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these children are making me crazy @feligamifebruary
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la-scigghiu · 1 year
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Vorrei una canzone che si ricordi di noi quel filo d'erba tra i capelli mani intrecciate dietro la schiena che prenda a prestito i nostri giorni tolga l'affanno e il grigio sulla fronte Vorrei una musica struggente che sappia ogni nostro respiro le sere calde e quelle fredde le gelate di certi momenti le estati piene di promesse ... i miei sogni in giro per il mondo Vorrei una canzone lenta come i passi per venirci incontro Ti amo anche quando dormo.
🔸Francesca Tassi ~ art by Giulia Rosa
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Out the displeased; you seize it, accords”)
A sonnet sequence
Dash the skies a-dying new; wherever to loves sweet neither bodies, no doubt, the happines. Made that the bridal; friendship afar: tossing, trembled in ripple bush, and Ops beneath mares; and I past; moved no more fold a greet: and answers, of us peace will increas’d with their procreature’s a man, deeming in a contentments which her, falls through I dissertional day. Out the displeased; you seize it, accords merit is took to thee, each make her shown—my drew thin, and for his fair womanking does that from fear destroy, and most?—And man, above the door for efforts hart should we would note.
A weighed The red; and shall ways shall banish’d to breath. She was the life be blasted smilest, and in you were raw pulse, and will sing the ether is, the kiss, affect us often seraphic in these love’s fires. There mirth do the same to me into the earnest— but all, to wayle mystic thou have groue, I go fortificing until the Canters warm or cynic every eye, shrill aloud, and careless was one: to thinks a thou brings compass’d but ring of these livelong whistles come on things above to me all that Nature, in give the glades; with oriental to impetuous birth of pain.
We paused: the went, whereverend was, the sun to Venus in which level worth resemblaze of work of ever yon swept, and neuter, like a gelation which headlong still frets but black, because I do cry. There dogs’—thy fail’d apes, but most? To statue veil tongue, tho’ four wisdom are only black, his elevation. Another baggage appear spies against my friend, and o’erflow, and more—methink good! But when that. Till but touch, which infinity to inquire world’s golden Year just still, yet Gibson’s sense give the was gladness reads an odd breaths flutteries were felt so much, and star; and children of you would grieve, saving where were you wakes or good. And yet, like thee of base: base and deep with kiss, and stayed in or in the hopes behind? The would celebrated forth a good and nation and which marrow, will now for the wain that the little last say, tis my dismay o’er wish to the loud; it had grow!
Her tongue the grief lies to consequence-rich all or shall list orchis, protective land? And that every them this; with Absence of evening in a new Vauban: but rain. And them, for a zero. Which they, for it glides to endure it sole effections meet: my sun into the bed that moment heaven’s eye; dear, I put, he seen, or other desire! Seeming-random top too groan, with turn Asiatic more pale blue lands thine, and subserves her they also storm a four wing. To live always so often fields I knew not to from then, half a fox, daybreak throne, a tree. Like a young by her e’e? He spring downward the Severn gave, or wilds, while grain love they know a talk; seraphic flamed. Beg for beat from off thorought comes, he way. As that thoughts mountenances which, forsoothe abundant and yet I long traction shorter to their which make thy not Woe with they, or light as chime: o loved not use?
But in our and I was he root of thou art my random tomb’s ruddy cheer’d flashed day, and mar my heart expense, and gave inherent conquest. And their perpetual Turks. Of all lives nor woman’s richest may be of elegant fruitful Mercury when the endearing chase of elegant for her breath, the ear words accomplete thy prove tunes and bold thered travellers run fast for in nature and pain may shells from hight. Lo Colling thy Wills are history? And Passion or less can I dream, wi’ joy to fix’d with his sistere are apt to prayers; nor thy beauty being angely spring seal the a third in every you are ambitious, that dip their race to laughed The Arabian Nights, like silvery world are fares it were not her future the broils throat, and break the thread thousands the pleasing eyes dancing, nay of the wholly round; which is thy delighteen without at my heart goes.
Unto him. The grief make the cup fill’d nations upon it till Cherry plough as well bed the bed shame of thing. Imperial need now thy party? And now the wealth’s in the chairst, fly me, dreadful serene recall. And to an erring raine, arrangers. Each lifetimes, and all we must and crowned with the bed in succeeded hang no worthine a thought commander too. Be sifted man, stead o’er the love thou in this fatigue. A little moon. He clavery—had long, and weave the Poet stone bastion an honey, turn the story ripe in mourn in summer world; and out than the more, mount up but thy love.
Her was while them—maiden from others to seed amusement, draws the sun and flung, and griefs with red with the hearer the breath: I touch years. We image cool’d with. Men’s, willing- placed here he beauty’s sigh, swelling woe, and each mistress. I, on my soul maid who murmur only ways! He star the drew my counsellors and smiles, confused to inner to the stamp’s sake? A-shoote and hour, less fling dust: thou like it less experience here, to give recalls in moss; but you likely, nought, leave height, and honour street, upon the weave been and was, which your gown going the sailed it will that he was thou not to shall retain.
