was actually saddled this time. 
She stepped away from the huge beast and walked towards where they were standing near the garden. With every step closer that she took Grayson felt his lungs closing up on him. What was I supposed to say to her, again? The mini horse, right. 
“I’m so sorry Mrs. Dolan. I don't know what to do with him anymore, ever since we moved up here he seems to find new ways to scape stalls and squeeze to fences daily” (Y/N) kept babbling out her sincere apologies while she come to hug the older woman whose garden had been vandalized by her favorite Shetland.
“(Y/N) I’ve told you a hundred times it’s Lisa, and don't worry about it I understand you mother is always telling me how hard you try to keep Emperor in check” She replied glaring slightly at Grayson whose jaw had fallen slightly ajar, she elbowed him discreetly bringing him back from whatever dreamland he was in. “Can't speak for the big man here though, he was a little distressed earlier”
As if he wasn't having a hard enough time (Y/N) shiny browns eyes peered up at him shyly stilling his lungs once again, and a lovely blush spread on her chubby cheeks. He followed the rosy trail with his eyes to the top of her round breasts wondering how far down her body would it reach. And when she spoke softly to him, he was a goner.
“Oh... I’m so sorry, I promise I will fix it up right away” When he didn't reply she added “I'm not as great as Lisa but I’m a pretty decent gardener, I swear its gonna look  brand new” Gosh, this was embarrassing. He was so handsome and she has just let her mini-horse ruin his mother's garden. 
Lisa’s elbow once again spooked him out of his catatonic state.
“Oh don’t be modest, I bet it’s gonna look better than before. Right, Gray?” Seeing the look in his eyes, she quickly decided that (Y/N) would have a little help fixing her plants. “Sweetie, I know you've made good friends with Cameron but I don't think you've met my sons before”
“No ma’am, I don't think I've had the pleasure” (Y/L) replied in a low voice very unlike herself.
“Okay this is Grayson and that nosy one with his head stuck out the window is his twin brother Ethan” (Y/N) glanced in the direction Lisa was pointing and sure enough there was buzz cut head sticking out the second floor window with a smirk plastered all over his angular face, ready to yell a greeting to his brother’s dream girls. Gray had described her so many times with so much detail that it was scary but it also allowed him to tell right away when he saw the curly haired girl atop the black horse.
“Why good morning Miss Horsey Neighbor (Y/L) it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance” Ethan yelled with a flirty smirk that he knew was sure to infuriate his twin.
“The pleasure is all mine, good sir” (Y/N) replied with a laugh, following along on his joke. Ethan seemed like a funny guy, she could see them becoming friends. The other brother though, they had the same sharp jawline and handsome features, but Grayson’s intense stare was definitely something else. She felt intimidated yet...exited?
Grayson stuck his hand out dumbly trying to get her attention back from his brother.
“I’m distressed and it’s okay, I wasn't Grayson” he vomited his words while trying to produce a smile that ended up looking like a grimace. (Y/L) offered him a blushy smile back none the less.
“It's a pleasure Distressed”
“Huh? Oh, fuck!” Nice job champ let her think you're fucking retarded “ it’s Grayson! I’m Grayson and  was not  distressed. I was just um...” He trailed off looking to his mom for help bur she merely shrugged “I was uh... worried! For the mini! Poor little guy just wanted a snack and ended up stuck in the chicken wire.” 
He stuttered and stumbled trough his explanation but (Y/N), who was usually very perceptive, was still so embarrassed and flustered that she didn't notice he was lying.
“Okay. So, he shouldn’tbe snacking on flowers, anyways, he knows that” (Y/N) mumbled walking towards Emperor who had stopped  struggling towards the white daisies and was now waiting for attention from his favorite human. “Alrighty pal, what did you get yourself into” She kneeled on the ground and started inspecting Emperor’s little hoof stuck on the wire. She tried to pull it out but it was too tight, the wire had tu be cut.
Meanwhile Grayson stared amazed at how the little horse devil had turned into horse putty in (Y/N)’s hands. His ears pointed towards and he rubbed his furry neck on her arm looking for scratches. No sign of the Shetland that had rudely attacked him earlier. He looked down at his hand and noticed that the bite mark was barely visible now, maybe Emperor wasn't that bad after all. Maybe.
“It’s too tight if we don't cut the wire he could hurt himself” (Y/N) announced looking up towards Lisa but the taught about it and directed her glance towards her son, who already had a cutting plier in his hand. “Do you think I can borrow that?”
“Yeah, sure, here you go” He was about to hand her the tool when Lisa widened her eyes at him at pointed her chin to the girl crouched con her garden. “Actually, let me do it” He corrected, kneeling down right next to her so that his strong shoulder thighs brushed against her blue jeans. He heard vaguely a big impatient snort behind but paid no mind to de large stallion that stood where (Y/N) had tied his reigns to the garden fence. The thing was so big it could probably pull the fence right off the soil, but instead stood patiently waiting for his master.
“I live in farm y’know I think I can manage a pair of pliers” She replied slightly annoyed that he wouldn't hand her the damned thing.
“Oh, don’t mind him honey he just loves playing with his tools” Lisa pitched in from above them. Grayson prayed nobody noticed his flushed face, but his nymph was deliciously close to him for the first time. Never before he had had the chance of perceiving her intoxicating scent, it was sweet almost like melted sugar right before it turns into caramel.
“I don’t play, ma! I build stuff”  He looked up at his mother with a look half annoyed/half pleading. “Besides, I’m sure you're more than capable of cutting some measly chicken wire, I just thought you could keep him calm so that-”
“Oh my God! You're totally right.”
“I am?”
“OF COURSE, he could run around as soon as he's free and continue to dismantle this poor place. Good thinking, Grayson” 
Was that even his name she just pronounce? He didn't remember ever sounding so good.
“Yup, yeah. That's it” Yeah I totally wasn't trying to show off for you, nymph.
(Y/N) resumed scratching Emperor with one hand while the other pushed on his neck  to give Grayson as much room to cut the wire as possible. Since the kids seemed to be getting along quite nicely Lisa decided to make herself scarce.
“Well guys I’m gonna get inside and make some breakfast” She received two distracted hums and with that she left, not without throwing a pointed glance up at Ethan who immediately stuck his head back inside.
A few minutes later Emperor was a free and happy Shetland. Since he had already eaten, clearly, she decided she could get a head start on the mess the mini had made before riding back home for breakfast. She attached a lead-rope she had brought to the his halter, that he was miraculously still wearing, and tied him to the fence. Grayson just watched her, still kneeling by the dirt bed, she moved so naturally between the mess.
“I’m so sorry, really. For the life of me I have no idea how he came to eat flowers  on the first place, I will bring over some seeds later but I’m gonna start cleaning this now, do you have some gardening tools I can borrow?” She was a little breathless after spurting out all of that, she was so nervous now that they were alone. 
He got up and dusted his sweatpants.
“Sure, they are in my building shed” He replied puffing out his already beefy chest, his building shed was his pride and joy. “Just let me grab my boots real quick”
“Oh that’s okay I ca-” but he was already running inside.
A few minutes later after running a hand through his hair numerous times to tame his bedhead in front of the living room mirror, they were walking a bit closer than necessary to the shed.
“So, you like building a lot?” At that Grayson put on full display his million dollar smile.
“You could say that” He said looking around the shed for the gardening toolbox.”I build my mom that garden, I mean me and my brother did it but he was more like an.. assistant” Grayson could have swooned when he heard her laughter but instead focused on grabbing the box from the top shelf. 
“Are you kidding? I could have sworn that was made by a professional?” She replied, seemingly impressed while they walked back. 
“Why thank you, n- (Y/N)” He put the box down next to the first overturned plant pot “I appreciate that” Oh he appreciated it, alright.
“You know, you don't need, it was my horse after all” she sat criss- cross and started rummaging trough the box.
This was it, Grayson needed to pull his shit together if he wanted to make a good first impression on this gorgeous nymph that was eagerly staring up at him, waiting for an answer that his dumbass was unable to produce. With his shaking hands conveniently hidden inside his pockets, he stared confidently into her deep brown eyes and pulled his most charming smile.
And then they got to work. All coquettish smiles, blushing faces and casual hand brushings. They talked about building, horses, video games and even the process of cultivating high quality sugar cane without using pesticides. Grayson was over the moon being the sole focus of her attention, he had waited so long for this. He watched  as she pulled away from her face the rebel curls that scaped from her ponytail wishing he could run his hands through the luscious strands and wondering if her round cheeks would be as soft as they looked if he were to touch them with his rough fingertips. He was so immersed in her that didn't realize that their work was done when they picked up the last of Emperors victims, the cayenne on the porch. 
Standing on the recently clean porch steps they took a minute to admire their hard work. Or at least for Grayson they were to admire her.
“Well, this is it, thank you so much for you help Gray, you didn't have to” Did she just called him by his nickname? He had to be dreaming.
“It’s okay” he murmured observing how she had to crane her neck up to look at him, she was such a shorty yet when she spoke she appeared larger than life. She was simply amazing. “Time flies when you're having fun” He replied while they started walking towards the horses that were snorting impatiently.
“It was kinda fun, wasn't it?” she untied the big black horse and with one hand she held Emperor’s lead rope while the other pulled on the saddle Horne making for a swift effortless mount. Grayson stood a few steps away looking at the stallion curiously. “You can come closer, Spirit is a perfect gentleman, he likes firm pats like this” He smiled at her demonstration and brought his own much larger right  hand to Spirit’s thick neck and let his left one rest cheekily above her knee.
“Spirit” he tested the name on his tongue “Is that his name?” he was looking up at her, for a change, and its was making her breath speed up.
“Well his registered name is actually Indomitable Spirit, my grandma rescued his mom with a poachers arrow on her side” (Y/N) cringed at the memory of the beautiful mare covered in blood “She didn’t have any hoseshoes and her teeth looked like they had never been floated, she was skittish around people... but not as much as the tipycal wild horse. It was like she was scared but she still wanted something from us. Then we realized it was because she was heavily pregnant, it only took us a couple of days to figure out she was close to due date. A month later she gave birth to the most adorable foal with a coat as black as onyx stone” Grayson basked in the glow of her radiant smile remembering how her horse came to this world.  And when her face fell, his did too.“It was a  difficult labor and she wasn't fully healed yet from her old wounds. The blood loss was fatal, she was too weak to even stand but she pushed through until she was done and the she just closed her eyes and never opened them again. Later on we confirmed she was a mustang so we named him in her honor. You know, most pregnant mares are nightmares, but not her, it was like she knew we would take care of her baby.” She paused at the dreamy look on his face ”Sorry, you probably didn't need the whole pony tale story, I blabber a lot sometimes... a lot of times, actually.”
“No its fine its fine,” he replied hurriedly “I love it, I mean, the story- its quite beautiful,”
“Glad you liked it” She blushed again and Grayson could have pulled her down from the saddle right then and there to cover her cute ass face with kisses, but he contained himself and tried to focus on what she was saying. “Again I’m so sorry about the garden”
“Actually, now I’m looking forward to Emperor’s next great scape if that means i get to hang out with you ” There it was, he had laid out the bait, he could only pray she take it.
“That could very well happen, but I would hate to destroy your garden again” She chuckled nervously
“It would be worth it if I can see you again, soon” The hand on her knee squeezed and his eyes stared hopeful into hers. “Or maybe, we could just grab some vegan ice cream sometime”
“That sounds nice” She started turning her horse around to hide her very obvious blush, but he saw it and it had his heart fluttering and a big cheesy smile appearing on his face. 
“Vegan ice-cream it is, then”
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The fact that no one talks about Monk makes me so, SO sad because this show is amazing and genius for so many reasons.
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A long list of reasons why I adore this show so damn much.
The show is centered around a man (guy with the super curly hair) with OCD who also has a shit ton of phobias (heights, germs, death, naked people, milk—and those aren’t in order btw he has a list) and the writers treat it with so much respect. Yes, his condition is sometimes used for jokes, but it’s not used to make people with OCD or phobias a joke. Like, they’ll put Monk in a dangerous situation where he’s about to be killed (for instance, held up at gunpoint in a car dealership), but he can’t help himself and has to fix a flaw that’s bothering him (literally takes his time to fix a peeling sticker on a car and uses the butt of the villain’s gun to push out air bubbles). That shit is funny, but it in no way makes fun of people with OCD. Plus, this boy is a genius and I love him.
OTHER MAIN CHARACTERS DONT MAKE FUN OF HIM FOR HIS CONDITION. Yes, they get irritated, but they never berate him for his condition and usually let him fix what’s bothering him unless they’re in a serious situation. (One time, Monk accidentally stepped on an unraveled roll of bubble wrap and popped a few bubbles and he had to pop the rest. His friend Leland [blonde w/ a mustache] started to help him pop them and ordered two other officers to help—and they were at a crime scene lmao) They actually usually help him??? Monk has a phobia of people being naked and in one episode someone was killed on a nude beach. They tried so hard to keep him distracted and focused on the dead body so he wouldn’t notice 😂
There’s multiple instances where he’s shown to overcome or brave his phobias to save his friends when they’re in trouble.
