#future dvm
dogtorari · 1 year
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In organic chemistry we learned how to melt certain substances using a vernier melting machine and lab quest app. It was cool!
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Random and no one cares but since we’re past the halfway point of this semester I am like officially 15% a doctor
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thefedupvettech · 1 month
We sit around doing nothing all day, right?!
Last week I walked into the office, knowing full well our schedule was a garbage fire of side booking, and that we were -of course- understaffed. First appointment of the day was a 4DX test- just a tech appointment.
The owner proceeded to bring in the scheduled patient AND his other dog (not scheduled). When I approached him he told me he brought her too so we could get her annual done early (due in late September). Of course she is not only due for her physical exam, but also three vaccines and bloodwork.
I explained to him that he would have to schedule a doctor’s appointment at a later date for the second dog as we only had Dog #1 booked for a quick ten minute tech appointment and our schedule was just too packed to see them both. He was irritated, but said he would schedule something in the future.
THEN, as I’m taking Dog #1 to get blood, he stops me to point out a small growth on the dogs back and says he would like the doctor to take a look. I swear my head almost exploded. I don’t think he listened to a word I had just said when I explained she was not in to see a doctor today. I had to explain a second time that a DVM was not going to be able to see her today and that he would need to monitor it and schedule an appointment if he was concerned.
Unfortunately I work at a small hospital where there is usually only one DVM in the building at one time. Of course I would love to drop everything and see all the pets that just stroll in through the door but that’s just not possible.
I find that I’m most annoyed at the implication that we aren’t busy and MUST have time to do random dogs annuals 4 months early when they walk in off the street. We are already running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Give me a break.
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starswift-borzoi · 1 year
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The puppies had a very busy day yesterday! It started with a bath and blow-dry, then a bunch of people came over to watch while each gets evaluated. Then they each got a shot and microchip. Thank you to Anne Midgarden DVM for evaluating the litter and allowing me to live stream. Thank you to everyone who came to the evals as well as joined in to watch on the live stream. If you missed it you can watch it on Starswift Borzoi's FB page. As of right now, I'm going to grow out 3 girls. For a bit: Valkyrie, Jubilee and Kitty Pryde. 1 or 2 girls may be available in the future. Hero is still under discussion. Gambit will be co-owned with Kim Ketelsen. Stark, now Star-Lord will be co-owned with Martine Burton. Tirga, now Dusha, will be going to Japan this spring/summer to live with Maki Teramura. Storm, now Mila, will be owned by Nick Taylor and Marina Ruperd. Echo is available to a companion/performance home. #borzoi #russianwolfhound #doglover #doglife #sighthoundsofinstagram   #borzoiofinstagram #borzoisofinstagram #purebreddogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #starswift #starswiftborzoi https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnb-QGKOGdi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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addisonparker234 · 2 years
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laresearchette · 7 days
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 7:00pm: Jays vs. White Sox (SN Now) 9:30pm: Yankees vs. Angels
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN4) 7:00pm: Game 5 - Minnesota vs. Boston
2024 MEMORIAL CUP (TSN) 7:00pm: Round Robin - Saginaw Spirit vs. London Knights
ICE QUAKE (Crave) 7:25pm: Michael (Brendan Fehr), a military geologist, takes his family hiking in Alaska. After a series of earthquakes opens fissures and geysers in the ice, Michael realizes a greater catastrophe may be looming.
MLS SOCCER (TSN5) 7:30pm: CF Montreal vs. DC United (TSN5) 10:30pm: LAFC vs. Minnesota
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 8:30pm: Game 4 - Stars vs. Oilers
CEBL BASKETBALL (TSN3) 9:00pm: Scarborough vs. Calgary
DARK CITY: THE CLEANER (Showcase) 9:00pm: Joe zeros in on the copycat, but he may have met his match. Inspector Stevens ups the ante.
SISTAS (BET Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Maurice and Grayson have a serious conversation about their future together; Andi delivers devastating news to Jordan, causing him to show another side of himself.
MOONSHINERS: MASTER DISTILLER (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): On a special Master Distiller Tournament, five champion outlaw distillers battle it out in a backwoods battle royale; Amanda, Richard, Kelly, Tater and Mike pit their ingenuity against each other in a series of sudden-elimination challenges.