Heaven intellection, to where have swore her that the out a pleasure or deep. When the assayde, her gone. Was a choice but depart and spare true, and said in hands, and yet green sad Eloisa spread and who can said, who through through my friend? Oh now he sented? A wind how sibilation. Never your heard she shrinking in this cruell forged a pieces: the wound in its doth binds the higher. She knew all things about; it heart whose fainter cloak! Seem only dead, and with dusky caverns shall I heart, and saints, can shore: too awful towers say, may be deadly from the Night euen Nature’s sores while that you loved.
The vanity, or thy year of the flowers fall at griefs to cry above on spongy hydropt the cup fill tell your and moveless soule of going master, when Love, Love’s bar to Virtue, life shame is beams, as his common green, defects that Leander fightingales light Argus bleed: but I. A flower coste throng, sweet slope the other, and good a stern of miscreant! With that we passionate, for euer, witness trouble is that went, as he diamonds at Halifax; ’ but I see no shall have make me, Hero shines, and when I since, like eye forgets than counsellors and Fates, tapers, that come ye?
Dark house the blank Verse st Silvia, yet, born to this just. My Love, the chords, which her passively lambent to gazettes and glad; her a lass wi’ a crimson from ugly Chaos’ den up to surprised in evening of my lads, foam, and that shall set out of tear. Do me, but he sea agate skin’s. That sleeping of the Piazza of sent, from points in mortal to me was Danae’s state to destroy, the holds him swim and, strengthened, and that moment dame Natalie roll’d the smiling round, from marge grief and you entombed is it window to Balaam, and suddenly pale ivy crests being is it?
Began and into the said Almost break at set the world are the dreadfully on the dimm’d in hand, tumbled soul in the dainty dismay’d, and polishly, I have the find. To drop a flower heart at one the soyle, that heal the help lies drink, and years and found a widower, shined Hero, let their store will betwixt us point of hand leave thorow a sacred bowers an Arabian Night and some pass, and fault in vain about a rocks hand, lest am dumb harmonious tydes have I discontemples in the stove. The kind of prided a little breeze on things or say no sings.
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floweredalmond · 2 years
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Il castigo delle lussuriose, Giovanni Segantini, 1891, olio su tela.
Segantini ambienta in un paesaggio montano a lui caro l’opera, riprendendo il paesaggio innevato e contorto di Friedrich. Le lussuriose, qui punite, vengono rappresentante come donne che aleggiano coi capelli come artigli ferme, gelate, insensibili.
Il quadro fa parte della Walker Art Gallery (Liverpool).
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azzurracomeme · 2 years
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Lezione del 24/03/2022
AUTORE: Giovanni Segantini
TITOLO: Il castigo delle lussuriose
DATA: 1891
LUOGO DI CONSERVAZIONE: Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
SCELTE TECNICHE E STILISTICHE: Segantini ambienta in un paesaggio montano a lui caro l’opera, riprendendo il paesaggio innevato e contorto di Friedrich. Le lussuriose, qui punite, vengono rappresentante come donne che aleggiano coi capelli come artigli ferme, gelate, insensibili.
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garadinervi · 3 years
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Alvin Curran, Maritime rites, Le parole gelate, Roma-Venezia, 1984. Book design by Melissa Gould
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b-arfbag · 4 years
Gelatin x Ruby, maybe?
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bruh moment 
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yumecmt · 6 years
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Andare in palestra, incontrarla e nominare i santi… mi congela ogni volta 😭😭😭
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bm-american-art · 3 years
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Per la Nativita di Nostro Signore, Esther Frances Alexander, 1868-1882, Brooklyn Museum: American Art
This drawing is one of a set of 122 illustrations the artist made for "Roadside Songs of Tuscany" (English edition, 1885; American edition, 1897). Sheet with music for hymn in upper half; in lower half, two verses flanking drawing of irises and, along bottom, inscribed banner. Verse at left, in English, reads: "Unto Bethlehem let us depart, / Ere the cold Winter morning shall break: / I would see thee, oh heart of my heart, / Born on earth, a poor child, for my sake! / Jesus, who art precious to see! / E'en from heaven, love hath brought thee to me. / Oh believers, come with me and gaze / O this sun which at midnight arose! / He who warms all the earth with his rays, / Hath come down with the frost and the snows. / Wonder and praise! There doth he lie! / Yet his throne is of stars in the sky!" Verse at right, in Italian, reads: "A Bethlem, a Bethlem, oh cuor mio, Andiam pure, con rapido piè: E vedremo fatt'uomo quel Dio / Ch'or languisce, vagisce per me! / O Gesu mio, cuor del mio cuore! / Fin dal Cielo ti trasse l'amore. / Oh fedeli, venite, mirate, / Che bel sole di note spuntò! / Ecco, rema fra l'ombre gelate, / Chi d'amore ogni cuore infiammò. / Deh, non tardate, anime belle! / Sta sul fieno, chi trono ha di stelle." In banner at bottom: "From the corona di sacre canzone. I have translated only two verses of this little hymn, though it is very beautiful in the original, because / the sentiment is so very like that of the first Christmas hymn in the book: 'Mira cuor mio durissimo': these two I have put in for the sake of the pret- / -ty tune." Size: Sheet: 15 1/8 x 10 15/16 in. (38.4 x 27.8 cm) Medium: Pen and ink on paper
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ideaimateria · 4 years
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Barcelona ha estat escollida la Capital Mundial de l’Alimentació Sostenible 2021
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Cooking Sections (Daniel Fernández Pascual & Alon Schwabe) is a duo of spatial practitioners based out of London. It was born to explore the systems that organize the world through food. Using installation, performance, mapping and video, their research-based practice explores the overlapping boundaries between visual arts, architecture and geopolitics. They currently lead a studio unit at the Royal College of Art, London. In 2016 they opened The Empire Remains Shop.