They also normalize seeing a therapist who often encourages Monk to try new things and advises him on what’s healthy for him and what isn’t and NEVER berates him for his issues or for relapses. (I can really relate to when they speak of Monk’s depression. They handle that stuff really well.)
Contains the best romance story I have ever seen????? Which is a big deal for me to say because I HATE romance. Monk used to be on the police force but was kicked out on psychological discharge after his wife passed and his condition worsened. So, this is a bittersweet romance, obviously, because his wife has passed, but holy shit is he in love. The way he speaks of her is so beautiful. She was his life. Years keep passing and he still wears his wedding ring and he stills thinks of himself as being married. Like, oh my god you guys don’t understand how much I love his love for Trudy. This show makes me bawl my eyes out when Trudy is involved. He’s dedicated the rest of his life to find out who killed Trudy. Believe me, when Monk is angry and it’s about his wife, he’s not to be messed with.
The dynamic Monk has with his assistants (Sharona was season 1-half of 3. Natalie was half of 3-8) is so great. They get annoyed with him and put up with his cheap, stubborn ass but love the shit out of him. These two women by themselves are amazing, too. Sharona was a divorced, single mother raising her son Benjamin (who Monk stated many times he was proud of and loved him like he was his own son), and was nursing—which is how she met Monk, being hired by Leland to take care of him after Trudy died. Her past is a bit dicey, bringing up how she used to pose for dirty pictures among other things—and it’s all treated with respect. Not once is she mocked for doing what she had to so she could take care of her son. Natalie is also a single mother to Julie, and unlike Sharona she isn’t devorced, but the widow of a Navy pilot. Despite having the same essential role in the show they made their personalities and characteristics very different from one another, except they both complain about Monk being cheap and not paying them enough lmao.
Monk and his assistant(s) have a normal ass relationship without any romantic possibility and zero awareness of their sexes. Natalie hugs, cuddles, and kisses Monk (as often as she’s able to catched him off his guard) and it’s shown simply as a wonderful friendship. Monk protects her (and Sharona), buys her flowers, and fed her cake, but they’re still shown as friends. I adore this for so many reasons. Monk is still deathly in love with his wife. Of course he can get a crush or two (which he does) but lasting any longer than an episode would be odd and uncomfortable for Monk’s character. Not to mention they don’t fit each other’s tastes at all. And how often are male and female relationships presented in media without it being romantic or turning romantic? Chicks and dudes can be friends, guys, it’s not a big deal.
LELAND 👏🏻 AND 👏🏻 MONK’S 👏🏻 RELATIONSHIP 👏🏻 IS 👏🏻 MY 👏🏻 LIFE 👏🏻 Those two have a super long history. They’ve known each other since Monk graduated college and fuck their relationship just gets better and better. Leland knows more about Monk than anyone else, except for Trudy, naturally. He was Monk’s partner while on the force. He was there when Monk got the call about Trudy. Leland hired Sharona to help Monk get back on his feet. Leland has ON MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS threaten to resign (he’s the captain of the homicide division btw) if the higher ups tried to get rid of Monk or installed a highering freeze which would keep Monk from getting back on the force. Monk is always willing to help Leland. Monk was his best man and was PROUD AF. Monk also freaked tf out and rushed to help Leland when he was shot. Like, I could go on and on about their relationship. Leland is the ONLY person that gets away with touching Monk. Usually Monk flinches or eveades or wipes his hands when people touch him or shake his hand, but he doesn’t really do that with Leland. He’s really comfortable with him. Their friendship means so much to me.
They never pulled the “no homo” shit. Leland has told others and told Monk to his face many times that he loves him. No “as a friend” or making a joke out of him saying those words. They let his character be a normal fucking person who can tell his best friend he loves him. Randy (the other guy in the picture) tells both Monk and Leland that he loves them and still no jokes are made about it, even while Randy is usually comic relief.
This show is honestly just so damn good. I seriously cannot remember a single, bad episode. I highly recommend taking a look into Monk because it’s such a great story, and the finale will butcher you and you’ll end up saying “thank you” I promise.
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily liveblogs Star Trek:TNG 1x11 - “Haven”
aka the “Troi has an arranged marriage” episode.
we get to see Riker smirking as he watches two attractive women in togas play the harp. Oh, Riker.
creepiest message ever for troi: a silvery mask attached to a literal talking cube. Quoth Troi: Oh fuck no.
I don't blame her for being upset; I'm disturbed myself. 
the creepy message box opens up, spilling jewels all over the transporter, and Troi has to inform the oblivious Riker about her upcoming arranged marriage that she very clearly hates
(Item: I cannot tell what is up with her relationship with Riker because the show has given us very little information to date, but I cannot imagine any scenario where this wouldn't be awkward and embarrassing.)
(Left to my own devices, I assume that Troi pegged Riker on the regular and she was the one who broke up with him, but I suspect the writers thought it was the other way around, lol. but it's pretty clear that Riker is dtf aliens and Troi is half-Betazed, so... *shrug*.)
Troi tries to explain her situation to Picard while Riker is mansplaining in the background. RIKER PLEASE CONTROL YOURSELF.  
All Picard wants to know is if Troi is gonna be sticking around or if he's going to have to find a new counselor, lol.
Troi tells him she won't be staying, and Picard is very clearly disappointed and trying to make the best of it, and you can just SEE the moment where Riker realizes he's still in love with Troi and goes all soft, and it's rather endearing.
(For the record, I mock Riker relentlessly, he's often an asshole, and I hate how the writers keep writing him so he's Always in the Right / expect us to identify with him, but I do enjoy him as a character most of the time.)
Riker leans casually against the wall not looking at Troi LOL. He doesn't have to because she can read his emotions.
Troi: "don't ruin your career for me,"
Riker: "babe, but I wanna"
troi: "how ‘bout no"
 Riker: "okay, then, guess I'll die"
troi: how 'bout you stop being a dramatic bitch and dance at my wedding?”
Deanna's future in-laws arrive OH THE SPACE FASHION LOL
her fiance Wyatt is human (???) gives her a "chameleon rose" that changes color with her moods, I am SURE we will be seeing more of this magic mood ring flower later as a plot point, but 10/10 excellent gift.
(his sweater game is pretty good, Wesley Crusher should take notes)
Troi calls her mother "eccentric" which is a massive understatement
her mom's first act is to scold her for not using telepathy and to make Picard carry her luggage even though she knows he's the captain
(okay, so Troi is half-Betazed, and her MOM is the Betazed and her dad is human? for some reason I thought it was the other way around but w/e)
the other dude with the elder Troi is her valet, so that makes her snub to Picard even worse, and Troi puts her foot down in the corridor
(love how both geordi and data look at that and agree "not gonna touch that shit")
The fact that Troi's mother is such a raving narcissist makes me love Troi so much more. Like, I already loved her, but this just takes it to the next level.
pretty sure the dude playing the valet is the same guy who was the time traveler in "Where No Man Has Gone Before", lol
picard: please accept our humbly awful '70s space future accommodations
I don't know what color white is on a Mood Rose, but that rose has been pure white ever since Lwaxana Troi showed up
Lwaxana Troi believes in radical honesty, which actually puts her roughly on par with Data in terms of social skills, ironically enough.
Troi, who is a professional diplomat, is like, Mom, please, fuck no, humans are complicated, okay?
"Failure to communicate is inherently hostile" - wow, that's this show's philosophy in a nutshell, isn't it?
I love Electorine, the leader of Haven (the planet they’re orbiting) - she looks like how I imagine a grown-up Ozma of Oz
So Troi's fiance is human? I'm so confused about the politics here, especially when Lwaxana is such a snob about Betazed superiority. 
Troi tries to console Wyatt by saying "I'll only be half as annoying" as a Betazoid/my mother. He doesn't laugh, but I think she meant it to be funny? I LOVE YOU TROI.
He wants to know if she can read his thoughts, she says no, but maybe we'll get there, and then she almost spills the beans about Riker, but catches herself at the last possible moment
to his credit, dude picks up on that right away and asks "Do I have competition?"
Troi says NO, but we all know that's a lie.
Turns out Dude also has issues: he's been hearing voices/seeing the face of a woman his entire life, and he just assumed it was Troi because aliens are Like That, am I right?
Picard to his personal journal: am I biased? I'm pretty sure I'm not and this is a legit disaster in the making.
oh hey, there's a strange vessel approaching the planet to investigate, so time for another conference!
(ngl: I realize the conference room scenes are unpopular but I personally love them even though they generally do not work on multiple levels from a writing/viewing perspective)  
turns out the ship is full of plague and heavy-handed metaphors about the nature of humanity
Lwaxana Troi causes a scene at the cocktail party quarreling with her future in-laws, and both Troi and Riker are in their own personal hells
data looks like he could use some popcorn
Love Troi in her non-work outfit here
Data tries to chat up the silent valet about his drinking habits, with hilariously awkward results
Lwaxana has a pet Tradescantia vine that starts crawling on one of the in-laws and Riker has Had Enough
Everyone is appalled to learn that nudism is mandatory at Betazed weddings.
Troi screams at everyone and storms out and Tasha is amused.
Data believes the proper study of mankind is man: "Could you continue the petty bickering? I find it so intriguing."
awww, riker is brooding in the holodeck, lol
(why does Troi always have to be the adult in this relationship?)
So "Imzadi" is confirmed to mean "my beloved" and Troi asks if they're beyond that now, and Riker's all jealous and defensive, and... surely they have polyamory in the 24th century??
Rikers like "I'm an all or nothing guy," which, okay, fair. BUT WHY THE HELL DID YOU TWO BREAK UP THEN, I'M SO CONFUSED? Did Troi break up with you because she thought it was interfering with your career (not sure how that tracks but whatever)? Or did Riker instigate the break-up? (In which case, I have less sympathy because he shot himself in the foot there! GROW UP, YOU FOOL, GROW UP)
Wyatt the Betrothed shows up and is like, "oh, hey, your loss" to Riker, which just made me roll my eyes.
Riker responds by stalking off in a dignified huff, lol SO EMOTIONALLY MATURE, Y'ALL.
meanwhile, the plague ship approaches *jaws theme*
turns out the woman in wyatt's drawings is on the ship, although I admit I would not have made that connection if Troi hadn't pointed it out
Wyatt goes to ask Lwaxana for relationship advice, which goes about as well as you'd expect it would.
he decides to break quarantine and transport over to the plague ship because HIS SECRET DREAM WOMAN IS REAL (and also he's a doctor and this is his life dream to cure the plague)
the ship is decorated with portraits of Wyatt at various ages which is totally not creepy at all
so anyway, that's that!
Lwaxana concludes by flirting with Riker, much to his amusement and Troi's annoyance
it turns out the valet could talk this whole time, he just... didn't want to before now? Or maybe he's come to understand humans better enough to communicate on their level... or just really liked the wet bar at the reception
(oh, and I was totally wrong, that color-changing rose was just a space macguffin that didn't go anywhere, sigh)
at least we'll always have the vine-pet-creature-thing!
I still don’t understand why this episode is called “Haven,” the planet has almost literally nothing to do with anything and nobody even goes there.
so this episode has a lot going for it! lots of fun character moments, even if I’m still confused as hell about a lot of things the show should have explained.
am I entertained? oh, absolutely.
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insporaelynn · 3 years
📲 raelynn && roman
WHEN: january 24-26th 
DESCRIPTION: just best friends talking and being obsessed with each other. rae confides in him about her ex drama.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: drug mention, probably sex mention.
Hi love of my life. I miss your face. How’s it going??
my baby
god, i miss you too. i'm doing okay, how're you tonight?
it’s been an off day, not even gonna lie lol super sore and tired. I just wanna be back to normal already
oh no
how's your scar healing up? the boys are taking care of you right??
it’s okay I guess bleh lol and not tonight. I’m all alone
Where's Q? Is Aaron working?
Well I guess I should know that since I'm literally at work. Lmao.
Q is working on music. Aaron has des tonight
ugh. i wanna lay with you and kiss ur face.
are you busyyy? I can burn us some cookies
i'm working but I'd love to see you after if you're still up.
of yeah you just said you’re at work lmao fucking weed
yes please come by when you’re done
absolutely, i'm yours.
u know niamh was trying to figure out who rue's date was and she was like "is it you" bc i mentioned that I have a dick appt with him tomorrow night.
and i was like. dude, no, for like, a thousand reasons. like, why would that ever be me???
oh god, I’m so out of the loop with gossip lately, it’s sad. I didn’t even know he had a date lol
it's apparently some big secret but he's having people help him dress up and asking about flowers and candy and niamh is like "bitch is it you" and i'm like. LMAO.
like is there anything about me that says flowers and candy
Hahahahahhahahahahaha HAHAHA
that really made me laugh too hard.
like, i'm not the flowers girl, i'm the sneak out in the night girl, the middle of the afternoon girl, all those things, but flowers girl???? sdkfdskksd
I’m 100p a flowers girl
my parents are coming in to town this week. Gotta tell them I have two boyfriends haaaa. Pray for me
I feel like that should be the least shocking thing about you??? In a good way.
yeah, I definitely keep them on their toes
tell ur boyfriend that if he wants me to continue wearing body glitter he's going to have to pay me extra
omg but I love body glitter fyi
I did an onlyfans video with Lilah earlier and I'm like 80% sure that I left glitter on her sheets. Like I'm a fucking unicorn.
that makes me so happy I can’t even lie
I too wanna leave glitter everywhere
man I need to do only fans
i would a thousand percent subscribe
both bc i'm a perv and also bc i'm a very supportive best friend.
we could get naked and do a body glitter photoshoot
and I love this about you
that sounds like a dream?? Wow
would love nothing more than to apply body glitter to ur glorious tiddies.
my tillies would appreciate it
Hahahaa it hurts to laughhhh
clears throat Um. The National Debt.
it is my understanding that there is. National Debt.
hahahah I love you
Blah blah, topics. Blah blah, smart people jargon, blah blah
god it’s so boring isn’t it
would so much rather talk about titties
God same.