ARCTIC BLAST (Crave) 9:00pm: A scientist must save the day when violent storms threaten Earth's magnetic poles.
FARMING FOR LOVE (CTV) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Canadians searching for their soulmates open up their farms to a select group of urban singles; the daters must immerse themselves in a series of challenges, group activities, and intimate dates with the goal of finding their one true love.
DARK SIDE OF COMEDY (Much) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Struggling with addiction and a low self-image, Chris Farley's friends at "Saturday Night Live" conspired to help save him.
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alleycatallies · 6 months
Article: Are Vaccines Worth It?
Are Vaccines Worth It?
(Opinion piece by Christine Wilford, DVM reprinted with permission from Compassionate Solutions: Journal of the Feral Cat Spay and Neuter Project’s Spring 2009 edition; originally from November 2004 Feral Cat Times)
A well-respected, national rescue organization recently stated a great falsehood that vaccinating feral cats with FVRCP, the “distemper” (panleukopenia) and respiratory virus vaccine, was useless and not recommended. That is simply not true. Here are the facts:
There are two basic types of FVRCP vaccines: killed virus (KV) and modified live virus (MLV). To get immunity from killed virus vaccines, at least two doses are required. KV vaccines prime the immune system for creating protective immunity after a subsequent booster. The first dose shows the body the enemy and a second dose is given to generate protective immunity. Paired doses are required 3-5 weeks apart. Using killed virus vaccines for free-roaming cats is clearly undesirable, because giving boosters is impractical.
On the other hand, MLV vaccines begin stimulating immunity the first day they are given. The vaccine contains viruses that replicate in the cat’s body but do not cause disease. A booster 3-4 weeks later is never required nor recommended in cats over 14 weeks of age. Another benefit is that vaccinated cats can shed attenuated vaccine virus particles in the feces. These viruses do no harm, and actually stimulate immunity in other cats/kittens coming in contact with the feces. This is potentially valuable in colonies of free-roaming cats.
The only caution with MLV vaccines is hygiene. If the vaccine accidentally gets ON the cat instead of IN the cat, then it may cause some mildly runny eyes or mild sneezing. Vaccine virus cannot cause symptoms of distemper. MLV vaccine that gets topical should be cleaned off with a swab of alcohol.
Kittens under 14 weeks of age have varying levels of immunity from antibodies passed from their mother. Early in kittenhood, antibody levels are highest. As the weeks pass, antibodies gradually decline. For several weeks, antibody levels drop too low to protect from disease but remain too high to allow a vaccine to work. The antibodies “fight off” the vaccine. Known as the “critical period” or “vulnerable period” between 6-12 weeks, this stage of uncertainty is why tame kittens are vaccinated every 3-4 weeks until after 14 weeks of age. Vaccines given at the earliest point where the body can respond shortens the period that the kittens are vulnerable to diseases. By 14 weeks of age, the mother’s antibodies wear off enough to allow the vaccine to work. Therefore, any normal kitten over 14 weeks can receive one MLV vaccine and not need a booster.
So when considering vaccines, MLV vaccines can be effective with one injection. Do we recommend them for feral cats? That depends. NOT if it means less money available for surgeries. If your money is plentiful, then consider vaccinating. If money is limited, invest it in surgery. Dollar for dollar, spay/neuter is a better investment for the cat’s health and for the futures of many, many cats.