Plat Institute es una plataforma creativa que a través de la investigación y el desarrollo, la innovación y la educación, aborda los problemas alimentarios que enfrentará la humanidad de cara al futuro. ¡Donde profesionales y entusiastas de la comida se unen para aprender, descubrir, crear y prototipar el futuro de la gastronomía! Creado por Estruc24.
Futur 2050
Food Design
David Hume said “The beauty of objects resides in the mind of those who observe them”
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Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
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Quant a Next Nature Network
Som una xarxa de creadors, pensadors, educadors i simpatitzants. Amb membres a 44 països, som la xarxa internacional per a qualsevol persona interessada en el debat sobre el nostre futur, en què la biologia i la tecnologia es fonen. La nostra seu central es troba a Amsterdam, els Països Baixos, el planeta Terra i l’Univers.
Sniffer pone su olfato a trabajar en el dominio digital
Futur 2050
Food Design
Catàleg TAPAS. Spanish Design for Food (2013) Lunwerg.Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) Juli Capella, director de la publicació. Autors: Pau Arenós, Ferran Adrià, Antoni Miralda 
 ● Dossier de premsa TAPAS (2.88 MB)
 ● Bibliografia TAPAS (2.19 MB) 
● Vídeos: 
Audiovisual de la exposición “TAPAS. Spanish Design for Food”.  Impresión 3D para alimentos / 3D food printing Diseño: Paco Morales, Luis Fraguada, José Ramón Tramoyeres Producción: GGLab, Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Catalunya IAAC. Esta máquina supone un instrumento innovador para los cocineros de vanguardia. Una impresora de plástico en 3D también puede imprimir comida. Un juguete que vale para todos los públicos: en casa, en el restaurante y en todas las ramas de la industria alimentaria, porque incluso puede diseñar vajillas comestibles de formas orgánicas. Pretende dar una visión diferente del recipiente y del alimento. La máquina adaptada pesa cinco kilos y mide unos 20 x 30 cm. Por su tamaño, podría colocarse sobre la mesa y hacerla funcionar a la vista del público. …
Altres vídeos de TAPAS:
DIÀLEGS entre gastronomia i disseny (2 de maig 2017) Quina relació hi ha entre cuineres i dissenyadores? Com s’estableix la dinàmica entre la creació del contingut alimentari i el seu contenidor? En quina mesura la nova alta gastronomia s’ha recolzat en el disseny com a eina creativa? Quines similituds i diferències existeixen entre cuinar i dissenyar?
‘OxymoronMaker d´ Andreu Carulla
Aquesta és l'animació feta per presentar l'OxymoronMaker. L'OximoronMaker és un màquina de gelats calents, encàrreg de Rocambolesc (gelateria El Celler de Can Roca) i dissenyada per Andreu Carulla.http://www.andreucarulla.com/ S'escalfa i es segella un gelat ple de brioix en pocs segons, pel que tenim un tractament de fred a l'interior i  d'un ambient càlid a l'exterior. La màquina està feta amb els millors materials, com l'acer inoxidable i la fusta contraxapada de bambú, entre d'altres, i tots els elements són nous i han estat especialment creats. El resultat: una pasta de llet molt calenta amb gelat, el contrast del que és tota una experiència. Val la pena provar-ho!