Like how yours are somehow bigger than mine.
I know, I need some sort of support at this point I think
we could get you fitted for bras somewhere maybe that'd be fun
it'd look actually so hot
well I already wear lingerie in the bedroom. Might as well.
you will be the absolute death of me, you're simply too gorgeous and too sweet to exist.
stahhpppp you’re making me blushhhh. Right back atcha my babe
is there anything you want me to bring you when i'm done here?
just yourself. I’ve got good ass weed
and for the millionth time, i realized, you are my soul mate.
you’re mine, lovie.
i wish i could've had appendix surgery instead of you
noooo don’t be silly lol I’m okay darling.
no i hate that you were in pain even for like a second i hate it so much!!
stop it, I love you. You cutie. Oh god okay I’m gonna make us cookies.
Dont burn the house down my beautiful twin flame
I always get cookie dough thinking I’ll do better next time. I still have that unearned confidence
Thats bc im always building you up and rightfully so
yes you do and I live for it. I also really love fresh cookies right out of the oven, I just want to make that happen
I believe in you my little tropical starfish
Tumblr media
literally you
hehehehe ⭐️
i don't think anybody's ever gonna love me more than you
and i think. i think maybe that's okay?
that’s not true. You’re gonna find someone who is gonna blow you away
yeah but even if i did, would I even be able to love them without being scared of them?
yeah, I think so. I’ve had to overcome a lot of walls and fears myself that I never thought I could. The right person makes it easier.
idk there are a lot of people i could've loved if i hadn't been so....this lmao
I think it’ll just take some time!
you have so much faith in me.
of course I do. I think you can do anything.
i'm not really sure.
you don’t have to be cause I ammmmm
and you're the smartest person in the world
in the whole world?? Damn. I’m not near as rich as I should be then.
how about I stay over with you tonight and we get some breakfast in the morning? I did really good on tips tonight.
okay!! I’d love that
good 'cause i don't get to spend nearly as much time with you as i wanna
I knowwww. We haven’t had a sleepover in so long
you can cuddle up to me and i'll feed you cookies and kiss your hair
revolutionary. better than therapy.
I finished the cookies baby and I didn’t burn them to a crisp
you fucking legend
I’m pretty damn proud of myself not gonna lieeeee
extremely sad that i couldn't stay at breakfast with you all day
now I’m bored
i swear after i left you my day went down the tubes.
oh no I’m sorry
who do I need to fight
well carson is back.
oh god, tell me more
idk why he's back but wes gave him my number bc i guess when i told him to lose it he took it to heart which like good i wanted him to
but anyway i screamed at him in the chat
everyone called me a hypocrite bc i told ivy to stop being a bitch in the chat awhile back. which tbh i didn't remember even doing, i just be saying shit.
like alex opened his fuckin mouth and i'm like what dog do you have in this fight
oh and DELILAH is moving in with carson bc he's "like her brother!!!" never mind the fact that he cheated on me bc i guess friendship doesn't mean much anymore
wow that’s...messy. Wtf lilah though seriously
So then Carson texts me bc wes gave him my number and that felt like being??? Pushed back in time against my will
that’s not cool
So yeah a lot of crying today
*chick with knife emoji*
me rn
Cute but lethal
*img attachment* 
and not at all high...
you're so hot jesus christ.
I love you.
love u more than life itself
*img attachment of a keychain that says PUSSY WAGON* 
this was recommended to me on Instagram and now I want it.
it would be perfect for my Volkswagen
omg and with me in it...it really WOULD be a pussy wagon......
big brain
we should road trip soon
I would love that so much honestly
where should we go?
Disney world!!
will u propose to me there
wouldn’t that be romantic as heck
THE most romantic and also we'd maybe get free dessert
I never turn down anything free.
me neither. not the taylor family way
hahaha I love you.
we'll start planning a summer trip, just us.
yay yay yay yay!
i'm gonna wear a tiara the whole time.
with Mickey ears?
of course, i'm not a monster.
I hate dudes.
they’re a mess aren’t they lol
Had a temporary lapse in sanity and agreed to meet Carson for coffee lol and he canceled like 15 mins before we were supposed to meet for a probably fake meeting lmao its so typical but I fell for it
babe I’m so sorry
Like im just so tired
how can I make it better
I don't know honestly and I wish I did.
I love you.
I love you.
you’re my baby
you're MY baby
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Survey #263
laptop is still broken, nvm. :’)
Do you have a favorite song by The Cure? "Sweet Soul Sister." (': Are there things you've never told for fear that others would judge you? Yep. Can sex ever be casual? I personally don't support it, but ultimately, so long it's consensual, protected, and both parties understand what's going on, you do you. Would you like to go on television to receive a make-over? Not on TV, no. It'd be awesome to see myself after a professional makeup, but I ain't going on TV to show my ugly face. What will no one ever see you do? Smoking. Are you quick to anger? Rarely. Are you slow to forgive? Not really. Usually. What do you need help with? Being an adult, lmao. Do you take the easy way out of things? More often than I'd like... What is your favorite fabric to wear? *shrugs* I don't pay attention to the fabric I wear, really. Do you still make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles? C'mon dude, you've got to! I don't believe in wishes increasing your odds of anything, but it's a must anyway! Do you look for four leaf clovers? Just casually when I'm walking or sitting outside. What are you the guardian of? My pets! Are you for or against censoring child pornography? I've seen many stupid questions in surveys. But this is the absolute dumbest. What the fuck is wrong with you. Are naked child images in paintings more acceptable than photographs of naked children? GENERALLY, yes, but it really depends on the artistic portrayal. None should be sexualized. Now that we can create such lifelike digital images, do you think it should be allowed for digital child pornography to exist (as in there were no children involved in the porn, it is all digitally made, the kids aren't real, they just look real)? Absofuckinglutely not. The concept is absolutely repulsive. Enough with these fucking questions. Do you like Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy better? Wheel of Fortune, ig. Jeopardy is pretty boring to me. What is your favorite tarot deck? I don’t know enough about tarots to comment. How do you feel about Wicca and Paganism? IT'S SUPER SUPER INTERESTING AND COOL AND I LOVE LEARNING ABOUT IT!!!! I relate most to Neo-Paganism anyway, so I obviously don't mind them. Wicca especially is a very, very misconstrued religion that has just been horribly abused by the media. Do you believe that people who practise the above religions are able to accomplish magic? No, I don't. If you were given the opportunity to lead a creative writing program for a small group of students in a high school with a low budget in generally poor neighborhood, would you do it? No, but only because I could never been a teacher. Sounds fun otherwise. Should high school cafeterias stop serving twinkies and other fatty foods? BIIIIITCH whose HS sells Twinkies????? I need to know?????? Anyway, no, but I believe there must be mostly actually nutritional options. Let kids have the chance to have a little snack during a boring 'ole school day. What band is so romantic that anyone who listens to them must be romantic at heart? BOY Josh Groban. Have your gods and idols let you down? The Christian god did. What do you waste? Whew... time... time. When was the last time that you were neither going to school or working for a month or more? Currently. Ugh. What is your light at the end of the tunnel? The potential of a beautiful future. Speaking of the light, is the light that people see when they die the random firing of electrons or is it something more? Good question. I lean towards it being a natural phenomenon as everything shuts down, BUT I find the reincarnation/birth canal theory to be quite interesting. I don't really believe it, but hey, who the hell am I to decide if it is or not. If you were going to have a mural painted in your bed room what would you want it to be of? A scene of meerkats probably. Is sex more about fulfilling a need or giving yourself? Giving yourself. Do you like your belly? FUCK NO. Do you think more or act more? Think, sadly. Should there be a mandatory retirement age? Of course not. You work all you want boo. What's the craziest thing you've ever done on impulse that worked out well? This is gonna sound... very bad, but my suicide attempt. It made things abundantly clear I needed serious help. It led to my partial hospitalization program. Do you have any exercise tapes or DVDs? No but OH MY GOD this made me remember my lil sister used to a Barbie one that we followed lmaoooo. Does the sound of crickets bother you? No, I quite enjoy it actually. Is the sound of a fan on at night soothing? Yessss. How do you feel you will likely die? I really don't know, but probably cancer-related. Recent events have made it abundantly clear it does in fact run in our family, and genetic testing because of Mom's cancer revealed that at least through her, my sisters and I are susceptible to pancreatic, breast, and ovarian cancer. Once this virus passes over, we're all getting tested for free to get an understanding of what hell Dad gave us lmao. Have you ever been slapped in the face? No. How about punched? Yeesh, no. That was something unique about you as a child? I was CRAZY about dinos for the average little girl. Have you ever come up with a memorable quote? Not really. What is something interesting about where you live? The town is like, really, really old. Downtown looks right out of an old movie. Were you breastfed as a baby? Yeah. If you’ve lost your virginity, what was your first time like? I don't remember it because it didn't really register what we were doing was sex. I still don't know today if you could call it sex since it was really dry humping through thin clothes, but it sounds close enough. What do you think about masturbation? You do you boo. Is it sometimes better than the real thing? I don't think so, though I only had a brief episode where I did it when I was put on a new birth control that made my hormones like so, so far beyond control. I stopped that shit sooo fast. I got almost nothing out of it, honestly. Intimacy is a two-person job for me. Who do you think about most? Jason, whether I want to or not. Favorite way to pamper yourself? Go to bed early lol. What's your most expensive piece of clothing? I don't have a clue. I don't really have expensive stuff. What was your last big achievement? Ugh... I'm not the person to ask. I haven't made any big ones even semi-recently. Have you ever had a "false alarm" moment, what was it about? Oh sure. The first time that comes to mind was when I thought Venus was dying once when she had a series of horrible coughing/gagging fits a long time ago. We took her to the vet with the risk of a respiratory infection, but she was clear, thankfully. I think she had early signs, though. Do you know how to ride a bike? Ye. If you were in the hospital who are the two people you'd want by your side? Mom of course, and it'd be nice if Sara was there if she was at all capable of that, but I'm fine w/ just Mom. If you could ever take a street sign, what sign do you want? Well, I wouldn't, but probably "stop" bc that applies to a lot in my life, lmao. Have you ever not returned something you borrowed and if so what was it? I don't think so? When you pack your lunch, what's your favorite packed lunch? Usually just a good 'ole pb&j. :') What was the one most important thing you learned from your parents? Take care of your goddamn relationship. Talk shit out instead of yelling. Work together. Never neglect the reason you're with each other. Have you done something you worry could come back to haunt you, what? No, because I don't believe in karma. If you had to build a small ark, what 7 animals would you save? Those with the biggest ecological impact, like bees and spiders, for example. I wouldn't be very happy with all my choices while all other animals perished, but you've gotta think of what comes next. Out of just selfishness I'd obviously have to spare a spot for meerkats, aha. They'd help with the bug control, though! I don't know about the other four, though; I'd have to think real hard on 'em. What is something your parents love that you actually love too? Classic rock and metal. Has anyone ever said "I love you" and you couldn't say it back? I firmly remember this is how I ended that childish shit with Joel. He said it and I couldn't. Have you ever ridden a camel? No. What's been the hardest loss you've had to take? Jason. What emotion is your least favorite and the one you are not in touch with? Fear, of course. No one likes being afraid. I'm not all that in touch with greed at all. Do you think facial moles or freckles are cute? I don’t mind 'em. Sometimes they're super-duper cute. Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't trust strangers for shit. If you're searching for a relationship, where is your go-to place to look? I don't really "look" anywhere. What book have you read multiple times? I lost count of how many times I've read Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari. Granted, in subsequent reads, I would skip over the HUGE tangent chunks that were entirely unrelated to meerkats. I seriously remember one long-ass section was like a goddamn essay on why smaller animals tend to have unnaturally large testicles like I don't fucking care talk about Flower again. I think I only decided to read it in full two times, but maybe not even that. Do you keep a budget? I don't have the income to do so. Have you ever test driven a car you knew you weren't going to buy? No, never test-drove anything. What do you have a hard time visualizing? There's a number of things, but this one thing is weird shit: I can't picture my old therapist. Even when I saw her every month, I could almost NEVER visualize her in my head. She's a fucking cryptid or something, paranormal shenanigans is going on here. She's the only person I know where I have that problem. What makes you feel uncomfortable in group settings? I worry I'll make myself look stupid in front of everyone. What was your worst date ever? I don't feel like I've really had a bad one. I've had one that did nooooot go according to plan and I know the average girl would've been annoyed, but I'm actually an understanding human being who found the adventure fun in the end. Basically a flat tire, a sketchy tire place, and a lot of walking happened lmao. Tyler felt fucking awful, felt bad for him. Have you ever gotten in a bidding war on Ebay, if so for what item? HAHA yeah, though it was technically Mom, but she had me keep an eye on it. I remember Parasite Eve took some battling to get. I think maybe a Legend of Spyro game, too? Are you supportive of your friends even if you don't agree with them? So long it's not literally insane or stupid, usually. It really does depend. What did you think was stupid until you tried it? Hm. I'm not sure. What subject do you and your parents never see eye to eye on? Religion. I keep most of my beliefs to myself now. Where do you see yourself in 1 year's time? Honestly, I don't want to ponder and picture this. What is your favorite type of seafood? I only like shrimp. What triggers your inner shopaholic? HA, do tattoos count? See cool ones, and then I'm planning (more than only always...) tons of new ones I want and will just be DYING (ALSO more than always lakdjfwe) to go to the parlor. What public figure do you disagree with the most? I really can't say considering I'm just not educated enough here. What is your opinion on rats as pets? They are absolutely wonderful! Smart, sweet, and very clean despite their stigma. I've had quite a few. What is something you're afraid to try? Sky diving, the Tower of Terror ride. ;___; That kinda stuff. What song makes you dance uncontrollably? None. Do you like nachos, if so what topping is a MUST have? Cheese is all I really need for nachos. Do you have any subscriptions? Yes, to Adobe Creative Cloud. Which is better, Mario or Sonic? Mario games are cute, Sonic's make me cringe - I've watched enough Game Grumps to know lmao. I hate hate hate cringe culture, like let people enjoy whatever, but I absolutely cannot stop my cringe reaction to some shit. I don't judge the people that enjoy whatever it is, though. THAT pisses me off. Who is the most creative person you know? I've known Sara and Connie much too long to not say them. They have such vast imaginations. Besides a pickle, what is your favorite thing pickled? I've actually never tried anything pickled, I think... no wait. Aren't jalapenos? Well there, jalapenos. What did you do for your 21st birthday? If not, 21 what are your plans? I had my normal therapy sessions in the mental hospital lmfao. It's unfortunate, but I do have fond memories of the day. Everyone was so damn sweet, and the friend I made there even got in touch with one of the lunch ladies, who literally went to go buy me a slice of cake. She and the other employees in the kitchen brought it out at dinner, and everyone sang happy birthday. I think I remember tearing up just because it was so goddamn sweet, but also bittersweet in that I was in a fucking mental institution for my BIGGEST birthday. When I got out, Colleen bought me a red velvet cake to "make up for it," ha ha. I miss her every now and then alsdkjf;wae. Are you a role model for anyone in your life? Oh, I doubt it. Do you think you need to slow down and enjoy life more? I don't need to go any fucking slower in my life. Can you impersonate anyone famous? I don't believe so. Never really tried anyone. What is your favorite salty snack? Spicy Cheetos mmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What is your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden for sit-down, Sonic for fast food. Have you ever been in a play for school? In elementary school. I never had a big roll, though. Do you wish you had more friends? Very much. What is the main character’s name in the book you’re reading? Aunt Lydia. Which famous author would you like to meet? I'm not particularly interested in any. Which artist would you like to meet? Hey hey hey. Mark's brother is a comic artist. Meet him, one step closer to meeting God Himself. (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง Which singer would you like to meet? OZZY sobs What celebrity do you have a crush on? Anyone who's even heard about a hint of my Markiplier obsession knows I would fuck him into oblivion. When you were in middle school, were you in love with someone you never talked to? No, I didn't romantically love anyone. Do you believe that there is an unseen spirit realm? I do. Martini, margarita, or sangria? YO STOP I'm weak with these things. I can't pick. Do you feel you are extremely gifted but no one appreciates you? No. I honestly feel like people have more faith in what I'm capable of than deserved. What Lisa Frank character is your favourite? The angel cat, probably. Or tiger. Do you know how to use Braille? No. When you use stairs, do you usually hold the rail? Currently, I have to because of my muscle atrophy. I need help to stay steady. Have you ever worn a veil? No. Have you ever planted a tree? We actually did plant an apple tree in our front yard at my childhood home. Never grew much. Have you ever made anything with clay? A number of things from art classes. Has today been a good day? No, honestly. Have you ever fed a horse hay? Yes. Are you more likely to text "Okay", "OK" or just "K"? "'Okay.' The other two are restricted for when I am in a mood and want someone to know I am in a mood." <<<< HA HA SAME. Do you like the taste of lime? Sure. Have you ever seen a mime (in real life)? Not to my recollection. Have you ever seen a deer (in real life)? Plenty of times; whitetails are common here. Right now, what can you hear? "Game Over" by Falling In Reverse. Have you ever seen a bear (in real life)? In the zoo, yes. I think there's a possibility I have in the wild, but only from a distance? Have you ever eaten glue? No. Do you tend to buy clothes used or new? New. If you have Netflix, how many items are in your queue? N/A
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h1de-s0urce · 4 years
Rules: Answer 10 questions, come up with 10 questions, and tag 10 people
Thank you for tagging me @skchorpion !!!
1. What was the last/ most interesting thing you wrote down for yourself (either in messenger, notes app, paper, etc)? I’m not quoting my journal entry ya’ll sry  2. What’s the word you’d want your friends definitely to say when describing you? Silly and easy-going 3. Best comfort food and for what occasion? Mashed potatoes, carrots and brown sauce for when i’m really sad and need to calm myself. It may sound weird but it’s really good 4. If you were any sort of plant (with edible parts or flowers or anything really), what would you like to be? cactus, because people leave me when they get to close SUCCULENT 5. What is your weapon of choice? I’d like to think my sharp wits would cut right through anyone when i need to haha no but honestly dont hand me any weapons, i’d freak out 6. Would you come and bury this body with me? Where are you I’ll be there asap  7. If you had your own pride flag, what colours would you use? If i could design one for myself I’d use black, purple and green cause they are my favourite colours 8. Favourite month? I like May, October, and December for different reasons but yeah 9. What filters/tags do you use when searching for a new fanfic to read? Shhhhh, that’s a secret 10. The most wild reason why you’re going to hell/heaven/elsewhere? dude i dont know
My questions for y’all:
1. what is your favourite ice cream flavour?
2. Tell me three fun facts about yourself
3. What is your greatest fear?
4. I have been arrested. What do you think I did?
5. If a turtle is without a shell, is it homeless or naked?
6. Describe a dream date
7. How do you think the world looks like in a 100 years?
8. What is the one thing you are most obsessed with right now?
9. Where do you think we go when we die?
10. Are you a night owl or morning bird?
Tagging: @letsboldlygomotherfuckers , @sgthespian , @starribbon , @this-is-kates-so-called-blog , @whynot--12 , @thetrashyartist08 , @edwardglitterhandss , @amanda-with-a-y , @cherrytreerose , @memelifedreamlife 
Anyone else can answer these too if you want
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guardiandae · 5 years
Meta/Commentary Part 2: A Little ‘XO’ Wouldn’t Go Amiss
(Spoilers below)
(CONTENT WARNING: mental illness, self harm and suicidal ideation mentions)
So when we left off, Nate and Wade had their first real interaction / moment of demonstrated compassion, even if it’s a rough one. Wade flirts, Nate sucks the rancid blood out of his lungs, then tells Wade to clean up their disgusting kitchen and he’ll actually make Wade a meal.
Which is like. Wow. Exciting. Peak interaction and peak affection from Nate so far. Wade actually makes an effort because a homecooked meal from Mr. Grumpy is the nicest thing he’s ever heard and then he waits and waits for Nate to come back and follow through on his promise and Nate.... totally forgets.
So Wade is left fending for himself, and trying to find a way to make quick cash (because Nate has control of Wade’s finances.. and Nate forgot to feed him. Sob.) So he finds someone who thinks he looks enough like Spider-Man to hire him and then this happens.
"Fuck you, Spiderman, you suck!"
"Yeah? That wasn't what your dad said last night," Wade countered. "Or maybe it was, 'cus I'm Spiderman and I love banging old dudes."
The guy had just given him a withering look. "Dude. Whatever gets you off," he muttered, walking away.
"Wait. It's that easy?" Wade wondered aloud, not sure if he was relieved or disappointed by the lack of a fight. He tried not to think about it too much.
Foreshadowing? Oh hell yeah, foreshadowing. Wade is old enough to remember when it wasn’t okay to just... openly admit anything outside of cisheteronormative standards, and this guy not rising to the bait and just saying ‘whatever’ is kind of whiplash. 
Wade felt his brain short out when he saw Nate standing with just a towel around his waist.
(Oh no, he's hot. I mean, we already knew that but now he's like, naked and stuff.)
[Is that even legal?]
"Shut up," Wade said, pressing a hand to his head. They were back. Why were they back???
(Why do you think?)
Yeah. So I feel like Wade’s ‘boxes’ are partly like a way for his subconscious to yell at him about all of the stuff he’s trying to ignore. And some of that is really bad stuff for him, that he shouldn’t listen to, like his self hatred and anxieties and suicidal thoughts. But then there are thoughts like these, like his attraction to Nate, his need to be listened to and shown even the barest scraps of respect/affection/kindness, but he thinks he doesn’t deserve any of that and won’t say it.
Like, when Nate remembers that he fucked up and forgot about his promise to make Wade dinner:
"Well… at least your kitchen is clean," Nate said. "That's a reward in itself."
(A reward in itself? What kind of asshole says that?)
[The kind that throws away Hello Kitty post it notes.]
"Yeah, I'm gonna agree with the little yellow box on this one," Wade said. "Doing a chore isn't a reward in itself. A reward is a reward."
While Wade’s ‘boxes’ are overall really toxic for him in this fic, they can be a good thing! If it weren’t for his boxes, Wade wouldn’t have been able to process through the fact that Nate disappointed him and caused him suffering and tell him that it was kind of shitty and not okay and end up making Nate promise to actually follow through because it was important to him!!
"You know there aren't any boxes, right, Wade?" Nate asked him. "They aren't really in your head."
"I know that," Wade said. "But they still won't shut up.”
Foreshadowing. And also, in this moment, imo, it’s basically giving Wade the opportunity to say, yes I know it’s ‘not real’ but it’s still real. Which is like. The biggest mental illness mood. Of course... they’re kind of referring to two different things, once again. Having different conversations. Wade thinks Nate can’t hear half of his conversation, and Nate must think he’s nuts. Of course, SPOILERS, Nate can hear every single thing that Wade is saying, because he’s talking to himself, and the entire time Nate is trying to asses how the fuck to handle what’s going on and how serious this is.
"What do you want to watch?" Nate asked, so casually, it took Wade a long moment to realize that Nate was talking to him, and an even longer moment for his brain to short out.
"What do you want to watch?" Nate asked again, as if this was something that they'd ever done before.
(Nate's never watched TV with us. What's happening???)
[Pity. He knows we're losing it.]
The sad thing is, Wade’s inner thoughts aren’t wrong. It takes hearing Wade’s inner thoughts for himself and seeing him struggle and realizing how badly Wade’s been affected just because Nate has ignored him and given him the cold should so many times... to realize that he needs to give Wade a little bit of kindness. But it feels like it’s coming from pity instead of genuine interest  and pity fucking sucks.
"Nate. I know you don't like being around me," Wade said, slowly. "This isn't your problem, so don't worry about it."
and then he locks himself in the bathroom and tries to just drown out the voices until he can fall asleep, in the bathtub, because mood.
Meanwhile, Nate is concerned, but not showing it well because his concern quickly turns back into anger:
"Please, Wade. Listen to me, not them. These things in your head, they aren't real, okay?" Nate tried to reason with him. "I know it feels like what they're saying is true, but I promise you they aren't right. Not about you. Not about us. Come out of there, alright? Come on, Wade. For fuck's sake, I'm trying to talk to you, isn't that what you wanted? Get the fuck out."
After a while of yelling, Nate realized that Wade had gone quiet. He stopped, trying to get a hold of his anger, his… if he was honest… fear. Fear of losing Wade.
He could use telekinesis to force the lock. He could also break the door down, easily.
Nate pressed his hands against the door, listening. On the other side, he heard Wade humming tunelessly to himself. Drowning out the voices. Drowning out Nate.
He curled his fingers against the cheap faux-wood door and tried to will himself to stop. To calm down.
Nate is starting to understand, to take little steps. He knows he’s already starting to slip up right out of the gate and he knows he needs to stop pushing right now or he’ll only push Wade away.
Wade had been talking to himself for a long, long time.
And Nate hadn't really spoken to anyone for almost as long.
This is the point where Nate starts to realize that they both have problems to address. Nate’s behavior (withdrawing/isolating, anger, not communicating) isn’t just toxic for himself, which he’d be fine with, but it’s also eroding Wade’s mental health at the foundation. Even when Nate is interested or concerned for Wade, he doesn’t express it in a way that Wade can recognize. Concern looks like disgust because Wade is so used to the latter; smiling at Wade’s jokes/flirting is interpreted as dark and aggressive because they’re both thinking about two different things; he reads Wade’s cute little notes but throws them away because first he thinks Wade is making fun of him and then he either doesn’t know how to react or the reminder of Wade’s concern/affection makes him uncomfortable because from his perspective he’s offered nothing in return. And if he could just communicate how he felt on his end, Wade wouldn’t be left feeling like Nate hated his fucking guts.