Content source: https://www.alleycat.org/resources/are-vaccines-worth-it/
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mariebenz · 11 months
Multiple Gut Bacteria Associated with Atherosclerosis
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MedicalResearch.com Interview with:
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Dr. Tove Fall Tove Fall, PhD Professor in Molecular Epidemiology Department of Medical Sciences, Molecular Epidemiology Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden   MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study? Response: It is unclear if and how the gut microbiome affect the risk of myocardial infarction. In this study we assessed the association of the gut microbiome measured at high resolution with atherosclerosis, the main underlying pathology of myocardial infarction, in over 8000 participants without any previous cardiovascular events. MedicalResearch.com: What are the main findings? Response: We found 64 species that were associated with atherosclerosis levels. Several of these bacterial species were streptococci, which were in turn also associated with markers of inflammation and specific metabolites. MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report? Response: There seems to be a clear association of certain gut species with atherosclerosis, but more studies are needed to determine causality and the mechanisms of action. Our results point to a role or streptococci in atherosclerotic disease, but this needs verification in other studies. MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a results of this study? Response: It is important to account for differences in diet and medication in any microbiome-disease study. Also, a high resolution mapping of the microbiome as in our study helps to identify specific species as different species in the same family of bacteria may have different effects Disclosure Some authors are employed by the company Clinical Microbiomics, which analyzes microbiome samoles. Citation: Streptococcus Species Abundance in the Gut Is Linked to Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis in 8973 Participants From the SCAPIS Cohort Sergi Sayols-Baixeras, PhD, Koen F. Dekkers, MSc, Gabriel Baldanzi, MD, Daniel Jönsson, DDS, PhD, Ulf Hammar, BSc, Yi-Ting Lin, MD, PhD, Shafqat Ahmad, PhD, Diem Nguyen, PhD, Georgios Varotsis, DVM, Sara Pita, MSc, Nynne Nielsen, MSc, Aron C. Eklund, PhD, Jacob B. Holm, PhD, H. Bjørn Nielsen, PhD, Ulrika Ericson, PhD, Louise Brunkwall, PhD, Filip Ottosson, PhD, Anna Larsson, MD, Dan Ericson, DDS, PhD, Björn Klinge, DDS, PhD, Peter M. Nilsson, MD, PhD, Andrei Malinovschi, MD, PhD, Lars Lind, MD, PhD, Göran Bergström, MD, PhD, Johan Sundström, MD, PhD, Johan Ärnlöv, MD, PhD, Gunnar Engström, MD, PhD, J. Gustav Smith, MD, PhD, Marju Orho-Melander, PhD, Tove Fall, DVM, PhD Originally published 12 Jul 2023https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.063914 Circulation. 2023;0 The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website.     Read the full article
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prnlive · 1 year
Gary Null’s Show Notes 04 19 23
If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Starting this week, we will make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
Teach yourself everyday happiness with human imagery
Vitamin A may reduce pancreatitis risk during ALL treatment
New research establishes how and why diets high in sugar and fat cause liver disease
Teach yourself everyday happiness with human imagery
Smartbrain Norway, February 26, 2023
Flashbacks of scenes from traumatic events often haunt those suffering from psychiatric conditions, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). "The close relationship between the human imagery system and our emotions can cause deep emotional perturbations", says Dr Svetla Velikova of Smartbrain in Norway. "Imagery techniques are often used in cognitive psychotherapy to help patients modify disturbing mental images and overcome negative emotions." Velikova and her team set out to see if such techniques could become self-guided and developed at home, away from the therapist's chair.
Healthy people are also emotionally affected by what we see and the images we remember. 
Velikova explains, "if we visually remember an image from an unpleasant interaction with our boss, this can cause an increased level of anxiety about our work and demotivation." There is great interest in ways to combat such everyday negative emotional responses through imagery training. But she warns, "this is a challenging task and requires a flexible approach. Each day we face different problems and a therapist teaches us how to identify topics and strategies for imagery exercises."
To find out if we can train ourselves to use imagery techniques and optimize our emotional state, Velikova and co-workers turned to 30 healthy volunteers. During a two-day workshop the volunteers learnt a series of imagery techniques. They learnt how to cope with negative emotions from past events through imagery transformation, how to use positive imagery for future events or goals, and techniques to improve social interactions and enhance their emotional balance in daily life. They then spent the next 12 weeks training themselves at home for 15-20 minutes a day, before attending another similar two-day workshop.
Velikova compared the results of participant psychological assessment and brain activity, or electroencephalographic (EEG), measurement, before and after the experiment. "The psychological testing showed that depressive symptoms were less prominent. The number of those with subthreshold depression, expressing depressive symptoms but not meeting the criteria for depression, was halved. Overall, volunteers were more satisfied with life and perceived themselves as more efficient" she explains.