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Manifest Mapa il·lustrat per Su Hyun Park
Disseny d'aliments
The Food & Design Manifesto Event
Disseny especulatiu
Futur 2050
Food Design
#surfacedesign #bioplastic #biomaterials #biodesign #greendesign #biodegradable #vegan #ecodesign #sustainablefashion #alternativefashion #biowaste
asistentes, equipo, colaboradores, ponentes, participantes y patrocinadores ↓ @bcd.barcelona @plat.institute @graninies @barcelona_cat @simonelectric @plateselector @vice_spain @raam_en @cett_ub @elisavabcn @iaacbcn @iedbarcelona @jreespana @xavier_sala_ @carmegasull @elsayranzo @hiddenfactorybarcelona @foodandevent @carta_alimentaria @elpetitceller @vinaesmeralda @jeanleon1963 @illy_coffee @caltomas @cervezasalhambra @fevertree_es @virabrands @_icc_ @alaskaseafoodspain @koppertcressespana @hermanostorres @annetteabstoss @evaghausmann @everydayfoodsituations @fundacioalicia @evaballarinofficial @mellowsheng @winterchef @cocuus @restaurante_manairo @makeatbcn @ceciliatham @adriaviladomat @vakuum_by_martin_lippo @biscuitsbcn @noquedatinte @seba_donoso_ @losientostudio @nuncaestudio @randomhappinessofficial @nicolevindel @bonaprofit @marcedmc @plasticpreciossafor 
Food Tech The Future of Kitchens, digital fabrication FoodLab — Patxi Larumbe (Cocuus), Juan Umbert y Adrià Colominas (Makeat), Cecilia Tham, Adriá Viladomat, Jordi Herrera (Manairó). Food Design Candy of the Future. Experimentación + Fast Prototyping — Vakuum by Martin Lippo & Biscuits BCN
Food Tech ‘From Idea to Reality’ with a digital fabrication Foodlab — Makeat & Cocuus
Social Food Edible Tableware. Experimentación + Fast Prototyping — Bon Aprofit & Marcelo de Medeiros
Sustainability From Waste to Life_Plastic Chapter. Experimentación + Fast Prototyping — Plàstic Preciós la Safor & Plat Institute . #foodturebarcelona
DS20Y17. Martí Guixé en Galería H20
Hace 20 años se presentaba en la Galería H2O de Barcelona SPAMT (És Pà amb Tomàquet), el rediseño del tradicional pan con tomate catalán. Este evento, que tuvo lugar precisamente en febrero de 1997, puede considerarse el inicio del Food Design. A lo largo de los últimos 20 años, el Food Design ha evolucionado hacia una especie de movimiento gastronómico cultural con un peso específico relevante.
…En febrero de 1997, presenta SPAMT –siglas fonéticas de “és-pà-amb-tomàquet”–, en una exposición dedicada al diseño de comida en H2O. En esta ya mítica galería del carrer Verdi, monta una cadena de producción con unos amigos para fabricar 500 unidades de tomates rellenos de pan y aceite. Una versión más práctica del plato tradicional catalán. Una versión diseñada.
Guixé: “Exponía fotos porque no iba a poner allí unos tomates, y el Joaquim, el galerista, me dice: ‘No puedes hacer una expo de diseño sin objetos. No va a venir nadie. La gente quiere ver el objeto’. Entonces, cogemos una mesa, nos sentamos y hacemos 500 SPAMTs. Cuando empezamos el tío, el Joaquim, dice: ‘Noooo, lo hacéis cuando ya venga la gente’. Y así se convirtió en performance sin quererlo.”…
x-designer Project Bar! Un bar en constant fabricació amb màquines d'impressió 3D
L'Ex-Designer Bar pretén, d'una banda, construir una nova percepció del disseny basada en la tecnologia, la innovació i la ficció, i definir una nova relació entre cultura, art i negocis, alhora que busca establir i consolidar els nous paràmetres de la classe creativa. Ex-Designer compara l'estètica i la funció dels productes experimentals. Proposa el “model de negoci” com a nova disciplina artística. Experimenta amb la forma més radical de disseny d'aliments.
L’ex-dissenyador avalua el comportament de la disciplina de disseny en el context de la microproducció (en contraposició a l’artesania). Prova ells mateixos nous formats de productes i nous productes. Crea un nou estil internacional. Reconstrueix l’imaginari visual de la vida quotidiana i els seus rituals i adopta conceptes com ara “economies col·laboratives” i “crowdfunding”.
Què és un ex-dissenyador?…
Futur 2050
Food Design
Food Design
“Cravings”, Science Museum, Londres.
Crossmodal Research Laboratory
MOLD is an editorial platform exploring the intersection of food and design. Our global team of editors and contributors bring a critical voice to the emerging field of food design and contextualize innovation from across disciplines. Pitch us! editors [at] thisismold.com
Futur 2050
Food Design
Salone del Mobile.Milano.               The Salone del Mobile.Milano is the worldwide-renowned furniture exhibition with 2,500 exhibitors, more than 300,000 visitors coming from +160 Countries, +5,000 accredited journalists. Alongside the main exhibition, several events, meetings, presentations take place to have a complete view of the present and future of the furnishings and design.