The next morning, Wade is still locked in the bathroom, which means Nate is forced to make an effort to communicate with him, because now he realizes that leaving the house while Wade is still potentially in crisis mode could cause Wade to keep spiraling.
He was ready to go out the door, but at the last second it occurred to him that Wade might wake up and see that Nate had left and take it in the worst way possible. When it came to dealing with Wade, you always had to think to yourself, 'What is the worst case scenario?' and then go a couple steps beyond that. If Nate left without leaving a note, he could come back to Wade giving him the cold shoulder, or he could come back to find the entire building burned to ground.
[Went out.]
There. Simple and to the point.
Ah, fuck. Maybe that was too simple. Wade would think he wasn't coming back, because he was a fucking idiot.
[Went out. Be back later.]
That was still a little bit impersonal. Nate didn't want Wade to think he didn't care about his wellbeing.
[Went out. Be back later. Don't off yourself.]
That was better.
But if Wade actually read this note, Nate also didn't want him to think he could hole up in the bathroom again. That shit got old fast.
[Went out. Be back later. Don't off yourself. Or lock yourself in the bathroom again.]
Nate stared at the note, written on a pastel pink background with little cartoon kittens and hearts and flowers and sweets, and felt a mild panic.
[Fucker], he added hastily, and then left before he had time to second-guess himself.
Nate is still very much in I-don’t-even-like-him denial mode, but this process of thought while he’s writing his note? Ooooh. This is art, baby. Nate is actually concerned about how Wade will react if he leaves the message too short, too uncaring. And then has to add a little ‘fucker’ at the end because hello tough guy points, keep those in the millions. Give Wade an inch, he’ll take a mile.
And of course, when Wade gets up and finds the note, his reaction is, This is a love note. And by all rights... it basically is. It’s the first tangible scrap of evidence Nate has given him that he cares about Wade’s well-being at all, and he cherishes the hell out of it.
Which makes it all the more painful when Wade realizes he was careless and threw that scrap of paper, Proof Nate Cares About Me, into the wash with the rest of his clothes and now it’s destroyed.
So... a few things happen all at once. Honestly, just one would be enough to make Wade lose it, but sometimes in fiction you have to drive the point home:
1. Nate says he’s leaving.
"With what you have in the bank, you could probably buy yourself a house, Wade," Nate replied.
"You mean us, right?" Wade corrected.
Nate stared at him and then dropped his gaze to pick at his plate. "The X-Men offered me a position," he said. "I could stay at the mansion, if I wanted to. Or I could get a stipend. It'd probably be enough to pay rent somewhere. So I won't have to keep leeching off of you."
Of course, once again, two different conversations are happening. Nate is saying, I got offered this, I don’t have to stay, I don’t have to keep leeching off of you and offering nothing in return because I am hurting you and it’s making me feel like a useless piece of shit. Remember Wade’s finances are paying for everything right now because Nate doesn’t have stable income. The reason why Nate leaves and disappears for hours or days on end is because he’s trying to find work, but also the world needs heroes right now and hero work isn’t always paid.
But from Wade’s POV, of course Nate should stay with him. But the word ‘leech’ makes him remember that Nate doesn’t even like him and Nate doesn’t need him, but Wade is the one who needs Nate and needs attention and affection that Nate is in no way obligated to give him that.
So Wade says, ‘ok,’ essentially. And to him, that’s putting on a brave face and accepting that Nate will move on, of course he will, so he might as well try to be happy for Nate. But from Nate’s perspective, it’s Wade saying, ‘ok, good, get the fuck out’ in the kindest way possible because now there’s no more excuse for their roommate arrangement to keep existing.
2. Wade’s inner voices start acting up badly, because of the first event. He tries to ignore them, tries to sleep, tries to shut down the bad lines of thought with reason and reality but it’s hard to believe when they just. won’t. stop.
(He doesn't want to see you. Period.)
Wade pressed his hands to his face, tried to breathe in slowly.
"Nate and I… are friends," Wade said.
(Who are you trying to convince?)
"We're friends," he repeated to himself, softer. "We're friends."
Then when Wade tries to distract himself with something else, he tries to go finish the laundry and then realizes that he’d left Nate’s ‘love note’ in his pocket and now it’s obliterated.
[It's gone.]
(Wasn't that your entire proof that Nate gave a single solitary fuck about you?)
"No," Wade lied, but lying to himself didn't always work so well. "It was just a piece of paper."
[But there won't be another one.]
"I'll remember it," Wade whispered pressing his hands to his face.
(Will you? Do you even remember it now?)
Not only was that the only physical proof he had that Nate cared, something his mental illness couldn’t convince him isn’t real, but now that Nate said he’s leaving, Wade knows he won’t ever get another one. That was the first and only note Nate ever wrote to him, and Wade was stupid and careless and let it get destroyed almost immediately. And worse, his memory problems are getting worse and he knows this and he knows that without an actual reminder he’s going to forget what the note said and what Nate’s handwriting looks like and how it felt to read that and eventually he’s going to forget that he ever got a note and eventually he’s going to forget Nate, just like he’s going to forget Vanessa because she’s dead and he only has her memories and photographs and if anything happens to those, there’s a real chance he’ll forget her smile and her face and their moments together and her and it’s too terrifying to deal with and it’s all because it’s all his fault and now he’s in a complete mental breakdown.
This time, when he dreamed of finding his wife and daughter's burnt bodies, Wade's was there with them. The only people he cared about. People that he'd failed.
Mmmm foreshadowing. For the sequel, I mean. Oh boy.
Wade’s breakdown wakes Nate up, and by that point it’s full blown mental badness for Wade. Nate finds Wade curled up on the floor, arguing with himself, and tells Nate that he just wants to sleep but the voices won’t stop, and he’s desperate now to the point of self injury and asking Nate to use his telekinesis to help Wade blow his brains out or lobotomize himself.
"I can try to help," Nate offered. "If you'll let me."
(Last time he tried something, you puked your lungs out.)
[This is different. This time we'll puke our brains out.]
(Why waste the strength? Nate has guns. Big ones.)
Wade didn't even care anymore. "Do what you gotta do, Nate."
Once again, Nate offers to help. Once again, because Wade has an extreme solution on his mind, he thinks Nate is offering to help in that way, but Nate has no intention of letting Wade harm himself, or letting Wade think that Nate would ever be willing to harm him.
"I'm not going to blow your brains out and neither are you. I'm a telepath, Wade," Nate reminded him. "Reading your mind is difficult, but I can project thoughts too."
This time Nate actually tells Wade what he’s thinking, what he intends to do to help Wade and what he doesn’t intend to do. Wade gets caught up in babbling about what that could possibly mean, what Nate’s thoughts would be, and since Wade can’t snap out of it or give Nate an answer, Nate goes ahead with his plan to help make Wade’s thoughts stop.
Wade started sounding like a broken record again. Nate put it to an end, connecting to Wade's mind with a touch and projecting a static to drown out the voices and give Wade some relief.
They only connected for a brief instant, and then Wade flinched away from the connection, breaking it.
"Sorry," Nate reached out again, but Wade shivered and stayed just out of reach, as if he were afraid of it.
"What was that?”
Wade is still afraid of Nate’s powers being used on him in ways he didn’t expect. It interrupts the darker, suicidal thoughts, but Wade still struggles openly, first expressing his mixed feelings of fear re: Nate touching him, and also his tentative admission that it was nice to be touched. Then, when his train of thought immediately plunges back into ‘I wish I were dead’ territory, Nate makes a point to interrupt once again, but this time not using his powers.
"Wade," Nate said again, trying to bring him back from another spiral of thoughts. He sat down on the couch, holding his hands out to Wade, but not reaching for him. "Come here. Put your head down, okay? I'll make it quieter this time."
"Make my head quieter?" Wade asked, edging closer.
"Yes," Nate promised. "I'll make it go away."
This time, Nate doesn’t force his methods onto Wade. Wade is fully informed of what Nate intends to do to help him, and the choice is left up to him. This time he has a second to process it, stop being afraid of what Nate’s intentions might be, and accept his help (and his touch) on his own terms.
Wade churns through a few more fears, aloud, (his fear that Nate will leave him, like Vanessa left him, and he’ll forget them both) and also his loneliness, the fact that it’s been so long since he felt love/touch/intimacy, he isn’t sure he remembers what it feels like anymore. Then he accepts Nate’s offer, puts his trust in Nate, and lets Nate make his mind go blank.
Meanwhile, Nate has to try to process the raw admission that their fucked up, dysfunctional non-relationship is half of the entire reason why Wade’s mental health has gotten to this point, because he really thought there was no way Wade cared about him or what he thought, and now he has to figure out how to start undoing that damage.
Skin to skin contact is the only real way Nate can use his powers on Wade directly. Otherwise, his mind is too chaotic and slippery to really work with. This is a rule I set in this AU, but it’s a concept lifted from Cable & Deadpool #3:
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There’s no indication this is the case, but Wade’s mind is canonically hard to get a grip on for psychics, and after Nate touched his head, he can hear Wade’s thoughts back to him, so they aren’t speaking out loud and alerting the others of Nates’ presence. I always interpreted that as being, Nate had to do a little more to establish a better connection with Wade’s mind. It probably isn’t the case, maybe he just wanted to give Wade a little tap on the noggin, but I liked that concept for this fic. Bonus feels: In the comic, Wade and Nate had been fighting like cats and dogs up until this point. Wade had joined a cult and helped them, Nate had been trying to fight against them, and Wade ended up being doublecrossed. Here, Wade expresses regret, and Nate shows compassion towards Wade... something exceedingly rare for anyone to do, sadly.
In this fic, Nate can’t stay connected to Wade’s mind (at least, not as easily as this) unless he maintains skin contact with Wade somehow. Because I’m gay and I love drama and it’s soft as hell.
"I'm here," Nate assured him, rubbing circles onto Wade's skin with his fingertips. Then he realized, to his embarrassment, that he'd been petting Wade the entire time, and quickly stopped.
"Don't -- Don't stop doing that. Please. It's nice," Wade pleaded, jerking a little under Nate's hands.
"Shh," Nate shushed, afraid that Wade would break the connection. "Okay. I won't stop, but don't move. Just relax."
He let his fingers resume their slow movements. Following the flow of scar tissue on Wade's skin. Brushing his thumb over the curve of Wade's ear. He felt Wade relax against him, sinking deeper.
I have nothing to add, I just want you all to see how soft this is.
Wade’s POV: 
"When my daughter Hope has bad dreams, I'd help her fall asleep again," Nate said as he continued the light petting. "Take away all of the nightmares."
For some reason, the reminder that Nate was, above all else, a dad , took Wade by surprise. He was a man who had lost everything, who would have moved heaven and earth to get his daughter back, to keep her safe, and he did exactly that. Somewhere in the future, there was a little girl whose dad loved her that much, that fiercely. Wade couldn't relate. His own dad had been all fierce and no love. The kind of man nightmares were made of.
Nate’s POV:
"When my daughter Hope has bad dreams, I'd help her fall asleep again," Nate said, thinking of how many times he'd held her in his arms and done just this. "Take away all of the nightmares."
Even with Wade's permission to connect with his mind, Wade's thoughts were hard to read. They weren't words or even clear images. It was more like only being able to feel an abstract, and Nate caught the edge of one unexpectedly. It looked like misshapen darkness and it smelled like old booze and it was called father. It felt like being hit with fists and the sharp bite of a belt buckle and it tasted like salt-tears-blood, and it was called love.
Nate pushed the memory away as soon as he realized what it was, focusing a little harder to keep it from forming again. "I'm sorry, Wade. I can't change the past for you, but I can try to make things better here and now. Let's think about something else."
Nate shares a piece of himself with Wade, and tells him about his daughter, about how he’s done this similar psychic technique before to help his daughter fall asleep again if she had a bad nightmare. That reminder of Nate being a dad, of Nate using the same method to soothe his daughter’s nightmares on Wade, reminds Wade of his own father, and the abusive memories associated with him.
It’s not only an example of Wade’s train of thought still leading him into places that are harmful for his state of mind, but also where Wade’s POV and Nate’s POV start to be able to meld together, because Nate can somewhat read what Wade is thinking.
Often, I can write scenes where two characters have an interaction but have wildly different interpretations of it, and depending on which character I’m settled on in 3rd person perspective, it’s left up to the reader to pick up on that or reread later and realize, oh wow, now I know the other person reacted like that because their mind was totally elsewhere. In this fic, every single interaction is like that, and it’s split into stark contrast. Wade is earnest in his interactions, and in denial, and masking so much hurt with humor, and he sees Nate as violent, and cold, and uncaring. Nate is still holding onto trauma, and masking his hurt with stoicism, and ignoring Wade because he cannot allow himself to grow attached to anyone in this timeline because he isn’t sure he could emotionally survive that, and from his perspective Wade is lazy and can’t take anything seriously. Neither of them can communicate well, primarily because Nate shut himself off so effectively until he realized that Wade isn’t actually a punching bag that feels nothing, emotionally or otherwise, and he was being an asshole the entire time.