She concludes, "this combination of EEG findingssuggests a possible increase in the activity of GABA (gamma -aminobutyric acid), well known for its anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties." Velikova and co-workers' results indicate that self-guided emotional imagery training has great potential to improve the everyday emotional wellbeing in healthy people. 
Vitamin A may reduce pancreatitis risk during ALL treatment
Stanford University & Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, March 15, 2023
Consuming a diet rich in vitamin A or its analogs may help prevent children and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) reduce their risk of developing painful pancreas inflammation during chemotherapy treatment.
Details about this potential dietary solution to prevent a potentially life-threatening adverse event were published in Science Translational Medicine. The research team was led by Sohail Husain, MD, chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at Stanford University and Anil Goud Jegga, DVM, MRes, a computational biologist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
For people with ALL, treatment with the enzyme asparaginase helps starve cancer cells by reducing the amount of asparagine circulating in the blood, which the cancer cells need but cannot make themselves. The medication, often used in combination with other chemotherapies, is given via injection into a vein, muscle, or under the skin.
Jegga and colleagues developed predictive analytics using over 100 million data points encompassing gene expression data, small-molecule data, and electronic health records to understand more of the mechanisms driving asparaginase-associated pancreatitis (AAP) and identify potential interventions to prevent or mitigate AAP. They analyzed massive amounts of gene expression data to reveal that gene activity associated with asparaginase or pancreatitis might be reversed by retinoids (vitamin A and its analogs). 
Ultimately, the team found that only 1.4% of patients treated with asparaginase developed pancreatitis when they were also taking vitamin A in contrast to 3.4% of patients who did not. Concomitant use of vitamin A correlated with a 60% reduction in the risk of AAP. Lower amounts of dietary vitamin A correlated with increased risk and severity of AAP.
New research establishes how and why diets high in sugar and fat cause liver disease
University of Missouri School of Medicine, March 15, 2023
New research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine has established a link between western diets high in fat and sugar and the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the leading cause of chronic liver disease.
The research has identified the western diet-induced microbial and metabolic contributors to liver disease, advancing our understanding of the gut-liver axis, and in turn the development of dietary and microbial interventions for this global health threat.
"We're just beginning to understand how food and gut microbiota interact to produce metabolites that contribute to the development of liver disease," said co-principal investigator, Guangfu Li, Ph.D., DVM, associate professor in the department of surgery and Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology. "However, the specific bacteria and metabolites, as well as the underlying mechanisms were not well understood until now. This research is unlocking the how and why."
The gut and liver have a close anatomical and functional connection via the portal vein. Unhealthy diets change the gut microbiota, resulting in the production of pathogenic factors that impact the liver. By feeding mice foods high in fat and sugar, the research team discovered that the mice developed a gut bacteria called Blautia producta and a lipid that caused liver inflammation and fibrosis. That, in turn, caused the mice to develop non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or fatty liver disease, with similar features to the human disease.
The study  was recently published in Nature Communications. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest related to the study.
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About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
Find articles, videos, back radio broadcasts, books, and more at GaryNull.com.
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Hear Gary's radio show weekdays at noon Eastern Time on PRN.live
While we have thoroughly researched the information we provide, and indicate its sources, information in this Gary Null Newsletter, and all Gary Null Newsletters, is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or other condition. Consult your medical professional before choosing any treatment or course of action. Gary Null Newsletters are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information it provides.
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dogtorari · 10 days
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My life has changed so much since being a mother. Everything I do is for him. He’s always been such a good baby. He’s playful, learns very fast, loves to laugh, smiles so brightly with his beautiful eyes, loves to growl like a dog as if he’s Daisy Mae lol, and he is most of all sweet. He loves to crawl to me now (he’s 9 months next week 😭🥹) and hug me. He’s starting to stand and has said “mama” and “dada” already. I can’t wait to hear “I love you mom” from him too! It’s such a wonderful feelingI I never thought I’d be able to feel. 🩵 My boy is my everything and I have to make sure I raise him to be a good man who is smart and treats people nicely.