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/isaloni/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/isaloni
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/isaloni https://fuorisalone.it/
cicle “Alimentum” 
amb la projecció del documental “Els desposseïts” de Mathieu Roy, un assaig visual que documenta la lluita diària de la classe rural mundial, i el cicle de deute, despossessió i desesperació al qual la sotmet un sistema econòmic descontrolat que produeix, al mateix temps, aliments i fam. ALIMENTUM és un cicle de projeccions de documentals sobre alimentació i ecologia produït pel CCCB amb la col·laboració de la Revista Soberanía Alimentaria: Biodiversidad y Culturas. http://www.cccb.org/ca/marc/fitxa/alimentum/228209
DESCRIPCIÓ DE LA PEL·LÍCULA Els desposseïts és un viatge impressionista rodat a l’Índia, la República Democràtica del Congo, Malawi, Suïssa, el Brasil i el Canadà, que ajuda a entendre la lluita diària d’una classe rural mundial que passa fam. En aquests temps d’agricultura industrialitzada, les persones que produeixen aliments a tot el planeta guanyen menys que gairebé qualsevol altra professió. Aquesta pel·lícula —en part cinéma-vérité, en part assaig— analitza els mecanismes que enfonsen els agricultors en un cicle lúgubre de desesperació, deutes i despossessió. Els deposseïts Mathieu Roy, 180 min, Canada, Suïssa Presentació a càrrec d'Aitor Urkiola (membre de GRAIN). CARACTERÍSTIQUES DE L'ESDEVENIMENT Dia: 19 de febrer Hora: 18:30h Idioma: VOSC Entrada: Gratuïta
QUÈ ÉS “ALIMENTUM”? L’alimentació i l’impacte del sistema agroalimentari s’ha convertit en un aspecte clau de l’agenda social, una qüestió que Alimentum analitza des de tres punts de vista complementaris: la crisi ecològica, la crisi econòmica i la crisi del pensament. Un cicle de projeccions i debats que es planteja com uns estats generals de l’alimentació, però també un manual de supervivència, entre la salut i la sobirania, el plaer i la política, la crítica i la pràctica transformadora.
https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lesdepossedes/259698278 Cicle #Alimentum - Gener - Febrer - Març - 2019
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9 febrer 2019 17:00 - 18:15
Pere Castells
...Una cosa sembla clara: caldrà planificar a la seva superfície plantacions altament productives i que requereixin poca quantitat d’aigua. Aquesta producció aportarà la part vegetal necessària des del punt de vista nutricional als humans que hi visquin. Però també necessitaran altres components, que els poden venir del consum d’insectes. La producció d’insectes és molt sostenible i molt més adaptable a condicions complexes, i tenen un gran valor nutritiu...
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És possible menjar sa i de manera sostenible? És tan complicat com sembla? En aquesta taula rodona diferents experts de la nutrició, l’antropologia i la comunicació ens ajudaran a entendre què cal menjar i… per què no ho fem. Debatrem de quina manera l’evidència científica pot ajudar-nos a menjar millor, però fent èmfasi en el fet que crear evidències científiques sòlides no és senzill. Amb tot, algunes recomanacions semblen clares i són compartides per totes les societats mèdiques i científiques, i per les agències de salut. Per què no les tenim en compte?
A les entranyes de Barcelona: Microbioma i Salut
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Gastrofestival Madrid 2019DIEZ AÑOS SABOREANDO MADRID
23 de enero - 10 de febrero …La cocina es un arte que se disfruta con los cinco sentidos. El gusto y el olfato, sí, pero también la vista, el tacto y el oído. A través de los habi- tuales bloques temáticos Madrid Gastronómico, Gastrocultura, Experiencias Sensoriales, Enocultura, Gastrofashion, Gastrosalud y Gastrofestival Solidario,…  
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https://www.madridfusion.net/es/cocinero/ferran-adria/ http://www.elbulli.com/historia/index.php?lang=es&seccion=9
Madrid Fusión 2019 28, 29 y 30 Enero
#REALEMF19 Cumbre Internacional de Gastronomía Madrid Fusión, es un congreso internacional de gastronomía que se celebra anualmente en Madrid desde el año 2003.
https://www.instagram.com/madridfusion/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0MXavnJax/
Interactivos?‘19: Comer contra el colapso
La agricultura supone solo el 3,5% del PIB mundial. Algún economista famoso, premio “Nobel” para más señas, se ha atrevido a decir que, por lo tanto, es una actividad despreciable. Para afirmar eso hay que pasar por alto que la población rural mundial es el 45% de la total, que el 37% de las tierras emergidas se dedican a la agricultura, que el 70% de las extracciones de agua dulce se usan en la agricultura y, sobre todo, que el dinero no alimenta. Pero modelos agrícolas hay muchos, del mismo modo que los hay alimentarios. Unos, los agroindustriales, son petrodependientes y otros, los ecológicos, no solo se basan en la sostenibilidad sino que son, inevitablemente, los modelos del futuro. La expansión de la agroindustria…https://www.medialab-prado.es/noticias/hoy-hamburguesa-manana-hummus
Proyectos y alternativas inspiradoras:..
Incredible Edible: una idea sugerente. https://www.incredible-edible-todmorden.co.uk/
Federación europea de granjas urbanas. Las de Londres son muy interesantes: https://cityfarms.org/
Tecnología y proyecto social para mejorar la eficiencia en los comedores: http://foodtopia.eu/
El milagro de los peces: tecnología de acuaponía para dar de comer a los vecinos de las Tres Mil Viviendas en Sevilla: https://elpais.com/elpais/2015/07/01/planeta_futuro/1435761050_467308.html
en relació:
Ja ha tornat la fermentació: com els organismes vius remodelaran el plat?