This is where communication starts to be able to begin, and Nate realizes he’s not going to break or lose his edge if he shows Wade kindness and compassion any more than being a good father to his daughter, because love is not a weakness. Caring is not a weakness.
Nate creates a dream for Wade - but, if you didn’t pick up on this - the dream is more Wade’s creation than anything. Nate was accustomed to helping Hope make imaginary snowflakes in her mind. Basically, like counting sheep, but more elaborate (but simple enough for a child) and pretty to look at. When Hope’s imagination wandered off to sleep, she would dream of snow hares made of ice, or spring flowers, or sparkling night skies. Remember - Nate is supposed to be guiding this.
But Wade’s imagination immediately goes out of Nate’s simple guidance, and turns into a full blown dreamscape. Not intricate snowflakes, because that’s complicated and boring to Wade’s mind, but an entire realm of rolling hills covered in snow and little trees, and then because Wade thinks, it would be cold and he doesn’t like that, he imagines that he’s inside where it’s warm and cozy and Nate is there, because he doesn’t want to be alone, and they both have matching sweaters and cocoa because that’s fucking nice and his idea of ‘heaven’ and Nate is shook because he remembers something that Wade doesn’t remember anymore-
Nate and Wade had gone drinking, only once. Before they became roommates. It sounded like a decent idea at the time. With an idiot like Wade, Nate had thought it could even be fun, but all of the alcohol just made Nate feel hazy and depressed. With Wade, it was worse. It made him quieter and cleared his mind. But when his mind was finally clear, there was nothing he could see that was good.
Wade had told Nate about seeing Vanessa when he died. He said if heaven existed, that was all he could ever hope for. Just the two of them in a cozy room, nestled on the couch together, forever. But he could never get in, no matter how many times he tried. She kept telling him it wasn't his time. And Wade was starting to worry that he just wasn't good enough to get there.
They didn't drink again.
Wade remembers that they went drinking, once, and that it was a bad time, but he doesn’t remember the exact details. Nate remembers that he’d thought it would be a decent method of escapism - his personal favorite - but instead the alcohol made them both more depressed and their problems harder to cope with, so they unofficially stopped altogether.
So, when Nate finds himself included in Wade’s dreamscape, he realizes that this is basically Wade’s perfect ideal, but he’s convinced he isn’t supposed to be included and he’s just a poor substitution. 
It was everything Wade had ever hoped for, Nate realized. Only, Nate wasn't supposed to be here.
Just the two of them in a cozy room, nestled on the couch together, forever.
But Nate wasn't Vanessa.
And nothing ever lasted forever.
But this wasn't real.
Which meant that, just for a second, Nate could let himself pretend that it was.
Have I mentioned yet how many of these issues will be carried over into the sequel? Because that should be obvious at this point. Nothing is ever easy to resolve all in one go, unless you’re in like, idk, a fanfic or something. Also, more foreshadowing here about Nate’s conflicted feelings, being subconsciously compared to Vanessa’s former role in Wade’s life.
One more chapter, time for the POVs to merge and time for no more fantasy power crutchs to help us get through real communication problems and time to make fun of some X-Men too...
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just buds + Matt Riddle nXt
since no one really writes for Matt and my best friend loves this guy I wanted to make this for her. 
@lovesweetpeaa  love you gurl enjoy.
send in request 
You wouldn't have thought you would actually fall for Matt Riddle. I mean come on that dude calls himself the king of bros for god's sake. But all in all, you loved him. somehow through the embarrassment of the secret kisses and touches, he brought a smile to your beautiful face.
Watching as he entered the ring and kicked his shoes off. rolling your eyes at his childish entrance and smiled thinking how stupid he was "sup girl" Bianca Blair spoke twirling her braid in her hand "watching your mans" you looked back at her  "what! no he's an idiot" you both look at the monitor to see Matt pinned his opponent "I love him" you spoke quietly but she heard "girl tell him everyone can see how you look at him, its the same look I give Montez " you nod at her but it was time for you to get out to the ring.
Matts music stopped and yours starts, he was halfway up the ramp when you walk down you stop right next to his sweaty body. locking eyes he looked mad that you interrupted his victory, shrugging at him you continued your entrance then Bianca Blair's music hit cracking your neck warming up before your best friend got to her corner.
A few minutes in the match you were now getting frustrated. As she whipped you with her hair and went for the cover but you kicked out you and stood straight and grabbed her neck then slammed her down on her back. without thinking you locked her in a submission. But not just any submission you used Matts Bromission.
Bianca struggled but then tapped when she realized there was no way out, with the ring of the bell and your theme song signaling that you just won, getting up and hearing the fans chant y/n was enough to form a huge smile on your face.
After watching the third match you decided to get you a water before you showered Matt stood in your path "what Matt?" you question, not giving him time to talk you pushed passed him and walked down the long hall "who gave you permission to do MY submission?" ordered Matt. you just let out a small chuckle "Oh Matty" stopping and  putting your hand on his freshly washed shoulder. looking him over trying to place the emotion but you couldn't so you walked fastly to the womens locker room, well more like ran.
About two hours  you was showered and back at the hotel thinking about Matt and the way he is and how funny he was and how he could make a damn good meal then your thoughts got the best of you. now the memories of how he runs his hands over your small frame and how he kisses you hard when he wants you to ride him, or the fact that you are the only girl that can get that man to beg for his release.
picking your phone up you dialed his number waiting on an answer.
"What's up baby girl." His voice echoed in your ear "I want to apologize" you say "what? oh, you mean for interrupting my win then stealing my sub?" Matt retorted "or the fact that it was so fucking hot I had to go take a cold shower to keep from exploding all over my gear" he growled lowly making you whimper in want.
"I need you Matty" you gasped out. your words hitting him like a freight train "room number and hotel name?" he asked. after giving him the information you quickly took off your top and shorts leaving you in a mulberry-colored lace bra and underwear set. you heard a knock on the door and got up and opened the door
He currently had his face between your thighs as he kissed your lower lips, making you shiver and moan. grabbing and pulling on his long sweaty hair. "oh matty, just like that, yes ugh"  his tongue was moving so fast over your throbbing clit. his two fingers moving to match your thrust. "Matt I'm close" you breathed out just as you were about to cum he moved his face and sat up on his knees "No" you looked at him through the parts of hair sticking to your face "No" you repeated with attitude. mad that he was playing this shit.
"you interrupted my victory I’ll interrupt yours," he said wiping his mouth with his thumb before signaling you over to him. wanting to let go and have your orgasam take over you obayed. Matthew grabbed your face enough to make you look him in the eyes and his wet thumb so slowly slid into your mouth.
Catching the hint that he was throwing you sucked slow. tasting your own wetness turning you on more.
some how he moved so you was stradeling his thigh, still sucking on his thumb like one of thoes girls guys talk about and right now you understand why those girls do this.
his naked flexed thigh and your wet flower was having a battle. you was rocking as he flexed and dear god it was the hottest moment of your fucking life.  "thats it moan around my finger like that" he groweld making you move faster. until he pulled it out of your mouth and moved you off of him
"Matthew im getting tired of this make me cum or go home. and ill finish myself'' you promised "you won't do that y/n" you raised your eyebrow provoking him "cause im about to fuck you into this cheep hotel mattress and make you scream" Matt threatened.
Laying you down so the mattress hit your back and grabbing your hips hard and ramming into you resulted to the scream that left your lips. moving faster and faster he gripped one leg bringging it up to his shoulder and kissing your ankle "im so fucking close" he grunted his face getting redder with each thrust.before you knew it you was cumming throwing your head back soft screams left your lips "oh fuck, oh fuck, matty yes," he grunted loud "thats it baby, god"
pulling out and laying next to you catching his breath he knew he had to tell you  that he didn't want to be just 'fun buddys' behind closed doors he wanted to be your boyfriend in the open.
In conclusion, Matthew Riddle loved you just as much as you loved him.
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trauma-13 · 5 years
You know the drill. All them asks. 😈 (is this deja vu?)
You got it dude!! (It is...cause I fucked up 😂)
The meaning behind my url:
Trauma because it's my favorite area of nursing.
Princess because I'm a fuckin princess.
93 because the year I was born.
A picture of me:
If you look hard enough you'll find one on here. Also my icon is me soooo.
How many tattoos i have and what they are:
Oh good lord. I have quite a few....
1. Mom's last name on my left wrist.
2. Flowers on my right foot.
3. Tribal-ish heart my brother drew on the back on my neck.
4. Walt Disneys signature on my left foot.
5. Mickey and Minnie behind my ears.
6. A prior dogs paw print on my left ankle.
7. A dandelion on my right shoulder blade with music notes.
8. My dog, Axel, paw prints on my collar bones.
9. A moon on my right ankle.
10. A semi colon on my right wrist (ulnar side)
11. A arrow on my right wrist (radial side)
12. A humming bird on my right forearm.
I think that's it... for now...
Last time i cried and why:
I dunno, honestly. I cry frequently hahah
Piercings i have:
Ears gauged to a 00.
Traugus both sides
Right sided daith.
Favorite band:
Sooo many. Currently imagine dragons.
Biggest turn offs:
Bad hygiene, liars, cheats, narcacists.
Top 5 (insert subject):
Tattoos i want:
Too many to list, honestly.
Biggest turn ons:
I'm a big physical touch person, so basically anything where I'm being touched.
Ideas of a perfect date:
Doing something totally new that neither of us has experienced.
Life goal:
Pediatric ICU trauma nurse, be a mom, be a good wife.
Piercings i want:
Maybe my left daith. Probably a 2nd lobe hole.
Relationship status:
Very happily engaged.
Favorite movie:
Steel magnolias (the old one), Moana, Mean Girls.
A fact about my life:
I'm a nurse, I work in the ER and medsurg/tele, I have 2 doggos, and 2 kittens, I'm practically married at this point, I live on the surface of the sun.
Spiders, failure.
Middle name:
I'ma pass on telling the world that.
5'6" with shoes on.
Are you a virgin?
What’s your shoe size?
Between 9-10 depends on the shoe and brand.
What’s your sexual orientation?
I am bisexual, however I'm in a heterosexual relationship.
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
Drink yes, no to the others.
Someone you miss
What’s one thing you regret?
Suffering in an abusive relationship because I didn't think I had a way out.
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
Chris Evans.
Favorite ice cream?
I'm honestly not a big ice cream person, but we have some delicious basil-lime sorbet from a local store that I'm obsessed with.
One insecurity:
What my last text message says:
"I re sent it. Just delete the other one I guess? Lol" from @car-one-responding in reference to this cause I done FUCKED IT UP.
Have you ever taken a picture naked?
Have you ever painted your room?
Not recently at all, but as a kid yeah.
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
Yep, couple times.
Have you ever slept naked?
I usually do.
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
Almost every day hahah
Have you ever had a crush?
Duuuh, who hasn't hah
Have you ever been dumped?
Aldo duuuh.
Have you ever stole money from a friend?
Nope. I'm a very honest person.
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
Hmm. Probably.
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Does patients attacking count?? I didn't punch, but I got punched.
Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
I think just about everyone has.
Have you ever been arrested?
No. Im from a tiny Town where my dad was a cop, mom was a nurse. So everyone knew me.
Have you ever made out with a stranger?
No I don't think so.
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Like...in a sexual way? Or like hung out? If so yes to both hah
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
Yeah, however I'm a pretty open person. I usually tell my mom where Im going. She raised me as a single mom, and I had a lot of freedom as long as I was open and honest with her. That's just transferred into adulthood.
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
No. But I purposely became friends with an old neighbor cause he had a cute ass dog named Max.
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
Yep. Got busted too haha
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Uh huh! It's called sleep overs, duh aha
Have you ever seen someone die?
Unfortunately, that's part of my job. Not everyone gets saved in the ER. Plus in the hospital where I work there is a very large group who has very strict rules about death, so frequently we admit people to die either to the floor if we suspect it'll be a couple days, or the ER if we think it'll be quick. Death can be a beautiful process, or it can be horrific, and traumatizing...just depends how ya look at it.
Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah quite a few times!!
Have you ever kissed a picture?
Honestly what little girl didn't kiss a picture of Leonardo DeCaprio...
Have you ever slept in until 3?
Bro I'm a mid/nightshifter. Weird sleep schedules are my life.
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
Weirdly worded question. But yes I have loved, yes I do miss people.
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yes!! It's one of my favorites. I also love to watch the stars.
Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yeah!!! It's super fun!!
Have you ever played dress up?
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
Queen of attempting to cheat at games and failing miserably 🙋‍♀️
Have you ever been lonely?
Mhmm. Side affects of working away from my family.
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
I'm forever sleepy, so yeah.
Have you ever been to a club?
Yeah couple times!
Have you ever felt an earthquake?
Once as a kid. I don't remember much of it besides it waking me up, and I woke up my mom because I didn't know what it was. I was maybe 7?
Have you ever touched a snake?
I love snakes. They're such cool animals.
Have you ever ran a red light?
That may or may not be why I didn't have a drivers license for 3 yrs.
Have you ever been suspended from school?