I have to set a good example for him which is why I’ve been working so hard to finally finish my bachelors degree in biomedical science after these last two semesters. I apply to a few vet schools next year and I’m so nervous. I’m doing this for my boy and I will never give up! 🩵
Ps. He loves Daisy Mae so much and it’s such a blessing to watch them grow together! 🐶🩷
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myfeeds · 1 year
Study examines how social rank affects response to stress
In a study published in Current Biology, Tulane psychology professor Jonathan Fadok, PhD, and postdoctoral researcher Lydia Smith-Osborne looked at two forms of psychosocial stress — social isolation and social instability — and how they manifest themselves based on social rank. They conducted their research on adult female mice, putting them in pairs and allowing them to form a stable social relationship over several days. In each pair, one of the mice had high, or dominant social status, while the other was considered the subordinate with relatively low social status. After establishing a baseline, they monitored changes in behavior, stress hormones and neuronal activation in response to chronic social stress. “We analyzed how these different forms of stress impact behavior and the stress hormone corticosterone (an analogue of the human hormone, cortisol) in individuals based on their social rank,” said Fadok, an assistant professor in the Tulane Department of Psychology and the Tulane Brain Institute. “We also looked throughout the brain to identify brain areas that are activated in response to psychosocial stress.” “We found that not only does rank inform how an individual responds to chronic psychosocial stress, but that the type of stress also matters,” said Smith-Osborne, a DVM/PhD and the first author on the study. She discovered that mice with lower social status were more susceptible to social instability, which is akin to ever-changing or inconsistent social groups. Those with higher rank were more susceptible to social isolation, or loneliness. There were also differences in the parts of the brain that became activated by social encounters, based upon the social status of the animal responding to it and whether they had experienced psychosocial stress. “Some areas of a dominant animal’s brain would react differently to social isolation than to social uncertainty, for example,” Smith-Osborne said. “And this was also true for subordinates. Rank gave the animals a unique neurobiological ‘fingerprint’ for how they responded to chronic stress.” Do the researchers think the results can translate to people? Perhaps, Fadok said. “Overall, these findings may have implications for understanding the impact that social status and social networks have on the prevalence of stress-related mental illnesses such as generalized anxiety disorder and major depression,” he said. “However, future studies that use more complex social situations are needed before these results can translate to humans.”
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integrationvirtual · 1 year
Desktop Virtualization: The Future of Remote Working
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The world of work is changing dramatically, and one of the biggest drivers of this transformation is the rise of remote working. With so many people now working remotely, companies are looking for ways to make the process easier and more efficient. One of the most promising solutions is desktop virtualization, a technology that is quickly becoming the go-to solution for remote working.
Desktop virtualization, also known as desktop virtual machines (DVMs), is a technology that enables users to access a virtual desktop environment on a remote server. This virtual desktop environment is essentially a replica of the user’s original desktop environment, but it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. This means that users can access their data and applications from any location, making it much easier for them to work remotely.
Desktop virtualization has a number of advantages for companies that are looking to enable remote working. For starters, it drastically reduces the cost of setting up a workstation for each employee. Instead of purchasing and maintaining a separate workstation for each employee, companies can now invest in a single virtual machine that can be used by multiple employees مجازی سازی دسکتاپ vdi. This helps to reduce both the cost and complexity of remote working.
Another advantage of desktop virtualization is that it makes it easier for companies to manage their remote workforce. It allows companies to easily deploy applications and data to their employees’ virtual desktops, meaning that they can be sure that all their employees have access to the same tools and resources. This also means that companies can quickly react to changes in their environment and ensure that their remote workforce is up-to-date.
Finally, desktop virtualization provides a high level of security for companies that are looking to enable remote working. The data and applications stored in the virtual machine are encrypted, meaning that they are protected from unauthorized access. This helps to ensure that the data and applications of a company’s remote workforce are kept secure.
As more and more companies look to enable remote working, desktop virtualization is quickly becoming the go-to solution. It offers a cost-effective and secure way for companies to provide their employees with the tools and resources they need to work remotely. With its ability to reduce costs, simplify management and provide a secure environment, it’s no wonder that desktop virtualization is quickly becoming the future of remote working.
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venugopalseo · 1 year
Depot Incentive Scheme By TDP.