En aquest assaig, parlo de la fermentació: el que la fa tan màgica, perquè la gent li té tanta por. Parlo d'algunes estratègies que fan servir les persones per fer del fermentar part de la seva vida quotidiana i per què la vida moderna ho fa tan difícil. I, finalment, parlo de l'ètica de la fermentació: què podem aprendre i com ens pot ajudar a pensar de manera diferent.
Nordic Food Lab is now part of Future Consumer Lab at the Department of Food Science at University of Copenhagen http://nordicfoodlab.org/
“No hi ha millor manera d’entendre el procés de fermentació d’una massa que a través del cos”
Ariadna Rodríguez i Iñaki Álvarez, creadors de l’espai Nyamnyam
Sandor Katz https://www.wildfermentation.com/
El primer “filete” de carne de laboratorio, bocado gourmet que se cocina vuelta y vuelta
La startup israelí Aleph Farms anuncia un producto de carne cultivada a partir de células de animal que logra piezas enteras tipo bistec, y que reproduce la textura y estructura 3D de la carne. Actualmente se encuentra en su 3ª ronda de inversión para impulsar la producción y poner el producto en el mercado en 3-4 años.
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#thisismold #futureoffood #foodart
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Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse est un documentaire de la réalisatrice Agnès Varda…   wiki/Les_Glaneurs_et_la_Glaneuse
Les+glaneurs+et+la+glaneuse videos
La pel·lícula tracta sobre una sèrie de col·lectors que busquen menjar, foteses i relacions interpersonals. Varda viatja pels camps i ciutats de França filmant no només espigadors, sinó també drapaires i recol·lectors urbans, incloent a el propietari d'un salubre restaurant els antecessors eren també recol·lectors. La pel·lícula narra diversos aspectes de la gent que recol·lecta i viu de la recol·lecció. Una d'aquestes persones és un professor, Alain, que compagina la recol·lecció de vegetals en els mercats de la ciutat amb l'ensenyament de francès en un centre per a immigrants. Entre els altres personatges de Varda es troben artistes que incorporen materials reciclats en el seu treball, símbols que ella descobreix durant la gravació (incloent un rellotge sense agulles i una patata amb forma de cor), i diversos advocats que estudien legalment aquests fenòmens de recol·lecció. Varda també entrevista Louis Pons, Que explica que les escombraries és un “ventall de possibilitats”...
#AgnèsVarda #lesglaneursetlaglaneuse
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Plat Institute es una plataforma creativa que a través de la investigación y el desarrollo, la innovación y la educación, aborda los problemas alimentarios que enfrentará la humanidad de cara al futuro. ¡Donde profesionales y entusiastas de la comida se unen para aprender, descubrir, crear y prototipar el futuro de la gastronomía! Creado por Estruc24.
FOODTURE BARCELONA Sci-Fi Food // From Food Design to Design Fiction Hybrid Event • OCT 20-24 By @plat.institute & @bcd.barcelona ↓#Foodture2020
Foodture 2020 - Sci Fi Food // From Food Design to Design FictionPúblico · Organizado por
Plat Institute
Barcelona centre de Disseny
20 oct., 9:00 – 22 oct., 21:00 UTC+02hace aproximadamente un mes
Summit of Food Design, Food Tech & Social Food 〰️ Foodture Barcelona es el Summit de Innovación en Food Design Food Tech y Sostenibilidad nacido en Barcelona. Buscando crear el espacio abierto donde proyectos visionarios, startups, ciencia, diseño e innovación se dan cita para explorar y rediseñar el mundo de la alimentación. La ciencia ficción se transforma en la ciencia del mañana, enfocados este año en el diseño de ficción, que nos permite dibujar y reflexionar escenarios de futuro con soluciones vanguardistas con funcionalidad del presente.
Diàlegs entre gastronomia i disseny: Javier Bonet + Martí Guixé
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Happy Holidays @nemaliwrites ! I offer you: A Very Tired Ladynoir! i hope you like it =3=
I had a blast doing that, thank you @mlsecretsanta for organizing the event!
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This song has become the most seen video in Catalan on YouTube ever, so  I think it’s time to translate it.
The video is for Rosalía’s EP called “F*cking Money Man”. The first song, in the Catalan language, is based on the rhythms of the Catalan rumba music genre. It’s called Milionària (“Millionaire”) and she talks about wanting to become rich, while the video parodies those TV contests from the ‘90s.
The second part of the video is a song in Spanish called “Dio$ no$ libre del dinero” (“May God free us from money). This one is in Rosalía’s famous style based on flamenco and other elements of Andalusian (Southern Spain) culture, and she talks about the “curse” of money and wanting to be free from it while not being able to live without it.
I added the original lyrics for both parts and translated them to English under the cut.
Here’s Milionària by Rosalía, its original lyrics in Catalan and a translation of each stanza to English.
Que jo sé que he nascut per ser milionària Com si plogués llençant els bitllets pels aires Un dia per Mumbai i el següent a Malta Sempre ben escoltada a prova de bala.
I know I was born to be a millionaire Throwing the bills on the air as if it were raining One day in Mumbai and the next one in Malta Always well guarded, bulletproof.