Nope 😏 I did get temporarily kicked out of nursing school and fought my way back in though. That's a tale for another time.
Have you ever had detention?
Once, for chewing gum.
Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yeah, nothing serious though. *knocks on all the wood*
Have you ever hated the way you look?
I feel like everyone has, unfortunately.
Have you ever witnessed a crime?
1. I live where I live, it's a regular occurrence. We don't carry a gun for no reason.
2. Used to work in the heart of the ghetto.
3. Used to live 5 mins from there.
Safe to say I've seen a crime or two.
Have you ever pole danced?
One drunken Halloween, yes.
Have you ever been lost?
Physically not emotionally? Yes to both haha
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
I have yeah!!
Have you ever felt like dying?
Yeah, on quite a few occasions I don't talk about.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Have you ever sang karaoke?
Again, drunken Halloweens.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Im sure I have.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Yes I have, it's not fun.
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
Hmm.....I don't actually think so.
Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Have you ever sang in the shower?
Every single time.
Have you ever made out in a park?
Have you ever dream that you married someone?
Yes, and I'm marrying him in a little over a month.
Have you ever glued your hand to something?
My other hand hahah
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
No..but not for lack of trying.
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
Uh, no haha
Have you ever been a cheerleader?
Nah, I was a band geek.
Have you ever sat on a roof top?
Yes, it's a great time.
Have you ever brushed your teeth?
I want to say "who hasn't" but we all know there's those people who haven't...
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Sometimes, yes.
Have you ever played chicken?
Not huh.
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Probably so.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
Have you ever broken a bone?
A few yeah. My nose, jaw in 3 places, my tail bone, my ankle.
Have you ever been easily amused?
Have you met me....
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Like 45 mins ago hahah
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
Yep, regularly occurs in my house.
Have you ever cheated on a test?
Probably way back in the day, but I don't remember anything specific. I'm a pretty honestly person, so if I don't know it, then oh well.
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
Every fucking day of my life!
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
Not quite sure...?
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Once upon a time, I was like 13 or 14. I was hanging out with my mom while she cooked dinner and eating a carrot. I suddenly sneezed. I then had a carrot chunk stuck in my sinuses. I could feel it, but mom didn't believe me. So for 3 days straight I blew my nose constantly. And I finally got the carrot chunk out.
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panharmonium · 5 years
eternally in-progress list of little things i’ve loved about merlin so far
- every time merlin says “et” instead of “ate” 
- SIR LEON.  that’s my man.  that’s my dude.  that’s leon and we love him.
- the way arthur says “guineVERE” in season 1 episode 10 when she calls him out for being ungrateful and then gets embarrassed about it
- gwen and morgana’s fighting clothes my GOD; i’ve never seen anything more attractive in my life 
- when uther says “i’ll show you footwork” and tries to kick arthur in the butt
- the exchange “i can’t stand by and watch him die” / “then don’t look.”  hOLY SHIT WHAT WRITING WHAT A PUNCH
- every morgana scene in season 1
- how much merlin loves his mom <333333
- when gwaine says he came to help a friend and merlin assumed he was talking about arthur and gwaine was like “no, you”
- every gwaine barfight scene
- the AMAZING and UNEXPECTED chord change during the reprise/variation of the main theme when gwen and the knights come riding back into camelot in the S3 finale; IT!!!!!  IS!!!!!  BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!  INCREDIBLE!!!  TWEAKED MY EAR EXACTLY RIGHT HOOOOLLLLLLLY MOLY - Finale - the Sword in the Stone just GO LISTEN GOD
- the other track, Hiding Excalibur.  LORDDDDDDDd ALMIGHTY THIS TRACK
- the way arthur says “that’s better” when he cheers merlin up at the end of ‘lady of the lake’ - not “that’s better” because merlin being eternally cheerful and problem-less is an obligation to be imposed; but rather “that’s better” because arthur is happy to see him smile.  
- similarly - the way merlin says “i didn’t like seeing you so upset” to gwen after her father recovers from his illness.
- the way arthur escorts gwen into her chair at the round table with their hands in that position and his eyes never leaving her face, like royalty, in front of the entire world
- when arthur puts his foot in merlin’s face and tells him to “stop pretending to be interesting and tell me”
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- “camelot needs both of us!”, aka the fact that the show HASN’T killed gaius yet despite me expecting it to happen at least three times.  thank you, show. 
- when arthur takes the plate out of gwen’s hands and says “you are not here as a servant.”
- gwen and merlin’s sort of crush in the first season; SO UNBELIEVABLY ADORABLE
- the music when morgana is helping arthur gear up for the fight against knight valiant
- when arthur shows up in the woods on the way to ealdor like “i’d ask you for money...but i know you don’t have any.”
- the shot where the labyrinth turns into the ocean
- gwen sharpening swords in ealdor 
- when gaius pulls back the blanket in the poisoned chalice and goes “merlin...what are you doing?” because merlin is doing magic that gaius doesn’t even recognize whilst completely delirious/unconscious
- the tense exchange when merlin snaps “are you saying it’s wrong to harbour a young magician?”
- the look on merlin’s face when he sees gwen all dressed up for her day with arthur <3333333
- when gaius is talking about how dangerous and impossible it would be to retrieve the mortius flowers to make an antidote for merlin and arthur doesn’t even blink, just goes “sounds like fun” and takes off
- gwen and leon having GROWN UP TOGETHER and apparently being comfortable enough with each other that he can be half-naked changing clothes next to her and neither of them care
- “you are the only thing I care about in all this world.” 
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10 Things I Hate About You AU Chapter 9
Fandom: Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen
Word count: 4.2k
Feel free the read this on my ao3 instead!
Michael stood outside the hospital room ringing a teddy bear in his hands.
Should he really be here? He didn’t even know Rich that well, besides the fact that he bullied Jeremy. This guy was a huge jerk.
But Michael couldn’t help it. The past few days at school everyone had been gossiping, texting, and tweeting about Rich and the fire. Every single person had a different version of what had happened, but no one was talking about how Rich was doing or when he was coming back to school.
He couldn’t stand the idea of Rich being alone in the hospital, no friends going to visit him.
After school ended, Michael had made a quick stop at home then he drove right to the hospital. The nurse asked for his name, then told him which room Rich’s was and that’s where Michael was now.
Michael inhaled deeply and knocked on the door.
No answer.
Maybe Rich was asleep. Should Michael still go in? Should he wait for Rich to wake up?
Michael opened the door anyway and stepped in anyway. He winced at what he found.
Rich was lying almost completely naked on the bed besides a small sheet covering his crotch for modesty. Horrible, deep red burn marks were scattered across his skin. Blisters had formed on the back of his hands and his entire body looked wet and shiny.
Michael moved his eyes up to Rich’s face, a smattering of small burns ran from his neck up to his cheeks, and locked eyes with him.
“Hey,” Rich said out of the none burned corner of his mouth.
“Hey,” Michael said, trying desperately not to look at the damaged skin.
They stared at each other for a long moment.
“You’re not a nurse,” Rich said.
“I’m Michael. We go to school together.”
“Yeah, I know. We’ve had classes together since middle school.” Rich said, not sounding very interested.
“I brought you this,” Michael said, showing off the teddy bear.
“Thanks, I love girly crap,” Rich replied, watching Michael set it down on his nightstand then pulled up a chair to his bedside.
They sat in a short awkward silence.
“What are you doing here?” Rich finally asked
“I-” Michael started, but stopped.
He wondered if he should tell him about the rumors or not.
“Wanted to see how you were,” Michael finished.
Rich blew a large breath out of his nose and tried to readjust himself on the bed.
“Be honest: what are they saying about me at school?”
“Well…it’s a…it’s not great,” Michael said.
“God damn it,” Rich said and closed his eyes, “I screwed everything up.”
“Whaaaaaaat? No!” Michael said
“I burned down a house, I permanently messed up my body, my best friend definitely hates me, and that little bitch is still with him.”
Michael had been sympathetically nodding along with what Rich had been saying until the last part.
“Wait, what was that last thing?”
“This overrated little twink is dating Jake,” Rich said, furrowing his brow as much as he could.
“Jeremy?” Michael asked “Jeremy is one of your problems? Seriously? Right now?!”
“He’s dating Jake!”
Michael stopped, realized something, and started to laugh.
“What?” Rich asked “What?”
Michael laughed until his stomach hurt and Rich looked like he was going to get up and strangle him. When he had finally calmed down from his fit, Michael rested his chin on his hand.
“Dude, you and I got the same problem! Jeremy’s dating Jake!” Michael said, shaking his head in disbelief.
“How the hell do we have the same problem?” Rich asked with a bite to his tone.
“Because I like Jeremy! And you like Jake! So, we have the same problem!” Michael said with a large smile.
Michael watched the anger slip from Rich’s face, replaced with fear.
“I don’t like Jake,” Rich said quietly.
“What? Then why the hell do you care if he’s dating someone?”
“I’m not a fucking fag and I only care ‘cause I don’t want Jake to be seen with that fucking virgin,” Rich said through clenched teeth.
“Oh,” Michael said.
Michael never wanted to assume anyone’s sexuality, but he had a feeling Rich might not be telling him the whole truth.
“Well…I’m fucking gay and I like Jeremy, so that’s my problem,” Michael said with a shrug.
“Good for you,” Rich mumbled.
Yet another silence fell between them.
Michael bit the inside of his lip. He had come to try and make Rich feel less lonely, not like shit. Was there a way to actually end on a positive note now?
“Do you want to go to the school dance?” Michael blurted out before he could stop himself.
Why the hell had he just done that? How was that going to help anything?
“Dude, did you not just hear me? I’m. Not. Gay.” Rich said, his lips pulled back to show his teeth.
“As friends!” Michael said, “Just as friends. It seems like it’s gonna be fun and since Jake is probably gonna be going with Jeremy, so maybe you and I should go and hang.”
Rich stared at him for a moment, looking extremely deep in thought.
Michael was absolutely stunned when Rich nodded his head as best as he could.
“Yeah, the whole school already thinks I’m a freak and Jake hates me so might as well,” Rich said with a sad smile.
Connor had to stop the small smile the kept trying to creep onto his face all day.
After he and Evan had made out for what felt like hours, they both agreed they should stop, not wanting things to go too far before either of them were ready. They spent the rest of the day talking, playing video games, watching tv, and holding hands.
When it was time for Connor to go home, Evan walked him down to the door.
“Yes,” Evan had said after Connor gave him a short goodbye kiss.
“What?” Connor asked.
“I wanna go to the dance with you.”
Connor had pulled Evan back into another kiss before leaving.
Connor almost sighed thinking about the way Evan had looked after that last kiss. Pink cheeks and wide blue eyes.
“Hey, Murphy!”
Connor’s good mood instantly vanished. Jake was sitting in a wheelchair in front of him, pushing a couple 50-dollar bills into his hands.
Jake had broken both his legs from the fall out of the window during the fire and was probably going to be in the wheelchair for weeks.
“Here. This should take care of the flowers, the limo, the tux, everything. Just make sure he gets to the dance.” Jake said.
Connor looked down at the money before shoving it back towards the guy.
“I’m sick of playing your game.”
Jake rolled his eyes and pulled more bills out of his front pocket, counting them quickly, “You sick of 300?”
Connor clenched and unclenched his jaw staring down at the money. It was torture…but he would need it eventually.
He reached out and snatched the money from Jake before giving him a nod and walking away.
Jake continued down the hallway after dealing with Connor.
What a weirdo. Why did that guy always have to be so weird about everything?
Jake mentally shrugged and looked at a group of freshman girls all looking at his and shyly waving. He winked and they all giggled and blushed.
He rolled down a small ramp and was about to at a water fountain when he spotted Jeremy.
“Babe! Hey!” Jake called out and caught his boyfriend’s attention.
Jeremy saw Jake and smiled, making his way over to him.
Once Jeremy was close enough, Jake grabbed Jeremy by the cheeks and brought him down for a kiss.
“I can’t believe I didn’t mention it before, but do you want to go to the dance? It seems like it’s gonna be super fun and I haven’t missed one yet.”
Jeremy’s smile quickly faded.
“The rule…I can’t-”
Jake cut him off with another kiss.
“Don’t worry, I already got it covered.” Jake said wiggling his eyebrows before changing the subject, “I’m gonna get a purple tux, it’s definitely my color.”
Jeremy leaned back and had a small, pleased looking smile on his face. Jake grinned back at him. Jeremy really was cute. Jake especially liked his eyes. They were always full of wonder and a little bit of amusement. They reminded him of Rich’s eyes.
Jake completely mentally stopped and sulked. He missed his best friend. After the whole fire thing had all happened, he didn’t care that his house and stuff was gone, he was just worried about Rich.
Jake had been in the hospital for a while, recovering from his injuries but after he got out, he was too scared to go see Rich. Jake had asked a nurse about Rich and she told him about his full body burns. Jake was absolutely horrified. How was he supposed to go face his best friend when it was his party that he had almost killed him? Jake had tried to look for Rich in the fire when it broke out but quickly had to abandon his search when he had been cornered in a room and had to escape through the window.
Jake felt himself start to seethe, just thinking about finding the person who had started the fire and punching the shit out of them for what they did to Rich.