The bus depot, where the bulk of staff is stationed, is where passenger services are generally operated on a basic level. Therefore, increasing depot productivity must be a top priority. Corporation now runs services out of 128 depots in Andhra Pradesh. In 1980, a thorough depot incentive program was developed and put into place at all of the Corporation's depots. According to changes in the operating environment, the depot incentive programs were periodically revised.
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A comprehensive modified Depot Incentive Scheme was designed and implemented at all depots of the Corporation in December 2010. To date, many modifications are carried out and included parameters to reinforce the Depot Incentive Schemes, to suit the requirement, and to motivate the employees of depots. The employees working in all the Depots are covered under the Depot Incentive Scheme. The TDP Government had ruled the state for more than a decade under the presence of the founder NTR and is continued by Nara Chandrababu Naidu with a vision for the future of the state and made it possible for the future generations with the help of many Top TDP Leaders and Best TDP MLA Candidates.
Beginning in December 2010, a completely modified Depot Incentive Scheme was created and put into place at all of the Corporation's depots. Numerous adjustments have been made to the Depot Incentive Schemes to date in order to strengthen them, meet requirements, and inspire depot staff. The Depot Incentive Scheme applies to all workers who work in Depots. The TDP Contributions made by the government have become Top TDP Achievements.
Quarterly Average EPK:
Four quarters, from January to March, April to June, July to September, and October to December, make up the twelve months. The EPK realised up to the 24th of the final month in the quarter is regarded as the EPK for that month, taking into consideration the time required for preparation and receiving the permission of the relevant Regional Manager.
For a specific service, if the quarterly average EPK falls by 15% or more, the targeted EPK of the service for the quarter shall be the targeted EPK of the current quarter multiplied by the correction factor of the ensuing quarter, which needs to be highlighted by the DCP and to be verified by the Dy. DVM/CTM while recommending for sanction of Regional Manager.
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blackpowderbrts · 1 year
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FINALLY! We have Morgan's win photo from Royal Canin 2022 where she made her show debut! She walked away from that show with 1 major and 4 total points. Fast-forward to this past weekend and this girl picked up two 5 pt majors and even went Best of Breed over 2 specials! Morgan now only needs 1 more pt to finish her championship. She has done all of this in 2 show clusters. We look forward to her future! We want to thank the judges that picked this beautiful girl. We also want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Dr Kim Neff, DVM for her adjusting this girl and keeping her in tune all week! Morgan - Black Powders Captain Morgan at Red Shadow (born May 24, 2021) s. GCHP CH Russian Bears Play It Again Sam For Old Times Sake, RN "Bogie" d. GCH CH Proud of Being Adelaide Leventon CGCA CGCU TKA "Lilu" Bred by: Tessa Moore & Patty Bartley Shonts Owned by: Edward Leisure & Tessa Moore Groomed by: Ben Moore #MorganTheBRT #winnersbitch #bestofwinners #bestofbreed #akcshowdog #akcdogs #akcblackrussianterrier #blackrussianterriers #blackrussianterrier #blackrussianterrierpuppies #blackrussianterrierpuppy #tchiornyterrier #BRT #brtpuppies #workingdog #akcbreederofmerit #akcbredwithheart #preservationbreeder #akcblackrussianterrier #blackpowderkennel #dogstagram #dogs #cutedogs #puppies #bigdogs #groomedbyben #BenTheBRTGroomer https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVtsOUJyGl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kathrynpapp · 1 year
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g because I am currently working 3 jobs to help this community and support sanctuary and rescue horses along with treating each and every malady that arises at a farm with 30 horses! We don’t have “staff”. We do the work. I radiograph, do surgery, rehab and restart many of these horses with my small team of volunteers who do what we do for solely the love and admiration of the horses as they are and for who they are, not just what they can do. Until you have rehomed over 700 horses and dedicated over 2 decades of your life and all of your time, earnings and soul to the betterment of another please consider what you type before you do it! It is no wonder why veterinarians have almost THEE highest rate of suicide amongst all professionals. It is so easy for people behind keyboards to turn something hopeful into a pissing match and that discourages me more than any of you can know. This is why our specific organization RARELY asks for donations. Smh. What a night. A sad night after reading this thread. I hope tomorrow is brighter and begins with more positivity and believe in a better future for all of us - 2 and 4 legged and hooved. -Kate Papp, DVM 802-238-0094 Any and all hate comments can be directed to me personally if you so choose! ***Some final thoughts after my emergence from the stall to raise funds for @PARR_OTTB. A lot of the comments made are true...but it is not about that or me! ITS ABOUT THE HORSE DAMNIT!! The fundraiser is still open at link in vid description youtu.be/8ivtKsyQ53A via YouTube https://www.instagram.com/p/CndnREDuvyQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quristcbdoil · 1 year
Information For Treating Cats And Dogs With CBD Products
What Is CBD Oil?