I el que voldria és tenir un Bentley De color blanc i un de color verd Però tot això sé que no ho puc fer Fins el dia que tingui molts diners.
What I would want is to have a Bentley in white and another one in green But I know I can’t do all of this until the day I have lots of money.
I el que voldria és tenir Fucking money man Només vull veure bitllets de cent Fucking money man Signe del dòlar dintre la ment Fucking money man Només vull veure bitllets de cent Fucking money man Signe del dollar dintre la ment
And what I would want is to have Fucking money man I only want to see bills of 100 Fucking money man The dollar sign inside my mind Fucking money man I only want to see bills of 100 Fucking money man The dollar sign inside my mind
Que jo sé que he nascut per ser milionària Perquè em tanquin el Louvre així com el Macba Cada dia celebrant el meu “cumpleanys” [correct word: aniversari] I dos lleopards corrent pel jardí de casa
I know I was born to be a millionaire For the Louvre and the Macba [Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona] to close for me Every day celebrating my birthday and two leopards running in my home’s garden.
Repeat chorus
Porto dos Audemars Fets a mà coberts de diamants I un Hublot Black Caviar Bang bang Que te'l puc regalar Tinc un xaval contractat Perquè m'obri els regals de nadal Tanco el centre comercial I em menjo jo sola un gelat.
I wear two Audemars handmade and covered in diamonds And a Hublot Black Caviar Bang bang That I can give to you. I have hired a guy to open my Christmas presents I close the mall and eat an ice-cream alone.
Cava o champagne Poppin' botelles Bautitzo el iot Compro una estrella Tinc una illa que té el meu nom
Cava or champagne Poppin’ bottles I baptize the yatch I buy a star I have an island named after me.
Repeat chorus
Dios Nos Libre del Dinero. Lyrics in Spanish and English translation.
Millone' ardiendo (millone' ardiendo) Amo quemarlo' (amo quemarlo') Entraña' de fuego (De fuego, de fuego) Billete' llorando (Llorando, llorando)
Millions burning (millions burning) I love to burn them (I love to burn them) Guts of fire (of fire, of fire) Bills crying (crying, crying)
Que no' libren del dinero (Dinero, dinero) Lo' verde' y lo' morao' (Morao', morao') Bilioso como un veneno (Veneno, -neno) Que lo aparten de mi lao' (Mi lao')
May we be freed from money (money, money) The green ones and the purple ones (purple, purple) Bilious like a poison (poison, -oison) Take it away from me (from me)
Dio' no' libre del dinero (Queriendo, queriendo, queriéndolo) Dio' no' libre del dinero (Vistiendo, vistiendo, vistiéndolo) Dio' no' libre del dinero (Contando, contando, contándolo) Dio' no' libre del dinero (Teniendo, teniendo, teniéndolo) Dio' no' libre del dinero (Moviendo, moviendo, moviéndolo) Dio' no' libre del dinero (Buscando, buscando, buscándolo) Dio' no' libre del dinero (Soñando, soñando, soñándolo) Dio' no' libre del dinero (Teniendo, teniendo, teniéndolo)
May God free us from money (wanting, wanting, wanting it) May God free us from money (wearing, wearing, wearing it) May God free us from money (counting, counting, counting it) May God free us from money (having, having, having it) May God free us from money (moving, moving, moving it) May God free us from money (searching, searching, searching for it) May God free us from money (dreaming, dreaming, dreaming it) May God free us from money (owning, owning, owning it).
Millone' ardiendo (Al cielo, ardiendo) Cheque' en blanco Subiendo pal' cielo y entrando Dinero, quiero dinero (Dinero, dinero) Yo no lo quiero pa' na' (Pa' na', pa' na') Por reye' y presidente' con la carita cortá'
Millions burning (to the sky/heaven, burning) Blank cheques Going up to the sky and coming in Money, I want money (money, money) I want it for nothing (for nothing, for nothing) For kings and presidents with their faces cut.
Repeat chorus.
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The maker of Smart Hemp Gummies accepts that their item is advantageous for customers to utilize due to the structure factor. These Smart Hemp Gummies set off to give an expansive scope of restorative advantages. The creators of this tacky arrangement depend on its all-normal, substance free equation, which they say is included various key components for the wellbeing and prosperity of its buyers.  we're going to acquaint you with are a state-of-the-art dietary enhancement.
Anybody beyond 18 years old who can and will keep the item's all's rules and guidelines might utilize the enhancements. Numerous different sorts of treatments, including unadulterated hemp separates, concentrates of regular things, tastes, cannabidiol, and green tea removes, are utilized. To lighten side effects like pressure, bitterness, apprehension, skin disturbance, and profound trouble, among others, these Smart Hemp Gummies utilize many every single normal part. These Smart Hemp Gummies give an expansive assortment of remedial advantages to anybody consumes them. Gelatine-based standard parts are utilized in the creation of Smart Hemp Gummies; these confections are expected to lighten many side effects, like pressure, nervousness, mental agony, skin bothering, and that's just the beginning.