“You ok?” Jeremy asked.
Jake looked up at Jeremy, quickly stopping himself from boiling over.
“Yeah, totally! Can I roll with you to class?” Jake asked, trying to ignore the horrible guilt and rage reawaking in his chest.
Evan had waited for Connor after school by his car. Connor had offered to drive him home (or anywhere) whenever he wanted. He waited 20 minutes before he went looking for Connor. After checking his usual haunts, the courtyard and a few bathrooms, Evan passed by a few girls who were crowding around their lockers.
“He just punched that guy right in the face, can you believe that?” One girl said.
“God, he’s such a freak! His sister really needs to put him on a leash.” Another said.
Evan’s shoes squeaked on the ground and one of the girls glanced at him. She immediately turned to the other girls and they all started giggling and speaking in hushed tones. Evan blushed and made his way up a stairwell, knowing where to find Connor now.
On the third floor was the room where detention was held. Evan glanced into the half-empty classroom and saw his environmental studies teacher, Mr. Chapin, talking to a student towards the back. Evan spotted Connor on the other side of the room, with his head on the desk. Evan smiled a little.
Mr. Chapin made his way back to the front of the classroom and Evan walked in.
“Um, sir?” Evan asked in a shy voice “I have some questions about the lesson today.”
“Okay, great. Let me pull up my notes.” Mr. Chapin said with a smile and bent down behind his desk to start pulling out materials from his bag.
Evan glanced over at Connor and found him staring back at him with a surprised expression.
Evan tilted his eyes over to the large, open window and mouthed, “The window.”
Connor raised an eyebrow.
“Window,” He mouthed again.
Mr. Chapin turned around to face him and Evan laughed awkwardly out of fear of being caught.
“I didn’t really understand the part on invasive species,” Evan said.
Evan watched Connor out of the corner of his eye. Mr. Chapin had swiveled his chair to face Evan so Connor silently grabbed his backpack and stood up.
“Oh well, let me grab the list of species, I just need to get the book-” Mr. Chapin started to turn back around. He was going to see Connor.
Evan gasped, loud and sharp, and Mr. Chapin’s head whipped back around to look at him. Evan paused before muttering “Sorry…I thought-felt like a-I-I thought I was going to sneeze.”
Mr. Chapin raised his eyebrows and nodded.
“Also!” Evan interjected before his teacher tried to turn back around, “I was wrong, I, um, actually need help with, uh, pollution control and acid rain.”
“Oh, alright,” Mr. Chapin said with a nod, giving Evan an odd look.
Evan chanced a look up and saw Connor was close to the window, slowing getting up on the cabinets that were just below it.
“I just didn’t really understand what it was all about and, um, wanted to know if you could explain it any further because I really can’t afford to fall behind in your class but I just don’t really understand what it’s all about exactly.” Evan sputtered out in what felt like a second.
“It’s no trouble. You’re really doing really well in my class right now though, Evan. But I’m happy to help if you feel like you need it.”
“Okay, thanks,” Evan said with a nervous smile
“Let’s start by going over the basics first.” Mr. Chapin said and pulled out a red pen to make notes.
Evan glanced up at Connor again. Connor was halfway out the window and onto the fire escape. Evan breathed a small sigh of relief…until Connor’s foot lightly squeaked against the cabinet.
Mr. Chapin frowned and started to adjust to look behind him.
“Mr. Chapin!” Evan slammed his hand down on the desk. He felt his face grow red hot, but he was desperate for Connor not to get caught.
“I just remembered that I have to go!” Evan exclaimed and stood up abruptly. Connor had disappeared down the fire escape.
Evan grabbed his backpack and rushed out the door, face burning. That had been so dumb. Why had he done that? What was even the point of that? He had never done something so stupid before! That’s a lie, but still! What was he thinking? Connor hadn’t even asked him to do that. What if Connor hadn’t wanted to skip detention? Was it really worth maybe getting himself and Connor into trouble just to break him out of detention?
Evan mind went blank when he turned a corner and saw Connor standing there with a small smile on his face. Evan scurried over to him Connor slung an arm over his shoulder.
“I can’t thank you enough for helping me sneak out of detention. Very cool.” Connor murmured and led Evan out the door.
“No problem,” Evan said.
“I thought for sure I was busted when I was climbing out that window. So how did you keep him distracted?” Connor asked.
“I dazzled him.” Evan scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“How did you know where to find me?” Connor asked.
“Heard some people gossiping in the hallways. Why-why did you punch someone?” Evan asked
Connor was silent. His arm fell from around Evan’s shoulders and he looked away from him.
“Connor?” Evan asked
“Someone…someone said something about us…being gay,” Connor said then huffed. “I didn’t even realize that I had hit him until he was on the ground.”
Evan hummed then fell silent. They walked to the parking lot and got into Connor’s car.
“Do you want to come over to my house?” Connor asked.
“Sure.” Evan smiled.
The house was quiet when they entered. Connor had told him that his parents weren’t going to be back to later and Zoe was still at school for band practice. It still felt large and silent. Connor pulled him up to his room then closed the door so they had an even bigger sense of privacy.
Evan’s eyes scanned the room. It was only a little bit bigger than Evan’s bedroom, which was surprising considering the size of the rest of the house. The ceiling was low and slanted so it gave the whole room a sort of attic feel. It was cozy and nice and smelled like Connor. The walls were white and had some posters of bands and movies stuck up here and there. A glass tank with a small green frog sat on top wooden shelves.
“That’s Heath Ledger,” Connor said, pointing at the frog.
Evan smiled and waved at Heath Ledger who croaked at him and hopped around.
A large bookcase filled with figurines and books loomed in the corner. Evan walked straight over to that the started scanning books.
The Book Thief, The Little Prince, The Outsiders, 1948, The Bell Jar, Percy Jackson, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Slaughterhouse-Five, Lord of the Flies, the Harry Potter series.
Evan looked through all the spines and found a children’s book at the end of one shelf.
“Where the Wild Things Are?” Evan asked.
“It was my favorite book as a kid,” Connor said with a shrug.
Evan walked over and sat down next to Connor on the bed.
“Thanks for inviting me over,” Evan said.
“Thanks for getting me out of detention,” Connor fired back.
Evan nodded and tried to think of something else to say. This was his first time over at someone’s house in a long time. It was the first time he was at a boy’s house in that kind of way.
Connor scooted closer and put a hand under Evan’s chin to tilt it up. They gazed into each other’s eyes. Connor leaned in and they kissed slowly.
Evan’s eyes flickered closed and he sighed gently. Their mouths moved together and Evan felt dizzy. Connor’s lips were chapped and warm and he breathed through his nose lightly while kissing.
Soon, Evan was laying on his back on the bed. He had his hands resting on Connor’s shoulders and Connor was hovering over him, one hand cupping his cheek, kissing him softly. Evan didn’t know anyone who had ever wanted to kiss him like this before. Evan made a small noise at the thought and pulled Connor down so he was practically laying on top of him. Connor was deceptively heavy for how thin he looked, but his weight was comforting and warm.
Connor smiled into the kiss but then left Evan’s lips to trail kisses down his jaw to his throat.
Oh, Evan liked that. He liked that a lot. He felt himself turn into putty as Connor kissed and lightly sucked at his neck. Evan couldn’t help it and he breathed Connor’s name.
Teeth gently latched onto Evan’s neck for a second before going back to placing small kisses near his collarbone. Evan blushed and started to breathe harder. The way Connor was pressed against him, rubbing his hand up and down Evan’s side, was making his pants feel a little uncomfortable.
Connor ran his lips back up Evan’s neck and started to nibble at his ear. Evan shuttered and let out a breathy moan. He felt Connor’s hand travel down and to where his shirt had ridden up, and start stroking the skin on his hip.
Evan turned his head once Connor stopped pressing little kisses to the shell of his ear. Connor gave him a genuine, dazzling smile and Evan thought his heart might explode. Evan felt the butterflies flutter in his stomach, and he leaned over to kiss Connor more.
Evan thought he felt Connor’s tongue brush against his lips – The bedroom door flew open.
“Connor, did you drink all the -” It was Zoe, holding a milk jug.
She gasped when she saw them.
“Zoe!” Connor sat up and barked her name. Evan’s face felt like it was burning. He thought he might throw up.
“What the hell? What is he doing here?” Zoe said.
“None of your business! Why aren’t you at jazz band or whatever?” Connor stood up and visibly bristled.
Zoe’s face scrunched up in confusion, anger, and a little bit of fear.
“Evan, right?” Zoe looked over at him.
How did she know his name?
“You really shouldn’t be hanging out with him.” She said glaring at Connor.
Evan scrambled up to stand next to Connor. He really, really didn’t want to get in between a sibling feud with the Murphy’s, but he could feel how angry Connor was becoming.
“No it’s okay,” Evan managed to choke out, “we’re friends, we’re just hanging out.”
“Friends?” Zoe asked. Evan couldn’t tell if the skepticism in her voice came from knowing that friends don’t kiss like that or that either Connor or Evan could have friends.
Evan blushed and gulped loudly, “Well you know not friends exactly but we’re, we’re toge- we’re, uh, together, um, right now and we’re okay, uh, thanks.”
Zoe’s eyes flicked between Evan and Connor’s faces before taking a few cautious steps forward. Suddenly, Zoe had her hand wrapped around Evan’s wrist and was quickly tugging him towards the door.
“Come on, you really need to get out of here!” Zoe said.
Evan tried pulling his hand away from her in a panic.
“No really, please it’s okay-” Evan said.
Evan felt Connor grasp his forearm and waist and stood firm.
“Zoe, let go!” Connor growled.
Zoe and Connor were shouting over each other, each pulling at Evan. Evan was begging for Zoe to let him go, his anxiety spiking and his wrist aching. Evan felt like a toy being fought over.
“Evan, you really don’t know what he’s capable of!”
“Don’t touch him!”
“Please, I’m okay really!”
“He’s a monster!”
“He doesn’t like people touching him!”
“Please stop, we’re friends.”
“Have you tried to pull a knife on him yet, Connor?!”
“I swear to god Zoey if you don’t leave right now!”
“Let go please just let go of me please just let- JUST LET GO!” Evan screamed. Zoe finally released her hold and stumbled back a few steps, looking shocked. Connor let go as well, giving Evan some space.
“Connor wouldn’t do that!” Evan said, tears swelling up in his eyes and his body starting to shake, “He’s not like that.”
“Evan-” Zoe started but Evan shook his head.
“He’s not like that.” Evan’s voice broke.
Evan turned away from her and hid his face in hands. Connor enveloped Evan in a hug and squeezed him tight.
“Go away, Zoe.” Connor hissed, sounding absolutely livid.
There was tense silence for several moments, no one moved or said anything, and then Evan heard Zoe shuffled back to the door.
“You’re wrong Evan…He is like that.” Zoe spat, voice sharp.
There was a soft click of the door closing then soft footsteps leading away. Evan relaxed into Connor’s arms and let out a breath he had been holding.
Evan pulled away and went to go sit on the edge of Connor’s bed. He expected Connor to follow him but when Evan looked up, he was still standing in the same spot, staring at the door.
“Connor?” Evan asked
“She’s right, you know.”
Connor turned to him, running his hand through his hair. His face was blotchy and red but he wasn’t crying.
“She’s right,” Connor shrugged, eyes looking anywhere but at Evan.
“What?” Evan asked
“She’s right, I am a mon-” Connor cut off his sentence, looking like he couldn’t bear to finish it.
“Connor, that’s not true,” Evan said.
“It is, it is. You didn’t know me before. I was…I was a monster. I was crazy. I did bad things to Zoe. I screamed and threatened and hit her. Not even like kid stuff, it wasn’t even that long ago.”
Connor started pacing the floor.
“I threw her against walls, beat the shit out of her, threw a glass at her, and she tried to lock herself in the bathroom once and I kicked the door so hard for so long it almost broke off its hinges.”
Connor stopped moving and sat down on the bed, as far away from Evan as possible. He put his head in his hands and rocked back and forth slightly.
“Connor,” Evan said in the gentlest voice he could.
He scooted over and slowly brought his hand up to rub a calming hand over Connor’s back. Connor looked up at him and gave a sorrowful smile. Evan gave him a smile to match.
“I’m a bad person,” Connor whispered.
Evan shook his head and pulled at Connor’s sleeve. Slowly, almost unsure, like this was the first time they had touched each other, they laid back on Connor’s bed. Evan guided Connor down and set his head down on Evan’s chest and Evan brought his hand up to run through Connor’s hair.
“You’re not like that anymore,” Evan whispered, brushing the hair from Connor’s face.
“I still did all those things though. Bad things.” Connor muttered.
“I didn’t know you before. I just know that you signed my cast and send me emails and talk to me and asked me to my first dance and gave me your only tie to wear and were my first kiss and took me to my first party then saved me from a fire. Connor. Bad people don’t do that. They don’t act like you do. You’re so good.” Evan, thankfully, for once, said without stuttering much.
Evan felt like crying but he tried to hold it together. Connor’s breathing became deeper and ragged. He reached up and grasped Evan’s hand.
Connor didn’t say anything.  
He didn’t need to.
Evan kissed the top of his head and laced their fingers together.
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