Cannabidiol, for the most part alluded to as CBD, was sanctioned for human utilization in the US in 2018. The Ranch Act eliminating CBD from the US Food and Medication Organization (FDA) plan 1 classification implied that it was not generally viewed as a controlled substance. It's a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and is important for the endocannabinoid framework, which can be tracked down in people and a few creatures.
People have an endocannabinoid framework, and that implies we have cannabinoid receptors. Veterinarians accept that canines have a comparable framework that empowers them to get a portion of similar advantages from CBD as us.
CBD oils contain elevated degrees of CBD, which empowers them to be utilised for restorative purposes. Different CBD items can help pets, and working on personal satisfaction is said. Notwithstanding, most specialists concur that CBD can't fix any diseases, yet can in any case give some medical advantages.
What CBD Items Exist Available?
There are different items available today, and the market keeps on propelling consistently. A few items to browse incorporate topicals, concentrates, vaporizers, cases, delicate bites, treats, and some more. As per DVM, the most widely recognized structure among pet people is as a fluid, i.e.CBD oil or colour.
It's crucial to attempt and track down top notch CBD items to acquire the most advantages from the oil for your pet. Only one out of every odd item is something very similar, and some will be of preferred quality over others.
What Do Veterinarians Recommend CBD For?
Veterinarians recommend CBD for remedial purposes in pets, like canines and felines. This can assist with treating uneasiness, seizures, and agony. Research has found that it has mitigating properties, which is the reason it can ease torment from a physical issue or even malignant growth. Other logical examinations have been decisive in saying that CBD can assist with controlling epilepsy in canines.
Pets with nervousness can have huge conduct issues. They can begin yelping at you, biting on anything they can get their teeth on, or even mess with you or another person. Like how CBD can assist with alleviating nervousness in people, it can do likewise for your pet.
Takes a chance with versus Benefits
Because of CBD being a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, you don't need to stress over your pet inclination the "high" impact. Be that as it may, your pet can in any case be in danger while utilizing CBD items. There are a couple of incidental effects that can appear through your pet's utilization.
Research has demonstrated the way that canines can once in a while encounter dry mouth because of CBD diminishing the development of spit. This could make your canine become dried out. High portions have likewise been resolved once in a while to cause a drop in pulse. The downfall is by and large impermanent, and minor, yet can in any case be felt by your little guy. Looseness of the bowels has likewise been a conspicuous impact while giving CBD to pets.
In felines, explicitly, there have been concentrates that recommend the gamble of gastrointestinal annoyed and conceivable sedation. While CBD can support nervousness and now and again have a few sluggish impacts in canines, it wavers more towards sedation in felines. In the event that this happens while giving your feline CBD, halting utilizing any CBD products is ideal.
Without measurement diagrams, pet people might figure a dose or may indiscriminately follow what the item says. While the item's dose ideas could be protected, they could likewise not be all around as precise as they ought to be. Harmfulness is a critical gamble, which is the reason we're incredibly mindful so as to stock trustworthy items at Indy CBD In addition to as it were.
What Does The Future Resemble?
With an ever increasing number of animal people and individuals overall becoming intrigued by CBD and normal solutions for diseases, there will probably keep on progressing. There is a great deal of potential for future items, including cancer infusions, safe sedation, and use for additional interior infections.
The California State Governing body has a bill being examined about the utilization of clinical weed for creatures and the capacity for a vet to recommend and oversee such items to creatures. The discussion is continuous, and that's only the tip of the iceberg and more states will probably join the discussion later on.
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