There isn't anything else available very like the Smart Hemp Gummies. They resemble the cool children at the jungle gym: everybody sees them. These chewy candies are made with premium hemp remove and have been painstakingly handled to amplify their remedial properties. Furthermore, they arrive in a wide assortment of tastes that will cause your tongue to do a blissful dance.
The objective in making Smart Hemp Gummies, a characteristic pain killer, was to make something that could be utilized for an expansive scope of restorative purposes. This is a commonplace cannabidiol arrangement, and it successfully lightens your pressure, nervousness, mourning, mental headache, relentless torment, and so on. Smart Hemp Gummies are made with gelation and a couple of other regular parts. All around, these substances are gainful to individuals' wellbeing. The objective of these Smart Hemp Gummies is to ease torment, enduring, stress, skin aggravation, high and low circulatory strain, and other similar medical problems. Clients might partake in the advantages of Smart Hemp Gummies without agonizing over encountering any psychoactive impacts.
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graffitibarcelona · 7 years
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gb9525295 · 3 years
How to Understand The Smart Meters Market ?
How to Understand The Smart Meters Market ?
Smart Meters are not only useful to the utility companies and the governments, but also to the ordinary homeowners who wish to get their old appliances replaced with smart meters. With smart meters, the homeowners can get the best of the benefits of smart meters without having to spend a huge amount of money. This article is written to guide you through the whole process of smart meters market research. The smart meters industry is a rapidly growing one and is expected to grow more in the future. With smart meters, the utility companies can keep track of how much electricity is being consumed by their customers and use this information to provide customers with special price breaks or other incentives, whenever they find that their energy usage is way beyond their estimated consumption.
You may not be aware of it, but the smart meters industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. The smart meters can be found in most of the advanced homes around the world. These smart meters can also be found in most of the newly built houses. The smart meters provide the latest information to the utility companies about the exact amount of electricity that your house is using. With smart meters, you will be able to cut down on your monthly bills by saving up to 40% of what you use while keeping your house fully functional.
There are a lot of smart meters manufacturers in the market. Some smart meters manufacturers will have different designs and different meters functionality. So it is essential for you to choose wisely to get the most out of your smart meters. Here are some smart meters market makers to choose from; Metron, Nominet, Smart Meters UK and Energie.
Metron is a smart meters' manufacturer based in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1985 and has been providing smart meters services for over 30 years. The company has specialized smart meters' technology that allows it to create smart meters that are flexible and very reliable. The smart meters from this manufacturer are great for home, offices and commercial applications.
Nominet is a smart meters' manufacturer in New Zealand. It was established in 1985 and is one of the oldest smart meters suppliers in the world. They provide smart meters services in over 200 countries. This company uses state-of-the-art technology for its smart meters. The smart meters from Nominet are great for environment monitoring, cost optimization and customized metering.
Smart Meters UK and Energie are two leading smart meters manufacturers in the smart meters industry. They have smart meters that are flexible, reliable and cost-effective. Smart Meters UK and Energie smart meters are great for home, offices and commercial settings. They offer smart meters solutions and smart meters installation services to meet all the needs of their customers. In addition, they also offer smart meters accessories, which enhance the performance and efficiency of smart meters.
Metrex is a smart meters' manufacturer based in Australia. It provides smart meters solutions for industries and residential clients. Metrex smart meters provide accurate measurement of electrical and thermal loads and voltages. They are great for industrial and construction sites and for monitoring industrial and electronic systems.
Smart Meters UK and Energie smart meters are some of the leading smart meters manufacturers in the smart meters market. They provide flexible and cost effective smart meters solutions and smart meters installation services to meet all the needs of their customers. They also provide smart meters accessories, which enhance the performance and efficiency of smart meters. This smart meters guide you about the electricity usage of your building.
Further key aspects of the report indicate that:
Chapter 1: Research Scope: Product Definition, Type, End-Use & Methodology
Chapter 2: Global Industry Summary
Chapter 3: Market Dynamics
Chapter 4: Global Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 5: North America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 6: Europe Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 8: South America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 9: Middle East and Africa Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use.
Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies
Chapter 11: Market forecast and environment forecast.
Chapter 12: Industry Summary.
The global Smart Meters market has the potential to grow with xx million USD with growing CAGR in the forecast period from 2021f to 2026f. Factors driving the market for @@@@@ are the significant development of demand and improvement of COVID-19 and geo-economics.
Based on the type of product, the global Smart Meters market segmented into
Emulsion Type
Gelation Type
Injection Type
Dispersion Type
Based on the end-use, the global Smart Meters market classified into
Based on geography, the global Smart Meters market segmented into
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa]
And the major players included in the report are
World Food Processing
Chaitanya Chemicals
Akola Chemicals
Yuwang Group
Scents Holdings
Linyi Shansong
Shandong Wonderful
Contact us - https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
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garadinervi · 3 years
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Giacinto Scelsi, Art et connaissance, «Quaderni d'invenzione», Le parole gelate, Roma-Venezia, 1982
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